Gelenium belongs to the genus of herbaceous annuals and perennials of the Asteraceae or Compositae family, in the wild it can be found in Central and North America. Some cultivars are commonly chosen for cultivation as an ornamental plant. The photo below shows this plant in bloom.

Family: Compositae.

Motherland: North and Central America.

Stem: large, straight shape.

leaflets: alternate, lanceolate.

Fetus: in the form of seeds.

reproduction: dividing bushes and seeds.

Light: light-loving plant, some varieties tolerate partial shade.

Care: abundant watering.

: second half summer period and autumn.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, they do not think so experienced gardeners, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Consider the main varieties of the Gelenium flower, which are basically grown by most gardeners today in open ground and not only:

  1. Helenium autumn

This variety has been popular since the 17th century. The main advantage of the variety is considered to be late and rather abundant flowering. Its bushes in the autumn period have a columnar shape. Strong, leafy and woody throughout the stems grow to a height of about two meters and are very branched in their upper area. Any of the branched shoots ends with a golden flower - a basket, the diameter of which is about 6 centimeters. As a result, up to two hundred flowers bloom on any stem. Its flowering period is from August to the end of summer. Only by October the seeds begin to ripen.

To date, there are a number of varieties that can be effectively used for landscaping. The photo below shows this variety in the garden.

Varieties with a yellow palette of marginal flowers:

  • Magnificum- this is an undersized variety that reaches 80 centimeters in height, baskets up to 6 centimeters in diameter, in the middle the flower has a yellow color; flowering period from July to August.
  • Gartensonne- this plant reaches a height of 110 cm, baskets are about 5 cm in diameter, the middle of the flower is brown; flowering period from the end of July.
  • Katarina- grows up to 140 cm, baskets - about 5 cm, the middle of the flower is brown; flowering period from mid-August.
  • Moerheim Beauty- this plant reaches 180 cm in height, the basket reaches 6 cm in diameter, the middle of the flower is yellow-brown; the flowering period begins in mid-August.
  • super boom- this plant reaches a height of 180 cm, baskets in diameter reaches 6 cm, the middle of the flower is yellow; blooms in August.
  • Septemberzone- this plant reaches 160 cm in height, baskets are 6 cm in diameter, the middle is yellow-brown in color; blooms in the second half of August.

Varieties with a yellow palette of marginal flowers with red strokes:

  • Altgold- this plant reaches a height of 90 centimeters, a basket in diameter reaches 6 cm, the reverse area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe marginal flower with red strokes, the middle of the flower is brown; the beginning of flowering - in the second half of August.
  • Altgoldrise- this plant reaches a height of 110 centimeters, baskets 4 cm, the reverse side of the marginal flowers with red strokes, the middle is dark brown; flowering period - from mid-August.

Gelenium received natural distribution in damp, swampy areas. Its roots are superficial, very poorly developed. In the culture of a variety of this flower, it is possible to grow in a well-lit area in a garden in soils with good watering and with the indispensable garter of the plant to the stakes. Shown in the photo. It is better to transplant and plant Gelenium in the third or fourth year. An excellent time for transplantation is early spring, the beginning of regrowth.

  1. Helenium Hupa

This is a Rocky rop plant. It has a powerful root system, large lanceolate basal leaves and strong stems that are highly branched in the upper region, about 80 centimeters high. Flower baskets are large with an orange color, they are collected in umbellate inflorescences. The flowering period is from June to July. You can transplant this flower both in spring and in August. The photo below shows this variety.

  1. Helenium hybrid

Many horticultural hybrids of unclear origin can be attributed to this, but Gelenium chupa is mainly considered the main initial variety. Varieties can be distinguished by height, dimensions, shape and palette of inflorescences, periods and duration of flowering. You can see it in the photo below.


Growing a plant such as Gelenium is possible with the help of branch outlets. However, its cultivation from seeds is also not inferior in its position. It should be noted that the flower seeds in the northern area have a rather low germination rate. The best solution in such a situation is to grow them in the winter, then the chances that the seeds will still take root are much greater. In addition, you can still see the first flowers no earlier than 2-3 years. We plant the seeds in soil with organic fertilizers, cover with plastic wrap or glass and keep in this state until the first sprouts appear. Do not forget to water and air the flowers sometimes.

When planting in the garden for one square meter we plant about 4-5 bushes, because the roots need a fairly large area for life. Propagation using cuttings will take less time, and even easier - during growth, you need to cut off the cuttings and root them in the ground. You can also hold in a special mixture for the formation of roots.


By posting on personal plot Gelenium, you need to remember where and how they live in nature: moist fertile meadow soil, dense herbs.

They will grow well in a dense planting. Plant low-growing varieties in the foreground or in the border, tall ones in the background. Majestic bushes look great as a tapeworm against the background of the lawn. In this case, they need constant care in the form of watering, because they do not tolerate overdried soil.

Care also consists of watering and in dry and hot summers. The plant responds well to mineral and organic fertilizing, which can be done several times during the season. After 3-4 years, you need to think about transplanting - the bushes instantly age. In the autumn, it is not recommended to carry it out. If you nevertheless bought a flowering version at the end of the season, cut the stem to a height of about 11 centimeters before planting and try not to injure the root system of the plant.

