The importance of protein in human life is not overstated. Translated into Russian, the word "protein" means "protein", and it is he who plays the leading role in the structure and regeneration of cells. The protein is found in the cells of muscles, hair, skin, and with a deficiency of this substance, the body begins to remove it from the tissues, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of a person. Athletes involved in active physical activity especially need protein. The benefits of protein in this case will be enormous - special protein shakes saturate the body with protein in an amount that cannot be obtained from ordinary food.

  • What is protein
  • Types of protein
  • Is protein harmful?
  • Benefits of Protein
  • How to choose a protein
  • How to take protein
  • Protein for weight loss

What is protein


Large molecules, which contain valuable amino acids necessary for body cells to build and renew.

The benefits of protein for humans are expressed in two directions - this is a rapid build-up of a fairly good muscle mass and weight loss.

Protein is a valuable protein that our body needs to build and regenerate cells.

Many bodily functions, such as metabolism, immune function or the synthesis of certain hormones, are due to protein. It is instantly absorbed and immediately begins to work. Protein shakes are drunk for the purpose of:

  • Stamina Boosts
  • Rapid muscle growth
  • For energy
  • Enrichment of the body with valuable substances

Protein as a sports nutrition is most often in the form of a powder. Cocktails are made from it and taken at certain times throughout the day. On a can of powder, manufacturers indicate the amino acid composition of the mixture - the amount of useful substances contained in a concentrated protein. Most often, minerals and vitamin complexes that are useful for athletes, as well as glutamine and creatine, are attached to the protein.

Types of protein

Natural sources of protein are: fish, chicken meat, dairy products, beef, eggs. An active athlete who wants to increase muscle mass needs to consume huge amounts of these foods daily, which is almost impossible. In this case, protein formulations come to the rescue, from which delicious cocktails are obtained, which should certainly be included in his diet.

The type of protein depends on the protein products that were taken as its basis.

Depending on the training conditions and goals, you need to choose the right type of protein. According to the type of raw material, it is divided into 7 main types, and the harm and benefits of protein in each case may also differ.

Types of protein mixtures:

  • Whey(concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate) is one of the most common and fastest types of protein with an excellent amino acid composition. The protein level, depending on the type of mixture, ranges from 75 to 96, and the most expensive and fastest in digestion is the hydrolyzate.
  • casein- absorbed by the body for about 6 hours and is considered the slowest type of protein. Experienced athletes recommend using it before bedtime in order to restore muscles during the rest.
  • soy- has an average digestibility, it is one of the inexpensive types of protein. It helps to lower cholesterol, but is not very popular, as it has a low quality of the constituent protein and vegetable origin.
  • Wheat- Its characteristics are similar to soy protein. Most often used by people who are lactose intolerant to lose weight.
  • Lactic A combination of whey and casein proteins. Due to the unique composition, one part of the mixture is quickly absorbed, and the second enriches the muscles with the necessary amino acids for a long time.
  • Egg- occupies a leading position in the quality of amino acids and fast digestibility (after the whey type). This protein is not cheap and has a specific taste.
  • Meat- has high-quality amino acids in high concentration (35-40). Very quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

Is protein harmful?

Of course, every person interested in sports nutrition wonders if protein is harmful. Since it is absolutely natural in composition and is made from ordinary high-calorie foods, protein cannot cause harm to the body. The only thing to watch out for when taking protein shakes is a low-quality product. Harm, and not benefit, can bring proteins to a person if they are consumed in large quantities and do not follow the directions on the label.

Protein shakes help the body recover quickly after exercise

In long-term studies, it was found that low-quality soy protein may not have the best effect on the state of the body. It contains phytoestrogens - substances similar in molecular structure to female hormones. The use of such cocktails can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels and overweight. Also, we should not forget that the basis of soy protein is genetically modified raw materials, and the intake of such products poses a serious threat to our health.

To determine if a protein is harmful, before using it, it is better to familiarize yourself with its components and study side effects from his acceptance.

Side effects after taking protein:

  • Allergic manifestations
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Digestive disorders (flatulence, nausea, vomiting, bloating)
  • The occurrence of acne (most often after taking a whey type of protein)
  • Overweight and activation of the growth of tumors present in the body (after taking soy proteins)

Any type of protein is contraindicated for people who have chronic kidney diseases or have an individual intolerance to at least one component of this product.

Benefits of Protein

To keep the body in excellent shape, a person needs to consume enough protein. Its amount can be different - this indicator depends on the lifestyle and condition of the muscles. Moreover, we always need protein, as it is consumed even during sleep.

The basis of proteins is natural products containing valuable vitamins and elements that are beneficial for our body.

The benefits of protein are as follows:

  • It is needed by all vital systems of the body, since with its deficiency, their functions deteriorate.
  • Protein must be present in the diet of athletes during the period of muscle building - with its deficiency, muscular dystrophy can develop, which will lead to a partial loss of limb mobility.
  • Protein affects the composition and quality of blood, normalizes the level of hemoglobin.
  • Proteins provide active work of the body's defenses, forming a powerful immune system.
  • Proteins are necessary for a good metabolism in the body, and this is the key to normal weight and proper functioning of all internal organs.
  • Proteins regulate hormonal levels, activate brain activity, and promote rapid tissue regeneration.
  • Protein helps the body recover quickly after physical exertion, normalizes blood pressure and suppresses hunger.

