It is unlikely that anyone remembers that Alexei Tolstoy did not plan to create an independent fairy tale, but only wanted to translate into Russian the magical story of the Italian writer Carlo Collodi, which is called “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll. Literary critics spent a lot of time trying to determine what genre the Golden Key belongs to (a story or a short story). An amazing and controversial work that conquered many young and adult readers was written at the beginning of the 20th century. But not everything went smoothly with its creation.

We know how varied the Tale "The Golden Key" turned out to be out of work for some time - the writer was distracted by other projects. Returning to the Italian fairy tale, he decides not only to translate it into native language, but also to supplement with your thoughts and fantasies. As a result of this work, the world saw another wonderful work of the author, known to the Russian reader under the name "Golden Key". We will try to analyze it.

Multifaceted author

Alexei Tolstoy is known for his versatility: he wrote poetry, plays, scripts, short stories and novels, journalistic articles, did literary processing of fairy tales and much, much more. The subject matter of his work knows no bounds. Thus, in works about the life of the nobles, the praise of Bolshevism is most often traced - its ideology seems to the writer to be the highest folk truth. In the unfinished novel "Peter I" Tolstoy criticizes the cruel reformist rule of the dictator. And in the science fiction novels "Aelita" and "Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid", he extols the power of education, enlightenment and sings of peacefulness.

When there are disputes about whether the "Golden Key" is a story or a story, it is impossible to give a definite answer. After all, the tale contains signs of both genres. And the fictional world and characters further complicate the task. One thing is indisputable: this fairy tale is one of the best works for children in the world literature.

First publication of "Pinocchio"

The Italian C. Collodi first published his fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The story of a puppet" in 1883. Already in 1906, it, translated into Russian, was published by the magazine "Sincere Word". Here we should digress and clarify that in the preface to the first edition (and this is 1935), Alexei Tolstoy writes that he heard this tale in childhood and, when he retold it, came up with new adventures and endings each time. Perhaps he gave such a comment in order to explain the many additions and changes in the fairy tale by the author.

While still in exile, in the Berlin publishing house "On the Eve", together with the writer N. Petrovskaya, A. Tolstoy publishes the book "The Adventures of Pinocchio". This is really the closest version of the fairy tale to the original by Collodi. The wooden boy goes through a lot of misadventures, and at the end, a fairy with blue hair from a lazy prankster turns him into an obedient child.

play writing contract

Later, when Tolstoy had already returned to Russia and had written more than one work, he again turned to this text. The old-fashionedness and sentimentality of the original did not allow the writer to make his own adjustments not only to the plot, but also to the images of the main characters. It is known that he even consulted with Yu. Olesha and S. Marshak about writing his own independent fairy tale.

Back in 1933, Tolstoy signed a contract with Detgiz to develop a script about the adventures of Pinocchio based on his book, published in Berlin. But the work on "Walking through the torments" still did not allow distraction. And only tragic events and a heart attack experienced as a result returned Tolstoy to work on an easy and ingenuous fairy tale.

Pinocchio or Pinocchio?

In 1935, the author created a wonderful and very significant from the point of view cultural heritage a fairy tale - "The Golden Key" (this story or story will become clear later). Compared to the original source, Pinocchio's adventures are much more interesting and original. The child, of course, will not be able to read the subtext that Tolstoy gave to the tale. All these hints are intended for adults who introduce their little ones to Pinocchio, Malvina, Karabas and Papa Carlo.

The boring, moralistic presentation of history by the writer Collodi did not at all attract A. N. Tolstoy. We can say that the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" was only written based on the motives of K. Collodi. Tolstoy needed to show the young reader kindness and mutual assistance, faith in a brighter future, the need for education, etc. And most importantly, to evoke compassion for the oppressed (puppets from the Karabas theater) and hatred for the oppressors (Karabas and Duremar). As a result, The Golden Key (a story or a story, we still need to try to understand) turned out to be Tolstoy's great success.

Story line

Of course, we remember that the main storyline tells us how Pinocchio and his doll friends confront the villains: Karabas, and the fox Alice, Duremar and other representatives of the authorities of the Country of Fools. The fight is for a golden key that opens the door to another world. Tolstoy repeatedly created multi-layered texts - a superficial retelling of events actually turns out to be a rather deep analysis of what is happening. Such is his symbolism of works. The golden key for Pinocchio and Papa Carlo is freedom, justice, the opportunity for everyone to help a friend and become better and more educated. But for Karabas and his friends, it is a symbol of power and wealth, a symbol of the oppression of the "poor and stupid."

Fairy tale composition

The author unequivocally sympathizes with the "light forces." He presents negative characters satirically, ridiculing all their aspirations to exploit the good-natured poor. He describes in some detail the way of life in the Land of Fools, debunking the "power of the seven-tailed lash" at the end and chanting humanity and kindness. This description of social life is so emotional and lively that all children truly empathize with Pinocchio's adventures.

It is this composition that allows us not to guess whether the "Golden Key" is a story or a story, but to clearly determine that all the described features of the construction of a literary work are characteristic of the story.

Instructive images of Tolstoy

What else allows you to answer the question: "The Golden Key" is a story or a story?" The author himself calls "The Adventures of Pinocchio" a fairy tale story. After all, it describes the events of more than one day; and the action takes place in the whole country: from a small town on the seashore through the forest, where both kind and not-so-good travelers can meet, to the wasteland of the Land of Fools and beyond ...

