From ancient times to the present day, people have been interested in the question: can a number be secret code the fate of man. Astrologers say that there is no place for accidents in life. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the date of the birth of a person has an impact on his entire subsequent life.

The Pythagorean formula and its meaning in astrology

The scientist Pythagoras, who lived before our era in distant Greece, argued that all the events that take place in a person's life can be represented as a certain series of numbers. Pythagoras was looking for evidence of his innocence in the habitats of the Egyptian sages. His numerous studies proved that numbers are used as a specific coded system that is used to convey spiritual truths.

Pythagoras was sure that some secret was hidden behind each number. He believed that only through the ability to correctly work with numbers can people decipher the wisdom of everything that exists on the planet. They must do this in order to convey the meaning of life to their descendants.

Numbers determine the frequency of processes occurring in people's lives, and sometimes determine the character traits of a person. Knowing how to calculate the square of Pythagoras, you can spend no more than half an hour to learn a lot about a person, from his hobbies in life to the state of health.

In astrology, too, many concepts are based on numerical values. Often, experienced astrologers calculate fateful changes based on the date of birth of a particular person. Among the numbers that influence people, there are harmonious and disharmonious numerical values, as well as numbers that cause tension in the solution of some vital issue, or, conversely, have a beneficial effect on it.

What a Pythagorean square will tell a person

To make it easier to work with numbers, Pythagoras decided to simplify their language. He reduced multi-digit numbers to single-digit finite addition method. So, for example, the year 1981 of a person’s birth is a multi-digit number, but if you add all the numbers together, you will first get a two-digit number, and then as a result of adding its components, you can get a single-digit number.

First you need to add: 1+9+8+1=19

Then add up: 1+9=10

10 is a two-digit number that can also be simplified by adding single-digit numbers together: 1+0=1

Astrologers claim that the essence of the Pythagorean theory is to simplify complex numbers and reduce them to single digits. The ancient Greek scientist said: "To fully understand the world in which we live, you need to study the numbers that govern it." And he turned out to be right. Scientists have long proved the fact that everything that happens in the world can be investigated and brought to mathematical formulas. Arithmetic is at the heart of astrology, physical and chemical processes also mechanics.

Any event that occurs daily on the planet lends itself to simple calculations. Interrelated incidents in the life of each person are also amenable to mathematical analysis. A correctly drawn up square of Pythagoras will reveal the hidden possibilities of a person. With it, you will learn:

  • about the strength of a person's character;
  • about energy opportunities;
  • about the strong or weakened health of the body;
  • about the logical abilities of the individual;
  • about success in business;
  • about strong or weak personal qualities;
  • about good or bad memory that is given to a person at birth;
  • about his aptitudes for various activities.

Numerology will help you find out if spouses are compatible with each other or business partners, which will help to find the necessary points of contact, which will become the guarantor of mutual understanding for many years.

business people can calculate best time to open a new profitable company. People who are fond of tourism, having spent a little time, can choose the best time for their trips. Relatives of people in need of major surgery, by paying attention to their date of birth, can calculate the best date for surgery.

The purpose of the square of Pythagoras

A compiled table with numbers based on the date of birth of a person is called the psychomatrix or Pythagorean square by astrologers. This table does not give a person the opportunity to somehow change what was laid down when he was born. But it will help to reveal everything hidden for oneself, and with its help a person will be able to fully express himself as a person.

The formation of a certain character warehouse is influenced by the signs of the zodiac, the planets and stars under which a person was born. The planets are constantly changing their position in the starry sky in relation to each other. With even a slight shift, a new angle is formed at which the planet is located relative to a certain star. Regular change of positions has a strong influence on the life of a person born under this star.

No person can choose for himself the date of his birth in advance. Otherwise, each of us was born only on the most favorable dates and at the best time in terms of the position of the planets in the sky. But with careful planning of pregnancy, you can compile a numerological table, which will include successful dates for the birth of a baby in a certain period of time.

Application of the Pythagorean square

A correctly drawn Pythagorean square is a table with 3 vertical columns and 3 horizontal rows, into which numbers will fit that determine the specific characteristics of a given person.





Each cell of this table must be filled with certain numbers. Two numbers will be entered into the cell, one of which will be working, and the second will show how many digits it consists of. For example, the working number is 11, and the auxiliary: 2, because the number 11 consists of two digits.

To compile a numerological matrix for a specific person, you need to know the exact date of his birth and a prepared preparation for the future table. For example, a person was born on September 2, 1981. The numerical format of this date will be the following number series: 02091981. You just need to rewrite this series in the table blank.

The second part of the table will be compiled from exact calculations. Numerology does not tolerate errors, therefore, when filling out the table, it is important to be patient and attentive.

How to calculate working numbers

  1. First you need to find the sum of the day and month of birth. For this: 2+9=11. Then it is important to simplify the resulting value by adding the numbers that make it up: 1+1=2. This number must be written down somewhere or remembered in the mind.
  2. Add up the numbers that make up the year of birth. For this: 1+9+8+1=19. This number does not need to be simplified. It must be left as is.
  3. Add the results obtained from the first and second points. Namely: 2+19=21, 21 will be the first working number.
  4. Now we need to simplify the working value obtained in the previous paragraph. For this: 2+1=3, where 3 is the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the date of birth must be doubled. In our case, it turns out: 0 * 2 = 0 (date of birth September 02, the first digit is 0). To calculate the third working number, you need to subtract the resulting value from the first working number. It turns out: 21-0=21, 21 is the third working number.
  6. Add together the numbers of the third working number. 2+1=3, resulting in the fourth working number.

Nothing more needs to be calculated. Let's start filling in the table. The resulting working numbers must be carefully entered in the second row of our matrix.

To compile a matrix, you need to look at the workpiece and write in a certain column how many times the numbers are repeated in each line. If there is no digit in the blank, then a dash or 0 is put.

The result is:

How to correctly decrypt the received data

An important value for decoding the resulting table will be the number of repetitions of each digit. If in some cells there is 0, then this sign in a person is very weakly expressed.

The first cell speaks of the strength of the character of the individual. Let's look at repetitions:

  1. 1 - egoism is at a very high level. The personality is tuned only to achieve its own goals and solve its problems. A very purposeful person, he always achieves what he wants, but it is almost impossible to get along with him.
  2. 11 - the egoism of the individual is weaker than in the first case, but nevertheless this feature is quite striking. With great reluctance, a person decides to help others, all human actions are mainly aimed at himself.
  3. 111 - a person is open to communication with new people, always happy to help a friend or relative in need of support.
  4. 1111 - a person who knows how to influence his environment, there are certain abilities to manipulate others.
  5. 11111 - a person is distinguished by a special rigidity of character, he is sometimes called rude and sometimes despotic. Loves to rule, always strives for control.
  6. 111111 - a very complex and despotic character who does not accept relationships without the complete submission of a partner.

The second cell indicates the energy level of the individual.

  1. 2 - a person is an energy vampire living off the energy of other people. It is extremely difficult to be in contact with such people for more than 10 minutes.
  2. 22 - such a person readily shares his positive energy with others, it is easy and pleasant to deal with a person.
  3. 222 - a person has a powerful energy reserve, there is a tendency to engage in extrasensory perception, there are magical abilities.
  4. 2222 - a person is naturally gifted with super-powerful energy, easily subjugates other people, knows about his abilities and is pleased with them.

