Flag of Arti

Coat of arms of Artie

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Sverdlovsk region
Municipal area Artinsky urban district
Coordinates Coordinates: 56°25′02″ s. sh. 58°32′13″ E  / 56.417222° N sh. 58.536944° E d. (G) (O) (I) 56 ° 25′02 ″ s. sh. 58°32′13″ E  / 56.417222° N sh. 58.536944° E d. (G) (O) (I)
Telephone code +7 34391
Based 1783
OKATO code 46 241 562
Timezone UTC+6
Population ▼ 13,408 people (2010)
Postcode 623340
car code 66, 96
PGT with 1929

Arti is an urban-type settlement in the Artinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region of Russia. It is the administrative center of the Artinsky urban district.

The village is located on the Artya River (a tributary of Ufa), 178 km southwest of Yekaterinburg.

Population 13.4 thousand inhabitants (2009).

Famous people

  • Osinov, Mikhail Svyatoslavovich (b. 1975) - football player.
  • Story

    The history of the settlement begins in 1753, when Count Stroganov built a mill on the Arte River. After some time, the Tula merchant Luginin became the owner of the mill. Deciding that instead of a mill it would be more profitable to build an iron-working, hammer enterprise, he began the construction of a plant. Raw materials for production had to come from their own iron foundries Satka, Zlatoust and Kusinsky plants. In 1778 Luginin died, but his work was continued by his grandchildren.

    The construction of the plant began in 1783. And then there was a settlement at the factory. Then a dam was built on the banks of the Artya River. The factory grew, and so did the factory settlement. In 1839, a stone single-altar Vvedensky church was built.

    By the end of the 18th century, there were 100 manor houses, 234 huts and more than a thousand people living in Arty. In 1786 a wooden hospital was built.

    In the 19th century, the factory was acquired by the breeder Knauf, and after his death, the Artinsky factory became the property of the state. By the third quarter of the 19th century, the settlement had grown significantly. A hospital, a pharmacy, a school, and shops were built. At the same time, trade fairs were regularly held in Arty. Hundreds of carts from Kazan, Irbit, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kungur, Krasnoufimsk gathered at the factory square, and the population of the village increased almost fivefold.

    The status of an urban-type settlement has been since 1929.

    In 1931, the Vvedensky Church was closed, demolished, and the place was built up. Two wooden chapels built at the end of the 19th century on the territory of the village were also demolished.

    And even now, after more than two centuries, the same Molotov ironworks, which has now become a mechanical one, is a city-forming enterprise.

    At one time there was such a version: the name, they say, is Mari, because a Mari village once stood here. And as if in Mari artie is a "pit". After all, they stand in the pit artie, between three mountains. But a large pit is “chukur” in Mari, a small pit is “lacquer”. The assumption was gone. This was explained by the Mari writer Ilya Vasiliev. There are no other words similar to the word "arti" in the Mari language.

    Probably, one should look for the origins of the word in the Turkic languages, because the local places after the Voguls were mastered by the Tatars and Bashkirs. The main river of the district - Artya. On old maps it was written - "Arta". The factory built at the end of the 18th century on this river got its name from her name: Artinsky ironworks.

    In everyday life, it was said in short: Artinskiy Zavod. Or so: Plant Artie. At one time there was even: Artinsk. And then one short "Artie" stuck. In the last century, industrial settlements were called not a village or a settlement, but a “factory”. Remember from Bazhov: “There lived an old man alone in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya”...

    And our Arti still quite recently, in the pre-war years, being a regional center, was still called a factory. Moreover, big Soviet Encyclopedia confirms the official use of the word "factory" in the meaning of the settlement. About the birthplace of the famous Russian metallurgist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Iossa it is written: "1845. Artinsky plant of the Perm province.

    This means that we will continue to dance from the river, as if from a stove. Artie. Arta... Artya... This is the main river of the district, "of one's own". The big river Ufa, apparently, flowed towards us only to take in the waters of Arti.

    The total length of Arti is more than 50 kilometers. It originates from a marshy creek south of the village of Berezovka. There are beautiful tributaries. In the upper reaches, right tributaries flow into the Artya from forest and mountainous places: Pegashka, Alabushka and Arema. Favorite fishing spots for kids. At the confluence of the rivers there are villages and villages: Potashka, Upper Arti and Artya-Shigiri.