Inherent in the work and some characteristics of folk art. So, all the characters are described very clearly and clearly. From the first mention, we understand whether a good hero or not. The prankster Pinocchio, who at first glance is an ill-mannered and uncouth piece of wood, turns out to be a brave and fair boy. It is presented to us in a combination of positive and negative, as if reminding us that all people are imperfect. We love him not only for his boundless luck - Tolstoy was able to show that it is common for everyone to make mistakes, commit absurd stupidities and strive to elude duties. Nothing human is alien to the heroes of the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

The Malvina doll, for all its beauty and spiritual purity, is rather boring. Her desire to educate and teach everyone very clearly shows that no coercive measures can force a person to learn something. This requires only an inner desire and understanding of the meaning of education.

Funny criminals

The comic technique in A. N. Tolstoy's story "The Golden Key" is also used to describe negative characters. The satire with which all the dialogues of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice are served makes it clear from the very beginning how narrow-minded and petty these criminals are. In general, it is worth noting that the images of the oppressors in the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" evoke a smile and bewilderment rather than anger. The author is trying to show children that lies, anger, greed, greed are not just bad; all these qualities lead to the fact that a person himself gets into stupid situations, trying to harm another.

Oppression without violence

It is worth noting that a completely humane and peaceful fairy tale is “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”. One story about the misadventures of a wooden boy is replaced by another, but nowhere is there death or violence. Karabas Barabas only brandishes his whip, the Cat and the Fox rather absurdly hang Pinocchio on a tree, the court of the Country of Fools determines the boy's punishment - to drown in a swamp. But everyone knows that a tree (and Pinocchio is still a log) needs a lot of time to drown. All these acts of violence look comical and absurd and nothing more.

And even strangled by Artemon is mentioned in passing, no emphasis is placed on this episode. In a fair fight between Pinocchio and Karabas, the boy wins by tying the doctor of puppet science by his beard to a tree. This again gives the reader ground for reflection, encourages in any situation to find harmless, but unambiguous solutions.

Naughty - the engine of progress

The fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" clearly demonstrates to the reader that the child is initially curious and restless. In Pinocchio, he is by no means a lazy slacker (like Collodi's Pinocchio), on the contrary, he is very energetic and curious. It is this interest in all aspects of life that the writer emphasizes. Yes, often a child falls into a bad company (the cat Basilio and the fox Alice), but adults can explain and clearly demonstrate the bright colors of life (the wise and ancient turtle Tortilla opens Pinocchio's eyes to who is his friend and who is his enemy).

This is the phenomenon of creativity of Alexei Tolstoy. The fairy tale "The Golden Key" is actually a very instructive and deep work. But the ease of style and the chosen scenery allow us to read everything from cover to cover in one breath and draw completely unambiguous conclusions about good and evil.

How to write a review of a read work?

Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, so knowledge is made up of grains of what has been read.

Vladimir Dal

Review of the read work

2.Name ____________________________________________

3. Main characters _______________________________________

4.Summary _________________________________

5. Unknown words and expressions _______________________

6. Did you like the work (why?) ________________

7. What does this work teach? _____________________________

Let's consider these points in more detail.

2. Then you can mention those individuals who are at the center of the story (the main characters).

3. In the main part of the review, you need to express your opinion about the read work. You can write your attitude to the book, the main characters, describe your favorite places in the work and justify why you liked them. Almost all reviews give a description of one or more heroes. You can talk about what character traits, actions, exploits of the heroes of the read book excited you. you admire positive qualities people - their kindness, courage, and you express your contempt for negative characters, indignant at their meanness, deceit, cowardice. The most interesting reviews are obtained when there is a comparison, a comparison of what is read with facts known from other books or from life.

4. In the review, it is necessary to evaluate the book. Perhaps write your wishes or advice to other guys, tell what you thought about after reading the book, what it taught you. Maybe you want to re-read this book again, write why. At the end, you can write your opinion about the language of the book and give an example of your favorite passage.

Questions to help you write your review.

What is this book about?
What do you know about the author of the book?
What is the theme and main idea of ​​the piece?
What places in the book made the strongest impression on you?
Why do you think the author chose this title for his work?
Did you like the book? How?
Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?
Which character would you like to be friends with? Why?
How would you characterize the main characters?
Where and at what time did the events described in the book take place?
Does the book mention any important historical event?
What do you know about this historical period from other books, movies?
What natural features does the author pay attention to? Why?
What did you think about after reading the book?
What do you remember that seemed unusual?
What questions did the book make you think about?
What has this book taught you?

An example of a review of the book "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

A. N. Tolstoy

The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.

