A variety of recipes for cooking second courses also cannot but rejoice (more simple and delicious recipes from Beijing cabbage you can see).

What goes well with?

Light and delicate leaves are best paired with something equally light and dietary.. It can be a variety of vegetables: tomatoes, Bell pepper, other types of cabbage. Sweet peas and corn can be added to Peking dishes. From meat ingredients, boiled chicken or turkey, seafood, such as shrimp or crab meat, will be a good combination.


What dishes can be prepared?




  • Half a head of Chinese cabbage.
  • Carrots: one piece.
  • Onions: two pieces.
  • Garlic clove: two or three pieces.
  • Potatoes: three or four pieces.
  • Egg: one piece.
  • 200 grams of flour.
  • Half a cup of breadcrumbs.
  • Sunflower or olive oil.
  • Salt and spices as desired.


  1. Put peeled and washed potatoes to boil.
  2. Wash petsai, dry and cut into small pieces (before cooking?).
  3. Grind in a blender.
  4. Peel and grate the remaining vegetables.
  5. Mash the cooked potatoes until mashed.
  6. Mix all the vegetables in one bowl, add the egg, seasonings as desired.
  7. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  8. Add flour in small portions while continuing to mix.
  9. Form cutlets from the resulting mixture, roll them in breadcrumbs and put them in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.
  10. Fry until golden brown.

with minced meat

For cutlets you need:

  • Half a kilo of minced meat.
  • A third of a head of "Beijing".
  • A bunch of dill.
  • Egg: two pieces.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Cereals.


  1. Defrost minced meat so that it becomes soft and equal in temperature to room temperature.
  2. Finely chop the washed cabbage leaves and dill.
  3. Mix meat, two eggs and chopped greens into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Blind small cutlets from the resulting mixture and roll in oatmeal, then fry in hot oil until golden brown.


With Chiken


  • Cabbage: two leaves.
  • Egg: two pieces.
  • Half a sweet pepper.
  • Chicken meat or liver.
  • Carrots: one piece.
  • Vegetable and butter.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Grate carrots, chop vegetables and meat.
  2. Mix in one bowl.
  3. Place in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil, simmer for about five minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture back into the bowl and let cool.
  5. Add two eggs and seasonings to vegetables and meat, mix until smooth.
  6. Heat butter in a pan and vegetable oil, pour the mixture for the omelet into it, fry until cooked.



  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Bulgarian pepper: one piece.
  • Egg: three pieces.
  • 300 grams of milk.
  • Spices to taste.


  1. Cut vegetables, fry in a pan for several minutes.
  2. Whilst they are frying, beat the milk and egg mixture with a whisk.
  3. Pour the omelette mixture into the pan with the vegetables, close the lid, and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes.


Stewed Beijing


  • Cabbage.
  • Half an onion.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • One tablespoon of soy sauce.
  • Pepper.


  1. Coarsely chop the cabbage, chop the onion and garlic (?).
  2. In a frying pan without oil, fry the onion and garlic for about a minute, then put the cabbage in the same place, pour soy sauce and three tablespoons of water.
  3. Simmer over medium heat for about five minutes, then add pepper and leave to simmer under the lid for another ten.
  4. Serve hot.

Fried with vegetables


  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Carrots: one piece.
  • Bulgarian pepper: one piece.
  • Tomato: one piece.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Three tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Sugar, ginger, sesame.


  1. Cut all vegetables.
  2. Fry the chopped onion in a pan, then add the garlic, then the carrots.
  3. Add the pepper, fry for a couple of minutes, then add the chopped “Peking” to the pan and fry for about fifteen minutes.
  4. Then add the tomato and reduce the heat.
  5. Pour in soy sauce, add spices and sesame seeds, simmer for a couple more minutes.




  • Cabbage.
  • Egg: four pieces.
  • Flour.
  • Dill, sesame, salt.
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Chop the petsai and dill and place in a large bowl.
  2. Salt, add sesame seeds.
  3. Add eggs, mix.
  4. Pour in the flour. Mix until smooth.
  5. Put the resulting dough with a spoon into a frying pan with heated oil and fry for several minutes on each side.



  • Cabbage.
  • Carrots: one piece.
  • Potatoes: two pieces.
  • Egg: one piece.
  • Two tablespoons of flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, herbs.


  1. Boil and cool potatoes ahead of time.
  2. Chop the cabbage leaves and put in a frying pan.
  3. Chop onions and carrots, add to the pan along with salt and pepper, simmer for about ten minutes.
  4. Put the prepared vegetables in a separate bowl, rub the potatoes into it, add the egg, flour and herbs, mix everything until smooth.
  5. Spoon the resulting dough into a preheated pan and fry on both sides until cooked.

Read more about how to stew Beijing cabbage.




