People have always known about the beneficial properties of mummy.

It was noted that given substance has restorative and regenerative properties, effectively fights many ailments, can be used for cosmetic purposes. Shilajit is a unique natural remedy with a rich fortified and mineral composition.

Shilajit composition

The composition of the mummy to this day remains a mystery to scientists. There are so many different components in it that it is impossible to single out all the components. It is known that the mummy contains a large number of micro and macro elements.

The composition included such organic matter like metal oxides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential oils. Surprisingly, there are about 4 times more inorganic components in mummy than organic ones. It is due to this feature that the substance is so useful for the human body.

Of the inorganic compounds in the composition, the following were isolated:



A small concentration also contains such rare earth elements as strontium, cesium, chromium, rubidium. Beneficial features Shilajit is not in doubt, due to the versatile rich composition, the substance has a positive effect on the general condition of the human body.

Useful properties of mummy and indications for use

The beneficial properties of mumiyo allow you to strengthen the protective barriers of the body, strengthen the immune system, so that a person will be less susceptible to the "attack" of infections of various origins.

General beneficial properties of mummy

1. Accelerates metabolic processes, removes accumulated toxins and slags. As a result, the body is constantly cleansed, excess weight is lost.

2. Muscle and bone tissue.

3. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

4. It has a general strengthening effect on the body.

5. Increases skin elasticity, reduces stretch marks.

6. Calms the central nervous system, helps to cope with aching pain in the temporal region.

7. Compresses with mummy promote faster healing of wounds, cuts, and dissolve hematomas.

What else give a person the beneficial properties of mummy? This unique substance effectively fights many diseases and ailments, the scope of application is extensive.

Indications for the use of mummy

1. When cardiovascular diseases.

2. For any disease of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract.

3. In diseases of the organs of hearing, vision and respiratory system.

4. With skin and endocrine diseases.

5. With male and female infertility.

6. For diseases nervous system.

7. With low immunity.

8. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other colds.

Useful properties of mummy in traditional medicine

Shilajit is very often added to the composition of medicines. There are several recipes that are recommended to take note of every housewife. Useful properties of mummy can be used at home.

1. Immunity booster

8 grams of mummy are placed in a small container, a few drops of water are added there. Everything is mixed until a slurry is formed. Honey (about 400-500 grams) is put into the mixture, it is mixed again. The resulting gruel should be eaten 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon for 20 days. After that, a week break is required.

2. Anti-allergic agent

The beneficial properties of the mummy can be used for themselves and allergy sufferers, since the substance itself does not cause irritation, redness and itching. If there are rashes on the skin, you can cook at home effective ointment. To do this, 8 grams of mummy is diluted with water to form a homogeneous non-liquid consistency. The resulting mass is applied to problem areas daily at bedtime. Positive dynamics will be noticed in 2-3 days.

3. Anti-angina remedy

Mumiye has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Taking folk remedy on its basis, with angina, the throat softens, the inflammation of the lymph nodes decreases and the pain syndrome is relieved.

It is necessary to dissolve 3 grams of mummy 3 times a day, like candy. The taste is not the most pleasant, but it's worth it. 3-4 days are enough to achieve full recovery.

4. Headache Remedy

natural remedy Great for relieving migraines and dizziness. 1 gram of mummy and half a teaspoon of honey are added to a glass of warm milk, everything is mixed, the drink is drunk before going to bed. The course of treatment is designed for 20 days, so you need to take a break.

Useful properties of mummy in cosmetology

Shilajit is considered an indispensable substance for traditional and folk medicine. Its beneficial properties are also used in cosmetology for:

Removal of stretch marks from the skin;

Getting rid of black spots on the face and acne;

Problem Solutions oily skin head and hair;

Getting rid of cellulite.

Healthy Recipes

1. Acne remedy

15 grams of mummy is diluted with water until a slurry is formed, the mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then it is thoroughly washed off warm water. The advantage of the recipe is that the effect is noticeable almost instantly. Already after the first application, the skin will look better, fresher, toned.

2. Nutrition and hydration of the skin

In chilled boiled water, 1 mummy ball is dissolved. The resulting mass is poured into molds for ice and frozen. Every day in the morning with one cube you need to wipe your face. Shilajit nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores its healthy glow and prevents the formation of blackheads.

3. Anti cellulite and stretch marks

2 grams of mummy are diluted with 1 tablespoon of water. The resulting mass is mixed with a tube of regular baby cream. The mixture is rubbed into problem areas 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Already after 2-3 days the effect will make itself felt. Shilajit restores elasticity and firmness to the skin, saturates it with the missing vitamins and prevents premature aging.

4. Hair product

Hair is one of the main female wealth. If you want to give your curls health, strength and shine, you need to add the mummy regularly to the shampoo. You can also prepare a nourishing mask at home. 2 teaspoons of honey are mixed with 8 grams of mummy, the resulting mass is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes. running water.