In 1936, the famous Russian writer A.N. Tolstoy wrote his fairy tale about the wooden man "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", which became a favorite work of children. In his preface to the tale, he says that he was based on the Italian fairy tale "Pinocchio or the Adventures of the Wooden Doll." Pinocchio is translated from Italian as a wooden doll. The image of this cheerful and funny little man with a long nose was invented by the Italian writer C. Collodi. Tolstoy did not just retell the Italian fairy tale, he came up with various adventures for Pinocchio and his friends. The written story takes place in an Italian city. This can be judged by the names of the heroes - Carlo, Piero, Giuseppe, as well as by the monetary unit used - the gulden.
The plot of this fairy tale is based on the struggle of Pinocchio and his friends with Karabas Barabas, Duremar, the cat Basilio and the fox Alice - the struggle between good and evil, for mastering the golden key. This key for Karabas Barabas is a symbol of wealth and power over the poor. For Pinocchio, Pope Carlo, Artemon, Piero and Malvina, the golden key is a symbol of freedom. They need a theater to put on performances.
Another story about friendship. Pinocchio has many friends: this is Malvina, who is trying to instill good manners in him, and Piero, who is in love with a girl, with blue hair, and other heroes. When Pinocchio does not find his friends in the cave, he begins to understand how important they are to him and goes to their rescue. Pinocchio experienced many adventures from the very first day of his birth, when his thoughts were "small, small, short, trifling, trifling", until the moment when he realized: "We must save our comrades - that's all." He causes our admiration, but this does not prevent us from laughing at his funny antics. This wooden long-nosed boy is a good comrade and faithful friend, having his own weaknesses and shortcomings.
Karabas Barabas, the seller of leeches Duremar, the fox Alice, the cat Basilio personify evil forces in the work. Tolstoy makes fun of them throughout the tale. We laugh with him, remembering, for example, how the ferocious Karabas Barabas, putting his beard in his pocket, sneezes non-stop, which is why everything in the kitchen rattles and sways.
The plot of the story develops rapidly. Sometimes you don’t even know which of the heroes you need to sympathize with, and which one should be considered a villain. Surprisingly, even negative characters cause our sympathy. Perhaps that is why the whole fairy tale - from beginning to end - is read in one breath, fun and easy.
The story was made into a wonderful film. Aleksey Tolstoy wrote it so brilliantly that many of the phrases entered it without changes.

Among such books"The Three Musketeers", "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh", "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Dunno in the Sunny City". In that mandatory list, in our deep conviction, the story of the adventures of a wooden boy named Pinocchio.

In 2015, it was eighty years since the fairy tale was written by Alexei Tolstoy, who was in exile at that time, and forty years of its adaptation by the film studio "Balarusfilm". Thanks to the author's processing of "Pinocchio" Carla Collodio and the magnificent play of not only the meters of Soviet cinema Vladimir Etush, Rina Zelenaya, Elena Sanaeva, Rolan Bykov, Nikolai Grinko and others, but also the young artists Dima Iosifov, Tanya Protsenko, Buratino firmly entered the minds of more than one generation of boys and girls and from their simple wooden doll (Italian burattino - wooden doll-actor) has become an example of the best human qualities: courage, independence, humor, nobility, love and respect for elders, generosity, generosity, optimism, intolerance to injustice.

Alexei Tolstoy not only Russified the Italian fairy tale by Carlo Collodi, full of moral maxims (i.e. edification), but, through the introduction of a new image of the golden key as a symbol of happiness, filled it with deep meaning. Pinocchio is not Pinocchio, deceit, cunning and resourcefulness are alien to him. Yes, his main attribute (long nose) itself has turned from a symbol of lies into a symbol of curiosity inherent in any creative person. It is a creative person who is able to transform and cultivate the world around him.

The tale of Pinocchio has the potential not only for moral, but also for the spiritual education of children. A deep analysis of the work shows that many plots have parallels with Christian theology. At first glance, the statement of the problem may seem far-fetched, but is it? Let's try to comprehend the tale from a Christian point of view.

Let us make a reservation right away that we do not share the point of view of some literary critics that Tolstoy's fairy tale is extremist in nature and offends the feelings of believers, since, in their opinion, it is a parody of Jesus Christ. Say, the father of the protagonist of the tale is a carpenter, like Joseph the Betrothed, Pinocchio bought a ticket for the performance "Girl with blue eyes, or Thirty-three slaps", which is a mockery of the age of Christ, and Karabas Barabas- in general, a parody of priests wearing beards in accordance with the canons of the Church.

Following this logic, "far-fetched", you can heroes of the cult cartoon "Well, you wait!" accuse him of promoting violence against animals, drunkenness and hooliganism, and accuse Uncle Fyodor from Troy from Prostokvashino of vagrancy and illegal possession of property (a house in the village).

But let us return to the "Golden Key" and carefully read the dialogue between Pinocchio and Talking Cricket in the closet Papa Carlo:

“Pinocchio saw a creature that looked a bit like a cockroach, but with a head like a grasshopper. It sat on the wall above the hearth and crackled softly - kri-kri - looked with bulging iridescent eyes, as if made of glass, moved its antennae.

- Hey, who are you?

“I am Talking Cricket,” the creature replied, “I have been living in this room for over a hundred years.

"I'm the boss here, get out of here."

- Well, I'll go, although I'm sad to leave the room where I lived for a hundred years, - said the Talking Cricket, - but before I go, listen to helpful advice.

“I really need some old cricket’s advice…”

“Ah, Pinocchio, Pinocchio,” said the cricket, “quit pampering, obey Carlo, do not run away from home without work, and tomorrow start going to school. Here's my advice. Otherwise, terrible dangers and terrible adventures await you. For your life, I will not give even a dead dry fly.

- What for? Pinocchio asked.

- But you will see - why, - said the Talking Cricket.

- Oh, you, a hundred-year-old insect-cockroach! shouted Buratino. “Most of all, I love scary adventures. Tomorrow at dawn I will run away from home - climb fences, destroy bird nests, tease boys, drag dogs and cats by the tails ... I can’t think of anything else! ..

- I feel sorry for you, sorry, Pinocchio, you will shed bitter tears.

- What for? Pinocchio asked again.

“Because you have a stupid wooden head.

Then Pinocchio jumped on a chair, from a chair to the table, grabbed a hammer and launched it into the head of the Talking Cricket.

