To equip a toilet in the country with your own hands is not the most difficult task. For each design, it is necessary to select the appropriate materials, taking into account their durability. This article provides step-by-step instructions for the competent construction of a country toilet.


First you need to choose what type the toilet will belong to. Depending on the internal arrangement, a country toilet may be with or without a cesspool. The groundwater level plays a decisive role in the choice. If its mark reaches 3.5 m, then it is necessary to stop at the option without cesspool. Otherwise, waste products will fill the space around the house.

The device of the pit is inappropriate on the ground with natural cracks. If the village house is located on a site with a predominance of shale rocks, then the cesspool should also be abandoned. The lower the groundwater level, the wider the choice good option arrangement of a toilet for a summer residence. On soil with increased resistance to cracks, any type of structure can be placed.

In depth, the cesspool should reach the level of high waters and be a meter below it. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the level of water rise during the period of active ice melting. Masters are advised to take the spring level of groundwater as a basis. The depth of the well is directly proportional to the frequency of use of the toilet and the number of residents. So, for a family of three permanently residing in the house, a cesspool is arranged with a volume of 1.5 cubic meters. m.

The well can be of any shape, but it is better to give preference to a square or round shape. It will be much easier to dig such a hole. The walls are lined with rubble, brick or wood. Log masonry must be treated with resin to protect the material from decay. The bottom is sometimes lined with concrete rings. In this case, it is important to process the joint between the wall and the floor.

To increase the tightness of the masonry, before laying the final coating, the walls are treated with compacted clay. The thickness of such an insulator can vary from 20 to 30 cm. After laying the cladding, the craftsmen recommend impregnating the masonry bituminous mastic. Resins will protect the coating from soil moisture and prevent premature shedding of the soil.

A country toilet with a cesspool cannot be arranged without ventilation. A pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more is buried at one end in a well. The second end is built into the roof and rises 50-70 cm above its surface. A ventilation window can be provided in the house itself. It is customary to place it on the side wall or mount it above the door.

The cesspool should be located within easy reach of the road. After the tank is more than two-thirds full, its contents are pumped out and taken out on a special machine. Access to the toilet must be unobstructed.

A cesspool can be organized in two ways. The first is the usual one, the installation of a structure under the house. The second is a backlash closet. A well of the second type is dug at some distance from the building. This option is considered the best for arranging a private country house: it is much easier to take out sewage.

Backlash closet is equipped with a full-fledged ventilation and flushing system. Communications are lowered below the level of soil freezing, and the cesspool is deepened even more. The slope of the sewage pipe should reach 2-3 centimeters per meter of length. This option requires a serious investment of money and is not suitable for everyone. Masters advise to arrange a backlash closet only if the country house is a full-fledged housing.

The option without a cesspool is considered the simplest and cheapest. An airtight container is arranged under the toilet seat. The main advantage of such toilets is the lack of land and construction works. In this case, there is no need to hire a waste disposal truck. There is no need to locate the toilet in the immediate vicinity of the road. Waste can be used as fertilizer.

Among the disadvantages of such toilets is the need for frequent changes in the working capacity and the purchase of materials to eliminate odors. Cleansers are used after each use of the toilet. It is important to know that high-quality factory toilets are not cheap. Savings on installation leads to an increase in the cost of purchasing the device.


Among all types of toilet organization, the easiest way is with a cesspool. It can be located both in a private house and away from the main building in a small house. A cesspool cannot be arranged near water bodies or near neighboring houses. The source for collecting water into the sewer system of the house should not be adjacent to the waste collection pit.

The cesspool, as a rule, is cleaned after filling by two-thirds with the help of a sewer machine. If it is not possible to hire such equipment, then the well can be covered with gravel, and the pit can be moved. Villagers make a hole in a new place every two or three years. Four years is enough to completely restore the soil.

Masters advise lining a recess in the ground with drainage. A gravel bed is not necessary, but laying it down will help increase the time between pit cleanings. The stone mixture is often replaced with a concrete screed, and the walls are laid out with bricks. It is important to properly process all the joints between the elements. The duration of operation of the pit depends on the quality of the selected antiseptic.

When constructing a cesspool, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the geology of the site. Knowledge of the level of groundwater rise is a key point for choosing a given toilet design. It is important to maintain a sufficient distance to the reservoir: soil water should not interact with waste. Failure to comply with this rule may cause contamination of forage crops. The ingress of bacteria into drinking water is fraught with poisoning of residents.

Backlash closet in its characteristics practically does not differ from a traditional cesspool. The key point is the location of the hatch - it should be in the yard. Such a device is great for organizing a toilet in wooden house. A play closet is also not the most environmentally friendly toilet option.

The next device is a septic tank. Masters distinguish two types: cumulative and with cleaning. The first option, in terms of the method of collecting waste, resembles a cesspool, but is distinguished by tightness and environmental safety. Devices with cleaning can be defended and restored to their original state. Cleaning up to 90% is carried out under the influence of chemical compounds.

The septic tank can collect pollution not only from the toilet. Pipes are also brought to the system to collect domestic water and sewage waste. Communications from the bath and the house can be connected in a septic tank. The device also works perfectly apart from the central communication system.

The main advantage of a septic tank is tightness. The design excludes interaction with the soil. This option is suitable for those who care about the purity of the water in the house. The device is easy to clean, so there is no need to move the tank. A septic tank almost completely eliminates the smell of waste.

Among the disadvantages of this design is the high cost. Storage septic tanks need to be emptied, electrical counterparts require connection to the building's electrical system. You should not install a septic tank if you are not sure that it is properly connected to the central communications of the house.

Powder closet has a low cost. Arranging it is even more profitable than laying a cesspool. On suburban area establish small house, they arrange a toilet seat in it. A removable tank is placed under the ceramic product. After filling this tank, it must be taken out and cleaned. Powder closet is easy to use and is suitable for arranging a toilet both at a distance from the house and in the building itself.

The disadvantage of this system is the lack of a way to eliminate the unpleasant odor. The device is not large, so it needs to be emptied frequently. It is important to equip the site with a special pit for draining waste. The criteria for the pit meet the requirements for the construction of a cesspool.

Liquid chemical dry closet works according to the following principle: with the help of certain compounds, the waste in the tank is processed into a homogeneous mixture. The resulting substance does not have a specific odor. On modern market you can buy liquid toilets based on ammonium and formaldehyde.

Ammonium products are harmless. The mass obtained during processing with their help has no smell and can become a source of water contamination. The substance can be drained into a compost pit. The ammonium-based composition can also be poured into a cesspool. The liquid will help reduce the rate at which the reservoir fills up and eliminate pungent odors. Ammonium concentrate can be used over a long period of time, but it must be added every 4-7 days.

The composition of formaldehyde is highly effective. One liter of such a product will be enough to service a twenty-liter portable toilet for 3-4 months. Formaldehyde can harm soil and plants. This composition is banned in some countries, so experts do not recommend its use in portable toilets. Draining formaldehyde waste into the soil and water is strictly prohibited.

The Finnish peat toilet is the most common type of dry closet. Disposal of sewage is carried out by adding dry matter: peat or sawdust. The bulk substance must have good hygroscopicity. Peat is harmless and able to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Dry matter is poured into a special tank in layers. After each use of the toilet, another portion is poured into the pit. A mixture of peat with waste forms compost, which can be used as organic fertilizer. The portable tank is convenient to carry. The cost of such a device is relatively low, which allowed the Finnish toilet to take a leading position among analogues.

The disadvantage of a peat toilet is the need to empty the tank frequently during daily use. Also, the dry matter is unable to recycle ordinary paper. In order for the waste to turn into a single mass suitable for fertilizing the soil, it is necessary to use special biodegradable paper.

The biological liquid toilet works on a principle similar to the Finnish device. The decomposition of waste occurs under the action of microorganisms, which are released in the form of a mixture or tablets. Bacteria can also be used to clean the cesspool. The processed mass is absolutely harmless, therefore, it does not need a special organization of a place for collecting waste.

Microorganisms are expensive, but ensure the complete safety of the ecology of the site. They can be used as a fertilizer, for cleaning pipelines and drains. Due to their properties, microorganisms are able to eliminate unpleasant odors.

An electric dry closet works according to a complex scheme. First, the liquid phase is separated from the solid phase. The second is cleaned and drained, and the first is processed into powder. The resulting dry raw material can be used as a fertilizer. Such a system, like underfloor heating, must be connected to a central heating system. It is also necessary to connect the system to ventilation and drain.

The strength of this system is that the tank does not need to be emptied frequently. All components of the device are already included in the kit, so you do not need to worry about purchasing additional materials. Fillers for biological toilets are not needed in this system. The main disadvantage of an electric toilet is its dependence on a central power source and its high cost.


The ground parts of the toilet, isolated from the building, are arranged in the form of a tent house. In order to build such a structure, it is necessary to purchase boards, sheets metal profile for roof mounting and exterior finish house. Slate sheets will help strengthen the roof and protect the building from rain. The base of the house is best laid out of brick or concrete slabs.

Many builders prefer to use wooden materials. The boards are easy to saw, and the creation of a plank structure does not require special building skills. It is important to understand that without pre-treatment with a hygroscopic material, the wood will quickly deteriorate, and the frame will not withstand the load. Wood is also a fire hazard, so you should not place this material next to combustible structures.

To create a cesspool, you need to decide whether the well requires lining. The most popular variant of such a system is the creation of a tank from concrete rings. This design can last for about 100 years. The concrete composition is quite cheap, but requires the use of special equipment. The cast rings are lowered into the pit one by one, the joints are smeared with cement.

The base must be poured with concrete, or a round structure must be made in advance and immersed in a dug well. The bottom is pre-filled with a small layer of sand or fine gravel. These materials play the role of drainage - they divert groundwater from the surface of the well. Concrete rings can be cast with special recesses - grooves. With the help of such "locks" the rings are connected. If the grooves are not provided, then the structure is fastened with metal rings.

works on the principle of a cesspool. However, it is much easier to install a plastic tank. Polymers are resistant to liquid attack and resistant to temperature extremes. The dimensions of the pit in this case must exceed the dimensions of the plastic container. Before laying the tank, it is necessary to concrete the bottom. A welded joint is placed in a cement screed metal carcass with protruding loops.

A plastic vessel is attached to the protruding ropes of the reinforcement. A similar design is necessary to keep the tank in the pit. Groundwater can lift light containers and push them to the surface. The gaps between the plastic must be covered with a layer of sand and cement. Before backfilling, the container is filled with water to protect it from deformation due to the expansion of cement with sand.


The main element of the toilet in the country is the toilet. The most common version of this plumbing fixture is plastic. The seat with a cover and the frame of this device are made of polymer. A tank is not provided for such systems, since there is no connection to the sewerage system. The toilet seat does not need to be purchased separately - the design is monolithic.

Plastic systems are produced in all colors and shapes. This design has an attractive appearance and a fairly simple design. Polymers are characterized by increased strength and resistance to temperature extremes. Such a toilet is lightweight, therefore it does not exert increased pressure on the foundation of the structure. A nice advantage is the ease of cleaning and operation.

The ceramic toilet bowl is easy to clean. However, in the conditions of a suburban area, this model can cause certain difficulties. Installation of ceramics requires additional reinforcement of the floor of the room. Products for summer cottages do not have a drain tank, but the design still has a large mass. The advantage of this system is durability.