  • Cabbage.
  • Egg: one piece.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Roll out the leaves with a rolling pin. Fold lengthwise and on top of each other, salt and pepper between layers.
  2. Beat and salt the egg, coat the cabbage with it.
  3. Then roll the future schnitzel in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

With cheese


  • Cabbage.
  • Egg: one piece.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Vegetable oil.

The recipe is the same as the previous one.

Between the layers of schnitzel you need to lay grated cheese and then coat with egg, breadcrumbs and fry. So the cheese will melt, and the schnitzel will have a delicious hot filling.




  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Tomato: one piece.
  • Carrots: one piece.
  • Egg: four pieces.
  • Milk.
  • Cheese Russian.
  • Butter.
  • Spices, herbs.


  1. Chop carrots and onions, put in a frying pan to fry.
  2. Chop the "Peking", add to the pan. Fry until half cooked.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into slices.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and milk as for an omelet.
  5. Add spices and herbs to the vegetable mixture.
  6. Then put it in a baking dish, place slices of tomatoes on top.
  7. Pour over the egg mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  8. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about half an hour.

With meat


  • About fifteen leaves of cabbage.
  • Half a kilo of minced meat.
  • A glass of boiled rice.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • Sour cream.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Put the cabbage leaves in boiling water for five to seven minutes.
  2. While the leaves are softening, mix the minced meat, chopped onion and rice, salt and pepper the mass.
  3. Line the bottom of the mold with part of the cabbage leaves so that their edges hang outside the mold.
  4. Put half of the meat mass on the cabbage, cover with the remaining sheets.
  5. Put the second half of minced meat on top, wrap it in the free edges of the lower sheets.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
  7. Then take out, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese, return to the oven for another ten minutes.
  8. Necessary :
  • Eggs.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Salt.
  • Butter.


  1. Chop the cabbage leaves into strips, put them in a frying pan with heated oil for a few minutes to fry (read more delicious recipes for fried Chinese cabbage).
  2. Push the cabbage to the edges of the pan, break the eggs into the middle without breaking the yolk.
  3. Fry until done.

Fried eggs will turn out as if in a basket of leaves.

Serving methods

Serve cabbage treats hot, immediately after cooking.

Thus, the taste of these healthy and satisfying dishes will be revealed even better.

Beijing cabbage allows you to cook a wide variety of dishes: from light salads to hearty main dishes. Simplicity and affordability with this vegetable will help even novice cooks create delicious and interesting treats for any occasion.

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You will need

  • - carrot;
  • - cucumbers;
  • - tomatoes;
  • - greenery;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - celery;
  • - apples;
  • - chicken eggs;
  • - garlic;
  • - cheese;
  • - butter;
  • - red, green, yellow pepper;
  • - green onions;
  • - ginger;
  • - potato;
  • - spices.


If you want to keep as much as possible in Chinese cabbage, it is best to add it fresh to any vegetable salad, seasoning it with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise. It pairs well with many of our common vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, carrots, and apples.

For example, you can have a salad with carrots: grate carrots, cut into strips and Chinese, and tomatoes into slices; mix all this in a salad bowl and add salt, pepper and oil for dressing (you can use olive or sunflower), sprinkle with herbs.

If you love celery, try making another interesting salad: peel and slice a small apple, celery (two stalks) and half a mild white onion into strips, tear the Chinese cabbage leaves with your hands and sprinkle everything with lemon juice. Then mix with two chopped tomatoes, dress with salad dressing and put in a salad bowl. Garnish the salad with halves of two boiled eggs.

Beijing cabbage can be stuffed or made into cabbage rolls. For example, take and chop a clove of garlic, knead 200 g of cheese with the same amount of cream cheese, mix everything into a homogeneous mass. Wash and cut into small cubes halves of sweet red, green and yellow peppers. Add this and 100 g of olives to the cheese mass and mix thoroughly. Cut the cabbage in half, lay each half cut side down and, carefully bending back the leaves, lay out the stuffing in a thin layer. After that, fold both halves together and wrap them tightly cling film. Put in refrigerator. In two hours your dish will be ready.

Like white cabbage, Beijing cabbage is very good in sauerkraut. If you like spicy food, try making Korean kimchi. More than a hundred different recipes are known. Here is one of the most common ones. Take a pound of Chinese cabbage, separate the leaves and sprinkle them with salt. Then fill them with a liter of cold boiled water and leave for 8 hours in a cool place. After that, rinse the leaves and squeeze. Now you need to prepare a seasoning from the following ingredients: one tablespoon of finely chopped garlic, ginger, green onions and salt, two teaspoons of finely chopped red pepper (dry) and sugar. Place the seasoning in a large bowl and pour half a liter of boiling water. Add cabbage to it, cover and leave in a cool place. After two days, drain the liquid and you can try.