The smart old cricket sighed heavily, wiggled its whiskers, and crawled away behind the hearth—out of this room forever.”

Pinocchio talks to Cricket like a rival, insisting on his superiority. Doesn't this communication of a person with his ... conscience remind us?

Old Testament prophet Hosea, lamenting Ephraim, says: “Ephraim overthrew his rival, trampling down judgment, as if he had begun to walk after the vain” (Hos. 5:11). The rival, according to the interpretation of the Monk Abba Dorotheus, is conscience. “But why is conscience called a rival?” the holy father asks. “He is called a rival because he always resists our evil will and reminds us what we should do, but we do not; and again, what we shouldn’t do, we do, and for that she condemns us ”(Abba Dorotheos. Soulful Teachings and Messages. Teaching 3. On Conscience).

How does Pinocchio react to the instructions of the Talking Cricket? Just like a sin-stricken man of his conscience - first drowns it out, elevating his vices to the rank of permissible, and then completely expels it.

Almost immediately after the conflict between Pinocchio and the Talking Cricket, threat of life and inevitability of death:

“Now Pinocchio got scared, let go of the cold rat tail and jumped onto a chair. The rat is behind him.

He jumped from his chair to the windowsill. The rat is behind him.

From the windowsill, he flew across the entire closet onto the table. The rat follows him... And then, on the table, she grabbed Pinocchio by the throat, knocked him down, holding him in her teeth, jumped to the floor and dragged him under the stairs, into the underground.

Papa Carlo! – only had time to squeak Pinocchio.

The door opened and Papa Carlo walked in. He pulled off a wooden shoe from his foot and threw it at the rat. Shushara, releasing the wooden boy, gritted her teeth and disappeared.

The only hope- on Pope Carlo, therefore Pinocchio in a seemingly critical situation, when, due to his own frivolity, as Alexei Tolstoy himself notes, he almost died. Pinocchio calls for help to Papa Carlo, although he realizes that he is in the police station, and not next to him. And yet, Papa Carlo unexpectedly comes to the rescue. You can see the artistic intent in this plot. However, it is easy to see parallel with the help of God to man, who is in a hopeless situation and calls on Him for help.

Just as the Lord takes care of his creation, so Papa Carlo creates a comfortable environment for Pinocchio - feeds and clothes him, moreover, that the wooden boy needs clothes, he says himself:

“Papa Carlo, but I’m naked, wooden, the boys at school will laugh at me.

“Hey,” said Carlo, scratching his bristly chin. - You're right, baby!

He lit a lamp, took scissors, glue and scraps of colored paper. I cut and glued a brown paper jacket and bright green pants. He made shoes from an old top and a hat - a cap with a tassel - from an old sock. I put all this on Pinocchio.

Isn't this plot like a dialogue Adama With God that he is naked and ashamed, and that “... the Lord God made garments of leather for Adam and his wife, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21)?

As well as Creator gives a person book of life, reading which, he learns to communicate with God and the world around him, so Pope Carlo gives Pinocchio the alphabet, thanks to which he had to learn to know the world. Unfortunately, the desire for sensual pleasure takes precedence over the desire to develop one's intellectual ability, and Pinocchio exchanges school for a theater.

Getting out of the way indicated by Pope Carlo, leads to the fact that Pinocchio's life is filled with dangers and, at times, exciting adventures. But, despite the winding road, Pinocchio returns to his father's house, and even with a golden key. The central event of his life is his acquaintance with the puppets of the theater of Karabas Barabas, whom he seeks to help. But first it was necessary to meet with the swindlers who invited him to Country of Fools.

Country of Fools returns attentive reader to reality Everyday life modern man: social inequality, the superiority of power over citizens, the rich over the poor, the lack of justice and the imperfection of the judicial system, desire for easy money

“The three of them went along the dusty road. Lisa said:

- Clever, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

- Of course I want! And how is it done?

The fox sat on its tail, licked its lips:

- I'll explain to you now. There is a magic field in the Land of Fools - it is called the Field of Miracles ... Dig a hole in this field, say three times: “Crex, fex, pex”, put gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, fields well and go to sleep. In the morning, a small tree will grow out of the hole, instead of leaves, golden coins will hang on it.

Pinocchio, like deceived investors of financial pyramids end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries, fails. But Alexei Tolstoy leads his hero through trials to understand that vain And perishable the world is deceptive, but it is there that he receives the golden key from the turtle Tortila.

Reflecting on the episode of the transfer of the golden key by the turtle Tortila Pinocchio, let's pay attention to the motive of her act. In Tolstoy's text it is presented as follows:

- Oh, you brainless, gullible boy with short thoughts! Tortila said. - You should sit at home and study hard! Has brought you to the Land of Fools!

“So I wanted to get more gold coins for Papa Carlo ... I’m a very good and prudent boy ...”

“The cat and the fox stole your money,” said the turtle. - They ran past the pond, stopped to drink, and I heard how they boasted that they dug up your money, and how they fought over it ... Oh, you brainless, gullible fool with short thoughts! ..

“You don’t need to swear,” Pinocchio grumbled, “here you need to help a person ... What am I going to do now? Oh-oh-oh!.. How can I get back to Papa Carlo? Ah ah ah!..

He rubbed his eyes with his fists and whimpered so plaintively that the frogs suddenly sighed all at once:

“Uh-uh… Tortila, help the man.

The tortoise gazed at the moon for a long time, remembering something...

