In autumn, all the trees shed their foliage, and the beauty of the forest is spruce, and it stands green and elegant all winter. They say the truth: in winter and summer one color.

In fact, green needles-needles are modified leaves. The needles are so small and ate so many of them that if the tree sheds its thorny outfit, it will not have enough spring to put on thick needles again. And yet the tree, like everyone else coniferous trees, changes his green outfit, but does it very slowly. In order to change all the old needles, at least 9 years must pass.

Spruce has various forms, differing in needle color, crown type, and size. In addition, spruce retains its decorative effect all year round, so the gardens in which it grows never look dull and lifeless.

An evergreen plant is a plant whose foliage persists throughout the year and each leaf persists on the tree for more than 12 months.

Chlorophyll has green color, therefore, the organs of the plant, where it is present, also acquire the appropriate color.

In contrast to the evergreens, there are the so-called deciduous plants, whose foliage falls at certain times of the year due to the cold or arid climate; and semi-deciduous plants whose foliage falls due to adverse weather conditions.

The preservation of the leaf on evergreens varies greatly: in some plants, they fall off after a little more than a year and are immediately replaced by new ones; others have them for many years. The record for the preservation of the same leaves belongs to the spinous pine, or long-lived (Pinus longaeva) - its needles last up to 45 years. However, only in a few species leaves do not fall for more than 5 years.

The record for the preservation of the same leaves belongs to the spinous pine, or long-lived (Pinus longaeva) - its needles last up to 45 years!

Most rainforest plants are evergreen, as they lack the two factors that make plants deciduous - cold and drought. Plants in cooler or drier climates can be either deciduous or evergreen. In cold temperatures, only a relatively small number of species, mostly conifers, remain evergreen.

In cold temperatures, only a relatively small number of species, mostly conifers, remain evergreen.

Evergreens in unfavorable climatic conditions have other signs of adaptation to low content nutrients. Deciduous plants reduce nutrient requirements with leaf fall, and in winter time all the necessary nutrients are obtained from the earth, including for the reproduction of new leaves. When only a small amount of nutrients are available, evergreens have an advantage, even though their leaves and needles must be able to withstand cold or drought, and thus are less efficient at photosynthesis.

When only a small amount of nutrients are available, evergreens have an advantage

In warmer regions, many species of evergreens such as some pines and cypresses grow on poor soils and disturbed ground. Some species of rhododendron, a genus of evergreen broad-leaved plants, grow in mature forests, but usually choose places in very acidic soil where nutrients are less available to plants. In taiga or arctic forests, evergreens also have an advantage, as the ground is cold enough for organic matter to decay quickly.

In temperate climates, evergreen leaf litter or needles have a higher carbon nitrogen content than deciduous trees, thus contributing to higher soil acidity and lower soil nitrogen content. Such conditions promote the growth of evergreens and vice versa, prevent the development of deciduous ones.

Why are conifers evergreen trees?

All trees feed on leaves. Their surface absorbs sunlight, and water flows from the roots through numerous tubules. A special green substance that is found in all leaves - chlorophyll- converts these two components into food for the tree. At the same time b O Most of the water evaporates from their wide surface. With the onset of cold deciduous trees receive less sunlight and water from frozen soil. To winter they store required amount nutrients and moisture, shed their leaves and hibernate. From frost, their trunk and branches are reliably protected by bark.

Pine and spruce leaves - needles - are thin needles covered with a thick shell. Due to this, they almost do not lose moisture from the surface and can remain on the tree during the cold season. And they also accumulate a small amount of water and sugars to feed the tree in winter, as well as oils that prevent the needles from freezing in frost. Pine and spruce needles fall off, but this happens gradually, and new ones immediately grow in their place.

The needles accumulate a small amount of water and sugars to feed the tree in winter, as well as oils that prevent the needles from freezing in frost.

Therefore, conifers are evergreen trees.

The famous Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote a poem about this:

Let the pines and firs
All winter stick out
In the snow and blizzard
Wrapped up, sleeping, -
Their skinny greens
Like hedgehog needles
Though it never turns yellow,
But never fresh.

Do you know that in ancient times our Slavic ancestors met New Year with cherry blossoms? Shortly before the holiday, a tub in which a tree grew was brought into the house. Buds developed in the heat, and the tree was densely covered with a delicate white-pink color.

Around the New Year's cherry people had fun - they danced round dances, sang songs. The flowering tree remained in the house until spring. Then it was planted in warm spring soil.

Later the whitening cherry was replaced by an evergreen Christmas tree.

