Important! At the end of the article, a video seminar is presented on the topic "Organization of the work of the psychological and pedagogical service"

Sample map of the individual development of the child
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IN modern conditions requiring constant improvement in the quality of education, individualization of education, the possibility of assessing the individual preparation of a student, becomes important.

This is a system of psychological and pedagogical influences of a teacher on a student, aimed at identifying the level of motivation and increasing the effectiveness of training. It makes it easier for the student to study, to be less tired, to achieve better results in accordance with his abilities.

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This system involves improving the quality of education of each student due to: reliance on the personal and cognitive resources of students, i.e.:

  • updating them in the classroom;
  • creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest or personal qualities;
  • minimizing the consequences of cognitive and personal limitations of students.

Individual student development map

Personal and cognitive limitations are qualities that can prevent a student from learning at the level of his abilities, blocking his desire for a high educational result.
Individualization of learning involves the knowledge of teachers of the individual and cognitive style (IPS) of students.

IPS manifests itself in the following aspects:

  • the form in which the student operates with information (the language of cognitive processes - images, symbols, words);
  • "way" by which information is processed (logic, intuition, associative links);
  • information processing speed;
  • time and conditions for the implementation of full-fledged cognitive activity;
  • the method and effectiveness of managing the process of cognitive activity;
  • distribution of productive and reproductive types of cognitive activity;
  • conditions and ways to overcome failures and achieve goals;
  • conditions and factors influencing the increase or decrease in cognitive activity.

Individualization is carried out along three main lines: educational interaction, organization of students' study time and forms of educational tasks. Individualization of learning is necessary at all stages of the lesson - during a survey for verification homework explaining new material.

It is necessary to distinguish between individualization and differentiation of learning. The latter determines the difficulty or ease, the level of accessibility of the task. different forms tasks during differentiation are aimed at changing the level of difficulty, during individualization - at increasing the efficiency of completing educational tasks.

Individual card The development of a student child is compiled according to the following scheme:

1. An employee of the psychological service diagnoses the personal and cognitive characteristics of students, organizes informational meetings with children, parents, class teachers. Based on the information received, a map of the individual development of the child is drawn up in the prescribed form.

2. An employee of the psychological service and class teachers jointly prepare for the council, develop recommendations for the class and individual students.

3. At the consultation, subject teachers get acquainted with the recommendations for the class and individual students.

4. In the event of learning and behavioral difficulties in the classroom for individual students, subject teachers refer to the recommendations presented in the student's individual card.

If there is insufficient information in the individual development map of the student child, subject teachers make a request to the teacher-psychologist with a request:

  • find out the cause of these difficulties;
  • develop recommendations for optimizing learning and learning interaction;
  • invite parents for joint counseling in order to coordinate actions;
  • find literature to improve the effectiveness of teaching in this class;
  • help to establish effective communication with the student.

5. Klassruk and an educational psychologist monitor how subject teachers organize individual approach on lessons.

It is convenient for subject teachers to use not an individual student card, but class cards.

How a map is made individual development the child can be seen in the samples presented.

  • Last name, first name: Semyonov Sasha.
  • Type nervous system: weak.
  • left.
  • Activity pace: at the beginning of the school day - a sharp maximum jump, in the middle of the first half of the day - a sharp decline in the pace of activity, by the end of the first half of the day - a slight rise, by the beginning of the second half of the day - a decrease, by the end of the day the pace of activity increases.
  • due to sharp jumps in the pace of activity, fatigue sets in quickly, the time of greatest efficiency is the first half of the day, sometimes self-preparation.
  • auditory, kinesthetic.
  • Motivation for learning: average.
  1. The ability to follow instructions is a very low level.
  2. Mathematical abilities (the ability to perform mathematical operations, identify patterns and, based on them, predict) - low level.
  3. Verbal thinking (revealing connections between concepts, finding similar concepts, analysis and synthesis of concepts, language structure) is below the norm.
  1. Position in the class is neglected.
  2. The level of anxiety at school increases in situations where Sasha experiences a strong sense of loneliness, when he lacks the warmth and support of adults.
  1. To equalize the pace of activity, it is necessary to avoid high loads at the beginning of the school day. However, this is the most successful time for control work. It is necessary to teach work according to the instructions: ask the boy to repeat, draw up an algorithm or work plan. Useful additional classes on the development of thinking. Motivation for learning can be increased by appealing to the boy's maturity, as well as demonstrating confidence in his success.
  2. It is necessary to show interest in Sasha's success and celebrate his achievements both in school and in other areas not related to it, especially in the presence of parents. In cases of emotional breakdowns, switch attention, for example, ask the boy to wash the blackboard or go for chalk. It is useful at such moments to have an adult talk to him quietly or use humor.
  1. The amount of homework. In connection with rapid fatigue, it is necessary to teach the boy to carefully plan his homework.
  2. Oral items. It is useful for Sasha to use visual images when answering.
  3. Written items. Due to weak internal control, the boy needs external adult control.
  4. Taboo (strictly prohibited). It is impossible to ignore any behavior of Sasha, it is important to understand what exactly he wants to say with this behavior.
  5. "Storm harbingers" are behavioral signs of a subsequent emotional outburst. In situations of strong emotional arousal, he can scream loudly, fight, refuse to fulfill any requests, and swear.

