What can you feed a child with vomiting or diarrhea? How to stop diarrhea in a child? These questions concern many parents. Basic principles of nutrition for diarrhea in a child:

  • If the baby is breastfed, he should receive food 6-8 times a day. It is allowed to express milk and feed the baby from a bottle. It is important that the nipple is sterile.
  • With vomiting and diarrhea in children under one year old, complementary foods should be removed from the diet. Diarrhea in a 1-year-old child is most often caused by an unbalanced diet and the hasty introduction of new foods into the diet. Nutrition for a child with diarrhea should be as natural and healthy as possible. If the mother has symptoms of diarrhea, it is better to stop breastfeeding for this time.
  • To a baby on artificial feeding, you need to balance the diet: give up lactose for a while, exclude cow's milk, give food often, but in small portions.
  • For children 3-6 years old, provide the most easily digestible diet. Don't try to force feed your babies. During severe diarrhea, the first day may be hungry to unload the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Remember that even children of the same age may react differently to foods, so try to feed one- or two-ingredient meals. If an exacerbation begins, you can understand what the body did not like.
  • To replenish the water balance, let's drink more. Also, for a child with diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe therapy with special solutions (Rehydron, saline, electrolyte, etc.).
  • You can give decoctions and products that have an enveloping effect (linen and rice broth, viscous cereals, etc.). They contribute to the speedy restoration of microflora and the healing of the mucous membrane of the epithelium.
  • The child should eat soft and semi-liquid food - this way you will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and speed up digestion. The easiest way to grind food in a blender or grind.
  • What to feed a child with diarrhea? First of all, make sure that the products are thermally processed. It is best to boil or steam the ingredients. Fried and baked foods should be avoided.
  • If the child has severe vomiting, the first day you need to give plenty of fluids. What to feed a child after vomiting and diarrhea? Light soups and semi-liquid cereals are effective.
  • Introduce new foods into the diet gradually: start with boiled vegetables. On the 3rd day, you can give lean meat or fish. Fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products are allowed only after the symptoms have completely disappeared.
  • Make sure your child follows the routine. The last time it is allowed to feed 2-3 hours before bedtime, then only warm, plentiful drink.
  • The temperature of ready meals should be 35-45 degrees Celsius.

Important! What can be given to a child for diarrhea? We want to note right away that it is highly undesirable to treat diarrhea on your own, without knowing its cause. It is better to call a doctor and follow his instructions. For young children, dehydration is especially dangerous, so be careful

Allowed and prohibited products

What can you eat with diarrhea:

  • Cereal and vegetable soups: without oil, hot spices and frying.
  • Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge.
  • Baked fruits (apples, pears), bananas.
  • Dried bread, crackers.
  • Boiled vermicelli is given no more than once a week.
  • Sour-milk products of low fat content (from the 3rd day).
  • Vegetables (preferably boiled and mashed). Children are happy to eat carrots, potatoes, broccoli, zucchini.
  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey, veal), white sea ​​fish(hake, pangasius, sea bass).
  • Berry jelly, diluted juices, still water, weak tea.

We figured out what you can eat, now we will make a list of prohibited foods:

  • Under the ban until recovery will be fresh vegetables and fruits - they will upset the balance of microflora and thin the stool.
  • Pastries, black and gray bread, sweets.
  • Smoked meats, marinades, pickles.
  • Barley and corn porridge.
  • Freshly squeezed and store-bought juices.
  • Legumes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Canned food.
  • Fatty meat and fish.
  • Dairy products.
  • Rich broths.
  • Cocoa, carbonated drinks.

How to feed a child after diarrhea: stick to a diet for another 1-2 weeks. Introduce new products in small portions and no more than 1 per day.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant and disturbing phenomenon. An adult can be patient with his condition, accept medications and stick to your diet. For toddlers, things are more complicated. Particularly affected are peanuts up to a year of life and a little older. They still cannot explain to adults the reason for their anxiety.

And this results not only in liquid troubles in the pot, but also in an increase in body temperature and loud demanding crying. The second point that worries the little ones and their parents is what to cook for the baby and how to feed him with diarrhea?

Diarrhea - mechanism and causes of trouble

The cause of diarrhea in infants can be food poisoning or intestinal infection.

Diarrhea is a violation of the processes of absorption and excretion of fluid in the intestine. Diarrhea is considered a consequence and a sign of various diseases, but not an independent disease. Causes of diarrhea:

  1. Rotavirus infection
  2. Intestinal infections
  3. Dysbacteriosis
  4. Colitis - inflammatory and dystrophic bowel disease
  5. Crohn's disease
  6. Side effects of drugs
  7. Food poisoning

Symptoms of diarrhea depend on the cause of the disease, but the general signs are the same:

  • Frequent bowel movements up to 10 or more times a day
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Pain in the epigastrium
  • Weakness
  • General intoxication of the body

If the baby has a long-term indigestion, then you need to analyze the baby's nutrition and carefully re-read the instructions for medications. If during the day the diarrhea does not subside, other symptoms are added, then the baby should be shown to the doctor.

