According to the gardener's lunar calendar for August 2017, this month is filled with the smells and tastes of summer. Gardening and garden chores are bearing fruit. The main concern of this month is to process the crop and prepare planting material.

In the garden, they make sure that carrion does not lie under the trees. Fruits affected by diseases and pests are destroyed. Particular attention is paid to young plantings. August is the hottest month of the year and you need to carry out regular watering, as well as protect the trees from pests and diseases.

August is the best time to propagate red and black currants with woody cuttings. For cuttings, it is better to use mature strong shoots of the current year with well-formed buds, as well as growth from branches of 2-4 years of age. Shrubs such as clematis, honeysuckle, forsythia are also propagated throughout the month with green and semi-lignified cuttings or layering.

August is very auspicious time for lawn laying.

In August, it is good to divide and plant perennial flowers, while all divided plants should be immediately planted in a permanent place and watered abundantly. We divide and propagate the following perennials (primroses, lilies, peonies, delphinium, phloxes, astilba ...).

In August, they continue regular harvesting of vegetables, preventing them from overripening. Timely harvesting promotes flowering, setting and ripening of new fruits. Only those fruits that are left for seeds are allowed to overripe. They pay great attention to watering, because this month there is an active ripening of the crop. Water abundantly every 6 to 8 days, followed by loosening and mulching. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves. This month, onions and garlic are harvested and then dried for at least 20 days. If these crops are not removed and dried in time, the bulbs will sprout and the teeth will crumble. For autumn consumption, we sow radish, dill, lettuce, kohlrabi, radish, chinese cabbage, daikon, spinach, coriander. Prepare a place for autumn planting onions and garlic.

August (especially its second half) is the ideal time for planting strawberry mustaches. It is also one of the main months in which bulk harvesting vegetables and berries for the winter.

Waxing Crescent

1 (until 15:02) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). Favorable time for transplanting indoor flowers, collecting medicinal herbs. Make repeated crops of radishes and dill. good time for planting mushrooms.

1 (from 15:02), 2, 3, 4 (until 03:38) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Sagittarius (Days of the Fruit). Engage in weeding and cultivating the soil, harvesting vegetables, fruits, root crops. Collect seeds.

4 (from 03:38), 5, 6 (until 15:17) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Capricorn (Days of the Root). In the northern regions, trees and perennial shrubs can be planted.

6 (from 15:17), August 7, 2017 - Growing Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). August 7 at 21:12 - FULL MOON, LUNAR ECLIPSE. Barren days! Do not sow or plant anything! Engage in stepping tomatoes, weeding, pest control.

Waning moon

8, 9 (until 00:57) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). Barren days! You don't have to sow or plant anything! Engage in stepping tomatoes, weeding, pest control.

9 (from 00:57), 10, 11 (till 08:23) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Pisces (Leaf Days). Ideal time to water your plants. Get mushrooms.

11 (from 08:23), 12, 13 (until 13:41) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Aries (Days of the Fruit). Carry out preventive measures in the garden or vegetable garden, cut out unnecessary growth of trees and shrubs.

13 (from 13:41), 14, 15 (until 17:08) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Taurus (Days of the Root). It is favorable to plant and transplant trees and any plants: flowers, trees and shrubs. The best days for preserving fruits and vegetables. Gather seeds for future harvest. Remove potatoes.

15 (from 17:08), 16, 17 (until 19:14) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Gemini (Flower Days). Favorable time for landing and transplanting all climbing plants, mustache strawberries, wild strawberries. It is good to harvest medicinal herbs.

August 17 (from 19:14), 18, 19 (until 20:56) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Cancer (Leaf Days). Ideal time to water plants and feed them organic fertilizers. You can plant sea buckthorn, viburnum, mountain ash. Mushrooms.

19 (from 20:56), 20, 21 (until 23:26) August 2017 - Waning Moon in Leo (Days of the Fetus). August 21 at 21:31 - NEW MOON, SOLAR ECLIPSE. Barren days! It is better not to sow or plant anything. Start trimming trees.

Waxing Crescent

21 (from 23:26), 22, 23, 24 (until 04:06) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Virgo (Days of the Root). Favorable time for harvesting late white cabbage, root crops, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage. Good days for canning vegetables and fruits.

August 24 (from 04:06), 25, 26 (until 11:54) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Libra (Flower Days). It is favorable to plant trees and shrubs, any flowers. Engage in the preparation of medicinal herbs.

