"Personnel issue", 2013, N 9


Each official document consists of separate individual elements called requisites. A set of details of an official document, arranged in a certain sequence, is called a document form. In turn, the form of the document is a set of details that identify the author of the official written document.

Details affect the legal force of the document, so it is necessary to draw them up correctly in accordance with applicable regulations.

Features of registration of management documents in the organization are regulated by GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork." This GOST establishes the following composition of the details used in the preparation and execution of documents:

01 - State Emblem Russian Federation;

02 - emblem of the subject of the Russian Federation;

03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

05 - the main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity;

06 - individual taxpayer number / registration reason code (TIN / KPP);

07 - document form code;

08 - name of the organization;

09 - reference data about the organization;

10 - name of the document type;

11 - document date;

12 - registration number of the document;

14 - place of compilation or publication of the document;

15 - information about the addressee;

16 - document approval stamp;

17 - resolution;

18 - title to the text;

19 - a mark on the statement of the document for control;

20 - document text;

21 - a mark on the presence of applications;

22 - signature;

23 - document approval stamp;

24 - document approval visas;

25 - imprint of the seal of the organization;

26 - a mark on the certification of a copy of the document;

27 - note about the executor of the document;

28 - a mark on the execution of the document and sending it to the case;

29 - a mark on the receipt of the document in the organization;

30 - identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

The specified GOST also determines the location of the details on the angular and longitudinal form.

All details can be conditionally classified into constants and variables. Permanent details must be present on the forms of documents, and variables are applied only when preparing a specific document.

01. State Emblem of the Russian Federation

This prop is a quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle, raising its spread wings. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns connected by a ribbon, above them there is one large crown. In the right paw of the eagle is a scepter, in the left - orb. On the chest of the eagle, in a red shield - a silver horseman in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon overturned and trampled on his horse.

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation can be used in a multi-color and one-color version.

According to the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 N 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" (as amended on June 30, 2003), this requisite in a multi-color version is placed on the forms:

1) federal constitutional laws and federal laws;

2) decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

3) resolutions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) resolutions of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

5) resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

6) decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

7) decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

8) decisions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

9) the President of the Russian Federation;

10) Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

11) the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

12) the Government of the Russian Federation;

13) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

14) the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

15) the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation in a one-color version is placed on the forms:

1) Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts;

3) federal executive bodies;

4) the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation;

5) Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation;

6) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

7) the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation;

8) Bank of Russia.

A one-color version of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without a heraldic shield is placed on the forms:

1) Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets;

2) bodies, organizations and institutions under the President of the Russian Federation;

3) bodies, organizations and institutions under the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) federal courts;

5) bodies of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation;

6) diplomatic missions, consular offices and other official representations of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.

02. Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation

The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is placed on letterheads in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must be indicated on the letterheads of representative and executive authorities and administrations of republics, territories, regions, autonomous entities and cities of federal subordination - Moscow and St. Petersburg, municipalities (cities, rural settlements), as well as on letterheads of organizations located in their subordination.

03. Organization logo or trademark

(service mark)

The emblem of the organization is a graphic image that allows you to distinguish the goods and services of some legal entities or individuals from similar goods of others.

The trademark (emblem) is placed on the top field of the document centered on the name of the organization. If the coat of arms is indicated on the form, then the emblem is not reproduced.

The emblem cannot replace the name of the organization. The emblem must be officially registered. The trademark may not be used by others.

04. The organization code is filled in in accordance

with the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations

The code of the organization - the author of the document is used when transmitting documented information via electronic communication channels and serves to reduce the number of errors that occur when transmitting long and difficult to perceive names of organizations. The code is an element of the document's electronic identification.

05. Main state registration number

(OGRN) of a legal entity

The requisite is filled in in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities, and is located on the form to the right or below the requisite "Organization Code".

06. Individual Taxpayer Number/Reason Code

registration (TIN/KPP)

This requisite is also filled in in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities. The requisite is located on the form to the right or below the requisite "Main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity".

07. Document form code

The document form code is affixed if the corresponding type of document is included in the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents (OKUD), class 0200000. This requisite is printed when compiling a specific type of document and is included in the reference information about the organization in letter forms, in other cases it is applied next to the name of the document type.

08. Organization name

The name of the organization must always correspond to the name recorded in its constituent documents.

Above the name of the organization indicate the abbreviated, and in its absence - the full name of the parent organization. The names of organizations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have, along with the state language of the Russian Federation (Russian), the state language of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are printed in two languages.

The name of the organization in the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation or another language is placed below or to the right of the name in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is recorded in the constituent documents of the organization. The abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below the full name.

The name of the branch, territorial office, representative office is indicated if it is the author of the document, and is placed below the name of the organization.

09. Reference data about the organization

The requisite is used only in correspondence and is not affixed to internal documents. The composition of the requisite "Reference data about the organization" includes information necessary for informational contacts: postal address, address Email, web pages on the Internet, phone numbers, fax numbers, license number and date, and other information.

10. Name of the type of document

This is one of the details required for all documents of the enterprise, except for letters.

The type of document is its belonging to the documentation system in terms of content and purpose.

The name of the type of document drawn up or published by the enterprise is determined by the charter or regulation on the organization. The requisite must correspond to the types of documents provided for by OKUD (class 0200000).

11. Document date

The date of the document is one of the fundamental details that ensures the legal force of the document.

The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval, for the protocol - the date of the meeting (decision-making), for the act - the date of the event.

The date of the document is recorded in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and the month are drawn up with two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - in four Arabic numerals, for example, the date June 25, 2008 should be written as follows: 06/25/2008.

In accordance with international standards, dates may have a different sequence: year, month, day: 2008.06.25.

If a document is issued by two or more organizations, it must have the same date.

Roman numerals are not allowed. The date may be handwritten.

The date on the document is affixed by the official directly upon signing or approval.

12. Registration number of the document

This attribute contains a numeric or alphanumeric designation assigned to each outgoing, internal and incoming document during its registration. Registration of documents is carried out in accordance with the indexation system adopted by the organization, which is based on the serial number of the document.

The requisite is filled in by entering the registration number of the document into the template part of the form "N _____".

Depending on the types of documents, the type of office work system in place in the organization or the availability of classifiers, other components can be added to the serial number, for example, when registering official letters, the case index is added to the serial number according to the nomenclature of cases, and, if necessary, the document code according to the thematic classifier, code correspondent, etc.

If the document was compiled jointly by several organizations, then in this case the registration numbers of the authors are put down through a slash in the order in which the authors are indicated in the document. The presence of a registration number on the document indicates that it is included in the information array of the organization and is under its control and responsibility.

This requisite is affixed only to outgoing response letters and includes the registration number and date of the document to which the response is given, for example:

14. Place of compilation or publication of the document

The requisite is used exclusively in general forms and forms of specific types of documents, except for letters. When registering this requisite, the administrative-territorial division of the country is taken into account using generally accepted abbreviations, for example:

Saint Petersburg;

Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region;

With. Ivanteevka Fedorovsky district of the Saratov region.

It is necessary to strictly take into account the administrative-territorial division, since it is possible to repeat the names of individual settlements in different regions countries.

The place of compilation or publication of the document may not be indicated if the name of the territory is included in the name of the organization, for example:

Ulyanovsk Polytechnic Institute.

15. Information about the addressee

The addressee is the organization, structural subdivision, officials or individuals to whom the document is addressed.

Information about the addressee is used in letters and internal documents prepared for consideration by management, such as statements, memorandums, explanatory notes, etc.

The requisite "Address" may include a postal address.

The name of the organization and its structural unit is always indicated in the nominative case.

For example: JSC "Paritet", and not "To the joint-stock company" Paritet ".

If the document is addressed to the head of the organization, then the title of the position, including the name of the organization, the initials and surname of the head, is indicated in the dative case. Initials are placed before the last name:


JSC Paritet

O. S. Khamizov

When addressing an official, the word-appeal is used (academician, gentleman, professor):

President of JSCB "Rosinvesttrast"

Mr. P. A. Nikiforov

In a letter addressed to an organization, and not to a specific person, the name is indicated first, and then the postal address:

Institute of Scientific Research

in social sciences

Extreme street, 53,

Moscow, 118121

There are times when a document needs to be sent to several homogeneous organizations at once. Such documents are generally addressed to:

General directors of enterprises

oil complex

When addressing internal documents, you can specify only the name of the unit or position, initials and surname of its head.

If the document is addressed to an individual, then first indicate the initials and surname of the recipient, and then the postal address:

O. P. Shepeleva

st. Traktornaya, 15, apt. 18,

settlement Andreevka, Ignatievsky district,

Ulyanovsk region, 424582

On the form of the document, this requisite is affixed to the right. It is possible to indicate no more than four addressees on the document, while the word "copy" is not indicated. If there are more than four recipients, a document mailing list is created.

16. Document approval stamp

This requisite of an official document gives a legal or normative character to its content.

The specified requisite is mandatory when drawing up such types of documents as acts, tasks, instructions, standards, lists, reports, plans, programs, regulations, estimates, tariff rates, forms of unified documents, staffing tables, job descriptions, prices for the production of works or services .

The document can be approved by: an official (manager); issuance of an appropriate administrative document; collegiate body.

The requisite must include the word I APPROVE, the title of the position of the person approving the document, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval. The stamp of approval of the document consists of the word I APPROVE without quotes.

If the document is approved by an administrative document or a collegial body, then the approval stamp must contain the name, number and date of the document in which the approval decision is recorded.

In the case of two or three approval bars, they are located in parallel (left, right) at the same level and one below the other. When a document is approved by several persons, their signatures are given at the same level.

17. Resolution

The requisite is mandatory for documents requiring execution.

A resolution is an inscription on a document affixed by an official and containing an indication of the head of his decision.

Instructions for the execution of the document should include: the surname and initials of the executor, the content of the order and the deadline for execution.

The requisite resolution takes place on the right in the upper part of the document below the requisite "Approval stamp". It is allowed to draw up a resolution on separate sheets of paper indicating the registration number and date of the document to which the resolution refers.

18. Title to the text

The title of the text is a summary of the content of the document.

It is located on the left above the text of the document and is mandatory for all documents drawn up on sheets of A4 paper.

Grammatically, the heading is consistent with the name of the document type: employment order, minutes of the meeting of shareholders, job description process engineer, regulation on the department of external contacts, internal labor regulations, order on granting leave.

