When, how and what sports nutrition is better to take for weight gain? Learn how protein, creatine, BCAAs and other supplements affect recovery and growth.

Even serious level athletes often have times when their progress in gym slows down or stops. Or even worse, regression begins. Then you need an additional impetus to growth. Properly selected sports nutrition can help you get the desired results again.

Whey Protein for Gaining Muscle Mass

Protein is the backbone of any sports nutrition regimen.obvious: it is convenient to take with you, it is easily digestible and effectively covers the body's need for protein. Protein comes to the rescue in those moments when you don’t have time to cook or just don’t feel like eating another meal. chicken breast or steak.

Protein should be used at a certain time in the indicated dosage (the dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing about 90 kg):

20 g immediately after waking up: your body has been hungry for 8 or more hours so it's wise to have a protein shake as soon as you wake up. This will take you out of the catabolic state and start the mechanisms of muscle growth. In the morning, we do not need complex carbohydrates or fats, just fast-digesting protein and some simple carbohydrates. The body will thank you for the influx of amino acids into the blood.

20 g pre-workout: at this time, again you need to raise the level of amino acids in the blood. Taking protein before a workout will provide your muscles with an influx of amino acids throughout your workout, due to which the recovery process will be much more productive.

40 g post-workout: at this time, the body needs fast-digesting protein and about twice as much simple carbohydrates (80 g). Drink this cocktail no later than half an hour after training. This will raise insulin levels, which will stimulate protein synthesis by supplying glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue.

Creatine for Strength

Creatine is an equally common sports supplement. It is converted to creatine phosphate in the muscles, due to which they are supplied with energy during training. Also, creatine promotes a greater flow of water into muscle cells, which leads to the creation of an anabolic environment for increased protein synthesis. This is the best supplement for the set. muscle mass and increase in strength.

3 5 g pre-workout: this amount, taken with a small amount of complex carbohydrates and 20 grams of protein, will replenish the body's stores of creatine.

3 5 g post-workout: within half an hour of finishing your workout, take creatine along with 40 g of whey protein and 80 g of simple carbohydrates. You will receive a cocktail containing everything you need for further growth. After a workout, your muscles need nutrients - why not give them to him? The insulin spike from simple carbs is guaranteed to send creatine straight to your muscles.

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Casein for better sleep recovery

Casein is a slow-digesting protein that will enter the bloodstream for a long time. Whey protein is used when the body urgently needs protein, but casein is needed in other cases: in between meals or when you do not have the opportunity to eat for a long time.

20 g post-workout: take 20 g of casein along with the rest of your sports nutrition. Whey protein will be quickly digested, and casein will nourish the muscles with amino acids for a long time, which will lead to better recovery. It will also help you stay full until the next full meal.

20 g in the middle of the night: Since casein is slowly digested, you will benefit from having a smoothie with it in the middle of your sleep. This will give your body the protein it needs to repair itself. During sleep, the body starves and because of this falls into a state of catabolism. Taking casein about 3-4 hours after you go to bed will help you gain mass. So set your alarm!

Glutamine is an amino acid that promotes recovery

The effect of taking glutamine is not as strong as taking creatine, but glutamine is not without its advantages. As one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, glutamine is actively involved in recovery by helping muscle cells store glycogen after exercise. It also helps to increase the level of growth hormone and supports immunity. In addition, glutamine reduces workout fatigue so you can last longer.. Glutamine is also needed for the functioning of the digestive system: if you do not take it additionally in the form of sports nutrition, the digestive system will take it from your body. muscle tissue.

7-10 g immediately after waking up: should be taken with a small portion of protein, as we wrote above. This is necessary in order to bring the body out of the catabolic state in which it was at night.

7-10 g pre-workout: this will allow you to train longer at high intensity.

7-10 g post-workout: this will help glycogen flow into the muscles, which will put the body into an anabolic state and speed up recovery.

7–10 g 30–60 minutes before bedtime: this will protect your muscles from breaking down while you sleep. Together with a small dose of catabolism, this will prevent catabolism.

BCAAs to restore and reduce catabolism

Leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are part of the BCAAs, are used as fuel during intense workouts. They protect your hard-won muscles from decay. The rest of the time: improve protein synthesis and reduce the level of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

5-10 g immediately after waking up: morning intake of BCAAs helps to get rid of catabolism after an overnight fast. The body will use the BCAAs for energy and the protein and glutamine will fuel the muscle tissue.

