Created by A.M. Butlerov in the 60s of the XIX century, the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds brought the necessary clarity to the reasons for the diversity of organic compounds, revealed the relationship between the structure and properties of these substances, made it possible to explain the properties of already known and predict the properties of organic compounds that have not yet been discovered.

Discoveries in the area organic chemistry(quadrivalent carbon, the ability to form long chains) allowed Butlerov in 1861 to formulate the main generations of the theory:

1) Atoms in molecules are connected according to their valency (carbon-IV, oxygen-II, hydrogen-I), the sequence of connection of atoms is reflected by structural formulas.

2) The properties of substances depend not only on chemical composition, but also on the order of connection of atoms in a molecule (chemical structure). Exist isomers, that is, substances that have the same quantitative and qualitative composition, but a different structure, and, consequently, different properties.

C 2 H 6 O: CH 3 CH 2 OH - ethyl alcohol and CH 3 OCH 3 - dimethyl ether

C 3 H 6 - propene and cyclopropane - CH 2 \u003d CH−CH 3

3) Atoms mutually influence each other, this is a consequence of the different electronegativity of the atoms that form the molecules (O>N>C>H), and these elements have a different effect on the displacement of common electron pairs.

4) According to the structure of the molecule of organic matter, its properties can be predicted, and the structure can be determined from the properties.

TSOS received further development after the establishment of the structure of the atom, the adoption of the concept of the types of chemical bonds, the types of hybridization, the discovery of the phenomenon of spatial isomerism (stereochemistry).

Ticket number 7 (2)

Electrolysis as a redox process. Electrolysis of melts and solutions on the example of sodium chloride. Practical use electrolysis.

Electrolysis- this is a redox process that occurs on the electrodes during the passage of a constant electric current through melt or electrolyte solution

The essence of electrolysis is the implementation at the expense of electrical energy chemical. Reactions - reduction at the cathode and oxidation at the anode.

The cathode(-) donates electrons to the cations, and the anode(+) accepts electrons from the anions.

NaCl melt electrolysis

NaCl-―> Na + +Cl -

K(-): Na + +1e-―>Na 0 | 2 percent recovery

A(+) :2Cl-2e-―>Cl 2 0 | 1 percent oxidation

2Na + +2Cl - -―>2Na+Cl 2

Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of NaCl

In the electrolysis of NaC| Na + and Cl - ions, as well as water molecules, participate in water. When current passes, Na + cations move towards the cathode, and Cl - anions move towards the anode. But at the cathode instead of Na ions, water molecules are reduced:

2H 2 O + 2e-―> H 2 + 2OH -

and chloride ions are oxidized at the anode:

2Cl - -2e-―>Cl 2

As a result, hydrogen is on the cathode, chlorine is on the anode, and NaOH accumulates in the solution

In ionic form: 2H 2 O+2e-―>H 2 +2OH-

2Cl - -2e-―>Cl 2


2H 2 O+2Cl - -―>H 2 +Cl 2 +2OH -


In molecular form: 2H 2 O+2NaCl-―> 2NaOH+H 2 +Cl 2

Application of electrolysis:

1) Protection of metals from corrosion

2) Obtaining active metals (sodium, potassium, alkaline earth, etc.)

3) Purification of some metals from impurities (electric refining)

Ticket number 8 (1)

Related information:

  1. A) Theory of knowledge - a science that studies the forms, methods and techniques of the emergence and development of knowledge, its relation to reality, the criteria for its truth.

The generally accepted main provisions of Butlerov's theory are considered the foundation modern chemistry. The scientist was the first to explain the features. He studied in detail the nature of the relationships of atoms.

Prerequisites for the appearance of the theory

Alexander Butlerov became the founder of the new theory just when a lot of questions accumulated in science that scientists could not find answers to. For example, explanations required the phenomena of valency and isomerism. In addition, chemists continued to argue about how to write chemical formulas correctly. Butlerov clarified this issue. He proved that formulas should reflect the structure of matter.

