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One of the most important human skills is the ability to concentrate on information and it. To achieve this, you must first train your attention. Without it, you will not be able to highlight the main thing and command your brain to remember what you need. In this article we will talk about exercises that will help improve this skill.

Focusing is the behavioral and cognitive process of selectively focusing on discrete aspects of information, whether considered subjective or objective, while ignoring other perceived information. To put it simply, it is a selective focus of perception on a particular object.

Attention remains an important area of ​​research in education, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and neuropsychology. Areas of active research include determining the source of sensory signals that elicit attention, the influence of these signals on the tuning properties of sensory neurons, and the relationship between attention and other behavioral and cognitive processes such as working memory and vigilance.

Our senses perceive a huge amount of information, and at the same time we do not need to remember most of it. It is important to focus only on what we consider important. This is why attention is needed: it is, as it were, a pointer to the brain as to what needs to be paid conscious attention to.

Clinical model of attention

Attention is best described as the constant focus of cognitive resources on information while filtering or ignoring extraneous information. Attention is a simple function that is often the precursor to all other neurological and cognitive functions.

One of the commonly used methods for assessing attention is the Solberg and Mateer model. It describes five various types attention depending on their difficulty. If you want to increase the level, you need to train them gradually from the easiest to the most difficult:

  1. Focused attention: the ability to respond separately to specific visual, auditory or tactile stimuli.
  2. Sustained attention (vigilance and concentration): The ability to maintain a consistent behavioral response during continuous and repetitive activities.
  3. Selective attention: The ability to maintain attention in the face of distracting or competing stimuli.
  4. Alternation: the ability of mental flexibility that allows people to shift attention between tasks that have different cognitive demands.
  5. Divided attention: This is the highest level of attention and refers to the ability to respond to multiple tasks simultaneously.

At the same time, the skill of mindfulness is especially important for training attention. If you are aware, the level increases much faster.

Please note that our attention works constantly and it can be divided into two types: voluntary and involuntary.

With involuntary (passive) attention, there is no conscious choice of direction and it is based on a person’s unconscious attitudes. Causes of occurrence: internal state, contrast of objects and phenomena, novelty of the stimulus.

During voluntary (conscious) attention, a person exerts significant willpower and focuses. It can suppress the urge to concentrate on stimuli that distract from work or mental activity.

When we talk about training attention, we mean cultivating conscious attention. This means noticing our passivity in time and, with the help of willpower, becoming interested in the most important object or source of information for us.

When you are reading a book and are distracted by the first noise, this means that you have turned on involuntary attention. And with the help of a free one, you can return to reading in a matter of seconds and not lose main idea narratives.

Therefore, attention training is very important if you want to improve your quality, learn to concentrate, etc.

Memory and attention training

There are a huge variety of exercises for training memory and attention, but the general meaning is the same - to keep your focus on one thing for as long as possible and change it if necessary.

These exercises may seem simple, but the main thing about them is that they really work. Practice every day to get the best results.

  • Focus on one word. Find a nice, quiet place where you can sit for at least five minutes without being interrupted (this is a requirement for all exercises). It doesn’t matter what exactly the word is, it is important that it inspires and not bores: love, success, courage, happiness, success. Repeat it mentally for 5 minutes. When you feel that you can do more, increase the amount of time to 10 minutes.
  • Count words. This particular mental activity is very effective in enhancing your mental focus. Take any book - a novel or a school textbook - and try to count the number of words on a page. Make the exercise more challenging by extending your word count to 5-10 pages or even an entire chapter. In this case, you must use only your eyes; you cannot move your finger across the page.
  • Observation. The exercise consists of three stages. Each of them can last from 1 to 5 minutes. First: take a physical object. It could be a fruit, a toy or an object. Pay attention to its characteristics and features, without allowing your mind to wander away from this process. Give your full attention to what is in your hands. Second: hold the same object in your hands, but don’t think about its characteristics. That is, do not allow a single thought. Only you and this object exist. Third: close your eyes and mentally imagine this object in every detail. “Twirl” it in your head.
  • Memory. Remember how today went. If it is morning, think about yesterday. Close your eyes and imagine watching a movie on TV where you main character. Remember what happened in the morning from the moment you woke up, all the details. What they said, what was unusual or ordinary. Don't miss a single picture.
  • Read and rewrite. The more conscious attention we pay to information, the more facts we retain in memory. This exercise shows how well you can hone what you do. Read one article and then try to recreate the content. Compare the results.
  • Morning. When you wake up early in the morning, do some exercise. First: roll your eyes to the right, then to the left, up, down for 30 seconds. Second: close your eyes, try to imagine your diary, including commas, abbreviations, strikethroughs. Third, take a pen in each hand and try to draw two different shapes at the same time. This will force both hemispheres of your brain to work simultaneously, which will have a positive effect on your attention.
  • Game "Numbers". excellent for alternating attention (the fourth level of complexity according to the Solberg and Mateer model, which we discussed above).

In addition, you need to train your awareness, which, as we have already found out, is a very important skill that is necessary for developing attention. Keep yourself a diary in which 5-10 times a day (decide in advance how many) you will answer the following questions:

  • What am I doing now?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • What am I feeling now?
  • What are the thoughts in my head right now?
  • Where is my time going?
  • Is this the very activity that I need here and now?

The trick is that with these simple questions you will begin to bring yourself back to the present and also become aware of your attention. By the end of the day, you will be happy to think about what to direct it to.

You can also train your attention online – with the help of games, exercises and simulators. We have them available at .

Attention training in children

Many children find it difficult to concentrate - they are restless, often switch attention and take on different things. What should you do if it interferes with your studies, for example? The ability to concentrate can also be developed in children. Here are some typical exercises:

  • “Freeze! Focus!". This is one of the most effective exercises, which will show your child that he is able to consciously manage his attention. It will also teach him that he doesn't have to focus on everything in his field of vision. When he least expects it, tell him: “Freeze!” and make it freeze in place (start with ten seconds). When time is up, ask him to list three things he saw while he was frozen. Do the same when saying: “Focus!” After some time, the child will begin to give himself commands when he needs to focus.
  • Line. Give your child a piece of paper and a pencil and set the condition: slowly draw a line until a distracting thought comes to his mind. When this happens, he should make a small peak upward. Then let him lead the line further. This way, you can clearly see the number of distractions and at the same time train his attention.
  • Forbidden letter. An excellent and funny game in which you need to agree with your child to discuss some topic and at the same time, neither of you should use one letter (“p”, “w”, “s” or any other). You can be cunning and ask questions that assume that the child will name exactly that letter. For example, “What is your name?”, “How old are you?”
  • "What changed?. Place about ten items on the table in front of your child. Let him study them for a minute and then close his eyes. Hide or move an object and the child must guess which one it is.