How to choose a protein

The choice of protein directly depends on the end result that a person wants to achieve. It is best to use several types of product with different characteristics and digestibility.

The correct use of proteins helps to quickly lose weight and show off excellent muscles.

According to the degree of assimilation, protein supplements are divided into three types:

  • Fast (whey)- necessary for severe exhaustion of the body, during active muscle growth and weight loss. Fast proteins are taken before training, at the end of classes and in the morning, when the body is in a strong need for protein.
  • Slow (caseins, soy proteins)- are used as an auxiliary product for weight loss and muscle gain. They replace 1-2 meals, but they must be taken strictly at the allotted time, best at night.
  • Complex- contain a mixture of several types of protein, provide nutrition to the body with valuable amino acids, are quickly absorbed, and at the same time enrich the muscles with the necessary amount of protein.

How to take protein

Standard recommendations for use are the same for men and women whose body is subject to strong physical exertion. In the morning, it is better to take a whey shake, between meals - a complex one, after a workout, whey again is required, and before going to bed - a casein type of protein.

Proteins must be taken in a strict dosage and combined with regular meals.

It is best to dilute the protein in water or milk. You should remember the main rule for taking any kind of cocktail: it cannot be diluted in boiling water, otherwise the protein will curdle. It is strongly not recommended to consume a large portion of proteins, since the digestive system may not be able to cope with such a load and not absorb some of the substances.

Dosage of protein per day for building muscle mass:


  • Average build - 300.350 g
  • Prone to fullness - 250.300 g


  • Slightly overweight - 250.300 g
  • Obese women - 180.250 g

People whose weight exceeds 100 kg, daily requirement protein should be calculated in the amount of 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Protein for weight loss

In order to lose weight and build relief, you need to choose a protein with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats in the composition. The best in this category is protein isolate - the amount of these substances in the preparation is zero. Such a cocktail is taken in the morning, before training and at the end of it. In parallel, it is recommended to take high-quality fat burners.

The norm of the use of protein formulations for weight loss:

  • For men - within 130.160 g
  • For women - in the amount of 100.140 g

Correct and accurate information about the types of this product, about its norm per day and recommendations for admission will completely eliminate questions about whether the protein is harmful and how it should be taken. The main rule during the course of taking this supplement should not be neglected: it is impossible to completely replenish the body's daily protein requirement with protein! Valuable substances should be supplied in an amount of 50% with food, and only the remaining 50% can be replaced with protein preparations.

Increasingly, the use of natural protein is replaced with artificial protein, because drinking a cocktail is easier and faster than cooking. healthy meals. But, since specialty cocktails still remain a synthetic supplement to the main diet, the question often arises whether protein is harmful or not. To understand this, it is necessary to accurately determine the effect of muscle building cocktails on the male and female body.

What is a protein?

Synthetic protein is, in fact, a common food supplement made from protein mixtures (proteins). Harmful or not protein shakes, which are subsequently prepared from a concentrated substance, what effect they have on the human body, and whether they really allow you to quickly gain muscle mass - these topics are constantly raised by novice athletes, some coaches, sports nutritionists and the media. At the same time, protein is only an additive to the main diet, and not a full-fledged replacement for the natural protein that the human body traditionally receives from food.

Natural proteins are undoubtedly useful. The impact of organic compounds is as follows:

  • promote growth and participate in the recruitment of muscle mass - this property is used when introducing proteins into the diet of athletes;
  • carry out the transport of various substances;
  • participate in the breakdown and promote the absorption of nutrients obtained from food;
  • provide the body with enough energy;
  • contribute to the formation of antibodies and are involved in maintaining hormonal balance.

However, the influence given substance on the body is not so clear. Like many other products, including natural ones, protein powder can cause various kinds of allergic reactions.

Who can drink protein shakes and when?

Many people who want to become more athletic, have a toned and sculpted body, are ready to drink and eat anything that will help them achieve their goal as soon as possible. Protein is especially popular due to its versatility: concentrated protein allows both weight gain and weight loss. This property makes it possible to use "artificial" protein for different groups of people.

With excessive thinness, cocktails will allow you to gain about 10 kg of muscle mass in just a few weeks. The action of the protein can be directed in the opposite direction: there are mixtures that do not contribute to mass gain at all, and even burn fat faster. body fat. Both a young girl and a middle-aged woman can use the substance for weight loss - there are no age restrictions, but, of course, in any case, the recommended dosages must be observed.

The use of concentrated protein can be recommended for strict vegetarians - people who deliberately refuse to use animal protein, as a rule, replace it with vegetable protein, but this is not always effective. It is for vegetarians that protein mixtures based on hemp or soy have been developed.

What is the function of protein?

Does the harm or benefit of protein predominate? The action of the protein is similar to the natural protein that enters the body with food. An artificially obtained organic compound also helps to gain muscle mass, saturates with energy, indirectly increases immune defense (the protective function of the protein lies in the fact that the substance is involved in the synthesis of antibodies if necessary) and speeds up metabolic processes.

