Even those housewives who know how and how much to cook beef kidneys do not always get the desired result. This is because many of them ignore component preprocessing rules. This procedure takes a total of several hours. As for the timing of boiling beef kidneys, they range from 50 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes. Only after all the processing steps have been completed, you can start cooking the main dish based on the boiled offal.

How to prepare beef kidneys for boiling?

The process of pre-treatment of beef kidneys is not difficult, but takes a lot of time. It allows you to bring the product to the optimum state, even if it is not of the highest quality (for example, obtained from not the youngest cow). There are several stages of preparation:

  1. First, you need to cut off all unnecessary from the kidneys. These are films, channels, fat and veins, which only become harder during the heat treatment and do not chew, which spoils the product. Even if these elements will account for a significant part of the live weight, you should not try to save money, everything must be removed to the maximum.
  2. We wash clean kidneys in cold water changing fluid several times.
  3. Be sure to soak the offal in water, and even better - in milk, for 2-3 hours. If possible, change the selected liquid at least a couple of times.

Now it remains only to remove the product, rinse it under running water and cut into small pieces. Despite the fact that the kidneys can be boiled as a whole, it is better to grind the component. This will allow you to spend a minimum of time on bringing it to readiness and remove internal vessels and films.

The process of cooking beef kidneys in a saucepan

Put the prepared by-product into a cooking container and fill it with water, which should exceed its level by 2-3 cm. Put the dishes on medium heat and bring the mass to a boil. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and let the composition boil for 5-6 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the workpiece under running water.

If a greasy coating appears on the walls of the pan, it must be washed off. Again, put the product in cold water and repeat the whole manipulation. In total, this process must be repeated so many times that the total duration of boiling the kidneys is from 50 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes, depending on the quality of the component and the size of the pieces.

Tip: When dealing with very fresh offal from a young animal, you don't have to worry too much. In this case, it is enough to boil the component twice for half an hour, only once changing the water and washing the pan.

Taking into account the specifics of the preparation of the product, a slow cooker, a double boiler and a pressure cooker are used extremely rarely for its processing. In extreme cases, you can use the microwave. True, you will have to independently establish the duration, frequency and power of the impact.

Recipes for delicious dishes based on boiled offal

From boiled beef kidneys, you can cook a wide variety of dishes. If you don’t want to limit yourself to mixing them with stewed vegetables, you should try the following recipes:

  • Mushroom salad with kidneys. In addition to 150 g of boiled kidneys, we need 300 g of boiled chicken fillet, a couple of tablespoons of chopped dill, 3 tablespoons of small pickled champignons, 5 cherry tomatoes, a small head onion, salt, pepper and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. All components you just need to grind to the desired size, mix, season with spices and vegetable oil.

  • We take 300 g of boiled kidneys, three large potatoes, 3 salted (not pickled!) Cucumbers, onions, carrots, 3 tablespoons of butter, half a glass of barley, a little parsley, basil and salt. Soak barley for an hour, finely chop the kidneys. We clean the carrots and onions, chop, fry in butter. We spread the cucumbers cut into strips to them and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Put the barley, diced potatoes and kidneys into the meat broth. After 10 minutes of boiling, add all the other ingredients and cook until fully cooked. Serve with chopped herbs and sour cream.

  • We need 300 g of boiled kidneys, half a glass of green peas, half an onion, a bunch of lettuce, a teaspoon of wine vinegar, dill, 3 tablespoons of sour cream and salt. Cut the kidneys into small sticks, sprinkle with vinegar. We tear the washed and dried lettuce with our hands, finely chop the onion. We combine all the ingredients, carefully but gently knead the mass, season with salt and sour cream.

In addition, soaked and properly boiled kidneys make an excellent filling for pies and pies, they can be used to make pates and snack cakes. An already boiled component is often added to a variety of soups, stews and cereals in order to give them taste and nutritional value. It should be remembered that boiled beef kidneys must be used immediately after cooking. Even if they lie in the refrigerator for only a few hours, their texture will noticeably deteriorate, and the taste will no longer be the same. But ready-made dishes with this component can stand in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

How to boil kidneys quickly
- To reduce the soaking and boiling time, cut each offal, remove the veins (ureters) and rinse well.