There is no dot at the end of the title.

The volume of props should not exceed five lines, each with no more than 28 - 30 characters.

19. A mark on the statement of the document for control

This requisite is affixed to all documents that require execution, and is indicated by the letter "K", the word or the stamp "Control". For clarity, this prop can be highlighted in a different color.

The mark of control means that the document is put under control in the process of its execution in order to ensure the established deadlines specified in the resolution, or standard deadlines for execution.

There are standard and individual deadlines for the execution of the document.

Typical - the deadline for the execution of a document for a group of standard documents, for example, for citizens' appeals, and individual - the deadline for the execution of a document, established by the received document, instruction or specified in the resolution.

20. Document text

The text of the document is the main requisite of the document, containing objective and reliable information, presented concisely, accurately, clearly and impeccably in legal terms.

The text of the document, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation on state languages, must be submitted both in Russian and in the national language. The texts of the document are written in Russian when sent to:

1) to federal government bodies;

2) to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) in organizations that are not under the jurisdiction of this entity;

4) in organizations located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation.

Large texts can be divided into paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs, sections, which are sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals.

Large texts usually consist of two parts. One part indicates the reason, basis and purpose of drawing up the document, and the other part sets out the decisions, conclusions, requests, proposals and recommendations.

In documents (orders, instructions, etc.) of organizations operating on the principles of unity of command, as well as in documents addressed to the management of the organization, the text is stated in the first person singular("I order", "I offer", "I ask").

In the documents of collegial bodies, the text is stated in the third person singular ("decides", "decided").

In joint documents, the text is stated in the first person plural ("we order", "decided").

The text of the protocol is stated in the third person plural ("listened", "spoke", "decided", "decided").

In documents establishing the rights and obligations of organizations, their structural divisions (regulations, instructions), as well as containing a description, assessment of facts or conclusions (act, certificate), use the third person singular or plural form of presentation of the text ("the department performs functions" , "are part of the association").

If there are tables in the text, they should be referenced.

To increase the speed of compiling documents, stencils are used, that is, the document contains constant information and spaces for entering variable information.

21. Mark about the presence of applications

This item is not mandatory.

In administrative documents, information about the presence of applications is indicated in the text.

If the text contains the full name of the application, then the mark on the presence of applications is abbreviated, for example: Application: 3 p. in 3 copies.

If the document has an application that is not indicated in the text, then the full name of the documents included in it must be indicated in the note about its presence:


1. Standard instruction for office work - 2 sheets. in 2 copies.

2. List of documents indicating the periods of storage - for 4 liters. in 2 copies.

On bound applications, the number of sheets is not indicated.

If the document is sent to several recipients, and the attachment to it is not sent to all addresses, this is reflected in the note about the presence of the attachment:

Application: for 3 liters. in 2 copies. to the first address.

On the applications themselves, in the upper right corner, a mark is made where the word "Application" is written, in Arabic numerals the number of the application (if there are several), the name, date and number of the main document:

Appendix No. 1

to the order of the director of OOO "Atlantika"

dated 26.05.2008 N 56

22. Signature

The signature is an obligatory requisite of any document.

The specified props include:

1) the name of the position of the person who signed the document (with the name of the organization, if the document is not drawn up on a letterhead, and without the name of the organization, if the document is drawn up on a letterhead);

2) personal signature;

3) decoding of the signature (initials and surname).

When a document is signed by several officials, their signatures are placed one under the other in accordance with their position.

If the document is signed by several equal persons, their signatures are located at the same level.

The requisite "Signature" is located under the requisites "Text" or "Mark of the presence of attachments" (if any). The title of the position is printed from the border of the left field; the decoding of the signature is put down after 48 printed characters from the border of the left field.

Documents must contain the original signatures of officials and visa approval. The only exceptions are copies of outgoing letters left in the organization, in which, instead of signatures, a mark is made to certify the copy.

Documents of the collegiate body ( general meeting members of a joint-stock company, the board of directors, etc.) are signed by the chairman of this body and the secretary.

The documents prepared by the commission indicate not the actual positions of the persons who compiled the document, but the distribution of responsibilities in the composition of the commission (chairman, members of the commission).

23. Stamp of approval

For documents subject to internal or external approval, this attribute is mandatory.

Coordination is a preliminary consideration of the issues contained in the text of the document, which is necessary for making the right management decisions. Coordination can be carried out both with officials within the organization (internal coordination) and with officials of other organizations (external coordination). External approval also includes the approval of the document with public associations (councils of labor collectives, trade union bodies, etc.).

For internal approval, document approval is applied, for external approval - the stamp of approval.

When agreeing on a document with a collegial body, the approval stamp indicates the name of the document (in the nominative case), its date and number.

The "Agreement stamp" attribute is located below the "Signature" attribute, and if there are several approval stamps, they are usually placed on a separate approval sheet.

24. Visa approval document

This attribute of the document reflects the internal approval procedure and indicates the agreement or disagreement of the interested official with the content of the document.

The visa includes the signature of the approver, the transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and the date; if necessary - the position of the approver.

For a document whose original remains with the organization, visas are affixed on the reverse side of the last page of the original document. For a document whose original is sent from an organization, visas are affixed at the bottom of the front side of a copy of the document being sent.

If significant changes were made to it during the signing process, it is subject to re-approval. Re-approval is not required if, when finalizing the draft document, clarifications are made that do not change its essence.

25. Seal impression

Seals are official and simple.

The official seal is round, in the center there is an image of the coat of arms, and the full name of the institution is indicated along the circumference.

Simple seals in shape can be round, square, triangular and rectangular. On such seals there is no coat of arms, but only the name of the organization or its structural unit.

The requisite is placed on documents that require authentication of the signature in accordance with the current legislation or the regulation of the organization:

1) civil law agreements or contracts (on deliveries, contracts, joint activities, rental of premises, performance of work, etc.);

2) labor contracts, contracts on liability;

3) powers of attorney (to receive inventory items, conduct business in arbitration, etc.);

4) acts of acceptance of facilities, equipment, work performed, write-offs, examinations, etc.;

5) guarantee and commercial letters (for the performance of works, services, etc.);

6) certificates confirming the legal fact;

7) official personal documents (diploma of education, work books, marriage certificate, etc.);

8) accounting documents (orders, etc.);

9) application for a letter of credit, refusal of acceptance, etc.;

10) budgetary, banking, pension, payment orders (consolidated to banks for receipt and transfer of currency, for import, etc.);

11) registers of checks, budget orders submitted to banks;

12) certificates on the payment of sums insured, deducted and due salaries, etc.;

13) cost estimates (for the production of new products, for capital construction, costing for the contract, etc.);

14) applications for equipment, etc.;

15) travel certificates;

16) samples of seals and signatures of employees entitled to perform financial and business transactions;

17) specifications (of products, products, etc.);

18) staffing tables and changes to them.

26. Mark on the certification of a copy of the document

This requisite gives a copy of the document legal force. A mark on the certification of a copy of a document consists of the word "Correct", the title of the position of the employee who certified the copy, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of certification.

If a copy of the document is sent to another institution or handed out, then the certification mark is certified by a seal.

27. Mark about the executor of the document

The requisite provides operational communication with the person who compiled the document, for clarification and clarification of any issues.

The mark about the executor includes the surname (or surname, name, patronymic) of the executor of the document and his telephone number.

The requisite is located on the front or back of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner.

28. Mark on the execution of the document

and directing him to action

This requisite is affixed only on executed documents, which are filed into the case for subsequent storage and use, for reference purposes.

Make out the details on the first page of the document in the bottom margin.

The props include the following items:

1) the word "In business";

2) the number of the case in which the document will be stored (possibly with an indication of the year);

4) signature of the executor of the document;

5) date of marking.

The execution mark is put down and dated either by the performer himself or by the head of the structural unit.

29. Mark on the receipt of the document in the organization

This requisite is affixed to incoming documents by hand or using a special registration stamp and includes a serial number, date of receipt of the document, hours and minutes, if necessary.

A mark on the receipt of the document by the organization is placed in the lower right corner of the front side of the first sheet of the document.

30. Identifier of the electronic copy of the document

The identifier of the electronic copy of the document is a mark placed in the lower left corner of each page of the document and containing the name of the file on the machine medium, operator code, date, place of manufacture and other search data accepted in the organization.

Specify the full path to the file:

C:\Orders on personnel\Ivanov

Business documentation language

A literary language is a type of speech that has historically developed on the basis of national writing and literature. A variation of the modern literary Russian language is the official business style of the document, which is used by specialists in the field of enterprise management.

The official business style is characterized by the use of words only in those meanings that are recognized as the norm of general literary word usage, as well as in the meanings traditional for business documents, they do not violate their stylistic uniformity and correspond to the general trend of business language standardization.

The language of official documents has some peculiarities. The necessary qualities of documents are the completeness and timeliness of information, accuracy, conciseness of wording. The main task of the compiler of the document is to clearly reflect the information that has or acquires legal force.

The use of colloquial, colloquial, dialectal, etc. words and phraseological units, interjections in business speech is unacceptable.

Very often in documents there are speech errors associated with ignorance of the meaning of the word. The semantic accuracy of speech is one of the main conditions that ensure the practical and often legal value of a business text, so it is important to use individual words and phrases correctly.

Paronyms are similar-sounding single-root words that differ in meaning: guaranteed - guaranteed, place - place, present - provide. The confusion of paronyms is one of the most flagrant violations of the norms of official business style.

Synonyms - words with the same or very close meaning: future - coming, hurry - hurry, build - build. Inattention to the shades of meanings of synonyms, ignorance of the traditional norms of lexical compatibility can lead to a semantic error.

Pleonasm (from Greek - overabundance) - a partial coincidence of the meanings of the words that form the phrase: "memorable souvenir" (souvenir - a keepsake), "joint cooperation" (cooperation - joint problem solving, joint work). The presence of pleonasms in the text is usually considered as a speech deficiency, the inability to express an idea accurately and concisely.

Homonyms are words that sound the same, but differ in meaning: onion - "weapon" and onion - "plant"; marriage - "matrimony" and marriage - "flaw, defect, lack."

Special vocabulary also includes professionalisms - colloquial, informal substitutes for terms; for example, in live speech, officially accepted terminological combinations are often simplified: cardan device - cardan, transmission mechanism - transmission, etc .; Russian variants of borrowed terms often appear: ophthalmologist - eye socket, transplantation - transplantation, etc.

