I can't imagine a garden plot without a flower bed and a flower garden, flowers enliven and bring special paints in the harsh everyday life of a gardener. This article will be devoted to one of the most beautiful annuals - Godetia. This charmer burns with a bright fire in my garden until the frost.

This plant deserved special attention not only for its beauty, but also for its own unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

It is not for nothing that Godetia is called the flower of passion, every year it is reborn from a tiny seed with indestructible energy and a thirst for life, turning into a lovely plant.

The closest relative of Godetia is Clarkia, both plants belong to Cypress, although they are completely different. Godetia has been attracting flower growers for many years with its bright large buds and long flowering.

A graceful plant is often used on mixborders, flower beds, in balcony boxes and outdoor flowerpots. Godetia grows well at home. This is a cold-resistant annual with an erect, abundantly pubescent stem, well branched, linear-lanceolate foliage.

Plants are sprawling or narrow pyramidal with many flowers similar to azaleas, which are white-pink-red shades, simple or double, 4-10 cm in size.

The most common among gardeners are two types of Godetia, which in turn have a huge number of varieties. Each of them is distinguished by its own external data: the shape of the foliage, the color of the petals, the height of the bush.

Godetia is lovely, which is a slender annual up to 60 cm high. Bell-shaped, sometimes cup-shaped flowers can be simple or double-shaped with petals as if from satin. Flowering continues from July to the end of September.

Godetia large-flowered or azalea - this bush branches strongly, making it well suited for decoration not only garden plot, but also rooms, loggias and terraces. The flowers are large, double, reminiscent of an azalea. Blooms until frost.

Graceful Godetia Requirements for Growing Conditions

Godetia cannot be called a capricious plant. For the full development of it, a well-lit area of ​​loamy land, protected from strong winds. Tall varieties also need reliable support. The only thing Godetia does not like is the abundance of precipitation; in wet summers, plants become weak.

The flower loves moderate watering, waterlogging is not good for it, therefore, when growing, it is desirable to arrange good drainage. An excessive amount of nutrition causes an excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering, so there is no need to be zealous with fertilizers - once a month with a complete mineral complex is enough.

For more abundant flowering, it is necessary to tear off faded inflorescences in a timely manner, otherwise the resulting ovaries will weaken the year, preventing the buds from opening to the fullest.

It is recommended to leave a limited amount for collecting seeds. Seeds ripen a month after the start of flowering, a signal of their readiness is the darkening of the boxes. They are cut, dried and put away for storage. The germination period of planting material is maintained for three years.

Methods for growing Godetia from seeds

Godetia is grown by seed, you can plant it immediately in the chosen place, or you can speed up the flowering period and grow seedlings first.

Landing in the ground

  • The seeds of this flower are not afraid spring frosts, therefore, for earlier flowering, they can be planted immediately after the snow melts. From the beginning of April to the end of May is the time for sowing, winter sowing also gives positive results.
  • To begin with, they prepare a bed so that the soil settles well and the smallest seeds do not die;
  • The grooves should be at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other, and their depth should not exceed 5 cm;
  • Thinning out crops is a rather tedious task, especially smaller ones. Therefore, it is better to plant it immediately less often, and when they become stronger and reach a height of 7 cm, you can remove the extra bushes, leaving an optimal distance of 20 cm for their development.
  • Sowing before winter is best practiced in regions where winter is not so severe. Sowing is carried out in November, in grooves with a depth not exceeding 1 cm. Seeds must be disinfected and thoroughly dried before sowing. Then plantings are covered with a thin layer of mulch and additionally covered with black plastic wrap.

Godetia seedlings

Naturally, the seedless growing method is much easier. No need to mess with seedlings, drag them from place to place. But despite this, the seedling method has one important advantage.

It is due to the fact that this culture has a long growing season: the period from sowing seeds to the beginning of flowering is almost 90 days. For a one-year-old, this is quite a lot. That is why seedling cultivation is preferable.

This flower is not particularly demanding, but is often attacked by pests. To increase its viability, the seeds must be disinfected before sowing. To do this, they are kept in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for at least an hour.

  • It is necessary to plant godetia seeds for seedlings from the second decade of March, it is advisable to plant each seed in an individual dish. And due to the fact that this culture does not tolerate transplanting well, it is better to use peat pots or plastic glasses 15 cm deep as dishes, which it will not be a pity to cut later.
  • Planting containers are thoroughly disinfected, filled with a good layer of drainage and topped up with soil. Water well, wait until it is completely absorbed and spread the seeds over the surface of the soil.
  • Sprinkle them on top with a thin (no more than 50 mm) layer of sifted peat and, without pressing down, cover with polyethylene on top.
  • Put the crops in a warm place. Remove the film when the first shoots appear.
  • And they will appear after 10 days. The plant should be watered very moderately so as not to provoke fungal diseases. It is necessary to illuminate at least 12 hours a day.
  • From the beginning of May, seedlings can begin to be accustomed to daylight and air. Gradually, starting from 1-2 hours, take them outside, bringing the “walks” to full daylight hours. When the weather outside becomes warm, you can leave them overnight.

The grown seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, when the threat of night frosts is not terrible. The plant is carefully, without disturbing the coma of the earth, placed in a prepared hole. A little humus is poured into the bottom of the recess.
Next, the hole is lightly covered with soil and moistened well. During the first week, the landing pit should not dry out.

It is advisable to mulch the seedlings with any organic material, for example, grass without seeds is well suited.

Before the seedlings are planted in the ground, they are regularly watered, without letting the earth dry out. Fertilize it during this period with a full complex twice: after breaking through seedlings and 7 days before transplanting to a flower bed.

Due to the fact that godetia does not like to be disturbed by its roots, carry out all transplantation activities before the roots of the plant fill the entire space of the pot.

Godetia seedlings are stretched: what to do?

Most likely, the plant does not have enough light and free space. You can solve this problem by moving the containers with seedlings to a brighter place, if this is not possible, install lamps for additional lighting.

If the planting is thickened, then dive the plant into separate pots, while reducing watering. A week after planting, feed the godetia with half the dose of fertilizer for flowering plants.

Try to give preference to undersized, compact bushes, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. Such individuals will also feel good on the windowsill. Compact plants with large delicate inflorescences look especially luxurious.

Dangers on the way

  • The most common danger for Godetia is root rot. Its appearance is caused by too abundant watering and stagnant water. Diseased bushes will have to be pulled out and destroyed.
  • Small spots on the leaves indicate the presence of peronosporosis, you can cope with it with special fungicides.
  • In non-weeded areas, the plant is often damaged by leaf-eating pests, so to prevent their occurrence, remove weeds in a timely manner and loosen the ground.
  • Often attacked by fleas and aphids. It is most effective to fight them with the help of texicides, you can also use folk remedies. For example, preventive treatment with a solution of ash and laundry soap, a solution of birch tar gives good results.

It is difficult to be indifferent to Godetia. Its incredible flowering, bright, as if silk inflorescences will harmoniously merge into any group planting of flowering and ornamental foliage plants. Godetia blooms for three days, a pleasant addition is its wonderful aroma, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla.

Among other things, this culture is great for cutting, especially if you add a little citric acid to a vase of water. A variety of shapes and colors will appeal to any grower, because this graceful lady will be able to revive any flower bed.

garden flower godetia (lat. Godetia)- a herbaceous annual of the family Cypress, which includes about twenty species, growing mainly on the American continents. Godetia is native to Southern California. The godetia plant got its name in honor of the famous Swiss botanist Ts.Kh. Godet, who was the first to study and classify Godetia. Since the 60s of the XIX century, the plant has confidently taken its place in the gardens of Europe. The advantage of this garden plant is its unpretentiousness and beautiful silky flowers, similar to azalea flowers. Godetia flowers also have a resemblance to clarkia, also belonging to the Cyprian family.

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Planting and caring for Godetia (in short)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground in mid-April or before winter: sowing seeds for seedlings in late March or early April, followed by planting seedlings in open ground in late May or early June.
  • Bloom: from July until the first frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: moist loam of neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  • Watering: regular, moderate to profuse.
  • Garter: only for tall varieties.
  • Top dressing: once a month with a solution of a complete mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • Reproduction: only seed.
  • Pests: caterpillars, aphids, slugs.
  • Diseases: peronosporosis (false powdery mildew), root rot, rust, fusarium.

Read more about growing Godetia below.

Godetia flower - description

The stems of godetia are erect, branched, reaching a height of 20 to 60 cm and forming neat bushes - sprawling or pyramidal, depending on the type and variety. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire. The flowers are bell-shaped or cup-shaped, rather large in size - from 3 cm to 10 cm in diameter, simple, consisting of four petals, or double - collected in a brush. The color of the flowers is white, red, carmine, peach, pink, purple, there are varieties of combined colors. Peduncles are short. The fruit is a tetrahedral cylindrical box in which very small seeds ripen that do not lose their germination capacity for three to four years.

In the photo: Striped garden godetia flower

In addition to godetia itself, its numerous hybrids are also used in the culture: azalea-shaped, dwarf, terry and bushy variety forms of godetia. Godetia blooms from July until frost and easily copes with temperature changes.

Growing godetia from seeds

Sowing godetia seeds

Godetia is grown exclusively from seeds, and this method of reproduction for flower growers is not particularly difficult. So, how to grow Godetia from seeds? Godetia seeds can be planted directly in open ground, or you can play it safe and sow seeds for seedlings.

If you decide to sow seeds directly on the site, it is best to do this in the middle or at the end of April, in southern regions godetia is sown in the ground and before winter, but in any case, it is necessary to soak the seeds before planting for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganateto protect future seedlings from infection with diseases.

Most of all, a slightly acidic or neutral loamy soil is suitable for a site located on the sunny side of the garden. Dig and moisten the ground before sowing, apply mineral fertilizers and wood ash, as well as humus at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m². Then sow the seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm so that there is a distance of at least 25 cm between the plants in the flower bed. If you want seedlings to appear in a week, cover the planting with foil. Seedlings that have sprouted too thickly will need to be thinned out.

Why is the seedless method better than the seedling method? The fact that when planting seedlings in the ground and even when picking, some of the plants are injured and die.

Godetia seedlings

It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in late March or early April in containers with drainage and loose nutrient soil. Small seeds mixed with sand are scattered over the surface and covered with a thin layer of soil, then a film is pulled over the container to form a greenhouse effect. Every day, remove the film briefly for airing. and, if necessary, to moisten the soil.

Growing snapdragons from seeds - all you need to know

After ten days, shoots will appear, and the film can be removed completely. When the seedlings have two true leaves, they dive: carefully dig, shake off the soil, shorten too long roots and transplant into separate pots, three pieces each.

Godetia planting

Planting Godetia in the spring

At the end of May or at the beginning of June, seedlings that have reached 5-7 cm in height are planted in open ground along with an earthen clod so as not to damage the roots of the seedlings. This should be done in cloudy weather, early in the morning, before sunrise, or in the evening, after sunset. The distance between seedlings should be 20-25 cm: the taller the variety, the greater the distance between specimens should be.

In the photo: Pink Godetia

Planting Godetia before winter

Before winter, Godetia is planted only in places with mild warm winters, and so far only as an experiment. Flower growers prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground, to avoid losses during transplanting and picking seedlings. It is believed that plants grown from seeds sown in late autumn are better adapted to the environment and more resistant to diseases and pests.

Godetia care

The soil around the grown seedlings of godetia needs to be loosened and weeded for faster growth - this will provide the roots with room for growth and eliminate unwanted neighbors. Watering carry out medium profusion, but regular. Godetia varieties that grow above 60 cm, so that the stems with flowers do not break, it is advisable to tie them to supports - wooden pegs or metal rods.

Planting and caring for ageratum: growing conditions in the garden

For abundant flowering, godetia is needed feed a complete mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content on average once a month. For this, for example, a solution of nitrophoska at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 12 liters of water is suitable.

Godetia after flowering

How to collect godetia seeds

Godetia seeds ripen approximately 30 days after the end of flowering. As soon as the boxes begin to darken, they are cut, dried, then opened and the seeds are shaken out, which can be sown before winter if you live in the south, or stored until next spring. We remind you that godetia seeds retain germination for about four years.

In the photo: Raindrops on a godetia flower

Types and varieties of Godetia

Godetia grandiflora (Godetia grandiflora)

It is a compact, bushy, slightly hairy annual. In culture since 1867. Stems reach 20-40 cm in height, erect or recumbent, fragile, woody by the end of the growing season. Leaves are lanceolate, tapering towards the base. Large - up to 10 cm in diameter - the flowers are cup-shaped or bell-shaped, collected in leafy brushes at the ends of the shoots. Silky petals are painted in pink, red, crimson, white, lilac, scarlet, dark red. This species blooms from July to October. Based on the species, hybrid varieties have been created, both tall and dwarf, used for borders. The most common varieties:

  • Weiser Schwann- undersized sprawling bush 30-35 cm in height, shoots, green in the upper part, have a brown tint at the base. Broadly lanceolate leaves, satin-white cupped flowers 5-6 cm in diameter, petals entire;
  • Orange Room- medium-sized semi-spreading branched variety 40-50 cm tall with reddish-green shoots. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, broadly bell-shaped with entire petals, red-orange in color.

In the photo: Abundant flowering godetia

Godetia lovely (Godetia amoena)

The plant is 60 cm tall, the stems are erect, smooth, brittle, semi-woody by the end of the growing season. Leaves narrow-lanceolate, pointed. Bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with satin, spatulate-shaped petals, painted in red-pink, raspberry-lilac or various shades of red. Blooms from July to September. In culture since 1814.

Godetia (lat. Godetia)- a genus of herbaceous annuals of the cypress family, common in South and North America. There are about 20 species in the genus. The name of the genus was in honor of the famous botanist from Switzerland, C.X Gode, who was the first to describe this plant. Of the well-known relatives of Godetia, Ivan-tea and Clarkia. In European gardens, this flower appeared in the 19th century, and immediately became popular among both professionals and amateurs.

Godetia flower - description

In height, erect branched stems of Godetia reach from 20 to 60 cm. The plant forms sprawling or compact narrow-pyramidal bushes. The leaves of the godetia are alternate, entire, lanceolate. Reaching a diameter of 3 to 10 cm, simple or double, cup-shaped or bell-shaped godetia flowers with petals of pink, white, carmine, purple, lilac, red or salmon-pink are collected in a brush, gradually lengthening as new buds form. The godetia fruit is a four-sided cylindrical box resembling a box with many seeds that remain viable for up to three years. Under optimal conditions, the godetia in the flowerbed does not lose its attractiveness for several months - from the beginning of July to the end of October.

Sowing Godetia for seedlings

The godetia plant is easily propagated by seeds. When to sow godetia seeds in the ground? In the southern regions, we sow godetia in the garden before winter, but in areas with a long and cold spring, sowing is carried out from mid-April to early May. If you want to see godetia bloom as early as possible, you must first grow its seedlings at home, and when the soil warms up well and warm weather sets in, transplant the seedlings into a flower garden.

Godetia is sown for seedlings at the end of March in a container about 15 cm deep with a well-structured seedling substrate, which is shed with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate two weeks before sowing. Godetia seeds are also preliminarily kept for half an hour in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are dried, mixed with dry sand, evenly distributed over the surface of the moistened substrate, sprinkled with a thin layer of dry soil, which is immediately moistened from the sprayer, and cover the crops with film or glass. They are kept in anticipation of germination at a temperature of 20-22 ºC, lifting the cover for a short time daily to ventilate and remove condensate.

Godetia seedling care

Godetia shoots may appear in 2-3 weeks, and as soon as the first shoots appear, the container is transferred to a place protected from drafts under bright diffused light. Do not catch cold seedlings: even short-term exposure to cold air can kill them. Growing godetia at this stage consists in watering, which is carried out as the top layer of the substrate dries.

At the stage of development of seedlings of two true leaves, they dive 2-3 pieces into separate sterile containers, if necessary, shortening the central root, but not more than a quarter of the length, and after another two weeks, when the seedlings get used to and grow up, they are fed with a fertilizer solution Ideal for flowers.

Planting Godetia in open ground

When to plant Godetia in the ground

Two weeks before planting seedlings in a flower bed, the seedlings begin to harden. The procedure consists in daily walks in the open air, provided that the seedlings are protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Gradually duration air baths increase until the seedlings can be outside around the clock.

Godetia is transplanted into the garden when the threat of return frosts has finally passed - in late May or early June. By the time of transplantation into open ground, seedlings of godetia should reach a height of 5-7 cm, but there should not be flowers and buds on the seedlings: you need to have time to transplant the seedlings into a flower bed before they begin to form flower stalks. The transplant is carried out on a cloudy day, but if the weather is sunny, then take care of the transplant early in the morning or after sunset.

How to plant godetia

Godetia prefers sunny areas and moderately moist, nutritious, humus loams. In dry and clay soils, the plant develops poorly. To improve the composition of the soil, at least two weeks before planting the seedlings (or better still in the fall), they dig it up to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel with fertilizers at the rate of 300 g of wood ash, 5 kg of compost or humus and 2 tablespoons of Nitrofoska per 1 m² of land. Immediately before planting seedlings, the site is leveled and dug in it at a distance of 25-30 cm, holes one and a half times the size of the root system of seedlings with an earthen clod. Godetia really doesn’t like it when her roots disturb her, and can get sick for a long time, so the seedlings are transplanted by transferring the entire contents of the pot into the hole, after which the remaining space is filled with soil, the surface of the site is compacted and watered. For the first two days, seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight.

Godetia care in the garden

How to care for Godetia

Landing Godetia and care in open ground behind it garden plant you will not be tired at all, since they will not require any special knowledge or special skills. The plant needs to be watered, fed, it is necessary to remove excess ovaries and wilted flowers from it, loosen the ground around the bushes and weed the weeds. Tall varieties require support. Here, perhaps, are all the wisdom of care that even a novice florist is able to master.

Watering Godetia

Timely and sufficient soil moisture in the area with godetia is the most important point in caring for this plant. The soil in a flowerbed with godetia should not be dry, however, waterlogging is fraught with trouble, so try to balance the watering of godetia. By the way, if weather forecasters predict an abnormally hot summer, it is better to plant godetia in partial shade, and then it will be much easier to maintain the soil in a state of moderate humidity. To moisten the soil in the area with godetia, water heated in the sun is used. After watering or rain, you need to carefully loosen the soil around the bushes, while removing weeds.

Top dressing godetia

Godetia is fed with a mineral complex three times per season. The first top dressing is carried out a week or two after planting the seedlings in the ground. The plant responds well to a solution of 1 tablespoon of Nitrophoska in 10 liters of water, and after the godetia plant begins to form buds, it will need top dressing for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Godetia breeding

Godetia propagates by seeds. You already know how to grow seedlings and how to transplant them into a flower garden. But you can sow the plant directly into the ground. IN middle lane godetia is best sown in spring - in late April or early May: this flower culture normally tolerates cold snaps down to -5 ºC. Seedlings appear after two weeks, and they are thinned out, observing a step of 15 cm. In the future, the seedlings are looked after in the same way as seedlings planted in the ground.

Godetia in autumn and winter

Godetia is an annual crop, therefore, after the loss of decorativeness, its plant residues are removed, and the soil on the site is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet.

Pests and diseases of Godetia

Godetia diseases and their treatment

Most often, godetia in the soil suffers from root rot and peronosporosis, or downy mildew.

Root rot - fungal disease, progressing against the background of waterlogging of the soil. Signs of rot damage are the slow development of the plant, the drying out of its leaves and the appearance of constrictions and brown spots on them. In the end, the sick Godetia lies down, and it is impossible to save her. Affected specimens should be removed as soon as possible, and the irrigation regime should be reviewed. To protect against the fungus while still healthy bushes, pour the area with a solution of any fungicidal preparation.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew, is also a fungal disease, which can be diagnosed by the formation of slightly convex blurry spots on the upper side of the godetia leaves - colorless, yellowish, red-brown, yellow-brown or purple. Sometimes the spots are surrounded by a weakly pronounced border. On the underside of the leaves under the spots, a delicate coating of powdery, gray or gray-violet hue appears. Diseased leaves shrivel, and sometimes even curl, dry out and die. Shoots are also stained, deformed, dry and crack. Buds fall off or open into ugly flowers. The infection is destroyed during the growing season with a solution of Abiga-Peak, Oxychoma, Previkur or a one-percent Bordeaux mixture, and it is unlikely that this disease will be defeated at once, therefore, after 10-15 days, the treatment should be repeated.

Godetia pests and their control

Of the pests, leaf-eating insects are dangerous for Godetia, which can appear on a plant weakened by poor care if gourds are grown nearby. They destroy pests with insecticidal preparations, and to reduce the risk of their occurrence, remove weeds from the site in a timely manner.

Types and varieties of Godetia

Most often, two types of Godetia are grown in culture.

Godetia lovely (Godetia amoena) - an elegant plant up to 60 cm high with slender erect and fragile stems, which begin to woody by the end of flowering. The leaves of the lovely Godetia are lanceolate or pointed. Bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers about 5 cm in diameter with as if satin spatulate petals are painted in red, lilac-crimson or reddish-pink. The plant has been in cultivation since 1814.

Godetia grandiflora (Godetia grandiflora) comes from Southern California. It is quite possible that this annual, strongly bushy plant, covered with fine down, is a natural hybrid. Fragile, smooth and lignified by the end of flowering, the stems of this godetia can be erect at a height of 20 to 40 cm or recumbent. The entire lanceolate leaves taper towards the base. Cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter with silky shiny petals are collected in final dense racemose inflorescences located in the axils of the upper leaves, and are painted in pink, white, scarlet, red, crimson or purple. Abundant flowering of large-flowered godetia lasts from early July to October. This species has been cultivated since 1867. It is represented by many hybrid varieties, among which there are tall and dwarf plants. According to the number of petals in the flowers, the godetia is terry and simple. This species has an azalea flower garden form. The best varieties large-flowered godetia:

  • Blitzstrahl- a medium-sized branching plant 45-60 cm high with lanceolate leaves and green shoots with a brownish-red tint. The flowers are cup-shaped, simple, up to 6 cm in diameter, with dark red petals slightly wavy along the edges;
  • Weiser Schwann- sprawling strongly branched bushes up to 35 cm high with broadly lanceolate leaves and green shoots, brown at the base. The flowers are cup-shaped, simple, up to 6 cm in diameter, with entire satin-white petals;
  • Feuerkoenig- compact bushes 20-25 cm high with narrow-lanceolate leaves and green with pink tint shoots. Flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, simple, red with a small white spot at the base of each petal;
  • Cybil Sherwood- compact bushes up to 40 cm high with lanceolate leaves, green shoots with a pink tint and semi-double flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with salmon-pink petals with a lighter solid edge;
  • York- sprawling bushes up to 40 cm high with broadly lanceolate leaves, reddish-brown shoots and simple cup-shaped flowers up to 6 cm in diameter with entire carmine-purple petals with a white base;
  • Meteor- compact bushes up to 30 cm high with lanceolate leaves, green shoots with a reddish-brown tint and broadly bell-shaped terry flowers up to 7 cm in diameter with whole, but dark scarlet petals wavy at the edges;
  • Rembrandt- compact spherical bushes up to 35 cm high with broadly lanceolate leaves, green shoots with a pink tint and double flowers up to 6 cm in diameter with pink wavy and finely indented petals along the edge with a carmine spot on each;
  • Orange Room- medium-sized spreading bushes up to 50 cm high with narrow-lanceolate leaves, green shoots with a reddish tint and simple wide-bell-shaped flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with entire dark red-orange petals.
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Anyone is able to conquer Godetia forever. Planting and caring for her is not much more difficult than for any garden flower, and the joys of the fruits of their labor are a whole sea. That's right - a sea of ​​bright flowers of the most unexpected colors, pleasing the soul and eyes until frost.

Godetia varieties

Godetia grandiflora.

Bush plant of the Godetia family native to Southern California. Some scientists believe that it is of hybrid origin, but so far they have no exact evidence. The branches of the flower are usually either lying or standing with a slight pubescence. At the end of the flowering period, they begin the process of lignification. By the way, their height does not differ from the main type - at least from 10 to 20 centimeters.

Godetia terry.

Terry godetia includes different varieties of varieties that have not simple smooth petals, but terry ones. Such bushes look especially beautiful and elegant, which is why gardeners love them very much, and landscape designers often use them in the gardener's space.

Godetia "Monrah".

Godetia "Monarch" is one of the dwarf plant varieties. Its height does not reach even 20 centimeters, and the bush is located very compactly. Unlike other varieties, "Monarch" tolerates cold well. The flowers are also small - only 4-5 centimeters in diameter. Seeds are sown in open ground at a level of 0.5-1 cm, and after the first leaves appear, 3-4 bushes are transplanted into one container. In early spring, when transplanting to open ground, a distance of 20-25 centimeters is observed between seedlings.

Godetia flower-description

Outwardly, godetia is similar to Claria, but it has more spectacular and large flowers. Different varieties of godetia differ in color and size of flowers, as well as the height of the bushes (20-60 cm). There are varieties with double and simple flowers of different colors: salmon, carmine, pink, red, orange, lilac. Any flower bed with godetia will look unusually colorful.

Flower shops offer godetia of 2 types:

  • Godetia is lovely.
  • Godetia grandiflorum with their many quarrels and hybrids.

Growing godetia from seeds

As a rule, godetia is grown from seeds. In this case, planting is carried out either in open ground or for seedlings. The seeds of the plant retain their germination capacity for 3 years. It does not require special preparation for planting. To protect godetia from pests and diseases, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. In winter, they are stored in a dry and cool place.

Seedlings are planted in late March - early April. To grow it, take an ordinary flower pot or container. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom and fill with dry soil. Before planting the seeds, water the soil and let the water soak completely.

Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, covering them with a small layer of soil. Then, cover the pot with plastic wrap, forming a mini greenhouse. Every day remove the film for 30 - 40 minutes for airing. If necessary, moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

After 2 weeks, when the first shoots appear, remove the film completely. It is not worth filling up the planting with a thick layer of earth, it is enough to lightly sprinkle it with soil - a few mm. It is not necessary to thin out the godetia, it tolerates transplants perfectly. When grown in seedlings, transplantation is carried out along with the soil in which it grew.

The distance between the flowers in the flower bed should be approximately 20 - 25 cm. Before flowering, do not forget to periodically feed the year, especially if the cultivation is carried out in a greenhouse or on a balcony.

Godetia blooms from early July to late October. If you want the flowering to be more active and long, do not forget to regularly remove faded buds and dried leaves.

Planting Godetia in open ground

Godetia is grown only from seeds that can be sown directly into the ground or for seedlings. Seeds can be collected independently or bought in a store. Godetia seeds ripen within a month after the end of flowering. Ripe boxes darken. They are cut and dried.

The germination of the collected seeds is maintained for 4 years. Flower shops offer a large selection of seeds of various varieties and hybrids of Godetia.

Planting seedlings

Seeds for seedlings should be sown in the last days of March, using a container with nutritious and loose soil and drainage holes. Small godetia seeds are mixed with sand and scattered on the surface, lightly sprinkled with earth. The container with crops is covered with glass or film.

It is important not to forget to regularly ventilate the "greenhouse" and moderately moisten the soil from the sprayer. Approximately 10-12 days after the emergence of seedlings, the "greenhouse" can be opened.

Over time, the seedlings, which have acquired two real leaves, dive into separate containers, three things each. In the last days of May, plants that have reached about 6 cm in height can be planted in open ground.

It should be remembered that Godetia is hard to tolerate any transplant. It is necessary to plant seedlings in the garden very carefully, together with an earthen clod, trying not to damage the young roots. Transplantation is desirable to carry out in the early morning or evening in cloudy weather.

Godetia outdoor care

Godetia belongs to unpretentious plants, planting and caring for it are quite simple. But it's very important to her. proper watering. With excessive watering and dampness or severe aridity of the soil, it will be stunted and may even disappear. Water it as needed to keep the soil slightly moist.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks or 1 time per month, it will depend on the fertility of the soil in your area. For this, special complex fertilizers for flowering annuals or nitrophoska are used.

Of course, caring for godetia includes the removal of weeds with loosening the soil. You can reduce this work by mulching the soil around the plants.

Tall varieties need to be tied to a support.

This flower does not need special pruning. You can trim some of the shoots a little for better bush formation. For abundant and long flowering, it is necessary to constantly remove dried flowers, as new buds will appear in their place.

Subject to the simple rules of growing Godetia from seeds, she rarely gets sick. But when planting is neglected, excessive moisture can be affected by fungal diseases. In this case, fungicides will come to the rescue. But with the defeat of root rot, the diseased plant must be immediately removed from the flower bed, treatment is useless here.

Sometimes, in the presence of weeds, godetia can also suffer from leaf-eating insects. Timely weeding and mulching will help to avoid this.

How to collect godetia seeds

To get high-quality planting material, you need to collect and properly store the seeds in time. They ripen within a month after the end of flowering. At this time, the boxes darken.

Cut them off and lay them out to dry in a well-ventilated place under a canopy so that they are not exposed to direct Sun rays. The optimum temperature for drying is + 25 ... + 30 degrees.

And when the boxes are dry, put them in a linen bag and knead it in your hands. Then pour the mixture into a low container and very carefully blow off the remaining chaff. Store seeds in a paper bag at room temperature. If there are several varieties of Godetia, do not forget to sign their names.

Diseases and pests of Godetia

On clogged soils, godetia is severely damaged by leaf-eating pests (aphids and fleas), so you need to monitor the cleanliness of plantings, preventing the development of weeds. And if pests have already appeared, then they can be dealt with in the usual ways: spraying with insecticides and a soap-ash solution.

Godetia can be affected by rust and peronosporosis. They are caused by fungi, which then lead to the appearance of spots on the stems and leaves. Appropriate fungicides are used to control pests. If root rot has appeared, then the plant must be completely removed before it infects healthy plants.

It is believed that the flower originally grew only in North America, in particular in Southern California. There are about 20 subspecies of godetia. The plant was named after its discoverer, a Swiss biologist who was able to classify and study the nature of this flower. The merit of Godet was the popularity and recognition of the attractiveness of the plant, which contributed to its rapid spread among many European gardens by the middle of the 19th century. Main positive qualities godetia is not only its impeccable appearance, but also its simplicity in the process of cultivation and care. The offensive allows you to start planting flowers.

General description of Godetia

The flower has low branched stems, the average height of which varies between 30-40 cm. Godetia grows in a bush, neatly and collected, in the form of a pyramid or sprawling - it depends on the species. The plant blooms with cup-shaped inflorescences resembling bells of considerable size. Their diameter can reach 10 cm. The shades of the petals have a rich palette, but the main colors are white, red, pink, peach, purple. It has relatively short peduncles. Seeds ripened in a cylindrical fruit box can be stored for about 4 years, since during this period they will not lose their germination capacity. Many varieties bred in a hybrid way are common, including azalea-shaped, bushy, terry and dwarf varieties of godetia. Growing from seeds, when to plant seedlings and other questions of interest to people who are not indifferent to the street ornamental plants, will be discussed further.

How to grow a flower from seed?

by the most in a simple way growing flowers for all gardeners, perhaps, can be called seed. In the course of its implementation, usually the least difficulties arise. In addition, godetia, due to its resistance to sudden temperature changes, can be sown immediately on open area. Although, if there is no certainty in the stability of weather conditions, then it is better, of course, to play it safe and first prepare the seedlings. Godetia grown from seeds, when planted in Siberia or other northern regions, also depends on the arrival of heat. At the same time, experts recommend sowing a plant in open ground no earlier than mid-April, or even at its end. At the end of winter, you can start sowing in the southern area. However, wherever godetia is planted, its seeds must be protected from possible infection with many diseases by holding them in a weak solution of manganese for no more than half an hour.

When choosing a place for plant growth, it is worth stopping in an area where direct sunlight hits without barriers. The flower will be comfortable in neutral or slightly acidic soil, which is desirable to prepare appropriately before sowing. First, the earth must be dug up and give it a sufficient amount of moisture. Secondly, it is desirable to enrich the soil with wood ash, mineral fertilizers, humus. A suitable depth for planting is half a centimeter, with an intermediate distance of more than 20 centimeters. You can speed up the appearance of the first shoots by covering the soil with a film. If the seedlings begin to germinate too densely, it is necessary to thin out the planting.

In fact, the seedless method of growing a plant has many more advantages. As a rule, godetia grown from seeds, when it is time to plant in open ground, damage and death of part of the seedlings cannot be avoided.

Growing seedlings

If the choice fell on a reliable way to grow a plant through seedlings, then in this case, the end of March is considered the right time for sowing seeds. Having previously prepared containers or boxes with loose loose earth containing nutrients and having drainage. Before planting, it is advisable to mix small godetia seeds with sand, then, without tamping, scatter over the surface and cover with a thin soil layer. For the appearance of sprouts at an accelerated pace, you can create a kind of greenhouse effect for plants by covering the container with polyethylene. However, such a film must be removed every day to allow the growing flowers to breathe. Polyethylene can be removed when the first shoots appear. Basically, it happens in 10 days-14 days. The appearance of the first two sheets indicates that the time has come to dive sprouts. Carefully dug out of the original soil, they shorten the roots and send them to separate pots, three plants each.

Planting period for seedlings

The internet is full of information and advice about proper care and planting Godetia. Growing from seeds, when to plant - reviews and advice from flower growers sometimes differ. However, one thing can be said with certainty - optimal time for landing in an open area, most landscapers consider the beginning of summer. By this period, the flower grows up to 7 cm. Despite the fact that visually the plant looks stronger, it should be planted together with an earthen clod surrounding a weak root system. It is undesirable to perform this procedure under the scorching sun. It is necessary to observe the distance between seedlings, based on the tallness of a particular variety. How mature plant higher, the more free space should be left.

In areas with regular warm winters, Godetia is planted much earlier. However, this can be called an experimental method, and in order to minimize the risk of plant loss, it is better to plant according to the established deadlines. Most flower growers sow seeds directly into the ground. Many are of the opinion that godetia sown in late autumn has better endurance, is resistant to diseases and pests, and is adapted to the environment.

Basic care for Godetia

Caring for grown seedlings is practically no different from the regular measures that other flower crops require. Weeding and obligatory loosening of the soil will help not delay the development of the flower and accelerate its growth. This will eliminate unwanted weeds growing nearby, and create the necessary space for the root system. In watering Godetia, it is important not to overdo it. It is enough to provide her with a normal and constant amount of moisture. The tallest varieties, reaching more than half a meter in height, should be tied to supports to avoid breakage of the stems. Godetia will bloom profusely if you give it a mineral supplement, which will contain a minimum of nitrogen.

This fertilizer is preferably at least once a month. Then the plant from mid-July until the onset of frost will delight others with colorful flowers.
Fortunately, modern lovers flower plants a lot of information is available about the features of caring for godetia, growing from seeds, when to plant, photos of varieties and much more. Growing your favorite flower is not difficult. A minimum of effort - and Godetia will thank you for your care with a bright, long-lasting color.