The most common vegetable plant eaten is cabbage. In the past few years, recipes have appeared in cooking, where the main component is Chinese cabbage. Usually, salads are prepared with its use, as well as hot dishes. Our selection includes a variety delicious meals that will help maintain health and longevity.

Easier preparation cannot be imagined. The dish is prepared quickly, it turns out juicy and nutritious.


  • Chinese cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • salt;
  • crackers - a pack;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked chicken leg - 1 pc.


  1. Rinse the head and dry. Chop. To soften the vegetable, knead with your hands. Separate the meat from the bone. Cut into cubes.
  2. Mix vegetables with meat. Salt. Fill with mayonnaise. Mix. Sprinkle with crackers.

Hearty salad with ham

This salad is suitable not only for dinner, but also decorates the festive table.


  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • ham - 320 g;
  • crackers - 120 g;
  • olive oil;
  • corn - canned jar;
  • Chinese cabbage - 320 g.


  1. For cooking, use thick-walled red peppers, such as gogoshara. Cut into cubes.
  2. Disassemble the cabbage. Cut off the thick core of each leaf. Chop. You will need a small straw. Grind the ham in the form of sticks.
  3. Mix prepared foods. Drain the brine from the jar. Place corn. Stir.
  4. Salt. Fill with oil. Mix. Sprinkle with crackers.

Crab salad with Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage salad is tender and light. The products fit perfectly and complement each other. If you want to receive diet dish, replace mayonnaise with natural yogurt or kefir. It is best to cook before serving.


  • mayonnaise;
  • corn - 370 g canned;
  • salt;
  • Chinese cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • crab sticks - 250 g frozen;
  • Crimean onion - 1 pc.


  1. Separate the leaves from the head. Cut across. Chop the Crimean onion. Cut sticks. Mix.
  2. Place corn. Spread mayonnaise. Salt. Mix.

Classic Caesar salad recipe

If you bought a head of cabbage and wondered what you can cook from Chinese cabbage, then we offer a popular dish that is prepared even in restaurants.


  • egg - 2 pcs. boiled;
  • lettuce leaves - 120 g;
  • Caesar sauce - 60 ml;
  • chicken fillet- 220 g;
  • parsley;
  • crackers - 55 g;
  • parmesan - 55 g.


  1. Use only fresh and high-quality lettuce leaves, otherwise the salad will be spoiled.
  2. Fry chicken meat in a whole piece in a pan. Cut eggs into slices.
  3. Take the smallest grater. Chop the parmesan. Cut the fillet into slices.
  4. Dip lettuce leaves in ice water. Drain the liquid. Dry the leaves. Break with hands. Chop the parsley.
  5. Lay out the salad. Sprinkle with parsley. Pour in the sauce. Put in the parmesan. Mix. Spread the eggs with the chicken. Sprinkle with crackers.

Delicious Chinese cabbage rolls

Chinese cabbage leaves are more tender and tasty. Therefore, cabbage rolls will be special.


  • pepper;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • minced meat - 350 g;
  • water - 240 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • oil;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 pc. for sauce;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Chop the onion. Greens chop smaller. Separate the leaves from the head and pour boiling water. Hold for five minutes.
  2. Place the onion and greens in the minced meat. Salt. Mix. Lay out on sheets. Wrap up.
  3. Now we need to prepare the sauce. Chop the onion. Grate carrots. Fry vegetables in a pan with oil. Crush the garlic. Mix with sour cream and stir fry. Pour in water and paste. Salt. Sprinkle with pepper. Stir.
  4. Place blanks in the form. Pour in the sauce. Send to the oven. Bake for half an hour. 190 degree mode.

Light vegetable salad with cucumber

Treat yourself light snack which will only benefit your health.


  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • green onions - 30 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Chop cabbage and onion feathers. Pepper and cucumber are needed in pieces.
  2. Mix products. Pour in oil. Salt. Mix.

Chinese cabbage "Kimchi" in Korean for the winter

This cabbage just flies off the table. It is very easy to prepare.


  • salt - 150 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1650 g;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 7 cloves;
  • water - 1950 ml of boiling water;
  • ground hot pepper - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Remove wilted leaves. Cut the heads into four pieces.
  2. Pour boiling water over salt. Stir. Cool down. Pour over the cabbage. Cover with a plate. Leave for 11 hours.
  3. Chop garlic cloves and mix with pepper. Add sugar. Mix. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of water. Mix.
  4. Brush each cabbage leaf with the mixture. Pour tightly into a jar. Fill with brine. Endure a couple of days. You can store all winter.

Steamed lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

An ideal, dietary dish that turns out tender and tasty.