The difference between a synthetic protein and a natural organic compound is as follows:

  • this powder is actually ready for use and only needs to be diluted with water;
  • contains the optimal composition of energy elements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • the protein is in a split form, so it is faster and better absorbed.

Why is protein useful? The benefit of protein lies in the rapid breakdown of concentrated protein into amino acids, which saturates with energy. Protein powder eliminates the need to consume a large amount of protein food and allows you to control your sports diet. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, the fat layer decreases, the nutrition for the muscles is supplied in sufficient volume. In sports, the benefits of protein shakes are undeniable, but their uncontrolled use is not only ineffective, but can also pose a serious health hazard.

How does protein affect men?

Representatives of the stronger sex, due to the specifics of their hobbies, resort to the use of protein powders much more often than women. Is protein bad for health? And in particular, what effect will protein intake have on potency?

Frightened by addiction, complete impotence and negative influence on the urinary system - this is how organic compounds affect health, according to some opinions. In fact, such threats are unfounded - protein is harmless for men.

Protein shakes do not cause addiction, their composition is simply free from components that could have a similar effect. The protein will also not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver of a healthy person.

As for potency, many athletes who use protein mixtures as part of sports nutrition observe the exact opposite picture, i.e. increased sexual desire. But another element is really dangerous - steroids, which have an extremely bad effect on potency.

So, protein protein will not have a negative impact on men's health. Of course, only positive results should be expected only if the rules for taking the substance are observed.

How does protein affect women?

The beautiful sex, as opposed to the male, uses protein powder mainly for the purpose of losing weight and “drying” the body. The harm and benefits of an organic compound of a substance are of particular interest to women in matters of maintaining hormonal balance. Does protein affect hormones and are protein shakes harmful? The substance does not have an androgynous effect. So the effect of protein on the hormonal background is completely unfounded by the media in a negative way.

If we talk about the positive effects of the substance, the benefits of protein for women are the same as for men, however, an organic compound can also be used for the purpose of losing weight.

Are there any negative consequences of using protein mixtures?

Protein protein today is very diverse, so the side effects largely depend on the presence of additional substances in the composition of the mixtures.

Objective negative consequences of protein intake can appear only with individual intolerance to some components of a protein shake, with an incorrectly chosen sports diet or non-compliance with dosages. Contraindicated, for example, the use of protein mixtures with intolerance to lactose and casein. The harm of protein shakes and side effects in this case will be represented by the following condition:

  • poisoning, mild symptoms of intoxication;
  • diarrhea, bloating, increased flatulence;
  • stomach discomfort, feeling of heaviness.

Another negative factor in the use of a synthetic organic compound is excessive weight gain and the appearance of a fatty layer, instead of gaining muscle mass. Such harm to the protein can be expected if the dosages are not observed and there is no physical activity when using a concentrated protein.

What is harmful protein in large quantities? Protein powder can put too much stress on the kidneys, which in turn often causes the development of various diseases localized in the affected organ, or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In what other cases is it harmful to drink a substance? It is not recommended to continue following sports nutrition if any reaction occurs. The following symptoms indicate a clear need to change the composition:

  • protein rash, itching and swelling (if it starts to “pour”, often just changing the mixture is enough);
  • allergic rhinitis in combination with dryness, redness of the sclera of the eyes, conjunctivitis or tearing;
  • poisoning (symptoms of intoxication) and other side effects are rare.


Contraindications to taking protein powder are chronic kidney disease and individual intolerance to mixture elements (poisoning and other side effects may occur). Age factor when using food additives it doesn't matter: protein for teenagers is not harmful if the substance is used in reasonable amounts. Despite the absence of an extensive list of contraindications, before using the substance, you should consult a doctor and choose the appropriate composition of sports nutrition.

Greetings, dear sports fans and healthy lifestyle life. In today's article, we would like to touch on a very important question which we are asked almost every day. Is protein harmful, and if not, what is the use of it? If you don't want to read the whole article and want the answer, here it is: protein is not bad. If you need proof of our words, continue reading the article, and we will tell you everything in detail.

So, first, let's figure out what is a "protein"? Protein is protein. IN English language protein sounds and is spelled like protein. Well, since the marketers of sports nutrition companies did not really like the simple word protein on the packaging of their products, they made a decision and called their product “protein”. That is, a protein is a protein. And protein is very important for muscle growth. Another question is how it is produced.

Protein production

There are no secrets in the production of protein, any dairy plant can produce this powder if it has special equipment for the whole business.

*Did you know what is common between "protein" and baby food? They are produced using the same technology.

The main raw material for the production of protein powder, you guessed it, is milk. Milk itself is an amazing product, it has all the necessary nutrients that are needed for the growth of a person or animal. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, all this is in milk, which is why mothers feed their young children with milk.

So, in order to produce a protein powder that you will then drink after your workout, manufacturers extract whey from milk. Hence the name Whey Protein. most popular and effective product. It is quickly absorbed and saturates your muscles after a hard workout with the necessary amount of protein.

Another protein that is also isolated from milk is called casein. It is in cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a casein protein. We take it before bed so that our muscles have something to eat during sleep.