In our area, the holiday of the New Year tree was introduced by a special decree of Tsar Peter the Great in the year 1700. The decree pleased both the nobility and the common people. Since then, a beautiful tradition familiar to us has appeared to decorate the Christmas tree before the celebration of the New Year.

Evergreen beauty in landscape design

Evergreen spruce - showy plant, giving a unique charm to any landing. The prickly beauty often becomes the focus of a landscape composition, creating a unique artistic effect, filling it with color depth, volume, and setting a cozy and slightly mysterious mood.

There are more than 50 species of this plant distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. In nature, coniferous trees grow in mountain forests, occasionally found in flat areas.

Spruce in landscape design for relatively small areas is mainly used medium-sized (10-15m tall) or dwarf species (up to 2.5m), since traditional beauties can reach a height of 40-50m and above.

Representatives of decorative forms of spruce

Decorative forms of coniferous trees have consistently slow growth rates and small dimensions. Aesthetic appeal and practicality - these two principles, on which breeders were based, creating new subspecies of spruce, are fully embodied in representatives of popular breeds with spherical, cushion-shaped or conical configuration of crowns.

Tufty, Cinderella, Petra, Hillside Upright, Emsland are the most attractive forms, pleasing to the eye with golden green and bluish shades of needles. Dwarf beauties have a dense compact crown, while the lower branches cover the near-trunk area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth.

Very notable are Picea glauca with bluish needles and its varieties Conica, Cupido and Pixie, which gardeners refer to as the smallest forms. The original representative of the Rainbow’s End conifer family in summer period extraordinarily beautiful and elegant thanks to milky white young shoots. Unusual outlines of the crown and juicy shades of needles make her a welcome inhabitant of the garden.

Blue spruce or prickly spruce is one of the most decorative and unpretentious species to care for. Distinctive feature Picea pungens species are tetrahedral and rather prickly needles that change shades of color from green, dove, bright blue to almost white. The depth of the shade depends on the wax coating that envelops the young needles. The light-loving beauty grows well on light fertile loams. Medium-sized varieties of the breed have a conical crown shape: Snowkist, Hunnewelliana.

Landscape design and conifers

  • Dwarf tree forms with different shades of needles look interesting on the rocky slopes near the stream, alpine slides. Successful neighborhood of babies with ornamental shrubs, perennial flowers and ground cover plants. Spruces are well combined in compositions with heathers, erics.
  • A variety of shapes and shades of coniferous trees allows you to create a rocky landscape corner that will delight the eye all year round.
  • The prickly beauty is easy to cut, which allows you to create original forms, growing decorative hedges 1.5-3 meters high.

Spruce in landscape design is good in any manifestation: whether it is a separately growing dominant, a group planting of conifers along an alley, or a composition with flowering shrubs and flowers.

  • A tree planted with a tapeworm looks most advantageous against the background of an emerald velvet lawn.
  • A medium-sized spruce planted near the house as a dominant plant can serve as a visual counterbalance to the volumetric structure of the building.
  • The detached coniferous beauty is spectacular in winter period as the main element of the New Year holidays.

However, it should be noted that the superficially located roots of the plant do not tolerate tamping and damage. For round dances around a dressed-up beauty, the near-trunk area should be covered with a protective tiled path.

If you compare any coniferous tree with any deciduous tree, then first of all such a difference will catch your eye - one has needles on the branches, and the other has leaves. However, despite their differences, even these parts of the plant are similar to each other. After all, both have green color. They have the same biological function - they produce the juice that is vital for the tree.

This juice is called sucrose or resin. It nourishes both the tree itself and the fruits that ripen on it. Without it no tree could live.

Why these organs are green, everyone knows more from school courses biology. Probably no other botanical word is repeated in school as often as the name of the process "photosynthesis". In another way, this process can be called the "breathing" of the plant. As a result of the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide by leaves or needles, chlorophyll is formed in their organic cells, and oxygen is released into the air.

Chlorophyll has a green color, so the organs of the plant where it is present also acquire the corresponding color. Everything is very simple, but new question occurs with the onset of autumn. If the previous comparison of needles and leaves was carried out in the summer, then the next one must be carried out during the "luxurious nature of wilting."

Everyone knows very well that the foliage falls off before the onset of winter, having previously turned yellow or taken on some other color, such as red or crimson. If we compare the autumn leaf with the autumn needles, then there will be more differences between them than in summer. Now they will differ not only in shape, but also in color. The leaves turned yellow, and the needles, as they were green, remained so. Moreover, they will have the same color in winter, and in spring, and in the next summer, etc.