Professionalisms are usually generally understood and are commonly used within a particular specialty. However, their use in official texts is undesirable.

The vocabulary of the language always contains obsolete words and neologisms. The emergence of new words and the loss of obsolete ones by the language is a natural phenomenon: new concepts require their linguistic embodiment; on the contrary, a number of phenomena are becoming a thing of the past, some concepts are losing their relevance, their social significance.

In official texts, there should be no discrepancy in the spelling of names, geographical names, terms, positions, institutions, etc. So, if one day a surname is written with two initials, for example, "Ivanov I.I." or "I.I. Ivanov", it should continue to be written in the same way.

The title of the position of the head of state is written with a capital letter: President of the Russian Federation.

In the names of bodies under the President of the Russian Federation, the first word and proper names are written with a capital letter.

1) Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation;

3) Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

All capitalized words are written in the following names:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) Board of the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan, etc.

In the names of ministries, state committees and other central government bodies of the Russian Federation and the republics in its composition, the first word is written with a capital letter. If the phrase includes proper names or names of other institutions, these proper names and names are written in the same way as when used independently. In the plural or not as a proper name, the names of the specified type are written with a lowercase letter: "government", "ministry", "republican ministries", "state committee", "state committees".

The names of the judicial authorities are formalized as follows:

1) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

2) the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

3) Supreme Arbitration court Russian Federation.

The names of the relevant bodies and positions in the republics within the Russian Federation are written in a similar way:

1) the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

2) The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic.

In all other cases, the words "court", "judge", "state arbitrator" are written with a lowercase letter.

In the names of acts of the highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Federation, capital letters are used as follows:

1) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3) Federal Treaty;

4) Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5) Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation";

7) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

8) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The titles of the following positions are capitalized:

1) head of the State Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) head of the Control Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

3) First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

4) Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation;

5) the head of the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

6) Governor of the Sakhalin Region;

7) the mayor of St. Petersburg.

Job titles for managers public organizations capitalized:

1) Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia;

2) President of the Union of Tenants and Entrepreneurs of Russia.

Titles such as Hero of the Russian Federation are written with a capital letter. Honorary titles of the Russian Federation are written in quotation marks and with a capital letter, in other cases, honorary titles are written without quotation marks and with a lowercase letter, for example: "to establish the honorary title" People's Artist of the Russian Federation "," to assign the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" (but : "to award the People's Artist of the Russian Federation").

Military ranks, academic degrees and ranks are written with a lowercase letter: Marshal of Artillery, General of the Army, Admiral, Academician, Active Member Russian Academy Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

There are so-called conventional proper names. In a special stylistic use, the words "Motherland", "Fatherland", etc. are written with a capital letter.

The first word in the following phrases is written with a lowercase letter:

1) the state border of the Russian Federation;

2) state award of the Russian Federation.

The word "state" is capitalized in the following phrases:

1) State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

2) State anthem of the Russian Federation;

3) State flag of the Russian Federation.

In the names of holidays, memorable days and significant dates, the first word and proper names or words that act as a proper name are written with a capital letter: Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, March 8, New Year, Russian Science Day, Victory Day, Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

The word "holiday" is capitalized unless it is part of the official name of the holiday.

All words that are part of geographical names are written with a capital letter, with the exception of generic geographical terms (island, sea, mountain, lake, etc.) used in direct meaning, service words, as well as the words "name", "memory", "years", "year", for example: Ural, Western Siberia, Novy Svet, Central Asia, Victoria Falls, Tamashlyk Valley, West Karelian Upland, Bay of Prosperity, Cape of Good Hope, Novaya Zemlya Island, Sahara, Main Caucasian Range, Moscow, Saratov.

The names of the countries of the world (simple and compound) are written with a capital letter when they are used instead of geographical names: the peoples of the East (i.e., Eastern countries), the Far East, the countries of the West, the Far North.

In other cases, the names of the countries of the world are written with a lowercase letter: west, southeast.

Service words in the middle of complex Russian and foreign geographical names are written with a lowercase letter and are connected by two hyphens: Ain-ed-Hadzhel, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Pinar del Rio, Puerto de Chorrera, Santa Maria di Leuca , Frankfurt am Main, Chatillon-sur-Endre, Choisy-le-Roi.

In geographical names with a generic concept that has lost its direct meaning, nouns (forest, glade, horn, church) are capitalized if they are not used in the direct meaning and conditionally name the object: Golden Gate (strait), Sovetskaya Gavan (city) , Tierra del Fuego (island), Czech Forest (mountains), Golden Horn (bay), Vyatsky Uval (hill), Bila Tserkva (city).

In the official names of states, all words are written with a capital letter: the Russian Federation - Russia, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Israel.

The names of the states are written with a hyphen: Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone.

Three forms are used to write numbers:

1) alphabetic (three cameras);

2) digital (10 printed sheets);

3) alphanumeric (100 thousandth).

Registration of documents, document flow

In the process of managing an enterprise, a clear, fast and high-quality processing of all documentation is necessary, the movement of which is carried out along certain routes from the place of compilation or receipt to depositing in the archive or sending it to interested institutions, that is, to the addressee. This process is called the organization's workflow.

Each organization, with an individual instruction on office work, approves the technological rules for document management that regulate the processing process before opening mail:

1) the safety of the packaging and the correct addressing are checked;

2) registered mail is checked against entries in postal registers.

There are the following main streams of documentation:

1) documents coming from other organizations (incoming);

2) documents sent to other organizations (outgoing);

3) documents created and used by employees of the organization in the management process (internal).

The workflow should be regulated by a schedule approved by the order of the head of the organization. The workflow schedule is drawn up in the form of a scheme or a list of works for the creation, verification and processing of documents and must be carried out by each structural unit of the organization.

The volume of workflow is the number of documents registered at the place of registration for a certain period of time. At the end of the year, the volume of document flow is calculated according to the registration forms by the office work unit.

Document route - a list of states, each of which is characterized by the following parameters:

1) date of receipt of the document;

2) due date (usually specified in days);

3) date of actual execution;

4) department code and personnel number of the employee responsible for working out this state of the document ("recipient" of the document);

5) department code and personnel number of the employee responsible for the past state of the document and initiating its current state ("sender");

6) the expected status of the document, i.e. the status that the initializer plans to receive in this node of the document flow chain;

7) the received status of the document, i.e., the "output" status of the document in relation to this node of the document flow chain;

8) note (multiline text);

9) the path and name of the file associated with the current state of the document.

Registration of a document is a recording of the necessary information about documents, followed by putting on them the date of registration and the record keeping index.

The purpose of registration is to give the document legal force, to ensure accounting, control and search for documents.

Each document should be registered only once - arriving on the day of receipt, and created - on the day of signing or approval.

Most organizations use a card system for document registration. It uses a single registration and control card for the registration of documents. With a card registration system, two file cabinets are maintained: control and reference.

Part of the details of the registration and control card for the document is filled out before the document is transferred to the head, the rest - after receiving the head's resolution with the deadline and the names of the performers.

The journal document registration system is used if the organization's document flow is less than 500 - 600 documents per year.

The cover of the registration journal is drawn up as follows: in the upper right corner indicate the name of the journal, organization, registration number according to the nomenclature; in the lower right corner write the start and end dates of logging.

All sheets of the magazine are numbered in the upper right corner, starting from the second, and stitched with a strong thread. The middle ends of the thread are glued, and then the seal of the organization is affixed and an inscription is made certifying the correct design, for example:

"The magazine has 50 sheets numbered, laced and sealed with a round seal."

At the present stage, the card form of registration is replaced by an automated one, when the flow of documents is processed using a computer program.

Registering documents on a computer allows you to:

1) simultaneously register documents at several workplaces;

2) organize decentralized registration of documents in structural divisions with the integration of information about all documents (incoming and internal) in one database;

3) organize information and reference work based on the database of the organization;

4) organize automated control of the execution of documents.

When registering on a computer, the data about the document entered during its registration will be automatically used in programs for automated control and reference work.

A. Pfeffer

Document classification

It is customary to group all the variety of documents drawn up by an organization, that is, to compile consolidated accounting documents that are classified according to homogeneous characteristics: purpose, compilation procedure, content of business transactions, method of recording transactions, place of compilation and filling order.

managerial Documents that contain an order, an instruction to perform a business transaction are considered. They allow the operation to be performed, but do not certify its completion. For example, orders, powers of attorney, invoices, work orders, a check for receiving cash from a settlement or foreign currency account, a payment order to a bank for transferring money to a supplier, etc. Administrative documents are signed by employees of the organization who have the right to give instructions on the commission reflected in transaction documents.

Executive (acquittal) documents only confirm the fact of the transaction, serve as a justification for accounting records and indicate the receipt, issue, expenditure of material and monetary funds. For example, acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, receipts, invoices confirming production costs, reports of financially responsible persons, invoices for products sold, receipts and expenditure cash orders, etc.

Documentation accounting are compiled by accounting staff in cases where there are no other documents to record a business transaction or in order to prepare administrative and supporting documents for reflection in accounting. For example, statements of distribution of overhead and general business expenses, statements of accrual and distribution of depreciation deductions, accumulative statements, calculations of the actual cost of production, calculations of deviations from the standard cost, different types certificates and calculations compiled by the accounting department, etc.

Combined documents simultaneously perform the functions of administrative, justifying and accounting. For example, an expense cash warrant in the first part contains an order to issue money, and in the second part, the issue of money is issued, confirmed by the signatures of the recipient and the cashier; the invoice for the release of material assets contains an order to release materials from the warehouse to the workshop, as well as registration of the actual issue, etc.

In order drawing up documents are primary and consolidated.

Primary documents are drawn up for each individual transaction at the time of its completion. For example, an incoming cash order, an outgoing cash order, requirements for the release of materials, invoices, payment requests, acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, acts for writing off fixed assets, etc.

Consolidated documents are drawn up on the basis of previously compiled primary documents. Their use facilitates the control of homogeneous operations. They can be executive, accounting and combined. For example, advance reports, cash reports, bank statements, grouping and accumulative statements. In particular, the advance report, being combined, performs the functions of a document of justification and accounting. It gives complete characteristic settlements with an accountable person: the balance or overspending of the previous advance, the amount of this advance, the spent amount, the balance and the date of its payment to the cashier or the overspending and the date of its reimbursement by the enterprise. In addition, the advance report provides for the allocation of production costs to the accounts after the verification and approval of the report. On the reverse side of the report, a list of individual expenses and their supporting documents is given.

