Class: 2

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Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching younger students. The success of the study of the course of literary reading ensures the effectiveness in other subjects elementary school. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard special meaning attached to the technologies of active learning. In order to be successful in life (for example, to have a desired profession), it is necessary to form the ability to learn in yourself, which means to find useful and necessary information to achieve your goal. I consider it important and relevant in the classroom to raise the topics of the formation in children of the ability to adequately respond to the world, education resistance to laziness and frivolity. Revealing life position can be built on negative examples of literary works. Pupils discussing the motives of the characters' behavior, correlating them with moral norms, realize the spiritual and moral meaning of the read work. All this contributes to the formation of self-assertion of the student.

Lesson type: lesson acquaintance with a literary work.

Didactic purpose of the lesson: organize joint activities of students in order to get acquainted with the features of the fable.


subject: to introduce students to the personality of Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his fables, to distinguish a fable from other works.


  • cognitive: develop the ability to perceive by ear and consciously read the work; build a speech statement in oral form; establish causal relationships; make a generalization; to teach to see and feel the deep meaning of the fable behind the lines of the work; develop good moral character.
  • communicative: to form the ability to take into account different opinions and listen to the opinion of classmates; enter into a dialogue; participate in a group discussion;
  • regulatory: teach to put learning task in collaboration with classmates; plan your actions; independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of actions;
  • personal: form a motivational basis learning activities; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; develop the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

Teaching methods:

By the nature of educational and cognitive activity:problem-search.

According to the method of organizing the implementation of cognitive activity: verbal, visual, practical.

According to the degree of pedagogical management by the teacher: methods of indirect management of educational and cognitive activity of students with the help of information sources.

Forms of organization of educational activities: frontal, group, individual.

Means of education:

  • L.F Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky. Textbook "Literary reading" - M .: Education, 2011.
  • Dictionary Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological units / S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Swedes; Ros. Acad. Sciences. Institute of Russian language. them. V.B. Vinogradova.-4th ed., add. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.
  • computer presentation
  • Handout
  • Collection "Formation of information skills of younger students." – St. Petersburg, 2011

Planned results:

Subject: the student will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the personality of Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his fable "Dragonfly and Ant".


  • cognitive: the student will have the opportunity to learn to perceive the work by ear; build a speech statement in oral form; establish causal relationships; make a generalization; consciously read the fable in order to satisfy interest, gain reading experience;
  • communicative: the student will have the opportunity to learn to listen to different points of view; enter into a dialogue; to formulate one's own opinion, to participate in a collective discussion,
  • regulatory: the student will have the opportunity to set a learning task in cooperation with classmates; plan your actions; independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of actions;
  • personal: the student will have the opportunity to form the motivational basis of educational activities; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; develop the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

During the classes

Teacher activity Student activities Note
Organizing time
Organization and verification of the workplace, creating a positive emotional state of students Checking the readiness of the workplace for the lesson.
In addition to the usual educational supplies in the lesson, students will need handouts in the form of envelopes with diagrams and words.
Stage of motivation and goal setting
Organization of frontal work.
- Read and determine the genre of the work (Slide 3)
- What is a pseudonym?
- Which writer in his youth took such a pseudonym for himself?
- Let's remember what a fable is, what is ridiculed in fables, the purpose of writing fables.
How is the fable different? (Slide 4)

Reading the text on the slide3 Students determine the genre, determine the pseudonym of the fabulist.
Students express their opinions and reason.

The teacher uses a multimedia complex to show a presentation.
Preparation for the initial perception of the text.
Organization of frontal work.
Guess the riddle and solve the rebus. (Slide 5)
- Guess what fable we will meet today?
Who wrote this fable? (Slide 6)
- Ivan Krylov borrowed the idea of ​​the fable about the Dragonfly and the Ant from the fabulist La Fontaine, who, in turn, spied on the plot from the lesser-known ancient Greek writer Aesop (Slide 7)
- Who will formulate the topic of our lesson?

Students guess a rebus, a riddle, formulate the name of the fable.

Students determine the topic of the lesson.