Mumiye: contraindications

Mumiye strengthens the immune system of adults and children, favorably affects the state of the whole organism. There are no special contraindications, since the drug does not provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions. However, there are a few nuances to be aware of.

1. When treating mumijo, you must definitely take a break, since the remedy is addictive and will not give the desired effect.

2. During pregnancy, it is advisable not to use mummy as a cosmetic product and not to take it orally. During this period, the woman's body is rebuilt and its reaction is impossible to predict.

4. If a person decides to try on himself the recipes of traditional medicine based on mummy, he must give up alcohol, since the substance is absolutely incompatible with it.

Useful properties of mummy are invaluable. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the body.

Shilajit is one of the most beloved and most commonly used natural remedies in folk medicine. Such popularity was facilitated by its extraordinary effectiveness in a number of diseases, availability and relatively low price.

As for accessibility, in our time, mummy in tablets has become very popular, and in this article we will just analyze how to use it correctly and in what cases.

Although I personally am not a fan of this product in tablet form and I prefer natural product, but someone may think otherwise and it is more convenient for him to use pills. Well, the choice is yours. And for those who hear about the mummy for the first time, it will be more useful to read.

In what cases is mummy taken in tablets

I will say right away that the mummy in its pure form and the same product in tablets, in fact, will be different products, although they have the same name. The medicinal properties of the latter will be an order of magnitude lower, since in the manufacture of such tablets, in addition to the mummy itself, several other components are added there, and the product also undergoes some thermal changes.

Therefore, if you plan to seriously take care of your health, it is better to buy a natural 100% product without any additives. So, in what cases can mummy be used in tablets?

  • in diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • in diseases respiratory tract
  • with ENT diseases
  • after operations, for quick recovery of the body
  • for fast healing
  • with high cholesterol (read about the most efficient way its decline)
  • with neuralgic disorders
  • to strengthen immunity
  • as a weight loss aid
  • with hair loss

"Mountain resin" can be quite effective tool with headaches. To do this, you need to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 3 weeks. You can mix them with honey or dissolve in warm milk. After a 3-week course of treatment, a 10-day break is required, after which the therapeutic effect can be fixed by repeating the course of treatment.

Shilajit has also found wide application in cosmetology. For example, it can be used to strengthen and improve hair, give your skin elasticity and a healthy look. Below I will give recipes for using this the most useful product nature.


Shilajit is an artificial stimulant for the body of any person. And this means that it should not be taken on an ongoing basis or for a very long time. The fact is that the human body gets used to it.

Also, you can not take alcohol, in any of its forms, during the course of treatment. And so the contraindications for the mummy in tablets are the same as for the natural product:

  • Pregnancy
  • The period of breastfeeding in women
  • Hypertension
  • Children's age (usually up to 12 years old)
  • Allergy or individual intolerance

Instructions for use of mummy in tablets

So, let's see how you can take them? Exist like general recommendations as well as individual recipes. First, some general recommendations.

  1. It is not recommended to use such tablets for more than 1 month without a break. Be sure to take a 10-day break, after which you can repeat the treatment
  2. Usually, the oral regimen involves 2 single doses in the morning (half an hour before meals) and in the evening (2 hours after meals). Taking more than 2 tablets per day is undesirable!
  3. Dosage for oral administration is calculated based on the weight of the patient and his age.
  4. In the treatment of chronic diseases with mummy tablets, multiple repetitions of courses with breaks between them are required.

Application recipes

For stretch marks during pregnancy

Shilajit allows you to quite well deal with stretch marks that inevitably occur during pregnancy. To do this, you need to prepare a simple cream according to this recipe:

  • We take the usual baby cream, boiled cooled water and 3 tablets of mummy.
  • Tablets need to be crushed, dissolved in a small amount of water (a teaspoon or a little more), and then mixed with baby cream.

Such a cream for stretch marks is applied to problem areas 1 time per day for at least 2 months. After that, you will be pleasantly surprised!

As a weight loss aid

The so-called "Mountain Resin" is an excellent weight loss aid. But only auxiliary! On its own, taking shilajit pills is unlikely to help you lose extra pounds, but in combination with exercise and diet, it works! Checked many times!

Shilajit is an excellent metabolism activator, besides, with regular intake, appetite also decreases, which also contributes to weight loss.

They drink mummy tablets when losing weight in courses of 10 or 20 days, with breaks between them for 7-10 days (morning and evening). The dosage can be viewed in this table, it depends on the weight

For hair loss and to strengthen them

  • Take 1 glass of fresh cranberries and 200 ml. warm water, crush the cranberries with your hands and add 2-3 tablets of mummy and 4 tablespoons of honey to this gruel.
  • This mask should be carefully rubbed into the hair roots and kept for an hour. After that, the head is washed in the usual way.

1 more recipe:

  • We already take 5 tablets, grind them into powder, add 2 chicken yolks, a tablespoon of propolis and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of almond oil. Mix everything and dilute with 50 ml. liquid honey.
  • Such a mask is applied to the hair for exactly 90 minutes, warmed with a towel on top, and then washed off.