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • pork - 550 g;
  • greenery;
  • rice - 150 g boiled;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Throw onion and meat into the meat grinder. Grind. Salt. Chop the head of cabbage smaller. For a more delicate taste, pour cabbage with boiling water. Hold for five minutes. Chop greens. It is better to grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Mix products. Add pic. Mix.
  3. Wet hands. Roll up cutlets. Place the steam container in the appliance. Pour water into the bowl. Place blanks on the stand. Close the lid of the device.
  4. Set the steam mode. Set the timer for half an hour.

Roasted Chinese cabbage with vegetables

Many people make salads from cabbage, but they have never tried frying it. A dish with vegetables is light and tasty, everyone will like it.


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 850 g;
  • sesame;
  • ginger;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.


  1. Rinse and then dry the cabbage. Slice. The thickness of the pieces is two centimeters.
  2. Chop the onion into slices. Squeeze the teeth through the garlic. Cut carrots and peppers.
  3. Pour oil into the skillet. When hot, add the onion. Hold until golden brown. Add garlic. Soak for two minutes. Drop a carrot. Fry until soft. Add tomato quarters and peppers. Cook for two minutes.
  4. Place cabbage. Simmer for a quarter of an hour. Pour in the sauce. Sprinkle in sugar, ginger and salt. Mix. Simmer for five minutes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Mix.


  • parmesan - 220 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • Chinese cabbage - 220 g;
  • shrimp - 250 g in their own juice;
  • sauce "Heinz delicacy" - 150 ml;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • egg - 3 pcs. boiled.


  1. Cut tomatoes. Shred Chinese cabbage. Put the tomatoes on the cabbage.
  2. Pour in the sauce. Spread out the shrimp. Cover with egg slices. Spread with mayonnaise. Grate the Parmesan and sprinkle over the lettuce.
  3. Ingredients:

  • tuna in its own juice - 190 g;
  • sugar;
  • corn - 290 g canned;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • natural low-fat yogurt - 180 ml;
  • Beijing cabbage - 0.5 heads;
  • lemon juice- 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs. fresh;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.


  1. Chop the cabbage. Cut cucumber into slices. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Take a fork. Mash the tuna. Mix prepared foods. Add corn. Stir.
  3. Get a garlic press. Skip teeth. Sprinkle salt and sugar. Rub. Pour in the juice. Add mustard. Stir. Pour in yogurt. Mix.
  4. Yogurt in the recipe can be replaced with low-fat sour cream and add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.
  5. Pour the dressing over the salad. Stir.

The history of Chinese cabbage begins in the Middle Kingdom, for which it got its name. This is the oldest vegetable crop which has already grown all over the world. Back in the III century. BC. it was fermented with rice wine and fed to the builders of the Great Wall of China. Of the most popular varieties, it is worth noting Peking, Chinese and pack tea cabbage. But, despite the structural differences, they are all saturated with a large amount of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other trace elements. Especially among them, lysine is distinguished, which is so necessary for the stable functioning of the immune system.

How to cook delicious Chinese cabbage

At home, she has thousands of recipes, both quick and more labor-intensive. They prepare hot, cold dishes and even cabbage juice from it. In Russia, the "Chinese woman" is more used for cold dishes - delicious salads and snacks. Sandwich and burger - it will be much more appetizing if you add Peking leaves to it. No wonder it is also called salad.

Someone simply replaces white cabbage with Chinese cabbage in dishes. For example, in the same cabbage rolls and cabbage soup. And someone creates more and more new variations.

We want to bring to your attention a selection of the most relevant recipes from Chinese cabbage on the eve of the approaching autumn. The amount of ingredients is calculated ~ for 4 servings. When choosing dishes, we took a guideline for those who do not know what to cook from Chinese cabbage besides salad.

In preparing a Celestial vegetable for the winter, in addition to salting, you can use a recipe with fruits. Prepared in its own juice based on the following ingredients:

  1. Cabbage - 1 pc.;
  2. Apple - 1 pc.;
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves;
  4. Ginger - 20 gr;
  5. Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 3-4 days

  1. Wash cabbage, ginger and apple and cut into thin strips;
  2. Add salt and mix well;
  3. We send for several days to stand under oppression in a warm room;
  4. It is important to periodically pierce the salad with a wooden stick. This is necessary so that bitter gases come out. The foam that will accumulate on the surface of these holes must be removed with a spoon;
  5. As soon as the foam ceases to stand out, the dish can be put in the refrigerator in jars.

Pickled Chinese cabbage

Another option fast food- pickle "Chinese". Yes, it will roam for about two days, but the cooking process itself will not take much time and effort.


