Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


One of the main elements of the interior of the nursery is the flooring, which should be safe, smooth, eco-friendly, durable, easy to clean and warm .

What kind of flooring will be appropriate in the baby's room?

  • Laminate.
    This material is compressed wood waste, which, in turn, is fixed with resin and laminated with a film. Key advantages of laminate: aesthetically attractive appearance, practicality and fairly high strength. As for the harm to health, you don’t have to worry about this if the laminate is not chosen from the cheapest. Sanitary standards in the production of cheap laminate, as a rule, are not observed, and the seller, of course, will not say what percentage of melamine-formaldehyde resin binders is in the material. Therefore, you should not save. The ideal choice would be a laminate made on the basis of acrylic resins: the floor will be warm, safe and environmentally friendly. A good laminate can be easily washed off from plasticine / paints, it will retain its appearance for more than one year, and you can choose the color that suits the interior.

    Minus: in socks on a laminate, the child will be slippery; the material will not withstand a strong flood - it will swell; poor sound insulation (the roar of a fallen toy will be heard throughout the apartment); susceptibility to scratches.
  • Cork coating.
    One of the best options for the nursery, recommended by both pediatricians and designers. Benefits: unloads the spine, "spring" under the feet; absolutely natural eco-friendly material; moisture resistant and easy to clean; pleasant to the feet; warm and not slippery; does not cause allergies static electricity does not accumulate; does not absorb odors; is an additional sound insulator; fireproof and durable. On such a surface, the kid will be able to play for hours, assemble the designer and draw - no carpets will be needed.

    Minuses: high price; the need for regular "sealing" to extend the service life.
  • Linoleum.
    Universal material, the price of which is from 180 to 3000 rubles per meter. Just like with laminate, the quality of linoleum is higher, the higher the cost. Cheap material releases toxic substances into the air, so it is absolutely impossible to put it in a nursery. High-quality linoleum will be a good solution: it is moisture and wear-resistant, withstands serious loads; washes well; is heat and sound insulator. Despite the synthetic nature, good linoleum is safe for health. For a nursery, it is better to choose an insulated version made of wood shavings, rubber and linseed oil with cork. There are also no problems with color solutions - you can easily find the picture you need for the design.

    Minus: most types of linoleum are slippery.
  • Carpet.
    The same nuance: price-quality. Cheap carpet will not do you any good. Advantages of high-quality carpet: heated floors; softness and feeling of comfort; a wide selection of colors; noise reduction.

    Flaws: complex care of the coating; stains left on the material are very difficult to remove; synthetic base; "dust collector" - the dust that the coating collects to remove 100 percent even washing vacuum cleaner impossible.
    When choosing this material, you should carefully study the composition of the coating: the natural components in the composition must be confirmed by a certificate. It is not recommended to lay carpet over the entire area of ​​the nursery - a play area is enough, in which the coating will be periodically replaced.
  • Soft floors.
    A modern version of the coating (environmentally friendly foamed polymer), advantageous from almost all sides. Such a floor is assembled from modules (rather quickly) and easily changed if the quality / appearance of one of the elements is lost. Advantages: does not collect dust, does not smell and does not conduct electricity; different "healthy" characteristics (harmless); not afraid of water and temperature changes; easy to clean; injury-proof due to its softness; does not require additional insulation; varied in color.

    Minus: It is unlikely that the coating will last several years with intensive use.
  • Massive board.
    The most environmentally friendly material in the line of coverings for children. Such a coating can be attributed to the type of piece parquet, except for the size (the width of the dice is 10-20 cm, the length is 1-2.5 m). Advantages: 100% naturalness and environmental safety; stylish appearance; long service life (tens of years) and a useful microclimate in the nursery; warm floor.

    Flaws: high cost of the material; expensive and lengthy repairs.
  • Parquet board.
    In terms of advantages, this coating is closest to a solid wood board: environmental friendliness, naturalness, attractive appearance, special microclimate, easy maintenance and durability. The most significant plus: quick repair if the board is damaged (unlike an array). It is enough just to remove the plinth, quickly disassemble the floor and, replacing the damaged element with a new one, assemble it back. Yes and cost parquet board- below massive.

Experts advise zone the children's room , laying in each zone its own material.

There is an erroneous opinion that a child, while he is still small, does not understand anything about beauty. This is completely untrue, even the baby, who is not yet able to speak and walk on his own, is receptive to comfort.

