
Andrey Naumov

It is very easy to catch a cold today, but not everyone knows how to treat it. Many run to the pharmacy and buy soluble, effervescent and other expensive drugs, but what if they are useful? There are several rules for choosing and using these tools. And also do not forget about the proven methods of treating the common cold, cough and throat.
Rule one. Only a doctor can prescribe the right antibiotic for you, and only if absolutely necessary. Antibiotics are acceptable in the treatment of influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia and other severe colds. To start the treatment of ordinary acute respiratory infections with them is stupid and extremely harmful.
Rule two. Do not rely on instant medicines, which you often see advertised on TV. These are drugs of emergency and short-term action. They do not cure, but only relieve symptoms for a while, bring a person into shape, so that, having done the right thing - having worked the shift, making a report - he went on to get sick. Taking them for several days in a row, in the hope of curing a cold in this way, is not only pointless, but also dangerous - primarily for the kidneys.
Rule three. Instead of spending money on expensive and not always effective drugs, refer to proven folk remedies.
At the first sign of a cold, put mustard plasters on your chest and back, drink 2 cups of hot tea with raspberries, lime blossoms and lemon, or hot milk with honey and a little soda.
Traditional milk and tea can be replaced with a drink that is not so common, but no less useful - mulled wine.
Pour a few glasses of semi-dry red wine (semi-sweet in a pinch) into a small saucepan. Put on a slow fire. While the wine is heating, add a few pimento flakes, a couple of lemon wedges, some cloves, cinnamon and sugar. It is not forbidden to put tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, apples into mulled wine, as well as add nutmeg, cognac and black pepper (with the latter - very carefully). Never bring mulled wine to a boil. Drink should be hot. Then go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket, put a heating pad in your legs. The next morning, after a sound sleep and heavy sweating, a cold may recede.
If you get your feet wet when you get home, immediately rub them with vodka and put on dry woolen socks.
An alternative to this procedure is the mustard foot bath. For this, in the pelvis with hot water lower your legs and hold them for 15-20 minutes, adding hot water from time to time. The bath will be more effective if you add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to it. After the procedure, put on warm socks and go to bed.
Try not to use different, but the same type of drugs at the same time, otherwise you risk getting an overdose of one active substance. For example, the therapeutic dose of paracetamol is very small. If you take more than 5 grams per day, then you run the risk of very much harming the liver. Paracetamol is sometimes hidden under various names: acitaminophen (in American medicines), calpol, panadol, efferalgan in an amount of at least 1 gram per tablet, it is also part of coldrex, solpadein, saridon and many other complex drugs. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for the drugs that are going to be treated at the same time. Or better yet, stop at one.


Colds are different.
Write in a personal note that you have a cough, a runny nose, and so on besides the temperature.

Sergey Troshin

If you wake up with a stuffy nose and a feeling that your throat is about to ache, take Immunal. It will tone up your immunity. Dissolve 40 drops of the drug in 1 tablespoon of boiled water at room temperature and drink. Then take another 20 drops every 1-2 hours throughout the day.
An alternative to immunal is arbidol. This drug also mobilizes the immune system and prevents the development of cold complications. It should be drunk before meals, 2 tablets every 6 hours.
Homeopathic anti-grippin also helps prevent the development of a cold. In the first two days, every 30 minutes, keep in your mouth until completely dissolved, 5 granules of the drug. During the next week - every 2 hours. Antigrippin can be taken alone or in combination with immunal and arbidol.
No later than half an hour before leaving the house, drink hot tea with lemon and 1 tablespoon of rosehip syrup.
If you are “unstuck” at work, then at the first sign of malaise, starve until the evening. In this case, hunger will act like a medicine.
Acupressure gives a good effect. Sit comfortably, relax. With the tips of your index fingers, make light rotational movements in a clockwise direction. Massage symmetrically located points at the inner edges of the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes, in the upper third of the nasolabial folds. Massage of each pair of points - one minute.
The rest of the recommendations are the same as in the morning: immunal, arbidol or antigrippin.
Don't rely on highly advertised instant cold medicines containing paracetamol. These are drugs of emergency and short-term action. They can be taken only in one case: you feel that your head hurts, you are shivering, and you still have to get to the house.
After a working day, the arsenal of remedies for fighting a cold is replenished with many "grandmother's" recipes.
Here are some drinks that can stop a cold. Choose any to your taste. For the best effect, they should be combined with taking the above medications.
1. The first signs of a runny nose will perfectly help to remove herbal tea from dried plantain leaves, linden flowers and peppermint. This collection will relieve inflammation and reduce swelling. Mix herbs in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with boiling water in a teapot with a volume of 250–300 ml, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Add 1 teaspoon of cognac, 2 teaspoons of honey to a glass of infusion and drink.
2. The following tea has an antiviral effect. Pour a tablespoon of chopped peppermint leaves with a glass of boiling water, heat for 5 minutes in a water bath, strain. Then stir a teaspoon of honey into this infusion. Place a finely chopped garlic clove in a bowl and crush with a spoon. Squeeze about 1/4 of the lemon into it, pour in warm mint infusion with honey and mix everything thoroughly. Drink this remedy while warm.
After drinking the healing drink, take a mustard foot bath. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to a container of hot water. Lower your legs and hold for 15-20 minutes, gently adding hot water from time to time. After the procedure, vigorously rub your feet with a towel, put on dry woolen socks and go to bed.
Cover yourself with a warm blanket and put a heating pad at your feet. In advance, it would be nice to chop a few cloves of garlic, a head of onion in a plate and put it next to the bed.
During the night you will sweat a lot, and in the morning the cold will most likely recede. And you will be ready for new labor exploits.

Valentina Rosing (Yatsevich)

There is such a tool, it helps very well, take two egg whites, beat and put into a glass of warm milk, carefully and drink it, you need to do this three times a day. You can do half of everything.

Nadezhda Aksenenko

as soon as the first signs of a cold appear, tea with mint and honey at night. At a temperature, even a slight one, of 37.2: in no case are mustard plasters or a bathtub recommended. Rub your feet with alcohol or vodka, put on socks, first plain, then woolen, and you can go to bed. It helps me. If your throat hurts, eat a tablespoon of honey at night without drinking anything.

Tamara Batalova

1. Do not panic!)))))))
Everything else is simple. The temperature can not be knocked down with tablets up to 38-38.5. (the body fights itself)
2. Take Immunal 3 times a day.
3. The pharmacy has linden, tea bags. every 2-3 hours. (perfectly knocks down the pace, removes toxins with sweat)
4. Abundant drinking of tea with honey, jam, hot fruit drinks. (removes toxins from the urine, nourishes with the necessary microelements)
It is curious, but chicken broth brings down the temperature and improves immunity !!! !
5. Every 4 hours instill Navtizin (it just constricts blood vessels) -
Spray on after 5 minutes. (creates local immunity, etc. treats a runny nose in 1-2 days)
If you have a sore throat, Falimint will help you as quickly as possible. as well as rinsing with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves, etc.
I am constantly being treated with this method, it raises my legs in 2-3 days, without causing any inconvenience.


The common cold includes a number of diseases caused by hypothermia.
Symptoms: General malaise, cough, runny nose, sometimes fever. Symptoms do not appear immediately and do not go away immediately, some, such as a runny nose or cough, can last for quite some time. Possibly reduced sense of smell. Sometimes congestion and tinnitus, weakness.
Unconventional and folk methods treatment and prevention of colds:
1) Grind to a mushy state 500g. purified onion, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400g. granulated sugar and cook on low heat in 1 liter. water 3 hours. Cool and strain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
2) Eat fried onions every day until a noticeable improvement. Baked blook, unlike fresh, can be eaten without restrictions.
3) At the first sign of a cold, slightly warm half a liter of milk and pour fresh milk into it. egg and add 1 teaspoon of honey and butter. Mix everything thoroughly and drink at night. By morning the discomfort will be gone.
4) Pour mustard powder into stockings or socks and walk like this for several days.
5) Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix it with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Before going to bed, take 1 teaspoon with warm water.
6) Grind to a mushy state 100g. onion and pour 40 ml. table vinegar, insist for half an hour in a tightly sealed container, then strain and mix with 4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture 1 teaspoon every half an hour.
7) Rub ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pot of hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture.
8) Cut the black radish into small cubes and put it in a saucepan sprinkled with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and pour the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 4-5 times a day and at night before going to bed.
9) Grind 2 raw egg yolks white with sugar, add butter and take between meals.
10) Before going to bed and during the day, it is useful to carry out steam inhalation with a garlic-honey mixture for 15-20 minutes. After inhalation, it is very good to warm up, go to bed and take 2-3 tablespoons of honey with tea from dried raspberries.
11) take 1 part of linden flowers and 1 part of raspberries. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink hot at night for 1-2 cups.
12) Take 40g. raspberries and coltsfoot leaves. Pour 2 cups of water and boil for 20 minutes. Drink 1-2 glasses before bed.
13) In the first days of a cold, drink 0.5 cups of warm boiled water with 5 drops of iodine dissolved in it, then chew a clove of garlic.
14) Pour 1 teaspoon of dried crushed dandelion roots with 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
15) Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed burdock leaf with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. For sore throats, gargle with this infusion.