“Once I helped one person in the same way, and then he made tortoise combs out of my grandmother and my grandfather,” she said. And again she gazed at the moon for a long time. - Well, sit here, little man, and I will crawl along the bottom - maybe I will find one useful little thing. She sucked in the snake's head and slowly sank under the water.

The frogs whispered:

- Turtle Tortila knows a great secret.

It's been a long, long time.

The moon was already leaning behind the hills ...

The green duckweed hesitated again, the tortoise appeared, holding a small golden key in its mouth.

She put it on a leaf at Pinocchio's feet.

- Brainless, gullible fool with short thoughts, - said Tortila, - do not grieve that the fox and the cat stole gold coins from you. I give you this key. It was dropped to the bottom of the pond by a man with a beard so long that he put it in his pocket so that it would not interfere with his walking. Oh, how he asked me to find this key at the bottom! ..

Tortila sighed, was silent, and sighed again so that bubbles came out of the water ...

“But I didn’t help him, I was very angry at the time with people for my grandmother and my grandfather, who were made into tortoiseshell combs. The bearded man talked a lot about this key, but I forgot everything. I only remember that I need to open some door for them and it will bring happiness...

Tortile is impressed by Pinocchio's desire to provide Pope Carlo with a comfortable existence. His desire is altruistic. This idea is very well reflected in the film adaptation of The Golden Key. The author of the script managed to convey the main idea of ​​why Pinocchio receives the key to happiness. Let's think about it too.

We understand perfectly well that neither Karabas Barabas, who personifies evil in a fairy tale, nor his minions Duremar, earning on the misfortune of others, nor scammers cat Basilio and fox Alice cannot be fully happy because they are immoral. But why not in place of Pinocchio Malvina, not Pierrot, not Artemon or Harlequin? After all, they, like no one else, need to find happiness, become free, free themselves from the fetters of Karabas Barabas. But this is the key to unraveling the act of the turtle Tortila. And Malvina, and Harlequin, and Pierrot, and Artemon are puppets. Beautiful, at first glance, the appearance of the puppets of the Karabas Theater hides masks.

Pierrot, as a typical lover, suffering from unrequited love, is in constant despondency and a state of depression and resembles a representative of the direction of modern youth subculture emo. Pinocchio calls Pierrot a crybaby and a pester. Harlequin, on the contrary, is a model of carelessness and being in eternal fun. And even the poodle Artemon in a fairy tale looks like a dandy and a dandy. Malvina's pride is so great that in dealing with Pinocchio, whom she sees for the first time in her life, she is touchy and absurd, capricious to the extreme. However, she tries to educate him. The words of the Apostle Peter come to mind: “They promise them freedom, being themselves slaves of corruption; for whoever is conquered by whom is the same slave (2. Pet. 2:19). And the strings from the dolls are in the hands of Karabas Barabas.

Unlike the puppets of the theater of Karabas, Pinocchio has free will, this is the reason for his restlessness and mischief, but at the same time, generosity and disinterestedness, the desire to make others happy.

The motive for handing over the golden key by the turtle Tortila to Pinocchio is very subtly reflected in the film "The Adventure of Pinocchio".

Let's read their dialogue:

“- And you know, for some reason I liked you.

I am charming.

No, that's not the point. You are kind, you love Papa Carlo and believe that you were created for the joy of people. I want to give you a key. I swore I would never give it to people. They have become greedy and evil, and evil and greedy can never be happy. Take the key, it will bring you happiness.

Recall that the film appeared in 1975 the year when atheistic propaganda was raging. Consciously or not, but, nevertheless, in this dialogue, the commandments about love for God and neighbor are veiled: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is similar to it: Love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets (Matthew 22:37-40).

Possession of a golden key is not able to make the main characters happy - the door is needed, to the lock of which this key fits, and behind which is the main dream. As conceived by the author, the door is located behind a canvas with a painted hearth in Papa Carlo's modest closet. In other words, after many adventures, like the prodigal son, you need to return to your father's house.

In a fight with Karabas Barabas and his henchmen, far from the house of Papa Carlo, Pinocchio, according to the author, for the first time in his life comes in despair:

Fox Alice smiled crookedly:

- Permission to turn the necks of these impudent ones?

Another minute, and it would all be over ... Suddenly swifts rushed with a whistle:

- Here, here, here!

A magpie flew over the head of Karabas Barabas, chattering loudly:

- Hurry, hurry, hurry!

And at the top of the hillside appeared old Papa Carlo. His sleeves were rolled up, a gnarled stick was in his hand, his eyebrows were furrowed...

He pushed Karabas Barabas with his shoulder, Duremar with his elbow, pulled the fox Alice along the back with a baton, threw Basilio the cat with his boot ...

After that, bending down and looking down from the hillside where the little wooden men stood, he said joyfully:

“My son, Pinocchio, rogue, you are alive and well, come to me as soon as possible!”

Let's compare the last words of this passage with the words from the parable of Jesus Christ about the prodigal son: "... my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found" (Luke 15:23).

The final scenes of the tale also have Christian motifs. Here is the dialogue of the main characters before the performance in the new puppet theater:

“Pierrot rubbed his wrinkled forehead with his fists:

“I will write this comedy in sumptuous verse.

“I will sell ice cream and tickets,” said Malvina. - If you find talent in me, I will try to play the roles of pretty girls ...

- Wait, guys, and when to study? asked Papa Carlo.

They all answered at once:

- We will study in the morning ... And in the evening we will play in the theater ...