26 (from 11:54), 27, 28 (until 22:49) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). It is recommended to plant plants with thorns, thorns. Mushrooms. Unfavorable use of fertilizers.

28 (from 22:49), 29, 30, 31 (until 11:20) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Sagittarius (Days of the Fruit). Weed and cultivate the soil. Harvest garlic. Collected these days, it will remain dry for the whole winter.

31 (from 11:20) August 2017 - Growing Moon in Capricorn (Days of the Root). In northern latitudes, trees and low-growing shrubs can be planted.

It seemed that the stars would always be. It is worth raising your head and you will see a scattering of small, shining dots on the dark bulk of the sky. The ancients believed that the Earth was flat, and the sky was like an inverted bowl lowered from above. Even now, it is easy for any of modern people to imagine this. Himself - the center, and the earth around - only the background.

The stars have been accompanying mankind literally from the beginning, so it is not surprising that the Moon calendar for August 2017, a gardener and a gardener, there is a calendar focused on haircuts or for planning some business, making plans. They serve as good clues, reminding you when good or just neutral days will turn out.

Even the ancient peasants observed nature, the behavior of the luminaries, in order to determine the time for sowing. good harvest meant a good year, a full winter. therefore, it is not surprising that people were ready to dance with tambourines or consult with shamans, astrologers. Then calendars were compiled only for eminent, powerful or wealthy aristocrats. Many rulers had their own astrologers to help deal with heavenly clues.

Features of the "vegetable-flower" calendar

Why is everything so moon oriented? For people, she was not just an earthly companion, but a whole deity with special powers. Many prejudices persist to this day. Astrologers also consider the Moon to be a special planet, because it is extremely close to the Earth, directly affecting the direction and nature of the currents. Perhaps its powers extend to other aspects of earthly life. For example, the rate of growth, the formation of plants, hair.

Anyone interested in their own horoscope knows the concept of “favorable” and “unfavorable”, when the stars predict possible troubles for him or promise something good. this is how the Lunar calendar for August 2017 is compiled, for gardeners, gardeners, or those who want to visit the nearest beauty salon for a new haircut or.

Characteristics of days according to the lunar calendar

1st number - the moon is growing, it is in Sagittarius

Among gardening activities, there are recommendations: plant something from fast-growing varieties of crops. These are onions or greens, ordinary garlic, pepper or some medicinal herbs. Everything for the formation of seeds. You can also go for strawberries, spinach or rose hips, honeysuckle or plums. Feel free to pick vegetables or fruits (after all, August is coming), berries or seeds, and also cut flowers. Dry vegetables for future use, mushrooms.

2nd number - the moon is growing, it is in Sagittarius

Continue to plant: the desired greens, garlic, also pepper, some medicinal herbs (this is for seeds). Also do spinach, strawberries, do not forget plums. You can collect all ripened vegetables with fruits, berries, all ready-made seeds, gardeners, cut flowers if necessary. Dry, if necessary, vegetables, mushrooms for future use.

3rd number - the moon is growing, it is in Sagittarius

The third of the successful good days landing different cultures: ordinary greens with garlic, pepper, various medicinal herbs (this is for seeds). Also deal with strawberries, spinach, not forgetting the wild rose with honeysuckle, their neighbor - plum. The lunar calendar itself, updated for August 2017 for gardeners, marks this day as a continuation of the collection of ripe vegetables with fruits, all berries and ready-made seeds. Flower cutting time. Continue to dry the mushrooms, the vegetables you need for the future.

4-5 numbers - The moon is growing, these days it is in Capricorn

Recommended: plant (if necessary), replant your trees, various shrubs, especially if they are pear or plum trees, gooseberry or currant bushes. Engage in loosening, fertilize, preparing everything for next autumn, plant trees, organize mowing. All cut flowers can be combined to form bouquets.

On the 6-8th the moon is growing, on the 7th (Full moon with lunar eclipse) spends these days with Aquarius

The full moon, according to the recommendations of the calendar (and any of the astrological ones), is a difficult, even mysterious time. Astrologers advise to wait it out without carrying out sowing or transplanting work (even the smallest). Change the schedule if you planned them for these days. Although the Full Moon occurs on the 7th, 6th and 8th are not good, lucky days either. You can only collect ripe grain or root crops, organize mowing or carry out large-scale spraying, fumigation. Cut trees with bushes, do pinching, weeding.