Elena the Wise

It is better not to bring down such a temperature. Let the body fight itself, harden

D. Ch.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colds
Finely crush a few cloves of peeled garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Next, boil this mixture and let it cool. Take several times a day for a teaspoon - this will significantly alleviate the clinical course of the disease.
With a runny nose, instill 3-5 drops of menthol oil into your nose, while lubricating your forehead, whiskey, and nose with it. You can mix menthol oil with camphor oil and do the same procedure.
Rinse and chop fresh pine needles (100 g), then pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Infuse for 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving 1 tablespoon of honey in the drink. The infusion is rich in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and minerals. It has a bactericidal effect, accelerates recovery from flu, colds.
Tea with ginger and honey will help against colds. Grate 1/4 cup of ginger, add a cup of honey and boil. Add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture to your tea.
Mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of fresh calendula juice, 15 g of melted cocoa butter, 10 g of honey, 5 g of propolis. With a runny nose, moisten a cotton swab in this composition and insert it into the nose for 20 minutes.
To cure a runny nose, it is very useful to sweat in a Russian steam bath. At the same time, it is recommended to rub the sacrum with grated radish (good in half with grated horseradish), mixed with a small amount of honey and salt, and after leaving the bath, drink 2-4 cups of a decoction of linden, elderberry or chamomile flowers with an admixture of sour berry juice.
With a prolonged runny nose in a child, sew a narrow bag of linen fabric, fill it with warm, hard boiled millet porridge and put the bag on the nose so that it closes the maxillary sinuses. Keep as long as heat is retained.
With a runny nose, instill 3-5 drops of aloe into each nostril 4-5 times a day, tilting your head back and massaging the wings of the nose after instillation.
It is very useful to use a decoction of fresh or dried strawberries or raspberries, going to bed, and at the same time breathe a decoction prepared from the leaves of sage, God's tree (wormwood medicinal) and wormwood.
With a runny nose, it is recommended to instill 2 times a day a mixture of wild rosemary extract and vegetable oil. Mix 1 g of rosemary extract with 9 g of vegetable oil, boil and steam this mixture in the oven for several minutes. Ledum extract: brew 2 teaspoons of wild rosemary with 1 cup of boiling water, put on low heat, keep until half of the water has boiled away.
Boil a glass of milk. Grate a medium-sized onion on a fine grater, pour boiling milk over it and stir well. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then drink warm for half an hour.
Stir 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of hot milk and drink during the day in 2-3 doses.
Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times daily with water.
Pour a glass of blackcurrant berries with a glass of vodka, add a glass of sugar syrup and infuse for 30 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 1 glass daily or pour 1 tablespoon of the tincture into a glass of hot tea.
At the very beginning of a runny nose, if it does not accompany a disease such as influenza, it is recommended to drink 1/2 glass of water with five drops of iodine.
Iodine will also help against chronic rhinitis. Dissolve 6-7 drops with 2 teaspoons of boiled water and instill the mixture 2 times a day, morning and evening. In addition, during the day you need to often inhale iodine vapor directly from the bottle, first one, then the other nostril. Sea salt also rich in iodine and has a strong antiseptic effect. It is diluted in proportion: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml warm water for adults and 500 ml for children.

Maria Kurganova

I love folk remedies more as a preventive measure, and as an addition to treatment. Hot tea with honey and lemon, herbal tea, garlic, but the basis of treatment is still drugs, you can’t joke with health. If orvi, then Amiksin helps, it is safe and helps quickly, I usually get better in 3 days.

Galina Myskina

And we carry out the prevention of colds with oil to breathe. I lay out napkins around the house and drip oil on them. We walk, we breathe) And I put a handkerchief with drops of oil in the kindergarten for the child (right in the top pocket). And you know, there is something to brag about, this year we didn’t get sick at all! See what prevention means!

Inga Karpova

For me, folk remedies are not medicines. Only as an addition to the main treatment. If you caught a cold. I immediately start coughing. From cough Prospan and for a week I am healthy. Before going to bed, I can put a potato compress. well, black radish juice with honey, as in childhood.

Oksana Sadykova

And I usually when I get sick, I immediately feel how my throat starts to tear. Therefore, I begin to treat the throat. Immediately I puff with bioparox. You know, thanks to this spray, the throat passes very quickly. So it turns out without serious consequences to cope with the disease.

Evgenia Shemyakina

I agree that prevention is the best. There is even nothing to argue here. By the way, now doctors talk a lot on this topic and advise. In our children's clinic, doctors recommend breathing oil in preventive wholes (it was already mentioned above). So I agree, it really helps to escape from all sorts of viruses. I myself and my husband and child always drip a few drops on clothes. Nothing complicated, but real protection.

Evgenia Roganova

I must say right away that I am against the use traditional medicine. There are no guarantees that it will help. And you can inflict such harm on yourself that later it is not clear how the doctors will save you (do not think, and a cold can give complications). But at the same time, I am against the use of chemistry. Especially now there are so many drugs that do not contain chemicals and at the same time help with colds well. For example, there is a good ointment - evamenol is called. So she just helps with a cold (she needs to be rubbed). Get better in a few days!

Yaroslav Sorokin

I am also against traditional medicines, they can help, in my opinion, only in combination with a strong and proven remedy. I found this for myself and for my husband after one incident at work. I had an important conference in the afternoon, and in the morning I came already glued completely, a colleague gave a tablet of amixin, and even if not completely, but by the conference I was more or less healthy, the symptoms began to disappear, and I was able to speak. Since then, we have been taking it with my husband at the first sign of a cold.

How to treat a cold in adults?

Usually, when a person has more colds, he believes that he urgently needs to do something with his condition, because this is a flu virus. In reality, everything is completely different. Doctors most often diagnose a person with an acute respiratory viral disease or SARS.

General information about the disease

SARS, influenza, colds - you can call this process as you wish - are caused by viruses. But, there is a significant difference between them. Influenza is a very serious disease that, if left untreated, leads to a number of deaths. ARVI causes serious harm to the human body as a whole, so you should not let the course of the disease take its course.

Causes of colds

The reasons that, as a result of which a person falls ill with ARVI, are viruses. Viruses, in turn, are transmitted by airborne droplets, in particular by inhalation of sputum droplets, which can be in the air when an already infected person coughs and sneezes. In addition, the virus can penetrate through contaminated hands or various objects in the form of toys, fabrics, and also on door handles.

SARS symptoms

In most cases, the flu develops quite suddenly. A person's temperature rises, fever begins, the general condition of the body worsens significantly. The patient wants to lie down, sleep. SARS symptoms appear a little differently. A cold begins with sneezing, coughing, and sometimes with fever.

The main flu symptoms are: sore throat, dry cough, chills, excessive sweating, muscle and body pain.

SARS symptoms: coughing, sneezing, strong pain in the throat, runny nose, nasal congestion. The increase in body temperature is slow, not affecting the general condition of the body. ARVI or a cold goes away without any treatment in a week. But, in some cases, you can cancel the progression of cough for another 2-3 weeks. If green mucus comes out of the nose or yellow color, this means that the human immune system is actively fighting the virus.

What to do when you have a cold

It is very important for a cold to start helping your immune system fight the virus. To do this, a person first of all needs to take sick leave and rest. In no case is it recommended to treat the disease on the legs, this will only make it worse. In addition, the patient is advised to drink a large amount of warm liquid.

In order to get rid of a runny nose, you can use special nasal sprays or drops with salt water, which can be found in any pharmacy. At home, you can carry out inhalations, that is, inhale steam from any container of hot water. At the same time, to create a steam effect, be sure to wrap your head with a towel. In hot water, you can add herbal infusions, essential oils.

Against the common cold, vasoconstrictors are used in the form of tablets, sprays, drops, or mixtures. With their help, you can eliminate the common cold and sinusitis. Before using any drug, you must make sure that it is right for you and what side effects it has. It is advisable to use drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

Cold medicine

For a cold, you can use antiviral pills that are aimed at fighting the flu virus. These are drugs such as amantadine, rimantadine, Tamiflu, Relenza, zanamavir, oseltamivir. In addition to these drugs, you can resort to the list below, containing a number of antiviral drugs for colds. It can be:

  • Tamiflu;
  • Relenza;
  • Amiksin;
  • Viferon;
  • Amizon;
  • Cycloferon.

Drugs such as Zanamivir and Oseltamivir can be used even in children. The only thing is that you should not exceed the dosage of 10 mg. Combining drugs with other drugs of the inhalation type is also not worth it. It is not recommended for people with renal insufficiency, as such drugs provoke nausea and vomiting. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Non-specific prophylaxis

Nonspecific prevention of colds includes:

  • hardening;
  • Physical activities;
  • Rubbing with cold water;
  • Air baths;
  • Drinking large amounts of fluid up to 2 liters per day;
  • Maintaining humidity in the living room and optimal temperature;
  • Taking vitamins;
  • Complete nutrition.

Doctors also advise taking vitamin C for the treatment and prevention of colds. If a patient with a cold or ARVI from the first day of illness starts taking vitamin C at a dosage of 500 to 1000 mg every hour throughout the day, then the disease will go away in 3 days. Such a large amount of vitamin C is necessary because it is very quickly and, no less important, completely soluble in water and excreted from the body along with urine. In addition to the "pharmacy" vitamin C, the patient can replenish the reserves of this useful substance from grapefruit, kiwi, orange, sauerkraut.

As a preventive measure, you can eat 2 cloves of garlic. Traditional healers claim that a few cloves of garlic a day will help get rid of the symptoms of a cold. And for children, you can cook garlic butter and rub your feet before going to bed. To do this, mix the butter with crushed garlic.

During an illness, be sure to include in your diet warm teas with lemon, fruit drinks, honey tea, rosehip broth, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, lingonberries. In addition, you can buy echinacea extract in a pharmacy in tablets or in tincture and take it to improve immunity.

If you have a cold and are going to go outside, then it is advisable to lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment. Drugs such as Tamiflu, Arbidol, Inosine, Coldrex will help to quickly destroy the virus in the body. At temperature use Aspirin.

How to cure a cold in a day: proven methods

With chills and slight indisposition, with which in most cases a cold begins, you need to take emergency measures - if your plans do not include getting sick and sitting with a temperature for a couple of days, and then walking for another week without parting with a handkerchief.