5-10 g pre-workout: this will help supply the body with energy and protect muscle tissue from decay. You will start the anabolic processes necessary for growth.

5-10 g post-workout: this will increase protein synthesis and suppress the production of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which causes muscle loss and limits the effect of testosterone on muscle growth.

Arginine to improve muscle blood supply

Arginine is converted in the body to nitric oxide (NO). This is a supplement with many useful properties. Arginine increases blood flow to the muscles, as more nutrients(amino acids and glucose), as well as hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Also, a stronger supply of water to muscle cells increases protein synthesis, which leads to rapid muscle growth.

2-3 g immediately after waking up: at this time, arginine will dilate blood vessels, which will improve the supply of other nutrients to the muscles.

2-3 g pre-workout: this will increase the natural production of growth hormone before training.

2-3 g 30-60 minutes before bedtime: it will also help increase growth hormone levels.

Tribulus to increase testosterone levels

Tribulus increases the level of testosterone produced from cholesterol. It also increases your strength in training, so it's worth using if you need it. additional source energy before strength training.

250-500 mg pre-workout: A jump in testosterone levels before going to the gym will do you good.

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ZMA for Enhanced Hormone Production and Recovery

ZMA (a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B) has been proven to 6 ) leads to an increase in the production of insulin-like growth factor and testosterone. Zinc improves recovery while magnesium calms nervous system so that it is easier for the body to relax. The better you sleep, the more room for your body to grow.

30-60 minutes before bed: 30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium and 11 mg vitamin B 6 .

Vitamins and Antioxidants for Better Health

Antioxidants help the body scavenge free radicals that are produced during times of stress, such as after strength training. Should, to cope with stress and keep the body in a state of anabolism.

500 mg of Vitamin C with a post-workout meal: Vitamin C helps keep joints healthy and supports immune function.

150-300 mg of vitamin E with a post-workout meal: vitamin E reduces damage to muscle cells and improves recovery. This antioxidant is also important for skin, nail and hair health.

Sports nutrition schedule

Times of Day

Sports nutrition products

Right after waking up

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

5-10 g BCAA


Protein shake with 20 g whey protein and 20 g casein

Before workout

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

250–500 mg tribulus

After training

40–80 g simple carbohydrates

20 g whey protein

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

Together with dinner

500 mg vitamin C

150–300 mg vitamin E

30-60 minutes before bed

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

ZMA (30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, 11 mg vitamin B6)

middle of the night

20–30 g casein

Now you know how and when to take sports nutrition. However, if you are still a beginner, start with whey protein and then gradually buy other sports supplements. This way you will know what works best for you. We are all different, and the choice of sports nutrition is a subjective matter. Stick to proper nutrition, because without a competent diet, supplements will not be useful. Get complex carbs from potatoes, durum wheat pasta, rice, and oatmeal, and protein from lean beef, turkey, chicken, eggs, and fish. So you will quickly achieve the desired result.

When buying sports nutrition, many athletes have a question about how to use protein, gainer, creatine or BCAA correctly and at what time in order to get the maximum effect from training in the future. In this article, we will point out the main recommendations that should be considered when using sports nutrition throughout the day.


It is desirable to mix various proteins with milk. If milk is poorly digested, then it should be mixed with ordinary drinking water. You can drink protein in the morning, at night, between meals and after training, depending on the type of protein and your goals.


Also miscible with milk or water. Gainer must be drunk after training, as well as between meals and in the morning. Eating a weight gainer at night can lead to unwanted fat gain. The amount of gainer you need to calculate based on how many calories you need to get per day.


Contrary to the statements of some manufacturers that creatine should be taken with food or protein, creatine is best consumed separately and in a separate form, i. not as part of a protein or gainer, but in a separate form or together with a transport system. or with the transport system it will be learned many times better! Creatine is better to drink separately from everything between meals, stirring it in grape juice, 5 grams of creatine per 1 glass of juice. If creatine comes with a transport system, usually a mixture of carbohydrates, then creatine can be mixed in water, since carbohydrates that come with creatine will replace grape juice. Creatine is drunk separately from everything, so that in the process of digestion it does not collapse and turn into a useless product, the transport system and grape juice are used for the same.