9-10 numbers, the moon is waning, it is in Pisces

This time, as described, compiled by August of 2017 for all gardeners, is more suitable for the timely harvesting of the necessary seeds, as well as cutting flowers, making bouquets along the way. It’s not bad to cook various jams from previously collected fruits, and partially put the vegetables into pickles. A good time to cultivate and feed a variety of different fertilizers all bushes and trees that need regular feeding.

On the 11th-12th, the Moon is waning, it is in Aries

It is important to remember that in addition to the private recommendations of the calendar, there is also the local climate. Therefore, gardeners or gardeners should be guided by two different sources at once: watch weather forecasts, at the same time keep track of the calendar. Especially if you plan to land or transplant. August is also a difficult month, in some places frosts occur. 11-12 numbers are not suitable in any way for crops, or transplants. Time is best used for fighting, pest control, thorough weeding or mulching. Continue to collect all ripening root crops, as well as fruits and berries. Medicinal plants and essential oil crops also ripen. Dry what you need for future use from vegetables, fruits or mushrooms.

13-14 numbers, the moon is waning, it is in Taurus

It's time to think about planting a special, winter garlic or onion, this greenery is always needed and ripens quickly, without requiring special conditions. Some grow their greens all year round literally on a balcony or windowsill, the main thing is watering and access to natural, sunlight. Trim at the same time trees (if necessary), overgrown with shrubs. All the mushrooms and berries that have already been collected The Lunar Calendar for the current August of 2017 recommends for gardeners from the Urals as ready-made materials for jams, pickles, and other joys of winter.

15-16 numbers, the moon is waning (there will still be the last quarter), it is located at Gemini

It is impossible to engage in herbaceous crops (plant them or transplant them) yet. The processes to remove all unnecessary shoots, as well as mowing with weeding, will be carried out effectively. Feel free to cultivate, mulch. Collect all ripe medicinal herbs with root crops, fruits, and berries. Wild, wild berries also ripen. Those who live near the forests often visit there to collect the gifts of nature. delicious jam comes out later. Blackberries, cranberries, whatever.

17-18 numbers, the moon is waning, it is in Cancer

It's time to prepare your own greens, various medicinal herbs. Taking away everything that will require a good drying. Anything short-lived that can not be stored for a long time. Distribute collected and plan canned food, various pickles.

19-20 numbers, the moon is waning, it is in Leo

Continue large-scale harvesting of greens, the necessary medicinal herbs, everything that requires subsequent, long-term drying. Collect everything that quickly deteriorates. It's time to close home canned food, delicious pickles. By the way, probably every experienced housewife tries to invent her own recipe for jam or pickles. The lunar calendar, compiled for August from 2017 by gardeners, for Siberia, will advise, as usual, not to skimp on the number of cans and canned food. After all, the Siberian winter is harsh and long. It is canned food, pickles that delight on cold, dark evenings.

21st - New Moon will occur, the Moon itself will move to Virgo

There will also be a total solar eclipse, possibly noticeable at certain points. Alas, beautiful and also mysterious time is absolutely not suitable for gardening or garden work. Why? After all, people are not even advised to visit salons or cut their nails. Why is the New Moon so scary? Here comes the influence of the Moon itself, not the constellation.

The ancients considered the Moon to be a separate, powerful deity, the real queen of the Night. Moreover, most cultures give the luminary female name. Their Sun is a bright, prominent man, and the Moon is a mysterious, beautiful woman. On the New Moon, the nights are the darkest and most terrible, because the Moon disappears, it needs time, strength for a new rebirth.

It is believed that the luminary collects available to her vitality, energy, touching all growing, maturing plants, hair or animal fur. Therefore, it is recommended to wait out this difficult period, since it lasts only a day. however, gardeners or gardeners will definitely find things to do. You can not just transplant or plant. Why not continue rolling cans or preparing canned food? The Lunar calendar itself, updated for August since 2017, really advises all gardeners in Moscow to deal with already harvested vegetables, existing fruits or flowers, without touching growing, ripening plants.

22-23 numbers, the moon is growing, it is in Virgo

The new moon has now passed, but you can’t yet transplant or plant vegetables, deal with fruit trees, plant something to form seeds. You can process or transplant carefully only plants that will not bear fruit later. Ornamental or honeysuckle with wild rose. Gardeners to deal only with curly varieties of flowers. By the way, who has lawns, you can mow now. At the same time, the growth of plants will be slowed down, which will keep the lawn fresh, well-groomed for a long time.