To cure a cold in one day, it is best to spend it at home and not go anywhere. But we must use this day with the maximum benefit for our health and devote it to the fight against the onset of a cold, as well as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Not only pharmaceutical preparations will help us with this, but also tried-and-tested home remedies: linden blossom decoction, raspberry tea, hot milk with honey, onion, garlic and mustard. That's where we'll start...

Treating a Cold in One Day: Warm Up and Sweat

If you are cold, the first thing you need to do is warm up. Frozen feet will be perfectly warmed by a hot bath with mustard - what we simply call "steam feet". In a bowl of hot water (not lower than + 40-42 ° C), dissolve a spoonful and a half of mustard powder and keep your feet for 15 minutes, adding hot water as needed. After that, you need to thoroughly dry your feet, put on woolen socks and lie down under a warm blanket. Instead of a hot foot bath, you can simply pour mustard powder into your socks and go to bed. And if you don’t have dry mustard on hand, rub your feet with vodka and put on warm socks.

We warm our cold hands under a stream of hot water: for about five minutes, raising the temperature from pleasantly warm to hot (+ 42-43 ° C). Then we wipe our hands dry and put on something warm with long sleeves. To enhance the effect, you can put warm mittens on your hands and spend the next 60 minutes wrapped in a woolen blanket.

To sweat, and, therefore, get rid of toxins and try to cure a cold in a day, the body needs more fluid than usual. Therefore, we will drink - exclusively hot: tea with raspberry jam, tea with lemon and honey, a decoction of lime blossom, thyme, chamomile or elderberry flowers with mint. Prepare decoctions medicinal plants easy: a glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry color or herbs, brew with boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Herbal teas for colds drink 0.5 liters per day. And the total daily volume of fluid for symptoms of a cold or ODS should be at least two liters.

"Just in case" you measured the temperature and saw that the thermometer went up - do not panic. If the body temperature does not exceed + 38 ° C, then doctors do not advise knocking it down, because a rise in temperature is evidence that a person's immunity has begun to fight the disease. And we can and should help him cure a cold in one day, for example, by drinking hot tea with ginger root, which strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infections from developing. For cooking ginger tea peel a piece of root 2 cm long, cut it finely, put it together with tea leaves in a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of natural honey to this healing drink.

By the way, after you have sweated, be sure to wipe your skin with a well-wrung out hot towel to remove the released toxins, and change into dry clothes.

How to quickly cure a runny nose with a cold?

If a cold has made itself felt with nasal congestion, you need to take the initiative and apply generation-tested methods to deal with the first symptoms of a runny nose.

Among the many folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose with a cold, there are a sufficient number of very effective ones - especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose with Kalanchoe juice - 2-3 times a day (or instill 2 drops of juice in each nostril). Common salt is often used, which is mixed with butter. With this ointment home cooking(a third of a teaspoon of oil is mixed with the same amount of salt and warmed up a little) lubricate the nose from the outside. And for washing the nose, which moisturizes the mucous membrane and facilitates nasal breathing, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. Washing is carried out as follows: one nostril is closed with a finger, and the second is drawn into the nose with a salt solution (the same is done with the second nostril).

An old folk remedy for a runny nose with a cold is an ordinary onion.

It is enough to cut the onion in half and breathe in the phytoncides that stand out from the cut. Onion phytoncides have a bactericidal property and are able to neutralize even the diphtheria bacillus and the causative agent of tuberculosis, the Koch bacillus. So they can easily cope with a runny nose: you need to keep cotton swabs moistened with onion juice in your nostrils several times a day for 10 minutes.

An effective remedy for a runny nose with a cold is to bury your nose with any warm oil (for example, olive, sea buckthorn, menthol) or an oil solution of retinol acetate (vitamin A). The Asterisk balm should also help, if you smear the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose before going to bed.

Of the pharmacy nasal remedies for a stuffy nose, drops of Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Nazol, Nazivin and sprays Sanorin, Otrivin, Vibrocil, Delufen, etc. have proven themselves well.

How to cure a cough with a cold in a day?

When coughing is the first sign that you have a cold in store, you need to start by rubbing your back and chest with ointments that contain essential oils and have a disinfecting, distracting and irritating effect.

You can rub the chest area at night with a mixture castor oil(2 tablespoons) with turpentine (1 tablespoon) or ready-made pharmacy turpentine ointment. This remedy is rubbed into the skin of the chest (except for the heart area) and into the soles of the feet, wrapped warmly. With the help of two or three rubbing, you can cure a cough with a cold in almost a day. But it should be borne in mind that such procedures cannot be carried out at elevated temperatures.

Badger fat has proved to be an indispensable cough remedy (and not only). Due to its composition, badger fat has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and even immunostimulating effect on the human body. This fat should be rubbed at night on the back and chest area. And in folk medicine, such a recipe is very popular: mix 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder with 50 g of butter and 50 g of crushed aloe leaves (agave). Add 5 g of mummy and propolis, as well as 50 g of medical alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

For the treatment of cough with a cold, 1 teaspoon of this mixture is diluted in a glass of water and rubbed overnight on the back, chest and calf muscles of the legs. And for internal use - as a powerful tonic - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is dissolved in a glass of hot milk and drunk in small sips (before meals).

Instead of tea to treat a cough with a cold, you need to drink decoctions from medicinal herbs: oregano, coltsfoot, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, peppermint. A handful of herbs is taken into a glass of boiling water and brewed like tea, which after 15 minutes of infusion is ready for use - a glass three times a day. Special chest cough preparations are sold in pharmacies. For example, “Breast Collection No. 1” contains marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves and oregano herb; and in "Breast Collection No. 2" - coltsfoot leaves, large plantain leaves and licorice root. These herbal remedies are available in filter bags and are very easy to brew.

A good remedy for severe coughs is fresh black radish juice, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The radish should be washed, peeled and finely chopped. Then mix with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and put in a jar, tightly closing the lid. After 4-5 hours, the radish will give a healing juice, which you need to take - 1 tablespoon at least three times during the day.

One of the effective methods of treating cough is steam inhalation. For example, with eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine oil. Put a few drops of oil into a bowl of boiling water, sit down, tilt your head over the container, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam. These simple home treatments have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effects.

Aerosol inhalations are also useful, which are carried out using pocket inhalers. Most often, the mixtures include essential oils (menthol, anise, eucalyptus, peach), as well as natural honey and propolis (alcohol solution). Here is a recipe for honey inhalation with propolis: dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of honey in 0.5 cups of boiled water and drip 6-8 drops of propolis. Water can be replaced with a 0.2% solution of furacilin. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

If we talk about pharmaceutical cough remedies, then drugs such as Glauvent, Libexin or Tusuprex inhibit the cough reflex, but do not depress breathing. And "Tusuprex" has not only an antitussive effect, but also a weak expectorant. Doctors recommend taking these medicines three times a day, one tablet.

The group of drugs that have an enveloping, expectorant and mucolytic (sputum thinning) action includes Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine, Ambroxol (synonymous with Lazolvan), etc. Remember that many drugs have a side effect and often not one. It is for this reason that cough medicines for colds are recommended to be taken after consulting a doctor.

How to cure a throat with a cold in a day?

Gargling is the first emergency method for sore and sore throat with a cold. Decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and tricolor violet have long been considered the most effective for rinsing. It is not difficult to prepare them: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of grass with 1 cup of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. The decoction should be insisted in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. You need to gargle often and with warm broth, this will relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane and help cure a cold in a day.

It is very useful to gargle a sore throat with this composition: dissolve a teaspoon of table salt and soda in 200 ml of warm boiled water, add 8-10 drops of iodine. And with such a solution: take 2 tbsp. in a glass of warm water. spoons apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

It is not easy to cure a cold in a day, but honey and lemon always come to our aid. At the first hint of a sore throat, cut off a circle of lemon, put a teaspoon of honey on top - and in your mouth! And chew! And then swallow. Every hour the “procedure” can be repeated.

Do you trust pharmacy products more? To health! The pharmacy has a large selection of all kinds of lollipops for sore throats, for example, Strepsils and Coldakt Lorpils, which are based on Chemical substance as an antiseptic amylmetacresol. And in Strepsils Plus lozenges there is also an anesthetic - lidocaine. Tablets under the tongue "Septefril" contain the strongest antiseptic substance decamethoxin, which is used in the treatment of purulent and fungal skin lesions, as well as for the treatment of hands and the operated area in surgery.

And in Faringosept, which relieves sore throat and discomfort when swallowing, the main active ingredient is the drug ambazon with a strong bacteriostatic effect. Doctors prescribe ambazon in the treatment of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

Treating a cold in one day with medication

At the first symptoms of a cold, people often take advertised medicines. For example, "Arbidol", which is considered an antiviral agent that enhances immunity. It contains the active ingredient umifenovir, as well as the inorganic pigment titanium dioxide (E 171) and the sunset yellow food coloring E 110. The latter negatively affects the human body, therefore it is prohibited in the USA and some European countries. It should also be noted that the drug "Arbidol" ( Russian production) The World Health Organization (WHO) does not consider a promising antiviral drug, but the American Food and Drug Administration (Office for Quality Control food products and medicines) refused to register it in the United States as medicinal product.

The quick action of drugs such as Coldrex Hotrem or Theraflu, used to treat colds in one day, cannot but rejoice. Many have tried their effectiveness on themselves, but not everyone knows that the therapeutic effect of cold powders is due to the presence in their composition of the maximum single dose of paracetamol, a popular antipyretic and analgesic drug all over the world. With prolonged use and in high doses, paracetamol can cause allergic reactions, as well as toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

In addition to paracetamol, various brands of cold powders contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, which constricts the vessels of the nasal mucosa. So do not be surprised if after 3-4 days of taking the cold powder you feel a burning, dry or stinging sensation in your nose. This is the action of phenylephrine. And on the list side effects include: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, skin rash, angioedema, increased blood pressure and palpitations.

