Interior finishing is a complex task that includes roughing and finishing work.

At the stage of rough work, the following is performed:
  • - floor screed and waterproofing;
  • - alignment (if necessary) of walls and ceiling;
  • - primer, plaster, putty;
  • - installation of gypsum boards;
  • - if necessary - other works.
  • At this stage, the surface of building structures is prepared for further fine finishing. The correctness of the rough work largely determines the final result of the finish, its aesthetics, durability.

    The clean finish includes:

  • -Glass works. This category includes not only the glazing of windows, balconies, verandas, but also the creation of internal glass building structures, for example, partitions.
  • - Plastering works. At the stage of fine finishing, they are performed using decorative compositions. Part decorative plaster includes special additives, stone chips, etc., allowing you to create relief and colored surfaces.
  • - Facing work. Performed using tiles and sheet materials. High-quality cladding - aesthetic, practical, durable. Depending on the decorative and construction tasks, materials of different types can be used to finish one surface.
  • -Painting works. Lacquer-and-lacquer compositions are applied to the finished surfaces. This coating prevents the development metal structures, protects wood from biological destruction. The requirements for the painting work performed depend on the purpose of the room to be finished. Simple painting is acceptable for storage, utility and secondary premises. More stringent requirements are imposed on the quality of the paintwork in residential, administrative, and office premises. Such coloring is complex, with a large number of operations included in the technological process.
  • -Clean flooring. At this stage, mounted flooring. Depending on the type and purpose of the premises, the features of the project and the requirements of SNiP, a board (solid, WPC), parquet, laminate, linoleum, tile, etc. is used.
  • The quality of finishing is regulated by standards and codes of practice. It directly depends on a whole range of components: the experience of the masters, careful incoming control building materials(including laboratory testing), compliance technological process and building codes, cooperation with subcontractors.

    Tendering is the main component of the competition between companies operating in the construction services market. Through bidding, any company can participate in a transparent auction process and get not only a reliable customer, but also an excellent reputation. Participation in the tender requires careful preparation: the contestants must not only collect Required documents, but to develop a whole program that will make it easy to resolve the issue of how to win a tender for repairs.

    Studying documents

    The chance of winning the tender primarily depends on how the contestant prepared for the future event. Preparation means the preparation of tender documents for the organizer of the auction and careful familiarization with the rules of participation. Before the start of the tender, the customer sends out an invitation (brief) to all participants. In it, the contestant will find basic information:

    • timing of the tender;
    • the parameters by which the winner will be selected;
    • conditions applicable to all bidders;
    • form of drawing up an application-proposal;
    • information about the customer and his company;
    • the task that the winner must cope with, the expected result from future cooperation.

    How to win a tender for repairs?

    To become a worthy competitor among the rest of the auction participants, the competing company should clearly understand how the tender is conducted and how the winner is selected. Those who are determined to win are obliged to try to meet all the requirements of the customer, prescribed in the tender documentation. Often, customers set the same conditions for the contestants:

    • high speed of repair work;
    • excellent quality of work of builders;
    • complete security;
    • Availability modern equipment required for repair work.

    Along with this, you need to think in advance about the cost of a future order. This amount should not exceed the price set by the customer before the start of the auction.

    An important point in deciding how to win tenders for repairs is the preparation of documents for the tender, which must fully comply with the requirements of the tender organizer and the norms of Russian legislation. In cases where the contestant has made mistakes in filling out the documentation or in drawing up the application for participation, the request will be rejected. The executing company will not receive permission to participate in the auction.

    It happens that the customer does not name the amount that he has for repair work, and therefore, the contestants should independently draw up an estimate. It includes:

    • material prices,
    • possible costs,
    • overall cost of the work.

    Correctly drawn up estimates become the main factor that affects the victory in the auction. Often, the proposed prices are considered by the organizing committee of the auction in the first place. Already on their basis, the winner of the competition can be determined.

    If the customer is a large enterprise, then the tender for repairs is carried out in several stages.

    1. At the first stage of the auction, all insignificant competing companies and unsuitable offers are eliminated.
    2. At the second stage, the participants who have passed the selection meet with the customer in person and try to convince him that it is their organization that will perfectly cope with the tasks set. According to the results of such a “face-to-face round”, the winners are determined, so the contestants must prepare well for it.

    This article will cover the basic steps to win. repair tenders and construction according to 44 Federal Laws, as well as the risks associated with participation in procedures of this kind and the main points that newcomers to the state order should focus on.

    Here are the main types repair tenders for which electronic auctions are held:

    • repair tenders and construction of buildings and structures;
    • repair tenders roads and adjacent territories;
    • repair tenders roofs, porches and facades;
    • repair tenders machinery, vehicles and equipment...

    So, according to the data for 2014, more than 60 percent of all funds under the state order were spent on procedures for the construction and repair of premises, buildings and roads. Our customers have three questions in this regard:

    1. Your chances of winning in electronic auctions on construction topics according to our practice are 50-60 percent (our partners, to whom we apply for tenders, win 60 percent of auctions). Only two things can stop you:

    • rejected Form 2 (requirements for technical specifications materials, that is, non-compliance with part 3 of Art. 66 FZ 44). The preparation of Form 2 should be done by experienced professionals or third parties, it's up to you.
    • Competitor's price offer. In the event that the preparation of Form 2 was successful, you may face a demotion, the victim of which you will fall. The probability of such an alignment is very significant.