The third cell characterizes the individual's interest in knowing himself and the world around him.

  1. 3 - the person is punctual and always very accurate in everything. From birth, it does not tolerate any disorder at all.
  2. 33 - the person is well versed in the exact sciences, she has excellent learning abilities. A person has every chance to become a great scientist.
  3. 333 - by nature, a person is gifted with a willingness to learn and easily learn everything new. Such people always look to the very core of the problem. The fate of a person may not always be happy from the point of view of numerology.
  4. 3333 - a person has no desire for constant self-development. Children do not like to go to school, they usually study very poorly.
  5. 33333 - too expression of unwillingness to develop. Such a person is not interested in anything, from childhood he reacts quite aggressively to any questions that relate to the teachings.

The fourth cell characterizes the embedded data that relate to human health.

  1. 4 - a person has good health, the main diseases begin to manifest themselves in the 7th decade.
  2. 44 - a person has good health. He has an athletic body structure, even if he has never played sports. These people have excellent metabolism.

In the absence of fours in a cell, a person is prone to acquiring serious diseases.

The fifth cell is responsible for logical thinking.

  1. 5 - a person's thinking is clear, logically correctly directed.
  2. 55 - a person has a well-developed intuitive sense, with which he can surprise others.
  3. 555 - a person with such a set of numbers in the square of Pythagoras has a strong clairvoyant gift.
  4. 5555 - this indicator is found only in people who are very gifted with magical abilities.

The sixth cell is responsible for the love of work.

  1. 6 - a person with one 6 squared simply needs to constantly engage in physical labor. Most often, such people live love personal plots They make excellent builders.
  2. 66 - a person has a great desire to work physically, but due to certain life circumstances, he cannot or does not have time to do this.
  3. 666 is not a good combination in terms of numerology. People do not like to create something with their hands, they only want to destroy what others have created.
  4. 6666 - a person is not at all inclined to work physically, prefers intellectual work.

The seventh cell of the square is responsible for the talents given by nature.

  1. 7 - a person does not have clearly expressed talents, but he has the opportunity to develop them in himself, and therefore, he must constantly be in search.
  2. 77 - a person is talented enough in one direction.
  3. 777 is a very gifted person, he can combine talents in a variety of unrelated directions.
  4. 7777 is a very disturbing and bad sign. The life of such people is short, most often they die in childhood. At the same time, these people are very talented.

The eighth cell testifies to the expressed spiritual qualities and is responsible for kindness.

  1. 8 - people are very trusting, easily deceived.
  2. 88 - you can rely on such people in any situation, they are practically trouble-free.
  3. 888 - a man, forgetting about himself, serves his people.
  4. 8888 - strong and capable individuals. They can make incredible discoveries in their lives.

The ninth cell speaks of the predispositions given by nature for the development of memory.

  1. 9 - average ability to memorize new information.
  2. 99 - good learning abilities in different directions.
  3. 999 - learning is so easy for a child that sometimes he gets bored.
  4. 9999 - the number of brilliant personalities who have outstanding abilities.

Numbers help to recognize not only the past of a person, but also his future. Thus, in order to manage your present, it is important to master the language of numbers in time.

The date of birth of a person is a special code, an encrypted book of Destiny, which is given to us as a Gift. It consists of many parts, like a puzzle.

Today you will get acquainted with the first part of it - numerology of birth according to the square of Pythagoras.

Second part - Matrix of Fate. But about her in another article ...

The Pythagorean square is the basic matrix, the simplest, which gives quick answers about a person - his qualities.

After reading the main characteristics of the nine numbers, you can easily understand who is in front of you.

So let's get started.

1. We consider the Numerological Number Series

1. Write down your date of birth.

For example, I will take the date 02/24/1955

2. Add up all the numbers in the date.

24.02.1955 = 2+4+2+1+9+5+5=28

We got first number - 28.

3. Add the digits of the resulting number.

In my example: 28=2+8=10

At the same time, if you got the numbers 10, 11, 12 in total, write them down as they are, because these are special numbers. About them below.

We add other numbers that are greater than nine to get a number from 1 to 9.

For example, if you get 17, add 1+7=8, write 8. If 25, then 2+5=7, write 7. And so on.

So we get second number. I have this number 10.

And now I already have the numbers 2810, which I write down under the date of birth.

4. To the right of the resulting row, write the number 2.

This is a constant. It turns out 2810 2.

5. Subtract the constant 2 from the first number.

In my example, 28-2=26.

This third number.

6. Add up the numbers of the third number.

Just like in point three, add up to a number from 1 to 9, while leaving the numbers 10, 11, 12.

I get: 26=2+6=8.

It's already fourth number.

Thus, the series turned out: 2810 2 268

An important addition for people born after 2000.

For them, the constant will be the number 19 instead of two. It is also written in a row after the second number.

And in order to get the third number, we do not subtract, but add 19.

Example, date 05/20/2011.

5. Got a number: 112 19 303

2. Building a Numerological Matrix

Everything is ready to build the matrix Square of Pythagoras- the basis of Birth Numerology.

Draw a 3x3 square like you did for tic-tac-toe.

An example in the picture.

In each cell, write the numbers in the corner from 1 to 9.

We need them to arrange the number series, which we counted above.

Now let's arrange the numbers of the date of birth and the counted series.

In my example, these are the numbers: 02/24/1955 and 2810 2 268.

In each cell, you write numbers that correspond to the cell number. For convenience, we start with the first digit in the date of birth and move to the right one digit at a time.

My first deuce, I write in cell number two.

The second four, I write in cell four.

Zero is not written anywhere.

Again deuce - in cell two. One in cell one. Nine to nine and so on.

The final example is in the picture below.

3. Meanings of numbers in numerology

And now we turn to the most interesting - to the meaning of numbers in numerology.

By the way, after describing all nine meanings, you will learn a few secrets in birth numerology.

Meaning of number 1 (one)

Goal setting, thought energy.

Denotes the energy of thought, the flow of information living in the head, ideas.

The value of the number 1 is also an initiative, the ability to invent something, find the right solution, the ability to speak, sing, shout, and, moreover, speak without thinking, immediately inventing and finding a solution - “what I see, I sing.”

1 - thinks slowly or does not think at all.

11 - the norm - the ability to set goals and find right decisions, the ability to invent.

Many units - obstinacy, throwing words to the wind, vanity. Actively participates in the lives of others, loves to educate and teach life. Mastery of the word, orator. They can sing well. There are a lot of empty talks. They can invent and live in a fictional world.

Meaning of number 2 (two)

Body energy, field. Ability to act.

Willpower, doers. An indicator of human energy. The more deuces, the stronger the field. Ideal 22.

One 2 - lack or little physical energy. A person gets tired quickly, almost always has a dream to sleep.

Many people think, especially from the outside, that a person is lazy, that he does not want anything. And that's just fatigue. People who have one deuce are very active, efficient, but very often the energy in this case is fear. Fears: you have to do, you have to go, you have to live, and so on.

If more than two, then aggression is manifested, internal diseases may appear. "Jackhammer", in a word. But, as a rule, those who have a lot of “twos” are centenarians, grumble, get sick, creak, but live the longest.

The meaning of the number 3 (three)

Attitude towards money and material goods.

