The genus includes up to 150 species distributed in subtropical and temperate zones.

Deciduous, low trees, growing bushy, with trifoliate and pinnate simple leaves on winged or rounded petioles.

The flowers are inconspicuous, small, orange-yellow or greenish, collected in apical, spicate or paniculate inflorescence.

Some species, such as poisonous sumac, although they are cultivated, cause burns from a light touch.

For landscaping our gardens, a species that does not have poisonous properties is used.

Species and varieties

Sumac fluffy, or deer-horned

It grows as a tree on stony and dry soils of North America.

Can reach 10 m in height. It has an openwork decorative crown, fluffy, thick, brown shoots that look like deer antlers.

The bark of fluffy sumac on old shoots is brown, it is cracking. Large, odd-pinnate foliage with a velvety surface, pointed at the top and roughly serrated along the edge, green above, white-gray below.

In autumn, the foliage of sumac is stalk-orange, and then burgundy. small flowers collected in pyramidal panicles 20 cm long.

Staminate flowers are yellow-green, pistillate - red. During the ripening of the fruits, the drupes, which are covered with bristly red pubescence, adorn the tree, sometimes until the very spring. Gives good root shoots.

lanceolate - with serrated, lanceolate leaves;

Dissected - with pinnate leaves.


Drought-resistant, photophilous, tolerates slight salinity.

The soil

Both dry and moderately moist soil is suitable.

sumac breeding

Propagated by root suckers, seeds. Seedlings grow rapidly, but the tree is short-lived, dies off at the 15th year of its life, being renewed by root offspring.

Sumac use

Sumac is unusual and very decorative for our flora with its unpaired, large foliage, producing an indelible impression of a "palm-shaped" exotic.

The decorative forms of fluffy sumac are very beautiful. Sumac is worthy of wide application in landscaping, on rocky hills.

The autumn, scarlet color of the foliage, which adorns the bush for a long time, creates a beautiful spot in garden landscape, enriching the autumn color, against the background of dark coniferous plants.

Dense, large panicles with bright fruits winter period decorate this graceful tree. In garden culture since 1600.

What is sumac or vinegar tree? This ancient plant our nature. An elegant spreading plant has a rather impressive size and very beautiful leaves in the form of feathers. Sumac grows slowly, it can grow up to five meters in height. It is one of the best representatives of large woody plants. The tree pleases with its extraordinary beauty, starting from early spring, continues to delight in autumn with spectacular leaf fall, and leaves no one indifferent to the winter period, when its extraordinary fruits flaunt on the branches. In addition to decorative beauty, this tree also has practical properties, such as dyeing and tanning.

The sumac tree is the most imposing tree of all trees. Its unusual leaves in the form of feathers with simple lobes, as if specially planted on rounded or winged cuttings, complement the inflorescences. The inflorescences, in turn, are collected from flowers, which, if considered one at a time, do not stand out for their beauty, but they are collected in magnificent burgundy colors, one might say glazed candles. Leaves and inflorescences, collected in candles, are combined into a very spectacular crown. Especially in autumn, this bright crown color cannot be confused with any other tree. And at other times of the year, the luxurious foliage and crown structure especially attracts attention.

Sumachi is a low deciduous tree, seems to grow only in breadth, so from a distance it seems just a big shrub. Its sprawling branches seem to be about to embrace everyone who came up to admire the beauty and grace of the plant.

Stag sumac

Fluffy sumac or deer-horned sumac - we are increasingly called the vinegar tree. This is the most elegant, extravagant tree, in all seasons of the sumac, it looks amazing, and in the fall - probably even a little defiantly bright.

Fluffy sumac, when mature, has a height of about four rarely to six meters. Although, like all plants can be and exceptions, for example, in the wild, the plant can reach a height of ten meters. It grows straight up to a young age, and having reached it, already in adulthood, it begins to grow in breadth. Its branches with a rich crown occupy a rather large diameter around them. With age, the tree becomes wider, more spreading and more solid. Over time, the older the tree becomes, in terms of beauty, it only wins. . Plant shoots look like deer antlers, unusually brown.

Leaves need to be said separately.

  • The structure of the leaves is unusual, each complex leaf consists of 11 to 31 small leaves, which to the touch resemble velvet material.
  • There are large teeth along the edge of the leaves, if you turn the leaf over, you can see its whitish color from the underside. Leaves are long and slightly pointed.
  • Leaves - one might say huge, they form a crown and create the illusion of some kind of fairy-tale tree that came straight out of a fairy tale.

In autumn, the sumac crown, wearing its bright festive costume of blood-orange crown, looks like an explosion of fire.