So, the protein is not chemistry at all, it is an ordinary powder, which, using the usual fermentation processes, is converted from milk. We are sure that your grandmothers or mothers made delicious cottage cheese. Chemistry you eat when you eat dumplings from the supermarket or sausages with beer.

So all the same, protein: benefit or harm?

Definitely a benefit. Protein powders are produced from natural raw materials at all dairy plants in the world. In many European and American countries, protein shakes are sold in supermarkets and soft drink vending machines.

Protein is either useful or will not affect your body at all. If you prefer a protein shake to a good piece of meat, then there will be no benefit from this, and no harm either. But if you, after a good strength training, immediately, in the locker room, drink protein powder mixed with milk and a banana, this is where the real benefit will be. Your favorite muscles will immediately receive a “shock dose” of protein and will begin to reciprocate, grow, and please your eyes.

So the basic rule is: we do not replace the main meal with a protein shake, we take it only after training or, in the case of casein, before bed.

Protein powder, just an addition to your basic diet.

The only thing that can put you off buying a can of protein is the price. Protein powders are quite expensive. Prices fluctuate around 2500 rubles for a 2-kilogram jar, which for many is not an affordable luxury. But if you have extra money, then feel free to go to the nearest sports nutrition store and buy yourself a jar of protein.

One of the best manufacturers of sports nutrition is the company Optimum Nutrition and their protein Gold Standard 100% Whey. Feel free to buy this jar.

Well, let's summarize. We hope we were able to convince you that the protein is not harmful, but even useful. But if your finances won't let you buy a can of protein good manufacturer, better not buy any, but go to butcher shop and buy a couple of kilos of meat.

    I have been using protein for 25 years, my age is 47
    There are no problems with the health of the pancreatic heart joints. the potential is through the roof.
    The main thing is to know the measure in everything. For those who do not understand sports, do not confuse prot with pharma test esters, this is a delicate topic. For athletes, the intake of prot has not even been discussed by many for 80 years. Prot I take factory in bags there are no additives.

    • Illiterate people were already sold "bouillons in cubes" after the collapse of the USSR.
      DON'T DRIVE A BURGERY! All these “milk-based” powders are chemistry…
      There is no benefit to gaining mass. They are taken out with a couple of punches by an average boxer!

      • Speaking right! In general, any sport or body training is garbage. The point is to swing if the average boxer can take you out, the point of boxing if you get shot with a pistol, the point of shooting with a pistol ... well, in short, you will beat the garbage.

    Everything is useful but in moderation! And lifestyle and experiences different kind Everyone is different, of course, the reaction to food is different. Listen to your body, you need to listen to it, the body will tell you what and how much to eat

    You live skinny and fat, you will have funny life until the age of 60, then you will die skinny and fat. And those who eat protein look pumped up, girls like jocks, you can be a jock and know that everything is fine, he is proud of his body, a greater path is open for jocks, and die at 60, from some kind of illness, where they will write in conclusion, that it is a protein. As for me, it’s better to live for your own pleasure, I eat protein, I know people who eat it, there’s nothing wrong with that, well, decide for yourself who to die in old age.

    To go nuts ... well, comments! I look in the book, I see a fig. The article says in black and white that protein is the protein needed for muscle recovery and that protein is made from milk. What the hell is chemistry? It is clear that they can sell both high-quality protein and not. This is the case with all products. this is the market. Everywhere there is a war for a place in the market. A literate person is not too lazy, and will find the company that he likes according to the reviews. Every day, if scientists or doctors look at us, they say that this is impossible, then another is impossible. And then, bam, time passes, and then the scientists-doctors sing another song. it's getting funny. Dear! There are so many things mixed up in the products that are sold in stores. You can't eat anything at all that won't harm your body. The whole truth to you, well, no one will tell you what a certain food product contains. Now only home-grown products can be consumed without fear. Who makes you eat protein in buckets? Each person must decide for himself what and how much to eat. It all depends on the weight of the person. Well, 30 g per day, no more. And if your body is polluted with slags, if you have problems with internal organs, then even if you drink protein, even if you don’t, you will move horses when the body fails. You can die from vitamins, if you don’t understand what you use, and in a huge amount. Do you want to consume baby food, instead of protein, please. But! Baby food is of high quality, at a price far from cheap. I am not a jock, and my husband is not a jock, but we go to the gym to keep our muscles in good shape, for pleasure, for health. It's better to be in the gym than to drink, smoke, or grow a belly. Movement is life. And it infuriates me when they start talking garbage about people who are engaged in gym. Yes! Kachkov. That they are stupid cabinets. You didn’t guess the figure, I know enough people who are smart, literate, polite, educated, interesting, successful in business, in life. People who go in for sports know a lot about the drugs they need and about sports nutrition, and they decide for themselves what to use and what not. who is spinning in this area knows everything, and if you do not have information, knowledge, then there is no need to write nonsense.

    Alas and ah - do you want brittle bones, like people of retirement age? eat protein, eat meat, chicken and fish. Do you want to know the truth? look at Ronnie Colman now. Look at people dying by the thousands from heart attacks. and it's from NATURAL meat. A protein is a clot of protein - it is a poison in its 100th form. Do you want to know why it is beneficial to say that protein is a “natural product”?))))) Grandmas decide everything, loot, lave decides.
    By the way, I'm not a pimple - CCM in powerlifting and I wanted to shit on protein - let the enemies poison them

    well, the level of knowledge in society .. (
    Of course protein is not chemistry. A protein supplement in sports-pit chemistry.
    With rare exceptions, hundreds of proteins are pure. I only buy these. The rest is chemistry.