Diarrhea and diet in children. General rules

Feed the baby in small portions, but often.

Doctors developed general rules diarrhea food. They are used all depending on the cause of the disease and the age of the patient:

  1. Avoid dehydration and salt imbalance
  2. Eat small meals but often
  3. Food - light, mild, sparing, heat and mechanically processed
  4. Age gradation - nutrition should be appropriate for the age of the patient

Do not insist or force to eat. As soon as the baby, and the adult, has a feeling of hunger, it means that things are on the mend. And what the baby lost during the forced fast, he will quickly get after recovery.

Replenishing fluid loss

Regidron is an excellent remedy for diarrhea.

With diarrhea, a large amount of water and minerals are excreted from the body. It is important to make up for these losses. The volume of fluid and the frequency when drinking the baby is determined by the attending physician. At home, this is from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of liquid 1 time in 10-15 minutes.

In severe dehydration, intravenous fluids are indicated in a hospital setting. They drink the baby either with special preparations or home remedies. Pharmacies offer the following drugs:

  • Regidron
  • Electrolyte
  • Oralit
  • Ordinary bottled saline

Ready preparations are diluted according to the instructions on the package. Home remedies for feeding a baby:

  1. Homemade saline solution - for 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of table salt, soda (sodium bicarbonate), 1 tablespoon of sugar. You can add a few tablespoons of orange or lemon juice. If the child is allergic to citrus fruits, then such supplements should not be done.
  2. Chamomile decoction - relieves inflammation in the intestines, regulates stool. To prepare the decoction, you need 1 teaspoon of raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water. Pour over and leave to cool completely.
  3. A decoction of rice - envelops and strengthens.
  4. Rosehip broth - 1 teaspoon of raw materials is crushed, poured with boiling water. It is advisable to insist the decoction in a thermos. Or boil the fruit for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool and add clean water to 250 g of broth.
  5. A decoction of dried fruits is a classic unsweetened compote. Do not use prunes or dried plums. This fruit will give the opposite effect. Apple or pear decoction works well.
  6. Green tea is weak and sugar-free.
  7. A decoction of blueberries has a strengthening effect and the usual unsweetened compote is cooked.
  8. Still mineral water.

Diet for diarrhea in children older than a year

Diet is very important in the fight against diarrhea.

In the treatment of intestinal infections in a hospital, doctors recommend the first 2 days to refuse food altogether. But if the child wants to eat, then this recommendation can not be followed. Hunger is the best indicator of improvement. Portions should be small.

In this case, 6 fractional meals are better than 3 with an impressive portion. Do not burden the baby's digestive system. Dishes should have a comfortable temperature - a maximum of +35 degrees. Higher and lower temperatures will irritate the intestines and stomach. Allowed products for diarrhea:

  • Cereal soups - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. No frying, no oil and hot spices. It is advisable to wipe the soup with a blender. This will make the dish light and enveloping.
  • Fresh jelly from berries with a minimum amount of sugar. It is preferable to use blueberries.
  • Baked vegetables and fruits, applesauce. These dishes restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines, contain vitamins and minerals.
  • Crackers. Don't buy ready made! Often bread is soaked in saline solutions, oils and treated with artificial additives before drying. Take ordinary white bread and dry it in the oven. Do not use muffins or any kind of rye flour baking for crackers.
  • From day 2, introduce fermented milk products into the diet - kefir, natural yogurt without sugar, narine with a fat content of not more than 2.5%. Cottage cheese is shown to be low in fat.
  • From day 3, try to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet in small quantities. Watch the baby's reaction. Colic, bloating or diarrhea arose - you hurried with fruits.
  • Shown to use mashed potatoes. But without butter and milk - on the water.
  • In the same period, introduce meat and fish dishes, steamed or baked. Meat - chicken, beef or veal, turkey, rabbit. Fish - sea, white. Fatty meats and fish are not suitable for the diet of a little sufferer.
  • Boiled eggs, steam or oven omelet are introduced on the 3rd day of the diet.