If it seems difficult for you to do such procedures, you can simply add the mummy to the shampoo, which many people do. Such useful supplement will also have a positive effect on the condition of your hair, strengthen them and give a healthy shine and volume.

Recipe to fight acne

If you are tortured by acne and blackheads, you can try to fight them with this recipe:

  • We take 50 ml of liquid honey, add 4 tbsp. spoons olive oil 2 crushed mummy tablets.
  • The resulting mixture is applied to cleansed skin.
  • Hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With diseases of the stomach, intestines, ENT diseases and neuralgic disorders

With the above diseases, the regimen and dosage, as a rule, is prescribed by the attending physician. Usually treatment is prescribed in courses (10 or 30 days). A break between courses is required.

Mumiye tablets are drunk twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening - 2 hours after eating. In chronic diseases, they can additionally prescribe a reception at lunch (one hour before meals).

The method of application is usually as follows:

  • The tablet is dissolved in 2-3 tablespoons of warm (but not hot) water and taken orally. It doesn't taste very good, but it's useful!

In female diseases (inflammatory process, erosion, etc.)

  • For the treatment of female diseases, 1 tablet of mummy is dissolved in 50 ml. warm water and a swab moistened with this solution is inserted into the vagina.

For joint pain, sciatica

If you are haunted by constant pain in the joints, you can try using the mummy in tablets according to the following recipe:

  • 2.5 tablets must be crushed and dissolved in 100 grams of honey.
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into a sore spot before going to bed for 30 days. If the effect is insignificant, the treatment can be repeated.

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Shilajit is a natural, both organic and mineral product, popularly called mountain balm or mountain resin. The exact process of its formation is still being studied, but it looks like an inhomogeneous solid mass of indefinite shape and surface. Its tight yet slightly plastic texture includes plant, mineral and animal components. The substance is somewhat reminiscent of resin, it is dark brown, sometimes even black in color with its own specific smell, because soil, rock, plants and various animal microorganisms are involved in its creation.

Shilajit has medicinal properties, it combines more than 50 chemical elements selected by nature itself, it is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Only unrefined raw material is not used in the application, quality product is purified by filtration, centrifugation and water extraction.


Shilajit is a natural complex of many useful organic and inorganic substances, micro and macro elements that need human body. In its composition:

  • vitamins C, A, D, B and P;

    potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, as well as cobalt, zinc, manganese and many other elements;

    many amino acids: glycine, arginine, glumamic acid, glistidin, anginine, threonine and others;

    fatty polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids;

    fulvic acids;

    hippuric and benzoic acids;

    humic acid;

    organic acids: citric, tartaric, lichen, succinic and others;

    essential oils;


    humic bases;


    steroids and ternopeids, flavonoids, carotenoids;

    okserite (mountain wax);




    bee venom.

8 useful properties of mummy

  1. Fights infectious diseases

    Many studies show that the fungi found in the mummy, or rather their properties, resemble penicillin. Their action is actually similar, fungi perform almost all the functions of penicillin in relation to infectious diseases such as dysentery or tuberculosis. It is effectively used for colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases.

  2. Increases hemoglobin levels

    Shilajit has best properties to treat anemia and increase hemoglobin in the blood. By increasing the number of red blood cells, the natural balm provides a full blood supply to all organs, which stimulates the improvement of the whole organism. Biologically active substances are involved in the hematopoietic process of the body, significantly improving it.

  3. Treats nervous diseases

    Shilajit is used to treat many neurological diseases and nervous disorders. His healing properties used to restore the reduced function of peripheral nerve trunks. It also actively influences DNA synthesis.

  4. Improves heart function

    The benefits of mummy are determined by its rich composition. It contains biologically active substances that normalize metabolic processes in the body and dilate blood vessels, and this necessary condition for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system and the elimination of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and other cardiac diseases. Natural balm reduces pressure and eliminates tachycardia and can even regenerate the heart muscle when it is damaged.

  5. Strengthens the immune system

    Shilajit is an excellent stimulant of full functioning immune system and, accordingly, the protective properties of the body. Due to its inherent beneficial properties, the natural elixir is successfully used in children's institutions during the transitional autumn-winter period to localize and prevent an influenza epidemic. It is able to produce antibodies even for complex immunity.

  6. Useful for women

    Shilajit, due to its healing properties, has gained immense popularity among women, they use it for face peeling. Its regenerating effect on cells helps to restore skin elasticity and rid it of unnecessary wrinkles. The natural elixir relieves even postpartum stretch marks. It can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Teenage girls use it to get rid of acne.

  7. Helpful for fractures

    Numerous studies by specialists in the field of medicine prove that the mummy is able to regenerate not only muscle tissues but also bones. This natural balm stimulates further recovery and healing of limb fractures. It also significantly reduces the time for bone fusion and displacement.

  8. Strengthens hair

    Shilajit is very often used to improve hair, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews on the use of this miracle remedy. Natural balm is applied externally as a mask or in combination with the usual shampoo. After the first week, the hair ceases to be brittle and fall out, the color and structure of the hair improves, and after the full course (4 weeks), the hair will become beautiful and healthy.

