So, you will definitely be interested in paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices this species finishing material fluctuate in a fairly wide range, allowing you to choose the right option for your family budget. We offer to get acquainted with the existing varieties.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of street tiles for paths

The choice in favor of such material is made due to:

  • a large assortment. You can always choose tiles for the garden suitable form, textures and colors;
  • presentability. Beautiful appearance each element will allow you to achieve the perfect design of the site with the implementation of the most complex design project;
  • ease of installation. Installation work can be done independently;
  • the absence of puddles on the finished path. Excess moisture is quickly removed through the inter-tile space;
  • wear resistance. Street tiles for paths are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature fluctuations;
  • long service life. Durable material can last at least 15 years;
  • maintainability. Damaged elements, if necessary, can be replaced with new ones.

The main disadvantages include the high price of most high-quality and durable materials.

Types of paving slabs: distinctive features of the material

Manufacturers offer paving slabs different kind. Choosing suitable material for tracks in your country house, you should focus not only on its price, but also on its features. We offer you to get acquainted with the existing varieties, so that it is easier for you to choose the appropriate option.

Vibrocast paving slabs

During the production of vibrocasting elements, the concrete mixture is placed inside a permanent vibrating mold to ensure sufficient density. Then the blank in the form is sent to a warm room, waited for half a day and removed.

This production technology allows you to create a product with a smooth surface. The shape and color of the element can be any. However, the strength characteristics of such products are relatively low, which significantly limits the possible area of ​​use. Such tiles for paths in the country do not retain their characteristics well at low temperatures, but are inexpensive.

Vibropressed paving slabs

In the vibrocompression process, the concrete mixture is poured into a mold and then placed inside special vibrating equipment. The generated pressure provides an increase in the density of the material. The method does not allow to form elements various shapes and colors, but you can always form an interesting ornament.

Finished products have high performance characteristics. They are wear-resistant, not afraid of low temperatures, almost like a stone. Due to the porous structure, the material has shock-absorbing properties, which makes it possible to use it in the construction of sites intended for the storage of vehicles.

Ceramic and porcelain stoneware paving slabs

Ceramic products are obtained by pressing. The raw material of the first is clay with the addition of a certain amount of sand and minerals. The pressed billet is annealed. Available in matte and glazed. The first option is preferable for giving, as it has a uniform color throughout its thickness.

Porcelain stoneware is also obtained from a composition whose main component is clay. Under influence high temperature fusible clays vitrify. As a result, a monolithic product is formed, the color of which depends on the amount and characteristics of the dye added to the raw material. In terms of wear resistance, such outdoor garden tiles are superior to ceramics, capable of absorbing a minimum amount of moisture. The thickness of the finished products is a maximum of 12 mm. They can be polished or unpolished. From a safety point of view, the second option is preferable, since it is easy to slip on a polished surface.

Polymer concrete paving slabs

For the formation of such products, a mixture is used, consisting of 60-70% fine sand of plastic fillers, heated to a melting temperature. The result is products with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. To give the desired color, dyes are introduced into the composition. Due to the high strength characteristics, polymer concrete blocks can be used in the formation of paths with various operational loads. They have an acceptable price.

Options for choosing tiles for garden paths

When choosing a road tile for a summer residence, it is worth considering:

  • cottage location. For regions in which there are quite strong and frequent frosts, granite or vibropressed products that can withstand temperature fluctuations are preferable;
  • load. If vehicles will drive into the site to be mounted, the choice should be made in favor of vibropressed blocks with high strength characteristics. To form beautiful walking paths, vibrocast products can be used;

Attention! For the device of footpaths, products having a thickness of 3 mm are suitable.

  • price. For giving, from the point of view of cost, vibropressed products are preferable;
  • color. Bright blocks get their color due to the addition of special dyes. Cheap additives often reduce the density of the material and reduce its strength.

Design techniques for paving paths in the country on the example of popular models of paving slabs

The same material can be laid in different ways. We offer you to get acquainted with design techniques that you can always use when paving paths in the country with tiles of a certain shape and size.

Paving slabs California 300 × 300 × 30 mm: laying options

Externally, California paving slabs measuring 300 × 300 x 30 mm are similar to ordinary brick-laid ones. The pattern imitates a square in the center and four long bricks. The name of the material was in honor of the US state, where this paving option is especially popular.

Paving slabs Scales 245 × 190 × 60 mm: paving options

The material got its name due to its characteristic shape. It can be obtained by vibropressing and vibrocasting. Possesses high strength characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.6 kg.

Paving slabs Wave 237 × 103 × 60 mm: interesting ideas for implementation

Figured products allow you to form a beautiful pattern that imitates sea ​​wave. Made from . Differs in high operational characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.05 kg. We offer you to see a photo of the tracks in the country from paving slabs:

Paving slabs 12-Bricks 50 × 50 × 5 cm: ideas for implementation

Thanks to large sizes(50 × 50 × 5 cm) 12-brick paving slabs are laid relatively quickly, forming an even, beautiful surface. It can be used to create not only monochrome pattern but also colorful. The latter option is preferably used when landscaping a large area.

Paving slabs Vostok 40 × 40 × 5 cm: color schemes

paving slabs East size 40 × 40 × 5 cm is presented in a wide range of colors. You can always choose the right option for your site. Due to the presence of a pattern, a monochromatic coating is most often formed. Although other styling options are possible.

Features of laying paving slabs in the country: an algorithm of actions

If you decide to execute, familiarize yourself with the execution order installation work. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the base, so that the finished coating turns out to be perfectly even and lasts long enough. Let's find out how to achieve this.

Foundation preparation

When starting to prepare for the tracks, the fertile layer should be removed and a trench 17-20 cm deep should be formed. Guides should be installed along its perimeter, when calculating the width of which, the dimensions of the curb must be taken into account. A sand cushion is being prepared: sand is poured and evenly distributed over the surface of the future base.

Attention! At the path leading to the house, a slope from the building should be provided to ensure the drainage of water.

The thickness of the pillow should be about 15 cm with a trench depth of 20 cm. One cube of sand is enough to form 7 squares of a sand layer. The sand is carefully compacted using special equipment or tools. The compacted layer is abundantly wetted with water and leveled.

Advice! In the absence of a gasoline rammer, make a tool from a wooden beam.

Technology of laying paving slabs

We do it as follows:

  • we put each element in place, upsetting with a rubber mallet and controlling its spatial position. If there are deviations, we pour sand under the element, or vice versa, we remove the excess. Between adjacent elements we leave a gap of 5-7 mm;
  • install a border. Its upper surface should be flush with the track being formed. Between the laid canvas and the border, we leave a gap equal to the width of the seam;
  • close up the seams. Scatter dry sifted sand over the formed surface. Using a wide brush with stiff bristles, fill the gaps between the tiles with sand. Sprinkle the path with water to compact the sand.

What is better to buy paving slabs: the opinion of our editors

Choice suitable option will depend on financial capabilities, design project and operational load. Preference should be given to products from trusted manufacturers and having positive reviews.

Products deserve attention:

Feedback on paving slabs "BRAER":

Read more on Otzovik:

paving slabs «BRAER»

  • "Gothic factories". Production takes place on modern equipment. The manufacturer's catalog contains paving stones and a number of related products. The manufacturer offers rectangular, square and triangular tiles, as well as products of a more complex configuration. The production of tactile tiles aimed at the visually impaired is being carried out;
  • Brikus. The company offers a variety of collections that are in high demand. Affordable price has a collection "Profi". "Natur" belongs to the middle price category. The elite class is represented by the Premium collection;
  • "LSR Group". The Russian manufacturer offers high quality clinker in various colors.

Feedback on paving slabs "Old Town":

Read more on Otzovik:

paving slabs "Old Town"

Advice! If you want the finished path to be beautiful and non-standard, pay attention to vibrocast tiles. If reliable coverage is required, the best choice vibropressed elements will become.

Paving slabs for paths in the country: prices and the best place to buy

The cost of the product depends on the technology of its production, size and design. The better the tile, the more you have to pay for it. We offer to figure out where to buy paving slabs so that its price is not excessive for the family budget.

Where is the best place to buy paving slabs: the best solution

The cost of the same product can vary significantly. If you buy paving slabs directly from the manufacturer, you can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing material.

Share in the comments what kind of paving stones for paths you have in your country house, indicating the price in your region.

- a modern way of decorating the territory near the house. It allows you to create paths and surfaces with unusual patterns, different colors and invoices. Let's take a look at what this material has advantages, varieties and how to do it yourself.

Advantages of paving slabs for

This material has the following advantages:

  • Huge range of shapes, shades and textures. The paths in the country house made of paving slabs are especially beautiful, they allow you to realize a complex design idea and;
  • Ease of use. Puddles do not form on the paths, as excess moisture is removed through the seams of the tiles;
  • Wear resistance. The coating is not destroyed by ultraviolet exposure, precipitation and temperature changes. This is a durable material that can be used for 15-20 years;
  • Maintainability. If the coating element is damaged, it is easy to replace it with another component;
  • Ease of installation. Even a novice can install tiles; this does not require any special tools.

Varieties of paving slabs

The product is made of cement and sand or concrete mixture with the addition of granite chips. There are two types of material: vibrocast tiles and vibropressed tiles.

Features of vibrocast tiles

A special plastic form is filled with concrete mix and placed on a plane that constantly vibrates. Concrete is compacted and set in a warm place for half a day, and then removed. The technology allows you to create a perfectly smooth coating and give any shape. Then the item can be any color. However, the vibrocasting technology also has disadvantages:

  • low strength
  • low degree of resistance to low temperatures
  • complexity of production
  • high price

Features of vibrocompression

The concrete mixture is placed in a mold, which is installed in a special vibrating equipment. The material is subjected to pressure, which compacts it. Such a product cannot be given a variety of shapes, colors and make a smooth surface. However, vibropressed tiles are wear-resistant and resistant to low temperatures. Its surface is porous, so the material has shock-absorbing properties, that is, it can be installed where there is traffic. You can also create unusual ornaments on the coating.

As for the price, vibrocast tiles are more expensive than pressed ones, since manual labor. And for the production of vibropressed tiles, automated equipment is used, which simplifies production.

Advice! If non-standard geometric shapes and a variety of colors are important to you, vibrocast tiles are a great option. If you want to make a durable track, it is recommended to choose vibropressed products.

Options for choosing paving slabs for giving

  • Composition and features of production. These parameters are usually indicated in the seller's certificates or on the label of the building material;
  • Tile thickness. If the path will be used for walking, its thickness can be no more than 3 cm. If vehicles will move along it, the thickness of the product must be at least 5 cm;
  • Tile sizes. Small elements are harder to break, while large tiles can crack from any strong impact;
  • Tile quality. It is quite easy to determine just by looking at the product. For it is not recommended to buy smooth coatings, as they will slip from moisture;
  • Good appearance. There should not be any spots or inclusions on the back side of the tile, the composition should be uniform, which guarantees high wear resistance of the product.

Of course, these are only the main selection criteria, but even using them, you can choose a fairly high-quality product.

Advice! To check how quality tiles, hit one element against another: if the sound is sonorous - the product is good, if it is deaf - various mixtures were added to it during manufacture.

Choice of installation method and paving option

The method of laying the tiles is determined, first of all, since it depends on it what the shape and dimensions of the product will be, and how much material is required. Popular installation methods:

  • Classic variant. This is the laying of paving slab tracks in the traditional way: the elements are arranged one after the other. Usually tiles are used in the form of a square or rectangle (they are easier to join).

Tip: to make such a track more unusual, you can use tiles.

  • With offset. This is also a fairly standard method of laying paving slabs: the elements are arranged in such a way that their joints do not match. Here, too, you can use a combination of multi-colored elements, but their shape should be the same.
  • Herringbone. Tiles are laid at a right angle or at an angle of 45 degrees. Curly parts or rectangular elements are used for installation. Can be used more difficult option laying - braided: the elements are also installed at an angle, but alternate, first along, then across. To give the picture clarity, it is recommended to use only 2 colors.
  • Chess. Elements are used for styling square shape two colors. This method seems simple, but it allows you to create quite spectacular tracks.
  • Geometry. A variety of geometric shapes are created from the details: squares, rectangles, zigzags, etc. You can use different colors, but the shape of the elements must be the same.

Features of installing paving slabs

You can lay out the track yourself by making the necessary elements with your own hands. On the one hand, this seems to be more time-consuming than buying a ready-made coating. On the other hand, you will be sure of its quality. In addition, you can create a unique ornament, which would take a lot of time to find in the store.


  1. Make a solution. Mix sand and cement in a ratio of 1 to 3, add water and mix well.
  2. Prepare the form. The average parameters of the formwork are 35 by 35 cm, the height is about 7 cm. To prevent the elements from sticking to the walls of the formwork, they can be treated with oil. You can also supplement the mixture with dyes so that the tile is not gray.
  3. Level the surface and let it dry. At the same time, sunlight should not fall on the tile.
  4. After about 7 days, the elements can be removed, but it is not necessary to lay them yet - they must dry for some more time. When the tile is completely dry, you can start laying it.
  5. Prepare the surface. clean up the grass, stones, etc. You can install tiles on any surface: concrete, sand, gravel, or simply on the ground.
  6. At the installation site of the tile, create a mound of cement and sand, compact it with your hands and level it with a rule. As a result, an even strip with a thickness of about 20 centimeters should form.
  7. Make drains and bevels for precipitation, fix the curbs.
  8. Install bedding. To do this, you can use sand without clay.
  9. Fix the slats to level the surface
  10. Paving the path. Any method can be used: herringbone, braid, scatter, etc. Fill the distance between the elements with sand or soil.

FORUMHOUSE users are well aware that life outside the city is not only a pleasant pastime in a hammock in the garden, but also constant household chores. Everyone equips their "ten acres" to their liking. And if the creation of landscape design is a matter of personal preference, then garden paths are simply vital on any personal plot and at any cottage. Indeed, in addition to purely decorative purposes, it is the paths that allow us to move freely around the site, regardless of the season.

Therefore, for paving materials garden paths increased requirements are imposed, such as wear resistance, safety, environmental friendliness and presentable appearance. All these requirements are met by paving slabs. Expert advice and step by step instructions from the users of our forum in this article will help you lay tiles for the path in the country on your own!

How to make a tile walkway. Planning.

Any construction should begin with careful planning of all works. The laying of paving slabs will not be an exception. First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

The total number of tracks and their location on the site. Tiles for the path in the garden.

The key rule can be formulated as follows: "The central path in the garden should lead from the entrance to the site to the house." If there is a garage, a workshop or a gazebo on the site, then you should put paths to them. Thus, you can ensure the zoning of the site, ensuring unhindered access to each building.

Pavement Width

The path leading to the house should be so wide that two adults walking towards each other could easily pass each other on it. On average, this value is from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Paths that are not used so often and lead to flower beds or beds can be made 0.5 to 0.8 meters wide.

It should also be clearly defined functional purpose tracks.

Denis Bogdanov Landscape improvement specialist, nickname on the forum Denis Vlad-ch

- For myself, I clearly divide the paths into decorative, leading to the gazebo, and functional, which are under heavy load and lead to the house or garage.

Paths that are under heavy load require more careful preparation of the base than those tracks that are used from time to time.

Denis Vlad-ch

It is also necessary to consider how you will care for the garden path in winter and autumn.

Unlike a bulk path, paving slabs are easier to care for. When removing snow and fallen leaves, you will not throw rubble aside.

The second most important, after functionality, characteristic of a garden paving path is how pleasant it is to walk on it. And in order to understand this, you can use the secret of landscape designers.

Vladimir Petriv Director of Petriv Landscape Design

I always advise you to first walk along the pre-marked paths and make sure that everything is comfortable, and it is convenient for everyone in the household to move along them. I can say that after such a “walk”, you almost always have to make adjustments to the original plan for marking the track.

In addition to determining the functionality of the garden path, you must choose the thickness of the tiles. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

How to make a sidewalk: step by step instructions

In addition to determining the functionality of the garden path, it is necessary to choose the thickness of the paving slabs. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

Konstantin MerzlyakovExpert of the plant "Factory GOTIKA", Moscow:

For garden paths and adjoining territory where passenger vehicles do not drive, the paving slabs of the path can be no thicker than 40-50 mm. And for a path that provides passage for a passenger car and parking, the thickness of the tile must be at least 60 mm.

Vladimir Petriv:

The initial preparation for laying garden paths is usually associated with excavation, and this should be linked to the geoplastics of your site. With large elevation changes, slopes, etc., it will be necessary to move and remove large masses of land - a very costly event that requires the use of construction equipment

Geoplastics is the artificial formation of the relief and architecture of the site.

How to lay a tile garden path. Recommendations of experts.

Paving slabs are an environmentally friendly and durable coating for a garden path. And its durability and beauty, first of all, will depend on the quality of paving slabs and compliance with the laying technology. Tiles on the tracks can be done with your own hands.

Konstantin Merzlyakov

Modern paving slabs are made of concrete. The shape of the tile can be absolutely any, which allows you to successfully fit garden paths into landscape design any area.

The service life of vibropressed concrete tiles is on average 15 years, provided proper preparation grounds.

And, like any coating, paving slabs require care during operation (cleaning, the use of water-repellent coatings, etc.).

First step preparatory work for laying paving slabs is the breakdown of the contour of the area to be laid and the setting of control "beacons". The corners of the territory, binding to the available areas, slopes are taken into account. After the work has been done on the breakdown of the contour, they begin to prepare the base, which includes the following types of work: layout, installation of the carrier layer, installation of borders and the installation of a leveling sand layer under the tile.

Sidewalk paths with their own hands

We make a path from paving slabs in the following step-by-step sequence:

  • Earthen boxes are torn off under the side stone;
  • A side stone is installed around the perimeter of the site. The curb stone is necessary for a strong fixation of the paving slab web;
  • The underlying layer is poured;
  • The foundation is being laid;
  • The tile covering is laid;
  • The tile joints are filled.

It is also necessary to remember that when laying tiles, the following standards should be followed.

Alexander LoginovTechnical director of the company TD BRAER

Work on the installation of pavement should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 "Motorways" and SNiP III-10-75 "Improvement of territories".

A independent process stacking can be divided into a number of successive stages.

  1. Planning and designing a garden path. It is necessary to determine the type of soil on the site. Then develop the layout of garden paths, choose the design and pattern of the tile layout;
  2. Cost calculation necessary materials;
  3. Carrying out work on laying a garden path.

Tiled garden paths.

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.

Alexander Loginov:

The choice of tile laying method depends on the state of the country soil and the subsequent operating conditions of the site: the blind area of ​​the building, the pedestrian zone, the area for driving and parking cars, etc.

It should be remembered that the result of your work, first of all, will depend on the thoroughness of the preliminary marking and preparation of the base for laying tiles.

Planning includes the following:

  • draw the layout of the area to be paved;
  • measure the area in order to apply dimensions to the plan;
  • Calculate based on the points above required amount tiles for laying, as well as the amount of materials for preparing the base of the track from tiles with a border.

After developing a plan, they begin marking future tracks.

Alexander Loginov

First of all, determine the direction of the water flow. Please note that water should go along the blind area of ​​the building or along the path to drainage wells or lawns. The slope can be made longitudinal, transverse, longitudinal-transverse, but not less than 0.5%, that is, 5 mm per meter.

The direction of the slope should be such that water flows from the paving into drainage systems or on the lawn, but not to the building!

After the place for laying the tiles is determined, the boundaries of the track are marked. To do this, pegs are driven in along the boundaries of the site, along which a cord or fishing line is pulled. After that, you can start excavating the soil, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Excavation is carried out so that after laying the front surface of the tile reaches the specified level of your site;
  2. The platform formed after excavation is leveled and rammed;
  3. If the soil is soft, it must be moistened (spill with water from a hose) and compacted.

Vladimir Petriv

Drainage and drainage into a stormwater or storage well must be thought out and installed at the preparatory stage of laying garden paths.

Tiling garden path

Konstantin Merzlyakov

When laying paving slabs on a complex curved surface and with a large difference in height, it is necessary, when planning, to lay a larger percentage on the consumption of tiles (cutting, fitting, etc.).

Pavement base preparation

The most important step in laying paving slabs is the preparation of the base. The right foundation will not allow the track or platform to “sink”, ensuring their longevity. It should be borne in mind that, despite the tight seams between the tiles, the base is still saturated with water. Therefore, a permeable drainage bearing layer (gravel, crushed stone) is needed at the base. Then part of the water from the surface will be diverted through the paving stones and the carrier layer into the soil.

How to make paths from tiles.

It is also important to understand what layers it consists of. correct option base pie for laying tiles.

Alexander Mishin Expert of Wienerberger Brick

The cake consists of several layers: a natural soil base, a subbase, an underlying layer, a “bed” and, in fact, a “sidewalk”.

"Bed" is a layer of sand or fine gravel. The subbase is a bulk layer of soil, and the underlying layer consists of gravel or crushed stone.

Alexander Mishin

The thickness of the "bed" for any type of soil base is on average 3-5 cm. The thickness of the remaining layers should be formed based on such indicators of the soil base as moisture, density and composition.

Alexander Loginov

For the main carrier layer, a frost-resistant, homogeneous material (crushed stone, gravel) is used. This material must be laid evenly in height and with the required slopes.

To build an ordinary walking country path, you will need to make a carrier layer 10-20 cm thick. When arranging areas for driving and parking cars a layer of 20-30 cm is used. At high loads, the carrier layer is increased and placed in 2-3 layers, each layer is compacted with a vibrating plate or a vibrating roller.

As mentioned above, the method of preparing the base largely depends on the expected load on the garden path. It is also necessary to take into account bearing capacity soil.

Oleg Novitsky, a user of our forum, advises how to build a pavement path from tiles with difficult soil: if there is so-called heavy or clay soil under the base, or you have a swampy summer cottage, then the thickness of the crushed stone base must be made at least 10 cm.

Then the geotextile is laid.

Geotextiles pass water well and do not allow materials to mix (mixing of materials leads to the formation of voids and dips in the coatings).

Alexander Mishin

The use of geotextiles is appropriate when the natural soil base is located in a swampy area and has high humidity. A layer of geotextile is arranged over a natural soil base.

The next layer of our “pie” is sifting on a geotextile base.

Oleg Novitsky

We fill the area with screenings (or sand). The screening layer must be at least 10 cm. This layer must be very carefully compacted. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately level the entire base for laying using a rule or other tool.

Screening has not much good property- caking. This means that over time the base becomes almost monolithic, and then, due to its low strength, it cracks, and cracks and shells form in the coating. To avoid such a nuisance, use a vibrating tool for compaction and ramming and do not work in rainy weather. The best screening for such work is dry.

Then we proceed to create the foundation level, guided by the following algorithm:

  • The boundaries and center lines of the site are marked with a rope;
  • Loose sand can be leveled just below the edges of the curb;
  • We compact the resulting pillow with a vibrating plate.

Oleg Novitsky

An electric or gasoline vibratory rammer with a rubber sole is well suited for compacting a layer of sand. With the help of it, you can not only prepare a gravel-sand cushion with high quality, but also avoid further subsidence and failure of the soil under the laid tiles.

Alexander Loginov

It must be remembered that all layers of the base are poured, leveled and compacted, taking into account a 0.5% slope!

Completes preparatory stage backfilling with river sand or cement-sand mixture. To do this, a layer of clay-free river sand 1-2 cm thick is poured onto the base without compaction, the layer must be loose.

CPS (cement-sand mixture) is taken in a ratio of 1:8-1:10, because cement is needed to bind the sand so that it is washed out with water.

Alexander Mishin

The use of a cement-sand mixture as a "bed" is justified only if heavy traffic is expected on the surface of the tile. The garage and pedestrian zone of a private house does not belong here, because. traffic and load are not so intense here.

Paving slabs

In order for the garden path to be durable, and the tiles on it lie evenly, its laying by the summer resident must also be divided into several successive stages.

Laying starts:

  • from the bottom point;
  • from optically important boundaries;
  • from conspicuous elements: a porch, the main entrance to the house;
  • manual laying of tiles is done diagonally away from you, so as not to disturb the prepared top layer.

Before starting the laying of the first row of tiles, in order to maintain the exact location of the joints, it is necessary to stretch the cord over the entire length and width of the object. After that, adhering to the cord, proceed with the installation.

It is recommended to check the location and straightness of the joints every three rows of laid paving slabs. Laying is carried out using a rubber mallet (mallet) with light blows on the tile. Every 3-5 sq.m of laid, but not yet compacted paving slabs, its surface is controlled using a two-meter rule or building level.

Alexander Loginov

As a frame for tracks suburban area curbstones should be used. These fences must be made before laying the outer part of the path to prevent transverse displacement and settlement of the tiles.

Dig a trench along the edges of the marked area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe path along a stretched cord small size and depth (so that the curb enters this trench up to required level). The base of the trench must be tamped, poured, the curb should be installed on concrete.

The border can be visible or hidden - it depends on the desire. If the border is hidden, then it must be placed so that the top of the tile exceeds the top of the border by the height of the chamfer.

Oleg Novitsky

To reduce the number of tiles to cut, start the longest row from the curb, laying whole tiles right up to it. The resulting voids should be exactly half of the tile. When cutting from one whole, you will get two necessary halves, and, I believe, waste can be completely avoided. This technique can be used for curly symmetrical tiles.

The biggest enemy of any paving slab is freezing water. Therefore, you cannot lay tiles on monolithic, waterproof substrates, concrete screed. In the open air, it is forbidden to lay tiles on the mortar.

Sealing and vibrotamper

After laying the tiles, the coating is compacted with a vibrating plate. After the first vibration compaction of the coating, dry, sifted clean sand is poured onto the surface in such a way that the sand is easily and densely poured into the gaps between the tiles. Scattered sand is spread evenly with a brush over the entire area and hammered into the seams, “tying” the entire coating into a single whole.

And in order to build a durable coating, when working, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not lay tiles in rainy weather without a special canopy.
  • Do not fill the joints with a mixture of sand and cement.
  • If the site has a "complex", heaving soil, it must be borne in mind that its displacement can deform the tile. Then a more complex laying is carried out - with a phased preparation of a concrete pad as a base, which guarantees durability.

Thus, when laying garden paths on your own, you need to take into account every little thing and carefully plan all stages of work. After all, the path to your home begins with a garden path made!

The path in the country is not only practical, but also very beautiful. Select material for pavement quite simple, besides, you can choose and alternatives by making a sidewalk from improvised means.

The path in the country is not only practical, but also very beautiful

To choose the material for the flooring for the paths, you need to take into account several features at once:

  1. First of all, it is important to understand for what purposes the track is laid. For example, if it is placed in the place where the car will enter, it is better to choose the most durable tile - the so-called vibro-pressed tile with a height of 4.5 cm or more.
  2. If we are talking about ordinary tracks, you can select almost any material. At the same time, you should be aware that if the blocks have spots on the surface, it means that there is a lot of sand and clay in its composition, which reduces the quality of the product.
  3. Pay attention to the surface of the tile - it is smooth and rough. Here you should proceed from your own preferences.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the dimensions of the product - the height parameter must be at least 3 cm, otherwise the tile will not last long.
  5. If the aesthetic side is important enough, then it is better to opt for decorative cast tiles.
  6. It is important to pay attention to how much the product costs. After the choice of a specific material and model is made, you can find inexpensive stores, for example, Leroy Merlin.
  7. Finally, it is important to pay attention to the material of the tile. Classical clay products are more expensive, but they will last for several years. And plastic tiles are cheap, but such a coating wears out quickly and has less decorative effect - it is rather difficult to decorate a garden with their help.


Checking the quality of the material is quite simple. To do this, you just need to lightly hit the two blocks against each other. The sound should be loud enough - then this is a good product. If the sound is deaf, then there is a rather significant percentage of mixtures in the solution that worsen the strength properties.

How to choose a tile for country paths (video)

Types of tiles for garden paths

Today, along with classic ceramic tiles, there are a fairly large number of types of coating - so everyone can choose optimal material both practical and aesthetic. Different types tiles differ in their features, advantages and weaknesses. The following are the most popular materials.

Paving ceramic tiles

The classic version, which is used quite widely to this day. Has its advantages:

  • durability;
  • a large selection of sizes, shapes and colors;
  • aesthetic appeal - such paths give the garden and the entire site a classic, well-groomed look;
  • finally, this is the most durable coating on which a car can drive.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the tile slides quite strongly, because it has low friction - it is better to choose materials with a relief surface;
  • The tile is quite fragile, so it should be transported quite carefully.

Despite the fact that such products are the heaviest in their class, and their installation will take some time, in any case, the benefit is obvious - durability and beauty.

Paving ceramic tiles

Natural stone

This is a fairly original and very durable material. It is when choosing a stone, features of the sizes and shapes of parts that you can give free rein to your imagination. As a track material, it has quite a few tangible benefits:

  • the material has increased stability - it can withstand both temperatures and precipitation; serves for decades;
  • a large selection of products allows you to easily organize even sharp turns;
  • stone is convenient to use in the case of heterogeneous surfaces - the blocks have different heights, so that they can be laid in lowlands and hills;
  • finally, it is a completely natural material that does not contain and does not emit any harmful substances when heated.

There are practically no drawbacks to the material, but it is quite difficult to transport it - the products are very heavy.


Gravel is a good alternative to natural stone. It is important to choose large enough or vice versa, small fractions, based on your preferences.

Laying natural stone

Plastic tiles

Plastic tiles give the gardener's imagination the greatest scope, because in terms of shape, size, colors, it is precisely such products that are distinguished by the maximum variety. The advantages of the material can also include the following:

  • these are very cheap, affordable products;
  • the choice of such tiles is very large - you can choose for any design option;
  • it is very easy to transport the material - such a tile is the lightest;
  • finally, laying plastic is much easier than any other type of material, so women's hands can do the job.

Of course, such obvious advantages are associated with the characteristics of plastic as a material. But This is what explains some of the shortcomings:

  • first of all, plastic is not durable enough, although many modern products do not differ in this shortcoming due to more advanced production technologies;
  • the strength of the material is minimal, so it does not withstand heavy loads, however, there are also models that can easily carry the weight of the car;
  • plastic can slip a lot, because it does not give sufficient adhesion to the surface;
  • products fade under prolonged exposure to the open sun, so if possible, it is better to lay out the path in the shade of trees.

Thus, it is good to use plastic as a coating for a recreation area, and also to use it for paths if a fairly frequent change of coating is expected. This option is well suited for those gardeners who do not like to get used to one design and tend to change the interior every 2-3 years.

Plastic tiles

Rubber tiles

Many shortcomings of plastic compensates well rubber tile. This material appeared on the market relatively recently, but already managed to establish itself on the positive side, since it gives such advantages:

  • the tile is durable - usually manufacturers give a guarantee for 8-10 years;
  • rubber cover - best option for families with children, because falling on such a path does not hurt at all.
  • rubber is elastic, therefore it is characterized by increased strength; in addition, products can almost always be repaired or partially replaced with new ones;
  • the fact that the rubber coating has good friction is another plus for the safety of the whole family, especially babies;
  • Finally, rubber tiles come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, so they can successfully fit into almost any design.

Rubber products do not have any particular disadvantages, but they are quite expensive and, moreover, less safe in terms of fire hazard. Therefore, it is worth putting a brazier or grill installation at least 2 meters from such a path.

How to lay paving slabs at their summer cottage (video)

Ways of laying tiles

To make parquet on the ground really beautiful, it is necessary to make accurate calculations, take into account the features of the relief and, of course, carefully lay the tiles.

There are 3 main ways to lay the track (for rectangular blocks):

  • herringbone;
  • column;
  • in the form of brickwork.

If we are talking about tiles with grooves, of course, there is no such choice - then it is necessary to lay them according to a clear pattern. Regardless of the specific technology, laying the classic ceramic tiles happens about the same. To do this, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • level to control work;
  • rake;
  • wooden mallet;
  • geotextile fiber;
  • cement M500;
  • Master OK;
  • border;
  • rope;
  • stakes;
  • sand or gravel.

To make parquet on the ground really beautiful, it is necessary to make accurate calculations, take into account the features of the relief and, of course, carefully lay the tiles.

Masonry technology is quite simple, but it is important to strictly follow its rules:

  1. After carrying out all measurements in the selected area, you need to completely pull out the vegetation - the field should remain free. Also clean up debris.
  2. Next, you need to organize the bottom of the trench. It is dug up to a depth of 15 cm. In this case, it is better to do it with a slight slope so that the precipitation flows in one direction. For this, a level is used.
  3. Now you need to tamp the bottom very well. It is better to do this process with the help of special equipment - a vibrocompaction apparatus.
  4. Next, side ditches are dug, which will be useful for laying the curb.
  5. Geotextiles are lined at the bottom of the trench and a layer of sand is laid up to a height of 5 cm.
  6. Then crushed stone up to 15 cm high is poured onto the bottom. A geotextile sheet can be laid again on top.
  7. Now pour cement and lay paving slabs.
  8. Next, the cement is poured into the grooves on the sides and the curbs are mounted.


If the tile will be used for heavy loads, it is better to make a trench up to 25 cm deep, thanks to which it will be possible to strengthen the layer of sand and gravel. Then a truck will be able to drive on the surface.

One of modern ways lawn decorations, which are also distinguished by practicality and durability, are modular plates

The use of modular plates for lawn decoration in the country

The lawn can become a kind of hallmark of the garden, because thanks to a smooth, well-groomed lawn, the appearance always wins. One of the modern ways to decorate the lawn, which is also distinguished by practicality and durability, is modular plastic plates, grids with polygonal cells similar to honeycombs. It is they who are laid on the lawn - the grass breaks through the holes. In general, you can achieve a very well-groomed, neat look.

This decoration method has several advantages:

  1. This is the best protection for a young lawn - the plants are not affected strong wind due to which they begin to grow rapidly.
  2. The plastic grids do not contain any harmful additives Therefore, when heated, they do not release harmful substances into the air.
  3. Thanks to the gratings, it is possible to solve the problem of "spreading" of the lawn, when the grass begins to grow too rapidly. You can simply periodically trim the protruding parts, and the lawn will always keep an attractive appearance.
  4. The use of modules quite well protects the soil itself from wind or washing out by rain.
  5. Finally, even a car can drive onto such a lawn. Of course, some tufts of grass will be damaged, but in general the lawn will withstand such a load.

The technology of forming a lawn and laying such a coating is in many ways similar to laying conventional ceramic tiles:

  1. First of all, a trench is formed. The bottom is rammed.
  2. This is followed by a layer of sand with a thickness of 5 cm.
  3. Then - a layer of crushed stone or fine gravel with a thickness of 15 cm.
  4. Next comes the geotextile.
  5. Next, the cells are stacked according to the instructions (usually they are inserted into each other, like a puzzle).
  6. A fertile layer of soil is poured into the grates along with lawn seeds (up to 5 cm).

After this, it is important to water the entire lawn well, but this should be done in thin streams so as not to wash out the soil from the cells.

How to lay tiles for country paths (video)

Alternative ways of arranging paths in the country

And finally, a few ideas on how to make your own track from original variants:

  • a path made of wooden saw cuts;
  • from bricks;
  • from terrace board and gravel or pebbles;
  • from small concrete blocks;
  • from corks of plastic bottles;
  • from decorative pebbles.

Thus, you can make a path in the country from both traditional and completely original options. The main task is to combine aesthetics and practicality.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the country as a practical, beautiful and inexpensive cover. The sensational discovery of polymers led to the emergence of practical and durable products that successfully replaced expensive counterparts made from natural materials. What do manufacturers offer us for giving, what are the pros and cons of plastic coatings, how to lay them.

Varieties of plastic tiles

Manufacturers divide plastic coating for garden paths into three types:

  • garden parquet
  • lawn grate
  • modular coatings

On which of them to choose, given their pros and cons, we will try to figure it out.

How to lay plastic tiles

The main advantage of plastic tiles, which has long been appreciated by well-thought-out summer residents, is the simplicity of its installation.

We will discuss how to make a plastic walkway in the country. General step by step diagram installation and installation looks like this:


  • We mark the length and direction of the track with the help of twine and pegs.
  • We calculate the width of the track, a multiple of the size of the tiles. That is, if you want to lay two tiles, then the width of the track along its entire length will be equal to the width of two tiles.
  • Along the entire length of the future path, we remove the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm. We should get a shallow pit. Carefully inspect the bottom of the pit and remove all roots and plants.
  • We lay drainage pipes on the side.
  • We lay a layer of sand, moisten it, carefully tamp it down.


Each plastic tile for tracks is equipped with special locks. On one side of the tile are its legs, on the other side are the brackets. Insert the leg into the bracket until it clicks. We carry out laying in sections.

When the whole tile is laid out, we crush it well. It is important to monitor the alignment of the coating. To do this, you can use a plumb line. If the path is supposed to turn, a neat bend can be done with a jigsaw, sawing off the excess parts of the tile.

We decorate the path with curbs. The curb should protrude 3-5 cm above the track. If the tile does not fit snugly against the curb, fill free spaces tie-ins made of plastic or cement.

Advice! For garden parquet, it is required to make a foundation screed of cement and sand. Lay 3 cm of screed, let it dry, and only then lay the tiles.

The easiest way to lay a lawn grate, designed to strengthen the lawn itself. The tiles are laid directly on the ground, covered with fertile soil, watered, allowed to sag, and the voids are covered with a substrate with grass seeds.

If you plan to use the plastic coating seasonally, then simply level the surface of the earth and lay the tiles on it, carefully crushing them. By winter, you can easily dismantle the tracks, and lay them out again in the spring.
