Among all dairy products, cream is no less popular than milk. They are used to add to tea and coffee, which allows you to get an even more delicate and refined taste of drinks. Cream also takes part in the preparation of mashed soups, confectionery, sauces and other dishes. It goes without saying that the benefits of cream for humans are very large, because they have a very rich and nutritious composition.

Cream is prepared by milk separation. They form a greasy top layer that can simply be drained into another dish. This is where the name of this product comes from. Their beneficial properties directly depend on the fat content and quality of cream. Good cream should be thick and have a smooth consistency. They should not contain lumps, flakes, bad smell, bitter or other flavors.

The composition and calorie content of cream

The value of cream for human body due to the fact that they contain many phosphatides. Otherwise, the composition of the cream is almost the same as that of ordinary milk. They differ only in the amount of fat - cream has more than 8%. Cream contains free organic acids, lecithin, as well as a huge amount of B vitamins, as well as vitamin PP, A, C. Among macro- and microelements, zinc, calcium, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus can be distinguished etc.

The calorie content of cream is 220 kcal.

The benefits of cream

Lecithin, which is part of the cream, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, protects against the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and maintains an acceptable level of cholesterol in the blood.

Cream is very useful to use with a variety of fruits. Not only do these desserts have a very pleasant taste, they are also extremely healthy for humans. After all, the fats that are contained in this dairy product help to better absorb the vitamins that are part of the fruit.

Cream must be present in the diet of people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

The fats that make up the cream are very well absorbed. Therefore, this product is a must for people who lead an active mental and physical lifestyle.

Cream will also be useful for those who want to improve the condition of the nervous system and overcome depression. Also, with the help of this product, you can improve the condition of the skin, rejuvenate it and cope with puffiness.

Harm cream

Although cream is extremely beneficial to the human body, it can still have harmful effects. So, the abuse of cream can lead to the fact that the body will have the opposite effect. And instead of lowering the level of cholesterol, its amount will go through the roof.

If you want to reduce the number of kilograms on the scales, then you should not consume fatty and high-calorie cream in excess.

Article structure:

Cream is obtained from whole milk by settling and stratifying, as well as by separation. They have a high nutritional value, they contain a lot of vitamins, contain niacin, tocuferol, thiamine, fish flavin, they are saturated with minerals, contain ascorbic acid. This is a kind of milk quintessence that stores all the useful substances of milk, but in a more accessible, easily digestible form. Cream is very fond of children and adults, they are consumed in its pure form, added to dishes and drinks.

Characteristics of cream and their features

This is the fatty part of milk, consisting of light fats rising up. The quantity and quality of the product obtained from a serving of milk depends on the fat content of the base, and the fat content of milk depends on the nutrition of the cow. There are two ways to make cream, old homemade and hardware, using a separator. The latter option is used in industry, as well as through the use of small household separators. There is also dry cream, they are obtained from pasteurized, and then used to prepare this product by dilution with water.

L-tryptophan contained in the cream is an amino acid, when ingested, it is transformed into serotonin. This substance helps to lift the mood, and also increases the tone of the whole organism. L-tryptophan also increases a person’s working capacity, allows you to get out of a depressed and depressed state. In the presence of L-tryptophan in the body, appetite is reduced by dulling cravings for the use of carbohydrates. From this emerges the answer to the question of whether cream can be on a diet. It is possible, they are used in different diets, in particular, they are used in tomato and are recommended to be added to tea.

What is in cream

Cream contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids, they contain vitamin A, PP, A (RE), B1, B5, B2, B6, B12, B9, H, D, E, C, as well as choline. Of the minerals is phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, calcium. They are white in color, with a delicate milky yellowish tint, and have a pleasant sweetish taste. Properly prepared milk product has a uniform consistency, without lumps, cottony formations.

As for fat content, it can be different, from 8 to 55%. Therefore, they can be used versatile, fatty for nutritious diets, and low-fat cream, on a diet for weight loss. Fat-free drinking cream includes products with a fat content of 8 to 14%, low fat, up to 19%, medium fat, up to 34%, products with a large amount of fat are considered fatty.

Energy value and use of cream by fat groups

Classification is carried out according to their fat content. When this indicator changes, the calorie content of the product changes, as well as the ratio of other substances.

