Poisonous plants!


Out of 30,000 plants,

found in our country

about 1000 are poisonous.


This is the most popular poisonous plant, and it can be found everywhere. You can get poisoned by its bright red berries or the bark of branches that are cut off for the sake of beautiful, reminiscent of lilac flowers. When the juice of the plant gets on the skin, pain, redness, swelling, then blisters and ulcers appear. In case of poisoning with berries - burning in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, salivation, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, in severe cases - cardiac arrest.

Nightshade SWEET - BITTER

From mid-summer to September, berries hang on bittersweet and black nightshade plants. First they are green, then red and black. Children most often suffer by eating unripe berries. Symptoms of nightshade poisoning: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, inhibition of motor and mental activity.




In swampy places in many places you can find this tall umbrella plant with the smell of parsley. All parts are poisonous. Almost immediately after the poison enters the human body, headache, vomiting, and abdominal pain begin.


It is both a medicinal and a poisonous plant.

Unripe elderberry fruits are dangerous, which will contain hydrocyanic acid and are deadly poisonous when raw in large doses.


Acacia yellow

castor bean

Just one seed eaten by a child is fatal.

And for an adult, the lethal dose is

8 - 10 seeds.

Plants are beautiful, but dangerous Plants are beautiful, but dangerous!!!

  • Everything related to poisonous flora is studied by the science of pharmacognosy. Its roots go back to that distant past, when people explained incomprehensible phenomena by the influence of the gods. The knowledge of the ancestors was passed from mouth to mouth, and thus the legends have come down to our time. In the myths of ancient Greece, poisonous plants were patronized and knew their secrets by Hecate, who was the goddess of the moon, roads and sorceresses. According to legend, the magician king Ayeta in his kingdom erected a temple to her on the Black Sea coast in Colchis. There, in the garden, under the auspices of the goddess Hekate, the sorceress-pharmacides were engaged in the manufacture of various potions from poisonous plants. From the word "pharmakon" (dr. Greek), which means poison, medicine, witchcraft, and such words as pharmacology (the science of medicines), pharmacist (a person who makes
  • drugs) and pharmacognosy (the science of medicinal plants).
  • Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) - beautiful, but extremely poisonous
  • Wolf bast (Daphne mezereum) - a poisonous plant with a speaking name
  • In ancient times they knew about poisonous plants, but did not know about toxins. The plant harms human health with toxic chemical compounds - toxins that are contained in poisonous plants. Ask yourself just one question. How many plants do you know that are dangerous to humans? But on Earth there are about 10,000 species, in one only in Russian traditional medicine more than 160 species were used. From such plants, people have long learned to make poisons. Someone sought to use them with malicious intent, and someone in medicinal purposes. It cannot be said unequivocally that poisonous plants are our enemies, since Nature itself has laid down a complex mechanism for the interaction of all life on Earth. And it is not for us to decide that some element should not be on the planet just because it is unsafe for us. Even dangerous plants cannot be destroyed, as this will disrupt the entire chain of the ecosystem. You can learn to beware and appreciate them. Appreciate for the oxygen that they produce, for organic matter which they produce through photosynthesis. And, of course, to cherish the healing properties that their poisons have, used in small doses.
  • Poisoning by poisonous plants is possible, but only through personal carelessness or ignorance. Did you know that potatoes contain the poisonous substance solanine? It really is! Only ripe tubers are suitable for consumption, and everything green: a green tuber, tops, inflorescences - contain corned beef, which does not collapse even during heat treatment. Sometimes even cherries, apricots, peaches, bitter almonds are dangerous, because of the pit that children gnaw to eat the kernel. It is in this core that a very dangerous poison is located - hydrocyanic acid. Enough 0.05-0.1 grams to cause instant death. Poisonous substances are produced in different parts of plants, in different periods concentration may vary. For example, a poppy box, like a potato, is only safe when ripe. Hellebore is poisonous only with its young leaves, and plants such as henbane, cockle, gulyavnik are dangerous with ripened seeds.
  • Carefully inspect the plant before using it for food. There are poisonous plants that are very similar to ordinary ones. edible plants. For example, poppy seeds and poisonous henbane are very similar to each other, or fruits crow's eye similar to blueberries. Poisonous spotted hemlock resembles parsley leaves and anise fruits.
  • Spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) - disguises itself as parsley or carrot leaves - poisonous!
  • Plants that are deadly to humans serve as the natural food of individual animals. For example, the hornbill feeds on poisonous chilibukha seeds, which contain strychnine. Larks and quails peck at hemlock seeds, and forest birds eat poisonous mistletoe berries. There is an aphid that drinks the dangerous hemlock juice. Why is it so? For one creature, a plant is a mortal danger, and for another, an additional opportunity to survive.
  • Black crow (Actaea spicata) - also poisonous and dangerous
  • May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) - poisonous despite all its spring charm, berries are especially dangerous!
  • Perennial herb with a parsley scent. The stem is hollow inside, up to 130 cm in height, branched above. Blossoms in July - August, fruits ripen in September. Distributed in Eurasia. Grows in swamps, ditches, river banks, bushes. The plant is highly poisonous, especially the rhizome!
  • Medicinal raw material is the herb milestone poisonous.
  • Cicutotoxin in non-toxic doses causes sedation, reduces motor activity and blood pressure.
  • It is used in homeopathy - for epilepsy, tetanus cramps, migraine, dizziness and malaise caused by worms. In folk medicine, infusion - as a diaphoretic, anticonvulsant, sedative and expectorant; painkiller. Ointment - for arthritis, back pain. Poison milestones should be used only as directed and under the supervision of a physician. Death can occur from respiratory arrest due to acute heart failure. * Veh is toxic to farm animals. The lethal dose for cattle is 200 g of fresh rhizome, for sheep - 60-80 g. The rhizome is easily pulled out of marshy soil when animals bite the above-ground part.
  • Insecticide against leaf-eating caterpillars and sawfly larvae.
  • To avoid unpleasant moments in your life and the lives of loved ones, especially inquisitive children, you should “know in person” not only useful plants but also poisonous.