In order for a harmonious personality to grow out of it, it is necessary from the moment of birth to create an appropriate atmosphere of warmth and comfort, both in the whole house and in his room. And the most difficult issue, most often, is the need to choose a suitable floor covering for the children's room.

After all, it should not only harmoniously fit into the environment, but also meet certain requirements.

Where to start?

A huge range of flooring can confuse anyone, especially when it comes to choosing a material for a child's room. What should they be? Be sure to be environmentally friendly and natural.

Small children spend a lot of time playing on the floor, so the flooring in the nursery should be not only beautiful and aesthetic, but also practical and always natural.

Among other things, it should also be warm so that it is not cold for the child to play on the floor. Of course, we must not forget about another aspect - ease of care, you need to give preference to materials that are easy to wash or clean and have a maximum service life.

Which flooring to choose?

To make the room not only comfortable, but also like the child, you should ask him himself how he imagines it. It would be nice if you choose with him all the materials for decoration and especially for the floor.

  • mats puzzles
  • flock coating
  • carpet
  • natural linoleum or pvc tiles
  • laminate
  • cork
  • board

Wooden floors - aesthetic and safe

Of course, wood is considered the most environmentally friendly, it retains heat well and looks very beautiful. When processed with high-quality compositions, a wooden floor will last a long time.

It is easy to wash and clean, it is not afraid of heavy loads and organically fits into any interior of a children's room.

Cork - warm and soft floor

This flooring also belongs to natural materials and has a lot of advantages, and in some respects it even surpasses wood.

Cork floors are pleasant and warm to the touch, do not attract dust and are easy to wash or clean. But they have one drawback - the cork can be squeezed under the influence of sharp objects, as well as under the weight of furniture.

Laminate - easy to install and easy to clean

Material having a top layer made of natural wood. It is very easy to install, easy to maintain and quite suitable for a child's room.

But he has his drawbacks, he does not like interacting with water, and since children love to play with it, he can become unusable very quickly.

pvc tiles

The good old linoleum is familiar to everyone. It is quite unpretentious and was often used as a floor covering in children's rooms precisely because of this property. Today it has been replaced by PVC tiles. She happens various sizes and differs in the way of laying. There are options:

  • glued on
  • having a locking system

For children, the second option is more suitable. It is easier to install and, if necessary, can be easily disassembled, for example, to replace a damaged segment.

Carpet - soft and cozy, but ...

Another one of the most commonly used for children's rooms is carpet. This material is not natural, but produced according to modern technologies, it is completely safe for the child. But opinions regarding this flooring are diametrically opposed.

Some consider it the best for a child's room for its:

  • softness
  • warm
  • noise-absorbing properties

Others, on the contrary, refer it to materials that can harm the health of the child. Those who do not consider it an ideal floor covering are faster right.

It collects dust very strongly and it is quite difficult to remove stains from it.

Flock coating - will revive the nursery

Decorative finishing of floor materials by applying dry polymer particles of various colors and shapes. This technology has been known for a long time and is successfully used in children's and public institutions.

Most often they are used in the nursery if they want to achieve original color solutions with limited time for work and funds for them.

Tile rugs - modern and original

Children's flooring puzzles are elements based on EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) or foamed porous polymer. It was developed specifically for children's rooms and therefore meets all the requirements for such materials. Between themselves, the tiles are connected by special hooks, called "dovetail".

Puzzles are produced various:

  • sizes
  • thickness
  • external design

We create a children's style

It is necessary to accustom a child to a sense of beauty from the first years of life. And it should be based, first of all, on the design of his own room. Therefore, when choosing flooring for a children's room, you need to take into account the overall design of the whole house, as well as the pieces of furniture that will be in it.

In this case, preference should be given to calm colors so that the whole atmosphere corresponds to warmth and comfort. But this does not mean that they should be neutral and faded colors, the most perfect option is to choose something in between.

Puzzle flooring with various plots or interesting colors fits very well into the interior of the children's room, but not too flashy so as not to tire the eyes of the child. Do not forget to ask the opinion of the owner of the room, of course, you should not completely rely on his choice his interests are simply necessary.

What is better?

The floor coverings chosen for the children's room should to a large extent correspond to the age of the baby. If he is just starting to take his first steps, then a natural short-pile carpet or carpet will be a good option.