Cream 10% contains:

  • For 100 g of the product - 118 kcal;
  • Water - 82 g;
  • Proteins - 3 g;
  • Fat - 10 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4 g;

10% cream is the most optimal for weight loss, they will saturate the body with useful substances and will not allow you to correct it. They are recommended for use in adolescence, as well as adults, thanks to them the best digestibility of phosphorus and calcium is produced.

In order to correctly calculate the rate for a diet with cream, you should know that the 1st teaspoon contains 5 g of cream, the 1st tablespoon contains 14 g, and a 250 ml glass holds the same amount (250 g).

Cream 15% contains:

  • For 100 g of the product - 161 Kcal;
  • Water - 80 g;
  • Proteins - 2.4 g;
  • Fat - 15 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.7 g;

15% of the dairy product is not very fatty, so this cream is also allowed for a weight loss diet. They contain a lot of vitamin D, which contributes to the effective absorption of calcium and fluorine, and are also saturated with vitamin A.

Cream 30% contains:

  • For 100 g of the product - 287 Kcal;
  • Water - 62 g;
  • Proteins - 2.2 g;
  • Fat - 30 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.1 g;

30% cream is more fatty, but in a small amount it can be used in diets. Basically, they are used to add to drinks and various dishes, which gives the latter tenderness and creamy taste.

Useful properties of cream

The protein part of the dairy product consists of casein and lecithin. The latter takes part in cholesterol metabolism. Cream also increases the level of serotonin, which contributes to raising mood and increasing efficiency. Due to the presence of vitamin D in the composition, calcium and phosphorus entering the body are more efficiently absorbed.

What are the benefits of cream for the human body:

  • Cream contains 5 times more vitamin A than milk, and this improves the condition of the skin, contributes to visual acuity.
  • The presence of Omega 3 allows you to keep the body in good shape, prevents cancer, improves brain function.
  • They are recommended to be used for gastritis and ulcers, they have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has been noticed that when using cream with drinks or in its pure form, the nervous system calms down, stress is relieved.
  • Cream is actively used in cosmetology, and is also used for home anti-aging procedures.
  • They also help eliminate puffiness when used in conjunction with carrot juice.
  • It is recommended to consume more cream in the autumn-spring period, when people are most often depressed.
  • The presence of essential substances has a positive effect on the well-being of a person.
  • The milk fat contained in the product is well digestible by different age groups of people.
  • Low-fat types help to eliminate toxins, normalize the digestive tract, and prevent gastritis.
  • The product is useful for the formation of muscles and the child's skeleton.
  • Cream diets are recommended for patients after operations to restore the body.

Important to know: Coffee-cream hot drinks do not lower the strength of coffee, but at the same time reduce its negative impact on the body. And this dairy product also prevents the formation of plaque on tooth enamel.

Is cream possible on a diet and to whom they are contraindicated

With this product, it is worth using with a low fat content, 10, 15%. In most cases, they are very useful and are recommended for inclusion in any diet. But, there are categories of people who should use them with caution, and for some they are completely prohibited.

Harm of cream:

  • In case of kidney diseases, it is not recommended to get involved in this product, you should first consult a specialist.
  • With atherosclerosis and overweight (obesity), certain norms must be observed.
  • In case of intolerance, the entire group of dairy products should be excluded from the diet.
  • Young children, under 2 years old, should not be introduced into the diet of cream.

Cream for weight loss

In most cases, cream is used in diets, it is not a classic dietary product, so there are no mono rations in which cream is the basis. The product contains a lot of milk fat, it is not recommended for use in obesity, but for weight loss, when a person wants to get rid of 5-10 kg, it can be included in the diet. On (vegetable, cereal, egg), this dairy product can be used, it will saturate the body with biologically active substances, which are often not enough with such a diet.

The most high-calorie are dry and whipped cream, the first contain 579 Kcal in 100 grams, and the second more than 250 Kcal. If you want to lose weight, then you should not get carried away with whipped desserts, except for fat, they contain sugar, which in tandem gives an explosive mixture and negatively affects the body, depositing excess fat at the waist. According to nutritionists, for weight loss, you should use a product with a 10% fat content. It will not create difficulties in digestion, it will help to eliminate toxins.

  • It is very useful to use cream with carrot juice, just mix them and drink. Thus, you can remove swelling, improve kidney function.
  • When using a carrot-creamy drink, it is recommended to add a little honey to it, this will improve potency in men.