The desire to collect information, collections, owners. Desire to have more, including money. Norm one 3.

No triples - they don’t hear others, there is no logic. Behavior model, laid down from childhood. They won't believe until they try it themselves. When the bumps are full, they become too careful. When words are not enough, gestures begin to be used. Suspicious. Intuition is confused with fear. Naive, each time different, they find problems for themselves.

Three 3 - listens to other people's warnings.

Many triples - touchiness, increased ability to "take for yourself" (maybe come in handy), vanity. They want to do several things at the same time. They cannot live without a lot of information, which leads to gossip and envy. They evaluate themselves through the opinions of others.

The meaning of the number 4 (four)

Form, fortitude, honesty, discipline, rules of conduct

A sense of duty to society, service, set limits, responsibility. Norm one 4.

There are no fours - it enters everywhere with its own rules, begins to push through, dissatisfaction with everything. Lives by its own laws.

44 and above - can withdraw into themselves, constant tension, closeness of feelings.

Many 4 - human soldier, increased sense of duty, patriotism, lack of flexibility. They suffer from their own principle - I promised, I will do it at any cost. They provoke feelings of guilt in themselves and a desire to justify themselves.

The meaning of the number 5 (five)


Norm one 5.

No 5 - feeling disliked, does not like many people. It doesn't matter what they think of him. Restraint in the manifestation of feelings and emotions. Women are very sharp, they prefer to express their relationship not through feelings and emotions, but through actions. Contacts are difficult.

One 5 - the norm - soft, kind, easily finds a common language, a developed sense of compassion.

Two or more 5 - emotional manipulation, it is important how it looks and what they think and say about it.

No 5 or 555 - loneliness in life, relationship problems.

Meaning of number 6 (six)

Logic, analytics.

No 6 - no self, does not know his own worth, does not respect himself, does not bring things to the end, can panic, easily change decisions. They think that people do everything better than they do.

One 6 - the norm - a person is confident in himself, knows his own worth, stable in making decisions. The man is a professional, he does not know how to do bad things.

Two 6 - an indication of a person who can discover something new every day - the depth of knowledge of the world.

Three 6s is a sign of genius, a special deep look at what is happening. If this person is closed and uncommunicative, then he becomes suspicious and suspicious. They are characterized by extremes - they feel either a genius or suicide.

666 and 6666 - It is necessary to make claims, and not to save, not to take offense inside, it can lead to illness.

Many 6 - loneliness of the Soul.

Meaning of number 7 (seven)


No 7 - problems with intuition, it is difficult to be at rest, panic easily occurs in a difficult situation.

7 - the norm - it is important to believe in yourself and your inner voice. Serves only himself (the owner).

77 - make it possible to hear advice for those who are nearby.

777 - the gift of foresight, increased intuition, can hear other people's thoughts. They voluntarily become hostages, taking on someone else's guilt and problem.

The meaning of the number 8 (eight)

The norm is one 8. This is luck without effort, work, just dreamed and got it. We believe that if you have a figure eight, then you know the law, rules, actions that directly, at no extra cost, lead you to what you want.

No 8 - it seems to a person that he is not lucky, unhappy for life. It is important for him to make an effort to achieve something.

If a person is engaged in self-development, then 8ki can be earned.

88 - kept by heaven and angels.

888 - come with an important mission to Earth to help others on the path of spiritual growth. They should not be advised to interfere in their fate. You must go your own way.

Many 8 - live with a burden, they do not need anyone.

The meaning of number 9 (nine)

Purposefulness. Realization of goals.

9 - stubbornness, it is difficult to realize goals (a person has lost a goal).

99 - the norm - knows what he wants at a given time. Realization of the set goal. Wisdom.

Many 9 - tend to lie, can live in a lie. A lot of fuss on the little things, loses main goal. They want to please everyone, the position of the victim.

When 9k is less than 8k, then a person can ask the Higher Powers, they will give him, but he will not be able to use it.

So you've met basic meanings of numbers in numerology.

How do you like these numbers? How much do they reflect you or the person for whom you made the calculation?

Maybe, you have a bust in some numbers and a shortage in others- what to do now, you ask, how deplorable everything is?

There is a solution.

The first is the transition of numbers within the matrix. Second, the conscious development of man. Thirdly, this is getting to know yourself with the help of a unique method. Matrix of Fate, which will allow you to understand your potential more and more deeply and apply special tools for harmonization.

However, this is already the material that I give in the express course on numerology and the matrix - two methods that perfectly complement and expand each other. If you are interested, you can read more here click:

It also happens when a person says that numbers do not match with reality and it is different.

In this case, there are two options: either the person is not honest with himself and refuses to accept himself as he really is (numbers do not lie); either by an effort of will, the transitions of numbers in the numerological matrix go on with their development.

That is, if a person is engaged in spiritual and personal development,

then the matrix can change.

And now I will share with you a few secrets of numerology.

Secret 1. Psychotypes of personality

IN birth numerology we distinguish three psycho-types of personality: doer, leader, and on his own.

To determine the psychotype, we build a numerological matrix, as we did above, and then look at the number of ones and twos.

  • When there are more units than twos, then you have a psychotype of personality - supervisor. Such a person talks a lot, does little. Therefore, do not believe everything that he tells you and promises.
  • When there are more twos than ones, then you have a personality psychotype - doer. Such a person likes to do everything himself, speaks little. It's easier for him to do than to ask.
  • When ones and twos are equal. In this case, the psychotype of personality - on my own. Such a person relies on himself, freedom is important to him.

Did you recognize yourself?

Yes, now it will be easier and clearer for you to determine who is in front of you and not to harbor illusions from the words "leader".

If you want to know more about yourself, about the secrets that are embedded in your date of birth, then join the club for spiritual and personal growth.

For only 400 rubles you get Personal Area, communication in Skype chat and in a closed Facebook group with like-minded people, video materials on numerology and the matrix of fate, as well as the opportunity to ask questions within the club.

Secret 2. When you are not heard

There is a type of people to whom you can say anything, but they still do not hear you.

The trick is simple - there are no triples in their numerological matrix.

Therefore, you need to communicate with them in short and clear phrases. Otherwise, your conversations are wasted time and energy.


Practice, build several numerological matrices for your friends, discuss the resulting numbers.

I believe that this Knowledge will help you to better understand yourself, even a little, because this is only the very, very beginning. However, even this first acquaintance with yourself will help to clarify why people are different and how the date of birth affects them.

And if this topic is of interest to you, then subscribe to us on social networks and join the community of people who, by changing themselves, change the world. Become a beacon of light in this world.

The square of Pythagoras is one of the easiest and most effective ways to learn about the character, energy, abilities and other personal qualities of a person. By calculating the psychomatrix by date of birth, you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Numerology is an ancient science, the founder of which was the famous ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. The philosopher believed that you can find out the personal qualities of a person using numbers. That is why the famous square of Pythagoras was created.

To find out about your character traits and hidden talents, the website site experts suggest you calculate the psychomatrix using your date of birth.

How to calculate the psychomatrix

For example, your date of birth is 03/02/1988. To make the calculation, write all the numbers in one row like this: 231988.

Then add up all the numbers of your date of birth to calculate the first number: 2+3+1+9+8+8= 31 .