Amino acids

Amino acids can be drunk with water, juice, any liquid, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and between meals, and at night, as well as with food, before eating food and after, i.e. at any time, they will be assimilated always and at any time.


BCAAs or BCAs are best taken before, during and after your workout, this is the ideal time to take them with water, juice or any other liquid. You can drink them with food, protein, and just about anything. In order for the effect of BCAAs to be felt, you need to drink about 5 grams at a time. In general, they are consumed from 5 to 20 grams at a time. Naturally, there will be an effect from 1 gram of BCA, but not what you expect from them.


A very gentle and unstable amino acid, glutamine must be mixed with water and drunk immediately. Glutamine is best taken separately from everything between meals or morning and night, but can also be mixed with protein or a gainer or regular food. The dosage of glutamine should be from 5 to 20 grams, since most of it is destroyed in the stomach without entering the bloodstream.

Vitamins, minerals

Vitamins can be drunk with water at any time of the day, but preferably with food, either immediately before meals or immediately after meals, since they are less irritating to the stomach with food and are better absorbed. Dosages of vitamins should be looked at depending on the manufacturer and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Fat burners

Fat burners should be taken with water, as directed by the manufacturer, or half an hour before training.


As a tonic, you can drink L-carnitine at any time of the day with water or with food. As a fat burner, you need to drink 30 minutes before training, starting with a dosage of 1 gram and, depending on your feelings, gradually increasing it. Usually L-carnitine is already well felt at a dosage of 1-3 grams.

Pre-workout complexes

It is necessary to drink 15-45 minutes before training, stirring in water or juice. Pre-workout complexes must be drunk on an empty stomach, i.e. before using the pre-workout complex, you should not eat for at least 1 hour, but preferably 2, since the ingredients included in the complexes are destroyed in the stomach and the complex no longer works as it should work.

L-arginine or nitric oxide

Drink before training on an empty stomach, as well as a pre-workout complex, or in the morning immediately after sleep, while eating should be started half an hour after taking L-arginine so that it can be absorbed. L-arginine is very gentle and breaks down easily, hence the need to take it on an empty stomach.

Products for joints and ligaments

Every day I am asked “how to take sports nutrition?” How to use protein, gainer, amino acids and more. People do not quite understand that this is an additive to the diet, but not as a replacement for it. Therefore, to tell exactly when to consume something, you need to know your lifestyle, your daily routine, etc. Agree, I cannot know this, therefore there cannot be an exact answer for everyone. But I'm giving you the basics so you can figure out when and what supplement to take.

How to take protein for muscle gain

This is a protein supplement and you should only take it if you are unable to gain required amount protein from regular foods. For example, you are an athlete who weighs 80 kg, you need 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight to gain muscle mass, that is, 160 grams of protein. Let's say you ate 500 grams of meat and didn't eat anything else protein. A pound of meat contains approximately 100 gr. squirrel. And you need 160, therefore, you can take 2 servings of protein, 30 grams each.

It should be taken between meals, or when the meal was only carbohydrate. After training, it does not need to be consumed, since after we need carbohydrates, not protein. Multi-component protein between meals is best for this purpose.

How to take a gainer

This is a high-calorie supplement based on carbohydrates. To understand when and how much to drink a gainer, you need to understand how many carbohydrates you ate per day. Each person has his own needs for carbohydrates, they must be calculated by the method of samples. For example, you have determined that during the period of mass gain you need 300 grams of carbohydrates. And you ate today, for example, only 200 grams of rice, and this is 150 grams. carbohydrates. So from the gainer we need to get the remaining 150 gr. Each supplement has its own composition, so you need to read on the back of the jar how much protein and carbohydrates are contained in a serving, based on this, understand whether you should take 1 or 2 servings. Again, if you have eaten the required amount of macronutrients from ordinary foods, then you do not need supplements.

You need to take a gainer either between meals, or an hour before or 30 minutes after a workout.

How to take amino acids

If you are using protein, then there is no need to take amino acids separately, because. protein contains a complete set of amino acids.

You can take them, for example, if you do not get protein from the diet, and food no longer climbs into you, and the protein is tired, then you can take several tablets after each meal. In principle, I don’t see any point in taking them at all, when the protein is the same only cheaper. Moreover, manufacturers often deceive by compressing regular protein into tablets.