The main principle that you must adhere to when working with your child is that he should be interested. Anything that does not arouse his interest will be ignored, and conscious attention can be forgotten.

We wish you good luck!

Every person sometimes encounters the need to acquire a large amount of knowledge in a short time. Crossing off items on lists helps some, while others use food additives. Let's look at how to develop concentration.

Removing Interference

Whether you blame it on lack of time, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating, the biggest barrier to concentration is clutter in your environment. The most important of them are the Internet and social networks. Teens who combine studying and chatting on Facebook spend half their time ineffectively. At the same time, they become more tired because switching focus between 2 things requires a lot of energy output. Therefore, to increase concentration, eliminate distraction when solving important tasks, and improve efficiency while studying, do not check social networks or email.

Structure and planning

If you have a lot to learn, master voluminous material, The best way Maintaining mental hygiene involves dividing tasks into smaller parts and gradually crossing them out. This will allow you to see your achievements.

It is good to include pauses in the training program. They help maintain maximum focus and information in memory. During pauses, you should not learn anything; if possible, change the activity; any rest will have a positive effect on the body and mind.

The big opponent of concentration is lack of motivation, boredom, and stereotypical activities. Therefore, during the break between classes, go for a run, drink a cup of coffee (caffeine stimulates brain activity), and talk with a friend.

Oxygen, sleep, sugar and drinking regime

Every person should know these 4 factors. The brain needs them for optimal levels of performance.


An open window helps prevent drowsiness while studying. At the same time, it can provide a cooler environment. On the other hand, you may be distracted by some sounds from outside. Therefore, oxygen can be supplied to the body through aerobic exercise during a break. There is no need to train with a heavy load - just do a few squats.


During sleep, processes of storing information in long-term memory occur. Despite the lack of time, sleep for about 30 minutes to give the brain a chance to change the contents of the memory. Studies have shown that long-term lack of sleep significantly reduces the ability to concentrate. In addition to sleep, relaxation exercise techniques, such as autogenic training and Jacobson's progressive relaxation, help.


The brain is a big “consumer” of glucose, so ways to concentrate necessarily include nutrition. This does not mean that you should consume sugar and sweets in large quantities. This diet will quickly increase the amount of sugar in the blood, but in a short time its level will decrease, causing mild hypoglycemia, accompanied by fatigue and hunger. A good choice is a banana or other fruit, oatmeal, rice, but natural honey is best. It is advisable to avoid heavy foods that cause fatigue.

Drinking regime

The liquid accelerates the regeneration of brain cells, ensures the supply of nutrients, and has a positive effect on the chemical processes occurring in the brain during learning. It has been shown that children in junior and senior grades who comply drinking regime, had better results in school than schoolchildren who consumed little fluid.

Meditate to Increase Concentration

Poor concentration is a big problem. modern society. What is even more amazing is that a person cannot fully concentrate on things that interest him. Do you remember the last time you watched a movie without looking at your mobile phone or recording an SMS?

Meditation is a relaxation technique that can help improve concentration. Better knowledge of your body and thoughts increases attentiveness and concentration.

Many people think that meditation completely clears thoughts, putting a person into a kind of trance. It's not like that at all. During meditation, thoughts concentrate on one thing and become organized.

How to meditate?

It is important to find a quiet place to meditate. Absolutely nothing should bother you. Most suitable option– meditation in nature. The pose doesn't matter. You definitely don't need to sit like they do on TV. The main thing is comfort.

Beginners should not expect an hour-long meditation. Start with 5 minutes a day. Increase the duration of the session gradually, for example, extend the meditation by 5 minutes every day.

What to do?

Focus on your breathing: inhaling, exhaling. For better concentration, you can count. With each inhalation - 1, with exhalation - 2, with the next inhalation - 3, etc. After you count to 10, start counting again.

You will feel your breathing gradually relax. It will be loud at first, but by the end you won't even hear it. At this point, maintaining concentration may become difficult.

It's completely natural for your thoughts to wander. Always try to guide them, stop disturbing ideas, focus on breathing, count.

A few minutes of meditation can significantly improve your life and improve your concentration. You will learn to control thoughts and live in the present time. It is advisable to record your daily meditation time in a diary. Make it a routine procedure, like brushing your teeth. It's not just our teeth that deserve to be cleaned.

Methods for increasing concentration

There are many different methods and techniques for focusing attention. Let's consider 2 methods based on the system of philosophical schools of Hinduism (darshan). Choose the one that suits you best.

Relaxation through visualization

One of the most simple ways achieving a state of mental relaxation is focusing on an internal or external object - dharana:

  • relax your body;
  • close your eyes;
  • focus on breathing;
  • follow your breathing at its normal rhythm.

Go to a place where you feel good. It could be a forest, a beach, a meadow, a room. Find some space to sit or lie down. Enjoy peace, rest, relaxation. Having caught the atmosphere, return back to your waking state. This ability to abstract yourself will leave you feeling like you're on a short vacation.

Relaxation through breathwork

Exercises for concentration in adults include breathing techniques that have a calming and at the same time activating effect. The rhythm of breathing is always strongly connected with feelings. For example, a person breathes quickly when in fear; in a state of relaxation, breathing calms down.

Just focusing on your own breathing has a calming effect and slows down the rhythm.

A good exercise for developing concentration, affecting both hemispheres of the brain, consists of alternating breathing. The procedure is:

  • close your right nostril;
  • inhale through your left nostril;
  • exhale through your right nostril;
  • repeat 5 times.
  • close your left nostril;
  • inhale through your right nostril;
  • exhale through your left nostril;
  • repeat 5 times.

Then inhale and exhale through both nostrils 5 times. Repeat the procedure for several minutes.

Remember that the ability to concentrate is a skill that can be trained and purposefully improved. This is not an innate constant.

Improving attention and concentration in children

For a child to successfully cope with school assignments, it is important, in addition to writing and reading books, to pay attention to the formation of his memory and concentration. Without the ability to concentrate and remember, you will not be able to read or write. This ability will be useful, for example, when writing a dictation. It is advisable to train these properties for preschoolers - this way they will be better prepared for school duties and learning new things.

The easiest way to carry out exercises to train attention in children is to train at a time when they are not aware of it, to practice through play. You can involve more family members, other parents, children. You can train your memory and concentration anywhere.

Game "Kima"

Probably the most famous game that improves not only visual memory, but also concentration, is pekseso, "Kim's game", whose name comes from Rudyard Kipling's novel "Kim", in which the main character - Kim - plays this game during spy training. It is suitable not only for children, but also for adults and elderly people who have memory problems.