    Consume 12 eggs with food and pump basic exercises the result will surprise everyone

    First: If you naively believe that the intestinal microflora produces proteins for the host (animal, human), then you are mistaken, it produces them for itself, and this is the host after the death of the microflora receives its proteins for lunch. I should note that not all non-digestible carbohydrates are absorbed by the human intestinal microflora, and moreover, not all carbohydrates are converted into protein in the microflora. Basically, these carbohydrates are used for energy storage, for the life support of microflora.
    Second: a person does not need protein at all; it would be much more convenient for him to absorb amino acids.
    Third: protein synthesis is still not a very trivial task. Reproduction of the amino acid sequence is performed on special robotic synthesizers (because the process requires multiple cyclic repetitions of synthetic operations) still more expensive than isolating them from protein hydrolysates). The amounts of proteins obtained are minimal, and the prices are prohibitive in comparison with the prices of a kilogram of meat. For example, 100 mg of a peptide of 4 ex amino acids will cost 300-1000 dollars. The average protein has a length of 400-500 amino acids of this length; polypeptides simply cannot be synthesized due to a decrease in the yield of the product at each synthesis cycle.
    Fourth: In order to synthesize protein, in addition to carbohydrate, it would not be bad to have a source of nitrogen.
    Fifth: In connection with the Second, synthesizing protein is a completely unnecessary expensive undertaking; it is enough to synthesize 20 amino acids. However, the synthesis of these 20 amino acids is a very expensive undertaking, as already mentioned in the Third.
    Sixth: Given the above, the proposal to obtain synthetic protein from carbohydrates, oil, and any other sources of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are currently PRACTICALLY UNACCEPTABLE
    Seventh: Today, in the vast majority of cases, living systems are used to produce protein and amino acids, only this approach is practically and economically viable. One of these options (“any yeast will deal with them already”) was proposed above - a bioreactor with microorganisms (which essentially is a reproduction of the processes in the intestine, but in a "barrel").

    beer is healthy, in moderation and on natural yeast
    it is better to eat natural food from your diet than protein of unknown origin
    the body itself will tell you how much and what it needs, if natural food.

    Be fruitful and multiply. for it is said in the book of books. What you sow is what you reap. And India is like that. If youth knew, if only old age could. Take care of your health from your youth. Do not chase records. Train your head more, eat schnitzel with tomatoes.

    Oh my god… Proteins IS A FUCKING PROTEIN! Just the name "protein" was translated into English! And those who are afraid of "spoiling their health" with proteins - drink milk, buy salmon and shove it into yourself.

    Protein is poison, plant the liver, you can only take protein in its natural form (meat).

    • Protein is protein from dairy products, mostly. You can plant kidneys, and then if you take protein thoughtlessly and already have problems with the kidneys (for example, a disease). And the meat is rich in protein and is easily digested only chicken and rabbit. But it must be eaten then in such quantities that ...

    So so! For those in the tank! Short, 1 time and popular! The use of protein in the diet requires the consumption of large amounts of water during training at a minimum. Otherwise, say goodbye to your kidneys at 50…

    • That's exactly what it is! That's all you need to know, the article is about nothing

    So if sports nutrition is so similar to baby food, why not buy baby powders? Bank costs 500 rubles. We seem to be saving.

    • Dear comrade, for some reason everyone forgot that fitness is primarily a business .. And business needs people to take what it offers ... Think right - baby food was used by bodybuilders even before the advent of fitness! And most likely baby food is healthier than protein powder from an American uncle ...

    Yeah .. seriously, so many fools write comments .. The people seem to have not studied at school and do not know elementary things. Guys don't talk nonsense. A person needs 2-3 grams of protein per kg of weight, of which 60 × 2 \u003d 120, + 3 \u003d 180. A person weighing 60 kg needs at least 120 grams of protein every day for muscle growth, there can be no protein overload and similar nonsense, you still try to eat so much) if your liver or kidneys are naughty, hell knows, you may need to drink less and more for monitor health) As stated in the article, protein is good for the body.

    • And why is there chemistry in dumplings and sausages, but here is a natural product? You are aware that the products of many Western countries differ in composition if they are for the domestic market or for sale in developing countries, even baby food has different compositions and GMOs, but here is a 100% natural product?

