Making a list of goals for the year is perhaps a long tradition for many people, which they follow on the eve of the country's largest holiday. They decorate the Christmas tree, buy tangerines and champagne, plan life changes. It's exciting and by no means useless.

The meaning of the list

Firstly, this is not just about some kind of list of tasks for the coming year, but about drawing up a personal annual plan. The formation of such a list is the first step in the transition to a new level of self-development. And that's why:

  • The man is serious about the matter. He asks himself questions - what does he need next year? What would he like to strive for? What would you like to get? Where to be and what to achieve? Then he gives himself answers, passing questions through the prism of personal values, and forms a goal.
  • Writing it down on paper, he once again comprehends his task and visualizes it. He fixes it in writing, one might say, makes a memo for himself, which serves as an additional incentive in the future.
  • A person thinks how to become better. After all, the goal is the final result of the aspiration. And it is impossible without the desire to improve yourself or your life. When compiling a list of goals for the whole year, a person once again evaluates his capabilities, resources, abilities and thinks about how and what he will have to work on for the sake of the result.

Such a plan is a means leading its compiler to achieve the desired, which also allows you to grow and expand the boundaries of reality. At a minimum, such a list of goals, in plain sight, will “push” in the back and remind you of the desire to strive for something when it is overpowered by the craving for procrastination and laziness.

Compilation rules

The first thing to learn is that the list of goals for the whole year should be structured, neat, clear and orderly. And it is better to write out the tasks not as a single “canvas”, separated only by fads, but to divide them into blocks. It is desirable that in each of them there was also a distribution of tasks by months. For example, the block will be called "Finance". And inside: “January - open an interest-bearing savings deposit in a bank. Start keeping track of expenses and income. February - explore all modern methods earnings and business options. And so on.

And, of course, you need to be guided by the SMART goal setting system. According to her, any task should be:

  • Specific - specific.
  • Measurable - measurable.
  • Attainable - achievable.
  • Relevant - relevant.
  • Time-bound - limited in time.

Compliance with these principles allows you to set the most clear goal, and also makes you think thoroughly about your capabilities. SMART is already a separate topic, and we can talk about it for a long time. But the fact is this: when making a list on it, a person will ask himself a huge number of questions and more clearly imagine what he wants. He will not just include “Buy a car” in the list, but will know which one, when, for how much and how he will earn on it.

Personal goals

It was said above that it is better to delimit the list by blocks. It's comfortable. One of the main ones should be the “Personal Goals” block. Everyone will write something of their own. But here are the ones that most people in the world ask most often:

  • Lose weight.
  • Start writing a book.
  • Stop procrastinating - put off things and dreams for later.
  • Love.
  • Find true happiness.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Spontaneously take off on a journey, deciding it literally in one second.
  • Start blogging or diary.
  • Learn to save.
  • Read a lot of books.
  • Interesting and active life.

In general, the list of goals for a year of a personal nature includes tasks that are not only of particular value to a person, but in most cases require some effort and work on themselves. It also includes dreams and hopes.


As many people know, this term denotes the highest level of self-regulation and development of a mature, whole personality. Many want to become more highly spiritual, but this requires major work on themselves, their character and views, so that it can be formed into the goal of the list for the year. Here are some examples:

  • Learn to be calm and unruffled in any situation.
  • Try to meditate.
  • Learn to think coldly, quickly and soberly in especially tense and emotional situations.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Help someone for free.
  • Refuse stereotypes and clichés, learn to understand and accept other values, respect them.
  • Overcome your three fears.
  • Find answers to important questions: “Who am I in this world? What is my role? What is the meaning of my life?

Also in this block of the list of goals for the whole year, you can include reading thematic books, practicing various meditations and states, watching developing lectures and programs.

money and work

This block must also be included in the list of goals for the next year. Here, by the way, specificity is especially important. Good thing, it can be expressed in numbers, and in the future to strive for them. Here's what it might look like:

  • Monthly save 15,000 rubles from the salary for vacation.
  • Buy a new powerful laptop for ~70,000 rubles.
  • Go to Greece for 10 days in the summer, the price of a ticket and accounting for expenses is ~ 70,000 rubles.
  • Increase your income by at least 20%.
  • Find a new area of ​​promising activity and try yourself in it.
  • Start watching blogs of successful people, read books about them.
  • Do time management.
  • Improve productivity.