They are soft and when falling, the child will be less injured.

If the owner of the room is at an age when he has neither desire nor time to sit still, then it is better to use a laminate, cork or board - they will be easiest to wash from various blots and stains.

Very well suited for this age and soft floor tiles puzzle. It is not only an environmentally friendly modern material, but also in its own way is developing, thanks to a large selection of different original colors.

Flooring for a children's playroom it should be safe for health, soften falls and bumps, look bright and attractive, easy to clean and inexpensive - this is how most parents imagine the baby's gender. Is it possible to find a material that combines all these qualities, or does the ideal not exist? In the article, we will consider what kind of coating is best for a children's room.

Eco-friendly flooring for kids room


Wood floors could claim the title the best option arrangement of the floor in children's rooms. Properly processed and dried batten will

  • fit snugly, ensuring that there are no gaps in which a curious baby can stick a finger,
  • protected lacquered to avoid splintering,
  • easy to clean from food stains, juices, paints and other inevitable contaminants.

But a tree that creates a feeling of warmth, has a beautiful natural texture and pattern, is not suitable for small active fidgets. wooden boards they will not soften the blow from a fall for a baby taking its first steps or a frisky lover to run, jump from chairs and sofas. And the price of high-quality wood floors does not fit into the framework of budget repairs.


Continuing the conversation about the materials offered by nature itself, it is necessary to mention cork.

  • It is classified as environmentally friendly. It is guaranteed not to cause allergic reactions. For health safety, you can put a plus.
  • The cork flooring in the children's room is warm, serves as a soundproofing layer (this quality is more likely to be appreciated by the neighbors below) - this is an advantage from the category of comfort.
  • The cork does not allow you to slide on the floor, it is moderately elastic and is able to smooth out the consequences of falls - a plus in the movement safety column.
  • Cork floor is not afraid wet cleaning, wear-resistant material is difficult to damage.
  • The coating can be floating (assembled in a manner similar to the installation of a laminate) or glued to a rough base. In both cases, any dad can handle the work on his flooring.

It seems that this material can be chosen, if not for its price. Natural coatings have never been cheap. Attempts to save money and purchase a material of less than the required rigidity can lead to irreparable consequences: under the weight of the furniture, the cork will sag, and it is easier to damage such a coating.

Laminate in the nursery

  • Laminate can be used in children's rooms, but it is better to lay it when the child has grown up. The slats come in different colors and imitate the texture of real boards. The floor is warm. Washing such a coating is easy, and it is inexpensive. But the laminate is not designed for a long service life and does not tolerate long-term contact with water. If careful use ensures that the coating lasts more than 5 years, then a puddle from spilled compote, which goes unnoticed, will lead to damage to the coating.
  • Falling on such a floor is also quite unpleasant, but sliding on it is very good. Therefore, it is better to follow the initial advice: investing in laminate flooring with increased level strength and durability is justified in the case of arranging a room for a teenager.

Linoleum on the floor in the children's room

  • Linoleum in the nursery is one of the most affordable and functional floor coverings. A large selection of colors, imitation parquet boards, cheerful and colorful drawings, designed specifically for a child's room, will satisfy any request. The coating is already with a substrate glued to the base material, or it is purchased separately. In any case, the floor turns out to be warm, it is good to play on it, and mom will have no problems with cleaning. Only a commitment to more modern materials will force you to refuse to purchase linoleum for the floor in the nursery.

  • PVC tiles are an alternative to linoleum flooring. Among the bright and diverse collections, it is easy to choose the one that will appeal to the child and will suit the parents. It is easily mounted on glue or the elements are attached to each other on interlock connections. Polymer products have always been distinguished by easy cleaning and long service life, PVC tiles are no exception.

Soft cover for children's room

If the child is just starting to learn to walk, crawls a lot, and moves actively, then it is better to immediately lay a soft floor covering. They are also willingly chosen by the owners of apartments in which the floor needs additional insulation. You will have to choose from two options: carpets (carpets, carpet) or soft puzzles made of polymers.

