Nutritional value and chemical composition "Soy flour defatted".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 291 kcal 1684 kcal 17.3% 5.9% 579 g
Squirrels 48.9 g 76 g 64.3% 22.1% 155 g
Fats 1 g 56 g 1.8% 0.6% 5600 g
Carbohydrates 21.7 g 219 g 9.9% 3.4% 1009
Alimentary fiber 14.1 g 20 g 70.5% 24.2% 142 g
Water 9 g 2273 0.4% 0.1% 25256 g
Ash 5.3 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 3 mcg 900 mcg 0.3% 0.1% 30000 g
beta carotene 0.02 mg 5 mg 0.4% 0.1% 25000 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.85 mg 1.5 mg 56.7% 19.5% 176 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.3 mg 1.8 mg 16.7% 5.7% 600 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1 mg 15 mg 6.7% 2.3% 1500 g
Vitamin PP, NE 12.7 mg 20 mg 63.5% 21.8% 157 g
Niacin 2.3 mg ~
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 15.5 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 6.2 g max 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 g max 18.7 g

Energy value soy flour fat-free is 291 kcal.

  • Glass 250 ml = 160 gr (465.6 kcal)
  • Glass 200 ml = 130 gr (378.3 kcal)
  • Tablespoon ("with a top" except liquid products) = 25 gr (72.8 kcal)
  • Teaspoon ("with top" except for liquid products) = 8 g (23.3 kcal)

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and etc. Chemical composition food products. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Product Calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods cannot contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to caloric content, you can understand how the product or diet meets the standards healthy eating or dietary requirements. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than is supplied, then the body begins to use fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Soy flour, defatted rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 56.7%, vitamin B2 - 16.7%, vitamin PP - 63.5%

Benefits of defatted soy flour

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

The complete guide to the most useful products you can see in the application - a collection of properties food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic matter required in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances vitamins are destroyed by high heat. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

In various professional circles, relatively recently they began to talk about the dangers wheat flour. Indeed, this product has many contraindications, which forces people to seek alternatives. It should be noted that there are many such substitutes. On the shelves of modern stores you can find rice, buckwheat, corn flour. But soy flour is especially popular among consumers in this category. It is obtained from the legume of the same name, which grows well on a variety of soils.

The beneficial properties of soy are highly valued in cooking, it is necessary as a basis for the production of cosmetics, it is widely used in traditional medicine. Let's try to figure it out unique characteristics this, one of the most common agricultural crops on the planet.

Plant characteristic

Soybeans were first grown in Asia about 6-7 millennia ago. Its resistance to adverse effects external environment and the ability to self-pollinate contributed to its rapid spread to other continents. Soybean belongs to leguminous annual crops. The plant is relatively low, under favorable conditions it can reach up to 70 cm in height. During the flowering period, white inflorescences appear on a hairy dense stem, and when the time comes for fruit ripening, small flowers change pods with yellow beans.

There are soy varieties that produce green and brown seeds. Soybean tolerates drought well, but the lack of light negatively affects yields. With a lack of light, the yield decreases sharply, because the fruits decrease in size.

Benefits of soy

In many countries, soybeans are the main agricultural crop. And this is no coincidence. Due to its unpretentiousness, it is possible to obtain quite high yields. And taking into account the leading positions of this representative of legumes in the gastronomic segment, producers receive a huge income from the sale of beans. After all, soy flour has long been learned to make such paramount foodstuffs as meat, various nutritious pastes, cheeses, butter. If we talk about the nutritional properties of soy, then in this regard it has practically no competitors. One has only to familiarize oneself with the composition of the beans to be convinced of the correctness of this conclusion.

The fruits of soy crops contain such valuable macro and microelements:

  • a complex of vitamins, among them such important for health as: vitamins B, PP, E;
  • proteins make up 50%;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • beta carotene.

Of course, a product with such a valuable set nutrients able to satisfy hunger, and favorably affect health. But this is not the main advantage of soybean compared to other crops of the same family. It has a special structure that allows you to conduct various gastronomic experiments with its derivatives. Physicians value soy, first of all, for its ability to have a positive effect on the structure of blood vessels and heart function.

Proponents of vegetarianism, for example, took soybeans as the basis of their diet, once refusing animal food. In any form, soy is perfectly absorbed by the body, significantly contributes to the digestive processes.

Useful qualities

To judge the usefulness of soy culture, you need to study a little the properties of each component of the composition separately.