Types of mummy and how to choose the right one

It is clear that you need to be treated only with high-quality mummy and you need to learn how to choose it correctly. good product becomes soft when you remember it in your hand, and a fake will remain hard. This is because during the evaporation process a sticky mass remains, which, when burned, burns to a state of ash, but in no case smokes. When it comes into contact with air, it thickens, and when heated, it softens.

There are many types of mummy. There is Kyrgyz, Indian, in Russia the most popular is the Altai mummy. It is safe to say that none of these species brings harm to the body.

It is white and black, their properties are distinctive, but in usefulness they are not inferior to each other. The mechanism of action on the body of a natural healer is complex, but equally useful for the life of the body.

It also exists in tablets, and you can buy it at pharmacies in the city and on special sites at an affordable price.

Indications for use

Shilajit is indicated for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including:

    stomach ulcers;


    skin diseases, including eczema;

    dyspeptic phenomena: nausea, vomiting and heartburn;


    otitis and inflammation of the middle ear;

    periodontal disease;


    gynecological diseases;


    bone and vascular diseases;

    infectious and viral diseases.

Folk healing recipes

Shilajit is very often, and most importantly, successfully used in folk medicine. There are a huge number of recipes using this product to treat many ailments. Alternative treatment– an alternative to traditional medicine, especially for people with allergies to many chemicals. Below are some homemade recipes.

1. Hair mask

To strengthen and improve hair growth, there is a very effective mask. For her, you need to take 2 g of mummy, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mixing honey, add a spoonful of your favorite shampoo. The finished mask should be applied to the hair along their entire length. Keep the mixture on your hair for an hour, then rinse your hair with warm water. Even one mask a week will be enough to improve the health of your hair. For daily use, you can simply add a small amount of mummy to the shampoo.

2. Anti-wrinkle cream

4 g of mummy should be diluted with 1 teaspoon of water to a homogeneous mass and mixed with one tube of baby cream. The already obtained new cream should be placed in a glass container with a tightly sealed lid and stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to problem areas of the skin for three to four months. It goes very well with honey, it can be added to almost all masks and creams.

3. Heartburn Remedy

2 g of mummy is diluted with warm water, milk or tea, and even better with honey, and is taken orally before going to bed (half an hour before). Improvement will come in a week, but it is best to extend the course to 30 days.

4. Ointment for hemorrhoids

Mix any anti-inflammatory cream with mummy in a ratio of 1:6, you can add honey and a few drops of chamomile infusion. The ointment is applied into the anus by 3-4 cm at night, the course of treatment is 30-40 days. Ointment can also be made on the basis of natural fat, such as pork.

5. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis

For the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis, mummy is taken 0.3 g diluted in milk or green tea daily, twice a day. The course of treatment is about 2-3 months, after a short break it can be continued.

Dosages and how to take it correctly

  • Shilajit is not taken in its natural form, but dissolved in water, honey, juice, milk and other favorite drinks. For external use mixed with creams, ointments, honey, sometimes alcohol.
  • Shilajit is a concentrated product and its overdose is dangerous to health.
  • During the reception, it should not be mixed with alcoholic beverages and drugs, you must follow an elementary diet. The dosage must be observed strictly according to the recipe, in each case it is different.
  • Before you start taking it, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Contraindications for use

Mumiyo has many useful properties, but, unfortunately, it also has some contraindications.

First, you should not take it in cases of individual intolerance to the product and its components.

Secondly, despite the naturalness of the balm, you still need to take it in moderation, avoiding an overdose.

Mummy is contraindicated:

    cancer patients;

    children under the age of 12;

    drug sensitive;

    To old people.

Mumiyo is widely used by doctors of the East for gastrointestinal, nervous, cardiovascular diseases, as well as for diseases of the spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys, lungs, fractures, to stimulate protective, reparative and regenerative processes in the body. Even with a long-term introduction of the mummy into the human body, it does not have any toxic effect. Exist different kinds Shilajit: Japanese Indian, Burmese, Mongolian, etc. They are similar in quality chemical composition, but differ in the ratio of the main constituents.

For what diseases to take mummy? Here are some examples of how to take the mummy correctly and for which diseases it has an effective effect.