The essence of the game is to show several objects in pictures within a certain time. By default, this is approximately 10-20 things over 2 minutes, depending on the age of the participants in the game. After this time, the pictures are closed (turned over), and the children’s task is to tell or write down what they remember.

Everything flies that has feathers

The goal of the game is to develop focus, insight, and vocabulary. The advantage is the ability to involve several children who sit together in a circle, and an adult says, “Everything that has feathers flies,” showing any object. If such an object flies, the children raise their hands; if not, they remain sitting still.

Clapping your hands for a word

A game that trains acoustic attention, distinguishing between significant and insignificant sounds, is called “clapping your hands for a word.” In this game you select a text that has one or more repeating words. When a child hears this word, he claps his hands. The simplest version of this game is played in silence. Complex option assumes the presence of a switched on TV or radio.

Memory capacity training

Short-term auditory or visual memory would not be useful in the learning process if we could not further use the information received. A simple exercise to improve working memory is to memorize 3 elements or numbers, the number of which can be increased. Psychology experts recommend children's poems.

Yoga for children

An exercise program to support and develop attention can be used at any time of the day. Even when the child needs support to concentrate. Children's yoga eliminates fatigue and relieves tension, so it is suitable for all age groups.

It is important to follow the basic rules:

  • You can’t exercise to the point of pain – exercise should be enjoyable;
  • each position should be held for several seconds, in accordance with personal feelings;
  • all movements are performed slowly, calmly;
  • breathing is regular and calm.

Full yogic breathing

Bend your knees with your feet flat on the mat. Breathe slowly, regularly, in one inhalation wave combining abdominal (diaphragm), chest, subclavian breathing (full yogic breathing). To check the correctness of breathing, place your palms on the abdominal wall, chest, subclavian area, feel the rise and fall of these parts when breathing.

Pulling the knee to the head (Pavana Muktaasana)

Basic position: lying on your back, arms along the body, palms up (shavasana).

  • Inhale: Bend your right leg.
  • Exhale: grab your knee, pull your leg as close to your body as possible, while raising your head. Try to bring your knee as close to your nose as possible.
  • Inhale: Bring your head back to the mat.
  • Exhale: return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise with your left leg.

Nutritional supplements

You can improve your concentration with the help of certain nutritional supplements. Before using some herbal dietary supplements, it is advisable to diagnose allergies.

  • Ginkgo biloba dilates blood vessels in the brain, improving blood circulation. For visible results, it is recommended to take ginkgo biloba preparations for several weeks.
  • Lecithin is a substance that has a large number of positive effects. It is involved in mental and nervous processes, improves memory and concentration, so its use is advisable for students.
  • Magnesium helps fight increased physical and mental stress. This element is important for improving mental functions and abilities; it has a beneficial effect on the nervous and muscular system. Taking magnesium has a positive effect on the condition of a person who has some mental problems, in particular anxiety and stress.
  • B-complex vitamins, especially B1 and B6, are important for the nervous system and brain activity. The aforementioned magnesium is usually sold in combination with vitamin B6, which improves its absorption.
  • Other vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C) help manage stress. There is no need to take them in the form of dietary supplements; the most important minerals and vitamins are found in vegetables.
  • Guarana and caffeine are sold in pharmacies in tablet form. They are useful for increasing brain activity and the ability to focus attention.
  • Among the herbs, ginseng is recommended, which stimulates the entire body and has a good effect on concentration no worse than the mentioned ginkgo. Oregano and basil have a positive effect on memory and concentration.

Concentration is like any other activity. The more a person practices, the better able he is to concentrate. It is impossible to expect that you can run a marathon without physical training. The same goes for concentration - the brain is like a muscle that should be regularly strengthened through special exercises and training.

Sometimes emotions overwhelm you so much that instead of a thousand necessary phrases, you say a short one: “Words are not enough.” The fact is that the brain does not have time to generate enough images that can be quickly and easily translated into verbal form. Linguists believe that one of the reasons why this happens is the lack of words. Today we’ll talk about how to increase your vocabulary in communication and shine in any dialogue.

General cleaning

To understand the cuisine of quick reading, a few articles are not enough. We recommend turning to books: this is a source of concentrated information, written in chronological order.

Purchase or download:

  • "The art of reading. How to Understand Books" Thomas Foster. Read before you start speed reading. Using the example of classic works, the author teaches to understand the meaning between the lines and perceive information from a different angle. “Memories, symbols, parallels—that’s what separates the professional reader from the amateur,” says Foster. Adopting a different model of reading books will help you better remember information, which will now be based on associative thinking and connected to experiences.
  • “Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well” Pavel Palagin. The book was recognized by millions of book lovers and received good reviews. The methods are simple and understandable, allowing you to master the technique of fast reading in a few weeks. The author harshly criticizes slow readers, thereby motivating them to quickly finish studying the issue. At seminars, Palagin does not hesitate to advise reading only 25% of the book and discarding the rest as unnecessary. This statement fuels the interest of the public, seeking to refute the words of the author.
  • "The Development of Memory" by Harry Lorraine. An ideal book for training your memory and imagination. After reading, you will begin to better perceive information, remember dates and large numbers, and playfully continue the storyline of any story.

Concentration is necessary in order to learn to work with the power of your consciousness, manage your life, and live 100%. Learn more about concentration, why it is useful and how to develop it.

The power of concentration can be compared to the effect of a magnifying glass. If we take a piece of paper and shine a ray of sun on it through a magnifying glass, the force of this impact may be such that the paper will catch fire.

Imagine, for the first time in your life you heard about the effect of a magnifying glass, you came to your home, took a magnifying glass and paper, began to direct a ray of sun through the magnifying glass, but forgot that you need to stubbornly hold the glass in one place. You start moving it in all directions, and nothing works. And this is the reason why people fail to achieve any effect or result. They are unable to concentrate their thoughts on one thing; their thoughts wander. They want something, they hope for something, they are here and there, and there is no structure, no organization in their thoughts.

When mastering the power of consciousness, it is necessary to somehow structure your thought process. Because a person's thoughts are constantly moving, they are here and there, and in order to make them purposeful, structure is necessary.

One of the techniques for mastering the power of your consciousness is contemplation, concentration of attention, thoughts. The technique of contemplation comes down to the fact that we must choose one concept, one idea, one thought, one law, object, and think only about it.

Think about only one thing at a time. In this way, discipline of the mind is cultivated, because naturally, consciousness tends to rush from one corner to another and disperse. Naturally, consciousness is able to focus on some subject for a very short time, and after that, it strives to jump to something else.