Prohibited foods for diarrhea:

  1. Fresh vegetables and fruits - the first few days until the condition stabilizes
  2. Fatty dairy products - cheese, fermented baked milk, fatty cottage cheese, cream
  3. Sugar in any form, jam, marmalade, sweets
  4. Confectionery - muffins, cakes, pastries
  5. Pasta
  6. Store bought and freshly squeezed juices
  7. Corn and barley porridge
  8. Garlic, radish, radish
  9. Legumes and any foods that cause fermentation
  10. Sauerkraut, any marinades and pickles
  11. Fatty meats
  12. Stew, canned fish
  13. red fish
  14. Soda
  15. Strong rich broths
  16. Mushrooms in any form

In detail about diarrhea and diarrhea in a child, the video will tell:

Approximate menu number 1 for the day:

  • Breakfast - steam or oven omelette, or low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea with crackers
  • Second breakfast (snack) - baked or stewed apples
  • Lunch - broth chicken breasts or carrot soup, mashed potatoes or mashed rice porridge with steam meatballs or meatballs, or cutlets, blueberry jelly
  • Snack - rosehip broth with crackers, baked apple
  • Dinner - pureed buckwheat porridge with stewed beef. Tea
  • At night - a glass of kefir or acidophilic milk

Approximate menu number 2 for the day:

  1. Breakfast - boiled rice porridge in water or diluted milk, soft-boiled egg, tea, bread
  2. Snack - baked pears or bananas
  3. Lunch - baked chicken or turkey breast, 2 large baked potato tubers, berry jelly, bread or crackers
  4. Snack - low-fat cottage cheese, rosehip broth or chamomile tea
  5. Dinner - fish steam cutlet or meatballs, oatmeal on the water, stewed zucchini, tea
  6. At night - a glass of narine or unsweetened yogurt

Observe strict diet follows from 5 days to 1 week. Then gradually the little one is offered new dishes. But you will have to adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition for about 2 weeks after the normalization of bowel functions.

Diarrhea in a toddler up to a year. How to feed a baby?

With diarrhea in infants, you need to reduce portions of food, but eat more often.

For babies up to a year of life, it was also previously advised to endure a day or 2 without food. But doctors refused this practice. Toddlers of this age do not have enough of their own resources to quietly starve. The child may begin to lose weight due to muscle mass.

This negatively affects the state of the little sufferer. The duration of recovery of the gastric mucosa increases. Doctors recommend continuing breast-feeding with diarrhea. But only if there is no vomiting and in small portions. To do this, the baby is applied to the chest for 5 minutes, but they do it more often than usual.

Mom during this period should follow a diet for patients with diarrhea. In formula-fed babies, the number of feedings also increases, but the portion of the mixture is reduced by 2 times. With a severe course of the disease, the doctor will recommend special therapeutic mixtures.

If the child is already receiving complementary foods, then all suspicious foods should be removed. And it is better to completely refuse and switch to breast milk or adapted mixtures. After the normalization of the stool, the introduction of complementary foods is started anew, carefully observing the reaction of the baby.

Diarrhea is not a problem, but...

If you have a high temperature during diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diarrhea is not terrible, but unpleasant. This condition passes within 2 or 3 days with a diet. If the symptoms persist and increase, you should immediately contact a medical institution. Urgently to the doctor:

  • Diarrhea lasting more than 2 days
  • Loose stools in a large volume in children 1 year of age
  • High fever in children of any age
  • The appearance in the feces of mucus, traces of blood
  • Change in stool color. Black stool indicates internal bleeding
  • Pain in the epigastric region of any nature - stabbing, cutting, spasmodic
  • The appearance of signs of dehydration of the body - loss or confusion, cyanosis and pallor of the skin, weakness

Any of these symptoms is a reason to see a doctor. Do not use adult medicines to treat diarrhea in young children unless advised by a specialist. This can only make the situation worse. Sticking to a diet is easy. At the same time there will be a reason to reconsider the food system in the family. The prognosis of the disease is favorable.

A well-chosen diet for diarrhea in children helps to restore health. Unfortunately, loose stools in babies are not uncommon. In fact, prolonged diarrhea is not a pathology, but only a symptom that indicates a rather serious malfunction of the digestive system in a 1-year-old child. Diarrhea appears with allergic reactions, intestinal infection, intolerance or sensitivity to certain drugs, poisoning and dysbacteriosis.

Treatment for a child who is already one year old should be selected by a specialized specialist. Parents of the baby must understand that nutrition is very important for diarrhea in children, as it helps to speed up the process of restoring the digestive system.

Methods for organizing a diet

Diarrhea, which appears during poisoning and intestinal infection, is a kind of body defense. We can say that diarrhea in a child of 1 year helps to remove a large amount of toxins and toxins. However, this condition very often leads to severe dehydration. In babies who are 1 year old, this happens quickly. That is why you need to immediately begin treatment and use proper nutrition child with diarrhea.