“Well, that’s it, little children,” said Papa Carlo, “and I, little children, will play the hurdy-gurdy to amuse the respectable audience, and if we start traveling around Italy from city to city, I will drive a horse and cook lamb stew.” with garlic...

Happiness finds not only Pinocchio, but also his friends. A rebirth takes place in their hearts: Malvina turns from a capricious and arrogant girl into a modest girl, Piero finally finds inspiration and joy in life. It is especially valuable that Papa Carlo becomes their guide, who will continue to take care of them. It is symbolic that the Talking Cricket returns to Pinocchio the day before.

The fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" has deep Christian meaning. Its main idea, in our opinion, is that while living in a temporary life, through virtues and the fight against temptations, a person acquires a “golden key” for a happy life. eternal life, life with God .

80 years of the book of A.N. Tolstoy
"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary comprehensive school”, Kursk region
Material Description: this material can be used by primary school teachers to summarize the reading of the story - fairy tales, for extracurricular activities.
Target: formation of general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
1. To get acquainted with the history of the creation of A. Tolstoy's fairy tale, to summarize knowledge from the read work.
2. Broaden your horizons in the field of literature, instill a love of reading.
3. Develop oral speech, memory, thinking, curiosity, attention.
Equipment: books by A. Tolstoy, posters with illustrations; Children's drawings.
Hello dear children and guests!
Today we have a big book festival. We gathered to remember one of the favorite children's books. It was read by our mothers and fathers, and grandparents when they were little. This book is loved and known by the guys from our school. Who is the hero of this tale?
Listen to the riddle:
wooden boy,
Naughty and braggart
With a new alphabet armpit -
Everyone knows without exception.
He is adventurous.
It happens to be frivolous
But in trouble, do not lose heart.
And Signora Carabas
He managed to outwit more than once.
Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina
Inseparable from... (Pinocchio)

My father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a strange
Little wooden man
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key?
It has a long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio)
-What is the name of the fairy tale, the main character of which is Pinocchio, who is its author?
(A. N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")
Many generations of readers are familiar with the tricks of a mischievous and naughty wooden boy. The book has been reprinted more than two hundred times and has been translated into 47 languages!
In November 2016, the famous fairy tale by Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" turns 80 years old!
The story-tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” was written in 1936. In August 1936, the fairy tale was completed and put into production at the Detgiz publishing house.
-Did you know, based on what fairy tale was the story-tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio" written? ("The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Doll").

"Once upon a time...
"King!" my little readers will immediately exclaim.
No, you didn't guess. There lived a piece of wood.
It was not some kind of noble tree, but the most ordinary log, one of those with which stoves and fireplaces are heated in winter to heat the room.
So cheerfully and unexpectedly began the Italian writer C. Collodi the book of the numerous adventures of a wooden man named Pinocchio, who was once carved from a piece of wood in his poor closet by father Geppetto. This book was born almost a hundred years ago in Italy. But now she is known in all countries of the world, wherever her children are. In Italy, this book immediately became known among little Italians, it was reprinted many times every year!
The story of our Pinocchio was told for you by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

In the preface of the book, A. Tolstoy addressed his young readers:
“When I was little - a very, very long time ago - I read a book: it was called Pinocchio, or The Adventures of a Wooden Doll. I often told my comrades, girls and boys, the entertaining adventures of Pinocchio. But since the book was lost, I told each time in a different way, inventing such adventures that were not at all in the book. Now, after many, many years, I remembered my old friend Pinocchio and decided to tell you, girls and boys, an extraordinary story about this wooden man.
80 years have passed, but our cheerful Pinocchio remains the favorite of the children.
Do you guys know this story?
The appearance of Pinocchio at Papa Carlo, the advice of a talking cricket
One day, the carpenter Giuseppe found a talking log that began to scream when it was hewn. Giuseppe was frightened and gave it to the organ grinder Carlo, with whom he had been friends for a long time. Carlo lived in a small closet so poorly that even his hearth was not real, but painted on a piece of old canvas. The organ grinder carved a wooden doll with a very long nose out of logs. She came to life and became a boy, whom Carlo named Pinocchio. The wooden man played pranks, and the talking cricket advised him to take up his mind, obey Papa Carlo, and go to school. Pope Carlo, despite the pranks and pranks, fell in love with Pinocchio and decided to raise him as his own. He sold his warm jacket to buy the alphabet for his son, made a jacket and a cap with a brush out of colored paper so that he could go to school.
Puppet theater and acquaintance with Karabas Barabas
Pinocchio, on the way to school, saw a poster for a Puppet Theater performance: "Girl with blue hair, or Thirty-three cuffs." The boy forgot the advice of the talking cricket and decided not to go to school. He sold his beautiful new picture book and used all the money he got to buy a ticket to the show. The basis of the plot was the cuffs that Harlequin very often gave to Pierrot. During the performance, the puppet artists recognized Pinocchio and a commotion began, as a result of which the performance was disrupted. The terrible and cruel Karabas Barabas, director of the theater, author and director of plays, owner of all the puppets playing on the stage, became very angry. He even wanted to burn the wooden boy for disturbing the order and disrupting the performance. But during the conversation, Pinocchio accidentally told about the closet under the stairs with a painted hearth, in which Papa Carlo lived. Unexpectedly, Karabas Barabas calmed down and even gave Pinocchio five gold coins with one condition - not to leave this closet.