    Please note that the Customer has only one way to "drag" his supplier - this is the preparation of such Form 2, which will not be filled by the maximum number of potential participants. Orders t repair tenders- this is a springboard for prescribing such requirements for materials that filling in these requirements in accordance with 44 FZ becomes very laborious. This could be the amount of steel in the curbstone, or a requirement for temperature range, barrel length, or coefficient of variation in the tensile strength of the asphalt mix. In general, the obstacle in the form of the first part of applications for practice is more important to overcome than competition, therefore, if you decide to start participating in construction tenders, then start by finding a person with straight hands to fill out quality requirements for materials.

    2. For winning orders and repair tenders necessary:

    • Have SRO permits, accreditation for federal ETP, have no tax debts, have an EDS;
    • Have financial resources to ensure participation in the tender and ensure obligations to fulfill the contract (bank guarantee or loan);
    • Have a partner or employee who can competently fill out Form 2;
    • Carefully and timely follow up construction related purchases according to 44 Federal Law;
    • Ability to complete contract work in a timely and quality manner.

    One of the most popular bands at the moment.

    The tender is the simplest and convenient way choose a contractor on favorable terms for you and at a price that is acceptable to you, taking into account the volume and complexity. Tender for repairs You can name any kind of work, from the restoration of an old building in the center of a large city to the refurbishment of your kitchen, so the market for such transactions is quite large.

    The key to a successful and profitable repair tender for you is proper preparation, therefore, below we will consider the main points that should be paid attention to when preparing tender documentation and announcing a tender.

    The first and at the same time decisive step is to determine the form of the tender. by the most accessible way is to conduct a tender through one of the virtual trading platforms on the Internet. The advantage of this method is that you can quickly go through all the stages of the tender regulated by law remotely, doing your own business, the main thing is that you always have access to the network. You can also submit a project to the trading exchange. In this case, the procedure will require sensitive control, but you can probably avoid the bureaucratic formalities associated with the preparation of tender documents.

    In advance of publication repair tender you should write answers to a number of questions that potential performers will certainly have. It is better if they are prepared in advance. This will help to avoid accidental errors, inaccuracies and save a lot of time.

    Repair tenders

    Among such points, it is worth highlighting the purpose of the tender announcement, its cost, the scope of the proposed work, tender requirements, deadlines, selection criteria for applicants and the deadline for submitting applications. Based on this data, in the future you will be able to draw up a draft announcement, it is important not to forget to add the contact details of the customer to the technical data of the project, so that the proposed performers can freely submit applications within the specified time frame and contact you to clarify any details that may be not fully reflected in the project. Also, in the block of requirements for the contractor, it would be appropriate to indicate the information that you want to know about the applicants, for example, work experience or examples of previous projects.

    In the future, you will be able to select the most interesting applications and, after discussing them with the project manager or investor, make a decision and hold a personal meeting with one or more applicants for the final approval of the contractor, the conclusion of an appropriate contract for work and clarification of all details.

    Construction and repair and Finishing work are always in high demand. Orders and tenders for the construction and repair of various facilities are announced almost daily in Russia. We have researched the market and collected some industry statistics.

    In 2015, more than 5,000 tenders for repairs and finishing were announced, and the total amount of all contracts amounted to 9.1 billion rubles. The analysis showed that 10,100 participants were involved in tenders for repair and construction work, including 3,513 regular customers and 3,262 regular suppliers. As for the tenders themselves repair work, then the average cost of one is 1.8 million rubles, and the average price drop during the auction reaches 12.72%. At the same time, not all suppliers received permission, but only 95.18%. In terms of the ratio of the number of contractors to the number of orders, the average indicator is 2.02 suppliers per contract. It should be noted that only 56.99% of customers required the enforcement of the contract.

    Statistics by region

    The most active bidders in this industry were:

    • Moscow - 6.5%
    • St. Petersburg - 5.5%
    • Moscow region - 4.5%
    • Krasnodar region - 3,7%
    • Sverdlovsk region - 3.3%
    • Krasnoyarsk region - 3,2%
    • Chelyabinsk region - 3.2%
    • Bashkortostan - 3.1%
    • Perm Territory - 2.8%

    The largest amounts of contracts were noted in the following subjects:

    • Moscow - 22.1%
    • St. Petersburg - 9.5%
    • Moscow region - 5.1%
    • Vologda Oblast - 3.8%
    • Krasnodar Territory - 3%
    • Samara region - 3%
    • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 2.7%
    • Tatarstan - 2.5%
    • Sakhalin region - 2.4%


    The following dynamics are observed here: the 1st quarter of 2015 is characterized by a lull, but since April the number of tenders for finishing work has increased sharply from 9 to 631 and reaches a peak in May - 745 orders worth 1.5 billion rubles. Then there is a gradual decline until July (270 tenders) and a new peak in September - 520 orders for 1.2 billion rubles. In autumn, a new drop in demand is noted, and the third peak falls on December - more than 800 million rubles for executed contracts.

    • Sberbank-AST - 41,408 tenders in the amount of 163,379,153 thousand rubles
    • RTS tender - 15,325 tenders for the amount of 99,961,459 thousand rubles
    • Roseltorg - 12,359 tenders in the amount of 66,022,345 thousand rubles
    • ETP "MICEX-IT" - 4,650 tenders for the amount of 39,132,807 thousand rubles
    • Electronic Trading System - 2,259 tenders in the amount of 28,383,966 thousand rubles
    • FABRIKANT.RU - 1,598 tenders for the amount of 16,963,619 thousand rubles
    • Group of sites B2B - 2,807 tenders in the amount of 10,123,145 thousand rubles


    In 2015, the largest orders were received from Gazprom, the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops as part of the Russian Oboronstroy, Mosinzhproekt, Avtodor, the Ministry of Energy, Spetsstroytekhnologii, Rosneft, and others.

    Up-to-date and free announcements of tenders for the repair of buildings and structures, including apartments, promptly appear on this site. You can track them yourself or subscribe to the newsletter.