The wooden device is short-lived. Such structures are installed exclusively outside the home: a wooden box can be arranged independently. In such a device, ventilation is not provided; the toilet itself is placed above the cesspool. You can equip such a toilet with a minimum investment, but appearance such a product will be simple.

The dry closet is most often made of polymers. The system consists of several blocks that need to be assembled. This process does not take long. The toilet bowl is convenient, it is a monolithic structure along with a toilet seat. The design is quite simple and does not differ in special frills, such as a thermal seat. The toilet bowl is convenient not only in use, but also in cleaning.

The purchase of an arrangement must be carried out taking into account certain requirements.

  • If the country house is not a permanent place of residence for the family, then it is rational to purchase a toilet bowl with a low cost. The design should be easy to use and sustainable over time. Plastic toilets are perfect.
  • Installing a flushing device and connecting the toilet to the central sewer require a lot of money and time. This option is necessary only in the case of constant use of the bathroom.
  • Installation should not take much time and effort. It is better to make a choice in favor of ready-made structures, the repair of which will not require major work to re-equip the premises.

  • The connection of the waste disposal pipe to the toilet must be airtight. Masters advise using a tube in the form of a cone. It is important to avoid getting waste past the receiving tank. It is necessary to make sure that all elements of the system are clearly connected.
  • Ventilation helps to eliminate unpleasant odors from the room. Do not neglect the device of this system. Plastic products can be used as an air duct. Due to their structure, they are lightweight and easy to install. Sewer PVC gaskets with a diameter of about 110 mm will be a good analogue.

Accommodation options

You can locate a bathroom anywhere in the building, but only if it does not contradict sanitary and hygienic standards. One of the walls of the restroom should be load-bearing. It is forbidden to install a bathroom in a room without outer wall. Ventilation in such rooms is easier to install and more profitable.

The toilet should not border on the premises for receiving and preparing food. Often, not all types of toilet bowls are able to absorb all unpleasant odors. Chemical waste during decomposition can release substances that should not interact with food. The most advantageous location of the bathroom in country house- near the dressing room or under the stairs.

When installing a bathroom under the stairs, it is important to determine whether there is enough space to accommodate all the necessary appliances. Ventilation must be carried out through the stairs. In some cases, sewer and water pipes are connected to the toilet bowl. Floors are pre-treated with agents to protect against bacteria and excessive moisture.

Masters advise to completely block the entire space under the stairs with boards - to create a special room. This will not only visually fence off the bathroom, but will also protect the apartment from the spread of smell. It is desirable to additionally strengthen the floor under the structure with damping devices: over time, the floor may begin to collapse. To ensure good air circulation, a small gap is left at the joints of the floorboards with the wall.

Masters do not recommend installing a toilet on the second floor. The bathroom should not be adjacent to sources of drinking water. Such a device will not allow you to connect the structure to the cesspool. When installing a dry closet, a sufficient distance from the edge of the seat to the floor is required. It will be problematic to get the required height on the second floor - you cannot make a recess in the floor.

When building a toilet in a summer cottage outside the house, you need to familiarize yourself with the wind rose. Unpleasant odors should not reach the residential building, so before you start working on the development of a well for waste disposal, you need to map the area. This also applies to the installation of a cesspool for servicing dry closets located in the house. The placement of neighboring houses should also influence the drawing up of the plan.


The dimensions of the pit pit may vary depending on the frequency of use of the toilet and the number of inhabitants. The average size of a pit for serving a family of two is 1.5 by 1.2 m. The deepening is increased by thirty percent with the addition of each new resident. How more sizes pits, the less often you will have to hire equipment to empty it. But it is also important to consider the negative impact that waste can have on the environment.

If the cesspool combines the sewer from the house, then it is necessary to increase its size. Ideally, you can calculate the water consumption for each family member and design a well based on the data obtained. On average, a hole is dug for 12 cubic meters. m and increase to 18 cubic meters. m. This stock allows you to use the bathroom uninterruptedly for a month.

The tightness of the well is ensured by a concrete screed about 15 cm thick. The soil in the area may have good absorbent properties. In this case, the tank is covered with a layer of drainage. The thickness of such a pillow should not be less than 15 cm, as in the case of a screed. From above gravel is doused with bituminous mastic.

To build a toilet with a separate tent, you need to familiarize yourself with the accepted dimensions. You can make drawings yourself or download ready-made ones. The normalized width of the house is 1 m. The depth of the room should reach 1.5 m, and the height of the ceiling should be 2-2.5 m. The allowance for the cover of a standard "birdhouse" is taken equal to 30 cm relative to the walls. This technique will help moisture from the roof not to penetrate the walls and not destroy them.

The ventilation pipe is bolted to the rear wall of the toilet. The thickness of the plastic is assumed to be 100 mm. The lower part of the pipe is immersed in the pit to a depth of 10 cm, and the top should rise 20 cm above the roof level. These parameters can be changed slightly, but the design should not be completely neglected.

The dimensions of the toilet under the stairs also play an important role. The minimum size of the bathroom room is 0.8x1.2 m. If a sink is provided in the room, then the width is doubled, and the length is taken equal to 2.2 m. If the toilet is combined with a bathroom, then the dimensions of the room cannot be less than 2.2x2.2 m. The ceiling height should not be lower than 2.5 m. It is important to maintain a distance in front of the toilet equal to 0.6 m.

Masters recommend providing an approach to the toilet from all sides. But this advice is often not followed. The door from the bathroom should open onto the corridor. It is forbidden to connect the toilet to the living room or to the kitchen. According to the rules fire safety doors should open outwards. This is a mandatory item to ensure proper evacuation.

How to do?

You can build a toilet house with your own hands. The project is quite simple - you can find the necessary design solution on the Internet.

Consider the stages of building an outdoor toilet step by step.

  • The type of foundation is chosen based on the characteristics of the soil. The most common type of base for the house is columnar. Suitable also monolithic construction from concrete blocks. Before laying the floor, it is necessary to cover the piles with a layer of roofing material.
  • The floor of the house is made of wooden planks. Before using wood, it is necessary to treat the material with antiseptic agents. The width of the floor panels is chosen about 15x15 or 10x10 cm.

  • The design of the house itself is first made in the form of a frame. Pre assembled structure it is necessary to strengthen on the base with bolts and fix with metal plates. Next, the box is sheathed with wooden sheets, forming the walls of the house.
  • A toilet bowl is mounted to the far wall and all the necessary communications are laid out. A cesspool is dug in advance, a pipe from it is connected to the device. It is important not to forget about the ventilation device. Private toilets with sewerage are not combined, this allows to reduce construction work.
  • The role of the roof is played by a flooring made of slate and roofing material. It is acceptable to use a profiled sheet.
  • Install lighting fixtures as needed.

Toilets inside country houses are often connected to the sewer. Such a system can be self-flowing: pipes are laid at a slope, water is drained into a cesspool. The slope of the pipe is two cm for each meter of communication. Another option is a pressurized sewer. The movement of water in this case is carried out under pressure from a special pump. This method is applicable for houses where a gravity-fed construction is not possible due to some reasons.

When choosing a material for pipes, it is desirable to give preference to polypropylene. This material is highly durable and can withstand high temperatures. The pipe is not deformed when heated up to 95 degrees. Installation of this design is quite simple. It is important to ensure a tight pipe connection.

Sewer sections are fixed with fittings, joints are treated with sealant. Pipes are attached to the wall with clips. For these purposes, you can use studded clamps. To make a tight connection between a cast-iron pipe and a plastic one, it is necessary to lay a rubber gasket.

Pipes are brought out and immersed in a trench. Sewerage should not be placed above the freezing level of the soil. At the junction of the internal and external sewers, an inspection hatch is required. A check valve is placed in the cavity of the pipe. Such measures are necessary to prevent reversal Wastewater when the pit is filled with waste.

After laying the sewer, the masters install the toilet. At this stage, work on the toilet is completed. Before mounting the device, ensure that the surface is smooth. To install the toilet, you must first mark the floor and the size of the hole. A rubber cuff must be laid between the bowl and the floor. The device is fixed with bolts, and the joints are treated with silicone.

Before installing all the elements, waterproofing must be laid on the floor. In cases where the latrines are located on each floor, it is necessary to mount the devices one under the other. The distance from the toilet to the riser should be minimal. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to clogging of the pipe.

In order to equip a bathroom with maximum benefit for visitors on the walls have shelves. If the dimensions of the restroom allow, then a headset can be placed in the room. It is possible to equip a utility block for storing mops and buckets. For these purposes, there is no need to allocate additional space - it is enough to install a small closet in the corner of the toilet.

Drawings and diagrams

For the rational placement of the toilet on the territory of the cottage, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the future structure. This method will save materials. Schemes of the future structure can be found on the Internet or made by hand. When drawing, it is necessary to do this on a scale, otherwise the final design may differ greatly from the idea.

The development of the scheme begins with measuring the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and drawing all existing communications on the plan. Be sure to put on the diagram neighboring buildings and reservoirs. It is important to plan the piping in accordance with the waste pit regulations. Experts advise to pre-compile a wind rose.

A drawing of a wooden outdoor toilet will help calculate the cost of all necessary materials. Drawing up a drawing of a house begins with modeling the frame. The dimensions of all elements are indicated and the total number of materials is recorded. Do not forget about the cutting pattern of the cladding. The parameters of the front, rear and side surfaces of the future structure are indicated.

The front side of the tent should exceed the dimensions of the back wall. This necessary condition to ensure the desired slope of the building. The front and rear walls of a typical structure are rectangular, the side faces are trapezoid. The plan indicates the dimensions of the roofing sheet for the construction of the roof. If a wooden sheet is located under the slate, it linear dimensions needs to be fixed.

Instructions for drawing up a drawing for a toilet in a country house practically do not differ from a similar scheme for arranging a bathroom in an apartment. All dimensions and required dimensions are taken from the relevant regulatory documents. It is necessary to mark the place for supplying the toilet bowl to the cesspool pipe. Installing a dry closet does not require such actions. The device is pre-assembled and installed against the far wall of the room.

The selected room should be well ventilated. Doors must face the corridor. When drawing up a drawing of a room, it is important to correctly position all the necessary devices: a toilet, sink or bathroom. All devices must be unobstructed. It is important to properly position the ventilation and remove the sewer from the room.

The layout of the bathroom is carried out not in order to assess the amount of materials needed, but for the competent distribution of space. Only after the location of the main appliances is indicated, the arrangement of cabinets and racks begins. Do not clutter up the space too much.

It is important to remember that before installing the ceramic toilet, it is necessary to strengthen the base. Waterproofing wooden floors in the country is required, regardless of the location of the bathroom. Walls wooden house it is also necessary to treat with paintwork material or bitumen to preserve the surface from excessive moisture. Knowing the dimensions of the room, you can calculate the total consumption of materials and fix it on the diagram.

Without cesspool

If you want to install an odorless and pumping toilet, the craftsmen are advised to give preference to options without a compost pit. Among these options, the most famous are septic tanks, dry closets and powder closets. Dry closets are located regardless of the surface. This option will be a good solution for a site with an increased level of groundwater. In this case, it is forbidden to arrange a cesspool - waste can pollute the soil throughout the site.