In addition, there were several concepts that were opposite to the views expressed by Butlerov. It was the theory of the radicals. Its founder was Jens Berzelius. He argued that there are special elements in molecules - radicals that pass from one substance to another. There was also a theory of types. Its supporters believed that all complex substances are derivatives of simple ones. organic matter- water, hydrogen, ammonia, etc. All these concepts contradicted each other. Science needed a theory that would put everything in its place.

Butlerov's new ideas

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886) was one of the outstanding chemists of his time. He dealt a lot with the theoretical issues of his science. In 1858, the scientist spoke at one of the meetings of the Paris Chemical Society. At the same time, for the first time, the main provisions of Butlerov's theory were heard from his lips.

The researcher used new terms in his report, which later became entrenched in international science. For example, it was he who became the author of the concept of the structure of compounds. The scientist believed that the structure of different substances allows them to be attributed to the same groups (in particular, these are methane, chloroform, methyl alcohol etc.).

Study of the synthesis of substances

In 1861, in the published report “On the chemical structure of matter”, the main provisions of the theory of the chemical structure of A. M. Butlerov were formulated. The scientist described in detail the methods of synthesis and use of different reactions. One of the most important theses of the chemist was his assertion that one formula corresponds to each chemical substance. Its importance lies in the fact that it characterizes all properties and shows the connection of atoms within molecules.

Butlerov's theory also provided that new substances could be produced with the help of controlled reactions. In subsequent years, the famous chemist and his students conducted many experiments to prove this assumption. They managed to synthesize such new substances as isobutylene and some alcohols. For their era, these discoveries were of colossal significance, which can only be compared with the importance of the definition of other elements by Mendeleev (for example, ekabor).

Systematization of chemistry

In the 19th century, the main provisions of Butlerov's theory completely changed the idea of ​​​​scientists about the elements. In particular, the researcher was the first to suggest that molecules are not a chaotic accumulation of atoms. On the contrary, they have an ordered structure. Atoms are connected to each other in a certain sequence, which also determines the nature of the entire substance.

Butlerov, developing his theory, relied on mathematical principles and laws. With the help of this science, he was able to explain most of the processes and relationships in chemicals. For contemporaries it was a real revolution. The point was that even if scientists knew some facts about the nature of certain substances, they could not build their knowledge into a clear systematized picture. The main provisions of Butlerov's theory of structure resolved this problem. Now chemistry was not a disparate treasury of facts, but a harmonious system, where everything was subject to strict mathematical logic.

Variety of substances

Butlerov's famous theory pays much attention to isomerism - the phenomenon consisting in the existence of isomers - substances that are equal in molecular weight and atomic composition, but at the same time differ from each other in the arrangement of atoms and structure. This feature explains the variety of properties of substances in nature.

Butlerov proved his theory on the example of butane. According to the scientist's idea, two types of this substance should have existed in nature. However, at that time, science knew only one butane. Butlerov conducted many experiments and nevertheless obtained a new substance, similar in composition, but different in properties. It was named isobutane.

The influence of atoms on each other

Butlerov also discovered another important regularity. With the formation of chemical bonds, the process of transfer of electrons from one atom to another begins. At the same time, their density changes. There are electron pairs that affect the property of the new substance formed. The scientist studied this phenomenon using the example of hydrogen chloride, where chlorine changes the electron density of hydrogen bonds.

Butlerov and the main provisions of the theory of structure were able to explain the nature of the transformation of substances. In the future, the principle discovered was studied in detail by his followers and students. Understanding the mechanism of changing substances allowed scientists to understand how to synthesize new elements. A special surge of these discoveries began at the end of the 19th century. Then European and American scientists in new laboratories, using the methods proposed by Butlerov, were able to produce new substances.

chemical bonds

Butlerov believed that the structure of substances can be studied by chemical methods. This position was confirmed thanks to many successful experiments of the scientist. Also, the researcher was a supporter of the idea that formulas can be correct only if they begin to reflect the order of chemical bonds of different atoms. Butlerov has been analyzing this assumption for many years.