With the development of intestinal infections and other diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea, certain rules must be followed. The child should eat easily digestible food that will not affect the intestines and stomach. The baby should be given the minimum portion size. Dishes for a 1 year old child are best stewed or boiled. It is necessary to give him as much liquid as possible. Only those dishes that are 100% consistent with the age of your beloved offspring should be chosen for catering for diarrhea in a child.

It is necessary to use the diet after the diarrhea stops. Then, properly selected nutrition for a 1-year-old child can be gradually expanded, giving preference to freshly prepared dishes. However, it is better not to introduce whole milk into the diet. A properly selected diet for diarrhea should contain low-fat fermented milk products.

Compliance with the drinking regimen with diarrhea prevents undesirable consequences for the still fragile child's body. A child who is already 1 year old should only consume healthy drinks, such as tea with lemon, filtered water and a decoction of rose hips.

Of course, summer is a great opportunity to cook fresh fruit compotes. However, for babies who suffer from diarrhea, it is better to give drinks brewed from dried fruits. To restore the water-salt balance, suitable mineral water without gases and a decoction of raisins, which are recommended to drink after a bowel movement. Salt solution (1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, half of 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda) will help prevent dehydration.

In order for a diet for diarrhea in a child of 2 years of age to give the desired result, fatty meats, as well as offal: liver, brains, kidneys, must be excluded from consumption. You can not offer the child smoked food and canned food. It is forbidden to introduce lactic acid products into the diet, which have an increased percentage of fat content. It is necessary to exclude vegetables that can cause fermentation in the intestines. Such products include beets, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes and rutabaga. It is not allowed to offer the baby canned vegetables.

Even if the child is two years old, you should not introduce mushrooms into his diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of berries and fruits that belong to acidic varieties. You can not give your child cakes, fresh pastries, cream cakes, black breads.

On the first day of illness, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, since the list of allowed products is small. However, using them, each mother can independently cook useful and very delicious dishes. Bread, white bread, biscuits and dryers are necessarily introduced into the diet. Meat should be chosen lean varieties, before grinding it should be freed from films. It is better to make meatballs from minced meat and steam them.

It is allowed to give the child cereals cooked in water, in which you can add a little butter, salt and sugar. With great pleasure, the baby will eat pudding made from absolutely any cereal. Cook your child every other day pasta. Vermicelli is well absorbed.

You can enter low-fat sour-milk products into the menu, which must be fresh. Give your baby a small amount of vegetables several times a day. It can be potatoes, carrots, green pea, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, eggplant. It is allowed to add parsley and dill to ready-made dishes. For 2-3 days of the diet, portions should be minimal. If the child's condition improves, the amount of food should be increased.

Most Healthy Meals

Parents can cook rice porridge with meat broth for their child. You will need 5 g butter, 50 g rice, some salt and 235 g meat broth. First you need to prepare a weak meat broth. It is cooled, fat is removed from the surface, it is necessarily filtered and diluted with water, and then brought to a boil again. Rice should be thoroughly washed in water, poured into the broth, boiled for 1 hour, salted, chopped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Put a piece of butter in a plate with ready-made porridge.

Tasty and healthy dish- These are meatballs from boiled meat. To prepare it, take half an egg, 110 g of meat, a little salt, 8 g of rice, 5 g of butter and 50 g of water. First you need to boil the meat, and then chop it with a meat grinder. After that, you need to add rice porridge to the minced meat, which should also be wiped. In the resulting mass, we introduce eggs and salt. We form small meatballs with our hands and bring them to a couple. The finished dish must be poured with pre-melted butter.

You can make a creamy rice sauce served with mashed potatoes. You need to take 20 g of low-fat cream, 10 g of rice, a little salt and 100 g of water. Pre-washed rice must be boiled and wiped. In a separate bowl, you need to bring the cream to a boil, which is then mixed with chopped porridge and salted.

Diarrhea occurs in both adults and children. Children suffer from diarrhea even more often, because their intestinal microflora is not yet strong, and the desire to put dirty hands or inedible objects into their mouths is uncontrollably great. The child's body may react with diarrhea to an intestinal infection or overeating. Diarrhea is also a symptom of many illnesses. internal organs- First of all, the gastrointestinal tract. If your child has diarrhea, consult a doctor who will help determine the cause, send him for tests, if necessary, and prescribe adequate treatment. Particular attention requires frequent diarrhea, accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia. In any case, diarrhea requires the baby to follow a certain diet. Let's look at what should be the diet of a child with diarrhea.

What to feed a toddler with diarrhea?