Using cream on the keto diet

There is a special diet in which the consumption of fats is allowed. At the same time, the carbohydrate component of such a diet is extremely small, and a moderate amount of protein is consumed, this way of eating is called a ketogenic diet. It contains a list of products recommended for consumption, our milk product falls under this category.

Features of the ketogenic diet:

  1. Increased fat content.
  2. Absence of carbohydrates.
  3. It is healing.
  4. The menu is calculated purely individually.

A ketogenic diet should be selected by a specialist, regarding the characteristics of each individual person. Our mission is to tell about the principle of this diet. By ceasing to consume carbohydrates, a person limits the entry of glucose, and it is very necessary for working capacity and normal life. Glucose is produced by the liver and formed in the muscles, but this stock is very small. Here, the property of proteins to transform into glucose works, or rather, the body breaks down the protein and extracts the necessary glucose from it. Therefore, it is important to get protein foods when on a keto diet.

But the diet assumes a moderate intake of proteins, which cannot completely replenish the supply of glucose. This is where the essence of the diet lies, the lack of glucose is replenished by ketones produced by the liver from stored fats. This happens only in case of a lack of carbohydrates and proteins. As a result, the body gets rid of previously stored fats. Therefore, the keto diet contains a high content of fats, animal proteins, and very few carbohydrates. This diet is very satisfying, a person does not feel hunger, but at the same time loses weight.

When creating a keto menu, the following is taken into account:

  • The ratio of muscle and fat mass of the human body.
  • Lifestyle, training.
  • The usual menu and its calorie content.
  • Approximate calorie consumption per day.
  • Age, weight, body type.
  • Hormonal balance.

The ketogenic diet does not accept the use of cereals, bakery and pasta, most vegetables and fruits, but lard, bacon, meat, seafood, eggs, fish, cheeses, butter, cream, on the contrary, are allowed. There is a specific list of foods that can be used on a ketogenic diet. Important feature This diet consists of a one-day fast.

It is on the first day of the diet that you should remain hungry, this will allow the body to completely use up the supply of glucose. Cream with a keto diet is used as an additive to tea, coffee, for making sauces, dressing first courses. Keto nutrition is a great way to lose weight, only it should be prescribed by a nutritionist, based on your body characteristics.

Cream is a dairy product made from regular whole milk. In order to make cream from milk, it is separated into skimmed and fat fractions. Pasteurized cream is on sale, which contains 10-20% or 35% fat.

The type of cream depends on the way it has been processed. In addition to pasteurized, there may also be sterilized cream. Also, the processing method also depends on the usefulness of the cream.

In addition to cream from milk, you can also find vegetable cream, which do not differ in their benefits. In addition to the classic milk cream, there are also dry and canned cream.

Cream properties

Pasteurized cream is considered better than sterilized. Their plus is that they can be stored for up to 4 months, while sterilized ones can be stored for only three days. The fact is that in sterilized cream, vitamin C is “killed” during the manufacture, and minerals create compounds that are not absorbed by the human body.

Vegetable cream is made from coconut, palm kernel or palm oil. Such proteins contain milk proteins, but in addition to them, various chemical components are added to such cream: stabilizers, dyes, flavors, emulsifiers, etc. Of course, all this is not useful for humans.

The most useful are fresh cream, as well as cream prepared by yourself.

The calorie content of cream is different. There are both fat and low-fat cream:

  • 8-14% - low-fat, calories from 80 to 130 kcal;
  • 15-19% - low-fat, calorie content from 150 to 200 kcal;
  • 20-34% - medium, caloric content from 210 to 320 kcal;
  • 35-49% - fatty, calories from 340 to 470 kcal;
  • 50-55% - very fatty, calorie content from 490 to 540 kcal.

The amount of fat in cream corresponds to their fat content: 10% - 10 g of fat, 20% - 20 g of fat, 30% - 35 g of fat, etc.

The benefits of cream

This dairy product is considered quite nutritious and healthy for humans in moderation. It is enriched with a number of vitamins: C, A, E, PP, D, group B, and also contains mineral salts and a large number of minerals.

Vitamin D allows calcium and phosphorus to be better absorbed, which is very important for the skeletal system, hair, skin, and teeth. But vitamin A in cream is much more than in milk itself, and 5 times more. So, what are the benefits of cream?

