For popular actors, the ability to age with dignity sometimes turns into a difficult task. But this certainly does not apply to Arnold Schwarzenegger. The new film that he brought to Moscow to present is called The Last Stand, which Russian distributors have translated as "Return of the Hero", adding to this the slogan "A calm life is not for him" - a very worthy work.

The picture contains all the best that Schwarzenegger is famous for, while the actor does not constantly annoy his eyes in the frame, allowing the rest of the performers to work. He plays the hero of his age - the sheriff of the small town of Somerton Ray Owens is about 65 years old, as, in fact, Schwarzenegger is now. The dialogues in the film quite delicately allude to the well-known film merits of "Iron Arnie", for example, the question addressed to him: "Have you been rocking for a long time?", Or his phrase: "Do not idealize Los Angeles" ... Or the dialogue in the decisive battle with the main villain: "Who you are so?" "I am the law!" She may well remain in the memory of moviegoers, like the famous phrase from the "Terminator" "I'll be back" ("I'll be back!"). Well, he returned after all, he did not deceive.

The film "Return of the Hero" was directed by Korean director Kim Ji Un, who has already established himself as a great specialist in blockbusters. According to Schwarzenegger, the director still does not know English very well, and on the set he had to resort to the services of an interpreter, but this did not interfere with the workflow. Like the sheriff - the hero of Schwarzenegger - did not interfere with the fact that he could appear before the townspeople and employees in home clothes, slippers, moccasins on bare feet and ... even put on glasses.

We have a saying in Russia: "An old horse will not spoil the furrow." Was it difficult for you to play an age role? - the columnist for "RG" asked Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Age roles are hard for me to play, because I feel young, he replied. - My hero is about to retire. At the same time, he is very vulnerable, and appreciates his past merits, when he was able to distinguish himself while working in the Los Angeles Police Department in the drug enforcement department. And now one of the most dangerous drug dealers, a criminal who escaped from prison, is approaching his town, where 4,000 people live. My character is a sheriff, and he doesn't have enough people in his team…. The film is the story of an outcast who no longer expects to win. But he has to win to protect his city.

Yes, Arnold plays an elderly hero, but he works like two young ones, - Schwarzenegger's partner in the picture immediately reacted. The fact is that Schwarzenegger came to Moscow to present the film not alone, but with the popular American comedian Johnny Knoxville, who plays in the film a simpleton-inventor dreaming of a sheriff's assistant star. And although Knoxville dressed in all red - a sweater and sneakers, and also flaunted his knowledge of such Russian words as "beauty" and "thank you", the main attention was still paid to the ex-governor of California. In particular, it was hard to resist asking him how political career to film jobs, which at least four journalists have done. But Schwarzenegger, with innate or acquired diplomacy, pretended not to hear this question, although he behaved at a press conference more like a politician than an actor. But then he answered with particular insistence:

I'm not here to talk about politics, but to present a film, and a career in politics is in the past for me. Before her, the last time I acted in a movie was in 2003 - it was Terminator 3. Since then, I have become wiser, and my experience in politics and my tenure as governor of California have added to my improvement as an artist. There is no doubt that my acting work helped me in politics and vice versa. And of the world problems that concern me, it is, first of all, that people all over the world want to find a job. It is necessary to return the economy of many countries to the right track so that there is an opportunity to create jobs for people. In addition, we should switch to alternative energy sources. Look for technologies that would help not litter the world. It is necessary to use the energy of wind, water, sun ... And solve the problems of environmental protection.

Didn't the Russian president promise you citizenship, like Gerard Depardieu, or the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: I haven't discussed this with your president, but it's worth bearing in mind that our tax system in the US is set up differently than in France. I always enjoy coming to Russia and your President knows this. By the way, this is my first time coming to Russia to present a film. I used to come here for other reasons. I was a fan of Russian bodybuilders when this movement was just becoming popular. I used to come here in the 80s when we were filming Red Heat. I visited your country on an official visit when I was Governor of California and it was an interesting experience. I will come to you at the Winter Olympics to talk about sports. I assume that Russia is preparing something incredible. Everything that happens in Sochi is already very unusual. So it doesn't matter why I come here, I just like doing it. I appreciate your culture and love your history, and I also value the fact that people in Russia and America think differently.

Was it difficult to return to the cinema after a long break?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: This film was the second after my return to the cinema. I had a small role in Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables. After that, we went to Mexico and filmed the film "Return of the Hero". When working on a picture, you always worry about whether fans and critics will accept you. My role in the Stallone film allowed me to know that the reaction will be positive and you can return. And I am glad that I chose the role of this hardened sheriff, and I hope that in the future I will play the same interesting characters. It was a little strange to go back. It's like riding a bike after a long break. But I seemed to have returned home, where they were waiting for me.

Which of your characters is closest to your heart?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Kindergarten policeman - he is very close to me, almost my character. The second character is in "Predator". He goes into the jungle to find the monster and reacts the way I would. Sometimes I think that I would like to be a terminator. But I won't be. Just in human life sleep takes so long. Being a robot, I wouldn't sleep so much. Many useful things could be done during this time.

Danny DeVito, while in Russia, mentioned the sequel to the film "Gemini", where you both will be filming.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: This is true. The script for the sequel is being written at Universal Studios. But it will be called "Triplets". Eddie Murphy will be another character, so you can imagine what happens. The script is very funny and the story is very good. I hope that by the end of the year we will shoot this film. By the way, another script is being written at the same studio - for the continuation of the film "Conan the Barbarian". The new director believes in sequels to good films.