  1. Cabbage - 1 pc.;
  2. Garlic - 1/2 head;
  3. Vinegar - 1/2 cup;
  4. Dill - 1 bunch;
  5. Water - 1 l;
  6. Salt.

Cooking time: 2-3 days
  • Cut off the base of the cabbage so that you can disassemble and rinse its leaves well. You can make a salad for dinner from large ones. And it is better to pickle the leaves, which is smaller;
  • Peel and cut the garlic into slices. In parallel with this, we heat the water to a warm state and add salt and vinegar there;
  • Place cabbage, garlic and dill in a large bowl. into container small size they just won't fit;
  • Pour the leaves with brine and press down the lid of the dishes with any load that is at hand, within 2 days. It is important to find a secluded place here, since the smell will be so tempting that not everyone can resist and not eat everything that was planned to be marinated for the winter;
  • At that moment, when leaves that look like “rags” will hang on still crispy fleshy stalks, you can begin to distribute the workpiece among the banks.

Ordinary pickled Peking looks rather pale in appearance. Therefore, many chefs, in order to give beautiful color and an additional flavor shade, combine it with beets or bell peppers.

Also a popular salting option is the national Korean dish "kimchi" and "chamcha". The difference between these two recipes is the use of spices. But at the discretion of the creator, there is still a choice of a variety of cabbage - for example, a very tasty and healthy dish will come out if you make kimchi from pak chai. Another thing is that not every store sells it.

So let's focus on more affordable option- Kimchi with Beijing. It will require the following ingredients:

  1. Cabbage - 2 pcs. medium size;
  2. Water - 2 l;
  3. Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  4. Coriander;
  5. Dried ginger root;
  6. 3 chili pods;
  7. Ground hot pepper - 2 tbsp. l (it is better to take Korean, since it is ground into larger flakes) or a mixture of chopped peppers can be;
  8. Sugar - 1/2 tsp;
  9. Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  10. Soy sauce.

Cooking time: 3-4 days

  • In order to prepare the forks, wash and remove the top leaves. Usually they are spoiled, and the taste will be much richer if you use the base. We quarter the head of cabbage and put it on a small container;

  • Pour boiling water into a saucepan and dissolve salt in it;

  • Pour the cabbage with the cooled brine and press it with oppression for 48 hours. The main thing during the exposure period is to turn the contents over at least once so that the leaves are salted evenly;

  • Before continuing, you need to refuel. It is better to take a separate plate for this, since the smell is absorbed and not removed. Pour all the seasonings into it and mix them well. The amount of ginger, coriander, and crushed chili is taken by eye. At home, the dish is made quite spicy;

  • Add chopped garlic cloves to the resulting mixture;

  • Pour in soy sauce until gruel;

In conclusion, we take out the Beijing, rinse it thoroughly and coat the leaves with the mixture. This should be done with gloves!

  • If the dish is being prepared for the upcoming feast, then you can put it back into the container in which it was salted and kept under oppression for at least two days.

If this is a blank for the winter, you need to tightly lay the leaves in glass jars and pour the brine on top so that it covers all the contents. Snack should be stored in a cold place.

Kimchi is usually served in small bowls. In Russia, before serving, they prefer to lightly rinse the cabbage from pepper, cut into wide ribbons and season with vegetable oil.

And yet, while the “Chinese woman” is still in season, many people like it in the form of hot dishes. It's easy to fry it. Yes, and very fast too. True, the composition of the dish depends on the preferences of the cook and the availability of food in the refrigerator. It can be a simple combination of cabbage with carrots and onions. Or maybe a richer dish, consisting of the following ingredients:

  1. Cabbage - 1 pc.;
  2. Chicken breast - 200 gr;
  3. Soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  4. Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  5. Sugar - 1 tsp;
  6. Ginger root - 1 pc. medium size;
  7. Red hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  8. Potato starch - 1 tbsp;
  9. Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  10. Sake - 2 tablespoons;
  11. Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 30-40 minutes


  • Thoroughly wash the cabbage, dry it and chop it. Sprinkle with salt and mix well;
  • We wash under running water chicken fillet and cut it into medium-sized strips. Dip in pre-mixed: sake, soy sauce and starch. Let's brew;
  • Cut the ginger into thin strips.

To fry the meat well, pour oil into a preheated pan so that the bottom is covered, but no more. First lay out the ginger, then the meat. When the meat is ready, add and hastily fry the cabbage. The final touch is to add seasonings and mix well. Turn off the stove, cover the pan and let the dish simmer for a while.

Roasted cabbage is a great side dish for any type of meat. It saturates and at the same time does not overload the stomach.

Chinese cabbage salads

Due to its compatibility with almost any product, there are a great many cooking options. We will offer you two delicious and useful prescription, from which you can build on when creating your own menu. The first is vegetarian, the second with crab sticks. True, many meat eaters prefer to prepare a salad with chicken, cucumber and apple - but that is why we propose to expand the boundaries and use this alternative.

