Godetia is often said to be “the flower of love and passion”. Those who know this feeling can only compare, because a delicate plant combines beauty, grace and tenderness. It is impossible not to love this flower, it is impossible to forget it.

Historical reference

California can be called the birthplace of the Godetia flower, but this delicate plant got its name in honor of the Swiss botanist. The scientist C. Gode devoted a lot of time to develop an interesting variety of this plant and gave it his name. A little later, in order to smooth out the short angular name of the flower, people came up with a different name and began to call it "Godetia". A beautiful creature is growing, pleasing hundreds of pairs of eyes in North America and California. In Russia, you can also find this flower, how to actually grow it in your backyard or at home in a pot.

Godetia is an annual herbaceous plant cypress families. The stems of the flower are branched, erect. Plants reach a height of up to 50-60 cm. Godetia flowers are large, in the form of large bells or cups. Coloring can be different, ranging from soft pink shades to bright, dark red. Godetia inflorescences, as they begin to ripen, gradually stretch out, become racemose and new flowers bloom. When the brushes are stretched out, the flower becomes obsolete, and in its place an interesting fruit appears in the form of a tetrahedral box, which in its shape resembles an exquisite box.

Gardeners love this one beautiful flower not only for large and bright flowers, but also for a long flowering period. Godetia blooms for a very long time - from mid-summer to late autumn.

Godetia flower. Photo:

When to sow Godetia

A delicate flower propagates by seeds. It is not so difficult to grow it from seeds, they can be planted directly into the ground or you can play it safe and sow the seeds for seedlings in advance even in the cold season at home.

If you missed this moment, but you really want to grow godetia on the site, then take the seeds and go to the site. You can do this already from mid-spring (in April). If you live in the southern part of the country, then the seeds will feel great in winter, then they can be planted in the fall.

To get even and friendly shoots, do not be too lazy to prepare the seeds - before planting, hold them for an hour or at least half an hour in a barely pink manganese solution. So the seedlings will resist diseases.

For godetia, neutral soil or slightly acidic, loamy soil is suitable. It is better to choose an open and sunny place. Before you start planting, it is advisable to prepare the land in advance - you need to add mineral fertilizer and 5 kg of compost per 1 m 2 of wood ash (300 g). In addition, it will not be superfluous to dig up the soil and moisten it well. Everything, now you can proceed to the most important thing - sowing godetia seeds.

The sowing rules are as follows: each seed is deepened by half a centimeter so that there is a distance of at least 25 cm between each flower.

The first shoots may appear in a few weeks, but if you are impatient, you can speed up this process and cover the soil with a film. In a week, the first shoots will be visible. Amateur gardeners consider this method of growing godetia the most acceptable, since when transplanting seedlings of godetia, some of the plants die or are injured.

Growing godetia from seeds can be done in 2 ways: sow the seeds in the ground or grow them in a greenhouse. To wait for early flowering, you can sow seeds in early spring. It is better to take the soil special for seedlings, there are no pests in it, which means that the plants will feel good and grow. If for some reason it is not possible to purchase store soil, you can take ordinary garden soil, but it must be well disinfected before planting.

This can be done like this:

  1. Place earth in a glass container in a microwave oven, pour water to make the soil wet. Set time to 15 minutes.
  2. Steam in the oven or oven. Place the earth in a large pot, fill with water and send to steam for 30-40 minutes.

It is important that during the preparation of the land, windows or doors are open in the living room for ventilation, or you can turn on the hood at full power. The smell in the room will be present for some time.

This part preparatory work we have fulfilled. Now it remains to sow godetia for seedlings in pre-prepared containers (glasses or pots for growing seedlings). Seeds do not deepen much, because they are small. Sowing is carried out almost on the surface of the soil and slightly covered with earth. Then the container must be covered with a film or glass and put in a warm place. It is better to remove the pots from the windowsill and put them under the heating radiator at night. During the day, you can return containers with soil to their original place.

The first shoots of Godetia can be expected after 2 weeks. Just from this moment, the time has come to gradually accustom the plants to other conditions. It is necessary to open the film or glass so that the sprouts gradually harden. The pick is performed when the first 2 or 3 leaves appear. Each sprout must be very carefully moved to a separate pot so that the roots are not damaged. If they are too long, they can be shortened a little. In large pots, 3 sprouts are planted at once.

You can easily cope with the cultivation of Godetia - the flower is unpretentious, if everything is done according to the rules.

How to plant seedlings and grow Godetia

When the seedlings of a delicate flower reach a height of 5, maximum 7 cm, it's time to transplant it into open ground. If you plant seeds in early March, then at the end of May, the beginning of the first summer month, you can start planting seedlings.

Planting rules:

  1. It is desirable to work in cloudy weather so that the tender seedlings do not bake under the bright spring rays.
  2. A good time to plant is in the early morning before the sun has yet risen, or in the evening when the sun has already hidden.
  3. Godetia seedlings are planted in the ground along with a clod of earth.
  4. A distance of 25 cm is maintained between each plant.
  5. If a tall godetia variety is selected, then the distance between each plant must be increased.

It is allowed to plant seedlings in the winter. Flowers are planted only if the winters in this area are mild and then only as an experiment, so as not to be upset if the plant dies. Those plants that survive will be better able to resist pests and diseases.

Godetia care

Throughout the season, you need to constantly care for the plant. As soon as the seedlings are transferred to the ground, it is necessary to constantly feed and water the flowers. Every 3 weeks are paid mineral fertilizers. It is important to know the measure and not to overdo it. It is better to use Nitrofoska fertilizer, take 12 liters of water for 1 tbsp.

Heavy watering can damage the plant, so be careful not to let the soil rot. In the heat, you need to water godetia more often.

To admire the lush flowering, you need to stimulate the plants. This is done as follows: the emerging ovary must be pinched off, and the soil around the flowers must be constantly loosened and freed from weed grass. Flowering begins 2 months after the first shoots during the warm season, until frost. If you want to prolong the flowering phase, it is advisable to constantly remove dry flowers.

For tall plants, you need to build a support, for this you can use thin branches, metal or wooden pegs.

Do not try to pluck the beauty and put it in a vase, the godetia will not stand in the water for long, only 3-4 days. Better plant it in pots and admire the beautiful flowering.

Reproduction and disease

A beautiful delicate flower propagates only by seeds, in the manner described above. Ripe seed pods are harvested in October.

Despite the fact that godetia is considered an unpretentious plant, it often dies due to damage to the root system by rot or fungus. It is impossible to save the plant; it is urgent to remove the godetia from the ground so that the disease does not spread further to other healthy plants.

If you notice that white spots have appeared on the leaves, you can still save the year, you need to treat the plant with fungicides.

Godetia varieties

In total, there are more than 20 types of godetia, most of them are bushy plants with a compact narrow crown. Among all types of godetia, there are undersized and tall varieties.

We offer you to get acquainted with the popular varieties of Godetia.

Large-flowered Godetia

For the first time this variety of Godetia was bred back in 1867. The plant is low, reaches no more than 40 cm in length. Godetia grows compactly and is characterized by abundant and long flowering. The large-flowered godetia has strong branches, and the flowers are very large. You can meet a flower with a diameter of up to 10 cm. The color is mostly bright, monophonic or two-color. Two-color godetia look beautiful - with a delicate white center and pink “terry” edges. You can find a rare godetia of a white or bright purple hue. The flowering of the plant begins in July and ends at the end of October.

The plant, in addition to large silky petals, is fragile. The shape of the flower can be bell-shaped or cupped. On the basis of this variety, other popular types of godetia have been bred, which differ not only in the shape and size of the flower, but also in color and growth.

Popular varieties derived from large-flowered Godetia:

  1. "Weiser Schwan" - a bush of no growth up to 35 cm. The shoots are brown at the base, and green in the upper part. The leaves are wide, the flowers are large (diameter 5 m) of a satin-white hue.
  2. "Orange Room" - a medium-sized plant, reaching a height of 50 cm, has red shoots. The leaves of godetia are narrow, the flowers are small reddish-orange.

Terry Godetia

In nature, it is almost impossible to find this plant variety. It is derived only by crossing several varieties. You can see double and semi-double flowers of different varieties:

  1. "Sybil Sherwood" is an incredibly beautiful plant with delicate "salmon" small numerous flowers. Reaches up to 40 cm in height. It is distinguished by a long flowering period (4-5 months). Godetia is valued for its resistance to cold, loves partial shade, but will also grow well in open, well-lit places.

  1. "Rembrandt" - a plant with large flowers, is distinguished by the beauty and tenderness of the petals, as if covered with silk. Because of this property, Godetia has such an unusual name. The bushes grow to a height of up to 30 cm, the shoots are pink and pale green, the flowers are small, “double” pinkish-red. The edge of the petal is wavy. The plant is resistant to frost, calmly tolerates temperatures down to -3 o C.

Godetia corrugated

Decorative godetia is distinguished by unusual large flowers of bright colors. The height of the plant reaches a height of 40 cm. The flowers are large, terry. The diameter of the flowers is up to 8 cm. The plant is resistant to cold, loves the sun, feels good in an open, well-lit area or in partial shade.

Godetia is unusual and very gentle, beautiful flower. It will delight you with its flowering for a long time. The plant can be grown in flower beds, on suburban area, plant seedlings in pots and admire the delicate flowering all year round. Don't be afraid to experiment. And let them talk about godetia, that it is a delicate and capricious flower, like a woman - treat it with care, cherish and love it, and then you yourself will not notice how the godetia will rise and will delight you with its unusual flowering for a long time.

Godetia flower is one of the most popular herbaceous annuals grown in gardens and parks. The name was based on the surname of an outstanding botanist from Switzerland Ts.Kh. Godet, who for a long time was engaged in the study and classification of an unusual plant. Despite the fact that Godetia comes from Southern California, it has perfectly adapted to the Russian climate and can be grown in almost all regions of the country. Its main advantages are excellent decorative properties and unpretentiousness. Of particular value are delicate, silky flowers that strongly resemble azalea and clarkia buds.

What does Godetia look like?

Godetia is a small beautiful annual of the fireweed family, which is often used to decorate plots and balconies.

It is a herbaceous, strongly branching plant with erect shoots that can reach up to 65 centimeters in height. The stems form dwarf bushes, which, depending on the variety you choose, can be sprawling or pyramidal. Oblong leaves with a pointed tip are arranged alternately on the stem, the leaf blade is entire. During flowering, lasting from early summer to late autumn, godetia is densely covered with bell-shaped or cup-shaped large flowers (5-10 cm in diameter). They are located on small peduncles, can be terry or ordinary and consist of four delicate petals, gathering in a delicate brush. There are varieties on the market with white, coral, blood red, purple, peach and multi-colored buds, so godetia is great for creating beautiful flower arrangements. At the end of flowering, fruits are formed on the plant in the form of a tetrahedral cylindrical box. The seeds are quite small, their similarity persists for 3-4 years.

Types and varieties of Godetia

More than 20 types of godetia grow in the world, on the basis of which breeders have created many different varieties and hybrids. Such a variety will allow you to choose a plant with the desired size, color, shape of foliage and inflorescences, so you can realize even the wildest fantasies by decorating your flower garden.

In such an abundance it is easy to get lost, therefore, in order to make right choice, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with characteristic features each variety. We invite you to consider the most popular types of Godetia among gardeners, which can become an unsurpassed decoration for your summer cottage.

There are more than twenty varieties of Godetia, and new varieties and hybrids are also being developed.

Godetia Grandiflora

The large-flowered godetia grows in a medium-sized bush from 20 to 40 cm, with fragile erect stems, which become woody after the growing season. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter and may be bell-shaped or cup-shaped. The buds are collected in leafy inflorescences, placed at the tips of green shoots. Different varieties of this species differ in the shape and color of the petals. Godetia large-flowered is characterized by a rather long flowering period, which lasts from July to the first October frosts. This species was the basis for such hybrids as Weiser Schwann and Orange Room. The first is distinguished by delicate, like silk, snow-white flowers, and the second has bright fiery red buds.

Godetia grandiflora, as the name suggests, has larger flowers compared to other species.

The lovely godetia has tall, upright brittle stems that become semi-lignified towards the end of the growing season. The flowers of various varieties are bell-shaped or cup-shaped, the diameter of the bud is about 6 cm. Satin petals can be white or brightly colored. The narrowly lanceolate leaves have pointed tips. Flowering lasts for three months (July-September). On the basis of this species, breeders have bred many varieties. Crystal snowflake - tall plant, with stems up to 75 cm. It has charming snow-white flowers, with petals of a simple unassuming shape.

Also widespread is a hybrid called kirschenigin, which during flowering is covered with colorful pinkish-red flowers.

Godetia Charming - one of the highest species of godetia with large flowers

Godetia Azaleaflower

Azalea flower godetia is the best choice for those who want to transform their garden plot, but at the same time do not spend a lot of time and effort on caring for him. The plant is unpretentious, able to quickly adapt to environmental conditions and tolerate temperature changes. Planting seedlings can be carried out in early spring, without fear that the flower will suffer from frost. This variety is a compact plant, reaching 40 centimeters in length, its stems are highly branched. Azalea flower godetia is valued for its excellent decorative properties and abundant flowering, during which the bush is decorated with large, lush, double flowers.

Azalea flower godetia is one of the most unpretentious varieties of godetia, capable of enduring even frost

Godetia Terry

We note right away that terry godetia is a hybrid variety of a large-flowered variety, therefore it does not occur in nature. It has fairly large decorative inflorescences, which can be double, semi-double and densely double.

For example, the azalea variety is represented by such popular hybrids:

  • diamond - has large carmine-colored flowers with snow-white splashes;
  • bride - distinguished by azalea-shaped snow-white flowers, they can also have a delicate pinkish tint;
  • Cattleya is a compact shrub with chic fuchsia-colored buds.
Godetia terry, because of its decorative properties, is great for a bouquet

But the varieties called Sybil Sherwood and Rembrandt have gained the most distribution, so we will consider them in more detail.

The monarch is a short, neat bush that grows up to 20 cm. The graceful bell-shaped godetia flowers in the photo have a carmine spot at the base and can be of various colors: white, pale and hot pink, raspberry. This dwarf plant you can grow at home, for example, on a balcony or windowsill. If you want to decorate your garden plot with a godetia monarch, then you will certainly be pleased with the fact that it has increased frost resistance and is able to tolerate spring frosts. Despite the fact that the bushes are quite compact, they need a sufficient amount to develop. free space. Experts recommend keeping a distance of 25-30 centimeters when planting seedlings in open ground.

Godetia Monarch - undersized mixture of gotzedia with many flowers

It is an ornamental annual, characterized by lush, long flowering and increased frost resistance. The bush grows up to 40 centimeters in height, the shoots and foliage are painted in rich green. During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with large flowers, the diameter of which is 5-8 centimeters. Godetia red wine can grow both in containers (flowerpots) and in open ground.

Sowing seeds is carried out in May, and already in August the flower will delight you with colorful, terry, scarlet-red buds. As a rule, it is used to decorate park beds, alpine slides, garden borders and rabatok, often grown for cutting.

Godetia Red wine has a beautiful rich burgundy color

Godetia Rembrandt

Rembrandt - undersized variety, with straight growing stems. It has large flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, which stretch vertically upwards. The inflorescence consists of wavy petals cut along the edge with a carmine spot near the center. Unusually elegant flowers resemble silk fabric. On pinkish-green stems are narrow, spiky leaves. The bush has a semi-spherical shape and does not grow above 35 centimeters, so lovers of compact plants will certainly like it. This type ideal for planting in small containers or flowerpots, and will also be an excellent decoration for your flower bed. Flower borders created from godetia look bright and elegant.

Godetia Rembrandt has a large flower with a watercolor reddish spot at the base.

Godetia Meteor

Meteor is a herbaceous annual that can reach up to 40 centimeters in height. Thin, erect shoots are covered with tiny villi and form a rather compact bush. Double, cup-shaped flowers grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter, can have a soft pink, bright red or purple color. You can sow planting material in the garden in early April. The first flowers appear on the bush in July, flowering lasts until the first frost.

Godetia Moth

This is a short godetia, which reaches up to 40-50 centimeters in height. It is sown from May to April. Flowering continues from July to October. During this period, beautiful, lush flowers form on compact bushes. Depending on the variety you choose, they can be semi-double or terry. There are also hybrids with a fringed border or wavy, like butterfly wings, edges. The moth is characterized by a fairly long flowering period, so it will delight you with colorful buds throughout holiday season. Looks great in flower beds and is suitable for decorating the front edge of borders.

The sepals of the godetia moth resemble the wings of a butterfly

This hybrid is one of the most popular among gardeners. Cinderella gained such popularity due to the very abundant flowering, during which many colorful inflorescences cover the bush. It is interesting that sometimes it is difficult to see bright green leaves and stems behind large (up to 8 cm in diameter) flowers. During flowering, the bush, reaching up to 60 centimeters in height, resembles lush bouquet. The flowers consist of terry translucent petals with a pearly sheen.

As a rule, this variety is used in the formation of mixborders and group plantings, but it also looks great in outdoor pots or balcony containers.

Godetia Cinderella - a terry type of godetia with a mother-of-pearl sheen of flowers

If you want to bring more bright colors to your garden plot, then orange glory godetia will be the best choice. Its colorful semi-double flowers will definitely not leave you indifferent. The main advantages of this variety, experts include unpretentiousness, frost resistance and abundant, long flowering. The plant has the form of a compact, branched bush with rich green leaves. Delicate, wavy petals form silky buds, the edges of which are painted salmon-orange. In the cut, velvet inflorescences look great, but more often they are used when decorating a summer cottage.

Godetia Orange Glory has semi-double salmon-orange flowers.

Godetia Sybil Sherwood

Sybil Sherwood - forms small bushes up to 45 cm. It has large, up to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double flowers of an unusually delicate pink color with a lighter tone of the edges and a central yellow eye. The leaves are bright green and the stems are pinkish green. Flowering lasts from early July to mid-October, so you can enjoy the unusual beauty of this plant. With it, you can easily transform an inconspicuous border, border or flower bed, it is also possible to land in hanging garden flowerpots. Flowerbed beauty prefers to grow in well-lit areas or in light partial shade, otherwise the color of the flowers may be less saturated.

Godetia Cybill Sherwood - a small bush with pale pink flowers

York - grows with low spreading bushes up to 40 centimeters. It has large cup-shaped flowers, about 6 cm in diameter, with entire petals. At the base, a red-purple bud is painted white. The bush is formed by reddish-brown stems with fragile, wide leaves lanceolate, which are practically invisible during the flowering period due to the large flowers covering the plant.

Godetia looks great in combination with other flowers, so it is often used to create a variety of flower arrangements, design alpine slides and flower beds.

Blitzstrahl is a medium-sized plant, but with proper care it can reach 60 cm. delicate flowers cup-shaped with a diameter of about 6 cm have barely wavy petals of fiery red color. This variety is characterized by long flowering, frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Perfect for beginner gardeners who want to transform their summer cottage, but do not yet have enough experience to breed capricious exotic plants. In addition, Godetia grows well in room conditions. Plant the seedlings in a special container or flowerpot, and then decorate your apartment, cottage or balcony with colorful flowers.

We have presented to your attention a description of the species that are most often found on the market. Naturally, there are many other varieties that have wonderful decorative properties. Special attention should be paid to varieties such as Godetia Clarkia, Yesenia, Vasilinka, Weiser Ostrich, Tourmaline and Girlish Blush. Mixed hybrids are also often found on the market. Aelita distributes planting material containing seeds of various varieties. For example, the bornite godetia is a mixture of undersized, the dragonfly is an early flowering hybrid, and the wedding bouquet consists of large-flowered varieties that are excellent for cutting.

How to care for Godetia at home

Unpretentious in care and planting, godetia does not require special conditions of detention and is able to bloom even with minimal attention to it. But in order for her to be able to show all her beauty and splendor, it will be necessary to perform simple agrotechnical measures. If you diligently look after Godetia, she will thank you with large, lush flower buds.


The main condition for the luxurious flowering of godetia is the amount sun rays. For planting it is better to choose open, well-lit areas. In shady places, a bush reaching for the light will spend a lot of energy, so flowering will be more moderate, and the flowers will be smaller than in plants located in places warmed by sunlight.

Godetia grows well in well-lit and open places.


The plant is able to tolerate temperature extremes well, so it can be planted in early spring. To obtain friendly seedlings, it is necessary that the average daily air temperature be 16-18 ° C. Despite the relative cold resistance, godetia is a heat-loving annual and prefers to grow in areas well-warmed by the sun. Be sure to take this into account when choosing a place for planting seedlings.

Godetia temperature is suitable for growing outdoors in summer


Godetia does not tolerate a long stay in conditions with excessively high humidity, so spraying should be carried out only if absolutely necessary. For example, in very hot weather.

It is worth noting that an excessively rainy summer can harm a delicate flower, so we recommend that you take care of its protection.


The amount of moisture should be moderate. Flowering will worsen if the soil dries out, so regular watering will be required during dry times. Prolonged waterlogging of an earthy coma also negatively affects the intensity of flowering, but with the advent of sunny days Godetia will quickly replenish luxurious inflorescences. The number of irrigations largely depends on the air temperature in summer period. In dry, hot weather, the plant will need more moisture, so it will have to be watered 3-5 times a week. At the beginning of autumn, watering is somewhat reduced so as not to harm the root system of the godetia.

Godetia needs moderate watering

top dressing

Lush and abundant flowering, which begins in July, is well facilitated by the application of mineral fertilizers, which includes components intended for flowering plants. This is especially recommended during the budding period. The fertilizers used must contain a minimum amount of nitrogen. Top dressing should be done once a month, an excess in top dressing can lead to excessive growth of the bush to the detriment of flowering.

For faster growth and blooming of godetia flowers, you can fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers.


Delicate and graceful godetia flowers delight with their beauty for only three days, after which they wither and new ones appear to replace them. Faded inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner - this stimulates the formation of new buds and prolongs the flowering period of the bush. Godetia flowers are self-pollinating and in order for the fruit to ripen, the inflorescence is not removed after flowering, but left to ripen. In its cylindrical box, a large number of very small seeds are formed, which, after drying, are ready for sowing.

Seeds for breeding Godetia can be used after a long time, because they retain their germination capacity for up to four years.

How to grow godetia from seeds

We have already said that godetia is an annual plant. It follows from this that reproduction by cuttings or dividing the bush is impossible and the only option for gardeners is growing from seeds. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in this method and even inexperienced flower growers can cope with the task. There are several ways to sow seeds. In areas with a warm climate, seeds are introduced into the soil for the winter. In latitudes with a temperate climate, seeds are sown in open ground in April. In colder areas, seedlings are first grown and only with the onset of heat are transplanted into open ground.

Godetia is an annual and propagated by seeds.

When to plant Godetia

Godetia reproduces exclusively by seeds. They ripen at the end of flowering in a cylindrical fruit-box. When it begins to darken, it is removed from the bush and dried, after which it is opened and a large number of very small seeds are removed. Autumn sowing of seeds is carried out in late autumn, when there is very little time left before the first snow falls. During this period, the seeds will gain moisture, but will not have time to germinate. Plants grown from seeds sown for the winter adapt better and resist disease and climate change well, but such plantings can only overwinter and give active shoots in a warm climate zone. Seedlings grown from seeds planted for the winter give abundant flowering 2-3 weeks earlier than those planted in spring.

The soil

Godetia, when planting and caring, loves neutral and nutritious soil. To do this, it is enough to introduce organic and mineral fertilizers into the soil before planting. Loamy soil is preferred, as the plant will grow more slowly on a sandy plant.

To grow a healthy plant, it is necessary to provide space and air permeability to the roots, this is done by loosening and weeding the soil surrounding the seedlings. Removing weeds will protect young shoots from leaf-eating pests that spread rapidly in dense foliage herbs.

Godetia prefers neutral soil acidity

Planting Godetia for seedlings

If there is a need to sow seeds for seedlings, then prepared containers with loose and nutritious soil and good drainage are used for this. So that the planting is not too dense, the seeds are mixed with sand and this mixture is sown on the surface of the soil. A thin layer of earth is poured on top and a greenhouse environment is created by covering it with a film. For ventilation, the film is removed daily. It will take about ten days before germination and after that the film is no longer needed. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings must be swooped down and, pinching the roots, planted in separate pots, 2-3 sprouts in each. If you leave godetia for further growth in pots, it will perfectly decorate a balcony or veranda with its generous flowering. It's better to use this undersized varieties. Transplantation in open ground is carried out in May or June, depending on weather conditions. We must be prepared for the fact that the seedlings will be ill for some time after the stress. Godetia reacts very poorly to transplantation, therefore it is worth resorting to this method of planting it only if other methods of planting are not possible. To reduce damage to seedlings, it is better to plant the plant together with an earthen clod, transferring the plants to a new place. The distance between the seedlings should be at least 20 cm, so that, growing, they do not interfere with each other. For tall varieties, the distance between seedlings is increased to 0.5 meters. It is better to transplant early in the morning or at sunset, for easier survival, it is good to choose cloudy weather for this work.

Landing in open ground

The most common is the method of planting Godetia in the spring, immediately on open areas. Before planting, in order to protect future shoots from diseases, it is necessary to hold the seeds in a light solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Mineral fertilizers, humus and wood ash are added to the dug up and moistened earth. Godetia seeds are very small, so they are shallowly immersed in the ground by about 0.5 cm. The first shoots appear after 12 days, to speed up this process, you need to create greenhouse conditions. For this, the landing site is covered with a film. Shoots are usually too thick, so picking should be carried out when two true leaves appear. Young plants with a small root system are less traumatized and more easily survive stress. Flowering begins 65-70 days after planting seeds.

During this period, young sprouts must be fertilized three times. To do this, you can use a solution of nitrophoska. If flowering did not occur within the specified time frame, you may not have fertilized the soil well enough or the place chosen for planting is not suitable for growing a delicate flower.

Adult seedlings of godetia are planted in open ground in the spring

Diseases and pests of Godetia

Godetia is not capricious and is not very susceptible to various diseases. The most common disease is root rot, it damages the root system when the soil is excessively moist. To prevent the disease from spreading to healthy individuals, affected plants must be removed and burned. This will prevent the spread of putrefactive phenomena.

In flowerbeds overgrown with weeds, leaf-eating pests that can cause damage and spoil appearance flowering bushes. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and destroy weeds in a timely manner. When spots appear on the leaves and stems, it can be suspected that the plant was struck fungal diseases: peronosporosis or rust. Timely treatment of bushes with fungicides will save them from further spread of the disease. Pests that can damage godetia include fleas and aphids. They are destroyed by spraying the bushes with insecticides or a solution of laundry soap and ash.

Godetia can be affected by fungal diseases

Godetia flowers open in any weather and do not lose their decorative effect until they wither. The plant is great for cutting, it stays fresh for a long time, standing in vases and fills the room with its light aroma. If there were unopened buds on the branch before cutting, then they will definitely bloom in a vase.

Gardeners favor godetia, it is popular due to its complaisant unpretentiousness in growth and reproduction. The oldest proven method is sowing seeds in a permanent place in the flower garden. This is done because she does not tolerate transplanting seedlings with bare roots. In the article we will talk about growing Godetia from seeds in the open field, we will give recommendations on proper care, the timing of when to plant, the choice of dressings and fertilizers.

Sowing in flower beds, soil preparation, planting time and scheme

This wonderful flower in domestic floriculture is used as annual plant. The term for sowing seeds in open ground is the end of April, the beginning of May. They select a place that is illuminated from dawn to dusk, Godetia loves the sun. The soil should be loamy fertile. Poor soils need to be optimized. Why mineral and organic fertilizers are applied before sowing.

The term for sowing in open ground is the end of April, the beginning of May. At this time, the earth warms up well, and the seeds germinate in 2 weeks. In regions with a warm climate, seeds are sown before winter. Flowering occurs in 85 - 90 days, in July. To approximate the timing of flowering, godetia is prepared in seedlings.

Growing seedlings - temperature, lighting, watering, fertilizers

The distance between plants depends on the variety, undersized compact forms are sown according to the pattern of 20 x 30 cm. Large bushes are placed at a large interval. If the sowing is thicker, the seedlings need to be thinned out.

This breeding method is used by professional flower growers and experienced gardeners- lovers. You can't call this job easy, but modern materials and tools make the task much easier. Seed germination is quite high and lasts for three years. The number of seeds in 1g - 3500 pcs. Seedlings are grown in planting containers: boxes, pots, cassettes, peat tablets.

Greenhouses use boxes for sowing. At home, they can be replaced with any dishes, with a wall height of 5 - 10 cm. For germinating godetia, a universal substrate for seedlings with an acidity of pH - 6.5 is suitable. It can be prepared independently from garden soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.

Tip #1. The substrate purchased at the garden center must be thoroughly mixed and sieved before sowing.

Seeding in boxes:

  1. The containers are filled with vegetable mixture.
  2. Level and compact.
  3. Water until damp (but not wet).
  4. Grooves are formed, 0.5 cm deep at a distance of 3-5 cm.
  5. Place the seeds as evenly as possible.
  6. Sprinkle with sifted substrate. Press lightly.
  7. Spray carefully with water from a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds.
  8. Cover with a transparent lid. If there is none, pegs, for example, pencils, are placed at the corners of the container, and a plastic film is stretched.
  9. The temperature is maintained + 15 0 - + 18 0.

In stage 2-3 of true sheets, seedlings dive according to the 5 x 5 scheme. The work is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the roots.

Godetia seeds are sown in pots and cassettes so as not to dive plants in the future, which she does not like.

  • Choose dishes with a diameter of 5 - 8 cm.
  • Fill with nutrient substrate.
  • Seal and water
  • 3-4 seeds are placed in each pot or cell to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, closer to the walls.
  • Sowing is moistened and covered with a transparent lid.

Seeding sequence:

  1. Place dry tablets in a box.
  2. To fill with water. At the same time, the diameter almost does not change, and the volume increases by 4–5 times. Excess water that appears in the pan is poured out.
  3. In the center of each tablet, use a toothpick or a match to make a 1 cm deepening.
  4. Place the seed. Lightly squeeze the substrate around the hole with two fingers.
  5. It is not necessary to water immediately after sowing. In the future, moisture will be needed when the peat substrate dries.
  6. Seedlings that have risen do not need picking.

Planting in open ground, features of care during flowering and after

Pots can be replaced with disposable plastic cups, you need to make a hole in the bottom

Seedlings are determined to a permanent place in early May. In cold climatic zones, she is not afraid of possible frosts. Previously, the soil is dug up and fertilized in the same way as for sowing seeds. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 - 25 cm, if the varieties are low and sprawling, with an interval of 30 - 40 cm between tall forms. In flower beds, plants are staggered, in borders in 1 - 2 rows.

Care features:

  • Godetia blooms profusely in good light, but on hot days it is better to shade or sprinkle it, that is, water not only the ground, but also the crown. It is best to do this after sunset.
  • All varieties are not demanding for watering, but you should not overfill the plantings. It tolerates short-term drought more easily than flooding.
  • Loamy soil, which godetia prefers, needs to be loosened from time to time and freed from weeds.
  • To prolong flowering and decoration, wilted flowers should be removed immediately. Then, nutrients are not spent on the formation of seeds, but are used to increase the size of new flowers. This improves the brightness of the color.

The exception is those plants from which seeds will be collected for propagation next year. Such bushes during flowering and after it are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This contributes to the full ripening of the seeds, which are harvested as they ripen. In the southern regions, the spilled grains overwinter and germinate next spring. This feature is used by gardeners of "warm regions", sowing seeds before winter.

You can prolong flowering until frost and improve the decorativeness of plants with the help of top dressing.

Comparative analysis of fertilizers for Godetia

The horticultural care industry offers a wide range of fertilizers and growth promoters. The following brands are popular:

Tool type Name Action
Complex biochemical preparation "Pennant" Designed for survival of seedlings, stimulation of growth and flowering garden plants. Increases immunity to diseases and pests. It is used at planting and throughout the growing season.
mineral fertilizer "Gilea - Seedling" It is used for the survival of seedlings and in the initial stage of growth of flowering crops. The use is relevant for godetia, due to the fact that it does not tolerate transplantation with open roots.
"Gilea - Vegetation The product contains the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements. Used for rooted plants.
"Mr. Color" Suitable for fertilizing garden and indoor crops. A balanced composition ensures long-term flowering, bright color.
"Powder Feeding Long Flowering" Well suited for annuals with a long flowering period. Apply when buds and flowers appear.

On the example of the proposed preparations, it can be seen that they are intended for various purposes and periods of growing godetia. For survival, it is better to use substances like Gilea - Seedlings. They significantly increase the chances of rooting, but are less effective for mature plants.

Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Improve the decorativeness of the bushes and the abundance of flowering, growth stimulants and fertilizers that contain phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to prevent than to eliminate. Moreover, prevention and care measures are not difficult.

  • Godetia prefers medium-heavy soils, therefore, for looseness, organic fertilizers are added before planting - compost or humus. This ensures good aeration and removal of excess water.
  • So that fungal pathogens do not spread, Godetia is watered infrequently. In slightly dried soil, pathogens reproduce poorly. An excess of moisture causes root rot, which is problematic to deal with. Infected plants will have to be removed and burned. The ground under them must be treated with copper-containing substances, for example, Bordeaux mixture.
  • For the ground part of the plant, peronosporosis is dangerous - leaf spot. This disease can be dealt with with any fungicide, for example, foundationazole.
  • Potash fertilizers increase resistance to diseases and pests. Every

2-3 weeks during the flowering period, potash fertilizers or wood ash are applied. Breeders took care not only of the beauty of Godetia, but also of the immunity of the plant. Modern hybrids effectively resist pests and pathogens.

Popular Godetia Varieties

A brief description of the hybrid forms of godetia is given in the table. These and many other hybrids are successfully grown by amateur gardeners and used by professionals in private estates and urban landscaping.

View Variety name Characteristic
large-flowered Blitzstrahl Height - 60 cm. The flowers are simple, with wavy edges, red.
Weiser Schwann Low - 30 cm, with large 5 cm white flowers.
York Spreading bushes up to 40 cm. Carmine-red flowers with a white border around the edge.
Meteor Compact plant with reddish leaves and purple double flowers.
Rembrandt The size of the bush is 30 cm. The color of double flowers is pink
Cybil Sherwood Spreading stems 35 cm. Semi-double flowers, salmon shade.
lovely kirschenigig Height 65 cm. Flower color - pink.
crystal snowflake One of the tall varieties, over 75 cm, with large white flowers.

Godetia in landscape design

In landscape design, godetia effectively complements any composition.

Many flower growers are rightly sure that a garden is impossible without annuals. Godetia is a frequent visitor to flower beds of any shape. At their summer cottage, it grows alone and in company with other annuals - marigolds, ageratum, alissum, antirinum and other light-loving plants.

  • Recently, it has become popular to combine flowers with hybrid forms. coniferous plants, for example, thuja western, f. Danica, Europa Gold, Hozeri, Hovey and other undersized spherical forms.
  • Godetia looks spectacular against the background of junipers.

Tip #2 Deciduous shrubs can be selected with colored leaves, such as purple barberry, goldfly spirea, Siberian derain.

Growing in indoor floriculture and in a greenhouse

This wonderful flower is grown not only in the garden, but also indoors. The sunniest place is chosen for godetia, it is good if it is the south side. To prevent the plant from overheating, it is better to choose light-colored dishes. Landing and care are not particularly difficult.

  • Soil mixture - universal pH - 6.5.
  • Planting time - April, May.
  • Watering - moderate, excess moisture that has appeared in the pan must be drained immediately. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots.
  • Top dressing is carried out after survival, fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, for example, "Agrecolom for blooming".
  • Dried flowers are removed.

Godetia is well cut. Florists use it for bouquets. Those who have a greenhouse can grow it all year round.

  • With the onset of cold weather, the plant needs to be illuminated. The total time of artificial and natural lighting, at least 14 hours. On cloudy winter days, the lamps are on from 7 am to 9 pm in the evening. Thus, the conditions of summer daylight hours are created.

Annual godetia flowers, planting and caring for which are not so difficult, are always magnificent in the garden. They are very expressive and create a southern flavor. And although their seeds are very small, their cultivation is quite easy even for beginner gardeners. Let's go over the varieties and figure out the agricultural techniques for growing this amazing annual.

Godetia: planting and care, photos in the garden and vegetable garden

Godetia (Godetia) or northern azalea is an annual plant with amazingly beautiful and delicate flowering that will successfully emphasize any area, complement and give freshness for a long time. Godetia blooms from mid-June until frost.

Godetia: description, types and varieties

A herbaceous, relatively unpretentious plant of the genus Godetia (the name of the genus comes from the surname of a botanist from Switzerland C. H. Gode) with delicate flowers of various colors. Godetia grows in the form of a bush, on branched stems reaching up to 60 cm in length, flowers resembling bells grow. Flower up to 10 cm in diameter, with smooth or double petals. Flowers are collected in a racemose inflorescence. The foliage is located in the next order, lanceolate. The fruit is a box. A gram of fruit contains at least 3000–3500 seeds, which are well preserved and do not lose their germination capacity for more than three years.

Types of Godetia and varieties

Plant varieties are presented in a considerable variety, all of them do not require special conditions for cultivation and have significant decorative value. Let's take a look at the most common and famous varieties, kinds garden godetia.

Large-flowered Godetia

An annual plant native to Southern California, grown since 1867. Increasingly, it is said that the species is of hybrid origin, although so far there is no exact information on this matter. The bush is compact, rather branchy. Smooth and fragile erect or prostrate stems 20–30 cm each, foliage entire, broadly lanceolate or lanceolate, leaves tapering towards the base. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, there are bell-shaped or cup-shaped, double or ordinary, varied in color - white, pink, raspberry, lilac, scarlet, red or burgundy. Abundant flowering continues until October, the seeds do not lose their germination for more than 3 years. View with many hybrid varieties.

  • Weiser Schwann is a sprawling shrub no higher than 35 cm. Flowers are 5–6 cm cup-shaped and simple, white in color.
  • York - Branched, grows up to 40 cm in height. The flowers are large (6 cm), cup-shaped, the petals at the base are light, white, and pink closer to the edge.
  • Blitzstrahl - a variety up to 60 cm in height with sprawling bushes. Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, burgundy or dark red, cupped. Petals with wavy edges.
  • Orange room is a medium-sized and medium-branched shrub. It blooms with ordinary, wide-bell-shaped flowers of 5 cm, the color is dark orange or red.
  • Rembrandt - a compact bush in the form of a hemisphere, up to 35 cm in height. Terry wavy flowers cut along the edge of the petal. Petals are pink with carmine spots.
  • Meteor is a low-growing compact shrub up to 30 cm high. Large double flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, broadly bell-shaped. Color crimson scarlet. Petals with a solid or wavy edging.
  • Feuerkoenig - bushes up to 25 cm in height, compact. Flowers simple or bell-shaped. The color is red, and at the base of the petal is a white speck.
  • Cybil Sherwood bushes up to 40 cm, compact. The flowers are semi-double, the color is pink and brightens closer to the edge, with a diameter of 5 cm.

Godetia is lovely

The species is native to California and has been actively cultivated since 1814. It grows up to 60 cm in height. The stems are erect and very fragile, the bases of the stems become woody by the end of flowering. The foliage is pointed or lanceolate. Flowers are 5 cm in diameter, both bell-shaped and cup-shaped. The petals are brilliant, the gamut of colors is impressive, you can find a lovely godetia in all shades of pink or red, lilac, white color, sometimes found bicolor. The species is characterized by abundant flowering until September, and the seeds remain viable for a maximum of 5 years.

Godetia: cultivation and care

Godetia can be grown in two ways:

  1. Seedling. For sowing, you need to prepare small containers and steamed garden soil or purchase a special, ready-made soil mixture. Sowing is carried out on the surface, the seeds can be slightly crushed with earth or slightly pressed into the soil, moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene. Shoots will appear in about 12-20 days. From this point on, the coating can be removed for a while, to let the plants get used to the growing conditions. As soon as 3 true leaves appear, godetia can dive. You can plant seedlings in the ground towards the end of May.
  2. Open ground. Sowing is carried out from mid-April to May. On the beds for friendly shoots, you can build mini greenhouses - install arcs and cover them with polyethylene or lutrasil. After the appearance of young sprouts, all coatings can be gradually removed so that the plant gets used to the new conditions. With dense shoots, the godetia needs to be thinned out. Flowering will begin approximately 70–80 days after seed placement.

Godetia grows well in bright, sunny areas and in partial shade; in extreme heat, the plant needs to be shaded. It suits nutritious, loamy and neutral soil. In the south, it can produce self-seeding, which suddenly appears in different parts of the flower bed. This is very pleasing to the eye.

It tolerates temperatures down to -3 ° C, so early planting of seedlings in the ground will not harm the annual.


It is necessary to avoid waterlogging, adhere to moderate watering. Often watering is possible only during a drought.

top dressing

It is advisable to fertilize godetia bushes once every 2 weeks with humate fertilizers. Foliar top dressing of both seedlings and planted plants is appropriate. In total, 3 feeding sessions will be enough for the plant for the entire season, and special attention should be paid to the period of active flowering.


It is better to remove wilted flowers, to collect seeds it is necessary to leave the largest specimens, thus it is possible to extend the flowering time of godetia to the maximum.

Godetia in site design

Flowers are the soul of the garden, they decorate it, create mood and comfort. And a large number of varieties - dwarf, tall, with erect and recumbent stems and flowers of various colors make it possible to grow Godetia everywhere. It can be decoration of borders, arbors, garden hanging and ground planters, flower beds of various types.

Compact varieties of godetia can be planted between rows in the garden, thereby decorating it and attracting beneficial insects.

They are perfectly combined with any annuals, creating bright compositions in flower beds and flowerpots.

Godetia is quite common, and this is not surprising - the ease of cultivation, the long flowering period and the incredible appearance of this flower culture sinks into the soul for a long time, becoming one of the most beloved garden plants. Try to grow godetia at home, although planting and caring for it require some attention, the atmosphere in the garden and photos of the resulting compositions compensate for all labor costs.

Godetia garden flower is beautiful plant, which belongs to the fireweed family. Originally from sunny California. Godetia is able to transform any site, giving it sophistication and originality. The flower does not require special conditions, therefore it is easily grown from seeds in a garden bed.

Description of Godetia

Godetia is an annual flower, usually from 15 to 65 centimeters in height. The stems are smooth and branched, often pressed to the ground. The buds are quite large, but graceful. They can be terry and smooth, the diameter reaches 7-10 centimeters, they are collected in chic inflorescences. The shade can be the most diverse: from dark purple and bright red to pale pink and snow-white. In the photo of godetia, you can easily see the diversity and richness of the shades of its bud. The plant blooms from late June until frost.

The plant is frost-resistant, calmly tolerates temperatures down to -5 degrees.

Godetia has a pleasant vanilla aroma. When you cut the flower and put it in a vase, pour some citric acid into the water. This will enhance the flavor.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Godetia is a popular flower. There are many types and varieties.

Types of Godetia

  • large-flowered
    The length of the stem reaches 30-40 cm. This variety is characterized by abundant flowering. A bud in the form of a funnel up to 10 cm in diameter has pink, scarlet, snow-white, maroon shades.
  • Terry
    The size of the stem is 30-65 cm. The flowers are hairy, diameter is 5-8 cm. The shades of the buds are scarlet, pink, snow-white. In some cases, the flowers are two-colored.
  • Meteor and Rembrandt
    They are considered the most common varieties of Godetia. Buds of a rich red hue, hairy.
  • Monarch
    The second name of the variety is "dwarf godetia". In height, usually no more than 20 cm. The shape of the buds resembles bells. Variety of colors. The budding period is from June to September.
  • Azaleaflower
    Flowers in pale pink.

Flowering time

Peduncles appear 2-2.5 months after seed germination. This phase is easily extended - remove wilted buds regularly. In a bouquet, a flower pleases the eye for a very short period of time. Therefore, gardeners prefer to grow it in the front garden or on the windowsill in a pot.

Growing godetia from seeds

Godetia is an unpretentious plant, you can easily grow a flower at home. Plant directly in open ground or use planting in pots. In our country, gardeners use the cultivation of Godetia from seeds at home.

Seeds do not lose their germination for three to four years.

How to collect seeds

Start collecting seeds a month after flowering. That's how long it takes them to mature. As soon as you notice the darkening of the boxes, cut them off and dry a little. Then open the boxes, pour out the seeds. Sow before winter or store until spring in a dark place.

Planting seeds

Plant in open ground in April, after soaking the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the seedlings from various diseases. IN winter time Store the seeds in a dry and cool place for days. Godetia feels great in slightly acidic or neutral soil. The flower bed should be on the sunny side.


  1. Dig up and moisten the soil. Add fertilizer and wood ash. Apply humus at a dosage of 5 kg per square meter.
  2. Sow the seeds in the soil, sowing depth - half a centimeter. Make the distance between flowers about 20 cm.
  3. Cover the landing with a film, then the first shoots will appear in 7 days.
  4. Thin out overgrown seedlings.

The seedless method wins over the seedling method in that in the second case, the likelihood of injury and death of flowers is more likely.

Godetia seedlings

Sow the seeds in early March in containers filled with loose soil. Make small greenhouses out of them. Mix small seeds with sand and sprinkle on the surface. Add a small layer of earth on top. Place a film over the seeds to create a greenhouse effect. Air and water the soil daily.

Wait for the first shoots in a week. After their appearance, get rid of the film. Dive seedlings after two full-fledged leaves on seedlings grow. Dive consists in digging up a seedling, clearing the ground, trimming long roots and transplanting into individual pots of 2-3 pieces.

Transplanting godetia seedlings and caring for seedlings

At the end of May, seedlings with a height of 6 cm are planted in a flower bed. Be sure to do this with a clod of soil to avoid injury to the roots. When disembarking, the absence of bright sun is welcome. Plant before dawn or after sunset. Keep the distance between the shoots at 20 cm. The higher the plant, the greater the distance between the seedlings.

Just look at the photo of Godetia to fall in love with the flowers that bloom when proper cultivation and sprout care.

Key Tips:

  • Large-flowered godetia is most suitable for growing seedlings. It is not as fragile as other species.
  • Avoid contact of seedlings with cold air.
  • When planting Godetia in the ground, do not expose fragile roots.
  • Plant the plant in medium density soil.
  • When planting seedlings, add a pinch of white clay to each hole. This will speed up the growth of the plant and make the buds colorful.

Godetia care

The flower is unpretentious in care, but it is not immune from diseases and pests. To nullify all kinds of risks, follow the main rules:

  • Loosen the soil around the plant.
  • Weed the weeds, Godetia should be spacious in the flower bed.
  • Water frequently, but not too much. Oversaturation with moisture for godetia is as detrimental as its lack. Excess watering causes root rot. In this case, burn all diseased specimens.
  • Avoid overheating. Do not leave the plant in the open sun; be sure to build a shade for the flowers.
  • Help the tall stems of godetia grow - tie them to wooden sticks or steel twigs.
  • Feed your flowers regularly with a low nitrogen fertilizer. Do the procedure every three to four weeks. Recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska with 10-12 liters of water.
  • As a top dressing, use humus, compost, ash, Agricola preparation. Recipe organic fertilizer: add mullein 1 to 10 or bird droppings 1 to 15 into the soil at the initial stage of plant growth.
  • Remove dried leaves and faded buds in time. This will make flowering vigorous and long lasting.
  • Do not plant a flower near gourds. This will help prevent fungal diseases. Signs are dark blots on leaves and flowers. In case of appearance powdery mildew or downy mildew, use fungicides.

Interaction with other plants

The plant gets along wonderfully with all the flowers in the flower bed. The perfect combination is godetia and rudbeckia. Delicate flowers of the first favorably set off the bright long petals of the second. This annual plant with Clarkia looks great.

Godetia is a plant that practically does not need care. At the same time, it generously endows its owners with beautiful flowering. The plant is often used in decoration landscape design, perfectly complements flower beds and lawns.

Do you grow Godetia in your dacha? Share your experience with us.