When compiling a financial list of goals for the year, do not neglect the numbers. In the same block, several additional “windows” can be distinguished in order to visually calculate in them the amounts necessary for earning and saving, which will then be spent on purchases.

Personal growth

Every day you need to get better. This is one of the most correct. Having completed the points of the Personal Growth block, a person at the end of the coming year should note with satisfaction that he did everything he wanted. He got better. Here are some goals to include in the list for the new year:

  • Start learning a foreign language, by the end of next December, master it at the everyday conversational level.
  • Read 12 scientific books.
  • Find an interesting but not entertaining hobby. For example, start studying chemistry.
  • Sign up for some courses.
  • Learn to make "emotional" purchases. We are talking about acquiring those things that you want at the moment, but after two weeks a person has a question, why did he take them?
  • Develop your vocabulary. Memorize one new term per day and memorize its meaning.
  • Learn mnemonics.

This block can include both educational goals and those related to purely personal self-improvement.


Also a very important block. Here is an example of a list of health-related goals for the year:

  • Avoid white sugar completely.
  • Start eating right, balance your diet.
  • Give up unreasonable drinking, a la "Yes, I only have a bottle of beer in the evening."
  • Join a fitness club and hire a personal trainer.
  • Go to the pool.
  • Instill in yourself the habit of drinking 1.5-2.5 liters of pure water every day.
  • Start running on the track. For a year, increase the speed from the minimum to the maximum.

Here, too, there may be numbers. This is especially true for girls - in the list of goals for the year, many of them include weight loss and carefully paint how many kilograms they want to get rid of in a month.


Everyone knows that they need to be worked on. And if the question arose of how to make a list of goals for the year and what to include in it, then we must not forget about the topic of relationships. Here the list could be:

  • Learn to listen and hear your partner.
  • Accept people for who they are. To understand that attempts to "reshape" them are disrespectful, because in this way a person seems to say that he does not care about their true, sincere essence.
  • Learn to find the right words of support that the interlocutor needs at a particular moment, which could really console him.
  • Make nice gifts for friends and family just like that.
  • Find a new joint hobby with your significant other. Do something unusual, bring novelty to the relationship.
  • Experiment more in intimacy.
  • Learn to give constructive advice.
  • Instill the habit of putting yourself in other people's shoes in order to better understand them.

Well, there are still a lot of goals that can be formed. But in this case, not only quantity is important, but also quality. The list should include only what is really important and has value. And then, having compiled it and beautifully designed, you can fix it in a conspicuous place. Or even put it in a frame - it will look better and inspire additionally.

The essence of this plan is simple - to create a list of goals, desires, ideas and craziest dreams that you would like to realize and experiences that you would be interested in experiencing during the time allotted on Earth.

Why do you need a list

Think about the last few years of your life. A good friend of mine once rightly pointed out that we identify with our place of work and increasingly say WE— “we bought a quarry in South America”, “we bought 5 helicopters and 10 Mercedes”, “we increased revenue by $100 million” and so on. But when you go deeper, you understand that no one went further than Ukraine, I saw a helicopter only in the air, and the maximum amount of money that I held in my hands was 1000 salary dollars.

It's time to understand what is "I" who wants to jump with a parachute, travel around the globe and do a dozen different stupid things that are embarrassing to tell children about. Think of yourself tired but happy when you accomplished something important. You experience the bright moments of your life in your head hundreds of hundreds of times. Now imagine that you have a LIST of 100 items and you have made a commitment to yourself to implement about 3-5 items from this list every year. Just think how much happier you will become, how much new you will learn, how the psychological situation in the family will change. It will be just cool!

