Shalamova O.V., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, (supervisor)

Department of Economics, Management and Investments

FGBOU VPO "South Ural State University”, Chelyabinsk


This article discusses and analyzes the main provisions of logistics processes in the construction industry. The article gives the concept of a logistics system, gives a description of the construction industry. The article also presents the main tasks of the subsystems of material and production support for construction organizations, reveals the essence of the implementation of logistics concepts for individual stages of the construction process. The impact of effective logistics management on the financial condition of the enterprise is shown.

Keywords: Logistics system, logistics processes, logistics management, construction industry, efficient logistics management.

A logistics system is a system for managing logistics processes, with feedback operating in a single multi-level structure, with a single resource distribution center according to established criteria for the effectiveness of their use.

In other words, this is a system that allows you to ensure the implementation of logistics operations with goods or products with optimal costs for their movement throughout the supply chain in the process of achieving business goals and plans.

To use the logistics service as a strategic tool, the organization needs to clearly control its costs and sources of profit, and the service itself needs to build supply chains that would be consistent with the overall business strategy.

Fragmentation and decentralization of logistics management very often hinders the efficiency of material flows in a global business environment. But there is also no system that could reach the peak of its potential without effective tools for measuring and regulating the performance of the logistics system.

Considering the logistics processes in the construction industry, we note that the construction industry is characterized by:

General properties that apply to all segments of capital construction, for example, attachment to a land plot, long-term implementation period construction works, large initial expenses and other similar factors;

The difference between construction and other segments of the market. Construction and installation organizations that carry out construction work in the housing and civil sector most often operate in local markets, while organizations that operate within the framework of industrial construction work belong to regional markets, since they serve the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If we consider the market for the industry of building structures and technical means, we can conclude that this market has an interregional sphere of influence.

The modern economy requires a complete revision of the cooperation between the participants in the construction process. To a greater extent, this concerns the material support of construction activities. The current situation in the construction industry required manufacturers to building materials increasing the level of organization of sales of finished products, and from customers - minimizing the cost of their purchase and delivery to their destination.

The main tasks of the subsystems of material and production support for construction organizations are:

Timely provision of the construction process with the required raw material of proper quality and the required volume;

Creating a favorable environment for the effective use of material resources, which consists of:

In increasing human resources by increasing labor productivity;

In the change in the rate of return on assets and turnover of current assets;

In control of uniform and uninterrupted operation;

At its best secondary materials during subsequent construction work;

In increasing the efficiency of investment funds and other similar activities;

Analysis of the production and technological side of the construction process, as well as the quality of construction and installation works (services) not only of the assessed construction organization, but also of its competitors in this field of activity, which allows us to formulate proposals to increase the competitive properties of construction products.

To fulfill the tasks set in construction, it is necessary to provide:

Implementation of marketing research on the functioning of the construction market, carried out for each individual construction subject;

Strict adherence to established norms and standards in construction activities;

Carrying out activities aimed at improving the rationing of the need for certain production and raw materials, resources and reducing consumption rates;

Selection of possible configurations for optimizing the material and production support of the construction process and improving design methods;

Timely equipping with material raw materials of all subsystems included in this field of activity;

Regulation and supervision of the use of production and raw materials;

Carrying out activities for the treatment of waste resulting from construction work;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of both individual raw materials and the construction process as a whole, and the implementation of actions that encourage their rational use.

The task of logistics is the implementation of management measures to regulate the volume of costs associated with the receipt of a commodity flow from the original material source in the form of raw materials, its subsequent processing and receipt by the client of finished products. At the same time, effective cost management is possible only if these values ​​are subject to reliable quantification.

The construction industry as an independent unit of economic activity can be considered through the material and technical support of the construction site, since the construction of construction objects requires material reserves, machines and mechanisms, material and technical equipment provided for by the construction calculation for construction and installation work in the required volume.

As you know, the procedure of construction production involves supplying the construction site with material reserves in the right amount, at specified intervals and of the proper quality.

Any construction process can be divided into separate links, each of which combines different types of flows that are interdependent. In other words, any component of the construction process includes the same types of flows, such as: material, financial, labor, information and other types.

Based on the above, we can conclude that logistics is a system consisting of various subsystems, which include distribution logistics, supply, production, marketing, transport, financial logistics and other types of logistics. Therefore, logistics in construction can be divided into several areas. Thus, financial logistics in the construction industry regulates the movement Money, designed to solve problems related to the acquisition, manufacture and sale of building products, while the information logistics service allows the transfer and dissemination of information in the construction industry.

Therefore, it can be argued that the logistics structure forms the movement of resource flows in the construction industry and covers the processes from the receipt of materials to the delivery of construction objects, such as buildings and structures.

In this regard, a number of tasks are set for logistics, which, for example, include planning and forecasting the need for construction resources, controlling the availability of inventory items, preparing and processing orders, establishing the order of the flow of goods flow within the logistics system, and a number of other similar tasks. .

The delimitation of the logistics methodology for the individual stages of the construction process allows the implementation of the following logistics concepts:

Procurement logistics, which determines the trajectory of the movement of material flows at the stage of procurement activities, for example, the production and technological equipment of buildings, and the accompanying financial and information flow processes;

Production logistics, the task of which is the rational distribution of the flow processes of construction organizations, for example, during the manufacture of building devices and mechanisms, as well as other material and production values, design, construction, installation and commissioning;

Sales logistics, which creates a system for the movement of material flows in a construction organization, as well as work performed and services provided to customers, directing the accompanying financial, informational and other flows in the right direction;

Transport logistics, which determines the ways of moving building materials in the form of streaming processes;

Warehouse logistics specializing in the movement and distribution of inventory within a warehouse complex. The volume of raw materials should correspond to the tasks to be solved.