BCAA how to take

When gaining muscle mass, this product is generally useless, as well as complex amino acids. Firstly, these are only 3 essential amino acids, and muscles need all 8. Secondly, these 3 amino acids are contained in protein or any protein of animal origin, even in soy, BCAAs are in large quantities. So during the period of mass recruitment, this will be a transfer of money.

They can only be consumed during cutting, then they will serve as an energy source during training through the process of gluconeogenesis (the conversion of amino acids into glucose). Do not take more than 10 grams at a time, because. won't get used to it. Can be taken before strength training and before cardio.

How to take creatine

As I wrote about it, I believe that this supplement is for beginners. For an experienced athlete, it is unlikely to work, because. their creatine stores are already developed to the limit. Suitable for a beginner.

Since insulin transports creatine to the muscles, and carbohydrates cause a large release of insulin, it means that creatine must be taken with fast carbohydrates. I also think that all these downloads are just a marketing ploy so that you spend this supplement faster and come for a new one sooner.

5 grams of creatine per day is enough, taken with sweets, for example, with juice.

How to take l carnitine

Many consider it a fat burner. This is wrong. By itself, it does not burn fats, it only transports them to the mitochondria, and there they are already burned, and then if there is a calorie deficit. L-carnitine is just an "elevator", you can take the elevator, or you can walk up. The elevator is more convenient, a little faster, but you need to walk to it, wait for it, etc. Also with l-carnitine, he is only an assistant.

3 grams half an hour before a strength or cardio load will be enough.

Friends do not need to listen to sports nutrition sellers, as it is in their interest to sell as many as possible. If you are being given protein and amino acids and bcaa are added to it separately, just give me my reasons, and you will see how the seller hesitates. Remember, this is primarily a business, and each supplement should be chosen only as needed.

Now you know how to properly take sports nutrition!

Sports nutrition, as a rule, refers to various dietary supplements that contain all the useful substances necessary for athletes. There are several types of additives designed for specific purposes. Some are designed to burn excess fat, others to build muscle, others to restore energy, and so on. In addition, there are differences in the use of supplements by gender, age and degree of training. Therefore, the choice of sports nutrition should be taken with all responsibility. Before using any supplement, you should carefully study the question: how to properly take sports nutrition. This is due to the fact that improper intake of supplements will not bring any benefit to the body, but it can cause harm.

Sports nutrition, as a rule, refers to various dietary supplements.

The nuances of choosing sports nutrition

Fitness or sports activities do not always need to be combined with dietary supplements. However, taking the right supplements will help you reach your goal faster than just training. Quite often, beginners, not knowing which sports nutrition to choose from a huge amount, make a mistake. A short review of sports nutrition will help to avoid this. After all, the main thing here is to know what additives are used for what.

Here are some of them:

  • Protein is 95% protein, which is used to build and build muscle mass. It is extracted from several sources, both animal and vegetable. Each of them has its own speed of assimilation.
  • Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture designed for rapid weight gain. This supplement is mainly used by people of a thin physique who cannot gain the necessary weight on their own. For those who are prone to gaining excess weight, taking a gainer is contraindicated, since the fast carbohydrates that make up its composition will turn into body fat.

Gainer SCI-MX Muscle Meal Leancore 2.2 kg

  • Creatine is an acid derived from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. 95% of this acid is found in the muscles. In the process of its decay, energy is generated, muscle endurance increases.
  • BCAAs are a complex of three essential amino acids. With a sufficient amount, the body can independently synthesize all other amino acids from them. BCAA amino acids preserve muscle tissue, increase its endurance.
  • are supplements specifically designed to combat excess body fat. Depending on the composition, they are designed to convert the fat in the body into energy, reduce appetite, stimulate metabolism, remove excess water from the body.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes are especially necessary for athletes, since heavy physical exertion consumes a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In this case, the vitamins supplied with food are not enough, an effect called "training plateau" occurs. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to include a vitamin-mineral complex in your diet.

Fat burners APS NUTRITION (White Lightning)

How to make a choice?

The main types of additives have been studied. Now the question arises: how to choose sports nutrition from such a variety? Everything is simple here. To get started, decide on the purpose for which you started playing sports. It is worth considering that taking some supplements for girls is undesirable. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with experts in this field who will help you choose the most suitable dietary supplements. It can be either your personal trainer or a sports nutritionist. However, when seeking advice, make sure they have the right qualifications. It is best to buy supplements in specialized stores.