Peptic ulcers of the stomach, digestive organs, gastrointestinal tract, Bladder, gastritis, colitis

ingestion, preferably on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening, for 25-28 days, one course of treatment and repeated after 10 days for a chronic or advanced stage of the disease. The amount of mummy for a single use is: if the body weight is more than 90 kg - then 0.5 g, 90 kg - then 0.4 g, if 80 kg - then 0.3 g, up to 70 kg - then 0.2 g. , preferably with milk 1:20, you can also in water, adding honey to taste, you can juice. During the course of treatment, you should follow a diet and not drink alcohol;

  • in case of injuries with liver damage, a mixture of 0.2 g of mummy with 0.1 g of Armenian clay and 0.5 g of saffron should be given to the patient;
  • for diseases of the kidneys and liver: 3 g of mumiyo is dissolved in 3 liters of warm boiled water. It is necessary to take 20 ml of the resulting solution three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Better with sugar beet juice. Take 10 days, rest - 3 days. For the course of treatment, you will need 15 g of mummy;
  • with constipation associated with intestinal atony - mummy, in the amount of 2 g per liter of boiled water, drink 100 ml of the solution on an empty stomach with raw water. The course of admission is 10 days;
  • with ulcerative diseases of the ureters and bladder, you need to drink 0.2 g of mummy three times, stirring it with warm milk or honey, douching with a solution of 1 g per liter at night. For a course of treatment, you will need 15 g of the product.

Dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting)

  • take 0.2 g of mummy, which is dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water or tea twice a day, morning and evening, just before going to bed, for 25-28 days. Recovery will come in 10-15 days.
  • In inflammatory chronic diseases, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, tonsillitis, sneezing, coughing
  • take 0.2 or 0.3 g of mummy mixed with honey or milk inside in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed in a ratio of 1:20, and you can also lubricate the inflamed areas with the same composition or gargle with it. It is necessary, depending on the severity of the form of the disease, 1-3 courses of treatment, 25-28 days each, between courses - a break of 10 days;
  • in diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, asthma, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, as well as sexual weakness, the mummy is thoroughly mixed with lard, parsley juice, oil, egg yolk or others medicinal plants or fats.

For nosebleeds

  • instill a mixture of 0.1 g of mummy and camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5, 1:8 into each nostril. Enough 2 courses of treatment for 25 days with a break of 10 days;
  • you can mix the mummy with marjoram juice or camphor and bury it in the nose;
  • With purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss
  • 0.35 g mumijo mixed with rose or other vegetable oil, add the juice of unripe grapes, and bury in the ears;
  • Put in the ears turundas soaked in a solution of 2 g of mummy and 100 ml of water.

With thrombophlebitis

take orally 0.25-0.3 g of mummy 3 times a day for 25 days, mixing with honey and milk 1:20. Reduces the degree of swelling, feeling of pain and the volume of the diseased limb.

With diabetes

drink twice a day, in the morning an hour before meals, in the evening an hour before going to bed, 0.2 g of mummy in solution. 10 days to drink, 5 to rest. For the course of treatment, you will need 10-12 g of mummy.

With bronchial asthma

take mummy 0.2-0.3 g, mixed with animal fat or milk and honey inside on an empty stomach and before going to bed in the evening, in a ratio of 1:20, and gargle with this mixture. You need 1-3 courses of such treatment, depending on the form of the disease.

With fractures of bones, joints, muscle strain, trophic skin ulcers, fistulas, burns, cuts, rheumatism

  • taking the drug orally at a dose of 0.2-0.5 g along with rubbing the damaged area, depending on the affected area, the course of treatment is set for at least 25-28 days, taking into account a 10-day break;
  • with a bruise of the chest organs, the recommended dose is 0.2 g of mummy mixed with a decoction of caraway seeds;
  • you can mix 0.5 g of mummy with rose oil. Take orally and lubricate the sore spot. When using this method, the bones grow together very quickly and painlessly.

With hypertension

once a day, at night, after eating an hour later, take 0.15-0.2 g of mummy solution. 10 days - drink, rest - 5 days. After taking 6 g of mummy, take a rest, lasting one month. Conduct 2-3 courses.

With a stone in the gallbladder

For one liter of water - 1 g of mummy, drink three times a day for a glass of this solution. 10 days to drink, 5 - a break. For a full course of treatment, you need 12 g of mummy.

For allergies

Take 1 time per day, in the morning. Shilajit is bred at a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter.

  • - children 1-3 years old - 50 ml;
  • - children 4-7 years old - 70 ml;
  • - children from 8 years old - 100 ml.

If the allergy manifests itself very strongly, then the reception should be repeated during the day, but the dose should be reduced. It is recommended to conduct courses for 20 days in spring and autumn.

For hair loss

1% mummy solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) for infusion of burdock and mint. Prepare the infusion as follows: finely chop the burdock and mint, mix in a ratio of 50:50, take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture, brew it, like tea, with a glass of boiling water, insist, mix with a solution of mummy. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp three times a day.

Useful properties of mummy

Mumiyo is, without a doubt, one of the most the best means that can improve the mineral metabolism in the body, which nature could come up with. Shilajit, when used, helps to increase the content of salts, calcium, manganese and phosphorus in the body. It increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, and also increases the content of hemoglobin, which in turn contributes to a good blood supply to all organs and tissues, and the whole body is stimulated. The huge popularity of mummy in folk medicine is, of course, due to the real healing properties that scientific point vision can be easily explained by the content in it of such biologically active substances as steroids, proteins, fatty acids, which, as it becomes clear, interact with a rather interesting composition and produce such an excellent effect.

