Chickenpox is an infectious viral disease that is characterized by skin rashes. The connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the skin is of no small importance for the body. The chickenpox diet helps to reduce inflammation on the skin and should be followed to get well soon. If you have managed to get chickenpox, then during the treatment period it is recommended to exclude some foods, while others, on the contrary, include in the diet.

The need for a diet

Diet during chickenpox helps to strengthen the body's defenses, makes it possible to fight the disease. Anyone can get chickenpox. Since any infection brings with it a decrease in immunity, following a diet will give strength to overcome chickenpox. Therefore, it is important to follow the principles of nutrition during chickenpox so as not to cause additional irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Diet principles

In children

You need to take more vitamins.

Children aged 2 to 12 years, even with mild chickenpox, are advised to follow a diet:

  1. Be sure to include protein in your daily diet lean fish, cottage cheese, dairy products and boiled meat).
  2. Take more vitamins. They are found in vegetables and fruits.
  3. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Boiled water, unsweetened tea, vegetable juices and non-carbonated mineral water will do.
  4. If there are rashes in oral cavity cook oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge for your child. Soups and meat products in the form of a soufflé.
  5. If chickenpox in infants is severe, it is recommended not to consume anything other than breastfeeding the mother. If the baby is bottle-fed, then reduce the daily amount of food and do not forget to give him more fluids.
  6. When the symptoms slowly begin to disappear, steamed cutlets, omelettes and other dishes can be added to the daily diet.
  7. You can feed carrots, beets, cabbage. If it is difficult to chew vegetables, then make a vegetable stew.
  8. You can make milk soup from vermicelli, or oatmeal. They will be to the taste of the baby.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an infectious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Its hallmark is multiple rashes all over the body. This is one of the most common diseases that occur in children. You can catch chickenpox once in a lifetime, after which a person develops immunity.

To make the course of chickenpox as easy as possible, the child needs to follow certain nutritional tips.

What is the chickenpox diet for?

As with any disease, the treatment of chickenpox should be accompanied by a balanced diet. Diet contributes to the recovery of the child in many ways:

  • facilitates the absorption of food by the body;
  • enriches the body with essential substances and minerals that contribute to a quick recovery;
  • makes some symptoms less painful (chills, fever, etc.).

General principles of diet

Each organism is individual. What can be given to a child with chickenpox and what not, the attending physician can definitely say. However, there are a number general principles, which should be followed when compiling a menu for a sick child:

  • More liquid. The child's body is dehydrated during the illness. Water helps to replenish the water balance, as well as remove viruses from the body as soon as possible. She must be warm. You can give your child fruit drinks from non-acidic berries.
  • Do not overfeed the child, force him to take food through force. The body spends energy to fight the infection, so children often refuse to eat.

Curd is that useful source protein, which must be present in the diet of the child during the period of illness
  • A diet for chickenpox in children must necessarily contain proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese).
  • Pureed food is good. It is easier to eat and easier for the body to digest.
  • A sick body needs vitamins. In this regard, non-acidic fruits and vegetables should be included in the menu of a child with chickenpox.

Foods that a child can eat

The list is quite extensive. From the permitted products, you can prepare a varied and complete menu:

  • Kashi: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, semolina. Cereals do not irritate the inflamed mucosa and contain many useful trace elements. In addition, cereals are hypoallergenic.
  • Soups-puree. The body quickly digests them, and more strength remains to fight viruses.
  • Non-acidic berries and fruits: bananas, apricots, peaches, avocados. It is better to exclude citrus fruits for the duration of treatment. Baked pears and apples are allowed.
  • Vegetables and greens: broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, dill, parsley, spinach. Good boiled or steamed.
  • Liquids. Herbal teas, kissels, mineral water without gas, juices diluted with water, non-sour fruit drinks.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

What can't children eat with chickenpox?

List of food restrictions:

  • Exclude fatty, fried, spicy and smoked. No ketchups and other sauces that contain vinegar and spicy ingredients. The body digests such food for a long time, which means that it will have much less strength to fight the disease.
  • To the maximum, give up sweets (sweets, cookies, cakes, etc.), and ideally, introduce a temporary ban on it. As a substitute, you can use crackers and unsweetened drying.
  • You can not eat sour fruits and berries. Do not irritate an already weakened body with acid.
  • Nuts and honey. Takes a long time to digest. In addition, honey is a strong allergen.
  • Milk. Makes the skin oily, which prevents the rapid healing of inflammation.
  • Garlic, onion, ginger. These products increase skin irritation, which also prevents the healing of affected areas.