How to treat a cold?


Tanya Sarbash(Ostrivnaya)

How to treat a cold?
The most important rule - do not interfere with your body! Believe me, he knows very well how to deal with ARI.
Of course, fever, cough, runny nose, lack of appetite are still pleasure, but it is with the help of them that our body fights against the disease.
Therefore, when you catch a cold, you should NOT:
Bring down the temperature (if it does not rise above 38-38.5);
Take vasoconstrictor drops against the common cold;
Take cough suppressants.
Why do you need to do it this way and not otherwise?
With an increase in body temperature, our body produces interferon - a special protein that is equally good against bacteria and viruses. Moreover, the higher the temperature, the more interferon. They brought down the temperature, as soon as she had time to rise - the interferon was not developed enough. You will be sick much longer until the immune system finds other ways to fight off the infection.
Do not overdo it. If the mark on the thermometer has risen to 38, or if you feel very bad and at 37.5 - lower the temperature.
How to lower body temperature?
Drink more. Everyone knows that the temperature will drop as soon as you sweat a lot, and drinking plenty of water promotes sweating. Decoctions of herbs, various compotes and fruit drinks are suitable as drinks, and the most ordinary water - the main thing is that they are neither cold nor too hot. The closer the temperature of the drink to body temperature, the better - it will work faster.

Alexander Znobikhin

teraflu, hot drink, raspberry honey.

Nelya Kudryavtseva

Orange oil will treat the throat, take it by the cheek, just suck the peel a little for at least a few hours and the sore throat will recede, do it right away, until it breaks out! “Very simple and effective. You take an orange and peel it like a potato. You dry the peel on the lid of a pot with boiling water or a battery. You chew this peel like chewing gum and do not eat it. Just suck. Orange oil KILLS staph. You can also chew a simple peel, but we always have a dried one in a jar. Tickle in the throat --- do not pull. Run take an orange from the jar. skins and chew And now for a cold! Litvina's recipe: Bring 0.5 liters of milk to a boil and throw grated onion gruel into it. Cool until hot, when you can already drink and strain and drink hot 1 glass. In bed and so several times a day. At night, 1 tbsp and warm the rest in the morning and drink. LIE! Even the flu will pass WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. Everyone in my family forgot about ANGINA »» »

How to treat a cold at home? This question was asked, perhaps, by every person. This is because absolutely all people, young and old, are susceptible to colds. Treatment of a cold with folk remedies (at home) is becoming increasingly popular in last years. However, this is not the safest method. Refusal to use drugs can lead to quite serious consequences. There are several ways to get rid of a cold at home. This article will tell you about the basic methods and tell you some traditional medicine recipes.

Before you cure a cold at home ...

Of course, a sick person wants to quickly get rid of the signs of a cold and eliminate the disease. However, you should not immediately grab onto well-known drugs and thoughtlessly take medicines. Before you start the correction, it is worth visiting a doctor. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the causes of your illness. After that, the specialist will prescribe you a comprehensive treatment, the effect of which will not be long in coming.

Before starting treatment, it is imperative to determine the cause of the cold. This may be reduced immunity, a bacterial infection, a viral pathology, or an inflammatory process. Also, a cold can occur due to an exacerbation of one of the chronic diseases. In all these cases, treatment is chosen individually. Consider the main medical advice that will help get rid of a cold.

Viral defeat

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the multiplication of viruses? In this case, drugs are used to increase the body's immune defenses. Also, many of them have antiviral activity. It is worth noting that a cold caused by viruses is transmitted through the air and by droplets. This means that you could get it during a normal conversation with an infected person.

How to treat a cold at home? The most popular remedies are the following: tablets "Ergoferon" and "Anaferon", powders for preparing a solution "Reaferon" and "Interferon", rectal suppositories "Kipferon" and "Genferon". Also, doctors often prescribe compounds such as Oscillococcinum, Arbidol, Isoprinosine. All of them affect the immune system and contribute to its increase. In addition, drugs fight viruses. They stop the reproduction of microorganisms and remove them from the human body. It is worth noting that all of the listed medicines have an individual regimen of administration. That is why before using them, you should carefully study the instructions for use.

bacterial infection

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the reproduction of bacterial flora? In this case, doctors prescribe drugs to which the detected microorganisms are sensitive. It is worth saying that before treating a bacterial infection, it is worth passing a certain analysis. For this, material can be taken from the pharynx, vein or Bladder. Sometimes sputum or mucus secreted from the nasal passages is used for research. Infection with this type of cold can occur through saliva or through household contact.

How to treat a cold at home in this case? If you are not able to conduct a bacteriological study and identify a drug to which the obtained microorganisms are sensitive, then it is worth using broad-spectrum antibiotics. These include "Summamed", "Amoxiclav", "Biseptol", "Macropen" and so on. It is worth saying that the relief of the pathological condition should come on the third day of treatment. Otherwise, it can be assumed that the selected drug is simply ineffective in your case. It must be replaced with a drug with a different active substance. At the same time, you should always remember that antibacterial medicines greatly affect the immune system, suppressing it. This is due to the inhibition of normal flora. To restore the protective functions of the body, it is necessary to conduct a course of taking beneficial bacteria after treatment. It can be "Linex", "Acipol", "Normobakt", "Enterol" and so on.

Temperature increase

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is accompanied by a fever? Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer formulations such as Teraflu, Fervex, Coldakt, and so on. All of them are prepared on the basis of paracetamol. That is why it would be advisable to take this medication to reduce the temperature. Ibuprofen-based remedies can also eliminate fever, chills, and headache. These include "Nurofen", "Ibufen" and so on. They may be in the form of a suspension, tablets and rectal suppositories. No less effective are preparations containing nimesulide. These include "Nise" and "Nimulid". It is worth noting that the latest drugs also have anti-inflammatory activity.

Lowering the temperature at home should be started only after the thermometer mark crosses the division of 38 degrees. If you normally tolerate this condition, then doctors recommend waiting until 38.5 degrees. It is in this temperature environment that most pathological microorganisms die. It is worth noting that some babies are prone to seizures. They need antipyretics already at a temperature of 37.5 degrees. That is why, before curing a cold at home for a child, you need to visit a doctor and get an appointment.

Effective fight against the common cold

Almost always, with a cold, there is a separation of mucous fluid from the nasal passages. This brings a lot of discomfort. This condition is further complicated by the fact that nasal congestion may appear. The person is practically unable to breathe. Internal tissues become very inflamed and swollen. What to do in this case? How to quickly treat a cold at home?

First you need to clean the nasal passages and rinse them. Blow your nose thoroughly. If the pathology occurs in a small child, then it makes sense to use an aspirator. After removing the mucus, rinse the walls of the inner cavity of the nose. This can be done with the help of drugs such as Aqualor, Aquamaris. Also, doctors sometimes advise using regular saline. Inject a few drops into each nasal passage, then repeat the cleansing procedure. There are several ways to treat a runny nose. One of the most effective and popular drugs in recent times is "Pinosol". It is worth saying that it is made on the basis of herbal oils. That is why it can be used even during pregnancy.

If your cold is of viral origin, then it is advisable to use compounds such as Irs-19, Derinat, Grippferon, and so on. All of them are active against many viruses, and also help to increase the body's immune defenses.

With bacterial pathology, doctors often recommend drugs such as Isofra, Polydex, Protargol or Sialor. In this case, before each administration of the composition, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa from dead microorganisms by washing.

Relieve sore throat and itching

How to cure a cold at home? Very often, this condition is accompanied by pain in the throat. At the same time, the nature of the occurrence of the pathology does not affect this symptom at all. You can eliminate the pain in the throat with topical preparations. These can be sprays that need to be sprayed directly on the larynx or tonsils. Also, doctors often recommend using solutions for treating the pharynx and tonsils. A more convenient form for use are tablets that need to be sucked.

Among the effective drugs can be identified "Chlorophyllipt" or "Lugol". These compounds are applied to the tonsils. They are very effective for bacterial colds. Doctors also prescribe the following sprayers: "Tantum Verde", "Ingalipt", "Kameton", "Miramistin" and so on. These medicines not only eliminate bacteria, but also fight fungal infections. Resorption capsules have a more pronounced analgesic effect. Among them are "Stop Angin", "Gammidin", "Strepsils" and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Separately, it should be said about the drug "Lizobakt", which can be used for young children and pregnant women.

Cough control of various types

What to do with a cold at home? This condition is often accompanied by a cough. However, it can be wet or dry. Often, with such a symptom, doctors prescribe the following medications: "Doctor Mom", "Ambrobene", "Sinekod", "Gerbion", "Codelac" and many others. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions. Use only the drug that suits your type of cough.

It is impossible not to say about inhalations. This method is very good and eliminates cough in a short time. For the procedure, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Berodual, Pulmicort, Lazolvan and regular saline. Remember that you always need to follow the dosage and carry out a strictly limited number of inhalations per day.

Get rid of toxins in your body

Whatever remedy you choose for a cold, at home it must be used strictly according to the instructions. Each medicine can adversely affect the liver and stomach. This only exacerbates the course of the disease. What to do in this case? Doctors recommend using sorbents. These drugs will help to remove toxins from the body and cleanse it of the affected microorganisms, which can also cause a feverish state.

Among the effective sorbents are "Enterosgel", "Polysorb", " Activated carbon”, “Smektu” and others. When using them, one very important rule must be observed. Never use these drugs at the same time as other medicines. The break between them should be at least two hours. Otherwise, the cold medicine may simply not work.