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Purpose: to introduce children to dangerous plants summer and warn them about the consequences of contact with these plants. Tasks: collect information about poisonous plants; using various sources, determine the degree of danger of plants and first aid measures.

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Poisonous plants are plants that produce and accumulate poisons in the process of life, causing poisoning of animals and humans. More than 10 thousand species of such plants are known in the world flora. Many plant poisons in small doses are valuable remedies. Poisonous plants - even if unwitting "offenders" are better known by sight. Let's look at the most common and most dangerous poisonous plants that grow on our summer cottages, near roads and in the forest, along the banks of reservoirs.

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nightshade sweet - bitter cow parsnip ordinary milestone poisonous castor bean wrestler, he is aconite dope raven eye black henbane Attention! They need to know in person

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Furanocoumarins in the juice of the plant "attract" ultraviolet light. Children cut the stems to make pipes, touch the milky juice and get severe burns. A drop of juice on the skin leads to sunburn on the skin of the II degree (blisters), respiratory allergen. Rinse skin thoroughly with water. Hogweed (Heracleym sphondylium) A perennial plant with a powerful hollow, ribbed stem growing up to 150 cm. The stem is covered with stiff hairs, the branches are in its upper part, the leaves are large. Blooms in June-July. White flowers are collected in a large umbrella. The fruits of hogweed (dvuzernovka) appear in August. It grows in fields, wastelands, along the banks of reservoirs.

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Nightshade sweet-bitter Perennial shrub up to 180 cm in height. The berries are red, elongated; children often confuse them with barberries. Lots of toxic compounds. Psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, delirium, tachycardia, headache, dizziness, dilated pupils, dry mouth. Urgently call an ambulance, before that, rinse the stomach, give any enterosorbent. (Solanum dulcamara)

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Veh poisonous, he is a hemlock (Cicuta virosa) Grows along the banks of stagnant reservoirs, in damp places, sometimes in the water itself. Blooms in July - August. The flowers are small, white, collected in a complex umbrella. The leaves are pinnate, doubly - triply dissected, the stems are branched, hollow. The fruits are round, the rhizome is thick, divided by transverse partitions into separate chambers filled with yellow juice - in small doses it is deadly. Poisonous substances are found in all parts, especially in the rhizome and young shoots. Neurotoxin. Abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, pale skin, convulsions. Urgently call an ambulance, before that, rinse the stomach, give any entero-obent.

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In the seeds, a dangerous alkaloid is ricin. Signs of poisoning occur after 15 hours, sometimes after 3 days. Retinal hemorrhage, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, convulsions. Urgently deliver to a medical facility. Castor bean (Ricinus communis) Plant up to 2-3 meters high. The stems are straight, the leaves are palmately divided, the flowers are not decorative. Grown in gardens, flower beds. Poisonous seeds. The alkaloid ricin has been called "one of the most potent toxins known." This substance, derived from castor beans (the fruit of the castor bean), is many times more toxic than potassium cyanide, sarin gas, and cobra venom. The cells of the lungs, liver, kidneys are affected.

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Even the dried plant contains poison - aconitine. Skin itching, breathing quickens, then slows down, body temperature decreases, pain in the heart, convulsions, paralysis of the respiratory muscles, death. Urgently deliver to a medical facility. If not breathing, administer artificial mouth-to-mouth ventilation. Wrestler, he is aconite (Aconite) Perennial herbaceous plant with an erect stem, deeply palmately divided leaves, blue or purple flowers. Grows in damp places along river banks and roadsides, on humus-rich soils, in mountain meadows. The whole plant is poisonous.