Are you in real life bought a tank. For what?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Good question. When I was 18 and served in the Austrian army, I drove a tank. Buying this tank was my big dream. And it came true - for a year now, as it is - a reality. I felt affection for this tank. And when I came to the USA, became an actor, a restaurant owner, I thought it would be great to bring my tank so that it would always be with me. It was necessary to find it, it was already old ... But the Austrian army contacted the US army, and they found this particular N47 tank of 1955 under the number 331. I paid for the delivery to America. We installed a new engine, tracks, repainted this tank. And we use it in films and as an exhibit. I ride kids on it and I had a press conference in this tank. It has nothing to do with weapons. I don't drive around Los Angeles and I don't shoot people.

Photocall of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Johnny Knoxville. Photo report by Sergey Kuksin / RG

The film "Consequences" was released - the American version of the real tragedy that occurred in 2002 over Lake Constance, where, due to an error by an air traffic controller, a Tu-154 passenger airliner and a cargo Boeing 757 collided. Everyone on board both airliners, including his wife, died in the crash and two children of Russian Vitaly Kaloev, who killed air traffic controller Peter Nielsen 478 days later. In 2005, Vitaly was sentenced to eight years in prison in Switzerland, but two years later he was released early for good behavior.

In the film, the main role - Vitaly Kaloev (in the tape the hero's name is Roman) - was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who shared his impressions of the filming with Kino Mail.Ru.

- How did you agree to such an ambiguous role? Was it not scary to star in a film that touches on such a painful topic for all participants in real events?

I like to play a hero, but not a perfect hero. In this case, this is the character. No one wants to experience the depth of his situation. But I think I managed to understand him, his pain, his tragedy.

Did you know the story of Vitaly Kaloev before you read the script?

The media wrote a lot about this story, especially in 2002. Our country was very worried about the people who died on the plane, for their relatives.

The main thing is to understand one thing. Take care of your loved ones, constantly tell them that you love them, do not hold grudges on them. After all, it may happen that you just can not have time to do it. After reading the script, the first thing I did was call my loved ones and tell them how much I love them.

How did you prepare for the role? Have you met with Kaloev?

- Unfortunately, I didn’t have such an opportunity, but I would love to meet Vitaly. I would also like to show the film to Vitaly before the premiere. I understand how difficult it will be for him to watch this film in the cinema, and I think that he will want to be left alone with his emotions.

How close is the movie to the real story? And how much art is in it?

- We tried to make the film as close to the real story as possible, although there are some discrepancies in the film due to the genre.

Are you afraid of public criticism? Condemnation or even just this noise that already surrounds the film in the media? Thus, the Deputy Minister of Culture of North Ossetia has already called the picture "speculation on the tragedy."

- This film is primarily created so that people do not forget to tell their loved ones how dear they are to them. The picture raises a difficult question: how can a person left alone with his misfortune forgive and survive on his own? And what is a person ready for, from whom everything was taken away overnight? I do not think that such questions will lead to condemnation.

The position of revenge is not close to me, but with all my heart I sympathize with all the relatives who lost their loved ones in that terrible tragedy.


How did the great and terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger train? Probably, every jock asked this question at least once, hoping to learn something useful for himself from Schwarzenegger's training.
And if we talk about ordinary people, I think most of them, without even asking this question, are simply convinced that from the very first training sessions and until the end of his phenomenal career, Schwarzenegger trained 6 days a week, or even twice a day, in in general, for several hours every day - how else can you become such a great athlete.

At the same time, I suspect that before forming an opinion on this issue, few people bothered to divide the training of the great Schwarzenegger into at least two periods (although in fact, it is still more difficult):
how he trained for the first few years - while he was only gaining his phenomenal mass and power (and yes, of course, using steroids - in those days, AS were already widespread in bodybuilding, but this article will not be discussed at all);
and how he trained after he had gained everything he could gain in terms of strength and mass, and was only engaged in “decorating” it all, to win the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions.

As for the myths that gaining weight, he allegedly trained daily for several hours, this, I think, is a direct consequence of the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not only an outstanding athlete, but also an actor, politician, and in general a public figure - his "success story" wrote not only sports journalists, but in general all and sundry. And in particular, people who have nothing to do with sports and have no idea about sports physiology, who, looking at the achievements of Schwarzenegger the bodybuilder, were guided in their writing by simple generally accepted guidelines - the more you work, the better the result. Not realizing that what is applicable to business, studies, and many other areas of activity is completely not applicable to bodybuilding (at least in the muscle building phase) for physiological reasons, the laws of nature for biological organisms.
And although I have not seen Schwarzenegger himself say or write this (about his mass-gathering period), I suspect that he himself was not very opposed to the spread of such myths about himself, for the sake of popularity precisely among the townsfolk, for whom the setting “work more - more get” is understandable and undeniable, but the physiology of muscle growth is something completely incomprehensible. And trying to explain that it is impossible to gain weight by exercising daily for 2-4 hours will only harm your popularity.