Mowing is easier to postpone if you plan more than one. Continue to replenish rows in warehouses or mezzanine shelves with blanks. There is no need to be greedy here, most regions are famous for long, harsh winters, when fresh, tasty fruits or some vegetables are only dreamed of. By the way, thrifty housewives, along with preparations, take seasonal vegetables, some fruits and simply freeze them in convenient, small conveyors. They retain their taste. You can then get it, if necessary.

24-25 numbers, the moon is growing, it is located at Libra

Here, the Lunar sowing special calendar of the gardener, gardener, updated for August of the current, 2017, will advise the laying of tubers, all the necessary seeds for subsequent storage. It would be nice to plant all stone fruits, namely fruit trees. It is a great time for gardeners to cut off ripened flowers, create unique, lawn living ornaments, bouquets, and do not forget indoor plants. The end of August is a special, even romantic time. Gardeners love him for summing up, the size of the crop is noticeable, this is a good answer for their spring-summer work, and gardeners admire the beauty of the gardens they have created. Many vegetables and fruits are in a hurry to ripen, just have time to collect.

26-27 numbers, the moon is growing, it is in Scorpio

It is not yet possible to propagate plants using their own roots, as well as plant trees. Pruning of trees, all pleasing bushes (who needs it), vaccinations will become effective. Apply the necessary fertilizers, at the same time destroy the pests that have appeared, loosen the soil. It's a good time to continue canning fruits and vegetables. A similar habit came from parents, when getting canned food or preparations in winter was a common thing. And now, when it seems that there are so many things on the shelves, people continue to make blanks.

It's justified. Most store compotes or jams are not natural, there are chemical additives, stabilizers. And here - its own, every ingredient, the composition of each of the cans is known! The lunar sowing calendar, updated for August 2017, advises a lot to all gardeners. He does not just distribute the schedule for crops or transplants, he has long become a real guru, an expert in planning and distribution of forces in order to have time to prepare everything for a cold, long winter in a short summer and subsequent autumn time.

28-30 numbers - The moon is growing, it will be its first quarter, the Moon is located all days at Sagittarius

28th - until you can propagate your plants using their roots. Also collect the necessary herbs or plant trees. Any pruning for trees or bushes will pass effectively. Vaccinate, apply the necessary fertilizers, loosen the soil. Do not forget about pests, they are still “pleasant” with their presence at the end of summer. Sometimes people have to manually collect all the slugs or beetles, fumigate the plants. You can't put up "Do Not Touch" signs for insects. Loosen the soil, helping the plants to better form bushes, grow strong. At the same time, continue canning!

The 29th is the First Quarter (for the Moon). Collect ripened all vegetables, fruits, do not forget about seeds, berries. Gardeners - cut flowers. Mushroom pickers - can be dried, so the collected stock will last longer and better. Some vegetables are also dried. Gardeners - feel free to plant, transplant your home, indoor flowers.

The new lunar calendar for August from 2017 calculates the phases of the moon and then gives specific recommendations to gardeners why it is easy, just to use. For him, August 30 is the recommended day for picking vegetables. after all, any hardworking gardener will get a lot of fruits, seeds. Sometimes there is even nowhere to properly store the abundance of nature.

Many people remember the summer holidays, when at their grandmother's you can safely eat whatever you want in the garden or garden when August ends. Around - apple trees, on the sides - plums darken, berries are visible with red dots, and below there are many bushes from strawberries. And everything is beautiful, juicy, natural, a scattering of vitamins! And the harvest is enough to form preparations, eat now, treat friends ... such places are not in vain considered gardens of paradise or vegetable gardens.

Many then, having matured, continue the tradition, creating their own gardens. Of course, this is work, and daily, regular and sometimes hard. Lots of nerves. But the result always pays for the effort. some, on the contrary, tend to land, running away from noisy, big cities. They love rural, unhurried evenings, roosters crowing. Although, urban life can be combined with rural life, where summer residents come from.

Every year they have spring-summer, then autumn - the hottest time, full of various activities. At the same time, the Lunar sowing calendar, updated for 2017, distributes August to separate, alternating periods for the gardener and gardener. There are no completely unlucky or bad days. Can't plant? Harvest, form bushes. Can't be cut? Mulch the soil. Any experienced gardener, the gardener knows there is no time to be lazy. Especially if he is a summer resident and can devote his free, weekend time to his favorite site.