    At the bottom they flow into the Artyu Sennaya, Shaksha and Chekmash. The latter is already within the boundaries of the village of Arti. The river has a natural feature. Its right bank is a mountainous forest area. The left bank is a forest-steppe with numerous treeless ridges. There are now fields and fields, sometimes over hundreds of hectares. In some places, in the vicinity of Bardym and Sazhino, feather grass is already spreading along the slopes, and in the Yuguz tract, on a July afternoon, you smell such a sultry steppe wind... This is part of the vast Krasnoufimsko-Kungur forest-steppe, a strip stretching north from Chelyabinsk and Bashkiria.

    The Artya River, flowing along the border of the taiga and forest-steppe zones, fully experiences the peculiarities of its geographical position. In spring, the first snows melt in the forest-steppe. Numerous logs are opened - and Artya is overflowing, seething. Then the snow begins to melt in the taiga, and even steeper ravines again feed it with turbulent water. It happens that even in summer the forest soils begin to give up soil moisture - and Artya suddenly rises again.

    This is how it has always been for people: violent, capricious. The Turkic language has a word "artau", which means wayward, rebellious.

    Perhaps this name was given to the river. Then the Russians who came here softened their pronunciation, and Arta became known as Artya.

    So: Artya, Arti, Artinsky area. A few words about accents. In the sixties to the editor local newspaper a request came from Moscow: to report the exact name of the district center and note how the derivatives of it are pronounced, how the local population calls itself. A summary work, a reference book, was being prepared.

    Answered: "Artie" traditionally pronounced with the accent on the last syllable. But the word "artinsky" - on the contrary, with an emphasis on the first. Artinsky district, Artinsky girls. And the inhabitants are Artinians, less commonly - Artians.
    However, visitors, as well as regional radio and television, not recognizing the national pronunciation, stubbornly call the district Artinsky, which cuts the ear of all indigenous Artinians. By the way, it is appropriate to recall that the Great Russian words “to balk”, “artachistaya” (in relation to a horse) are considered to be derivatives of the Turkic “artau”.

    So, in ancient times, in spring or in rainy weather, the usually calm and shallow Artya suddenly caused a lot of trouble, the water flooded the banks and roared violently. Bridges were built across it, and mill carpenters were crowded over it. And then they built two real dams for ironworks. And since then Artya has become meek, all her steep temper has gone into useful to people work.
    According to the old administrative division Artin parish and her neighbors Potashkinskaya and Novozlatoustovskaya volosts, were part of the Krasnoufimsky district of the Perm province. In its southern part, the county bordered on the Ufa province.

    The Soviet era brought changes. At first, Arti was modestly called a village. Then a workers' settlement. Nowadays, a somewhat complicated designation of the urban settlement has been adopted. - Urban-type settlement. That is, Arti fell into that category of villages, which both left the village and did not come to the city.

    In 1923 when zoning Arti received the status of a regional center. When the districts were enlarged in 1962, part of the Artinsky included the adjacent territories of the Sazhinsky and Manchazhsky districts. And the former regional centers Manchazh and Sazhino themselves were subordinated to Artey.

    There are some comparison figures. In 1870 V Artinsky plant there were 5000 inhabitants. This is slightly less than in the neighboring Mikhailovsky plant, but significantly more than in Krasnoufimsk district. This indicates the importance of the plant in the then economic structure.

    Currently in Arty lives around 15 thousand residents in the area around 38 thousand.

    Settlement Artie located on the banks of the Artya River, just south of its confluence with the Ufa River.

    The first settlements on the territory of the Artinsky district, which have survived to the present day, appeared about 4 centuries ago. The oldest of them is the village of Manchazh ( 1652 year), Azigulovo and Bakykovo ( 1655 ). First the Bashkirs settled in our lands, then the Tatars, Mari, Russians came. The ancient villages that arose then were part of the Krasnoufimsky district of the Perm province.

    The appearance of the first inhabitants on the site of the modern village of Arti dates back to the second quarter of the 18th century. IN 1745 The Mari village of Aponasul (Afonaskovo) arose here. The Mari from the Vyatka province moved to these lands. In the document defining the conditions of residence - " serf note", compiled between the owners of the land - the Bashkirs and newcomers, dated 1745, it was reported: " We, the Bashkirs, ceded our patrimonial land to the Cheremis, and to be their yards, land, forests and hay meadows, to own the side land, to catch animals and fish ... 20 years for them, the Bashkirs, do not enter those lands, but only take dues of 10 rubles in year".

    Soon after the Mari, Russian settlers from the Kazan and Perm provinces also came to this territory.