To install a dry closet, you can allocate a room in the house or build a wooden building in the distance. The first version of the device is preferable, as it saves time and materials. The laying of the pipeline in this case is not done. A hand-washing station can be connected to the waste collection tank. The emptying of such a system is carried out by removing the storage tank and draining the waste into a designated place.

The main sewer system cannot be connected to the dry closet. Such tanks are intended for temporary use. A system with a capital toilet and a drain requires a cesspool. Sealed storage tanks are capable of holding a small amount of liquid, so they will not be able to ensure the disposal of waste in year-round homes.

Pitless toilets, thanks to the ease of use, allow you to avoid various emergencies. The tightness of the container excludes the possibility of interaction of the contents with groundwater. It is important to know that there should be a distance of 25 m from the cesspool to the source of water intake. The distance from the toilet to the fence should not be less than 1 m.

Another analogue of an odorless and pumping toilet device is a septic tank. Such a device is able to process sewage over a long service life, which makes the septic tank ideal option for a bathroom with year-round use. The design can be purchased, but there are also schemes for creating a septic tank with your own hands.

Sealed chambers can be made from concrete, plastic or metal containers. The main principle of the construction of such a design is the vacuum of the tanks. The manufacture of a sealed chamber is quite simple and has been described previously. It is necessary to select containers with strong walls that will not deform under the pressure of groundwater and soil.

A standard country septic tank for servicing a family of two has two or more chambers. Each new tank serves for additional purification of water entering it. So, in the first compartment, the waste is separated into a solid and liquid phase. The liquid flows into an adjacent container, where it is re-cleaned. In subsequent chambers, the cycle is repeated.

After passing through all stages of filtration, water enters the soil. Such a liquid does not pose a threat of soil contamination. Experts advise purchasing septic tanks with a biological cleaner. Such a system is the most environmentally friendly for use in summer cottages.

Purification system

Septic tanks are a simplified way to treat sewage water. Complex systems include additional compartments for water filtration. These structures can be installed in summer cottages in order to increase the security of the territory. The complete set of filtration systems is complex and more expensive than a simple septic tank. However, experts recommend paying attention to them.

  • Ultrafiltration. This method completely disinfects the water. A significant advantage of the system is the possibility of reuse. Not used for cleaning chemical substances the resulting water can be used for domestic purposes.

  • Ion exchange reagents, allow you to speed up the process of cleaning the liquid. The hardness of the water increases. It is not recommended to use such water for food purposes.
  • Electrochemical cleaning. Impurities are settled under the influence of special radiation. A layer of metallic impurities forms at the bottom of the tank. The chemicals remove heavy elements from the water.
  • membrane osmosis. This complex design is recognized as the best cleaning system. The return membrane traps waste and turns contaminated water into distilled water. The complex structure of the shell allows you to purify the liquid from harmful chemical impurities.

All cleaning systems require large purchase and installation costs. The main advantage of the structures is the complete elimination of unpleasant odors throughout the summer cottage. Wastewater treatment plants allow you to reduce the frequency of pumping out the contents from the cesspool.

Any system needs timely cleaning. If waste is not removed from the cesspool in time, then the process of reproduction of harmful bacteria will negatively affect the condition of the soil. Waste stagnation produces toxic gases that can be harmful to health. The more gas masses accumulate, the more difficult it is to remove them. In especially neglected cases, it is not possible to pump out harmful vapors.

Pit treatment and waste disposal can be done in a variety of ways. The easiest and most proven is to call a sewage truck. The polluted liquid is pumped out by means of hoses. This service is expensive, and it is used only when the well is filled to two-thirds of the volume, and biological preparations are not able to process sewage. The machines are equipped with cutting mechanisms that grind solid sediment.

Cleaning with chemicals is effective, but not desirable. Fast-acting reagents work even under conditions low temperature. But not every such composition is environmentally friendly. The processed substance is strictly forbidden to be drained into the soil, so it becomes necessary to call a pumping machine. When choosing chemicals you can pay attention to nitrate oxidizing agents - their composition is the least harmful.

Biological products differ from chemical analogues in the safety of use. Cleaning with these compounds has been widely used by owners of summer cottages. Microorganisms do not work well at low temperatures, so they are used mainly in summer period time. Bacteria die on contact with acid and alkali, do not tolerate chlorine. For these reasons, biological additives are best not to fall asleep in the ground.

Mechanical cleaning of the pit is a traditional way to eliminate sewage. This work is carried out at least once a year, the procedure is very unpleasant. This cleaning saves money, but requires time and effort. If the waste is too liquid, then they are mixed with a dry substance. Wood chips and sand are excellent as backfill.

When choosing biological cleaning agents, it is important to correctly calculate the dose. The number of beneficial bacteria should be sufficient to restore the microflora in the tank. Biological additives are distinguished by the speed of the purification process, the speed of action and the ability to eliminate odors. Before using the drug, you must read the reviews about the material.

The composition of biological products sets the conditions for its use. Aerobic bacteria are able to process waste only under the influence of oxygen. Anaerobic analogues do not need direct access to air, so they are calmly placed in vacuum tanks. You can often find a combination of additives on the market - this is how manufacturers get the most effective drug.

Good examples and beautiful options

Many clients cannot imagine the beautiful design of a toilet in a country house. An unusual toilet device can ruin the interior. To dispel doubts, designers recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following interesting solutions.


Such wooden decoration of premises in the country is used everywhere. Plank masonry looks natural. quality material fills the room with a pleasant smell of wood. A bright room can be decorated with white ceramics.

This option is perfect for arranging a bathroom in a small room. The toilet is hidden from view by pieces of furniture. Additional equipment with shelves and cabinets allows you to place all the necessary personal hygiene items. Wooden furniture in combination with wall and floor decoration creates a single composition.

Wood and tiles

The original design of this room is created by combining wood with ceramics. The white toilet is combined with the mosaic, completing the composition. The tiles are dominated by shades of brown, in harmony with wooden cladding adjacent wall. A small window creates additional source lighting.

The light floor goes well with color solution walls. The room does not seem small, it is dominated by air and light. Such a solution looks appropriate not only in a country house, but also in an urban interior. Ceramic pattern on the wall can be given any look. In this case, the decision was made in favor of keeping it simple.

Plastic in the interior

Using a plastic toilet is not able to spoil the appearance of the room. You can easily find quite a few on the market unusual option. In this interior, a plastic tank looks appropriate in combination with wall cladding made of colored polymer. The red cage in the interior of a country house looks unusual and lively.

Wooden shelves add color to the bathroom arrangement. The combination of bright walls and a light floor avoids congestion in the design. On the floor lay linoleum with stone coloring. Since the plastic tank is not connected to the floor with bolts, it is not difficult to clean the coating. Light plinth gives the room elegance and completeness.

Combination of dark and light

This bathroom solution looks advantageous due to the strong contrast of the color of the walls with the floor. The rough wide wooden slabs on the wall are reminiscent of old log buildings. The light floor in combination with ceramics gives the interior tenderness and sophistication. The room is fully equipped - all necessary communications are carried out.

This room is designed for permanent use. The masters made every effort to make it pleasant to be in the room. Designer decorations - vases and coasters - create a mood. Rich ceramics are the best suited to this solution.

complex shapes

The room is completely decorated with wood. The toilet, arranged independently, looks unusual. Rough wood finish looks noble. The brightest element in the room is the carved sink. The complex figure resembles a tree frame. This option is perfect for connoisseurs of wood species.

The first building that appears in the summer cottage is not a house or a shed for inventory, but an outdoor toilet. This uncomplicated building cannot be dispensed with within a few hours after appearing in the country. But before asking the question: "How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands?" and to start building, albeit a temporary, but not the simplest structure, you need to study your own site well and understand where it is better to build a toilet, and what design it will be.

And only then you can look for drawings, prepare building materials and take up the tool.

What is the best toilet for a summer residence?

Even on a well-equipped site where there is a house, many summer residents prefer to have both a street and a home bathroom.

  • The toilet in the house is indispensable at night and in bad weather. You can’t do without it if the cottage is used all year round.
  • An outdoor toilet for a summer residence is very convenient in the midst of garden work, allowing you to quickly relieve yourself and not bring dirt into the house.

Types of outdoor toilets

  1. Toilet with a simple pit latrine. When the pit fills up, the house is moved to another place, or cleaning can be done with the help of vacuum trucks.
  2. The play closet also has a cesspool, but here it is airtight and can only be cleaned with a special machine.
  3. applicable where aquifers are closely located. Here, instead of a pit, a container is provided for collecting feces under the toilet seat. Backfilling with dry peat or sawdust after each use saves from the smell.
  4. Country toilets, operating on biological additives or chemicals, can be equipped both on the street and in the house.

Making a toilet in the country with your own hands is easy. The main thing, when choosing its device, is to take into account the level of groundwater under the site. If the water layers here are deeper than two and a half meters, then you can safely build a toilet of any design. Otherwise, a toilet with any cesspool can be a dangerous structure.

Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

Before starting the construction of a toilet in the country, it is important to determine its location, taking into account the existing restrictions, which, first of all, relate to structures with cesspools.

And here, in addition to the level of groundwater, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  • to reservoirs, wells or other sources of water was at least 25 m;
  • to or shower, arranged on the site, at least 8 m;
  • the toilet was located below the water intake point;
  • to the house, cellar or basement was at least 12 m;
  • to trees - 4 m, and to fruit bushes and fences at least a meter;
  • a car could drive up to the cesspool, the pumping hose for which most often has a length of 7 m.

When choosing a place, the predominant wind direction and the location of the toilet door are taken into account so as not to annoy unpleasant odors and other awkward moments to either neighbors or relatives.


It will not be difficult to equip a toilet if the summer resident even has basic skills in working with various building materials and tools. You need to start building a toilet in the country with the selection of a drawing or with its own development. The easiest way is to calculate and build a toilet without a cesspool. It does not require any foundation, nor the inevitable earthworks.

The dimensions of the toilet house are selected so that the structure is convenient to use.

The most common version of the country toilet has:

  • width from one and a half meters,
  • depth of at least one meter
  • height at the highest point of at least 2.2 meters.

If desired, the dimensions can be increased.

Country toilet drawings

You can use one of the ready-made drawings that are now available on the Internet, the main thing is that the toilet for giving in the photo is accurately calculated, fits in size and fits into the selected area. If there is necessary training, then the calculation can be carried out independently.

What is the best way to make a toilet?

Although the most popular are wooden toilets for summer cottages, other materials are used along with boards for sheathing country toilets. This metal siding and slate, multi-layer plywood and other materials, toilets are also built from brick.

Asking the question: “What is the best way to make a toilet in the country?”, Many summer residents choose sheet materials that reduce the time for sheathing the frame. However, it is much more comfortable to be in a wooden toilet house, since the tree breathes, exchanging air and removing excess moisture. However, it should be remembered that all wooden details, and especially those in contact with moisture, must be treated with a special impregnation.

Toilet foundation

A country toilet most often does not require the arrangement of a large-scale foundation, since the structure itself is made of fairly light building materials. It is worth pouring the foundation for the toilet only when it is built from bricks or from blocks, as well as when constructing a concrete pit.

For supports, both wooden beams and concrete structures are used, which turn out to be more durable due to resistance to humidity, temperatures and other environmental influences.