The diet for chickenpox is not very categorical. You can still feed your child quite varied and tasty. You will only have to follow the dietary restrictions for a few days. A balanced diet in case of illness is the key to a quick recovery of the child's body.

An infectious disease often leads to complications, which can be said about chickenpox. This is especially true for the adult population. Everyone knows that children get chickenpox for 2-3 weeks without any special consequences, and after recovery they immediately forget about the disease. During the period of exposure to the herpes pathogen on the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, toxins are released, which cause a person to feel unwell.

Patient care rules include:

  • principles of personal hygiene;
  • cleanliness of the skin with rashes;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • restricted diet;
  • drinking enough fluids.

When the development of the disease passes the acute phase, the human immunity takes the greatest part in the resistance to the virus. During this period, there is a decrease in appetite and physical activity. The second can be dealt with by adhering to bed rest, and the first by using a special diet.

Nutrition for chickenpox should be saturated with vitamins and trace elements, it is also important to drink plenty of fluids.

Plentiful drink with chickenpox

One of the main factors supporting a patient with chickenpox is relief. To survive in the human body, the herpes microorganism is introduced into the host cell, feeding and multiplying at the expense of it, and at the same time gradually destroying its structure.

Toxins cause a response similar to an allergic reaction. At this time, a person has inflammation on the skin around the elements of the rash, irritation of the larynx, runny nose, cough, and so on. The diet for chickenpox in children should include a lot of fortified fluids.

Rapid elimination of toxins is only possible with a well-functioning excretory system. And it depends on the amount of fluid in the body, which comes from outside. The peculiarity of metabolic processes is the removal of unnecessary substances through liquid components, such as lymph, urine. The more water in the body, the faster the metabolic process, and during a painful condition, this is especially true.

A person with chickenpox should drink a lot. Therefore, successful assistance lies in the following conditions:

  • fortification - drinks should contain a natural set of useful trace elements;
  • naturalness - try to drink only fresh juices, compotes or herbal teas;
  • temperature - warm drink, heated to 35-39 C;
  • frequency of drinking - it is desirable to drink the patient often, in small portions.

It should be remembered that all drinks should contain a minimum amount of sugar. Close to body temperature, the heating of the drink allows it to be perfectly absorbed in the body. Natural teas from mint, rosehip, chamomile and currant will relieve redness on the skin and enrich the body with vitamins.

Do not brew flu or cold herbal teas. Sweat secretions in the absence of bathing will accumulate on the skin surface, which can lead to increased itching, scratching of the blisters and introducing additional bacterial infection into the wounds.

The right diet for chickenpox

It is noticed that with chickenpox the child often refuses to eat. This is a normal state of the body's response, when all its forces are activated to fight the herpes virus.

Experienced parents will never force a baby to eat. After all, the process of digestion of food requires no less energy than the development of immune defense against the virus. In any case, when the patient wants to eat, you need to feed him, adhering to a certain diet.

Prohibited Products

There are foods that should not be eaten when infected with chickenpox:

  • allergens - known or individually intolerable foods that can cause an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, seafood, some berries, etc.);
  • heavy food - salinity, fatty and peppery dishes, sausages, mushrooms and other meat and fish delicacies;
  • alcohol-containing drinks - alcohol in any form is excluded during the period of illness, especially when treating chickenpox with special medicines.

Sweet dishes with chickenpox are also undesirable. It is recommended to exclude from the diet chocolate and sweets, pastries and cakes, as well as carbonated drinks such as Sprite, Cola, lemonade. Also, you should not give the patient black tea to drink, it is better to replace it with green varieties.

Approved Products

The most effective and simple dishes for chickenpox are dairy. The use of fresh milk is questionable, but all types of fermented milk products (yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese, kefir), cooked at home, will bring great benefits to a weakened body.

If the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and larynx are affected by rashes in a patient with chickenpox, then you should not rush to force-feed him. Every attempt to eat something brings him severe pain and general discomfort. In this case, you should wait for the healing of wounds on the epithelium or eat very liquid food. It can be broths and simple mashed soups. The best option there will be ordinary jelly on fresh berries that are not capable of causing allergies.