    In the 18th century, by decree of Tsar Peter I, ironworks began to appear in the Urals to supply Russia with metal and weapons. With such a favorable environment for the development of the metallurgical industry, Baron Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov 1753 bought land for a pittance for the construction of a plant. These places were chosen for a reason: water to drive water wheels and all other technological drives, the abundance of forests in the Arti River basin both for construction needs and for making charcoal for blast furnaces and forges were the main factors that determined the choice of the place.

    IN 1783 the village of Arti appeared. In 1787, the Artinsky plant was founded, which soon began to produce its first products. Our plant was and remains the only enterprise in the country that produced agricultural scythes, sickles, and since the middle of the 20th century, sewing needles. Arti is the birthplace of the Russian braid. The outstanding scientist Pavel Petrovich Anosov worked on improving the technology of its production in the 19th century, who also discovered the secret of damask steel.

    In addition, the plant produces shovels, pitchforks, other garden tools, stairs, consumer goods, auto parts and other products. As in past centuries, he produces a lot of goods abroad, participates in various industrial exhibitions and often receives diplomas and titles.

    The development of the Artinsky plant took place during the 19th century. WITH 1811 year he became a state. With meager earnings and difficult working conditions for workers (as noted in " The development of capitalism in Russia"V.I. Lenin), the plant, however, made the small village of Arti a large settlement, and later became a city-forming enterprise that formed the modern Artinsky district. The plant developed especially successfully in Soviet times.

    Volosts, counties and provinces were abolished in Soviet times. IN 1923 Artinsky district became part of the Kungursky district of the Ural region. On December 19, 1923, a district party conference was held in the village of Arti, at which a district party committee was elected. The next day, the first congress of the District Soviets elected the District Executive Committee. T.S. Leushkanov became the first secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and Alexei Ivanovich Bebnev became the chairman of the executive committee.

    In 1929 the working settlement of Arti received the status urban-type settlements.

    The territory of the Artinsky district then occupied an area of ​​946 sq. km., which is almost three times smaller than the modern one. 31560 people lived in 75 settlements. In the years that have passed since then, changes have occurred twice more.

    In 1962, the districts were enlarged. The territories of Artinsky, Manchazhsky, Sazhinsky and other regions were transferred to Krasnoufimsky. Two years later - in 1964 year - Artinsky district was restored. It also included the former until 1962 Manchazhsky and Sazhinsky districts.

    Now the area of ​​the district is 277.7 thousand hectares, 31.2 thousand people live in 58 settlements. Artinsky district unites 17 rural and one settlement administrations.

    Settlements occupy 19.053 thousand hectares. the territory of the district, 175 thousand hectares. - agricultural land, 78 thousand hectares. - forests. The center of the Artinsky urban district is the village of Arti. As before, the Artinsky district is multinational. Russians, Tatars, Maris and representatives of other nationalities live on its territory.

    Artinsky district is agricultural. There are 16 agricultural enterprises in the district various forms property with a farmland area of ​​134.980 thousand hectares, of which 111.196 thousand hectares are arable land. In addition to large agricultural enterprises, the successors of state farms, 30 peasant farms are working well.

    As well as hundred, and two hundred years ago JSC "Artinsky zavod" is the city-forming enterprise of Arti village. As before, the plant's products are known in many countries.

    The housing and communal services of the Artinsk urban district are represented by the enterprises of MUP Artinskaya Teplotekhnika, MUP ZhKH‑Arti, as well as municipal unitary enterprises Sazhinsky and Manchazhsky housing and communal services.

    Since the formation of the district, the district consumer society has been actively developing on the territory, which to this day remains the strongest trade organization, uniting 92 retail facilities, of which 89 are shops. Back in 1914, there were 29 merchants in the Artinsky district, including 3 merchants. But trade was practiced much more widely, and was not limited to the activities of the merchants. At least two fairs a year were held in each volost center. Over time, there was a need to cooperate efforts to promote goods to customers. There was cooperation. Artinsk RAIPO remains true to cooperative principles, providing villagers with essential goods, processing vegetables and berries, and harvesting surplus agricultural products. The consumer cooperation is also engaged in charitable activities, providing assistance to schools, hospitals and other social institutions. The competition of the RAIPO network is currently made up of shops of private entrepreneurs, where the range of goods, types of services and their quality inspire the respect of buyers and visitors.

    From 1917 to the present, the forms of forestry management have changed more than 20 times. Now the forestry of the Artinsky district is represented by the Artinsky branch of the state unitary enterprise of the Sverdlovsk region "Forestry Production Association"; Artinskoe, Sazhinskoe and Potashkinskoe forestries of the state institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Krasnoufimskoe forestry", occupying 112,586 hectares. On the territory of forestries there are natural monuments - the Sabarsky section of dark coniferous forests and broad-leaved forests, sections of mountain feather grass steppes, Potashkinskaya oak forest.