Our consciousness is like a spoiled child. It wants to do what and when it is convenient for it. Consciousness thinks it has the right to think about whatever it wants, and it is very lazy. I want to remind you once again that you are not your consciousness. And each of you should not identify yourself with your consciousness. Consciousness must be disciplined, consciousness must be trained, and of course it must be controlled.

It is not at all necessary that your consciousness will like your efforts.

Suddenly, out of the blue, you begin to control him. And rest assured that the consciousness is quite cunning, and it will constantly strive to escape, to evade the exercises that you will impose on it. Consciousness is very inventive; it simply does not want to strain. And when we talk about programming consciousness, we will return to this issue.

We must strive to ensure that once we have established any program for consciousness, set a goal, we strive to bring it to the end, regardless of how our consciousness reacts to it.

Right from this moment, we must speak, tell our consciousness what it should think about. I suggest you do an exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate and illustrate the power of your consciousness. And the power of concentration.

Concentration - practice, exercise

Now, for three minutes, we will reflect, we will contemplate one idea, one law. It is proposed to start with thought, with the first law of consciousness: Thoughts have real power.

This is the very law according to which every thought has power. When you contemplate this law, try to focus only on the topic itself, on the subject of this law. Those. we allow into our consciousness only those thoughts that are associated with this law. But, if we suddenly get distracted and think about something else, then this no longer has anything to do with our law, and such thoughts must be driven away. And as soon as we notice that consciousness is slipping away, jumping to another object, we very gently pull it back and force it to contemplate this law.

In the process, we must ask questions related to the topic we are thinking about. For example: “What does it mean that a thought has real power? How does this show up in my life? We can approach this idea from different angles, we can ask additional questions. But the most important thing is not to deviate from the central theme of our reflection. To begin with, it is suggested to start with, for example, three minutes.

Go... although, a couple more parting words:

Thoughts have real power. You can start by repeating, thought has real power... thought has real power... Then you can ask yourself, what is meant by this power? Electricity is also a force, maybe it is similar to electricity. After all, what is force? Force is something that performs an action, sets it in motion. What can my thoughts set in motion? And maybe here you will remember some examples from your life, any situations that are related to the operation of this law. Or maybe some example from your life will come to mind in which you could use your thought as power, as a source of strength.

And you can move in many different directions, but the most important thing is not to deviate from this main, fundamental theme. Those. do not allow your consciousness to stray too far from the main theme of contemplation.

You can close your eyes or keep them open, whatever suits you.

And so, now, within 3 minutes, you contemplate the first law that we talked about, according to which thought has real power.

You can start...

After you have finished, admit honestly to yourself who found it difficult to keep your mind on one topic during these 3 minutes. We can assume that most of you have had problems with thinking about one thing all the time. I can assume that your consciousness persistently contemplated this thought for several seconds, and then began to jump off and switch to something else. And you probably might have said to yourself, “There’s no way 3 minutes could have lasted that long.” Or suddenly, you could be distracted by some sound.

Consciousness is very lazy, and the first step in mastering the power of consciousness is to convince it that it is necessary to train. Nobody does anything for free, including your consciousness. Your consciousness needs to be interested in something, motivated by something, and you can motivate it only with one thing, force. You must tell your consciousness, if it trains hard, it will gain much greater power.

This is no exaggeration. You really have to convince and cajole your own consciousness. For example, if we don't feel physically well, we know it because it's easy to tell, we usually have something hurting or bothering us. This is all quite obvious. But we don’t even realize how out of order our own consciousness is. And it’s understandable why we don’t know anything about this; many have never trained their own consciousness.

But remember the last time you did some special exercise to discipline yourself? own consciousness?. Most people are completely undisciplined and unorganized, thinking about random things. If you feel bad or unwell physically, or are in poor physical shape, you decide to do some exercise, start going to the gym, and train on special machines. And naturally, in the first days, your results are quite unimportant.

You try to do pull-ups, push-ups, and after ten times, you are no longer able to do anything else, you sit on an exercise bike, and after 3 minutes, you can no longer move your leg. But if you exercise every day, or at least every other day, then very quickly your results will improve. You will be able to do push-ups 30-40 times, and spend about 20 minutes on an exercise bike, and not 3 minutes as at the beginning. And this is absolutely understandable.

But the same thing happens with consciousness. And probably, those results with contemplation that you have demonstrated for yourself are not the best that you are capable of, but this is your worst possible result. Now your indicators were the worst. This is how contemplation goes if it is not preceded by training. But with training, your mind will become more disciplined and capable of much better performance. Just like what happens to the physical body after playing sports.

The best side and aspect of mastering the power of consciousness is not a theory, and it is not a philosophy., — this is practice.

Any area of ​​life in which you train and practice allows you to get results. But of course, while you cannot fully understand all this, for you now it is just information. But if you learn to exercise in accordance with the individual program that you create for yourself, you will quickly notice significant results.

Exercises to develop concentration.

Below are exercises to develop concentration. The key to success for each of them is the psychological attitude “there is nowhere to rush, everything that happens around is not of decisive importance at the moment.”

"Heart of a Rose"»

Excerpt from the book “The Millionaire's Secret” by Mark Fisher. Every self-respecting future millionaire should definitely read the entire book:

“Take some time each day to concentrate on the heart of the rose. If you don't have a rose at hand, concentrate on any flower, a black dot or a shiny object. Calmly repeat my teacher’s formula: “Be calm and know that I am the Lord.” Look at a rose or a black dot without looking away, longer and longer. When you can watch without stopping for twenty minutes, your concentration will reach an excellent level. When your heart becomes like this rose, your whole life will be transformed.”

After reading the book, I didn't give this exercise the attention it really deserves. But the exercise came to me again, now in Robin S. Sharma's book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari:

“There is one way of controlling consciousness that is superior to all others. This is a favorite technique of the sages of Sivana, who taught it to me, placing great trust in me. Just twenty-one days after using it, I began to feel more alert, inspired and energetic than before. This technique is more than four thousand years old. It's called Heart of a Rose. All you need for this exercise is a freshly cut rose and a quiet place. This is best done surrounded by nature, but a quiet room will do just fine. Direct your gaze to the center of the rose, to its heart. Yogi Raman told me that a rose is very similar to life: life path you will meet thorns, but if faith is with you and you believe in your dreams, you will eventually overcome the thorns and achieve the beauty of a flower. Look closely at the rose. Pay attention to its color, structure and shape. Enjoy its fragrance and think only about this beautiful creature in front of you. First, other thoughts will come to you, distracting you from the heart of the rose. This is a sign of an untrained mind. But don't worry, improvement will come soon. Simply return your attention to the object of concentration. Soon your consciousness will become stronger and more manageable. You need to perform this ritual daily - otherwise it will not work. The first few days it will be difficult for you to devote even five minutes to him. Most of us live at such a frantic pace that real silence and stillness sometimes become something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, hearing my words, will say that they do not have time to sit and look at a flower. They will tell you that they don’t have time to just enjoy the laughter of their children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say they are too busy for such things. They don’t even have friends, because friends also take time.”