Shilajit uses

Shilajit contains 30 trace elements, 28 chemical elements, 10 metal oxides, 6 amino acids, an impressive range of various vitamins, especially many B vitamins, essential oils, and bee venom. Mumiyo is used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and general tonic. Mumiyo has such properties that can restore the reduced functions of peripheral nerve trunks, and mumiyo also takes an active part in DNA synthesis.

Thanks to modern research, it became known that mumiyo contains fungi that are very similar in their properties to penicillin, thanks to these fungi, mumiyo can act as a reliable bactericidal agent in the treatment of large amounts of infectious diseases, for example, such as dysentery, tuberculosis and any diseases that are associated with inflammatory processes.

The complex composition of the mummy determines its healing properties, the composition of the mummy contains such biologically active substances that dilate blood vessels well, and this is extremely important in the treatment of hypertension, sclerosis, headaches, heart attack, as well as some diseases that are directly related to metabolic disorders .

When using mumiyo, the ability of the liver to resist toxins increases, its protein-synthesizing function increases, but if the liver has been damaged by trauma or toxins, mumiyo will contribute to its regeneration. The same properties of mumiyo accelerate the regeneration of all damaged nerve trunks, as well as the heart muscle and other tissues that have been severely damaged.

Shilajit has the property of good stimulation of the human immune system and can stimulate various protective functions of the body. Thanks to these properties, mumiyo has been quite successfully used and is now used in many kindergartens as a prophylactic against acute respiratory infections, this makes it possible to halve the incidence in children's preschool institutions even during an influenza epidemic. Shilajit can significantly increase the production of antibodies during the formation of specific immunity.

Shilajit properties

Delicious mumiyo is able to restore skin elasticity, help get rid of stretch marks, and also helps to prevent them. The powerful regenerating effect that such a substance has on cells has been recognized by many modern women. The use of shilajit is safe during pregnancy and during a long period of breastfeeding. To prepare such a remedy at home, you need to take any baby cream and 4 grams of mummy, which must first be diluted in 1 teaspoon of water, mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and place this mixture in a small tightly closed jar, which will be stored in the refrigerator.

To obtain results, it is recommended to apply such a cream to problem areas of the body for at least four months. It can also be rubbed for prophylactic purposes into the thighs, buttocks and chest. Already after one month, a significant increase in skin elasticity can be replaced, and after full course treatment, any woman can almost completely get rid of ugly stretch marks on her body.

Mummy for hair

Regardless of the causes of hair loss, the use of shilajit gives good results. Regular use of shilajit-based products has a positive effect, improving the saturation of hair color and restoring brittle ends. Such a unique remedy is usually used externally in combination with ordinary shampoos. We offer you an effective recipe for restoring the hair structure. We take a 10% mummy solution and apply it with a spray bottle to the entire scalp. After about one hour, the composition can be washed off. With intense hair loss and noticeable baldness, such a course can be carried out up to 4 weeks.

You can also make a special tool. We take a small amount of shampoo, 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 grams of mummy. Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with regular shampoo. This nutrient has a powerful tonic effect on hair growth.

It should be noted that the mummy has an excellent intracellular effect on the roots, nourishing the upper layer of the epidermis, where the hair follicles are located. This leads to a powerful stimulation of the dormant follicles, as well as a noticeable strengthening of the hair, which is already directly in the growth phase.

Mummy for the face

From healing mummy you can make great face masks that amaze with their effectiveness. Such an unusual resin has unique minerals and biologically active components. Mumiyo perfectly fights against skin aging and the first wrinkles. This amazing mixture, which consists of organic and inorganic substances, has a powerful anti-aging effect. To prepare a universal cream based on such a resin, you need to take 1 tablespoon of face cream and 14 grams of mummy. We mix the ingredients. The healing mask is ready. It should be applied before going to bed, leaving it on the skin for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. With regular use, this remedy will make your skin glow with health.

To make a soothing mask, we need 1 teaspoon of mummy, 2 tablespoons of field chamomile and 100 ml of water. Pour boiling water over the chamomile and keep it on fire for at least three minutes, after which we filter the broth and mix it with resin. The consistency will be like sour cream. You can apply this mask at any time of the day, leaving it on your face for 15-20 minutes. It will help relieve skin inflammation and fatigue.

Treatment of various diseases

Mummy for fractures. Long-term studies of modern specialists have led to the conclusion that the use of mumijo promotes the process of regeneration of tissues and callus. For fractures, the reception of such a resin inside on an empty stomach is shown approximately 2 hours before breakfast. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 0.15 grams of resin in water. You can drink tea or milk. The course of treatment should be at least 10 days. If necessary, after a 5-day break, the course can be repeated. Depending on the nature or severity of the fracture itself, up to 6 such courses are prescribed.

Such a delightful remedy has a stimulating effect on a serious healing process. Regular intake of this unusual resin significantly reduces the healing time of damaged bones. In addition, the mummy avoids various complications and displacements.