Very tasty and easy to prepare salad filled with lots of vitamins. And all the ingredients can be found in the nearest store at any time of the year:

  1. Cabbage - 1 pc.;
  2. Canned corn - half a can;
  3. Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  4. Carrots - 1 pc.;
  5. Green onions - 1 small bunch;
  6. Vegetable or olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  7. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  8. Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  9. Salt - half a teaspoon;
  10. Black ground pepper - half a teaspoon;
  11. Garlic - 1 clove.

Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Take a fork, rinse well and dry. While it is drying, three carrots on a medium grater. Finely chop both ingredients and place them on a plate;
  • Wash, dry and cut green onion on rings. Bulgarian pepper washed and cleaned from seeds, cut into small pieces;
  • We open the corn, drain the water and after we dry it well, add it to the salad;
  • Separately, mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices, chopped garlic and pour into vegetables. Mix the salad well and let it brew for at least 10 minutes.

A light but hearty Chinese cabbage salad, which, from the mere listing of ingredients, smells of Chinese-oriental cuisine. Prepare quickly and easily from products such as:

  1. Cabbage - ½ piece;
  2. Crab sticks - 250 gr;
  3. Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  4. Rice - 1 stack;
  5. Canned corn - 1 can;
  6. Hard cheese - 200 gr;
  7. Mayonnaise - 150 gr;
  8. Salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 20-30 minutes

  • We cook and clean the eggs. Cut into small pieces and place in a container in which all salad ingredients will be kneaded;

  • We chop the well-washed forks into strips the size of eggs. We add a little. In order for the cabbage to give juice, we lightly press it with our hands, as in the preparation of borscht and cabbage soup;

  • Chop the crab sticks into the salad also into small pieces;

  • We open a can of corn, drain the water, dry it slightly and send it to the chopped products;

  • We cook rice and add it to the salad, but only after it has completely cooled;

  • Three cheese on top;

  • We introduce mayonnaise;

  • Mix the salad well and let it brew for a while;

  • Garnish with lettuce and other remaining ingredients before serving.


The Celestial Empire gave us a worthy competitor to a white relative. And at the same time, due to alien recipes with a Chinese sister, she expanded the variety of Russian dishes based on cabbage, as such. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Are being modified. But one thing remains unchanged - its usefulness.

The Chinese consider the "Chinese woman" a symbol of wealth. And not in vain! After all, as history shows, the one who is healthy is rich! And the one who consumes the amount of natural vitamins necessary for the body is healthy.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Beijing (Chinese cabbage) began to be sold in our country recently. But she very quickly gained popularity among ordinary citizens. And soon, not only large farmers, but also ordinary summer residents began to grow it on their estates. Thus, Chinese cabbage has taken root perfectly in our diet. Of course, now there are not so many people involved in summer cottages, therefore it is much easier for them to find Beijing cabbage on store shelves.

To date, the recipes for cooking Chinese cabbage are striking in their diversity. Basically, salads are prepared from it, of course. This is first of all. And then there are the main dishes. There are a huge variety of different variations of making Chinese cabbage salads. They do not need to spend a lot of time, and the products are often used the most ordinary - those that are always found in the house.

Beijing cabbage salad recipe with tomatoes and cucumbers

Such a recipe for Beijing cabbage salad in itself comes out very satisfying and pleasant to the taste. It is prepared just as ingenuously as the rest of the salads on this list.


  • Beijing cabbage - 3-4 leaves;
  • Cucumbers - 2 things;
  • Tomatoes - 2 things;
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 piece;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Aromatic seasonings - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking order:

Cut the cabbage into thin strips. Although, you can not bother and simply grind into arbitrary pieces - this is how you like it best. But if you want the ingredients of the salad to look "organic", it's better to cut it anyway.

Cucumbers also cut into strips. But only half of the volume you have taken. The second half will go to decorate the salad before serving - it will need to be cut into rings. Cut the tomatoes into medium slices. Tomatoes will help make your salad more colorful. different colors. In addition to red, you can also take yellow. Thus, you will make the dish visually more attractive. Tomatoes are best taken in medium size.

The addition of cherry tomatoes will add a certain zest to the dish. They are sweet in taste. And vegetable sweetness in such a salad is a big plus. That is why sugar is sometimes added to such salads. But not much.

A small note about the presence of boiled potatoes in the salad. In this case, this ingredient is optional. If, for example, boiled potatoes remained with you after a meal, you can add.

Salad can be lightly salted. But here you need to be careful, because cabbage leaves will not be able to absorb salt, so it’s easy to pour more than you need here. It is best to salt for testing.

Gently mix everything and place on a large serving plate. Top with spices of your choice. Instead of them, by the way, you can use sesame seeds. Then drizzle with olive oil and stir no more.

The final touch will be the decoration with cucumber rounds - there is already the freedom of your imagination. Let the salad infuse for five minutes, and you can eat!