The word “Vipassana”, translated from the ancient Indian language Pali, means “to see reality as it is.” Vipassana is one of the most ancient meditation techniques. It originated in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for all misfortunes, as an art of living.

In his book “The Path to the Fool. Philosophy of Laughter." Grigory Kurlov offers somewhat simplified instructions for the technique:

“Sit down comfortably. Try to release any tension in your body. Just sit and just breathe for a while. Breathing is completely free and natural, without delays - a smooth inhalation turns into an equally smooth exhalation.

Now bring all your attention to the tip of your nose. It is proposed to “put” all of yourself, all of your consciousness, into it. This is necessary so that not a single nuance of the breathing process escapes you.

So, your consciousness is at the tip of your nose - you monitor every inhalation, you accompany every exhalation. You are completely occupied with this process, all your attention is absorbed in it and is not distracted by anything else.

Keep your attention on one point only. Monitor the sensations accompanying your breathing, they will become more and more subtle.

If the consciousness is distracted, switching to sensations in the body, gently return it to the same point. A thought flashed through, you noticed it - return your consciousness to the starting point.”

Exercise "Clock"

Choose a time in the evening when your room begins to get dark.
Place a mechanical watch with a second hand on the table.
Sit comfortably. Relax.
Watch the second hand of the clock make its revolution, concentrating on its tip.
You don’t need to think about anything - just look at the arrow, or, as a last resort, just think about the tip of the arrow.
Achieve such a result that during the turn of the second hand not a single extraneous thought will interrupt your concentration. Never compromise: if you are distracted, the exercise does not count; but even in this case, finish it to the end.

Only such practice will allow you to get results and consolidate them as a lasting skill.

Concentration on a candle flame

A dark room is required.
Remove all sound sources.
Take a thin wax candle and make a mark on it. Place it vertically and light it.
Sit comfortably. Relax.
Concentrate on the candle flame and don't be distracted by anything else.
Your task is to wait until the candle burns down to the mark you made, concentrating on its flame without being distracted by anything else. Whenever you have extraneous thoughts that distract you from contemplating the flame, bend your finger. Ten, as a rule, is still not enough to count how many times you were distracted. Therefore, the first mark should not be made lower than one centimeter from the top edge - first, learn not to be distracted in a short area. Next, increase the distance until you learn to concentrate while burning at least half of the thinnest church candle.

6 x 6 x 6

Walking the streets of the city or taking a walk in the park can also train your concentration. As you inhale, focus your attention on counting your steps. Count to six and hold your breath for another 6 steps, and then exhale while counting another 6 steps. Even 10-15 minutes of such walks a day will bring a positive effect on your concentration.

To conclude the article, here is another quote from “The Millionaire’s Secret”:

“With concentration exercises, your mind will become strong and confident, and you will realize that life's problems no longer have power over you. Then you will understand what I am about to say now. Don't let this seem obvious and trivial to you. A problem is only a problem if you think it is a problem.

What does this mean? Any event, if you do not consider it serious and truly significant, will be neither serious nor truly significant in your eyes. Problems seem huge and insurmountable only as weak as your mind. The stronger it is, the more insignificant your problems will seem. This is the secret of eternal peace. So concentrate. Concentration is one of the most important components of success.

In fact, our whole life is a long exercise in concentration. The soul is immortal. As the mind travels from one life to another, it gradually develops and reveals itself. This is a long journey of apprenticeship. Only those who have achieved a high level of concentration are able to achieve their goals. Of course, not all of them purposefully engaged in special exercises, but during their previous lives on earth these people have achieved the required level of concentration, which now allows them to achieve success more easily than most people. When your mind reaches its highest degree of concentration, you will enter a world where dreams and reality literally coincide.”

And yet, knowledge is only potential power. Only through practice can you realize and feel the full power of each of these exercises.

Some more useful BONUSES:

A set of exercises for your consciousness

Logic exercise

Any situation first requires a calm understanding of it.

In this case, the first step is to realize how rational your own mental state is at the moment, to eliminate inadequate nervous tension. Then, in the process of logical comprehension of the situation and eliminating the negative emotions associated with it, you can use several techniques. It is often possible to relieve nervous tension by simple self-persuasion. Mental protection is based on the fact that difficult situations develop the ability to derive some benefit even from failure.

Imagery exercise

For those who have a penchant for artistic thinking, a technique based on play helps well. For example, when doing some hard and intense work, you can imagine yourself in the image of a literary or movie hero. The ability to vividly recreate a role model in one’s thoughts and “get into the role” helps one to acquire one’s own style of behavior over time.

An exercise in imagination

The ability to tune in or relieve nervous tension is helped by the use of imagination. Every person has in his memory situations in which he experienced peace, tranquility, relaxation. For some it’s the beach, the pleasant feeling of relaxing on the warm sand after swimming, for others it’s mountains, clean fresh air, blue skies, snowy peaks. From such situations, it is necessary to choose the most significant one, one that is truly capable of causing the necessary emotional experiences.

Distraction exercise

There may be conditions when active methods it's difficult to resort. This is often associated with severe fatigue. In such cases, you can relieve the burden of mental stress using the disconnection method. The medium can be a book that you re-read many times without losing interest, your favorite music, a movie.

Muscle tone control

Muscle tone is a significant indicator of the general emotional state. As a rule, mental stress is combined with muscle tension, and this, through impulses from the muscles entering the brain, further increases the nervous load. That's why great importance has the ability to control muscle tone. Once you frown, it becomes really sad. Conversely, a smile can do a miracle. The ability to smile even in a difficult situation, to remove unnecessary stiffness and tension, increases a person’s ability to better realize their potential.

Conscious Breathing

Breathing has important for the regulation of mental processes.

The ability to breathe correctly is a necessary basis for success in mastering self-control methods. Below, individual methods of breathing exercises are described in more detail.

But first, I would like to note that even the simplest breathing techniques can give a very noticeable positive result when you need to quickly calm down or, conversely, increase your overall tone.

The rhythm of breathing is important. The calming rhythm is as follows: each exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation.