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Plant stem - 15-40 cm tall. Blooms in May - July; bears fruit in July - August. It grows in forests, among shrubs, in shady places. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the rhizome and berry. The rhizome causes vomiting, and the berries act on the heart. weed plant With bad smell, stem height 30-100 cm. Blossoms in June - August; seeds ripen in July - September. It is found near housing, along roads, in fields, gardens. All parts of the plant are poisonous (especially the seeds!). Poisoning causes dry mouth, skin rash, thirst, nausea and vomiting, cardiovascular disorders, mental disorder, convulsions. Symptoms of poisoning develop in the time interval from 10 minutes to 15 hours.

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Conclusion: Children are most often poisoned by poisonous plants. This also happens because they do not know which plants are poisonous. Poisonous plants should not be taken in the mouth, some even in the hands, you should not touch the eyes. Some poisons are found in plant sap, which is able to dissolve the fat that covers the surface of the skin; absorbed into the skin and getting into the blood, such juice causes poisoning. Be careful in the nature around you! We wish you good health!

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Sources of information:›wiki/Borets›cvet_kleshevina.html›yadovitye-rasteniya.html›Child health›Dangerous neighbours

Presentation on the topic "Plants are beautiful but dangerous"

Presentation prepared

3rd grade student

Kiorsak Fedor

    Ordinary plants can be poisonous. Most people are unaware that a beautiful, innocent-looking plant in their garden, house, window box, or field can be dangerous. At the very least, it can cause serious illness in children if they swallow or chew it. Children often become victims of poisoning by poisonous plants. Pets also suffer from eating them.


  • You may find several poisonous plants, including dieffenbachia, while exploring your own home. Its stem contains needle-shaped crystals that, when ingested, can damage the lining of the mouth and tongue and cause swelling that blocks breathing.


  • Garden plants bring a lot of problems to young children. The most dangerous rhubarb. Its stem, used as food, is not toxic, but its leaf contains oxalic acid, which is collected in the kidneys and can cause serious problems if enough is eaten.


Hydrangea is one of the most common garden plants. An adult specimen sometimes reaches five meters in height. Hydrangea blooms greenish-white, pink or blue flowers, reminiscent cotton candy which you want to try. However, these flowers are not at all as innocent as they seem at first glance. Prolonged contact with them causes stomach pain, itching, nausea, and weakness.


Colchicum- a very beautiful plant. It usually grows on forest edges. In autumn, when its flowers appear, a solid pink carpet, the meadows make a fabulous impression. Colchicum contains an alkaloid. In spring, the plant is sometimes eaten by cows. Its poison is excreted in milk, which can be the cause of poisoning people, especially children.

common buttercup

Field plants such as buttercup should be avoided (its leaves are poisonous to cattle), its poison is extremely dangerous for most people, causing skin rashes (leaves, stems and even smoke from burning),

Common tansy

It grows along roadsides, near dwellings, in gardens, in sparse forests. The flowers are yellow, collected in small baskets resembling buttons or rowan berries. The leaves are arranged so that their edges are directed from north to south. The name "Wild Rowan" tansy received for the similarity of its leaves and flowers with the leaves and berries of mountain ash. Extracted from tansy essential oil. The roots of plants give a green color. The plant is poisonous!

Lily of the valley

    Lily of the valley. This delicate plant, delighting our eyes in May, is poisonous from the roots to the tips of its fragile white bell flowers. Over time, even the water in which the bouquet stood becomes poisonous. If you eat a lily of the valley, there will be many dangerous symptoms: convulsions, uneven heartbeat, indigestion, pain in the mouth and stomach, nausea. Even prolonged inhalation of the aroma of this plant causes poisoning.


Chrysanthemum is sung by almost all Japanese poets. In England these yellow and orange flowers given in small pots for Thanksgiving and Halloween. Chrysanthemums grow slowly, but over time they can grow into huge bushes that are bypassed by both wild and domestic animals. And do you know why? Chrysanthemum for animals is very toxic. Chrysanthemum poison does not affect humans so much, but pollen can cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin.


    Ficus is sometimes called the weeping fig tree. There are over 800 types of ficuses. Most of them grow at home in pots, but in warm latitudes, ficuses are grown simply in the yard. The size of an adult plant, depending on the variety, ranges from 1 to 23 meters. Regardless of the variety, any Ficus is toxic. It causes allergic skin reactions, swelling and itching.


  • These light white and bright yellow harbingers of spring are partially poisonous - plant poison is concentrated in the bulbs. Sometimes people (more often children) confuse them with onions. Eating narcissus bulbs causes cramps, nausea, and digestive disorders. In severe poisoning, you may need a dropper and bed rest.