    Back in the 18th century, the medical board was considered the highest body in the management of medical affairs in Russia. In 1812, the surgeon Baron Sigismund von Tizenhausen worked in the hospital of the Artinsky Plant. In those days, the district doctor was charged with serving 89 settlements, there was no emergency room, so the majority of the population had to do without medical care. Currently, on the territory of the Artinsky urban district there are municipal institution"Artinsk Central District Hospital" (with departments: polyclinic, obstetrics and gynecology, infectious diseases, neurological, therapeutic, surgical, dentistry and orthopedics, children's and women's consultations) in the village of Arti, and in rural areas - 31 feldsher obstetric points, open 9 general medical practices.

    In June 1918, the Artin Volost Revolutionary Committee created the Council of Public Education, the head of which was approved by the member of the RCP (b) Yevgeny Pavlovich Shutov. Fulfilling the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of December 26, 1919 "On the Elimination of Illiteracy of the Population", emergency troikas were created under the volost executive committees to eliminate illiteracy. In the autumn of 1920, 8 literacy schools were opened, and in large villages - 21 points for the elimination of illiteracy, where 899 people studied. Now in Artinsky district 21 educational institution, 21 kindergarten, night school. Additional education children of our district can get in the children's art school, vocational - in the Artinsky vocational school. In addition, in their free time, schoolchildren are engaged in circles and sections of the Center for Children's Creativity, the Children's Youth Sports School, and the Start sports complex. There are 15 children's, teenage and youth clubs on the territory of the district.

    Before the October Revolution, there was not a single cultural institution in the Artinsky district, except for the volost library in the village of Arti. From October 1, 1919, gradually, mainly at the initiative of the Komsomol members, people's houses and clubs, reading rooms began to open. Cultural and educational institutions tried to bring culture to the masses of the working people and exert a beneficial influence on their mood. The same task still faces the workers of 27 Houses of Culture and rural clubs, 27 public libraries. Outside the Sverdlovsk region, the groups "Cholga Shudyr" (Bright Star), "Mura Pamash" (Song Spring), "Udyr Siy" (Maiden Trouble), the Azigulovsky Folk Theater are known. There is a sports and fitness center in the village of Manchazh, one of two in countryside in area.

    Artinsky district is distinguished by a high concentration of strong, courageous, worthy citizens of Russia. During the years of the Great Patriotic War seven soldiers from our small region became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    In the year of the collapse of the country, the Decree of the President of the RSFSR " On some questions of the activities of executive authorities in the RSFSR". In accordance with it, from December 6, 1991, by a decree of the Head of the Administration of the Artinsky District " On the termination of the powers of the executive committee of the Artinsky District Council of People's Deputies"The powers of the executive committee of the Artinsky District Council as an executive and administrative body were terminated. The Head of the Administration of the Artinsky District became the successor of the executive committee.

    August 7, 1995 The decision of the referendum On the results of voting in the local referendum"Municipality created Artinsky district.

    WITH 01.01.2006 years in accordance with federal law No. 131-FZ dated 06.10.2003 " About general principles local government organizations in Russian Federation ", regional law No. 88-OZ dated 12.10.2004 " On the establishment of the boundaries of the municipality Artinsky district and granting it the status of an urban district"educated Artinsky urban district.

    The history of the village of Arti, as well as most of the cities and towns of the Urals, is, first of all, the history of the plant. It was at the small Artinsk plant that two unique productions for the country united: the production of braids and needles for sewing machines.

    History of the village

    The birthday of the village, which is usually celebrated here on August 3, is a very arbitrary date. For example, he could celebrate now not 230 years, but 250 - if we consider the birth of the village the year of construction of the first flour mill - property Count Alexander Stroganov on Artya river. Well, in 1783, the construction of a plant for forging cast iron began here.

    The start of the construction of the plant dragged on for more than ten years. In 1770, the mill at Stroganov bought out the Tula merchant Larion Luginin. He was interested not so much in a mill on the banks of an obscure river that flows into Ufa how much possibility "raise on the river Artya one blast furnace and five hammers operated by water". That is, he acquired a potential plant.

    Two years later, this plant really began to be built, but broke out Pugachev rebellion, which nullified all Luginin's plans - he died, completely ruined. his grandson Nicholas, a lieutenant of the Life Guards and a fair reveler, nevertheless became sufficiently interested in the inheritance to complete the construction of the plant. This happened in 1783, which today is celebrated as the year of the foundation of the village.