When the leaves fall, its unremarkable flowers change to beautiful inflorescences in the form of a candle. They seem to actually burn on the tree, like a garland on a Christmas tree. There is no explanation for such beauty, it is simply the most beautiful creation of nature from all trees in the entire universe.

Fluffy sumac begins to bloom in June or July, changing its flowers to beautiful inflorescences of huge candles. Flowers are collected in pyramids - inflorescences. Such an inflorescence reaches a height of twenty centimeters. From the side, if you look closely, they seem lacy, because the flowers are so close to each other. The flowers that make up the pyramids of the inflorescence are very close to each other, so it seems that the pyramid of inflorescences is a single whole.

Sumac is a dioecious plant. Flowers are well placed on its inflorescences. with red pistils and lime flowers with stamens. Together they create a tandem of a beautiful inflorescence. After flowering, fruits are tied, the so-called fruits - drupes, with a shape in the form of a sphere, they are all covered with red stamens. Sumac decorates these fruits with their presence until spring.

The deer-horned sumac has several decorative forms:

  1. laciniata - differs from other forms of sumac only in the structure of the leaf, its leaf is thinner and the teeth along the edges are deeper, it also differs in the lanceolate lobes of the leaves.
  2. Dissecta is the most attractive of all decorative forms of sumac. It is so charming thanks to its feathery leaves, they are painted with a bluish-silver color, and the leaves themselves are more reminiscent of fern leaves in their structure. The inflorescences of this form of sumac are different from relatives, their brightness is not comparable with anyone else's inflorescences.

Some of the other types of sumac

In the wild, there are about two hundred varieties of sumac. But in decorative landscaping, far from all types of sumacs can be used for their intended purpose, namely, not many sumacs can show their beauty in gardens. For example, sumac cannot be present in small gardens for the reason that it simply does not have enough space to spread out in breadth. Therefore, he can only plant trees in medium and large gardens..

In nature, there are also poisonous types of sumac, even with the slightest touch of its leaf, you can seriously burn yourself, for example, such a representative of sumac as fluffy Toxicodendron. More often than others, two non-toxic species are used in decorative landscaping: fragrant sumac and naked sumac.

At the same time, red flowers and whitish male flowers bloom, together they combine into spectacular inflorescences that look like candles about twenty centimeters high. May re-bloom in autumn. Its fruits are like a ball, slightly flattened and covered with small bristles, ripening occurs at the end of September, and can stay on the tree all winter.

Role in ornamental horticulture

In any decorative design any garden, a vinegar tree will always come in handy. Any part of the garden will be transformed with such a neighbor. A magnificent, sprawling handsome man in the garden, as a rule, always has a personal leading place.

A plant is planted in compositions, but a large single emphasis is placed on it. That is, the main role in the decorative composition always belongs to the imposing handsome fluffy. As a rule, secondary roles in such a decorative composition are given to small undersized shrubs. Sumac does not like cramped conditions, it grows freely in breadth and does not need serious bulky neighbors at all. It is very good to use it in alpine slides, here it certainly wins a worthy position with its extraordinary beauty, and not only, sumac is also suitable for strengthening slopes and soil.

Very effectively fluffy can emphasize the beauty of a large lawn, or, for example, decorate a simple flat area. In such areas, it may even resemble a distant relative of the palm tree, with its beautiful spreading unusually beautiful feather leaves. graceful look only emphasized in the vicinity of coniferous trees. In tandem with such neighbors, it seems that sumac came to an ordinary forest from an unusually beautiful fairy tale. sumac and coniferous trees complement each other, and for any decorative landscaping, they are ideal.

In general, as a rule, ornamental gardening suggests that the composition with the participation of this plant, in itself, implies the brightness of colors. Eg, composition in one green color, it is necessary to dilute it with bright eccentric spots.

In whatever composition sumac appears, it will no longer be a boring place, but a bright explosion of extraordinary beauty. It also looks great in the winter garden.


Sumac is unpretentious to growing conditions. It will grow well in poor, unsaturated soils, feels great in the polluted atmosphere of cities. It is photophilous - therefore it prefers large, free and open areas for the sun.

And yet, you need to pay attention to the composition of the soil when planting.. Despite the fact that this plant is not picky, it also has its own preferences. They cannot imagine their existence without sandy, sandy-rocky, sandy-clayey soil.

It is also necessary to remember that, like any woody plants, sumacs will put up with the soil - the salinization of which is insignificant, but groundwater and marshy soil are unacceptable for it, although it withstands moderately moist drained soil. the best option soil cannot be found - like loose and dry garden soil.

Vinegar Tree Care. There is no need to care for the sumac, you just need to give him freedom. All care for him is to remove damaged and dry branches. The tree is not subject to pruning, its beautiful spreading branches must be given freedom to grow, because part of the beauty of this tree lies in its branches, which grow in breadth. And he gets more and more beautiful with age. thanks to growing branches. The only thing that needs to be removed is the extra sections of the root system.