Plentiful drink

Treating a cold with folk remedies at home always involves drinking plenty of fluids. During the use of medical correction, drinking plenty of water will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

Medium daily rate for a person is 2 liters of water. In babies, this volume is calculated in a different way. For every kilogram of weight, a child needs 100 milliliters of water. Along with a simple drinking liquid, warm teas and fruit drinks should be consumed. If you have a sore throat, avoid hot drinks. They can further damage the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.

Hunger is the way to recovery

How to cure a cold at home? Very often, during an illness, a person loses his appetite. At the same time, many people use food through force and are surprised that a cold does not recede for a long time. In fact, everything is very simple here. The body throws the main forces to fight bacteria or viruses. This contributes to the fact that a person loses his appetite. Doctors say that you should not force yourself to eat. A couple of days of hunger will not lead to anything critical. However, the body will be able to quickly and effectively overcome the pathology.

Remember that not eating does not mean you need to limit your drinking. The fluid must be continuously supplied to the patient's body. So he can make up for his losses that occur during a runny nose and sweating.

Folk recipes and proven methods

How to remove a cold at home? Many patients prefer to use traditional medicine and grandmother's recipes. However, these methods are not always effective. That is why you should consult a doctor if your treatment does not give a positive result within three days.

  • As an antipyretic, you can use raspberries. You can use a decoction of the leaves of the plant or make tea with berry jam. Also very well reduce the temperature of wiping with vodka. To do this, dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of one to one. After that, the entire body is rubbed abundantly with the composition.
  • Hot milk with honey helps a lot with a sore throat. To do this, heat the milk to a comfortable temperature and add 2 teaspoons of honey to it. The effect will increase several times if butter is an additional component.
  • You can treat a runny nose with onions or garlic. These products are a natural antibiotic. Squeeze juice from garlic and onion. After that, add a few drops of olive oil and one milliliter of saline to it. Inject two drops into each nostril every six hours.
  • In the fight against viral infections, a decoction of echinacea is excellent. Purchase dry herbs and use them as a tea. You can also drink a ginger drink. To do this, grind the ginger root and boil it with boiling water.
  • Tools such as mustard plasters, jars, baths and other heating can only be used in the absence of temperature. After that, it is advisable to wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep. You can enhance the effect with various herbal teas. Chamomile and thyme, sage and calendula relieve inflammation well.

How to cure a cold on the lip at home?

Often the infection affects the mucous membranes and tissues. A cold that appears on the lips is often called herpes. It's a virus. That is why to eliminate it, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulatory compounds. Currently, there are medications for topical use. Among them are Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viferon.

You can treat a cold on the lip at home with folk recipes. So, frequent lubrication of the affected area with toothpaste contributes to drying. At the same time, you can wash the cold with chamomile decoction or lubricate with celandine oil.

A small conclusion

You now know how to treat a cold at home. Doctors strongly do not recommend the use of drugs without a doctor's recommendation. However, often a person prefers to cope with the pathology on his own, rather than contacting a medical institution. Be aware that this tactic can cause complications. If after the treatment you do not feel better within three days, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Remember that antibacterial drugs are not able to eliminate viral infections. The same can be said about immunomodulators. Antiviral drugs are not able to eliminate bacterial pathology. Often, doctors prescribe both drugs at the same time. This leads to a quick recovery and restoration of immunity. Get well and don't get sick!

Colds in children under one year old treatment and symptoms | How to treat a cold up to a year

In childhood, the most common diseases are acute respiratory diseases (ARI). From parents you can sometimes hear that the child has a cold. Not quite the right statement. This, in fact, is not the cause of the disease, but the fact that with it the baby is very susceptible to ARI infection. Therefore, the pediatrician will not write a diagnosis in the child’s card - a cold (runny nose, cough, and others.) We suggest talking and finding out all the nuances on this topic.


Symptoms of the development of a cold in children under one year old

Naturally, any parent will do everything that depends on him to protect his child from all kinds of diseases. Any cold in a child will be a cause for concern for parents, which means it will bring a lot of grief and will require a lot of effort to eliminate the cause. Unfortunately, a lot of viruses do not want to spare young children at all. So the cold becomes extremely relevant in the spring and autumn.

The disease can be caused by more than two hundred different viruses, but the most common infection is the rhinovirus, antibiotics are not used to treat it, because the common cold is spread by viral bacteria. In one-year-olds and, of course, in healthy children, it is often not dangerous, as a rule, it passes in a period of 4 to 10 days. Due to the wide variety of viruses that can cause a cold, children under one year old do not have immunity that could resist this type of disease. There are cases when a viral infection is joined by bacterial ones that require antibiotic treatment and weaken the child's immunity.

Usually the disease is accompanied by general symptoms. If the baby's condition worsens, then he begins to worry more, tearfulness increases, breathing quickens. Then it starts:

1. Cough manifests itself;

2. Nasal congestion;

3. Breathing becomes more frequent;

4. The temperature may rise and the eyes begin to water.

Therefore, pediatricians strongly recommend that if such symptoms appear, immediately seek advice, they will be able to determine the severity of the disease and treatment methods that will help to cope with the virus that has arisen, which means they will help to avoid serious consequences.

Symptoms of the disease, especially at this age, most often begin abruptly and unexpectedly. The child may wake up in the morning with a slight runny nose, tired, sneezing, and sometimes even a fever is observed. In addition, babies may have a cough or sore throat. The common cold virus often affects the baby's throat and sinuses, ears and bronchioles. In addition, the baby sometimes symptoms of a cold are expressed in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

In the initial stages of the disease, the baby may complain of a headache and be quite irritable and have a runny nose. As a cold develops, the mucus in the sinuses usually becomes darker in color and thicker in texture. In addition to all of the above, the baby may develop a cough, which sometimes lasts for several days.

The main problem with a cold in such young children is that the child will not yet be able to explain what is bothering him, and parents, in turn, cannot use those effective treatments that are allowed at an older age.

Complications of a cold in children

Joining a cold in a child with a bacterial infection is accompanied by a secondary fever, usually there are signs of poisoning of the body - pallor, anxiety, sweating, general weakness. Babies up to a year begin to refuse to drink and eat, they develop indifference to everything around them, and in some cases, on the contrary, an excited state appears. In infants, during severe anxiety and complete refusal of food, quite acute otitis media can be assumed: during swallowing, the pain in the ear increases sharply. In this case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist or pediatrician.

If a child under one year of age has symptoms of rapid, difficult breathing, we can talk about bronchitis, pneumonia, or bronchiolitis.

How to treat a cold at home for up to a year?

Often, treatment consists of the following activities:

1. Carefully ensure that your baby rests as much as possible.

2. The child also needs to drink as much liquid as possible.

3. In addition, it is necessary to use a humidifier in the baby's room at night. Since humidified air in the room often makes it easier to breathe.

If the course of a cold is not complicated, then the use of antibiotics is not required. When bacterial complications appear, such as otitis media, tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils, and others, the pediatrician will most often prescribe antibiotics. The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease and can be from 5 days for otitis media and acute bronchitis, and up to two weeks for pneumonia. At the end of antibiotics, the baby needs a course of biological products in order to restore the natural intestinal flora. This should not be forgotten.

In order to reduce body temperature and reduce pain, in the treatment of colds in children under one year old, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen can be used. These drugs are approved for children.

Aspirin should not be given to children and adolescents high temperature. The use of Aspirin in children increases the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, this disease is quite rare and occurs in children under 15 years of age. The cause may be severe damage to the brain and liver.

Check with your doctor before giving your child under one year of age over-the-counter flu or cold medicine. For washing out in babies under one year old who suffer from blockage, accumulated mucus, use a nasal pear. You can apply a nasal spray, instilling a couple of drops into each nostril.

Causes of colds in children under one year old

Bacteria and viruses are the cause of the development of colds in children. Viruses cause a group of diseases, these are acute respiratory viral infections - SARS. Much more common in children under one year of age and younger age. Today, doctors are increasingly using the term "viral-bacterial infection", because on the mucous membranes there is a microbial flora, which is activated by a viral infection. These microbes are found in the oral cavity, trachea, nose, large bronchi in all people from birth. Most common

  • pneumococci,
  • staphylococci,
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • and some other bacteria.

We are carriers of various dangerous microorganisms, under certain conditions that reduce the body's defenses, they can cause a cold in children. Bacterial complications of the common cold occur in the process of getting microbes.

In the process of contact with infectious microbes on the nasal mucosa, rhinitis begins to develop, in the process of inflammation of the pharynx - pharyngitis, if the larynx becomes inflamed - laryngitis is formed, with inflammation of the trachea - tracheitis. In the same way, when the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process, bronchitis is formed, when the alveoli are involved, pneumonia or, more simply, pneumonia.

Quite often, in children under one year old, due to a cold, such a complication as inflammation of the middle ear or, in simple terms, otitis media, appears. If the nasopharynx, pharynx and larynx become inflamed, then this undoubtedly indicates a lesion of the so-called upper respiratory tract; in the process of damage to the bronchi, trachea, lungs and bronchioles, one should think about the disease of the respiratory tract, but already the lower ones.

Among the causes of complications, the main place, as a rule, belongs to microbes. Often, the temperature remains normal or there is a slight increase in it, the main symptom is a dry cough.

Most women consider themselves experts in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so write on the topic: “How to treat a cold in a child?” - a thankless task. And yet, I will try to discuss a topic about which kilometers of text have already been written.

The common cold in children in medical language is called acute respiratory viral disease (abbreviated SARS). The word "viral" is highlighted by me intentionally, as it is the key to the further narrative.