In the acute period, when diarrhea is accompanied by subfebrile or high temperature, vomiting, food is better to exclude completely. Constantly and in small portions, give a warm drink - it can be ordinary water, a weak infusion of herbs, still mineral water, rehydron. When the child's condition has improved slightly, the vomiting has stopped and he does not refuse to eat, transfer him to semi-liquid food or mashed potatoes. Porridge should be liquid or frayed. Meat, lean fish, completely remove the bones and grind into a puree.

In acute diarrhea, the main task is to stop dehydration and unload the affected gastrointestinal tract. To do this, the child needs to temporarily replace food with a warm healthy drink.
  • fast food food;
  • chips and purchased salted crackers, nuts;
  • sweets and chocolate;
  • sparkling water;
  • chewing gum.

Even if your baby quickly recovered, do not give in to persuasion, do not give your baby anything from the above list in the near future after diarrhea. These products, getting into a diseased stomach and intestinal tract, can cause a sharp deterioration, the development of gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas, liver disease and gallbladder dysfunction. After the acute period of the disease has passed, vitamin complexes are prescribed to the main drugs and diet in order to restore the trace elements excreted from the body.

Feeding your baby with severe frequent diarrhea and immediately after it should exclude foods that cause fermentation in the intestines and weaken themselves:

  • dairy products and milk;
  • vegetables, especially cabbage, beets and tomatoes;
  • salted, pickled and smoked dishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • delicious pastries.

Forbidden foods can be temporarily excluded from the diet of adults - this will help the baby to more easily survive the rejection of their favorite foods. Healthy dietary food can also be made attractive and appetizing for a sick child - decorate, cook in an unusual way.

Nutrition for diarrhea in infants

Pediatricians of past years believed that babies with diarrhea should eat as little as possible. Modern medicine is of the opinion that it is necessary to feed a baby if he has diarrhea even more often, only the dosage at a time should be less. Breast milk is a unique product, the trace elements in it are able to restore the health of the baby on their own. The situation is more complicated with formula-fed babies: they will have to give a special mixture, the amount of which will vary depending on the frequency of vomiting or regurgitation. Usually a child up to a year old on IV with diarrhea is fed every 2-3 hours, 50 ml, on the fourth day they switch to the usual feeding regimen. Babies from 4-5 months can be introduced into the diet of dairy-free rice and buckwheat porridge, from 7-8 months - meat puree and hateful broth, pounded yolk, berry jelly.

Dairy-free cereals - for example, buckwheat or rice - will become good fixing assistants for diarrhea in infants after 5-6 months. They will saturate the baby and start the normal process of digestion.

Diet for diarrhea in children from a year

The main rule is fractional and frequent meals compared to the usual diet. Usually, two additional meals are added between standard feeding times. It is better to focus on liquid porridge and soups with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet. When the condition of a one-year-old baby improves somewhat, switch to puree soups from the same cereals with the addition of potatoes, zucchini, carrots, and pumpkins. You should not get carried away with vegetables, but during the period when the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they are necessary, as they contain a lot of pectin. Pectin is a vegetable glue that binds water, swells and adsorbs pathogens and toxins. It turns out a natural cleansing of the body. In addition, when pectin enters the body, it breaks down into many trace elements, the main among which is calcium. Calcium restores the intestines and fights inflammation. With diarrhea, it is useful to drink compotes and blueberry jelly, eat desserts made from fresh berries.

Is your 1 year old suffering from loose stools?

Include boiled, steamed or oven-baked fruits and vegetables in the child's diet - this improves the processes in the digestive tract, removes intoxication of the body. You can add lemon and cranberry juice to compote, jelly, mousse or jelly. Fermented milk products that restore the intestinal microflora are allowed to be introduced on the third day. It should be non-greasy (2.5%). The following medications are suitable:

  • narine;
  • biokefir;
  • acidophilus;
  • lactonium.

Dairy products with diarrhea or unstable stools allow you to restore the balance of beneficial microflora in the child's body and is a prevention of dysbacteriosis

It is better to give them to your little one in liquid form. To these liquid fermented milk drinks, the baby can be offered dryers, white bread crackers, dry biscuit cookies. In the same period, you need to introduce into the diet baked apples. They perfectly restore the intestinal mucosa and contain many trace elements. You can enter mashed banana and fat-free cottage cheese.

By the beginning of the second week after acute diarrhea, the following products are added to the peanut menu:

  • Raw apples. It is better to pre-grind them on a grater or cut them very finely.
  • Chicken cutlets or meatballs - steamed is better, but stewed or boiled is also suitable.
  • Cutlets or meatballs from minced fish.
  • Vegetable soups without frying.

What is strictly forbidden for a child to eat during the period of diarrhea and immediately after it?