31st - The moon is growing, it is in Capricorn

The planned planting will go well, transplanting near trees, local shrubs, it is especially worth doing pear, plum trees, also gooseberries or currants. Do not forget to loosen, supply the plants with various fertilizers in time. More often these are natural, self-made varieties. Humus or chicken manure, although some fertilizers need to be purchased separately. Also, do not forget about grafting trees. For gardeners, it's time to cut ripe, blooming flowers, then form beautiful, various bouquets from them.

The significant influence of the natural earth satellite has been discussed for many centuries. People have long followed the movement of stars in the sky, and have established many patterns about how the Moon in different phases of its life affects all living things in different ways. Its most tangible influence is well demonstrated by the ebb and flow. Of course, this was not in vain for plants, of which there are a great many on our planet.

Every experienced horticulturist and gardener focuses on periods when it is best to produce any excavation. But there is an excellent help that facilitates the work of anyone who decides to start growing plants, and it is called the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, summer residents and gardeners. For each month there is such a calendar, and for August 2017 as well.

What is the lunar sowing calendar for august 2017

Depending on the phase of the moon's motion, favorable or not are calculated. auspicious days for landing work. It should be noted right away that our article refers to any work related to plants and land, including those related to indoor plants, crops, trees, etc.

First of all, auspicious days in the moon sowing calendar determine what actions are best done on these days in order to get the most productive result. Unfavorable days imply, if possible, the rejection of activities of this kind or its restriction in some aspects.

Sowing calendar for August 2017 for the gardener and gardener

The nuances of working with the lunar sowing calendar

The first thing to know about sowing calendars is that depending on the phase of the moon, you can determine the level of work that should be done on a particular day. For example, it should be understood that the approach of the moon contributes to the influx of forces and energy, and its distance - outflow.
During periods when a growing phase begins at the natural satellite of our planet, it is best to plant plants that stretch upwards. Into the fading moon phase it is customary to plant plants growing down into the ground (see).

Before starting work, familiarize yourself well with the phase in which the moon is currently located. Remember some rules, and your harvest will justify your expectations and the efforts invested in it.

The influence of the moon on plants

You should not engage in planting, transplanting plants at a time when the moon is under the rule of the sign of Leo or Aquarius - these are the most detrimental signs for the viability of the plant.

At the moments when the moon is at its climaxes, as well as during eclipses, beware of affecting plants - you can damage the flow of their vital juices, which will provoke disease and wilting.

On the days when the signs of the zodiac replace each other, one should not resort to work in the garden and garden. Otherwise, you risk getting an inferiorly developed plant.

See also: detailed (for each month of 2017), in the form of a table.

You can grow a wonderful crop with the help of lunar energy. Use the recommendations of the lunar calendar so that your plants are pleasing to the eye, and your fruits and berries have excellent taste.

The phases of the moon and the zodiac constellations affect not only human energy, but also plants. To get an excellent harvest, choose favorable days. Provide plants effective care the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener will help.

Favorable and unfavorable days for transplanting plants and caring for them

August 1: the growth of the Moon in the Sign of Scorpio is favorable for sowing and planting. Newly planted shrubs and flowers will have strong stems and be less prone to disease. On the first day of August, it is worth feeding fruit crops for their active development, carefully loosening the soil for oxygen to reach the root system.

August 2-3: zodiac Sagittarius and the rise of the moon these days will contribute good growth and development of cultural plantings. The period is successful for sowing mustard, planting greenery, harvesting. Infertile Sagittarius is not suitable for planting perennials. During this period, it is better to pay attention to annuals and pruning shrubs.

August 4-6: The Moon in Capricorn is a great time to harvest. The favorable influence of the stars will ensure their long preservation and excellent taste. These days you can start collecting seeds for next year - they will have high germination.

August 7-8: The full moon on August 7 will be in the constellation of Aquarius. This time is unfavorable for active gardening. It should be used for the necessary pruning of shrubs, removal of dry branches and watering. fruit trees.

August 11-13: The waning moon these days is in the constellation Aries. The infertile Sign negatively affects newly planted plants, so it is better not to touch the plants between August 11 and 13. Take care of the arrangement of the garden, paint the benches, prepare equipment for further use.