The root system spreads very quickly and if it is not removed in time, its shoots will grow throughout the territory. The tree hardly gets sick. He is not interested in insects and pests. This plant is not afraid of droughts, it is heat-resistant, it does not need watering, it does not need top dressing. Under favorable conditions, it can please with repeated flowering.


In winter, sumac needs shelter from winter frosts. The climate where it can freeze slightly is the middle lane. The shoots of this tree may have time to become stiff about 2/3 of the plant, but despite this, it tends to quickly recover from winter. There are practically no traces of winter damage on the shoot.


Sumac reproduces vegetatively.. Interestingly, its main drawback is the most successful advantage during reproduction. The root system, which develops with such ease, contributes to the production of more and more new specimens for reproduction. The shoots separated from the tree adapt very well to the new place. But getting a seedling with the help of seeds is a laborious and inefficient process.

Sumac is a sprawling miracle, perhaps one of the most ancient plants on our planet. Of the wide variety of species of this large, but very decorative tree, fluffy sumac occupies a separate place. The plant is able to decorate any area from the beginning of spring to theatrical and decorative leaf fall with the luxury of leaves, which is replaced by winter toy-beautiful fruits.

Sumac fluffy or deer-horned (in Latin Rhus typhina) is also called the vinegar tree, a genus of trees and shrubs, the sumac family.

In nature, about 250 species of sumac are known, which grow in the northeast of North America and in the southeast of Canada. Sumac is widespread in Central Asia and southern Europe.

In nature, fluffy sumac can grow up to 8-10 meters in height. IN middle lane In Russia, the height of the vinegar tree usually does not exceed 3 meters. The sumac grows in height only for the first few years, and then begins to grow only in width. Sometimes it grows so much that from a distance it can resemble a huge bush.

This tree is very decorative. It is rightfully recognized as one of the brightest and most elegant. Ceremonial, catchy color catches the eye of admiration.

The unusually beautiful feathery foliage and the bizarre pattern of the crown, spread out in breadth, do not leave anyone indifferent. And the sumac does not lose its charm in winter.

This extraordinary beauty of staghorn sumac is created by its bizarre umbrella-shaped crown and densely arranged large pinnate leaves. Foliage turns pink-red in autumn.

Young shoots, stems of inflorescences and petioles of leaves, which are covered with thick, velvety-red fluff, also look wonderful. But sumakh looks no less impressive with the onset autumn days. The carmine bunches of fruits that bristle with bright red downy candles, like a Christmas decoration, become a real decoration.

Sumac grows straight only for the first 3-4 years. Then it begins to slowly grow in width, becoming more spreading with age, with a luxurious, spreading tree crown.

Such a powerful, fast growing crown requires a significant amount of space for this plant. But the high decorativeness of the bizarre bending of the branches, which is especially beautiful in winter, deserves a separate place for the tree in the parterre.

The leaves of deerhorn sumac are quite large, with a velvety surface. They have a pointed shape, with notches along the edges, in length from 6 to 11 centimeters. On the inside, the leaves are of a very original white color, and on the branches they are collected together from 9 to 31 leaves.

This fabulously beautiful crown with the beginning of autumn seems to be engulfed in a crimson fire, and the tree itself in the garden looks, perhaps, even brighter than maple because of its red foliage.

Sumac deer-horned is a bisexual plant. On female trees, the flowers are pistillate, red-brown. Male staminate flowers are more modest in color, they are yellow-green.

In autumn, dense panicles produce fruits - small red drupes.
The flowering of the vinegar tree begins in mid-summer. The flowers are shaped like a cone. Their color is rich burgundy-brown or light green. The flowers are quite large, up to 15 centimeters in height and about 5 centimeters in diameter.

With the fall of the leaves, these flowers, which have been replaced by spectacular seedlings in the form of panicle pyramids, decorate the sumac like a Christmas tree garland. Birds do not peck these fruits, and therefore, they will decorate the tree until spring.

With age, the sumac grows more and more and becomes even more beautiful. Its branches are light brown in color, thick, in some ways actually look like deer antlers.

Another name given to the stag-horned sumac is the vinegar tree. This name is not accidental at all. Sumac leaves have a sour taste, due to which this plant is used in a number of countries as a seasoning for meat dishes instead of lemon or vinegar. The sour-tasting fruits of the vinegar tree are used to make various drinks.

In eastern countries, the plant is known primarily as a unique spice. The aroma of sumac is rather weak, but the value has a beautiful rich ruby ​​​​color and a slight astringent effect with a subtle sourness. Due to these properties, it is used in hot countries as a preservative to increase the shelf life of products.