What supplements to choose for girls?

First of all, it is worth noting that it is somewhat more difficult for girls to get rid of body fat than for guys. This is due to the fact that in the fair sex, the metabolism is an order of magnitude slower than in men.

Based on this, the choice of sports nutrition for girls falls on:

  • L-carnitine - an amino acid that accelerates the process of burning fat;
  • protein required in case of compliance strict diet or during strenuous exercise;
  • vitamins;
  • collagen, which in no way affects the process of losing weight, it is needed to strengthen joints and restore skin elasticity;
  • fat burners, which contribute not only to the breakdown of fats, but also suppress hunger, increase muscle endurance. Of all the listed supplements, fat burners are the most popular among girls.

Among all types of supplements, there are those that girls do not need at all. This may include:

  • gainer containing fast carbohydrates and promoting weight gain, which girls most often want to get rid of;
  • creatine is used only in strength sports;

Creatine is only used in strength sports

  • anabolic formulas that stimulate the secretion of testosterone.

It is worth considering that the intake of supplements should be combined with proper nutrition and exercise. Without this, they are practically useless.

Where to buy supplements

You can buy supplements on the American site, where promotions are always held, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which supplements are best for you, then they can be found on.

Also, if you liked the supplements that are listed in the article, you can simply click on the desired link and immediately get to iherb.

Reception features

In order to achieve the desired goals in sports, it is important not only correct selection sports nutrition, but also its intake. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to properly take sports nutrition. In this matter, each supplement has its own nuances. Some need to be taken before classes, others after, and so on. Let's consider everything in order.

Protein is better absorbed when mixed with milk. If you are lactose intolerant, you can mix with water. You can drink it throughout the day, both in the morning and before bed. The dosage is calculated based on the individual needs of the person.

Gainer, like protein, is mixed with milk or water. It must be taken in the morning and after training. At night, it is undesirable to use this supplement, as this can lead to the growth of body fat.

Protein is better absorbed when mixed with milk

Creatine is best taken separately from all other supplements and not combined with meals. It is best taken with grape juice at a dosage of 5 grams per 1 glass.

BCAA amino acids are best taken at all stages of training, that is, before, during and after. You can drink any liquid. A single dose of 5 grams will allow you to feel the result, although you can take 20 grams at a time.

Fat burners should be taken according to the manufacturer's instructions or half an hour before the start of classes. It is best to drink them with water.

It is desirable to combine vitamin-mineral complexes with food intake, as they irritate the stomach. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for use.

Many people involved in gyms are faced with a lack of muscle growth. And the workouts are chosen correctly, and the trips to the gym are constant, and the nutrition is normalized, and the absence bad habits on the face. All favorable conditions for the body have been created, but the muscles do not grow. How to be? In such cases, sports supplements can help. No chemicals - only natural product! The purpose of this article is to describe products such as sports nutrition for muscle growth. How to choose the right one, which brand to prefer, how to consume, is it possible to gain muscle mass with a special diet?

Without knowledge of physiology, muscles will not grow.

Ignorance and misunderstanding of the processes occurring in the body make millions of people waste their energy, time and money, as evidenced by thousands of reviews from both beginner athletes and professionals. It is important to know what metabolism is and how to properly manage it, muscle growth will not take long.

Metabolism is the exchange of substances in the body. It includes anabolism (growth) and catabolism (destruction). Anabolism is essential for gaining muscle mass. For weight loss - catabolism. Sports nutrition for muscle growth can only be taken after a full calculation of one's own metabolism, which complex substances and in what volume are absorbed, how much energy is released.

How muscles grow

If you explain in plain language, then all human body consists of complex substances - fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. The food you eat is also made up of these same complex substances. For normal life, the body needs energy, which it can get from any complex substance, except water. Any aerobic exercise forces the body to expend its own complex substances for energy. First of all - carbohydrates, then protein and fat. But physical activity, together with energy consumption, contributes to the rupture of muscle fibers, which the body tries to restore so that they do not tear in the future, increasing their thickness by several percent. A proportional increase in the thickness of the fibers leads to muscle growth, as a person sees them. Protein is needed for growth. And specialized sports nutrition for muscle growth can significantly accelerate the healing of torn fibers, respectively, and quickly gain muscle mass.