  1. They contain phospholipids, which are components of absolutely all tissues and cells of the human body. Among them, the most famous is lecithin, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, helps to normalize cholesterol levels.
  2. They also contain L-tryptophan, which is especially useful for people who experience strong emotional stress, have disorders of the nervous system, or even suffer from depression.
  3. Casein and lecithin are extracted from cream with the smallest fat content. These substances are often components of dietary supplements and various drugs.
  4. Cream and products based on it help to compensate for severe weight loss, for example, with exhaustion.
  5. Cream helps to remove toxins from the body.
  6. They can also recover faster. vitality that were lost after physical or mental stress.
  7. Cream helps to make the skin softer, stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes of the skin. At the same time, they are perfectly absorbed by the skin, leaving no traces behind.
  8. IN folk medicine cream is used for kidney disease or edema. To do this, they are mixed with carrot juice. And if you mix them with honey, you can stimulate the work of the sex glands. They are effective in acute gastritis, peptic ulcers.

Cream application

Cream is used for culinary purposes. Butter, sour cream, confectionery products are made from them. They are a component of sauces, sweets and confectionery.

Harm cream

Since even low-fat cream still has a high calorie content and contains a large amount of fat, this product is not recommended for people who are obese or prone to this disease, as well as for liver diseases and atherosclerosis.

In large quantities, cream can harm the figure.

Cream should not be given to children under two years of age.

The use of cream is contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance to the product itself or its component - milk protein.

Cream (the name comes from the verb "drain") - separation product. They are a dense homogeneous mass. white color, viscous consistency, with a sweetish taste. A properly prepared dairy product does not have flakes, lumps, or foreign impurities.

According to legend, the cream was invented back in the 17th century by the head waiter of the castle of Chantilly, Francois Vatel, from which they received the unspoken name "Chantilly cream". Baroness Henriette von Oberkirch tried the first dessert with the addition of delicate milk fat, who remained indifferent to the airy nectar of the gods.

Cream is produced with different fat content: 8%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 35%. They contain 4.3% carbohydrates, 3.5% proteins, vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2 and mineral salts. Due to the high fat content, the product is used in clinical nutrition, the food industry (to create butter,), in cooking (to obtain sweet dishes, puree soups, sauces, confectionery).


Depending on the method of processing raw materials, cream can be: pasteurized and sterilized. By consistency: canned, dry, drinking, whipped.

Today, vegetable cream is on sale - a synthetic product, a substitute for natural ones, with a long shelf life (over six months). They include palm, palm kernel, oils, sodium caseinate, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavors, acidity regulators, dyes. Such chemical product does not provide value to the human body, and with regular use it can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies.

The article will focus exclusively on natural cream obtained from whole milk by separating the fat fraction. Depending on the type, their shelf life ranges from three days (pasteurized) to 4 months (sterilized).

Chemical composition

Energy value cream 10% fat - 119 calories, 20% - 207 calories, 35% - 335 calories.

During sterilization, milk is heated to 130 degrees, as a result of which ascorbic acid is destroyed, and calcium and phosphorus change the chemical structure, which is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, the greatest value for a person is a fresh, pasteurized product that can be prepared independently at home.

With an increase in the fat content of cream, the content of proteins and carbohydrates in them decreases.

Milk fat is made up of spherical particles. There are 3 billion such spheres in a milliliter of cream. The balls do not merge with each other, they are covered with a fatty shell, inside which lecithin is concentrated, which combines with protein.

Interestingly, only 150 grams of cream is extracted from a liter of milk. The quality of the resulting product directly depends on the quality of the raw materials. Use only fresh whole milk (preferably homemade) with high fat content.

Table No. 1 "Nutritional value of cream 10%"
Components Content in 100 grams of product
pasteurized Sterilized
calories 119 calories 119 calories
82 grams 82.1 grams
4.5 grams 4.4 grams
and disaccharides 4.5 grams 4.4 grams
0.2 grams 0.2 grams
4 grams
2.7 grams 2.7 grams
Interchangeable 3.442 grams 1.4 grams
0.6 grams 0.6 grams
Essential amino acids 3.152 grams 1.67 grams
10 grams 10 grams
0.03 grams 0.03 grams
5.8 grams 5.8 grams
3.5 grams
Table number 2 " Chemical composition cream 10%"
Name Nutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
pasteurized Sterilized
0,3 0,3
0,1 0,1
0,03 0,02
0,065 0,025
0,9 0,9
124 124
83 83
90 91
27 27
10 10
40 40
0,1 0,1

The main advantage of cream is the high content of phosphatides, which have phosphoric acid in the composition and a nitrogenous base. When heated, the fatty membranes of the dairy product fractions are destroyed and lecithin passes into buttermilk.

