1 class

Lesson topic: magic words

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce children to polite words.

Lesson objectives: 1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Expand the concept of children about the culture of behavior.

3. To instill the skills of cultural behavior of children in communicating with each other and other people.



1 class

Lesson topic: magic words

The purpose of the lesson : Introduce children to polite words.

Lesson objectives: 1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Expand the concept of children about the culture of behavior.

3. To instill the skills of cultural behavior of children in communicating with each other and other people.

During the classes

Teacher: Guys! Let's talk about magic words today. What are these words? Why are they called magical? We will find out in this lesson.

I'll start with a poemN. Krasilnikova Good morning

(slide 3)

Invented by someone simply and wisely.
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
Sun and birds!
Good morning!
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting...
Let the good morning last until the evening.

You will graduate from school and begin to work in factories, build houses, pave roads to the stars, drive powerful nuclear-powered ships across the seas and oceans, and defeat diseases. But first of all, you must grow up to be real good people: kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite. And this also needs to be learned. Therefore, you should use magic words as often as possible, from which people become warmer, happier, brighter. There is great power in the word. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood. But not only words should be good with us. It is necessary that your actions be reasonable, clear, kind, so that you never have to blush or be ashamed of them. We must always try to be useful to people in everything.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another,

A pleasure, honestly.

1 reader Friends, just in case

Poems about a schoolboy

His name is ... but by the way,

We better not name it here.

2 reader "Thank you", "Hello", "Sorry"

He's not used to pronouncing

simple word"Sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

3 dude. He won't tell his school friends

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

4 dude. Or maybe you know him

And you met him somewhere,

Then tell us about it

And we... We'll say thank you.

Teacher: Is there a student like this in your class?

Children's answers. (Slide 4)

Teacher: When people say "Hello", they not only greet each other, but also wish health. Every meeting begins with a greeting. What words of greeting do you know?(Slide 5)


Good afternoon

Good morning!

Good evening!


The teacher draws the attention of the children to situations in which these words are used: “Hi!” - we say to a friend or acquaintance, “Hello!” - this is a formal greeting, etc.

Good afternoon - you were told.(Slide 7)
Good afternoon - you answered.
How two strings are tied
Warmth and kindness.

Hello! you tell the person.
- Hello! he smiles back.
And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,
And will be healthy for many years.

Teacher: Now listen to the question-task and say what mistake Kostya made.

“Kostya comes to school in the morning. A teacher is standing at the door of his class. Kostya, seeing her, was delighted, ran up to her and began to tell what an interesting book he read yesterday.” (Answers)

Right. Do not take an example from such a boy. Remember that at the entrance to the classroom you need to carefully undress, culturally and politely greet your elders and your friends.

Teacher: What words of gratitude do you know?(Slide 10)

Thank you

Thank you

Thanks a lot

How often do you use them?

Why do we say "thank you"?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told? How many times?

Now let's play a game. I will read the story, and when you need to insert it into my story magic words(in chorus).(Slide 11)

“Once Vova Kryuchkov went to the theater. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova got up and told her: “Sit down ... (all together, please). The woman was very polite, thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly, the bus suddenly stopped. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ... (Excuse me, please).

Well, you know the magic words. Feel free to use them more often.

Teacher: What request words do you know?(Slide 12)



be kind

could you

Cancel, what if the word "please"?
Whether to repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps that without “please”
We become uncomfortable.

"Be kind" or "be kind"
These words are useful in conversation.
They are easy to talk to and at home:
Anyone would be happy to hear them.

Teacher: Now, guys, all together, let's solve this problem: The boy shouted to a passerby: "Tell me, what time is it now?" Turning to a passerby, the boy made three mistakes. Answer what?(Slide 14)

Teacher: “Two passers-by were walking along the street, the first was 62 years old, the other was 8 years old. The first had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books, a large bundle. One of the books fell. “Your book fell!” The boy shouted, catching up with the passerby. “Really?” he was surprised. “Of course,” the boy explained, “you had three books plus a briefcase plus a package - a total of 5 things, and now there are four.” “I see you know subtraction and addition well,” he said a passer-by, with difficulty lifting a book. "However, there are rules you haven't learned yet."