Pieces of pork kidneys can be rolled in soda and left for 20 minutes - then rinsed and immediately boiled in water for 40 minutes.

How much to cook kidneys without smell
- To cook the kidneys without smell, it is necessary to soak them in milk and change the water during cooking. When soaking the kidneys, you can use milk or cream instead of water, then the finished product will have a creamy softness.

How much to cook pork kidneys for a dog
Wash the pork kidneys, cut each in half, cook for 20 minutes after boiling.

- The weight of one kidney is 140-150 grams. When cooking, 1 pork kidney is boiled down to 100 grams.

The price of an offal is 150 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow as of April 2017).

Caloric content of boiled kidneys - 92 kcal / 100 grams.

Boiled pork kidneys are served as an appetizer or as a salad ingredient, or after cooking they are used as a component of stews and soups (for example, pickle).

Kidney snack

Pork kidneys - 500 grams
Lettuce leaves - 50 grams
Soy sauce- 3 tablespoons
Sesame oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt - to taste
How to cook
1. Boil pork kidneys, finely chop and salt.
2. Wash lettuce, dry and do not tear large.
3. Mix soy sauce and sesame oil.
4. Put the kidneys on lettuce leaves and pour over the sauce.

How to make delicious kidneys in a slow cooker

Pork kidneys - 600-800 grams
Sour cream - 1 multi-glass
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Parsley root - 1 piece
Potato - 5 medium potatoes
Onion - 2 heads
Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
Garlic - 1 prong
Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Carrots - 2 pieces
Salt and pepper - to taste
Parsley and dill - a few stems
1 glass of water

How to deliciously cook pork kidneys in a slow cooker
1. Cut pork kidneys into thin slices and soak for 3 hours in water.
2. Rinse the pork kidneys, dry, rub with salt and pepper, put in a slow cooker, sprinkle with flour.
3. Close the lid of the multicooker, set it for 20 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
4. Then pour pork kidneys with water mixed with sour cream and tomato paste.
5. Add pepper, peeled and chopped garlic and cook on the "Stew" mode for 20 minutes.
6. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil, put onion, carrot and parsley root, fry for 10 minutes. Then add to pork kidneys.
7. Add chopped cucumbers and peeled potatoes.
8. Cook on the "Extinguishing" mode for another hour and a half.
9. Serve pork kidneys boiled in a slow cooker with vegetables, sprinkled with herbs.

IN modern era of fast food, the kidneys, as a special offal, have become a superfood, which is beginning to receive more and more attention. And this is well deserved, because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In the specialized literature on healthy eating it is difficult, and even almost impossible, to find any information about the benefits of pork kidneys. But on the other hand, in many culinary reference books they are given a place of honor. You can learn about their benefits only from the tables, from which, no matter how hard the compilers try, it is impossible to throw out that valuable information that makes the preparation of pork kidneys in demand in dietary and special cooking. In addition, any National cuisine the world has a variety of in its golden collection. In Russia, they are very fond of pickle with them.

For example, let's take B vitamins. The best source of them is the kidneys, which can compete with meat. They have a huge amount of selenium. But at the same time, kidneys - which are several times lighter than meat. This is despite the fact that they contain a large amount of protein. Protein in the kidneys is about 12.5 g, and fat is 1.8 g, and the total calorie content is only (!) 66 kcal. Those who want to stay slim without sacrificing health should remember this!

How to cook pork kidneys so that they do not have a specific smell that is characteristic of this type of offal? Each hostess uses her own methods. Someone fills them with milk, sprinkles with soda, soaks them in water with vinegar. But true culinary masters advise: before cooking pork kidneys, they need to be soaked for several hours in plain cold water. It is recommended to change the water at least twice. The offal prepared in this way can be stewed or fried, or it can be boiled and added to a salad. But it is necessary to boil the kidneys separately from other products, and it is better to pour the broth from them.