Delving into math

Before choosing a sports nutrition for muscle growth, it is recommended for beginners to calculate the required calorie and protein intake of the body. To gain muscle mass, the consumption of protein and carbohydrates should be 3 and 4 grams, respectively, for every kilogram of body weight. For the full functionality of the body during the day, it is necessary to consume 33 kcal per kilogram of the athlete's weight. Calorie content of complex substances is attached to help with calculations:

  • 1 gram of protein = 4 kilocalories;
  • 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 kilocalories;
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 kilocalories.

From theory to practice

Below is an example of a calculation for a person weighing 60 kg. The calorie requirement is 33 x 60 = 1980 kcal. The need for protein is 3 x 60 = 180 grams, and for carbohydrates - 4 x 60 = 240 grams. Converting protein and carbohydrates into calories, we get 720 and 960 kilocalories, respectively. To calculate fat, simple math is enough: 1980 - 720 - 960 \u003d 300 kcal, or 33 grams.

Having compiled your own daily nutrition menu using tables of protein, carbohydrate and fat content in foods, it will not be difficult to calculate how much protein and carbohydrates the body receives less daily. This deficiency will block sports nutrition for muscle growth. For girls, the calculations differ by 20% down. That is, all results must be reduced by 20%.

Protein - the basis of muscle growth

Very often, after mathematical calculations, novice athletes find a huge protein deficiency in the food they consume. Trying to save on sports nutrition, athletes increase their consumption of meat, fish, cottage cheese and other high-protein foods. After a couple of months, having calculated their expenses for such nutrition, they involuntarily come to the conclusion that it is cheaper to buy sports nutrition for muscle growth. Feedback from both novice athletes and professionals confirm this conclusion.

To gain muscle mass, first of all, an athlete should pay attention to protein, essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as creatine. Protein contains a large percentage of protein, which, when it enters the body, is broken down into amino acids, enters the bloodstream and reassembles into protein molecules, and muscle fibers are built from them. Amino acids immediately enter the bloodstream and turn into a building protein. And creatine retains water in muscle cells, thereby increasing in size all the muscles, thanks to which the athlete is able to work with more weight in training.

Types of proteins

By origin, there are several types of proteins - whey, egg, soy, milk and casein. But they share athletes in a slightly different way - according to the degree of digestibility.

  1. If you need to quickly saturate the body with proteins, whey protein concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates are taken. Their consumption is recommended in the morning, after sleep, when the stomach is empty and the body does not have building protein for muscles.
  2. There is no opportunity to have a snack or the diet lacks both proteins and carbohydrates - a complex protein will help. The mixture includes almost all known proteins in different proportions. Often such a composition is also high in calories due to the presence of carbohydrates.
  3. Proteins with slow absorption are used at night, because for their complete processing the body needs up to six hours of time.

When choosing protein as a sports nutrition for muscle growth, it is important to know the body's need for carbohydrates. One miscalculation and muscle gain will turn into fat folds, as many beginners give their choice when buying a cheap complex protein.

Protein manufacturers

At the beginning of their career, many athletes are faced with the problem of how to choose sports nutrition for muscle growth. For beginners, many advise using the cheapest protein. This is the wrong approach. The correct choice is the best product from a famous brand. Such a choice is guaranteed to enable the beginner to see the result when using sports nutrition. Later, you can buy cheap products and draw your own conclusions based on the results.

by the most the best manufacturers proteins are considered to be Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, SAN, ALLMAX and Scitec Nutrition. Market leader proteins are not cheap, but numerous positive reviews from athletes indicate that these products are working and contain a large percentage of protein in one serving.

Which protein do you prefer?

For all beginners, without exception, it is first of all recommended to use a protein with a slow digestibility. Casein protein is the best sports nutrition for muscle growth. The composition of casein always distinguishes it from other proteins by the highest protein content. If finances allow, it is recommended to buy milk or egg isolate, which must be taken in the morning, immediately after sleep. If the mathematical calculations that the novice athlete made without fail show a large lack of carbohydrates and proteins in the body, a complex protein is recommended for purchase. Attention must be paid to the percentage of protein, carbohydrates and the price per package. Each manufacturer has a different ratio. Someone focuses on the protein content, raising the price of their product, while someone lowers the price due to the high calorie content of the product.