What rules was the old man talking about?

Well done! You have completed this task. And I hope that in life you will act like polite people.

Teacher: And now let's try to determine what kind of “experts” you are about the rules of politeness. To do this, let's play the game "Guess the polite word." I will start the situation, and you must continue the sentence.

Boy, polite and developed

He says when he meets... Hello.

Even an ice block will melt.
From the word warm ... Thank you

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... Good afternoon

If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom... Thank you!

When we are scolded for pranks,
We are talking...I'm sorry

Both France and Denmark
Saying goodbye… Goodbye.

Well done!

Teacher: Now, guys, let's solve this problem together.(Slide 17)

One girl complained to her mother: “We have such an impolite boy in our yard - he calls me Pebbles.”

“And what do you call him?” Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all,” Galya answered, I just shout to him: “Hey, you!”

Tell me, is Galya right?

Teacher: Now listen to V. Kudlachev's poem "Important words."(Slide 18)

The words "Goodbye!"
"Thank you!", "Sorry!",
"Please!", "Hello!"
Give generously. Give to passers-by
Friends and acquaintances
In the trolleybus, in the park,
Both at school and at home.

These words are very
And very important
They are to man
Like air, needed.

Without them it is impossible to live in the world.
These words should be given with a smile.

Teacher: Now let's play the polite-impolite game. I will name the situation, and you must determine whether the actions in it were polite or impolite.(Slide 19)

Invent nicknames for others ... (impolite)
- Say hello when you meet ... (politely)
- Push, do not apologize ... (impolitely)
- Help to get up, pick up a fallen thing ... (politely)
- Turning to an adult, do not get up ... (impolitely)
- Do not give way to an elderly person ... (impolitely)
- Take a ticket on the bus ... (politely)
- Talking loudly in a public place... (impolite)
- Boys in the room do not take off their hats ... (impolite)
- Respectfully talk about others ... (politely)
Well done!

Teacher: Today we met with polite words. What are these words? Why are they called magical?(Slide 20-21)

These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful, and kind words, and they became magical because you simply cannot live without them. These words must not only be well known, but also be able to pronounce them in a magical way, and it is not difficult to learn such magic, you just have to want to.

Here we are with you and remembered the magic words. I wish you never forget these words, grow up as attentive, kind, polite guys!
- You spend most of your time at school. Let's look at the next slide and say what's polite and what's not.(Slide 21-22)
Now let's listen to the "Rules of Polite Behavior in School."

If you want to answer
Can you raise your hand
And when they asked you
You must stand at the desk
Answer what you've been taught
And then you get "5".
- If the teacher enters the class,
Don't turn around, don't scream
And quietly stand at the desks,
Let the teacher look
How beautiful you stand
And then he tells you to sit down.
- Be diligent in class
And try to understand everything
And then no deuces, threes,
You will receive "5"
- Don't whisper in class.
And quietly chew sausage
Admire the raven outside the window,
And sniffling picking your nose.
- In the lesson it is desirable to listen to:
What will the teacher say now?
And try to study better
To make your class proud of you.


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Slides captions:


Good word, what a clear day.

Good morning Invented by someone simply and wisely At a meeting, say hello: - Good morning! - Good morning! Sun and birds! Good morning! Smiling faces. And everyone becomes kind, trusting... Let the good morning last until the evening. N. Krasilnikov

"Thank you", "Hello", "Sorry" He was not used to pronouncing The simple word "sorry" Did not overcome his tongue. Is there a student like this in your class?

When people say "Hello", they not only greet each other, but also wish health. Every meeting begins with a greeting. What words of greeting do you know?

Greetings Hello! Good afternoon Good morning! Good evening! Hello!

Good afternoon - you were told. -Good afternoon! - you answered As two threads connected Warmth and kindness. -Hello! you tell the person. -Hello! he smiles back. And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy And will be healthy for many years.