  • raw vegetables;
  • Borodino bread;
  • mushrooms and legumes;
  • sweet purchased drinks, soda.

The diet should be followed for two weeks, no less. Give all drinks to your child warm.

The temperature of food consumed should generally be comfortable - cold or hot drinks and dishes damage the mucous membrane and prevent the gastrointestinal system from adjusting its functions. Soups on rich fatty broths should not be cooked; you should not give your child fried, fatty, sweet, starchy foods. The exception is yeast-free pastries, marmalade and marshmallows in small quantities. Boil porridge with water, not milk.

When a child has diarrhea, even if it is not accompanied by vomiting, the main rule is to prevent dehydration of the body, only then follow proper nutrition (see also:). Dehydration is dangerous because it causes disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism, sometimes irreversible, concerning the central nervous system, skin, mucous membranes, vision, hair and nails. Your goal is to solder the baby as much as possible. Let's drink in small doses. It can be:

  • special saline solutions to restore the water-salt balance in the patient's body (known since Soviet times "Regidron", "Oralit" or "Gastrolit");
  • decoctions of herbs, compotes (rice broth, rosehip or chamomile tea, dried fruit compote);
  • boiled water;
  • saline solution prepared at home, if pharmacies are far away or already closed (half a teaspoon of salt, soda and sugar in a glass of warm boiled water);
  • vitamin drink (pour a crushed ripe banana with a teaspoon of sugar, half a spoonful of salt and pour a liter of warm water).

Nutrition for children at 2 years old and at 7 years old should be sparing. Modern parents often do not monitor what goes into their child's mouth. Chips and lemonade, an abundance of sweets and dry food have long become the norm for most. Disorderly eating leads to the fact that children suffer from symptoms of dysbacteriosis and gastritis, from obesity. Remember that health directly depends on what a person sends to his body during meals.

The most common symptom in bowel diseases is frequent (more than 3 times) bowel movements with liquid or mushy stools. With diarrhea, the water content in the stool increases to 85%. This symptom is observed in acute intestinal infections, celiac disease , irritable bowel syndrome , ulcerative colitis , Crohn's disease , chronic, oncological diseases of the intestine. Acute diarrhea is observed with intestinal infections, and its duration is no more than 2-3 weeks. All other diseases are chronic with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

For all intestinal diseases that occur with diarrhea, it is prescribed. The purpose of its appointment in this condition is to reduce inflammation, fermentation and putrefactive processes and normalize digestion.

A diet for indigestion and stomach disorders to a large extent limits all possible intestinal irritants: mechanical, chemical and thermal. Excluded products that simulate the secretion of the digestive tract (stomach, pancreas, liver), enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. Dishes are boiled or steamed, served in liquid or mashed form.

Very hot as well as cold dishes are excluded. No restrictions on salt (8-10 g), drinking regimen 1.5-2 liters in laziness. Meals are organized up to 5-6 times a day, in fractional portions and only in a warm form. Due to the reduction of fats (up to 70 g) and carbohydrates (250 g), the diet has a reduced energy value (2000 kcal). At the same time, the normal protein content (90 g) is maintained.

Nutrition for indigestion (intestines) has a number of features:

  • six meals a day, the basis of which is pureed, pureed, mushy dishes, mucous soups, which eliminates mechanical irritation of the intestines;
  • the inclusion of products that weaken motor skills: rich (blueberries, bird cherry, tea, Cahors, cocoa on the water), viscous substances (mucous soups, jelly, pureed cereals) and warm dishes. Also acceptable are indifferent dishes from lean meats and poultry, boiled lean fish callous wheat bread, croutons, freshly prepared cottage cheese;
  • boiled and steam methods preparation of all dishes;
  • cold food is prohibited, which increases intestinal motility. Food temperature 20-40°C (warm);
  • the exclusion of products that enhance fermentation and putrefactive processes, also rich in essential oils(radish, turnip, radish, spinach, sorrel, garlic, onion, mushrooms).

Diet for diarrhea in adults

In case of severe diarrhea in adults and children and with severe dyspeptic symptoms, 1-2 "hungry" days are prescribed. It is allowed to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid - it can be strong slightly sweetened tea, rosehip decoctions and medicinal herbs. In the future, medical treatment is recommended Table number 4 or, but since they are physiologically inferior, they are prescribed only for 2-5 days. During this time, usually acute diarrhea stops.

In chronic diseases that occur with diarrhea, as the severity of the process (diarrhea, pain and dyspeptic syndromes) decreases, the patient is transferred to a full-fledged one, which in chronic intestinal diseases is prescribed from 2 months to several years - the criterion is complete normalization of the stool. This health food contains more proteins (100-110 g), fats and carbohydrates.