To find out the second number, sum the numbers obtained: 3+1= 4 .

To calculate the fourth number, sum the components of the third: 2+7= 9 .

Now you need to write out all the received numbers under the date of birth: 314279.

In conclusion, you need to draw a table consisting of nine cells, in each of which you need to write out repeated numbers corresponding to the cell number.

Deciphering the psychomatrix

Each square of the matrix has its own meaning. To determine your strengths, you need to count the number of digits that fill each cell.

Square 1 defines a person's character.

  • No 1 is a weak character.
  • 1 - if there is no more than one 1 in the first square, then the person has a selfish character.
  • 11 - a person is characterized by pride and prudence.
  • 111 - calm character, low level of conflict.
  • 1111 - a person has a strong character and determination.
  • 11111 - there is despotism and rigidity in the character.
  • 111111 - the most difficult personality type, which is characterized by rigidity and excessive pride.

Square 2- human energy.

  • No 2 - very low energy level, characteristic of energy vampires.
  • 2 - weakened biofield.
  • 22 - the average level of energy.
  • 222 - a person with a strong biofield.
  • 2222 - people with such a strong level of energy can share energy with other people without harm to themselves.

Square 3- knowledge, human potential.

  • No 3 - a person hardly receives new knowledge and is not inclined to the sciences.
  • 3 - mathematical thinking is very poorly developed. A person with one triple can perfectly realize himself in the field of communications or become a talented politician.
  • 33 - such people are much more likely to notice a penchant for mathematical sciences.
  • 333 - people with so many triples, not without reason, consider themselves smarter than the rest. Their level of intelligence helps them to differ from others and allows them to realize themselves in any field.

Square 4- human health.

  • No 4 - a person is prone to physical and mental illness.
  • 4 - in youth, a person will not experience health problems, but in old age he can get very sick.
  • 44 - good health and strong sexual energy.
  • 444 - the result is the same as in the previous case.

Square 5— human logic and intuition.

  • No 5 - a person has very weak intuition. Despite the fact that he tries to develop a sixth sense and trusts that an inner voice tells him the right decisions, he ends up having to solve his problems on his own.
  • 5 - sometimes intuition tips can be erroneous, but this happens very rarely.
  • 55 - a person with such a developed intuition can investigate and even predict future events.
  • 555 - with this level of intuition, it is impossible to make a mistake.
  • 5555 - a person can predict the future not only for himself, but also for other people.

Square 6- labor.

  • No 6 - the person is very lazy. No activity brings him pleasure and material wealth.
  • 6 - propensity for physical labor.
  • 66 - a person is able to earn both mental and physical labor.
  • 666 - people with so many sixes are able to realize themselves in any field of activity.

Square 7- luck, human talents.

  • No 7 - very weak stream of luck, lack of talent.
  • 7 - low luck. There are talents, but they need to be actively developed.
  • 77 - the energy of two sevens allows a person to develop creative abilities. Often such people make talented artists, musicians or writers.
  • 777 - people with unique abilities.
  • 7777 is a dangerous number. It will be difficult for a person with so many sevens to realize himself.

Square 8- responsibility.

  • No 8 is an irresponsible person.
  • 8 - a sense of responsibility is developed very poorly.
  • 88 - a person never refuses his words and always bears responsibility for his actions.
  • 888 - in such people the sense of duty is dominant. They always keep what they promise.

Square 9- mental capacity.

  • No 9 - the absence of nines suggests that stupidity is inherent in a person from birth. IN early age such people are difficult to develop and learn, and as adults they often make mistakes, because of which they find themselves in an unpleasant situation.
  • 9 is an unstable sign. If a person does not work on himself and develop himself in different directions, the energy of the number may weaken.
  • 99 - a person has good inclinations, but active self-development is required.
  • 999 - people with this number deny theoretical training but perform well in practice.
  • 9999 - a developed intellect and a good memory - qualities laid down from birth. However, due to their uniqueness, such people are very extraordinary, and sometimes cruel.

With the help of numerology, you can better know not only the character and abilities of a person, but also his love compatibility. If you want to know about the future of your love union, we suggest you calculate energy compatibility using your date of birth. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Numerology has many directions that differ in the method of calculating the main numbers and in translating simple characters into a specific forecast. The Pythagorean matrix by date of birth is an additional and very informative technique, thanks to which a person can understand himself and his own destiny.

Psychomatrix will help a person to know himself better

Numerological teaching

The magic of numbers is based on patterns. The connection between numbers and certain events was noticed long ago, even before the birth of Pythagoras or Einstein, who are engaged in this direction. Numbers surround a person from birth: everyone has their own unique code that determines the future. Digital science, as an esoteric teaching, involves the analysis and interpretation of such a code. The information received is a unique map of a person's personality. The numeric sequence depends on each digit as well as on their combination.

On the basis of numbers, other esoteric teachings are also based - Tarot, runes. The number of the soul (as magicians and healers call the code) helps to see positive and negative events that will happen with a high probability. For a person, such a characteristic is both a hint, and advice, and a warning.

Relationship between numerology and psychology

The personality scheme and its main characteristic is useful for any person - in such a characteristic there are good and bad qualities that can and should be worked on. Feeling the world around you, feeling your own inner world- all this is inherent in the personality even before its birth. Education can change only individual qualities, but the characteristics of the soul from external factors does not change.

In psychology, numerology is an additional tool. If a person agrees with the description of his nature, he accepts a number of negative qualities that are hidden in his map. If he does not agree with the description received, this also says a lot: everything that he denies, he hides in himself.

Basic Tools

For numerology, numbers are important, which depend on a number of factors:

  • from the exact date of birth of a person;
  • from the full name, the letters of which are also composed of a digital code;
  • from random events (angelic numerology is based on codes that appear in everyday phenomena).

To compile a digital code, a special matrix, table and scheme are used, according to which calculations are carried out.

Psychomatrices, or the square of Pythagoras, allows you to fully explore the personality. This is a built-in model in which each quality is described by a set of numbers. If there are no such qualities in a person, then there will be no corresponding numbers in the digital code. This technique is easy to understand, but more difficult to calculate. If in ordinary numerology they use the sum (simplified) and one code, then for the square of Pythagoras you will need the date of birth and the full name of the person.

A similar square is built by the theory of Natalia Ladini. The clairvoyant technique is based on 22 energies of the major arcana. In Tarot, such cards are fundamental, all prediction is read from them. The matrix code in Tarot is not often used: each card is assigned its own code, and only after that they are interpreted. This technique is more difficult. According to the square, a person can independently compose the shape and structure of his personality.

The Pythagorean method does not depend on the season or the state of the person, unlike other systems. For example, Tarot cards are sensitive to any neurosis or a complex psycho-emotional state of a fortuneteller.

Basic psychomatrix

The Pythagorean psychomatrix is ​​the sum of certain qualities of character. This is a psychological picture of nature, a certain proportion of some qualities that are combined with other character traits. Unlike divination, the psychomatrix evaluates the qualities that have developed - it practically does not take into account the inclinations or hidden abilities. The result of building a square is an accurate portrait of a person.

The principle of constructing a square:

  • nine cells. In each cell, a certain number is allotted - how many numbers are in the cell, the qualities of character are so pronounced;
  • eight lines - three rows, three columns, three diagonals;
  • additional numbers calculated after filling the square.