At this stage, the teacher needs to voice the names of the fables written by I. Krylov.
Stage of primary perception
Organization of frontal work.
- Listen, the fable "Dragonfly and Ant." Theater and film actor Igor Masyuk reads the text. (Slide 7)
Verification of primary perception:
- Did you like the fable?
- Try to formulate the theme of the fable, what is it about?
- Read the fable again. Checking secondary reading. Organization of work in groups.
- Set the sequence of illustrations and select fragments from the fable (slide 8)

Students listen to the text of the fable

Students reason, express their assumptions, learn to formulate conclusions based on the information received. Students learn to listen to the opinions of classmates, supplement, correct.
Independent reading of the fable.
Group work. Students learn to set a learning task, plan their actions, distribute tasks. Learn to negotiate and interact with each other.

The teacher needs to remember what it means to define a topic.

Analysis of a literary work
Motivation for rereading and analyzing the work:
- If you analyze the fable very carefully, focusing on each word, then you can understand any work, despite the huge number of incomprehensible words and expressions. Working with the lexical meaning of words and expressions. (Slides 9-11)

Children's assumptions about the lexical meaning of obsolete words and expressions: winter rolls into the eyes, the pure field has become dead, depressed with evil longing, spring waters, godfather, gossip.
Organization of frontal work of students:
- Describe the characters of the fable (Slide 12)
- What can you say about the Ant? Describe it.
- What do you represent Dragonfly? (Slide 12)
- Do you feel sorry for Dragonfly?
Did the Ant do the right thing?

Students describe the characters in the fable.

Students express and defend their opinion.
Students learn to listen to the opinions of their classmates.

Organization independent work students:
Choose how you want to work in pairs, groups or on your own? (The teacher distributes cards.)
- Your task is to make a proverb using arrows from letters and syllables.
- Look at the screen (Slide 13)
- Try to make a second proverb using the syllables and letters on the screen (Slide 14)
What proverb fits the fable and why?
The teacher's story about the history of the creation of the monument to the fabulist (Slide 15)

Students complete assignments

Students learn to make proverbs, prove the correctness of their choice.

The students listen attentively to the story about the creation of the monument in the Summer Garden.

In addition to the usual educational supplies in the lesson, students will need handouts in the form of envelopes with cards
The stage of summing up the lesson. Reflection.
Organization of valuation activities.
What work did we meet today?
Who wrote this fable?
- What did we do in class today?
- Which task did you like best?

How do you rate your work in class?
– Raise the red circle if you think you have been active in the lesson;
- a yellow circle if you think you can work better;
- green - tried, but worked inactively

Children's statements.
Students learn to listen to their classmates' answers.

Self-assessment of activities in the classroom.
Students evaluate their work in the lesson in accordance with the tasks.

Business time - fun hour.

Guess what literary genre we will study in today's lesson?

small volume

Animal or plant characters

Animals are spoken of as people

Often in verse form


Fable - this is a short ___________, in which ___________________________ act, but _ are implied ________ ______,

their __________________.

In fables ridiculed _____________ _____ of people: _____________


The fable contains a moral

The purpose of the fables

animals, plants

actions, behavior


envy, greed, laziness

name a vice, educate on a negative example.

Guess the riddle and solve the rebus

Who are they? Where? Whose? Black streams flow. friendly little dots They build their own house on a hillock.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

(1769 - 1844)

Russian writer, fabulist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841). He published satirical magazines "Mail of Spirits" (1789) and others. He wrote tragedies and comedies, opera librettos. In 1809 - 1843 created more than 200 fables imbued with a democratic spirit, distinguished by satirical poignancy, bright and accurate language. They denounced social and human vices. N.V. Gogol called the fables of I. Krylov "... the book of the wisdom of the people themselves."

Dead field -

the fields are empty, the birds do not sing, the insects hid. There is dead silence in the field.

explain lexical meaning words and expressions

winter came fast

Winter rolls in the eyes -

upset, offended

Evil melancholy dejected -

Spring days are spring days when streams murmur.

Kum, (gossip) - in those days they addressed a familiar man (woman) like that


Have you been singing? This business:

So come on, dance!

Walk, walk, don't walk!


In the morning the Dragonfly woke up

Stretched, smiled

Washed with dew,

Two - gracefully circled,

Three - bent down and sat down,

On four - flew,

Stopped by the river

Circled over the water.

Group work.

Group 1 - characterize the Ant

Group 2 - characterize the Dragonfly

Describe the characters in the fable


The ant is fair...




not serious...

Dragonfly is true...