Haemorrhoids. Shilajit should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, already before going to bed, 0.2 g each. It is imperative to lubricate the anus up to 4 cm deep with a specially prepared ointment from mumiyo and honey (1:5–1:8). It is necessary to take the mummy inside for 25 days, after which you should take a break of 10 days and repeat the course of treatment. The duration of lubrication of the anus is 3–4 months, after which it is necessary to take a break of 1 month. If the disease is severely advanced, a complete cure will occur after 6-8 months of treatment, or possibly earlier. You can achieve a better result if the mummy is used together with peach oil or cow fat. The proportions should be left the same, apply it inside and at the same time lubricate the anus.

Thrombophlebitis. With thrombophlebitis, mumijo should be taken orally at a dose of 0.25–0.3 g mixed with milk or honey in a ratio of 1:20 twice a day, the duration of the course of treatment is 20–25 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 10 days. Shilajit, when used to treat this disease, has the following effects on the body: it reduces swelling of the legs, pain, increases the number of red blood cells, normalizes the ESR, and increases the level of hemoglobin.

Dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching). Mumiyo is bred in a tablespoon with tea, boiled water, milk or honey. Diluted mumiyo is taken orally at 0.2 g in the morning and evening, before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 20–25 days. The cure most often occurs after 10-15 days from the day you start taking it.

Purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss. For the treatment of these ailments, mumiyo is used as drops, which are prepared from mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. It should be instilled in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed, you can also take mumiyo orally, diluted in milk or honey, 0.2–0.3 g each. In this case, mumiyo increases the outflow of pus, and also helps to remove the inflammatory process.

Bone-tuberculous processes (hip, knee joints, spine). With this ailment, it is necessary to take mummy inside 0.1–0.2 g once a day for 25 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of 10 days. In this case, mumiyo is diluted in honey or milk in a ratio of 1:20.

Headache, migraine, chills, dizziness, epilepsy, facial paralysis. Shilajit is taken 0.2–0.3 g mixed with honey or milk in a ratio of 1:20 in the morning and evening, a few minutes before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 25 days. In case of advanced disease, the course can be repeated after 10 days.

Stuttering. In this case, mumijo should be taken orally 0.2 g daily mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:5–1:8. The duration of the course of treatment for stuttering lasts from 4 to 6 months.

Bleeding from the nose. With such an ailment, mumiyo must be dissolved in camphor alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5–1: 8 and instilled into each nostril, at a time of 0.2 g. It is necessary to conduct two courses of treatment lasting 25 days each with a 10-day break between them. At the end of the course of treatment, the bleeding will stop.

Bleeding from the lungs. Mumiyo should be taken orally at a dose of 0.2 g in the form of a syrup prepared with cherry or peach. It is possible with milk or honey, observing the proportions of 1:20. It is necessary to take it before bedtime, and the amount of syrup intake is 2-3 times a day. For a cure, it is necessary to conduct at least 3-4 courses lasting 25 days with breaks of 10 days. If the disease is severe, treatment can be continued.

Inflammatory and allergic chronic diseases, tonsillitis, runny nose, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough. Shilajit should be taken orally 0.2–0.3 g mixed with cow fat and honey or milk in a ratio of 1:20 in the morning and evening, before bedtime. You can use this mixture as a lubrication of a sick, inflamed area at night or as a rinse for sore throat. The course of treatment lasts 25–28 days, such courses must be carried out 1–3, it all depends on the severity of the disease. Be sure to take breaks of 10 days between courses. In bronchial asthma, mumiyo is taken orally and as a rinse.

Gynecological diseases, defects in the tissues of the female genital organs (erosion of the vaginal wall and cervix) and inflammatory processes. For treatment, use before and after menstrual cycle a napkin well moistened with a 4% mummy solution, which is applied to the eroded area and fastened with a swab. Such a course of treatment lasts from 2 to 3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break of 10 days and repeat the course again. Together with such treatment, it is best to take mumijo together with milk and honey, 0.2 g 1 time per day, this will reduce the duration of treatment. During the period of such treatment, it is strongly recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse. The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Infertility in men and women, weakening of sexual function, hypospermatogenesis (poor-quality seed in men), etc. In this case, Mumiye should be taken orally 1-2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime, 0.2-0 each, 3 g. Shilajit is best mixed with carrot, sea buckthorn or blueberry juice. The duration of the course of treatment is 25–28 days. The desired result is sometimes achieved when using mumiyo together with egg yolks or with the juice of medicinal plants. A noticeable increase in sexual function occurs already on the 6-7th day of treatment.

Diseases of peripheral nerve trunks, musculoskeletal organs (radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia). In this case, it is best to use mumiyo in the form of an 8-10% alcohol solution, rubbing it into the sore spot for 5-6 minutes. The duration of the course of treatment is 20 days. The course can be repeated after 10 days. If, simultaneously with rubbing, 0.2 g of mummy with milk and honey is taken inside in a ratio of 1:20, there is a rapid relief of pain, a decrease in the tone of the inflamed muscle, itching and other symptoms of the disease disappear.