Material documents reflect the presence and movement of funds and objects of labor. These include fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term investments, inventories and costs. For example, acts of acceptance and transfer and write-off of fixed assets, documents for posting and writing off material assets, a list of tables, reference calculations and statements necessary to fill in accounting registers for production cost accounts, invoices, invoices, etc.

Cash documents show cash flow; with their help, cash and banking operations are taken into account. Cash documents include checks, bank statements, cash receipts and debit orders, etc.

Estimated documents reflect the settlements of the enterprise with legal individuals: payment orders, settlement checks, payment requests, payroll statements, advance report, etc.

According to the way transactions are reflected documents are divided into one-time and cumulative.

One-time documents are applied once to reflect a separate transaction or several transactions performed simultaneously. After registration, a one-time document enters the accounting department and serves as the basis for reflection in accounting. For example, incoming and outgoing cash orders, invoices, payroll statements, etc.

Cumulative documents are compiled for a defined period (week, decade, month) to reflect homogeneous repetitive transactions that are recorded in them as they are completed. At the end of the period, totals are calculated for the indicators used for accounts. Cumulative documents differ from consolidated documents in that the consolidated document is compiled gradually by accumulating transactions. Cumulative documents include limit-fence cards, two-week or monthly orders, etc.

Place of compilation documents are internal and external.

Internal documents are compiled in the organization to reflect current operations. For example, cash incoming and outgoing orders, invoices, acts, orders, payrolls, etc.

External documents are filled out outside the organization and arrive in a formalized form. For example, invoices, bank statements, bills of lading, etc.

Fill in order documents can be classified into manual and computer science. Documents drawn up manually are filled out by hand or on a typewriter. Documents filled out using computer technology automatically record information about production operations at the time they are performed.

The basis for entries in accounting registers are primary accounting documents that record the fact of a business transaction. Therefore, there are special requirements for paperwork.

Timeliness of paperwork. Primary documents must be drawn up at the time of the transaction, and if this is not possible, immediately after the completion of the transaction. When selling goods, products, works and services using cash registers, it is allowed to draw up a primary accounting document at least once at the end of a working day on the basis of cash receipts. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to neglect in accounting. The creation of primary accounting documents, the procedure and terms for their transfer for reflection in accounting are carried out in accordance with the workflow schedule approved by the organization. The persons who prepared and signed the primary documents ensure timely and high-quality execution, and then their transfer within the established time limits for reflection in accounting, as well as the reliability of the data contained in them.

Accuracy, clarity and completeness of the content of the operation drawn up by the document. In each document, the text describing the operation should be specific so that there are no ambiguities after completion. All indicators in the form of the document must be filled in, and free columns and lines are crossed out.

Accurate completion of the document. Filling out the document form must be done on a typewriter, in ink or indelible pencil, neatly and legibly. Unspecified corrections are not allowed in the documents. Correction of an error must be confirmed by the signature of the persons who signed the document, indicating the date of correction. Corrections are not allowed in cash and bank documents. Documents drawn up in violation of the established requirements have no legal force; they cannot serve as evidence of transactions or the correctness of accounting entries. Documents with defects are returned to the persons responsible for their preparation; documents containing erasures are not returned, and those responsible for their commission are held accountable.

To control and streamline the processing of data on business transactions, consolidated accounting documents can be compiled on the basis of primary accounting documents. Primary and summary accounting documents can be on paper and computer media.

Primary documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, and documents, the form of which is not provided, must contain the following mandatory details:

· Title of the document;

Form code

the date the document was drawn up;

the name of the organization on behalf of which the document is drawn up;

Measures of business transactions (quantity, amount);

the position of persons responsible for the business transaction, and the correctness of its execution, personal signatures and their decoding, including the case of creating documents using computer technology.

Additional details may be included as needed.

Documents on machine storage media must contain:

· name of company;

the date the document was written;

the location of the organization;

The code of the operator who recorded the document on the magnetic tape.

Documents on typescripts must contain:

the name and location of the organization;

date of compilation.

The documents received by the accounting department are subject to accounting processing, which is carried out in three stages, before being recorded in the accounting registers or transferred to the machine-counting installation. Firstly, the documents are checked on the merits, i.e. establish the expediency and legality of the operation specified in the document; it is determined whether this operation took place at all and to the extent indicated in the document. In this case, the method of counter verification of documents is used. For example, comparing orders for the manufacture of products and invoices for the posting of these products, invoices for the shipment of products and receipts from buyers for receiving these products, etc. Secondly, a formal verification of the document is carried out, i.e. it is established whether the document is issued on the form of the established form, the correctness of filling in all the details, whether there are the prescribed signatures of the officials involved in the transaction and execution of documents. Third, checked and accepted documents are subjected to grouping, arithmetic check, taxation and account assignment.

grouping- this is a selection of documents into homogeneous groups not only by title, but also by documents associated with them. It allows you to sum up the overall results for homogeneous documents, which greatly facilitates the accounting processing of grouped data and makes it possible to make entries in one accounting entry.

Arithmetic checkdocuments allows you to control the arithmetic calculations of the results, the correctness of the reflection of quantitative and cost indicators.

Taxation of documents- expression of physical indicators in monetary terms and calculation of the amount.

Under account assignment documents understand the clarification of the accounts to which the business transactions drawn up in the attached documents should be recorded in debit and credit.

After the documents are recorded in accounting registers, they are redeemed, which is formalized by attaching the stamp “received” or “redeemed” to each document. Such cancellation of documents should be carried out to prevent abuse by reusing already posted documents.

All documents after the final accounting processing are filed into folders and transferred to the current archive for storage, which ensures their safety and ease of storage; documents are bound into folders sequentially in the order of the numbering of journal articles on a monthly basis. On the cover of the folder indicate the name of the organization, the name and serial number, year, month and the number of sheets in the folder. When documents are transferred to the archive and when they are destroyed, acts are drawn up that are stored in the archive. To streamline storage, a register of archival files is maintained, which has the following form:

Cases from the archive are issued by written order of the chief accountant. Seizure of documents can only be carried out by bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation and prosecutor's office, courts, tax inspectorates and on the basis of their decisions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The chief accountant or other official of the organization has the right, with permission in the presence of representatives of the bodies conducting the seizure of documents, to make copies of them indicating the reason and date of the seizure.

The list and terms of keeping documents in the organization, as well as the procedure for their transfer to state archives, were approved by the Main Archive Department (1989). The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Archival Service of the Russian Federation approved the Decision of the Central Expert Commission of the State Tax Service of Russia “On Changing the Periods of Storage of Accounting Documents” dated June 27, 1996 and the Regulation on Accounting and Reporting dated August 27, 1998, increasing the minimum periods storage of some documents up to five years (Table 7.2).

Table 7.2

List and terms of storage of standard documents on accounting and reporting

Document type Document retention period
In institutions, organizations, enterprises whose documents are received by the state archives, years In institutions, organizations, enterprises whose documents are not submitted to the state archives, years
1. Accounting reports and balance sheets of the organization and explanatory notes to them:
a) consolidated annual Constantly -
b) annual Constantly
c) quarterly
2. Funding reports:
a) consolidated annual Constantly -
b) annual Constantly
c) quarterly
d) monthly
3. Transfer, separation, liquidation balance sheets and applications, explanatory notes to them Constantly
4. Minutes of meetings of commissions for the consideration and approval of reports and balance sheets Constantly
a) per annum Constantly
b) quarterly
5. Analytical tables for the development and analysis of annual reports and balance sheets Constantly
6. Correspondence on the approval and clarification of balance sheets and reports
7. Correspondence on the timing of the submission of accounting and financial reporting Until the need is over Until the need is over
8. Primary documents and annexes to them, which recorded the fact of a business transaction and served as the basis for accounting records (cash, bank documents, bank notices and transfer requirements, bank statements, work orders, time sheets, acts of acceptance, delivery and write-off of property and materials, receipts and invoices for inventory accounting, advance reports, etc.)
9. Personal accounts:
a) workers and employees
b) recipients of pensions and state benefits
10. Settlement (settlement and payment) statements
11 Inventory cards and fixed asset books
12. Powers of attorney to receive cash and inventory items, including canceled powers of attorney
13. Letters of guarantee
14. Accounting registers (General ledger, order journals, development tables, etc.)
15. Auxiliary and control books, magazines, file cabinets, cash books, turnover sheets
16. Book of accounting for deposited wages, registers of registration of writ of execution
17. Magazines, books of registration of accounts, cash orders, powers of attorney, payment orders, etc.
18. Reports, information on the receipt, expenditure and balance of precious materials, diamonds and products made from them
19. Information about spending loans
a) annual
b) quarterly
20. Information on the accounting of funds, limits, wages and control over their distribution, on calculations of overspending and wage arrears, on deductions from wages, from social insurance funds, on the payment of vacation and severance benefits, etc.
21 . Documents on inventory (minutes of meetings of inventory commissions, inventory lists, acts, collation sheets)
22. Documents on the payment of benefits, pensions, disability certificates for state insurance (copies of reports, extracts from the protocols of conclusion)
23. Writs of execution
24. Orders-obligations for goods received on credit. Correspondence on execution of instructions-obligations
25. Certificates submitted to the accounting department for payment of study holidays, obtaining tax benefits, etc. Until the need is over Until the need is over
26. Documents on receivables, shortages, waste, theft (certificates, acts, obligations, correspondence)
27. Documents on the revaluation of fixed assets (minutes, acts, reports) Constantly Before revaluation
28. Acts, statements of revaluation and determination of depreciation of fixed assets Constantly Before revaluation
29. Passports of buildings, structures and equipment
30. Correspondence on certification of buildings and structures
31. Documents on the conduct of documentary audits and control and audit work (plans, reports, correspondence)
32. Acts of documentary audits of the financial and economic activities of organizations, documents to them (certificates, information, memorandums)
33. Correspondence on financial and economic activities (on accounting for funds, on the imposition of penalties, fines, on the acceptance, delivery, write-off of material assets, etc.)
34. Acts of checking the cash desk, the correctness of tax collection, etc.
35. Contracts, agreements (economic, operational, labor, etc.)
36. Registers of contracts
37. Liability agreements
38. Sample signatures (materially responsible persons) Until the need is over Until the need is over
39. Working chart of accounts, other accounting policy documents, coding procedures, computer data processing programs (indicating the terms of their use)
40. Reports on the expenditure of foreign currency on business trips abroad
41. Genuine personal documents (diplomas, certificates, work books). Poste restante Poste restante
42. Personal files (applications, questionnaires, autobiographies, copies and extracts from orders for admission, relocation, secondment, dismissal, declaration of gratitude, copies of personal documents, characteristics, sheets for registering workers, employees, engineers, scientists)


1. What is the concept of "accounting document"?

2. What is the place of primary accounting documents in the system of accounting and management?

3. What is documentation?

4. What are the concepts of "unification", "standardization", "primary information"?

5. Define the concept of "document flow". Why is it important for the organization?

6. By what criteria are primary documents classified in general?

7. Describe the classification of documents:

a. by appointment;

b. the order of compilation;

d. the method of recording transactions;

e. place of compilation;

f. filling order.