A little tip: try to prepare such salads in order to eat at a time. After the refrigerator, it becomes no longer so pleasant in taste, and cabbage leaves lose their juiciness.

Simple and delicious chinese cabbage salad with cheese

It is worth noting that this Chinese cabbage salad is also light. And not only in terms of production. Although it is prepared in about ten minutes. It turns out tender and tasty. This salad is a great option if you can't decide what to serve with fish or meat.


  • Beijing cabbage - 5 leaves;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • Mozzarella (or your favorite cheese) - according to preferences;
  • Greens - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Sesame - 1 tablespoon;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 pieces;
  • Aromatic spices - 1 teaspoon.

Cut off five leaves from the cabbage. Cut off the rough, hard veins, if any. But do not throw them away, but grind them harder. Chop the white base into strips too and place in a large serving plate. Tear the green part of the leaf into small arbitrary pieces. Of course, you can cut it, but in the first version, the salad will take on a more attractive look.

Cut cherry tomatoes in half and arrange on lettuce leaves.

Mozzarella, or any other cheese you like, cut as you like, and arrange just as randomly. The cutting option itself does not play a significant role. You can not even cut, but grate.

Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top and add sesame seeds. If anyone does not know, sesame seeds have dark, but there are light seeds. And in this recipe, it also does not matter which seeds to use.

Now prepare the dressing - mix the oil, lemon juice and seasonings in a separate bowl. Among the spices may be nutmeg, basil or something else.

The main thing here is the aroma and taste. If you don't know what to choose, experiment. It will do you good anyway. In any case, the finished dish will only taste better. You can also add a little salt, but you should not do this if you added salted cheese to the salad.

But back to the dressing - before adding it to the salad, you need to mix it well and let it brew for about ten minutes so that the seasonings can sufficiently reveal the aroma. The ideal option will prepare the dressing at the very beginning - before you start cutting the ingredients.

Now pour dressing over salad. It is necessary to water evenly, because the salad does not need to be mixed, so as not to disturb the beauty. Who wants to - can stir it already in his plate.

The salad, as you can see, turned out to be really very simple and light. And, importantly, very fragrant delicious. If you love to cook, be sure to add this charm to your list of recipes.

Chinese cabbage and ham salad

Ham goes well with cheese, eggs and absolutely any vegetables. And this, by the way, applies to all its varieties. If you are one of those people who carefully monitor what they eat, you can buy chicken ham.

If taste is important to you, buy pork or beef ham. And if you value originality, then horse meat ham is for you.


  • Beijing cabbage - 250 grams;
  • Ham - 200 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • boiled eggs- 3 things;
  • Olives - 80 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - optional.

This recipe for Chinese cabbage salad is prepared very quickly and simply. Chop the cabbage leaves into not very thin strips. Cut the ham into strips or cubes.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Cut boiled eggs into small cubes. Drain the brine from the olives and cut them into rings. After mixing everything, add mayonnaise according to your preferences. As already mentioned, it is better to add mayonnaise little by little, for testing.

As you can see, everything is really very easy.

Chinese cabbage rolls

This recipe is perfect for those who love cabbage rolls very much, but are on a diet. After all, everyone knows that it is not necessary to use meat stuffing for cabbage rolls. In this variation of cabbage rolls from Beijing cabbage, vegetables and chicken fillet will be used. Cabbage rolls turn out so tasty that it would not be a sin to put them even on the festive table - they will scatter in the blink of an eye. And be sure that guests will ask for more. Let's start cooking.

Ingredients for the main course:

  • Smoked chicken fillet - 1 piece;
  • Beijing cabbage leaves - 7 pieces;
  • Cucumbers - 1 piece;
  • Green onions - 5 feathers;
  • Greens - 5 branches;
  • Table vinegar - 1 tablespoon.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • Mustard - 2 teaspoons (if you like spicy, you can put tablespoons instead of teaspoons);
  • Salt, black pepper - according to preference.

Peel the fillet from the skin (if any) and cut the meat into small cubes. The skin is advised to be removed without fail. In addition to the fact that it is absolutely superfluous in this recipe, it has a lot of cholesterol, which will be superfluous already in your body. Peel the cucumber, too, and cut into cubes, approximately the same size as fillet cubes. Finely chop the greens, after removing the dry feathers from the onion and cutting off the thick stems of dill or parsley. Add it all to the meat.

Now start preparing the sauce for cabbage rolls. It's easy - just mix sour cream, mustard, salt and spices. And then add this mixture to the resulting appetizing salad.

Chinese cabbage leaves will be better washed in cold water in advance. By the time you prepare the filling, they will just have time to dry. Rough veins at the base must be cut off. But do not rush to throw them in the trash - they can be used as an ingredient in a regular vegetable salad or main course.