So, I propose to try a truly Russian recipe for cooking pork kidneys "Pissel with kidneys".

You will need: 500 g of brisket, 500 g of kidneys, 100-150 g of barley, 1 carrot, 150 g of parsley root, 2-3 medium-sized pickles, 4-6 potatoes, onion, vegetable oil, a bunch of herbs, pepper, salt.

Preparation: cleaned from the pelvis and ureters, prepared, pre-soaked kidneys, rinse well and boil. After draining the primary broth, again pour the kidneys with cold water, bring to a boil and cook until tender. Remove, cool, cut into small cubes. Put the pot of water again, and when the water boils, put the brisket and parsley root into it, boil the meat. After an hour, throw chopped kidneys, potatoes, barley into the pan. From onions and carrots to make frying on vegetable oil and add to the soup at the end of cooking, along with finely chopped cucumbers. Leave the pan on low heat, let the pickle boil a little, turn off the heat and throw in the greens.

There are also many recipes for how to cook pork kidneys on a grill or an open fire, like a barbecue. To fry this offal on a grill, it is pre-soaked, cut in half, seasoned with spices, rubbed with salt and fried in an air grill or over coals. The finished kidney is laid out on a dish along with fresh tomatoes or potatoes fried over a fire, decorated with greens.

Kidneys stewed with mushrooms or poured with mushroom sauce are very tasty. To prepare this dish, the kidneys are pre-boiled and, cut into pieces, fried over high heat in butter or margarine. Mushroom sauce is prepared from any mushrooms in meat broth, with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of dry white wine. Stew until done and thicken wheat flour, seasoned with spices and served with fried kidneys.

Now you know how to cook pork kidneys tasty and fast. And besides, without spending a lot of effort. Enjoy your meal!

The choice of such processing techniques is due to the specificity of smell and taste - they need to be eliminated, otherwise, the dish may not turn out as appetizing as we would like. Chefs say that subject to a number of important rules you can cook a delicious treat, which, moreover, will be satisfying and healthy.

Most often, pork kidneys are found in recipes with these five products:

Doctors point out the benefits of regular use of this by-product, because it contains a lot of substances necessary for strengthening health: B vitamins, sulfur, potassium and magnesium. Particularly interesting recipes for dishes from pork kidneys can be those who are working to strengthen the immune system or are wondering about rejuvenating the body as a whole. Boiled kidneys are fried, stewed (in sauces, in their own juice with spices, with vegetables or mushrooms), baked (in the oven, in a slow cooker, on coals). Often they can be found as part of other dishes - pickle, roast, julienne, various salads.

Offal is much more useful than meat, because they contain valuable vitamins, macro- and microelements. As for pork kidneys, many housewives do not like them because of the unpleasant smell.

But after all, you can get rid of it, and ultimately get a nutritious, healthy and tasty dish, the calorie content of which depends both on the method of preparation and on the component composition.

Raw pork kidneys are a low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains approximately 100 kcal.

How to cook odorless pork kidneys - the main rules

You should not buy frozen offal, because they do not differ in quality, it is better to buy only chilled ones. Fresh pig kidneys are shiny, smooth, elastic and have a light red color. In order not to be disappointed in the finished dish, you can go in several ways:

  1. Soak in cold water, for which it is recommended to make cuts on the surface of each unit. The holding time is 8 hours, the water is changed every two hours. When cutting, be sure to remove not only excess fat, but also the ureters.
  2. Boil. Pork kidneys are soaked for at least 2 hours before boiling. After that, drain the water and pour fresh water, put it on the stove, wait for it to boil, and repeat the algorithm again.
  3. Soak in a solution consisting of white vinegar (400 g) and salt (1 tbsp.). This is an express method, and the process will end when the solution becomes cloudy.
  4. Rinse. This is done under the tap: place the offal in a bowl, which is placed in the sink. Next, open the faucet a little so that the water flows in a very thin stream. In 20 minutes. The product is ready for further processing.
  5. Soak in milk. Cut each unit lengthwise, wash and place in a suitable container with milk for 3 hours. Thanks to the method, by-products not only lose bad smell, but also become softer.