  1. Protein is present in excess in soy. It is known that vegetable protein has a set of essential amino acids.
  2. The calcium present in soy, more than the element contained in milk, helps to strengthen bone tissue.
  3. Zinc is essential for strengthening immune forces and muscle growth. Without this macronutrient, not a single important process in the body takes place. Zinc takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins, regulates metabolic processes, promotes tissue regeneration.
  4. Phospholipids are found in large quantities in soy. In others legumes they are much smaller. These elements are responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, they contribute to the restoration of cell membranes, which is especially important for vascular tissues. Phospholipids can also reduce the body's need for insulin. This ability can help people suffering from diabetes.
  5. Fatty acid. Soy contains unsaturated acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own. These chemical components regulate hormonal functions, reduce the concentration of cholesterol.

Product varieties

The food industry produces three types of soy products:

  • flour, defatted or meal;
  • non-fat product;
  • flour, half defatted.

Each category of flour products has its own characteristics. For example, meal, which is in great demand, is a by-product of soybean oil production. There is a lot of protein in the meal, for which it is valued by supporters of a healthy diet.

Experts advise including wholemeal soybean flour in the diet, because it is it that has an excellent taste and brings the most benefits.

Soy products in cosmetology

Soy protein purified from fatty impurities is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetic products. Means containing soy strengthen the hair structure, have a beneficial effect on the skin. Soy ingredient is added to formulations for daily care. And such products do an excellent job with their task: they smooth wrinkles, moisturize the skin, nourish it and improve its color.

When Soy Can Be Dangerous

Research scientists have shown that with prolonged use legumes serious violations of important functions can occur in the body. But hormonal failure is especially dangerous. Therefore, pregnant women should generally avoid foods containing soy. This product should be used with caution by women of childbearing age, soy should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Diabetics should also not get too carried away with soy products, as their ability to lower blood sugar levels can backfire.

Several useful recipes

It is natural that beneficial features soybeans have not gone unnoticed by folk healers. It is believed that the plant can even prevent the development of oncological pathologies. After all, phytic acids inhibit the growth of foreign structures. Therefore, soybeans are quite suitable as a prophylactic.

  1. For strong immunity. You have to sprout the beans first. This will take 5 days. This is done as follows: first, the grains are soaked in ordinary water, and after a day they are laid out on a damp cloth. The mini plantation should be kept in the sun, wetting the beans regularly. When the sprouts hatched from the beans reach 5 cm, they can be added to a salad or eaten fresh in small portions.
  2. Soy decoction helps to cope with overwork, and also relieves anemia. Healing nectar is prepared in the following way: soybeans (50 g) are boiled for 15 minutes in ½ liter of water. After cooling the solution, it is filtered. The resulting amount of broth should be drunk during the day.
  3. Soy milk is used to normalize the condition with menopause. The product is recommended to drink three times 2 tablespoons for a whole month.

There is still a lot useful compositions using soy products. There are many interesting recipes for the preparation of cosmetic formulations that can provide beauty and health. But we must remember that any tool will benefit only if it is used wisely.

Video: the benefits and harms of soy products

Soya flour is a valuable food product, which is made from meal or seeds. Compared to other types of flour milling products, it has a high content of minerals and protein. The production of soy flour has some differences from the production of products from cereals: corn, rice, rye. These seeds have a high fat content, and their processing requires preliminary preparation.

It is commonly believed that soy flour is a product derived from a member of the legume family, but this is not the case. In flour, in addition to the ground soybeans themselves, meal and cake are added. The countries of the East Asian region are characterized by the highest consumption of soy and dishes from it.

What's the use?

Previously, this product was considered optimal for the nutrition of people with diabetes and adhering to proper nutrition, since it does not have any side effects and can be included in the diet of the elderly and young children with special needs on the menu.

Features of the composition affect the difference in use. Soy seeds contain 40 percent protein, which is similar in amino acid composition to meat products, while comparable with milk casein in terms of the degree of assimilation. In the production of soy, food is isolated vegetable oil, and the cake residue is used to manufacture the insulator and protein concentrate. In many countries, fermented milk products are also widely used.

Soy flour: composition

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting first of all the rich chemical composition. In addition to the main trace elements, iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and others are present in soy. Also, many are attracted by a set of vitamins: thiamine, beta-carotene, vitamins E, PP, A.

In the production of soy flour, special attention is paid to preserving the maximum amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins. In fact, the beans are only peeled, as it can affect storage by causing a rancid taste. Fiber is an important element that promotes cleansing human body, ridding the intestines of toxins and harmful substances.

In the diet of vegetarians and people who control their own, soy becomes an indispensable assistant due to its high protein content. These beans are involved in the restoration of normal fat metabolism, which leads to a decrease in body weight.

This nutritious product contains vitamin B4, which reduces the likelihood of gallstone diseases.

What you should pay attention to

According to scientists, soy flour contains isoflavones, which increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women and can adversely affect the development of the child's brain.

Women of reproductive age should be careful in eating dishes made from such flour, as excessive consumption can lead to violations. menstrual cycle.

For any person, too active passion for soy products is fraught with malfunctions of the reproductive and nervous systems, impaired immunity, and acceleration of the aging process.