But how can this be if both those organs and others have the same biological function? It's all about the shape of these organs. The leaves are too large and therefore cannot tolerate harsh conditions. If the foliage on the tree had remained by the onset of winter, the plant would have died from a lack of moisture, since a lot of water evaporates from a large area. The needles of pine and spruce are very thin, their area is small, so such trees can tolerate a long drought, and in winter they will not be left without the required amount of water.

Also, due to its small area, the needles are protected from snow sticking. If they had the same area as the leaves, a lot of snow would stick to them, and under its weight the branches would break. In general, nothing prevents pines and firs from remaining as green even in winter as they are in summer.

Chlorophyll still remains in them and performs its main function. And deciduous trees are forced to shed their leaves and fall into a kind of hibernation in order to safely survive the harsh conditions and, with the onset of spring, begin to enrich our atmosphere with oxygen again.
(Starykh A.A.)

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Why does the needles of thuja and other conifers turn yellow in the fall!
Why does the needles turn yellow?
Mountain pine in landscape design Siberian cedar, cedar pine (Cedrus)
What conifers to plant on the site?

Temperate deciduous plants shed their leaves for the winter. In autumn, maples, ash trees, birches turn yellow or redden, the leaves rapidly change their color in order to die and fall off. But coniferous evergreens do not fit into the general routine.

Only larch sheds its needles, while the rest of the conifers - spruce, pine, cedar and others, remain green throughout the year. Why does the general law not have power over them? It turns out that there are legitimate reasons for this. Nature does not leave spruces green by chance.

Deciduous plants and the change of seasons

Plants with wide leaves remain green in summer and shed their leaves in winter. They will still be useless in the frosty period, since they do not have resistance to cold, they will wither at the first frost. Therefore, it is easier to get rid of them by falling into a kind of hibernation in the cold season in order to grow fresh greens in the spring.

All young leaves are green, which is provided by chlorophyll. Due given substance Photosynthesis takes place, the process that provides plants with food. It occurs in the presence of sunlight, and its "side" effect is the release of oxygen into the atmosphere. At night, when plants are unable to perform photosynthesis due to darkness, they breathe like ordinary earthly creatures, inhaling oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Only the presence of good lighting allows them to act differently.

In hot countries, where there are no frosts that are detrimental to foliage, and sunlight is sufficient all year round, local plants remain evergreen. Among conifers, only cypress and some pines, mainly mountain ones, are recognized as southern. Most of the conifers are typical northern plants. In harsh latitudes, summer is short, there is less sun. It is more profitable for deciduous trees to get rid of foliage every year in order to survive the winter - excess moisture is dumped with it, which could create a threat of cracking the trunk in the cold. Chlorophyll disappears from the leaves, they acquire bright shades, then fall off. But conifers do not need to hibernate.

Why does the tree need needles?

Thin, long needles are able to endure cold, they are not threatened by the usual winter risks. They are modified leaves that are characterized by a minimal surface, compactness. This reduces the useful area on which photosynthesis can take place, but also reduces the risk of damage from cold, winds. Problems with a small area of ​​​​a separate needle for photosynthesis are easily solved by the density of needles.

What helps the needle survive the winter?

Resinous juice helps the needles not to freeze, not to die off when low temperatures in winter, they contain less water than leaves ordinary trees This makes them less vulnerable to frost. In addition, each needle has a thin but dense wax film, which also plays a protective function. In severe frosts, part of the needles can really die off, but these will be exclusively young shoots that have not yet had time to create sufficient protection from the vagaries of nature.

Why are conifers always green?

Spruces do not hibernate, although growth slows down in winter, actually stops. New shoots appear in spring time, cones re-bloom and form in the summer when it is warm. In winter, the plant simply continues a very slow existence. The chlorophyll does not leave the needles, they remain green. That is why coniferous trees are always green. To maintain them, very few useful substances are needed, the prickly crown is not burdensome for the tree, it makes no sense to dump it.

Are the needles falling off?

The needles are replaced annually, like the leaves of other plants, up to 70-80 percent of needles change per year. The process is not noticeable, it happens gradually - so the spruce always looks green, lush. If a coniferous plant massively sheds needles, the process speaks of its severe illness. Massively yellowed, browned needles also speak of this. Normally, spruces, firs and pines remain green all the time.

Interesting fact: larch is the only exception - in autumn its needles turn yellow, then fall off. New ones appear only in the spring.