"Kostya comes to school in the morning. A teacher is standing at the door of his class. Kostya, seeing her, was delighted, ran up to her and began to tell what an interesting book he had read yesterday." What's wrong with Kostya?

Gratitude Thank you! Thank you Thank you very much!

Why do we say "thank you"? For everything they do for us. And we could not remember - Whom did they say? How many times?

Suddenly, a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Get in, the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova said: Insert the magic word

Words of request Be kind! Please! Be kind! Could you…

Cancel, what if the word "please"? Whether to repeat it every minute. No, perhaps that without "please" We feel uncomfortable. “Be kind” or “be kind” - These words are useful in conversation. They are easy to talk to and at home: Anyone will be pleased to hear them.

The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it now?” Turning to a passerby, the boy made mistakes. Answer what?

Words of apology sorry (those) sorry (those) guilty (a) I did not mean (a) to offend you

Add the word Boy, polite and developed He speaks when meeting ... Even an ice block will melt From a warm word ... The old stump will turn green When he hears ... If there is no more power Let's tell mom we ... When we are scolded for pranks, We say ... Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye ... hello thank you good afternoon thank you sorry, please goodbye

One girl complained to her mother: “We have such an impolite boy in the yard - he calls me Pebbles.” "And what do you call him?" Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all,” Galya answered, I just shout to him: “Hey, you!” Is Gail right?

Important words Goodbye, Thank you, Sorry, Please, Hello! Give generously. Give to passers-by, Friends and acquaintances, In a trolleybus, in a park, Both at school and at home. These words are very And very important, They are necessary for a person, Like air. Without them it is impossible to live in the world. These words should be given with a smile. V. Kudlachev

The game "Polite-impolite" - Invent nicknames for others ... - Say hello when you meet ... - Push, do not apologize ... - Help to get up, pick up a fallen thing ... - Do not give way to an elderly person ... - Talk loudly in a public place ... - Do not remove boys indoors hats… - Respectfully talking about others… impolite impolite impolite impolite impolite polite polite polite

Why magical? These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful, and kind words, and they became magical because you simply cannot live without them. These words must not only be well known, but also be able to pronounce them in a magical way, and it is not difficult to learn such magic, you just have to want to.

POLITE WORDS I'm very glad to see you, "Hello," I'll say now. And when I leave, "Goodbye," I'll tell everyone. I can not find the story, I will turn to a friend now. I will ask you to help me And "please" - I will say. Many different words in the world, Very different words. But "thank you" to everyone for good deeds.

What is the result? I wish you never forget the magic words, grow up as attentive, kind, polite guys! exit

Internet resources http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/0/36/568/36568942_solnce.gif http://www.alltime.ru/obj/catalog/watch/casio/img/big/ MTA-1010D-1A.jpg http://images.hayneedle.com/mgen/master:HMI231.jpg?is=1600,1600,0xffffff http://stat18.privet.ru/lr/http://img- fotki.yandex.ru/get/3809/lena-misk5555.0/0_2e827_8a10d89d_L http://fotogaleri.haber7.com/album/585720110329103353936.jpg http://aptmakc.ru/media/images/johnny_automatic_boy_playing_with_toy_truck.p http:/ /fotoramochki.com/personaj/clipart-16.png http://900igr.net/datai/chtenie/CHto-delaet-3.files/0017-019-Devochka-pojot.png http://img-fotki.yandex .ru/get/4607/valenta-mog.119/0_6c7b5_71d9b453_L.jpg http://i027.radikal.ru/0802/e6/d459b5a15bc8.png http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4 /78/263/78263024_smayl.png http://yoursmileys.ru/ksmile/giant/k28044.png

Occupation passport


Sections of the passport

Section content

Competition nomination

Development of extracurricular activities

Children's age

7-8 years old

Theme of the event

Class hour"Good and polite words»

Purpose of the event

Target: to promote the development of personal qualities of goodwill, responsiveness, attentiveness to each other and the development of friendly relations.

Event objectives


    to form friendly relationships in the team, based on mutual assistance and mutual support

Conduct form

Conversation game

"Kind and Polite Words"

Development of extracurricular activities.