What to do in life

Everything is extremely simple and takes no more than 10-15 minutes for one brainstorming session. Personally, I created a document on my computer desktop in which I write down my dreams and desires at regular intervals. I try to understand what I want and how much this or that activity will make me happier.

In order to simplify the task of creating your list, I recommend that you answer the following questions:

  • What would happen if you passed away tomorrow? What is the most important thing you would like to do in this case today?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
  • What countries and places would you like to visit?
  • What feelings would you like to experience?
  • What moments would you like to witness?
  • What is the most important thing on your personal scale of values ​​you would like to achieve?
  • What craft would you like to learn?
  • Who would you like to meet personally?
  • What would you like to achieve in different areas of your life (social, family, physical, spiritual)?

Refer to these questions as many times as you need to build your personal wish list. Take as much time as you need for this. Read the following list for further inspiration.

101 things you can consider in creating your list of tasks for life

1. Travel around the globe

  • Visit all countries of the world
  • Visit all the wonders of the world
  • 1001 places to see before you die

2. Learn a new language

3. Try a new profession in a field completely unfamiliar to you.

4. Get to your ideal weight

5. Run a marathon

6. Take part in a triathlon

7. Take up some new sport. Here are some examples:

  • Technical sports: archery, golf, bowling, skating, figure skating
  • Water sports: kayaking, rafting, wakeboarding, diving, yachting, swimming

8. Go to the mountains and go skiing

9. Learn to ride

10. Quit the Job You Hate

11. Follow your dreams

12. Mind Your Own Business Doing What You Love

13. Reach financial independence thanks to your passion

14. Contact the teachers from your past life (school, college) and thank them for the fact that they greatly influenced your life

15. Find out who inspired you the most and thank him/her for it.

16. Become a mentor to someone in need.

17. Learn to play a strategy game on the computer

18. Try yourself in an extreme sport - jumping from a bridge, skydiving, skydiving, etc.

19. Climb the mountain

20. Make a big surprise for someone

21. Do something significant and important in someone's life.

22. Do good things for 5 strangers without expecting or receiving anything in return.

23. Write a book about something important to you.

24. Travel in a hot air balloon

25. Sing your favorite song to a large audience

26. Try yourself in a volunteer program

27. Befriend at least 5 strangers on the street

28. Meet the dawn

29. Meet the Sunset

30. See the Northern Lights

31. Witness a solar eclipse

32. Sleep on the grass during the starfall

33. Plant your own tree and watch it grow

34. Get yourself a pet

35. Give a speech to a large audience

36. Write a letter to your closest friends and tell them how important they are to you.

37. Make a mega party

38. Completely change your style (hair, clothes, makeup)

39. Learn to appreciate the taste of wine

40. Take an etiquette course

41. Become a matchmaker - introduce friends and acquaintances to each other

42. Go on a blind date

43. Go to college and radically change your specialty

44. Learn to play a musical instrument (piano, violin, guitar)

45. Win an argument for money

46. ​​Attend dance classes (tango, ballroom, salsa)