He identified three types of bonds - simple, double and triple. The scientist was right, but further development science has shown that there are other chemical bonds. In particular, now specialists can also characterize them with the help of physical parameters.

Development of Butler's theory

The new theory of the structure of chemical compounds by A. M. Butlerov was materialistic in nature. The scientist was the first to boldly declare that researchers are able to study the properties of atoms, from which all elements are built. At the same time, Butlerov himself treated his theory as temporary. He believed that his successors should develop it, since it did not fully explain some of the facts of chemical science.

The scientist was right. Butlerov's theory further developed in two directions. The first was that science was able to determine not only the order of connection, but also the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. This is how stereochemistry was born. This discipline began to be studied in detail Butlerov himself spoke about this new direction, although he did not have time to study this theoretical issue during his lifetime.

The second direction in the development of the theory of the scientist was the emergence of a doctrine devoted to the electronic structure of atoms. This is not only a chemical, but also a physical discipline. The essence of the mutual influence of atoms was studied in more detail and the reasons for the manifestation of different properties were explained. It was the main provisions of Butlerov's theory that allowed scientists to achieve such success.

Just as in inorganic chemistry, the fundamental theoretical base is the Periodic Law and Periodic system chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev, so in organic chemistry the leading scientific basis is the theory of the structure of organic compounds of Butlerov-Kekule-Cooper.

Like any other scientific theory, the theory of the structure of organic compounds was the result of a generalization of the richest factual material accumulated by organic chemistry, which took shape as a science at the beginning of the 19th century. More and more new carbon compounds were discovered, the number of which increased like an avalanche (Table 1).

Table 1
Number of organic compounds known in different years

To explain this variety of organic compounds, scientists of the early XIX century. could not. Even more questions were raised by the phenomenon of isomerism.

For example, ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether are isomers: these substances have the same composition C 2 H 6 O, but a different structure, that is, a different order of connection of atoms in molecules, and therefore different properties.

F. Wöhler, already known to you, in one of his letters to J. J. Berzelius, described organic chemistry as follows: “Organic chemistry can now drive anyone crazy. It seems to me a dense forest, full of amazing things, a boundless thicket from which you can’t get out, where you don’t dare to penetrate ... "

The development of chemistry was greatly influenced by the work of the English scientist E. Frankland, who, relying on the ideas of atomism, introduced the concept of valency (1853).

In the hydrogen molecule H 2, one covalent chemical is formed H-H connection, i.e., hydrogen is monovalent. The valence of a chemical element can be expressed by the number of hydrogen atoms that one atom of a chemical element attaches to itself or replaces. For example, sulfur in hydrogen sulfide and oxygen in water are divalent: H 2 S, or H-S-H, H 2 O, or H-O-H, and nitrogen in ammonia is trivalent:

In organic chemistry, the concept of "valency" is analogous to the concept of "oxidation state", which you are used to working with in the course of inorganic chemistry in elementary school. However, they are not the same. For example, in a nitrogen molecule N 2, the oxidation state of nitrogen is zero, and the valence is three:

In hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2, the oxidation state of oxygen is -1, and the valency is two:

In the ammonium ion NH + 4, the oxidation state of nitrogen is -3, and the valency is four:

Usually, in relation to ionic compounds (sodium chloride NaCl and many other inorganic substances with an ionic bond), the term “valency” of atoms is not used, but their oxidation state is considered. Therefore, in inorganic chemistry, where most substances have a non-molecular structure, it is preferable to use the concept of "oxidation state", and in organic chemistry, where most compounds have a molecular structure, as a rule, use the concept of "valence".

The theory of chemical structure is the result of a generalization of the ideas of outstanding organic scientists from three European countries: the German F. Kekule, the Englishman A. Cooper and the Russian A. Butlerov.

In 1857, F. Kekule classified carbon as a tetravalent element, and in 1858, together with A. Cooper, he noted that carbon atoms can combine with each other in various chains: linear, branched and closed (cyclic).