  • Carpets- a traditional attribute of a dwelling in many cultures. In addition to keeping warm and creating comfort, the drawings on them had a secret hidden meaning. Today, prints are purely decorative, even if they are pronounced ethnic motifs. And for children's rooms, designers have developed and continue to come up with original drawings.
  • Carpeting for a child's room different shapes and sizes, but these are always products with a clear pattern and finished edges. For the most part, they do not cover the entire surface of the floor and are one of the methods of zoning a room. In the children's room, they can highlight play area, and small rugs are usually placed in front of the crib. Children love to run barefoot or play lying on the floor - a carpet made from natural ingredients will provide the right level of warmth and comfort. But this solution is not very practical. In young children, the concept of maintaining cleanliness, order and careful handling of things does not always coincide with the rules that adults have come up with. Yes, and during the period of potty training, expensive flooring can be hopelessly damaged (or the carpet will be in the dry cleaners most of the time, and not in the children's room).

  • carpet The flooring for children's rooms, like the carpet, is designed to make the floor warm, soft and provide a comfortable place for the child to play.
  • Such a coating is laid over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor. In order for carpet to be easier to clean, most of its types are made from synthetic fibers. With some differences, all types of carpets are made using the same technologies and using the same materials. The service life, method of care, recommendations for the place of use and, of course, the price will depend on one or another parameter.

Classification of carpets on the floor in the children's room

Just by looking at the potential coverage in the nursery, it will not be possible to guess which manufacturing method the manufacturer used. The answer to the question will be given by the bottom side of the material.

  • Tufting (firmware). This technology is common. Before the invention of a machine capable of independently fixing pile yarn at the base of a future carpet, the stitching was carried out manually. The machine uses the principle of coordinated work of needles and hooks (a similar operation is performed by sewing machine). Each needle stitches the yarn through the primary warp. The hook picks it up, pulling it out and forming a loop. If the hooks are supplemented with blades, then the loop is cut after pulling. Such a pile is called sheared. The next step is to apply a latex layer that secures the yarn, and a secondary base. This manufacturing technique allows you to vary the height of the pile, create coatings with a wide variety of patterns and textures.

  • needle-punched mode of production. The needle used to make coatings in this way is devoid of an eye. But the notches along its entire length allow the fibers of the pile to cling and tangle when the needle moves up and down. A quality product has 800 to 1200 penetrations per square inch. The reverse side is created from a layer of latex or glue, and after pressing the coating is guaranteed integrity and long service life. According to this principle, not only plain carpets are created, the patterns on them can be very diverse. Appearance needle-punched carpets is inferior to tufted carpets. And they are considered to be less comfortable. But needle-punched coatings are wear-resistant and are much cheaper.
  • Woven coverings They are a complex structure of interlacing pile, weft and warp threads into a single whole. The price of such products is never small - the process is complicated and takes a lot of time. But, due to the fact that the base is firmly connected with the pile, it will not flake off and disintegrate even after long and intensive use. The villi of such a coating do not crumple under the roller wheels office chairs, and the wheels of toy cars and tolokars (which will be affected by much less downforce) will not harm them all the more. Wet and dry coating will endure all tests equally with firmness. The pile in such carpets is rarely multi-level, and both natural woolen and synthetic fibers are equally often used for its manufacture.

How is color created?

Carpets are dyed in two ways: either the pile is given the desired shade before fixing to the base, or the finished product is dyed. Sometimes both options are used at the same time. In addition to single-color or differential coloring, the finished product can acquire color by printing. Template, screen or inkjet printing is used. When the pile is painted on an already finished product, color pigments penetrate only into that part of it that is on the surface. Because of this, the shades will fade over time, and various contaminants are absorbed into such a coating much more actively.

An alternative is to dye the fibers before they form the pile of the carpet. Here they give color in two ways:

  • color the material at the stage of fiber creation
  • or “bath” an already formed thread in dyes.

No matter what the manufacturer does, the coloring pigments penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, and it keeps the colors juicy longer. Therefore, the carpet for the nursery should ideally be painted in this way.

Fiber pedigree

What should be given preference: the gifts of nature or the triumph of human genius?

  • Materials of animal and vegetable origin are not cheap. Wool, silk, sisal jute, cotton and linen - can become a pile covering in a nursery. Lovers 100% natural product you need to know that all-wool carpets are rare (and expensive). The composition of the fibers will still include artificially created threads. Otherwise, the product will be simply impractical to use, and such a carpet needs to be hung in a frame and dust particles blow off, but not to be torn apart by a little fidget.
  • Synthetic materials may be safe and natural.
  • Holds the palm firmly nylon. A moderately elastic, practical pile is created from it. Well-known brands of products also undergo special antistatic treatment. Fire safety is also excellent. Polyamide fiber is dyed well, so the palette of finished products is rich and bright. For a children's room, you need to look for a coating that has a stain-resistant impregnation with Teflon. Nylon carpets and carpeting are the most expensive in the synthetic flooring segment, but the most popular and high quality. It is polyamide that is added as a companion for combined products. The pile will not be washed under the furniture and will not wipe off, despite all the efforts of the baby.

  • Polypropylene fibers acquire color at the time of manufacture, otherwise the dyes simply will not penetrate into the dense structure of the material. This contributes to the long-term preservation of the shade, although the choice of colors cannot be called rich and varied. The polypropylene coating is not afraid of water and stains, and the material itself is not magnetized a priori (although this property is lost during operation). Such carpet is cheap, but wears out quickly and melts at relatively low temperatures. For premises with "heavy traffic" do not buy it.
  • Man-made polyester fibers (polyester) even less wear-resistant than polypropylene. But they are very reminiscent of wool. This feature is noticeable on carpets with a large mass of pile. But such a thick "edge" is not entirely relevant in the children's room.
  • Acrylic pile copies the wool coating no less effectively. And some dyes that are used today in the production of carpets are simply not able to penetrate the structure of the material. So there is no need to wait for the richness of shades. The abrasion resistance of acrylic flooring is average, but polyamide fibers are added to improve the performance.

  • The pile should not be too fluffy and long. Small debris will inevitably get stuck in it, and it is much more difficult to care for it. Optimum for a children's room carpet with a short pile of 2 or 3 mm.
  • Natural or artificial fibers should be covered in the nursery - this is an eternal question. On the one hand, nothing can replace the feeling of tactile contact with wool or linen. But mites and microbes appreciate such a habitat. And a high-quality artificial coating, for example, made of nylon, fully complies with all hygienic requirements.
  • Carpet for a nursery can become not just a soft color coating, but also a door to a fairy tale with painted castles, alleys and gardens. Boys will appreciate the painted race tracks or city road junctions. A football field or a flowering meadow in any case will captivate the baby and form the basis of exciting and educational games.

  • Carpets with a pattern or abstract patterns are better at masking stains than solid colors.

Floor covering for children's room puzzles

By purchasing puzzle mats as flooring, parents solve several problems with a rhinestone.

  • Soft and pleasant to the touch elements of the design will surely appeal to the baby. It is pleasant to run on them, sit warmly while playing with other toys, and they soften blows from falls.
  • The bright colors of the rug will attract the smallest kids, and growing up, the baby will receive the basics of design, spatial thinking, develop fine motor skills, and color perception.
  • Such coatings are puzzles, puzzles, and constructors. And the central removable elements in various models serve as an excellent didactic material for studying shapes, numbers, animals, letters.

  • Modular kids room flooring is fun to play with, easy to care for, and polymer materials certified and safe for the health of the baby. They are inexpensive, and you can change the cover from time to time so that the child receives new knowledge. Such rugs have only one drawback - they do not cover the entire surface of the floor and can only be used as an addition, for example, to carpet.

Prevention and treatment as fun

  • According to the principle of puzzles, you can assemble an orthopedic coating in the child's room. It is able to correct existing problems with the formation of the foot or prevent their occurrence (for example, flat feet).
  • These are durable and brightly colored elements of a single structure that imitate various irregularities, say, a pebble beach or grass. Running on such a diversified surface, the baby, in fact, makes an effective and pleasant foot massage.
  • Puzzles can be combined in different sequences and used both at home and on the street, during hardening procedures. Rubber orthopedic coatings are often placed in the bath, then showering is combined with the benefits of massage, and the legs will not slip.
  • Running, jumping, walking and coordination exercises - such a coating will be a great addition to home gym It is easy to wash and put away when not needed.

Flooring in a nursery can be not only practical and safe, but also smart and useful. What to give preference to, parents decide, and there is no single right decision. A hint will be age, temperament, the interests of a son or daughter, and, well, material opportunities - where without this? But, as practice shows, the path with the highest costs is not always the most correct one.