Parodontosis (diseases of the gums, teeth, oral mucosa, local inflammatory reactions, etc.). Shilajit should be taken with milk and honey (or water) in a ratio of 1:20 orally, 0.2 g 1-2 times a day, this must be done at bedtime for 25 days, simultaneously with ingestion, you can make applications with a solution of mumiyo and alcohol (5%).

Eczema of the limbs. With such a disease, it is necessary to soar all limbs in an aqueous 5-6 solution of mummy for 30–35 minutes before sleep. Together with steaming, you need to take mummy with currant or sea buckthorn juice 0.2 g 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, shortly before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 25 days. The course is possible, and in some cases it is necessary to repeat after 10 days of break. This disease requires regular treatment. You can replace poultices by massage and rubbing sore spots, skin areas with a mummy solution along with alcohol, sea buckthorn oil and others. This is the best general tonic.

Application, how to take mummy?

Mumiyo can be used dissolved in water, tea, milk, juices and honey, it can also be used externally in the form of lubrication of sore spots and instillation, as well as if mumiyo is mixed with juice, alcohol, honey, or mumiyo is added to the ointment. In the process of mumiyo treatment, in no case should you drink any alcoholic beverages and medications. It is worth recalling that the mummy, if taken in large doses, becomes toxic, for this reason it is imperative to strictly follow the recipes.

Mumiyo in traditional medicine is used to treat diseases such as various diseases stomach, gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs and bladder. It is best to use mummy on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening, more precisely, before going to bed, in other words, 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 25–28 days.

If the disease treated with mummy was severely advanced, the course should be repeated 10 days after the first course of treatment. The required amount of mummy for a single dose is 0.2-0.5 g, it depends on the person's body weight: up to 70 kg - 0.2 g, 80 kg - 0.3 g, up to 90 kg - 0.3-0, 4 g, more than 90 kg - 0.4–0.5 g. It is best to dilute mumiyo with milk (1:20) or water, you can add honey to the drink to taste, mumiyo can also be diluted in various juices, such as grape, cucumber , or in infusions of herbs such as blueberries, cumin, parsley. Shilajit is also bred in egg yolks.

When a mummy is being treated, it is very important to follow a diet and eat moderately. During this period, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited!

How to take mummy? Mumiye is prescribed for a variety of diseases and problems. In the manufacture of healing solutions, it is strictly forbidden to subject them to heat treatment. It should be noted that the sooner the treatment with such a resin is started, the better the effect of its administration will be. Before complex operations, it is recommended to start taking mummy solution 7 days in advance. In chronic ailments, such a healing agent should be used inside in small courses of 14 days. For gastrointestinal problems, this solution is shown to be taken daily on an empty stomach, starting with 5 drops. Gradually increase the dosage to 10 drops.

To prepare this excellent product, you need to take 20 grams of mummy and dissolve it in 500 ml of warm water. Do not forget that during the treatment with such an amazing mixture, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.

Mummy for children

Natural mummy remedy is a storehouse of useful microelements. If you do not exceed the prescribed dosages, then such an incomparable resin will not bring absolutely no harm to the child. Should be strictly adhered to the following rules: from 3 months to one year - no more than 0.02 grams; from 1 year to 9 years - 0.05 grams; from 9 to 14 years - 0.1 grams. For oral administration, the mummy should be diluted in water at the rate of 5 grams per 1 gram per 4 tablespoons of water. One teaspoon of the solution contains 0.1 grams of mummy. The resulting composition must be stored in the refrigerator and used no longer than 10 days from the date of preparation.

It is indicated for children with dislocations, fractures, muscle sprains, as well as with severe bruises. With a toothache, you should knead 0.1 grams of mummy and apply the mixture to the affected tooth. With dermatoses, you can use a concentrated solution of mummy - 20 grams of mummy per half liter of water. This tool is recommended to wipe the affected areas of the skin.

Mummy for weight loss

Healing resin mummy promotes effective weight loss because it stimulates the metabolism. The acceleration of such a slow metabolic process is based on the high content of essential trace elements in the resin. The course of treatment should not be less than 20 days. You should take 0.2 grams of mummy twice a day. Regular use will normalize electrolyte metabolism, and also help the body get rid of the bulk of unnecessary fat reserves.

Shilajit is able in a short time to make up for the deficiency of important substances at the cellular level, due to which retention occurs. harmful substances and toxins in the body.

During the three-week course, give up alcoholic beverages and very fatty foods, giving your preference to fruits. It should be noted that such weight loss is contraindicated during pregnancy, and it cannot be prescribed to a child under 12 years of age.

Contraindications to the use of mummy

It is known that mumijo is a low-toxic agent if taken orally at 30 mg/kg or administered subcutaneously, intravenously, a 4% solution in an amount of 250 mg/kg. In the event that even this is done for a very long time, for example, 60 days, the mummy, as studies have shown, does not cause any toxic manifestations. So we can say for sure: the mummy is not toxic, even if it is constantly introduced into the body.

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