The works of F. Kekule and A. Cooper served as the basis for the development of a scientific theory explaining the phenomenon of isomerism, the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of molecules of organic compounds. Such a theory was created by the Russian scientist A. M. Butlerov. It was his inquisitive mind that “dared to penetrate” the “dense forest” of organic chemistry and begin the transformation of this “limitless thicket” into a regular park filled with sunlight with a system of paths and alleys. The main ideas of this theory were first expressed by A. M. Butlerov in 1861 at the congress of German naturalists and doctors in Speyer.

Briefly formulate the main provisions and consequences of the Butlerov-Kekule-Cooper theory of the structure of organic compounds as follows.

1. The atoms in the molecules of substances are connected in a certain sequence according to their valency. Carbon in organic compounds is always tetravalent, and its atoms are able to combine with each other, forming various chains (linear, branched and cyclic).

Organic compounds can be arranged in series of substances similar in composition, structure and properties - homologous series.

    Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich (1828-1886), Russian chemist, professor at Kazan University (1857-1868), from 1869 to 1885 - professor at St. Petersburg University. Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since 1874). Creator of the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds (1861). Predicted and studied the isomerism of many organic compounds. Synthesized many substances.

For example, methane CH 4 is the ancestor of the homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes). Its closest homologue is ethane C 2 H 6, or CH 3 -CH 3. The next two members of the homologous series of methane are propane C 3 H 8, or CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 3, and butane C 4 H 10, or CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 3, etc.

It is easy to see that for homologous series one can derive a general formula for the series. So, for alkanes this general formula C n H 2n + 2 .

2. The properties of substances depend not only on their qualitative and quantitative composition, but also on the structure of their molecules.

This position of the theory of the structure of organic compounds explains the phenomenon of isomerism. Obviously, for butane C 4 H 10, in addition to the linear structure molecule CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 3, a branched structure is also possible:

This is a completely new substance with its own individual properties, different from those of linear butane.

Butane, in the molecule of which the atoms are arranged in the form of a linear chain, is called normal butane (n-butane), and butane, the chain of carbon atoms of which is branched, is called isobutane.

There are two main types of isomerism - structural and spatial.

In accordance with the accepted classification, three types of structural isomerism are distinguished.

Isomerism of the carbon skeleton. Compounds differ in the order of carbon-carbon bonds, for example, n-butane and isobutane considered. It is this type of isomerism that is characteristic of alkanes.

Isomerism of the position of a multiple bond (C=C, C=C) or a functional group (i.e., a group of atoms that determine whether a compound belongs to a particular class of organic compounds), for example:

Interclass isomerism. Isomers of this type of isomerism belong to different classes of organic compounds, for example, ethyl alcohol (the class of saturated monohydric alcohols) and dimethyl ether (the class of ethers) discussed above.

There are two types of spatial isomerism: geometric and optical.

Geometric isomerism is characteristic, first of all, for compounds with a double carbon-carbon bond, since the molecule has a planar structure at the site of such a bond (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6.
Model of the ethylene molecule

For example, for butene-2, if the same groups of atoms at the carbon atoms in the double bond are on the same side of the C=C bond plane, then the molecule is a cisisomer, if on opposite sides it is a transisomer.

Optical isomerism is possessed, for example, by substances whose molecules have an asymmetric, or chiral, carbon atom bonded to four various deputies. Optical isomers are mirror images of each other, like two palms, and are not compatible. (Now, obviously, the second name of this type of isomerism has become clear to you: Greek chiros - hand - a sample of an asymmetric figure.) For example, in the form of two optical isomers, there is 2-hydroxypropanoic (lactic) acid containing one asymmetric carbon atom.

Chiral molecules have isomeric pairs, in which the isomer molecules are related to one another in their spatial organization in the same way as an object and its mirror image are related to each other. A pair of such isomers always has the same chemical and physical properties, with the exception of optical activity: if one isomer rotates the plane of polarized light clockwise, then the other necessarily counterclockwise. The first isomer is called dextrorotatory, and the second is called levorotatory.

The importance of optical isomerism in the organization of life on our planet is very great, since optical isomers can differ significantly both in their biological activity and in compatibility with other natural compounds.

