It will definitely need to be increased. In an interior wall made of lightweight material, you can cut an opening of any shape, while an opening in bearing wall requires some attention.

What are the risks. Documentation

Not all factory doors are suitable for installation in an interior opening, which is especially true for those apartments that were built in Soviet time. Only the expansion of the existing opening will save the situation. New door blocks have standard sizes, which greatly distinguishes them from older products that have been in place for several decades.

Great parameters can be height or width. The problem can be solved by functional and decorative arrangement interroom transition. The hole in the wall can be enlarged or reduced. Expanding an opening in a load-bearing wall is not always safe. If you are planning to restore a partition that is not the functional basis of the building, nothing bad will happen. In this case, we are talking about walls made of cellular concrete, drywall or any other building material. But the work can be troublesome when it comes to the need to transfer a metal profile.

If you want to increase the passage in the load-bearing wall, then such a reconstruction will be a redevelopment. Work in this case should be carried out in accordance with a separate project, which contains an engineering calculation of the redistribution of loads on the floor after the amount of changes made. When expanding the opening in the bearing wall, some documents should be collected that are prescribed by regional requirements. This should include:

  • documentation for the ownership of housing;
  • a certificate from the local BTI;
  • extract from the house book;
  • reconstruction plan from an architectural organization;
  • floor plan of the building;
  • plan of all stages of work.

Ultimately, the decision to increase the passage can be a real red tape. This list of documents is necessary not for show, but for the safety of people who live in and around the apartment. If the load-bearing partition is unauthorized damaged, this can lead to the collapse of the wall and the collapse of part of the house. It is worth avoiding irreparable consequences by strengthening the opening.

Expansion parameter calculations

If you have a door structure that can fit a hole in the wall, you can calculate the exact parameters. You should not cut an opening by eye, it is necessary to carry out an accurate marking. You must measure the width and height of the existing door, the width and thickness of the door frame that comes with the kit.

In the next step, you will need to find out what is the width of the platbands that you plan to install. It is important to choose the right threshold and measure its height. It may not exist. Before you start expanding the opening in the load-bearing wall, you need to determine the width of the passage, which will be made up of the thickness of the frame rack, the width of the door leaf and technological gaps on each side of 2 cm. You can determine the height of the doorway by adding the height of the sill to the thickness of the box . The technological gap should be added to the obtained value.

Typically, the wall thickness is 75 mm. If other indicators are available, add extensions when the walls are wider. An alternative solution would be to purchase a box with a narrow beam. Before proceeding with the expansion of the opening in the bearing wall, measurements and markings should be carried out, carrying out work with high accuracy. If the gaps are taken with a margin, they may not cover wide trim when decorative trim.

Calculation of the arch according to state standards

If you want to remove the arched vault when moving into an adjacent room, it will not be possible to avoid widening the passage. Before you make an arched opening, you should carry out its calculation. The opening can be of any type of configuration. The shape of the arched vault can be any, while the curved bend can be attributed to a creative look.

When arranging an opening in a load-bearing wall, it will be more difficult to make a classic-shaped arch with a correct bend of 45 cm, so you need to stock up on certain equipment for making calculations on a scale of 1 to 50. Paper and compasses should be highlighted among improvised tools and materials.

When calculating, you will need to use the Pythagorean theorem from the school curriculum: R² = L² + (R²-H²). The well-known formula of Pythagoras made it possible to derive, and for the masters of the construction area, to use the formula for calculating the radius of the circle of the arch in the opening. You will have to use the calculation based on the following formula: R = L² + H²/2H.

To determine the radius of the arch, you can use simpler, but not entirely accurate calculations. To do this, a doorway of extended dimensions is depicted on paper. Previously, a piece of wallpaper was used for this. After that, a compass should be installed on the axis of symmetry and, by changing the radius, draw several arcs. So you can pick best option, the remaining radii are then erased.

Where to begin

Before making an opening in the bearing wall, dismantle the old door structure and reinforce the opening. If work is carried out in the old panel house, then the reinforcement can be done after the concrete has been cut. As for brick openings, they require special attention. When manipulating a brick wall, certain tools and materials should be prepared, such as:

  • tie bolts;
  • tie channel;
  • hairpins;
  • metal corners;
  • steel plates;
  • cement mortar;
  • petrol cutter;
  • electric drill;
  • grinder.

The tie bolts must have a diameter of 20 mm. The diameter of the studs is 16 mm. Steel plates should be made from sheet steel. Instead of a grinder, you can use an electric cutter or a power cutter. Diamond wheels should be prepared for the angle grinder. Concrete can be cut with a variety of tools, but diamond cutting is the most suitable option.

You will need jacks or props for the period of work. When you need to cut a brick wall, you should also prepare a perforator. The class of material used for reinforcement and the section of the beam should be determined during preliminary load calculations.

The resulting figures should be included in the design documentation for the redevelopment of the premises. The profile of the steel channel should be about 25 cm thick in the brick wall. Taking this into account, its length is selected. To install the tie bolts, holes are made in the channel, there must be at least 3 of them. This will be enough for an opening of medium length. Ties along the channel are located at a distance of 50 cm.

Carrying out dismantling works

Before installing a doorway in a load-bearing wall, first you need to create markings on a plane. The process will be somewhat easier if you use diamond cutting. An excellent option would be circles that reach a cut depth of up to 10 cm. During operation, the walls are wetted with water, which will reduce dust formation. It is important to remember about security measures, namely:

  • protective suit;
  • respirator;
  • gloves
  • special glasses.

The device of the doorway in the bearing wall provides for two-sided operation. It will be necessary to cut out from different sides due to the massiveness of the partition. Before dismantling, the opening is strengthened. The best option to increase the reliability of the partition of the bearing value will be the use of welded frames, which are pulled together with studs through the walls.

When expanding a doorway in a concrete load-bearing wall, work in small areas in the form of squares or rectangles. In brick partitions, a through cut is usually made, while the blocks themselves must be knocked down with a puncher, after which you can use a sledgehammer if necessary. If we are talking about concrete, you should not use a hammer drill for it. Vibration can be destructive to the panel, leading to microcracks and weakening the entire structure. Brick walls require a different approach.

Additional opening requirements and standards

Before you start increasing the opening in the load-bearing wall, you must figure out in which building the work is being carried out. If the building is block or panel, but was not designed by MNIITEP or Mosproektul, then the doorway can be made. But there will be certain requirements for it.

For example, the opening must be removed from outer wall or from an existing opening in a load-bearing wall at a distance of 1 m. When making an opening in a load-bearing wall, craftsmen quite often ask themselves what the width of the box should be. Usually this value is 900 mm. Rarely, and in some series, the opening width ranges from 1000 to 1200 mm. However, this value must not be exceeded.

If you started expanding the doorway in the load-bearing wall, and the building was designed by MNIITEP, then such work may be prohibited if the apartment is located on the first or second floor. This is due to the fact that in these cases the remaining sections of the wall will not comply with the load strength calculations from the higher floors. MNIITEP can allow and execute the expansion of a doorway in a load-bearing wall in only one partition. From this it should be concluded that the possibilities of the opening device and its location, as well as the dimensions, will be determined by the organization that is the author of the project.

The property owner will have to obtain a technical opinion on the safety and admissibility of redevelopment. Based on the conclusion and project documentation, the relevant approval authority will issue a permit for repairs. When expanding the opening in a brick load-bearing wall, SNiP 3.03.01-87 should be used, which specifies the requirements for enclosing and supporting structures.

Expansion methods and features of work

To expand the opening, you can use one of several methods. The method can be rough, in this case the following are used:

  • sledgehammer;
  • perforator;
  • jackhammer.

At the first stage, it is necessary to outline the contours on the wall, and then use the tools to knock off excess material. Such a process is quite laborious, and microcracks formed due to shock loading can cause a decrease in the strength of the wall. Enlargement of the opening in the load-bearing wall can be carried out using the dry cutting method. Here you need a grinder, with which it is quite simple to enlarge the opening along the intended contour. The disadvantage of this process is that the wall should be cut on both sides.

Dry cutting generates a lot of dust, and you will also experience rapid wear of the diamond blade. Cutting may also be wet. This method is accompanied by the use of a spray gun, with which you can irrigate the surface while working with an angle grinder. It would be more rational to use a construction cutter with diamond disc. It must have a large diameter. Additional water tank should be used.

What to consider before starting work

Before enlarging a doorway in a load-bearing wall, you must ensure that there are no hidden wiring, pipes, or fittings inside the partition. Perhaps there is a chimney inside. In order to obtain detailed information, you should use a metal detector. When any obstacles are found, they can be removed by moving the electrical wiring to another location or stepping back from the chimney 300 mm. If there are pipes inside, they are dismantled and transferred, but this will require the help of a specialist.

The main stages of increasing the opening

The redevelopment of the opening in the bearing wall at the first stage involves the removal of extensions and platbands with the help of a nail puller. It is necessary to remove the canvas from the hinges by lifting it from below with a crowbar. Vertical racks must be cut with a grinder and torn off with a nail puller. If the height of the opening in the bearing wall is increased, the upper lintel must be torn off. Otherwise, it is left in place.

The contour of the increase should be marked around the perimeter. Holes are made along the marking line with an impact drill to simplify dismantling. On each side, you need to cut the panel. After cutting the reinforcement with a sledgehammer, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the wall. The opening should be reinforced with metal corners, pieces of rod or planks.


Now you know the parameters of the maximum opening in the bearing wall. But this is not enough for successful work. For example, if you want to work with a brick wall, then you need to exclude its collapse. A floor beam should be installed above the doorway. A reinforced concrete beam or a metal channel can be used as it. On top of the opening, you need to cut through niches by going to the walls. A beam is laid there. All voids above and below it are filled with concrete mortar.

As soon as the concrete hardens, you can expand the opening. To do this, using a cutter, cut through the brickwork along the contour. The opening to be cut must be smaller than the beam installed on top. The cutter should be directed perpendicular to the wall. If you want to move the opening in the load-bearing wall, then you will need to cut it on both sides, because the partition has a thickness of more than 10 cm.

Repair of an apartment is often accompanied by a change in size or transfer of door and window openings. Expansion of the existing opening is also required when replacing old door to a modern one, often not matching in size with a previously installed door.

We immediately note that the extension doorways is a redevelopment, and must be agreed with the relevant departments of the housing inspection. Such work, performed without special calculations for the redistribution of the load in load-bearing structures, leads not only to penalties, but also to the likely collapse of the wall and bringing the house into disrepair.

In block houses modern building openings are not allowed to be widened. The blocks carry the load along the entire perimeter, so their redevelopment will lead to a violation of the calculated load parameters and distortion of the structure geometry.

The opening must exactly match the dimensions new door, so you need to correctly determine its size. You need to make the following measurements:

  • Height and width of the new door.
  • Thickness and width of the door frame.
  • Casing sizes.
  • Threshold height.

The width of the opening is the sum of the width door leaf, the thickness of the racks of the box, the size of the technological gaps. If the width of the box is less than the thickness of the wall in which the passage is arranged, then additional elements will have to be mounted.

The height of the opening is calculated by adding the height of the sill, the height of the door, the thickness of the box and the size of the gap. The marking of the opening on the wall is carried out with great accuracy, so that when decorating the door, the platbands completely cover the technological gaps.

Horizontal reinforcement of openings

The expansion of openings in load-bearing walls, as well as in brick partitions, is performed with mandatory reinforcement metal profile. Openings in concrete walls can be strengthened after the dismantling of the wall is completed, brick partitions are strengthened before disassembling the bricks in order to prevent the collapse of the upper rows.

Channel beams are used as amplifiers. The corner profile can be used in brick partitions that are not load-bearing and to strengthen the vertical parts of the openings. Consider strengthening the opening in a brick wall as the most common operation.

First, in accordance with the redevelopment project, the future contour of the opening is marked on the wall. The top line of the opening should coincide with the masonry seam. Holes are drilled through the wall at the corners of the contour, and the same markings are made along them on the other side of the wall.

Next, proceed to the device channel jumper. To do this, grooves (strobes) are cut in the wall, corresponding in size to the metal profile. The gates should protrude beyond the edges of the opening by 0.5 m in both directions, since according to the rules, the width of the crossbar must exceed the width of the opening by at least 1 m.

Holes for the tie bolts are pre-drilled in the metal profile. The channel is inserted into the prepared grooves and fixed with cement mortar. After the mortar has hardened, the wall is drilled through the holes in the beam, the wall is ditched on the other side, and the channel beam is also mounted. Both profiles are connected with steel studs.

After the installation of the horizontal crossbar, 2-3 rows of bricks are dismantled under it and steel plates are welded to the beams for final reinforcement. The installation of the jumper is completed, you can begin to disassemble the masonry.

Vertical reinforcement of openings

When expanding doorways in load-bearing walls, additional reinforcement is made with vertical metal posts, especially if the width of the opening is more than 1.5 m.

For the device of vertical racks, pairs of channel profiles are used, which are connected with threaded fasteners and steel plates. The vertical reinforcement is welded to the horizontal web to create a rigid structure.

Channels for vertical strengthening of the opening are mounted in the same way as a horizontal metal crossbar.

Reinforcing the opening with a corner profile

The expansion of doorways in interior brick partitions that are not load-bearing can be reinforced with a corner metal profile. For the corners, deep wall chasing is not required, it is enough to make grooves into which the shelves will fully fit.

The opening is strengthened on both sides of the wall, connecting the crossbars and racks with studs in increments of no more than 30 cm (at least 3 studs are used in any case). As with the reinforcement with a channel profile, the vertical corners are welded to the horizontal lintel.

Dismantling walls when expanding the opening

It is permissible to dismantle a concrete wall before strengthening. Concrete is removed by marking in small square or rectangular pieces. Preliminarily, holes are drilled along the marked lines in increments of 3-4 cm, then they are connected to each other, cutting the wall with a grinder with a concrete disc.

The center of the concrete squares is struck with a hammer, knocked out of the wall and carefully removed. If the wall is reinforced, then the released reinforcement is cut off with a grinder saw. During dismantling, props or jacks are used.

Expansion of existing openings in concrete walls should not be carried out with a jackhammer or a powerful hammer drill, as the strong vibrations of the tool cause resonance in the thickness of the wall and break the bonds between concrete and reinforcement, which leads to cracking and weakening of the structure. After dismantling the section of the concrete wall, the opening is reinforced with a metal profile.

The brick wall near the opening is disassembled after the reinforcing structure is installed. Bricks are removed carefully so as not to cause collapse. The dismantling of the wall begins from above, from the reinforcing lintel.

First, the masonry mortar is removed from the joints with a perforator or drill with a flat nozzle, then the bricks are removed or broken into small pieces with a chisel and hammer. The contour of the opening is cut off with a grinder. If the dismantling area is large, then you can clean the opening along the contour, and break the inside of the masonry with a sledgehammer.

When openings are widened, a lot of dust is generated, so all work is carried out in a closed work suit, a respirator and goggles.

Window opening expansion

Changing the size of window openings is carried out using tools of shock-dynamic impact (perforators, drills, etc.) or by diamond cutting.

Window openings, as well as doorways, need to be reinforced if they are located in load-bearing walls. First, the old window box is dismantled and the outline of the new opening is marked on the wall. Then beat off the extra pieces of the wall with a sledgehammer or puncher.

When using a perforator, concrete wall cracks may appear, reducing its strength. Therefore, the expansion of openings in panel houses is best done by diamond cutting. In addition, after diamond cutting, the contours of the opening remain smooth and do not require additional processing.

The side parts of the new opening are sealed with cement mortar or other plaster material. After completion of work, you can install a new window.

Offers from MosKomplekt

The expansion of openings, like any redevelopment, requires special care in execution and vocational training. Our company has been building and repairing private houses and public buildings for more than 7 years. Contact us and we will carry out work on the reconstruction of door and window openings in your apartment with high quality.

Our prices

The table shows approximate prices for the widening of openings in concrete and brick walls using manual diamond cutting. The final cost of the work is determined after assessing the complexity and conditions of the work.

Wall thickness, cmUnit rev.Price, rub
concrete walls
up to 10 cmp.m.from 750
11-12 cmp.m.from 950
13-15 cmp.m.from 1750
16-18 cmp.m.dated 1945
19-20 cmp.m.from 2400
21-22 cmp.m.from 2950
23-24 cmp.m.from 3540
25-28 cmp.m.from 3900
29-35 cmp.m.from 4450
36-40 cmp.m.from 4780
brick walls
1/4 brick (6-8 cm)p.m.from 550
1/2 brick (12.5 cm)p.m.from 740
1 brick (25 cm)p.m.from 1450
1.5 bricks (37-40 cm)p.m.from 2430
2 bricks (50 cm)p.m.from 3450
3 bricks (75 cm)p.m.

When replacing a door or arranging an opening in the form of an arch, it may be necessary to expand it. If a light partition between rooms is being reconstructed, drywall or similar material from which it is made can be cut and sawn as you like. This will not affect the strength of the building. Another thing is load-bearing walls, damage to which can lead to irreparable consequences. Any reconstruction of them must be carried out in accordance with a separate project containing the calculation of the redistribution of the load after the changes.

Calculation of the dimensions of the arched lintel.

How to start dismantling?

First, it is required to strengthen the openings in the bearing walls. In concrete buildings, it can be carried out after the work is completed, but brick buildings must be taken care of at the very beginning in order to prevent its destruction. To do this, set at the top metal beam, under which a niche is sawn in the masonry. Its depth is about half a brick. All voids above and below the beam are filled with concrete mix.

IN preparatory work and directly to increase the opening, the following materials and tools are used:

Scheme of insulation and reinforcement of a wooden door.

  • steel channel (beam with a cross section in the shape of the letter "P");
  • tie bolts 20 mm or metal studs 16 mm in diameter;
  • steel plates (sheet steel);
  • metal corner;
  • cement mortar;
  • electric drill;
  • electric cutter, power cutter or grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • jacks or other props for the duration of work;
  • perforator (only for bricks).

Holes for tie bolts are pre-drilled in the channels, at least 3 pieces. The distance between them should be at least 50 cm. The length of the channel is selected so that it enters 25-35 cm into the brick walls on both sides of the opening. The required section of the beam used, as well as the class of metal from which it must be made, is determined in the load calculations and included in the redevelopment project.

Related article: Living room interior planning

How to strengthen the structure?

Scheme of the device of the door frame.

Brick buildings require a particularly careful approach. In a pre-sawn niche, even before expanding the opening, it is necessary to fix the channel (best of all on cement mortar). Through the holes in it, the wall is drilled through.

Then, on the opposite side, a second channel with holes is installed in the same way. The beams are coupled to each other by coupling bolts or studs having washers and nuts on both sides. Further work can be done only after the solution has completely hardened.

To prevent the brick from collapsing from above, the channels are connected along the lower shelves, for which steel plates 5-6 mm thick are welded to them. Their pitch should be approximately equal to the pitch of the tie bolts.

If the new width of openings in brick walls exceeds 1.5 m, they should be reinforced with vertical posts. They are also made from steel strips, which are welded to the lower shelves of the channels. Vertical racks, in turn, need to be interconnected by transverse plates inside the opening.

The most reliable is the design, consisting of two welded frames. Frames can be made from channels. They are placed on both sides of the opening, and then pulled together with studs through the load-bearing walls.

This method of reinforcement is the most expensive, therefore, it is necessary to resort to it only if the opening is expanded to a greater height. It can also be recommended for heavy loads, especially on the lower floors of multi-storey buildings.

Features of the dismantling of concrete and brick walls

Scheme of the channel to strengthen the opening.

Cuts should be made according to pre-made markings. Both the handheld electric cutter and the power cutter are equipped with a diamond wheel sufficient for a cut depth of up to 10 cm.

These tools provide constant wetting during operation, minimizing the formation of dust.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation "Chapter 4. RECONSTRUCTION AND RE-PLANNING OF PREMISES IN AN APARTMENT BUILDING", as well as Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508 PP ( download resolution in .pdf), any changes in a brick or concrete load-bearing wall are redevelopment and are almost always subject to strengthening, with the necessary approvals, permits and changes to the BTI plan.

However, it is often necessary to run an extension to install front door by a few centimeters. How to be in this case? Based on our experience, apartment owners order these works without approval.

At the same time, an important note should be made if you decide to carry out work without a project and coordination - do not do it yourself, then you can avoid unforeseen and unpleasant situations. This is important when you need to expand the doorway in a panel house, for example, in the concrete wall of an apartment of the p-44 series or aerated concrete wall, since these house structures are prefabricated (constructor). This is especially dangerous for a doorway in a brick wall.


Window magnification good way add light to your living space. In practice, the expansion of a window opening in a brick wall differs significantly from openings in a panel or monolithic house.

During construction, a beam or lintel made of concrete or metal (corner, channel) is laid above each opening on top of the window. The purpose of this beam is to hold the brickwork and redistribute the load. If this is not taken into account, with an increase in the opening, cracking is possible, and in some cases, the collapse of the brickwork.

Initially, it is necessary to investigate the design of the window, obtain data on the type of beam and its dimensions. The extension is made by installing a new, longer beam / lintel and dismantling the old one.

In progress overhaul a situation may arise when the dimensions of the old opening for installing new, stylish, wide doors are clearly too small. If manipulations are interior partition, there will be no special problems - there will be no detrimental consequences from such a local reconstruction and the work can be done independently.

However, if the property owners planned to implement a project for expansion of openings in load-bearing walls, it is advisable to enlist the help of qualified performers. The main feature of the load-bearing wall is to ensure the safety and integrity of the overall structure of the building, so any destructive impacts can lead to an undesirable outcome.

When, without widening an existing opening standard sizes not enough:

  • In the process of redevelopment of the apartment;
  • When it is urgent to replace old and install new window and door structures;
  • If you choose the wrong approach and the wrong technique, the appearance of cracks and other internal defects in the wall will not take long.

Team of Responsible professional specialists comprehensive approach to solving these issues.


  1. Departure to the object;
  2. Conducting an initial inspection of the opening with a choice best way dismantling;
  3. Coordination of the selected technological procedure with the customer (with additional recommendations);
  4. Direct execution of plans repair work within a clearly defined time frame with a guarantee of quality;
  5. Installation of reinforcing metal structures (if necessary);
  6. Complete elimination of the consequences of the repair.

When bringing large furniture or bulky equipment into the room.

Today, diamond cutting is the best solution for sawing concrete and brick walls. Impactless impact on the surface allows you to maintain the nominal strength of the wall, achieve the ideal geometry of the opening and practically get rid of the dust spreading throughout the room.

Due to the observance of building codes and safety rules at the facility, competent craftsmen are able to expand almost any opening with further reinforcement using a metal frame.


Takes into account individual parameters:

  • The size of the cut fragments;
  • The complexity of the work;
  • Quantity running meters cut;
  • The need to use special equipment;
  • Construction debris removal, etc.

To conduct an accurate calculation of the final cost, it is better to contact the manager-consultant of the repair and construction organization and settle all your questions over the phone. If the thickness of the brick or concrete wall does not exceed 25 cm, experienced craftsmen use a hand cutter, and a powerful hydraulic wall saw may be required to eliminate thick-walled sections.

It is important to understand that only true professionals can guarantee the safety and efficiency of the entire range of work. First-class experts, according to a well-thought-out algorithm, will dismantle wall structures as soon as possible.

Pay special attention to strengthening the opening

To strengthen the opening in a brick wall, in a special niche above the opening, a strong reinforced concrete beam or metal channel is installed. Used to fill in voids concrete mortar. In order for the protective frame of steel corners to be reliable and durable and form an integral structure, it is connected with brickwork with anchor bolts.

According to an identical scheme, the opening in the bearing concrete wall is reinforced. The only difference in technological process is the lack of pre-reinforcement with corners - it is enough to install rolled metal around the perimeter. If the room does not have fine finish- a construction site, a reconstructed object, then - this is perfect option. In a residential building, it is advisable to use more gentle methods, using construction vacuum cleaner to eliminate dust and provide waterproofing, which will prevent possible leakage of coolant to the lower floors.

December 16, 2017
