New passports in Russia

Let's just say that the new document is not so new. As already mentioned, it has been issued since 2011. The Russian passport of the new sample 2019 does not have any special differences from its predecessor.

Its only difference is the presence of a machine-readable entry on the third page of the document. As the developers explained, a machine-readable record allows reducing the time for processing passport data when issuing travel and customs documents, processing legally significant actions, as well as when receiving state and municipal services. The machine-readable record contains information about the country of issue of the passport, the name of the holder, the series and number of the document, the gender of the citizen, the expiration date of the document, and the check digit assigned by the issuing authority.

The form of the Russian passport itself remained the same, the number and name of its pages, as well as general information and the color scheme of the main document, were preserved.

Should I change the old document for a new passport of the Russian Federation 2019?

Regulations on the citizen's passport Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/08/1997 No. 828 contains a complete list of grounds when a citizen needs to change his passport:

  1. If it has expired (upon reaching the age of 20 or 45).
  2. In the event of a change in the personal data of a citizen (change of last name, first name or patronymic, amendments to the date of birth, change of gender).
  3. In cases where the passport for some reason has become unusable or has been lost by a citizen.
  4. When inaccuracies are found in the entries made in the document.

In accordance with the current legislation, the changes made to the new passport of the Russian Federation 2019 do not require mandatory replacement of the document and continue to be valid until they expire or other circumstances arise that entail the replacement of the document.

Don't know your rights?

It is also important to note that in connection with the consideration of a new bill on the transition of our country to passport-cards, it may be necessary to replace the document with a card. The bill provides for the implementation of the transition to new passports in 2025, regardless of whether your passport is valid. But it is too early to talk about this, since today it is only a proposal to improve existing documents.

Submission of documents for obtaining a passport of a new sample

The list of documents for obtaining an updated passport remains the same. To obtain it, you will need the following documents:

  • application for the issuance or replacement of a passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee (it is 300 or 1500 rubles, depending on the reason for replacing the passport);
  • birth certificate (in case of obtaining a passport for the first time) or a previously issued passport;
  • documents confirming the changes that have occurred: certificate of marriage or name change (etc.);
  • as well as documents, the details of which must be entered in the passport (for example, birth certificates for children under 14 years old).
  • in addition, 2 photographs are required.

Today, it is also possible to apply for a new Russian passport via the Internet on the Unified Portal for the Provision of State and Municipal Services. The capabilities of the portal allow you to reduce the time spent on paperwork, as well as avoid repeated visits to the migration point of the police or the MFC and long queues, since after considering the online application, you will be scheduled a meeting at a certain time and all that is required of you is at the appointed time. day to bring the originals of the above documents.

Attention! To submit an application through the Single Portal, you must register on it and verify your account (verify your identity using one of the methods offered by the portal).

In the near future, it will actively begin to take root in our lives. new form official document - an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Where to get it? What documents will need to be provided? How often will you need to change? These, and not only, questions are now worrying our compatriots. The adoption of the bill excited the entire public. Someone thinks that you need to move forward, someone wants to live the old fashioned way. Let's try to figure out what a new generation passport is, and how much it differs from the current document we are used to.

What is an e-passport?

The main document that can be used to verify the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a passport. Its main function is to confirm the citizenship and identity of the owner of the document. In addition, the passport contains information about the place of registration, the presence of a registered marriage, military duty, etc. All information is presented in a visual form, and this limits its functionality.

Therefore, it was proposed to introduce an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. 2015 will be the first on the way innovative technologies. This is a new form of official document, which is an electronic card containing complete information about its owner.

Benefits and convenience

The passport of the new sample promises to become multifunctional. It can be used as bank card to pay for goods and services, transport - to pay for travel in public transport, as a carrier of information about medical policies, SNILS, driver's license and other documents.

An electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will make it possible to identify its holder both in real life as well as in the electronic environment. With its help, it will be possible to obtain a full list of public services: issuing a passport, paying taxes and fines, crediting pensions and salaries. In addition, it will allow all citizens to use services requiring an electronic signature via the Internet.