August 14-15: The waning moon moves into the constellation Taurus. This fertile Sign has a positive effect on plants, so in the period from August 14 to 15, you can safely take on any work: transplanting, watering, loosening, weeding, sowing new plants. good choice there will be sowing of free beds with plants that contribute to the saturation of the earth with microelements (mustard, oats).

August 16-17: zodiac Gemini these days do not contribute to good growth. This time is good for active control of weeds and pests, including moles and bears, for which bait traps are made.

August 18-19: The Moon in Cancer is an auspicious time for both harvesting and planting new crops. The fertile constellation is good for plants, allowing them to grow with strong stems and resist pests and insects. A good choice would be to collect seeds for storage and soak the seed for further planting.

August 20-21: Moon in Leo good combination for harvesting garlic and onions. Plants harvested on this day have a long shelf life and are less prone to rotting. This period is also intended for pruning shrubs and trees. The newly formed crown will provide the plants with a wonderful appearance. During the New Moon period, August 21, plants should be left alone so as not to harm their growth.

August 22-23: the growth of the moon in the constellation of Virgo is successful for sowing annuals in flower beds. This Sign has a good effect on the development of the root system, but the plants are infertile and have almost no seeds suitable for further use.

August 24-25: The moon in the constellation Libra has a positive effect on plants. This period is most successful for harvesting tubers, legumes and fruit crops. Under the influence of the Moon, newly planted tuberous perennials take root well these days.

August 26-28: The growth of the Moon in the constellation of Scorpio is favorable for the development of plants. During this period, attention should be paid to weeding, loosening and watering the soil. Fertilizing will help shrubs and trees recuperate and prepare for a dormant period.

August 29-30: The positive influence of Sagittarius on August 29 is good for active gardening and field work. However, on August 30, the plants should be left alone and do gardening, trimming lawn grass, inventory repair.

August 31: The moon will spend the last day of summer in the constellation Capricorn. This day is intended for harvesting and preparing the crop for storage. The positive influence of the constellation is good for planting new fruit trees and berry bushes, which quickly develop a powerful root system and are less susceptible to negative influence environment.

Effective planning with the help of the recommendations of the lunar calendar will help you always stay in good shape and avoid obstacles on life path.We wish you an excellent harvest, and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2017 02:15

March is a time of growth and awakening. indoor plants more light is needed, because they start accelerated ...

  • What to do. Sow and plant plants whose growth and maturation periods still allow it. Sow watercress, spinach, sorrel for late greens.
  • What not to do. Fell and plant trees, cut dry branches, propagate plants with roots. Dig up flower bulbs and root vegetables. Implement liquid feeding.

August 1, Tuesday, August 2, Wednesday, August 3, Thursday. Moon in Sagittarius (until 07:12 August 4) 2nd phase.

  • What to do. Harvest fruits and berries for quick consumption. Sow winter crops that can be used as green manure. Process storage for vegetables. Fertilize the soil, collect plant residues for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • What not to do. Spud vegetables and weed - weeds can grow stronger than before.
  • Make sure. Gather flowers and leaves medicinal plants, as well as seeds and root crops on the testes.

August 4 from 07:12, Friday, August 5, Saturday, August 6, Sunday. Moon in Capricorn (until 15:17 August 7) ​​2nd phase.

  • What to do. Collect and dry herbs. Sow in greenhouses or open ground early-ripening leaf Chinese cabbage, spinach, sorrel for autumn use. To divide and transplant perennials, in particular peonies and irises. Plant and transplant plants wintering in the open field.
  • What not to do. Harvest root crops and lay it for long-term storage.

Full moon. August 7 from 15:17, Monday (at 21:12, zl at 21:21). Moon in Aquarius 3rd phase.

  • What to do. Engage in tillage: cleaning, loosening, mulching, liming, fertilizing.
  • What not to do. Cut wood for firewood, plant, trim trees and bushes. Store crops and preserve.
  • What to do. Treat fruit trees and shrubs with preparations for diseases and pests. Gather herbs for drying. Trim, pinch and pinch plants.
  • What not to do. Sow, plant, water and feed vegetable crops.
  • Make sure. On dry, warm summer days, it is necessary to insulate the house. Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is a good heat-insulating material.

August 9, Wednesday, August 10, Thursday, August 11, Friday. Moon in Pisces (until 08:23 August 11) 3rd phase.

  • What to do. Water and feed peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, squash, cabbage, etc. You can dry, freeze fruits, make juices and wines. Start preparing containers and premises for storing the harvest of autumn and winter apples and pears.
  • What not to do. Lay fruits for long-term storage.