For example, these are his words (“The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding”):

“In my early years, I made the most progress when I served in the Austrian army and had many duties that took up almost all my free time. For six weeks, on maneuvers near the border with Czechoslovakia, I pumped gasoline with a hand pump, wrestled with huge fuel tanks, changed tires and did maintenance. We slept in the trenches under the tanks, and the wake-up call sounded at six in the morning. But a friend and I had an idea: we would get up at five in the morning, open the toolbox where the dumbbells were kept, and exercise for an hour while everyone else was still sleeping. After the end of the maneuvers, we trained for another hour before going to bed. I do not recall more difficult conditions for training, and therefore I believe that the time and energy required for exercise depends only on your desire and ingenuity. Every bodybuilder must find the time for training that is most suitable for the conditions of his life and work.
I do not allow the slightest doubt about the veracity of the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but Arnold does not find it necessary to explain what “greatest progress” is in question. As a result, for sure, most of the inhabitants think that we are talking about building muscle. In fact, he served in the army at 18, and began training at 14-15, and by the age of 18 his main period of mass recruitment - which lasts the first few years of training, was over, and the progress that Schwarzenegger talks about is nothing more than "drying" in modern fitness slang. It is quite natural that, having found himself in harsh conditions of existence, in addition to training mainly “for relief”, he lost a lot of weight, thereby entering a competitive form (which allowed him to win one of the serious tournaments while serving in the army) . Those. progress in muscle relief and reduction subcutaneous fat, for him was the largest at that time, since before that Arnold had only a few years of mass recruitment behind him.
Of course, an ordinary person under the conditions that Schwarzenegger speaks of would not only “dry out”, but also lose most of the previously acquired muscles, and what was Arnold’s “secret” - in successful genetics (according to body type, he considers himself to be an ecto-mesomorph, closer to a mesomorph), or in more in “vitamins” (“methane” was then at the peak of its popularity), not the point - the article is not about that at all.
All this is obvious to any more or less experienced pitching, but mostly beginners read Schwarzenegger's biography, who still do not understand anything about the physiology of training, and trying to imitate Arnold, they do a lot of stupid things because they simply misunderstood everything (these Olympic gods , to which Arnold Schwarzenegger belongs, giving fire to people, they don’t really care if they know how to use it - they don’t care if a person warms up and cooks his own food, or burns down his house and himself in it :)).

Those. in the article, I am going not so much to convict Schwarzenegger of lies, but to give the correct interpretation of his own words, since he often does not bother to “chew” everything so that it is clear to everyone, and not just experienced jocks. And also, in cases where Arnold contradicts himself, I will point out what is more appropriate - I have enough experience and knowledge to do this. There will be no baseless conjectures and fantasies here - I will cite all the sources about which one can say: “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax”, and based on them, I will draw some conclusions. With regards to the conclusions, I will immediately announce that I conditionally differentiated Arnold's training into three periods: (1) his “mass” training for the first year or two - without steroids; (2) his mass training for the next 2-3 years is on steroids; (3) his training for the rest of his career (on steroids, of course).

Sources, programs, comparative analysis

Over the years of training experience, I have accumulated a lot of literature on bodybuilding and powerlifting, including conflicting information on Schwarzenegger's training, or rather about the training that he himself recommends for gaining muscle mass.

So the story begins 20 years ago, when I was young, very skinny, and had a huge store of enthusiasm and fanaticism in the field of weight training. Then, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger was my idol (and now he remains an immensely respected person - in my opinion, one of the greatest athletes on the planet in history, regardless of sports, a good actor, and ... what a politician he was, I have no idea I have - only the inhabitants of California can judge this). I admired the degree of development of his muscles, and was ready to train, eat, and follow the regime, but then I had a lack of information on training methods, a lack of knowledge in physiology and anatomy, and simply elementary knowledge of exercises, and, accordingly, some confusion and misunderstanding, what to do and how to do it.

There was no Internet for me then, and the only available source of information were books. Among my first assistants in weight training was a modest brochure (author - Ivanyuk Alexander Petrovich) released in the early 90s, and providing a minimum of information on exercises, training principles and nutrition. Here it is (it looks shabby, because the paper on which it is printed, and the printing itself, is of very low quality - one might say, miraculously preserved):

And my first serious set of exercises, which I followed scrupulously for several months, was Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Big Weight Program" provided in this brochure. Here she is:

Oppa…. That's the turn. Now, probably, if among the readers of my article there are dedicated, experienced pitching, many are “hung” - did Arnold Schwarzenegger write this? Not Dr. Luber?... He specially brought the program in the form of a photo of the pages of a brochure, and did not rewrite it - so as not to be suspected of forgery.
But since it can be hard to see in the photo, for better perception, I will also rewrite it briefly, with a decoding of the essence.

A set of exercises:
1. Barbell Squats
2. Bench press
3. Incline bench press
4. Wide grip pull-ups
5. Bent over barbell row
6. Press from behind the head
7. Bend with a barbell (lifting the barbell for biceps)
8. Bench press for triceps ("French" bench press)
9. Deadlift (deadlift)
10. Machine for calves (lifting on socks in the simulator)

Key points:
Training 3 times a week;
No "split" - the whole body in every workout;
No more than 2 exercises per muscle group per workout;
From 4 to 8 working sets per muscle group in training.