      You write nonsense and nonsense, because you need to look at each specific case, in the first six months of training there is practically no need for additional proteins, and then the need arises only for those who do sports so seriously that they have connected their lives with it .
      If classes are “for yourself” and keeping fit, and not working for a sports result, it is better to avoid taking any drugs altogether

    There are many messages from illiterate people who do not understand anything about protein and stick their nose where they don’t need to. When you swing, the body needs more protein and therefore you need to drink proteins, and whoever says that the body does not absorb those idiots, he will learn because he needs more when you swing, in short, the bums just sit at the computer and slander the protein because they can’t buy themselves.

    obZen it's not profitable for you to sell milk, remember we don't have good milk, because even if it's expensive, what would you do if you were a manufacturer? Yes, they would earn even more milk that is not at all useful as water

    The opinion of jocks vs "pimples" is understandable. Do you want to know the doctor's opinion? Not just a doctor, but a professor of medicine at one of the European research clinics specializing in diseases of the digestive system. Well, that's the opinion. Excess protein is unequivocally harmful, whether it's chemical protein shakes, whether it's a protein diet. The liver is not able to process a large amount of protein, excess "contaminate" the liver, kidneys and the body as a whole. The norm is not just called the norm. There are certain norms for the consumption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They didn't just come from the ceiling. Nobody argues that the constant two or three times the consumption of carbohydrates and fats ultimately leads to an imbalance in the body, and later to illness. Why does protein cause controversy?! Exceeding the norm in the same way eventually leads to illness. This is quite logical.
    But who cares about the doctor's opinion, right?! 🙂

    Is it true that long-term use of protein will make you infertile?

    • Certainly. if you use protein for a long time, there will be no harm, and protein is poison.

    Interesting article and idiotic comments. At the time of my youth, our jocks sat on retobolil and infant formula to gain weight. So I think protein mixtures can be replaced with baby food. For those who are afraid for their health, I think they will help. Although there is a whole range of factors. But I think who wants to do and who does not want to hang in the net and writes all sorts of garbage. Good luck to you good site-useful.

    But nothing that the internal organs suffer from an excess amount of protein in the diet? You should not eat in large quantities, otherwise it will be pizdos ...
    Sometimes you will not physically be able to eat as much meat as required by the diet, but then you have to choose, friends.

    Sorry if the protein is not useful product, then not easier to drink baby food? (powdered milk (mixtures), curds, fruits, etc.)

    I agree with Oleg ... In addition to the illiterate: Protein is not an artificially created chemical element .. it is contained in many protein products of plant and animal origin .. for example, oats are full of it. baby food, milk, banana .. and in order to get the result you need to drink all this correctly: the stomach assimilates 300 grams of the product at a time: that is, 300 g before training and after .. and the result is obvious ..
    P.S. Pump not only the body and BRAIN ... ..

    • "contained" is spelled without soft sign. Great brain tip.

    Come on, come on, glamorous jocks, stuff yourself with chemical stuff. Five years of continuous consumption of "protein supplements" is enough for the initial stage of the process of liver decomposition. And do not care that there will be problems, it's all later, once there. But now - relief and beauty. In the summer on the beach, all the deffs are yours, bro.

    • “Come on, come on, miserly jocks, stuff yourself with natural rubbish. Five years of uninterrupted consumption of "real meat" is enough for the initial stage of the process of liver decomposition. And do not care that there will be problems, it's all later, once there. But now - relief and beauty. In the summer on the beach, all the deffs are yours, bro."
      That's what you wrote for nonsense. Although you don’t understand, you’re probably a nerd, or a beginner in bodybuilding. when you weigh 85 and want to make it to 100, how will you do it? you can’t eat so much protein from food, and this must be done daily.

    exactly what proteins do you recommend and how many kg you can drink per month and then when you need to stop drinking after 3 or 6 months

    Be that as it may, manufacturers receive a lot of money for protein supplements. And no one talks about side effects. Still, there are all sorts of chemical substances, which are not very useful for the body. Personally, I am in favor of eating bananas, milk, fruits, which definitely do not contain any unknown substances. And chemistry is consumed by those who are not happy to spend an extra couple of hours at the simulators, but who want to quickly become like cool. And the rash that appears on the shoulders suggests that the liver is not able to process so much protein. So choose to pay money and get fat after a break in training, or take longer to train, sweat more, but have really strong muscles, and most importantly, self-confidence and pride in the work done

    • What the hell are you talking about!!! Read carefully the article, what kind of chemistry???

      Why write such nonsense I do not understand. Now imagine how many kilograms of bananas, cottage cheese, milk you need to eat per day, how much to drink. And as for fruits, I’m generally silent, dick knows where and how they are grown. So if you don’t know what protein is and why you need it, it’s better not to open your mouth)

      Yes, you at least die on these simulators, the food should be very plentiful. And what is better, drink a couple of cocktails, or eat eat eat eat? And remember, do not eat, but eat. Drink 4 liters of milk a day, eat chicken breasts every 30 minutes, eat eggs.
      Your stomach can't handle it

    I read somewhere that baby food is similar to protein. Is it so?

    Why not just drink milk then? Why is protein needed?

    • You can’t make so much dough with milk, because governments in many countries control the price of milk.

      • Ahaha, handsome :)) It is

    • Because whey protein, for example, is a protein concentrate or isolate, are you going to drink milk in buckets or something? I read the comments and am amazed at how many illiterate people there are. Better drink beer on a bench and snack on chips, where do you rant.

    There would be more of this in the masses, otherwise one person here recently told me that protein and a gainer plant the liver. No matter how I tried to explain that protein powder is obtained from milk, people remained of the opinion that protein is chemistry and you need to eat exclusively “natural” products.
    And where does such illiteracy come from?
    And why didn’t the article talk about other types of protein? There is also an egg, for example.