Recipe for pork kidneys in the oven


  • pork kidneys - 6 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 3 pcs. medium size;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, salt - at your own discretion.


  1. Prepare pork kidneys for cooking (wash, soak, remove all unnecessary).
  2. Cut the offal into strips and put them in a mold, where to pour 100 ml of water, or better, chicken broth.
  3. Put the onion cut into half rings in a second layer on the “kidney straw”. Slightly salt and pepper.
  4. Thin potato slices on top of the onion.
  5. The top layer is “ketchunez” (a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise).
  6. Put the mold into the preheated oven. Cooking time - at least an hour.

How to quickly and tasty cook pork kidneys in a pan - step by step photo recipe

Pork kidneys are one of the most selenium-rich foods. Eating them can be recommended to men to improve the quality of intimate life.

Important! The dish will be tastier and healthier if you cook paired kidneys obtained from the slaughter of young animals.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Pork kidneys: 1 kg
  • Onion: 200 g
  • Salo: 100 g
  • Sour cream: 50 g
  • Salt, spices:

Cooking instructions

    Soak pork kidneys in water for 1-2 hours. After that, rinse them well under the tap.

    Cut pork fat finely. Drain the fat from it in a hot frying pan, and remove the greaves. It should be noted that during heat treatment, pork fat does not acquire harmful properties.

    Cut the main ingredient into pieces.

    Transfer them to the skillet. Fry for about 10 minutes. If the product gives too much liquid, it can be drained at this stage and added at the very end.

    Cut the onion into slices and put to the main ingredient. Add salt and spices to taste. Fry the kidneys with onions for another 10 minutes.

    Put sour cream.

    Stir, if necessary, return the drained liquid and simmer the dish for another 5-6 minutes.

    Serve the cooked pork kidney roast hot.

    In a slow cooker


  • pork kidneys - 1 kg;
  • water - at your own discretion;
  • salt and spices - to taste (you can use "Provencal herbs");
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • turnip - 200 g.


  1. Use only fresh offal, which must be pre-prepared in any way in order to eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  2. Kidney cut into pieces of medium size. It is impossible to “grind” strongly, as the by-products decrease in size during cooking. Do not trim fat.
  3. Place the prepared pork kidneys in a container (along with chopped onions and all other ingredients), pour water in such an amount that it can completely cover them.
  4. Set the multicooker mode "Baking" for half an hour, and then "Stew" for 1 hour.

What else can you cook

  1. Julienne. Comprehensively prepared and cut into thin slices pork kidneys fry in a pan in vegetable oil. Separately fry the mushrooms, diced ham and onion. Fill clay pots with ingredients in arbitrary proportions and a sauce consisting of a mixture of ketchup, mayonnaise and chopped parsley. Sprinkle the contents on top with cheese, after which the “container” is kept in the oven exactly until the cheese becomes brownish.
  2. Pork kidneys in cream sauce. The recipe is ideal for a slow cooker, and it is better to cook this dish from offal soaked in milk. Simmer the kidneys cut lengthwise into two halves in a slow cooker in the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes, then cool and cut into thin slices. Fry carrot slices, onion rings and a small amount of garlic in the “Frying” mode, and then add slices of offal, cream and a little salt to these ingredients. Cooking time - 1 hour in the "Extinguishing" mode.
  3. Salad. Mix boiled, cut into pieces kidneys with finely chopped onions and herbs (parsley and dill), add fresh cucumber (cubed). For dressing, use mayonnaise, in which to stir in garlic pressed through a press. If desired, you can pour a little vinegar into the dressing.

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