Load mode in exercises:
Here is what Arnold suggests using the example of lifting for biceps (I will approximately translate from pounds to kilograms, for better clarity to those who are used to “pancakes” marked in kg, not lb):

“If you can do 6 reps with a 70 kg barbell, then do the series as follows: 50 kg - 8 reps; 55 kg - 8 repetitions; 60 kg - 3 series of 6 repetitions. We perform the first series as a warm-up for the next four.
That is, Arnold suggests reaching muscle failure in working approaches not in a direct, but in a cumulative way. Of course, you can also use a direct way to achieve muscle failure - just do 3-4 working sets to failure (after a couple warm-up), with a failure working weight in each approach. Those. in the above example of the best result in the exercise 70 kg / 6 reps, this would be three sets with a weight of 70 kg: 6 reps to failure on the first set, most likely 5-6 on the second, and 4-5 on the third (or on the second and third approaches, you can finish off with “cheating” up to 6). The direct or cumulative way to achieve muscle failure in working sets is a matter of taste, fitness level, and recovery ability.

The only "cant" in this program that I see is the deadlift in every workout. In my opinion, doing this is the most powerful exercise in existence in every workout is an absolute evil, and can only lead to overtraining in the short term, and in the long term to serious problems with the spine. Therefore, I consider it advisable to leave the deadlift only at the last workout of the week (i.e. do it once a week).

And here, for comparison, the program for gaining maximum mass on steroids, from the book of Dr. Luber:

I will rewrite again, just in case, and for better perception (two complexes alternate during execution, from training to training):

Complex A
1. Bench press
2. Wiring
3. Pull-ups for the head with extra. burdening
4. Bent over row
5. Standing Chest Press
6. Biceps with dumbbells sitting
7. French bench press
8. Leg Press
9. Deadlift on straight legs
10. "Donkey" for calves

Complex B
1. Squats
2. Bench Press
3. Push-ups on uneven bars with extra. burdening
4. Pull-ups to the chest with extra. burdening
5. Bent Over Dumbbell Row
6. Press from behind the head while sitting
7. Standing Barbell Biceps
8. Close Grip Triceps Press
9. Caviar in the machine standing
10. Forward bends with a barbell or hyperextensions
11. Tray of straight legs to the horizontal bar

All the same key points as in Schwarzenegger's "to the mass" program, and the only difference is that Dr. Luber has alternating different exercises for one muscle group from workout to workout - for better recovery (which, in fact, hardly helps recovery much). But Schwarzenegger, in fact, is supposed to work in exercises, in working approaches, with non-failing working weights (achieving muscle failure in a cumulative way, see above) - which insures against overtraining even better. Those. These are all details, but the essence is the same:

  • Training 3 times a week;
  • No "split" - the whole body in every workout;
  • No more than 2 exercises per muscle group per workout;
  • From 4 to 8 working sets per muscle group in training.

Conclusion: So, as I understand it, this is exactly how Schwarzenegger trained, gaining his phenomenal mass and power. The fact that the beginning of his training almost coincided with the start of taking steroids is not even discussed (an article for those who understand that Schwarzenegger's muscle volume and shape are unattainable without AS).
And there is no difference in the rational set of maximum mass on steroids, either in Lyubertsy near Moscow, or in Graz, Austria, or anywhere else in California: (1) on steroids, training a muscle group less than twice a week is at least irrational, (2) exercising more than every other day while gaining mass, even on steroids, is counterproductive.

That the program of Schwarzenegger, that of Luber, will give the same result under the condition of a serious farm. support, but I personally would prefer the Schwarzenegger program, simply because I do not like to do too many different exercises. This prevents me from focusing on the main thing - increasing working weights, and in the Luber program, in the sum of two complexes alternating from training to training, such a “compote” of exercises turns out that I will drown in it. But the essence of the programs is the same, so it's a matter of taste.
I just “would prefer”, i.e. not yet reached a sufficient level of farm. support (I think this, for example, is about 30-40 mg of "methane" per day, and 200-400 mg of "deca" per week), so that it provides me with recovery when training in such high-volume "general" complexes - from 10 exercises, and, accordingly, I did not seriously try to train according to these programs (in the sense, already at a serious level of working weights, but in general, I began to seriously train just with the Schwarzenegger program, which I will talk about below).
When I experimented with steroids, then at minimal dosages, I trained on the usual low-volume "general" steroid-free complexes (I'll talk about them later), simply increasing the frequency of training up to 3 times a week, while without steroids, I could withstand a maximum of two "general" workouts in week (already advanced fitness level).

So, I continue. What do we see now - a general, unsubstantiated in amateur training, passion for "splits", and what we see in Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding:

There was a glossy paper overlay, as in the picture on the left, but it has not been preserved - I don’t know where I put it, and under it is a hard black cover of the book itself, which I photographed.

The main program of the second level - training on a 2-day split 6 days a week, with working out the whole body 3 times a week, I will not give - there is just the third workout of a 3-day split of the first level, distributed between the first and second workouts, respectively, the amount of load on these workouts. And this is just horror - I'm really scared, because trying to train like this for an amateur, 6 days a week, can lead to a serious undermining of health - this is no longer a joke, and it's not funny.

Again, it can be seen in the photo even worse, so for a better perception, I will rewrite this whole nightmare, and summarize the essence:

Complexes of exercises:

Monday and Thursday
1. Barbell bench press
2. Bench presses on an incline bench
3. Barbell pullovers
4. Pull-ups
5. Bent-over barbell row
6. Barbell deadlift

Tuesday and Friday
1. Bench press with two hands in a standing position
2. Breeding arms with dumbbells up and to the sides
3. High barbell pull with a wide grip
4. Bench press with push legs (schwungs)
5. Bending the arms with a barbell in a standing position
6. Bending the arms with dumbbells in a sitting position
7. Close Grip Bench Press
8. Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head up (for triceps)
9. Barbell Wrist Curl
10. Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

Wednesday and Saturday
1. Barbell Squats
2. Barbell lunges
3. Bending the legs at the knees on the simulator
4. Raises on the simulator for the calf muscles
5. Barbell row with straight legs
6. " Good morning» - slopes with a barbell on the shoulders

Key points:
Training 6 days a week;
Three-day split - i.e. the whole body is worked out in three workouts, twice a week;
2 to 4 exercises per muscle group per workout;
From 8 to 14 sets per muscle group per workout.