  • Learn by heart Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant"
  • Draw one of the characters.
  • Who else wrote the Dragonfly and Ant fable? (Internet)



Monument to Krylov in the Summer Garden

While working on the monument to Krylov, a whole menagerie was housed in the house of the sculptor Klodt: a donkey, a cat, dogs, a wolf, monkeys, a sheep with lambs, a fox, a crane, a frog and many others.

slide 2

Someone is tired of fairy tales, And someone is captivated by fairy tales. And our best lesson Let's start with the names we know.

slide 3

Fable by Ivan Andreevich Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

  • slide 4

    slide 5

    A fable is a short, most often poetic story, where animals, birds, trees, things act instead of people, and tells about their life. In a fable there is always a lesson or moral, advice. In morality, stupid or bad deeds are condemned.

    slide 6

    Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844)

  • Slide 7

    Physical education minute

  • Slide 8

    The life of ants is very complex and rich in various interesting facts. The main sense organ in ants is not sight, but smell and touch, the functions of which are performed by the antennae. It must be remembered that anthills always need protection.

    Slide 9

    The dragonfly is a predator, it feeds on other insects, such as mosquito larvae. Dragonflies, without turning their heads, can see what is happening behind.

    Slide 10

    Dictionary work: - dejected - upset - spring - spring - I didn’t have time to look back - everything passed very quickly - the field turned dead - The harvest was harvested. Flowers and herbs withered. - as under each of her leaves both the table and the house were ready - everywhere she could find shelter. - and who will go into the mind - no one will think

    slide 11

    Physical education minute

    slide 12

    Questions: - Which of the heroes of the fable did you like and why? - How did the Dragonfly live in the summer? Read. - How did the life of a dragonfly change with the onset of winter? - To whom did the Dragonfly go for help? With what request did she turn to the Ant? - Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly or not? Explain your answer. - What would you do in Ant's place? Why? - What did I.A. Krylov want to tell us with his fable? - On the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant, whose actions are depicted in the fable?

    The long-awaited call is given, the lesson begins.

    Come to us without delay diligence.

    Help us to work hard, We came here to learn.

    What works are these illustrations for? ?

    « I love where there is a chance

    pinch the vices"

    I.A. Krylov


    • is a literary genre short form storytelling,
    • where animals, birds, things act, and people are meant by them, their vices are ridiculed.
    • There must be a moral in a fable

    which most often stands out as an independent part of it and is located either at the beginning or at the end of the fable.

    Warm up

    Kill me without a job

    The ant cannot live.

    Over a meadow where goats graze,

    Dragonflies flutter on transparent wings.







    hard worker


    Moral of the fable

    I.A. Krylova "Dragonfly and Ant".

    Cover layout

    I. A. Krylov

    dragonfly and


    Not scary

    not know something.

    The main thing is to understand

    how to find the information you need

    from what sources.

    How to work in pairs.

    • Work together.
    • Feel free to express your opinion.
    • Respect the opinion of the other.
    • Listen patiently to the thoughts of others.
    • Find the right solution together.

    • 1. What is the name of the fable? Who is its author? Is it in verse or prose?
    • 2. Who are the main characters in the fable?
    • 3. How are the heroes of the fable shown? Read how the author describes them.
    • 4. What is condemned in the fable?
    • 5. What unfamiliar words and expressions met in the fable?


    Turned his head.

    Winter rolls in the eyes.

    Dead silence in the field

    I forgot about everything.

    In soft ants we have.

    Didn't have time to look back.

    I don't want to think.

    Winter suddenly came.

    It will go to mind.

    It passed quickly.

    The field is dead.


    Evil melancholy dejected.

    We have soft grass.

    It's important to know

    • Irony - subtle, hidden mockery
    • Allegory is an allegory.

    Moral of the fable

    "Did you sing along? This business:

    So go ahead and dance!”

    Collect proverbs

    • Hurry up, it's time for fun.
    • Deal time, you will lose the last.
    • If you want a lot, you will make people laugh.
    • Which character in the fable do you sympathize with?

    AND . I. Khemnitser, L. N. Tolstoy

    Fable comparison.

    Text entry form. (poetic, prose)

    Moral of the fable

    Allegory (industriousness, frivolity, greed, mercy)


    • Expressive reading of the fable by roles.
    • Come up with your own end to the fable, if the Ant still let the Dragonfly live with him, draw an illustration for the fable.
    • Expressive reading of a fable by heart.

    I think today in class...

    Everything worked out for me, I am satisfied with my work.

    I did not succeed, but I am satisfied with my work.

    I know the theoretical material well, but in practical work I didn't get everything.

    It was difficult and incomprehensible for me.

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