  • First, the construction site is marked out, determining the corners of the toilet house.
  • Then, asbestos-cement pipes of suitable diameter coated with bituminous mastic are dug into these points to a depth of 50 cm. The depth at the same time depends on the equipped design of the toilet for the dacha and the characteristics of the soil.
  • Then the pipes are filled with concrete by a third, which is carefully compacted.
  • Now, pillars of wood, concrete or angle are inserted into the pipes, and mortar is added again to give the structure strength. These pillars can serve as vertical frame guides, which means that their location should be verified using a level or plumb line.

If the supports on which the frame is to stand are made of blocks or bricks, then before installing them, you need to remove a 30-centimeter layer of soil and compact this base. Additionally, the bottom can be compacted with a sand backfill, on top of which concrete blocks are installed, or a brick base is made.

toilet frame

It is easy to make a frame for a toilet in the country with your own hands from a bar no thinner than 50x50 mm or metal corners.

With a traditional toilet design, the frame consists of:

  • four vertical supports that carry out the bearing function;
  • roof strapping and at the level where it is supposed to make a toilet seat;
  • frame for a doorway;
  • diagonal ties on the back wall and on the sides of the toilet.

Already at the stage of construction of the frame, it is important to calculate the height of the toilet seat. To do this, you need to designate the level of the future floor, and then count up 40 cm, taking into account the thickness of the strapping.

Toilet roof

The roof is made from any available materials, for example, metal tiles or sheet corrugated board. At wooden crate the roof is made of roofing felt or other material that provides reliable protection from moisture. The roof can be gable or shed, the main thing is that it is reliable and does not retain moisture. We must not forget about the hole for the outlet of the ventilation pipe, which is sealed to prevent leaks.

In the toilet for a summer residence, a ventilation pipe is removed from under the floor level, from a pit or container for collecting feces. Moreover, it should be above the level of the roof of the toilet house.

Toilet wall cladding

The next stage in the construction of a toilet in the country is the sheathing of the erected frame. At this stage, you can choose any of their favorite materials. More often you can see wooden toilets for summer cottages - such structures are convenient, practical and quite durable. When used for wood sheathing, it is better to take boards from 15 to 25 mm thick, which are tightly fitted and attached to the frame. To prevent moisture leakage, it is better to place the boards vertically.

Toilet seat and floor

When calculating the toilet seat, it is important not only not to make a mistake with its height, but also to make a hole at a comfortable distance from the edge. The frame of the toilet seat is carefully sheathed with boards and treated with sandpaper and painted. The seat cover is conveniently hinged.

Toilet door

The door in a wooden toilet for a summer residence is made of the same material as the walls. The structure is hung on loops, the number of which depends on the weight and size of the structure. Both from the outside and from the inside, any closing mechanism is mounted, whether it be a hook, latch, latch or other device.

Another door is made on the back wall. It can serve to remove the waste container or to immerse the sleeve of a sewage truck.

To provide at least a small but natural light, a window is cut above the door.

When construction is completed, drainage must be performed around the house, especially if the toilet for the summer cottage is located above the cesspool.

Video: building a country toilet with your own hands

Wherever a person lives, he tries to equip his habitat as comfortably as possible. Therefore, the first structure to be built in a summer cottage is a toilet. Without this building outside the city it is difficult to live even one day. To build it, you can hire specialists or do the work yourself. But even if you decide to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, you cannot do without theoretical knowledge. So we find out what needs to be done to build a much-needed structure.

Where to place the structure?

Before building a toilet, a place for its construction is determined. The remoteness of the toilet from other buildings depends on its design. Or rather, whether it will be a building with or without a cesspool.

Which type of toilet to choose is decided not only taking into account preference, but also taking into account the location of groundwater. If they are located above the mark of 2.5 meters, the construction of a cesspool is prohibited. In such cases, a powder closet is built.

When choosing a place to build, do not forget that this is a place of solitude. Therefore, it is desirable to take him a corner away from the buildings.

When constructing a toilet with a cesspool, follow the sanitary standards for such structures. The toilet should be located no closer than 12 meters to residential buildings. The distance from it to the water source is at least 20 meters. In order to avoid misunderstandings with neighbors, we are building a toilet in the country, a meter and a half away from the fence.

When planning the construction of a country toilet with a cesspool, consider how the sewer truck will subsequently drive up to it. The length of the hose for pumping sewage is only 7 meters. And 3 of them will be located in the pit.

Also consider the landscape of the site. a toilet built in a lowland will quickly fill up during the rainy season and spring snowmelt. A building on a hill is blown from all sides by the wind.

Varieties of cesspools

Depending on the penetration of sewage into the soil, cesspools are: with a filtering bottom and sealed. The construction and operation of a sealed structure will cost more. This is connected not only with consumables, but also with more frequent cleaning and calling the sewer machine. Spending on a pit with a filter bottom is less noticeable, but there is a possibility of contamination of the surrounding area. In addition, such structures are prohibited by sanitary standards.

You can build the walls of a cesspool from different material. Depending on this, they are:

  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • from concrete rings;
  • monolithic.

Let's take a look at each of them in more detail.

We lay out a hole of brick

Option #1 - Sealed Design

Having decided on the construction site of the toilet, they clear the marked area. Dig a rectangular pit according to the required dimensions. The larger it is, the less often it will be necessary to clean the toilet from sewage. Then tamp the soil at the bottom. Pour a layer of sand (10-15 cm) and make concrete base. Do not interfere with the use of reinforcement and filler, you can crushed stone. After the concrete hardens, lay out the walls of the structure and plaster. For better sealing, they are treated with bituminous mastic. The walls of the cesspool make ten centimeters above the surface of the earth.

After laying the brick for the cesspool, the walls of the structure must be plastered and covered with bituminous mastic.

Option #2 - filter bottom design

For such a cesspool, the bottom is not sealed. To do this, a layer of pebbles or large gravel is poured over the sand. Liquid waste through such a filter seeps into the ground. It reduces total weight sewage, which increases the time to clean the pit.

It is advisable to make cesspools with a filtering bottom only in those places where soil waters lie very deep.

Use of plastic containers

Plastic barrels or eurocubes can be used as a waste collector for cesspools. They are buried in a hole under the toilet. For a sealed design, only the upper part of the container is cut off, where the waste will flow. For a non-sealed pit, the lower part is also cut out. At the same time, a filter layer is poured onto the bottom of the cesspool.

So that the soil does not displace plastic containers, they must be fixed with anchor weights.

Variant of construction from concrete rings

Now let's figure out how to install a toilet in the country using concrete rings. Due to the fact that reinforced concrete products can move during use, it is difficult to make such a structure airtight. Therefore, it is desirable to use it only in places with deep groundwater. The construction of a cesspool from reinforced concrete products is a laborious process. To facilitate it, a special technique is used.

Due to the heavy weight of concrete rings, special equipment is required for their installation.

After choosing and clearing a place for construction, they dig a hole according to the size of the ring. They lower the first ring and begin to dig the ground from under its base. Thus, there is a gradual lowering of the rings under its own weight. When there is enough space, install the second ring on the first. So keep on digging and installing required amount rings. At the bottom of the pit do either concrete screed or filter layer.

The top of the last installed concrete ring should protrude ten centimeters above the ground.

You will find step-by-step instructions for installing a cesspool made of concrete rings in our following material:.

Monolithic concrete structure for the toilet

For a cesspool monolithic concrete, after digging the pit, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand. Reinforcing it is made with a call to the walls. This will give the structure strength. The bottom of the pit is poured with concrete and left to solidify completely. Then the formwork for the walls is installed and they are poured with concrete. After it hardens, formwork and pouring of the floor are made.

Defects in concrete after formwork removal must be repaired with cement-sand mortar

Construction of a toilet house over a cesspool

After the cesspool has been prepared, they begin to build a house over it. We invite you to figure out with us how to build a country toilet out of wood.

The length of the building is 20 centimeters more than the width. For example, the width is 1 meter, and the length is 1.2. Let the height be 2.1 meters. Next to the cesspool, a foundation is made according to the appropriate dimensions.

between foundation and wooden frame lay roofing felt for insulation

A roofing material waterproofing is laid on top of it. A frame is assembled from a wooden block and screwed to the foundation.

Floor boards are laid on top of the frame and fixed with self-tapping screws. The floor must be quite strong, so the thickness of the board is taken at least 3 cm.

The timber frame must be treated with an antiseptic

The front and rear frames of the toilet house are made from a bar.

The front frame should be 10 cm higher than the rear

Then they are fixed on the base, exposing with the help of a level. Strengthen the structure with transverse bars.

The transverse bars under the roof should protrude 0.3 m in front and 0.16 m in the back

Then a frame for the pedestal is installed. Its height is 0.45 meters.

The height of the pedestal is made taking into account convenience

At the next stage, the frame of the house is sheathed. For this, an imitation of a bar is perfect. It has a convenient thorn-groove fastening. Sheathing the structure begins from the bottom, the boards are fixed with screws or ordinary nails. A window is cut out above the door.

When fixing the imitation of the beam, make sure that the groove is on top, and the spike is on the bottom. This method prevents moisture from entering the groove.

After that, sheathe the frame for the pedestal. Cut a hole in the middle. Its size depends on the capacity that will be installed inside. The bottom of the container is cut out before fixing.

The size of the hole cut into the pedestal depends on the container that will be used.

Then they make the roof of the house. First, the boards are fixed parallel to the front of the building at a short distance from each other.

Cross boards for the roof are fixed starting from the front of the building

Then the visor above the door is sewn from below. Fasten the boards around the perimeter of the base of the roof.

Boards fixed around the perimeter of the roof base should form right angles

Now it remains only to cover it with slate. At the next stage, the door is assembled and hung on the hinges. Platbands are stuffed on top.

Platbands close the gaps and prevent the door from opening into the room

Then the entire structure is covered with a special impregnation that protects against moisture and pests, and then with paint or varnish. Handles and a hook or latch are attached outside and inside the building.

From our next article, you will learn how to build a country toilet with a shower:.

Toilet for giving by the type of powder closet

Where groundwater is located near the surface, the construction of a toilet in a country house with a cesspool is prohibited. In this case, a powder closet is built. Unlike the previous version, this design does not have an underground waste receiver in the form of a pit.

Therefore, the container inserted into the hole of the pedestal must be with a bottom. It is even better if these are two containers: one is slightly smaller than the other. Moreover, the smaller one should have small holes for leakage of liquid. And in the larger side, a drainage hose is inserted to drain excess fluid.

For powder closet, you do not need to dig a cesspool. Waste is sprinkled with peat, and then taken out to the compost heap

The foundation of the building must be concreted. Before using the container, a filler is poured onto its bottom. It can be peat or sawdust. After each visit to the toilet, a new portion of the filler is poured on top. As the container fills up, its contents are taken out to the compost heap.

These toilets are only suitable for temporary use. For houses with permanent residence it is better to equip a septic tank or build a local treatment system.

The toilet is the first structure erected by the owner of the land.

If at first you can still somehow do without a house by building summer kitchen, then the septic tank cannot be attributed to secondary structures.

For many summer residents, it is with his device that the acquisition of building experience begins.

How to build a country toilet? If you want to create a building that has original design, it is necessary to determine the size of the building. You can take a typical drawing, based on individual needs, develop a project that suits you.