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Flowers have always been one of the symbols of love. If someone is sick, they give him flowers. If someone courts a woman, he presents her with a bouquet of flowers. If you are trying to apologize for something, you send flowers as a plea for forgiveness. When someone dies, flowers are presented to the deceased. Flowers are an integral part various ceremonies in almost all cultures. It is important to know what flowers can be given and in what situations. The flowers listed below should not be touched at all. Learn more about very beautiful but poisonous flowers.

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Aconite This plant is sometimes also called wrestler, devil's helmet or blue rocket. Beautiful flowering plant belongs to the buttercup family and is most commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere. How dangerous is this flower? Arrowheads were made from some types of flowers of the genus wrestlers. They were used by many cultures for hunting and during wars. If the poison of this flower enters the stomach, it causes nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This may be followed by burning, tingling, numbness of the face, mouth and abdomen. At high doses, death occurs instantly.

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Belladonna This flower has many other names, it is called Krasuha, Sleepy Madness, or Mad Berry, and jokes are bad with it. The plant belongs to the nightshade family, grows in Europe, North America and Western Asia. All parts of the plant are toxic. If you eat a flower, you will be in great danger. Children are often attracted to their berries because they are edible and even taste sweet. In case of poisoning, the following symptoms can be observed: dilated pupils, blurred vision, imbalance, headache, itching, redness of the face, slurred speech, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, convulsions. Death can occur if the reflex functions of the body, such as breathing and sweating, are disturbed, and help is not provided in time.

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Hemlock This poisonous flower belongs to the umbrella family and mainly grows in Europe and southern Africa. One species, the spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum), is extremely poisonous. The plant contains a large amount of alkaloids, which can cause death in both humans and livestock. One of the alkaloids, horseine, is very similar to nicotine. It interferes with the work of the central nervous system. Horsemeat poisoning can cause the following symptoms: muscle paralysis leading to paralysis of the respiratory system. As a result, the heart and brain stop receiving enough oxygen, which leads to death.

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Oleander This is a very beautiful flowering plant - extremely poisonous, although it is widely used in landscape design and even planted in school yards. All parts of the plant are toxic. The plant is said to be native to Portugal, Morocco and Mauritania. The toxicity of the flower is quite high, so if you hear about medicines based on oleander, this may raise suspicions. The symptoms of oleander poisoning are as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, abdominal pain, palpitations, drowsiness, trembling, convulsions, and coma.

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Datura There are nine representatives of the Datura genus, the distribution of which in nature is unknown. Most of these plants can be found in the US and Mexico. All nine species contain alkaloids that can cause death. For a long time, the plant was used to produce poison and as a hallucinogen. In Europe and India, cases of murder and suicide with the help of the poison of this flower are known. Today, in some countries, buying, selling, and cultivating Datura is considered illegal.

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Digitalis In nature, about 20 species of digitalis are known, another name for this flower is foxglove. Despite the beautiful flowers, the plant is deadly poisonous. All parts of it are toxic, but the topmost leaves contain the most poison. When poisoned with this plant, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, delirium, severe headaches, tremors, convulsions and heart failure can occur.

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May lily of the valley One of the most beautiful forest flowers - lily of the valley - is actually not as harmless as it seems. It grows normally in the cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and some varieties are used as garden flowers. Despite being known medicinal properties lilies of the valley, this flower is very toxic. It is believed that it can strengthen memory and even give someone common sense. The truth is that all parts of this flower are poisonous, it has a large supply of glycosides that can disrupt the heart.

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Opium poppy The drug heroin is obtained from this plant - a beautiful red poppy. The plant contains a substance such as morphine, which is processed into heroin. Poppy has been cultivated and used for thousands of years. The drug that is obtained from it can lead to a slow death, and the latex of the plant itself can cause cardiac arrest and lung failure. Also narcotic substance may lead to coma. Unfortunately, in some parts of the world, poppy is used to "cure" insomnia or diarrhea.

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Brugmansia This genus of plants includes 10 species of flowers and is most often found in the Andes of South America. It is associated with Datura, as they are similar in flower shape, and is often referred to as Angel's Trumpet. If the poison of the flower enters the body, it causes painful symptoms in both humans and animals. Among them is the expansion of the pupils. Due to toxicity, some countries prohibit buying, selling and cultivating Brugmansia.

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Lakonos And the last one on our list - lakonos - a beautiful, but rather poisonous flower. The flowers of this plant are the only part of it that is considered poisonous and can cause a lot of harm. If the flower is swallowed, the victim will experience nausea and vomiting. Then there may be symptoms such as heavy sweating, spasms, extreme weakness, trembling, diarrhea, hematemesis, and convulsions. With severe poisoning - slow breathing, dizziness, convulsive seizures, coma and death.