Meeting with the fox Alice and the cat Basilio
On the way home Pinocchio met the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. These crooks, having learned about the coins, suggested that the boy go to the Land of Fools. They said that if you bury coins in the Field of Miracles in the evening, then in the morning a huge money tree will grow out of them.
Pinocchio really wanted to get rich quick, and he agreed to go with them. On the way Pinocchio got lost and was left alone, but at night in the forest he was attacked by terrible robbers resembling a cat and a fox. He put the coins in his mouth so they wouldn't be taken away, and the robbers hung the boy upside down on a tree branch to drop the coins and left him.
Acquaintance with Malvina, a trip to the Land of Fools
In the morning he was found by Artemon, the poodle of a girl with blue hair - Malvina, who had escaped from the theater of Karabas Barabas. It turned out that he was abusive to his puppet actors. When Malvina, a girl with very good manners, met Pinocchio, she decided to raise him, which ended in punishment - Artemon locked him in a dark, scary closet with spiders.
Having escaped from the closet, the boy again met the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. He did not recognize the "robbers" who attacked him in the forest, and again believed them. Together they set out on their journey. When the crooks brought Pinocchio to the Land of Fools on the Field of Miracles, it turned out to be like a dump. But the cat and the fox convinced him to bury the money, and then set the police dogs on him, who pursued Pinocchio, caught him and threw him into the water.
Appearance of the golden key
The boy made of logs did not drown. He was found by the old turtle Tortila. She told the naive Pinocchio the truth about his "friends" Alice and Basilio. The turtle kept a golden key, which a long time ago was dropped into the water by an evil man with a long terrible beard. He shouted that the key could open the door to happiness and wealth. Tortila gave the key to Pinocchio.
On the way from the Land of Fools, Pinocchio met a frightened Pierrot, who also ran away from the cruel Karabas. Pinocchio and Malvina were very happy to see Pierrot. Leaving friends in Malvina's house, Pinocchio went to follow Karabas Barabas. He had to find out which door could be opened with the golden key. By chance, in a tavern Pinocchio overheard a conversation between Karabas Barabas and Duremar, a leech dealer. He learned the big secret of the golden key: the door that it opens is in Papa Carlo's closet behind the painted hearth.
Closet door, stairs journey and new theater
Karabas Barabas turned to the police dogs with a complaint about Pinocchio. He accused the boy of causing the puppet artists to escape because of him, which led to the ruin of the theater. Fleeing from persecution, Pinocchio and his friends came to Papa Carlo's closet. They tore the canvas off the wall, found a door, opened it with a golden key and found an old staircase that led into the unknown. They descended the steps, slamming the door in front of Karabas Barabs and the police dogs. There Pinocchio again met the talking cricket and apologized to him. The stairs lead to the best theater in the world, with bright lights, loud and joyful music. In this theater, the heroes became the owners, Pinocchio began to play on stage with friends, and Papa Carlo - to sell tickets and play the hurdy-gurdy. All the artists from the theater of Karabas Barabas left him for a new theater, where good performances were staged on the stage, and no one beat anyone.
Karabas Barabas was left alone on the street, in a huge puddle.


1. In a wide hat, he walked around the cities with a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, singing, and earning his bread with music. (The organ grinder Carlo.)

2. Where did Papa Carlo live? (In the closet under the stairs)

3. Who found the magic log, from which then Papa Carlo made Pinocchio?
(Carpenter Giuseppe, nicknamed "The Gray Nose").

4. What did Papa Carlo make Pinocchio's clothes from? ((A jacket - from brown paper, bright green pants, shoes from an old top, a hat - a cap with a tassel - from an old sock).
5. What thoughts came into Pinocchio's head on the first day of his birth?
(His thoughts were small, small, short, short, trifling, trifling.)
6. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Terrible adventures.)
7. Who almost killed Pinocchio on the first day of his life? (Rat Shushara)

8. What item did Carlo's dad sell to buy Pinocchio's alphabet? (jacket)

9. Where did Pinocchio go instead of going to school? (To the puppet theater)

10. How much did a ticket to the puppet theater cost? (Four soldos)
11. How did Pinocchio get to see the puppet theater? (Exchanged his "ABC" for a ticket)

12. What was the name of the play at the theater of Karabas Barabas?
("Girl with blue hair or 33 cuffs")
13. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of puppet science)
14. What was the name of the most beautiful doll in the puppet theater of Signor Karabas Barabas - a girl with curly blue hair? (Malvina)

15. Which of the puppets was the first to recognize Pinocchio in the theater? (Harlequin)

16. What did Barabas Pinocchio want to use for the disrupted performance?
(as firewood)
17. Why did Karabas Barabas, instead of burning Pinocchio, let him go home and gave him five gold coins? (He learned from Pinocchio that there is a secret door in Papa Carlo's closet. Pinocchio said that Papa Carlo's hearth in the closet is not real, but painted")

18. What was behind the secret door? (Puppet theater of wonderful beauty.)

19. Why did Malvina and the poodle Artemon run away from the theater of Karabas Barabas?
(He abused his puppet actors, beat them).
20. Who did Pinocchio meet on the way home? (Alice the fox and Basilio the cat)

21. Where did the fox Alice and the cat Basilio lure Pinocchio to turn five gold coins donated by Karabas-Barabas into a pile of money? (To the magical Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools)

22. What method did two swindlers offer to turn a few coins into a "big pile of money" to a wooden boy? (“Dig a hole, say “crex, fex, pex” three times, put gold, cover it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, fill it well with water and go to sleep. In the morning a tree will grow from the hole, on which gold coins will hang instead of leaves”)

23. Who saved Pinocchio on the Field of Miracles? (Poodle Artemon and Malvina - the most beautiful puppet from the theater of Karabas-Barabas).