    • Where such illiteracy comes from, we ourselves do not understand. Most likely - the stereotypes that you just described in your comment.

      It makes no sense to write about other types of protein, since someone rarely uses them, and not everyone can buy them.

      Pimples write about the dangers of protein for which beer is useful.

      Well, actually, egg protein and milk protein have no difference for the body. Both are protein.

      That's interesting, the protein will plant the liver, but alcohol, fried and fatty apparently not? People talk about proper nutrition, natural products, but where are the specifics, examples? Do they have a diet, do they read the ingredients before they buy? In general, it is useless to convince and not worth it, everyone chooses what is best for him.

Find out why they drink a protein shake, how protein will help you gain 2 kg, lose extra pounds around your stomach or help you look beautiful!

Today it is believed that most bodybuilders in various forms consume a lot of protein. Sports nutrition stores are littered with high-protein products. This includes regular protein powder, bars, high-protein cereals and much more. Moreover, there are a great many types of protein itself: whey, soy, casein, albumin, and so on. Regardless of what kind of protein - it's all protein, which differs only in the rate of assimilation by the body and in the content of amino acids.

Diets aimed at losing fat and maintaining muscle mass are most often high-protein and low-carbohydrate. The best option getting the amount of protein your diet requires is eating a lot. But I'm sure most bodybuilders will agree, it's often hard to get a lot of protein, even though there's a lot to eat. Especially when you work full time and there is not always enough time for cooking to get the protein you need. This is exactly the case when protein shakes have a place to be. All you need is a quality whey protein powder, a shaker or regular bottle, and some water or milk. That's it, now you will have enough protein right in your hands to fuel your muscles!


Why is protein useful, why do most bodybuilders take protein shakes? Well, protein is primarily the basis for building muscle. They also take part in the construction of hormones, enzymes, cell bonds, nucleic acids and particles. immune system. Without the right amount of protein, our body will not be able to combine the structural network that makes up the cell. The body will not be able to maintain and create biochemical, which is very important for the heart, muscle contraction, growth and healing. Our muscles could not recover as quickly if we did not take in enough protein, and this could cause the muscles to overtrain, which in turn would lead to injury.

Whey protein is becoming a favorite treat for those who want to increase muscle and increase their fitness, and also want to improve health.

In addition, the time after training is best time for the consumption of protein by the body, so that the proteins are sent straight to the muscles. They will help heal "micro injuries" (microscopic injuries or tears in the muscle fibers that are caused by intense muscle contractions) in the muscles.

Due to the fact that solid foods take much longer to digest and it takes longer to decompose protein in order to send it to the muscles, it is better to take a protein shake at the end of the workout. Proteins that are in a protein shake will have time to absorb and saturate the muscles after 30 minutes after drinking the shake. Undoubtedly, in such cases, we can observe a huge plus of protein.

Which protein is better to choose?

Whey protein has become a favorite treat for those who want to increase muscle and increase their fitness, and also want to improve their health. To understand which protein is best for specific purposes, you need to know its quality and grade (for example, protein quality tests). Biological value is the most common criterion for assessing the quality of a protein, which refers to the amount of nitrogen in proteins per 100 grams.

The proteins that contain the highest BV number are considered the best for growth promotion. But often, this is a controversial issue among scientists. Despite this, most scientists who devote their work to the study of protein confirm the fact that: the higher the biological value, the better the protein is digested, absorbed and retained in the body. Thus, the equation of a large amount of connective tissue must occur, under different equal conditions (calories, when choosing an exercise, etc.). But, despite this, this topic is very complex and cannot give us answers so accurately.

The bottom line is that whey is a protein with a huge indicator of biological value, which contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids. Whey also has the highest content of branched chain amino acids found in nature. The number of biological value of whey is approximately 104. At the same time, in second place, in terms of the number of BC, it is 100 for the whole egg. At the same time, the number of biological value of milk is 91, casein - 77, beef - 80, soybeans - 74, wheat - 54, and beans - 49.

Again, the biological value number is only one criterion for evaluating protein, but it is quite important, which is why people consumed a lot of it. For example, for decades, beef, which has a fairly low level of biological value, has been a staple staple for athletes and people in general. Soy has a small number of biological value, but at the same time it has a number of other useful properties. Therefore, the biological value is of course very important and should be the basis for the choice of protein, but should not make the choice of other proteins taboo.

How much protein should you drink?

The minimum threshold for the amount of protein that should be taken in order to build muscle is 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram. total weight body. For example, if you weigh 90 kg, then the minimum threshold will be 180 grams of protein in order for the muscles to begin to grow. If you take more protein, which will exceed the daily minimum, then this will help speed up the healing process.

There has been a lot of debate about the maximum amount of protein you should be taking. I think it's unrealistic to overdo it with protein, meaning if you take in a lot of protein, it will only make a difference in your calcium or magnesium diet. It has long been proven that a large amount of protein can reduce the amount of magnesium and calcium in your body. I advise high protein intake for a variety of reasons. In addition to the fact that muscles need protein to grow and repair, three-fourths of all solids in the body are made up of proteins.

When is the best time to take protein?