As a condiment, sumac can not only give a dish of rice, vegetables or meat an appetizing ruby ​​color, but also add piquant spiciness and sourness. This natural ingredient in the production of sausages, minced meat and other meat products is simply unmatched.

Also known medicinal properties sumac, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. Sumac is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C, has antioxidant and diuretic properties, and contributes to the prevention cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

In addition, silk dye is made from the roots and leaves of this plant, and wax is obtained from the fruits for making varnishes.

How to grow sumac

The acetic tree is one of the most adaptable to grow on poor soils, even in polluted city streets. The plant loves light and prefers open sunny places.

There is only one condition when choosing a place for planting stag sumac. The tree feels good only on sandy, sandy-stony and sandy-clay soils.

The plant loves dry and fairly loose soil, does not tolerate close occurrence of groundwater or swampy places. However, moist but well-drained soils are quite suitable for growing sumac.

There is a very big plus when planting sumac: it can grow on slightly saline soils, where none of the classic tree species can survive.

Landing Rules

Usually a young plant is planted, which has not reached the age of three. It is best to do this with the onset of spring, because this period is considered the most optimal for rooting the plant.

Before planting, the soil must be properly prepared. To do this, make a specially composed mixture of leafy soil, coarse sand and compost. Proportions of components: 1:2:1. The root neck of the plant must be buried in the ground no more than 5 centimeters.

If it is planned to grow several sumac trees at once on the site, then it is necessary to observe a distance of at least 4 meters between them when planting.

After planting, the tree must be watered abundantly for three days. In addition, you need to take care of mulching the near-stem circle in advance, because the root system of the plant is located quite close to the surface, and therefore, there is a risk of damaging the roots during loosening the soil.

As mulch, sawdust or wood chips are used with a layer of about 5 centimeters.

Since the vinegar tree is a dioecious plant, it is necessary to plant both a female and a male tree.

Sumac fluffy, deer-horned, video:

Irrigation organization

There are no special rules for caring for deer-horned sumac. The plant should be watered sparingly. Young seedlings need abundant watering only in very hot and dry weather.

It is characteristic of sumac that it is able to withstand short-term drought without additional moisture.

top dressing

To increase the flowering and, consequently, the further fruiting of sumac, mineral supplements are needed for the plant. Such a procedure should be carried out no more than once a year, because an excess amount of minerals can greatly harm the plant.

It is also very important to choose the right site when planting sumac. The tree will prefer acidic or even slightly saline soils. Often, special fertilizers are applied for this purpose. Although, by and large, special significance it doesn't have to successful cultivation this amazing plant.

Other rules of care

One of the main requirements for growing sumac is good lighting. The tree loves sunny areas. In the absence of such an opportunity, if, nevertheless, the site turned out to be a little shaded, then this will also not become an obstacle to growing a beautiful and healthy plant.

Stag horn sumac is just as susceptible to attack by pests and various diseases as other trees in the garden. Therefore, if any symptoms of plant damage are found, urgent measures must be taken to combat the disease.

It is possible to transplant an acetic tree only at a young age and only if such a need arises. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the time of year. The best transplant season is the spring. If you carry out such a procedure in the fall, then there is a risk of freezing young shoots.

If suddenly the plant is frozen, then there is some secret: the tree is able to recover from the buds located on the lower and middle branches.

For the winter, the trunk circle of the plant is mulched with a large amount of sawdust and wood chips.

crown pruning

Pruning of staghorn sumac is usually carried out for decorative purposes, forming a crown at one's own discretion. This allows you to get all sorts of original compositions in the garden, there are no restrictions here.

Increasingly along park paths and on private garden plots you can see an exotic sprawling tree, the openwork branches of which are crowned with crimson cone-shaped inflorescences. Stag-horned sumac, better known as the vinegar tree, migrated to us from North America, and very quickly fell in love with local gardeners and designers. In the wild, these giants reach a height of ten meters and present a truly majestic sight. If you also decide to acquire such a tree, let's figure out how to properly plant this overseas guest in the open field in our latitudes, so that for many years he will delight with his unusual appearance. What varieties are preferred for our climate zone? What is care? What nuances should be considered when growing?

Description of the variety and variety of sumac

In our country, a tree rarely grows very tall, usually its height is limited to 3 meters. By the age of 10, the deer-horned sumac stops growing upwards and begins to actively expand in breadth. The volume of the crown can reach a diameter of 6 - 8 m. To be convinced of this, look at the photo of mature trees.