8. List the basic requirements for registration of accounting documents.

9. What is the sequence of verification or processing of documents received by the accounting department?

10. What is meant by taxation and accounting of documents?

11. Name the details of the documents.

12. Who has the right to withdraw documents from the organization and archive?

The preparation and execution of documents that are different both in purpose and in content, created in the Department of Internal Affairs, is subject to some general requirements (rules) contained in the GSDOU, GOSTs, other regulations, as well as developed by office practice. These requirements relate to the content of various parts of the text of documents, the quality and size of paper, typewriter ribbons, and so on.

Registration of documents in the internal affairs bodies must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

1) Ensuring the legal force of the document. The document should not contradict the legislative and other normative legal acts Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Their observance ensures the legal force of the document, that is, the indisputability, authority, reliability of the requirements contained in the document based on the law, and, consequently, the binding nature of the document for a certain category of persons. A document issued by an authorized subject and adopted within its competence has legal force. Thus, a decision to impose an administrative penalty, issued taking into account the circumstances of the offense, in compliance with the form established by law, has legal force, provided that it comes from an official who has the appropriate administrative and jurisdictional authority to issue such documents. In addition, the legal force of the document is ensured by compliance with the established procedure for its preparation, adoption and approval. For example, an act on the destruction of some documentation of the Department of Internal Affairs must be prepared by a specially appointed expert commission, signed by its members, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs and approved by the head of a higher authority.

Failure to comply with these rules leads to the recognition of such a document as invalid. In addition to the rules, the observance of which ensures the legal force of documents, the group under consideration should include the rules that ensure their legal culture. They concern the correct, from a legal point of view, the use of various terms in documents. When drafting documents, such purely legal terms as “delivery”, “detention”, “arrest”, “search”, “inspection”, and others are not always correctly used. Each of these terms means an administrative procedural or criminal procedural action strictly defined by law. The use of these terms should correspond to the legal nature of precisely those procedural actions that are recorded in the documents.

The requirements of the legal culture of documents suggest that in their preparation, in some cases, it is necessary to refer to the normative act in accordance with which they are drawn up. The implementation of this rule not only reflects the level of legal culture of the document, but also ensures at the stage of its preparation the verification of the compliance of the document being drawn up with the law, and at the stage of execution of the document it forms the contractor's more responsible attitude towards the implementation of the proposals contained in it.

2) The rules of the information culture of documents assume that the document should be extremely concise and informative, that is, with a minimum of text, the document should contain maximum information.

The document must be presented in a clear, convincing, understandable way for the addressee - the language of the official business style. This style is characterized by a direct word order in a sentence. The subject should be closer to the beginning of the sentence, the predicate as close as possible to the subject. It is not recommended to build phrases using a large number of complex sentences. Long and complex sentences are replaced by several simple ones. This style is characterized by the replacement of pronouns by nouns.

The use of metaphors, epithets, terms and expressions in documents that allow ambiguous interpretation of information is not allowed by the documentary business style. So, business style is characterized by a very wide use of verbal nouns, for example, clarification, detention, competition, and others. However, their excessive use with other verbs only clutters up written speech, lengthens sentences, making documents cumbersome and little informational. For example, you should not write: “detain”, “implement”, “make a request”, if you can write “detain”, “implement”, “ask”.

In the process of many years of management practice of the Department of Internal Affairs, stable verbal turns are formed that are used to describe certain events and actions. Therefore, some verbal expressions currently used in the Department of Internal Affairs contain archaisms and clericalisms, which should be excluded from the use of business speech. These include obsolete words and phrases (confidential, immediately, due, notify).

3) requirements for the efficiency of production, execution and processing of documents. When compiling documents, it should be borne in mind that after they are produced, they are usually registered, sent, processed at the place of their receipt and go through other stages of the workflow. The time it takes to go through these stages, the effort spent on the production and processing of documents largely depend on the observance of certain rules by the compilers of the documents.

They must take into account that many employees (typist, secretary and others) will work with the documents they have compiled. Moreover, each of them requires different information contained in the document. So, the secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs, who sends the document, needs information about where the document is addressed, what it is about, who is its executor.

It is important for the secretary of the body that received the document to know what document was received, its summary, in order to correctly determine the direction of its further movement. The head of the internal affairs department needs to know the name and nature of the issues covered in the document, from whom it came, and only the direct executor needs all the information contained in the document. Every
The document contains operational statistical information. Operational information reflects the content of the document and is placed in its textual part. It is addressed, first of all, to a specific official, the executor of the document. Statistical information is information about the name of the document, the addressee, the place and time of its compilation, and other information addressed mainly to employees of clerical units. This information is contained in the details of the document. In addition to the requirements listed above, the documents drawn up in the Department of Internal Affairs must comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and not contain blots and corrections.

4. The possibility of processing with the help of computer technology. Documentation of information in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is carried out using technical means, including computer technology.

Separate documents of internal circulation are allowed to be written by hand (report, statement, explanation).

When preparing documents, it is recommended to use the text editor Microsoft Word version 2003 and higher or another compatible with it, using Times New Roman (Times New Roman Cyr) fonts N 13 - 15 in size 1 - 1.5 line spacing. The font in the document must be uniform in size. To highlight a part of the text of the document, its name can be used in bold, italic, underline or offset relative to the boundaries of the main text.

Thus, when preparing documents, it is necessary to be guided by the following basic requirements:

The document should not contradict the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, be drawn up taking into account

The document must be written in a formal business style.

The presentation of the content of the document should be logical, concise and precise, excluding ambiguous interpretation.

The terms used must comply with the terminology used in the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and be used in the same meaning.

The document must be factual and contain specific and realistic proposals or indications.

The document should not duplicate the provisions of previously issued regulatory legal acts.

The document must be drawn up in accordance with existing state standards and the requirements of this Instruction, have an established set of mandatory details in compliance with the order of their location.

The document should not contain blots and corrections.

The preparation of official documents takes up a significant part of the working time of the employees of the administrative apparatus and requires a lot of effort. To draw up a full-fledged document, first of all, you need to know the issue covered in the document well and have sufficient information.

Starting to draw up a document, are guided by the following rules.

First, the expediency, the purpose of the document and the range of issues to be resolved are specified. This allows you to choose the right type of document for fixing a management decision, its form, which largely determines the style and nature of the presentation of the text.

Secondly, it is necessary to study the legislative acts, government decisions, departmental regulations governing the procedure for resolving issues of this type. This is the most important stage, showing the professional knowledge of the person preparing the document, especially if such a question is solved by the compiler for the first time. Knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts will ensure that the content of the document corresponds to the competence of this institution, the correct choice of the addressee to resolve the issue, and its competent formulation.

Today, with the availability of appropriate electronic databases containing a full-text set of legislative and regulatory acts in the direction of the organization (firm) activity, it is not difficult to carry out such preliminary preparation.

When compiling administrative documents, for example, orders, one should also study previously issued administrative documents of both a higher organization and one's own organization in order to avoid contradictions and duplication, to focus on unresolved aspects of the problem. This stage of preparing the document is also easier to carry out if the texts of administrative documents are in the computer's memory.

Then they begin to collect information on the merits of the specific question posed in the document. For this, references, reports, memorandums, acts, letters, etc., both on paper and in computer memory, can be involved.

Knowing, on the basis of legislative and regulatory acts, how such issues are resolved and having collected all the necessary information, they draw up a draft document. In this case, template texts, sets of standard phrases and expressions are used.

The draft document is edited and agreed upon. The last stage is the final execution and signing of the document.

In the practice of documenting, there are general requirements for the texts of documents. First of all, it should be remembered that the official document is designed to induce to some action, to convince. This is achieved by the argumentation and logic of the facts and arguments presented. The wording of the service document must be legally impeccable.

The most important are the requirements of reliability and objectivity, the maximum brevity of the document with the completeness of information, accuracy, excluding the possibility of a double understanding of the text.

The reliability of information is understood as a reflection of the actual state of the case, an unbiased description and assessment of events.

Completeness of information implies that the document contains all the information necessary to resolve the issue raised in the document. It is the incompleteness of information that most often forces one to request missing information, generates correspondence and delays the resolution of the issue.

The accuracy and correct understanding of the information contained in the document are predetermined by the brevity and clarity of presentation.

The clarity of presentation ensures the unambiguous understanding of the document, the adequacy of the perception of the text by the author and the addressee, which is one of the main conditions for management activities. Misunderstood administrative document, letter, etc. may lead to undesirable consequences.

Brevity is achieved primarily by selecting the necessary and sufficient information, excluding repetitions and unnecessary details. Each word in the text of the document should carry a semantic load.

Careful selection of words, the correct compositional structure of the text, thoughtful wording and direct word order in the sentence help to achieve clarity in the presentation, when the predicate follows the subject, the definition comes before the word being defined. But in cases where the semantic load falls on the action, the reverse word order is used. For example: The transition to cost accounting helped to improve discipline.

If the reason for the creation of any document was another document or the evidence is information from another document, the text contains its full data, i.e. the type of document, the name of the organization-author, the date of the document, the registration number of the document and the title to the text are indicated. For example:

In accordance with the order of the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated December 11, 1997 No. 401 "On the organization of accounting for especially valuable documents ..."

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 1995 No. 1474-RP "On measures to stimulate housing construction" ...

The features of the business style include the widespread use of stable language formulas - language turns used unchanged. They are caused primarily by the recurrence of managerial situations and the comparative limitations of business speech. Sets of such standard phrases and expressions are used in the preparation of acts, certificates and other information and reference documents.