The list of allowed foods has been significantly expanded: you can eat vermicelli, noodles, vegetables include carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, cream, sour cream and kefir, as well as sweet berries and fruits. The same medical nutrition can also be recommended to persons after acute diarrhea for a complete restoration of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the cessation of diarrhea (in the phase of remission of a chronic disease), patients are prescribed, in which dishes are consumed in an unmashed form, and vegetable fats are already included and the amount of butter and the amount of carbohydrates are increased. The list of products includes lean buns, pies, milk sausage, ham, cabbage, green peas, beets, oranges, grapes, tangerines, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries are allowed. This diet allows you to restore the functions of digestion. Thus, the digestive tract is prepared and transferred to the main Diet No. 15 .

On the second day, the child is transferred to diet food, in which meals should be six or more times a day, in small portions. With loose stools, a child of any age is first given rice water, and then liquid rice porridge. There is an explanation for this - there is no fiber in rice, which enhances peristalsis, the decoction is known for its "fastening" and enveloping effect.

The diet of a 3-year-old child should first include mashed slimy soups, boiled mashed porridges from buckwheat or rice groats. Food must be necessarily warm and freshly prepared, wiped, as diarrhea may worsen. In the absence of diarrhea after a trial meal of cereals for lunch, you can offer low-fat chicken or beef broth, the next meal includes soup with the addition of semolina, then - oatmeal. During the day, you can give croutons from wheat bread.

The next day, ground meat or mashed meatballs are added to soups. Butter is used for dressing. At lunch and in the evening of this day, you can give steam fish and meat dishes, steam omelet, cottage cheese in its natural form or cottage cheese casserole. Decoctions of blueberries, rose hips, bird cherry, dogwood, quince and jelly from dried pears and berries are used as drinks on all days. The diet for diarrhea in a child of 6 years does not differ from the above and does not have any features.

Over the next two weeks, sweet dough, pastries, vegetable and milk soups are prohibited, you should not give your child sour cream, milk, vegetables in any form, carbonated drinks, fresh fruits. There can be no question of the use of smoked meats, canned food, sausages, fatty meat.

A week later, the child is transferred to Table №4B . It allows the use of a small amount of non-coarse vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes), which are added to soups and small pasta. Porridges are already prepared with a small amount of milk, and sour cream is allowed as an additive to dishes (casseroles, cottage cheese, puddings).

Diarrhea is a violation of the stool, manifested by a change in its consistency and frequency.

Table of contents:

Causes of diarrhea

The gastrointestinal tract in infants is weak, and the defense mechanisms in it are not fully developed, so it is very susceptible to poor quality products and other factors.

The most common cause is dysbacteriosis, that is, an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestine. In the first months, the digestion of a newborn adjusts to new conditions and forms a microbiological environment. Any changes in nutrition disturb the balance of the flora and the conditions of digestion.

Excessive feeding and large amounts of liquid can cause diarrhea and disrupt the bowel, as it does not have time to process a lot of food.

Toddlers are very susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, which are combined with diarrhea. In this case, diarrhea is usually combined with other symptoms and a deterioration in the baby's well-being.

Often, complementary foods lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for low-quality, high-nitrate or undercooked foods.

The congenital absence of enzymes that break down lactose contributes to its accumulation in the lumen and the deterioration of water absorption.

In older children, intestinal worms irritate the mucous membrane, which increases fluid secretion and wall contraction, contributing to the development of intestinal disorders.

Often, diarrhea occurs when drinking large amounts of sweet water, soda and unbalanced foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, but not enough proteins and fats. For example, when a child eats cakes, chocolate, sweets in excess, diarrhea develops associated with a delay in the intestines of sugars, while the general condition remains unchanged.

Stress is especially strong negatively affects intestinal motility. In this case, the disorder of the stool is combined with mild pain in the abdomen.

Child's stool norms

The amount and nature of feces depends on age:

  • in the first year of life with artificial nutrition, it has a not too liquid consistency similar to gruel, Brown, up to 4 times a day;
  • in a child who is fed with milk, the feces are yellowish and defecation occurs more often - 6 times a day;
  • after 2 years, feces begin to take shape; the number of trips to the potty is no more than 2 times;
  • at 3 years old, the feces become like in adults.

In any case, there should be no pathological contents - pus, blood or its streaks, particles of undigested food.

Fluid deficiency symptoms

When diarrhea and vomiting continue for a long time, dehydration can develop - the loss of a large volume of water.

The main symptom is rare urination, the amount of urine decreases, it becomes saturated and dark. The skin becomes dry, its elasticity decreases, in severe cases, tears may disappear. The child becomes lethargic, inactive.