3. The atoms in the molecules of substances influence each other. You will consider the mutual influence of atoms in the molecules of organic compounds in the further study of the course.

The modern theory of the structure of organic compounds is based not only on the chemical, but also on the electronic and spatial structure of substances, which is discussed in detail in profile level studying chemistry.

Several types of chemical formulas are widely used in organic chemistry.

The molecular formula reflects the qualitative composition of the compound, that is, it shows the number of atoms of each of the chemical elements that form the molecule of the substance. For example, the molecular formula of propane is C 3 H 8 .

The structural formula reflects the order of connection of atoms in a molecule according to valency. The structural formula of propane is:

Often there is no need to depict in detail the chemical bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms, therefore, in most cases, abbreviated structural formulas are used. For propane, such a formula is written as follows: CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 3.

The structure of the molecules of organic compounds is reflected using various models. The best known are volumetric (scale) and ball-and-stick models (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7.
Models of the ethane molecule:
1 - ball-and-stick; 2 - scale

New words and concepts

  1. Isomerism, isomers.
  2. Valence.
  3. Chemical structure.
  4. Theory of the structure of organic compounds.
  5. Homological series and homological difference.
  6. Formulas molecular and structural.
  7. Models of molecules: volumetric (scale) and spherical.

Questions and tasks

  1. What is valence? How is it different from oxidation state? Give examples of substances in which the values ​​of the oxidation state and valence of atoms are numerically the same and different,
  2. Determine the valency and oxidation state of atoms in substances whose formulas are Cl 2, CO 2, C 2 H 6, C 2 H 4.
  3. What is isomerism; isomers?
  4. What is homology; homologues?
  5. How, using knowledge of isomerism and homology, to explain the diversity of carbon compounds?
  6. What is meant by the chemical structure of molecules of organic compounds? Formulate the position of the theory of structure, which explains the difference in the properties of isomers. Formulate the position of the theory of structure, which explains the diversity of organic compounds.
  7. What contribution did each of the scientists - the founders of the theory of chemical structure - make to this theory? Why did the contribution of the Russian chemist play a leading role in the formation of this theory?
  8. It is possible that there are three isomers of the composition C 5 H 12. Write down their full and abbreviated structural formulas,
  9. According to the model of the substance molecule presented at the end of the paragraph (see Fig. 7), make up its molecular and abbreviated structural formulas.
  10. Calculate the mass fraction of carbon in the molecules of the first four members of the homologous series of alkanes.

In the most general and systematic form, the theory of chemical structure (abbreviated as TCS) was first formulated by the Russian chemist A. M. Butlerov in 1861 and subsequently developed and supplemented by him and his students and followers (primarily V. V. Markovnikov, A. M. Zaitsev and others), as well as by many foreign chemists (Ya. G. van't Hoff, J. A. Le Bel and others).

Let us consider the main provisions of classical TCS and comment on them from the standpoint of modern structural chemistry.

1. Each atom in a molecule is capable of forming a certain number of chemical bonds with other atoms.

Already in the first half of the XIX century. in chemistry, ideas were formed about the ability of atoms to combine with each other in certain relationships. According to Butlerov, each atom “is born with a certain amount of force that produces chemical phenomena (affinities). In a chemical combination, ... a part of this force or all of its quantity is consumed. Thus, two features of the interatomic chemical interaction were emphasized: a) discreteness - all the affinity inherent in the atom was supposed to be composed of separate portions or, according to Butlerov, “separate units of chemical force”, which was clearly expressed by the symbolism of valence strokes (for example, H-O- H, H-C≡N, etc.), where each stroke characterized one chemical bond; b) saturation - the number of chemical bonds formed by an atom is limited, which is why there are, for example, such neutral molecular systems of various stability as CH, CH2, CH3, CH4, but there are no CH5, CH6 molecules, etc.