Signs of a cold in children are as follows: a sudden, most often asymptomatic rise in body temperature, followed by a thin, clear discharge from the nose (in Russian - a runny nose). If the discharge turns yellow or green, then this is a symptom of an attached bacterial infection in the nasopharynx. The cough is dry at first but becomes wet over time. You may experience sore throat and sore throat, as well as sneezing.

How to treat a child with a cold?

Every mother, sitting over the bed of a sick baby, asks the question: “What to give a child with a cold?”. Here are the rules that are taught to any medical student in a pediatrics class:

  1. The fight against fever - paracetamol in an age dose.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids is the prevention of dehydration caused by fever.
  3. With a dry cough - antitussives (contraindicated in children under 2 years of age), in the presence of a wet cough - expectorants (bromhexine, ambroxol, ACC, etc., see the overview of all cough expectorants).
  4. After the temperature has returned to normal, physiotherapeutic methods can be applied: steaming the legs, soda inhalations, etc.

How not to treat SARS in children

World statistics says the following

90% of respiratory infections (upper respiratory tract infections) in children are viral in nature. It is a virus that antibiotics do not work on. Unfortunately, most mothers consider antibiotics to be medicines for fever and begin to feed their child with them for any cold.

There are no safe drugs, taking antibacterial agents causes allergies, intestinal dysbacteriosis, depresses the immune system and forms antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

Pediatricians, of course, are aware of the dangers of antibiotics in ARVI, but it is difficult to distinguish a cold from pneumonia, and even at the patient's home, using only hands, eyes and a phonendoscope, especially with insufficient experience.

It is easier for most pediatricians to prescribe an antibiotic to a child on the very first day and, as they say, “do not bathe”: the harm from them is not very noticeable at the beginning, pneumonia, if it was, will pass, and if it does not pass, there is an excuse, I prescribed the treatment correctly, and my mom is calm.

I summarize: antibiotics for colds for children under 12 years of age are not used for the first 5 days. If you have weak nerves, then every cough or runny nose should be accompanied by a visit to the clinic and additional studies: a blood test, an x-ray of the lungs, an examination by an ENT doctor, a urine test, etc.

Rise in body temperature

Adults and children over 6 years of age should fight fever if it exceeds 390C. This temperature is no longer considered physiological and can harm the body. In young children (under 6 years of age), antipyretics should be used at a temperature of 38.6 ° C, due to the threat of convulsive syndrome. And also in children with convulsive readiness or previously recorded febrile convulsions, the temperature goes astray from 37.5-38C.

Temperature is an important part of the body's fight against infection. With a fever, the vital activity of the causative agents of the common cold is inhibited, and the body's defenses are also mobilized. Therefore, excessive struggle with fever only delays recovery. In addition, absolutely all antipyretics can cause allergies, stomach ulcers or severe kidney damage, up to their failure.

In addition to tablets, there are physical methods of cooling. Of course, in adults they are not very effective, but in a child they can lower the temperature by a whole degree (see how to lower the temperature without medication):

  • If the child is red - with red hyperthermia, when the child Pink colour, you should not wrap up a sick baby, but rather, undress him to panties and leave to cool in the air. Cruel but effective.
  • If the child is pale - white hyperthermia, he should be wrapped in a light blanket and given a warm liquid to drink.
  • Rub the child with vodka (not suitable for young children, especially under 1 year old), it is better to rub locally - arms, legs. The evaporating alcohol will quickly cool the skin. Do not use alcohol solutions higher than vodka concentration. Children's skin may suffer from this, and the child may also become tipsy, since some of the alcohol will be absorbed.
  • Cold on the main vessels. On normal language sounds like: take plastic bottle, pour cold water into it and apply to the armpits or inguinal areas. The water will cool the large blood vessels passing there.
  • Do not wear a hat on a child indoors, especially on a sick person. Grandmothers of the “old school” love to do this. The head is the main source of heat loss in the body, up to 80% of heat is removed through it, so when you have a fever, you need to cool your head in every possible way.

With fever, the evaporation of fluid from the skin increases significantly. Therefore, the child must be given plenty of water to avoid life-threatening dehydration. Any liquid will do: compotes, fruit drinks, tea, juices and just pure water.

The story of how domestic pediatrics makes healthy children sick


  • Mom is an average Russian mom who thinks she knows EVERYTHING about a cold.
  • The kid is a normal, healthy five-year-old toddler who regularly visits kindergarten.
  • Pediatrician - recently graduated and was assigned to an average Russian clinic, full of knowledge about how Right treat a cold.

So. The kid returns from the kindergarten sluggish, snotty, coughing and with a temperature of 38.50C. The next morning, Mom calls the clinic and calls the doctor at home.

The Pediatrician comes, examines the child and diagnoses: ARVI. He was taught that at this age, 90% of respiratory infections are viral, which means they are treated as described at the beginning of this article. He prescribes paracetamol, plenty of fluids, as well as ascorbic acid, and leaves with peace of mind.

But the disease does not go away, the temperature stays around 390C, the child cries, refuses to eat, snotty and coughs. Mom knows for sure that ascorbic acid is not a medicine at all, and paracetamol only brings down the temperature. She calls the clinic and swears at everyone and everything, saying what kind of ignorant doctor you sent me.

In order to "not tease the geese", the manager leaves for the Kid. pediatric department or deputy. chief physician and prescribe antibiotics. The motivation is clear. Firstly, so that Mom does not interfere with work with hysterical calls. Secondly, if pneumonia still develops, and an antibiotic is not prescribed, Mom will immediately sue. In general, we treat “not as it should”, but “as calmer”.

As a result, a cold that could have passed in 7 days flows for 3 weeks. During the fight against the disease, children's immunity is greatly weakened. The kid is taken to kindergarten, where someone will definitely sneeze into him and the cold will catch on again.

After a week of going to the nursery preschool The Kid again has a fever, runny nose and cough. Mom makes a house call again. Last time, the pediatrician was called "on the carpet" and explained "how to work with patients." He comes to the Kid and prescribes an antibiotic from the first day. Everyone is happy: Mom - that the treatment is correct from her point of view, Pediatrician - he will not be deprived of his bonus again, the management of the clinic - there will be no showdown with another complaint.

And again, the disease that could pass in a week, a month flows. What kind of children's immunity can withstand this? Again a kindergarten, again a cold and again a month of “treatment”. This is how our heroes turned a healthy toddler into a frequently and long-term sick (the official term, by the way). I hope you understand where frequent colds come from in a child?

Some of the most common parenting questions

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold?

This question goes back 200 years ago, when there was no hot water in the houses, and children were washed in a trough in the hallway or in a bathhouse, where one could get sick even more. In the 21st century, it is possible and necessary to bathe a cold child, but it is worth remembering that hot tub at elevated body temperature is categorically contraindicated. Enough to limit yourself to a warm shower.

How can you know that the child has recovered?

Positive dynamics can be considered 3 days of normal temperature. Also a good sign the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one is considered (provided that the discharge does not turn from transparent yellow or green). But if a recovering child has a fever again, then we can assume the addition of a bacterial infection.

If a child is sick, should he eat better?

With a fever, all the forces of the body are spent on fighting the infection, and the digestion of heavy protein foods requires a lot of energy. Therefore, at a high temperature, food should be light, as rich as possible in carbohydrates and vitamins, but a convalescent child should be fed well and densely in order to restore his strength.

Drowsiness, general malaise and rapid fatigue are the first and main symptoms of increased blood viscosity.

With further deterioration of health, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, tingling in the heart area occurs.

Among the frequent concomitant manifestations are visual impairment, memory impairment, headaches and dizziness, irritability, temporary loss of coordination of movements, and bloating.

Such conditions serve as an alarm signal of PWS disease (high viscosity syndrome), which, when exacerbated and in a chronic form, has extremely serious consequences. Having suspicions, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, undergo a diagnosis, identify the causes and take health measures as early as possible.


Causes and counteraction of FPV

Blood thickening is associated with various diseases, unhealthy habits, side effect medicines. Common reasons:

    temporary acute PWS occurs with intestinal infections like dysentery as a result of diarrhea and vomiting, dehydrating the body; the main remedy for acute dehydration: drink plenty of water with a small addition of salt ("coarse sulfur", without harmful additives);

    also, temporary acute PWS occurs with extensive burns - the body produces a lot of leukocytes and platelets, suffers from an excess of damaged protein that dissolves in the blood, a person throws into a fever, he sweats; we also recommend lightly salted water;

    chronic overeating of sweets, potatoes, vermicelli and acidification and slagging of the body developing on this soil, diabetes; recovery consists in changing the menu from the rejection of "refined" and easily digestible carbohydrates, replacing them with natural and not fully digestible carbohydrates with cleansing properties (for example, vegetables and fruits with pulp, seaweed, krill paste);

    various diseases causing disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands and kidneys; diagnosis and treatment of these diseases eliminate the cause of thickening of the blood;

    diseases accompanied by an increase in protein in the blood, as well as erythremia (excessive production of red blood cells and other blood elements);

    hepatitis of various nature; we treat "jaundice" - we get rid of the problem;

    pancreatitis of the pancreas; often we eat moderately, we are treated;

    diuretics, contraceptives, hormones, Viagra and other drugs - to reconsider, are they really necessary?.

Occasionally, among the causes of PWS, thrombophilia and varicose veins are indicated; we believe that these are effects, not causes.

A person with increasingly thick and sticky blood naturally increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, heart attacks and high blood pressure, blood clots, and sometimes varicose veins (more often in women).

Treatment and prevention

During treatment thick blood It is absolutely not necessary to rely only on medicinal preparations and procedures. Lifestyle is very important and proper nutrition.