The branches of the deer-horned sumac are intricately bent and form funny openwork weaves, which are clearly visible in winter time when the plant sheds its foliage. The shoots are covered with a short pile, outwardly resembling deer antlers. It is this feature that gave rise to its name. However, old branches lose this decorative property and become smooth.

Designers love staghorn sumac for its beautiful leaves.

Leaves unpaired pinnate collected by 11-31 pieces. Each leaf can reach a length of 10 cm. The inflorescences are collected in panicles, during the flowering period they have a very nondescript appearance, but after the fruits ripen, their decorative peak comes. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson, and the inflorescences take on the appearance of beautiful cone-shaped candles that last all winter. The tree really becomes the pride and decoration of the garden.

In addition to deer-horned sumac, there are other varieties:

  • sumakh naked. The differences are only in the appearance of the bark; there is no fleecy pubescence on it.
  • fragrant sumac has an incredible smell. A pleasant thick aroma, like a veil envelops the landing site. It differs from the previous 2 species in the form of foliage.

All these varieties are not poisonous, have a high decorative value and can be successfully grown in the open field on private plots and in parks. Starting from the 3rd climatic zone. To choose for yourself best option see photos of plants.

Planting, care and propagation of plants

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to grow staghorn sumac from seeds, so this planting method has not become widespread. Use it only when there is no opportunity to purchase a young seedling. Seeds have a very low germination rate. And those of them that do germinate, in half the cases die in the first years of life, despite the most careful care. If, due to circumstances, you decide on this method of reproduction, plant with a margin. Extra seedlings can always be distributed to neighbors in their summer cottages.

Attention! Seeds of deer-horned sumac need obligatory stratification. Such a biological feature this tree. If the seed material cannot withstand 3-4 months in the cold, seedlings can not be expected.

Stratification of seeds at home

What is stratification and why is it needed? In the seeds of deer-horned sumac, the embryo sleeps so soundly that it can wake up only a few years after maturation. It is possible to artificially speed up the awakening process. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for the seeds under which their shell will soften, and the embryo will enter the awakening phase.

Stag sumac seeds

Now it is not at all difficult to stratify seeds at home. The required temperature is from +1 to +5 degrees Celsius, that's how much household refrigerators. Except temperature regime high humidity should be maintained. This is also an easy point to make. Place each seed pot in Plastic container with hermetically sealed lid. You will get an impromptu camera with the necessary conditions.

Stratification of seeds of deer-horned stakhis:

  1. Treat the seeds with fungicides to reduce the chance of rotting.
  2. Soil substrate of compost, coarse sand and hardwood, roast in the oven or microwave oven to destroy the pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms present in it.
  3. Fill a small pot with potting soil and sow the seeds. Water the soil.
  4. Place the seed pot in a container or ziplock plastic bag and refrigerate for 3 to 4 months. In the spring you will have ready-made seed material for planting in open ground.

Attention! If you do not want to stratify, sow in the fall. In this case, nature itself will take care of the processing of the seed material.

Reproduction by root offspring

The acetic tree produces a huge number of root offspring. They are used as the main material for reproduction and cultivation. You can propagate a tree by this method not only in autumn, but also in spring. For this you need:

  • carefully separate the seedling from the mother plant, trying not to damage the root system;
  • dig a hole, the size of which will be 2 times the size of the root system;
  • place the plant in a hole, straighten the roots, cover with soil mixture;
  • make sure that the root neck is on the same level with the surface of the earth;
  • compact the soil and water moderately.

We choose a landing site. Fertilizers and plant nutrition

Sumac deer-horned is absolutely unpretentious to the composition of the soil. The tree grows equally well on rocky areas and on fertile soils. However, if the soil is too poor or contains a lot of stones, do not be lazy and make a substrate of compost, hardwood and coarse sand in equal proportions to fill the hole. Make a portion of complex mineral fertilizers. This will help the plant to quickly take root and develop a strong root system.

Sumac deer-horned takes root on any soil

During the life of the deer-horned sumac, it does not need the mandatory introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, but, like all green spaces, is responsive to their introduction.

The tree tolerates dry periods very well with low rainfall, which means it does not need regular watering. Deer-horned sumac quickly grows, so immediately after planting, place a strong peg next to it and tie it up so that the trunk is even.

In the early years, it is advisable to prune regularly and form some beautiful central branches so that the tree really becomes a decoration of the garden. In other years, sanitary pruning is sufficient.

The tree does not tolerate stagnant melt and rainwater, so do not plant it in the lowlands. It should be noted that a developed root system with a large number of offspring holds the soil well in ravines, ravines and on steep slopes.

Diseases, pests and combinations with other plants

Deer-horned sumac is not subject to diseases and pests. Therefore, care for him is minimal and does not require much effort and time.