Nutritionists advise to adhere to the measure in everything. Soy flour is no exception, recipes from which are very diverse, but still should not form the basis of nutrition.


In the production of soybean flour today, there are three main varieties: defatted, semi-skimmed and full-fat. The latter is made from whole soybeans. Medium option obtained from residues produced after pressing the oil. From soybean sprat, defatted flour will be obtained, its basis is the substances remaining after the extracted oil production. According to the fiber content, it is worth highlighting two varieties - the first and the highest.

Whole-fat soy flour obtained without additional heat treatment is also called non-deodorized. Due to this, it acquires a taste of soy and a specific smell.

Deodorized flour is produced from seeds that have been pre-treated with hot steam. It does not smell of soy, as aromatic substances are destroyed by the influence high temperatures, in addition, there are no extraneous aromas and taste of beans. Semi-skimmed and skimmed flour is produced only in deodorized form.


Soybean flour is a product obtained from processed soybean seeds (soybeans), cake and meal. Soy flour dishes are especially popular in the regions of East Asia.

The production of soy flour is carried out as follows: soybean grains are dried and coarsely crushed, removing the shells and seed germs that contribute to the rapid rancidity of the flour. After completion of the preparatory operations, finer grinding of soybeans is carried out in roller or stone mills.

Soy flour, which is the least refined product of all soy products consumed by humans, serves as a source of fiber that cleanses the human intestine of toxins. It contains up to 54% protein, due to which it is able to replace the proteins of fish, meat, poultry and milk, leading to a reduction in the price of the final product.

Depending on the variety and method of manufacture, soy flour can have various shades: from pure white, cream, light yellow to bright orange.

Remaining after technological process casings (hulls) are used as a source of nutritious dietary fiber in bakery industries, as well as animal feed.

Composition of soy flour

Useful properties of the product determines the chemical composition of soy flour. It includes such trace elements as calcium (212 mg), sodium (5 mg), magnesium (145 mg), phosphorus (198 mg), potassium (1600 mg), as well as vitamin PP (2.3 mg), vitamin A ( 3 mcg), beta-carotene (0.02 mg), B vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), vitamin E (1 mg). Soy flour also contains iron (9.2 mg).

Product calories: is 291 kcal / 100 grams.

Nutritional value of soy flour: Proteins - 48.9 g; Fats - 1 g; Carbohydrates - 21.7 g

After adding soy flour to the composition of the food product, the final product boasts an increased content of minerals, proteins, lecithin and vitamins, positively affecting the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin B4, which is part of soy flour, prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder, restores normal fat metabolism, thus contributing to natural weight loss.

Application of soy flour

Soy flour is widely used in the food industry: it reduces the need for additional raw materials (and, consequently, the cost of production), the loss of mass of the product during heat treatment, while maintaining its quality at the appropriate level.

Soy flour is used in the production of sausages, breakfast cereals, biscuits, semi-finished products, bread, pasta, cereals, and also as a substitute for skimmed milk powder and some substances in whole milk.

Harm of soy flour

Despite the many beneficial properties for the human body, eating soy flour has its own contraindications. The isoflavones that are part of soy flour - substitutes for female sex hormones that have a positive effect on the female reproductive system, adversely affect the development of the fetal brain during pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In addition, research scientists have identified a relationship between excessive consumption of soy products and menstrual irregularities in women of reproductive age.

The abuse of products that include soy flour can cause cerebrovascular accident, provoke the appearance of Alzheimer's disease, and accelerate the aging process of the body. The harm of soy flour also extends to the endocrine system, causing disturbances in the immune system, nervous and reproductive systems of a person.

Excess consumption of soy flour products is not recommended for children under 3 years of age - the product can provoke thyroid disease and allergic reactions.

Culinary facts about soy flour

Soy flour can be used:

for the preparation of sweets, pies, muffins, donuts, cakes and buns, bread and pasta, pancake flour and frozen desserts;
V quick recipe homemade soy milk; as a thickener for gravy or sauce;
for baking as a substitute chicken eggs(1 egg equals 1 tablespoon of soy flour diluted in the same amount of water).

The following qualities of soy flour can be considered as pleasant culinary additions to its beneficial properties:

makes pastries more tender and moist; prevents bakery products from staleness; products containing soy flour quickly become covered with a beautiful brown crust, which reduces baking time and slightly lowers the cooking temperature;
in fried foods that contain a lot of oil, such as donuts, soy flour prevents excess fat from being absorbed by the dough.


Storage considerations: Keep soy flour in the refrigerator for several months or in the freezer for up to one year. And in gratitude to those who read this article to the end, I suggest that you read the instructions for making soy milk from flour.

Homemade soy milk recipe from soy flour

Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan. Set the fire to high and wait until it boils.