A quantitative measure of the ability of an atom to form chemical bonds is its valency. Formation in the 1850s the concepts of valence and chemical bond served as the most important prerequisite for the creation of TCS. However, before the beginning of the XX century. the physical meaning of the valence stroke, and hence the nature of the chemical bond and valency, remained unclear, which sometimes led to paradoxes. So, studying the properties of unsaturated hydrocarbons, Butlerov accepted in 1870 the idea of ​​the German chemist E. Erlenmeyer about the existence of multiple bonds in them. Meanwhile, it remained unclear why a multiple bond turned out to be less strong (prone to addition reactions) than a single bond (which does not enter into these reactions). There were other indications that some or all of the chemical bonds in the molecule were not of equal value.

With the creation of quantum chemistry, it became clear that, as a rule, a two-center two-electron bond corresponds to each valence stroke, and that chemical bonds can differ in energy, length, polarity, polarizability, orientation in space, multiplicity, etc. (see Chemical bond) .

The concept of a chemical bond entails the division of atoms of a molecule into chemically bound and chemically unbound (see Fig.), From which follows the second position of TCS.

H / O \ H Chemically bonded atoms

Chemically unbonded atoms

2. Atoms in a molecule are connected to each other in a certain order, according to their valency. It was the “order of chemical interaction”, or, in other words, the “method of mutual chemical bonding” of atoms in a molecule, that Butlerov called the chemical structure. As a result, the chemical structure, clearly expressed by the structural formula (sometimes also called the graphic, and in last years- topological), shows which pairs of atoms are chemically bonded and which are not, i.e., the chemical structure characterizes the topology of the molecule (see Molecule). At the same time, Butlerov specifically emphasized that each compound corresponds to only one chemical structure and, consequently, only one structural (graphic) formula.

The considered provision of TCS is generally valid today. However, firstly, it is far from always possible to convey the molecular structure by one classical structural formula (see Benzene), secondly, in non-rigid molecules, the bond order of atoms can spontaneously change and rather quickly (see Molecule), and, thirdly , modern chemistry has discovered a wide range of molecules with "unusual" structures (for example, in some carboranes, the carbon atom is bonded to five neighboring atoms).

3. The physical and chemical properties of a compound are determined both by its qualitative and quantitative composition, and by its chemical structure, as well as by the nature of the bonds between atoms.

This provision is central to the TCS. It was his assertion in chemistry that constituted Butlerov's main scientific merit. A number of important consequences follow from this position: the explanation of isomerism by the difference in the chemical structure of isomers, the idea of ​​the mutual influence of atoms in a molecule, and also the meaning and significance of the structural formulas of molecules is revealed.

In 1874, TCS was enriched with stereochemical concepts (see Stereochemistry), within the framework of which it was possible to explain the phenomena of optical, geometric, and conformational isomerism (see Isomerism).

In modern chemistry, the term "molecular structure" is understood "in three ways: a) as a chemical structure (i.e., the topology of a molecule); b) as a spatial structure that characterizes the location and movement of nuclei in space; c) as an electronic structure (see Molecule, chemical bond).

Thus, the main position of TCS, from a modern point of view, can be represented as follows: the physical and chemical properties of compounds are determined by their quantitative and qualitative elemental composition, as well as the chemical (topological), spatial (nuclear) and electronic structure of their molecules.

4. The chemical structure can be studied by chemical methods, i.e., analysis and synthesis.

Developing this position, Butlerov formulated a number of rules for "recognizing the chemical structure" and widely applied them in his experimental work.

At present, the structure of molecules is studied both by chemical and physical methods (see Spectral analysis).

5. The atoms included in the molecule, both chemically bound and unbound, have a certain effect on each other, which is manifested in the reactivity of individual atoms and bonds of the molecule, as well as in its other properties.

TCS, like any scientific theory, is based on some model concepts that have a certain area of ​​applicability and reflect only certain aspects of reality. So, speaking of TCS, one should not forget that in reality a molecule is a single integral system of nuclei and electrons and the separation of individual atoms, functional groups, chemical bonds, lone electron pairs, etc. in it is an approximation. But as soon as this approximation turned out to be effective in solving various chemical problems, it became widespread. At the same time, the theoretical, mental dismemberment, structuring of an object (molecule) that is integral in nature forces us to introduce additional ideas into the theory, taking into account the fact that the selected molecular fragments (atoms, bonds, etc.) are actually connected and interact with each other . For this purpose, the concept of the mutual influence of atoms (VVA) was created.