47. Get into creating art

48. Hitchhike

49. Backpack for several weeks in unfamiliar places and cities

50. Pack your things and go to an unknown destination for a couple of days.

51. Swim with dolphins

52. Live in another country for a few months

53. Make a movie

54. Take part in some project on TV

55. Tie a scarf

56. Create your dream home

57. Cook the most delicious meal of your life for your family

58. Bake a cake for someone special

59. Live a few days in the forest

60. Visit the desert

61. Live 4 seasons in 4 different countries

62. Read a book on a topic you've never been interested in

63. Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home

64. Fly a kite

65. Sleep in a haystack

66. Call the support service (internet, water delivery, taxi) and thank them for their work

67. Try being a vegetarian for a month

68. Try being a vegan

69. Try a raw food diet

70. Make some origami figures and give them to strangers

71. Curb Your Biggest Fear

72. Travel by sea

73. Tell your 10 friends and acquaintances about your list and encourage them to create the same

75. Experience the power of meditation

76. Take part in some socially important movement

77. Visit Japan During Cherry Blossom

78. Bury the hatchet with all those with whom you have quarreled in the past.

79. Organize a picnic

80. Do something completely crazy and different from you.

81. Travel First Class

82. Hit the top ten with a dart in darts

83. Visit a volcano

84. Fly in a helicopter

85. Dine with someone you only dreamed of being together with.

86. Tell your parents that you love them.

87. Go on a cruise

88. Try being a waiter for a month

89. Fall in love (more than once is better)

90. Be in love for a long time

91. Organize the most romantic date of your dreams

92. Visit a castle in Scotland

93. Change the world

94. Help someone in need

95. Learn Sign Language

96. See the Mona Lisa in the Louvre

97. Participate in a costume party

98. Win some competition

99. Learn to wake up at 5 am

100. Have at least three children

In moments when you get bored and you get stuck in a routine - do something from your list and you will fill your life with vivid impressions and remind yourself that "I" is much more important than "WE".

About the author:
He worked for several years in large Western corporations (KPMG, ADIDAS, WEATHERFORD). At the moment I am working on several online projects (the main direction is the creation and promotion of online games). By my example, I try to show that anyone can become a profitable entrepreneur.

I've heard before that you need to set goals every year. And moreover, that it is necessary to set big goals and a lot. But for the first time in January of this year, I set myself 50 goals. Rather, the task was to set 50 goals. I honestly tried, but still a little bit was not enough for me.

I post my goals here. I would be glad if it inspires you and makes your life more meaningful. At the end of the year, I will definitely share with you my results in achieving my goals.

Here I post the whole list without censorship))

My 50 Goals I'm Achieving in 2016 d

  1. Improve your quality of yourself and your life daily
  2. Do rituals (daily activities) that lead to the life you want.
  3. Lose weight by 5 kg.
  4. Change your daily routine: wake up and get up no later than 8.00 o'clock in the dark season and no later than 6.00 in the daytime of the season
  5. Form a habit - drink a glass of water in the morning
  6. Form a habit - monitor your diet
  7. Form a habit - do exercises every day - 15 minutes
  8. Form a new circle of acquaintances: develop friendships with 50 new people.
  9. Learn to drive
  10. Buy a car
  11. Conduct 48 free webinars
  12. Launch an annual coaching program.
  13. Conduct 5 monthly coaching programs.
  14. Make 2 photo sessions: summer (outdoors) and indoors
  15. Write 3 books for networkers
  16. Buy a smartphone
  17. Sign up for Instagram
  18. Register in Periscoi and host 15-minute broadcasts there
  19. Conduct sales presentations 2 times a month to promote products for your network company
  20. Create a newsletter to attract customers to the network company's product.
  21. Conduct a seminar for networkers in the summer
  22. Fly to St. Petersburg, to my daughter and on business.
  23. Fly to Moscow for an infobusiness conference
  24. Fly to Moscow for a seminar on Internet marketing
  25. Buy small house or building land
  26. Travel by car Crimea in the summer or in September.
  27. Watch 1 funny movie to get joy and positive emotions and energy.
  28. Read 50 new books
  29. Buy a new laptop and a large memory card
  30. On New Year 2016-2017 fly with your family to about. Bali.
  31. Create a line of training courses for networkers
  32. Create a product line for start-up infobusinessmen
  33. Give out debts
  34. Sign 10,000 people from the target audience to the database
  35. Expand your circle of friends on social networks, Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram + something else
  36. Start learning English seriously
  37. Sew 3 dresses to order in the atelier
  38. Plant and grow tomatoes, radishes and lettuce
  39. Fly to Lake Baikal to fish
  40. Fly to Kamchatka to see friends
  41. Train 150 networkers in online recruiting. Help them reach an income of 30,000 rubles or more via the Internet
  42. Sign up for an annual coaching session with a person who teaches online sales
  43. Close 3 new statuses in the network company
  44. Launch 4 sources of income
  45. Open a deposit account in a bank
  46. Think
  47. Think
  48. Think
  49. Think
  50. Think

Be happy and rich!

Sincerely, Elena Abramova.