You learned about all the pros and dosages of protein. But the question remains, when is the best time to take it? Your body needs protein most immediately after a workout. At this time, it is most predisposed to the absorption of protein, since after training the body begins to repair microcracks and tears in the muscles. If you take protein immediately after a workout, you will provide the body with everything it needs for speedy growth and muscle recovery.

At the end of the workout, it will be most beneficial to eat small meals after three hours. Servings should have the highest protein content. In this way, you create protein fuel for the muscles to speed up their recovery process. It is also very useful to eat before bedtime, for example, cottage cheese and drink some protein shake. Thanks to this, yours give your muscles a reserve, as during sleep the body will slowly begin to deplete. Breakfast is also very important point because your body is waiting to be recharged. best advice what I can give you is to eat consistently, every day.

Conclusion: Is protein good for health?

No matter what goals you set for yourself, protein should be put first in any nutrition program. Once again, we will clarify why they drink a protein shake. Protein is the most important element for high performance in improving physical fitness, it is necessary for gaining muscle mass, for burning body fat and creating muscle relief. It's no secret that a person who exercises at home or in the gym always achieves better results if he takes in enough protein. Despite this, non-bodybuilders and non-athletes now understand the benefits of protein. It is needed for the growth of hair, nails and the health of all organs, not just muscles. The only way to understand how beneficial protein can be for you is to try it!

Many novice athletes, having heard about sports nutrition for the first time, want to know first of all whether it is harmful. Naturally, a person who does not know will doubt that some kind of powder is not only not harmful, but also useful. The stereotypical thinking of many individuals sometimes crosses all boundaries, and they, who are completely ignorant of the issue, convince everyone that the liver can fall off from the protein. Is it really? How stupid does this all sound? Is protein bad or not? Let's continue the discussion to find out.

Protein is bad! Where do legs grow from?

The thought about the dangers of protein is caused, as a rule, by two points. First, it is a complete incompetence in the matter. People know almost nothing about the composition of the powder, but they conclude that it is unsafe to use it. Secondly, these are stereotypes and myths, which were just laid down by those who, out of ignorance, began to accuse the protein of all mortal sins: from impotence to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

The expression is familiar: “protein is chemistry”, “muscles don’t need protein, and they generally don’t live up to 40 years old.” The whole situation looks even more comical or even sad (who cares about this) in the eyes of experienced athletes, when all sorts of media begin to convince people that protein is the most natural evil. At the same time, sometimes simply absurd statements are used that are not supported by facts. In short, empty talk.

What mythical harm from protein exists?

What is not attributed to protein mixtures. And the liver falls off from them, and the heart begins to work poorly, and, of course, the most popular is harm to potency. Let's analyze each case in more detail to make sure one hundred percent that all these statements have nothing to do with the real action of the protein. Find out if proteins are harmful to internal organs and potency.

Is protein bad for the liver?

Protein is not harmful to the liver. Only anabolic steroids can cause some minor annoyances in the work of this organ, and then if they are taken in the form of tablets. And the only thing worth remembering in this case is that protein and harm to the liver are mutually exclusive concepts.

Is protein bad for male reproductive health?

Again, only the wrong intake of androgenic steroids can affect potency. But ignorant people equate protein with pharmacological preparations, and hence the corresponding statement. Is protein bad for men? No!

Are proteins bad for the heart?

Protein, as we have already figured out, is an ordinary protein. And who can say that protein is harmful to the work of the heart? Only, probably, the most repulsed opponent of sports nutrition. No, the protein does not harm the heart and does not affect its work in any way.

Why protein is NOT harmful - composition and properties

By itself, this question about the harmfulness of protein is absurd, and so that you laugh with us or feel sorry for some citizens who are not quite full-fledged in the mind, we will remind you of the composition of protein powder. All protein blends consist of concentrated protein, which is obtained from ordinary foods: egg whites(egg protein), milk (casein protein), whey (whey protein) and soy (soy protein). Thus, we can safely say that such sports nutrition as protein is the most natural supplement. Such a mixture has all the pros and cons of ordinary food.

Let's take the usual protein, which, as we know, is needed for the construction of our body, or rather for muscles. Protein mixtures contain this very protein in a concentrated form, which means that such sports nutrition has the same effect as a regular product. At the same time, the body does not need to spend time to digest a piece of meat. Entering the gastrointestinal tract, the protein powder is absorbed faster, which means that we get the necessary substances much faster.

The real harm of protein

If we are already talking about harm, then we will nevertheless designate two points. There are two options for protein in which its consumption can have consequences. First of all, it is cash costs. Well, why not harm? Especially for your financial situation. Still, a jar of protein costs money. Other harm can manifest itself only under certain conditions. We are talking about non-compliance with the recommendations when taking. If you use protein mixtures fanatically and without measure, the effect will be the same as when you overeat ordinary food. Of course, you will have to try to give the body problems with the use of protein.

How many times have they told the world that there is no harm from protein. But now you know that all this is real nonsense. Eat sports nutrition, it is very convenient, especially when there is no way to constantly cook protein-rich food for yourself. Sports nutrition can save you time, because you can skip one meal, but drink a delicious protein shake and get required amount nutrients. And now take all these stories about his harm with a smile and don’t think about those who beat themselves in the chest, proving that it’s all chemistry.