Teacher primary school MBOU "Pokrovskaya secondary school"


Victoria Vladimirovna

Explanatory note

One of actual tasks facing educational institutions-preparation of a responsible citizen capable of independently thinking and evaluating what is happening. The solution of this problem is closely connected with the formation of stable moral qualities of the student's personality. This is facilitated by the spiritual and moral development and education of younger students. The proposed class hour "Kind and Polite Words" introduces the rules of polite behavior, teaches a friendly attitude towards peers, as well as the idea of ​​good and bad deeds. What the teacher puts into the soul of the child at this age will determine how he will build his relationship with the world around him in the future.

class theme: "Kind and polite words"

Location of the event in extracurricular activities: held as part of a series class hours conducted with 1st grade students in the first quarter. Form: conversation game

Target: promote the development of personal qualities of goodwill, responsiveness, attentiveness and the development of friendly relations with each other.


    to form in children the moral concept of “kindness”;

    develop adequate evaluation activities aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and the actions of people around;

    cultivate mutual respect, polite treatment, the ability to feel, understand oneself and another person;

    to form friendly relationships in the team, based on mutual assistance and mutual support.

This class hour is focused on the formation of the following UUD

Personal universal learning activities

orientation in the moral content and meaning of the actions of both one's own and those around them;

development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation towards their implementation, differentiation of moral norms, development of moral consciousness.

Communicative universal learning activities

allow the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the position of a partner in communication and interaction;

take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation;

to formulate own opinion and position;

negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest;

build statements that are understandable for the partner, taking into account what the partner knows and sees, and what is not;

use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory universal learning activities

accept and save learning task;

plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher;

distinguish between the method and the result of an action.

Cognitive universal learning activities

build a speech statement in oral form;

focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

extract essential information from the text;

establish causal relationships.

Necessary equipment : TCO (computer, projector), presentation “Say a word”, video “Fairy tales walk around the world”, posters with proverbs and sayings, flowers made of colored paper.

Class hour: "Kind and polite words"

Event progress

I. Introduction.

Children sit in groups

Guys, let's watch a video and sing a song together

"Smile" Annex 1

(children watch the video and sing the song)

Why do you think we started with the song "Smile"?

Of course, this makes the mood better, right?

And when such a song does not sound, do we remember that we must always treat another person carefully, cordially, kindly?


What do we call a person who never talks about it

does not forget, and therefore it is easy and pleasant for everyone to be with him?

(We call such a person polite and kind, well-mannered.)

What do you think the topic of our class hour is called?

(we will talk about politeness and good deeds)

True fellows! Today we will talk about politeness. After all, this is one of the most important qualities of an educated person.

The title "Polite and Kind Words" is revealed.

Politeness at school begins,

To never end.

It gets fixed over the years.

And stays with the person forever.

II. Main part.

1. Teacher's story .

Do X In the 5th century, “vezha” meant “expert”, one who knows the rules of decency, the generally accepted forms of expressing a good attitude towards people. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased to communicate with you.

Let's try to determine what kind of connoisseurs of the rules of politeness you are. Let's play for this.

2.Game "Polite - impolite."

If politely - clap twice, impolitely - be silent, do not clap.

Say hello at a meeting - the children clap,

Push and do not apologize - they are silent

Help to rise - clap,

Pick up fallen things - clap,

Do not pay on the bus - they are silent,

Do not give up your seat in transport - they are silent

Do not help grandmother - they are silent

Do you always use “magic” words when communicating with people?

(Yes, but sometimes we forget)

3.Preview presentation.

Let's watch the presentation and play the game "Tell me a word", each group has two questions

Even ice blocks melt
From a warm word...
(Thank you)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... ( forgive me please)

Green old stump
When he hears .... ( Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore
Let's tell mom we ... (Thank you)

Both France and Denmark
Saying goodbye...

The boy is polite and developed,
Says when meeting..(Hello)

You know the main polite words. But why does it happen that people know these polite words, but they do not always pronounce them and thereby upset those around them, friends?