Sample 1
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Individual development map of a student child: sample

  • Last name, first name: Ivanov Grisha.
  • Type of nervous system: average.
  • Dominant hemisphere of the brain: right.
  • Activity pace: at the beginning of the school day - the maximum sharp jump, by the middle of the first half of the day there is a sharp decline in the pace, which lasts until the end of the day.
  • Fatigue and performance working capacity is maintained in the first half of the day.
  • Leading representational system: visual.
  • Motivation for learning: average.

The level of formation of cognitive processes:

  1. Ability to follow instructions is below par.
  2. Mathematical abilities (the ability to perform mathematical operations, identify patterns and, based on them, predict) are below the norm.

Personal and communicative features:

  1. The level of anxiety at school is normal, but it can increase in situations of presenting oneself in front of the class and is expressed in aggressive behavior towards classmates.
  1. It is necessary to teach work according to the instructions: ask the boy to repeat, draw up an algorithm or work plan. Additional classes on the development of thinking are advisable. It is useful to increase learning motivation by demonstrating the boy's success to the class and encouraging his peers to approve of his educational success.
  2. Support Grisha's undertakings, celebrate successes in front of the class, make him responsible for completing any task and support manifestations of the masculine principle.
  1. The amount of homework. Able to fulfill its full scope, but individually (without the help of friends) and with careful supervision of an adult.
  2. Oral items. When preparing them, it is necessary to speak out loud to an adult (teacher) several times.
  3. Written items. It is necessary to teach the boy to plan the execution of tasks, to encourage what is done right.
  4. Taboo (strictly prohibited). Ignore vulgar jokes about girls (it is important to show Grisha how he looks at this moment from the outside).

Sample 2
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Map of the individual development of the child: sample

  • Last name, first name: Petrov Vasya.
  • Type of nervous system: medium weak.
  • Dominant hemisphere of the brain: ambidextrous (left-right).
  • Activity pace: the maximum jump at the beginning of the school day is replaced by a decline in the pace of activity until the middle of the second half of the day, then there is a slight rise and then a final decline in the pace of activity.
  • Fatigue and performance despite the sharp ups and downs in the rate of severe fatigue during the day is not observed.
  • Leading representational system: auditory.
  • Motivation for learning: very high.

The level of formation of cognitive processes:

  1. Ability to follow instructions is normal.
  2. Mathematical abilities (the ability to perform mathematical operations, identify patterns and, based on them, predict) are normal.
  3. Verbal thinking (revealing links between concepts, finding similar concepts, analysis and synthesis of concepts, language structure) is normal.

Personal and communicative features:

  1. The position in the team is popular.
  2. The level of anxiety at school increases in situations in which Vasya needs to defend his dignity and the right to his own opinion, as well as when answering at the blackboard in front of the class in the lesson.
  1. The cognitive sphere does not require additional influences.
  2. It is useful in the classroom, if possible, to give the boy creative tasks, the result of which must be presented in front of the class. You can involve him in class activities related to drawing or decorating the office, that is, give tasks where he can show his creative abilities.
  1. The amount of homework. Able to perform full volume after a long active rest.
  2. Oral items. The boy needs to practice before public oral responses, for example, to reproduce the material covered in the presence of other people (teachers, classmates).
  3. Written items. Give them the opportunity to complete tasks in their own way.
  4. Taboo (strictly prohibited). Say in front of classmates: "You, Vasya, as always, well done, you did the best!"
  5. "Storm harbingers" are behavioral signs of a subsequent emotional outburst. Not observed.