What does an e-passport look like?

As mentioned earlier, the new identity card will be plastic card, containing all personal information, including biometric. This data will be stored on a chip embedded in the document. The front side of the passport will contain a photograph of a person, his name, surname, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, number and series of the document, date of issue and its validity.

On the reverse side will be indicated the code of the department of the body in which the passport was issued, SNILS, electronic signature, as well as information about the legal representatives of a child under 14 years of age. TIN will be entered only with the consent of the passport holder.

It is planned to store fingerprints in the memory of the microchip. Whether the place of registration will be indicated on the card remains to be seen, as this information is constantly changing. The issue of linking a passport and a driver's license also remains unresolved.

If you want to increase the amount personal information a person will need to write a corresponding application to the FMS.

To protect the electronic passport from fraudulent activities, laser engraving and digital printing methods will be used.

Switching to a new document

When will they start issuing an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? How to get a? From January 1, 2015, residents of four regions of our country will be able to change a paper passport for a new type document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation: Rostov Region, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. In all other subjects, the transition will begin in January 2016.

Electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: how to get?

You can fill out an application for a new generation passport by contacting the Federal Migration Service in person, or on the website of public services in the section "Authorities" by clicking on the link "Federal Migration Service" through your personal account.

To fill out an application via the Internet, you will need data from a valid passport (birth certificate), marriage or divorce certificate and other information about yourself, spouse, parents, as well as a file with a photo.

After entering all the information, the system processes the information and sends a request to government agencies. After registering the application, verifying the data, a final decision is made, about which you will be informed and informed about the need to come to the territorial office of the department to confirm the information provided.

When applying personally to the FMS, you also need to write an application for a passport and provide the necessary documents for this.

In any case, an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued at the place of application to the FMS, unless there are circumstances under which the issuance of a document is impossible.

At what age will new generation passports be issued?

All citizens over the age of 14 are required to obtain an identity document. In addition, electronic passports in Russia will be issued even to newborns. In the case of children under the age of 14, the obligation to provide an application, photographs and other documents required to obtain an identity card falls on the shoulders of parents, guardians and adoptive parents.

Children's passports will be issued together with a birth certificate. They may also be issued without a photograph. Color photographs will only be posted with permission. legal representatives. For citizens under the age of 14, the obligation to obtain an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will not apply until 2019. Until that time, the issuance of an identity card to them will be carried out only at the request of their legal representatives.

How often will you need to change your e-passport?

New generation passports will be issued for ten years. The adopted bill provided for an exception for children. Until they reach the age of 14, they will not have to change the electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

You will have to visit the FMS office in case of damage, theft, loss or irrelevance of the document (with erroneous or outdated data). Also, a change of passport is necessary when changing the surname, gender, and for a number of other reasons that are prescribed by law.

How long will current passports be valid?

Paper carriers will remain only with those who, upon reaching the age of 45 in 2015, will have time to receive them. Since identity cards obtained before this age have a certain period of validity, sooner or later they will have to be exchanged for an electronic passport.

The introduction of electronic passports in Russia is hampered by the lack of access to the Internet resources of half of the country's inhabitants, as well as the poor equipment of organizations and institutions with devices for reading data from an electronic identity card.

That is why the current passports will be valid until 2030, but it will be prohibited to have paper and plastic at the same time. In 2025, the issuance of current passports will cease.

Electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: pros and cons

According to the interviewed citizens, the introduction of electronic passports in Russia is a promising idea, interesting and useful in its own way, but a little premature. She fears that everything will go according to the Russian proverb: "We wanted the best - it turned out as always." So far, residents of our country do not need an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

A photograph is an essential component of the Russian Federation passport, which certifies the identity of a citizen. It must meet accepted standards. The Federal Migration Service of Russia, in the Administrative Regulations governing the issuance of passports, approved the main parameters for photography at 20 and 45 years old.