You can also use a technique such as holding your breath. To do this, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. Subsequent exhalation and deep compensatory inhalation have an effect on nervous system stabilizing influence.

Our attention is a still unexplored function of the brain, because not a single scientist in the world can both define this term and determine its independent role. Attention acts as an aid in memorizing (after all, you cannot remember without concentrating your attention) and in remembering (you cannot reproduce information if attention is scattered).

That is, despite its dubious independent role, it is obvious that without attentiveness and the ability to concentrate attention on the desired subject for a sufficient time, there will be no use from memory. That is why attention training should not be neglected, especially since this process does not take time and even brings fun.

Before we get into ways to train attention, let's talk about general rules performing exercises. First, you (your mind) must be in a state of peace, emptiness. Not a single thought should bother you when you are training your attention. That is why it is recommended not to create a time frame for yourself to perform exercises, but to do them when you are in the mood.

The most favorable thing would be to break this number into 5-7 approaches, which you will perform at a time convenient for you.

And thirdly, after reading the exercise, reproduce it in your mind before you begin to implement it. This will increase and intellectual abilities and improve your imagination.


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10 Secrets to Achieving Full Attention

Articles > Student life

1. Focus on your studies and make getting an education a priority in your life.

One of the unique features of the brain is that its energy can be easily focused on what seems important to a person. If all your actions are guided by the priority of learning, then you will achieve concentration much easier, since the brain will automatically attract it to learning. Your future depends on the knowledge and skills acquired as a student. Only you benefit from the education you receive. Therefore, give priority to education in your life by making a list of the benefits it brings and remembering them well.

The most important advantage is that education makes all aspects of life complete: spiritual, financial, career, as well as personal, related to health and love.

2. Get rid of external stimuli that interfere with concentration.

The brain is designed to process all information that reaches the senses. Thanks to this, we learn about possible danger.

Don’t blame yourself for being distracted by the circumstances around you and unable to concentrate on your studies, but simply try to remove everything that bothers you. Here's what you can do about it.

Ask your family to help you concentrate on your studies.
+ Ask them to turn off (or dim) noise sources (TV, radio, etc.) during your activities.
+ If the sound still bothers you, use earplugs or headphones. Naturally, the latter should not have music!
+ Keep books and other items of interest outside your room.
+ Turn off your mobile phone and close the door to your room.

3. Get rid of the worst enemies of concentration - extraneous thoughts. After you've closed the doors, turned off the TV and radio, and put earplugs in your ears, other stimuli - thoughts - arise inside your brain.

Even when you open a book and stare at it, you find yourself thinking about completely different things! It is completely natural that different thoughts are swarming in your head. This phenomenon is common to all people.

How to solve this problem? One thing is clear: there is no point in fighting thoughts. When you start fighting a thought, you transfer more energy to it and it becomes more intrusive.

Instead of resisting, simply state:

For the next 2 hours I will only think about chemistry classes, and I will think about the rest later!

By repeating this setup, you will gradually be able to concentrate on your studies. At first, annoying thoughts will not want to leave you. Just ignore them and continue your studies. Then they will stop bothering you and demanding your attention!

Use simple concentration techniques in class or at home and learn a lot of material with little effort.

Sit comfortably during class.
+ Take deep breaths every 10 minutes.
+ Mentally ask questions about the topic while listening to a lecture or studying material to attract the brain's attention to the topic of the lesson.

Questions during the lesson force you to be vigilant. This is explained by a feature of the brain: the moment it hears a question, it enters the search stage and remains in it until it finds the answer or you ask the next question.

The moment you ask a question and concentrate your attention 100% on the material being studied, extraneous thoughts leave you.

Plus, whatever subject you study, you will understand it better. Keep asking questions for 3-4 weeks and you will get into the habit of focusing your full attention whenever you want.

5. Recharge your body with energy: before starting classes and during breaks, take 3-4 deep breaths and stretch your body.

Your body is made up of trillions of living cells. They need a constant supply of nutrients and frequent rest so that they can function better and serve you effectively.

Required nutrients are supplied throughout the body through proper blood circulation.

When you change your position or relieve tension, the cells have time to rest and are slightly recharged with energy.

This is very important, otherwise even the simplest activities can turn out to be difficult work for you. Here's what you need to do to help your body.

Stretch like a cat. Stretching relaxes the body, improves blood circulation and reduces stress on the brain.
+ Take 3-4 slow, deep breaths before and after exercise to provide oxygen to your brain.
+ When in class or at home, sit comfortably so that no part of your body feels tense.

6. Use specific statements to help you concentrate for a long time.

You can concentrate on studying a topic and stay focused for a long time with the help of the following specific statements. + “I can concentrate at will. I like to do one thing at a time.” + “Study is my priority.

Because the classes will help me gain important knowledge to start my career.”

+ “For the next two hours I'm going to focus on studying physics (or another subject). I love physics. She is useful and interesting."

Each affirmation targets positive thoughts, which automatically increase the power of your attention and make you think and act like a high-performing student!

Let this become your habit. And to do this, repeat all statements 3 times before starting classes.

7. Pay close attention to every activity, even eating or watching TV series!

Like any skill, concentration develops through practice.

Believe it or not, you already know how to concentrate 100%.

Surprised? What do you think about when you watch a funny television series, watch the brutal fight between the hero and the villain in computer game or reading an adventure book? Yes, in such situations you are so focused that you don't think about anything else. This is precisely 100% concentration of attention. So, it has been proven that you already have the ability to fully concentrate your attention in certain conditions.

Now you just have to transfer this skill to other circumstances - to a lecture in class, to study at home, to follow the flow of a conversation, etc.

In fact, it can be used daily as a workout. For example, when your friend begins to tell you something, mentally say to yourself: “I will fully concentrate on what my friend is saying.” And then try your best not to miss a single word.

8. Train the ability to stay in only one lesson in the allotted time.

This is a simple and at the same time effective method of increasing attention. With its help, you can train yourself to do what you want and concentrate on it for a long time.

By developing this ability, you will acquire a useful habit. Can you imagine her strength? All the beautiful things around you are the result of the focused consciousness of some people. You, too, can develop this ability in yourself by training your consciousness.

Here are two simple exercises for training.

Listen to the sound of musical instruments. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Imagine that you are listening to a violin, flute or other musical instrument. Choose only one instrument in the allotted time and imagine its sound for two minutes. Then choose another tool. Perform math operations orally. Close your eyes and multiply the numbers verbally. Start with two-digit numbers and then move on to more complex numbers.

9. Never say you can't concentrate - it reinforces your inability to concentrate. Instead, say: “I can concentrate on any subject for any length of time.”