Conclusion: So, what happened - Arnold forgot how he trained to gain strength and mass? There is no doubt that having created his phenomenal mass and power over several years of reasonable training and steroids, Arnold Schwarzenegger further trained closer to what is written in his encyclopedia - "splits" with training 6 days a week. At the same time, his load was mainly “pampa”, using from time to time, “pyramids” in basic exercises - to maintain strength and power. He himself wrote about this in the encyclopedia:

Of course, steroids did not disappear from his diet anywhere. Those. the program for beginners outlined in his encyclopedia is immediately a 3-day split with training 6 days a week, this is already from his late training period, after several years of training, and not a program for gaining mass for beginners.
And beginners should pay attention to the following point:

"... the main massiveness, density and hardness of the muscles, which I acquired during strength athletics"
Apparently, under “strength athletics,” Arnold was referring to his initial period of training – when he was just gaining mass and strength, and this is done the same way in powerlifting and bodybuilding – low-volume, high-intensity “general” workouts three times a week (examples of which, I'll give more below).

The Schwarzenegger “heavy weight pumping program” outlined at the beginning of the article, with training three times a week, 10 exercises in each workout to work out the whole body, is quite reasonable and adequate for gaining maximum strength and mass on the AC course. And as I believe, written by him somewhere in the 70s or earlier - when he was still an active athlete, and not later - when he was a writer, actor, etc.. Ie. this, obviously, is precisely the program for gaining maximum weight, in order to then “shape” the gained mass and “dry out” before the competition, already, perhaps, training on a split 6 days a week.
In general, the logic of his training becomes obvious from the very beginning, to the very heights of his career, globally, as well as in terms of weight gain in the off-season, followed by preparation for the competition. Those. it can be assumed that there was a classic set of maximum weight, with enhanced nutrition and training three times a week according to the "general" complex, at moderate dosages of steroids. And then “fucking” in the pump mode 6 times a week according to split programs, on even higher dosages of steroids - so that the previously typed one does not “fall down” muscle mass, and moreover, to further increase the volume of muscles (due to the steroid pump), while improving the relief in parallel.
At the same time, I fully admit that in the later stages of his career, Arnold was already training 6 days a week, even during the off-season, since he liked it so much, for example, according to the above 3-day split, and the rest was done by his genetics, muscle memory and steroids - after grueling competition preparations (and the intensive training split programs, and to prepare for competitions from his encyclopedia, leave no doubt that he really worked like hell, and that he is a bodybuilder from God, since he recovered and progressed with such training - even on equine doses of steroids, not everyone can handle it), his first-level split program of the main training, quite possibly already perceived by his body as rest, recovery and mass gain.

Be that as it may, what Arnold's Encyclopedia lists as a "Basic Level 1 Workout Program" for beginners to gain mass - a 3-day "split" with training 6 days a week, is a cruel "divorce" of unfortunate beginners, for which, by an unfortunate chance, the encyclopedia of A.Sh. became the first book on bodybuilding that fell into the hands. Even on steroids, which are generally stupid to take from the very beginning of training, this program will not work as well as the usual general complex three times a week. And without steroids, for a beginner, this is generally nonsense and the killing of their own muscles (and at the same time the immune, nervous and other body systems - I would call it a kamikaze program).

How to train without steroids and get results, and how Schwarzenegger trained, the first year or two of his training

The above two real programs for gaining mass and strength on steroids - from Arnold Schwarzenegger, and from Dr. Luber, as I said, are essentially the same, but this essence, in any case, is steroid (Dr. Luber, this is directly stated in his book).
Out of ignorance, at the beginning, I trained according to Arnold Schwarzenegger's "heavy weight pumping program" for about six months, and I had some progress in strength and mass, despite the amount of load that was excessive for a skinny. The fact that I didn’t overtrain then is the merit of small working weights (like all beginners), my fanaticism (no one canceled the psychological attitude), and nutrition “as if not in myself”.
And if, unfortunately, I had Schwarzenegger's encyclopedia from the very beginning, and I tried to train according to the split set out in it 6 days a week, most likely I would not only have not progressed even by initial stage with small working weights, but in general I would quit training due to excessive overwork and general weakening of the body (and if I persisted, then, perhaps, I would “throw back my hooves” altogether, since I am not only a pronounced ectomorph according to the constitution of the body, but generally half dead asthenic from birth - with weak muscles, nervous system, and health in general).