Sample 3
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Group map of individual development: psychological profile of class 9 "B"

1. Type of nervous system (NS) and performance

The class is dominated by medium-weak (35%) and weak (35%) types of NS. A significant part of the class (47%) is able to withstand the load only in the first half of the day. To prevent premature fatigue of students with a medium-weak type of NS, do not allow unexpected changes in the daily routine. It is necessary to clearly comply with regime moments, to inform in advance about changes in the daily routine.
Pupils with a weak type of NS (35%) are characterized by rapid fatigue and a decrease in working capacity during the whole period. For such students, a positive relationship with the teacher is very important. Negative evaluation can cause a psychosomatic response to learning difficulties. For the prevention of rapid exhaustion and psychosomatic manifestations, it is advisable to ask students at the beginning of the lesson, school day, week. Create a calm environment, if possible, avoid overexcitation. If possible, encourage, emotionally support during control activities.

Pupils with an average type of NS (7%) are able to work productively only one part of the day (first or second half), then there is a decrease in working capacity to a minimum.
With a uniform distribution of the load during the day, 20% of students are able to maintain working capacity throughout the entire school day.

It should be borne in mind that in 20% of students, working capacity decreases by the middle of the first half of the day; in 7%, the first half of the day is effective, and severe fatigue occurs by the middle of the day.

2. Cognitive sphere

Type of representative system (RS).
The leading information perception system (64% of students) is analytical. This category of students is characterized by proving, arguing, convincing, arguing, discussing. Material is assimilated more effectively if it is logical, has an evidence base, and is argued.

Kinesthetic type - 42%. This category of students is characterized by the desire for motor activity in the lesson (turning a pen, leafing through a notebook, sorting out a stand, etc.). It must be allowed within acceptable limits. They learn the material more effectively when they do something: they build, draw, draw, etc.
Auditory (perception of information in the form of signs) and visual (perception of information in the form of visual images) MS are leading in 28 and 7% of students, respectively. With auditory MS, it is effective to repeat aloud, reading aloud, pronouncing words, discussing a topic, etc. In visual MS, it is effective to use visual materials (diagrams, tables, pictures, films, etc.) in learning.

72% of students are able to clearly follow the instructions and act according to the instructions of the teacher (textbook); 28% - experience difficulties when performing tasks according to the instructions.

Verbal thinking is normal in 85% of students. Low level - 16%. For the development of verbal thinking, it is effective to use diagrams, graphs; to solve problems, it is advisable to apply algorithms, pronounce the conditions of the task.

3. Social sphere

Characteristic features are demonstrativeness, the desire for showiness, unusualness, competition in self-expression and drawing attention to oneself.
The strength of the class is high creative potential and the desire to realize it.
- good intuition. Students clearly divide adults into sincere and insincere. Sometimes it is better to say something to them sharply and openly than to talk about morality. The class responds vividly to adult examples from their own lives or others. life examples. It is useful to conduct disputes and discussions in a team.

The emotional background of the class is characterized by instability, a high level of sensitivity, and sharp emotional reactions to situations that are perceived as unfair.
There are many leaders in the class competing for influence, which leads to frequent changes in social roles and restructuring of relationships.

The authority for this team is a consistent, clear, fair, balanced adult who is not infected by violent emotions transmitted from the class. Summary map of individual 9th ​​grade for a subject teacher.

Authorized users can download the map in higher resolution at the end of the article.

Organization of the work of the psychological and pedagogical service

Olga Donichenko, director of the district center of WFP escort

Attached files

  • Summary map of individual psychological parameters.doc




SurnameIvanovich _______________________________________

Date of Birth_21.07.2008.________________________________

Name of parents:

motherZavarzina Natalya Ivanovna____________________________

fatherZavarzin Ivan Semyonovich ______________________________

Information about the educational institution:Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 41" Beryozka ", Balakovo, Saratov region

Individual development map of the child

Surname name: Zavarzin Stepan

Date of birth: 07/21/2008

Information about educational institutions attended by the child:

OS name MADOU Kindergarten No. 41

Date of receipt 08.08.2011

Date of deduction May 29, 2015


Last name: Stepan Zavarzin

Group number 7 preparatory to school

Early age

(2-3 years)

Jr preschool age

(3-4 years)

Middle preschool age

(4-5 years)

senior preschool age

(5-6 years old)

senior preschool age

(6 - 7 years old)

Height (cm)

Weight, kg)

Health group

Family (full, incomplete)

complete, two children

The degree of adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution ( filled in the cell corresponding to the age of admission to the preschool educational institution)

Leading hand

    Physical development(filled out by the physical education instructor)

Group _№7 preparatory for school

Physical culture instructor S.A. Kukushkina

Diagnostic parameters

2014-2015 beginning of the year

2014-2015 end of the year



Doesn't follow the breath

high level

Push force not worked out

high level

Does not track flight path

high level

medicine ball throw

No power in the throw

high level


not formed

average level


Weak static balance

Above average


Interest in physical culture is not formed

engages with interest


high level

physical qualities in the formation stage

physical qualities are formed

improve physical qualities: flexibility, balance, strength qualities

keep building flexibility

3. Mental development

Surname name Zavarzin Styopa

Educators: Denisova N.D., Rastrepina L.V.

Teacher-psychologist: Ivannikova N.V.

Diagnostic parameters

2014 - 2015beginning of the year

2014 - 2015 end of the year


Development Options


Development Options



Visual and effective




age appropriate

age appropriate


In the process of formation

age appropriate



dominated by involuntary attention




Remembers quickly

age appropriate










Volitional quality

Trying to get things done

Able to finish what he started with everyone


phlegmatic person

phlegmatic person

with adults

Maintains contact

With peers

Does not interact with all children

Tries to be friends

status in group

Often quarrels

trying to be a leader

General conclusion

At the stage of formation memory, thinking, communicative qualities

The development of mental processes corresponds to age

Develop mental processes: memory, thinking: teach interaction skills with other children

Mental processes are formed. the child comes into contact with children and adults

Conventions: low level 1b), below average (2b), average (3b), above average (4b), high (5b)


Surname, Name of the child: Stepan Zavarzin

Group number 7 preparatory to school

Educators: Denisova N.D. Rastrepina L.V.

Date: September-May





2014-2015 beginning of the year

2014-2015 end of the year

(1-5 points)

(1-5 points

Speech development

Lexical grammar

Difficulty making up stories

composes a related story from the picture

does not determine the place of sound in a word

has a rich vocabulary

active dictionary,

Weak vocabulary

chooses synonyms

Connected speech

in a hurry, not coherently expressing his thoughts

loves to tell stories

Preparation for teaching literacy (preparatory group)

The ability to distinguish by ear and in the works of all sounds is not sufficiently formed mother tongue

can do sound analysis of the word

Perception of art literature

loves to listen and tell stories

reciting poetry with expression

cognitive development

The world

Introduction to social the world

confused in the name of the enterprises of the city

consolidated knowledge of the hometown

Introduction to the subject. the world

Does not classify items

has ideas about generalizing words

Introduction to the natural world

has little idea of ​​wildflowers

understood the classification of plants

Moral patriot. bring up

treat elders with respect

formed ideas about the patriotism of our people in the Second World War


Quantity and account

Does not own direct and reverse counting,

likes to solve and solve problems

Orientation in space and time

find it difficult to determine the position of an object in space

defines parts of the day, days of the week, seasons.

Shape, size

compare objects by size

recognizes and names geometric shapes

Pozn-exp. activity

sensory development

confuses color shades

Logical thinking, d / games

likes to make up stories

age appropriate

Social and communicative development


the child is not in contact with all the children

trying to be a leader

independently maintains order in the group

help is happy

adheres to the basic rules of conduct in kindergarten

knows and observes elementary rules in nature

Artistic and aesthetic development

Visual activity


paints objects not neatly, work on painting technique

distinguishes between genres of fine art


owns modeling techniques, but does not make efforts to do so

loves to sculpt


Poor use of scissors

likes to create images by design

Applied art

prefers natural material

creates crafts from natural materials

Modeling Features

happy to build from any constructor

developed creative imagination


develop an ear for music

knows and names musical instruments

Physical development

teach them to organize outdoor games on their own


pay attention to the peculiarities of his health and body (I need to wear glasses)

familiar with TB in the gym


Attention is not developed, the ability to determine the place of sound in a word is not formed, not sociable

Attention is more stable, speech is formed, trying to make friends with children

Continue to shape speech development

development according to age

Signature of teachers

Legend: low level 1b), below average (2b), average (3b), above average (4b), high (5b)

5. Map of the formation of prerequisites for learning activities at the stage of completion of preschool education

Surname, Name of the child: Stepan Zavarzin

Group number 7 preparatory to school

Educators: Denisova N.D. Rastrepina L.V.

2014-2015 beginning of the year

2014-2015 end of the year

(1-5 points)

(1-5 points)

Health and physical activity

follow the basic food rules

observes the rules of hygiene



not oriented on a sheet in a cage

skills are formed according to age


under formation


doesn't keep in touch with everyone

communicates equally with peers



happy to play leading roles on holidays


Not always good at negotiating

maintains contact with adults

The ability to build a speech statement

finds it difficult to choose words for definitions

corresponds to the age norm

Understanding yourself and the world around you

Knows family members, lacks knowledge about hometown, symbolism

Loves his city, knows the address, his pedigree

the child is not sociable, interest in fiction, poor vocabulary

knowledge and skills are formed

develop an eye, the ability to orientate on a sheet in a cage, form speech, teach builds relationships with children

ready for school

Legend: low level 1b), below average (2b), average (3b), above average (4b), high

6.Individual educational route of the child

for the first half of the 2014-2015 academic year

Surname, Name of the child: Stepan Zavarzin

Group number 7 preparatory group for school

educators : Denisova N.D.. Rastrepina L.V..

Relevance: has an average level of development in the educational field: "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", communicative qualities are not formed

Target: To increase the level of mastering the program in the educational field "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", status in the group


Build an interest in fiction

Develop and enrich the phonemic and lexical and grammatical structure of speech Develop productive activities (drawing, modeling, application)

Engage in fine arts

Build communication skills, develop memory

Implementation of an individual route

Time spending

The result of the work



D / and “Find out who is talking”, “Guess what's in the bag” (“Magic bag”), “Guess what I'm doing”, “Tell me what it sounds”, “How the bell rings”, “Guess and tell who's screaming." Conversations on the topics of the week and consolidation of the material covered. Reading fairy tales by Pushkin A.S. , Zhukovsky V.A. and other writers.

There is a positive trend in development. In the middle of the year it has a level of development above average. He became more interested in works of art, developed and enriched the lexical-grammatical and phonemic structure, began to accurately and evenly paint over objects.

2 times per week

Experimenting with water, sand and snow, natural and household materials.



Games: “Who will complete the sentence correctly”, “Choose the right picture”, “Guess the riddles”, “Close the chain”,

2 times per week

Modeling objects using pinching techniques (cat ears), pulling. Game exercise "Feel and blind", "We cut straight". To fix the techniques of cutting symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Exercise in smooth turns of the hand when drawing rounded lines, curls in different directions.


Outdoor games ("Hunter and Hares", "Cunning Fox", "Traps") In games, give leading roles, work out the power of throwing a stuffed ball

Board games(small designer).


Didactic, outdoor games of choice In role-playing games, give leading roles.

Educational psychologist

Did. Attention games, relaxation, fairy tale therapy, attention exercises

The level of development of attention, concentration and switching has increased. The child copes with tasks of a mathematical nature, logical tasks.

Teacher speech therapist

Did. Exercise "Caterpillar", "Whose house?" memorizing tongue twisters to the sound "Sh"

Sounds are set, speech development is normal

School readiness level

.(For preschool age groups)

F.I. child: Name of the student, age, class

1. General information about the child

Girl from 4 pregnancies, childbirth 1.

Pathology - partial placental abruption, was born at 7 months. Weight: 2.900. Sitting started at 8 months, walking at 1 year 2 months. She began to speak single words at the age of 2.5 years.

General physical development:

Height and weight correspond to age, physical activity is low, the girl has no dexterity of movements, slow.

Health status:

Vision: 0.6 \ 0.7, astigmatism. Hearing is normal. Past diseases: frequent acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia. Health group: special.

1.Composition and characteristics of the family: a girl from an incomplete family, lives with her mother. Doesn't know the father.

2. Features of the child's life in the family: up to 2 years (full name of the child) was in the Baby House due to poor housing and material conditions in the family. The girl's mother studied at the S(K)OSh of the VIII type, has a primary vocational education, and works as a cleaner. The family is low-income, currently living in a communal apartment.

3. Features of educational activities: the girl duplicated her education in the 1st grade of a public school. From the characteristics of the 1st class: “Unsure, timid. Perception is not appropriate for age. Attention is not stable, memory is short-term. Thinking is concrete. After PMPK she was sent to the 2nd class C (K) OU of the VIII type. Diagnosis: F -70 according to ICD - 10.

From the characteristics class teacher Grade 8: “(child's full name) copes satisfactorily with the program material of this school. Respect for teachers and adults. Relations with peers are not always good, there are conflicts, although the girl is among the “accepted” in the class team. Itself (name of the child) does not provoke conflict situations and tries to avoid them. She loves to do needlework and draw. He performs the work qualitatively, but very slowly, is often distracted, "flies in the clouds", gets tired quickly. Unsteady gait, often stumbles, falls. At home, he spends all his free time watching TV.

4. Health: low, gets tired quickly, looks away at one point.

5. Formation of social orientation: The girl lives not far from the school, so she visits it on her own, but she is poorly oriented in the microdistrict and the city. Not enough independent and socialized. Household skills are formed at a sufficient level. Easily influenced, the family is registered in the SOP (socially dangerous situation).

Gross and fine motor skills: fine motor skills of the hands are developed at a level above average. General motor skills at an average level.

6. Cognitive processes:

sensory development: on the Middle level. With the methods of performing actions, irrational and unproductive manipulations are observed. Independent ability to transfer knowledge to new conditions is difficult or absent.

Perception: distorted and in some cases there is a lack of integrity of perception.

Attention: "Schulte Tables" technique - work efficiency - 3 points; workability - high (0.78); stability - low (1.33). Result: instability of attention.

Memory: Technique "10 words" (Luria) - auditory 40% - low level; visual (table with geometric shapes) 7 out of 9 - above average.

Thinking: the technique "Simple analogies", "Indirect memorization". Result: concrete thinking, average level. Forms bonds slowly, i.e. violation of the dynamic side of thought processes.

Speech not expressive, the pace is slow; in speech often uses nouns. The average level of independence of the narration. In speech, he uses simple, non-common sentences. Difficulty building sentences. Misuse of some words. Vocabulary is small.

Formation of ideas about spatio-temporal relations: can navigate in space, knows the concepts of "right - left", "up-hu-down", "closer - farther". Knows how to determine the time on the clock, but the understanding of the length of time is not formed.

Emotional-personal and motivational-volitional features Temperament: (Eysenck, teenage version of the questionnaire) extraversion -15, neuroticism - 14. Emotionally limited type, not inclined to empathy.

Socio - psychological status: (sociometry) - "accepted" (5 choices);

Character accents:(according to Shmishek) stuck (20), affectively exalted (24);

Claim level: (“motor tests” by Borozdina) - inadequately low level of claims.

Personal features:(Ketell's multifactorial personality questionnaire) - sociable (A-4), insecure (C-2), low intelligence (B-2), inhibited (D-3), frustrated (Q -9).

(projective technique "Non-existent animal") Result: egocentrism, self-affirmation, emotional immaturity, dependence on the environment, orientation "outward".

Level of school anxiety:(Phillips) 25% - low anxiety.

Professional self-determination:(according to Klimov) “Ch-P” - 8, “Ch-Ch” - 4, “Ch-XO” -4; (according to Holland) "K" -10. Conclusion on self-determination: awareness of the world of professions is at a low level, a professional plan has not been formed, the choice of a profession is not realized. A profession related to nature, in a structured activity (according to a plan, point by point) is recommended.


Thinking is disturbed, concrete. Attention is unstable. Short-term memory, visual - normal, auditory - below normal. The performance is average. Self-esteem is adequate. The level of claims is not adequately low. Uncommunicative, insecure, dependent on the environment. Emotionally immature, prone to frustration. Anxiety is low. Socio-psychological status - normal. Sensitive to resentment and grief. Inertia in the manifestation of affects, in mental operations, in motor skills. Responsible enough, knows how to yield, timid, accurate, disciplined. Can't be an organizer. Professional Plan not formed.





Date of Birth

Information about educational institutions attended by the child:

1. OS name

receipt date

Date of deduction

2. OS name

receipt date

Date of deduction


The result of the pupils mastering the content of the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as EPDO) is the achievement by them of the necessary and sufficient level of readiness for mastering the main general educational programs of primary general education. Evaluation of the results of the development of OPDO is carried out in order to optimally design the educational process of a preschool educational institution. The map of the individual development of a preschooler allows you to track the development of the child and identify problem points in educational process requiring the participation of an adult, to carry out continuity between preschool and primary general education and to promote support among parents of a positive attitude towards the performance of their duties, as participants in the educational process in the context of the implementation federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation»and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The individual development map of a preschooler is provided for entering information about a child studying under the OPDO, developed in accordance with:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education";

With the main provisions of the methodology for diagnosing a child's readiness for school, edited by N.E. Verax;

With the main provisions of the methodology for diagnosing the development of a preschooler in the educational process (in the context of the variability of the forms and content of preschool education), N.A. Korotkova, P.G. Nezhnova.

At the request of the parents (legal representatives) of pupils, this card can be provided by them as a portfolio of the child upon admission to educational institution(hereinafter referred to as the OU), in order to obtain complete information about the physiological and intellectual characteristics of the child who attended preschool, about the level of development of OPDO by him and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

The frequency of filling out a map of the individual development of a preschooler is twice a year (September, April).

When filling out a map of the individual development of a preschooler, a three-point rating scale is used, where each level assessment corresponds to a qualitative characteristic.

1 - low level (H);

2 - sufficient (average) level (D);

3 - optimal (high) level (O).


n.g. - beginning of the year

c.g. - the end of the year


(1.5-2 years)

Early age

Health group

Degree of adaptation to OS conditions (filled in the cell corresponding to the age of admission to the educational institution)

Leading hand




Educational area of ​​EITI

(1.5-2 years)

Early age

Junior preschool age (3-4 years)

Middle preschool age (4-5 years)

Senior preschool age (5-6 years)

Senior preschool age (6-7 years)

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Indicators of physical fitness (physical qualities):




speed force

Signature of teachers


(intellectual and motivational characteristics of activity)

Areas of initiative

(the nature of self-realization in different types cultural practices)

Junior preschool age (3-4 years)

Middle preschool age (4-5 years)

Senior preschool age (5-6 years)

Senior preschool age (6-7 years)

Creative Initiative (in story game)

Initiative as goal-setting and volitional effort

(in productive activities)

Communication Initiative

(in joint gaming and productive activities)

Cognitive initiative - curiosity

(in cognitive research and productive activities)

Motor Initiative

(V various forms motor activity)

Signature of parents (legal representatives)

*Assessed by parents legal representatives) child


senior preschool age

senior preschool age

Health and physical activity







The ability to build a speech statement

Representations about the spheres of reality



Visual activity


senior preschool age

senior preschool age

Prerequisites for learning activities:

The presence of cognitive and social motives for learning

The ability to dream and imagine

Ability to independently perform tasks based on visual perception of the sample

Ability to focus on a given system of requirements

The ability to consciously obey the rule

Child's ability to generalize

Ability to listen carefully to the speaker and reproduce tasks offered orally

Ability to communicate with adults and peers

Signature of teachers

Date of familiarization and signature of parents (legal representatives)



Signature, transcript of the signature of the teacher-psychologist _____________________________

Signature, transcript of the signature of the deputy. head for water resources management ________________________________

Signature, transcript of the signature of the head of the educational institution _______________________________