So, in severe forms of PWS, when there are already problems with the heart, blood vessels, after a stroke, intense physical activity is contraindicated, but small ones are mandatory and very useful. It is worth trying to perform at least a few regular activities, exercises, and the blood will naturally become more fluid, adding many good quality years to life!

It is useful to drink 8-10 glasses of liquids daily (unsweetened teas, water, preferably infused with shungite or silicon, spring water). Refusing fine white salt with harmful additives, moderately consume rock or other salt.


    exclude or limit in the diet chokeberry, leafy and green vegetables, bananas, as well as buckwheat, soy products, products with trans fats (margarine, mayonnaise, chips), marinades;

    white bread and long loaf, pasta is better to replace with gray and black bread, cereals;

    avoid salty foods and smoked meats, overcooked fatty foods;

    give up smoking and alcohol;

    sugar and sweets literally thicken and sticky blood - they are avoided.

What to do? Take aspirin?

The problem can come when you are quite young, after forty and fifty years. This is a known fact that has led to the widespread daily use of aspirin to thin the blood. However, after being published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 2012; 307:2286-94 this practice is increasingly criticized.

Then a study of more than 370,000 patients showed that people who take low doses of aspirin daily have a 55% increased chance of serious brain or intestinal bleeding (hemorrhage). The real risk of aspirin-induced bleeding was 5 times greater than previously estimated. The serious risks of even taking small doses of aspirin are forcing many, if not to abandon aspirin-containing drugs, then to reduce the doses taken, to turn to "natural treatment".

In modern medical practice, the leadership of aspirin in terms of the universal treatment of thick blood is challenged by at least two drugs - Nattokinase-Serrapeptase and Warfarin or Coumadin ( herbal preparation from sweet clover, blocks the action of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting). Aspirin-containing "Agrenox", "Heparin", "Enoxaparin", "Plavix" continue to be used.

The course of taking drugs based on aspirin and sweet clover is supposed to be accompanied by a certain diet; all of them are quite effective, but dangerous with intestinal bleeding.

Black stool indicates bleeding in the intestines.

There are also more "sparing" ways of recovery and treatment. Among the specialized drugs: to improve the condition of the veins, Aspercard, Curantil and Aescusan are recommended, and Cardiomagnyl is recommended for regular use by elderly patients in order to prevent a heart attack.

Still popular are diets consisting of natural products, with a constantly updated assortment.

In the past, bloodletting was widely used to thin the blood, but now it is usually avoided or replaced by donation. By the way, normally a white person is blush; usually the absence of a blush indicates either anemia and anemia, or, on the contrary, thick and viscous blood. After donating blood, donors prone to anemia turn pale, and those prone to thick blood turn pink (the doctors prefer to take blood from them).

The fashion for hirudotherapy is returning - treatment with medical leeches. Hirudin (a group of biologically active substances injected into the wound by a leech), in addition to blood thinning, has a number of other useful properties:

    hypotensive effect facilitates the work of the kidneys, promotes the outflow of lymph, relieves swelling;

    anti-sclerotic effect allows you to get rid of the stagnation of venous blood, prevents ischemia and cancer;

    bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating effect improves the general condition and well-being, promotes the disposal of toxins, relieves neuralgia.

Thinning blood at home

At the household level, we pay special attention to nutrition and " natural pharmacy".

Garlic, onion (regular onion, leek, shallot and green onion) contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Regular menu with wild oily fish(trout, salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel) saturates the body with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.

Unclarified vegetable oil, germinated wheat germ, nuts thin the blood not only with Omega-3 fats, but also with the presence of an active agent against blood clots - vitamin E.

Seafood and ginger contain taurine, which is an excellent blood thinner.

Solanaceae (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) are an excellent thinning agent.

Mint, honey, various berries and fruits, fruit vinegar and cider are sources of salicylates that thin the blood.

The absence of overeating and therapeutic fasting, physical exercises help to thin the blood in terms of proteins.

Vitamin C intake or food rich in it, such as citrus fruits, peppers, kiwi, berries. The benefits of this vitamin are by no means limited to the simple prevention of a cold - it also consists in ensuring the removal of excess proteins from the blood and in creating high-quality collagen and elastin. They help you look good, strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and strokes.

It is better to replace meat with poultry, eggs, whitefish.

Raspberries in any form, wheat germ, and horse chestnut peel tincture in vodka are excellent blood thinners.

  • Diphtheria is an acutely contagious infectious disease that occurs with symptoms of general poisoning, lesions of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and mucous membranes.
  • Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, or sinuses, of the nasal cavity. Symptoms: sinusitis is characterized
  • Viscous and thick blood leads to drowsiness, memory impairment, chronic fatigue, stroke, heart attack, varicose veins and many other diseases.

    An unhappy prospect? Thinning the blood with folk remedies will allow you to forget about the problem for a long time.

    Aspirin therapy

    In official medicine, acetylsalicylic acid is often used to dilute too thick blood. With not too large doses and proper application, it does not give side effects.

    How to take aspirin to thin your blood? Take 1 tablet daily half an hour after a meal. It is not recommended to do this on an empty stomach - damage to the gastrointestinal tract may develop.

    With this treatment, you should systematically take tests and consult with your doctor. Remember that an overdose of aspirin can backfire! It should be remembered about contraindications:

    • Weakened immunity;
    • Mature age;
    • Ulcer;
    • aspirin asthma;
    • Erosive gastritis;
    • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.

    Proper nutrition is the key to health

    Have you been prescribed a list of medications? We offer an alternative! Effective blood thinning products work just as well and are not harmful to health.


    Compliance with the drinking regime is one of the most important conditions. The norm of liquid per day is 1.5-2 liters. Drink plain water and tea (green and herbal).

    Lemon, cinnamon and ginger

    From these inexpensive products, it is easy to brew delicious and healthy tea.

    For this you need:

    • Ginger root - 1 pc. (length - 4-5 cm);
    • Green tea - 1 tsp;
    • Cinnamon - 1 pinch;
    • Lemon - half;
    • Water - 500-600 grams;
    • Honey - 1-2 tsp


    1. Cut the ginger into slices.
    2. Add green tea and cinnamon.
    3. Pour the boiled water over the mixture.
    4. Insist 1.5 hours.
    5. Strain through a sieve.
    6. In the finished tea, add a couple of teaspoons of honey and the juice of ½ part of a lemon. Drink the drink throughout the day.

    White mushrooms

    If acetylsalicylic acid for blood thinning is completely unsuitable for you, stop at mushrooms. This tool is familiar from the time of our ancestors. Fill the caps of fresh white mushrooms with vodka and put them in a dark place for 14 days. Strain and take twice a day before meals, diluting 1 tsp. infusion in 50 grams of boiled water.

    Raspberry jam

    Raspberries are a real storehouse of salicylic acid, which makes them a safe alternative to aspirin. For six months, use every day for 5-7 tbsp. l. spoons - this will strengthen the coronary arteries and make the blood more fluid.

    Linseed oil

    Flax oil is the main source of omega-3 unsaturated acids and other biologically active substances. Fill it with vegetable salads or drink 3 tsp a day. Increase Activity linseed oil You can use natural juice or green tea.

    This method is prohibited in the presence of stones in gallbladder and frequent stool disorders (diarrhea).


    Another old recipe! Most seafood is high in taurine, so your diet should include shrimp, tuna, squid, shellfish, and flounder. Seaweed is no less effective. Regular consumption of kelp lowers cholesterol levels, thereby thinning the blood.

    Baking soda

    Soda is often used for obesity, intoxication and other pathological processes. Soda is also suitable for thinning thick blood, but it must be used very carefully. add 1 tsp. in 200 grams of water, mix and drink. Take the mixture daily.

    This remedy is prohibited in the presence of an ulcer in the intestines or stomach and increased gastric acidity. Be sure to do a blood test for pH and get a doctor's recommendation.

    Kefir and cinnamon

    These common products can be found in every store! Dissolve 4 tsp in a glass of kefir. ground cinnamon and drink daily on an empty stomach.


    Hot chili peppers are a storehouse of antioxidants and vitamins A and E. Combine it with orange juice - this will increase immunity and reduce blood density.


    100g nutmeg fill with a glass of vodka. Insist 3 weeks, and then strain.

    Drink three times a day, 40 drops half an hour before or after meals. Treatment is carried out for a month, followed by 10 breaks. It will take at least 7 courses.

    Honey with garlic

    Mix 250 grams of garlic with fresh natural honey. Leave the mixture for 3 weeks. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. l. The course is 27 days.


    Lemon for blood thinning is suitable for absolutely everyone. This yellow fruit contains potassium and ascorbic acid, substances that lead to a liquid state of the blood. Wash the lemon thoroughly, remove the stones (they contain toxins), but leave the peel. It is desirable to replace sugar with honey.

    germinated wheat

    ABOUT useful properties Sprouted grains were spoken about a lot. They also help with very thick blood. Rinse the wheat grains thoroughly, select full-weight ones (do not float after washing) and pour into a vessel with water. Cover the container with a paper towel and store in a warm place. Sprouted wheat should be chopped with a knife and added to vegetable salads along with olive oil. You can also eat 1 tbsp per day. l.

    Keep in mind, at the time of treatment, you should reduce the amount of bakery products.

    Juices for blood thinning

    Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are an excellent remedy for blood viscosity. They consist of water, vitamins and microelements, without which the human body simply cannot function normally. The following juices are especially useful:

    • Orange;
    • Pineapple;
    • Carrot;
    • Crimson;
    • Citric;
    • Pomegranate;
    • Cranberry;
    • Strawberry;
    • Apple;
    • Grape;
    • Tomato with pulp.

    Drink at least a glass a day.

    You can also make smoothies based on grapefruit, lemon and orange. This delicious drink is great for thinning the blood, cleansing the lymphatic system, and detoxifying the liver.

