The bathroom is a place that is traditionally associated with cleanliness, it is there that we clean our body from the dust of a big city, and our head from unpleasant thoughts and worries. However, sometimes a repulsive, fetid smell of sewerage can spread throughout this room.

The first reaction of the hostess, who realized that the inside of the bathroom smelled not of flowers at all, was to wash everything that was possible with a strong detergent. However, if this measure saves, it is temporary, and sometimes does not bring any result at all. In this article, we will show you how to remove the smell from the sink so that it never comes back.

What causes sink odor?

The unpleasant smell from the sink is a serious problem that not only violates sanitary and hygienic standards, but also annoys any hostess. There are many reasons.

Through which sewer "aromas" can break out and fill the room with a stench. More often bad smell in the bathroom call:

Important! If the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the high humidity of the room, then the forced ventilation system will help to remove it. Fresh air will dry the room and also draw out sewer odors.

Sewer problems

The bathroom has a lot of plumbing fixtures: bath, washbasin or sink, toilet, washing machine. All these devices are connected not only to the water supply, but also to the sewerage system.

If, during installation, the sewerage is connected to the plumbing equipment with technical errors and flaws, an unpleasant smell may occur from the sink in the bathroom. Most often, the following problems of the sewer system are diagnosed:

Note! Any defect in the installation of the sewer system in the bathroom, whether it is an incorrectly selected diameter of the pipe section, poor sealing of the joints, or an incorrectly set slope, is fraught with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is important that the pipes are laid experienced master which will take into account all these nuances.

How does a water seal work?

Each plumbing fixture that is used in the bathroom and connected to the sewer has a siphon. A siphon is a special device that does not allow foreign odors to penetrate from the sewer pipe into the room. It is made of brass, plastic or other material.

There are models of siphons with a water seal, a membrane seal and a dry seal. Thanks to the special curved shape with one elbow, this device creates a water plug inside, which does not let air from the sewer pipe into the sink or bathtub. Siphons perform the following functions:

  1. They remove unpleasant odors that can enter the room from the sewer pipe. As long as the plumbing fixture is in use and the water in the water seal does not dry out, air from there cannot penetrate up the pipe.
  2. Protects against sewer blockages. They filter out large debris that enters the drain of a sink or bathtub. All large impurities enter the siphon sump, after which it can be removed from there.
  3. Sewage is directed by gravity into the sewer. The shape of the siphon is such that through the drain waste water easily flows into the sewer without stagnation at the bottom of the sink or bathtub.

Please note that the water seal only works until the water dries up in it. Therefore, when no one uses a plumbing fixture for a long time or there is no water supply for a long time, the liquid in the siphon dries up, which can cause a sewer smell in the bathroom.

If the reason that the bathroom smells is the drying of the water seal, then the easiest way to deal with this problem is to fill the siphon with water and ventilate the room well.

How to deal with the problem?

Many housewives are wondering how to eliminate the smell from the sink in the bathroom, how to get rid of the persistent smell of the sewer, if a sponge with detergent no longer helps.

If the bathroom is cleaned regularly and thoroughly, but the amber is still present, then the matter is most likely in the sewer system, so we will deal with it. To overcome the smell from the sink, follow the following instructions:

Remember! We clean the bathroom quite often, because keeping it clean is not easy. However, we often forget that the pipes and siphon need to be cleaned periodically so that no unpleasant odors bother you. In addition, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: you can not throw cleaning, garbage, grease into the sink, you need to clean the siphon sump and change the corrugation in time.

Video instruction

Unpleasant odors in the bathroom or toilet of a private house are a common problem. They are so strong that they are felt in living rooms, dining rooms or even in the kitchen. "Aromas" permeate all things and interior items, making the life of the household simply unbearable. Need to fight them effective ways and not just spraying air fresheners, which are practically useless. This article will tell you about all the causes of sewer odors, as well as how to eliminate them.

The main causes of unpleasant odors in the bathroom and toilet

Unpleasant odors do not arise from nowhere, they always have a source and a reason. Among them are:

The cause of the smell may be a violation of the integrity of the sewer pipes

  • violation technological process during installation work (drainage);
  • bad;
  • the appearance of invisible cracks and leaks in the sewer;
  • violation of the functioning of the water seal, which is responsible for preventing the ingress of sewer fumes into the premises.

Downpipe blockage

This is one of the first causes of unpleasant odors in the bathroom. It occurs due to improper use. plumbing equipment. To remove a blockage from the drain, it is necessary to clean it with chemicals, a plunger, or any other device.

Pipe cleaning can help eliminate odor

Chemical household products

Household chemicals (“Mole”, “Domestos”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Floop”, etc.) quickly clear pipes of unwanted blockages, but they are quite expensive. Before putting them into practice, you must carefully read the instructions, find out the information for which pipes they can be used to clean so as not to harm the material.

Advice! Alternative option for home - baking soda and vinegar (soda is poured into the drain, poured with 9% vinegar, wait 5-10 minutes, washed running water). These ingredients are in the kitchen of every housewife, so that the "saving" remedy will always be at hand.

Plumbing fixtures

A plunger or a metal cable are auxiliary tools for cleaning the drain in the bathroom with your own hands. Their use is quite straightforward, so it will not cause any special difficulties.

Poor ventilation

Poor ventilation contributes to the stagnation of air in the toilet or bathroom, as a result of which they are filled with fumes from the sewer, which is unpleasant for residents. Often, natural draft hoods are used in hygiene rooms, but they are ineffective, as they are regularly clogged with debris.

Bathroom ventilation system

Important! Cleaning natural ventilation requires the involvement of specialists with professional equipment (these are additional financial costs that not everyone can afford).

To check the natural extract for performance, you can use a candle or a piece of paper. If ventilation is at the proper level, the sheet will stick to the grate, and the flame from the candle will deviate towards it.

Microcracks in the drain of the sewer system

Another possible cause of unpleasant odors is microcracks or diaper rash that form in inaccessible places. They become sources of sewer "aromas", they are very difficult to find and eliminate. Way out of this situation:

  • replacement of a damaged pipe with a new, better one;
  • treatment with a hermetic substance of all suspicious areas.

Connecting plumbing to the sewer

In order to prevent the occurrence of leaks in the future, and therefore the appearance of foreign odors from downpipes, it is necessary:

  • install high-quality plumbing pipes, only from trusted manufacturers (although they are not very cheap);
  • when laying drainpipes, it is recommended to make as few joints as possible, in these places most often cracks occur;
  • perform quality in the bathroom or toilet;
  • place joints only in easily accessible places, although this is not always possible.

Violation of the functions of the water seal

The main purpose of the water seal is to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors from the sewer pipe. Violation of its functioning leads to the penetration of fumes from the drain pit.

Important! A water seal is a curved section of a drain filled with water.

There are several possible causes his "faults":

  1. Availability high pressure in the drain (more than atmospheric), which pushes "fragrant" fumes into the bathroom (in the form of bubbles).
  2. Overflowing drainpipes, the pressure in which leads to the extrusion of a water "plug".

Types of water seals

To prevent overflow of the drain, you must:

  • periodically clean the pipes in the bathroom and toilet from possible blockages;
  • V winter period make sure that the water in the sewer pipes does not freeze (this is especially true for private houses).

Installation of internal sewerage

Violation of the technological process of installation work on laying sewer pipes

This is the most serious cause of sewer odors in the home.

Incorrectly performed installation work for laying drainpipes lead to high financial costs (since a complete replacement of the pipeline is required). This situation occurs when homeowners, without much professional knowledge or any experience, try to do it themselves.

Advice! To avoid unnecessary financial costs, the laying of sewer pipes should be entrusted to professionals with many years of experience in carrying out such work. They will do their job with skill, and most importantly - correctly and reliably.

When the first signs of unpleasant odors appear in the toilet or in the bathroom of a private house, it is imperative to eliminate their cause. Cleaning the drain will not take much effort and time, but will minimize the likelihood of sewer fumes penetrating into the living quarters. It is better to get rid of the problem immediately than to deal with its consequences for a long period!

The smell of sewage in the apartment: video

How to eliminate sewer smell: photo


If there is a smell from the sewer in the bathroom, then you do not need to endure it. It is necessary to eliminate it even before the whole house is saturated with a by no means pleasant aroma.

From the bathroom and bathroom, the smell quickly spreads everywhere. Neither air fresheners nor regular airing will help to cope with it. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the cause of the stench and eliminate it.

Why is it important to get rid of sewer smell?

An unpleasant amber from the bathroom indicates that there are some problems with the sewerage system. Usually in a properly designed and maintained bathroom, no foreign odors arise (read also: ""). The appearance of stench indicates the presence of any problems. Undoubtedly, it is important to understand why the sewage stinks in the bathroom, but do not forget that this smell is very unhealthy.

Hair, dirt, grease enter the sewer system. Over time, they accumulate in pipes and begin to rot, releasing ammonia compounds into the air. As for the persistent unpleasant odor, its formation is formed due to the combination of hydrogen sulfide, methane, carboxylic acids and nitrogen. Inhaling these compounds is not helpful at all.

Bathroom features

The bath is connected to a public sewer flexible pipe. It must be curved and have a drop sufficient to dirty water did not return. This tube should also have a water seal (as in the photo), which will protect you from the problem when the bathroom smells like sewage. If the obstacle in the form of a water plug disappears, the unpleasant smell gets unhindered access to the bathroom.
In the case of a combined bathroom, the number of reasons leading to the appearance of an unpleasant amber increases significantly (it is necessary to check the toilet bowl and communications leading to it, a common riser). If there is no riser or toilet in the bathroom, then finding the source of the problem is much easier.

Most often, the reason why the bathroom smells of sewage is violations in the connections of sewer pipes with bathrooms or mistakes made during installation (read: ""). An unpleasant odor often occurs in rooms where the rules for operating the system are violated or there are problems with the water seal.

A washing machine is often installed in the bathroom. It is important to properly tap the drain hose. In addition, there is a ventilation hole in the bathroom, through which fresh air is supplied. The cause of trouble may be hidden in ventilation duct.

Disturbed air circulation

If we still haven't found the reason why the toilet smells like sewage, it's worth checking the ventilation to see if it's effective. Ventilation in the bathroom is needed not only to eliminate the smell, but also to dry the air. Therefore, if the bathroom smells like sewage, you need to check the condition of the ventilation system - if it does not work well, then the smell may appear due to excessive humidity. In addition, high humidity can lead to mold growth. See also: "".

To check the operation of the ventilation, it is necessary to bring the sheet to the grate - if it “sticks” to it, then the air exchange is normal. When there is a suspicion that the smell comes from the neighbors, specialists from the housing office should be called - pigeons and rats can fall into the ventilation shaft.

Why it smells like sewage - the occurrence of a blockage

Another reason why the sewer in the bathroom smells is the formation of a blockage. Dirt, grease, hair collects on the walls of the pipes. Therefore, they must be cleaned periodically.
A siphon can become clogged - a curved pipe under the bathroom, in which a water seal is formed, preventing the smell from the sewer from entering the room. If the corrugation is straightened, stretched or sagged, then the water seal lets the smell into the room. See also: "How to eliminate blockage in the bathroom - proven tools and affordable ways".

The tube must be returned to its normal position and fixed with a special mount at the required height. In order for the water seal to work again, it is necessary to pass water into the pipe. The flask-shaped siphon should be disassembled and washed. If the bathroom has not been used for a long time, it is enough to drain the water down the drain. In case of serious blockage, you can use special chemicals for cleaning pipes or plumbing cable. See also: "".

Plaque on pipes - stinks of sewage in the bathroom

Deposits in sewer pipes can also cause bad odors. Because of them, the internal clearance of the pipes and the operation of the water seal are reduced. In this case, it is necessary to clean the sewer. Especially often this problem occurs in cast iron pipes.

Incorrect pipe selection and installation errors

A common reason why the smell of sewage in the bathroom is observed immediately after repair is the wrong choice of components and mistakes made during installation.

If the pipes have a smaller diameter than provided for by the norms, then an air discharge occurs in them, which eventually destroys the hydraulic seals.

A kinked siphon or insufficient water level in it is easily corrected by bringing the corrugations into a position in which the liquid will easily leave. You also need to check the joints of all pipes and other elements. The joints can be covered with silicone sealant or wrapped with a special tape.

Also, a washing machine can be a source of an unpleasant odor if the drain hose tie-in comes after the water seal. In this case, an unpleasant odor goes through the washing drum.

Condensation and leaks

If all of these methods did not help and it is still not clear how to get rid of the sewer smell in the bathroom, then the possibility of leaks and accumulations of condensate should not be ruled out. Water can rot and give off an unpleasant odor. Drops can fall from the water heater, taps. It is necessary to check whether water gets into the laundry basket, onto the shelves with cosmetics.

Leaks can also form in hard-to-reach places- under washing machine, sink, behind the bath. In addition to causing an unpleasant odor, water will eventually destroy flooring, interfloor overlap, the ceiling of the neighbors from below.

Take a fragrant bath or an invigorating shower, clean yourself up in the morning or relax before going to bed - a person starts his day and ends his day with a bathroom. The bathroom, as a zone of comfort, hygiene and beauty, must perfectly match its purpose. Cleanliness and order play a crucial role here, and the appearance of an unpleasant smell can ruin everything. Let's try to figure out why the bathroom smells like sewage and how you can eliminate this smell.

There can be several reasons, from local blockage of the pipe to problems in the general sewer system. apartment building. The main thing is not to try to mask the problem with air fresheners, but to decide to get rid of it radically.

Malfunctions in the public sewer

Problems in the sewer distribution of the house can cause an unpleasant smell not only in the bathroom, but throughout the apartment, as well as in the entrance. In this case, you will not be able to resolve the issue on your own. The municipal organization or other management company is responsible for the central sewerage. Therefore, your actions are limited to the following:

  1. Leave a request to the responsible organization to identify and eliminate the problem.
  2. Wait for its execution and check the result.

Problems with sewerage in the apartment

The cause of an unpleasant smell in the bathroom can be an incorrect connection of the sewer wiring to the central unit. Sewerage, as a non-pressure system, functions due to the slope of the pipes. And if mistakes were made during the installation of the wiring at the construction stage of the house, the following problems may appear:

  • failure of the water seal in the siphons of sinks, showers or bathtubs, which prevents the spread of odor from the sewer;
  • broken or leaking pipes.

Important! Only correct angle the slope of the sewer pipes will ensure the normal operation of the sewer in the apartment. For pipes with a diameter of 50 mm minimum slope- 0.025, normal - 0.035. For pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, the minimum slope is 0.012, normal - 0.02. The slope is calculated in centimeters per running meter pipes.

How to resolve the issue

Unfortunately, in this case, small means to get rid of the problem will not work. You can temporarily remove the smell by replacing the water seal or sealing the break. But sooner or later it will be necessary to radically solve the problem. Efforts and means in this case are evaluated at the level overhaul: you will have to tear off part of the tile and re-mount the sewer.

Problems with the siphon (water seal)

All sinks, showers, bathtubs and toilets are equipped with a siphon. It works on the principle of a water seal - a water plug that serves as a barrier to the penetration of odor from the sewer. If the siphon fails, a sewer smell may appear in the bathroom.

Causes of siphon malfunction and solutions

Wrong installation

If the pipe in the siphon of the sink or bathtub is installed higher than necessary, this can cause the smell from the sewer to go over the water seal and enter the room through the sink hole. It is necessary to position the pipe 2–3 cm below the water level so that the water seal can perform its task.

No water in the siphon

This situation can occur after prolonged non-use of the sink or tub. It is enough to run running water for a few minutes, and the siphon will be filled. And if you plan to leave for a long time, you can pour 100-200 grams into the drain hole of the sink vegetable oil. The oily film will not allow the water to evaporate, and the bathroom will not have an unpleasant smell.

To prevent the appearance of smell from the drain hole, you need to periodically disassemble and clean the siphon.

The following available remedies are suitable as the prevention of blockages:

  • Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda down the drain and pour into a glass hot water;
  • soda, poured into the drain of the sink, pour half a glass of vinegar. Close the drain hole with a cork so that the resulting foam actively works inside;
  • Dissolve ½ cup salt in ½ cup hot water and pour down the drain. Wait 10 minutes and clean with a plunger.

Advice: it is not recommended to abuse specialized products to eliminate blockages, since they contain aggressive chemical substances corrode rubber seals at pipe joints.

Breakdown of the water seal

The water seal can be torn off due to the large slope of the sewer pipes, their too small diameter, freezing or the ingress of foreign objects into fan pipe(ventilation riser). What to do:

  • Install a siphon with a ventilation valve. The valve opens when the water is drained, and additional air enters the system.
  • Clean out the exhaust pipe. A blockage in the ventilation drain makes it impossible for air to pass through the sewer system, and the outlet for bad odors is your sink or bathtub drain. Workers of the utility organization should identify the cause of the blockage of the pipe and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Siphon defect

Any thread chipping or layering can cause the siphon to malfunction. Before buying, you need to check the siphon for defects.

Tip: when choosing a new siphon, opt for a more complex device with an angular design that can hold a water seal better than simple design in the form of a curved tube.

Sewer leakage or insufficient tightness of pipes

The cause of a disgusting smell can be a pipe leak due to improper sewer wiring, chips or pipe wear.

What to do if the pipe is plastic:

Find a leak: inspect the joints and the pipe along its entire length.

If it leaks at the junction:

  • clean the joint from dirt and cement;
  • dry;
  • wrap with a special winding;
  • lubricate with sealant;
  • do not use the sewer for several hours.

If the leak is along the length of the pipe, the best solution is to replace it. When plastic pipe it is fast and inexpensive, and the compromises of clamps and gaskets are a temporary solution.

A small hole in a cast iron pipe can be sealed with an aluminum clamp and a piece of rubber. If the damage is severe, the pipe section must be replaced.

Tip: if no leaks are found, for complete certainty and to eliminate this cause of an unpleasant odor, it makes sense to re-seal all the joints of the sewer pipes. To do this, replace the rubber seals and process the joints with sanitary silicone.

Insufficient bathroom ventilation

Poor ventilation is the cause of condensation on pipes, mold and unpleasant odors. The bathroom must be equipped with a forced ventilation hole. Decoratively shaped holes at the bottom of the bathroom door will serve as additional source air and also help to get rid of moisture. Windows with a micro-ventilation mode will significantly improve air circulation throughout the apartment. The high humidity will be compensated and there will be no bad smell.

From time to time it is necessary to check the sufficiency of draft of the ventilation hole with the attached piece of paper: if the draft is good, the sheet is kept on the grate. Otherwise, feel free to contact the housing office with an application for checking ventilation.


Whatever the reasons for the appearance of a sewer smell in the bathroom, you can still give general advice:

  • always opt for quality materials and plumbing;
  • when repairing, use the services of professionals, when doing the work yourself - competent instructions;
  • take preventive measures;
  • Don't make a temporary solution to a problem permanent.