From cereals during this period you can:

  • oatmeal;
  • White rice;
  • buckwheat

Berries and fruits for making compotes and jelly are suitable for:

  • cranberry;
  • rose hip;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • cowberry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • plums.

All garden vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, dill, parsley and other types) can be used to prepare dishes that fit perfectly into the diet of a person with chickenpox. However, fresh vegetables will have to be forgotten until complete recovery.

From meat dishes boiled beef, rabbit meat, chicken and turkey meat should be present in the diet. From seafood, children with chickenpox can eat red and black caviar.

A substitute for sweets can be marmalade, jelly, jam and dried fruits - figs, dates, raisins.

The established rules are only advisory in nature, and nutritional conditions should be selected individually for each sick person. When treating chickenpox in a baby 3-7 years old, parents should definitely consult with a specialist and clarify the correctness diet food.

Although chickenpox has been known since time immemorial, the pharmacological industry, even in the 21st century, has not found specific for this disease. Moreover, a couple of decades ago, all therapy consisted only in lubricating the red spots of the rash with brilliant green or fucorcin solution and ingesting antihistamines. Today, the situation has changed somewhat: numerous medical studies have proven that when a child or an adult is diagnosed with this disease, a diet must be prescribed - with chickenpox this is perhaps the only way to speed up the healing process, reduce the number of inflammations on the skin and reduce discomfort.

In this article you will learn:

The need for a diet with chickenpox

Any acute infection, which include chicken pox, strongly poisons the patient's body with the products of protein breakdown and the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, against the background of intensive metabolism, dehydration, a decrease in the amount of mineral salts (in particular, sodium and potassium), an increase in the consumption of vitamins, the digestive organs are subjected to enormous loads and begin to incorrectly perform their functions.

Therefore, with the diagnosis of chickenpox, the diet implements a number of important tasks:

  • minimizes the load on the immune system;
  • reduces intoxication;
  • increases the overall resistance of the body;
  • replenishes exorbitant energy losses;
  • provides the body with important vitamins and minerals;
  • becomes the guarantor of a speedy recovery;
  • reduces the risk of occurrence.

The principles of dietary nutrition during this period are focused on Table No. 13 (according to Pevzner), which provides a gentle mode of operation for the digestive organs.

The basic rules are:

  1. Fractional nutrition - up to 6 times / day in small portions.
  2. Grated state of food (mashed soups, pates, mousses, viscous consistency of cereals).
  3. Boiled or steamed foods. Such types of heat treatment of products as frying, baking, sometimes even stewing,.
  4. Reduced energy value nutrition: the main emphasis is on protein foods (1 g of protein / kg of the patient's weight), the amount of carbohydrates and fats is reduced (up to 300-320 and 70 g, respectively).
  5. An increase in the volume of fluid consumed - up to 2.5 liters for adults and 1.5 liters for children.
  6. The use of foods with a high content of vitamins (groups A, B and C are especially important).

The chickenpox diet is usually adjusted based on the stage of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition.
So, for example, in the first days of illness in the presence of high temperature body, increased weakness, the presence of purulent wounds on the mucous membranes of the mouth, the amount of food can be reduced to a minimum, in the absence of appetite - even limited to one heavy drink.

At any stage of treatment, food should be natural, as light as possible for the stomach, soft, freshly prepared.

It is important not to forget about vitamin-containing products:

  1. Rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, sea buckthorn are rich in vitamin C.
  2. A sufficient amount of vitamin A is found in caviar, liver, egg yolks, butter.
  3. Vitamins B2 and B6 can be obtained from yeast, almonds, potatoes, meat, offal, millet, cottage cheese.

Until complete recovery, smoked meats, fried foods, spices, spices and sauces, foods containing dyes that cause flatulence, fatty meats and concentrated broths should be excluded from the diet.

Features of the diet in children

When chickenpox is found in children, the diet is prescribed as sparing as possible. Usually, a tiny organism reacts to the virus with a decrease in appetite, so parents should not force the baby to eat by force. However, care must be taken to ensure that drinking regime- in addition to chicken pox not to get dehydrated, the amount of fluid should not be lower than 1-1.5 liters per day. Unsweetened teas, fresh vegetable juices, mineral water without gas are the most effective in the fight against the disease.

Products must be hypoallergenic, without irritating effect on the throat, providing the child with sufficient energy. It is recommended for children to cook slimy soups, meat purees, semi-liquid cereals, give grated cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt, and when they disappear, introduce steam omelettes, meatballs / meatballs into the diet.