In composition, phosphatides are close to fats; they disintegrate after whipping cream. Therefore, it is recommended not to heat them, but to use them fresh, chilled.

Natural cream is healthier than butter, which is almost brought to the boiling point during the production process. For the manufacture of sauces, soups, milk mass with a fat content of up to 20% is used, for the preparation of cream, sour cream - over 20%.

Useful and harmful properties

Natural cream obtained from whole milk is a healthy, nutritious product for the human body. They are indicated for physical exhaustion, sudden weight loss, active mental activity, depression, and nervous disorders.

Effect on the body:

  1. Normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  2. Slow down absorption harmful substances, remove slags and toxins, neutralize Negative influence chemical compounds in the body.
  3. Prevention of senile dementia.
  4. Strengthen bones and teeth.
  5. They supply the body with energy, complex proteins (casein).
  6. Reduce the irritating effect on the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Protect tooth enamel from fixing plaque on the surface.
  8. Enhance the effect of calcium. They are recommended to be consumed together with juice, which improves the absorption of vitamins A and E.

Cream is well absorbed by the human body, does not require additional energy for digestion. The fat of the dairy product envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, due to which it is indicated for use in diseases of the digestive tract. Cream contains an amino acid that suppresses cravings for simple carbohydrates.


  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver disease;
  • hypertension;
  • slow metabolism;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, people with gastritis and stomach ulcers are advised to consume only fresh pasteurized product up to 20 grams at a time.

On the packaging of high-quality drinking cream, GOST R 52091 is indicated, excluding vegetable fats in the composition of the product.

To check milk fat for naturalness, pour the mass into a glass, place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then rate them appearance. The appearance of spots yellow color on the surface indicates the presence of harmful vegetable fats in the composition. It is better to refuse the use of such a product. If after 15 minutes the cream stays in cold store nothing has changed - in front of you is a quality product.

Interestingly, whipped milk fat retains airiness in cylinders due to nitrous oxide (N2O) in the composition.


Cream is used in cooking in recipes or as a separate product. Creams, mousses, sauces, dressings are prepared on their basis. Low-fat cream (10%) is put in desserts, drinks for airiness and a delicate creamy taste. They are part of soups, purees, first courses. Whipped fat cream (35%) is used to decorate pastries and desserts.

In addition, the dairy product is used in cosmetology to nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. "Creamy" masks saturate the dermis, A, C, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, give a healthy, radiant tone to the face. Milk fat is recommended to use to nourish dry, flaky, aging skin.

Technology of "home" production

For the manufacture of cream, full-fat fresh milk is required. Pour it into a bowl and place in a cool, dark place. The fat formed on top is, in fact, homemade cream. Collect it every other day.

Prepare the following ingredients and tools:

  • milk - 200 milliliters;
  • cold water - 50 milliliters;
  • - 10 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 1 gram;
  • vanilla extract - 7 grams;
  • Bowl;
  • whisk;
  • pot;
  • mixer.

The sequence of the technological process:

  1. Combine gelatin and water in a saucepan, leave to swell for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the stove.
  3. Place the container with gelatin on the oven, heat the mass until the jelly-like balls are completely dissolved. Turn off the heat, cool the mass to room temperature. Add milk, beat ingredients until smooth.
  4. Add powdered sugar and vanilla to the mass, beat.
  5. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, stirring every 15 minutes.
  6. Beat the fragrant gelatin-milk mass with a hand mixer until a thick consistency. Ready cream resembles an air cream.

Once the cream has reached the desired consistency, stop whipping it. Excessive effort will lead to a loss of airy texture, and fat will curdle.

To improve the taste, instead of powdered sugar, use the following types of sweeteners:, stevia,. Also, try replacing vanilla with chocolate, cinnamon, or bacon. Nuts (macadamia, almonds, pecans,) will be an excellent addition.

Ground coffee will provide an invigorating effect to the cream, and cocoa will provide a chocolate taste. Before whipping milk fat, add 30 grams of caffeine-containing powder to it.

To enhance the flavor, supply the mass with fresh herbs. Lavender, thyme, basil are best suited.

