Buying dumplings in a store is expensive and unreliable: who knows what kind of meat manufacturers put as a filling. So lovers of this hearty dish should learn how to cook dumplings at home. Moreover, this process will not take much time: you can use a metal dumpling, thanks to which dumplings will stick "wholesale".

You can choose the topping to your taste: minced chicken, meat (assorted pork and beef), fish (tuna) or even the same as in our step by step photo master class. Now we will show you how to cook homemade dumplings with liver!

delicious dumplings

liver recipe

In addition to the ingredients themselves, you will need a dumpling - a special metal or plastic form with holes in the form of honeycombs.


For test:

  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • flour - 500 g,
  • water - 200 ml,
  • salt - a pinch;

For filling:

  • veal heart - 1 pc.,
  • light veal - 1 pc.,
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.,
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs. (or 3 sweet peas)
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • water.

Cooking process:

Rinse the heart well with light and put them in a saucepan. Pour in water, salt and add pepper with bay leaf. Excess films and fat can be cut off from the liver immediately, or after complete cooking: it is even more convenient to do it in boiled form. So, put the pan with the heart and lungs on the fire, after boiling, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and cook for at least an hour. The heart (and with it the lung) can be considered ready when the knife can easily enter it.

While the future filling is being cooked, prepare an addition to it - fried onions. To do this, peel the onion, rinse, cut into small cubes and fry until beautiful color in vegetable oil.

When the heart and lung are cooked, drain the water from them, and cool the liver itself. To cool the heart faster, you can cut it in half. After cooling, do not forget to cut off the inedible parts of the heart and lungs.

Cut the boiled liver into 4 cm pieces and grind in a food processor into minced meat. Add fried onions to the dumplings minced meat and mix: you get a ready-made filling for dumplings.

Prepare a simple dough for dumplings. Break an egg into a bowl and add half of the prepared flour to it.

Mix well with a fork to get a homogeneous slurry without lumps.

Add all the water you need, stir the ingredients. Then, gradually adding the remaining flour, knead the dough with a spoon, and then with your hands. Form a tight ball from a dense but elastic dough and refrigerate it for half an hour.

Roll out the dough thinly - no more than 3 mm in thickness. Then, place the dumpling directly on the rolled out dough and cut the dough along its contour to remove the excess, leaving only the circle needed to cover the form.

Cover the dumplings with a circle of dough, and put half a teaspoon of liver minced meat in each “hole”.

Roll out another circle of dough, cover the semi-finished product with it on top and walk well on top with a rolling pin. As a result, at the joints of the “holes”, the dough will cut through, and the dumplings will separate from each other. Turn the dumpling pan over and remove the finished dumplings from it. If necessary, push the dumplings from the back with the handle of a rolling pin, crushed with flour.

Boil delicious dumplings in boiling salted water: they will be ready when they float to the surface. Homemade dumplings are ready! Salt greatly affects their taste: if you do not salt the minced meat enough, the dumplings will turn out not so tasty. Therefore, it is very important to salt the filling well and try it before making dumplings. Bon appetit!

Ingredients for making dumplings with potatoes and offal:

Dough for dumplings

  • 500 gr. wheat flour
  • 1 medium sized chicken egg
  • 0.5 tsp table salt
  • 1 cup milk (milk must be cold)

Filling for dumplings:

  • 600 gr. boiled giblets (you can use chicken or duck ventricles, liver, heart. Beef and pig kidneys, liver, heart)
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking dumplings with potatoes and offal:

First of all, we prepare the filling for dumplings, so that the dough does not melt, the filling should be cold.

Stuffing dumplings with potatoes and patroshki.

Skip the boiled offal through a meat grinder. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, fry until soft and golden, then it can be passed through a meat grinder along with the offal or simply mixed - a matter of taste. Be sure to taste the filling, salt and pepper.

Dough for dumplings with potatoes and potatoes.

While the filling is cooling, knead. We take a bowl convenient for stirring the dough, sift the flour there, to start with two glasses, add salt, an egg, mix with a spoon, then pour in the milk, mix again, look at the consistency of the dough, add the flour and knead the dough. The dough from the bowl can be laid out on a table sprinkled with flour, knead the dough until it is kneaded and leave it to rest for 30 minutes.

Formation of dumplings.

Next, divide the dough into parts, roll it out with a rolling pin 1.5 mm thick, squeeze out circles with a glass, put the filling in the middle of the circle, glue the edges of the dough with your fingers. Continue like this until you run out of filling or dough.

Boil dumplings in salted boiled water for 7-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of your dough.


Serve ready-made dumplings with butter or lightly fried onions.

Bon appetit!!!

Good afternoon, dear chefs and all readers of our blog. Today I want to describe to you a recipe for homemade dumplings with potatoes, which are perfect for lunch or dinner. This is a traditional Ukrainian dish - varenyky. The beauty of the dish is that you can cook it with almost anything, and depending on the type of filling chosen, dumplings can serve as both a main course and a dessert.

They can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Dumplings with their variety can satisfy the taste preferences of any person - be it a vegetarian, a meat-eater, a sweet tooth or a fasting person. In addition, they are very convenient to prepare for the future, and if necessary, cook very quickly.

I want to describe to you a variant of hearty dumplings that are perfect for lunch or dinner.


For test:

1. Flour - 500 gr.

2. Eggs - 1 pc.

3. Water - 180 ml.

4. Salt - 2/3 tsp

For filling:

1. Potatoes - 400 gr.

2. Milk - 100 ml.

3. Butter - 50 gr.

4. Chicken stomachs - 200 gr.

5. Onion- 1 big head

6. Salt to taste

7. Pepper and spices to taste

Cooking method:

1. Clean the chicken stomachs, rinse and put to boil. When the foam appears, it will need to be removed, then reduce the heat, salt and cook until soft.

2. Sift 400 grams of flour into a suitable bowl, make a well in the middle of the mound. Put salt in it, pour in water and beat in an egg. Gently combine the egg with water and salt with a fork or whisk, and then gradually with flour. Get a homogeneous sticky mass.

3. Sift the remaining flour on the table and put the dough on it, knead it for about 10 minutes. The finished dough should be quite steep, elastic and not stick to your hands.

4. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

5. Peel potatoes, cut into pieces and boil in salted water. When ready, drain the water and quickly mash into a puree. When the puree is homogeneous, dilute it with hot milk, mixing well again. Milk should not be added much, as the filling should be quite dense.

6. Peel and finely chop the onion. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

7. Finely chop the finished chicken stomachs.

8. Combine chicken gizzards, mashed potatoes, fried onions and spices in a bowl until smooth.

9. Remove the finished dough from the refrigerator, roll it into a layer about 2 mm thick. Cut out circles with a diameter of 5-6 cm with a glass.

10. Put a teaspoon of the filling on the dough blanks and pinch tightly along the edge, forming a dumpling.

11. Ready dumplings can either be boiled immediately in salted water or frozen.

12. To cook dumplings, bring a sufficiently large amount of water to a boil and salt it. Put dumplings in boiling water, one or two pieces, but quickly and stirring with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom.

Until the dumplings float to the top, they also need to be stirred often enough to prevent sticking. When they appear on the surface of the water, boil them over moderate heat for about 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, season with butter and sour cream, and eat to your health! Bon appetit!

Remember, in Soviet time often on store shelves you could find liverwurst, and the insides themselves were at a premium. Today, meat is the basis of the protein nutrition of the population, however, with the right approach, minced offal can compete with boneless fillet. The liver, lungs, heart and stomachs are several times cheaper than selected tenderloin, and when used correctly, they are tasty and very healthy, as you can see, the benefit is obvious.

Offal contains special proteins that are easily and completely absorbed by our body.

In addition, their chemical composition inspires respect, because along with a complex of vitamins (A, E, K, B), the richest mineral set lies in the liver. What is only one liver with its ability to increase hemoglobin.

However, only high-quality offal can be beneficial.

How to choose the right by-products

When buying by-products, first of all, you should pay attention to the consistency of the product.

  • Ideally, the by-product should be elastic and smooth, without lethargy and weathered crust;
  • No stains or damage on quality product should not be;
  • You should also trust your sense of smell. A subtle meaty (liver) aroma indicates the freshness of the product. If there is even the slightest hint of a musty smell, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Minced liver meatballs


  • Liver - 250 g + -
  • Heart - 250 g + -
  • Light - 250 g + -
  • Bread crumb - 250 g + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - 1 tuber + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • - 1/2 cup + -
  • - 3 slices + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1/4 tsp + -

Minced meat preparation

Encountering offal in butcher shop, we often run past them, having no idea about their purpose in cooking. But from this economical set you can cook excellent liver minced meat for magnificent, delicious cutlets.

  • The liver, lungs and heart must be thoroughly washed from blood and various contaminants and excess elements.
  • After that, all offal, together with bread soaked in milk, onions, garlic and potatoes, is passed through a meat grinder.
  • Salt the resulting mass, pepper, drive in the egg and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

After that, you can form cutlets by rolling them in breading and frying until cooked.

Minced dumplings from chicken stomachs

An excellent dish for lunch will be dumplings stuffed with chicken ventricles. They are not inferior to their meat counterparts in one iota in taste, and at a much cheaper price.


  • Chicken ventricles - ½ kg;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • Onion - turnip - 1 onion;
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • Black pepper (powder) - 1/3 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste;

How to cook minced chicken ventricles

  1. To begin with, the stomachs must be well cleaned. To do this, cut them lengthwise, remove the film and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Then we pass the liver through a meat grinder along with onions and garlic twice.
  3. Add spices and mayonnaise to the resulting mass and mix everything well.

The filling is ready. Now it remains only to stick dumplings and call everyone to the table.

Well, if you add 1 egg and 2 tbsp to this stuffing. potato starch, then delicious cutlets can be stuck on and fried, which, together with mashed potatoes, will be an excellent dish for dinner.

Mince for chicken liver pies

Fresh pastries are always and everywhere famous, but messing around with fillings and pies for half a day is a prospect of dubious attractiveness. Liver stuffing is the most profitable solution for express pies, because it will take no more than 20 minutes to cook.


  • Fresh chicken liver - 0.7 kg;
  • Onion - 1 large head;
  • Rice round - ½ tbsp.;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black pepper powder - ¼ tsp;

Preparation of minced chicken

  1. First of all, we need to thoroughly rinse the rice and put it to boil.
  2. In the meantime, chop the onion with a medium cube and fry it in oil until golden brown, after which we remove the frying from the pan, and put the liver in a container and simmer over medium heat, stirring regularly.
  3. After 15 minutes, the liver is ready and can be passed through a meat grinder together with onions or chopped in a blender.
  4. The resulting mass is salted, peppered and combined with boiled rice.

So our filling is ready, it remains only to stick and bake pies to please the family with a wonderful Sunday breakfast.

Minced lung and heart

Lungs rather belong to not particularly valuable by-products. However, the skillful hands of experienced chefs are able to turn this liver element into a rather appetizing product for preparing many delicious dishes.

Minced meat ingredients

  • Light beef - 1 kg;
  • Beef heart - 500 g;
  • Beef fat - 500 g;
  • Onion - 3 heads;
  • Carrots - 1 large root vegetable;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black pepper - ½ tsp;

Cooking minced meat from the lung and heart

  1. The lungs must be washed and boiled, then passed through a meat grinder along with the heart and lard.
  2. We chop the onion into a cube and fry in oil in a pan until golden, after which we add the carrot grated on a fine grater.
  3. When the frying is ready, put the twisted offal to it, add salt, pepper and fry everything until cooked.

So the minced meat from the lung and the heart is ready. Its purpose is quite extensive: for example, by adding boiled pasta to it, we get “naval pasta”.

What can be cooked from minced meat

From this stuffing you can cook excellent dumplings and pies. It can also be used in a potato casserole recipe. Lots of options.

In addition, if twisted boiled lungs are mixed with ordinary ground beef, egg, soaked bread crumb, grated garlic, salt, pepper and finely chopped onions, then from this mass you can cook magnificent, truly airy cutlets.

So we learned how to cook minced meat from various offal. Now, even if the crisis touches our homes, cutlets and meat pies will not be transferred to our tables.