The bush of this plant is only conventionally called a bush. Strictly speaking, this is a colony of independent plants whose stems bloom, like most perennial plants, live only for one season. However, unlike them, at the end of the season, not only the stem, but also the root neck dies off, and the renewal buds near the base of the stem quite often create small rosettes by this period. They are independent plants that have their own completely autonomous root system. If the winter period turned out to be snowy or without severe frosts, young plants winter well and do not need care, and in frosty and snowless ones they simply freeze out. This circumstance is exacerbated when we are dealing with other varieties that were created using other types of Geleniums, especially the more heat-loving Gelenium Bigelow.

In preparation for winter, care consists of mulching the plant with moss or sawdust. Also, care should consist of shelter with lutrasil. For a better wintering, we cut and mulch adult plants. This was the main care for this plant.

Flowers for your site must be selected in such a way that they bloom continuously, from spring to late autumn. Autumn flowers are especially pleasing, which allow you to extend the warm summer days. It is to such flowering plants that gelenium belongs - bright golden or orange flowers, creating a whole radiant sea of ​​\u200b\u200binflorescences blazing in autumn garden. Gelenium, planting and care in the open field for which is not difficult, will be an excellent element of landscape design.

This article will discuss the features of this unusual plant and its main types and varieties. We will also take a closer look at the main nuances of agricultural technology for growing gelenium.

Features and description of gelenium

Gelenium is an annual or perennial herb that belongs to the large Asteraceae or Compositae family. To date, the genus of this culture has about 30 species, of which only 5 are used and grown in horticulture. The territory of Central and North America, mainly the western part of the United States, is considered the natural habitat of this vibrant and attractive flower of gelenium. These plants feel great in the wet meadows and swamps of this country, from where the culture has spread throughout the world. However, in Russia, gelenium is not very popular, which is very sad. After all, this flower has a very spectacular and bright appearance and allows you to extend the summer warmth and colors until late autumn.

Like the beauty of this plant, there is a legend about its appearance on earth. According to ancient Greek myths and legends, the plant received the name "gelenium" in honor of the wife of the ancient Greek king Menelaus Elena, who was abducted by Paris. The princess sat in the besieged Troy and wept all the time. And in the place where her tears fell, bright golden flowers appeared.

Gelenium description:

  • Gelenium - perennial herbaceous plant, however, it does not have a perennial rhizome.
  • In autumn, all the stems and roots of the gelenium die off. But thanks to young underground buds, a rosette with new leaves and roots is formed on an annual stem by spring. In fact, this plant does not have any bush, but is represented by a large number of single-stemmed plants.
  • Gelenium is a tall plant that can reach a height of 160 cm.
  • The stems are erect, very branched in the upper part, lignified and densely covered with leaves.
  • Leaves oblong, lanceolate. In the basal part they are located on petioles, and in the upper part they are sessile. Arranged alternately on the stem.
  • There can be a large number of inflorescences on one stem at the same time.
  • Gelenium flowers are thyroid inflorescences, chamomile-like, slightly convex in the middle part.
  • The shape of the flowers can be double or semi-double, it all depends on the particular variety.
  • The flower consists of marginal reed petals of yellow, orange, purple, brown, as well as central tubular yellow or brown.
  • Gelenium has a wonderful aroma that attracts bees.
  • Flowering begins at the end of summer and lasts until frost. It has a fairly long period.
  • The fruit of this plant is an oblong achene.

Variety of species and varieties of gelenium

In total, there are about 30 various kinds, which make up a small genus of geleniums. However, only five are used for landscaping and decorating plots: autumn gelenium, hybrid gelenium, Hupa gelenium, Bigelow gelenium, and spring gelenium. Let's take a closer look at the features of each type.

Helenium spring

  • This is a perennial herb.
  • It can reach 1 m in height.
  • The stems are straight, branched at the tops, densely covered with leaves.
  • The leaves are oval, lanceolate, dark green.
  • At the tops of the shoots, single flowers are formed or collected in thyroid inflorescences.
  • Flowers in diameter reach 7 cm, orange color.
  • Flowering is long, begins in mid-May and lasts a month.
  • Very cold-resistant species, perfectly withstands even Siberian frosts without shelter.

Helenium Hupa

  • This type of gelenium is sometimes called gupes.
  • In nature, this plant prefers to grow on rocky hills in North America.
  • perennial herbaceous flowering plant with rhizome.
  • It can reach 90-100 cm in height.
  • Stems erect, strongly branched at the top.
  • The leaves are oblong, green in color with a grayish tint.
  • The flowers are solitary, formed at the ends of the stems, about 8-9 cm in diameter.
  • Gelenium Hupa blooms with yellow golden inflorescences.
  • Flowering begins in late June or early July.

Helenium hybrid

  • TO this species include plants of ornamental varieties, which are obtained by crossing various species, the main of which is autumn gelenium.
  • All varieties of this group of plants differ in height, color of flowers and leaves.