On a note

Make sure you are using whole milk and not skimmed milk as the base before making cream. Otherwise, the product of the desired quality will not be obtained. It will be too runny.

Cream of home and store production differ in quality due to the use of special automated complexes and manual machines in industrial environment. The principle of their preparation is based on the rise of fat globules to the surface due to the difference between the milk plasma and specific gravity triglycerides. The settling rate is influenced by the following factors: grouping, crowding, the size of these spheres, the height of the rise, the viscosity of the milk plasma, and the settling time. The larger the fat ball, the faster it floats to the surface.

Viscous milk, unlike where the spheres managed to gather in heaps, gives less sediment. The reason for this phenomenon is an increase in the resistance (friction) of fat globules when passing through the plasma. Heating speeds up the settling of cream.

In the first 12 hours, the main mass of fat forms on the surface of the milk, in the subsequent time it rises much less. It takes 20-36 hours to prepare the cream, depending on the settling method chosen. Interestingly, all the fat from milk cannot rise up; a part of it remains in the plasma (from 0.5 to 1%).

The freshness period of homemade cream is 36 hours (1.5 days). The resulting "output" product has a high fat content (up to 40%) and energy value (up to 300 calories). At the same time, it retains all useful nutrients dairy product. Homemade cream is easily absorbed by the human body, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of children and the elderly.

Milk fat obtained under production conditions may have a different percentage of fat content (8 - 55%), calorie content (100 - 400 calories).


The shelf life of sterilized cream reaches 4 months, pasteurized - 3 days. To keep milk fat fresh, it is recommended to place it on a shelf near the freezer, where the temperature is lowest. open jar with cream is stored for 24 hours (day), quickly absorbs odors, so it must be carefully clogged.

If it is not possible to use the refrigerator, the dairy product is transferred to a glass container, placed near the container with cold water. So that the product does not turn sour, it is recommended to put a sheet of horseradish to it.


Cream is the top layer of fat that collects on the surface of milk. They include proteins (casein and lecithin), minerals (calcium, fluorine, magnesium, potassium), free organic acids, vitamins A, C, B, PP.

Sterilization reduces the usefulness of the product, reduces the amount of nutrients in them (destroys ascorbic acid, promotes the formation of indigestible compounds by minerals), therefore, fresh pasteurized cream provides the greatest value for the human body. They protect blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, soothe nervous system, adsorb toxic substances, increase the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. The main condition is to use high-quality fresh cream in moderation - up to 100 grams per day.

Cream is a milk separation product. The name of the product - "cream" - comes from the verb "drain". Cream can be easily removed from the surface of the settled milk and poured into another bowl. The cream has a uniform texture, a sweetish taste, a delicate color and should not have flakes, lumps or other impurities. Cream is distinguished by fat content and method of processing raw materials. Depending on the processing method, pasteurized and sterilized are distinguished. Pasteurized cream can be stored for no more than a week, the shelf life of sterilized cream can be up to four months.

Cream composition

Cream of different fat content from 8 to 35% goes on sale. The calorie content of cream depends on the fat content. The calorie content of 10% cream is about 120 kilocalories, with a fat content of 35%, the calorie content of cream reaches 350 kilocalories. Powdered cream of 40% fat content has a calorie content of about 600 kilocalories. Most of nutritional value account for fats, the rest - proteins and carbohydrates. About 70% is water.

Cream contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. 100 ml of 25% fat cream contains about 11 grams of saturated fatty acids, 87 mg of cholesterol, about 0.5 grams of ash, and a little less than one gram of organic acids.

The vitamin and mineral composition of cream is close to milk, which is not surprising: cream is very fatty milk. 100 ml of cream contains: 124 mg of choline, vitamin PP - 0.6 mg, vitamin E - 0.4 mg, vitamin D - 0.1 mcg, ascorbic acid - 0.3 mg, vitamin B12 - 0.4 mcg, folic acid- 8.5 mcg, vitamin B2 - 0.11 mg, vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg, vitamin A - 160 mcg.

For 100 ml of cream there are: molybdenum - 5 mcg, fluorine - 14 mcg, selenium - 0.3 mcg, manganese - 0.3 mcg, copper - 20 mcg, iodine - 7 mcg, zinc - 0.25 mg, iron - 0 .22 mg, chlorine - 61 mg, phosphorus - 60 mg, potassium - 109 mg, sodium - 35 mg, magnesium - 8 mg, calcium - 86 mg.