In business correspondence, especially with foreign correspondents, it is also customary to use stable phraseological units, which helps when translating into another language. When using a computer, these standard phrases and expressions are entered into the machine's memory. Stable phrases (language formulas) provide unambiguous understanding of the text, reduce the time for its preparation and perception by the recipient. For example: "In accordance with the agreement reached ..." or "We ask you to find an opportunity" or "Considering that ... we ask (offer)", etc.

The style of office documents is also characterized by the use of set phrases, because in business documentation, most words are used with only one or a limited group of words. The guidelines for unifying the texts of management documents provide an extensive alphabetical list of the verb-nominal phrases most commonly used in business speech for the second (nominal) component. * For example: archive - process, hand over to, create; vacancy - to replace, to have; meeting - lead, prepare, close, open, transfer, invite to, conduct, arrange.

* Unification of texts of administrative documents. Methodical recommendations. - M.: Main archive of the USSR, 1982.S.24-43.

In addition, it is easy to check the correctness of word combinations using the "Russian Word Combination Dictionary". * It is recommended to give examples of the use of standard phrases, expressions and phrases in official documents as appendices in office work instructions or in the rules for compiling and processing documents of specific institutions.

* Dictionary of compatibility of words of the Russian language. Ed. P.N. Denisov, V. V. Morkovkina. - M.: Russian language, 1983.

Much attention should be paid to the choice of words. The use of single-root words, tautologies in one sentence should be avoided. For example: address to the address, the following should be noted, the month of May, five children, a souvenir, etc.

Difficulties in the perception of the text of a document are often caused by the presence of professional terms. Their use should be limited. In the event that the term may be incomprehensible to the addressee, and it cannot be replaced, its explanation should be given in brackets.

It is unacceptable to use colloquial and obsolete words, archaisms in official documents. For example: clerk, etc.

Official documents are distinguished by a neutral tone. Correspondence is conducted from a third person, singular or plural, pronouns are replaced by nouns (the company asks, the bank does not mind, the factory directs or directs, we consider it possible, we list, etc.). In administrative documents reflecting the principle of unity of command, the text is presented in the first person. Explanatory notes, statements, most of the memorandums are written in the same way (I order, I suggest, I ask).

In administrative documents issued on the principles of collegiality, the form of presentation from the 3rd person singular is used (the council decides, the board decides).

In joint documents, the text is presented from the 1st person of the plural (decided, decided, proposed).

The protocols use the form of presentation of the text from the 3rd person plural (listened, spoke, decided), and the recording of speeches is from the 3rd person singular (Ivanov objects ... and offers).

The use of abbreviated words and phrases in official documents has become widespread, which reduces the volume of documents and speeds up the perception of information. For example: naval forces - Navy; department of labor and wages - OTZ; absolute - abs.; page - p.; so on - etc.; look - see, etc. Abbreviations must be understandable to the addressee, so generally accepted abbreviations are used. In addition, it is recommended that when the abbreviation is used for the first time in the text, its decoding should be given in brackets). For example: ORD (organizational and administrative documentation). Abbreviations are written in accordance with the classifiers of technical and economic information, the requirements of the state standard * and the rules of Russian spelling. However, these documents are not always at hand, so it is recommended to use a dictionary of abbreviations** of the Russian language.

* GOST R 1.5-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards, clause 4.12. Abbreviations.

** Alekseev D.I., Gozman I.G., Sakharov G.V. Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1984.

Documents are divided depending on the number of issues raised in them into simple and complex. Simple, i.e. Documents containing one question are much easier to process (registration, control, formation in cases), direction for execution. Complex documents most often concern several independent issues and executors or even different structural divisions. They have to make copies or set the order of execution. Their processing causes some difficulties (several questions are entered during registration, each question is highlighted during control, etc.). It is difficult to resolve the issue of placing such a document in the case. Therefore, when compiling the most numerous types of information and reference documents (letters, memorandums, certificates), it is recommended to include one issue in them.

Protocols, orders, resolutions are usually complex in content. They are formed into separate cases, on the covers of which the content is not disclosed, but only the type of document, author and date are indicated.

When reading a document, the sequence of presentation of information, a clear selection of its main parts, i.e. text structure. The structure of the text is understood as a set of text components arranged in a certain sequence.

Usually, two semantic parts are distinguished in the text of the document: one sets out the reasons, grounds or goals for compiling the document, the other contains conclusions, proposals, requests, orders, decisions, recommendations. For example:

In January 1998, the Institute holds a conference "Problems of Entrepreneurship Development in Russia". The problems of structural changes in the economy and the development of entrepreneurship will be discussed.

Please take part and prepare your proposals.

Dean of the faculty I.A.Skokshina

In recent decades, in order to facilitate the perception of information and highlight the essence of the document, it is recommended to start it from the final part, i.e. with a statement of the essence of the issue: requests, suggestions, etc., and then back them up with justifications. For example:

I ask you to allocate an additional 30 thousand rubles. for the purchase of a PC for the laboratory.

It is planned to conduct laboratory classes on drafting documents, editing texts, organizing reference work, monitoring the execution of documents. Number of PCs. in the laboratory is calculated to provide classes for one subgroup of students.

It is possible to draw up documents only from the final part, for example, letters and statements with a request without motivation, orders with one administrative part. For example:

Yakovlev Alexander Nikolaevich, junior assistant, September 01, 1998 at his own request, Article 31 of the Labor Code of the RSFSR.

For a better perception of the document, its text is divided into paragraphs - the simplest components of the text, consisting of one or more phrases (sentences) and characterized by unity and relative completeness of content. Usually a paragraph contains no more than two or three sentences. Each new thought begins with a paragraph. This technique helps to think about the content of the document, to make small stops when reading the document.

GOST recommends printing a paragraph indented by five characters. In the United States and Great Britain, it is recommended to print the text of documents with a single interval, and each new paragraph should be separated from the previous one by a double interval, but printed from margins.

The texts of complex, large documents (reviews, reports, references, etc.) are divided into parts: sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The numbering order must comply with the requirements of GOST R 1.5-92. * The number of each part includes the numbers of the corresponding components of higher division levels. For example, a subclause number includes section, subsection, clause, and subclause numbers. All of them are separated by dots, but no dot is put at the end of the number. For example: 1.2.1; 1.2.2; 2.9.1 etc.

* GOST R 1.5-92, clause 4.2., 4.3.

The structure of the text of certain types of documents can be predetermined by normative acts, which indicate what parts the document consists of. So, for example, a job description is drawn up, a regulation on a structural unit.

The management process consists of performing a number of functions, solving a certain range of tasks, often generated by the same type of situations that cause the appearance of the same type of documents. This was the basis for the unification of the texts of documents. The unified text of the management document can be presented in the form of a stencil, questionnaire, table.

A stencil is understood as a pre-printed text with unified constant information and gaps for filling in variable information that characterizes a specific situation reflected in this document.

Drawing up documents using template texts is based on the use of frequently repeated texts of documents or parts of them in combination with a changing part of the letter. The stencil part of the documents is pre-printed on a form or entered into the computer's memory, and the changing part of the text is additionally filled in by hand, printed on a typewriter or on a computer.

IN computer programs, intended for typing and designing texts (text editors), standard (screen) forms of documents are called template and are translated by the word "template".

Template texts are very convenient to use when sending the same type of letters to a wide range of recipients. This may be an invitation to a conference, an offer of services, congratulations to regular customers of the company on a holiday, a reminder of payment, etc. For example:

The greatest repetition of texts is found in documents sent to subordinate organizations, institutions, services or similar firms.

Template texts can be developed in all branches of activity, both within one enterprise, institution, firm, and a system of homogeneous enterprises or institutions, organizations of one department or a group of homogeneous institutions and enterprises of different departments.

The importance of unifying the texts of documents is especially growing at the present time in connection with the widespread introduction of personal electronic computers.

The experience gained in the country in the development of template documents makes it possible to outline the main points for their identification, creation and implementation.

The methodology for developing template texts is as follows:

Typical managerial tasks are identified,

Information is collected that is necessary and created in the process of solving them,

A draft unified text of the document is drawn up, reflecting the identified typical situation,

The project is coordinated with the specialists compiling these documents or working with them. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the use of professional terms,

The project is finally edited and executed in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs.

For each stencil, if it is replicated, the required annual requirement is identified. Today, screen texts are more often entered into computer memory.

Stencil documents significantly reduce the time for compiling a document, since the performer focuses not on how to write, but what to write, i.e. only on a variable specific piece of information, the place of which is predetermined. In fact, he fills in a pre-compiled document. Therefore, the draft stage, the omission of the necessary data are excluded, and the constant, fixed arrangement of information greatly facilitates and speeds up its perception.

In a special group, one can single out unified forms of documents that are developed for the most popular types of documents. They specify what information should be recorded and in what sequence. Such uniform forms are usually compiled by the organization leading the industry.

Forms of primary accounting documents are developed and approved by the State Statistics Committee. These forms consistently indicate which indicators and information should be reflected in them. Such documents are not actually drawn up, but only filled out, which facilitates the work of both the compiler and the recipient institution. They guarantee the presentation of complete information, arranged in a certain sequence and convenient for processing.

Primary accounting documents are executed, as a rule, on unified forms, when they are compiled, only parts of the text are entered (filled out). Regulations impose special requirements for their completion.

Entries in primary financial documents are made with ink, ballpoint pen paste, indelible pencil or with the help of typewriters and mechanization. Free lines are crossed out.

Information in primary documents is recorded both in the form of text and in digital form. Unlike documents of other documentation systems, erasures and unspecified corrections are not allowed in accounting documents.

If a mistake is made, then the incorrect text or amount is not covered over, as is done in ordinary documents, but is crossed out with one line so that the crossed out text can be read, and the corrected text or amount is inscribed above the crossed out text.*

* Instructions on accounting in institutions and organizations that are on the budget, p. 10.

Then the correction is specified by the inscription "corrected" and confirmed by the signature of the person who signed the document and the date of correction.

Corrections are not allowed in certain types of financial documents. This is stated in paragraph 5 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law "On Accounting": "Corrections in cash and bank documents are not allowed. Corrections can be made to other primary accounting documents only upon agreement with the participants in business operations, which must be confirmed by the signatures of the same persons who signed the documents, with indication of the date of the correction.