    Apple vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar promotes weight loss (excess weight is the main enemy of blood vessels!), normalizes metabolism and cleanses the body of toxins. Take vinegar in the morning, dissolving 2 tbsp. l. in 200 ml of pure water. Treatment lasts about 2 months, after which they take a break of 10 days.

    Vegetable oil

    Are you looking for folk remedies for blood thinning instead of aspirin?

    Every morning, take a spoonful of unrefined oil into your mouth, carefully rinse it between your cheeks until you get a whitish liquid. Oil must not be swallowed! Spit it out along with the toxins that have accumulated overnight. The procedure can be carried out for a long time.

    This easily accessible method reduces blood viscosity, removes toxins, destroys cancer cells.

    To reduce blood clotting, you also need to use

    1. Black bitter chocolate.
    2. Cocoa.
    3. Sunflower seeds.
    4. Nuts - contain magnesium, calcium and potassium. Eat 30 grams per day.
    5. Oatmeal.
    6. Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.
    7. Dry red wine.
    8. Berries with a high content of vitamin C - cranberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, sweet cherries, cherries, raspberries. Sea buckthorn and wild rose can be brewed and drunk instead of tea - 200 grams each in the morning and evening. Fruit drinks, juices and infusions are prepared from cranberries, but you can’t drink them with gastritis, high acidity and ulcers.
    9. Vegetables and fruits:
      • Apples;
      • Beet;
      • oranges;
      • Bulgarian pepper;
      • Grapefruits;
      • Turnip;
      • Green string beans;
      • eggplant;
      • cucumbers;
      • Lettuce leaves;
      • grenades;
      • Garlic is one of the best anticoagulants. Eat it raw and add it as a condiment, just make sure you have no contraindications first. These include heart disease, pregnancy, gastritis, lactation and hemorrhoids;
      • Melon;
      • lemons;
      • Onion;
      • Squash;
      • Black radish;
      • Cabbage;
      • Horseradish;
      • Artichoke;
      • Dried apricots;
      • Bell pepper;
      • Tomatoes - their action is compared with aspirin. Tomatoes not only thin the blood, but also prevent the appearance of blood clots, and also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
      • Zucchini;
      • Pumpkin;
      • Celery.

    What you should refuse is bananas, rich broths, sausages, cream, marinades, white bread, lentils, mangoes, canned food and smoked products. Under the ban is alcohol, as well as sweets, soda, buckwheat, fatty milk and potatoes.

    It is better not to fry food, but to bake, steam or stew. And try not to oversalt cooked meals.

    Herbs for blood thinning

    Medicinal plants growing on the territory of our country with you will help to cope with the problem and forget about medicines.

    Recipe #1


    • Melissa (leaves) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Water - 200 ml.


    1. Pour the lemon balm with a glass of boiling water.
    2. Leave for 1 hour.
    3. Drink the entire amount per day.

    Recipe #2

    • Chestnut peel - 50 grams;
    • Vodka - 500 ml.


    1. Pour vodka over the chestnut skin.
    2. Insist 2 weeks.
    3. Take 30 drops every day. Course - 3 weeks.

    Recipe #3


    • Thorn prickly - 1 part;
    • Dandelion - 1 part;
    • Water - 400 ml.


    1. Mix both ingredients.
    2. Pour boiling water over the mixture.
    3. Insist 4 hours.
    4. Drink 4 times 2 tbsp. l. course - 2 weeks.

    Recipe #4

    • Melilot officinalis - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Water - 200 ml.


    1. Grind sweet clover grass.
    2. Fill it with boiled water.
    3. Let it brew a little.
    4. Drink 1/3 cup twice a day. Course - 1 month.

    Recipe number 5


    • Roots of Caucasian Dioscorea - 60 grams;
    • Alcohol - 0.5 l. alcohol (40%).


    1. Grind Dioscorea roots.
    2. Soak them in alcohol.
    3. Dilute 25 drops in 3 tbsp. l. pure water. Drink 3 times. The course is 21 days, a week break and one more repetition. Four courses are required per year.

    Recipe #6

    • Mulberry roots - 200 gr.;
    • Water - 3 liters.


    1. Rinse and chop the roots.
    2. Fill with a liter of cold water.
    3. Boil 1 hour.
    4. Cool and refrigerate.
    5. Drink 3 times 200 grams. The course is 1 week, then 3 days off and another cycle.

    Recipe number 7


    • Mushrooms - 0.5 l of the bank;
    • Vodka - about 500 grams.


    1. Pour water over mushrooms.
    2. Insist 14 days.
    3. Take half an hour before meals, spreading 1 tsp. composition in 50 gr. Water.

    Recipe number 8

    • Ginkgo biloba leaves - 50 grams;
    • Vodka - 0.5 l.


    1. Fill the leaves with vodka.
    2. Insist 2 weeks.
    3. Drink 3 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. The course is 3 months, then a month break and another repetition.

    Recipe #9


    • meadowsweet meadowsweet - 1 tsp;
    • Water - 200 grams.


    1. Chop up the grass.
    2. Fill with boiling water and cover the container with a lid.
    3. After 5 minutes, the infusion is ready.
    4. Drink three 100 ml before meals.

    Recipe number 10

    • Echinacea roots - 2 tsp;
    • Burdock roots - 2 tsp;
    • Water - 1.5 l;
    • Elder flowers - 2 tsp;
    • Nettle - 2 tsp;
    • Mint - 2 tsp;
    • Meadow clover - 2 tsp;
    • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.


    1. Grind echinacea and burdock roots.
    2. Fill them with boiling water.
    3. Boil 10 minutes.
    4. Add nettle and elderberry.
    5. Boil for 10 more minutes.
    6. Add clover and mint.
    7. We simmer another 10 minutes.
    8. Keep covered for 5 minutes.
    9. We filter through a sieve.
    10. We add honey.
    11. Take morning and evening 50 ml 20 minutes before meals. The course is 60 days.

    Recipe #11


    • Willow branches and bark - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Water - 0.5 l.


    1. Pour the willow into a thermos.
    2. Fill it with boiling water.
    3. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 glass in the evening. The course is 30 days.

    Non-standard methods of treatment

    Take note of a couple more methods that people have tried.


    Leeches are popular, but controversial remedy. Several leeches are placed at a time. They inject a special substance, hirudin, into the bloodstream, which thins the blood very quickly. Treatment is carried out every 6 months.


    In this case, bee subpestilence is used - insects that died a natural death. They contain heparin, which regulates blood clotting.

    Water decoctions, alcohol and oil tinctures are prepared from dead bees.

    Pour 2 tbsp. l. raw materials 0.5 l of water, let it boil and cook for an hour over low heat. Drink 50 ml before meals. The broth is stored for 3 days in the refrigerator.

    remember, that folk recipes must be combined with a diet that is balanced and healthy. Only then can we hope for a positive effect. Be healthy!

    Thick blood is a condition in which the blood becomes very viscous. An unusual increase in density occurs due to abnormalities in the process of blood clotting. Thick blood prevents the circulation of oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body. This can lead to a deficiency of the latter or to hypoxia. When the circulatory system is functioning normally, the clotting process starts during contractions in the blood vessel. Thrombin (a blood enzyme) is released into the bloodstream. This sets off a biochemical reaction that results in the formation of clotting agents. The sole task of these agents is to form a clot. When the work is done the folding process must stop. But for patients with this disease, the process does not stop, and the agents cover the capillaries with a layer of fibrin.

    This thickens the blood and provides an ideal environment for pathogens to thrive.

    Some ethnic races may have a genetic predisposition for thick blood. Defects in clotting genes negatively affect the body's ability to interfere with the blood clotting process. These defects may affect its ability to excrete fibrin deposits formed as a result of clotting.

    A few more causes of thick blood:

    • Aging;
    • Improper diet, diabetes, high cholesterol;
    • Lack of physical activity;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Hematocrit;
    • Deformation of erythrocytes;
    • Dehydration (for example, constant exposure to very hot climates);
    • Heredity;
    • Against the background of taking the drug (leads to increased symptoms of dehydration);
    • Lack of fatty acids;
    • environmental toxins;
    • Cigarette smoke;
    • Radiation, irradiation;
    • Stress;
    • Microbes: bacteria, viruses, spirochetes; intestinal dysbacteriosis;
    • Polycythemia vera (the bone marrow makes too many red blood cells)
    • thrombocytosis;
    • myelodysplastic disorders;
    • Paraneoplastic syndromes (due to large amounts of circulating immunoglobulins, cryoglobulins, paraproteins or antibodies, or due to an excessive increase in blood cells).


    Increased viscosity and reduced blood flow can lead to a variety of clinical manifestations, including:

    • Central nervous system: lethargy, headache, deafness, convulsions;
    • Vision: papilloedema, hemorrhages, vasodilation of the retina, loss of vision;
    • Cardiovascular system: arterial hypertension;
    • Hematological: anemia, abnormal bleeding (bruising, hemorrhage of the mucous membranes, rectal bleeding, menorrhagia), thrombosis, leukocyte dysfunction ();
    • Renal response: renal failure, renal tubular acidosis.

    Some patients report symptoms such as:

    • Eating disorders - irritable bowel syndrome;
    • Heavy pregnancy, miscarriages;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • Red skin color;
    • Difficulty in treating any bacterial, viral or fungal infections;
    • Increased stress on the heart, which can lead to a stroke.


    A blood test is required to determine the number of red blood cells, a hematocrit test.

    Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

    Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

    • An arterial blood gas test to check the level of oxygen in the blood
    • Blood sugar (glucose);
    • Analysis for, as well as the ratio of nitrogen to creatine;
    • Urinalysis (measuring the level of glucose, blood and protein in the urine);
    • Blood clotting test (coagulogram).
