To increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room-bedroom, you can combine it with a loggia. The room will become more spacious, and in the vacant corner you can place a desktop, dressing room, bar counter. If the dimensions of the loggia allow, then it is completely possible to move the sleeping area to this area. Thus, you will leave the dimensions of the living room unchanged, and there will be no need to install a partition separating the bed from the rest of the living area. The advantage of such a redevelopment will be not only an increase in the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also the level of its illumination due to the penetration of more daylight.

The main condition for joining a loggia to a room is its insulation (glazing, laying a system of underfloor heating, installing an infrared heater, provided there is insufficient heat from the usual one located in the room). The association is considered a redevelopment inside the premises, so you need to take care of permission for repairs in the relevant authorities.

When making a loggia, it is better to use the same color scheme, as in the room, so that it looks like its continuation. Otherwise, there is a risk that the room will visually become shorter.

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to place zones for sweet dreams or relaxation and a living room in one living room. How correctly can one room be divided into two spaces, which, it would seem, are not quite compatible? Probably, one of the important methods for dividing the design of an apartment or house is the division into zones of a room. For example, from one bedroom you can make a living room and a bedroom.

The division into functional zones in this case will allow you to place several places in one room where you can relax, as well as workplace.

You can see photos of ideal zoning in the bedroom in any magazine with interior designs. Visual division is also done in order to create an optical illusion (a visual increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room), as well as to increase the attractiveness of the interior.

Two zones in one room

For the correct zoning of the bedroom into two parts, you need to know general rules division into zones, and also do not forget about the style of the whole room.

How can a room be divided into many zones? For this you can use best ideas zoning the bedroom, namely, use the following techniques:

  • arches;
  • false partition;
  • sliding doors.

Separation when using arches is considered a classic. Thanks to this design, each of the zones can be made private. The arch has a non-bulky design. If you use drywall constructions, you can make quite interesting visual effects.

If the room and funds allow, you can use decorative designs for zoning space. To do this, the builders will definitely install niches, drywall shelves, glass partitions. There are sometimes quite attractive options when a fireplace or an aquarium is used instead of partitions.

Podium is enough practical solution for zoning space. Inside the design of the podium, they often equip a place to store various things. Rare storage options small bed inside the podium. Its height can be about 20 centimeters. In order to clearly delineate the podium from another space, a lighting solution is used - backlighting.

False partition - perfect solution for a studio apartment. Using such a partition, you can visually create the illusion of a wall that gives privacy and secrecy.

Sliding doors are the best helpers in the matter of dividing the premises into several functional zones. Using correctly selected furniture, you can also organize several separate zones in the room. In the kitchen, the most common option for organizing different areas in the room is the bar counter.

The bedroom can be zoned from the living space and with the help of the most ordinary curtains. Thanks to their use, you can quickly and easily organize cozy corner for relax.

When is the visual division of the room used?

Dividing a room into several zones is necessary in order to divide the space into zones that have different purposes: the visual separation of a sleeping place from a worker, for example.

Zoning helps to cope with the problem of a one-room apartment - when one room needs to be divided into a common area and an individual one.

The space can be divided so that at different times of the day the room is used for its intended purpose, for example, during the day the room is used as a dining room, and at night it is used as a sleeping room.

With zoning, you can create an optical illusion that can make the interior more attractive, and can also add or reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself.

If you have decided for yourself at the stage of construction or repair that you will separate the bedroom using separation, try to think right away how to perform zoning and at the same time take care of lighting in different areas.

Let's say that in the sleeping part you planned to divide into two completely different zones (according to functions) - do not lay one overhead lighting (meaning one chandelier on the ceiling). An ideal solution to this problem can be the installation of a floor lamp, sconce.

For small room the use of very bright floor or wall finishes is not recommended. Avoid painting the floor different colors. For example, if the floor is painted with a single color paint, this will help to visually make the room larger in size. Forget about monochrome contrasting drawings on the walls.

A light solid color on the wall will help to enlarge the room. Ceiling - it is better to install a multi-level or stretch.

If you have a combined sleeping room and living room, this is perfect option in order to convert it into a studio bedroom. To do this, you need to remove absolutely all partitions in the room. Zoning is necessary only with the help of a variety of furniture and different design walls.

Eg, kitchen area must be decorated using tiles. Dining and living areas should be separated using plastered and painted walls in colors that will harmonize with the color of the kitchen area tiles.

Place a table in the center of the room round shape. It is best to hang a hanging lamp above the table. In the corner you can comfortably place a TV and corner sofa. Thus, you immediately get a relaxation area and a bedroom.

A transforming bedroom is when the room itself is quite small in size, but you want to place several zones there at once. Furniture with transformation mechanisms will come to your aid. That is, the bed in the morning will become a closet, and in the evening it will again turn into a place to sleep.

Such items are usually designed in a specially equipped podium, which is quite easy to turn into the furniture you need. If you want to visually highlight the living area, place a small table for magazines in the corner. Soft chairs will not be superfluous.

The transforming bedroom option is ideal for young people - bachelors or couples without children. Older people are unlikely to fold and unfold furniture with such mechanisms every day.

Bedroom zoning photo

Zoning a room in order to create two full-fledged rooms is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Connecting the living room with the bedroom is a forced step, it is used when there are not enough free meters in the apartment. To combine two functional areas, you need to rely on the size of the room, the overall style of the apartment, the desires of the owners and the advice of experienced designers. Taking into account all these nuances, you can get a truly comfortable room.

Subtleties of separation

The living room and bedroom must perform certain functions that usually contradict each other. The living area is designed for gatherings with guests and daytime activities, and the bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for a good night's rest.

When the size of the apartment does not allow you to make a separate bedroom and hall, you need to know the intricacies of combining these two zones. It is important to make sure that the combined zones look harmonious and none of them stand out.

Subtleties of zoning:

  1. Before you start delimiting zones, you need to determine the primary zone. If this is a bedroom, then it should be larger and the main emphasis should be placed on it.
  2. The style of both zones should be in the same direction. You can use one color scheme, ornament, furniture design. The two zones must be somehow combined to emphasize each other. Their similarity will help create a cozy atmosphere.
  3. It is undesirable to have a bedroom near the entrance. Thus, the intimate atmosphere of the space will be violated, and it is extremely necessary for relaxation. It is better to hide the bed from prying eyes and put it in the background.
  4. A bed located near the window will look profitable and comfortable. After all, waking up in a bright room is much easier than in the dark. And to create semi-darkness in the daytime, you can use blackout curtains.
  5. The living area should have an abundance of artificial light, so that in the evening neither the hosts nor the guests are too dark. Several sconces will outline the line of the hall from the bedroom.
  6. In a small room it is better to stick to minimalism. The room should contain only the most ordinary pieces of furniture, without an abundance of accessories.

Having solved all the questions about the zoning of the room, it's time to decide how to distinguish between two zones in one room. For this purpose, a design with a partition, screen, shelving, aquarium, fireplace or canopy may be suitable.

It all depends on the size of the room and the financial capabilities of the owners. In any case, the fence should not interfere and create obstacles for movement.

Options for different areas

You can divide the space only taking into account the layout of the room and the apartment itself:

  • What can be allowed in a large area cannot be done in a studio.

  • IN one-room apartment, as a rule, although there is only one room, it has a size of 18-20 square meters. m, and therefore it is possible to show imagination in it. Using a plasterboard or glass partition, you can separate the hall from the bedroom. It will look beautiful and one zone will not interfere with the other.

  • A completely different situation develops in a small room of 14 squares. There is no way to use a material partition here. Only transforming furniture can solve the problem, which folds and unfolds at the request of the residents. For example, a sofa can be not only a place for sitting, but it can also replace a bed for a night's sleep.


  • Interesting solution for a small area of ​​​​16-17 meters - vertical zoning. For this sleeping area located under the ceiling, which will become a comfortable and safe bed. Such a place of solitude allows you to relax from the outside world and immerse yourself in reading at any time. But this option is only suitable for a room with a high ceiling.

  • .For a studio apartment, designers came up with an elevator mechanism, which allows, if desired, to lower the bed from the ceiling to the floor. In the daytime, under the bed, you can place a workplace or a place to relax. You can control the mechanism using the remote control. This option is expensive, but it is he who is able to save space as much as possible.

  • In a square room easiest to install folding sofa, which will simultaneously play the role of a bed and storage space. In this case, it is best to complement the interior with a coffee table on wheels, which can be freely moved if necessary.

Various ways of furnishing will help furnish any room to create a cozy bedroom-living room that will be truly comfortable. For example, a built-in bed will save space during the day and become a sleeping place at night. It is quite easy to get and clean it, and most importantly, it is completely invisible in the daytime.

Separator Options

There are many ways to visually separate the bedroom and the hall, each of which is able to give the interior a uniqueness:

  • Installing a niche in the sleeping area will visually enclose it from the hall. In the niche itself, you can install a backlight that will illuminate the living room in the evening. practical idea it may be the installation of storage boxes in a niche.

In that case, everything bed dress will be hidden from prying eyes, but will be at hand.

  • The sleeping segment can be zoned with curtains. To do this, it is necessary to mount cornices to the ceiling, along which it will be convenient to move the curtain. Thus, a private sleeping corner will turn out, while the hall will retain its functionality.

  • You can fence one part of the room from the other with a rack. This is the cheapest and effective method, which, in addition to visual fencing, will create additional storage space for small items. The rack itself can be completely deaf and not allow light to pass from one part of the room to another, or it can be made of through shelves to create a free image of the room.

  • The fireplace looks original to separate the two sectors. The apartment will not be able to install a real brick fireplace, so you can buy an electric option.

The advantage of this method is that the living room with a fireplace will become a place of peace and relaxation, while the bedroom will be very warm on cold nights.

  • glass partition installed when the size of the room allows it. To achieve absolute privacy, you can use curtains that can easily cover the glass. And pulling back the curtain, an abundance of light from the living area will penetrate into the bedroom.

Sleeping area does not have to be big sizes, the main thing is that it can be easily reached.

  • The best option zoning space can become a plasterboard partition. This material is cost-effective and does not require much skill to install. In addition, its stylish design will transform the living room and divert attention from the bedroom hidden behind it.

  • Another zoning option is a two-level ceiling. It will visually divide the room into two parts, but it will not eat up precious space. Well, if one of the ceilings is slightly different in color or has LED backlight. So the room will look more comfortable.

  • Sliding partition is an alternative to curtains. With its help, you can hide one zone from another, without interfering with the layout of the apartment. With a sliding door there should be no difficulties and it will not spoil general form rooms.

  • You can select one part of the room from another by means of textiles. For example, if you use dark colors in the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs in the living room, and in the bedroom you can focus on pastel colors.
  • By the way, color palette can also become a separation of two functional areas. If you decorate the hall in dark colors with bright accents, and make the sleeping area very gentle and bright, then you can get the perfect zoning.

  • If preferred forged products, then you can give the space a mystery. For example, if you protect the bedroom from the hall with insidious flower stands. It will look profitable if you pick up bright and unusual plants.

You can protect an intimate sleeping place with the help of sliding doors. Moreover, they can be made of any material that the tenants want.

Styling for different tenants

As soon as the tenants of the apartment started overhaul in their apartment, they must immediately decide on its future style. The purchase of materials and furniture, as well as color schemes, completely depends on this.

Not all styles are equally suitable for an adult and teenage room. To equip a children's area in the living room, you need to study the features of the styles and choose the most suitable one.

That is why, before combining the bedroom with the living room, it is necessary to study the style directions and their characteristics:

  • Classics is conservatism and luxury in one bottle. The abundance of calm tones allows you to use this style in any room and for any age. The advantage of this direction is the absence of colorful accessories and the accuracy of the lines. You can use only natural materials such as wood, stone, leather and linen, which will have a good effect on the health of residents. And to add luxury to the bedroom-living room, you can resort to expensive wallpaper and textiles with gold embroidery.

  • Modern is a warm and cozy trend, which implies a lot of free space and an abundance of interesting accessories. The room must have fresh flowers, natural carpets and picturesque paintings. Modern does not limit residents in the choice of furniture in the bedroom-living room, so it can have absolutely any shape and color.

  • Loft is a popular trend that allows you to combine things that seem incongruous at first glance. For example, in the background concrete walls it is quite possible to put classical furniture. The loft appreciates space, so there should not be a lot of furniture in the hall-bedroom. You can limit yourself to a bed, wardrobe, sofa, TV and coffee table. Of course, it all depends on the size of the room. As for the color, it should be natural shades with the addition of burgundy or orange accents.

  • Hi-tech is minimalism in its purest form. It can combine cold shades of iron and glass materials with mirror surfaces, unusual forms of furniture and appliances. In the sleeping part of the room you can put a comfortable compact bed and a wardrobe, and in the hall - a comfortable sofa, a plasma TV and an unusual coffee table. It is teenagers who will most appreciate this style.

  • Country is the embodiment of rustic comfort, which is sometimes so necessary for older people. Simple textiles should prevail here, wooden frames for photographs, wooden furniture and pottery. A fireplace and a woolen carpet can complement the interior, which will create a truly rustic atmosphere.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is often done in two cases: when the room is too large and it needs to be visually made smaller and more comfortable, and vice versa, when the room is too small, but it needs to accommodate both the living room and the sleeping area. In either of the two options, the solution to this problem is space zoning.

Zoning space can be done in several ways:

  • Usage various materials for additional walls. Most often in such cases, drywall is used. It is quite easy to use and it is relatively simple and easy for them to arrange additional partitions or fences;
  • Wall decoration with different colors and textures. This technique allows you to visually divide the room into zones using painting, plastering and wallpapering;
  • Separation with furniture.

Such a multifunctional interior, which includes both a bedroom and a living room, can be represented in two types: studio bedrooms and transforming bedrooms.

The project of a combined bedroom with a living room is easy to convert into a studio bedroom, which is one space that includes a bedroom, living room and kitchen. All partitions from such a room are removed. Everything is zoned various design walls and furniture. So, the walls in the kitchen area are decorated with tiles, smoothly turning into plastered and painted in colors that are in harmony with the color of the tiles. The plastered and painted area can serve as a living and dining area. Better placed in the center round table and a hanging lamp above it. In the corner of the same room there is a large corner sofa and a TV. Here you can both lie down, watch TV, and sleep. It turns out such a peculiar bedroom and recreation area at the same time.

Making a bedroom with a living room in the style of a transformer is possible when the room itself has small size. Then all furniture should be equipped with transformation mechanisms. So, in the morning, the bed should easily turn into a closet, and back in the evening. A small sofa with one movement becomes an armchair. Usually such pieces of furniture are placed on a special podium, with the help of which everything is easily transformed. To further define the living room, you can place a fireplace, a small coffee table and a couple of chairs here.

This design option for a bedroom with a living room is more suitable for young people, because not everyone old man able to fold and unfold the bed daily.

Separation of the bedroom and living room with a partition

Using a ready-made or home-made partition for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is perhaps one of the most common ways. Even a small partition will save you from having to construct a full-fledged wall in the right corner of the room.

Depending on the material, partitions have a lot of advantages. Plastic options convenient from a decorative point of view: a lot of stylish partitions of different colors and shapes are sold.

A glass partition will not change the perception of free space: your room will be perceived as light and free. And partitions made of more durable materials are useful in that they can also be used as a place for storage: they often make niches and shelves for books and accessories.

Remember! The selected partition should not distort the brightness of the room. If it blocks the lamps - think about installing additional sources Sveta. In some cases, it will be appropriate to mount fixtures inside the created structure.

A universal way - zoning a room into a living room and a bedroom with drywall - is suitable for everyone. Since this material is quite light, such partitions can even be moved around the room. Drywall can be cut to size and can be rounded or cut to fit the overall design.

Often, drywall is wallpapered or decorated with imitation materials, such as brick, to make the bedroom and living room look even more unusual.

Take a look at the photo of the room zoning 18 sq. m glass partition. On such a surface, it is not necessary to draw or cut out patterns: even solid transparent glass will perfectly complement any modern interior. In addition, glass is in harmony with all materials and colors.

High ceiling solution

If you are lucky - and your room has high enough ceilings, the bedroom area can be designed on the mezzanine. But this method is one of the most costly and difficult to implement, since you will not only have to create a solid and reliable foundation for the bed, but also build a ladder leading up.

However, in modern interiors, the popularity of this method of zoning is only growing. Moreover, it is now possible to design each zone in its own way: differences in styles or colors will not be striking, but everyone will appreciate the creativity of the idea.

Remember! When highlighting the bedroom area on the mezzanine, it is necessary to consider the lighting features. Ideally, the light should turn off from several points at once, so that you can adjust the lighting from both above and below.

Color zoning

To create stylish design zoning the room into the bedroom and living room, do not forget about the combination of shades. Moreover, this method is also often used to decorate rooms with different purposes.

Color zoning can be ensured by choosing harmonious Decoration Materials. Most often, wallpaper or paint is used for these purposes. Since each zone of the room will have a very small area, it is better not to give preference to too dark tones.

Decorate in blue, brown, gray, dark red and other saturated shades that are popular, you can only one or two walls to create an accent.

On the rest of the surfaces, you can use colors such as yellow, pink, blue, light green, white, lavender, beige and many others related to the pastel palette.

To make each zone of the room immediately catch your eye, choose colors from the same palette with varying degrees of saturation or focus on contrasting options: green and brown, blue and blue, red and white are well combined.

Advice: to color zoning perceived more successfully, reinforce the effect with partitions or other structures.

When zoning a room with wallpaper for the bedroom and living room, it is important to observe a single style. For example, wallpapers with large classical ornaments will not be combined with modern abstraction, but they will look spectacular when complemented with a stripe.

Do not use an excessive amount of patterned wallpaper in the interior: make one of the zones plain.

Another example of zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is the use of furniture of different colors. For example, a sofa, coffee table, wardrobe and other elements of the living room interior can be decorated in natural colors close to brown, and the bed can be decorated with a bed of a more saturated shade.

Furniture placement options

Immediately decide what pieces of furniture you need to place in each of the functional areas. The standard "set" for the bedroom is a bed and bedside tables with lamps. The living room will accommodate a sofa or armchairs, large appliances, bookcases and wardrobes. Each of the listed furniture options can be used for zoning.

For example, if you are thinking of zoning a square room into a bedroom and a living room, visually separate each space using a high-backed bed. It is this back that will serve as a kind of partition between the rooms.

Many people prefer to put the sofa right in front of the bed, even if it does not have a back. This method is also great for interiors of all shapes and sizes. In addition, it will allow you to watch TV without getting out of bed.

If you are looking for a radical solution to isolate the bedroom area, use any large wardrobe. Sliding wardrobes are best deployed with doors to the bed, as they will play the role of a dressing room.

Bookcases are most often rotated the other way or made hollow so that books and other items can be reached from both the bedroom and the living room.

Advice: drywall partition with many niches will serve as an excellent alternative to expensive cabinets.

You can also visually separate the bedroom and living room with the help of a small table placed in the center of the room. But most often in interiors that combine several functions at once, there is not enough space for such furniture.

Your personal comfort will depend on the chosen zoning method, so immediately think about how your interior will look after the reincarnation.

You don't have to be a professional designer to learn how to use space efficiently and take advantage of any room layout.

Now you know how to approach the creation of a harmonious and stylish studio room that combines a bedroom and a living room at the same time.

Multifunctional rooms allow the most comfortable existence in small space. One such opportunity is the living room bedroom. This combination is relevant for studio apartments that young people buy or for families who are forced to live in apartments with a small number of rooms. There are a sufficient number of ways to divide the room into zones so that it is convenient and beautiful.

How to arrange a living room with a bed

When planning the situation when combining the living room and bedroom, one must proceed from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Actually, there are several ways.

If the living room bedroom is small (less than 16 squares) or it is not possible to install a bed and a sofa due to the layout, the only solution is to use transforming furniture. If the area allows, you can use any of the methods.

How to divide a room into zones

To decide whether you can get two separate zones in a room or not, you must first evaluate everything on the plan. This can be done in design programs that allow you to get a two or even three-dimensional image. If working with programs does not seem attractive to you, you can get by with two sheets of thick paper or cardboard.

One of the programs...

To evaluate zoning options manually, you will need a floor plan with dimensions drawn to scale. On it, display where the windows, doors are (also with dimensions). Next, you need to think about where you would like to put the bed, where is the sofa for guests. For the living room-bedroom, these are two key items that they try to put in the first place. It is better to cut them out of cardboard, and also on a scale. From cardboard, it will also be necessary to cut out the furniture that is necessary and must be mandatory. If you don't already have it, cut it to the size you want. Then you can make adjustments.

The resulting set of "furniture" can be moved around the room plan, finding possible options zone locations. If there are several options, sketch, signing where and what you will put, putting down the dimensions of the furniture and the passages between them. Then it will be possible for each to think over what kind of zoning can be applied in each option. The program works in approximately the same way, only the movement is virtual. With the help of a program or layouts, you will understand whether you can distinguish two separate zones, while determining the size of each of them. If it is not possible to single out separate zones, you will have to make do with folding furniture.

Solution for small rooms

Arranging small spaces requires a special approach. Creating an interior is an art, and the design of a small room, and even a multifunctional one, is generally akin to circus art. Even the little things matter here.

Let's start with what is considered a small room in this case. In general, it is believed that a room with an area of ​​​​14-16 meters is rather big. But in the case of the need to accommodate two zones - a living room and a bedroom - this is really very little. These are the premises - up to 16 squares and will be accepted as small. If the area is 18-20 meters or more, these are already “normal” sizes in which the living room and bedroom can be divided using any zoning techniques.

Use of flexible furniture

In a small area, it is far from always possible to combine the living room and bedroom, while placing a full bed. But you can always put a transformable one instead of a regular sofa. This is not the kind of sofa bed that you can only sleep on conditionally. Modern transforming furniture can give the same level of comfort as a regular stationary bed. There are models with orthopedic mattresses. In width - from single to full double.

In a double bed can turn:

  • Closet. When closed, it looks like an ordinary wardrobe, leans back, it turns out a bed.
  • Sofa. This type of furniture in the “day” position is similar to a sofa that stands near the closet, in the “night” position the bed is lowered, crushing the sofa under it.

The options described above require the presence in front of the sofa or closet free space not less than 220-250 cm (depending on the model). And even after the bed is in place, at least a narrow passage should remain. So, in fact, the distance to the transformable furniture should be at least 280 cm. But you get a full double bed. The mattress can even be orthopedic.

There are also options for single or single beds. In them, the base of the bed is attached to the furniture with a long side. They require less free space - no more than 200 cm in the case of a single bed or 150 cm in the case of a single bed.

Unusual ways

There is one non-trivial option of how you can highlight the bedroom area in the living room: make a podium, on which to place some area. There you can arrange, for example, several armchairs and a coffee table or put a sofa. Move the bed under the podium.

With this decision, the flooring must be of sufficient height so that a bed can be hidden under it. For such a solution, long and narrow rooms, which are also called wagons.

Another option for the young and active: take out the bedroom on the closet. From cabinet furniture (high shelves, cabinets) a square or rectangle of sufficient area is assembled to accommodate a sleeping place on it. You can do this with (as in the photo). On one side, a ladder is built in / attached, along which they climb up “to the bedroom”.

It turns out a living room bedroom without reducing the area of ​​​​the living room. You can even make the room even more multifunctional: arrange a workplace or a mini-office in a space fenced off by furniture. This is a great option for a small studio apartment in which young people live.

All this is good, but it is worth knowing about the shortcomings. First, the solutions are not cheap. Transformable furniture costs a lot, as does the manufacture of a podium with sufficient bearing capacity. Secondly, every evening and every morning, in order to get and hide a sleeping place, you will have to perform certain body movements. It just seems awkward at first. In fact, it gets boring pretty quickly ... until it becomes a habit.

Choose a place for the sleeping area

When dividing rooms into a bedroom and a living room, first of all, you need to decide where you want to make the bedroom. Most often, they take the corner farthest from the entrance. This is logical, since the bedroom requires the greatest degree of privacy.

If there is a window in the detachable area, you will have to make sure that there is enough light in the rest of the room. This is helped by Separation using screens or curtains, specially created translucent shelves.

In the opposite situation - if the window is in the living area, the situation is somewhat better. First, the bedroom is usually used at night. So natural lighting is not such a necessity. Although we are used to what it should be. There are two solutions: to make the separation so that there is enough light or to add the missing by installing additional lamps.

Zoning the living room-bedroom with partitions

For zoning, plasterboard and glass partitions are used. The installation of both of them is not a redevelopment, so it does not require coordination.

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​putting a room divider. But it may not be complete. Very often, a “monolithic” partition is erected to a height of a meter or a little more, and something openwork is made above that transmits light. This solves the problem of natural light and the design does not look as heavy as a wall.

Openwork things are made from drywall

The upper part can be framed in different ways. If you want a physical separation, but without much loss of light, it can be patterned, frosted, colored glass. Do not be afraid that it is fragile - it can withstand loads greater than drywall.

Other options: various kinds of wood, metal products. There are a lot of options - from functional or decorative shelves, to simply installed in a certain order (or without it) pins made of wood, metal, bamboo, etc.

Separation of zones by screens

You can make zoning in the living room bedroom with the help of screens. This is a quick and inexpensive way to make the living room and bedroom zoning in one room. Do not think that this method is outdated and irrelevant. If you choose the right textures, material, colors, everything looks very stylish, original and out of place.

There can even be a rope curtain as a screen. The main thing is the visual delimitation of space

There are traditional screens - portable, folding. But it is far from necessary that they have an “old-fashioned” look. No, the traditional type of screen - covered with tapestries - is good for classic interiors. And those that come from the "sixties" - painted, made of wood and plywood - look great in a loft or art deco. If you have a living room bedroom decorated in this style, it is generally easy for you to find the right option. But for modern interiors other materials and textures are needed, and here you have to try.

glass screens

For modern style, minimalism, hi-tech glass screens are ideal. That's just the glass you need to choose different. For hi-tech and minimalism, the best option is tinted with a silver coating, resembling a mirror. It will look good white, milky, gray - depending on the design of the bedroom-living room. The Provence-style living room bedroom can also be equipped with a painted plywood screen. But if you don’t like too “rural” option, you can fit a glass screen with photo printing. You can choose one of the landscapes that are typical for the south of France, use colored glass with floral ornaments.