Rational steroid-free programs for strength and mass for amateurs differ from the above steroid programs, only with a smaller amount of load in training. For example, my favorite program from Dr. Luber's book:

Here, under the “program” A and B, we mean sets of exercises A and B, and the actual training program is that these two sets alternate from workout to workout, with classes 2-3 times a week, with the main load regimen of 4 sets 6 reps per exercise. “Breathing” squats (in high reps and pullover supersets) can be replaced with regular ones, and doing them at the beginning of a workout is optional (in my youth I did as it is written - to expand the volume of the chest, but now I don’t need it - do the usual). The same applies to pull-ups with the widest possible grip - if the task of expanding the backbone of the shoulders is no longer worth it, you can generally exclude them from the complexes.
This is how these complexes would look in the classic version (without problems with the expansion of the skeleton of the chest and shoulders):

Complex A:
1. Squats
2. Bench press
3. T-bar row
4. Standing Chest Press
5. Biceps with dumbbells sitting

Complex B:
1. Squats
2. Bench press on an inclined (45 *) bench
3. Bent over row
4. Press from behind the head while sitting
5. Standing barbell biceps

Other things to change:
1) Squats in one of the complexes can be replaced with a leg press in the simulator, or deadlift (depending on the desired priority: if you need to emphasize the load on the quadriceps - leg press; if you need to emphasize the load on the gluteal and lower back strength - deadlift).
2) Squats / deadlift / leg press, you can do not the first, but the last exercise of the complex (for example, for me, the muscles of the lower body are muscles of advanced development, and I have not been doing exercises on them for a long time, at the beginning of training).
3) You can alternate complexes A and B not from workout to workout, but in the long term - do one of the complexes at each workout for several months, then also the other.
4) Depending on individual recovery abilities, you can train using these complexes not 3 times a week, but less often: from 2 times a week, up to 3 times in 2 weeks (and also, It also depends on the level of training.).
5) Again, depending on recovery abilities, external circumstances, fitness level, even a low-volume "general" complex may be an excessive load for one workout, and it may be necessary to split it into two sessions (examples of this, as well as basic principles for self-building low-volume "general" complexes, in a note "low volume high intensity core training").

This is how Schwarzenegger himself began to gain weight, and, curiously, what allowed him to gain the necessary primary material for bodybuilding, over time, began to be perceived by him as erroneous actions that he committed at the beginning of training, out of ignorance - here is a quote from his own encyclopedia:

“Besides, we didn’t have many machines, especially in the early years of my bodybuilding career. But most of all I was hindered by a lack of knowledge: my list of exercises for developing the body consisted of only a few basic movements.
So here it is - let it slip ... And one more thing:
"IN former years Back when champions like John Grimek and Clancy Ross ruled, bodybuilders typically tried to work all major muscles three times a week. They could develop all the muscles in one session, since they usually performed only three or four series per body part.

Conclusion: Those. this is what I have outlined above as rational steroid-free programs for gaining mass and strength, and what Schwarzenegger himself did from the very beginning of his training, and what he now considers a mistake. I don't know, I don't know... These dudes - Grimek (left) and Ross (right), obviously did everything wrong, training like this, since without steroids and sports nutrition, managed to look so shitty (this is irony, if anything ...)

And although this article is a study, and not practical guide, like my other articles and notes, for those who are looking for the maximum practical benefit from reading, I will also say that the above steroid-free low-volume "general" training programs are undoubtedly effective in achieving at least average fitness level, and further, there are completely opposite tendencies in the adjustments of these programs, in accordance with the chosen pumping path.
If you decide to go to the end (advanced level of fitness) in “nature”, then as the working weights become heavier, it makes sense to reduce the frequency and / or volume of training ( train less frequently and/or switch to split workouts).
If it is decided to start “chemizing”, then it makes sense at least to continue training according to the same programs without changes, or, with sufficient farm. support, you can even increase the volume of training to the maximum - the above "Program for pumping a lot of weight" from Arnold Schwarzenegger (naturally, only "on the course", and between AC courses, reducing the frequency and / or volume of training to the level of natural).

Conclusion, and my opinion on three-day splits in general

As for why Schwarzenegger in his encyclopedia, from the very beginning, suggests that everyone train 6 times a week, for a 3-day split, I have a guess. It seems to me that he just, in some incomprehensible way, managed to miss the very beginning in his story - the primary set of mass and strength, which is the basis of bodybuilding. Perhaps this was influenced by trends in the American fitness environment, such as the general fight against obesity and physical inactivity. Under these conditions, the need to gain weight was somehow “forgotten” (this is discrimination against thins on the basis of fat! I protest! :)), as a result of which a “monster” was born - training with weights 6 days a week, for beginners. It's like some kind of aerobics. I hope that my article will open the eyes of many to the real state of affairs in amateur strength training even before it is harmed by weight training, on a split program 6 days a week.

