Bananas are not only tasty fruits, but also have many useful properties. They contain carbohydrates and B vitamins, which give us a sense of optimism, good mood and provide our body with a surge of strength and energy. Bananas are also able to stimulate the brain and improve memory, thanks to the microelements contained in them. Eating these wonderful fruits can relieve anxiety and depression, help calm the nerves, bananas are a natural antidepressant, reports.

What we didn't know about bananas

These fruits can be used in the treatment of diseases. For example, they will help during a hard cough.

To cure a cough, a banana should be grated on a coarse grater, put the gruel in a container and pour boiling water over it. Mix well and let cool down a bit. Take the resulting puree throughout the day. This drink has an excellent expectorant effect. And if there is no cough, then the composition of the fruit will still benefit.

The composition of the banana includes a large amount of minerals, including potassium, which is indispensable for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, so they are a good prophylactic against heart attacks and strokes. Bananas also contain iron, which has a beneficial effect on blood formation and can help in the treatment of anemia. Bananas also reduce the risk of developing cancer.

But if you really really wanted to eat a banana, then it is better to choose not yellow, but slightly greenish. Ripe bananas contain 10 times more carbohydrates than unripe ones.

Bananas can help you quit smoking - the vitamins and minerals they contain help eliminate nicotine from the body.

Doctors remind: a banana is an exotic fruit, we got used to it relatively recently, chronic intolerance can develop, which is hidden, but it creates immunity tension, on the basis of which various allergic reactions can easily flare up.

One more caveat. Many satisfy their hunger during the day by eating a slice of banana. But you need to snack with an eye on the reaction of the body. If you, having eaten a banana on an empty stomach, every time you experience discomfort - heartburn or heaviness, bloating, then it is better to refuse to eat a banana on an empty stomach. It is better to eat a banana after the main meal - for dessert. In this case, it will help get rid of discomfort in the stomach and from such unpleasant things as gastritis or duodenal ulcer due to the content of catecholamines in its pulp.

You should always remember the norm - a day you can afford no more than two bananas an hour after eating.

Itching on the skin from mosquito bites will help remove the banana peel. You need to rub the inside of the peel on the bite mark, and after a while the inflammation will decrease.
You can make a moisturizing mask out of a banana. It is done simply: you need to mix the banana pulp with lemon juice, apply to the face, 15 minutes a day is enough for the skin on the face to become softer.

Dry or perm-damaged hair can also be helped by a banana mask. To prepare it, you will need 1 banana, 50 grams of honey and 2 teaspoons of wheat germ. All this must be mixed well until a thick slurry is formed, then apply it to washed, damp hair, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse warm water. The mask will moisturize the hair, give it shine.

And in order to make your skin tender and soft, like a baby, I advise you to take a banana bath. You need to grind 1 kilogram of bananas into a homogeneous mass, add 2 tablespoons olive oil and dissolve in a bath of water. The effect of taking such a bath is simply amazing, the skin will shine with its beauty!

Good that bananas have long been sold in our latitudes all year round : in addition to the fact that the fruit is very useful, it also saturates well. It is convenient for them to have a snack even on the go, when there is no time or opportunity to wash their hands. Bananas are a real lifesaver for busy people.

Eating a banana gives you a decent dose vitamins C, E, B, PP, as well as a whole set of macro- and microelements. This gift from the tropics has been proven to uplift, relieves depression by promoting the production of endorphins. But this is not the whole list of reasons to eat bananas more often.

Why You Should Eat Bananas More Often

  1. To improve vision
    With constant work at the computer, you should eat at least one banana a day to prevent eye diseases. Bananas prevent age-related changes in the eye muscle.
  2. Helpful for losing weight
    Although bananas are high in calories, this snack is much healthier than fat-free kefir or a whole grain bun. The fruit will lull the feeling of hunger for a long time, while cleansing the intestines and saturating the body with useful fiber.
  3. Strengthen the heart muscle
    Potassium and magnesium in bananas are good for people with weakened heart muscle. Bananas are also recommended to be consumed after workouts and physical exertion due to their ability to neutralize lactic acid.
  4. Help with anemia
    Bananas contain a lot of iron, the supply of which prevents the development of anemia, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, and also stimulates the protective functions of the body.
  1. Normalize blood pressure
    Often, pressure surges occur due to an imbalance of potassium in the body, and bananas quickly make up for its deficiency. That is why it is useful for people suffering from hypertension to always have a banana with them.
  2. Invaluable benefits for women
    Bananas are especially useful for women: they help reduce pain during menstruation and replenish the supply of B vitamins in the body.
  3. skin beauty
    Bananas contain zinc, which prevents the formation of acne and any irritation on the skin. Frequent consumption of bananas will help get rid of dry and flaky skin due to the fact that fruits contain vitamin E.
  4. Good for digestion
    Banana fiber improves digestion, thereby relieving problems with indigestion and frequent constipation.

Bananas are delicious not only raw, but also in the composition variety of desserts and baking. For example, banana tatin is a pie that fully reveals the taste and aroma of healthy fruits.

In almost every family, a ripe bunch of bananas lies on the kitchen windowsill. A very “useful in the household” fruit! He and the child will eat it for an afternoon snack with pleasure, and you can take it to work - for a snack and on the road. And what wonderful desserts you can cook!

Vitamins, trace elements

In addition to the fact that bananas are delicious, they are also very beneficial for health and ... mood. The secret is simple! Banana is a real superfood! In this tropical fruit, a lot of vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B9, A, PP, C and E are supplemented for greater efficiency with a large number of macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and sodium.

A weapon against depression

Bananas have been scientifically proven to be effective antidepressants in helping to cope with the blues. And all thanks to the fact that these fragrant fruits contain biologically active substances - biogenic amines (serotonin, tyramine, dopamine and others). They improve the functioning of the central nervous system, help to calm down if you are nervous.


Fitness gurus recommend eating bananas to make your workouts more effective. This fruit is an ideal source of energy. They are rich in glucose, an easily digestible sugar that gives you fast energy, and potassium, which saves you from muscle spasms during training. Eat them on their own or add them to oatmeal and smoothies.

natural pain reliever

Banana can be a good remedy from spasmodic pain. The thing is that spasms and convulsions are often caused by a deficiency of potassium in the body, and there are a lot of it in bananas.

Against insomnia

Another useful element The one found in abundance in bananas is melatonin, a natural hormone that regulates sleep/wake cycles. By increasing the amount of melatonin in your body, you will be able to sleep better and… see the most vivid dreams.

Benefits for the heart

Potassium and magnesium contained in bananas improves heart function, removes excess fluid from the body, and reduces high blood pressure. According to official WHO studies, bananas can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Bananas are also useful for anemia, helping to get the right amount of dietary iron and normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

A friend against a hundred ailments

Doctors recommend including a banana in the daily diet of people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis. Bananas will also relieve the discomfort of heartburn. And unripe, slightly greenish fruits will help to cope with constipation.

And who can a banana harm?

Sweet fruit is not recommended for people with diabetes. In addition, it is worth limiting its consumption with varicose veins and the risk of blood clots - the fruit contributes to thickening of the blood. Due to the high sugar content, banana can cause fermentation, flatulence and bloating. In addition, bananas are high in carbohydrates, so for those who diligently adjust the menu to lose weight, bananas are not shown too much. For reference: 100 g of a banana contains about 100 calories, one banana weighs 150-200 g, therefore, by eating one banana, you will get up to 200 calories plus.

Banana face mask

Bananas are also actively used in the preparation of health and nourishing face and hair masks. It is believed that the active content of vitamins in this fruit helps to smooth fine wrinkles and relieve any inflammation on the surface of the skin.

To make a mask the pulp of one banana must be thoroughly mashed, add cream (2 tbsp) and honey (1 tsp) to it. The whole mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
Professional cosmetics are also made from bananas. According to insider information, the Yves Saint Laurent factories alone buy several hundred tons of bananas annually for the manufacture of masks, creams and lotions.

How to properly store bananas?

The correct answer is - the main thing is not in the refrigerator. Even on a shelf for fruits, they immediately turn black. A dark cabinet or drawer in the kitchen is the best solution.

Recipe: Banana Crepes

And for an appetizer, a delicious dessert recipe. Crepes with bananas, cream cheese and pine nuts.

Ingredients for four servings

4 eggs
500 gr flour
240 ml milk
200 ml water
salt, sugar
4 bananas
8 art. l. cream cheese (ideally chocolate flavored)
a few handfuls of pine nuts


Mix egg, flour, sugar, salt, water and milk. Bake pancakes over medium heat.
Put pancakes on a plate, spread with cream cheese, put banana slices on top and sprinkle with pine nuts. Fold into a triangular envelope.

3 Surprising Banana Facts

1 There are about fifty varieties of bananas in the world. They are small and large, curved and completely straight like sticks, and are almost round like melons. Bananas also differ in color: they come across with a peel of green, yellow or orange color; with white, light yellow and even brown flesh.

2 Surely you know where bananas grow? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is on a tree. And here it is not. Banana is a herb that just masquerades as a palm tree. The stalk of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of half a ton hang on one such stalk!

3 The largest banana museum is in California. It contains more than 17 thousand exhibits: inflatable, ceramic, plastic bananas, on advertising posters and postcards, old photographs from banana plantations in Jamaica and Costa Rica, there are even retro records with songs about bananas! The museum is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a world record holder in the category "most big collection in the world, dedicated to one fruit.

As a child, bananas seemed like an unearthly delight to me. At the time, bananas were a mysterious exotic treat for me, and that gave it that extra sweetness. However, contrary to the traditional rule: “everything that is healthy is not tasty,” a banana has many useful properties.

The sweet, creamy banana pulp is wrapped in a yellow peel. It was funny as a child to open it in parts. Of course, now bananas are freely available on store shelves and are cheaper than most local vegetables and fruits. Therefore, modern children are unlikely to see it as an exotic overseas delicacy. And rightly so, given the whole range of useful components that are in a banana, you need to eat it more often and more.

Cough treatment with bananas

An excellent cough remedy for those who are allergic to honey. We pass ripe bananas through a fine grater, put the resulting in a pan with hot water in proportion - 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar (1 teaspoon), heated. We drink and treat ourselves with a delicious drink.

Bananas for weight loss.

There are 89 calories in 100 g of bananas. They are very satisfying, contain almost no fat, rich in B vitamins, fiber. They can be eaten as a snack as an independent dish, or added to yogurt or porridge. Lose weight without resorting to extremes, perhaps with bananas.

Bananas are quickly absorbed by the human body, thanks to which they satisfy hunger well. Bananas contain three natural sugars, namely fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as the vitamins and chemical elements we need.

Homemade protein shakes for weight loss

A glass of skimmed milk, a jar of low-calorie yogurt, almond or nut butter, one banana or any sweet fruit, a glass of water are mixed and consumed in one or two doses.
Want to learn how to lose weight without harm to health. eat magical fruits.

Bananas will save you from winter stress

Serotonin is the happy hormone and is a great stress reliever. There is enough serotonin in chocolate. It is found in bananas and almonds.
Bananas, due to their carbohydrate content, provide the body with an influx of energy, but also stimulate the production of serotonin.
Bananas, which can improve a person's mood, naturally increase the level of serotonin in the brain, reducing irritability and calming the nerves. When the reason for the decline in mood becomes a deficiency in the body of substances responsible for good health. Bananas play an important role in replenishing the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals.

Very often we fight stress by “eating” them with a lot of sweets, sweets, cakes. But if you give preference to the similar properties of bananas, you can significantly increase the results, normalize sugar in the body, help metabolism, get rid of the constant feeling of hunger. That's how good bananas can be!

All people are exposed to stress and everyone has their own methods of dealing with it. What suits one person is completely useless for another person. But both of them first need to realize that there was an imbalance in the psychological state. Only after realizing the problem can it be solved. Feeling tired and completely out of mood? Have you lost your appetite and complete apathy? Insomnia? How to relieve stress? Then your body needs a break. Need to de-stress...
How to relieve stress - 10 ways

Bananas for the heart

Bananas, buckwheat, fish are excellent sources of potassium and magnesium necessary for the heart.

So that the heart does not grow old,
Younger every time
Eat bananas with gusto
And for the heart the highest class!

Bananas are champions in their content of potassium, which is needed for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, brain, muscles and strength. bone tissue. Potassium is one of the substances that cause beneficial features bananas. Just one banana will give you about 400 mg of potassium, which contributes to:

The health of the heart muscle and the strength of the walls of blood vessels, normal internal pressure;
normalization of water-salt balance in the body, removal of excess fluid, elimination of edema;
saturation of brain cells with oxygen.
Treatment with folk remedies, if the heart is crazy.

. The daily consumption of bananas depends on the general condition of the organisms; it is not the same for various diseases. IN medicinal purposes these fruits should be consumed in doses and only under medical supervision. Bananas are quite a heavy food, they are slowly digested, produce an accumulation of gases in the intestines and impede the outflow of bile. They should be chewed thoroughly and eat in small portions. You should not eat bananas on an empty stomach and drink them with water.
. Bananas increase blood density, so they are contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, as well as people who have had heart attacks and strokes.
. Bananas and banana juice should not be eaten with increased acidity of gastric juice.
. With diabetes, the use of ripe banana fruits should also be limited. But for diabetics, unripe and boiled fruits are good food, and a ripe banana helps with a hypoglycemic attack.

They are eaten by both old and young, along with oranges, according to tradition, they are brought to the hospital to the sick. But is there any benefit to this sweet fruit?

In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of bananas, find out if these fruits can harm our body, and also what are the contraindications when eating them.

Bananas are divided into 2 types: planta (requiring heat treatment) and sweet (suitable for eating fresh). Bananas grow in southern countries, on plantations, the local population grows them in huge quantities. They supply many other countries with them and actively use them themselves, and all parts of the banana plant: fruit, peel and even foliage.

Wild bananas are propagated by seeds that are found in the pulp of the fruit.

The same bananas that we are used to do not have these seeds. These are cultivars of bananas, specially bred, they have more pulp and sucrose. On the cut of such a banana, barely noticeable black grains are visible - these are the remains of the seeds.

The fruits of the banana tree are cut unripe, so they will better tolerate transportation and storage. After all, before getting on the shelves of our stores, they have a long way to go. They are taken by sea to special conditions, in refrigerated ships, so they get to us still green. They ripen later in warehouses. The fruits are packed in a special film, it also determines how long the bananas will be stored (in the "polypack" film - up to 28 days; "banavac" and "high dencity" - up to 50 days).

On one of the days of the storage cycle, fruits are treated with "banana gas" - ethylene. Under its influence, bananas ripen: the dense pulp softens, starch turns into sugar, a significant proportion of chlorophyll is destroyed and the peel acquires yellow. Bananas are not allowed, otherwise they can “catch a cold” and not ripen, they will begin a rapid process of decay.

Another important factor in the proper ripening of bananas is the air circulation in the storage room. As well as the correct equipment and the order of stacking containers. Relative humidity (about 80-95%) should be maintained in the ripening chamber (about 80-95%). All this will help preserve the presentation of the product.

How to store bananas?

It is best to store bananas in a dark place at a temperature of 12-14 degrees. These conditions are for long-term storage. If you have purchased green bananas and want them to ripen, turn yellow, gain sweetness, then place them in a dark and warm place.
But in no case do not store bananas in the refrigerator, where they will darken and deteriorate very quickly.

Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium, which is good for our brain, heart, and muscles. Two bananas a day, and you will fill the body's need for this trace element. The benefits of bananas also lie in the content of iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.
Bananas are also rich in vitamin C, which, being a natural antioxidant, helps the body stay young and beautiful, protects against various infections and colds.
Bananas are also useful due to the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, in them. E, PP, which improve memory, attention, help resist irritability and stress, increase efficiency, fight insomnia, are good for hair health and relieve acne.

Vitamin E - maintains the condition of our skin, leaving it smooth and elastic, has a positive effect on mood and well-being.
Carotene copes with the aging process, prevents cardiovascular vascular diseases and the development of cancer.

When eating bananas, high blood pressure decreases and the work of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.

Both fresh and dried bananas, thanks to natural sugar, which enters the bloodstream during digestion, perfectly restore strength during physical exertion.
Bananas are also useful for constipation. But to get rid of this problem, you should not eat a lot of them. A banana is not an easily digestible product, which means that there is nothing to overload your intestines once again, otherwise you can harm the body.

Banana perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, helps relieve pain during the period of premenstrual syndrome, and also reduces bleeding during the period itself.
Banana peel is a good antihelminthic.

Harm of bananas and contraindications.

First of all, I want to warn young mothers, do not rush to feed them with a banana or some other exotic fruit your baby, if he is under three years old. The harm or benefit of bananas does not matter at the same time, it’s just that the digestive system in babies is not ready to absorb such food.

Mothers themselves should also not eat a lot of bananas, because with mother's milk, a child can get components that can cause allergies, and an even higher dose of vitamin K, which sometimes leads to kernicterus and hemolytic anemia.

Bananas can harm people suffering from the following diseases: thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting, ischemic disease heart, diabetes. It is also advisable for overweight people to limit the consumption of bananas, the calorie content of which is quite high.

A banana combined with milk is harmful - this leads to intestinal upset.
Unripe (green) bananas are not recommended to be eaten even by a healthy person, since they contain insoluble starch, which our stomach and intestines cannot process. Unpleasant sensations, fermentation, bloating, gas formation may occur. If you have already bought green bananas, it's okay, they will ripen safely at your place. That's when the starch is converted into sugar, and the harm of the green banana will not affect you.

Well, do not forget about the dangers of bananas that have passed chemical treatment! And this, as a rule, is all bananas that can be purchased from us in stores and markets. It is believed that the E232, E231 and E230 used in this case are phenol, which in large doses is a pure poison, and in small doses it can cause cancer. Phenol is applied to the surface of the banana so that it does not deteriorate for a long time. Therefore, do not forget to wash bananas before eating!

How to choose bananas?

Pay attention to the color of the banana peel. A rich, bright yellow color is a sign of ripe and healthy fruit. The presence of black dots on the surface of the peel are a good sign, this means that the fruit is ripe, and its pulp has gained sugar content. Such a banana is tasty and healthy, but you cannot store it for a long time.

Large spots do not at all mean that a banana is harmful, such a fruit is quite edible, it is best to use it in the preparation of desserts or pastries, since it will not lie even a day.

Bypass bananas with mold on the peel, such specimens are not only not useful, but harmful and dangerous to health.

Smaller bananas will be sweeter than larger ones. Bananas grow in large clusters. The higher the banana is, the larger and longer it is, but the fresher it is.

Learn to benefit from products, be healthy!
