A famous plastic surgeon traced the singer's path from a typical African American to a disfigured white-skinned "doll"

August 29, 2018 is a sad day for all fans of the legendary Michael Jackson. The "King" of pop music could have turned 60 today. Many are sure that he would have easily lived to old age if he had not been so obsessed with his own appearance, had not tortured himself with diets and plastic surgeries.

What changes have you made to your appearance the famous singer, the leading plastic surgeon of one of the Moscow clinics told the website readers Alexander Igorevich VDOVIN .

In his opinion, today no one can say exactly how many plastic surgery was done by Jackson. But if we compare photographs of the early period of his life with later ones, then several facts become obvious.


Michael personally admitted in the pages of his autobiography that he changed the shape of his nose, and made a "dimple" on his chin. Then the singer claimed that the operation was a necessary measure to fix the septum after falling during rehearsals. But I am sure that the reason is different: Jackson has been unhappy with his appearance since adolescence.

"Thank you" to his father, who inspired the boy's complexes. They say that the artist had dysmorphophobia - a psychological illness in which a person suffers due to any shortcomings and imperfections in appearance.

During the first operation, the doctors narrowed the bridge of the nose, but this was not enough for Jackson. As a result, Michael had five rhinoplasties, and his naturally wide nose of a typical African American turned into something shapeless and scarred. It got to the point where he needed a cartilage transplant because his nose started to rot and failed. To do this, I had to take part of the rib.

1980 Still black Michael Jackson. Source: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS

Contour plastic

Already at that time (early 2000s), operations to change the shape of the face began to gain popularity. For this, silicone implants and fillers were used, which were introduced into the chin and cheekbones. This is what Jackson did. The result of such plastic surgery was an unnaturally wide face and deep depressions. Coincidentally, during that period in the life of a pop star there were several lawsuits at once, so it is not surprising that Michael became haggard, lost weight and began to look bad. He tried to fix it with makeup.

They say that the singer always dreamed of an “outstanding” chin, so the implant was inserted there too, and the seam in the middle of the chin was healed - hence the dimple. All together, it looked terrible, coupled with thin lips, an unnatural shape of the cheekbones and chin.

Color of the skin

The press procrastinated the fact that the "king" of pop music suddenly "turned white". It was rumored that for this they bleached his skin with a special potent drug - glutathione. However, after the death of the singer, it turned out that the cause of these metamorphoses was vitiligo - a violation of skin pigmentation.

To hide the spots, Michael was put on a huge layer of makeup and prescribed a large amount of potent drugs. This, of course, could not but affect the state of his health. As a result, his skin turned sallow and Jackson was forced to wear a mask.

Three years before the singer's death, the artist was diagnosed with skin cancer. They even said that Michael had a full skin graft, but this is hard to believe. He underwent several operations aimed at destroying cancer cells, but in the end he was tired of fighting the disease. Surprisingly, Jackson did not die from cancer. His heart simply stopped beating, and this, according to the doctors, had nothing to do with skin cancer.

Many celebrities entrust their faces to plastic surgeon Alexander Vdovin

1970 Michael Jackson is a handsome black boy. He has been singing since the age of 5 and has become almost a real star.

1975 The beginning of the "adult" creative career of the singer. So far in its original form.

1980 His first rhinoplasty was excellent. The singer has become, in the opinion of many fans, the tip of the nose has become prettier. According to some reports, there was another operation before that - he fell on the stage and broke his nose, in connection with which a corrective intervention was made.

1985... the second operation also went well... The nose became even narrower, the wings of the nose also narrowed, permanent makeup appeared - permanent makeup of the lips and eyelids.

1988... and even the third rhinoplasty was quite OK! But Michael Jackson could no longer stop and missed the critical moment: he brightened his skin, began to change the shape of his chin, cheekbones and black eyes.

1990 Perhaps this is the last time he looks "normal" ... if I can say so about a black African American with a narrow nose of a triangular shape, flat wings nose, thin lips, sharp dimpled chin, white facial skin, black eyelids and coral red lips.

1995 Although even after the first rhinoplasty, his nose became, perhaps, too small and effeminate, Michael continued to bully him, wanting more and more changes. Until now, there are no official documents establishing the exact number of operations. In a famous interview, Michael Jackson, when asked about the number of rhinoplasties and other aesthetic interventions, answered that there were two. However, plastic surgeons who have studied his photo claim that at least 30, or even all 40!

2001 Catastrophe! Degenerative changes in the nasal cartilage began. The nose practically began to subside and fail.

2006 In 2004, German plastic surgeon Werner Mang attempted to restore the pop star's nose. The doctor replaced the nasal cartilage with a cartilage graft from Michael Jackson's ear. Now, it seems, the German specialist still managed to do a miracle and give the singer a look that does not cause a shudder.

In fact, Michael Jackson decided to change the color of his skin. It turned out that the king of pop suffered immediately from an autoimmune disease considered rare at the time - vitiligo. In the early eighties, skin color could be defined as medium brown, but after a few years, the change in shade began to be noticeable. It was then that dermatologist Arnold Klien gave Jackson a terrible diagnosis. The disease caused the appearance of white spots on the skin, as well as increased sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation.

Facts and Rumors

In the early 80s, Michael was underweight. He followed a strict diet almost all his life, almost starving. Due to lack nutrients he often felt dizzy and became quite irritable. Journalists and ill-wishers began to suspect a mental disorder in the singer, manifested in super-perfectionism, constant dissatisfaction with himself, and the inability to adequately assess his appearance. One or two articles in the tabloid press became fertile ground for the rumor of intentional skin alteration to take root. In fact, Michael Jackson's skin brightened, regardless of his desire. In medicine it is spontaneous depigmentation. Moreover, the shade changed, in spots. Due to illness, the face began to deform. To keep the "commodity" look, the singer again and again resorted to facial surgery.

Very often, the pop idol had to spend 3-4 hours in the dressing room, waiting for the specialist to cover his face with tons of makeup. It was not easy to hide the stains, but often it was still possible to do it.

Confessions of the king of pop

On February 10, 1993, at a press conference, Michael Jackson explained to the world the reason for his strange behavior and unusual appearance. He noticed the first symptoms of vitiligo in himself in the mid-70s. At that time, scientists and doctors knew too little about this disease. There was no way to reverse the changes or any cure for vitiligo. The only solution to the problem for a public person like Jackson was to mask the spots with cosmetics. Michael resented the attention to this fact. He wondered why no one is discussing the millions of people who decide to darken their skin and go sunbathing, but are asking why his skin has become lighter. The singer also clarified that he never wanted or tried to be white. He could not control a complex genetic disease, and therefore at first he tried to hide the white spots. But then they became so large that I had to even out the overall skin tone precisely in light areas.

Even compared to ordinary people of the Caucasian race, Michael Jackson seemed too pale. Such a sharp contrast in different areas of the skin is possible only in patients with vitiligo.

Jackson's dermatologist in the same 1993, under oath, stated that he had indeed diagnosed the king of pop with vitiligo and lupus back in 1986 and prescribed the medicine. The formula that Michael Jackson was hoping for included a compound called hydroquinone monobenzone. This is enough strong remedy with permanent effect. This depigmenting cream differs from conventional whitening creams. For healthy people, creams contain the usual hydroquinone, which gives a temporary effect.

Experts say that if the method of repigmentation had been sufficiently studied in the 90s, Michael Jackson would still be alive and well.

Vitiligo in the Jackson family

Michael was not the only one in his family who suffered from vitiligo. In February 1993, he gave an interview to Oprah Winfrey, in which he said that the disease is transmitted from generation to generation through the paternal line, but not everyone shows up. The singer has repeatedly stressed that he has always been proud of his belonging to African American culture. A few years ago, it turned out that Michael's eldest son also suffers from vitiligo.


December 20, 2019 09:59

By Fabiosa

Men are different. If some are very decent in nature, then others like to beat around the bush. Women, especially when they are in love, love with their ears, so it is very easy to lead us into the candy-bouquet period when we do not see the obvious.

Often men hang the same noodles on our ears.

We give a kind of cheat sheet on which men's phrases you should pay close attention so as not to be deceived.

1. "I'm only looking for a serious relationship"

George Rudy / Shutterstock.com

It is commendable if this is true, but often men say this for a red word in order to quickly take possession of a woman. At the beginning of a relationship, look more at the actions of the boyfriend. They speak louder than any words.

2. "When I saw you, I immediately understood - you are the one I have been looking for all my life"

Dima Sidelnikov / Shutterstock.com

Another phrase from the lexicon of a pick-up artist. Of course, you are a wonderful woman, but how did he manage to see it? It happens that people live for years and learn something new about each other every day, and then a fleeting acquaintance, and already fate? Take your time, take a closer look at it.

3. "We will always be together"

Too arrogant, reckless and hasty. How many ladies has he said that to, I wonder? Here you don’t know how the day will turn out tomorrow, but he throws such serious phrases after a couple of days of dating.

4. "Before you, all women were somehow not like that, but you..."

Kate Kultsevych / Shutterstock.com

The very fact of comparison with another woman is already ugly behavior on his part. Most likely, he is an ordinary womanizer. A smart man, even if he makes a comparison in your favor, will not voice this.

5. "I want a baby from you"


This phrase is dreamed of by many women in serious relationship. But if you are familiar with just nothing? Perhaps this is one of the tricks to get a woman as soon as possible.

How do you observe that men still deceive us? Tell us in the comments!

The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a certified specialist.

A face of any geometric shape has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing the right hairstyle. The “square” shape is considered quite complex, but the right bangs can easily hide unsightly features and emphasize dignity. The article will discuss which bangs are suitable for a “square” face shape.


A "square" face is a type in which the lines of the chin, cheekbones and forehead are almost equal to each other. The outlines of the chin in this case are pronounced, have clear edges. They are angular, which visually makes the lower part of the face rough and “heavy”. To correct this shape and make the image more sophisticated, you need to correctly choose a hairstyle. Bangs are of great importance.

Which is better?

There is an opinion that the owners of a “square” face shape are suitable only for those haircuts in which there are no bangs. However, this is not at all the case. There are many options for bangs that can decorate a "square" face. In this case, there are no restrictions on the choice of bang length, it all depends on the haircut and personal preferences of the owner of this type of appearance.


Owners of lush strands will suit voluminous and curly bangs. If the hair is naturally straight, then this can be corrected with a curling iron. Smooth wavy hair lines will smooth out the rough outlines of the face and make the image softer. This bang is perfect for women with a low forehead.

It is worth remembering that the twisted bangs visually become shorter than their actual size and open up the face more.

Extended straight

For owners of a "square" type of face with a high forehead, a long straight bang model would be a suitable option. In this situation, the hair should cover the eyebrows, then the face will become visually less long. In addition, such a haircut will focus on the eyes, emphasizing the depth of the look.


This hairstyle looks quite modern and creative. This option assumes the beginning of asymmetry not from the center of the forehead, but slightly away from the parting. The direction of the hair in this case can be both to the left and to the right side (it all depends on individual preferences). Asymmetry allows you to smooth out the rough features and right angles of the "square" shape of the face.


Long oblique bangs have not lost their relevance for quite a long time. This hairstyle makes the image more delicate and feminine. For a face in the shape of a "square" you need to choose the right length. Hair should not hang below the jawline. Such a trick will help to successfully smooth out the “heavy” lower part of the face.


Along with long models of bangs, you can use more daring, very short options. With the right haircut, the shape of the face can be visually rounded and brought closer to the oval. This option assumes the presence of a cut in the form of a semicircle and combed to one side.

Clear geometric cuts, lines and shapes should be avoided.

Extra touches

The image can be made even brighter by additionally working on the appearance of the bangs. Hair can be streaked or colorized. In this case, you can make the color both barely noticeable and very saturated. The play of shades will divert attention from the geometry of the face and give the image additional freshness.

You can make an ordinary long bang more original with the help of profiling or “torn” ends. This hairstyle looks modern and youthful. The “torn” model will allow you to visually correct the shape of the face, hiding coarse features.

Inappropriate Options

There are several options for bangs that should be avoided with a "square" face shape. First of all, this is a short, straight version. Such a model will only increase the number of straight lines and make facial features coarser.

You should also avoid excessive density, this option will make the image heavier. However, smooth and bulky bangs are also not recommended.

Too neat face framing options with perfect lines will not work either, as this will only emphasize the straight angles of the chin.

What haircuts to match?

The choice of one or another bang for a “square” face depends on the type of haircut. For this form, you can choose both a long and a short hairstyle. Of all the short haircuts for such facial geometry, the most suitable option is a bob or pixie. A classic square or other shortened options with clear, even geometric shapes will not work, as they will make the image more rigid.

Short hairstyles go well with oblique bangs that cover only one part of the forehead. No less suitable options are asymmetry, “torn” tips, a cascade or wavy elongated bangs.

For medium length haircuts, asymmetry is the most preferred option. An elongated bob hairstyle will be decorated with a long bang obliquely. To make the image lighter and airier, it is recommended to curl the hair strands slightly. Thus, you will be able to soften the rough features of the face, as well as make the transition from haircut to bangs smooth.

As already mentioned, under such circumstances, even, smooth and straight bangs should be avoided. However, it is not necessary to always wear wavy bangs: a variant with hair slightly bent inward with profiled tips is allowed.

Long haircuts are the best fit for a square face, as they smooth out clear, straight lines well, masking imperfections. To make the image lighter and in this case, wavy hair will help. Moreover, it is not necessary to twist the strands from the very roots - curls that start approximately from the middle of the hairstyle look quite impressive. In this case, a straight elongated bang with twisted tips would be a suitable option.

For long hair, options with asymmetry and “torn” ends are also suitable. Ladder will go well with both straightened and curled hair. Such a bang will help to correct the geometry of the face, giving it an oval shape.

Taking care of your bangs is just as important as choosing the right one. Without proper care, the hairstyle will not look impressive enough, which can ruin the whole attractiveness of the image. To give the hair the desired shape, it is recommended to dry it with a hair dryer and a round comb.

Don't be afraid to use special formulations for hair styling. This will give the bangs the desired shape and make them more shiny. However, you should not apply funds above the middle and at the roots, as this will only make the hair heavier.

Styling foams and mousses must be used in moderation, otherwise the hairstyle may deteriorate.

It is worth noting that bangs get dirty much faster than the rest of the hairstyle. This occurs in connection with the greasy hair near the forehead from cosmetics, sweat, and also from the use of styling products. Daily washing of bangs will correct the problem of "stale" hair. It is not necessary to wash the entire head.

In addition to shampoo, it is recommended to use a conditioner. Alternatively, you can use a special dry shampoo, which can be purchased at a cosmetics store. You can also make a similar composition yourself.

You will learn more about how to choose the shape of a bang for a square face shape in the following video.

Bang care

In principle, bangs are the element of the image that requires special care, regardless of the shape of the face.

To make any detail of your appearance look perfect, follow these recommendations:

  1. When drying bangs, use a hair dryer and a comb. With it, you can add a beautiful shape or curve to the bangs.
  2. The hair serum will add a healthy natural shine to your strands. But remember, you should not apply it to the roots, so you will deprive yourself of luxurious volume.
  3. Mousse or styling foam - yours the best helpers in creating the perfect look.

If you want your hair to look spectacular, you should take care of it.

Taking care of your bangs can take you only a little time - this is a small price to pay for a luxurious and well-adjusted look. At the same time, the result is incommensurable with the forces expended to obtain it.


Bangs for a square face: which one to choose?

Do you want to change the image, but not so radically as to make a haircut? Try trimming your hair with bangs. Thanks to this detail, you can get a romantic look and look a couple of years younger. They have been fashionable at all times, as they suit almost everyone. You just need to figure out which bangs to choose.

First of all, consider the shape of the face. As you know, it is round, oval, triangular, trapezoid, rhombus and square. To correctly determine the type of face, collect all the hair at the back of the head so that they do not interfere.

This is a face with rounded smooth outlines, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of which are equal to each other. Outstanding representatives: Christina Richie and Drew Berimor. Oval face

This type of face is considered ideal in proportion. The contour of the face is oval and smooth, without sharp outlines. Outstanding representatives: Cindy Crawford, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts, Madonna, Angelina Jolie. Square face

In such a face, the width of the forehead, cheekbones and chin are almost equal to each other. Chin line with hard angles. Outstanding representatives: Demi Moore, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kristin Scott Thomas. triangular face

It is also called heart-shaped. Such a face is wide in the forehead and gradually narrows towards the chin. Bright representatives: Sophia Loren and Katharine Hepburn. Rectangular face

Such a face looks like an oval, but distinctive feature its is that the upper and lower parts are slightly elongated. The owners of this type of face often have a high forehead and a heavy chin. Bright representatives: Sandra Bullock, Gwyneth Paltrow and Stephanie Seymour. Trapezoidal face

A trapezoidal or pear-shaped face tapers from the chin to the temples. Outstanding representatives: Tori Spelling, Minnie Driver, Yana Churikova. diamond face

Face with prominent cheekbones. It narrows in the forehead and chin. Outstanding representatives: Nicole Kidman, Linda Evangelista.

We select bangs for a square face

So, you have determined that you have a square face shape. Now let's try to figure out which form of bangs is better to prefer in order to successfully hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of appearance. Don't be bothered by sharp lines and a wide chin. The bangs will advantageously correct the situation and bring the face closer to the ideal oval shape.

Just like haircuts, bangs for a square face can be different. Many girls with this face shape believe that these hairstyle details do not suit them. However, this is a completely erroneous opinion. Such a strand of hair can decorate the owner of any type of face. The square shape is no exception.

    Long oblique bangs

The oblique strand is now considered the most fashionable. With its help, you can make a square face more feminine and sexy. However, keep in mind that the oblique bangs should not end at the level of the chin, so as not to focus on this part of the face. Remember: flaws must be hidden, not emphasized. That's why perfect option- this is when a long oblique bang ends just below or just above the chin line. We also add that it is better to make it with torn edges. This will hide the angular features of a square face. Volume and wavy strands

Our task is to give a femininity to a square face, to make its outline softer and smoother. The best way for this - slightly twist the strands. Of course, this option is not suitable for short bangs. But a wavy oblique strand just below the chin line - great option hairstyles for owners of a square face, which will give the image of romance. Short bangs just need to give a light volume. To slightly lengthen a square face and bring it closer to the ideal square shape, this part of the hairstyle can be combed a little on top. Just don't overdo it. Too high hairstyles are also useless for you. Another option to lengthen the face is to lift the bangs and stab them back. oblique asymmetry

Asymmetrical bangs will make the image more playful and smooth out the monumentality of a square face. It should not start in the center, but slightly away from the imaginary line drawn in the middle of the face. It can move both to the right and to the left. It depends on the preference of the hostess. Parting is best placed almost near the ear. And try to make the hair on the left and right sides of unequal length and curl in different directions. Highlighting and coloring

Highlighting and coloring are small touches that will make the image more interesting. You can choose the color and brightness level according to your taste. Bangs with highlights look very original and provocatively. And soft shades are suitable for women of any age and will refresh the appearance.

Unsuitable bangs for a square face

Straight short bangs are strictly prohibited. The features of a square face are already too angular. Smooth, straight lines will only emphasize this flaw and put your face in an unfavorable light. Do not be upset that you have to avoid straight bangs. They are out of fashion now!

The lack of volume and the so-called "sleekness" are also not suitable for a square face. Your motto in choosing bangs is more volume and soft smooth lines. Excessive accuracy in the hairstyle will only spoil the appearance. Create on your head something like the so-called "artistic mess": asymmetry, torn and graduated edges, fun curls.

Rules for caring for a bang for a square face type

Bangs - a hairstyle detail that requires constant attention. This applies not only to female representatives with a square-shaped face. A unkempt strand looks extremely unaesthetic. In caring for her, you need, first of all, a hair dryer and a comb. To make your hair look shiny and healthy, apply a special serum to your bangs. However, do not apply such a cosmetic product to the roots. The bangs in this case may lose the volume that is so necessary for the owners of a square face. But mousses and foams to add volume will be good helpers for styling.

For opponents of monotony, it is recommended to change the image from time to time, pinning up a long bang. However, remember that you are strictly forbidden to completely open your face. Better clip your bangs to the side, making an asymmetrical parting, and decorate it with a beautiful hairpin.

To maintain the desired shape of the bangs, use hairspray. However, do not get carried away with this cosmetic product. Too much hairspray will weigh down the bangs.

Girls with a square face type should not be complex about their appearance. Nobody is perfect, every woman should have a zest. A well-chosen hairstyle and oblique bangs will smooth out your small flaws and emphasize your individuality!

Haircuts for thin hair

For owners of thin hair, the main task is to give volume, while it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face. Multi-layer haircuts are suitable, but thinning must be approached with caution. Over the past years, “bob”, “square” have remained invariably fashionable, and for long hair- "ladder", "cascade". When choosing these haircuts for a square face, it is advisable to observe the main points: side parting, preferred asymmetry, oblique bangs.

Bangs for a square face - which ones are suitable?

If you want to change a little, but you are not ready for drastic changes in your hairstyle, try to pay attention to the bangs. It can not only refresh your image, but also brighten up some of the features of your appearance. It is perfect, for example, for beauties with a square face shape.

This most square face is characterized by a rather wide forehead and an equal line of cheekbones and chin. From this it may seem heavy and slightly angular. However, this absolutely does not mean that such a face cannot be attractive and feminine. Recall the fair sex, whom nature has awarded with just such a face. At least Demi Moore and Catherine Zeta-Jones, the owners of "square forms", are enviably popular with men. And, if you look closely, an interesting bang is not an unimportant moment of their successful bow.

First, it is worth noting the options that are the most inappropriate.

Bangs that DO NOT fit

  1. Smooth straight short bangs. She will add straight lines, making you look more like a courageous and strong-willed gladiator, and not like a graceful young lady. Let's leave it for those darlings who prefer hand-to-hand combat, while we ourselves look at something else. Moreover, even bangs are not in fashion now.
  2. Thick bangs add massiveness to the face. So it is much more correct to choose torn, highlighted or graduated options.
  3. Smooth dense hair constituting a "sleek" bangs, in fact, have the same effect - they make the image heavier. Therefore, if your hair is naturally quite thick and unruly, be sure to make bangs with ragged edges and profile them.

What is the most suitable option?

  1. Emphasis on the right length. It is impossible for the bangs to end in the jaw area, emphasizing its angularity. Most often, options are chosen before it. But, it is worth taking a closer look at the elongated bangs that fall below the level of the chin. They perfectly add smoothness to the contours of the face and visually stretch it slightly.
  2. Oblique cuts and asymmetry. This is a panacea for the square! Any asymmetry visually changes proportions. And elongated oblique milled bangs add softness and sophistication. Look in our magazine: Oblique bangs and fashion options haircuts.
  3. Curls and curls. It also adds femininity to the image. By twisting the bangs inward, we will “round” the cut lines and focus on softness and femininity. The same applies to all possible waves and slightly twisted grunge styles. The only thing to be careful with: retro styling with an outward fold. This bang is able to visually expand the already wide forehead. So it should be abandoned.

You can also pin the bangs up. But, you should not open your forehead completely. It is better to comb it slightly on its side and pin it up with a beautiful hairpin or multi-colored invisibles crosswise.

What to hide and what to emphasize

In order for the chin not to look so ''heavy'', it is better to make a visual rounding with a bang, which can simply be combed to the side. Asymmetry is an even better option.

If there is a desire to make the square shape of the face narrower and slightly lengthen it, then straight curls to the shoulders will do. Cascading haircuts, acting as a kind of frame, are used to smooth out rough features. This hairstyle always gives the image softness and femininity. Stylists note that ideal hairstyles for owners of this type of face start just below the shoulders.

Too short haircuts are categorically contraindicated due to the fact that the effect of openness is obtained. The option of such a hairstyle is possible only if a few strict rules are observed. Firstly, it is necessary to avoid smooth hair styling, giving volume - required condition. Secondly, if you have bangs, it is better to use styling on the side. Thirdly, in order to make the image more mysterious, when styling is done, it is recommended to use waves.

If you still really want to decide on a short haircut, then it is better to choose a Bob in an elongated style. Asymmetry will make the face more attractive and cute.

Square or rectangular face type - which hairstyles should you choose?

We sort of figured out what ways to choose a hairstyle exist. Now you can find out more about what hairstyles fit for square and rectangular (elongated) faces. These types of faces are considered problematic, and all because of the rather large facial features and prominent chin. Ladies with such face shapes believe that they look somehow angular, that there are masculine notes in appearance, and that it is difficult to hide such flaws. But we hasten to assure them that nothing is impossible, and in this case it is also possible to correct the situation and restore self-confidence and beauty to the ladies.

Square face shape (square face type)

The square-shaped face is somewhat similar to the round type, but more angular. The ratio of width and height is almost the same (1:1). The forehead is low, the cheekbones are more noticeable and wide, the chin is large (square). In addition, the width of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw area can be almost the same.

With the help of a well-chosen hairstyle, a face in the shape of a square can be corrected: smooth out the angularity, add attractiveness and femininity, soften the features, round the chin line, elongate the oval.

Hairstyles for a square face

Here are a few rules of what you can do on your head to correct imperfections, and what is absolutely contraindicated.

  • very short haircuts are not for you - they strongly focus on the face;
  • geometric hairstyles, clear and even do not fit;
  • you can not do a straight parting;
  • but side or in the form of a zigzag is possible;
  • the best choice is asymmetry, but forget about symmetry;
  • short haircuts to the chin - you can not;
  • discard lush, long bangs;
  • large facial features must be at least partially covered - you can use oblique bangs, long strands near the face;
  • avoid opening the face, especially in the forehead area;
  • do not create extra volume near the cheekbones and jaw - curls and curls at the bottom of the strands are not desirable;
  • but the volume at the crown will correct the oval well;
  • layered haircut options will look best;
  • you can’t comb all your hair back - you will open your face too much;
  • well stretch the face high styling;
  • hair length is predominantly long;
  • smooth hairstyles (bunches, tails) - absolutely not suitable, torn options (graded) - your choice;
  • curls or curls along the entire length are a good option - they added volume and closed the face a little, thereby adjusting it;
  • do not use large accessories - they will add extra weight to the face.

Unsuitable hairstyles for a square face: open ears and forehead, hair combed back, short and smooth styling
Cascade, ladder and other multi-stage haircuts

A good solution for a square face type. Layering gives the necessary volume and perfectly stretches the oval, which is exactly what we need. Graduation begins at the level of the cheekbones. The more the difference in length of the strands is visible, the better. The ends are best laid by curling them outward. Such haircuts give the desired smoothness of the lines.

Long bob

Very comfortable and practical haircut. But you can’t leave it smooth, so add layers and comb the bangs to the side.


One of the best options hairstyles for a square face. Well hides and smoothes large features (hides the chin and wide cheekbones). They become lighter, graceful, feminine. You can add a torn not thick bangs.

Curls, waves

The lightness and smoothness of the waves will add the same streamlining to a square face. This is a symbiosis of clear lines and elusive smoothness. But waves, like curls, should start above the cheekbones.

Short haircuts

It is difficult to find a suitable short haircut for this type of face. Classical options definitely do not fit. Choose asymmetrical varieties with oblique elongated bangs. It can be, for example, a pixie haircut (or garcon). When styling, tousle the strands - smooth haircuts are contraindicated for a square face.


Suitable for medium or long. Definitely graduated. Side parting - you get a slight asymmetry. Not thick bangs combed to one side will serve as a good addition. When styling such a caret, try to achieve volume at the roots, since sleek hairstyles for a square face type are completely unsuitable.

Rectangular face shape (rectangle face type)

A large face shape - the forehead is high, and the chin is wide. It is also quite stretched out. The width of the forehead, cheekbones and chin is almost equal - this makes the face look quite massive and angular.

Very similar to the square type, but in this case the forehead is high and the chin may stick out a little. The face is elongated.

A round face type and a square one are considered quite common, but a rectangular one is much less common and hairstyles for it are not chosen so often.

With the help of a well-chosen hairstyle, a face in the shape of a rectangle can be corrected: smooth out the angularity, soften the vertical line of the face, round the chin, smooth out hard edges.

Hairstyles for a rectangular face

  • many recommendations for a square face type are also suitable for a rectangular one;
  • do not open both ears and forehead at once;
  • the best hair length is medium;
  • the length to the chin is the most wrong decision in choosing a styling for a face in the shape of a rectangle;
  • styling should cover the ears;
  • smooth hairstyles are not suitable, as well as straightened strands;
  • multi-layer haircuts (as for a square face) will also be relevant here;
  • light curls will remove the clarity of lines and add softness;
  • curls and waves are best done either from the roots or from the middle;
  • curls are mostly suitable for owners of long hair;
  • volume at the crown will help divert attention from large facial features;
  • even and thick bangs do not go at all, as well as combed ones;
  • better choose oblique, asymmetrical, torn;
  • short haircuts and ultra-short bangs do not suit this type of face - they greatly open the face and forehead;
  • it’s not worth taking all the hair back, but if you leave a few strands on the sides, it will be much better;
  • symmetrical styling will only emphasize the angularity, but the asymmetry will remove it.

Pretty versatile option.


By lengthening the front strands, you can achieve a good softening effect. They will also help narrow the jaw area. The bangs will remove the excessive length of the face (just do not choose a straight and even bangs).


Corrects and hides most of the imperfections of a rectangular face. Since the face is quite geometric, and the hairstyle, on the contrary, is chaotic, as a result, this gives a golden mean.


This haircut is considered enough the best option, with milled strands. It does not frame the face much, but it is better to lay it with the ends outward. This styling will make the face smoother, and the rectangle becomes not so strict and clear.

Modern tendencies

At all times, a girl should remain feminine and beautiful. It is much easier to look like this in our time than in the days of our grandmothers. A gentle image can be created with proper styling and makeup. Accessories are also important. If they are chosen correctly, they are able to distract the eye from unwanted rough and massive outlines.

For short hair, experts advise creating volume. The ends of the strands do not need to be made very lush, a small thinning will be enough. This will help align the contours of the face.

You also need to consider the length of the hair. It is desirable that they be no higher than the chin, and the curls in front fell to the cheeks. The better they cover the rough outlines, the softer the image as a whole looks.

The best choice for a square face haircut will, of course, be long hair combined with bangs combed to the side. You can also make a messy bun at the top of your head with a medium-sized roller. A small bouffant at the roots is acceptable to create volume.

The most important moments when creating hairstyles are different lengths of strands, volume, graduation, as well as a straight cut line. In all other respects, the choice and the final result depends only on your individual imagination and the work of the master.


Women's hairstyles for a square face

A square type face has wide cheekbones, a "heavy" chin, a narrow forehead, which has the same width as the lower part of the face. In general, facial features are characterized by angularity, the emphasis is shifted to the lower jaw, the “square” most often has large, distinct eyes.

Hairstyles for a square face should visually round out the “angularity”, add softness to it. Thanks to suitable option hair styling turns out to “stretch” the face, bringing its outlines closer to the “reference” oval shape. This will add more femininity, tenderness to the image.

Hairstyles for girls with a square face cannot be symmetrical, it is unacceptable to make a clear parting in the middle, it is better to do it on the right or left side. Fans of bangs need to abandon the lush straight-cut bangs, let it be asymmetrical, "airy" and curly.

Among the hairstyles suitable for a square face are those that allow you to “hide” wide cheekbones, avoiding too much emphasis on the lower jaw area. These are any styling with asymmetrical straight or curled curls that form a light and airy look. With almost any length of hair, it is possible to achieve a similar result. Hairstyles located above the back of the head also cope with this task, which visually make the oval of the face elongated.

Women's short hairstyles for a square face (with photo)

Let's take a closer look at which hairstyle is suitable for a square face for different hair lengths. In order to make a good styling, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing the right haircut for the “square”. Discard very short haircuts, those that make the face open or the lower border of which is located on the same level as the chin.

It is very difficult to choose suitable hairstyles for a square face for short hair, since they practically do not cover the cheekbones and “corners” of the lower jaw. Therefore, the one and only important rule in a particular case, it is an asymmetry. Perfectly combined with a short length and square outlines, long bangs combed to the side, slight negligence, soft, "fluffy" curls. But ultra-short haircuts absolutely do not fit the “square”, demonstrating its shortcomings.

An example of successful short hairstyles for a square face, see the photo:

Almost on all the presented variations of short haircuts, there is a bang combed to the side and a parting off the center. This approach helps to achieve asymmetry, and elongated front curls cover the “corners” or distract attention from them with a pretty framing of the look.

Hairstyles for a square face for women's short hair are desirable to make lush, soft, wavy. Short-haired hair can be given volume in the crown area in order to visually “stretch” the face. This allows you to shift the unwanted emphasis from the massiveness of the "bottom" and generally balance the image.

It is advisable to avoid even, smooth styling, as the face will appear larger.

Fashionable hairstyles for medium hair for a square face

The task of a fashionable hairstyle for medium hair for a square face is also to “round” the corners. Hair length to the line of the shoulders, unlike short hair, provides more opportunities for creativity. When cutting such hair, it is necessary to refrain from length at the level of the lower jaw line, as this will only add heaviness and massiveness in the chin area.

It is convenient to make such hairstyles for a square face type and women's haircuts for medium length, such as an elongated asymmetrical bob, a cascade, an elongated caret. Give up straight "hanging" hair, make it wavy, add volume, or at least twist the ends.

It is not recommended to put your hair back in a ponytail or bun. These hairstyles should be done high, while leaving curls in front that will “hug” the face prettyly. An effective hairstyle is in combination with an elongated bang, laid on the right or left side, in which the front strands are pinned up at the back, and the rest of the hair is loose.

With an average length of hair for a square face, such hairstyles are suitable as shown in the photo:

Having hair of medium length and a square type of face, the smoothness of the hair, “volumelessness”, straight hanging strands is also undesirable. In this regard, the owners of naturally curly hair are lucky, because it is enough for them to make the right haircut in several layers to achieve beautiful lightness and carelessness of the hair.

The waviness of the curls makes facial features more feminine, adding to the appearance of good looks.

Evening hairstyles for a square face shape and their photos

As for special occasions, the average length provides many options.

Evening hairstyles for a square face type are shown in the photo:

If the curls are loose, they need to be twisted, made voluminous and divided with a side parting, shifted to the side. Well, you need to collect hair higher, while leaving curls near the face.

They hide wide cheekbones and jaw, round out sharp features. The strands collected from above visually balance the heavy bottom, adding harmony to the image as a whole.

Hairstyles for long hair for girls with a square face

Hairstyles for long hair for a square face are selected according to the same principle as for medium length hair. With this face shape, you should refrain from straightened, smoothly combed hair. To make a successful hairstyle, it is important to first cut them correctly.

A cascade, ladder and other multi-layer haircuts are suitable, which allow you to add volume and lightness to your hair, and also allow you to leave individual strands near your face when styling and collected hair.

Hairstyles for a square face are shown in the photo:

As you can see in the pictures, there are no open cheekbones and smoothly laid and collected curls. The hair is styled in such a way as to achieve a certain airiness, negligence, asymmetry. Volumetric diagonal braids, high or puffy tails made on one side will do. If the tail is braided in different interesting ways, in the end you get a different image.

An evening hairstyle for a square face and long hair should be asymmetrical and lush. Curly curls laid on one side, released in front, look beautiful, especially if there is an elongated asymmetrical bang and curled curls near the face. An excellent option would be a voluminous braid, braided diagonally and released in front.

High hairstyles for a square face look win-win because they visually "weight" the upper part. But do not collect the hair too high, it is enough to lift it above the top of the head. To make this hairstyle look more effective, you can release some beautiful curls on your shoulders.

Hairstyles with bangs for a square face type (with photo)

Hairstyles for a square face with bangs are considered a win-win option. Just do not make the bangs straight, too thick and passing over the eyebrows down. Layering, “torn” ends would be appropriate, curly bangs trimmed with an arch look beautiful, which is cut both in the center and offset to the side.

Hairstyles for a square face with bangs are shown in the photo below:

Well smoothes the angularity of the "square" long bangs laid on the side. She hides a wide forehead, successfully emphasizes the cheekbones. You can make an oblique or zigzag parting, which will also help to avoid inappropriate symmetry.

Relevant hairstyles for a square face in 2020

This year there will be such fashionable hairstyles for a square face as a low ponytail, gathered to the side, one or two buns on a part of the hair on top. Among the trendy haircuts, you should give preference to an asymmetric bob, a sharp bob, a gentle cascade.

Among styling, the trend is the effect of wet hair. It is suitable for any length, just do not forget about the curls framing the face, especially in the absence of bangs.

Actual hairstyles for a square face in 2020, women's haircuts, see the photo:

Making a fashionable bun this year from a part of the strands at the crown, you need to add volume to loose curls. For the bun itself, you do not need to take a lot of hair so that the face does not look open, and wide cheekbones and jaw do not come to the fore.

When collecting strands in an asymmetrical ponytail, refrain from smoothly combed hair on your head, it is better to make light negligence and volume.

To summarize, let's repeat what not to do, since the right moments have been discussed many times above.


  • it is necessary to forget forever about the straight thick bangs, which emphasizes the "heavy" forms of the lower half of the face;
  • refrain from even partings located in the middle;
  • you should not experiment with incredibly short haircuts, which add excessive openness to the face;
  • discard straightened strands;
  • adding volume, avoid accenting the cheekbones, like Marilyn Monroe;
  • no need to comb your hair back;
  • let the bottom line of the haircut be located below or above the level of the lower jaw.

Hairstyles for a square full face with a high forehead

Hairstyles for a square full face should be voluminous, layered and structured. They help to visually stretch the face, beautiful cheeks are emphasized. A successful variation that is suitable for a full “square”, stylists consider hairstyles that are done on medium and short hair, and long curls will only add fullness to the face.

Hairstyles for a square face with a high forehead should be selected with bangs or front curls released. An asymmetrical or multi-layered bang, trimmed with an arch, having a different length, will look beautiful. Also, high hairstyles with released strands are considered an excellent option.

Thus, it is not so easy to choose a hairstyle for the owner of a square-looking face, but knowing the listed subtleties, it will become much easier and more efficient to do this. With the right approach, this type of face becomes feminine, attractive and sexy. The main thing is to make a suitable haircut and you can experiment on your own at home with different variations of styling and hairstyles.