The properties and state of each atom or functional group of a molecule are determined not only by their nature, but also by their environment. For example, introducing an OH group into a molecule can lead to different results:

Therefore, when studying the nature and intensity of the influence of various substituents on the properties of a molecule, they proceed as follows: they consider reaction series, i.e., a number of compounds of the same type that differ from each other either in the presence of a substituent or in the arrangement of multiple bonds, for example: CH2=CH-CH=CH- CH3, H2C=CH-CH2-CH=CH2, etc., or according to some other details of the structure. At the same time, the ability of substances of this series to participate in the same type of reactions is investigated, for example, they study the bromination of phenol and benzene. The observed differences are associated with the influence of various substituents on the rest of the molecule.

As for organic compounds, one of them characteristic features is the ability of a substituent to transfer its influence to the chains of covalently bonded atoms (see Chemical bond). Of course, the substituents are also influenced by the rest of the molecule. The transfer of the influence of the substituent on a- and l-bonds leads to a change in these bonds. If the influence of substituents is transmitted with the participation of a-bonds, then the substituent is said to exhibit an inductive, or I-effect. If there are π-bonds in the chain, they are also polarized (π-effect). In addition, if the chain has a system of conjugated multiple bonds (-C=C-C=C-) or a substituent with an unshared electron pair with a multiple bond (CH3-O-CH=CH2) or with an aromatic nucleus, then the transfer of influence occurs along system of π-bonds (conjugation effect, or C-effect), while the electron cloud is partially shifted to the region of the neighboring σ-bond. For example, substituents such as -Br, -Cl, -OH, -NH2, having unshared electron pairs, are π-electron donors. Therefore, they are said to have a +C-effect. At the same time, they shift the electron density towards themselves along σ-bonds, i.e., they have the -I-effect. For -Br, -Cl, the I-effect prevails, for -OH and -NH2-, on the contrary, +C-effect. Therefore, say, in phenol, the π-electron density on the benzene nucleus is greater than in benzene, which facilitates the occurrence of electrophilic substitution reactions in phenol (compared to benzene).

The theory of chemical structure is also widely used in inorganic chemistry, especially after the creation by A. Werner in 1893 of the coordination theory (see Coordination compounds).

Chemical structure theory

a theory that describes the structure of organic compounds, i.e. the sequence (order) of the arrangement of atoms and bonds in a molecule, the mutual influence of atoms, as well as the relationship of structure with physical and chemical properties substances.

For the first time, the main provisions of H. s. T. were expressed by A. M. Butlerov in the report “On the chemical structure of substances” (Congress of German naturalists, Speyer, 1861); he wrote: “Proceeding from the idea that each chemical atom that is part of the body takes part in the formation of this latter and acts here with a certain amount of chemical force (affinity) belonging to it, I call the chemical structure the distribution of the action of this force, due to which chemical atoms , indirectly or directly influencing each other, combine into a chemical particle ”(Selected Works on Organic Chemistry, 1951, pp. 71-72). Subsequently, these provisions were developed by him in a number of articles and the book "Introduction to the Complete Study of Organic Chemistry" (Kazan, 1864-66; German edition: Leipzig, 1867-1868) - the first guide to organic chemistry, in which all material is systematized from the standpoint of X . With. t. Creation of H. with. t. was preceded by the establishment of such important concepts as the atom and molecule (1st International Congress of Chemists, Karlsruhe, 1860), as well as the postulation of carbon tetravalence by F. A. Kekule and A. S. Cooper (1857-58). Graphic formulas of organic compounds, close to the formulas arising from Ch. t., were proposed in 1858 by Cooper (see Organic chemistry).