It is important to observe a sparing diet, avoid snacking, as well as overeating. A categorical ban on sweets, especially muffins, chocolate, carbonated drinks, fast food.

The specifics of the diet for chickenpox in adults

In adults, chickenpox is much more difficult than in children. Therefore, the diet should be as strict as possible, excluding not only the list of prohibited foods, but also alcohol in any form, as well as coffee, chocolate, and strong tea that stimulate the central nervous system; vegetables containing coarse fiber and essential oils(garlic, onion, turnip, swede, radish). The amount of liquid consumed per day should not be less than 2.5 liters.

The diet for chickenpox in adults requires adjustment if the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions. In this case, milk is completely removed from the diet, chicken eggs, red/orange vegetables, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, other foods with potential allergens.

Features of the adult diet:

  • Under the ban are fried, spicy, salty, pickled foods, pickles, smoked meats, any sauces, including ketchup and mayonnaise.
  • The daily protein intake should correspond to the “1.5 g per 1 kg of weight” scheme, the amount of fat is shifted to the lower limit, it is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates.
  • The food is fractional, the portion is not more than 300-400 g.
  • Dishes should be either cold (but not lower than 15 ° C) or hot (up to 65 degrees).
  • Salt can be consumed up to 10 g, but with profuse vomiting or excessive sweating, this amount can be increased.

In the presence of a good appetite or at the final stage of the disease, it is still impossible to expand the diet, because. the production of enzymes and a number of other functions of the gastrointestinal tract in a person with chickenpox are impaired.

Diet duration

Adhere to the diet recommended by doctors should be until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Usually, already on the 4-6th day, the disease subsides, but it is still impossible to return to the usual food. You can expand the diet slowly, gradually.

With chickenpox, a diet in children and adults should be followed up to two weeks after recovery: for the gastrointestinal tract, such nutrition will only benefit, allowing it to fully recover from the illness.

Possible complications of non-compliance with the diet

When a person gets chickenpox, the body is already hard, so you should not aggravate this condition with malnutrition. It has been repeatedly proven that food is one of the main causes of poisoning with toxins. With chickenpox, as well as any other viral disease, the level of such a load increases significantly. To alleviate and direct all the forces of the body to fight chickenpox, and not toxins, the need for a diet is beyond doubt.

Additional irritation of the skin, as well as the oral mucosa (which is quite expected if the diet is not followed) can lead to:

  • to worsening the course of the disease;
  • an increase in the areas of the body affected by the rash;
  • unbearable itching.

The overall picture may subsequently be aggravated by the addition of a bacterial infection, which will have to be treated with antibiotics.

Opinion of physicians

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that following a diet when diagnosing chickenpox in children and adults can significantly reduce its symptoms and speed up recovery. Adhering to it is not as difficult as it seems, because based on the allowed products, you can create an excellent menu, making the diet complete and varied.


Eating healthy foods immune system definitely helpful for chicken pox. That's just a diet for chickenpox should not be prescribed independently. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of its use, especially if the body of an adult or child reacts negatively to the products recommended in it.

A chickenpox diet will help speed up recovery, reduce the number of pimples and their itching. Proper nutrition not only improves immunity, but restores metabolism.

A diet for chickenpox must be followed regardless of the age category.

According to doctors, following the rules of nutrition helps reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. The body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals. If the patient is completely excluded for at least a few weeks harmful products the condition of the body will improve.

With chickenpox, dieting is easy. The main thing is to understand that nutrition will help speed up recovery in the body and reduce symptoms. When all the signs of the disease subside, the person will be able to return to his diet again.

Principles of nutrition for chickenpox

Dieting is a must, even if the disease is mild. Basic nutrition rules:

Diet plan for adults

In adulthood, chickenpox is more severe than in children. It is necessary to follow a diet:

  1. The menu should consist of boiled or steamed dishes.
  2. It is allowed to eat meat, fish of low-fat varieties.
  3. Useful cereals, soups, dairy products.
  4. You can eat fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  5. Drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Beneficial features has a decoction of wild rose, tea with mint or currant. Nutrition for chickenpox in adults should include jelly, freshly squeezed fresh juices in the diet, because they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.
  6. Baked apples, pears do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane, so you can eat them.

Prohibited Products

There is a list of foods that you can not eat with chickenpox. It is necessary to exclude:
