Dry grass popular and well known to people during the time of Seraphim of Sarov. It was not only used for treatment, it was also used for food in times of famine. Seraphim of Sarov said that he ate one snitka for three years.

Now the townspeople don’t even know what it looks like to sleep.

Buy grass or find it in nature - which is safer.

Snitch - grass our great-grandmothers. This is true, because they knew it well and did not confuse it with other herbs. After all, hemlock, which has another name, poisonous, is very similar to hemlock. If a cow eats a vekh, it will certainly die. This is especially dangerous for people who have not known about the herb since childhood, for whom their grandmothers did not cook soup from the herb, did not prepare salads from the herb, and did not show this herb in their own garden.

Flowering plant. There is a lot of honeydew in the forests, but it is difficult to recognize it, because it does not bloom in the dark under the forest canopy.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to buy it at a pharmacy or online store, if it is not sold at the local pharmacy.

After all, to prepare a mixture for soup from caraway seeds and caraway seeds, you need dried caraway seeds.

The medicinal herb is a plant of our great-grandmothers.

The health benefits of dreaming were clear to our ancestors. Although they didn’t know that squash contains a lot of vitamin C, and iron, manganese, boron, titanium, copper, they used it in the spring as early greens after a long absence from the menu of natural fresh plant products. We were restoring ourselves after the winter.

Beautiful greenery. There are forms with variegated leaves.

They knew how to heal wounds with the herb, they treated sick joints mutilated by rheumatism and gout, after winter work in the cold, the functioning of the kidneys and bladder was restored.

The benefit of sedum is also that it can improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and adjust. This means that it can help you lose weight, gain weight, no matter in what form you use it, be it pickled, even salted, or dried. And best of all, fresh in the spring.

This plant is so harmless to humans that it itself contains the principle “Let food become medicine, and medicine food.”

She was food for many people.

Snooze. Recipes.

Dreamy salads. The first salad requires horseradish, sour cream, and herb. First pour boiling water over the leaves of the sorrel and let it sit for about ten minutes, then remove it from the water and cut it. Grate or grind the horseradish in any mill, season everything with sour cream and salt. For one part of horseradish you need to take six or seven parts of horseradish. And add salt to taste.

For the second salad you need sorrel and sorrel. They need to be washed well and the water removed from them, which is easy to do using a centrifuge. Chop the greens. Or tear it like they tear it lettuce leaves. Boil carrots and potatoes. Chop the cooked vegetables, garnish them with herbs and sorrel and pour a mixture of vegetable oil and spicy tomato sauce on top. The quantities of products can be expressed in the following proportion: “fresh sorrel: potatoes: carrots: vegetable oil: sauce = 80g: 20g: 50g: 10g: 5g: 15g.” Salt, as always, is added to your taste.

Dream soup. It can be called a little differently, by the name of any herb that is included in it. And in addition to honeydew, the composition contains leaves of mallow, plantain, and. And carrots, onions and turnips. Take very little onion and carrots: carrots for beauty and bright spots in the plate, onions for sweetness. They need to be slightly warmed in any fat. Cook the oatmeal until almost done, then add the fried vegetables. When the soup base is ready, add all the herbs and cook for a few more minutes. Not for long, so as not to destroy the main vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in these herbs. Place a spoonful of sour cream on a plate and serve. It is not worth heating such a soup, so as not to lose everything for which it was actually prepared.

Sneaking with potatoes. Potatoes and snouts are taken equally. they are stewed separately from the dream, because they require different times. Then they add squash, onions, dill, sour cream, and tomato sauce, either store-bought or preferably homemade, to the finished potatoes. Salt and cook. This takes little time, just a few minutes.

Salty whine. Here is the following calculation: for every kilogram of prepared greens, take 60 grams of salt. The greens are placed in jars, sprinkled with salt, and everything is compacted well with a masher or pestle. It is important that the juice is released. So fill the jar to the brim. You need to wait until almost all the juice is released. Then they close it with a regular plastic lid and store it either in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar. This kind of soup is good for soups.

Dried sap. like dill and parsley. Used to make sauces or soups.

Such clearings can be seen during flowering on light edges.

Snitch - grass unique. As, indeed, are many herbs in our Russia. If only I could remember them and not be afraid to use them for food. They are better than overseas wonders, about which they write that they save from forty diseases. What difference do they have to our dreams!

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Food plants

Man divided all plants into medicinal, food, animal feed and poisonous. Therefore, any herbs, even very familiar ones, are not considered by us as food plants. A lot of...

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In fact, each of these plants deserves a separate post, but I placed them together because it is more convenient to indicate their similarities and differences from the poisonous umbelliferae (and among the umbelliferae there are deadly poisonous ones).

Here are our edible and healthy squash, angelica and hogweed:

common hogweed.

There is one problem with hogweed: Sosnovsky's hogweed
can cause burns (photochemical burns that occur when the juice of Sosnowski's hogweed comes into contact with the skin on a sunny day in some people), while in general hogweed is an edible plant, after which the well-known borscht is named. However, Siberian hogweed (which, despite its name, is mainly distributed in Europe and the East European Plain) is eaten.
Hogweed Siberian.

Actually, both species grow in the Moscow region.
In any case, it is recommended to use only young shoots and leaves of hogweed, and it is better to pour boiling water over them before using them. But that’s whoever wants it.
I personally walked in the thickets of hogweed (either ordinary or Sosnovsky) - and nothing happened to me.
Well, let's get to the point.

So which umbrellas are poisonous?
This is hemlock (veh), hemlock.

Here they are:

As you can see, the main difference between hemlock and hemlock from hogweed, squash and angelica is in the leaves. They are at poisonous plants smaller section, pinnate.
This is important to remember, because you cannot determine by smell whether this plant is poisonous or not: hemlock, for example, has the aroma of celery.

I would be wrong if I forgot to mention the medicinal uses of these poisonous plants.
Hemlock ointment is used externally for certain skin diseases, rheumatism and gout.
Hemlock remedies are used to treat sarcoma, whooping cough, and some even treat cancer.
However, since both plants are deadly poisonous, I would strongly advise against anyone touching them at all. And, of course, protect children from them.

Now let's get back to the dream.

Snooze( Aegopodium)- one of the most widespread food wild plants. Perennial herbaceous plant from celery (umbelliferous), which, for example, include carrots, fennel and parsley.

Distributed in Eurasia. It often grows in the shade as whole covers under trees. It grows well only on fertile soils rich in humus, so if you are collecting soil in the forest for, for example, indoor flowers, look under the leaves.

The mushrooms are salted, fermented, pickled, dried; used in cabbage soup, borscht and seasonings.
As a rule, it is recommended to scald the mushrooms with boiling water before using them.

Here are some recipes.

Salad from snot: pour boiling water over young leaves of snot and leave for 10 minutes, let the water drain, chop, add grated horseradish to taste, season with sour cream.

Stewed gooseberry: simmer chopped young leaves and shoots of the gooseberry until half cooked, combine with stewed potatoes and onions, add sour cream, after 10 - 15 minutes add tomato sauce.

Another salad: finely chop the mushrooms, add chickweed, salt, season with sour cream.

Cold soup: add crushed sour milk to the base of kvass and post-milk, green onions, dill, a little cucumber (or borage).

Stew with potatoes: potatoes and snout are stewed separately; sleep - with a small amount of water; onions are fried. All this is combined with potatoes and a little tomato juice is added.

Angelica ( Angelica)-plant common in the Northern Hemisphere and New Zealand.

The plant is biennial and reaches a height of 2m. Loves light, grows along rivers and streams.

Young unopened buds and young stems and leaves are eaten. You can do whatever you want with angelica: ferment, stew, add to cabbage soup, etc.

Here is one recipe: boil unopened angelica buds in salted water (but so as not to boil), roll in breadcrumbs and fried on sunflower oil. Used as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat and fish.

A decoction of angelica roots is used for gastrointestinal diseases, bronchitis, kidney diseases and whooping cough.


I will analyze the use specifically of Siberian hogweed ( Heracleum sibiricum). As I mentioned above, it is widespread not only in Siberia, but mainly in Europe.
Also known as pican, svinushki, bodran, gigol.
Found everywhere.

Siberian hogweed juice is the least toxic of all hogweeds, but if you are concerned, boil it in boiled water before drinking, as I said earlier.

Young shoots, peeled from bark, are eaten; the petioles of the shoots are pickled; young leaves are used in salads and borscht. By the way, the name “borscht” comes from this plant. By “borscht,” our ancestors meant the sharp, jagged edge that distinguishes the leaves of hogweed.

Caviar is made from hogweed, and the soup broth made from it smells like mushrooms.
Eating hogweed is similar to cauliflower: it is boiled, stuffed into pies, added to scrambled eggs and fried with onions in oil.

Decoctions of hogweed roots are used for epilepsy, jaundice, and kidney disease.

Aegopodium podagraria
Taxon: family Umbelliferae or Celery family (Apiaceae)
Other names: snit, snitka, dyaglitsa, marsh kupir, yaglitsa, dedilnik, yaglichka (Ukrainian) rustle (Ukrainian)
English: Goutweed, Ground Elder, Bishop's-weed, Bishop's Elder, Ashweed

The Latin name of the plant is derived from the Greek words "aegos" (genitive case) - goat and "podion" - leg, since the shape of the upper part of the leaf resembles the footprint of a goat, "podagra" - rheumatic pain in the legs, trap

Description of common dream

- a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. The stem, as a rule, is bare or short-pubescent, slightly grooved, up to 1 m high. The basal leaves are simple double-triple with petioles up to 40 cm long. The length of the leaf blades reaches 10–30 cm, width - 15–35 cm. Leaf segments are elongated ovoid, with a sharp serrated edge, pointed, rounded at the base, wedge-shaped or unequal, 4–12 cm long and 1.5–7 cm wide on short petioles. Closer to the top, the size of the leaf blades gradually decreases, and their structure simplifies to trifoliate. The flowers are white, small, in multi-rayed umbels located at the ends of the shoots. Calyx with inconspicuous teeth. The fruits are oblong, slightly laterally compressed, 3–4 mm long. Blooms in June-July. Fruits in July-August. Due to the large number of seeds, as well as the abundance of buds on the rhizomes (up to 6000 on one plant), the borer multiplies quickly and is very difficult to eradicate, so it is considered to be a malicious weed. It does not bloom in heavily shaded places, forming a thick cover of basal leaves.

Common grass

The common goosefoot is widespread in almost all regions of Europe, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Caucasus and Sayan Mountains, in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In Ukraine it grows in forest and forest-steppe zones. Often found in deciduous, mixed and spruce forests, between bushes and clearings, forest glades and floodplain meadows, near residential buildings and livestock buildings, in parks, forming extensive thickets.

Useful properties of common dream

Gooseberry has long been used in Rus' as a food plant. In spring, its first sprouts were especially important for enriching the diet. There was even a phrase “if only I could live to die.”
It is known that the Monk Seraphim of Sarov spent three years in continuous fasting and prayer, feeding only on dreams. It is not surprising that he called it “food”, meaning “food, tasty food.” So, he told one Diveyevo sister: “I prepared my own food from snitka. Do you know Snitka? I tore it up and put it in a pot, pour a little water in it, and it turns out to be a nice dish. For the winter, I dried the snitka and ate that alone, and the brethren were surprised at what I ate. And I ate snitka...”
This extraordinary herb also helped during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. In the spring and summer of 1942–1943, sedum leaves were widely used in the capital's canteens. Catering workers went out of town to stock this plant for the winter.
The moth is still used as food. Fresh greens are added to soups, cabbage soup, okroshka, salads, borscht instead of cabbage, and also pickled, salted, fermented, dried and used to give dishes a unique aroma.

Vitamin salad

The leaves are washed, chopped, mixed with finely chopped green onions, dill and parsley, salted, seasoned with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped boiled egg.
Ingredients: 100 g of honey leaves, 20 g of green onions, dill and parsley, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 boiled egg, salt.

Snitch stewed with potatoes

Young leaves and shoots of the gooseberry are finely chopped, salted, and stewed until half cooked. Then mix with stewed potatoes and onions, add sour cream, simmer for another 10-15 minutes and season with tomato sauce.
Ingredients: 100 g of leaves and shoots of honey, 100 g of potatoes, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of tomato sauce, salt.

Pickled leaves of common squash

The young leaves of the plant are placed tightly in sterile jars, poured with marinade, and a few grains of pepper are added. Used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Chemical composition of dream

Chemical composition The common dream has been little studied. The following carbohydrates have been identified in the plant: umbelliferose, glucose, fructose; cyclitols: scylite, glucinol; lectins; coumarins: umbelliferone, bergapten, xanthotoxin; steroids: β-sitosterol; the nitrogen-containing compound choline. The aerial part contains vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene; flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, as well as their glycosides; amino acids: arginine, histidine, leucine, lysine, threonine, valine, methionine. Using HPLC, the content of the polyacetylene compound falcarindiol in various plant organs was determined. The largest amount of this substance accumulates in flowers and amounts to 0.088%. The content of essential oil in the above-ground part of the plant is small (up to 0.04%). Limonene, β-phelandrene, sabinene, α-, β-pinenes, myrcene, α-geraniol, α-thuyene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, camphor, citronellol, linalool acetate, isoborneol acetate, terpineol acetate, ionone were identified in its composition. The amount of vitamin C in 100 g of leaves is 65–100 mg. The content of ascorbic acid increases in autumn. The mineral composition of honeydew leaves is represented by a number of micro- and macroelements. We found a significant potassium content - 3.8–8.3%. Snyti contains Ca, Fe, Si, P, Mg, Al, Mo, V, Cu, Ga, B, Ti, Zn. In the lipophilic fraction, the chlorophyll content was determined to be 1.5%; Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids have been identified: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic. The stems and leaves of the tree contain organic acids: malic and citric. The presence of carbohydrates was established in the inflorescences: glucose, fructose, umbelliferose; phenolcarboxylic acids: chlorogenic, caffeic; flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, kaempferol diglycosides; choline; the essential oil content is 0.14%. Dreamweed fruits also contain essential oil in an amount of 0.04%; flavonoids: quercetin glycosides.
Polyacetylene compounds were identified in the underground part: falcarinolone, falcarinone, falcarinol, falcarindiol, cis-heptadecadiene 1,8-diyne-4,6-diol-3,10, heptadecadiene-1,5-diyne-4,6-diol-3,10 , cis-acetoxyheptadecadiene-1,8-diyne-4,6-ol-3, trans-10-cetoxyheptadecadiene-1,9-diyne-4,6-ol-3-one-8, (2-cis, 9- cis) - heptadecadiene-2,9diyne-4,6-ol; higher aliphatic carbohydrates: pentadecane; phenolcarboxylic acids: caffeic, chlorogenic; coumarins: angelicin, apterin; choline; saponins

Medicinal properties of common dream

Mowing is widely used in folk medicine. As a rule, fresh or dried leaves of the plant, as well as rhizomes, are used.
Dryweed has restorative, detoxifying, and antihypoxic properties. It is rich in vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, plant preparations help normalize metabolic processes and improve the general condition of patients. They are used for the prevention and elimination of hypovitaminosis and iron deficiency anemia. Russian scientists point to the prospects of using sedum to reduce the general toxic effect of antitumor drugs.
The use of dreamweed in empirical medicine for edema, kidney and bladder diseases became the basis for an experimental study of the nephrotropic effects of the plant. It has been established that galenic preparations of the aerial part of the plant can enhance the excretory function of the kidneys, as well as renal blood flow. The mechanism of diuretic action and its severity depend on the dose of the drug and the experimental conditions. The diuretic effect of honeydew may be associated with phenolic compounds (hydroxycinnamic acids, coumarins, flavonoids). In addition, the aboveground part of the plant contains a significant amount of potassium. The accumulation of potassium is likely a metabolic feature of the plant, since the amount of this element is low in the corresponding soil samples. Potassium salts may participate in the implementation of the diuretic effect. Moreover, they are important for the prevention of hypokalemia, which often develops when taking diuretics.
Currently, one of the main requirements for drugs used for kidney diseases is the presence of nephroprotective activity. This integral type of activity may include a diuretic effect as one of the mechanisms, but not the only one. Promising nephroprotectors are herbal preparations characterized by multifaceted pharmacological activity and, as a rule, a high degree of safety. As the results of our research have shown, dry extract of dreamweed can be classified as such preparations. It has a pronounced nephroprotective effect in experimental models of kidney damage with various pathogenesis. The nephroprotective effect of honeydew extract may be associated with diuretic, hypoazotemic, antioxidant and antiexudative properties.
Mosquito, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, is used in folk medicine for rheumatism, arthritis, and arthrosis. Its Latin name also testifies to the long history of the use of common sedum for gout. Recently, the anti-gout activity of nymph has been experimentally substantiated by its ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme that ensures the synthesis of prostaglandins. Thus, plant extracts inhibit COX-1 in vitro, which is associated with the presence of falcarindiol and other polyacetylene compounds. The results we obtained in in vivo experiments also indicate the anti-inflammatory activity of the plant due to a complex of biologically active substances. Moreover, sleep medications have a beneficial effect on purine metabolism. Preliminary data confirm the effectiveness of sleepy drugs in a model of purine metabolism disorders. The tincture of dreamweed increases diuresis and excretion of uric acid salts in intact animals under conditions of spontaneous diuresis, surpassing olimethine in the severity of the effect.
Due to their anti-inflammatory, emollient, wound-healing properties, sedative preparations are used externally for exudative diathesis, wounds and bedsores, erysipelas, and fungal infections of the skin. The antifungal and antibacterial activity of falcarinol and falcarindiol contained in sedum has been confirmed experimentally. These polyacetylene compounds also have cytotoxic properties. Their antitumor effect in vivo has been confirmed.
The lipophilic fraction, obtained by us from the leaves of the common honey, contains chlorophylls and carotenoids, which exhibit a pronounced antioxidant and antimicrobial effect, promoting regeneration, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which have a number of beneficial metabolic effects. This fraction seems to be a promising source of obtaining medicines for local use.
There are indications of the sedative effect of dreaming and its use in empirical medicine for neuroses. At cardiovascular diseases The anticoagulant and antihypoxic properties of the plant can be very valuable. It also finds use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is associated with its choleretic effect and the ability to normalize digestive processes. The plant is also used in homeopathy. Common duckweed is part of the complex food additives“Seaweed - Optima”, which is recommended for the prevention of cancer and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Phytotherapeutic recipes using dreamweed

For kidney and bladder diseases

2 tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over spoons of chopped fresh herb and leave for 1 hour in a thermos. Strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

For rheumatic diseases

2 tbsp. spoons of chopped upper parts of the plant, pour 1 cup hot water, boil in a closed glass or enamel container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and add boiled water to the original volume. Use throughout the day in equal portions for rheumatism, gout, kidney and bladder diseases, as well as for fungal skin diseases.

Fresh crushed leaves or juice from them are used for pain-relieving compresses for gout and rheumatism.

For diathesis

Pour 3 teaspoons of herbs into 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day before meals for diathesis and eczema.

For diseases of the digestive system

Fill a liter jar one-third full with crushed pine roots, fill with 40% alcohol to the top, close with a lid and leave for 10–15 days in a dark, warm place. Drink 20–25 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Additional Information

Withdrawn decorative form dreamweed with green-white leaves, which is used in landscape design(photo 2).
The beauty of this plant inspired I. I. Shishkin to create several paintings, one of which you can see in photo 3 “Snot-grass” Pargolovo. 1884-1885.
Carrion is a pigment-forming plant; it dyes fabrics green and yellow.
The plant, which attracts insects, is a good honey plant; each inflorescence secretes up to 60 mg of sugar per day, and bees collect up to 2.5 g of honey from one plant during the flowering period.
The corn is eaten by livestock and used to produce feed silage.

Tall grasses with snow-white flowers are often found in gardens and parks. Summer residents especially do not like them, because in gardens they act as a weed that is difficult to get rid of. Lovers medicinal plants treat the inconspicuous grass differently: they know that it is called “common grass” and has many healing properties. The plant's Latin name, aegopodium, translates to "goat's foot." It was called this way for a reason: part of the leaf is shaped like a goat’s hoof. Among the people, squash has many names: deglitsa, dedilnik, swamp kupir.

In the wild, gooseberry grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, in areas without forests, in meadows. She prefers moist soils. The plant is found in the European region of Russia, Siberia, eastern Europe, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

Common borer often grows on summer cottages filling everything free space. Gardeners know this plant because it is considered a weed and requires great effort to get rid of. However, few people are aware of what a treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients they actually throw over the fence. The plant is a perennial herb, consisting of a family of Umbelliferae. The plant has a long creeping root system, on which there are a large number of buds and seeds, allowing the grass to form real thickets, connected by common roots.

In the wild, it grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, in areas without forests, in meadows

The gooseberry has a tubular straight stem, branching at the top and reaching a meter in height. The grooved stem can be completely bare or covered with fine hairs. Simple leaves are located at the roots, they take an elongated shape, reminiscent of an egg. On the front side the leaves are bare, and on the reverse side there is slight pubescence. Leaves with sharp ends reach ten to thirty centimeters in length. The leaves on top are smaller and are supported by short petioles.

The flowers form an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Each umbrella includes fifteen rays on which snow-white flowers with five stamens and one pistil bloom. Only the umbrella bears fruit, located in the middle of the inflorescence, the outer rays are not capable of forming fruits. The flowering of the dream continues throughout the month, starting in the middle summer period and ending in some cases in the last month.

Dream flowers transform into fruits

Flowers transform into fruits, which are elongated four-millimeter two-seeds. They are brown in color and are fractional and flattened on the side. The fruits reach maturity in August. Seeds that have taken root in the soil show their first sprouts in late spring. Reproduction occurs by vegetative and seed methods.

It is important to properly collect and prepare the squash in order to get more benefit from it. The plant is harvested before the buds appear; the harvest season is at the end of April - beginning of May. The leaves are mainly used for medicinal purposes. Thickets growing in moist places covered with shade have the best taste and useful qualities than those specimens that grew under the sun's rays. To prepare the plant for the winter, it is recommended to collect it during the waxing moon. Snot can be found in forests, meadows, gardens and vegetable gardens.

The collected grass is dried following certain rules. Prepare clean sheets of paper on which the grass is laid out in a thin layer. The paper with the seeds is placed in a shady place where they cannot be penetrated Sun rays. Do not wash the grass before drying. Store the plant in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Gallery: common gooseberry (25 photos)

How to prepare squash for the winter (video)

Useful and medicinal properties of common dream

Positive Impact medicinal herb per body is determined by the amount beneficial properties contained in it. The chemical composition of the herb has not been fully studied. Common squash is simply a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • glycosides;
  • amino acids;
  • acids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • iron.

The mushroom is used for culinary purposes, making vitamin-rich salads, soups, and cabbage soup from it. Sometimes the young leaves of the plant are added to the dish along with nettles. Dryweed has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes. During cooking, you get rid of the smell by dousing the herbs with boiling water. You can get rid of the “aroma” in another way: pour cool water over the leaves, hold for half an hour, then pour out the water and squeeze out excess moisture from the bush.

Dryweed is used for culinary purposes

The use of common dream for medicinal purposes

Common gooseberry relieves inflammation and fights microbes, so it is indispensable for diseases that provoke inflammatory processes in the body. It helps heal wounds and helps with skin fungal diseases. If you have digestive problems, you can also take remedies from the common sedum. It normalizes metabolism.

People suffering from individual intolerance to the product should not eat it. It is not recommended to abuse medicinal plant and eat it without measure. This can lead to the development of allergies, which will manifest as rashes on the skin. It can also cause nausea, vomiting and headaches.

People with liver disease and high acidity are not advised to consume plant seeds. People who are sensitive to the sun and get sunburned easily, or who suffer from bleeding should be careful when introducing this into their diet. useful plant. It increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and slows down the ability of blood to clot.

Important! Before using dishes from the dream or making decoctions and infusions, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Ecology of life. Traditional medicine: Dreamy greens contain vitamins A and C, proteins, sugars - glucose, fructose, fiber, essential oil, coumarins, flavonoids, malic and citric organic acids, micro and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, boron, copper , titanium

Dreamy greens contain vitamins A and C, proteins, sugars - glucose, fructose, fiber, essential oil, coumarins, flavonoids, malic and citric organic acids, micro and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, boron, copper, titanium.

Medicinal use.

In folk medicine, the herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing agent for rheumatism, gout, and joint pain (crushed fresh leaves are applied to sore spots).

The herbal infusion is taken orally for rheumatism, gout, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney and bladder diseases. Young leaves have antiscorbutic properties.

  • Pour 3 teaspoons of the herb with 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take ½ glass 4 times a day.
  • Fresh leaves or juice from them for compresses and rubbing.

Terms and methods of procurement

Leaves and leaf petioles are collected for fresh use throughout the summer, before the plants begin to budding. To always have young, fresh greens, it is recommended to mow the leaves periodically.

For future use, the leaves and petioles of the tree are dried, crushed into powder and stored in a sealed container. In winter, they are used to season soups and other dishes. In addition, snyti greens are fermented like cabbage or pickled, they make puree and caviar from it, which after pasteurization are well preserved in hermetically sealed glass jars.

Food use

Dryweed contains up to 133 mg of green mass per 100 g. vitamin C, up to 8 mg. carotene. It is rich in proteins and mineral salts. Salads, cabbage soup, sauces, okroshka, cutlets, and stewed with potatoes are prepared from young unopened leaves and juicy tender leaf petioles. You can ferment for the winter, pickle. Cabbage soup made from cabbage soup is not inferior in taste to cabbage soup.


Snyti soup with oatmeal

Pour boiling water over oatmeal, add a little oil and cook for 1 hour. Wash the young leaves of the sorrel, chop it, put it in boiling oatmeal, add salt and cook until tender. Before serving, season with oil and finely chopped dill.

  • For 2 l. water - 80 g oatmeal,
  • 200 g of dream leaves,
  • 30 g butter,
  • salt to taste.

Snyti soup with fresh cucumbers

Chop the leaves and green onions, pour boiling water over them and cook for 20 minutes. Add oil, salt, peeled and chopped cucumbers, potatoes and cook until tender. Season with flour and sour cream and let it boil. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

  • For 100 g of honey leaves - 100 g of cucumbers,
  • 20 g butter,
  • 30 g. sour cream, 1
  • 20 g potatoes,
  • 6 g flour,
  • 8 g salt.

Cabbage soup from dream

Rinse the young bastard in cold water, cut, put in boiling water and cook until half cooked. Add potatoes, cut into strips. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add raw onions, salt and spices. When serving, place half a hard-boiled egg and sour cream on a plate.

  • For 100 g of honey leaves - 100 g of potatoes,
  • 20 onions,
  • 10 g butter,
  • 15 g sour cream,
  • ½ hard-boiled egg
  • spices and salt to taste.

Botvinya from sorrel and sorrel

Wash the young leaves of sorrel and sorrel, boil in a small amount of water, drain the broth, rub the greens through a sieve and dilute with kvass. Add green onions, fresh cucumbers or borage. Add dill and parsley, chopped egg, salt, season with sour cream and sugar.

  • For 250 g of snyti - 50 g of sorrel,
  • 2-3 fresh cucumbers or 100-150 g of borage,
  • 100 g green onions,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream,
  • 1.5 l. kvass,
  • salt, sugar, dill and parsley to taste.

Dream cutlets

Pass the young leaves of the tree through a meat grinder along with white bread and boiled potatoes. Salt and pepper the resulting mass, add raw eggs and finely chopped parsley and celery. Divide into cutlets, bread in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Serve sour cream with cutlets.

  • For 500 g of dream - 100 g of white bread,
  • 200 g potatoes,
  • 2 raw eggs,
  • 50 g butter,
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Dream soup.

Quickly fry oatmeal or rice in butter, place in boiling water and cook until tender. Then add finely chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper and cook a little. When serving, place a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise and fried onion into plates.

  • For 600 g of snow - 30 g of butter,
  • 100 g. oatmeal or rice,
  • 1.5 l. water,
  • 125 g sour cream,
  • 75 g. onions,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Salad of sorrel and sorrel with vegetables

Cut the boiled vegetables into small slices, put chopped sorrel and mushrooms on them, add salt, add vegetable oil and sauce.

  • For 300 g of snow - 200 g of potatoes,
  • 40 g carrots,
  • 80 g. sorrel,
  • 60 g vegetable oil,
  • 60 g spicy tomato sauce,
  • salt to taste.

Caviar from squash and zucchini

Boil the leaves with chopped carrots for 40-50 minutes, add the peeled zucchini and continue cooking until tender. Then pass through a meat grinder, mix with fried onions, add salt and simmer until the desired thickness. Peel the sweet pepper from the grains, boil for 3 minutes in water, cool, chop. Add mustard, vinegar and hot pepper to the cooled mixture. When serving, sprinkle the caviar with dill.

  • For 400 g of snow - 80 g of carrots,
  • 400 g. zucchini,
  • 80 g onions,
  • 40 g vegetable oil,
  • 80 sweet pepper,
  • 8 g mustard,
  • 120 g. apple cider vinegar,
  • 40 g dill,
  • hot pepper, salt to taste.

Snitch with stewed potatoes

Chop the white roots, add water, boil, add oil, chopped leaves and simmer for 30 minutes. Then add potatoes and simmer until soft.

Season with tomato and sour cream. Sprinkle with dill before serving. For 1 kg. snyti - 1 kg. potatoes, 150 g of celery, 50 g of parsley, 150 g of onion, 150 g of tomato and sour cream, dill and salt to taste.

The herb and juice of the dream can also be used for cosmetic purposes, for preparing face masks:

  • For oily skin - 2 tbsp. mix spoons of crushed leaves of snot with 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed oatmeal, add warm milk until you get a paste, apply to face, keep for 15 minutes.
  • for dry skin- 2 tbsp. mix spoons of crushed leaves of snot with egg yolk and 1 tsp. olive oil, apply to face, rinse after 15 minutes.
  • for a rejuvenating effect- squeeze the juice from the petioles of the dream, 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of this juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tbsp. l. grated cucumber, distribute the resulting mass between layers of gauze and place on your face for 20 minutes.

An infusion of the herb will help get rid of dandruff., if you use it to rinse your hair after washing. It, used in the form of warm baths, will have a softening and rejuvenating effect on the skin of the hands. published