Popular varieties of hybrid gelenium:

  • Variety "Gartezonne". A very tall plant that can grow up to 130 cm. It blooms in small flowers, up to 3.5-4 cm in diameter. The petals are reddish-yellow in color, and yellow in the middle with a slight brown tint. Flowering begins in July, lasts about a month.
  • Sort "Goldlaktswerg". This plant is formed by erect stems that can reach a meter height. The flowers are small, 3-4 cm in diameter. This variety of gelenium blooms orange-brown with yellow tips.
  • Variety "Rothgout". grassy perennial, reaching a height of about 120 cm. Flowering begins in July with dark red flowers with a brown tint.

Helenium autumn

  • It is the most popular and common type of gelenium in Russian gardens.
  • The natural habitat is the territory of North America, namely wet meadows and swamps.
  • Autumn gelenium has been used in landscape design since the 17th century.
  • The stems of the plant are strong, lignified, upright, can reach a height of 2 m.
  • The stems grow very close to each other, thus forming a columnar bush.
  • In the upper part, the shoots branch strongly.
  • Flowers small size, up to 6 cm in diameter. They bloom at the end of each branched shoot, so during flowering the entire bush is abundantly strewn with bright golden flowers.
  • Flowering begins in August and lasts for a month.

Popular varieties of autumn gelenium:

  • Variety "Magnificum". It belongs to undersized varieties of gelenium, reaches a maximum height of 80 cm. It blooms with bright yellow flowers with the same yellow core. Inflorescences reach 6 cm in diameter.
  • Variety "Katarina". A tall variety of gelenium that can grow up to 140 cm in height. The marginal petals are yellow, and the central petals are brown. This variety blooms in August.
  • Variety "Superboom". Flowers up to 160 cm high. Golden flowers bloom from mid-August.
  • Variety "Altgold". A plant of medium height, in the garden it can grow up to 90 cm. The inflorescences are small, only 6 cm in diameter. Marginal petals are yellow with unusual reddish strokes, the middle is brown. Flowering begins at the end of summer.
  • Variety "Di Blonde". Tall flowers that can reach 170 cm. The shoots are straight and strong, forming a dense bush. The inflorescences are small, only 5-6 cm in diameter. Reddish brown in color.
  • Grade "Glutauge". Differs in short growth, bright red flowers with the same red core. The diameter of one inflorescence is 6 cm.

This is just a small list of gelenium varieties that are perfect for decorating your site.

Helenium propagation methods

All types of gelenium can be propagated in several ways: by seeds, by dividing the bush, and even by cuttings. The simplest are seed breeding and dividing the bush.

Propagation of gelenium by seeds

  • Gelenium seeds have a very low germination rate, whether you sow them immediately after harvest or after some time.
  • It is best to sow seeds for seedlings, so you can get strong and healthy seedlings that will better adapt to open ground.
  • It is best to sow seeds for seedlings around February.
  • However, planting material must first be stratified within 1-1.5 months. To do this, you need to pour soil into the container and sow the seeds on top. After that, the entire container is wrapped with a film and put in the refrigerator. And after 1.5 months they take it out and place it in heat.
  • The rest of the time the seeds should be under artificial lighting and comfortable temperature. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 18-22 degrees Celsius.
  • The first shoots will already appear within 2-3 weeks.
  • Care for young seedlings consists in maintaining a comfortable temperature, watering and timely picking.
  • When 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be planted in separate pots.
  • Plant seedlings in a permanent place in open ground possible in early summer.

Propagation of helenium by dividing rosettes

This method is the simplest and is used by almost all experienced gardeners who breed gelenium on their own.

  • All gelenium bushes consist of a large number of independent single-stemmed plants, which together form a columnar plant shape.
  • Once every three years, or more often, each gelenium bush must be divided into several parts, since by this period the number of stems can reach 30.
  • You can propagate the plant by dividing the bush in spring and autumn. However, May is still the best time.
  • You need to carefully dig out an adult gelenium bush and divide its roots into several parts. To do this, you do not need to make any effort - the bush itself breaks up into leaf rosettes.
  • After that, plant each delenka in a pre-selected place.
  • Using this method, you rejuvenate adult plants, enhance their decorative effect.
  • Flowers grown in this way will bloom only next year.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Reproduction of gelenium by cuttings can be carried out at the time of active growth of the stems.
  • To do this, you need to cut the cuttings about 10-12 cm long with a sharp knife.
  • After that, they can be treated with a special root-forming solution, such as Kornevin.
  • For the appearance of roots, the cuttings can be placed in water, or they can be buried in the soil in a greenhouse.
  • After the roots appear, young seedlings are planted in a permanent place in open ground.

Stages of preparation before planting gelenium in open ground

Preparing before planting a plant is the key to getting strong and strong in the future. healthy flower, which will be a great decoration for your site. If your area does not already have this beautiful flower and you have nowhere to get planting material, it is important to purchase high-quality seedlings in the store. Also consider all the features of the plant and select the most suitable place for its active growth on your site.