To decipher each cell, it is necessary to fill the entire square - the portrait of a person depends on the number of numbers and how they make the transition. The sequence of the day, month and year of birth is taken into account at the very end, and the letters of the full name are translated first.

Pythagorean square with 9 cells

Filling in the square of Pythagoras

Having considered the square of Pythagoras, you can see a pattern: the first cell is responsible for General characteristics- it goes under number one and includes all units of the received codes. Two personifies energy - it displays all the energy flows that a person can feel. The bottom, third, cell of the first row symbolizes accuracy (clarity of execution, following one's principles), it goes under number three. The top, first, cell of the second column is a four. She is in charge of health. The five that goes below speaks of the logic that guides a person. The six that ends the second column represents labor. Seven describes luck, eight is a sense of duty (karmic debt or obligations to people), and nine speaks of memory.

The combination of the required numbers is written according to the scheme.

  1. By date of birth, the first numeric code is determined. For this, the date of birth of a person is recorded. Example: a man was born on May 5, 1988. Its numerical code is 05051988. Zeros in such numerology are not taken into account, so the code is simplified to numbers: 551988. All these values ​​are entered in the table.
  2. Additionally, one more code is calculated, obtained after summing up all the values ​​of the number series. In the example, such a code is 36. These numbers, three and six, are entered in the table. After that, the code is simplified to a simple number - 9, and is also entered into the table.
  3. The table contains numbers that correspond to the person's name. To do this, a name is written, and each letter is assigned a number according to the universal numerological table. All numbers are written in a square, then summed up and simplified. The last code received is also squared.

With the help of prime numbers, several filled cells and lines are formed. They describe the personality, show its strengths and weaknesses.

The total value of the cells

The matrix by date of birth is universal, but at the same time it gives a unique combination of different qualities. For the matrix to work, it is carefully considered. Those cells in which the most marks are dominant. All qualities cannot prevail in a person: no matter how a person strives for harmony, it cannot be achieved.

The decoding of the square depends on:

  • age;
  • social status;
  • occupation;
  • mental state (receptivity of the received information).

The numerical matrix is ​​not the final portrait. The personality grows and develops, some qualities are enhanced, the rest are leveled by self-development. From the square of Pythagoras, you need to build on those cases when you need a hint, advice, when a person is confused or confused.

The meaning of the numbers

The square of Pythagoras and the meaning of the numbers depend on the incoming information. If you create a square only by simple codes (date of birth), the information received will not be the most accurate. The code will be detailed, which, in addition to the date of birth, includes the name. By date of birth, a square is drawn up, consisting of only 9 digits. The remaining numbers are simplified - this is an important condition to calculate the correct matrix. According to Pythagoras, every number is important. It maintains harmony, helps a person develop in all directions.


One unit is responsible for the strength of the spirit, for the stamina of character. This is an important trait for a strong-willed person who knows how to achieve their goals. The more units in the square, the more the person shows selfishness. Such people think about themselves, about how to do better for themselves - they only care about things that bring clear benefits to them.

Says three or more units about the complexity of perception. Such people are stubborn, and no matter what happens in their lives, they cannot admit a mistake. These are principled personalities - all their actions, deeds are supported by rooted moral principles. It is impossible to convince such an interlocutor. He always knows what is best for him and what is best for those around him. With other signs indicating a complex character, a person shows despotism and increased aggression.

One or two units indicate that a person can succeed, but only in those things that inspire.

The owners of five units are people with a tough character. They don't know how to listen or listen.

According to Pythagoras, six units is a sign of such a complex nature that one cannot get along with even with a strong desire of a partner.


Two represents energy. This is the force that surrounds a person, makes him better or worse. This is his inspiration, his strength to move forward. Two can talk about both positive and negative character traits.

  • One deuce speaks of a person's propensity for energy vampirism. These are people who feed on anger or regret around people. They use any situation to their advantage. From birth, such a nature is fueled by the forces of relatives, close people.
  • Code 22 in the cell indicates the ability to energize others. These are people who give, share and ask for nothing in return. They can enjoy help and compassion. Such people are pleasant in communication, positive and good-natured.
  • Three deuces of fate speak of powerful energy, a certain magnetism. This is a sign of energy that creates, not destroys.
  • Code 2222 in a square indicates special abilities. These people see the world otherwise, they are empaths or people with psychic abilities. With the wrong handling of power, such people can manipulate others.

If there are no deuces in the code, the person is deprived of energy. He is weak, exhausted, often sick and does not know what to do in life.


For the triple, all meanings are associated with knowledge and understanding of how the world works.

Neat and scrupulous personalities are born with one triple in the square. They are easy to recognize on the street - they are neat and friendly. For such people, the system is important: values, beliefs, basic concepts. They love organization and order.

The owners of two triples find themselves in the exact sciences. They are dominated by logic and an analytical mindset. They are able to see the world around them with the root cause and consequences.

Three threes increase the craving for science. These are wise personalities, often with a philosophical vision of the world.

The owners of four triples are easy to recognize: they are inquisitive and even overly curious, energetic. Everything that happens around fascinates them, gives strength for further research. In search of their destiny, the owners of code 3333 are capable of the most insane acts.

Code 33333 has the most negative meaning - it symbolizes the unwillingness to develop. Such a person does not want to know himself, does not want to grow and learn about the world. It quickly degrades, and without proper development, unreasonable aggression wakes up in it.

Four means health. Code 4 - good health of a long-liver (up to 70 years old, you won’t have to be afraid of diseases). Two fours also speak of good health: the person has a good metabolism, and all internal organs function well while the person is strengthening his immunity. The more fours in a cell, the better the state of health. Missing fours indicate soreness: an adult or child may develop hypochondria.

Four accompanies centenarians


Five by date of birth speaks of logic and special thinking. Whatever a person does, he needs to take care of the structure of the world around him. This is a sign of justice when a person knows his worth. One five speaks of good logic: a person can convey his point of view to others. These are calm and balanced individuals.

Two fives are logic with intuition. A difficult tandem promises to carry out and follow your destiny. Clairvoyants are gifted with 3 or more fives. This is a sign that the inner vision never fails a man or woman. Powerful magicians, people directly connected with space, are the owners of four fives. Such a sign in a square cell according to Pythagoras rarely falls out.

By date of birth and name, the six symbolizes physical labor. This is a sign of hard work that pays off. One six speaks of the need for physical labor. Whatever a person does, he cannot sit idly by. Gardeners, gardeners, farmers are born with such a sign.

Two sixes speak of an intention that cannot be realized. A person wants to work with his own hands, but due to a number of reasons that do not depend on the individual, he cannot work. Three sixes fall out to those who do not want to work. This is a lazy person, ready to go to any tricks, just not to work, not to invest his strength. Four sixes are the most negative: a person gets used to living at the expense of others. They are parasites, parasites.

Six - a symbol of physical labor


The numerological symbol of good luck is the seven. It shows how much a person achieves without additional effort. The owners of one seven are not gifted with talents: they are ordinary employees, people with whom it is easy to negotiate. They do not have strong ambitions and do not achieve their goals at any cost.

Two sevens represent a talented person who can stand up for himself. She is guided by her talents, nourishes them and follows their call. For her, there is no life without creativity. Three sevens enhance talents: this is a genius born with certain inclinations.