In primary accounting documents, indicators of monetary amounts are often expressed not only in numbers, but also in verbal form to avoid possible errors. When writing them, it should be remembered that cardinal numbers are declined. In this case, all parts of complex and compound numbers change. For example, with eight hundred thirty-five rubles; up to three hundred and seventy thousand rubles.

At present, questionnaires - "questionnaires for obtaining certain information" - are widely used. * Personnel questionnaires are best known for obtaining data about those who fill them out.

* Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. D. N. Ushakova. T. 1. M., 1935. p.41.

Questioning is one of the main methods in sociological research. With its help, it is convenient to collect any information according to a pre-developed specific program. In the questionnaire, the text is formalized, the information is arranged in a strictly fixed sequence. They are easy to process with a computer. Permanent information in the questionnaire should be presented in carefully thought out and formulated questions with an unambiguous understanding. If the question can be understood in different ways, it will be extremely difficult to narrow down the answers. GOST R 6.30-97 states: "When compiling a text in the form of a questionnaire, the names of the characteristics of the characterized object must be expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a phrase with a second person plural verb of the present or past tense ("have", "own" or "were "," were ", etc.). The characteristics expressed verbally must be consistent with the names of the signs."

Variable information in the questionnaire can be expressed in a pre-prepared answer such as "yes-no", a detailed answer, numerical indicators.

A table is a list of information about something or about numerical data given in a certain system and arranged in columns. The table allows you to present information in the most compact and visual form. Requirements for the construction, presentation and design of tables are listed in the GOST R 1.5-92 section. GOST is dedicated to the construction of standards, but the requirements for tables set forth in it apply to all unified documentation systems, including organizational and administrative ones. It states that "tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators." *

* GOST R 1.5-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards, clause 4.5. Tables.

GOST names the mandatory elements of the table and the order of their graphic arrangement (Table 1)

Table 1

The table has two levels of text division: vertical - columns and horizontal - horizontal rows. In the first column (on the far left of the table) - the sidebar - the objects are listed, the data on which are given in the table. In the headings and subheadings of the column, the names of the indicators that characterize the object are given. In the cell formed at the intersection of the rows and the graph in the central part of the table, specific indicators (data) for the characterized object are placed. They can be expressed both in the form of text and given in numbers.

All tables in the text, with the exception of tables in the appendices, are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.

A table may have a title that briefly but accurately reflects its content. It is written above the table in the middle with a capital letter. The head of the table is separated by a line from the rest of the table. The table is placed immediately below the text where it is first mentioned or on the next page. You can give a table in the annexes to the main document. If the table is large and its lines or columns do not fit on the page format, or it is transferred to another page, then it can be divided into parts that fit one under the other. Above each subsequent part they write "Continuation of the table ..." or "End of the table ...", repeat its head, and, if necessary, the headings of the lines.

The headings of the columns and rows of the table are written with a capital letter, the subheadings of the columns are lowercase if they serve as a continuation of the heading, and with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning (Tables 2,3).

table 2

Table 3

Do not put a dot at the end of the heading and subheading of the table. The column headings are formulated in the singular and always in the nominative case.

A common mistake in the design of tables is the diagonal division of rows. A special clause of GOST (clause 4.5.5.) indicates that it is not allowed to separate the headings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines, and it is also impossible to include an independent column "Order number" in the table. If there is a need to number the indicators, then their serial number is placed in the sidebar of the table immediately before their name (Table 4).

Table 4

Name of indicator


1. Fund reviews

2. Thematic reviews

4. Guides

GOST describes in detail the procedure for designating physical quantities and their numerical value, so it should be at hand for everyone who draws up such tables.

The numerical values ​​of the indicator should be entered at the level of the last line of the indicator name. In the case when the value of the indicator is disclosed in the form of text, the entry should begin at the level of the first line of the name of the indicator. In the absence of data in the table, a dash (dash sign) is put (Table 5).

Table 5

Name of indicator

Porcelain-faience and majolica dishes, mln.

Dishes made of glass and crystal, million rubles

The rules for filling in the indicators are presented in Table 6

Table 6

Name of indicator

Explanations for completing the indicator

Higher and secondary specialized educational institution


The full name of the educational institution is recorded. The use of abbreviated names of educational institutions is not allowed. In the case when the name of the educational institution includes the word "name", it should be abbreviated "him."

Written in accordance with the wording of the All-Russian classifier specialties in education

If the text consisting of one word is repeated within the same column, but there is no text in the table horizontal lines, this word is replaced by quotation marks (Table 7).

Table 7

Student youth aged

From 6 to 10 inclusive

Repeating figures, mathematical notations, designations of grades of materials are not allowed to be replaced with quotation marks.

If the repeated text consists of two or more words, at the first repetition they write the words "The same" and then put quotation marks. They also act when repeating part of a phrase, adding additional individual information. (Table 8).

Table 8

If rows in a table are separated by horizontal lines, the text is repeated in full (Table 9).

Table 9


ballet dancers

Men Women

Variety artists

Men Women

Circus performers

Men Women

The document can be drawn up both in Russian and in the national language in accordance with the legislation on the state languages ​​of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. GOST R 6.30-97 in paragraph 3.19, devoted to the text of the document, defines cases when the texts of documents are written only in Russian.

Only in Russian the text is drawn up when sending documents:

To federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

To enterprises, organizations and their associations that are not under the jurisdiction of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation or located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. *

* GOST R 6.30-97 Documentation requirements, clause 3.19, p.5.

The preparation of the document and its final design is usually carried out on a PC using programs such as "text editor". Today, the most commonly used program that has become the "de facto" standard is Microsoft Word. You can often find the domestic Lexicon program, which has sufficient functionality for the average user and is much more affordable.

In the process of preparing a document, text editors allow you to check spelling, create tables, align text, use different fonts for semantic highlighting, use charts and other design elements to facilitate the perception of the content of the document.

The programs allow you to have approved unified forms of documents, forms of documents and template texts developed in the organization, sets of standard phrases and expressions. Modern software allows you to have a list of permanent addresses and other databases containing information used in the preparation of a document: laws and regulations, lists of goods, manufacturers, customers and suppliers, etc.

The use of a computer has significantly increased the information content of documents, the culture of their design and significantly reduced the time for their preparation.

Those who compose documents and those who are engaged in their reprinting or entering into a computer need to know the most common proof marks that are used when working on text.

Correction marks are a system of symbols used when editing manuscripts.

The most common signs:

Table 10

Continuation of the table. 10

Continuation of the table. 10

End of table 10


Having finished compiling the text of the document, a heading is formulated for it, which is an obligatory element of any documents executed on A4 format, regardless of the type, content and purpose of the document. The heading is grammatically consistent with the name of the species. It briefly, clearly and clearly reflects the main content of the document. The title most often answers the question "about what?", "about whom?" and is formulated with a verbal noun. For example: Letter - About opening a company; Agreement - On the supply of containers; Regulation - On accounting, etc.

But in such documents as protocols, instructions, acts, rules, the heading answers the question of whom (what). For example: job description - assistant secretary; protocol - board meetings; act - acceptance of premises; rules - labor schedule, etc.

If the document is complex and reflects several issues, the heading is formulated in a generalized way. For example, "About the selection committee." Large documents have subheadings.

The heading is compiled by the person who prepared the document. It is located in the upper left corner of the document under the main details of the form. There should be no more than 28 characters per title line. The title is printed without quotes and is not underlined. The presence of a heading greatly facilitates the processing of the document, since without reading the entire text, you can get an idea of ​​​​the content and send the document for execution. The title facilitates the registration of the document, its search, organization of control. The title helps the correct inclusion of the document in the files and makes it easier to find the right document in the file. Mandatory heading is the most important requirement for the cultural design of the document. Without a title, it is allowed to draw up only short documents made in A5 format (148x210): notices, telegrams.


Separate official documents have appendices. Such applications can be any documents sent with a cover letter explaining the reason for their sending. To normative or administrative documents, as an annex, documents are given that they either approved or put into effect. For example, instructions, rules, staffing tables, etc. How attachments can be sent documents that supplement or clarify the content of the main document, such as tables, references, etc.

The procedure for issuing applications is described in GOST R 6.30-97. If applications are mentioned in the text of the document, then a mark on their presence is made in the form:

Application: for 2 pp. in 3 copies.

The word "Appendix" is capitalized directly from the field, always in the singular, followed by a colon and the number of sheets and copies.

If the appendices are not named in the text, their name is given in the note about the appendices, indicating the number of sheets and copies in each appendix. If there are several applications, they are numbered. For example:

Appendix: 1 Rules for the preparation and execution of documents of the Company for 10 sheets. in 2 copies.

2 Album of unified forms of the Company on 24 sheets. in 1 copy.

1.5-2 line spacing is made between application names, and if the application name occupies several lines, then it is printed with one line spacing.

If another document is attached to the document, which also has attachments, then the mark on the presence of the attachment is drawn up in the form:

Appendix: letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 11/13/97 No. 01-17 / 785 and an appendix to it, only 12 sheets.

If, when sending a document to several addresses, the attachment is not sent to all recipients, then the mark on the presence of attachments indicates to which address the attachments are sent, for example:

Application: for 5 liters. in 1 copy, to the first address.

If the application is bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated. For example:

Appendix: Standard instructions for office work in the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, in 3 copies.

The documents themselves - attachments to administrative documents have a mark in the upper right corner of the first sheet indicating which document they are attached to. For example:


to the order of the Minister

health care of Russia dated 12.08.97 No. 36

Requirements for the texts of management documents are established by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the execution of documents”, but the standard contains only those provisions on the preparation of texts of documents that are common to all documents. Detailed provisions on the preparation of texts of documents are contained in the Guidelines for the development of instructions for office work in the federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 No. 76.

When compiling the text of a document, it should be taken into account that text models have been formed in the practice of documenting, in accordance with which the texts of certain types and varieties of documents are compiled. In many cases, in order to correctly compose the text of a document, it is necessary to know which model is used to compose the text of a document of a given type or variety.

The text model of the document determines not only the compositional structure of the text, that is, the sequence of arrangement of the communicative and semantic parts of the text, but also the linguistic and stylistic features of the main text of the document.

In the office work of organizations, the texts of documents can be drawn up:

    on the basis of officially approved unified forms of documents;

    taking into account the requirements of regulations governing the creation of certain types of documents;

    in a form that reflects sustainable documentation practices.