Repetitive thoughts and actions become habits. Many of us have repeatedly enjoyed the following negative thoughts.

+ “I can’t fully concentrate.”
+ “It takes years of practice to learn to fully concentrate for even a minute.” Repeating such thoughts creates the belief that learning attention is very difficult. But you know that practice and training can improve any ability.

Here's another way to quickly improve your attention.

Whenever you feel like you are concentrating better, immediately reinforce your ability with the following affirmations.

+ “My ability to concentrate is improving.”
+ “Day after day, I am able to maintain my attention better and longer.”

10. Develop the habit of studying on a schedule to improve your concentration.

By studying on schedule, you feel calm and confident that you will have time to cover all the material before the exams. And the feeling of calm helps to better concentrate during classes, because there is no tension.

Make it your policy to study on a schedule. You may already be using some semblance of a schedule. Once you create a schedule, use it regularly to reap all of the following benefits.

Concentrating during classes.
+ Life without stress.
+ Enough time to develop the skills you need to live a better life.

This habit is worth its weight in gold.

Surely something has happened to you where you need to do some important work(another report, diploma, come up with a slogan, calculate the effectiveness of the project, or something else no less important), but can’t concentrate. It feels like my brain just turned off. So, pay attention!
This condition is called cognitive disorder in the professional literature. It turns out that this is one of the most common disorders that affects people of any age. Memory impairment and decreased attention are symptoms of cognitive dysfunction. What does the so-called “porridge in the brain” mean?
Cognitive dysfunction, or brain fog, is a condition that can be characterized by memory impairment. It is usually associated with absent-mindedness, confusion and decreased concentration.

Many people, including children, suffer from cognitive dysfunction. Although many people complain that they suffer from a disorder of cognitive functions, this fact, however, does not constitute a basis for establishing a diagnosis of an occupational disease. Symptoms of cognitive impairment can occur for a number of other reasons. Let's take a closer look at these symptoms, their causes and methods of treatment.

Symptoms of cognitive disorder

Symptoms of cognitive disorder often occur when a person has low self-esteem. For this reason, he may suffer from confusion and forgetfulness. Below are some symptoms of cognitive dysfunction:

Inability to concentrate on any task
Low concentration
Difficulty solving problems and learning new tasks
Disorientation that may last up to 60 seconds, as well as inability to think clearly
Memory loss (or short-term memory), increased fatigue during mental work
Inability to quickly find the right word or its synonym
Frequent awakenings or sleep disturbances
A sharp decline in mental performance and inability to think clearly
Poor development of spatial thinking

Causes of cognitive impairment

Cognitive impairment can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from physical complications to emotional instability. Biochemical elements can also cause cognitive impairment. Below are some conditions that can lead to cognitive dysfunction.

One of the main causes of cognitive impairment is increased level stress, which subsequently results in depression. This condition affects the clarity and clarity of the thought process and memory impairment. It is necessary to use various techniques and techniques for relieving stress and look for ways to overcome depression so as not to fall into a similar state.
Improper or poor blood circulation in the brain can also lead to cognitive dysfunction, negatively impacting focus and short-term memory impairment.

In order to improve blood circulation, it is necessary to systematically practice yoga and other physical exercises that promote proper blood circulation.
Susceptibility to certain metals (known as metal toxicity) such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium and chemicals like pesticides or carbon monoxide are also one of the factors of cognitive impairment.
Excessive sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, say, a computer or TV screen, and prolonged use of a mobile phone are also one of the reasons.

Methods to combat cognitive dysfunction

Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
Include greens in your diet leafy vegetables. For example, spinach is rich in vitamin A and iron. They promote proper brain function and improve memory.
Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These include flax seeds, walnuts, eggs and fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna or mackerel.
Include whey protein, brown rice and pumpkin in your diet.

Of course, identifying the causes of cognitive impairment takes time, but eventually your condition will improve.

What is concentration

Concentration is the key to everything. If attention is developed, the rest comes easily. To achieve success in an endeavor, you need to approach it with attention and concentration. The rays of consciousness must be directed towards one thing and one goal. This practice will help solve many problems in life. You will receive a key that will allow you to enter any door...


Any esoteric practice includes an increase in concentration as a mandatory component. The practitioner needs to learn to increase the ability for conscious concentration in general.


A person not only becomes much more collected during practice, but also achieving the main goals of this esoteric practice is absolutely impossible without extreme concentration and composure.

A person engaged in esoteric practices must achieve the ability, for the required time, not to let go of the focus of attention on the object with which he is currently working.

The amount of concentration is a completely physically measurable quantity and is manifested in how the practitioner acts in the outside world.

As a rule, an increase in the ability to mentally concentrate is manifested in appearance and behavior. A person’s actions and movements become more focused and concentrated, a significant amount of micro-movements or unconscious movements usually present in any person disappears.

Also, the facial expression becomes calmer and more balanced, some spontaneous facial expressions disappear, but the face becomes much more expressive.


Most of the behavior becomes collected, the person almost never forgets anything, does not lose small items, it is good to remember what and where he has, and does not constantly search for lost small items and documents.

A high level of concentration allows you to very quickly solve most pressing problems and quickly make high-quality decisions, which, in turn, helps free up time for proper rest and personal life.

The perception of information increases, and the speed of its assimilation increases several times.


In order to develop the ability to concentrate, it is necessary to specifically use deep concentration on selected objects.

For example, a well-known exercise in the esoteric practices of Tratak consists of holding a candle flame in the focus of attention for a long time. In this case, besides the flame itself, there should be no other objects in the consciousness that would influence thinking and perception.

This is the stage of physiological concentration. This is followed by the level of mental concentration. To do this, an image of some object is created in the field of perception, on which attention is consciously concentrated, just as it was done with a candle, and all other thoughts or ideas are repressed.

In such a way that only the object or symbol that was presented remains in the center of attention.

The exercise is then made more complex to include abstract concepts that cannot be represented in images, such as “friendship” or “divinity,” and the focus is kept on pure abstraction. Complex concepts or models can also serve as such an object for concentration.

Increased concentration - how to increase concentration in a child and an adult

From birth, a person experiences the world through sense organs that transmit information. But without attention, this entire information flow simply would not be absorbed. In order not to lose sight of even the smallest details, it is necessary to increase your concentration.

General concepts

Attention is a process by which a person can focus on an object or action without losing sight of it. It is involved in everyday life every second with moderate concentration, often unconsciously. But the person who can hold it can be called attentive.

Increased concentration is the ability to fix attention on any one subject, highlighting it as the most important for a given period of time. This skill is perfectly mastered by people whose work is related to the intellectual sphere. This helps to look at the situation from different angles, and quickly find ways to resolve it, and develops attentiveness.