When submitting a package of documents for obtaining a Russian passport, a citizen provides a certain number of photographs that are completely identical to each other. How many photos do you need? For a new document - 2 pieces, for replacement and restoration - 4.

Paragraph 25 of the Administrative Regulations of the FMS, number 391, gives specific instructions regarding the size of the photographs provided. Their size must meet generally established standards:

  • height - 45 millimeters;
  • width - 35 millimeters.

The legislation provides for an electronic method of transferring a picture and a printed version made on photographic paper.

The electronic version can be transferred to the body registering the accepted documents on a digital medium or via the Internet. For the electronic version, special parameters are defined:

  • Width and height correspond to the paper version.
  • The minimum resolution is 600 dpi.
  • The file size is 300 kilobytes. It cannot be exceeded.
  • Format - JPG.

Russian passport photo requirements

The requirements for a photo for a Russian passport in 2019 are as specific as possible. Their implementation is mandatory.

Color spectrum

The picture can be color or black and white. This option is at the discretion of the applicant. Preferably the color version.

Color depth:

  • 8 bits - for black and white photographs;
  • 24 bits - for color.

Photo background

The image of a person for an official picture is made exclusively on a uniform white background. This is the new requirement. Previously, a light, plain background was allowed. Patterns, shadows and foreign objects should be absent.

Photo paper: glossy or matte

The regulation does not impose restrictions on the choice of photo paper for printing. You can choose between matte and glossy passport photo paper. The latter is resistant to fading, makes it possible to achieve a bright, contrasting image.

For a Russian passport, the corners in the pictures are not made.

Image Requirements

The photograph must match the age of the applicant (20 or 45) applying for a new passport. The law does not impose restrictions on the time of shooting. But he stipulates that there should not be significant and cardinal changes in appearance in comparison with the photograph.

  • A full-face shot is a categorical requirement.
  • Tilts and turns of the head are prohibited.
  • Facial expression is calm, relaxed, facial expressions are natural.
  • Look directly into the camera.
  • Lips are not compressed, there is no smile.
  • Most of the photo is taken by the face - 80 percent.
  • Head height - 32 - 36 millimeters.
  • Head width - 18 - 25 millimeters.

  • The face is completely captured.
  • Between the top edge of the picture and the top of the head - 5 millimeters free space.
  • Interpupillary distance - no more than 7 millimeters.
  • The distance from the chin to the horizontal axis of the eyes is 12 millimeters.

The photograph must be of high quality, made in focus, with optimal settings for sharpness, contrast, color brightness, without deep shadows, taken in a well-lit room.

Appearance: glasses, beard, hair

The photograph on the passport of the Russian Federation must convey the corresponding reality and absolutely complete information about the appearance of a citizen.

  • Photographing with loose hair is allowed as long as it does not cover the face.
  • For those who wear a beard, there is an opportunity to take a photo with it. It should be borne in mind that wearing a beard is permanent.
  • Corrective glasses, if required, must be included in the photo. Shooting with glasses is necessary for those who wear them. In this case, the following conditions must be met:
    1. The glasses are not tinted.
    2. The eyes are clearly visible.
    3. No glare from glasses.

Contact lenses are allowed. Corrective vision, transparent, but not colored.


The regulation prohibits the use of any headgear when filming.

An exception has been made for citizens who, due to their religion, cannot fulfill this requirement. This is the only option when a headdress can be used and present in the photo. However, it should not cover part of the face.

Clothes for passport photo

Clothing for a photo on the passport of the Russian Federation must comply with a number of rules established by law.

Pictures where citizens are in uniform are prohibited. Plain, civilian clothes - the best choice. Preference should be given to plain clothes.

For pictures taken in black and white, dark shades are more suitable, for a color version, bright ones. Light colors of clothes will be lost on a white background. Do not wear checkered or patterned clothing.

Women should avoid low-cut dresses. For men, light-colored shirts and dark jackets are recommended.