4. Reading a poem.

a poem by S. Ya. Marshak “If you are polite ...”, which sums up all of the above.

And if you are polite
That in a conversation with my aunt,
Both with grandfather and grandmother
You won't beat them.

And if you are polite
That's what you need, comrade
Always without delay
Go to a squad meeting.

Don't waste it on comrades
Appearing in advance
Minutes for the meeting
Waiting hours!

And if you are polite
That's in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol
Take it forever.

And if you are polite
Will you return the book?
In neat, not smeared
And in the whole binding.

And if you are polite
For those who are weaker
You will be the protector
Do not be shy before the weak.

4. Work with proverbs.

Annex 3

There are very good proverbs, each group chooses a task for itself.

(printed proverbs lie upside down on the table)

Read and explain their meaning. The group discusses, then one student from the group explains the meaning.

"Kind word, what a clear day"

(A kind word gives joy, warmth, like the sun on a clear day).

Offend - what to hit, caress - you need to look for words.

(It's easy to offend a person, but to do good you need to try and make an effort)

Autumn is red with fruits, and man with deeds.

(To be a good person, you need to do good and good deeds) ).

5.View video Appendix 4

Watch the clip carefully and tell me what familiar fairy tales you saw here, where good triumphs over evil.( Morozko, Geese - Swans, Snow Queen, Cinderella, Little Humpbacked Horse, etc.)

6. Game "Compliment"

Children take turns sitting on a chair, the rest make compliments. They speak only of the good qualities of the seated person.






beautiful, etc.).

III. Final part.

1.Practical work.

Annex 5

Guys, you have flowers cut out of paper that you made in technology lessons on your desk. Write on them a good deed that you want to do today, we will create a clearing of "good deeds."

Children write their good deeds on flowers cut out of paper, come up in turn to the board, and, saying their good deed, attach it to a clearing (magnetic board)

(I'll help my mom in the kitchen. I'll help dad clean the snow in the yard. I will always help my grandmother, etc.)

Guys, you will finish school and become doctors, teachers, artists, engineers. But first of all, you must grow up to be real people: kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite. And this also needs to be learned. That's why try to use magic words as often as possible, from which you become warmer, happier and brighter.
There is great power in the word. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, can help dispel a bad mood.

2. Song performance Appendix 6

And in conclusion, we will perform the well-known song “The Road of Kindness” to all of you.


What did you like today?

What do you remember?

What have you learned?

Guys, Show emoticons what mood you are in right now.

(children show emoticons)

Class hour in 2nd grade. Abstract.

Author: Khusnutdinova Elmira Ferdinandovna.
Student of the Naberezhnye Chelny Pedagogical College.

Lesson summary for class 2. "Polite words and deeds."

Target:- to form moral qualities in students.
Tasks:- clarify and expand the idea of ​​politeness;
- learn to use polite words correctly;
- educate positive character traits;
Equipment: poems, riddles, puzzles, tokens

Class time course:

1. Motivational moment.
- Good morning to all those who slept well!
- Good morning to all those who came to school in a good mood!
- I wish you all a good day and high spirits
- Guys, today we are going to the country, it is unusual, it is not on the map,
however, it exists. Everyone can live in this country, but there are their own rules, their own customs, and those who violate these rules are automatically deprived of citizenship. So, today we will try to get the citizenship of this country. And in order to find out the name of this country, we must collect the syllables that got mixed up from the breath of the wind. Let's get this job done. Who wants to go to the board and solve this problem.
- Well done! Solved the secret. It is called "Land of Courtesy".
- Guys, we will travel on such a bus.
- Guys, in order to start our journey, let's remember:
What polite words do you know? (children's answers)
Why are polite words necessary? (children's answers)
- What is "politeness"?
(children's answers)
- Politeness It is a good behavior, a respectful attitude. The word "politeness" comes from the outdated word "knowledge", which means "courtesy", "scholarship".
- So, let's go!