Any successful person, to the question - “What does it take to become successful and happy?”- will answer that first of all it is necessary to set a Goal, but rather a lot of goals that will inspire you and for which you will want to work with joy, if you need to overcome any obstacles and you will even be ready to move mountains. This is ideal!

Setting life Goals is the first and most important step to managing your own Destiny! “If you want to change your life, set new Goals!”

But, despite the fact that almost every book about success talks about setting goals, far from everywhere an effective and understandable algorithm for working with your goals is given. And many important questions such as: “What goals do I have?”, “Requirements for Goals?”, “How to set a Goal in order to achieve it?”, “Algorithm for achieving the goal”, and many others. others- not deep enough.

Let's start with the first questions - What are the Goals? What kind of goals should be set? What should not be forgotten?

What are the life goals

All life goals can be divided into 3 categories: Higher Goals(Personal Development and Community Service) , Basic goals(Self-Realization and Relationships) and Supporting Goals(, Life, Rest).

If at least one thing is excluded, life will no longer be fully integrated, and a person will not be able to be truly happy and successful.

If there are no higher goals, even if a person has a family and a job, sooner or later he will lose satisfaction in his heart, stop growing, and eventually lose the meaning of life, happiness.

If a person does not have the main goals - consider him to have nothing, this is something like a homeless man, without work - accordingly, without money, without relationships - respectively, lonely and unhappy (even if a person does not suffer painfully from his loneliness, all the same, his heart he will not sing with happiness, because there are no good friends and a loved one nearby).

If a person has no or very neglected supporting goals, he, as a rule, a lot of problems: lack of money, with household issues complexity, etc. If there is no quality rest, a person, as a rule, goes on an anguish, on an overload, without much joy in his heart.

For a harmonious and happy life - all goals must be in order!

The highest goals of Man

Basic Life Goals

3. Work is professional Self-realization, as a rule, takes from 1/3 to 2/3 of the time of a person's entire life. Ideally, Self-realization should correspond to a person and his Individuality, as well as the level of human development, but more about this in the requirements for goals (see below).

The right choice of self-realization in society (choice of profession) determines the usefulness of a person for society and people, his material well-being and social position (connections and opportunities in society) and, of course, the state of happiness, because why do something that does not make you happy.

A good job always implies career and professional growth, a state of creativity and enjoyment. All this, in turn, affects the personal growth of a person.

4. Relationships- creating a family (love), raising children, friends and the immediate environment of a person. Relationships- they can give a person wings, an endless state of happiness (if a person knows how to build them, treats people correctly), or they can make a person a deeply unhappy sufferer (if he does not know how to build them, does not know how to resolve conflicts, treats people negatively).

Relationship Goals, ideally, this is a happy and strong family (love, trust,), real reliable, worthy environment (people who appreciate you, love you, and are always ready to help, etc.). You can say - it's not real! I'll tell you - it's real if you set a goal and work on yourself! Any goal is achievable, but its achievement always involves the fulfillment of certain conditions.

Relationship statistics are terrible! There are more than 50% of divorces in the CIS, there are more changes in total! More than 80% of people consider themselves lonely, although they live in million-plus cities. This says only one thing, that people do not know how to communicate, build worthy and happy relationships, and many of them do not even try to do this, overcome by laziness, disbelief, pride, their own selfishness and other vices and weaknesses.

Start by setting a Goal, by answering the question - What do you want in your relationship life?

Supporting Goals

5. Money- should also be singled out as a separate goal that requires understanding, calculation and constant development. Money in our life is far from everything, you can’t buy happiness for it (there are many rich and unfortunate people), you can’t buy true love, you can’t buy friends, you can’t buy health, you can’t buy happy relationships with your own children, etc. But money can buy a lot that will serve as an important support, the foundation for your happiness, relationships, life, recreation and other life goals.

The art of multiplying and managing Money also needs to be learned, and many good books, trainings and courses are devoted to this.

In addition, I’ll say that although you can’t buy happiness in its purest form for money, in fact, without it, it collapses very quickly. There is even an expression "The boat of love - crashed onpoverty andlife”. Therefore, in modern world in no case should this, although providing, but a very important goal be ignored!