There are no restrictions on the presence of jewelry. However, you should refrain from using decorating products, reduce their number, and exclude shiny objects. They will cause glare in the image.

When making photographs for a civil passport, all norms are important. Each of their components must be strictly observed. The acceptance of documents for a passport, if the photographs are taken outside the standards, will be refused on the basis of the relevant paragraph of the Administrative Regulations.

The introduction of new technologies in all spheres of our life has not ignored such an important part of it as identity documents. And the paper passports we are accustomed to will soon become part of history. On the territory of the Federation, since 2015, they began to issue a new sample of the Russian Federation passport, which meets all the latest modern requirements technological progress.

Replacement terms

The program for the exchange of paper documents for electronic documents began on January 1, 2015. Within 12 months, four Russian regions took part in it - the Rostov region, Crimea and Sevastopol, the Krasnodar Territory.

Starting from January 1, 2016, the introduction of the passport program begins everywhere. This, however, does not mean that you need to immediately collect documents and go to the migration service. The internal identity card exchange process is designed for 10 years. This means that all residents of the Russian Federation will have to receive new documents by 2025, since the old ones with this date will be considered invalid.

Who is being issued

First of all, all those who receive a passport for the first time, that is, upon reaching the age of 14, will be able to acquire a new document. Together with them, persons who apply for a replacement passport for one of the following reasons will be able to exchange a certificate:

  • reaching the age of 20 and 45 years;
  • loss of a document;
  • detecting an error in it;
  • change of personal information;
  • change of appearance as a result of plastic surgery;
  • sex change.

This means that when submitting documents for the issuance of a new form, citizens will by default receive a passport-electronic card.

Basic information

First you need to indicate how the passport of the new sample differs from the old one. Except external signs, which we will discuss below, the main difference lies in the way information is stored in an electronic document.

The new generation of identity cards can be used to carry out such tasks online:

  • open bank accounts;
  • vote in elections;
  • apply to the court;
  • make electronic payments;
  • notarize documents;
  • register an enterprise;
  • make electronic transactions.

What does it look like

Appearance the document will resemble an ordinary bank card, which is covered with lamination and contains an electronic chip; on it, in addition to personal information, information about all other documents of the owner will be posted - TIN, driver's license, SNILS, marriage certificate and birth certificate, medical insurance.

Fingerprints will also be required, which will also be entered on the card. In general, we can say that the electronic passport will replace all other documents.

The following information will be entered on the front of the card:

  • photo;
  • place, date of birth;
  • date of issue and expiration;
  • serial number of the document.

On the reverse side of the electronic media, the authority that issued it will be indicated, the signature of the owner and information about other documents will be applied.

How to get

An important question remains how to get a new passport. The agency that will be authorized to provide all Russian citizens with a new type of document is the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS). For registration, you must write an application in person at the department at the place of your registration, temporary registration or stay, or submit an electronic application on the website.

Please note that a new certificate is issued for a period of 10 years, after which it will have to be changed again. At the same time, those cards will also be subject to exchange, the owners of which have changed personal data or appearance, or simply lost them.

The term for obtaining a new document will, as before, depend on the place of application - if at the place of registration - then 10 days, if in another region - then 2 months.

It is still possible to talk about the state duty in the same amount - 300 rubles. But, most likely, it will change in the near future, since the procedure for making a card is more costly and complicated than that of a conventional paper ID.

Documents for a Russian passport of a new sample were approved as follows:

  1. Statement.
  2. Documents, information about which is recorded on an electronic chip.
  3. Internal Russian passport.
  4. Receipt for payment of duty.

It is important to note that it is no longer necessary to include a photo in the package of documents, since the photo will be taken directly by the migration service officer at the moment when you apply.

According to experts, the new generation of personal IDs will help to avoid counterfeiting and will greatly facilitate the passage of many procedures that are now fully computerized.

Plastic passport of the Russian Federation: pros and cons: video