Even a cut Christmas tree remains green for several weeks. Only then the needles begin to crumble, the needles no longer look so attractive. leafy plant fades much faster.

Thus, the green color of the needles is provided by chlorophyll, which is contained in them, ensuring photosynthesis and the normal life of the plant. Greenery is present all year round, since conifers are not associated with the need to shed their crowns for the winter, needles tolerate frosts well, and do not require serious costs of nutrients from the plant for their maintenance. Pines and spruces have the luxury of being evergreen even in the harsh northern climate, which is probably why they are such a favorite Christmas decoration.

Summary of GCD for preparatory group

Topic: “Why does the Christmas tree have green needles in winter?”

Target: to introduce children to the tree, which has become a symbol of the New Year, to talk about the benefits that spruce brings to people. To expand the knowledge of children about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature: why the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the needles are always green. To teach to examine the needles, to empirically conclude that there is a green substance in the needles, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Exercise in the sound analysis of words, in dividing two-three-syllable words into parts; pronounce each part of the word; understand the sequence of syllables in a word. Activate the dictionary on the topic (Chlorophyll). Improve your ability to solve mathematical problems involving addition and subtraction. Develop fine motor skills.

Cultivate curiosity, the ability to interact with each other. Cultivate love for nature and respect for it.

National-regional component. Continue to acquaint children with the genres of oral creativity - sayings, riddles, tongue twisters on the topic (Yakut folklore)

Integration: speech development, cognitive development.

Preliminary work: conversations, reading fiction learning poems, songs, tongue twisters. Tree observations.

Material and equipment: interactive whiteboard, slides, markers, artificial Christmas tree, subject pictures on Velcro, pieces of white cloth, wooden cubes, spruce needles for experience.

Handout: subject pictures, silhouettes of Christmas trees with dotted lines.

Methods and techniques.

verbal(conversation, explanations, questions of a cognitive nature, artistic word, solution of a problem situation, individual answers of children, riddles, proverbs, puzzles)

Gaming(riddles, “Decorate the Christmas Tree”, “Solve Problems”, dynamic game “Christmas Tree”)

Visual(number cards, slides)

Practical(conducting an experiment, solving a mathematical problem, the exercise "Herringbone" (fine motor skills)

Lesson progress

1 We have an unusual lesson today. And what we will talk about in the lesson, you will find out by guessing the rebus. (A number of subject pictures appear on the interactive whiteboard). To do this, you need to make a word from the first sounds of the words-names of the objects depicted in the pictures. (Children make up the word "Herringbone", which appears under the subject pictures).

2 Game "Make up a story." Drawing up a story about spruce according to plan. Presentation (slide show)

1 What tree?

2 What does this tree love?

3 What kind of trunk does the spruce have?

4 What branches does the spruce have?

5 What bumps?

6 What is the benefit of this tree?

3 In the Yakut folklore there are sayings about a bad character. A man like a spruce being dragged to the top. A man like a spruce that has fallen across the road. Why is a stubborn person compared to a spruce?

And what kind of counting rhymes about spruce are there in our folklore. (Children read counting rhymes)

4 - None New Year's celebration we can not do without the green beauty of the Christmas tree. But why do we decorate this particular tree? This custom has come to us from time immemorial. Spruce aroused special respect among our distant ancestors because it remained green when all other trees shed their leaves. That is why it was considered a sacred tree.


Tasks: Examine the needles, empirically conclude that there is a green substance in the needles.

Problem question:

Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn? Why do you think the tree is green?

The fact is that the leaves and needles are green due to the green substance. Now let's conduct an experiment, find out why the needles are green? Take the needles and put inside a piece of white cloth folded in half. Now with a wooden cube, tap hard through the fabric. What did you discover during the experience? (Green spots appeared on the fabric). This green substance is called chlorophyll, and it turns green.

Conclusion: when autumn comes and it becomes colder and less sunny, this green substance gradually decreases until it disappears altogether. The leaves do not tolerate cold and wind, so they fall off. There are few chlorophyll grains in each needle than in a leaf, but there are much more needles than leaves on the most sprawling tree. The needles are covered with special wax, moisture evaporates from its surface very slowly. Therefore, in winter, when water is scarce, only such trees can afford to keep their leaves and stay green. That is why it was considered a sacred tree and dressed up for the holiday.

The game "Decorate the Christmas tree." Work on the sound, syllabic structure of the word.

Let's decorate our Christmas tree with toys. First, decorate with toys, the names of which consist of the 1st part (syllable), then with toys, the names of which are divided into 2, 3 parts. Children take turns picking toys and determining which one should be hung on the Christmas tree. Well done decorating the Christmas tree!