Station 1

Guys, our first station is called "A Lesson in Courtesy"
To pass this station, we need to solve the problem.
- Guys, now I will give you leaflets with a poem, and you need to read it and underline the polite words with a pencil. We will work in pairs.
An elephant gives way to an ant:
- Good morning! Are we in a hurry?
And the ant: - Oh, thank you, I'm in a hurry.
How kind you are! I beg your pardon!
(children's answers)
- Well done! Right.
So let's continue our journey.

Station 2.

– Look, what is the name of our next station?
- Right, "Make a proverb"
- I think you have heard such a proverb "A kind word and a cat is pleased." How do you understand it?
(children's answers)
- And now I suggest you connect the parts of the proverbs. Look at the board, the beginning of the proverb is written on the first column, and their end is written in the other column. But their ends are messed up, your task is to find the end and finish the proverb correctly.
Life is given ------- speak boldly
An affectionate word --- so you will be known
About a good deed - for good deeds
How do you live ---- better than a soft pie
- Guys, how do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?
- Okay, well done. You know the proverbs.

Station 3.

- Guys, look what is the name of our next station?
- That's right, "Confusion"
- Guys, I will give you tasks. The words are written there, but the letters are mixed up. You need to "unravel" the words.
(thank you, thank you, have a good trip, good night)
- Well done! Do you know what the words "thank you" and "thank you" mean?
(children's answers)
- Word "Thank you" is a word expressing gratitude for something. According to the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to thank for even a small favor. The word "thank you" appeared in Russian at the beginning of the 20th century. It comes from the phrase "God save". When we say “thank you” to another person, we wish him to be saved by God.
- Word "Thank you" formed from two words: good and give. Saying this word, you share a part of your good and return good for good. The word "thank you" comes from the Russian word "thank you", that is, "I give thanks"
- Guys, now let's see cartoon (Luntik Nevezhi) . Look carefully, then I'll ask you questions.
- Guys, did the caterpillars do the right thing by not apologizing to General Sher?
- Did Luntik do the right thing by teaching the caterpillars polite words?
Guys, do you always do this?
- In what cases it is desirable to use polite words?

Station 4.

Guys, we continue our journey through the country of Politeness.
- So, our next station is called "If you are polite"
- I call two willing participants to the board. And I tell them situations that you will have to show. You will use these phones to communicate with each other.
1. You offended your friend. And you try to apologize. How will you do it?
2. You want to invite friends to a birthday party. How will you do it?
3. Your friends invite you to the movies, but you can't go with them. How will you respond to their offer?

5 Station "Polite".

Guys, why are polite words also called “magic”? What "magic" words do you know?
A game "Say a word"
- Now I will make riddles, and you will need to finish the word.
1. I met Vitya neighbor.
The meeting was sad.
On me he is like a torpedo,
Came in from around the corner!
But - imagine! - in vain from Viti
I was waiting for the words .... (Sorry)
2. Grandfather said about his granddaughter:
“What a shame!
I gave her a bear.
I see - very happy!
But you can't be silent like a fish.
Well, I would say ... (Thanks)
3. To Octopussy Flounder
I swam on Monday
And on Tuesday goodbye
She said: "..." (Goodbye!)
4. Katya baby Ignatka
Laid to sleep in bed
He doesn't want to play anymore
Says: “…” (Good night!)
5. Lisa Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
Cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, do not complain,
And say: "..." (Please!)
6. Rita girl near the path
The table is set for a dog and a cat.
Having arranged the bowls, Rita will tell them
“Eat! Have a nice…”
- Well done!
The game "Be careful!"
- Now, we'll have a little rest. I will ask questions, and if you agree, you must answer "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"
Which of you, waking up cheerfully,
"Good morning!" say firmly?
(children's answers)
Who are you okay with
Bag, books and notebooks?
(children's answers)
Which one of you is silent like a fish
Instead of a good "thank you"?
(children's answers)
Which one of you, brothers,
Forgetting to wash?
(children's answers)
Which one of you is in the cramped tram
Giving way to seniors?
(children's answers)
Who wants to be polite
Doesn't hurt kids?
(children's answers)
2. Final part.
So, guys, our journey has come to an end. We went through all the stations and solved all the problems. And we can safely get the citizenship of this country.
- Let's say those magic words again to get the citizenship of the Land of Courtesy.
- If we are polite
Every day and every hour -
The world will become happier
Millions of times!
- Guys, do not forget the polite "magic" words. They will help you to be educated people.
- Our class is over. Thanks to all.