    However, the plant operating on imported ore was unprofitable, and then already Captain Luginin, like his grandfather, declared himself bankrupt. The plant was transferred to the state treasury, after which the Moscow merchant Knauf decided to rent it. He invested in production (after all, he was promised to leave the factory “in perpetual possession”) and in 1809 began to produce braids, and in a big way. And then the state, "come to its senses", took Knauf factory back.

    The well-established production, of course, was preserved and over the years has reached such perfection that these braids were noted at numerous exhibitions, including London(1851) and paris(1867). IN Soviet time Artinsky plant remained the only enterprise in the country that produces braids. And in 1941 he was evacuated here Podolsk needle factory, which also remained the only one in the whole country.

    Both of these productions Artie exist to this day, and has become not only a symbol of this village, but also glorified it as the only one in Russia that takes place in Artie since 2011.

    The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays give the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is detrimental to all living things. To find a compromise between useful and harmful properties Sun, meteorologists calculate the index of ultraviolet radiation, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

    What UV radiation from the sun is

    The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

    • UV-A. Longwave radiation range
      315–400 nm

      The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric "barriers" and reach the Earth.

    • UVB. Medium wave radiation range
      280–315 nm

      The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

    • UVC. Shortwave radiation range
      100–280 nm

      The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

    The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effect of the sun. However, these saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum - in autumn. Cloud cover is one of the most variable weather characteristics. The content of carbon dioxide also changes all the time.

    At what values ​​of the UV index is there a danger

    The UV index gives an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun on the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from safe 0 to extreme 11+.

    • 0–2 Low
    • 3–5 Moderate
    • 6–7 High
    • 8–10 Very high
    • 11+ Extreme

    In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only at the maximum height of the Sun above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, during the year, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points.

    What is the benefit of the sun

    In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is essential. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, vitamin D, necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

    Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

    Happiness hormone serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

    Vitamin D strengthens immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rachitic functions.

    Why is the sun dangerous?

    When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive sunburn always borders on a burn. UV radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

    The body's defense system cannot cope with such an aggressive impact. This lowers the immune system, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

    Ultraviolet destroys the DNA chain

    How does the sun affect people?

    Susceptibility to UV radiation depends on skin type. The most sensitive to the Sun are people of the European race - for them, protection is required already at an index of 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

    At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans, this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

    Who is affected the most by the Sun?

      people with light
      skin tone

      People with many moles

      Residents of the middle latitudes while relaxing in the south

      winter lovers

      Skiers and climbers

      People with a family history of skin cancer

    In what weather is the sun most dangerous

    The fact that the Sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather is a common misconception. You can also get burned in cool cloudy weather.

    Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not at all reduce the amount of ultraviolet to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of sunburn, which cannot be said about traditional places. beach holiday. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get burned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

    How to protect yourself from the sun

    To protect against harmful rays, observe simple rules:

      Get less exposure to the Sun during the midday hours

      Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

      Use protective creams

      Wear sunglasses

      Stay in the shade more on the beach

    Which sunscreen to choose

    Sunscreen varies in terms of sun protection and is labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

    For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7%) of the UV rays will penetrate the protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2%, affects the skin.

    Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream is capable of reflecting 100% of ultraviolet light.

    For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 and above. However, for fair-skinned people, it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

    How to apply sunscreen

    The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

    Please refer to the cream instructions for how much to apply.

    How to apply sunscreen while swimming

    Sunscreen should be applied every time after bathing. Water washes away the protective film and, reflecting Sun rays, increases the dose of received ultraviolet radiation. Thus, when bathing, the risk of burning increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

    Excessive sweating and rubbing with a towel is also a reason to re-protect the skin.

    It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide full protection. Sand, water, and even grass reflect up to 20% of UV rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

    How to protect your eyes

    Sunlight reflecting off water, snow, or sand can cause painful retinal burns. Use sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter to protect your eyes.

    Danger for skiers and climbers

    In the mountains, the atmospheric "filter" is thinner. For every 100 meters of altitude, the UV index increases by 5%.

    Snow reflects up to 85% of UV rays. In addition, up to 80% of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is again reflected by the clouds.

    Thus, in the mountains, the Sun is most dangerous. Protecting the face, lower part of the chin and ears is necessary even in cloudy weather.

    How to deal with sunburn if you are burned

      Treat the body with a damp sponge to wet the burn

      Lubricate the burnt areas with anti-burn cream

      If the temperature rises, consult a doctor, you may be advised to take an antipyretic

      If the burn is severe (skin is very swollen and blisters), seek medical attention.