If three sevens go in combination with three ones, success and glory await the man or woman. An alarming sign is four or more sevens. Such people do not live to old age - they die very early.


The calculation leading to eights speaks of kindness. Trusting and frivolous people get only one eight. Code 88 speaks of reliability: you can rely on such a person in a difficult moment. Three eights speak of altruism. If you correctly calculate the square and get four eights at once, such a sign indicates the ability to heal people with kindness. People with the code 8888 can bring something new and beautiful into the world.


The first and last character in the table is the most accurate. They demonstrate the basis of personality, its most important aspects. Nine symbolizes memory. These are some memories that allow you to master the experience, to atone for karmic debt.

The total value of nine in the square of Pythagoras:

  • one nine speaks of normal abilities - this is not a genius, but a person capable of achieving his goals;
  • two nines speak of good learning ability - such people manage to quickly learn new knowledge;
  • learning is easy for people with three nines;
  • the genius number is 9999.

If the first symbol speaks of strength of character, self-confidence, then the nines represent the real justification for such self-esteem. The abilities inherent in a person are determined by the number of nines in a cell.

The meaning of the lines in the psychomatrix

In total, there are 8 lines in the psychomatrix. Each of them is additional source information. The more characters in a cell, the more important value each line. With their help, you can build a graph - a reflection of the capabilities of an adult or a child. Thus diligence reinforces natural abilities, and luck helps in the development of talents. If the first criterion is poorly developed, the second is of little importance for the development of the personality. The summarized table of lines allows you to see which path of development a man or woman will go.

Numerology is the science of numbers. It has a lot of theories. With the help of the square of Pythagoras, the degree of certain abilities is assessed. To build a square, you need a date of birth and a name. The square consists of nine equivalent cells, each of which describes a certain quality of character. Matching each cell gives complete information about the person's personality.

You can understand yourself, relatives and friends with the help of the square of Pythagoras. The article describes a method for calculating a psychomatrix to determine the main character traits, compatibility, as well as a method for constructing a life graph according to Pythagoras.

The influence of the date of birth on life path, character, health and talent proved long ago. Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel what promises born child fate.

The square of Pythagoras is one of the important directions in numerology. With its help, with high accuracy, you can determine the character of a person, his inclinations, hidden abilities, characteristic features.

What is the square of the fate of Pythagoras in numerology?

  • The developer of the square is the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. He studied the mathematical works on the study of man of the Arabs, Phoenicians, Egyptians and Druids.
  • The square of Pythagoras is a system of numbers, the calculation of which is based on the date of birth. The numbers of the date of birth are added in a certain order, forming a series of numbers.
  • These numbers are painted on nine squares of the matrix from 1 to 9. Then they analyze the table, draw conclusions about what character traits and talents are inherent in a person by fate.

How does the square of Pythagoras work?

At birth, each person receives a vibration of a number that carries certain characteristics. This number is the date of birth.

By creating a horoscope matrix by date of birth, you can determine the character traits that are inherent in a person born on a certain day.

Square of Fate - characteristic in nine digits

How to make a psychomatrix (square) of Pythagoras?

  1. Add up all the digits of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7+5+1+9+8+5=35
    It will be yours first working day
  2. Add up the numbers of the first working day: 3+5=8
    It's yours second working number
  3. Double the first non-zero digit of your birthday. In the example, the first zero, we discard it and double the number 7: 7*2=14
  4. Subtract the resulting number from the first working number: 35-14=21
    It's yours third working number
  5. Add up the numbers of the third working number: 2+1=3
    It's yours fourth working number

Write down all 12 digits 7.5.1985. into the corresponding digits of the cell of the Pythagorean matrix.

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras

The more numbers of one group, the more developed a certain quality.

The square of Pythagoras is a science from antiquity

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

Decipher the results obtained by the meaning and number of digits.

1. Character, willpower, ego in the psychomatrix

  • 1 - characterizes a person as selfish and weak-willed. Such a person always tries to demonstrate his exaggerated volitional qualities, but he tries not to make real decisions, he bypasses difficult questions. Tends to argue with or without
  • 11 - a person is distinguished by a soft, complaisant character. He does not like to put pressure on people, he is sociable. Responsive and attentive to others, in dire need of praise, which increases his self-esteem. Lacks purpose unless he has enough twos
  • 111 - character - "golden mean". People find a common language with everyone, they can give in to anyone in a dispute. But if you put pressure on them, then in a dispute they will crush any despot. They have a gentle, tolerant nature, but it is not worth testing it, as there may be an unexpected outburst of emotions.

The unit in the psychomatrix characterizes the strength of character
  • 1111 - a person with a strong, strong-willed character of a leader. Such people make excellent leaders and commanders who know how to achieve goals, but without cruelty and despotism. They love sincere praise, but do not accept sycophancy. They rarely back down from a decision.
  • 11111 - a man of power, purposefully moving towards rule, no matter what. Despotic. But the desire for power creates a hostile environment around. It is better for such people to leave power, because it can give rise to a successor who will destroy him. Don't try his patience.
  • 111111 and more - "overload" of the despot, the character is not stable. Strives for great power: the king, the president, but the impossibility of achieving it leads to disappointment and a complete renunciation of power. But for loved ones can do the impossible

2. Energy level, psychic tendencies, passion, sexuality squared by Fate

  • no - a person’s energy is weak, therefore he is characterized by fussiness, mobility, and chaotic movements. At the same time, due to a lack of energy, a person can be lazy. Fours strengthen weak energy. Such a person is an energy vampire, because his own energy is not enough. Love dogs that are energy donors
  • 2 - a person's energy is weakened. But fussiness and laziness are manifested in them selectively, in certain circumstances. They try to avoid physical labor, conflicts, since this is a strong expenditure of energy. They love and know how to speak and receive compliments, gifts, this increases their energy level. Atmospheric phenomena have a strong influence on them

Numerology of Pythagoras is inextricably linked with the signs of the zodiac
  • 22 is the optimal energy level for life. A person is able to realize himself in any areas of interest to him. Equally effectively sets goals and achieves them. Can work with people. Laziness is not characteristic of such people, the main thing is that self-esteem and determination are at their best. If necessary, he can fiercely defend his interests. You can't scatter and waste your energy
  • 222 - a person is a psychic, can heal with his biofield, but they appear more often in extreme situations. These are quite closed people, they are reluctant to share their problems. But this kind of energy is not stable, it’s not worth doing hard physical labor
  • 2222 is a human donor with the strongest energy, everyone is drawn to them to recharge. The opposite sex pays special attention to such people. Often such people waste their energy, but they can afford it. It is necessary to get rid of an excess of energy, otherwise conflicts will arise.

3. A penchant for science in the square of Pythagoras

  • no - indicates a humanitarian bias, it will be difficult to deal with technical specialties. Creative professions are well suited, you just need to reveal your aspirations and talents in time
  • 3 - a person can become both a humanitarian and a techie. But, you can’t be scattered, you need to determine the area and improve in it, otherwise there is a danger of not achieving success anywhere. You can’t rush about, because the only three sprays, and does not fix interest
  • 33 - a person has the ability to exact sciences, technology. Analytic mind. Such people make excellent scientists, mathematicians, physics. If there is logic and memory, then excellent masters of their craft in the repair of equipment, its construction and design can turn out. But if 5, 6 and 9 are weak, then you should not deal directly with repairs

You can know yourself and the world through the square of Pythagoras

333 - interest in the exact sciences is not stable, which means a craving for the world of art. Well, if there is an opportunity to combine it, so that one interest flows smoothly into another. Otherwise, internal conflict and dissatisfaction may appear. It is important for such people to realize themselves, which requires the support and understanding of loved ones.