Polite words and courtesies

Very close to compliments in terms of impact on a person are polite and kind words, so let's talk about them. We have lost the habit of saying pleasant things to each other “just like that”, everyone is internally ready to hear rudeness. Therefore, we always associate a kind word either with flattery or with a desire to get something.

A kind word is just support, an expression of good feelings.

Politeness is the observance of the rules of decency, good manners, courtesy, internal culture.

Courtesy is friendly, courteous words, pleasant, precautionary treatment.

“A polite man should treat his wife in the same way as a stranger, only ten times more polite,” Bernard Shaw said.

Being polite does not mean being intelligent, but true intelligence is impossible without politeness, a culture of behavior and a culture of speech.

The words of Dmitry Likhachev have already become textbook: "You cannot pretend to be an intellectual."

Psychologists have created a "theory of roles and masks." For example, he put on the mask of a brave person - that is, he began to force himself to do bold deeds - you see, and indeed, he became a brave person, the role became part of the character, "the mask grew". He began to speak polite words and improved his upbringing.

By educating politeness in a child, they simultaneously educate the moral principle, form a moral consciousness, and develop the habit of speaking polite words.

A little boy was given a toy, he was so happy that he forgot about everything.

What should be said? - Mom brings him back to earth.

Thank you.

Well done, next time say thank you without being reminded.

A person may be insufficiently educated, but polite enough. Having a degree and being polite are not the same thing.

Here are some polite words:"Please…". "Be kind..." "Sorry". "Thank you". "Thank you". "Please". "You are very kind". "Could you…". "My regards". "Do not take it for work ...". "I'm sorry to trouble you". "If you don't mind..." "How can I help you?". "Do not refuse courtesy ...". "Be so kind…". "You are very kind". "You spoke to me very politely." "I'm happy for you". "Thank you. You have served me very well." "You did everything for me that you could." "You did a great job." "Is there anything I can do to help you?" "I have the honor to bow."

As you can see, this undying old-fashioned courtesy and courtesy does not require an outlay of money. And another advantage of being polite is that it elicits politeness in return. "As it comes around, it will respond." It follows that being polite is profitable. Remember the national trait of the Japanese - excellent politeness and smiles. We are not very spoiled for politeness. When I get a phone call, I pick up the phone and immediately say either "Hello" or "Good morning, afternoon or evening." It happens that my subscriber falls into a slight shock, cannot recover for a long time, and then either hangs up or says that he has a wrong number.

However, not everything is so simple - politeness must be sincere. Emphasized polite behavior can be offensive. Even Democritus said: "If you go beyond the measure, then the most pleasant will become the most unpleasant." So, politeness without a moral basis can take the form of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, mannerisms. The source of good manners and "external graceful behavior" (N. Shelgunov) is love for people, goodwill, which is wealth spiritual world man and the basis of his morality. And in the absence of good manners, a sense of proportion and the ability to show one's moral feelings in an appropriate form, virtue can turn into an insult, excessive courtesy can turn out to be obsession, good nature - flattery, and wit - buffoonery.

The reverse of politeness and courtesy is rudeness, uncouthness, rudeness. Unfortunately, the vaunted "cool" - strong-willed, brave and strong people - are often just rude boors. You did not notice that a rude person is simply ugly and outwardly.

There are words that have amazing effects - these are conspiracies, slander (slander), slander, spells ... These words have either witchcraft or healing power if they are spoken by a sorcerer or doctor, and if, of course, you believe in them. Here is a wonderful "Love Conspiracy", imbued with touching hope.