I do not deny in principle, even in amateur training without steroids, such a way of training as a "split" - but definitely not 6 days in a row. I must say that it is now fashionable to train on such 3-day splits, but not 6 days in a row, but three times a week. Which, unlike training every day, may not bring harm to health, but the effectiveness is doubtful: training will be three times a week - the maximum number for an amateur without steroids, and working out the muscle group only 1 time per week - the minimum frequency of working out the muscle group necessary for the growth of its strength and mass. An obvious imbalance in the effort expended (training as many as three times a week), and the frequency of impact on the muscle group (only 1 time per week). Maybe some minimal effect from such training can be obtained, but this is definitely not a rational way of training.
At the same time, I do not at all deny the possibility of training a muscle group only once a week - this may make sense for a finished asthenic with a dog life (where there is no way to follow a diet, sleep and rest, and sheer stress and / or excessive physical activity outside the gym) , or regardless of the constitution of the body and the regime of the day, already at an advanced level of fitness without steroids (when the working weights are significant, and the body needs a long time to recover after each workout).
But I deny the expediency of a split, with the division of the whole body into three parts. I'll justify why. If we proceed from the fact that it takes a week for a muscle group to recover, then using a three-day split is at least illogical and irrational. After all, if a muscle group that has worked out needs a week to recover, then it must be taken into account that this recovery is provided by the general resources of the body, within the framework of its life activity, and not somewhere in isolation from it. And if during this week, necessary to restore the muscles that worked during the training, other muscle groups are trained, then these body resources will be wasted on training, instead of being used to restore previously worked muscles. And the stress hormones released during training of other muscles (which is natural and inevitable in strength training, regardless of which muscle groups are trained) will act throughout the body, including destructively affecting muscles that are not currently being trained, and must be in the recovery phase. Not to mention nervous system, which is stressed in training with weights, regardless of which muscle groups are loaded in training. As a result, all post-load adaptive reactions in a muscle trained only once a week turn out to be crumpled, interrupted by training other muscles, and complete recovery does not occur. As a result, the costs of such training are maximum - training as many as three times a week, and the return in terms of growth in strength and mass is minimal, plus the risk of general overtraining (which would seem to be nonsense when training a muscle group once a week, however, against the background of such ill-conceived training, it becomes real). And also, in addition to the possible general overtraining, a no less absurd local situation is also possible, when small muscles will be in a state of overtraining, and large muscles will be undertrained: for example, if you spread the chest, deltas, and triceps in different workouts within a 3-day split ( the basis of chest training is a bench press, deltas are a standing / sitting press, well, something isolating for the triceps, such as French presses), then a small triceps will work to its fullest in every workout, while a large chest will receive a load only 1 time per week - pure absurdity, as a result of which the triceps will be overtrained, the chest will be undertrained, but it will not matter, since overtrained, tortured triceps will not allow progress in any bench press exercise, whether it be on the chest, or deltas, or isolating exercises on the triceps itself, and there will be nothing growth.

Those. if you train a muscle group only once a week, then there should be no more than two workouts per week, and the remaining days should be provided for recovery - otherwise, the very meaning and expediency of working out a muscle group just once a week suffer greatly. Those. if in principle I allow splits in amateur training, then only with the division of the whole body into two parts, and no more. At the same time, the amount of load in training should not be prohibitive - 1-2 exercises for large muscle groups, and no more than 1 exercise for small ones, this is the absolute maximum limit in training without steroids. “Killing” muscles in training with a large amount of load once a week, while also training on a three-day split, is absolutely futile for an asthenic who does not take hormonal stimulants, and is simply ineffective for a hypersthenic.
Yes, some professionals train a muscle group once a week, with a large amount of load, according to a three-day split: for example, a working press under 200 kg, then a few more chest exercises - in the amount of 12 to 20 sets. They really can be like that, just right - with their mass, working weights, farm. support (which ensures normal recovery, due to a constant, artificial anabolic background) and nutrition. But what do simple lovers have to do with porridge and protein powder? Their training of a muscle group once a week, in a high-volume mode, and even on a three-day split, is at least an irrational way to build strength and mass, and at the most simply ineffective. The amateur needs not to "kill" the muscles, but to stimulate their growth with a progression of strength, and this is in principle incompatible with a high volume of load. And if the amount of load is small, then it often makes little sense and expediency to rest for a week for a muscle group - as you know, an increase in strength and mass occurs at the peak of supercompensation (I already wrote about how this happens, in the article about load cycling), and it is logically more profitable to “catch” this supercompensation twice a week, stimulating a muscle group with short intense loads, than to “kill” it once with a high volume load (and especially, a high-volume load with ridiculous beginner weights may not give a training effect at all in terms of strength and mass gains).
This is my opinion, based on logic and personal experience- I do not impose it on anyone, but I am not going to change it either, because I consider it completely justified, from the point of view of logic, theory and practice.

As a review of Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, I can say that it is better to read this book already having some practical experience in training, and understanding your real physical capabilities, because some of the practical points and recommendations set forth in it, frankly, are debatable - if unconditionally take them on faith and try to translate into reality, it can even be dangerous to health. And also, you need to have an understanding that in his encyclopedia, Schwarzenegger pretends that steroids do not exist in the world, and this is normal - you just need to always keep in mind that a powerful farm is a priori attached to any training program from a great champion. support, even if not a word is said about it.
At the same time, if you approach the reading of Schwarzenegger's encyclopedia with your head - be able to filter information, then there will be a sea useful information on training principles, nutrition, exercise technique, motivation, etc.
To all beginners who begin training for weight gain and strength, I would recommend starting your acquaintance with the BB literature, with the book “Think. Part 2" by Stuart McRobert, or "Bodybuilding in our way or the secrets of the gym" by Dr. Luber (or better, read both of these books - by the way, I have review-review on them, in the second blog, if anyone is interested).

Arnold Schwarzenegger reached the top in three areas: bodybuilding, cinema and politics. His work as a governor and film career are more or less known. Much less known is his sports career in the 60s and 70s. Bodybuilding instilled discipline in him and shaped his character, this period of life is the most informative. How did Schwarzenegger become who he became?

1) Parents. Arnold was born into a Catholic family and went to church regularly with his parents until his teenage years. They instilled discipline in him: “Discipline was not something new for me, because without discipline it is impossible to engage in bodybuilding. On the other hand, I grew up in an atmosphere of discipline. My father always acted like a house general, making sure I ate right as I did my homework.”