Stage 1. Selection of seedlings

  • It is best to buy gelenium seedlings in separate containers in specialized stores. It is better to refuse to purchase planting material in spontaneous markets or from strangers, so you risk getting low-quality material.
  • Before buying, find out from the consultant all the features of growing a particular variety of gelenium.
  • It is also important to carefully examine the seedling. It should not have any damage, signs of disease or pests, dry soil in the container.
  • When buying a gelenium seedling, you need to consider the future location of the plants. Get taller varieties for single plantings or planting along the fence, and undersized varieties for framing flower beds.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for landing gelenium

Gelenium is a very ornamental plant, therefore perfect place for its full growth there will be a well-lit area. It is in such conditions that you will get a beautiful plant with abundant and bright flowering. However, this culture feels good in light partial shade.

When choosing a place to plant a gelenium, consider your intended garden composition. With these bright colors you can perfectly decorate nondescript buildings or a fence, and lower varieties can be used to frame borders.

Stage 3. Soil preparation

This culture feels great on fertile, light and permeable soils. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. Gelenium is an unpretentious plant, but it is best to prepare the soil before planting. It is important that it be drained, as stagnant water at the roots is also detrimental to gelenium. The selected area must be dug up well by about a shovel bayonet. When cultivating the soil, you can add a little compost, as the plant responds very well to the introduction of various nutrients.

Helenium planting technology in open ground

  • The optimal time for planting gelenium in open ground is May or early June. It is at this time that the threat of return frosts disappears.
  • In a few days, the soil at the planting site is dug up and fertilized with compost.
  • Before planting, you also need to prepare gelenium seedlings. To do this, they must be carefully removed from the containers and lowered for a while into a container of water so that the roots absorb as much moisture as possible. Approximately the time spent in the water should be 5-7 minutes.
  • Next, dig planting holes at the prepared site. Their size should be twice as large as the root system of the seedling along with the earthy clod. Seedlings should be planted no deeper than in a pot.
  • If you plant several seedlings side by side, then it is imperative to observe the distance between the planting pits and rows. There should be at least 30 cm between gelenium flowers, and at least 35 cm between rows.
  • A layer of drainage can be placed at the bottom of each hole, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture at the roots. As a drainage, it is recommended to use expanded clay or broken bricks.
  • Next, place the seedlings of the plant in each planting hole and sprinkle them with soil, gently tamping with your hands.
  • After planting, the surface around the plants must be mulched to prevent evaporation of moisture. As mulch, you can use dry peat or humus.

Agricultural technology for growing gelenium: features and secrets of care

Planting a gelenium will not be difficult even for beginner gardeners, however, even this unpretentious plant requires attention and constant care. Throughout the season, the plant needs abundant watering, loosening, top dressing and prevention of pests and diseases.

Watering gelenium

Gelenium care includes regular and abundant watering. In its natural environment, this culture prefers to grow in wet meadows and swampy lowlands, so you need to create exactly the same conditions on your site. The soil around the plant should always be in a slightly damp state, as this plant does not tolerate a dry substrate. In dry summers, the amount of watering increases. Some gardeners recommend giving preference to drip irrigation.

Loosening and mulching

Despite the fact that gelenium loves moisture very much, it cannot stand excessive stagnation of water at the roots and stems. Therefore, after watering, it is periodically recommended to loosen the soil around the bushes to saturate it with oxygen. To reduce the amount of weeding and loosening, it is important to constantly add fresh mulch. As mulch, you can use dry peat, sawdust or humus.

top dressing

For full growth and lush flowering, gelenium must be fed throughout the season.

  • The first feeding should be carried out in early May. It is during this period that the green part of the plant begins to actively grow. It is important to fertilize the gelenium with urea and any complex liquid fertilizer. You can also use a solution of mullein.
  • The second top dressing is carried out to stimulate the flowering of the gelenium. You need to take 10 liters of water and add about 1 liter of mullein solution, one tablespoon of Agricola-7 and Agricola-fantasy.
  • The third dressing is carried out after flowering and it allows the plant to gain strength before winter. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used to fertilize gelenium during this period.

Pruning and transplant

If you want your gelenium to be more lush and delight you with abundant flowering, then at the beginning of summer it is advisable to do a little pruning. During it, slightly remove the tops of some shoots. It is also important to remove faded flower buds in time, thus you will stimulate the growth of new ones.

Once every three years, the plant needs to be transplanted and seated. Each year, the plant develops more stems and there is a risk that young buds may eventually come to the surface. Therefore, it is imperative to dig up the plant and divide it into several outlets.

Pest and disease control

Gelenium is characterized by good resistance to various diseases and the appearance of pests. However, sometimes the bushes of this spectacular flower can be affected by the chrysanthemum nematode. When it appears, brown spots appear on the leaves and buds of the plant, the flower stops blooming. To combat this worm, it is necessary to pour over all plants. hot water, about 50 degrees, and sprinkle the soil with lime or sulfur.

Preparing for winter

Before the onset of frost, around October, all gelenium stems must be cut. The place where the plant grows must be mulched. As mulch, you can use natural materials such as peat, moss, sawdust, fallen leaves. Alternatively, you can cover the plant with non-woven material.