Spread the filling in portions on each cabbage leaf and roll up. If the sheet is small, it will be convenient to fasten it with a toothpick. But basically the leaves themselves keep their shape well. If the cabbage leaf does not unfold on its own, then everything is fine.

So you got wonderful, very cute, and most importantly - very tasty diet cabbage rolls - one and unusual and really interesting recipes cooking Chinese cabbage.

This simple and tasty dish will be an excellent addition not only to the everyday, but also to the festive table. Knowing in advance the number of guests, you can calculate how much you need to increase the number of products so that there is enough food for everyone. And yes, believe me, but it would be better to cook with a margin. You will not regret.

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

This appetizer stands out from other ordinary cabbage salads with mayonnaise. To begin with, you need to fill it, just not with mayonnaise, but with butter and mustard. And you also need to add a sweet pear there, which will give special notes to the taste of cabbage and fillet. Thanks to such an interesting combination of flavors, this salad may become one of your favorites.


  • Boiled or smoked chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • Beijing cabbage - 300 grams;
  • Pear - 1 large piece;
  • Walnuts - 55 grams;
  • Oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • French mustard - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt and pepper mixture - to preference.

Cut the fillet and Chinese cabbage into thin strips. Peel the pear from the skin and also cut into strips.

Simply chop the walnuts. But not really into powder, but so that they are small pieces. If you don’t like nuts or you can’t, you can, if you wish, do without them. But with nuts, of course, it will be much tastier.

Dressing is very easy - mix vegetable oil (preferably odorless) with mustard. If you wish, you can add a little pepper. Now the only thing left for you to do is add the dressing to the salad and stir everything well. Chinese cabbage salad with chicken is ready to serve. Enjoy!

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

This salad can often be seen on holiday table. Most often even on New Year's Eve. And this is not surprising. It is very bright, very appetizing, and looks just great. And for a long time on the table, a salad with Beijing cabbage and crab sticks does not linger. Another of its many advantages is the ease and speed of manufacture. Try it and it will definitely be in your recipe book.


  • Beijing cabbage - 0.5 heads;
  • Crab sticks - 250 grams;
  • Corn - 1 can;
  • Salad pepper - 0.5-1 piece (depending on how large);
  • Greens - medium bunch;
  • Green onions - medium bunch;
  • Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Mayonnaise and salt - optional.

Cut the cabbage into medium pieces. For this dish, it is better to cut all the components approximately equally in terms of size. Try not to cut or remove coarse veins at the base of the leaves. After all, it is in them that a real storehouse of vitamins is imprisoned. A good option would be to cut off the thickenings, and grind them separately. Then put in the main dish, where your salad will be mixed.

Since the “queen of the fields” in the recipe is canned, as in any other version of crab salad, do not forget to drain the brine from the jar in a way convenient for you. And immediately add to the cabbage. Put crab sticks cut into medium pieces in a common bowl there.

Then chop up the lettuce. The color of the vegetable does not play any role here, so choose the one you like best. Next, chop the greens.

When finished cutting, mix everything thoroughly and add sugar. By itself, this salad comes out very tender, but some lovers also add black ground pepper here. But this is not mandatory. Now add mayonnaise. It will not only give the salad completeness, but also make it more nutritious and satisfying.

There are people who like a little mayonnaise. If you are one of them, keep in mind that without dressing, the salad will come out quite dry, because it does not contain any components that would give it juiciness. Because mayonnaise may need quite a lot. But you shouldn't overdo it either.

Everything should be in moderation. On average, it usually takes about one jar. But do not throw it all into the salad at once. Add gradually, stirring over and over again and tasting a little at a time. As soon as you feel the taste that this is enough - stop.

If you do not eat mayonnaise at all, olive oil will be a good substitute for it. And to add extra piquancy, you can add lemon juice after the oil.

Homemade "Caesar" from Chinese cabbage

Of course, in original recipe not Beijing cabbage is used, but lettuce leaves. But, for example, in the cold season, when it is problematic to find a salad or it is expensive, Chinese cabbage, which can boast of juiciness at any time of the year, will be an excellent alternative in this case.


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • Beijing cabbage - 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 250 grams;
  • Tomato - 1 piece;
  • White bread - 1 loaf;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Greens - a small bunch;
  • Oil - 2.5-3 tablespoons;
  • Salad mayonnaise - optional.

Cut the fillet into equal small pieces. Do the same with cabbage leaves. Alternatively, cabbage can be chopped into strips.

From the loaf you need to thinly cut the crust. Cut the pulp into cubes and lightly fry in a pan with oil and finely chopped garlic. About five minutes before the end of frying, put finely chopped greens in the pan. Before serving, put the cabbage, fillet, cheese and the resulting croutons into a serving plate. Decorate the salad with tomato rings.