Stag sumac bloom

The tree looks great in large areas with low lawns, as a tapeworm. In this case, nothing interferes with the deer-horned Sumakh, and over the years its crown grows to enormous sizes.

Plantings of deer-horned sumac along the alleys are interesting. In these variants, the tree is formed into a high trunk, and only then are the branches that are intertwined at the top allowed to grow, and in summer period form a dense shadow. Very rarely planted under a tree ornamental plants, because it is necessary to remove the root processes very often.

What does a vinegar tree look like? It's sprawling deciduous plant with an openwork crown of intertwined branches and huge feathery leaves, it surprises with its grandeur and originality. In summer, the tree is transformed due to the flowering of bright red inflorescences resembling chestnut “candles”, in autumn the perennial “flares” with fiery crimson hues, and in winter the tree delights those around with velvety carmine seedlings that last until spring.

In addition to highly decorative qualities, the vinegar tree is an absolutely unpretentious and hardy culture that practically does not need care.

Even novice amateur gardeners can grow an amazing tree on their site.

Acetic tree, plant description

The genus Sumac unites more than 200 species of shrubs and low-growing trees. This genus also includes a species called "Stag-horned Sumac", better known as "Acetic Tree" or "Acetic Tree".

Why is the vinegar tree so called? It turns out that such an unusual name is due to the sour taste of the berries of the tree, which are not only unsuitable for eating, but are also considered poisonous. With all this, in some Asian countries they learned to make vinegar and spices from the fruits of the vinegar tree.

  • North America is considered the natural habitat of the ornamental perennial. Currently, vinegar is distributed far beyond its historical homeland.
  • The acetic sumac tree grows slowly, reaching a height of 3 to 10 meters. In garden culture, a tree, as a rule, does not grow more than 5-6 meters. Most often, an exotic perennial stops at around 3 meters. Simultaneously with the growth in length, the sumac also spreads in breadth, forming a dense openwork crown. Moreover, with age, the vertical growth of the plant stops, which cannot be said about the growth in breadth of the elegant and sprawling crown of the vinegar tree. Cases of growth of branches up to 8 meters in diameter have been recorded. It is important to consider this feature of sumac when choosing a place for planting a seedling.
  • Due to the shape of the crown, the vinegar tree is often compared to the "overseas" palm tree. But the leaves of the tree culture are more like domestic mountain ash.
  • The shoots of deer-horned sumac are similar in shape and configuration to deer antlers, which served as the basis for such an unusual botanical name for the perennial. The tree looks especially bizarre in winter, when gracefully curved shoots completely shed their leafy “decoration”. Outwardly, light-colored branches look thickened and intricately woven together.
  • One of the main advantages of a deciduous tree are elongated, not paired, compound leaves. The shape of the leaves is pinnately lanceolate, with a pointed end and distinct teeth along the edges. Each complex leaf has about 30 leaflets. Young leaf blades and shoots are covered with "velvet" hairs. The juicy green leaves of sumac take on unusually catchy crimson-red hues in autumn. During this period of the year, it is impossible not to notice the luxurious fire tree.

  • In addition to decoratively attractive foliage, the vinegar tree has at least showy flowers. Small flowers of carmine shades are collected in dense, large and bright panicle inflorescences. The main axis of the inflorescence is densely covered with numerous hairs, creating the effect of a blooming velvet "lace". A single inflorescence, similar to a candle of a flowering chestnut tree, can reach up to 20 cm in length. Perennial flowering occurs in the summer: approximately, June, July.

  • The fruit is formed only in the female representatives of the vinegar tree. At the same time, it is important to have both a female and a male form on the site. The fruits of the vinegar tree are represented by the drupe and also support the general highly ornamental purpose of the unusual tree. Pyramidal panicles of red seedlings, located on woven bare branches, form an unusually attractive sight until spring.

Woody perennial culture every year becomes only more beautiful and spectacular.

Vinegar tree, application

  • Extraordinarily attractive appearance plants, combined with general hardiness and unpretentiousness, determined its dominant value as a highly decorative culture decorating parks, squares or home areas. The once exotic culture, vinegar tree, has long become familiar to many regions of our country. In decorative landscaping, both group and single plantings of a spectacular looking tree are practiced.

  • Spreading perennials are especially attractive as a single accent, attracting attention with an unusual crown shape and bright inflorescences. In the case of composite plantings, vinegar is harmonious against the background of undersized plants, emphasizing the greatness of an exotic culture.