If there are such symptoms, especially with vomiting, then the diet should include plenty of fluids.

Diet guidelines for diarrhea

Food must meet the following conditions:

  • replenishment of lost fluid;
  • you need to start feeding gradually;
  • food should be light and not increase intestinal motility;
  • it is necessary to salt food;
  • exclude food with choleretic properties;
  • eat vegetables and fruits after heat treatment;
  • food and drink should not be too cold or hot.

What to feed with intestinal upset?

Food should have astringent and enveloping properties, not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. At first, you need to feed cereals - rice or oatmeal boiled in water without additives, you can only add a little sugar. Millet and buckwheat should not be cooked, as they are difficult to digest and absorb.

As the condition improves, grated vegetables can be included in the diet, this will facilitate their absorption and reduce irritation of the mucous membrane. On the third day, it is allowed to make dishes from fish or lean meat, it is best to cook in a steam bath. Fruits should be limited, except for bananas and apples, the latter should be baked or given peeled. On the fourth day, the menu expands - dishes from cottage cheese are allowed.

After the stool returned to normal and the child began to feel better, it is allowed to drink fermented milk products. First, a little kefir, and a week later milk.

What to exclude from the diet with diarrhea?

Do not give products with a pronounced laxative effect. So, juices and beets increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and help retain water in the intestines, so they should be removed from the diet.

Raw vegetables and nuts should be avoided. Do not feed foods that promote fermentation. Also, do not give strong rich soups, spicy, spicy or sour dishes.

During diarrhea, especially at the beginning, it is necessary to exclude kefir and other dairy drinks, as well as any juices.

Nutritional features of infants

Formula-fed children continue to be fed with mixtures, but after consulting a doctor, they select another one, as a rule, they recommend fermented milk. For breastfed babies, everything remains the same.

In both cases, you need to change the mode of feeding the baby. Mixtures or milk are often given, but a single serving is reduced, while the number of daily doses will be 4-6 times a day. The main thing to remember is that the child does not need to be overfed, since a large amount of food does not have time to be processed by enzymes and increases intestinal contractions.

If diarrhea occurs during complementary feeding, then it should be postponed. After feeling better, it should be started in the first half of the day, so that the violations can be revealed in the evening and do not disturb the baby's sleep.

Even short-term diarrhea in infants can lead to severe fluid loss. To prevent this condition, they give more to drink - babies up to a year and a half are better off only boiled water, older ones can have tea or compote.

You need to drink in small sips using a pipette or syringe without a needle for this. Water should be given after a bowel movement, more precisely, the doctor determines the volume and frequency.

Diet in children 2-3 years old

On the first day of the disease, you need to limit or exclude fermented milk products and drink only jelly or weak tea. The next day, you can feed with white bread crackers and cereals on the water. After the second day, it is allowed to eat processed fruits. Apples have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. They can be given baked, as well as peeled, grated and mashed. In the same period, it is useful to feed with cottage cheese, to which it is good to add mashed bananas. By the fourth day, meat dishes from lean chicken, such as meatballs or cutlets, are allowed to be added to the diet. From cereals, you can give rice and oatmeal for any diarrhea.

We must not forget about the loss of water, especially in the first day. The child needs to drink more fluids - compotes, tea, herbal decoctions.

Nutrition for older children

The diet should not only replenish the lost substances and water, but also affect the cause that caused the malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, with diarrhea caused by the use of sweets and carbonated drinks, the diet should be low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fat. It is necessary to exclude potatoes, reduce the amount of white bread and flour.

The first day is best not to feed anything, this will provide functional peace to the gastrointestinal tract. During this period, you can only drink solutions to restore fluid.

Then you can cook light food - oatmeal. Finely chopped fruits and vegetables in the form of puree are recommended. For 2-3 days, you can cook dishes from fruits, vegetables and lean meat.

From dairy products with a low percentage of fat content are allowed, but it is better to exclude them altogether, and give them after the condition improves.

After recovery for 4-6 days, you can drink whey, it helps to restore the balance of microorganisms. Drink 3 glasses a day, you can add salt for taste. Also recommended are decoctions of berries - wild rose and blueberries.

To restore the lost fluid, it is better to use not water, but special solutions. For example, add a teaspoon of soda, salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water. This mixture will replenish lost water and help retain it.

Any diarrhea needs to be excluded fatty food because it stimulates the secretion of bile, which affects the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased accumulation of gases causes excessive contractions of the intestinal wall, unpleasant pain, so the use of legumes is not recommended.

Even with diarrhea with no general changes, it is useful to consult a doctor and agree on nutrition before using any diet.
