Hyacinth is a bulbous plant that can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home. Therefore, many amateur flower growers want to grow this flower on their windowsill in order to admire it even in winter, during the cold season. Such a desire is quite feasible. However, for successful cultivation hyacinth needs to create appropriate conditions, as much as possible reminiscent of garden ones, and provide him with proper care.

Preparation for growing hyacinth at home

To date, breeders have bred several dozen varieties of hyacinth. And most of them are suitable for growing at home. But in order to grow a strong and beautiful flower, you need to properly prepare:

  • Bulb selection. First you need to select suitable material for landing. It is recommended to use bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm. Because it is easier to grow a full-fledged plant from a large bulb. A small bulb can throw out leaves, but never give flowers. In addition, you need to make sure that it is dense, without rot and damage. And immediately before disembarkation, it is desirable to treat it with a disinfectant solution.
  • Pot selection. Then you need to choose the appropriate pot. It should be wide and shallow. The pot must have drainage holes.
  • Soil preparation. You can buy the soil or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix turf, compost, leafy soil, humus in equal proportions and add a small amount of sand and.
  • When growing hyacinth at home, there is one caveat - this flower cannot bloom for several years in a row. Flowering is stimulated by artificial forcing, which weakens the bulbs. Therefore, after 1-2 years they need to be planted in a garden plot so that they go through a recovery period.

    Planting and caring for hyacinths room conditions

    After preparation necessary materials, you can start planting bulbs. Correct fit and care for hyacinths indoors include the following steps:

    • A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom of the pot; expanded clay is well suited for these purposes.
    • Fall asleep a small layer of soil.
    • Then a thin layer of fine sand is placed.
    • Bulbs are placed on top of the sand. You can plant one bulb in a pot, or several, so that a whole bunch is formed during flowering. In the latter case, the bulbs are laid out so that they do not touch each other and the pot (the optimal distance is 2–3 cm).
    • Bulbs are gently pressed into the ground and covered with the remaining earth. From above, the soil can be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand to protect the planting material from decay.

    Bulbs do not sink completely into the soil, their tops must necessarily remain in the air.

    Now the plants are creating a dormant period so that the bulbs are well rooted. The pot is placed for 1.5–2.5 months in a dark and cool place, for example, in the basement. The air temperature in this room should be from +5 to +10 degrees. In the absence of a basement or cellar, flowers can be placed in the refrigerator. However, be sure to ensure that the temperature in it is not less than 5 degrees Celsius. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil in order to prevent it from drying out.

    A dormant period is necessary for the successful cultivation of hyacinths indoors. If the plant is taken out earlier “to the light”, it may still be weak, develop poorly and, as a result, not bloom. Overexposure in the dark is also not recommended. The plant will throw out the leaves, all the force will go into them, and as a result, the formation of buds will be delayed.

    After the rooting of the bulbs for hyacinths, an artificial spring is arranged, for this the flowers are moved into the house. Here, hyacinths should be in a bright room, with a recommended air temperature of + 10-15 degrees.

    As soon as the plant begins to bloom, it is transferred to the desired room, and placed away from the radiators. So that the hyacinth pleases the owners for a long time with lush luxurious flowers, the air temperature should not be higher than +20 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the existence of drafts and provide the plant with good lighting.

    How to care for hyacinth at home?

    To grow lush beautiful flowers need to take care of them. How to care for hyacinth at home so that it blooms quickly and pleases the owners with beautiful flowers for a long time?

    Hyacinth care is relatively simple, and includes three essential components:

    • watering;
    • good lighting;
    • fertilizer.

    Watering. The basis for caring for hyacinth at room conditions is competent. The earth must be moist, so you need to carefully monitor that it does not dry out and water the plant in a timely manner. This requirement is important during growth, flowering and wintering. However, stagnant water for this plant is also detrimental and can provoke a fungal infection. Therefore, you need to make sure that excess water goes into the pan, and be sure to drain it from there.

    During watering, you only need to moisten the soil, and make sure that water does not fall on the buds, bulbs and leaf axils. To do this, it is recommended to pour water into the edge of the pot, or tray.

    Good lighting. From time to time it is necessary to turn the flower to the lighting in different directions. This promotes even plant growth. In the evening and on cloudy days, you can additionally highlight the plant with fluorescent lamps. With a lack of lighting, the plant may wither, shed leaves and young buds.

    Distillation of hyacinths at home

    A nice feature of the hyacinth is the ability to combine its flowering with a certain period or holiday. For this, distillation of hyacinths is carried out at home. It is of three types:

    • early - the bulbs are planted in October, and the hyacinth blooms for the New Year;
    • medium - planting is carried out in November, and flowering falls at the end of January - beginning of February;
    • late - bulbs are planted in December - January and admire the flowers in March - April.

    The period from planting to flowering averages 2.5–3 months.

    For the successful forcing of hyacinths at home, the bulbs must go through several stages of preparation with a gradual decrease in air temperature. After digging, they should be stored for 2 weeks in a warm and humid place with an air temperature of + 28–30 degrees. Then for 2 weeks they are placed in a cool room with a temperature of + 22-25 degrees. Further, even colder conditions are created for 2 weeks - + 15-17 degrees. And after that, the bulbs are ready for planting in a pot.

    What to do after hyacinth bloom?

    Like all flowering plants, hyacinth fades over time. What to do with hyacinth after flowering at home? To save his life, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks and not stop watering and fertilizing the plant until the leaves wither completely. At this time, the mother bulb is restored and can form daughter bulbs.

    Then you need to remove the hyacinth from the ground, clean it of wilted leaves and put the bulb to dry for 2-3 days. If, after digging up the bulb, the babies are already well developed, you can separate them. If they do not detach well, it is better not to touch them until next year. Since it is advisable not to use faded bulbs for re-forcing, they are transplanted to garden plot. Planting is carried out in the fall, and next year they are already delighting the owners with flowers in the flower bed.

    In order to get bulbs that can be used for growing indoors, the plant is not allowed to bloom normally. The buds are cut off so that the bulb can recover. In the fall, it is taken out of the ground, dried, and the forcing procedure is carried out again.

    Reproduction of hyacinths at home

    Hyacinth is propagated by children (daughter bulbs), which are carefully detached from the adult bulb. Natural division occurs slowly, in one year the mother bulb can form a maximum of 4 children. Therefore, in floriculture they use artificial method breeding hyacinths at home. To quickly get a large number of children, they practice special techniques - cutting and notching the bottom.

    Before starting artificial reproduction, the bulbs are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and dried at an air temperature of + 20–23 degrees for 2–3 days.

    Donets cutting. This technique is carried out after a period of rest. With a teaspoon in the bulbs, carefully cut out the bottom, then store them in boxes cut up at an air temperature of at least +21 degrees. After 2–3 months, small children in the amount of 20–40 pieces begin to form on the sections.

    After the appearance of the children, the bulb is planted in a cool greenhouse. Young bulbs begin to grow and throw out the first leaves. After the growing season, they are taken out of the ground, separated and planted for growing. After 3-4 years, ripened bulbs throw out their first flower stalks.

    Bottom cutting. This method is similar to the previous one, with the difference that the bottom is not cut out, but 2–4 cuts are made in it with a depth of 0.5–0.6 cm. Processing and storage conditions are the same as in the first method. The number of children with this method decreases (8-15 pieces), but they will be larger and stronger. The growing period in this case is reduced to 2-3 years.

    The process of growing hyacinths at home is quite simple, but very fruitful. For its successful implementation, you need to have a great desire and a little patience. And, of course, follow all the rules and recommendations that relate to planting and caring for hyacinths at room conditions.

    How to grow hyacinths at home - video

    It will be possible to achieve flowering of this wonderful plant almost at any time. It is possible to coincide with the opening of buds for a specific holiday, making yourself a gift, for example, on New Year.

    The festive room will be decorated not only with a traditional Christmas tree, but also with a majestic living bouquet.

    About how the distillation of hyacinths is carried out at home, it is a perennial or annual flower, and it is necessary to talk.

    Hyacinth is a member of the Asparagus genus and is a perennial bulbous flower. There are 3 types of it:

  • Hyacinth Litvinova. With wide spreading leaves and a shortish peduncle. Flowers with pointed petals, the predominant tone is bluish-blue. May be perennial or annual. In the wild (in the eastern regions of Iran and Turkmenistan), it grows for more than one year, and in culture it is most often used as an annual.
  • Hyacinth transcaspian. A small plant with narrow long leaves. There are usually more than two peduncles, the flowers themselves are blue and quite small. In the wild, flowering of hyacinths in spring can be seen in the mountainous regions of Turkmenistan.
  • The most common is, of course, oriental hyacinth. It is he who is defined as a typical type of culture, and on its basis new varieties and various hybrids are developed, of which there are already more than 300. It has a variety of colors.
  • It is possible to carry out a very conditional division of varieties of hyacinth orientalis according to colors:

    • blue (Maria, Delftblue, Royal Navy);
    • whites (Ailos, Edelweiss, Argentina Arendsen, Carnegie);
    • pink (Fondant, Jan Bos, Pink Pearl);
    • red (Woodstock);
    • yellow (Orange Boven, Apricot Passion, City of Harlem);
    • violet (Amethyst, Bismarck, Menelik).

    Hyacinth Mix is ​​a hybrid with double flowers that can have very different colors. This is a flower mix.

    Growing hyacinths at home is not the same as in the country or in the garden. We must try to recreate the conditions as close to natural as possible.

    It is not at all simple, but not extremely difficult to grow this plant. Any amateur is able to cope with this task.

    How are hyacinths planted and cared for indoors?

    The requirements for caring for a hyacinth in a pot are as follows:

  • The soil. A special mixture is used (turf, sand, humus, leaf earth and peat - in equal proportions). The soil in the pot must be calcined (thermally treated) before being used.
  • Lighting and location. This plant is very fond of light. He needs it at least 15-16 hours a day. Therefore, pots in which hyacinths are planted are best placed on the windowsills of the southern or southeastern windows. If this is not possible, then additional artificial lighting will have to be provided. In hot sunny days plants should be shaded or removed from window sills to avoid sunburn. Hyacinth on the windowsill needs to be rotated occasionally so that the flower is symmetrical.
  • Temperature. Hyacinths are quite demanding on the air temperature in the room (+20…+22°С). They can not stand drafts, sudden changes in temperature and the proximity of heating appliances. You can imitate natural conditions by taking pots in warm weather to a balcony or loggia.
  • Watering and spraying. Watering is required very carefully and carefully. We exclude the complete drying of the soil. It is not allowed to get moisture on the plant itself: it can rot. Watering is carried out by immersion in settled, not cold and soft water. There is no need to spray hyacinths in pots. In the process of flowering, moistening is generally strictly prohibited.
  • Top dressing of hyacinths is carried out quite often. For this purpose, you can use any universal complex fertilizer intended for all indoor plants.
  • Bulb flowers in pots give abundant budding solely as a result of forcing.

    And this is a whole complex of actions aimed at stimulating the plant.

    Conditions are created for planting and caring for hyacinths indoors, the observance of which pushes the plant to active growth and generous flowering.

    Bulbs - selection and preparation

    The choice of hyacinth is extremely important for the quality flowering of a houseplant. good material for landing.

    Bulbs should be strong, dense and healthy. They are not allowed to have damage (dents, scratches).

    The weight should not raise suspicions about the presence inside the void, that is, the bulb should not weigh too little.

    In terms of size, tubers with a diameter of about 5 cm are considered the most suitable. After purchase and immediately before planting, they must be treated with disinfectants.

    To plant a hyacinth flower in a pot, you need to take only those bulbs that have already undergone a dormant period.

    Anyone who bought material for planting in a store reasonably assumes that the purchased bulbs have already passed this stage. A repeat procedure is not required.

    If you use your own planting material, then you need to take care of this in advance.

    Hyacinth after flowering (in June) is dug up at the moment when the peduncle dries up and the leaves turn yellow. Then the bulbs are carefully examined and selected.

    Storage of tubers at home during rest (rest) is as follows:

    • the first two weeks after digging, garden bulbs should be kept in a humid and warm room (about 30 ° C);
    • in the next couple of weeks, the temperature is lowered to 25 ° C;
    • until the moment you need to plant hyacinth at home, the temperature background should be below 17 ° C.
    Bulbs - planting and subsequent forcing

    First of all, you need to decide on the date by which you want to get blooming hyacinth.

    The forcing time varies depending on the selected varieties. It ranges from 13 to 20 weeks.

    Flowering after early forcing occurs towards the end of December, after the middle - in January or February, and after the late - in the last decade of March or April.

    The process of planting, as well as caring for hyacinths at home, is carried out in several stages:

  • The pot is selected. It is recommended to use fairly wide, but not very high products. They must have drainage holes.
  • Drainage (expanded clay) is poured into the pot.
  • Then a small layer of special earth is placed on top.
  • Now - a thin layer of sand.
  • Bulbs are planted on the sand. One or even several pieces can be placed in 1 pot (at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other).
  • The bulbs are slightly pressed in (not screwed in) and covered with earth. Landing is carried out shallowly, about a third of the tuber should remain outside.
  • Sand is sprinkled on top to prevent rotting of the planting material.
  • For 1.5-2 months, the pots remain on vacation in a cool and dark place. It could be a basement or even a refrigerator. The main thing is that the air temperature is stable within + 6 ... + 10 ° С. Care consists in regularly moistening the earth. The substrate must not be allowed to dry out. Hyacinth at home is placed in an artificial fall.
  • After this period, the flowers need to create an unnatural spring. They move to a well-lit room where the temperature is maintained within +10…+15°C.
  • At the moment when the buds appear, the plant is immediately transferred to the required place.
  • For long-term preservation of hyacinth flowers in an apartment, a constant temperature is required, not exceeding 20 ° C. It is recommended to avoid proximity to heating appliances.

    You can not stop caring for hyacinth after flowering, otherwise the plant may die. When the yellowing of the leaves and the wilting of the flower stalks occur, watering and fertilizing should not be stopped. It is necessary to give the bulb time to recover.

    After the final drying of the leaves, it is taken out of the ground, cleaned and laid out to dry for a couple of days.

    If the hyacinth has well-developed children, they are separated. But if the small onions hold tight, it is better not to touch them.

    You don't need to transplant them right away. How to store bulbs at home?

    We leave it in a dark and rather cool place until late autumn, then we plant it in open ground. The bulb will take root well before frost.

    Hyacinths that have already survived one distillation do not bloom again. They don't have the strength to do it.

    Therefore, they should rest in the garden and will probably bloom next spring. You don't need to plant them in a pot.

    How does hyacinth reproduce?

    Propagation of hyacinths at home can be done in several ways. various options:

    • onion babies;
    • seeds;
    • individual onion scales.

    The reproduction of hyacinths by children is rightfully considered the most in a simple way for florists.

    Daughter bulbs grow, as a rule, in a natural way, completely independently.

    It is only necessary to carefully separate them from the uterine bulb. The only drawback is the small number of children (from 1 to 9).

    To increase the number of planting material, decorative methods of reproduction are used: incision (notching) and cutting (removal) of the bottom.

    For this procedure, choose the healthiest, largest and most rested bulb. Then it must be disinfected and dried.

    With the cutting method, the bottom is carefully removed so that a notch remains. Then the bulbs are laid out in boxes with cutouts up and stored in a room with a temperature of no more than 20 ° C.

    After two to three months, children will grow along the edge of the cutout in a fairly large number (20 - 40 pieces).

    The bulb with the children is transplanted into the ground for growing. When the growing season is over, you can dig up the tuber and divide the children.

    Transplanted bulbs will have to grow for another 3-4 years before flowering.

    With the method of cutting the bottom, several notches (2 - 6) are made, in which daughter bulbs are then formed. They will be smaller, but they will be larger.

    Transplantation of hyacinths is carried out similarly to the previous method. Children grown by this method come to the flowering phase faster (years 2 - 3).

    The plant also reproduces with the help of scales. They are simply separated from the uterine bulb and transplanted into the substrate.

    When cared for properly, hyacinths will grow into full-fledged bulbs soon enough.

    The most difficult way is growing hyacinths from seeds. It is used almost exclusively by specialists.

    It is also the longest. It will take up to 6 years for a flowering bulb to form from a seed. Although caring for growing bulbs is not so difficult.

    Hyacinth is a rather moody plant when grown in an apartment. Usually the fault is unskilled care. Here are some possible problems:

    • flowers rot (watering is excessive or incorrect);
    • buds fall (they got water when watering);
    • leaves wither (insufficient lighting);
    • leaves turn yellow (drafts occur);
    • no flowering (temperature conditions are not maintained).
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    A detailed description of the varieties, cultivation and care of hyacinth.

    In this article, you will learn about a beautiful flower called hyacinth. The care process and all problematic issues will be resolved after reading the information indicated.

    Hyacinth plant: legends and beliefs

    Hyacinths are flowers of incredible beauty and a delicate, but at the same time rich, intoxicating aroma. They bloom one of the first and enchant with their beauty and variety of colors.

    The flowers are not very picky and are great for both the garden and houseplant. Each person will find for himself his favorite color, which fascinates with tenderness and at the same time with color saturation. There are many legends and beautiful stories about hyacinth.

    One of them is about the favorite of Apollo - the young man Hyacinth. During the competition, the guy was injured and in the place where his blood dripped, flowers grew, which were later named after the young man.

    Youth Hyacinth

    The real homeland of hyacinths are the lands of the Middle East, northern Africa and the Mediterranean. The second homeland in Europe for the hyacinth was Holland, which made a lot of efforts for its further distribution.

    Hyacinth flowers - varieties: water, oriental, mouse muscari, bean curly, wild

    In nature, water hyacinth grows in the Amazon basin, where all year round very comfortable temperature. In most cases, the flower is on the water, and its roots are under water. It can bloom at any depth of freshwater rivers.

    This plant has large oval leaves, formations that fill with air and hold it on the surface of the water like a float. It blooms only for one day.

    Six-petalled lilac flowers with a dark blue center and long stamens. After pollination, the seeds enter the water and grow rapidly in warm, comfortable temperatures and sufficient light.

    It does not need special care, it is important to remove intensively growing shoots in time and do it carefully so as not to irritate the skin on the hands. As the water temperature drops, the flowers are moved to a special place filled with water.

    If the hyacinth overwinters in the apartment, then it is necessary to periodically humidify the air and make sure that the bulbs are constantly in the water, avoid drafts, but there should be enough fresh air in the room. It is strictly forbidden to cover the flower with light-transmitting containers and store it in basements or darkened rooms. The duration of the day must be at least twelve hours.

    Hyacinth orientalis - perennial, which reproduces with the help of scaly bulbs that have the same color as the flower. The best varieties of this kind:

    • snow white
    • Gentle sunny color
    • Saturated blue
    • All shades of purple and orange
    • Deep red to pale pink
    • black hyacinth

    It differs from other species in barrel-shaped peduncles: blue, purple and white. Get along well with other species bulbous plants in soils that can survive harsh winters, grow in one place with good care up to twelve years old. Hyacinth can be grown in an apartment or house in the winter.

    Bean climbing hyacinth can be either annual or perennial. climbing plant. In its homeland in warm Asia and Africa, it grows in one place for many years, and in less hot countries for only one year.

    It is distinguished by the fact that it wraps around special device counterclock-wise . The leaves are similar in structure to bean leaves, but have a different color: red-violet, green or purple.

    Not only unusually shaped leaves attract attention, but also very beautiful fruits that will decorate any well-lit area. In autumn, bright yellow, rich green leaves and colored fruits look especially beautiful. It is very important to monitor moisture, it is needed for intensive growth, but acidic soils strongly inhibit the plant.

    Hyacinthoid, Spanish blueberry, hyacinthoides - this is the name of one flower, which is an important part of the flower display in the gardens of many European countries. Its leaves have a long shape, a high peduncle, on which bright blue, purple, pink flowers are placed in the form of a bell.

    It blooms mainly in wet and temperate weather for up to three weeks. During intensive growth it is desirable to use mineral supplements. To improve flowering, it is better to transplant the plant every three years and cover it for the winter, to protect it from severe frosts. It fits perfectly into a home flower bed, on an alpine hill, and among stones.

    Hyacinth flowers: planting, care and growing from a bulb in an open field garden

    Before planting a flower in the ground, you need to prepare a place in advance. Some believe that hyacinth can be planted in the shade of trees and shrubs, as it blooms very early, when there are no leaves on the trees. But in order for him to please you with his amazing colors, he needs a clearing well warmed up by the sun, protected from strong winds.

    You also need to take into account the level of groundwater and take a number of preventive measures to protect the plant. Fertilizer from humus is excellent, but not fresh manure. One and a half to two months are allotted for preparing a clearing for planting, starting in August.

    In order for the bulbs to take root, they are planted to a depth of up to eighteen centimeters, at the end of September, at a distance of about 15 cm. To protect against decay, sand should be added to the hole and covered with tree leaves for the winter.

    During intensive growth, you need to feed twice, after when the peduncle and leaves have dried up at the hyacinth, you need to dig out the bulbs. If this is not done, then next year the flowers will be smaller. A week is enough for the dug bulbs to dry out, then they need to be put in special boxes and stored at room temperature and planted in the ground at the end of September.

    Growing hyacinths requires considerable attention and care. The earth should be moistened by 10-12cm. You also need to remove diseased flower stalks, and if necessary, the whole plant. Three times it is recommended to fertilize with complex fertilizers while regularly plowing the ground.

    Hyacinths need careful care

    At the end of the first month of summer, the preparation of the plant for winter begins. When storing bulbs, for 95 days you need to maintain constant humidity in the room and ventilate. Before planting, you need to put the bulbs in a cool room to adapt to low temperatures. They reproduce with the help of the formation of about 4 children.

    Video: Planting a hyacinth in the open field

    Hyacinth flowers: planting, care and growing in a pot, at room conditions

    At home, hyacinths are grown as follows:

    • Pre-selected bulbs are planted, checking them for damage.
    • Large bulbs are selected (more than 5 cm in diameter), from which it is easier to grow a chic flower and treated with a special solution.
    • The pot should be wider than the bulb and shallow with large holes for drainage.
    • Soil is better to buy or in identical parts mix earth with leaves, compost, humus and pour sand and peat.
    • Once every two years, flowers should be planted in a garden bed in open ground for restoration.
    • Flowering plant they are taken to a room where there is a lot of light and the air temperature is not higher than 20 degrees and there is no draft.

    You can time the flowering of the plant to certain holidays: if the bulb is planted in October, the plant will bloom by the New Year, if in November, then you can give a flower to your beloved girl on Valentine's Day, and if in December, then you can expect flowering by March 8.
    After the flowering period, flower stalks are cut off and continue to be watered and fertilized until completely dry, so that the bulb is large and with children.

    Video: Growing hyacinths at home

    Planting hyacinths in spring and autumn

    It is best to plant flowers in open ground in September to a depth of 15-18 cm, choosing medium bulbs, treating them with a fungicide solution before planting. Many experts do not recommend planting bulbs in the spring, as they will not have time to take root and throw out the peduncle.

    If planted in the spring, then the rooting and growth of the leaves occurs due to the nutrition from the storage scales, but at the same time, new flower stalks do not have time to form. You can also buy already blooming hyacinths in pots and transplant them into a specially prepared place by adding coarse sand there in advance.

    Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers, but rather add potassium and phosphorus with ash. In order to prevent various diseases, it is necessary to change the landing site every time.

    Video: Caring for hyacinths in spring and autumn

    When hyacinths sprout and bloom, how many times do they bloom?

    The first hyacinths sprout in the first months of spring, when winter coolness is in the air, but the sun warms the earth more and more. They take root in winter period and pierce their leaves at the first breath of spring.

    Their persistent aroma envelops everything around, and the saturation of color does not leave anyone indifferent. The main thing is to take care of them in late autumn, when you need to plant them in the ground:

    • add sand
    • various fertilizers
    • mark the place where they should ascend

    In order for what kind of beauty to grow in your home, you need to look at each bulb before planting, follow all the recommendations about proper care and then this beautiful flower will repay you with its beauty. It blooms for a long time, once, regardless of whether it is grown in the garden or at home.

    Hyacinth: how often to water in a pot and in the garden?

    In order for a flower to please everyone around with its beauty, it needs to provide proper watering:

    • After planting the bulbs in a pot, you need to pour water and sprinkle with sand, take the basement.
    • Be sure to periodically water for 2.5 months
    • After the appearance of the first sprouts and before the appearance of the first buds, move it to a room where the temperature will not exceed 10-15 ° C, limiting the access of light.
    • Water very carefully so that water does not fall on the bulb or leaves. Water should be warm and preferably rain.
    • When the first buds appear, you need to increase the amount of light and temperature in the room. We water more intensively so that the earth does not dry out, and the water does not fall on the bud, otherwise it will not bloom.
    • If you plant flowers in the garden, watering is mandatory. In this case, it is necessary to regularly fluff the earth for greater storage of moisture.
    Hyacinths have faded: what to do with them?

    After the plants have faded, you need to gradually reduce the frequency of watering until it stops completely. It is also recommended to feed the plants for the third time. mineral fertilizers, for abundant flowering next year. When the leaves turn yellow, you can safely dig out the bulbs.

    When to dig up hyacinths after flowering, what to do with a bulb in a pot?

    At the end of June-beginning of July, the ideal time for digging bulbs out of the ground:

    • They should be well cleaned.
    • Remove yellowed leaves
    • Place in wooden, well-ventilated boxes
    • Dry
    • Separate babies and store

    For about two months, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 24-28 ° C, gradually reducing to a comfortable 17 ° C. So the bulbs should lie for a little more than a month.

    Do not stop watering and regularly ventilate the room. During storage, you need to have time to separate the children and plant them in separate, small pots and grow 3-4 years.

    To reduce the risk of infection various diseases, dig bulbs every year, while maintaining the likelihood of annual abundant flowering. Wash only the bulbs dug out of the ground in running water, process in a 3-4% solution of karbofos or lower for 10 minutes. into heated water. Then ventilate well and dry specially in a dark place.

    What to do with an onion in a pot?

    It is necessary to change the soil, pour a thin layer of expanded clay on the bottom, and also dry the bulb, then carefully place it in a pot, moistening the soil in advance. Hyacinths, before being planted in a clearing, can be placed in a room so that they accumulate all the substances necessary for their intensive growth, and can delight all passers-by with their tenderness and natural beauty next year.

    Do I need to dig up hyacinths every year, how to store?

    If we talk about digging, then with hyacinths this should be done annually. This flower has a renewal bud, which determines how the flower will bloom the next year. Therefore, the bulbs must be stored at a certain temperature and humidity so that they do not dry out and rot.

    Dig bulbs preferably at the end of June. And store until the beginning of October in boxes in two rows no more. First, the temperature should be in the range of 23-25, and a month or 2 weeks before disembarkation, make the temperature slightly lower to 20 °.
    If you dig up hyacinths late or store them incorrectly at too low a temperature, you may not see lush flowers the next year.

    When to transplant hyacinths after flowering and after purchase?

    After the hyacinth has faded, after a while it is necessary to cut off the pedicel so that it does not take away from the bulb nutrients. But the leaves do not need to be touched until such time as they themselves turn yellow and dry.

    In order for the leaves to dry faster, they just need not be watered for a while. And at the end of June you will be able to dig up a hyacinth, and in October plant it in the ground.

    If you bought a hyacinth in a pot, then you can not immediately transplant it. It is necessary to let it bloom, the leaves must also dry, and only after that it will be possible to pull the bulb out of the pot. Further, after the storage period, such a hyacinth will also need to be planted in the garden.

    Propagation of hyacinths: bulb, seeds, leaves

    Hyacinth can be propagated in several ways:

    • seeds
    • leaves
    • bulbs

    In order to propagate this plant by seeds, it is necessary to plant them in the beds in October. Then by spring you will get small bulbs. But this process is probably the longest of all, and it will not even bear fruit in the second year.

    To grow a hyacinth from the leaves, it is necessary to cut off a few leaves from the March flowers near the bulb itself. Next, these leaves need to be cut across into 3 parts.

    After that, plant them in a pot while standing and ensure the correct temperature and humidity. If everything was done correctly, then after a month and a half, small bulbs with roots will grow from the leaves.

    Reproduction by bulbs can be done in several ways:

    • bottom cutting
    • incision
    • scales

    The cutting method is that a funnel-shaped notch should be cut out in the processed bulbs and then planted in pots. The temperature should first be in the range of 22-25 ° C, and the humidity should not exceed 70%. Somewhere in a month, small daughter bulbs will grow from the bulbs.

    The incision method is similar to the previous one, but in this case, not a cut is made, but 4 to 6 cross-shaped incisions, from which small onions will grow.

    The third method is propagation by bulb scales. To do this, select a few not too small scales, separate them from the main bulb and plant them in the soil. Subject to the correct temperature and humidity conditions, by spring they will be full-fledged hyacinth bulbs.

    Video: Hyacinth propagation

    Why hyacinths do not bloom or bloom poorly?

    It happens that the care of hyacinths is good, but the plant does not bloom or blooms, but very badly. Then you need to figure this out:

    • Firstly, the plant may not bloom if you have chosen the seed method of growing. Be prepared for the fact that you will not see flowers for 5 years so accurately
    • Another reason for poor flowering can be diseases and pests that can affect not only leaves, but also roots and bulbs. Therefore, at first they may not be noticed.
    Hyacinth: diseases

    Like any other plant, hyacinth can become a victim of diseases and pests. Pests that can affect the growth and development of hyacinths:

    • ticks
    • bear

    Ticks attack the bulbs, leaves, stems of the plant. As a result, the plant begins to wither, becomes weak. But, if the bulbs are pickled in time and the soil is treated with special means, then such a problem can be prevented.

    In addition, aphids attack hyacinths. It affects not only leaves, but even flowers. To get rid of it, you need to take high-quality insect control products.

    Another pest is a bear. It spoils the roots and bulbs of the plant, as a result of which the flowers weaken and die.

    Diseases that hyacinth can suffer from are different types of rot (soft, yellow, white, gray), fusarium and hyacinth mosaic:

    • With yellow rot, watery spots appear on the leaves.
    • Plants suffering from this rot wither, weaken, the bulbs take on the appearance of a brown mass. With white rot, the leaves of the flower turn yellow and dry, the bulb acquires White color And bad smell. The plant dies if control measures are not taken.
    • Soft rot occurs if the moisture or nitrogen content of the soil is too high. With this disease, the growth and development of hyacinths slows down, it fades, weakens and may die altogether.
    • Gray rot provokes the appearance of brownish-brown spots on the leaves and rotting of the bulbs. Fusarium provokes the appearance of yellow tips of the leaves, rotting of the bulbs and roots. A pink bloom appears.
    • Mosaic is the development of stripes on the leaves yellow color. At the same time, the plant itself weakens and develops poorly.

    Hyacinth water for aquarium

    Water hyacinth or, as it is also called Eichornia, is a plant of amazing beauty. It came to Russia and the neighboring countries of their tropics of South America.

    Water hyacinth is not whimsical to care for. The only thing he needs is warm, heated water and air. This flower will not only decorate any aquarium, home pond or waterfall, but will also be a water purifier.

    Eichornia has leaves collected in one rosette. The leaves are dark green, shiny. On the stem there is a porous thickening inside, it is thanks to him that the hyacinth floats up.

    Although he is not whimsical in care, but if he grows in a pond, then in winter he needs to be taken to the aquarium for storage, and only in the spring can he be planted back when the water and air, again, are at a favorable temperature.

    How to grow hyacinth from seeds, what do seeds look like?

    All experienced gardeners know that there are several ways to grow hyacinths. The most common of these is growing from bulbs. But also those who wish can try to grow hyacinth from seeds.

    The seeds of this flower are small in size, black in color with small light edges. But it should be noted that growing a flower from seeds is a very long process. So, you need to be patient in this case.

    Seeds should be planted in prepared soil in a box in September-October. After that, for several years it will be necessary to grow hyacinths in cold greenhouses. But you won't be able to see the flowers the next year.

    With this method of cultivation, the first flowers will appear only for 5-6 years. That is why this method is most often used only for breeding purposes. And ordinary amateur gardeners choose the method of growing from bulbs.

    Can you keep hyacinths in the bedroom?

    The bedroom in the house is a special place. After all, this is where a person rests after a hard day's work. Therefore, the conditions in this room should be the most comfortable.

    In order to decorate the bedroom, make it more comfortable and beautiful, flower lovers often place a wide variety of flowers in it. But before you put this or that flower in the bedroom, you need to find out detailed information about its features (properties and aroma).

    Many, even incredibly beautiful flowers, should not be placed in a room due to the fact that they can be poisonous or intoxicate a person. Hyacinth is a plant with a persistent pleasant aroma.

    It should not be placed in the bedroom, even for a person who loves the scent of these flowers and is not allergic to its scent. After all, the main purpose of the bedroom is to enable a person to relax and gain strength. If you still want to put a hyacinth in your home, then it is better to choose a living room or kitchen for this.

    Video: Growing water hyacinth at home

    Care at home for a hyacinth in a pot is not particularly difficult. It is enough to follow some rules.

    The main characteristics of the plant

    Hyacinth is a plant that has the same Latin and folk names. In Latin, its name means "rain flower". He really loves moisture, although he can survive a short-term drought. The bulb, which is a large kidney, helps him in this.

    It consists of fleshy leaves and a dormant shoot. Before the start of the growing season, this shoot feeds on the reserves of the leaves of this bud. At the same expense, rapid growth and abundant flowering in early spring is carried out.

    A rosette of elongated leaves and one stem with an inflorescence depart from the bulb. The flowering stem is a direct continuation of the bottom of the bulb. In hyacinth, as in many bulbous plants, after flowering, the flower-bearing stem dries out along with the leaves. After that, a kidney is formed in the corner of the uppermost leaf inside the bulb. It grows, forming a new bulb.

    The flowers resemble a bell in shape, but are collected in a brush inflorescence. The fruit is a leathery box with three nests, each of which contains two seeds with a fragile skin.

    The wild ancestors of the cultivated hyacinth grow in the eastern part of the Mediterranean and in Central Asia. In culture, this plant has acquired many forms and colors. The most common are blue, purple, pink, white, yellow flowers.

    How to grow hyacinth at home (video)

    The rhythm of hyacinth life at room conditions

    Despite the fact that the hyacinth at home on the windowsill has become a familiar phenomenon, it is not possible to force this plant to vegetate and bloom all year round - the memory of wild ancestors affects. Hyacinth in a pot, as well as in nature, should rest for a while. The growth of indoor hyacinth consists of the following stages.

  • After the plant has faded, you need to cut off the withered inflorescence from the bulb.
  • For some time, you need to continue moderate watering of the plant. This should be done until the leaves are completely dry.
  • After that, watering should be stopped, and the bulbs from the pot should be transplanted. For 3 months they are kept in a dark, cool place. At this time, the hyacinth should gain strength and form new bulbs.
  • You need to plant the bulb when new green shoots come out of it. After that, it's time to transfer the flower to a window with good lighting.
  • At this time, it's time to ask the question "how to care for hyacinth" in order to achieve abundant flowering from it.

    Care, breeding and transplanting

    Before planting a hyacinth in a pot, you need to carefully examine the bulb. If young bulbs are easily separated from the mother bulb, they can be separated and transplanted, but not into a pot, but into open ground. There they must mature to adulthood. If the bulbs do not separate, they are transplanted along with the mother bulb.

    In order to understand how to grow a hyacinth beautiful and healthy, you need to follow the following rules.

    • Hyacinth should be planted in fertile soil with a lot of organic matter and neutral acidity. In no case should you plant in acidic soil.
    • To place a pot with this plant, choose the most illuminated places. If there are no such windows, but you want to admire the flowers, organize artificial lighting.
    • It is necessary to ensure a stable temperature of about 20-23 ° C, without drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
    • Despite the presence of the bulb, the supply of moisture in it does not save the flower from drying out. The plant should be watered regularly, the soil in the pot should be constantly wet.
    • At home, the earth in a pot can be quickly depleted, so it is necessary to feed at all stages. individual development hyacinth. Bulbs at rest can be sprayed with a weak solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

    • A flowering plant needs to be fed twice a month with special preparations to stimulate flowering. However, caution must be exercised here frequent top dressing can change the acidity of the soil to a pronounced alkaline, which is also not desirable for keeping hyacinth at home.
    • Before planting a hyacinth, prepare the soil. A large amount of humus is good, but there is one danger here. If you put a lot of easily decomposing organic matter, then this can cause an increased nitrogen content and too vigorous leaf growth. In this case, the flower will develop poorly. There may be problems with the formation of new bulbs.

    Planting should be carried out in a pot with good drainage, which can be used as moss. This will make the soil looser, more moisture-intensive, with an optimal content of slowly decomposing organic matter. Moss can also be used as mulch.

    To properly grow hyacinth, care must be taken at all stages of plant development. Otherwise, the following problems may appear:

  • Too short stem. This happens with improper watering, contrasting temperature conditions, insufficient lighting and low soil fertility.
  • There is shedding of buds. This can happen when too high temperature And insufficient watering.
  • Hyacinth does not bloom. This trouble can occur with a lack of phosphorus or potassium in the soil, as well as with improper storage of the bulbs. Usually this is storage at too high a temperature, which leads to premature loss of moisture and minerals in the bulb. Too small bulb can lead to the same effect.
  • The specifics of watering a plant

    It is important to know in advance how to water a flower. The plant loves moisture, which is why, growing it in the house, you need to ensure regular proper watering. During this process, water is poured exclusively along the very edge of the bowl. If liquid enters the leaf axils, the hyacinth flower may die. It is better not to use standard watering cans.

    For watering hyacinth, it is desirable to use melt or rain water, it must first be heated to normal room temperature. In addition, when growing hyacinth at home, it is better not to spray it, because such actions can only harm the plant, especially during its flowering.

    How to Light Hyacinth

    To properly grow hyacinths, home care must be impeccable. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, because the flower needs an abundant amount of sunlight. In order for the forcing of hyacinths at home to be successful, it is necessary to provide him with at least 12 sundial for a day. At the same time, you can use artificial lighting.

    Hyacinth: care after flowering (video)

    Thus, solving the problem called how to grow hyacinth at home is not so difficult. It's just that the plant needs to create favorable conditions for flowering and periodically provide a state of dormancy for the bulb.

    Care: problems and diseases

    You need to know how to care for hyacinths, otherwise problems will begin. Among the most common are the following:

      due to non-compliance with the temperature regime, indoor hyacinths cease to bloom;

      if it is wrong to water the hyacinth at home or put the plant in a draft, its leaves will immediately turn yellow;

      due to insufficient lighting houseplants begin to fade;

      if water gets on the hyacinth at room conditions, the buds may begin to fall off;

      as a result of waterlogging, the flowers will begin to rot.

    Caring for a hyacinth at home is not difficult, because there are very few diseases that affect the flower. The most common is considered yellow bacterial rot. Mucus appears around the bulb, and the leaves are covered with black dots.

    If a home-grown hyacinth is sick, it must be destroyed, the pot disinfected and the earth thrown away. So that the rot does not return and does not affect the rest of the plants, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive maintenance. It is better not to fill the hyacinth in home vases, and the bulbs must first be pickled with phosphorus-containing preparations.

    Among the most dangerous pests distinguish the following:

      root mites;

      stem nematode.

    For their destruction, specialized preparations are used, which are used before the formation of buds.

    Reviews and comments

    Oksana Dmitrievna 10/23/2014

    Hello! I share my interesting experience of getting a rich harvest. I got it interview with Mikhail Chursin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences and inspired by the article, I decided to use his recommendations, and you know, I didn’t lose. All summer we ate cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, and for the winter we prepared a seam for myself and my family. For anyone interested, here

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    How to grow and care for hyacinth at home?

    How to care for hyacinth indoors? This question is asked by many novice flower growers, because turning a plant adapted for outdoor cultivation into an indoor plant is a very interesting experiment.

    Hyacinth is a beautiful flower that is one of the first to bloom in flowerbeds in spring with the onset of warm rains. The word "hyacinth" in translation from Greek is translated as "flower of rains". Luxurious, lush hats of flowers and heady aroma announce to everyone the awakening from winter sleep and the beginning of spring. Observant breeders noticed that hyacinth is a fairly “disciplined” plant, and one can calculate exact time its flowering after planting. This property is now used with pleasure by flower growers for growing hyacinths in the house. They bloom for 2-3 weeks and you can arrange forcing for a certain holiday. Therefore, for the New Year, the bulbs are planted in early September, and by March 8 - in mid-October, for flowering in May they are planted in early November.

    How to grow hyacinth?

    Hyacinth bulbs should be planted so that they peek out 2-3 cm above the ground.

    Seed preparation. First you need to select suitable bulbs. They should be dense with no signs of rot and external damage. Pay attention to the correct storage of bulbs before selling. The most successful specimens for distillation at home will be bulbs 5 cm in diameter. Such planting material is able to give a powerful and healthy peduncle. Before planting, it is advisable to hold the bulbs for several days in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

    Pot and soil preparation. The container for planting should be wide and shallow. It is acceptable to use boxes, pots, etc. Hyacinths require nutritious light soil. Universal primer is easiest to purchase at a flower shop. Before planting in containers for drainage, it is necessary to pour expanded clay or other small pebbles.

    It is necessary to plant the bulbs so that they peek out 2-3 cm above the ground. Blooming hyacinths will look beautiful if the distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm. So that the planting material does not rot during forcing, the soil is lightly sprinkled with sand on top.

    For successful rooting, the container is placed in a dark place with a temperature of only 5-7 °. Can be covered with plastic wrap with holes for ventilation. Periodically it is necessary to check the soil, not allowing it to dry out. Under such conditions, future hyacinths should spend 2-2.5 months. If the plant is brought into heat immediately, there will be no flowering.

    After the first leaves have appeared, the container can be transferred to a place with a temperature of 15 ° C.

    After the bulbs hatched, and they had the first leaves, about 2-3 cm tall. The container can be moved to a warmer place. At temperatures up to 15 °, they will grow until the buds appear. During this period, they still do not need bright lighting. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moist, but not sour. To form even flower stalks, it is necessary to periodically turn the container with sprouts to the light source in different directions. For more lush and long flowering, you can feed hyacinths with fertilizers.

    With the beginning of blooming flowers, hyacinths need to be put in a permanent place, beingware of hot batteries and bright sun. The hardest part is over! Now you can enjoy the beauty of the flower, only periodically watering it. Avoid getting water on the bulb and leaves. Winter evenings and cloudy weather can lead to dropping buds, so it is necessary to extend daylight hours with artificial lighting.