The use of gelenium in landscape design

Gelenium is perfect for decorating and landscaping the site. There are several options for using it:

  • Tall geleniums look great in single plantings against the backdrop of a lawn.
  • This high-grade plant can be used to decorate unsightly walls or fences, as well as to create a small flowering hedge.
  • Lower grades of gelenium are suitable for framing garden paths or curbs.
  • High and low varieties are used to create flower beds. In this case, tall flowers are planted in the background, and undersized flowers are planted in the front.

Photo of gelenium in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features of the use of gelenium in decorating the site in the presented photos.

Using gelenimum for planting along the fence

Growing gelenium in combination with other plants

The use of gelenium in single plantings

Gelenium - bright and showy flower, which will help you create a kaleidoscope of golden hues in the autumn area, thereby prolonging the warmth of summer.

Wonderful gelenium flowers throughout the autumn will remind you of the outgoing summer. At the same time, they will help landscape design suburban area is even more attractive.

general description

Gelenium is a perennial. Flowering occurs from July to October. In length, the plant reaches 70-150 centimeters. Depending on the variety, the color of the petals can be:

  • orange;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • brown red.

Chamomile inflorescence. The middle is convex. The edges of the petals are curly.

The plant is native to Central and North America. Helenium does not have a perennial rhizome. Flowering stems to winter period die off. Rosettes with leaves appear on the underground part of the annual stem at this time. The following year, a flowering stem emerges from it. Thus, the bush as such is absent, there are only many united independent plants.

The stems reach a height of 160 cm, straight, branching at the top. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged in the next order. Achenes are slightly pubescent, oblong-cylindrical. Inflorescences are baskets.

Varietal diversity

In July, one of the most popular varieties of gelenium blooms - Moerheim Beauty. It has an unusual bronze-red color of flowers. In height, the gelenium of the presented species reaches 90 cm.

At the end of summer, you can enjoy the flowering of varieties such as:

  • BaudirektorLinne, red-brown flowers (plant height - 130 cm);
  • "Waltraud" yellow-brown flowers (plant height - 80 cm);
  • Koenigstiger, yellow flowers with a red border (plant height - 120 cm);
  • "Magnificum" reaches a height of 80 cm, undersized variety, yellow center.

In autumn, varieties such as 'Sonnenwunder' and 'Septembergold' bloom. The first variety is distinguished by amazingly beautiful orange flowers, in the second variety the flowers have a yellow color.

Photo gallery

Use in the suburban area

Gelenium blooms in August, but it acquires brightness in the autumn. The plant looks great in group plantings.

Planting gelenium should take place on a slightly moist, rich nutrients priming. If the soil is heavy, you will need to add compost and sand.

The best option placing flowers on the site - near the fence. There they are reliably protected from precipitation and look very attractive. Often gelenium covers ugly outbuildings.

You can also plant a flower near ornamental shrubs, singly or in groups, in the background of flower beds. The plant goes well with asters, which bloom in autumn. Geleniums look very good in bouquets.

Gelenium: description and care (video)

Important! Flowers should be cut only after they have blossomed, otherwise they will not open in the water.

Combination with other plants

You can use gelenium in combination with perennials in a flower bed. At the same time, it should be located in the middle or in the foreground of the flower garden. Having chosen the presented option, make sure that other plants do not interfere with the growth of the gelenium. The plant looks great against the backdrop of cascading flower beds. The best neighbors for him will be:

  • stonecrop;
  • delphiniums;
  • rudbeckia;
  • asters;
  • white phlox.

It looks interesting gelenium with geyher, marigolds, vines, goldenrod, garden yarrow.

Another option is to plant near a reservoir or pond.

Gelenium can be used both in combination with plants that are in the same color scheme(figelius capa, marigolds, goldenrod), and with white flowers.

Landing and care

  • The soil is prepared in the spring. It is dug up to a depth of 30 cm and compost is added. The seedlings are removed from the pots and placed in water for 5 minutes, it is important that the roots absorb moisture. The pit should be 2 times larger than the root ball. It is not necessary to deepen the gelenium strongly, the same depth as in the pot is enough.
  • In dry weather, plants need watering. Preference should be given to drip irrigation.
  • Gelenium, the landing of which is not difficult, has special requirements for care. It is important to remember how plants exist in nature. They require fertile and moist soils. Flowers make high demands on lighting. In partial shade, plants with red petals will not bloom, but you can try to grow plants with yellow petals in such conditions. In dry times, watering is done 2 times a week.
  • It is worth noting that geleniums feel great in flower beds with a dense planting. In the foreground, you can place undersized species, in the background - tall ones. Solitaires look great against the background of the lawn. However, the plants require additional care in the form of timely watering.
  • Flowers will be grateful for the introduction of mineral dressings, a couple of times per season is enough. After three years, a transplant is carried out - the bushes age quickly. However, it is recommended to carry it out in the autumn.
  • When growing gelenium, you need to know that even with proper care the bush may not survive the winter. In snowless and frosty winters, flowers freeze quickly. It was noted that in this case, the condition of plants created using other varieties, for example, "Bigelow", is worse.
  • For the winter, the soil near the plant is mulched with sawdust and moss. From above, shelter is made with lutrasil. It is recommended to prune for the winter.

  • The acquisition of seedlings should be done in the spring. In this case, the plants must be healthy.
  • To obtain sprawling bushes in the spring, pinch off the tops of the shoots.
  • The soil must be rich in nutrients.

Rejuvenation of the bushes is carried out in spring or autumn. To do this, the plant is dug up, then it is divided and planted again.

The Helenium flower belongs to the extensive botanical family of Compositae.

Photos of flowers of various colors are widely presented on various pages of Internet sites.

Description and characteristics

Gelenium flowers (lat. Helenium) are ubiquitous in the North and South continents of America, as well as in Canada.

Wildflowers are often found in sunny glades of evergreen and deciduous forests. Inflorescences-baskets of heads always look at the sun and their name is from the Greek word "helios" - the sun.

According to legend, it is believed that Helenium acquired its name in honor of the beautiful Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, with whom the beginning of the Trojan War is associated. This character is familiar to us from the ancient Greek poem of Homer's "Iliad".

The genus Helenium has approximately 50 species and subspecies of annual and perennial flowering plants. The value of decorative perennials that bloom at the end of summer is that they are not demanding to care for.

The most common among them is autumn gelenium with yellowish inflorescences. All other varieties originate from it.

The originality of the plant lies in the non-wintering rhizome. The flower stems die off along with the roots, at the base of which there are numerous small rosettes already developed.

In the spring, having survived the severe cold, they all give new shoots and the curtains of gelenium plantings grow very quickly. The first cultivar of Helenium was bred in 1909 by the American botanist Maurice Pritchard. It was named "Riverton Beauty".

An ornamental plant was 1.2 meters tall with yellow-brown inflorescences. Very quickly, other, new varieties of various colors from yellow to orange and red began to appear.

Cultivars of flowers are now cultivated almost all over the world. This is facilitated by their resistance to frost and drought, they are unpretentious to growing conditions.

Beautiful flowering perennials reach a height of 70-160 centimeters. Multiple strong erect trunks branch out in the upper parts, covered with delicate hairs and leaves. Stem leaves are oblong with small denticles of dark green color.

note: the root system of the plant is developed with a large number of adventitious roots growing in the surface layer of the soil.

The inflorescences of the plant are large, can reach a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. Baskets consist of small tubular flowers of yellow-brown shades, forming a convex knob in the center. Around the circumference of the cone are the so-called petals of various colors. Their color scheme is quite diverse: from pale yellow to piercing red.

Geleniums are sun-loving, which justifies their name. Plants love fertile soils, with the introduction of organic and. Watering is necessary regular, but they tolerate drought calmly. Flowers are practically not exposed to infections.

Growing from seed

Adherents of growing gelenium rightly recognize the fact that the best way to divide rosettes is. But you can also sow it from seeds. It is important to consider that in the northern zones with a cold climate it is better to use seeds of released varieties.

Seeds can be sown in autumn directly into loose, fertile soil with the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers. With this method of sowing, the flowering time of the plant may be pushed back to the next year, or later.

The low germination of seeds, especially freshly harvested ones, dictates the decision to grow seedlings of helenium flowers in room conditions. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February-March in boxes with prepared moist soil, covered with glass or plastic wrap.

The temperature for germination should be + 18-22 degrees. We must not forget to regularly water and ventilate the seedlings after the emergence of seedlings.

At the age of 2-3 true leaves, the plant must dive. Planted in a permanent place in fertilized soil at a distance sufficient for further root formation and growth of seedlings.


Seedlings can be planted in open ground when the time for night cold passes, this is the end of May - the beginning of June. Preference is given to sunny open areas, shady places are not excluded, they can also grow there.

Before planting, we remove the sod - the vegetative layer of soil. We carry out digging with compost, humus, introduced mineral fertilizers to the depth of the shovel bayonet.

Holes in the ground for seedlings are made twice as wide as the size of the root ball. Then we water the holes. We lower the root system of seedlings into the composition of a special solution for root formation, or simply moisten it with water.

gardener's advice: varietal specimens cannot be propagated by seeds for the reason that when sown with seeds, parental, varietal characteristics are not preserved. For propagation of varietal specimens, a vegetative method is used.

We plant seedlings, deepening its root system. The gaps between plants are at least 30-35 cm. Then it is necessary to carefully mulch the plantings with compost or crushed peat. As a rule, gelenium, sown in seedlings, will bloom only the next year.

Outdoor care

When planting a gelenium and caring for it, there will be no difficulties if you know some of the features of its cultivation and have some agricultural skills.

Its main feature is that it should grow mainly on sunny place with fertile moist soil without standing water. The soil should be with good water and air permeability. On hot days, watering is carried out more often and more abundantly.

The main care also consists in loosening the soil and weeding from weeds. Important! Gelenium top dressing is carried out 3 times during the summer season:

  • May - one tablespoon of potassium sulfate, and the drug Effecton in a bucket of water. After the main watering, feed at the rate of 1 liter per plant;
  • Flowering - a liter of liquid manure, a tablespoon of Agricola fantasy and Agricola7 preparations per bucket of water. Apply 1 liter per plant after watering;
  • End of October - dilute a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in a bucket of water. Apply 1.5 liters under the plant.

Popular types and varieties

Grade Moerheim Beauty

Most famous varieties gelenium are hybrid and simple species selected by professionals as a result of selection from all kinds of variations of beautifully flowering specimens.

Their hybrid varieties are distinguished by the flowering period, which is longer than that of simple species by 1-1.5 months, and the decorativeness of large buds.

The most common varieties:

  • "Moerheim Beauty" - blooms from July until frost, stem height 90 cm per sandy soil, 120 cm on the fertile, inflorescences have a range of shades from red to copper and gold;
  • "Waltraud" - bred in 1947, flowering time - August, golden brown inflorescences, height 80 cm.
  • "Koenigstiger" - decorative variety, blooms in August, flowers are painted in yellow with red reed petals, shoot height 120 cm.
  • "Baudirektor Linne" - flowering period - August, inflorescences of brown-purple hues, powerful stem height up to 130 cm.
  • "Sonnenwunder" - flowering period - September, powerful, bright plant, blooms in September with golden yellow flowers, stem height 150 cm.
  • "Septembergold" - translated as "September Gold", the plant blooms in September with yellow inflorescences.

Diseases and pests

Gelenium is characterized by high resistance to pests, infections and diseases.

However, it can be affected by the main pest - the chrysanthemum nematode, which can quickly destroy many plants. The pest affects not only the leaves, but also the buds of the inflorescences, which dry out.

The fight against the nematode consists in pruning and destroying the affected leaves. They must be removed from the site and burned. Heat treatment with water at a temperature of +50 degrees has a positive effect. If these measures are ineffective, a solution of thiophos is used.

Preventive measures are proper preparation plants for winter, they must be mulched with sawdust, moss or non-woven covering material such as lutrasil. The introduction of ground lime and sulfur into the soil is also an effective measure.

Reproduction methods

The division of the bush

In addition to the method of propagation by seeds, there is a simpler and more acceptable method - vegetative. It consists in dividing an adult bush, in which about 30 stems are formed after 2 years.

The division of the plant is usually carried out in the spring - in May. To do this, you need to dig a bush, while it independently begins to fall apart into sockets, they can only be planted in a prepared place.

In the spring, in the month of May, you can apply another method of reproduction of helenium - cuttings of shoots. It is produced using annual young stems 15-20 cm long. The upper part of the shoot is cut off, rooting occurs in a greenhouse, micro-greenhouse, under glass jars or plastic bottles.

When the first young leaves appear on the stem, the cover from the shoots can be removed and planted in a prepared place. Important! You need to water them, mulch and provide appropriate care.

Seed collection and wintering

Despite the fact that gelenium seeds are not difficult to find in modern shopping centers, they can also be collected by hand.

If you decide to collect seeds from your flowers for the purpose of propagation, you need to do this immediately, since during the autumn rains they will simply rot. The degree of readiness of seed material for collection is signaled by dried and darkened to black inflorescences.

The storage area for seeds must be dry. You need to store them in a linen bag or cardboard box.

It is important to know: most of the professional breeders and amateur flower growers still prefer the vegetative method of reproduction due to the low germination of seeds and the loss of "parental" properties by the plant.

Competent preparation of plants for winter is a guarantee that next season the bushes will delight you with the beauty and splendor of flowering. You need to make a minimum of effort - to mulch the beds with plantings of helenium with peat, humus, sawdust about 5 cm thick or lutrasil. It is first necessary to cut the stems, leaving stumps 10-15 cm high.

At the end of summer, when most ornamental plants and the flowers have already faded, the gelenium explodes with fireworks of spectacular, colorful inflorescences that can delight even on the gloomiest day. An indisputable advantage is its long flowering and unpretentiousness.

How to grow gelenium, see the tips in the following video:

For those who first decided to grow this attractive chamomile-like flower on the site, recommendations will be of interest: gelenium - planting and care. By the way, this is a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers all over the world a plant that fits well into any design of plots, gardens and even individual flower beds.

Photo 1. Helenium is native to Central and North America.

Description of gelenium

Geleniums (a genus of annuals and perennials of the Compositae family) has more than 30 species. Their homeland is Central and North America. There is a legend according to which the beautiful Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, abducted by enemies and imprisoned in a tower, cried about her grief, and her tears, falling to the ground, flared up with a bright flame and turned into golden flowers. They were called geleniums. Modest and unremarkable until a certain time, at the end of summer they bloom with warm and velvety flowers and captivate with their unusual beauty.

The roots of perennial helenium die in winter, but underground buds remain.

Perennial gelenium is not what we used to consider perennial flowers. Plants die to cold weather along with the roots, but they have already formed leaf rosettes from underground buds, which will give new shoots in the spring. What looks like a bush from afar is actually a set of close-growing, upright peduncles branching at the top. The height of the "bush" can reach up to 1.5 m, although there are also undersized varieties. The plant has lanceolate, alternate leaves. Flower baskets can be single or collected in corymbose inflorescences. Baskets are painted in yellow, orange, red, brown and purple tones, there are also two-tone ones. The fruit is a pubescent achene, having an elongated shape. Helenium has interesting property change color during the growing season. Yellow bushes turn orange, red bushes turn brown.

A photograph of a gelenium conveys the beauty and unusualness of a flower much better than words (photo 1).

Reproduction methods

A decorative flower is propagated in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively - by branching rosettes and cuttings.

Seeds from gelenium must be collected in the fall.

Seeds from gelenium are harvested in autumn. This must be done before the long autumn rains begin. As soon as the cone turned black and the reed flowers darkened, the seeds ripened. But it is not a fact that a plant grown from collected seeds will be a copy of its "parent". In addition, the germination rate of freshly harvested seeds is quite low. Therefore, it is better to purchase seeds in a specialized store, where gelenium is represented by various varieties.

Seeds are sown in the ground in autumn, and by the summer young flower bushes will already take shape. And in early spring (late February - early March), you can sow them in containers for seedlings. After the seeds are sown, the container is wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator in the vegetable section for 1-1.5 months. This process is called stratification. Then the container is placed in a warm place with good lighting. The air temperature should be + 18-22 degrees. Seedlings dive with 2-3 real leaves, and gelenium will bloom only after a year.

by the most effective way The reproduction of the flower is considered to be the branch of the rosettes. They are planted in May, when the probability of night frosts will be reduced to zero. You can propagate gelenium and stem cuttings during the growth of the stems. The cuttings are cut and rooted in the soil. You can pre-hold them in a mixture for rooting. The optimal planting density of rosettes and cuttings is 4-5 per 1 sq. m.

Planting and caring for an ornamental plant

Watering the gelenium should be frequent and fairly plentiful.

It is better to choose a sunny area, but in the shade, geleniums grow and bloom well. The soil should be well-drained, neutral, light and nutritious. Before planting, the soil is dug up with compost on a shovel bayonet.

Pits are prepared for planting, 2 times larger than the root ball of the plant. The roots of the gelenium are immersed in water for several minutes to soak in moisture, then planted at the same depth at which the plant grew in the box. The minimum planting pattern is 30x35 cm. Then the soil is mulched with humus or peat.

The peculiarity of gelenium is that dry soil depresses it. Watering should be frequent and plentiful, especially on hot days. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate too wet soil. Regular weeding and shallow (to a depth of 7 cm) loosening are required. Mulching the soil after planting will make it easier to kill weeds.

Top dressing is carried out 3 times with mineral and organic fertilizers:

  1. In May. For 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. organic fertilizer Effecton, potassium sulfate, urea. Consumption - 3-4 liters per 1 sq. m.
  2. Late August - early September. For 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of liquid mullein, 1 tbsp. l. liquid Agricola-fantasy and Agricola-7. Consumption - 2-3 liters per 1 sq. m.
  3. At the end of October. For 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Consumption - 5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Photo 2. Bright flower bushes of geleniums will decorate any area in the country.

You can spray the plant for better budding with Bud growth regulator (take 10 g per 10 l).

For more lush flowering, wilted inflorescences must be removed. Pinching the tops, increase the branching and density of the bushes.

Before the onset of winter cold, the stems of the plant are cut off, leaving small tails above the ground. Then the place is mulched with sawdust or moss and covered with lutrasil in case of a snowless winter or severe frosts. If the winters are mild, the plant will survive them well even without shelter. Over time, the gelenium loses its frost-resistant properties, and the land under it is depleted, so it must be replanted every 4 years.

Geleniums in the design of plots

Bright flower bushes can decorate any area (photo 2). From tall plants they make mono-landings that perfectly mask fences and buildings that have an unpresentable appearance. In a flower bed, gelenium is placed in the center so that shorter plants are not obstructed by spreading tall flowers. From undersized varieties make picturesque borders.

Photo 3. Very beautiful decorative flower is Helenium hybrid.

Geleniums are very beautifully combined with asters, rudbeckia, stonecrops and ornamental shrubs. They look no less impressive in bouquets, however, it should be borne in mind that incompletely opened flowers will not bloom in water.

Some types of gelenium are designed specifically for garden decoration. For example, the autumn gelenium, popularly referred to as the "sneezing plant", and the bigelow gelenium. In the old days, dry leaves of helenium autumn were used in the manufacture of tobacco, which, when inhaled, caused sneezing, thereby expelling evil spirits from the body. Usually the plant grows up to 1 m, but there are species that reach 2 m. Geleniums can vary in color: yellow, red-brown, orange. The flowering period is from August to October. The flower does not like a large number of dressings.

And gelenium bigelow blooms in June-July, the median flowers have Brown color, reed - yellow. Plant height - 80 cm. At the same time, helenium gupes blooms.

There are plants that bloom in spring. The flower is called so - spring gelenium. Its height reaches 1 m, from mid-May to mid-June it pleases the eye with orange-brown flowers.

A very attractive decorative flower is hybrid gelenium (photo 3).

There are a lot of plant varieties, and everyone can choose their favorite gelenium and use it in landscaping their site, creating beautiful and intricate flower beds and green hedges.