The easy way with amino acids

Many manufacturers, trying to please athletes, have independently processed protein proteins into non-essential amino acids, which, when ingested, immediately enter the bloodstream and are used as construction material body during protein synthesis. The beauty of amino acid complexes is that they have instant digestibility. No need to calculate how many minutes a plate of porridge will be processed in the stomach and sports nutrition will be synthesized for muscle growth. How to take amino acids is indicated on the package. Each manufacturer has a different dosage.

But there is a lot of negativity in relation to complex amino acids, judging by the reviews of athletes.

  1. Overcharge. If we compare the yield of the amino acid composition with whey protein, then complex amino acids are at least one and a half times more expensive.
  2. Not all amino acids in the complex are needed by the body. Many non-essential acids are independently synthesized by the body and are found in excess in humans.
  3. When the dosage is exceeded, excess amino acids are excreted in the urine from the body, because they do not have time to participate in the synthesis, unlike any protein.

An expensive option with a quality guarantee - BCAA

The question of whether there is sports nutrition for muscle growth and fat burning at the same time can be answered positively without a doubt. His name is essential branched chain amino acids, and in short - BCAA. The composition includes only three amino acids, which are synthesized by the body only from the external protein obtained during consumption. Synthesis also occurs as a result of eating meat, fish and eggs.

The price of BCAA amino acids is very high, but justified. After all, these amino acids are the guarantor of the success of any athlete. Hundreds conducted in research institutes different countries The world of experiments has repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness of taking BCAA. In addition to improving metabolism and promoting muscle growth, essential acids cause the body to get energy by burning fat, triggering lipolysis.

Which brand to choose when buying BCAA?

Another dilemma for those who are looking for sports nutrition for muscle growth is how to choose the right manufacturer of BCAA amino acids. The market for essential amino acids is quite interesting. Many brands have emerged that claim, along with world leaders, to win the attention of the buyer. The world leaders in the production of BCAAs are considered to be Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, SAN. However, cheaper competitors make offers to buyers that are very difficult to refuse.

Judging by the reviews of professional athletes, the following companies and their products have proven themselves well:

  1. AminoCore by ALLMAX.
  2. Xtend by Scivation.
  3. BCAA Xplode from Olimp.
  4. Modern BCAA by USPlabs.
  5. Amino X by BSN.

Another important component in gaining muscle mass

Creatine is an important sports nutrition for muscle growth. What is the name in biology of the molecule from which the body receives energy? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). So, this molecule is created by the body with the help of creatine, which is produced in small amounts by the liver, kidneys and pancreas. In the case of a high-intensity load on the body, creatine is used to create energy, as a result of which the athlete feels tired and spends more time resting between exercises. Consumption of creatine will allow the body to always be in good shape, reducing the rest between sets can achieve great results in muscle growth.

The negative point in the application is the ability of creatine to retain water in the cells. On the one side, total weight the athlete increases by 5-8%, and, accordingly, the strength indicators also increase. On the other hand, when losing weight and cutting with the combined use of creatine, it will not be possible to observe results.

Good to know for beginners

All novice athletes, without exception, are interested in sports nutrition for muscle growth at home. Recipes for making cocktails and training complexes can be built independently by studying the base of bodybuilding, respectively, and get an answer regarding classes at home.

To build muscle mass, you need to force the body to consume energy to improve metabolism and, through loads, break muscle tissue. The larger the muscle, the more energy is required for its work. The chest, legs and back are the largest muscles. Accordingly, squatting with a barbell or dumbbells, pull-ups, dumbbell rows and deadlifts, push-ups, chest presses and parallel bars are mandatory exercises to perform. The rest of the muscles are pumped proportionally.

In conclusion on the joint application

To gain muscle mass, protein and amino acids are recommended to be used separately, since protein slows down the absorption of amino acids by the body. But creatine can be safely mixed with both protein and BCAA, there is no harm in this. The following recipes are recommended as protein shakes.

In the morning, after sleep. One serving of fast protein is blended with one banana, one boiled egg with yolk and two boiled eggs without yolk. The density of the mixture, at the request of the athlete, is regulated by milk. The more liquid in the mixture, the rarer the cocktail will be.

When gaining muscle mass, you need to make a low-carb shake at night. Dissolve one serving of casein protein in a glass of kefir without the addition of fruits and sugar. As an alternative to casein, soy isolate has proven itself, which is able to provide the body with proteins all night.