Text based on uniform form

The texts of documents compiled on the basis of unified forms can be presented in the form of a template text, a table or a questionnaire.

Text stencil- the text of the document containing constant information and omissions for variable information characterizing a specific management situation. The text of the document, compiled on the basis of the stencil form, retains the grammatical coherence inherent in ordinary text.

Table- a way of presenting information systematized according to certain characteristics. Information in the table is located in the cells formed by the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines.

Questionnaire- a way of presenting the text in the form of a sequence of thematically interconnected sentences, built on the principle of "question - answer".

The texts of documents compiled without the use of unified forms of documents are drawn up in the form of a grammatically coherent text, corresponding in its compositional structure to the texts of documents of a certain type.

Ways of presenting the text

The texts of the documents are set out:

    from the 1st person singular: I ask you to consider the issue of establishing benefits ...; I order to prepare and submit for consideration ...;

    3rd person singular:The Government of the Russian Federation decides…; The Ministry cannot agree with your proposal...;

    1st person plural:Please provide information about…; Submitting for consideration and approval…; Listened...; Performed ...; Decided…(in protocols) ; We order ...; Decided…(in joint documents);

    3rd person plural:The management, the trade union committee of Kristall OJSC earnestly ask ...

In the texts of legislative and other normative legal acts, sentences are widely used in which the predicate is expressed by the verb in the present tense, which gives the text a stating-prescriptive character, for example:

The visa includes the name of the position of the head of the ministry (department) or his deputy, the personal signature of the approver, the transcript of the signature and the date.

Regulatory instructions are drawn up in the form of paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot and do not have headings.

Rubrication - dividing the text into component parts, graphic separation of one part from another using headings, subheadings, numbering, hyphen (dash) or paragraph indentation.

In business speech, a special type of sentences has developed - complex classified enumerations, which make it possible to formalize the transfer of information of the same type by language means, for example:

When exercising their rights, the information owner is obliged to:

– observe the rights and legitimate interests of other persons;

– take measures to protect information;

– restrict access to information if such obligation is established by federal laws.

Rubrication can be multi-level (but not more than four levels). In this case, the rubric number of the second and subsequent levels includes the numbers of higher rubrics. The numbers of the largest headings of the text consist of one character, the second-level rubrics - of two characters, and so on. This numbering system eliminates the need to use the words "section", "chapter", "paragraph", etc.

13. The procedure for transferring documents for storage in the archive

13.1. Organization of archival storage of documents

13.1.1. Ministry documents are federal property, and after an examination of their value in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body authorized in the field of archiving, they are subject to mandatory transfer for state storage to the federal archive as a state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation.

13.1.2. For the storage of documents of the state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and documents of a temporary (over 10 years) period of storage that are of practical importance, as well as documents on personnel, their accounting, use, selection and preparation for transfer to state storage, the ministry forms an archive.

13.2.3. Preparation of documents for transfer to storage in the archive is carried out by employees of the records management service and employees of the departments responsible for record keeping, and includes an examination of the value of documents, the formation and execution of cases, the preparation of inventories of cases and acts on the allocation of documents and files for destruction ...

When using headings in the texts of documents, it should be borne in mind that:

    the same type of numbering means can be used only in relation to the same type of parts of the test (as intended, in place in the structure of the text);

    each component text corresponding to the section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, receives its number, indicated by an Arabic numeral with a dot;

When drawing up regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, it is necessary to comply with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


from the Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts

federal executive authorities

and their state registration

(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated August 13, 1997 No. 1009, as amended. from 29.07.2011)

6. […] Regulatory prescriptions are drawn up in the form of paragraphs, which are numbered Arabic numerals* dot and do not have headings. Clauses may be subdivided into subclauses, which may be numbered alphabetically or numerically.

Significant normative legal acts can be divided into chapters, which are numbered Roman numerals and have headers.

If only headings of the same level are highlighted in a chapter (without highlighting, for example, paragraphs and subparagraphs), they are numbered in Arabic numerals in gross order, starting from the first within the entire text, for example:

II. State registration of normative legal acts

federal executive authorities

10. Regulatory legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, establishing the legal status of organizations of an interdepartmental nature, regardless of their validity period, including acts containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature, are subject to state registration. .

11. State registration of normative legal acts is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which maintains the State Register of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies.

[…] 20. In the event of a discrepancy between the current regulatory legal act, as well as an act containing legal norms and not having passed state registration, ... The Ministry of Justice of Russia submits to the Government of the Russian Federation a proposal to cancel or suspend such an act with justification and a draft of the corresponding order.

When numbering chapters with Roman numerals, paragraphs and subparagraphs can be distinguished within chapters, which are numbered with Arabic numerals, as well as additional headings within subparagraphs, which are indicated by letters, for example:

2.12. The directors of departments (heads of departments) within the established time limits submit, within the established time limits, a structural unit prepared on the basis of federal laws, decrees, orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions, orders, programs and action plans of the Government, instructions of the Prime Minister and Deputy Chairmen Government proposals for the consideration of issues at a meeting of the Government, containing:

a) the name of the issue and a brief justification for the need to consider it at a meeting of the Government;

b) general characteristics and main provisions of the issue;

c) the form of the proposed solution;

d) list of co-executors;

e) the date of consideration at a meeting of the Government.

Sustainable language turns

One of the features of business speech is the widespread use of stable (template) language phrases used unchanged, for example:

· We inform you that in the period from... to...;

· It is established that in the period from ... to ...;

· We inform you that as of...;

· We send you for consideration and approval ...;

· Submitting for review and approval...;

· In accordance with the agreement reached...;

· During the talks, the parties discussed the possibilities...;

· In order to provide technical assistance...;

· Taking into account that... and etc.

Such turns are called language patterns, clichés, language formulas. The presence of stable language turns in the texts of documents is a consequence of the recurrence of managerial situations and their thematic limitations, the result of the unification of language means used in the same type of repetitive managerial and production situations. In addition to expressing the typical content, stable language turns often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document loses the necessary legal meaning, or are elements that determine the type of document, for example:

    in the letter of guarantee:We guarantee the return of the loan in the amount ...; Guaranteed payment; Our checking account...; We guarantee the provision of living space ...; Warranty claims must be made...;

    claim letter:...otherwise you will be subject to penalties; ... otherwise the case will be referred to the arbitration court;

    order:Control over the execution of the order is assigned to ...; I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Expressing typical content, sustainable turnovers ensure the accuracy and unambiguity of understanding the text by the addressee, reduce the time for preparing the text.

By the way. From a linguistic point of view, set phrases are phraseological turns (phraseological units), non-free or related phrases. They are similar to expressions such as: beat like a fish on ice, hit backhand, build castles in the air, seize and etc.

When using stable language turns, the following are not allowed:

    lexical substitution, that is, the replacement of words included in the turnover with their synonyms. Wrong: The proposals of the department were below any criticism(necessary: belowany criticism);

    a mixture of similar in meaning stable revolutions. Wrong: bigvalue played market economy methods(necessary: ​​… had the methods of a market economy; In this case, there is a mixing play a role And matter);

    change in the accepted grammatical form of words included in a stable language turnover. Wrong: Performersoverlooked thatit is necessary to periodically inform the customer about the progress of work(necessary: overlooked).

The text of a document prepared on the basis of legislative, other regulatory legal acts, as well as documents previously issued by the organization - the author of the document, must contain references to the documents-bases. When referring to a document, the name of the type of document, the name of the body that issued the document, the date of acceptance or approval of the document, its registration number, as well as the title of the document, enclosed in quotation marks, are indicated, for example:

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 “On Approval of the Rules for Paperwork in Federal Executive Bodies” ...

In accordance with the Regulations on the permanent expert commission of an institution, organization, enterprise, approved by order of the Federal Archive of January 19, 1995 No. 2 ...

If the text of the document contains a reference to a document approved by any official or authority, then the name of the document is indicated, by whom the document is approved, the date of approval (if the document is approved by the official) or the name of the document by which this document is approved, the date of approval and registration number (if the document is approved by an administrative document), for example:

In accordance with the Regulations on the Financial Department, approved by the General Director of Status OJSC on February 12, 2010, the department has been granted the right to...

The procedure for writing a postal address on postal items is established by the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 No. 221.

In the texts of legislative, other regulatory legal acts, methodological documents approved by public authorities, when referring to previously published documents, the source of their publication is indicated, for example:

1. Federal Law of June 14, 1994 No. 5-FZ “On the Procedure for Publication and Entry into Force of Federal Constitutional Laws, Federal Laws, and Acts of the Chambers of the Federal Assembly” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1994, No. 8, Art. 801; 1999 , No. 43, item 5124).

2. Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 52 (part I), Art. 5021; 2002, No. 28, Art. 2780 ; 2003, No. 27 (part I), article 2696; 2009, No. 46, article 5417).

If in the text of the document it is necessary to refer to articles or paragraphs of the document, it is allowed (with the exception of the texts of legislative and other regulatory legal acts) to use abbreviations: art. (article), n. (paragraph). When these words are used in the plural, graphic abbreviations are not doubled, for example:

In accordance with paragraph 5, 8 of Art. 15 Regulations on the procedure for increasing (decreasing) the authorized capital of a company ...

In the texts of legislative and other normative legal acts, these words are written in full.

Using bold text

Normative documents on office work, in particular, instructions on office work of an organization, may provide for the selection of individual fragments of text in bold, italics, writing in a row or in capital letters.

For example, when printing the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of federal executive bodies, the heading to the text is highlighted in bold and centered:

About making changes
to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation

on administrative offenses in connection with the adoption

Land Code of the Russian Federation

About approval
Rules of office work in federal bodies

executive power

In the text of a normative legal act, the headings of sections, subsections, chapters are also printed in bold, and the words “section”, “chapter”, “article”, etc. are printed in regular type:

Subsection I. General provisions on obligations

Chapter 5 Rights, duties and responsibilities

The words “decree” (in decrees) and “order” (in orders) are printed in bold and in a row, for example:

In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Rules of office work in federal executive bodies.

Capitalization of certain words in the text of a document is used mainly in minutes, where the words “listened”, “spoke”, “decided” or “decided”, as a rule, are printed in capital letters.

Since there are no unified rules for the printed production of texts of documents, organizations have the right to establish their own corporate rules in the instructions for office work.

V.F. Yankova,
deputy Director of VNIIDAD, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor
