Each room of the apartment should be complete to the extent that it can be realized, depending on its area. So is the design of a small kitchen of 4 sq.m, because of its size it should not be organized as an ordinary standard kitchen, which can freely accommodate both a full-fledged cooking area and a dining area for several people, such an area implies a fundamentally different approach.

Therefore, if the organization of its space is not thought out, then the result will not be a comfortable and ergonomic room.

Today in the article we will get acquainted with the intricacies of implementing the design of such a small kitchen and the features of the layout of its functionality.

We organize the space of a small kitchen 4 sq.m

In such an area, it is not necessary to accommodate several functional areas at once, because such a kitchen is not at all large, so it should be given purely to the functional area.

In addition, such an idea will greatly simplify the task of organizing it, because you no longer need to try to squeeze a table with chairs, a washing machine, etc. into it.

Thanks to this, on four meters you can realize a full-fledged room for cooking goodies, in which you can place all the necessary equipment and all kitchen accessories.

Design of a small kitchen 4 sq.m

Ways to optimize the space of a small kitchen

To make a small kitchen as comfortable and functional as possible, of course, furniture workshops will help, which can make a kitchen set, based on a pre-thought-out design project. Which will take into account all the features and dimensions of the kitchen, as well as the wishes of its owners.

Such an opportunity will help to implement any non-typical technique, because the possibilities for the use of various cabinet configurations, non-standard mechanisms and accessories, as well as the materials necessary for design with desired color, surface type, etc.

What exactly can improve a 4 sq.m. kitchen?

Since the whole room is now at free disposal, the kitchen set must be ordered not just with a direct layout, but one that would have more functional area. That is, it is possible to design a set so that the cabinets are not on one wall, but on three, that is, a U-shaped kitchen set.

So that the kitchen does not turn out to be cramped due to such a layout, the depth of the cabinets can be made not standard, but slightly less. This will help free up extra space in the center of the room.

To increase the working surface, the kitchen worktop can be integrated with the window sill. This will make the window functional, which is very important in such an area. Only in this case, instead of the traditional curtains on the curtain, the kitchen should be replaced with one of the blinds options.

The following technique will visually unload this room, today kitchens without upper cabinets are very common. Of course, the capacity of such a headset will suffer, but the atmosphere in the kitchen will be lighter and freer.

It should be noted that wall shelves can act as such an alternative. They will not load the walls, and it is much more convenient to use them, because you will no longer need to open the doors like in a closet to get something - everything will be at hand.

Kitchen 4 sq.m photo

Kitchen 5 sq.m photo

The use of wall railing will help to increase the functionality of a kitchen of 4 sq.m. It will also fit a lot of kitchen attributes: jars of spices on a special stand on a hook, cutting board, potholders, ladle, basket with detergents at the sink. It can also fit a lot of other things if you purchase it for the entire length of the wall.

Kitchen interior 4 sq.m photo

If the kitchen set is two-level (with upper modules), then the upper cabinets can be designed right up to the ceiling in order to increase capacity. That's just their facades then you should choose those that will be as smooth and light in color as possible, preferably with a glossy surface. This will help to get rid of the effect of overhanging and piling up.

Design of a small kitchen 5 sq.m photo

Design of a small kitchen 4 sq.m

Since the kitchen is small in size, materials with light colors and shades can be used for its design. After all, they will help to make it more airy and visually freer. This applies equally to the design of the walls, after all. kitchen facades, countertops and window decoration.

Kitchen design 4 sq.m photo

The presence of glossy surfaces in it - facades, countertops, kitchen apron, will also make it visually freer. Since such surfaces will create a mirror effect - reflections.

Design of a small kitchen 5 sq.m photo

Lighting is no less important, because in a bright kitchen it will be much more convenient and pleasant to cook, moreover, the light source must be correct - a backlight must be built-in above the countertop in the immediate cooking area.

What are direct kitchens, how to choose a comfortable kitchen set with a linear layout, 75 real photo direct kitchens in the interior.

A direct kitchen is a layout option in which all elements of the kitchen set are located along one wall. The arrangement of the refrigerator, sink and stove in one row is not always convenient for the hostess: such a layout violates the principle of the triangle - the main one for kitchen ergonomics. Therefore, if the area allows, a direct kitchen set is often combined with an island or peninsula.

Who will suit the linear kitchen

  • if you have a small kitchen (in a Khrushchev or other typical house with small apartments), you cook little and don’t need a lot of storage space for supplies
  • your kitchen with a complex layout - narrow, elongated, with ledges, niches, an inconveniently located doorway or access to a balcony
  • you have a studio apartment, or the kitchen is combined with the living room
  • you live alone / you are a young family without children
  • you don’t like to cook a lot, the simplest set of household appliances is enough for you (make a cup of coffee in the morning, heat a bun in the microwave or cook spaghetti)
  • you want to equip a full-fledged dining area in a standard kitchen: put a large dining table with chairs, or even better, a small straight or corner sofa.


- This is the easiest option for designing if you are doing a kitchen design project yourself.

- Direct kitchen sets are the most inexpensive. A kitchen with a linear layout is significantly cheaper than a U-shaped or corner kitchen of similar dimensions, because it does not have the most expensive modules - corner cabinets and end cabinets.

— This kitchen is compact. It takes up less space than a corner one, is less conspicuous, and the room seems more spacious.

- A linear kitchen does not have corners that are difficult to reach. So you don’t have to buy expensive accessories like a “magic corner” or a “carousel”. All cabinets and drawers are fully accessible, everything you need is always at hand.

- If you decide to buy a ready-made inexpensive kitchen or assemble it from modules, a single-row set - the best choice. It is easiest to fit into the dimensions of the room. But if the layout of the kitchen is non-standard, and the walls are "crooked" - make a direct kitchen to order.

- Well suited for a small kitchen or small-sized studio, and for a spacious apartment with an open layout.


- The principle of a triangle does not work with a linear layout. The ergonomics of a direct kitchen always loses to a corner or U-shaped one.

- If the direct kitchen is long (more than 3-4 meters), it will be inconvenient to use it. You will spend a lot of extra time and effort every day running back and forth between the refrigerator, sink and stove.

- If the kitchen is small, and you also need to fit a refrigerator in it, it will be difficult for you to make a working surface of a normal length.

  • Recommended:

The minimum length of a straight kitchen that is convenient to use is 2.5 meters.

1. Move the sink away from the wall so you don't hit the wall with your elbow

The design project of any kitchen begins with a “wet point”. The sink is located where water outlets are already installed - usually they are located in the corner. With a straight kitchen layout, the sink is usually on the edge. And here there is a big minus: if you put the sink close to the wall, when washing dishes, your elbow will rest against the wall. Represented? Uncomfortable! Especially if the wall is on the right. Solution: choose a cabinet for washing wider - not 600, but 700-800 mm, or add a retractable cargo bottle from the edge so that a small section of the countertop remains between the edge of the bowl and the wall. It can be closed with a sink wing or put a dish dryer there.

  • If the length of the kitchen does not exceed 2.5 meters, if desired, you can easily move the sink to another location. The best option for a direct kitchen - when the sink is located in the middle, between the refrigerator and the stove. But if the kitchen is long, it is much more difficult to transfer communications - you will need a pump.
  • dishwasher and washing machine place as close as possible to the sink. The closer the output of communications, the better the drain will work. And you don't have to carry dirty dishes far away.

2. Give preference to deep cabinets

If you have a narrow elongated kitchen and decide to order a kitchen set with a straight layout, make the lower cabinets at least 60 cm deep. This compensates for the lack of storage space. But keep in mind: there must be a passage of at least a meter between the headset and the opposite wall / dining table - otherwise the kitchen will become too cramped.

3. The main work surface - between the sink and the stove

According to the rules of ergonomics, there should be a main work surface between the sink and the hob for cutting vegetables and other work with food. Its optimal length is from 40 to 80 cm. Less - it will be inconvenient for you to cook, more - waste a lot of effort.

  • If the kitchen is very small (for example, in Khrushchev or a mini-studio), pay attention to compact hobs with two or three burners. The latter have a width of 45 cm instead of the standard 60 cm, but lose little in functionality.

4. Between the stove and the refrigerator, leave a “gap” of at least 15 centimeters

The work surface between the hob and the refrigerator performs several functions: firstly, you need a place to put food, and secondly, such an indentation protects the side wall of the refrigerator from greasy splashes and heat (especially if you have a gas stove).

5. If the straight kitchen is long, use tall column cabinets

You can hide a refrigerator in them, build in spacious retractable storage systems, an oven, a microwave oven or a coffee maker. If desired, even a washing machine can be placed in such a cabinet.

  • Pencil cabinets fit perfectly into the design of the studio kitchen: they split up the space less and harmonize better with cabinet furniture for the living room.

6. Order a kitchen with tall upper cabinets or a mezzanine

Instead of hanging cabinets with a standard height of 700-720 mm, give preference to high ones - 900-920 mm. There will be more storage space, plus tall cabinets visually pull the kitchen up - a valuable feature if you need to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

An alternative option is to plan a straight single-row kitchen with two-tier wall cabinets. At the very top, it is convenient to store what you use the least. Plus, the facades perfectly mask the pipe from the hood and make the design of a direct kitchen integral and harmonious.

7. A peninsula or island makes a single-row kitchen more convenient.

If you have an open-plan studio apartment or a kitchen-living room and space allows, plan a direct kitchen set with a peninsula (it requires less space) or an island. They usually serve as a work desk or bar counter, and you will have additional cabinets for storage.

  • Between kitchen set and a peninsula / island, leave a passage of at least 100-120 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the lockers.
  • A direct kitchen with a breakfast bar can do without a dining table, but for this it is very important to choose comfortable bar stools.

8. Choose narrow appliances if the kitchen is small

In a direct kitchen, every centimeter is a jewel. Place a narrow 45 cm wide dishwasher and you can carve out a place for convenient washing with two bowls.

9. Let the furniture blend into the wall

Do you want the kitchen to “dissolve” into space in a kitchen-living room or studio? Order deaf smooth facades of the headset to match the wall decoration (light shades are the best choice).

Which kitchen is better - straight or corner?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously: it all depends on what habits your family has and what data your apartment has. Based on the feedback from readers of our site and visitors to popular Internet forums, we have drawn the following conclusions:

- Direct linear kitchen more convenient if you need a full dining area or a mini-living room with a sofa

- A small straight headset disciplines: it forces you to regularly get rid of trash and buy only the most necessary things - there is simply nowhere to store useless things.

- A linear set in a kitchen-studio or in a kitchen-living room looks more strict and neat. Especially if the interior is decorated in a minimalist or Scandinavian style. corner kitchen takes up more space and is more conspicuous.

- If you have a lot of small household appliances, you always buy products with a margin and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, choose the corner layout of the headset.

Direct sets for the kitchen-studio

Built-in kitchen in a niche or a linear kitchen with or without a breakfast bar - a good option for the studio.

  • For an apartment with a studio layout, a design project of a direct kitchen with two pencil cases along the edges is well suited: one has a built-in refrigerator, the other has an oven and built-in storage systems.
  • Take a closer look at the projects of kitchens with hanging cabinets in two rows. The first tier can be made to a standard depth (usually 300-350 mm), and the upper mezzanine cabinets can be as deep as the lower cabinets (570-600 mm). Examples are in the photo below:
  • If the studio is very small (19-30 square meters), small straight kitchens up to 2.5 meters long are good. direct layout to small kitchen sometimes only possible variant. Examples in real apartments, see the photo below:

Direct kitchens with a set of 2.5-4 meters

There's enough room for drawers and household appliances, and a block of high column cabinets often allows you to do without wall cabinets.

Rational, convenient in functionality and pleasant in appearance it is quite possible to arrange a kitchen design of 4 square meters. Many believe that in such small-sized rooms there should be no questions about sane design. But, many designers have proven more than once that a beautiful interior can be created even in smaller rooms.

If you use every centimeter of the room, approach the issue of proper furniture placement wisely, then even these few meters will accommodate everything you need.

Space Expansion

Kitchen area 4 sq. m. for many owners is unbearably small. If the presence of a large kitchen in the house is prerequisite, it is worth resorting to the method of expanding the space.

It is necessary to completely rebuild the shape of the room, and for this, completely or partially remove one of the partitions.

Space can be used:

  • corridor;
  • living room;
  • storerooms;
  • balcony.

By arranging the combination of rooms, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen by several additional meters. After combining, you can embed your most interesting ideas into the complexly thought-out and arranged kitchen design of 4 sq. m.

A good way to expand a small space is to remove the door. Instead of doorway you can arrange a three-dimensional arch. For example, if you remove the door between the kitchen and the corridor, you can arrange the design of both rooms in the same way, then the rooms will seem more spacious..

Using the method of expanding the space by removing doors, it is imperative to install a hood in the kitchen - otherwise kitchen odors will spread throughout the apartment.

Due to the peculiarities of the apartment, it is not always possible to expand the kitchen design of 4 meters by removing partitions and removing doors. Then it is necessary to concentrate the main emphasis on the visual expansion of the room.

An excellent effect in this regard is given by:

  • bright hues;
  • smooth transition from one color to another;
  • installation of hanging furniture near the ceiling;
  • refrigerator is not remarkable.

Rational layout

Creating a do-it-yourself kitchen interior design in such a small room is a difficult task even for an experienced designer. Freeing up the necessary centimeters, you have to sacrifice newfangled household appliances and other modern items, which you don’t want to do.

But by equipping the room with everything you need, you can turn it into a warehouse. The limited space does not allow you to properly arrange all the pieces of furniture and household items, so on 4 square meters you can use one of the classic options for a rational layout.


The angular shape of the kitchen set is found in many kitchens with an area of ​​​​4 square meters. m. After looking at the photos of such kitchens, you can understand that the furniture is located between the doorway and the window, and the sink is often located at the door.

The corner of the furniture closest to the doorway must be rounded off, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided when entering the room.

The edges of the tabletop in the corner can also be rounded - a set with streamlined shapes looks more attractive. It is better to install the refrigerator in the edge, near the window. The best place for sink - the short part of the countertop after the corner.

On the opposite side, you can arrange a dining area. With a small width of the tabletop, there should be enough space.

with corner sink

When using a corner kitchen set, the sink can be installed in the very corner of the furniture. The sink should be located at the very edge of the kitchen worktop - if you install the sink closer to the corner, it will be difficult to reach it.

Profitability of the corner location of the sink:

  • there is no restriction in the location of the refrigerator;
  • there is a lot of space for the preparation and cooking area;
  • Plenty of space for kitchen utensils and tools.

When installing a sink in a corner, it is desirable that the short part of the headset is narrower than the long part - this will not play in the sink, but add a few centimeters to the free area.

P - figurative

Not very convenient, but used design option for a small kitchen. When using such an interior, the furniture is located along three sides of the room.

The advantage is that with the right location constituent parts headset, it turns out the ideal arrangement of work areas. To do this, you need to use a working triangle - place the used places in the very corner.

Instructions for the location of work areas in turn:

  • fridge
  • washing
  • plate

It is desirable that between each zone there is a certain amount of countertops, plus, the main countertop is located at the request of the owner.

But, the main working areas are arranged exclusively in the specified order. For example, you cannot place a refrigerator near the stove, only a sink next to the stove and a sink near the refrigerator.

If there is room for a dining area, do not neglect it. But, only if the distance between the table and the kitchen set is more than 1.2 m. A smaller distance is inconvenient for the free movement of two or more people.

with vertical block

When the struggle is for every centimeter, you can use a little trick - a vertical block in the height of the entire room.

Such a block is a narrow but high pencil case, in which several household appliances are assembled at once:

  • oven;
  • microwave;
  • Dishwasher;
  • any other Appliances.

The vertical block does not take up much space, but collects a lot of items that, individually, simply do not fit into the room:

  • It is better to place a vertical block in the far corner of the room - this way it is more distant from the door and does not catch the eye with its size.
  • There is an option to place the block at the beginning of the room - at the door. With this approach, the block is almost invisible, it is a continuation of the corridor. But, the price of using this accommodation option is high - previously free territory is used, which is undesirable.

In a small kitchen, everything, even the most inconspicuous accessories, must carry a functional load.

After watching any video on technical correct location objects in the room, we can draw several conclusions that solve the problem of small size:

  • use only what is necessary;
  • combination of several objects on one part of the area;
  • reducing the depth of furniture;
  • use of small appliances and furniture.


Using all these secrets and tips, you can furnish even the smallest kitchenette profitably and rationally, and at the same time create a pleasant free design.

Tiny kitchens 4 sq. m, the design of which is difficult to develop, is actually an advantage for the hostess. Everything you need is at hand, and cleaning takes very little time. However, many are faced with a lack of space even for the most necessary household appliances. How to rationally use a space of 4 meters, what secrets will visually expand the dimensions of the kitchen

Interior design features

When repairing, you should first of all pay attention to the color and materials that will form the basis for the design of the kitchen. Sometimes the wrong color scheme or wall decoration visually makes the space even smaller than it really is. The following recommendations from designers will help to avoid this.

  1. Choosing flooring for the kitchen 4 sq. m, give preference to laminate. To date, there are many moisture resistant models. It is desirable that the laminate is combined in color with the kitchen set or with the walls. This will make the design of the room harmonious. Give preference to a monophonic coating, avoid large patterns that will make the interior of the kitchen heavier by 4 square meters. m.
  2. Make sure that warm shades prevail in the design: yellow, sand, light green. Dark tones are unacceptable for a small kitchen of 4 square meters. m, because they visually reduce it.
  3. As a material for walls, choose relief plaster or MDF panels. It is better to refuse wallpaper, as they are impractical to use and will look untidy after a few months. The apron can be finished with glossy tiles that are easy to clean.
  4. Multilevel ceilings - perfect solution for spacious kitchens 4 by 4. For small room with an area of ​​4 sq. m fit normal stretch ceiling. It can be glossy or matte depending on the overall concept, design and combination with other elements.
  5. Spot lighting will help to visually lift the ceiling, especially if the bulbs are built in around the perimeter of wall cabinets and inside.
  6. The opening door can be replaced with a sliding or accordion. Visually increase the area of ​​​​the doorway in the form of an arch.

There is also the option of redevelopment. You can combine the kitchen with the living room or with the adjoining balcony. So two separate zones will appear: dining and working, which are separated from each other by a bar counter, flooring or just different colors. Before you decide on such a drastic change, you should take care of the design required documents for redevelopment and its coordination with authorized state bodies. Unauthorized changes can lead to irreparable consequences and threaten with a large fine. In addition, the situation will have to be returned to its original state.

We place household appliances

After thinking through the design, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of household appliances. A 4-burner stove, a two-chamber refrigerator with a freezer, a microwave oven - all this takes up a lot of space. Before starting the repair, you should consider whether it is possible to transfer some of the equipment to the balcony or to a niche in the corridor. If not, then use the following tips.

  • Instead of a 4-burner stove, buy a 2-burner stove. Its dimensions are much smaller, and this will save space.
  • The oven can be placed on the countertop, and the microwave oven can be placed on a hanging shelf. You can also purchase an oven with a microwave function - then instead of two devices you will have one.
  • Pay attention to compact kitchen modules, popular among campers. This module is perfect for home interior. It occupies no more than 120 cm, but it contains all the necessary household appliances - from the stove to the dishwasher.
  • If you reduce the depth of the countertop, there will be more space in the closet. For convenience, the mixer can be positioned not directly, but on the side.
  • If purchased hob and install it so that it is only 20-30 cm wide, this will free up more space for cooking.

A kitchen project is a troublesome business and is usually left to the professionals. In a spacious room, there can be so many design options that it is problematic to cope with this task on your own. It is much easier to fit everything you need on four square meters in practice. This is one of the advantages that distinguishes the design of a small kitchen.

There are several options for placing appliances and furniture in a 4 sq. m.

  1. An L-shaped furniture set is the most convenient and common option if the window is in the middle of the kitchen opposite the door. A two-chamber refrigerator is placed next to the window, to the left - a stove, a corner module with a sink with a built-in shelf for a microwave oven, and wall cabinets and shelves on top. Dining area in the kitchen 4 sq. m with this layout is represented by a folding table and two chairs with high backs.
  2. Another option is a refrigerator by the window, to the left - a sink, a corner tabletop on which you can put a microwave oven, and a stove. Shelves and cabinets are also hinged.
  3. Kitchen interior for 4 sq. meters with a small working area looks something like this: in the opposite corner from the window there is a refrigerator, then a sink and a 2-burner stove. The window sill can be expanded with a large countertop. This option is suitable for those who do not devote much time to cooking. The dining area can be highlighted with a different color scheme and put a full-fledged large table.
  4. A rectangular kitchen of 4 square meters, as a rule, involves placing a sink immediately under the window opposite the door. Left and right are modular units with a built-in stove and refrigerator, as well as hanging shelves at the top. The only negative is the almost complete absence of a dining area.

Thus, a small kitchen of 4 square meters. m - this is not a sentence, but convenience and homeliness.

Photo designs of a small kitchen

Study photos of finished interiors, choose the most suitable design - and turn the dream of a multifunctional kitchen into reality.

The designers of Khrushchev's houses were guided by the goal of saving space for its most dense settlement, and the heirs of the apartments of those times received at their disposal living space, the conditions of which are far from socio-biological standards. Housewives, who are forced to cook and receive guests in micro kitchens, especially suffer from this. Is there a way to increase kitchen area, and how to work out the design of a small kitchen 4 sq. m to make the reorganized room comfortable?

The main challenge for the designer is not only visual expansion, but also a real increase in usable area. It is enough to develop all possible solutions to this problem. difficult task many professionals work, and I must say that their findings can be very effectively implemented in a standard small-sized Khrushchev.

Well-designed space

If you wish, you can place everything you need here…

If you know some design nuances

Is restructuring mandatory - studio layout features

The idea of ​​combining a kitchen with a living room, a balcony or a corridor is the first thing that comes to mind as soon as a decision is made to improve the living environment. How successful such a redevelopment is can be judged by its pluses and minuses.

The distinct advantages include the following points:

  • when combining the kitchen with the next room, the dining area can be taken out of it, getting a full-fledged dining room, as well as a workspace for storing and preparing food;
  • the hostess, while cooking, can communicate with her family or guests in the living room without feeling "locked" in the kitchen;
  • from a little functional non-residential premises, a corridor or a balcony turns into a usable area on which you can place a refrigerator, shelves for storing food and kitchen utensils, or even a dining table;
  • By expanding the kitchen through a balcony or loggia, the issue of its natural lighting is solved - it becomes not only larger, but also much lighter and more comfortable.

It would be advisable to connect this kitchen with another room

Association with a balcony

Association with the hall

However, a major redevelopment is far from an ideal way to solve the problem, since it has several significant drawbacks:

  • any association requires coordination with the BTI, otherwise the apartment cannot be legally sold;
  • the living room actually loses its status as a private one, turning into a walk-through object common use;
  • combining a kitchen with another room is allowed only if it is not gasified;
  • in some regions, any manipulations with the window sill leading to the loggia / balcony are prohibited;
  • it is also impossible to take water heating radiators, kitchen equipment and communications out of the kitchen;
  • it is important to insulate both the loggia and the balcony well, which entails considerable additional costs.

Thus, for those to whom this option is not suitable, there is nothing left but to try to realize the design of your dreams on 4 square meters of the kitchen through some tricks.

The wall between rooms should not be load-bearing.

An alternative wall can be glass sliding door

In place of the demolished wall, the bar counter looks good

Optimal style for a small space

To make it easier for you to choose among the abundance of building materials, finishes and furniture patterns, any reorganization should begin with the choice of the overall style of the room. Armed with photos you like, try to determine which option meets your requirements for comfort and coziness.

On small space design possibilities are significantly limited, so it is easiest to implement one of the following styles here:

  • Country or Provence - the rustic charm inherent in both directions helps to create a measured, benevolent atmosphere with a minimum of investment. Their integral elements are an abundance of textiles and natural wood or its imitations, a lampshade hanging low above the table, floral patterns and prints in a cage, peas, stripes.
  • Hi-tech or minimalism are modern styles that do not overload the space with unnecessary details, obeying a strict ratio of simplicity and functionality. Their implementation in the kitchen will require modern household appliances and innovative Decoration Materials- glass, metal, plastic.

Note! Some styles, such as renaissance, loft, art deco and even classic, require an abundance of decor and massive elements that steal an already scarce space, which means they are not recommended for kitchenettes.

Provence style kitchen project

Modern style easy to implement in such an area

The basics of color: what colors to decorate the interior

You can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room through proper use color palette. A fairly common design technique for changing the perception of space is decorating a room in pastel colors. This really works, because bright colored surfaces make the room cramped, while light surfaces make it spacious.

Check out some professional tips on how you can beat the design of a 4 sq. m. using color and print:

  • you can significantly expand the room if you decorate the ceiling and walls in one color - light blue or any other cold shade;
  • it is advisable to paint low ceilings a couple of tones lighter than walls;
  • the same technique can be used on the far wall to visually lengthen the room;
  • another option for increasing space is to match the shade of the walls to the color of the furniture;
  • you can also enlarge the kitchen by horizontal stripes or a small pattern on the wallpaper.

If you want to combine several colors, then it’s better not to experiment with contrasts, but to combine the noble shades of the palette that are considered win-win: gray-brown, white-cream and sandy-beige. The advantage of these combinations is also that they allow you to subsequently complement the interior with any decor elements made in rich colors.

Juicy orange tone sets the mood

Saturated colors"compress" space

Focus on light colors

Organization of lighting in the micro kitchen

Don't forget about proper lighting: usually in a small kitchen, a special accent in the form of a height-adjustable lampshade or newfangled spots is given to the dining area. It is difficult to mount spotlights on the ceiling of such a modest size, so it would be more correct to replace them with RGB LED strips placed under kitchen cabinets.

Important! It is worth considering local lighting, which is so necessary for the working triangle: it can be additional lighting of the kitchen apron with LEDs, an extractor hood with built-in lamps, interior lighting of cabinets and shelves, and overhead furniture lamps.

Good lighting is important

You can organize the illumination of work surfaces using LED strips

Consolidation wisely - the choice of furniture and technology

Proper layout and scaling are basic ways to organize space. A miniature kitchen implies the maximum functionality of every detail of the interior. With an acute shortage of square meters, all overall elements will have to be sacrificed. However, do not be upset, thinking that the only destiny for 4 meters is a direct kitchen with minimal furnishings. In fact, here, too, can be interesting to turn around.

Layout options

Positioning all elements in a circle

Analysis of different layout options

There are enough options for planning a small kitchen space. Which one to choose depends on several factors:

  • what is the shape of the kitchen (square or rectangular, symmetrical or not);
  • is the dining group located here;
  • where are the electrical outlets and a rigid pipe of the gas pipeline.

The main advantage of a small kitchen is that you do not need to puzzle over the ergonomics of the location of the kitchen triangle - stove, refrigerator and sink, since they are at a minimum distance in any layout, forming a comfortable space. You only have to choose The best way element positioning:

  • corner - universal option, which is successfully implemented even in a small area;
  • U-shaped - gets the right to exist due to the transformation of the window sill into working area or sink;
  • single-row - such a layout, when the kitchen cabinet and appliances are located against the same wall, is quite feasible if the issue of placing the refrigerator away from the stove is resolved;
  • double row - possible only in a long and narrow kitchen, which does not provide a dining area.

Developing the design of a small kitchen for 4 square meters. m, you need to pay attention to the kitchen door: so that it does not “eat up” the usable area, it is rational to install a pivot-sliding, accordion door or compartment door instead of the usual swing door.

Accordion door saves space...

Like a sliding door

Advice! Trying to determine the most ergonomic arrangement of furniture and appliances, use interior design programs that are suitable for ordinary users: KitchenDraw, SweetHome 3D, IKEA HomePlanner, Google Sketchup, PRO100.

Technical innovations for kitchenettes

Thanks to kitchen gadgets, modern housewives have tremendous advantages, but the solution to one problem has given rise to another: in small space it became incredibly difficult to store all the available appliances and utensils. Responding to market needs, manufacturers of appliances and furniture are constantly developing multifunctional models.

Decorative elements in a small kitchen

The interior of the kitchenette can and should be supplemented with contrasting inclusions - they give the "character" to the room. However, purely decorative items should be located where they will not occupy the working space - on the wall, window sill or on the highest shelves. Clocks, miniature vases, a couple of neat paintings or photographs will look appropriate. Remember - the abundance of small things creates the effect of disorder, so do not overdo it with decor!

Mirror in the kitchen is quite appropriate

Micro kitchen design is best developed with a specialist

Advice! In order to maximize the improvement of conditions, it is desirable to invite professional designer, which will not only model the room, but also help bring the project to life.

To make the kitchen look expressive, but at the same time remain spacious, use the following techniques:

  • hanging cupboard doors order from transparent material- glass, acrylic or install shelving instead;
  • make the floor, facade or ceiling of the kitchen glossy - reflecting light, they will visually enlarge the space;
  • do not close the window with a long thick curtain, instead hang a Roman, Austrian or roller blind, for many styles, blinds are also suitable;
  • if you love houseplants, choose varieties with small leaves and flowers.

Video: examples of kitchen design with an area of ​​​​4 square meters. m

Having comprehensively worked out the design of your kitchen, you will see from your own experience that even in a tiny area you can settle comfortably.