“I will light a candle in the darkness of the night, I will bow to it three times humbly and I will say conspiracy words: “Oh, you are great spirits, bright, evil-attack from love, you hear me praying to you, do not extinguish the candle that I lit, lit it with a pure thought: she did not lure someone else's husband, but lit for the sake of her husband (groom) beloved, promised to me by fate itself.

And I pray you, spirits of light, endow your fire with strength, good, all-pervading power, protecting love from death. You will light a fire in the heart of a darling, illuminate all the bends in it, shine it to the very bottom - I feel there is a cold piece of ice - the jealousy of a fierce evil lovebird. Melt that prickly ice floe, return it with fuel with a tear.

And I also beg you, good spirits, kindle a fire in the blood of the darling, so that in love he is tender and furious and, like a sip of water in the hottest heat, a kiss would be sweet to him.

And for the third time I beg you, spirits of light, protect my pure love, save my husband (groom) beloved with a faithful heart, not shared with anyone.

This is the poetry of the soul! And why, in fact, young beautiful woman at least for a while can not be a happy gourmet? Those people who demand a lot and give a lot get more. If you behave like a queen, as “priceless” and “desirable”, then men will consider you priceless and desirable. Those who behave like a king are treated like a king.

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- Class hour: "Polite words"

Expand the stock of "polite words".

Encourage children to understand the importance of being polite.

Cultivate a kind, polite relationship with each other.

Teacher: - Guys, let's talk about words today. These are ordinary, kind, simple and useful words, they are also called magic. Collect in groups a word from scattered syllables / politeness-li-vost /

Who guessed what words we'll be talking about?

That's right, the topic of our class hour is "Polite words"

And they became polite because without them it is simply impossible to live in the world.

Do you guys know what the word "politeness" means?

Until the 16th century, the word "vezha" was widely used in Russian. (A card with the word is attached to the board.) Vezha - from the words "know", "know". Vezha is a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. Hence the "politeness", which later turned into "politeness". (Cards with words, vezha, vezhe, politeness.) Vezhe is a valuable and obligatory quality. Therefore, they taught courtesy in schools along with reading and writing and prayers.

You finish school, choose a profession to your liking. But first of all, you must become real people: well-mannered, polite,

Don't be shy loud, bold

Speak: ...(Thank you)

Teddy Bear played football in the kitchen

And accidentally broke the dishes.

To the Bear - mother, the downcast came:

... (Forgive) me, mom, I won't do it anymore!

Even an ice block will melt from the word of warm THANK YOU.

The old stump will turn green when you hear GOOD DAY.

The boy, polite and developed, says, meeting, HELLO.

When we are scolded for pranks, we say, SORRY, PLEASE.

In the soul, not for the mind

In the trolleybus you will help

Climb the disabled.

That sitting in the classroom,

Don't be with a friend

To crackle like two magpies.

Help you mom

And offer her help

Without asking, that is, on their own.

If you are polite

Then in a conversation with my aunt

Both with grandfather and grandmother

You won't beat them.

If you are polite

For those who are weaker

You will be the protector

Do not be shy before the strong.

By the class hour, you have prepared proverbs and sayings about politeness and kindness. Introduce us to them, let's think about what they are talking about.

I want to introduce you to other proverbs that need to be composed.

Game "Make a proverb"

- Connect the parts of the proverbs:

Learn good - for good deeds

An affectionate word and you will pass for it.

Life is given to the bad mind will not go.

How you live is better than a soft pie.

Feel free to talk about a good deed.


I suggest you relax and solve funny riddles. These riddles are special. If they teach kindness and politeness, then in response you must say in unison: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" Be careful, listen, do not be distracted, say the right words in time, and keep silent about a harmful riddle.

"Good morning!" say firmly?

Who are you okay with

Bag, books and notebooks

Which of you is silent like a fish

Instead of a good "thank you"?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

Which of you is in the tram close

Giving way to seniors?

Who wants to be polite

Doesn't hurt kids?

Our class is our family. I think that each of you wants this family to be kind, prosperous, so let's stand in a circle, join hands and give each other positive energy. (Completing a task)

No matter how we communicate - in words, through handshakes, we must be kind, polite and give each other joy.

Song "If you are good"