6. Life- should be organized in such a way that life is a joy and it does not take a lot of time and money. It is the task of a person to organize life in such a way that life is as convenient, efficient, comfortable and joyful as possible.

Sloppiness and irresponsibility in matters of everyday life lead to a vile state of mind and body, inefficiency of life and a stupid waste of time and money.

Life- should be singled out as a separate goal, this is a condition for the implementation of other goals. For example if in the house "pigsty", there is no place to invite friends, and it’s disgusting to be in such a “shed”, especially to live in it.

7. Rest! Many do not consider rest as a separate goal at all and treat it extremely lightly. Very often, because of this, people live a boring life according to a primitive scheme. “work-home-work”, without the wonderful impressions that are so required.

Traditions can also be attributed to rest, which should be worthy, revealing and strengthening a person, and not those after which you need to recover. and get healthiera few days. In the very the best option- this is participation in balls, thematic and creative Salons and evenings, theater, etc.

Good vacation is an unforgettable experience, a set of energy, restoration of body and soul, new acquaintances and communication, travel and knowledge of the best corners of our beautiful planet. In addition, it is self-respect and personal growth.

Rest should be recognized as a separate important goal. There is even a saying “He who has a good rest, he will work well”.

We will discuss in more detail how to organize your vacation during the year in a separate article, but you need to travel at least 2 r. a year, that's for sure!

Requirements that Human Life Goals must meet - !

Each person has their own the main objective in the life he aspires to. Or even multiple targets. Throughout life, they can change: losing their importance, some are removed, and in their place others, more relevant, appear. How many of these goals should there be?