Types of attention:

  • Internal (a person’s thoughts and feelings, his experiences and personal problems that are of particular importance at the moment).
  • External (this is everything that surrounds people at that moment - a car passing by, a naughty child, milk on the stove).
  • Voluntary is a conscious goal of the individual, which depends on the will and requires certain forceful efforts.
  • Involuntary - does not depend on a person’s consciousness, and appears as a result of passion and interest (football match, board game or gambling), as well as mood and internal experiences or joy.
  • Post-arbitrary - intermediate between the two previous ones, and is their combination.

How to increase concentration

In order to improve the ability to focus on one thing, there are several effective tips.

First of all, you need to start by observing yourself.

You should understand what factors are distracting when performing a particular action. Also, you need to analyze your biorhythms and determine which hours are the most productive, and also notice at what time your ability to concentrate is increased. This will help you get to know yourself better, and will also reduce the likelihood that a person will be distracted by extraneous factors.

That is why it is recommended to take on the most important matters when a person is most active and efficient. During hours when there is a loss of strength, apathy and lethargy, activities that require increased attention should be postponed until the time when the greatest desire to work is felt.

The key is to do only one task, not several at once. In the modern bustle, this is quite difficult, especially for very busy people. In this situation, the human brain is not able to concentrate on one thing, its attention is scattered, and the quality of the work performed decreases significantly. Such a pursuit of two birds with one stone will lead to the fact that none of the tasks will be completed at the proper level.

Also, great importance should be given to training the memory and senses. Since most information is absorbed through the visual and auditory organs, an improved state of memory saves time on searching and remembering the material that is necessary to complete the task. If necessary, you can take drugs and vitamins for the brain.

It will be equally important to avoid overwork. Excessive workload negatively affects concentration, reducing it. When performing difficult intellectual work, it is recommended to take breaks, listen to soothing music to give the brain a rest, and get down to business with new strength and thoughts.

How to increase concentration in a child

A child's memory capacity is small, since children in their younger years school age They still can’t keep their attention on one thing for a long time. That is why such children are mostly absent-minded and uncontrollable. And the longest time for which concentration appears with strong interest is approximately 20 minutes.

The main method for developing attention in a child is constant study and exercise. But since the student’s interest does not last long, it is necessary to conduct classes in a light playful way.

Visual perception exercise:

When completing this task, the child is asked to draw a car or a house as he sees it. Time after time, you should ask your child to supplement the drawing with small details that were missed in the original version. For example, mirrors and car headlights, or curtains on the windows of a house, a porch, a chimney.

When completing this task, the child becomes more attentive to little things, and subsequently does not lose sight of them.

Logical thinking exercise:

This task is that the baby is given different amounts geometric shapes, dissimilar in size and colors. Among them, the child will have to choose an extra item, and similarities between the remaining ones, justifying his point of view, and why he made such a choice. The same exercise can be played out by offering vegetables and fruits, or wild and domestic animals instead of figures.

Under no circumstances should you raise your voice at a child when conducting classes on attention in case of failures. After all, the baby is just learning to concentrate, and this activity has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of the child and helps improve memory.

How to increase concentration in an adult

If it is possible to increase attention in children in a playful way, then adults need to seriously address this issue, since reduced concentration negatively affects productivity, personal development and career growth. Since adults, for the most part, have a heavy workload, you should choose exercises that do not require a lot of time.

For example, mobile applications, which are modern world a bunch of. They save a lot of time and are a collection of various tasks and exercises for developing memory and attention. Also, on the way to work, you can remember metro stations by appearance without listening to the announcement, or recite by heart all the stops on the line from beginning to end. Very effective method is to memorize poems ranging from simple to the most complex, or repeating the lyrics of songs after listening to music a couple of times.

Concentration training:

This exercise requires complete immersion in the activity. For example, long-term observation of an object, highlighting its features and distinctive features. With this method, a person concentrates on the details. This can also include counting, for example, from 1 to 100, without being distracted by stimuli or extraneous sounds.

To complicate the task, you can enhance the quality of concentration by concentrating on several objects at once. This is much more difficult, but it helps improve attention skills and has a beneficial effect on memory.

Concentration exercises:

To complete this task you will need a wristwatch with a second hand. It is necessary, having taken a comfortable position, fixate the arrow with your gaze, and begin counting down to the minute, gradually increasing the time. If a person gets distracted or gets confused, then it is necessary to start counting from the beginning. And so on until the minute is completely timed. When performing the same exercise, you can use beads with a large number of elements, and also count without getting lost, starting again if you fail.

Almost the most difficult task is in which a word is written on colored paper that does not denote that color. For example, on yellow paper the word “red”. The essence of the exercise is for the person to name not the word, but the color itself. Since it is very difficult for the brain to coordinate such information, not everyone succeeds the first time. But, the more attempts are made, the better the concentration on the exercise itself becomes.

Methods and methods for checking concentration

It is very simple to check your level of ability to maintain attention on any one subject. For example, if a person is very often distracted by extraneous factors when doing any work. Or, he repeats several times the phrase that the interlocutor tells him. These are all signs of decreased concentration. As well as absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

There are various special tests to check the state of attention and memory. There is one exercise for this called a “cardiogram”. On a piece of paper, a person needs, without looking up, to draw a straight line going upward. When distracted, the direction of the line must be lowered. And so on for 2-3 minutes. The number of peaks on paper indicates the degree of disorganization of thoughts.

Vitamins and drugs that affect concentration

Vitamins such as:

  • C - found in fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • D - contained in sea ​​fish(pink salmon, salmon);
  • E - found in unrefined oils;
  • P - found in greens and green vegetables;
  • B vitamins are found in whole grain products (oatmeal, rye bread), legumes, meat, milk, and so on.

To improve concentration and memory, it is recommended to use drugs that improve cerebral blood flow, so-called nootropics. And also those products that contain magnesium. Some medications are unable to completely improve brain function, but regular use of such pills has a beneficial effect on brain activity. These include Glycine, Nootropil, Tanakan and others.

In order to improve concentration, it is necessary to act comprehensively. Namely:

  • Observe nutritional standards, its balance, and the inclusion of necessary vitamins and elements in the diet, take the necessary medications;
  • Complete the necessary exercises and tasks in a timely and regular manner;
  • Control your internal and emotional state, avoid neuroses and overwork;
  • Set priorities, accomplish primary tasks and goals.

A significant enhancing effect of concentration can be achieved only if all points of the recommendations are compulsorily followed. This is the only way to achieve an improving effect and fully master this skill.
