Destroying weeds takes a lot of effort and time, in return often rewarding us with pain in the muscles and lower back. Therefore, I want the work not to be in vain. In this article we will tell you how to use weeds for good.

Most of us perceive weeds as a necessary evil that must be fought all season long. Meanwhile, the weeds have enough useful properties, thanks to which the same herbs that upset you with their presence in the garden can be found in pharmacies, as well as in trendy organic restaurants.

How to reduce the number of weeds in the garden

Weed control on suburban area- it's not an easy task. Prevention takes much less time and effort than cleaning a neglected garden from uninvited green guests who shade cultivated plants, depriving them not only of light, but also of nutrients from the soil, and you of a decent harvest.

Mulching is one of the most effective ways prevent weeds in the area. But there are subtleties here. If you use dark film, there is a possibility that the sunny days the soil will overheat, which is not suitable for all plants.

Therefore, special non-woven materials or their natural alternative, such as sawdust or straw, are often used for mulching. Paradoxically, weeded weeds themselves with seeds and roots previously removed are also suitable for mulching the soil in order to protect against weeds.

As you know, weeds most often appear on land that is rarely cultivated. So if you have already collected early harvest, it will be extremely useful to sow green manure plants in the vacated area. They enrich the soil with nitrogen and oxygen, and also improve its breathability.

And if you plant abundantly in the vacated place flowering plants, for example, buckwheat, then as a bonus you will attract a significant number of pollinating insects to the site.

Weed control in the garden

There are many ways to control weeds. At the stage of preparing the beds for planting, you can use non-moldboard method of soil treatment, in which the earth is dug up only at the time of primary processing, and then only loosening is used.

Herbicides are the classic way to deal with unwanted plants. Alternatively, you can use EM drugs. The ground part of the weeds is mowed, and then the plot is watered, for example, with EM-1, diluted in water 1:100. As a result, bacteria quickly process the roots remaining in the ground.

Also in the spring you can use more original folk methods. Experienced gardeners e.g. about a month before sowing cultivated plants advise "drink" the weeds with alcohol(150 g of vodka per 1 liter of water, the soil is watered from a watering can or sprayed from a spray bottle). And when they all rise together and joyfully, immediately pull them out of the ground.

The most desperate fight weeds with a blowtorch, simply burning weeds if they appeared earlier than cultural ones. At the same time, it is important to exercise extreme caution, observing safety regulations and trying not to damage the sown seeds by exposure to high temperatures.

But the most common way is mechanical removal weeds.

The use of weeds in the beds

If all prevention efforts have been unsuccessful, and you have to spend time weeding, it is worth using the life-giving forces of mowed or uprooted weeds to increase the fertility of the beds. Of course, you can put weeds in a compost heap and wait for the bacteria to cope with the task, or you can speed up the process by preparing weed infusions for watering the beds. The advantage of liquid fertilizers from weeds is that they are quickly absorbed by plants, reduce soil acidity and enrich it with microorganisms involved in fermentation.

For the preparation of infusions, weeds on which seeds have formed should not be used.

Herbal infusion as a fertilizer

Fill the barrel 1/2 or 3/4 with chopped weeds, fill it with water and, covering it with polyethylene with holes for ventilation, leave it in the sun for one to one and a half weeks for fermentation. Before use, the infusion must be diluted with water 1:10.

If your plants lack nitrogen, you can add clover, mustard, radish, wood lice, lettuce, quinoa, amaranth, legumes to the infusion. With a deficiency of potassium and phosphorus, it is advisable to infuse dandelion, sweet clover, horse sorrel, thistle, gout and other plants with a tap root system.

You can feed annuals with herbal infusion all season. But trees and shrubs - only in the first half of summer, as this organic fertilizer contains nitrogen, which can reduce the winter hardiness of your garden.

Infusion of celandine for spraying shrubs

Celandine has powerful bactericidal and insecticidal properties, so its dried and powdered shoots can be used to dust shrubs, and currants and gooseberries can be sprayed with infusion. 3.5-4 kg of fresh chopped shoots or 1 kg of dry ones are poured into 10 liters of water and left warm for 1.5 days. Then filter and process shrubs in the garden.

Nettle infusion as a growth stimulator and fertilizer

Many gardeners in personal experience learned how difficult it is to coexist with thickets of nettles. But not everyone is aware that this neighbor is an excellent raw material for making infusion, which has a great effect on the yield of tomatoes, because young nettle leaves accumulate a significant amount of nitrogen, potassium and iron.

To prepare the infusion, a large container is filled with 2/3 nettles, the remaining space is filled with water (leaving a little space for fermentation) and left warm for 7-10 days. Later, 10 liters of water are added to 1 liter of strained infusion and the plants are watered (1-2 liters per tomato bush).

Nettle can be fed not only tomatoes, but also cucumbers, strawberries and many other plants. Which is not surprising, because nettle is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic acids and other useful substances that are involved in the process of photosynthesis, increase immunity and are simply necessary for the full development of your green pets. That is why the use of nettle infusion can stimulate the growth and ripening of fruits, as well as the flowering of ornamental plants.

But this organic fertilizer should not be abused. It is advisable to water the beds with nettle infusion no more than twice a month.

Nettle infusion can be used not only as a natural fertilizer, but also as a plant growth stimulator, as well as root formation.

Dandelion infusions for plant nutrition and insect control

For foliar feeding of plants before flowering, experienced gardeners recommend preparing the following infusion: pour 2 cups of green dandelion shoots into 1 bucket (10 l) hot water and insist for an hour. Before spraying, dilute with water 1:10.

Watering plants with dandelion infusions attracts earthworms.

The following infusion is suitable for both root and foliar top dressing. 1 kg of dandelion shoots and roots pour 10 liters of water and leave for two weeks. Then strain, dilute with water 1:10 and feed the plants.

To combat aphids, suckers and mites, 300 g of rhizomes and leaves are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours, and then the plants are treated with the composition.

Infusion of wormwood from weevil

In order to cope with an annoying pest, 4 liters of water are added to 1 kg of dried wormwood and boiled for 10 minutes. The strained broth is diluted with water, bringing its volume to 10 liters. For better adhesion to the leaves of plants, you can add 50 g of laundry soap.

The use of weeds in everyday life

As you know, "everything is a poison and everything is a medicine." This expression also applies to weeds. Plants that literally “poison” gardens are at the same time successfully used in traditional medicine, in skin and hair care, and are also eaten. Eg, horsetail, which absorbs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus from the soil, at the same time helps fight heart and kidney diseases, and tea from this plant is useful for rheumatic pains and chronic cough.

pink thistle used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds; quinoa- with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to combat calluses; nettle- This is a fairly effective hemostatic and multivitamin remedy.

Many weeds can be eaten by adding them to salads, soups, and even pancakes. Thus, the yield of your garden can be much higher than you think.

Have you noticed that shoots of weeds instantly appear even on a cleanly weeded bed, if it is slightly loosened with a rake or (God forbid!)? And this is not at all surprising: countless generations of these plants have grown on your site and spread their seeds over it. They have perfectly adapted to local conditions and are exceptionally viable. Of course, it is impossible not to admire their vitality, but still they are mortal enemies of your garden.

Why weed out weeds?

You should not succumb to pity for these eternal companions of summer cottages and allow them to grow freely, occupying more and more new territories. And the point is not only and not so much that weeds spoil their appearance landscape. The most important thing is that they are the most different ways harm crop plants planted on the site:

  • weeds develop rapidly and drown out weak sprouts of vegetable and green crops, which in the end can even die from lack of space and light;
  • pests like to settle on them, for example, slugs and snails;
  • some weeds serve as sources of pathogens of many formidable diseases, from which cultivated plants also suffer;
  • they rob their cultured brethren, taking from them nutrients and water.

How to deal with them?

Weeds are easiest to eradicate from the garden if you start active with their shoots as early as possible, even in the garden, just prepared for crops (he will tell you about this method in detail). In this case, seasonal weeding will take you much less time. Annual weeds and medium-sized perennials are easy to remove, or simply cut with a chopper. But getting rid of heavily overgrown perennial weeds with long rhizomes will be much more difficult.

Ideally, weeding should be done every week and a half and on a sunny day. Then the uninvited guests uprooted can be safely left to dry out in the garden, without worrying that they will again cling to the ground and start growing. Rarely, but it happens that you can’t get out to the dacha for two whole weeks and this gives the weeds a chance to “raise their heads” (especially if it was rainy the day before). A small Fokine flat cutter or a small hoe will help you cope with their invasion.

Large weeds with a developed rhizome will have to be dug up with a garden shovel or shovel. And it is not recommended to hesitate with this. If they give seeds, then next year you may have serious problems. Digging, of course, requires more effort and time than working with a hoe, but believe me, your efforts will pay off with clean beds next spring. Also, be extremely careful when removing seeded weeds from the bed, as there is a high risk of inadvertently shaking the plants, which will lead to seed shedding. For example, a rough core throws off seeds at the slightest touch to its leaves or stem.

Large-leaved crops create shading as they develop, thereby preventing the growth of annual weeds, so weeding the beds is not so common. However, onion and other plants that do not form an abundant shade need systematic weeding.

perennial weeds

Thistle is usually a perennial, but some species are annuals and biennials.

Perennial weeds tend to cause more problems in flower beds than in vegetables. Digging the soil twice a year gives them no chance to take root. On the other hand, cutting their rhizomes while digging garden soil, the summer resident actually contributes to their reproduction by dividing the rhizome. Optimal solution in this case, dig out weeds such as bindweed, dandelion, stinging nettle and sorrel with the root system. However, this is very difficult to implement in practice. Usually the rhizomes of these plants go very deep into the soil and contain many thin lateral roots that break off very easily. If they are not removed from the soil, a new generation of weeds will develop from them. But there are still two options left.

cut off the aerial part weekly weed plant. This will lead to its weakening and gradually it will die.

apply glyphosphate herbicides, applying them only to the weed. But this option will certainly cause protests among the champions. In addition, treatments will most likely have to be carried out more than once, and this will further pollute the soil at the site with unwanted chemical compounds.

The destruction of weeds on the site is a “sick” and burning issue for many happy owners of vegetable gardens and summer cottages. The best folk weed killer in the garden - this, of course, is weeding. Regular weeding will certainly help get rid of weeds. In order for weeding to really be of any use, it must be carried out according to all the rules. At the same time, it is important not to undermine health, since the struggle for clean beds is hard, sometimes exhausting, physical labor. But some little tricks will help you get rid of weeds easily with minimum cost time and effort.

Why you need to get rid of weeds

It is impossible to imagine a summer resident who has never weeded his garden in his life. Weeding is one of the most important activities in the care of garden crops. Weeding beds with vegetables and herbs is a must, because:

What is dangerous weeds at their summer cottage

Weeds in the garden are not as harmless as many people think. The most dangerous weeds are traditionally considered:

  • wheatgrass;
  • Sow thistle;
  • Loach.

These herbs have very long roots that go deep into the ground. A rare summer resident has the patience to completely dig them out. Therefore, harmful herbs multiply again and again. The loach poses the greatest danger; in some regions of Russia, this weed is still affectionately called "birch". Vyun, or "birch" is climbing plant with small ovate leaves and white or pink flowers resembling small gramophones. Loach tends to wrap around cultivated plants. For example, loach is often wrapped around potato lashes. If the summer resident is faced with such a phenomenon, you should not panic. It is necessary to carefully unravel the loach without damaging the tops of the potatoes, take it aside and carefully dig it out along with the root.

There are also less harmless plants that are dug up very easily, such as quinoa and wood lice. However, any grass is a danger to the future crop, because:

If you do not weed the garden, it will quickly will come to a running state, and cultivated plants will die, "crushed" by weeds. Those who do not smile at such a prospect should make a lot of efforts to deal with "uninvited guests."

Weeding is the most reliable means of helping to destroy grass in a summer cottage. Of course, there are other folk remedies for this scourge. Experienced summer residents who like to use "grandmother's" methods often prepare various solutions that inhibit the growth of grass, according to recipes from newspapers, the Internet and specialized literature. However, all these folk remedies, unlike weeding, do not destroy weeds, but only slow down their reproduction. And herbicides of industrial production, which really kill excess grass on the site, often have a detrimental effect on cultivated plants.

The only method, which will help to really destroy the grass - this is the well-known weeding. Of course, folk remedies also help, because the grass begins to grow more slowly, however, without weeding, getting rid of weeds will not work.

Of course, you can do the same as the hero of the old summer cottage joke - a summer resident who planted potatoes every year and complained that weeds drowned it out. The unfortunate owner of the garden tried all means of weed control: he treated the plot with herbicides, prepared various weed solutions according to "grandmother's recipes". And, finally, desperate to get rid of the unfortunate weeds on the site, the unlucky gardener decided: “Next year I will not plant potatoes in the garden. I will do the opposite: I will plant weeds in the garden, and then potatoes will definitely drown it out.

But it’s better to pick up a chopper and weed. the best remedy getting rid of weeds on the site simply does not exist. Here are the secrets to perfect weeding:

Tools needed for weeding

An experienced summer resident will never tear weeds with bare hands. There are plants whose roots go very deep into the ground. These roots must be dug up, otherwise there will be no point in weeding. In order to start a victorious and swift war with grass, a novice gardener will need:

How to get rid of weeds in the garden: other options

Another verified folk remedy the destruction of weeds on the site lies in the fact that empty plots of the garden, in which nothing grows, but many weeds, are covered with a dark film. This is a fairly effective method, because the weed grass under the black film quickly fades and suffocates, especially in hot weather. However, this method cannot be used directly in the garden, where weeds and cultivated plants grow interspersed. It is possible to cover with a black film only between, aisles and empty areas of the garden.

Commercial herbicides can also be used to help control weeds quickly and effectively. However, the use of herbicides is permissible only if root crops are treated - plants whose fruits are in the ground (potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets). The use of herbicides is unacceptable if the fruits or greens of cultivated plants suitable for consumption are on the surface of the earth. If herbicides get on food greens, on the fruits of zucchini or pumpkin, on berries, you can get serious poisoning after eating these fruits.

How to destroy weeds and not lose health?

Weeding is hard physical labor. In order not to undermine precious health, it is necessary to pay great attention to safety. It is necessary to work with gloves and in closed clothes. Perfect option- sports suit. It is recommended to apply a protective cream or balm from mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers on the face and hands. If it is a hot day, you must definitely cover your head with a scarf or panama.

Don't weed the weeds bent over "in three deaths". Those who stand in this position for a long time run the risk of earning sciatica, osteochondrosis and other serious diseases of the spine. Squatting is also not very comfortable, and you can quickly get tired. It is best to weed the beds on your knees. In order to avoid hypothermia of the knees, you can buy protective knee pads in specialized stores: both sports knee pads and those made specifically for gardeners are suitable. You can make protection yourself.

You should not weed with bare feet, because there is a high risk of cutting yourself on a sharp stone or scratching your leg on a protruding root. The tool should be comfortable so that corns do not appear on the hands. When weeding, do not reach far behind the weed, because this can cause you to lose balance and fall. It is best to approach the inaccessible weed on the other side of the bed. It is best to carry out weeding early in the morning or in the evening, when it is light, but there is no scorching sun. Gardeners working in open clothing should apply sunscreen to their face and body to avoid burns.

All these little tricks will help you quickly get rid of weeds and make weeding a pleasure. Nothing pleases a tributary more than the sight of neatly weeded beds of carrots, beets, potatoes, and other important garden crops. However, in order for the garden to be beautiful and clean, you will have to work hard. Weeding - best method getting rid of weeds. The main thing is to carry out this procedure in accordance with all the rules, then weeding will turn from tedious and tedious work into an exciting weed control. And vegetables and greens will finally be able to breathe freely.

Exercise 1.

Complete the sentences so that they are complex sentences with adjectives of mode of action and degree. Try to ensure that each sentence contains a bright and colorful description.

1) The wind was blowing with such force that ... .
2) The cloud moved so close to the sun that ....
3) I feel such joy in my soul that ... .
4) He was such an interesting storyteller that... .
5) We were driving so fast as if....

Exercise 2.

Include these combinations of words in complex sentences with a modal clause and a comparison clause.

More interesting than; the higher, the; glitters and sparkles so that it is so quiet that; dress so that; looked so affectionately, as if; so wanted to eat that; his act was astonishing.

Exercise 3

Using complex sentences with modal and degree clauses, write brief instructions about how to grow potatoes (care for indoor plants, pets, etc.).

Make a conclusion about the role of subordinate modes of action and degree in business style texts.

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences so that they turn out to be complex with a clause of purpose or with a clause of mode of action.

1) We must learn to ... .
2) I want to relax so that ... .
3) It is necessary to do the work in such a way that ....
4) You need to treat people in such a way that ....
5) In order to ..., write neatly and legibly.
6) We must learn how to allocate time so that ....

Exercise 5

Answer the questions using complex sentences with an objective clause.

What is the purpose of loosening the soil around the plants?
Why pull out weeds?
What is the purpose of germinating seeds?
Why is a wrench used when tightening a nut?
Why green cities?
Why do we use a ruler and compass?

Continue the list of similar questions and give answers to them in the form of complex sentences with a clause of purpose.

Exercise 6

Indicate which of the unions are used in all styles, and which ones are used only in book styles. In the given examples, replace the author's unions with synonymous ones.

Write sentences using punctuation marks.

1) In complete darkness, with the lights extinguished, the flotilla moved at low speed along the very coast so as not to run into mines. (K. Paustovsky) 2) Under fire, running from one shelter to another, he examined the location of the battalion and gave the order to withdraw the sixth company into the woods to the very top of the height so that a spare line of defense was prepared there. (K. Fedin) 3) Sing us a song so that all the spring songs of the earth sound in it. (V. Lebedev-Kumach)

Exercise 7

Consider the following examples with comparative conjunctions. Which of them are synonyms? Determine whether synonymous unions have differences in shades of meaning, in stylistic coloring. Complete the sentences with missing punctuation marks.

1) The snow under the skis did not creak as it happens in severe frosts, but whistled a little. (G. Markov) 2) An irresistible force carried me away, just as long before a waterfall, the desire of the stream carries away the boat. (Ya. Turgenev) 3) Uncle sang like the common people sing. (L. Tolstoy) 4) The whole room suddenly darkened as if the curtains were drawn in it. (A. Kuprin) 5) The close presence of the sea returned freshness and purity to the world, as if it immediately blew all the dust off the ship and passengers. (V. Kataev) 6) The fate of the eldest son of the Lukyanovs and her excited as if he was her relative or close. (G. Markov) 7) Anfisa looked at her from under her brows as if splashed with boiling water. (G. Markov)

Exercise 8

Using the union to, come up with and write down complex sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses, subordinate clauses of purpose, mode of action. On the basis of these examples, prove that this conjunction has many meanings.

Exercise 9

Write by inserting missing letters, punctuation marks and opening brackets. Prove that these sentences are complex with subordinate clauses. What unions does he join with? adnexa to main? Indicate which of these unions are obsolete.

1) But the light tower (n ..) is a joy when (n ..) looks ... a friend in it. (A. Pushkin) 2) If my lack of .. art (n, n) amuses you, it will take at least a little, I'll be happy (?) Liv. (M. Lermontov) 3) All this would have been seen.. no matter when (not) it was so sad (?) but. (M. Lermontov) 4) When there is no (on) way among the comrades, their business (n ..) will go. (I. Krylov) 5) If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, it is necessary to be sad about them (n ..). (S. Yesenin) 6) If the guys of the whole world would pr .. swear their pr .. they would bring (b) joy (?) but then live in the world. D..wait guys (on) always be friends! (?. Dolmatovsky)

The endless struggle with weeds in the summer cottage and in the garden is known to everyone. Weeds take root well and grow in any conditions. They can be found on the most unsuitable soils for life, on cultivated flower beds and vegetable gardens, and even dense asphalt is not a barrier to them. Getting rid of these unpleasant neighbors once and for all is the dream of every summer resident. So how do you do it?

One of the effective ways to combat weeds is to grow crops that suppress the vital activity of weeds and prevent their spread. So how to plant a garden so that there are no weeds?

Weed control methods

Weeds can be controlled by preventive methods, the main task of which is to prevent weeds from entering the site and preventing their spread. These methods are aimed at identifying and destroying the weed, as well as at preventive measures to combat it.

Destructive methods are aimed at the destruction of weeds:

  1. Mechanically.
  2. With the help of chemicals.
  3. Through biological intervention.

One of the most accessible methods for combating the intensive growth of weeds is early mowing of weeds before they bloom. This prevents the formation of seeds. Weed vegetation spreads over the site at the same time much more slowly.

The control method by sowing dominant grasses is aimed at suppressing the development of weeds and improving the general condition of the soil. Such herbs are called green manure. These plants are obligatory participants in the crop rotation of any land plot.


Green manure is a green manure and after a short period of growth, they are cut to fill compost pits and mulch the soil. Before sowing a plot from weeds with one or another grass, it is necessary to remember their main tasks:

  • oppression of weeds and an obstacle to its spread throughout the summer cottage;
  • reduction of increased soil acidity;
  • loosening the soil structure and enriching it with oxygen;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of infections and diseases.

They can be sown almost the entire season. However, they are not suitable as precursors for related plants. When using green manure, additional application mineral fertilizers soil is not required. So what grass to sow so that weeds do not grow?

As a green manure, any annual plant with a strong root system. Their branched structure is able to easily break through compacted soil, making it looser and more fertile. Before planting the main plants, green manure is plowed into the ground. The dry upper part is not beveled or removed.

Mulching with green manure

Siderates do not have to be plowed into the soil. Spread out in a small layer on the beds, they are suitable as mulch. Mulching the soil with green manure has many advantages:

Types of green manure

Before sowing the land from weeds, it must be remembered that the most common siderates are of legume origin. These are very unpretentious plants to growing conditions. They sprout even at the lowest temperatures and easily tolerate frosts. These include beans, lentils, alfalfa, peas, clover and many others.

How to sow a garden from weeds in the spring to get rid of them for a long time? Spring planting of legumes saturates the soil with nitrogen. They are suitable for both weed control and for improving the structure of clay soils and wetlands. Legumes have well-developed roots and form a kind of drainage in the ground. Often used for acidic soils and allow to normalize their acidity level. Therefore, before planting a weed plot, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the land plot, but also their recommended followers.

White mustard is great for fighting bindweed, pea stalk and slugs. Effectively used for the prevention of late blight. Is a good predecessor onion and can significantly increase its yield. Rape does not tolerate acidic soils. It is an excellent baking powder and enriches the soil with sulfur and phosphorus.

Oilseed radish is not afraid of frost and easily tolerates a long drought. Excellent for intensive control of couch grass breeding. Rye is used as a winter crop. It is mowed for green mass at the end of May. Great for wetlands. Effectively used to combat wireworm.

Oats saturate the soil with potassium and are an excellent orderly against root rot. Sweet clover saturates the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus. It is an excellent helper for the fight against wireworm. Helps to avoid root rot of plants. Excellent as a trailblazer for uncultivated soils.

Sainfoin is suitable for all types of soil. It is better to sow it in areas left under fallow. Can be a source of green manure for several years. Peas perfectly suppress weeds not only with their powerful root system, but also with dense green mass. Excellent for growing on swampy soils and contributes to their drying.

Buckwheat saturates the soil with potassium and phosphorus. It copes well with wheatgrass and other weeds. Suitable for all types of soil and easily tolerates drought. Not recommended as a precursor for sorrel and spinach.

Calendula effectively improves soil properties and is an excellent predecessor for tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Protects them from late blight. It is an effective tool in the fight against wireworms, caterpillars and mites.

All-purpose weed killer

Every gardener thinks about how to sow a plot so that weeds do not grow. An excellent remedy for the spread of weeds is the sowing of a mixture of herbs. The composition of this mixture in equal proportions includes oil radish, white mustard and rapeseed. Of course, these plants can be used singly, but joint sowing gives a nuclear reaction - it perfectly increases soil fertility and destroys weeds in the bud.

The entire land plot is sown with a mixture of these herbs at the rate of 200 g of seeds per one hundred square meters. If in the future it is planned to mow the green mass for animal feed, it is possible to sow the territory much more densely. Sowing is done at any time. Both early spring and warm late autumn are perfect for this. During spring planting, green manure is allowed to grow, and a few weeks before the planting of cultivated plants, they are plowed into the soil. Autumn green manure is left before winter and in the spring they plow the entire territory.

This triple mixture, when it enters the soil, perfectly deoxidizes it and acts similarly to lime. The root system of plants goes deep into the soil, when decomposed, it releases oppressive substances and suppresses the development of weeds.

When sowing, the seeds are scattered over the entire area and deepened with a harrow. If the area is small, you can use a regular metal rake instead of a harrow.

To obtain an excellent green fertilizer, these crops are mowed, the grass is crushed, and the entire land plot is well plowed. Depending on the region, you can thus get two or three mowings per season, perfectly fertilize the soil and prepare it for further use.

You can watch the video about common mistakes when sowing green manure:

Siderates for potatoes

Potatoes are usually grown in very large quantities. Every year it is not always possible to change the landing site in the conditions of a limited land plot. So how to sow a garden from weeds and how to prevent their massive spread? Experienced gardeners plant rye or winter vetch in early September.

Also an excellent predecessor for increasing potato yields are oats, peas and white mustard. Do not use representatives of the nightshade family as a green fertilizer. Mustard sown before potatoes can significantly increase its yield and help get rid of wireworms.


How and when to sow your garden so that weeds do not grow, everyone decides on their own. However, whatever green manure is used in a summer cottage, it will greatly increase productivity, eliminate the use of mineral fertilizers, improve soil structure and help in weed control.

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