  • Sumac deerhorn has minor poisonous properties. If the juice of the tree gets on the skin, a slight burning sensation may be felt. Contact of the juice with the mucous membranes of the body is fraught with more negative consequences for human health.
  • Ornamental culture, vinegar tree, contains dyes and tannins used in relevant industries.
  • Tenacious and strong roots of the tree allow it to be used as a plant that fixes ravines, screes or slopes.
  • The fruits of the vinegar tree are used in cooking: for the preparation of vinegar and sumac seasoning, which replaces lemon in many dishes. Asian culinary specialists widely use sour seasoning as a dressing for salads, preparing marinades for meat and fish.

  • Acetic tree is also known in alternative medicine. Since ancient times, the Indians have used the plant as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Acetic tree, decorative forms

The acetic tree has become a foundational base crop for the creation of other forms of ornamental plant.

  • The lanceolate form of sumac is characterized by thinner lanceolate leaves with deep serrations along the edges.
  • Sumac deer-horned Dessekta is distinguished by the silvery color of pinnately dissected leaves, resembling fern branches. Seed fruit are brightly colored, carmine-scarlet tones.
  • Sumac deer-horned Tiger Eyes has openwork, dissected leaves, similar to the branches of a fern. The undersized (up to 2 m) variety "Tiger's Eye" grows more slowly than the main species and is less frost-resistant. positive quality perennial is the almost complete absence of overgrowth formation.
  • Fragrant vinegar tree reminds tall shrub with slight foliation. Fragrant leaves have the shape of a shamrock and, like the main species, are transformed in the autumn. Almost bare branches "bear" edible fruits, suitable even for making jam or wine.

Many gardeners are afraid to cultivate decorative sumac on their plot, having heard about it. toxic properties. It is important to note that the staghorn (or fluffy, as it is also called) species does not belong to the dangerous forms of sumac, allocated to a separate genus with the appropriate name "Toxicodendron".

Therefore, the vinegar tree can be safely used for landscaping landscape gardening areas or personal plots.

Features of growing vinegar tree

The origin of the vinegar tree predetermined its good adaptability even in difficult climatic conditions. So, an unpretentious tree can grow on stony, acidic, saline soils or in the mountains.

Vinegar easily tolerates prolonged drought, harsh winters and urban gas pollution.

The only thing the plant really needs is light. A light-loving culture will become attractive and luxurious only in a well-lit or slightly shaded place.

Choosing a place to plant a vinegar tree

  • For all its unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil, the vinegar tree responds favorably to fertile, loose and well-drained soil.
  • The tree culture prefers not dense sandy, clay-sandy or rocky-sandy soils.
  • As for humidity, staghorn sumac prefers dry soils. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting an elegant "exotic", you should avoid wetlands, as well as places with high groundwater.
  • The undoubted advantage of a perennial is its endurance to saline soil, where other plants simply cannot grow.
  • When choosing a landing site, you should “stop” in a well-lit, sunny, protected from drafts and winds area.

Agrotechnics for planting a vinegar tree

  • Plant seedlings with an open root system better in spring to ensure their maximum survival and preparation for the upcoming winter. It is also practiced autumn planting vinegar tree seedlings, followed by sheltering young trees for the winter or temporary instillation in a container.
  • Large grown specimens of the vinegar tree with a closed root system can be planted in any warm period of the year. At the same time, it is important to preserve the surrounding roots, a clod of earth as much as possible.
  • The optimal age for planting a tree in open ground will be a 2-3-year-old seedling.
  • Before planting, a soil mixture is prepared from one part of soddy soil, 2 parts of sand (coarse fraction) and one part of compost (humus). Such a light and loose soil will best ensure the development of the seedling in a new place.

  • Before planting the vinegar tree, a bucket of water is poured into the pit, which should be completely absorbed into the ground.
  • Having prepared the planting hole, you can expose the seedling, carefully straightening all its roots and falling asleep with soil mixture. Do not forget to periodically compact the soil during planting in order to avoid the formation of voids. The depth of the pit depends on the size of the earthen coma and the roots of the seedling. The average size of the pit is about 50 x 50 cm.

  • When planting, the root neck is deepened into the ground by about 4-6 cm.
  • After landing young tree Water abundantly with water and mulch.
  • If several seedlings of the vinegar tree are planted, it is important to provide for the distance between the trees. Given the wide growth of the future sumac crown, it is necessary to leave an interval between cultures of at least 3-4 meters.
  • To admire the exotic beauty of the fruits of vinegar, you need to plant the male and female forms of trees next to each other.

  • Considering the fact that the vinegar tree, as it grows, will actively “give” root shoots that oppress other, neighboring crops, it is recommended to establish the so-called when planting a seedling. "limiters". These can be pieces of slate, metal sheets, boards, etc. To do this, the limiters are deeply dug into the soil around the landing pit, preventing further unwanted growth of overgrowth.
  • As a rule, seedlings planted in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology quickly take root in a new place and begin to bloom already in the 4-5th year of life. A beautiful vinegar tree can grow in one place for more than 20 years.