Floor covering for children's room is a special kind of floor. Kids spend a lot of time in this area. It is very important that this part of the room is as safe as possible. In the article we will indicate all the requirements for the floor, and at the same time we will list best options, which are suitable for arranging a kindergarten.

Coating Requirements

The health and safety of children is paramount. They spend most of their time in the playroom. It is recommended to pay special attention to the floor.

When choosing a preschool institution, parents should know the basic requirements for such a detail:

  • the material must retain heat. Pupils will spend a lot of time playing. It is important that they feel comfortable;
  • is of great importance external design surfaces. It should not only perform a practical function, but also like children;
  • playroom flooring must be practical. Used only quality material. Even after many cleanings, it should have an attractive appearance, make the kids want to spend more time in this room;
  • since preschoolers will spend a lot of time playing, it will be necessary to choose a material that will last a long time, suffer various mechanical damage;
  • the floors should not only be comfortable for the kids, but also for the kindergarten staff, who clean up there. It is very important that the surface lends itself to dry and wet cleaning.

Types of non-removable floor covering

Today there is a lot of material that can be used in children's institutions.

According to SanPiN, sources that retain heat can be used. They can be treated with cleaning agents, detergents.

We list the key types playroom flooring non-removable option and indicate their advantages:

  • actual use of carpet. Every meter of the room will be safe. The textile base will soften the fall during outdoor games. Carpet is practical, does not allow dust to scatter in the room. It is easily assembled with a conventional vacuum cleaner;

  • cork flooring is a great solution. The main advantage is the benefit to child health. After completing its installation, it will have a positive effect on the baby's musculoskeletal system. During movement, the effect of "unloading" for the joints is created;

  • it became "fashionable" to use soft tiles. Such flooring for children's playroom in a preschool institution - an expensive pleasure, but the material is worth it. A special source is used - EVA tiles. It is safe, environmentally friendly, odorless, ideal for floor decoration. The uniqueness of this option is reminiscent of a puzzle. It is also assembled with the help of hooks. The surface is bright, colorful, which will delight the little ones.

Removable garden mats

During the game process, caregivers often use mats. They are incredibly practical, aesthetically attractive. Their advantages - you can lay it on the floor at any time and not worry about the health and safety of the children.

The most commonly used materials are:

  • massage mats – can be used in all preschool institutions. With their help, you can harden the body, make up for the lack of tactile sensations, develop the coordination of the pupils' movements. In addition to the benefits, the presence of such a rug will make the game even more interesting and exciting;

  • orthopedic rugs - are actively used in compensating type gardens. They are simulators that allow you to cope with flat feet and other problems. Such surfaces are therapeutic effect, have a relief structure. Their task is to deeply massage the feet.

We present you the know-how in design floor coverings for children: a revolutionary invention, an environmentally friendly and comfortable soft floor for children's rooms. Any parent first of all tries to ensure the safety and comfort of their baby. Toddlers are big fans of crawling on the floor. Parents are always worried about whether they will hit or freeze. Carpet ? But after all, where a little adventurer is, there is dirt, and it is difficult and inconvenient to constantly wash bulky rugs.

New technologies come to the aid of parents. One of the latest innovations is modular soft flooring for children.

Floors in children's rooms must be warm, absolutely safe, practical and multifunctional. It was these conditions that were taken as a basis by the developers - the creators of the revolutionary material, wear-resistant, durable flooring.

EVA technology - a new look at flooring

This coating is resistant to any deformation, has hypoallergenic properties and special flexibility. Children's room floors made using this technology are rapidly gaining immense popularity around the world.

TOP 5 popular and safe soft play mats for children:

Name Characteristics Design and price
Puzzle mat, without images, Funkids "Mosaic-12" Puzzle mat 15 mm thick. Set of 6 square tiles different color size 12" (30x30 cm) with internal plates of size 6" (15x15 cm) FunKids "Mosaic-12". The size of the pieces (plates): 30 cm x 30 cm x 1.5 cm The area of ​​the assembled puzzle set: 0.54 sq.m. Composition: EVA foam (polyethylene foam with the addition of ethyl vinyl acetate) Shore hardness: 30-35 units - the softest and highest quality material available in the production of similar products.
590 rub. See in store
Puzzle mat Disney Cars Attractive Alphabet Cars puzzle mat is able to decorate a child's room, give an opportunity to practice reading. It is comfortable to sit on it while playing on the floor - the product is soft and protects from the cold. And the favorite cartoon characters will certainly delight the baby and attract his attention.
1193 rub. See in store
Puzzle mat, 6 tiles Funkids "Simple-12-10" FunKids "Simple-12-10" for those who want to save on price, but get the same excellent quality puzzle mat as its 15 mm counterpart "Simple-12". This rug has a thickness of 10 mm - this fact allows the manufacturer to reduce the price of this item. FunKids "Simple-12-10" - develop comfortably! It's really exciting. Soft and pleasant to the touch, odorless material will please your baby very much and will be a great gift and entertainment for him. The size of the pieces (plates): 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm The area of ​​the assembled puzzle set: 0.54 sq.m. Composition: EVA foam (polyethylene foam with the addition of ethyl vinyl acetate) Shore hardness: 30-35 units - the softest and highest quality material available in the production of similar products.
400 r. See in store
Soyuzmultfilm puzzle mat with cars Let's play together, 10 segments Soyuzmultfilm puzzle mat with cars Let's play together, 10 segments, D18594T-CRT (12). Puzzle mat "Cars" from the series "Soyuzmultfilm" from the popular brand "Play Together" is an entertaining mosaic for children aged 3 years and older. This model has a very soft base, thanks to which the assembly of the mosaic rug and further playing on it will be incredibly pleasant and interesting for the child. This set includes elements of various vehicles that need to find the right place on the puzzle. The gameplay will captivate the child for a long time, give a lot of positive emotions and, among other things, help in the development of logical thinking and improve fine motor skills.
420 rub. See in store
Mat-puzzle "Soft puzzles" Learning letters, 36 items Mat-puzzle "Soft puzzles" The game will allow the baby to learn the letters. Complete set: 36 puzzles with letters. The size of the assembled puzzle: 54x54 cm. The size of one puzzle: 9x9 cm. Material: EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate).
203 rub. See in store

Important! EVA flooring in modern European preschools is laid more often than wood flooring or.

Not surprising! Indeed, in case of an accidental fall on such a floor, the baby simply has no chance of getting various injuries. But soft EVA-floor not only received well-deserved recognition for this.

  • Safety. soft cover for a children's room, made using EVA technology, has all the necessary certificates confirming its absolute harmlessness to humans. Such a floor is odorless, it is environmentally friendly and very pleasant to the touch.
  • Mobility. The EVA cover consists of individual modules that are easy to assemble and disassemble. If desired, the soft floor can be moved to another place and even taken with you on a trip.
  • Comfort. The modular coating has good thermal insulation, similar to that of a "warm floor". The modern floor design dampens all noise and perfectly softens the fall, which is very important for young children.
  • Wear resistance. Soft EVA flooring is moisture resistant, impact household chemicals. It is easy to clean, does not fade, is resistant to high / low temperatures and withstands any test of plasticine and paints. You will not see footprints, sharp claws of cats or dogs on such a coating.
  • Hypoallergenic. The EVA layer does not accumulate static voltage even when walking on it for a long time. Therefore, such a coating does not attract dust at all - this perfect material will protect children from the appearance of various allergens.

The colorful world of childhood for your child!

Now young researchers will have something to do on the floor. The soft floor for children's playrooms is available in the form of colorful, bright puzzles, different in color and texture. These are letters, numbers, butterflies, interesting animals, entertaining figures, leaves, fairy-tale characters, landscapes of nature. From them you can make original drawings and compositions.

Attention! Choose a puzzle floor according to the age of your baby. EVA formation may have small parts which the young explorer will definitely taste.

Entrepreneurial parents from soft modules collect cozy houses for their crumbs, interesting large cubes, even playpens and toy boxes.

On a note! For older children, manufacturers offer jigsaw puzzles, traffic rules, and a world map. If desired, you can change the pattern of the EVA floor daily and create new exciting activities for kids that will develop their thinking, memory, logic, fine motor skills and physical activity.

Idea! Let's turn on the imagination and make a multifunctional honeycomb covering out of an ordinary soft floor. We need a regular, standard set of puzzle carpet, but in such a way that there are twice as many puzzles in it as needed to equip the room.

Using a sharp knife, we will turn half of the modules into an original honeycomb structure and stick cellular puzzles on ordinary ones. After installation, we will get an amazing design, and in the resulting cells you can glue healing dried