Milk fat cream consists of round fractions - balls. 1 ml of cream contains about 3 billion of these balls. The balls do not merge with each other, as they have a fatty shell, inside which lecithin is enclosed, which combines with protein.

The main advantage of cream can be called a high content of phosphatides, similar in composition to fats, but having a nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid in the composition. The process of heating the cream destroys the fatty membranes of the fractions, and the lecithin passes into buttermilk. In the same way, cream is affected by whipping cream. Phosphatides in this case are also destroyed.

Therefore, natural cream is healthier than butter or heated almost to boiling point. Cold cream should replace butter in cereals, desserts, sauces. So the product will be not only less high-calorie, but also more useful.

The benefits of cream

Cream - delicious and useful product with high nutritional value. It can and should be eaten by everyone, with the exception of infants, even the elderly, whose diet is highly restricted in terms of calories and fat content, but in small quantities.

Phosphatides (phospholipids) are a structural component of almost all body cells. The use of cream in old age helps to avoid senile dementia, phospholipids play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system.

Since fats are a source of energy, cream can be considered one of the the best power engineers. They should satisfy hunger during high physical exertion. Athletes introduce fatty cream into the diet: they are a source of energy and protein.

Another reason why athletes love cream is the high content of casein, a complex protein. Casein is valuable not only as a source of proteins, but also as a substance that helps curb appetite.

The fat fraction of cream has such a size that it is absorbed as well and completely as possible. The body does not have to spend additional energy on the digestion of cream.

The fats contained in the cream envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so cream is a necessary product for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Creams will help with food poisoning, slow down the process of absorption of toxins and poisons, make this absorption incomplete, and fast removal from the body. It is recommended to drink cream in case of chemical poisoning, even when painting walls or floors during repairs, it is recommended to drink a glass of cream after work, which neutralize the harmful effects of chemical compounds.

Cream is a source of the amino acid L-tryptophan, which synthesizes serotonin in the body. Serotonin increases efficiency, improves mood, helps to cope with depression and insomnia. L-tryptophan reduces cravings for sugar, for simple carbohydrates. So, despite the high calorie content, cream in a small amount helps to lose weight.

Cream added to coffee or tea reduces the irritating effect of caffeine on the lining of the stomach and intestines. In the same protective way, the cream acts on tooth enamel, protects against the risk of fixing plaque on the enamel.

Cream as a source of lecithin helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the size and number of existing cholesterol plaques, and protect blood vessels from the formation of new ones.

Cream is a source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and teeth. Cream should be drunk during the period of intensive growth of a teenager, for the formation of a healthy bone tissue. Cream is useful in violation of posture, phosphorus, which is part of the cream, enhances the effect of calcium.

Cream is the best "neighbor" for fat-soluble vitamins A and E, so it is recommended to add cream to carrot juice. This is how the complete assimilation of vitamins A and E occurs. The combination of vitamins A, E and D in the cream is ideal for absorption, so the cream is suitable for baby food who need vitamin D.

Beauty Cream

Beauty cream has been used since the time of Cleopatra. The famous milk baths are nothing more than water with the addition of cream. Such milk baths smooth the skin, rejuvenate it, whiten it. Cleopatra owes her beauty, not least, to cream baths. Cream is used to make homemade masks. They soften the skin, nourish it, smooth fine wrinkles.

How to make homemade cream

Not all store-bought cream is useful: sterilized, with a long shelf life, they are devoid of many useful components. Therefore, cream with a short shelf life should be preferred. Alternatively, cream can be made at home to be absolutely sure of its usefulness.

Milk for cream should be bought natural fresh, not store-bought. Milk is poured into flat containers, into plates, for example, and left in a cool place. In a day, cream will appear on the surface. They are carefully collected with a spoon and transferred to a separate bowl. The thickness of the cream layer and its fat content depend on the initial fat content of the milk.

Harm cream

Cream, especially high-fat cream, is a very high-calorie product, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. If there are no problems with weight, then 100 grams per day is the maximum. With obesity, cream should be excluded from the diet.

Cream, like milk, should not be drunk if you are lactose intolerant. Children under three years of age should not be given cream because of the high fat content and difficulty in digestion. In case of liver diseases, it is better to refuse cream.