Approximate plan of construction and design work looks like that:

  • Start with creating a frame, put the dimensions of the building on the drawing. Calculate the amount of materials needed to build it. On the plan, indicate the section wooden beams and board sizes.
  • On the drawing, be sure to reflect how it will be cut facing material. The scheme should have a calculation for one side wall of the building, as well as for its front and rear walls. Don't forget to add building materials for the other side wall. Optimal toilet width 1.2 m, height - 2 m.
  • If you want to expand the building, make adjustments into the drawing. The front wall, like the back, is made rectangular. Lateral - trapezoidal, this allows you to achieve the desired slope of the roof. In one of the walls of the building, it is necessary to cut a window, through which light will penetrate into the toilet in the country house. In addition, the window is necessary for ventilation of the room.
  • floor covering made from boards thick 50 mm, then the village toilet is sheathed with a sheet of OSB. The boards are installed on a base of timber, nails are used to connect the parts of the structure. In order to increase the strength of the building, all elements are connected into a groove. Its depth must be at least 50 mm.
  • Make a door. Practice shows that the optimal dimensions 1.95x70.5 cm. You can make toilets for summer cottages from edged boards, often construction is carried out from OSB boards. When erecting a roof, lay the rafters, there should be a step of 40 cm between them. Buy boards to make them 100x50 mm. Nail them to the frame, the connection is made with nails. You can cover the roof of the toilet with slate or profiled sheets.

Keep proportions. Remember that an increase in the standard size will entail additional costs for the purchase of building materials.

A standard drawing can be taken as the basis for a wooden toilet. If you wish, country toilets can be made according to individual sizes.

Drawings and design of the birdhouse-type toilet

Regardless of which toilet you choose, it will require a cubicle. « birdhouse » - one of the most popular options.

  1. In order to make the frame and floor, buy boards. It is best to choose larch lumber, then the structure will be especially durable. On the doors, crate and walls, you can put a pine board. All parts of the structure should be covered with an antiseptic.
  2. Make a foundation 1 × 1 m, put a forty board on the floor. The front wall has a height of 2 m, and the rear 2.3 m. When building, be sure to use a level.
  3. When the frame is ready board the toilet. Install doors, after that you can proceed to work on the device of the roof. Completes the process of performing outdoor work.

If you are going to make a "birdhouse" by equipping it with a cesspool, make a foundation. Concrete blocks can be used for this purpose. 20x20x40 cm. Cover the roof with a profile sheet, and make a ridge from a bent strip of galvanized steel.

Drawings and design of the toilet type "hut"

« hut » is another popular option.

  1. Assemble the front wall first, and then go to the back. The easiest way to make a building is from a cut pine board with a thickness 30 mm, use self-tapping screws or nails for fastening.
  2. Install transverse and longitudinal beams, and then spacer. Make a cross member of the pedestal, be sure to attach it to the back wall, do not forget about the spacer beam.
  3. After you finish working on the frame, boards sew up the base of the floor. Make a platform, and then proceed to the sheathing of the slopes. After that, you can collect hang a door to the country toilet.

Drawings and design of the "Teremok" type toilet

For regions in which winters are snowy, the building is ideal « teremok » . Such a toilet is perfectly protected from the wind. The shape is unusual, you can make such a structure from improvised materials.

Pay attention to the shape of the door . Its upper end has a rounded shape, so construction will take more time.

Construction may seem like a daunting task for beginner builders. Pay attention to the geometry of the corners, then the building will be symmetrical.

Powder closet

Powder closet is another construction option. Usually, a do-it-yourself country toilet is made in places where groundwater comes close to the surface. The design differs in that it does not have an underground storage for waste.

Powder closet is great for giving. But the house in which year-round living is planned is best provided with a septic tank.

  1. The foundation is concreted, the toilet cubicle can be of any shape.
  2. Inside the building, a pedestal is made with a hole into which a waste container is inserted.

play closet

Backlash closet is made both inside houses and on the street.

  1. The toilet is cleaned with the help of sewage trucks, this is done 1 time per season.
  2. The cesspool is made airtight, this required condition which should be observed during the construction of the building.

The toilet cubicle can be of any shape.


A toilet-shower for a summer residence is a building that combines two rooms under one roof.

  1. A partition is being erected between the toilet and the shower, each section has its own door. Height and width of the building - 2 m, length - 3 m.
  2. The upper and lower strapping can be made from timber 100×100 mm, and for vertical supports - timber 50×100 mm. Buy timber in sufficient quantities, should be done 24 supports.
  3. Also, do 12 blanks 200 cm long. They will go to the installation of roof slabs, use a beam with a section 50x100 mm.

Let's start construction

Materials and tools

Before starting work, buy lumber in advance.

  • For the construction of the frame, purchase a bar. Pay attention to its cross section, the best option100 x 100 mm, to increase the strength of the building, you can buy lumber with a section 150 x 150 mm.
  • To trim the toilet you will need an edged board not less than 20 mm thick.
  • Roof battens required 50×20 mm, and a grooved board will go to the floor 40×150 mm.

You can easily replace the sheathing board by purchasing OSB boards or sheets of waterproof plywood. If you opted for OSB, then the slats can be cut from these plates.

You will need the following tools:

  1. hammer, screws and nails;
  2. shovel and bucket;
  3. pliers;
  4. perforator or impact drill;
  5. brush for applying stain and paint;
  6. containers for solutions and paint.

How to choose a seat

Determine the place where you plan to make a toilet. Its remoteness from the house and other buildings depends on whether it will have a cesspool, or the building will be made without it.

Remember that construction should not interfere with neighbors, do not forget to indent from the fence by 1 meter. The door should open towards your yard. When digging a cesspool, leave access roads for a sewage truck.

Pit toilet

Most of the restrictions relate to the construction of cesspools. They must be securely isolated to prevent environmental pollution.

  • The pit should be located in 25 m from water source. It can be a well, a well or a reservoir. The rule also applies to water sources located in neighboring areas.
  • From the cesspool to the basement or cellar there should be at least 12 m to the bath or home - 8 m. To buildings that contain animals, at least 4 m. Pay attention not only to the location of the buildings on your site, but also on the neighboring one. This will help avoid conflict situations.

Before starting construction, you must select internal organization toilet. The building can be with a cesspool and without it.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, being above 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build without a pit. Otherwise, waste products will be found in the water.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, being above 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build without a pit.

Similar restrictions are imposed on buildings built on shale rocks and in areas with natural cracks. Consider the water level in the spring when the snow melts. The lowest point of the cesspool should be 1 m above the maximum water level in spring.

If the groundwater is deep, then any type of garden toilet can be made on the site. The optimal volume of the pit is 1.5 cubic meters; it can be located under the building or away from it.

The cesspool can be:

  1. round shape;
  2. square shape.

In the first case, concrete rings are used for its arrangement. In addition, the walls can make a toilet in the country can be made of brick and rubble stone. But remember that this option will require labor, time and certain financial investments.

  • Pay special attention tightness of the bottom part and walls. At the bottom, a castle is made from a layer of clay. It is compacted, the layer thickness should be at least 30 cm. If there is no desire to work with clay, the bottom can be poured with concrete.
  • Be sure to do bituminous waterproofing.
  • Inside the toilet make a hatch, or leave a few boards on the floor loose. You can choose a design in which the hatch is placed outside the toilet.
  • The toilet is recommended to be equipped ventilation system. When filling the pit by 2/3 of the volume, the contents should be pumped out.

Detailed instructions for building a cesspool from tires:

Options without a hole

It is much easier to build a wooden toilet without a cesspool. Waste will be collected in a sealed container.

There are several types of such toilets, but the differences relate only to the way waste is processed.

  • Microorganisms do this in dry closets, and special substances in chemical installations.
  • In the powder closet, the waste is sprinkled with powder, which can be used as peat, sawdust or ash.

Building a house

When the work on arranging the cesspool is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the foundation.

It must be stable, and its reliability also matters. These are the main points to pay attention to.

If windy weather is often observed in the region, it is better to use metal pipes as a base. They must be buried in the ground, and the bars should be installed inside. So the structure will be further strengthened.

If windy weather is often observed in the region, it is better to use metal pipes as a base.

The frame is made from wooden beams. For the base, buy a larger section of lumber, and for load-bearing elements, you can choose thinner bars. For the device of the opening door, take a bar 100 × 100 mm.

  1. Saddle the base first by connecting the bars with nails. To make it easier to work, the bars can be pre-fastened with thin strips. Reinforce the base with stiffeners. For this purpose, use lumber with a smaller cross section. It is very good if the frame and stiffeners are one piece.
  2. For roofing at the top of the frame make a crate. Krusha can be covered with slate, you need one sheet. In order to fix it, fill the strips on the facade and rear of the booth. Fasten the bars at the bottom of the frame, they will become the basis for the floor. After that, you can proceed to the construction of walls. Sheathe them with a board, this is the best option. In addition, chipboard or plywood sheets can be used.
  3. Make a door. After attaching the canopies, install it in the opening.
  4. Cover the roof with slate or other material.
  5. If you wish, you can paint the toilet.

How to make ventilation

There are the following options:

  1. Leave the building as is. In this case, the air in the cabin will move by itself.
  2. Forced ventilation. It is based on the installation of a fan.

You can choose any option for organizing the hood, but each of them requires the presence of ventilation holes in the walls. We are talking about supply and exhaust channels. A mandatory requirement will be the arrangement of the hood over the cesspool.

Forced ventilation is different more efficient, it quickly removes unpleasant odors from the toilet. But the organization of such a system will require certain financial costs from the owner of the summer cottage.

To organize forced ventilation, you need to buy the following:

  • fan;
  • switches;
  • the wire.

Forced ventilation quickly removes methane, but it is rather difficult to assemble such an installation. If you want to keep the air in the toilet always fresh, this option will be the most suitable. But without electricity, such an installation will not work.

The natural method of ventilation is good because it does not require additional equipment.

To make supply ventilation, install a hood in the pit. It is required so that the gas does not enter the booth, but is taken out into the street.

Make an exhaust pipe. To do this, buy a product whose diameter is at least 10 cm. The length of the pipe depends on how deep the hole is made in the toilet. To work, you will need an impact drill, in some cases you can not do without a hammer drill. The choice of tools depends on what material the booth is made of.

When laying a pipe in the ground, one should not forget about its protection; for this purpose, buy a casing. You will also need fasteners. Well suited those that are designed for drainage. In order to make the system work more efficiently, purchase a deflector.

The ventilation installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Using the tool make a hole in a cesspool.
  2. Install fasteners according to the height of the building. Insert pipe and secure her.
  3. Install deflector.

Make holes in the walls of the toilet, placing them on opposite sides. Closer to the ceiling, there should be a place for the hood, and near the floor - an air inlet. Take the mesh and close the ventilation ducts, this will prevent debris from entering the toilet, and also protect the building from insects.

Install the fan by attaching it to the exhaust vent. For a standard toilet, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 2 m², a device whose power does not exceed 30 watts. Connect electricity by running a cable. Connect the fan, connect it to the mains.


Toilet lighting options are as follows:

  • air line;
  • underground cable;
  • solar-powered lanterns.

An overhead line is not the best solution if you do not want wires running over the area from the house to the toilet. Laying the cable underground is more aesthetically beneficial, but few people like to spend so much money and time on lighting in the toilet.