The main provisions of H. s. t. are as follows: a) in organic molecules, atoms are connected to each other in a certain order according to their valence, which determines the chemical structure of molecules; b) the chemical and physical properties of organic compounds depend both on the nature and number of their constituent atoms, and on the chemical structure of molecules; c) for each empirical formula, a certain number of theoretically possible structures (isomers) can be derived; d) each organic compound has one formula of the chemical structure, which gives an idea of ​​the properties of this compound; e) in molecules there is a mutual influence of atoms, both connected and not directly connected with each other. The last provision of the theory was developed by Butlerov's student VV Markovnikov (see Markovnikov's rule) and later by many other scientists.

H. s. t. made it possible to explain the well-known cases of isomerism (positions and skeleton) that remained incomprehensible to chemists of that time (See Isomerism). Butlerov's prediction (1863) about the possibility of determining the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule was justified. In 1874, J. van't Hoff and, independently of him, the French chemist J. Le Bel, expressed the idea that the four valences of carbon have a clear spatial orientation and are directed towards the vertices of a tetrahedron, in the center of which is a carbon atom. This proposition about a definite spatial orientation of chemical bonds formed the basis of a new branch of organic chemistry—stereochemistry. It made it possible to explain a number of cases of geometric and mainly optical isomerism already known by that time, as well as a phenomenon that later became known as tautomerism (see Tautomerism) (Butlerov, 1862; German chemist K. Laar, 1885).

Butlerov confirmed the correctness of his theory by the synthesis of a number of organic compounds. H. s. t. had an enormous predictive ability in the direction of the synthesis of organic compounds and the establishment of the structure of already known substances. Therefore, Butlerov's theory contributed to the rapid development of chemical science, including synthetic organic chemistry, and the chemical industry.

Further development of H. with. t. enriched organic chemistry with new ideas, for example, about the cyclic structure of benzene (Kekule, 1865) and the oscillation (movement) of double bonds in its molecule (1872) (this idea played a very important role in the chemistry of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds), about special properties compounds with conjugated bonds (the theory of partial valences, F. K. I. Thiele, 1899), etc. The development of stereochemistry led to the creation of the theory of stress (A. Bayer, 1885), which explains different stability cycles depending on their size, and in the future - to conformational analysis (See. Conformational analysis) (German chemists G. Sachse, 1890, and E. Mohr, 1918). The main provisions of H. s. t. received confirmation in the study of organic compounds by chemical, physical and calculation methods.

Fundamental value in H. with. t. have ideas about the mutual influence of atoms in the molecules of organic compounds. However H. with. T. could not explain the nature of this influence, its internal mechanism. This became possible thanks to the advances in physics, which made it possible to reveal the essence of the concepts of "valency" and "chemical bond". From the beginning of the 20th century electronic representations arise in organic chemistry (see Electronic theories in organic chemistry), which are based on electronic interpretations of the nature of ions (J. J. Thomson), ionic bonding (W. Kossel) and covalent bonding (German physicist I. Stark, G . N. Lewis). Electronic representations made it possible to explain the reason for the mutual influence of atoms (by static and dynamic shifts in the electron density in a molecule) and to predict the direction of reactions depending on the chemical structure of the reagents. Since the end of the 20s. 20th century the chemical bond began to be interpreted from the standpoint of quantum chemistry.

Butlerov's theory underlies the nomenclature and systematics of organic compounds (see Chemical Nomenclature), and the use of his structural formulas helps both to determine the ways of synthesizing new substances and to establish the structure of complex (including natural) compounds.

Lit.: Butlerov A. M., Soch., vol. 1-3, M., 1953-1958; Markovnikov V. V., Izbr. works, M., 1955; A century of the theory of chemical structure. Sat. articles, M., 1961; Bykov G.V., History of the classical theory of chemical structure, M., 1960; his own, History of electronic theories of organic chemistry, M., 1963; Zhdanov Yu. A., Theory of the structure of organic compounds, M., 1971; Reutov OA, Theoretical Foundations of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, 1964; Tatevskiy V. M., Classical theory of the structure of molecules and quantum mechanics, I., 1973.

Big soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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