24. Who was part of the medical team that treated Pinocchio in Malvina's house.
(The famous doctor Owl, the paramedic Zhaba and the healer Praying Mantis)
25. What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio treat? (castor oil)

26. What did Malvina Pinocchio begin to teach? (Good manners, arithmetic, literacy)

26. What phrase did Malvina dictate to her guest Pinocchio in a dictation? Why is she magical? (“And the rose fell on the paw of Azor”)
27. In what terrible room in Malvina's house was Pinocchio placed as a punishment for his slovenliness? (In the closet)

28. Who helped Pinocchio get out of the closet? (Bat)

29. Who told the naive Pinocchio the truth about his "friends" Alice and Basilio? (Turtle Tortilla)

30. What did the turtle Tortilla Pinocchio give? (Golden Key)

31. Where did the turtle get the golden key from? (A long time ago, a golden key was dropped into the water by an evil man with a long, terrible beard. He shouted that the key could open the door to happiness and wealth).
32. How did Pinocchio find out the secret of the golden key? (I hid inside an earthenware jug in the Three Minnows tavern and forced Karabas Barabas to tell the secret).

33. What door can be opened with a golden key? (Pinocchio learned the big secret of the golden key: the door that he opens is in Papa Carlo's closet behind the painted hearth).

34. Who at the very last moment came to the rescue of Pinocchio and his friends? (Papa Carlo.)
35. What did Pinocchio and his friends call their new theater? ("Lightning")

36. What did Pinocchio and his friends do during the day, before performing in the theater?
(began to study at school)
37. What book served as an impetus for the creation of the Golden Key for L. Tolstoy?
("Pinocchio or the Adventures of the Wooden Doll" by Collodi.)
38. Why did the author name his main character - Pinocchio?
(Wooden doll in Italian - "Pinocchio".)
39. Name the hero of the fairy tale who gave Pinocchio wise advice, but he did not listen to him.
(Cricket: “quit pampering, obey Carlo, do not run away from home without work and start going to school tomorrow, otherwise terrible dangers and terrible adventures await you).
40. What does A. N. Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” teach us?
(Kindness and friendship)

Conclusion: fairy tale teaches us to be purposeful and active in achieving our goals. The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is that good always wins, and evil is left with nothing. But in order for good to win, we must make efforts, act, and not sit idly by. The tale also shows us that sly people and flatterers are bad friends. Main character tales of Pinocchio at first he was a stupid, naughty creature, but the adventures that he had to endure taught him to recognize good and evil and appreciate true friendship.

Pinocchio became the hero of many continuations of the fairy tale, films, performances, as well as popular expressions, phraseological units and anecdotes.

It is impossible to imagine childhood without the Golden Key, without the mischievous Pinocchio, without the girl with blue hair, without the faithful Artemon.

A. Tolstoy lived in Samara for a long time. Now there is a museum in his house.

Pinocchio greets everyone in front of the museum.

Who walks around the world with a book.
Who knows how to be friends with her.
This book always helps
Learn, work and live.

We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among worries
We stop believing in fairy tales
But the fairy tale will come to us again.
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let it live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good hour.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BURATINO! Class hour for Bird Day, grades 2-3

Today is a significant day: first-graders have prepared their first reviews of the fairy tale

It was great at the Pinocchio School!

A little about the story...

In 1936, the famous Russian writer A. N. Tolstoy wrote his fairy tale about the wooden man "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", which became a favorite work of children.

The written story takes place in an Italian city. This can be judged by the names of the heroes - Carlo, Piero, Giuseppe, as well as by the monetary unit used - the gulden.

The plot of this fairy tale is based on the struggle of Pinocchio and his friends with Karabas Barabas, Duremar, the cat Basilio and the fox Alice - the struggle between good and evil, for mastering the golden key.

Authors: Veronica K., Lisa C.
This key for Karabas Barabas is a symbol of wealth and power over the poor. For Pinocchio, Pope Carlo, Artemon, Piero and Malvina, the golden key is a symbol of freedom. They need a theater to put on performances.

Another story about friendship. Pinocchio has many friends: this is Malvina, who is trying to instill good manners in him, and Piero, who is in love with a girl with blue hair, and other heroes.

When Pinocchio does not find his friends in the cave, he begins to understand how important they are to him and goes to their rescue!

Pinocchio arouses our admiration, but this does not prevent us from laughing at his funny antics. This wooden long-nosed boy is a good comrade and true friend, having his own weaknesses and shortcomings!

* * *

"The Secret of the Golden Key"
became - Julia, Vladik, Seraphim and Ksyusha, who will share their impressions of the book they read!

"The tale of a cheerful wooden boy is very interesting! Malvina, Piero, Artemon helped Pinocchio become kind, sympathetic, courageous, brave!

The tale is very kind, I liked Pinocchio and the adventures that happened to him! "

Xenia Ch.

The authors of the drawings: Arina, Serafim, Ksenia Ch.

"I really liked the book. I wanted to constantly find out what would happen next. I liked how Malvina taught Pinocchio. The kindest - dad Carlo. Funny - carpenter Giuseppe. And also funny Duremar and Fox Alice with the cat Basilio, even though they are evil. Everyone wanted offend Pinocchio. But the most evil Karabas Barabas. And not at all funny, but scary. Most of all I remember how Tortilla gave the golden key to Pinocchio and how they all found the Lightning puppet theater. It's a pity that the book is over."