Dynamic yes or no game. Children walk in a circle. “Yes” - clap their hands three times, “No” - squat and change direction.

Are there toys on the Christmas tree? Funny parsley? Big crackers? Dried frog? Colored flags? Meat pies? Bright pictures? Ripped boots? Smoked sausage? etc.

Solving the problems "New Year in the Forest" (Slides)

1 Look, birds have flown on our Christmas tree. She will shelter them from the blizzard, and shelter them for the night, and treat them with seeds. How many birds have arrived? Three flew back. How much is left?

2 on our Christmas tree in the clearing, not only birds flew in, children also came for the New Year. They brought with them toys - five balloons and three crackers. How many toys did the children bring? Write a mathematical expression. And the Christmas tree in response, “I don’t need toys, I have a fur coat made of snow”

Why do you think she doesn't need toys? What is she thinking?

Christmas tree complaint. “I am sad and lonely in the forest. I was left all alone. But ten beautiful Christmas trees once grew around me. But on New Year's Eve, cruel people with axes appeared in the forest, cut them down to the very root and took them away. A few days later, the bullfinches arrived and said that they put the forest beauties in rooms, dressed them up, admired them for several days, and even threw them in the trash. And the slender green Christmas trees turned into useless garbage ... and what glorious ones they were ... True, I feel sorry for the children too: what a New Year without a Christmas tree. How to be?"

Solving a problem situation: What will you do: cut down a Christmas tree or buy an artificial one, put it at home and decorate with toys ...

Reading the poem "Live, Christmas tree!"(slide show "Exhibition of artificial Christmas trees")

In the forest at the edge of the forest, they didn’t cut it

And they made a Christmas tree at a good factory

Good uncles, funny aunts...

And the forest tree remained alive,

Standing on the edge


Finger gymnastics"Herringbone"

Let's sing about our Christmas tree. To the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, the children repeat the movements of the teacher.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest (they point with their thumbs behind their backs, “rock the baby”, draw three Christmas tree triangles in the air with both hands)

She grew up in the forest (same actions, raise your hands up)

In winter (trembling, chattering teeth)

And in the summer (wipe sweat from forehead)

Slender (with both hands draw a thin trunk in the air)

It was green (with both hands draw three triangles-Christmas tree in the air)

Exercise "Herringbone" on the development of fine motor skills, the correct setting of the hand. Learning to write. It is necessary to circle the silhouette of the Christmas tree without taking your hands off the line. What a beautiful Christmas tree!

Outcome: What have you learned? What did you like more?

As you know, pine and spruce leaves do not fall in autumn. Why are conifers evergreen trees?

All trees feed on leaves. Their surface absorbs sunlight, and water flows from the roots through numerous tubules. A special green substance that is found in all leaves - chlorophyll- converts these two components into food for the tree. At the same time b O Most of the water evaporates from their wide surface. With the onset of cold weather, deciduous trees receive less sunlight and water from frozen soil. To overwinter, they store the necessary amount of nutrients and moisture, shed their leaves and hibernate. From frost, their trunk and branches are reliably protected by bark.

Pine and spruce leaves - needles- These are thin needles covered with a thick shell. Due to this, they almost do not lose moisture from the surface and can remain on the tree during the cold season. And they also accumulate a small amount of water and sugars to feed the tree in winter, as well as oils that prevent the needles from freezing in frost. Pine and spruce needles fall off, but this happens gradually, and new ones immediately grow in their place.

Therefore, conifers are evergreen trees.

The famous Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote a poem about this:

Let the pines and firs
All winter stick out
In the snow and blizzard
Wrapped up, sleeping, -
Their skinny greens
Like hedgehog needles
Though it never turns yellow,
But never fresh.

The tradition of the appearance of an evergreen spruce or pine as a New Year's guest

Do you know that in ancient times our Slavic ancestors celebrated the New Year with cherry blossoms? Shortly before the holiday, a tub in which a tree grew was brought into the house. Buds developed in the heat, and the tree was densely covered with a delicate white-pink color.

Around the New Year's cherry people had fun - they danced round dances, sang songs. The flowering tree remained in the house until spring. Then it was planted in warm spring soil.

Later, the whitening cherry was replaced by an evergreen Christmas tree. Holidays in our area Christmas tree introduced by a special decree of Tsar Peter the Great in the year 1700. The decree pleased both the nobility and the common people. Since then, the familiar to us beautiful tradition Before celebrating the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree.