August 11, Friday, August 12, Saturday, August 13, Sunday. Moon in Aries (until 13:41 August 13) 3rd phase.

  • What to do. Remove yellow and dry leaves from stepchildren and inflorescences on vegetable crops Oh. Apply fertilizer under late cabbage. Remove and dry the garlic sevok and the onion grown from the sevka. pinch Brussels sprouts and weave pumpkins. Remove fruiting shoots of raspberries, mustaches of strawberries.
  • What not to do. Transplant and propagate indoor flowers.

August 13, Sunday, August 14, Monday, August 15, Tuesday (4:04:16 a.m.). Moon in Taurus (until 17:07 August 15) 3-4 phase.

  • What to do. Harvest for long storage, seeds and root crops on testes. Clear strawberry plantations from dry and yellow leaves, thin out and spud. Water and fertilize vegetable crops. Continue the fight against weeds and pests in the garden and vegetable garden.
  • What not to do. Cut trees for firewood.
  • Make sure. Water and feed clematis, cut off dried stems and tie up powerful shoots.

August 15, Tuesday (04:16) August 16, Wednesday, August 17, Thursday. Moon in Gemini (until 19:14 August 17) 4th phase.

August 17, Thursday August 18, Friday August 19, Saturday. Moon in Cancer (until 20:56 August 19) 4th phase.

  • What to do. Collect and process the harvest of vegetable and berry-fruit crops. Collect the onion turnip (provided that the feather has begun to turn yellow). Harvest winter garlic. Loosen, dig up the soil, continue the fight against pests in the garden.
  • What not to do. Do any work with plants.
  • What to do. Carry out shaping and rejuvenating pruning of currants and gooseberries. Remove diseased and barren trees and shrubs. Harvest fruits and vegetables for drying and canning. Apply mineral fertilizers to the soil.
  • What not to do. Plant any plants, especially fruit crops. Replant horticultural crops, apply artificial fertilizers.
  • What to do. Continue preparing containers and places for storing the harvest of autumn and winter varieties of apples and pears. Get in the area.
  • What not to do. Replant horticultural crops and house flowers, apply artificial fertilizers. Perform any other manipulations with plants: cut, propagate, pinch, etc.
  • What to do. Collect and process berries and cucumbers, water the beds with pepper, spud cabbage. Sow, plant and dive drought resistant plants. Weed the beds and make compost.
  • What not to do. Apply artificial fertilizers, transplant horticultural crops.
  • What to do. Collect vegetables and berries for quick consumption. Feed shrubs and strawberries with organic fertilizers. Continue preparing planting pits for future planting of fruit trees and berry bushes.
  • What not to do. Planting seeds, planting head lettuce, picking fruits, putting them in storage and rolling up canned food.

August 24, Thursday, August 25, Friday, August 26, Saturday. Moon in Libra (until 11:51 August 26) 1st phase.

  • What to do. Gather some potatoes for quick consumption. Plant seedlings of currant bushes in pre-prepared pits.
  • What not to do. Watering plants: This can cause root rot.

August 26, Saturday, August 27, Sunday, August 28, Monday. Moon in Scorpio (until 22:46 August 28) 1st phase.

  • What to do. Fill greenhouses and greenhouses with organic residues. Dig up the soil, form ridges. Spread compost under trees and shrubs. Plant cloves or sets of winter garlic, bulbous plants. Continue salting and preserving the crop.
  • What not to do. Trim dry branches from trees and bushes, plant trees, propagate plants with roots. Harvest, dig up flower bulbs and root crops.
  • Make sure. Plant tulip bulbs.

August 29, Tuesday (2:11:14 a.m.), August 30, Wednesday, August 31, Thursday. Moon in Sagittarius (until 11:17 August 31) 1-2 phase.

  • What to do. Harvest and process crops of peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins. Carry out loosening of beds with cabbage and hilling cabbage. Spray branches of berry bushes against pests.
  • What not to do
  • What to do. To produce winter sowing of vegetable crops and annual flowers. Dig up the soil in the near-stem circles of fruit trees and berry bushes.
  • What not to do. Use the crop harvested that day for long-term storage.
  • Make sure. Harvest the onions, otherwise the bulbs will start to rot.

Attention! August 2017 gardening calendar designed for temperate climates.

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