2) Paranoid psychotype. Schwarzenegger - classic example paranoid psychotype. Such people strive for dominance at all costs. These are leaders, prophets, revolutionaries. Hometown and all of Austria are already in adolescence seemed unbearably boring and cramped to Schwarzenegger. Parents for a long time did not approve of his bodybuilding hobbies. They wanted him to go to college, get a "normal profession" and live a "normal life". But Schwartz was unbearable the very idea of ​​a "normal life."

3) Reinforced concrete faith in yourself. Schwarzenegger is convinced that this is his most important advantage. From the very beginning, he believed that he would become a world champion among bodybuilders. Winning competitions made him so self-confident that he simply forgot there was such a thing as modesty. In his youth, Arnold fought almost every day, and when he moved to America and, barely speaking English, he could easily approach a girl and bluntly offer to have sex.

4) Good genetics. From his parents, Schwarzenegger inherited the correct metabolism and good bone structure: tall, proportional body.

5) Big fish in a small pond. Schwarzenegger started training in the early 60s. At that time, bodybuilding was still in its infancy. There were 20-30 bodybuilders in all of Austria. At the very first competition among juniors, Arnold received first place and the title of "Mr. Europe". In his entire career, he lost only three times and in all these cases he took second place.

6) Fantastic sense of purpose. For the sake of participating in the competition of junior bodybuilders, Schwarzenegger fled the army into AWOL. The authorities first put him in a punishment cell for a week, and then equipped the hall and demanded to train every day. The army considered it prestigious to have a European champion in bodybuilding in its ranks.

7) Full concentration. Schwarzenegger ruthlessly cut off any distractions. “Everything that could interfere with the movement forward, I discarded. I crossed the girls off the list, leaving them only as a tool for my sexual needs. I also excluded my parents. It would seem that they always wanted to see me, but when we were together, they had nothing to say. I'm used to hearing a certain type of question: “What's wrong with you, Arnold? Don't you feel anything? Don't you have any emotions?

At the initial stage, Schwarzenegger was helped by the fact that he lived in a small, quiet city, where there was almost no entertainment. And during training, he deliberately did not allow any unnecessary thoughts - everything was just about business.

From the point of view of an ordinary person, his obsession sometimes went too far: Schwarzenegger did not even come to the funeral of his own father, although he was on normal terms with him.

8) Wear and tear. “Never there was a desire to interrupt and stop training. I trained 12 months a year, trained really hard without any breaks. Most bodybuilders train differently. I've sacrificed a lot of things they can't do without. I didn't care about all that. I just wanted to win more than anything else. No matter what it cost me, I continued to act in my own way.

9) 10,000 hour rule. Schwarzenegger not only trained a lot and constantly, but also deeply studied his business. He invented the method of split training (classes twice a day - in the morning from 9 to 12 and in the evening from 7 to 9), the method of moving through the pain barrier and shocking the muscles (training a specific muscle group until there is no strength at all).

10) Stay hungry (figuratively). “For me, living means being constantly hungry. The meaning of life is not in simple existence, not in surviving, but in moving forward, upward, in achievements and conquests.

How much does The Terminator mean to you?

All! I owe my entire career to him, there can be no doubt about it. The Terminator made me successful and famous. People usually think that I got famous earlier playing Conan. But at that time, people doubted me: they say, the main thing in Conan is my body, and not acting talent. In The Terminator, of course, there is a moment where I am shown naked in all its glory, but I spent most of the film in clothes. And I honestly played my part, which gave me the opportunity to be in the films "Commando", "Predator", "True Lies" and "Total Recall". And I love the Terminator, I like to portray the car.

But you are not a machine. Do you have injuries on the court?

Yes, something happened to me on the set of every film, but usually all sorts of minor injuries. If I hit my head on the camera, they put a band-aid on me in the medical room, after which I am back on the site. This is now acceptable, since scratches and bruises can be cleaned up when processing the picture. But a broken leg or a dislocated shoulder is already a reason to stop shooting. In the film industry, you have to be strong. Because my passion for bodybuilding helped to stay in the movie.

How much time do you spend on getting yourself in shape?

It usually takes about three months of training, but variations are possible. It took me a year to complete Conan, as there were sword fights and horseback riding. When you do this all your life, you get so used to it that training does not bother you, you are always ready for any job. But the more you exercise, the stronger it is then noticeable on the screen. My contract doesn't include such requirements, but I train on my own initiative, and so do my co-stars. With age, you gain more weight, but I don’t want to cause laughter in the audience when you appear on the screen. I don't want to disappoint those viewers who grew up on the old Terminators, but your body is changing. And the better your form, the more opportunities the director has to equip and dress your character. You can try on all possible jackets, boots and hairstyles. I spend three or four days on this together with the director and costume designers, although the contract does not require this either.

Hero Hit List

Role model:


"Kindergarten Cop"

The president:

George W. Bush

Did the doctors limit your exercise after heart surgery?

I've been exercising all my life, for me it's like breathing or eating, exercising is a part of me. But I can't exercise with more weight now. I was forbidden to download the press lying down. As a result, I take less weight, but I increase the approaches. Well, I had to change my diet. I do not eat fatty and all that, where there is a lot of cholesterol. Milk, cheese and eggs are gone from my life, and I should not lean on meat. I am now dealing with fish dishes and great salads. Fruits and vegetables of course. I eat like a girl!