Vinegar tree, plant care

Acetic tree does not require special care or the use of any special agricultural skills. Moderate watering, weeding and mulching are perhaps all the necessary measures that contribute to the active growth and development of the vinegar tree.

A hardy, unpretentious plant is also resistant to various diseases and pest attacks.

Watering and mulching the vinegar tree

  • Watering plays an important role at the stage of survival of the vinegar seedling. Therefore, after planting, the young tree is watered abundantly for the next 3 days.
  • As a drought-resistant tree grows, watering is carried out only during a particularly hot dry period.
  • Excessive watering or constant wetting of the plant adversely affects the development of the tree. In addition, an excess of moisture can lead to the appearance of a fungal disease.
  • After watering, the trunk circle is mulched with peat or wood chips. The thickness of the mulching layer is about 5 cm.

Weeding and loosening the vinegar tree

  • When weeding the near-stem circle, it is necessary to ensure that the roots of the vinegar tree are not damaged in the process.
  • The absence of mulch also provides for periodic loosening of the area around the tree.

Pruning the Vinegar Tree

  • It should be noted separately that the vinegar tree does not need pruning shoots. Many amateur gardeners carry out formative pruning of the perennial crown, but, unfortunately, after such a procedure, sumac becomes less decoratively attractive. But specimens untouched by pruning, on the contrary, look chic and spectacular.
  • Thus, sumac needs only sanitary pruning, which boils down to spring removal of dry or damaged branches.

  • Attention should also be paid to the removal of root shoots, which the vinegar tree actively releases far beyond the diameter of its near-trunk circle. To avoid the appearance of unwanted shoots, artificial root growth inhibitors embedded in the soil (when planting a seedling) will help. Otherwise, the uncontrolled spread of root offspring threatens the emergence of a real dense grove of vinegar trees in the near future.

Shelter for the winter vinegar tree

  • The frost-resistant vinegar tree does not need special shelter for the winter. mature plant easily tolerates negative temperatures up to 30 0 С.
  • Only young seedlings, vulnerable during severe cold weather, should be covered for the winter. To prevent freezing, the vinegar is covered with spruce branches or wrapped with spunbond.
  • The deep snow cover that persists around the tree throughout the winter will also prevent freezing of vinegar.
  • In case of freezing of the upper parts of the shoots, sumac is quickly and painlessly restored in spring due to the formation of young shoots.

Fertilization and top dressing of the vinegar tree

  • Ideally, you need to feed the tree with a complex of mineral fertilizers once a year.
  • If the soil where the perennial grows is fertile enough, it is recommended to fertilize once every 2 years.
  • You should not get carried away with nitrogen-containing fertilizers that slow down the development of the vinegar tree.

Reproduction of the vinegar tree

The acetic tree reproduces generatively (by seeds) and vegetatively (by plant parts).

  • The seed method of propagating vinegar is used extremely rarely - only for the formation of new varieties or species. This is due to the low percentage of germination and the long process of seedling germination. Seeds retain their germination properties for no more than 4 years. In addition, sumac seeds are covered with a hard shell, which can be dissolved with, for example, concentrated sulfuric acid. Naturally, not everyone has such an unsafe chemical reagent available. Even if it is possible to germinate the seeds, the seedlings turn out to be "frail" and practically not viable.

  • Reproduction by green cuttings also has a small share of success, therefore, it is practically not used in practice.
  • The most successful and affordable is the reproduction of perennials due to root shoots, which actively appear throughout the entire vegetative period of the plant. Best time for the separation of daughter offspring - spring or autumn. First, the tallest and most developed seedling is selected, after which it is dug up with a shovel, separating it from the roots of the parent tree. The deeper you can dig a seedling, the more viable it will be. The resulting seedlings easily and quickly take root in a new place. If the seedling is not planted immediately, but, for example, is transported to a new place, you need to wrap the root part of the offspring in a damp cloth with sawdust. Thanks to this, the vinegar tree seedling will not dry out and will be able to withstand in this state for about a week.

When growing a unique tree, it is important to use domestic seedlings adapted to local environmental conditions. Imported vinegar tree seedlings tend not to recover after a harsh and cold winter.

Thus, the vinegar tree - perfect option for landscaping large areas with minimal maintenance effort. Unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant tree has high decorative qualities and is widely used in landscape design. The only drawback of the exotic perennial is the aggressive formation of root shoots. To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to plant root growth limiters when planting a seedling. Such a technique will save you from unnecessary trouble and allow you to enjoy the beauty of an unusual plant for a long time.

Acetic tree, photo

Video: "Features of growing a vinegar tree"