3333 - a born inventor and designer, a very rare sign. If the numbers in the matrix are 5 and 9 in an amount of two or more, then you need to do science. If memory and logic are weak, then you are a generator of ideas, which can be difficult for details, so you need to implement ideas collectively

4. Fortress of health in the psychomatrix of Fate

When choosing a professional activity, measure this indicator and the level of energy. If health and energy are weak, then you should not choose a very nervous and strenuous activity.

  • no - speaks of poor health. In childhood, such children often get sick, but what kind of health will be in adulthood depends only on the person himself and his lifestyle. You should not go in for professional sports, enter into sharp conflicts either, because. while energy and health are wasted

The square of Pythagoras is a way to decipher fate
  • 4 - health from birth is quite good, but it must be protected. There is an opportunity to engage in professional sports, but on condition that the energy is not lower than "22". Waste of energy is best avoided, as it leads to poor health.
  • 44 - good health from birth. You will submit to professional sports, but when choosing a sport, one must take into account inclination and interest. A person has a strong sense of purpose, which will allow him to achieve serious heights. Just do not abuse your physical strength, the mind can be more powerful
  • 444 and more - a person is practically not susceptible to diseases, health is very good. Possesses big sexual possibilities and fine body. Men are physically very strong

5. Intuition, logic squared by Pythagoras

  • no - a person does not use logic well, it is easier for him to build castles in the air. Clear planning is difficult, but he "sees" how his plans should be realized. Intuition is very weak, you should not rely on it. Logic and intuition can only be developed through the thorny path of experience.
  • 5 - there is logic, but weak, so planning is difficult for a person. But it is easier to calculate the situation, take advantage of it and prevent the commission of a mistake than in the absence of fives. It is possible to engage in exact sciences, but only with a great desire of the person himself, a good memory and a sufficiently strong and stable energy

The square of Pythagoras is elementary mathematics
  • 55 - strong logic and intuition, you can do the exact sciences. Often they foresee events through the logic of reasoning, but they cannot always insure against failures, since not everything depends on them. It is difficult to deceive them, because they subtly feel the contradictions in the words of the interlocutor.
  • 555 - the strongest logic and intuition, often accurately predict events. They can predict the outcome of almost any case. But these opportunities are not constant, they appear on occasion. All the exact sciences are within their reach
  • 5555 and more are clairvoyants, they are completely clear about all the causes and consequences of events. They usually choose one direction in activity and develop it. Well versed in the exact sciences

6. Propensity for physical labor, grounding of a person in the matrix of Destiny

  • no - a person does not like physical labor, tries to avoid it in every possible way, does something only out of necessity. You don't have to break it. Such a person is not lazy, he just needs to do mental work or a creative profession
  • 6 - a person can engage in physical labor only at will, otherwise he becomes irritable and nervous. Forcing such people to work physically is not worth it, the quality of work may be low. But if he started to work, then there is no need to interrupt him or give instructions.
  • 66 - a person loves physical labor, it gives him real pleasure to do something with his own hands. These are the "golden hands" that any manual work is subject to. Such people prefer to read TV shows and videos on the Internet. They need to find their own business and realize themselves in it.

According to Pythagoras, some people do not need to work physically

666 - a person with a complex character. Under a certain set of circumstances (strong resentment, humiliation), cruelty, aggressiveness, a desire to suppress anyone standing in the way or simply not liked can develop

6666 - a person works a lot physically, and practically does not feel the severity of physical labor. But under certain circumstances, just as with three 6, cruelty can manifest itself.

7. Luck, luck, the influence of higher powers on the fate of a person in the psychomatrix of Pythagoras

  • no - a person is free from the influence of higher powers, the need to fulfill a higher plan does not weigh on him, therefore he is free to choose his own life path
  • 7 - a person needs to find an area in which he needs to open up. Then on this path he will be successful. Most of the trouble comes from choosing the wrong direction. But there are a lot of directions for self-realization, although this makes it more difficult right choice what contributes to it

According to Pythagoras, not everyone can read the earthly information field
  • 77 - sensitive and gifted people, a person is lucky in life. You can take risks and set big goals. Choosing your path and following it is much easier than with one "7". The main thing is to believe in yourself and order correctly from the Universe: if you believe that nothing will work out, you really will not succeed
  • 777 and more - means that a person himself builds his life and determines the events that will happen to him, because he has vast knowledge about the Laws of Life. They can take into account and foresee a lot. Failures can appear only in case of disbelief in one's own strength or self-destructive actions.

8. Sense of duty, responsibility in the square of Fate

  • no - the sense of duty is greatly blunted. A person is quite selfish, not in a hurry to take responsibility. It is impossible to put pressure on such people, they react very emotionally to this. But the upbringing and lifestyle of parents can big influence to develop a sense of duty
  • 8 - a responsible, conscientious, accurate person in business, but sometimes he needs to remind himself of tolerance for others. The sense of duty is blunted, but parenting by example and self-awareness can correct this

A sense of duty is the hope for a brighter tomorrow
  • 88 - means that a person has an innate sense of duty. He is distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, tolerance. Always ready to help loved ones. At the same time, they feel a lie keenly, it is practically impossible to deceive him, and he himself tries not to deceive
  • 888 - a person, just like with "88", is kind and sympathetic, respects his parents, is patient with his neighbors. But, too big a truth-seeker, he feels deceit and does not tolerate it at all, he can even become “Pavlik Morozov” in pursuit of truth. But can lead the masses and achieve outstanding results
  • 8888 and more - a person with parapsychological abilities, has exceptional susceptibility, his vocation is to serve people

9. Mind, analytical skills, ability to learn in the square of Pythagoras

  • no - learning is difficult for a person, he needs to work hard and hard. But the absence of "9" is observed only in those who were born after 2000. For them, there are other calculation methods that have not yet been sufficiently developed.
  • 9 - a person does not remember and reproduce information very well, but he creates something new with pleasure. All important and necessary information they remember exactly, everything else is eliminated. Do not litter your memory with insults and negative information.

Philosophy of Pythagoras
  • 99 - smart people who can solve very difficult problems. They can quickly reproduce any information they need, so they can do science. However, you can not get bogged down in petty problems and responsibilities, this will lead to a weakening of abilities. It is worth learning to understand the motives of people's actions, so as not to accumulate resentment
  • 999 are very smart, quick-witted people with great analytical skills. Study is easy, so they can ignore it. They may have the gift of clairvoyance, because they have access to the information field, although their forecasts are not always absolutely correct
  • 9999 and more - people of very high intelligence. They make brilliant specialists in their field, but they are often intolerant of other people's mistakes, even cruel. These are the prophets, their predictions come true very accurately. But clairvoyant abilities sometimes need to be developed

How to determine the character of a person by the square of Pythagoras?