The frame is made of metal, filling - frosted glass or sheet polycarbonate Milky glass - opaque, but transmits enough light

And again, do not think that glass is fragile. They use hardened or laminated (duplex and triplex) for such products, and they are stronger than many sheet materials.

From other materials

If you still don't like glass, you can make or look for partitions made of plastic, wood, etc. IN wooden house you can make a wooden screen. If you know how to work with wood, this will not be difficult, since the design is straightforward. You can imitate a wall, you can make a lighter, openwork design. Again, all the envy of the style in which the living room is decorated bedroom.

A patterned plastic partition visually separates the zones from one another. The simplest wooden screen made of rods or planks Metal openwork….

If wood is only found in some decor items, frames are made from it, and the filling is selected according to one's own taste. After all, it could be fabric. The same as on curtains or upholstery. You can use fiberboard laminated to match the furniture, or thin. You can even assemble such a screen from drywall and wallpaper it or paint it - there will be a movable wall.

For a modern style, you can use well-aimed branches painted in the main or one of the additional colors. From attached to the frames along or across, get a translucent screen. Bamboo, metal rods, etc. can be fixed in the same way. In general, as usual in interior design, this is a creative process.

Sliding screens

A few more words about sliding screens. They go in a separate class, because they are not as "nailed to the place" as stationary partitions, but not as mobile as portable screens. Very a good option zoning the living room bedroom in one room, if you want to have a secluded corner for relaxation.

Sliding screens can be of three types. They can move like compartment doors, fold like a book or an accordion. For all, for the bottom you need guides that are mounted either on the ceiling, or on the floor, or on the floor and on the ceiling at the same time. Only screens with a lower guide can be not up to the ceiling, but they are the most unstable. If you have children or are not sure that you will use them carefully, it is better to use floor-to-ceiling models.

The material for screens of this type is any sheet: glass, plastic, laminated fiberboard, MDF. Similar systems can be found in companies involved in sliding wardrobes. made according to the same system and the partitions are no different.

Zoning with curtains

An even more inexpensive way is the living room bedroom divided into zones with curtains. All that is required is to select and fix curtain rods. Then - pick up fabrics and sew panels of the right size. The fabrics used are the same as on the windows and they do not have to be dense, although this option is also possible.

Draperies around the perimeter - to create comfort double curtains- it is important to choose the right cornices

Drapery can only cover the "clearance", or it can also go along the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere. But this option will still require enough funds, since a lot of fabric is needed.

Such zoning of the bedroom and living room combined in one room is nominal, but creates the required sense of privacy. It can be used in the version with portable screens as a temporary option - if you can’t decide exactly where to place the bedroom and living room areas, how to distribute the area between them.

Use of separation furniture

It is far from always possible to allocate even a small piece of space in a small room under a non-functional partition. Moreover, furniture can perform the same task. Usually this is a closet or high shelves.

Most often, the lower part of the furniture is made without gaps (about a meter high). I make this part in the form of a cabinet or chest of drawers. The top is usually done with through gaps. So the furniture does not look so bulky and does not “load” the space. In addition, this solution allows you to save natural light in both parts of the room.

In the lower part they make a cabinet or chest of drawers, above - shelves
The main thing is not to clutter up the shelves

When developing a concept for such furniture or looking for ready-made options, keep in mind that all horizontal surfaces perfectly collect dust. Each shelf is a dust collector. If they are not planned for use, it is better to make as few contour lines as possible. It is better to hang a few decorative items in between the racks. They collect much less dust, and look, perhaps, more original.

Living room bedroom: additional zoning techniques

In addition to physical separation, the zoning of the living room-bedroom in one room can be carried out using:

These techniques, along with separators, emphasize the different purposes of the zones. But when choosing colors, one must be guided. Then it will turn out to create a harmonious interior.