Successful people claim that 50 human life goals is not the maximum at all. The longer the list of your goals, the better you will be able to understand your true desires.
For example, at the age of fifteen, John Goddard set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For the uninitiated, reference: we are talking about a researcher, anthropologist, traveler, holder of scientific degrees, Member of the Society of French Explorers, Royal Geographic Society and the Archaeological Society, multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. On his 50th birthday, John noted that he achieved 100 of the 127 goals he set. One can only envy his rich life.
A happy person is called accomplished, successful. No one will call a loser happy - success is a component of happiness. To consider life successful, a person must achieve the 50 most important life goals by old age. Summing up the results of his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires-goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. That is why it is so important to write down the 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper, periodically re-read the list. Another important aspect is to try to write down SMART goals. This means that your goals must meet five important criteria: specific, measurable, relevant, achievable, time-bound.
Before making a list, you should understand what is a priority, vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep are the 4 most important needs of organic life. The second row is health, housing, clothing, sex, rest - necessary attributes of life, but secondary. It is impossible for a person to live without satisfaction of primary needs, and without satisfaction of secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, a person suffers physically - firstly, morally - secondly. He is unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of the individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. Here is such a paradox. Therefore, the 50 vital, priority goals of a person must necessarily include items, thanks to the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.
Listing goals such as "buy own house"or" have a rest on the sea", "do the necessary medical operation" or "cure and insert teeth", "buy a fur coat" and "buy a car" although not so important for complete happiness (why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth is more comfortable for people. To meet these needs, to achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, it is imperative to include an item on the list regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such goals:
find a high-paying job;
open your business;
to achieve that the business brings a net income of more than $ 10,000 per month, and the like.
Sample list of 50 goals
Spiritual self-improvement:
1. Read the collected works of J. London.
2. Finish English language courses.
3. Forgive insults to parents, friends.
4. Stop being jealous.
5. Increase personal efficiency by 1.5 times.
6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
7. Write at least 1000 characters daily for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
8. Make peace with your sister (husband, mother, father).
9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
10. Attend church at least once a month.
Physical self-improvement:
1. Go to the gym 3 times a week.
2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
3. Do a set of exercises every morning;
4. Walk every evening for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
5. Refuse completely from the list of harmful products.
6. Once a quarter, arrange a three-day cleansing hunger strike.
7. After three months, learn to sit on the twine.
8. In winter, go skiing in the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
9. Lose 4 kilos.
10. Douse yourself with cold water in the morning.
Financial Goals:
1. Increase your monthly income to 100,000 rubles.
2. Raise the TIC of your site (blog) by the end of this year to 30.
3. Go to the level of passive income.
4. Learn to play the stock market.
5. Learn to make custom websites on your own.
6. Early repay the loan at the bank.
7. Entrust all housework to be done by machines in order to save time for earning money.
8. Save on meaningless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
9. Buy products in wholesale stores, except for perishable ones.
10. Buy a cottage for growing fresh organic products.
Comfort and pleasure:
1. Buy a four-room apartment with all amenities.
2. Buy a Mazda RX-8 car.
3. Visit Italy and Spain.
4. Take a course of massage.
5. Go on vacation at least 2 times a year.
6. Buy a fur coat to the very heels of ermine.
7. Ride a live Indian elephant.
8. Jump with a parachute.
9. Go to a live concert of your favorite artist.
10. Meet friends at least once a week.
1. Pay monthly Orphanage for gifts to children 10% of the profit.
2. Arrange for orphans a New Year's performance with gifts by the local theater - to finance.
3. Do not pass by those who ask for alms - be sure to give alms.
4. Help a shelter for homeless animals - deduct money for food for dogs.
5. By the New Year, make a small present for all the kids in the stairwell.
6. On the day of the elderly, give all pensioners a set of products.
7. Buy a computer for a large family.
8. Give unnecessary things to those in need.
9. Build a playground in the yard.
10. Help the financially talented girl Tanya to go to the competition in Moscow "Light your star."
Demand as the main component of happiness
In addition, for the full happiness of the individual, something else is necessary. And that "something" is called recognition. Only being in demand, a person feels his significance, feels pleasure, happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for the prepared dinner is enough. Others feel a sense of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is a recognition, a highlight of the individual among all others.
For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness in the house and hear words of admiration from neighbors, others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet at the sight of their appearance, figure, outfits, hairstyles. For the third, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition at a wider level is necessary. These fourths do not limit the circle of people they want to be recognized by, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.
These are scientists, discoverers, big businessmen, people of creative and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider range of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of "50 goals in my life." Examples of such goals might be:
find your soul mate to create a family, which (who) will be such and such, for whom I will have respect, love (passion), feelings should be reciprocal;
help your son finish school successfully;
give children higher education;
defend a thesis;
release your own collection of stories (a CD of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.
The plot of "Life Goals":
intermediate goals
To achieve global goals, actions are needed to help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write intermediate goals related to advanced training, education, and the acquisition of skills. And in the list of "50 human life goals" examples of such can be:
read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
reading manuals for a businessman, authored by John Rockefeller (for example, "12 golden rules" of success);
study of life stories and paths to success of major figures of science and culture;
studying foreign language;
obtaining a second education.
This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main goals.
In order to achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that occupy the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list, designating; "50 Intermediate Human Life Goals". These goals include:
take a trip around the world;
buy a new laptop;
make repairs in the apartment;
Refresh your wardrobe for the new season.
Some may write the items "do a facelift" or "do a tummy tuck". After all, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, which they are sometimes ashamed of. But when compiling a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important vital needs, but without joy and pleasure a person withers, he is bored with life, the meaning of achieving the main goals is lost.
Charity is the most important human goal
Studying the path to success of John the Rockefellers, one sees: he is a philanthropist. Donating a tenth of the profits to charity is the main rule of his life. According to psychologists, helping people is useful and extremely pleasant. Therefore, in the "50 vital goals", making a list, you should include items related to this side of life. By doing charity, one enjoys receiving recognition.
Even doing good incognito, he is satisfied by observing the fruits of his good deeds. Performing charitable acts should be included in the list of vital goals. "50 charitable goals in life" in the general list may have the items "build a shelter for abandoned animals", "open kindergarten for disabled children”, “regularly provide material assistance to the orphanage” and others.(c)