Not only the numbers themselves can tell about the character, but also their number horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

The more numbers that are responsible for a certain quality, the more this quality is developed. But if there are more than 5 numbers, then there is an inflection, which may manifest itself as instability and fanaticism to the detriment of other qualities.


  • purposefulness- 1,4,7. The greater the value, the greater the goals a person is able to achieve. With a value greater than 5, the desire to achieve the goal is so great that the means cease to be of interest.
  • The quality of a family man and the desire to start a family- 2,5,8. Some are ready to start a family and take responsibility immediately after school (value 6-9), others take this step for a very long time (value 1.2)
  • Stability- 3,6,9. Characterizes the desire of a person to surround himself with certain habits, daily routine. A person with a high level of stability is afraid and does not want change.


  • Self-esteem- 1,2,3. The greater the value of the number, the greater the desire for a person to stand out from the crowd and show himself as a significant person.
  • material independence- 4,5,6. The higher the value, the higher the person's desire for self-sufficiency, but with a value of more than 5 people work so hard that they can overstrain
  • Talent- 7,8,9. The higher the value, the stronger the talent. But often talent is not allowed to develop and improve, which brings disappointment and dissatisfaction to life. If you have a value greater than 3, then you definitely need to find and reveal your talent


  • Temperament- 3,5,7 characterizes the activity of sexual life. The higher the value, the more temperamental the person, but this indicator does not affect the quality of intimate relationships.
  • Spirituality - 1,5,9. The number of numbers up to 5 indicates the growth of spirituality, the absence of numbers indicates lack of spirituality, and the number of numbers over 5 characterizes a person who can become a fanatic

Compatibility according to Pythagoras

How to calculate compatibility for marriage by the square of Pythagoras?

He: 02/09/1982 She: 05/07/1985
111 44 No 11 No 7
22 No 8 2 555 88
33 No 99 33 No 9

Calculate the sums of the number of numbers diagonally, vertically, horizontally:

Compare your results with each other.

Compatibility in love according to the square of Pythagoras, table:

  • When the purposefulness of a man is greater, this characterizes a classic family, where the husband takes the leading position. Otherwise, a woman may stop respecting her man. If everyone understands their roles, then a union is possible, where a woman is stronger
  • The quality of a family man in a woman is higher, which characterizes her as an excellent keeper of the hearth. A man does not appreciate family values ​​so much, so in crises a woman needs to be more attentive to a man
  • The stability of both is at almost the same level, which ensures harmony. If there is a big gap here, then one will need an active life and changes, while the other will need peace and quiet, which will cause dissonance
  • A man's self-esteem is higher, it is desirable for a woman to work with her own. Differences in self-esteem can affect relationships, a man may begin to put himself above his partner

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras will help to understand a loved one
  • Financially, both do not care too much about providing for the family, and this is harmony. If there is a big difference, then in the family it is immediately necessary to indicate who is the main earner, so that in the future there will be no conflicts
  • Talent is on the same level, no one will pressure anyone
  • The temperament of a woman is higher, that is, a man should be given great attention sexual life, otherwise a woman can go for treason. The same applies if a man has a higher temperament. Better when temperaments are close
  • Spirituality has close meanings, which means respect for the spiritual development of everyone. A large difference in indicators can introduce dissonance, since a partner with less spirituality may not understand the partner and put pressure on him, which leads to the collapse of the relationship

Friendly compatibility on the square of Pythagoras

Having learned the character traits of a person that were laid down at birth, one can understand how much such a person can be trusted. The psychomatrix will show whether a person is ambitious, honest with others, energetic, financially independent, spiritually rich.

Sometimes people may try to pretend to be someone they are not, and in difficult situations this will come up. Having studied the psychomatrix, you can find out the weaknesses of a person and not impose on him more than he is able to pull.

The Pythagorean life schedule will help prepare for difficult periods

Life schedule according to Pythagoras by date of birth

The life schedule is based on the date of life. According to the schedule, you can determine under which sign every 12 years of life will pass.

Example: 05/07/1985 Multiply the date: 7*5*1985=69475 and get key points.

Build a graph.

  1. The horizontal axis will correspond to years. The first dot is the year of birth. Each next point is a year after 12 years. Set as many points as you like.
  2. On the vertical axis, plot the numbers from 0 to 9. Zero at the zero point
  3. Take the first digit 6 of the received number 69475 and put it over the year of birth, it will characterize the interval from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life)
  4. The next number 9 marks the next 12 years: the period 1997-2009. So to the last digit
  5. After the last point, we return to the beginning of the digital series 69475 and build the next period after 2033, starting from the first digit 6 vertically

Pythagorean graph according to the example

Deciphering the points of the graph

  • 0 - all actions taken before this will lead to a dead end, and you will have to start all over again, a difficult period. This is the time to work off karmic debts, problems are possible. But this is also the beginning of a new life. Engage in the contemplation of Life, draw conclusions, grow spiritually
  • 1 - a period under the banner of hard work. But the direction is right and all costs will bear fruit. Walk this path boldly, it will lead to victory. Irritability and imbalance can often occur
  • 2 - a period of doubt, when there is a choice of a further path. This choice is difficult, full of contradictions, but it will be only yours. Ups and downs alternate regularly, but the attitude to this will be philosophical
  • 3 - a period of stability, when you will definitely be sure of your choice of path. The period of implementation of plans, but this will require resources and they must be learned how to extract. You will make many friends, learn the flexibility of communication
  • 4 - the period when you need to take care of the soul. Develop in a spiritual direction, pay attention to family ties and their strength. This is a conservative period, abrupt changes are best avoided.

  • 5 - a period under the sign of the search for love, the warmth of loved ones and active actions. The period is full of unpredictable moments and adventures, you will want changes and impressions.
  • 6 - a period of happiness and harmony. Create, create, enjoy life. Good-natured mood prevails
  • 7 - period of crisis financial situations. Be careful, try to save money, do not make expensive and risky investments. The period is conducive to the study of everything secret, intimate and otherworldly
  • 8 - a period under the sign of change, the birth of a new era and material success. Everything around is changing, you have to adapt. Look around and make a choice to live this period the way you want. You will be successful in literally everything
  • 9 - you are led Higher power to do important work. And you will be successful everywhere. After completing one thing, a new one will begin, but this gives life a special taste.

Pay attention to the ups and downs on the chart, they correspond to the ups and downs in life. During such periods, you need to be careful. The most favorable are horizontal segments.

Date of birth is a magic number
  • The square of Pythagoras describes those qualities and character traits that are given to a person at birth. But, if the forecast is not very positive, do not despair. Work with your weaknesses and everything will turn out
  • Develop fortitude and resistance to stress, learn to accumulate and take the energy of the Universe, improve your health, make efforts where you would like to open up. Learn to understand yourself and others

Anna, 31 years old

For seven years she was angry with her husband for not being courageous enough, strong in spirit. You have to push him to key decisions. But the square of Pythagoras showed that a person is simply much weaker than me energetically and in terms of strength of mind. It helped me to calm down and do all the actions more consciously.

Marina, 40 years old:

The alignment for compatibility showed that we are completely unsuitable with my first husband, both leaders who find it difficult to negotiate. The second husband does not strive to be a leader in the family, but is stronger than me energetically. He gives me the opportunity to think that I am in charge, but always protects.

Video: Calculation of the Pythagorean Square