  • you can use LED lights , which are designed to illuminate the garden. Products are on sale different forms and weight. They are inexpensive, every gardener can buy them.
  • Since bright light is not needed, installing one flashlight will be enough for lighting. Buy a product, separate its upper part. Take a knife and cut off the clamps, then they will not interfere with you.
  • Measure the protruding part of the lantern- one that is equipped with an LED and a battery. If necessary, you can easily replace the battery.
  • Make a hole in the wall of the building appropriate size. Insert flashlight, lock his glue. For this purpose, silicone sealant is best suited.

How to make insulation

The choice of a suitable insulation option must be determined in advance. Much depends on whether you plan to insulate the internal or external parts of the structure.

When planning work on the interior, remember that space is limited. Choose a material that does not take up much space during installation. It is important that it is reliably protected from frost, cold and wind. In favor of insulation from the inside, it is also said that this type of laying the material will require less funds. However, each case is individual.

When choosing external insulation, be prepared for more painstaking work. Due to limited space, buy thermal insulation materials that are no wider than 75 mm. The ideal option would be the installation of sheets mineral wool. For its fastening, buy rectangular metal slats.

Due to limited space, buy thermal insulation materials that are no wider than 75mm.

  • For waterproofing, you need a film, and for sheathing - drywall. It is best to opt for moisture resistant sheets.
  • Get self-tapping screws and profiles. They will be required in order to make a quality mount.
  • To putty the joints between the sheets, buy putty.

To choose the right amount of material, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the structure. Installation of insulation consists of the following steps:

  1. Take wooden slats. Make a crate by stuffing it on the wall in increments of 50 cm.
  2. Lay insulation sheets. Fix them with self-tapping screws, attaching to the crate. The material should be placed on the walls, do not forget about the ceiling.
  3. Put a film on the insulation, it is required to protect mineral wool from moisture. Fix the film with tape.
  4. Sheathe the insulation with moisture-resistant drywall. They are mounted on self-tapping screws, and mounted on a metal profile.
  5. Sheet joints seal with putty.

If you want, you can stick wallpaper or tiles on drywall.

You can build a toilet by hiring a construction team, or you can buy a ready-made one.

  • The cost of "Hut" or "Birdhouse" starts from 6500 rubles.
  • Hozblok with a toilet - from 12 to 18 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery is available, the cost depends on the destination and region.

You can build a toilet in the country with your own hands very quickly. All parts of the structure made of wood should be treated with biocides. These drugs are effective against rot. Saturate the wood twice with a water-polymer emulsion. This tool is inexpensive, it will reliably protect lumber from moisture for many years.

  • Sheeting with tongue and groove material will show all the advantages if you begin to stuff the board with a horizontal belt. Keep in mind that the ridges should be placed up and the grooves should be placed down. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture in the sheet pile. But the door is always sheathed, placing the boards vertically.
  • If you are going to build, and the drawing involves the installation of curved sections, then sheathe them with a boat board. Nautical cladding will last much longer.
  • In regions where in summer and in winter period there is a large amount of precipitation, such a sheathing will be an ideal option. But remember that in regions where strong winds, it is better to give preference to sheet piling.
  • If you have an electric jigsaw that has a swivel shoe, then you yourself will make a boat board from ordinary edged lumber.
  • Treat all parts that face the ground or a cesspool with bituminous mastic or hot bitumen.


Building a country toilet with your own hands is a task that even novice builders can do.

  1. Before starting work, determine the place of construction and the level of groundwater, the type of construction depends on it.
  2. Make a drawing.
  3. Buy lumber in advance, prepare tools.

You can assemble a toilet for a summer residence in a few days.

This video describes in detail how to make a toilet for a summer residence:

This article presents samples of country toilets: drawings of booths, their average sizes, some recommendations for construction. The design can be different: there are rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped projects. Choose the shape, then the material, and you can start building. There are drawings, the structure is not the most difficult. Just keep in mind that the sizes are given for people of average height and build. They can be easily changed without changing the design too much.

The design of a country toilet can be simple or intricate.

Scheme of a street toilet

The most common variant of a country or garden toilet is a rectangular building. It is also called "birdhouse" because in the variant with pitched roof she is very reminiscent of him.

The project of a country toilet made of wood such as "Birdhouse" (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

In the toilet drawing shown in the photo above, a 40 mm thick board was used for finishing. The construction is quite inexpensive. Doors can be made from the same boards, fastened with planks at the top, bottom and obliquely. Loops can be put external - barn, having issued the structure in a deliberately rough style.

Samples of country toilets: the drawings are the same, the execution is different

Despite the fact that the building is utilitarian, if desired, it can be given an attractive look and the birdhouse will turn into a quite attractive small building. For example, you can make a small mill out of this building.

Country toilet-mill - a little imagination and an unsightly building becomes a decoration of the site (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The same birdhouse, but from a log house - a completely different look. Everything will look especially harmonious if the building on the site is built (or will be built) also from a log.

Even the simplest log toilet looks almost exotic. Moreover, it can also be used as a winter version (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

For regions where wood is a luxury, and it is irrational to spend it on building a toilet, the same structure can be sheathed with other material. For example, the frame is sheathed with any sheet material- plywood, fiberboard, GVL. They can be laid on the outside of the finishing material - tiles or decorative stone. An even more budget option is to sheathe it with corrugated board.

A toilet in the country with their own hands is built from any material. This one is made of corrugated board (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This is the type of toilet that is easy to build with bricks. They are usually made in half a brick. There are no difficulties even for an inexperienced bricklayer. Offset masonry, cement-sand mortar.

According to the same project and drawing, you can build a brick toilet (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Toilet type "Shalash" (triangular)

This toilet cubicle has the shape of a triangle. The side walls are also the slope of the roof. You can build such a toilet with your own hands in a few hours. Drawings with approximate dimensions are given in the picture below. It is possible and necessary to make adjustments to them: all dimensions are given for people of average build.

Drawing of a country toilet of the "Hut" type (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you need wider doors, you can not push the base, which is already considerable in this project, but make doors of a non-standard shape - as in the figure on the right.

sheathing finishing materials in the toilets "Shalash" is carried out only in front and behind. Roofing material is laid on the side surfaces. You can use any, but it looks good soft tiles or polymer slate.

Having drawings, a triangular toilet in the country is easier to build

In the photo on the right, the crate is made under sheet roofing material - they used plastic slate - it is different colors, is relatively inexpensive, easy to mount - with nails and gaskets.

If you plan to use soft roofing material - roofing material, shingles or something similar, make the crate solid - from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, chipboard, GVL. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, roofing materials are laid on top.

Drawing toilet "Teremok"

This toilet is shaped like a diamond. Compared to the "Shalash", it takes longer to build, but it also looks more decorative. With appropriate design, it will not spoil the landscape at all.

Drawing of the toilet "Teremok" with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

A diamond-shaped house for a toilet in a summer cottage looks good. Outside, the frame can be upholstered with round timber of small diameter sawn in half, lining of large thickness, block house, regular board. If you use a board, do not nail it end-to-end, but lay it a couple of centimeters on the bottom, like a fir cone. You can, of course, end-to-end, but the appearance will not be the same ...

The second option: the country toilet "Teremok" is made with beveled side walls.

Country toilet "Teremok" - the second project with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The main catch in any small wooden toilet is to secure the doors well. door frame- the most loaded part, especially on the side where the doors are attached. To fasten the door pillars to the frame beams, use studs - so the fastening will be reliable.

Photo illustrations: building a toilet in the country with his own hands. The drawings are shown above.

From this simple, in general, design, you can make a restroom in any style. For example, in Dutch. The finish is simple - light plastic, on top of which characteristic beams are stuffed, stained with stain. Pay attention to the glass inserts and the fact that the roof of this instance is made of polycarbonate. If the polycarbonate is multilayer, it should not be hot)))

Country street toilet in the form of a Dutch house

You can even turn the Teremok toilet into a royal carriage. This is not a joke… confirmation in the photo. All you need to do is change the shape and add a few decorative elements that are typical for carriages. So you get a toilet in the form of a carriage.

Here are some photos of the manufacturing process. The original has a dry closet, so the construction is simple: there is no need to think about the pit and the nuances associated with it ... but you can adapt such a booth to any type ...

Frame of characteristic shape

Please note that the shape is achieved thanks to the boards set at an angle, and the smoothly tapering bottom is due to the supports cut accordingly.

A dry closet is installed on the podium

The floor is sewn up with short boards, then the sheathing starts from the outside. At the top, the carriage also has a smooth bend - cut out the appropriate guides from short boards, nail them to the existing side posts, and you can start the outer wall cladding.

Inside is also sheathed with clapboard. Outside the toilet-carriage is whitewashed, inside the wood has a natural color. After that, decoration and the addition of characteristic details remain - monograms painted with gold, lanterns, “golden” chains, wheels.

Painting and decorating

"Royal" curtains and flowers))) There is even a washstand and a small sink.

View from inside the windows

After all the efforts, we have the most unusual toilet in the area. Few can boast of such...

Also suitcases in the trunk))

Warm restroom

Using a toilet with a wall in one plank in the summer is quite comfortable. But not all dachas are visited only in the warm season. For the autumn-spring period, at least some kind of insulation is needed, which will block the drafts.

In this case, the design of the toilet is no different. Only increase the dimensions by 5-10 cm more: the sheathing will be double - outside and inside, and insulation is laid between the sheathing. The doors will also need to be insulated - double doors are too heavy for such a building, but from the inside they can be upholstered with a piece of linoleum, dermantin and other well-washable material.

Combined shower-toilet

The second necessary building in the country is a shower. And if so, then why build two separate structures, if they can be built under one roof. Several drawings of country toilets with a shower for self-construction are published below.

A variant of a combined toilet for giving a shower (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The second project of toilet and shower under one roof.

Appearance and drawing of a toilet and a shower for a summer residence in one building (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

View and dimensions of the toilet + shower from the front and side (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

As you guessed, the structure is simply doubled in width. If you want, you can create your own project, according to your desires and needs. The drawing of the hozblok with a toilet will be exactly the same. You may need to make one of the rooms a little larger. Just provide for this when planning and manufacturing supports for construction.

Build a toilet with your own hands: drawings, dimensions

The first thing you need in your summer cottage is to build a toilet. It is easy to do it with your own hands. If you need drawings, they are in the article. For booths of various types - a birdhouse, "Teremok", "Shalash", with a shower

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings and device tips

Everyone knows that a comfortable stay in the country is possible only if there is a well-equipped sanitary facility. It is for this reason that the arrangement of a site in a country house most often begins with the construction of an outhouse, for which it is extremely important to choose the right location and materials. In this article, we will look at how to build a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and detailed instructions attached.

A well-equipped closet is the key to a comfortable pastime outside the city

Choosing the optimal location

The right place is the key to the successful construction of a sanitary facility, its durability and strength.

Location plays a big role

A responsible approach to business will save you from problems with the construction in the future

Before starting construction, pay attention to the following points:

  • On the drawing of your site, mark the places located at least 8 meters from the well with water, 7 from the house and 1 from the fence. This will be best options for construction.

  • The next point to pay attention to is the height of the site. An excellent option for building is a lowland.
  • The soil on which the toilet will be built should not be very wet.
  • Wind direction is one of the most important indicators to consider. We must try to ensure that the prevailing direction is not directed towards residential premises.
  • Another important point: a shadow, which in the case of a country toilet should not be permanent, just as the location of the structure in the sun is unacceptable. The best way out of this situation is to build a toilet under a tree that casts a shadow only at certain times of the day.
  • If the construction is planned for a long time, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance for the sewer truck in order to clean the cesspool in time.

Important information! In no case do not build a toilet on the site of an old destroyed closet or garbage pit - this can be dangerous in further operation!

The process of cleaning a septic tank or cesspool

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings of various types

There is a whole host of different types country toilet facilities. As a rule, they do not require water supply or sewerage, and some of the options presented can be bought at all in a regular hardware store. So, now we will analyze the options for building a country toilet with our own hands with photos and drawings.

Country toilets have many different types designs

Standard sanitary room

Such a design looks like the most common cabin with a seat or just a hole in the floor, often made of boards or other available material, which is additionally reinforced in the walls and foundation. A sewer machine is used to remove waste.

An ordinary country toilet with a simple and affordable design for most

Do-it-yourself toilet for a summer residence. Step-by-step instructions for building a toilet (hut, birdhouse), ready-made drawings and some nuances of arrangement in a special material.

Powder toilet

This building differs from the rest in the absence of a cesspool, as it uses the "dusting" technology. After each visit to the latrine, the waste is sprinkled with a mixture of peat or ordinary ash, and the resulting substance is great for fertilizing the soil.

Powder toilet provides an opportunity to receive high-quality fertilizer for your garden

Chemical sanitary room

Such a toilet differs from the previous one in that only chemicals are involved in the neutralization of waste, which means that it will not work to get fertilizer for your site in this way.

The chemical toilet does not provide for the possibility further use waste products as fertilizer

backlash toilet

The construction of such a building consists in the partial deepening of a cesspool under a residential building, due to which the toilet is built right next to the wall. The toilet hole is connected to it with a sewer pipe. small size. Waste is pumped out through the installation of a sealed hatch.

Backlash toilet provides a cesspool under the house

This design is manufactured at the factory, comes to customers ready-made and serves as an excellent alternative to a do-it-yourself country toilet. Photos, drawings and other materials are presented below. The dry closet is a cabin in which a waste tank is installed. After each trip to the closet, waste products are neutralized with the help of special bioreagent substances.

The dry closet is convenient because you do not need to build a toilet yourself and look for materials

Closet peat type

Due to its unique design, such a toilet combines the features of dry closets and "powder" technologies. Thus, all waste processed in this building and accumulated in a separate container can be used as natural fertilizer.

Peat toilet allows you to get excellent natural fertilizer

Peat toilet for a summer residence: which one is better? An overview of the pros and cons, as well as popular manufacturers and prices for peat closets in a special publication of our portal.

So we took everything apart existing species closets, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages of use. But it is up to you to decide which one is suitable for the device on your site.

Now we will analyze how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. Drawings, dimensions and calculations must be prepared in advance, and we will help you with this.

Literate clear drawing- key to a successful business

If you nevertheless decide to build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions of which are presented below, it is important to take into account all the nuances and little things.

The beautiful design of the booth is pleasing to the eye

The construction sequence is as follows:

  • According to the search rules above optimal location for the construction of a closet, choose the most appropriate option.
  • The marking of the future building is being carried out, a hole is dug with a depth of two meters, a width of one and a half meters.
  • If the soil is loose or wet, the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with crushed stone or gravel, laid out with brickwork.
  • The foundation is being installed - tape or columnar, depending on your requirements and requests.
  • A frame is being erected from wood or any other materials, which is subsequently sheathed with corrugated board, boards and other coatings. The roof is covered.
  • If necessary, the room is insulated from the inside.

Helpful information! The liquid part of the waste should be well absorbed into the soil.

It is important to follow the sequence of construction - this will help you do everything right

We make a toilet in the country with our own hands: drawings, sizes of the most popular options

The frame of the future building is made of bars measuring 10x5 cm, which are installed according to the drawing on the skids.

Helpful advice! It is necessary to ensure that the bars are carefully treated with an antiseptic, as they come into contact with the pit and the waste located in it.

Drawing of the frame of the sanitary room

If wood paneling is planned, then the same beams are used as in the construction of the frame, which are attached to the base with nails. It is important not to forget to make special windows for ventilation and lighting in the daytime.

Standard latrine with tire cesspool

Building a roof is not a difficult task: any roofing materials available to you are used for this.

For aesthetes, it is worth trying to build an unusual roof

Drawing conclusions

So, we see that when proper preparation to build a country toilet with your own hands, the photo, the drawings of which are presented above, is quite simple. The key to the success of any of your construction undertakings is a responsible approach!

Do-it-yourself country toilet

If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, the photos, drawings, videos and dimensions presented in this article will help you cope with this task.

Projects, drawings and diagrams of a country toilet

Do not deny yourself comfort even in the country. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that every person can bring to life. But first you need to decide on the drawing and, according to it, build the future structure.

A huge amount of materials and all kinds of projects for country toilets leads to the fact that people are simply lost in the background of all this diversity. That is why the theoretical part is so important. Based on the data in this article, you will be able to choose the best project for your dacha.

Typical projects of country toilets

Basically, to create a country toilet project, the following types of structures are used:

Each of these designs has its own advantages. That is why it is so important to determine the type before starting construction.

Country toilet with a cesspool

In the project, it is imperative to provide for a pit. You also need to take care of its arrangement. This can be done using a plastic barrel or brickwork reinforced with reinforcement.

In the project, you must provide the right amount of brick and cement, and do not forget about the fittings. The walls you created are subsequently covered with plaster. It is the pit that sets the character of the ground building. This is usually small wooden house, created from improvised materials. It can be in the form of a hut, a miniature house and even a tower.

According to this country toilet project, all waste will accumulate in the pit. For its further cleaning you will need a sewer. The main disadvantage of the project is bad smell. That is why it is very important to provide ventilation at the planning stage.

Ventilation can be either natural or forced. In the first case, two holes are made in the design from below and from above. Their purpose is extremely simple - to create air disturbances. Thus, the unpleasant smell will not linger inside for a long time.

Forced ventilation is a simple fan that blows all the bad smells out of the toilet. When installing it, you need to think about a compensation hole through which air will penetrate inside. Its diameter should not be less than the diameter of the fan. All this is written in the project.

Powder closet

When creating this project of a country house, a cesspool is not provided. All waste is collected in a tank under the toilet seat. It is best to include two containers in the design different sizes. In the smaller one, you need to make several different-sized holes and insert it into a large container, on the side of which there will be a round exit. A drain hose is connected to it.

Through the hose, the liquid goes into the ground or drainage system. The main role in this country toilet project is played by the container for the filler. Peat is most often used as a mixture. The filler helps to contain unpleasant smells. As soon as the tank is full, it should be taken out to the compost heap.

When you make a drawing, it is important to take into account the convenience of extracting the container. There are two possible options solutions to this problem. In the first of these, the tank is removed when the seat is raised. In the second, a small door is cut out at the back of the building. It allows you to easily remove the filled container.

You don't even need to build anything here. In fact, you are buying a ready-made project for a country toilet. All you need to do is install the product in convenient location. In this case, you can purchase both a finished design and a whole booth.

Shower and toilet under one roof

Now projects of a country toilet combined with a shower are very popular. This is especially beneficial from a financial point of view. In addition, such a project allows you to save a lot free space Location on.

In the project, a toilet with a shower will have one common wall. The result is savings in building materials. At the same time, the bathroom can work both on the basis of a tank with a mixture, and on the basis of a cesspool.

How a drawing is created

The main task of the drawing when creating a project for a country toilet is to detail the design. The size, shape and type of building are clearly indicated on the paper. At the same time, there are a number of standards that must be observed.

Firstly, the distance of the country toilet for the place of water supply cannot be less than 30 meters. This must be specified in the project. Secondly, a residential or commercial building should not be closer than 15 meters. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of the same septic tank with a biological treatment system.

Dimensions are of particular importance in the drawing. You are free to ask them yourself. But there are certain standards that allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable building with a high guarantee.

The height of the future dacha building should not exceed two and a half meters. In this case, the minimum indicator is at the level of 2 meters. The length of the building is from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The width is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m.

Many novice builders do not attach sufficient importance to the parameters of the cesspool. It is unacceptable. After all, it must also be included in the drawings. The estimated depth is 1.5-2 m, the diameter is from 2 to 2.5 m. If the groundwater is close to the surface, then the pit will have to be abandoned.

Projects of superstructures for a country toilet

When choosing a suitable country toilet project special meaning has a choice of material. It is he who sets the parameters of the future building to the greatest extent. There are several typical options, which will be discussed further.

Brick toilet

The advantages of this material can be listed indefinitely. He is resistant to atmospheric influences, equally well retains heat and coolness, is environmentally friendly. Moreover, it allows you to give the structure any shape.

The basis of this project is the foundation. Without it, the creation of a country toilet made of bricks is simply impossible. Separately, it is necessary to mention the quality of the masonry. This is the real art of laying bricks for centuries. From above, the structure is covered with a roof, a material for which, in most cases, slate serves.

In the picture you see an example of a related project. In one design, a toilet and a shower are combined. This is not only practical, but also allows you to save a lot on the cost of building materials.

wooden toilet

The project of a wooden country toilet is a classic. Its construction takes a minimum of time, but in order for the structure to serve you faithfully, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan in the process of work.

The picture shows one of the most popular options among summer residents - a teremok. As you can see, it has a small internal space and small dimensions. This allows you to install it anywhere. It is also worth noting the aesthetic appearance.

metal toilet

This version of the project will appeal to those who want to save time and money. When building, you can use sheets of metal left over from building a house. The only thing you need to take care of is the inner lining. Of course, you can do without it, but in winter it will be very problematic to be in such a structure.

The main advantage of the project is the absence of the need for any knowledge. Almost anyone can build such a country toilet. This is the most cost effective option imaginable. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the toilet seat. It is best made of wood so that it is comfortable to sit on.

Types of wooden cabins

It is wooden cabins that are most popular among summer residents. This is explained quite simply. The beam is inexpensive, but provides good thermal insulation and has a pleasing appearance. During construction, the following projects are most often used:

  • House - this design is traditionally warmer and stronger than a birdhouse. To create such a project for a country toilet, a minimum of materials is required. The unique shape allows you to make an artistic finish.

  • The hut is the most difficult project of a country toilet. It requires a lot of materials and labor, but at the same time it has incredible strength and can withstand any climatic hardships. Separately, it should be noted ease of use.

  • As you can see, there are many different projects for country toilets. During construction, you yourself choose the material, type of construction and internal arrangement. Any of the above options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each project and make a choice in favor of the optimal one.

    Country toilet: projects, schemes, photo drawings

    Projects, drawings and schemes of a country toilet Do not deny yourself comfort even in the country. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that everyone can bring to life.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - drawings and dimensions

    For those who decide to build a toilet in the country with their own hands - drawings, dimensions, sketches are the necessary help, which does not allow them to deviate from the chosen technology or build a structure that is not suitable for operation. Before embarking on more precise developments, it is important to choose the type of construction of the country toilet, its location and other parameters. These, in turn, depend on the operating conditions, which indicates the need for a detailed analysis from a perspective. For example, if there is a possibility that after some time the number of people visiting the dacha will increase, or you plan to equip the house in such a way that you can live in it longer, create a toilet in advance with the expectation of increasing the load so that you do not have to redo it later .

    Types of toilets

    The easiest way to build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands is wooden - drawings of such structures are not difficult to find, and in some cases it is enough step by step instructions without illustrations. However, a beautiful and reliable house is not enough to provide comfort. It is important to take care of waste disposal. From this point of view, there are several options for a country toilet.

    play closet

    The play closet is designed in such a way that the waste from the toilet moves by gravity, collecting in the receiver, which is cleaned as it is filled. Usually, the movement of waste is facilitated by the sloping floor of the tank, which has a shape expanding in the direction from the toilet. The advantage of this design is the possibility without the construction of a full-fledged sewer system install the toilet in a warm room in the house, and take the tank out of it to avoid odor. The part of the backlash closet, located outside, is equipped with a lid through which cleaning is carried out by a cesspool machine. To ensure thermal insulation, it is made hermetic and multi-layered (for example, from metal and wood with a “layer” of heat-insulating material). The disadvantage of the backlash closet is that it is built into bearing wall, which means that its arrangement is best done at the stage of building a house.

    In the photo, the scheme of the play-toilet

    Powder closet

    The powder-closet has an accumulator in which the waste alternates with layers of backfill (“powdered”). As such backfill, sawdust, peat, ash, or a mixture of these components are used. Backfilling is done after each visit to the toilet. For purchased models, a special distributor is responsible for the distribution of the bulk mixture. In homemade ones, they use an ordinary bucket or other container with a scoop, which is installed in the toilet.

    The advantage of powder-closet are:

    • the ability to use the contents of the drive of the country toilet to obtain organic safe fertilizer (for this, when filling the tank, it is unloaded into compost pit for ripening)
    • resolving the issue of disposal (there is no need to call a sewage truck),
    • a minimum of earthworks (they will be required only for the construction of the foundation of the building, the tank is placed on the surface),
    • the possibility of arranging compact portable models of toilets that can be brought into the house (for example, based on a conventional bucket).

    Drawing of a wooden powder closet with dimensions of the "hut" type
    Drawing of a country toilet of the type of powder closet made of corrugated board of the "birdhouse" type

    Dry closets are buildings in which waste is recycled. In the process of decomposition, the contents of the tanks turn into a uniform sludge, which is safe, takes up less space (and therefore requires less emptying of the tank) and is convenient for pumping. In order to ensure the decomposition reaction, fillers are used in factory dry closets, which can be:

    • peat mix,
    • chemically active reagents,
    • biological products (dry or in the form of liquids), which are colonies of bacteria of a certain type.

    The dry closet can be used both in a separate outdoor house and in the house

    Pit latrines

    A country toilet with a cesspool is a kind of classic. Not the most convenient, but the easiest and cheapest option. All waste is collected in a storage tank, which is periodically cleaned using vacuum trucks. In some cases, the filled cesspool is covered with earth, transferring the house to another place. In such a filled hole, compost is formed after a while, which can be used to fertilize the soil. The most common (although the least environmentally friendly) is the toilet option, in which the cesspool has no bottom. It is only sometimes covered with crushed stone, gravel or other material through which filtration is carried out with partial drainage of the contents into the soil.

    Important: At a high level of groundwater, it is advisable to replace such models of pits with sealed storage tanks.

    The drawing shows the dimensions of a country toilet with a cesspool

    Cesspool options

    Regardless of the presence of a sealed bottom, the cesspool of the toilet needs to build walls. Firstly, they prevent the collapse of the earth in a dug pit. Secondly, the walls prevent waste from seeping into the upper layers of the soil. For the construction of cesspools, a variety of specially purchased materials are used, left over from the construction of other structures, or simply available materials. Consider the most common options.

    concrete rings

    Concrete rings combine the strength, reliability and durability of the best building materials with the speed with which they can build a reservoir of the required volume. The rings are fixed on top of each other in a "column" with mortar, sealing the seams and performing waterproofing. All work can be completed in one day. The disadvantage of this option is the large weight of the finished concrete products. It is impossible to bring them to the site, unload and properly install them without the use of special lifting equipment, which means that additional costs will be required for the construction of the toilet.

    Monolithic concrete

    For the construction of a cesspool from monolithic concrete, the material can be easily delivered to the site. The solution is prepared in a household concrete mixer or in any container using a mixer drill. Before proceeding with the preparation of the solution, formwork is installed in the pit. It can be made from any available materials (boards, plywood, metal sheets, etc.). To give the structure greater strength, a reinforcing frame is installed in the formwork before pouring the mortar. With a high wall height, experts recommend filling in stages - no more than 50-70 cm at a time. This method requires more time, since each new level is performed only after the lower one has hardened, but it is more practical and allows you to get by with less material for formwork.

    plastic containers

    The undoubted advantages of plastic containers are their tightness and resistance to moisture. Thanks to these features, the cesspools of the country toilet, built of plastic, are durable and reliable. The disadvantage of the material is its flexibility. The plasticity and ductility of plastic do not allow it to withstand the pressure of the soil, therefore, in order to avoid deformation, the walls are reinforced with reinforcement and cement mortar. In this regard, Eurocubes are most convenient, which are initially equipped with an outer frame made of durable wire. To strengthen such structures, it remains to fill the gap between the walls of the pit and the plastic container with mortar. In addition to eurocubes, other containers made of this material, for example, barrels, can also be used for cesspools.

    The use of plastic eurocubes - inexpensive option sealed pit toilets

    Brickwork takes time, but such a construction of a cesspool allows you to give it any shape and meet the required dimensions. From a brick, you can lay out a tank of a round, rectangular or square shape. Such construction material it is advisable to choose when there are leftover bricks after the construction of other objects. To ensure the strength of the walls, it is enough to lay the floor in a half-brick. In order for the toilet pit to have the required tightness, it is important not to allow gaps during the masonry stage and to plaster or waterproof the walls after construction is completed.

    More information about the factory peat toilet for a summer residence and its choice can be found in a separate article on the site. There is also an overview of popular models and reviews.

    If you are wondering how you can make a shower for a polycarbonate cottage with or without a dressing room, then we also have an article on this topic.

    And about the construction outdoor washbasin can be read here.

    Choosing a place for construction

    It is difficult to formulate uniform requirements for choosing a site for building a toilet - a lot depends on the type of construction and the tightness of the storage tank (the likelihood of waste getting into the soil). When designing a toilet in the country with your own hands, drawings and dimensions are chosen taking into account a number of factors. When choosing the installation site, it is important to take into account the wind rose so that the toilet does not become a source of discomfort for the inhabitants of the cottage and their neighbors. If the design of the toilet involves the periodic pumping of the contents using a sewage machine, it is necessary to provide convenient accessibility special equipment to the object.

    The most stringent requirements apply to leaky models (first of all, to cesspools without a bottom). They must be installed at approximately medium height if the site is different complex relief(in the lowlands there is a high risk of groundwater pollution, and at a height - the destruction of the structure due to erosion of the soil). It is also important observe the required distance of the toilet from the main facilities(at least 12 meters from the house, 25 meters from the water source, 4 meters from the landings and no closer than 1 meter from the fence).

    Materials and tools

    The choice of materials for the construction of a toilet in a summer cottage is largely determined by the choice of the type of utilizer. For example, when installing a cesspool, you will need bricks, cement, concrete rings, or plastic tanks, depending on what you choose. For the construction of the frame of the house you will need:

    • timber with a section of 100x100 or 100x50 mm, 3 m long for the frame and vertical posts of the house,
    • timber 50x50 mm for the "podium" or the step on which the seat will be installed inside,
    • Chipboard, boards, lining or other material for interior and exterior cladding,
    • Ruberoid and slate or corrugated roofing.

    In the photo, a finished wooden toilet on the site

    We should also not forget that for a stationary structure it is necessary foundation- tape (requires cement for mortar) or columnar (cement or brick), as well as waterproofing (roofing material or other similar material), preventing contact between the structure and the frame in order to minimize the occurrence of decay.

    For ventilation a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is required.

    For ease of use, it is also good to install in a country toilet lighting– connect electrical wiring and mount a luminaire or, at a minimum, equip the structure with a rechargeable torch.

    Scheme and dimensions of country toilets

    The scheme for building a country toilet is the same, in contrast to the parameters of the tanks, which are calculated in accordance with the intensity of use of the device, the number of people visiting the country house, the seasonality and duration of such visits.

    A classic option is a rectangular-shaped "birdhouse" house. It is lightweight and easy to use. For comfort, it is enough to perform following sizes do-it-yourself toilet in the country:

    If such dimensions seem insufficient to the owner, you can build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the dimensions of which will be larger.

    Supporters of aesthetics may prefer to build a country toilet with their own hands, using drawings of a more complex design - a "hut" house, which has a small base and practically consists of two inclined planes.

    Types of houses for country toilets - "hut" and "birdhouse"

    Building step by step

    For an example of the phased implementation of construction work, we chose a "birdhouse". Such a toilet scheme for giving is the simplest to implement.

    Before starting work, the position of the future structure on the ground is marked.

    1. The foundation is being carried out. Often, tape structures are recommended for installing a house, but many experts for light buildings call a column foundation more practical. The easiest way to arrange it is to install asbestos pipes into the ground, into which the solution is poured and vertical wooden supports are installed before it hardens. It is important to control the position of the latter in terms of level, to ensure that no displacement occurs during the curing of concrete.

    The foundation device according to this scheme has its own nuances:

    • Asbestos pipes are covered with a waterproofing layer before installation.
    • The installation of vertical supports is carried out after the pipes are poured with concrete to a third of the height and strength is gained by this portion of the mortar.
    • The immersion depth of the support pipes depends on the type of soil and averages 0.5-0.7 m, but for unstable sandy soil depth should be increased.

    2. A frame for the future design of the toilet is being built. The easiest way for this purpose is to use a bar 100x100 (50) mm and hardware for wood. To protect against moisture and decay, the timber can be impregnated or primed and painted. The solidity of the structure will be provided by a metal frame, however, special equipment (welding machine) will be required for its construction.

    The main elements of a reliable frame:

    • load-bearing vertical supports (the front pair is longer than the rear pair to ensure the slope of the roof),
    • two horizontal strapping frames - for installing the roof and at the level of the toilet seat,
    • diagonal bars on the sides of the structure to stiffen the structure,
    • supports and the horizontal part of the doorway.

    3. The toilet frame is sheathed from the outside and inside. As a material, you can choose:

    4. The waterproofing layer and the main roof material are installed.

    5. A door is hung, which is pre-equipped with a latch and a small window for light to enter the room (or a window can be made in the space above the door).

    6. Lighting is mounted.

    7. The equipment of the toilet includes the installation of a seat and cover, shelves for accessories, a washbasin, etc.


    The scheme for building a toilet in the country with your own hands will be incomplete without ventilation. Ventilation of toilets for summer cottages is easily performed from plastic pipe 100 mm in diameter. It is removed from the drive (it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints) and fastened from the outside of the structure (use metal clamps). The upper part of the pipe, equipped with a deflector to improve exhaust and protect against precipitation, rises 20-50 cm above the roof.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: drawings, dimensions, how to build a wooden one, diagram, photo

    Drawings and dimensions for the construction of a toilet in the country with their own hands. The choice of the design of the utilizer. Required materials. Required Tools. Sequence of work.