Add 1 cup soy flour to boiling water. This should be done slowly, constantly stirring with a whisk. Whisk until water and flour are completely combined.

Lower the heat and let the milk simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it thickens too quickly, add a little more water.

Strain the mixture through a colander covered with cheesecloth. Ready soy milk should be immediately put in the refrigerator.

Soybean flour is obtained by finely grinding roasted soybeans. Like other soy foods, it is a rich source of plant-based protein, iron, B-complex vitamins, and calcium. Adding soy flour to your favorite dishes will give them a pleasant taste and delicate texture.

On sale you can find two varieties: whole, containing all natural oils soy, and defatted, from which these oils are removed during processing. Defatted soy flour has a higher percentage of protein and calcium.

One cup of whole flour contains: 17 g of fat (the proportion of saturated fat is only 3 g), 29 g of protein and 8 g of dietary fiber. Also present is 173 mg calcium, 360 mg magnesium, 415 mg phosphorus, 2.113 mg potassium, 290 mcg folic acid, 101 IU vitamin A, 60 mcg beta-carotene, and 59 mcg vitamin K.

One cup of defatted soy flour contains: 49g protein, 1g fat, 18g dietary fiber, 253mg calcium, 304mg magnesium, 708mg phosphorus, and 2.503mg potassium. Also present are 320 micrograms of folic acid, 42 IU of vitamin A, 25 micrograms of beta-carotene, and 59 micrograms of vitamin K.

Several key benefits

Regular consumption of soy flour will help lower blood cholesterol levels, control your own weight, strengthen muscles and heart.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Soy flour reduces the risk of heart disease, including hypertension and atherosclerosis. By the way, the link between the consumption of soy products and a reduced risk of ischemia was established and documented by scientists back in 1999.

All these cardiological bonuses are explained by the presence of genistein isoflavone with powerful antioxidant properties in soy flour. The plant component helps prevent the formation of blood clots, protects against heart attack, stroke and the formation of plaques on the walls of arteries.

Anti-cancer properties

Soy flour and other soybean products, provided they are regularly included in your diet, contribute to the body's defense against prostate, breast and uterine cancer.

Scientists attribute anticancer properties to the same genistein, which helps block the activity of the tyrosine kinase protein in growing tumor cells.

Soy isoflavones not only block the growth of cancerous growths, but also participate in the creation of genes aimed at destroying tumor cells.

Combats menopause symptoms

Clinical studies based at the University of Maryland have shown that taking soy protein from 20 g to 60 g per day in menopausal women reduces the intensity of hot flashes and reduces sweating during sleep.

These positive results can be explained by taking at least 15 mg per day of genistein (soy isoflavone).

Good for bones

Another one characteristic soy flour - high in calcium, as well as magnesium and boron (two important micronutrients that help the body absorb calcium). This is an excellent product for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Gluten Free

People with gluten sensitivities have severely limited food choices. Symptoms of the disease: mouth sores, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and chronic fatigue.

When it comes to flour, you need to look for a worthy alternative to wheat. An alternative would be a mixture of various kinds gluten-free flours, such as those based on soy, quinoa and amaranth grain.

Suitable for diabetic nutrition

For diabetes elevated level blood glucose is a key risk factor cardiovascular diseases, stroke and kidney failure. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a diet of foods that do not cause a jump in glucose.

Soy dietary fiber also contributes, which reduces the rate of absorption of carbohydrates into the blood, thereby maintaining insulin homeostasis.

Culinary Facts

Soy flour can be used:

  • for the preparation of sweets, pies, muffins, donuts, cakes and buns, bread and pasta, pancake flour and frozen desserts;
  • in a quick recipe for homemade soy milk;
  • as a thickener for gravy or sauce;
  • for baking as a substitute for chicken eggs (1 egg equals 1 tablespoon of soy flour diluted in the same amount of water).

The following qualities of soy flour can be considered as pleasant culinary additions to its beneficial properties:

  • makes pastries more tender and moist;
  • prevents bakery products from staleness;
  • products containing soy flour quickly become covered with a beautiful brown crust, which reduces baking time and slightly lowers the cooking temperature;
  • in fried foods that contain a lot of oil, such as doughnuts, soy flour prevents excess fat from being absorbed by the dough.

Storage considerations: Keep soy flour in the refrigerator for several months or in the freezer for up to one year.

And in gratitude to those who read this article to the end, I suggest that you read the instructions for making soy milk from flour.

Homemade Soy Milk Recipe

  1. Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan. Set the fire to high and wait until it boils.
  2. Add 1 cup soy flour to boiling water. This should be done slowly, constantly stirring with a whisk. Whisk until water and flour are completely combined.
  3. Lower the heat and let the milk simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it thickens too quickly, add a little more water.
  4. Strain the mixture through a colander covered with cheesecloth. Ready soy milk should be immediately put in the refrigerator.