Two situations can negatively affect the construction process:

1) when there is not enough building materials in the right amount;

2) when building materials are in abundance.

The latter situation is especially undesirable if the construction is carried out once.

In this regard, the main task of the logistics system in the construction industry is the systematic management of all types of commodity flows in economic systems.

Thus, the properties of the logistics building complex can also be distinguished by other parameters, such as periods of investment development, phases of the life cycle of building products.

At the same time, it is important to know that the number of economically independent parties included in the logistics system affects the stages of creating logistics structures, complicating them, which makes it difficult to use macrologistic systems that coordinate significant amounts of economic relations, compared with micrologistic structures.

Efficient logistics management has a positive effect on the financial condition of the enterprise. So, it solves four problems at once.

Figure 1 - Effective logistics management

1. Reduces the circulation cycle of working capital. Based on ideal ordering systems and regular billing of customers, the company can significantly optimize the collection of funds and shorten the cycle of circulation of working capital from receivables. On the other hand, proactive account payable management helps to minimize the growth in the circulation time of working capital. By accepting invoices for payment after confirmation of delivery and making payments to suppliers at the very last possible moment, the CFO can maximize the company's current cash assets in the account. Efficient management of the logistics service leads to a significant reduction in the amount of required working capital.

3. Achieve profitable growth. Since the impact on the strategic management of the logistics service changes financial results, it focuses not only on reducing costs, but also on growing revenue and market share. Many supply chain organizations can measure and model cost savings, but only a few can determine how a logistics management system affects sales. Thus, there is an excellent position to analyze and measure the necessary financial investments in the logistics management system, which are necessary to increase sales and market share.

4. Getting the expected income from sales. The company's shareholders expect to receive projected sales on an ongoing basis. Most of the future information about supply and demand is needed to determine the risks associated with the logistics and supply chain that affect revenue generation. In addition, the ability to control the implementation of the financial plan is closely related to the ability of the logistics service management to implement the approved business plan.

There are relationships between predicted financial performance, such as return on assets, return on invested capital, as well as performance indicators, which are affected by the quality of management of the company's supply chain and logistics service. Therefore, proactive investment and the necessary decisions make it possible to achieve the indicators laid down in the business plan, using an excellent strategic tool - the logistics service.

Over the past few years, logistics in most companies began to devote much more time than before. And this is not surprising, because the profit of a business depends on the stability of supplies, the optimality of routes. Increasingly, CFOs have become responsible for logistics - they are the ones who have the abilities that will help businesses gain a competitive advantage in the field of logistics. At the same time, planning becomes more understandable and allows the company to remain profitable due to accelerated turnover of goods, lower customs costs and prompt response to consumer requests.

Competition in all leading industries today reaches global proportions, and therefore the management of organizations is moving forward, turning simple logistical supply chains from ordinary service tools into strategic business assets. Such a functional part of the company has a positive effect on the final result, including its capitalization. Until it became a generally accepted fact that the flexibility and responsiveness of the logistics service is today a key success factor. At the same time, a small number of companies, having optimized the logistics service, realized that a strategic asset (competitive advantage in the market) was practically under their noses.

To use the logistics service as a strategic tool, the organization needs to clearly control its costs and sources of profit, and the service itself needs to build supply chains that would be consistent with the overall business strategy. Management needs to clearly understand the difference between creating a false image of the "importance" of the logistics service and the need for real management of resources and competencies in order to optimize the service's logistics processes and increase their efficiency.

Fragmentation and decentralization of logistics process management is very much hindering the efficiency of material flows in the global business environment. But there is also no system that could reach the peak of its potential without effective tools for measuring and regulating the performance of the logistics system.

It may seem to many readers that the probability of finding the right professional on the market who would have all the necessary competencies in organizing a logistics service is very close or equal to zero. And it will probably come as a surprise to you that such a person is already a member of your company's team and holds the office of the financial director. More and more organizations are recognizing that finance's skill set can be considered a competitive asset because of the nature of their business and is well suited to lead logistics and its supply chains to strategically reduce costs and increase profits. Many well-known, large Western companies, such as Home Depot, Sun Microsystems and Delta Airlines, for example, have logistics services subordinate to the company's financial director.

Professional CFOs recognize that they are in a unique position managing logistics. They are an impartial person without emotional attachment to the existing set of logistical processes, and in addition, their main responsibility is the financial success of the business. Competence and experience in finance gives solid analytical skills, with which you can easily assess systemic changes in the company at a deep level.

Many of the fundamental changes in logistics management require strategic financial decisions, which the CFO is best placed to make in a company. Many organizations lack a centralized logistics process management system, resulting in fragmented management decisions and controls, and inefficient planning of sales and operational processes. The position and analytical skills of the CFO can be the basis for cross-managing the sales planning functions and operational processes.

It is worth noting that, from the point of view of the basic principles of building an internal control system, involving the financial director in the process of managing the logistics service is the right idea. After all, many internal control systems require financial directors to exercise strict control over the processes of the logistics system and analyze its effectiveness. Thus, such requirements for financiers provide a unique opportunity to introduce the best world practice in the field of supply chain planning and risk management integrated into the corporate governance system. The requirement to identify and report significant changes in a company's economic performance leads to an urgent need to understand the financial condition of the supply chain management system, including the timely study of changes in the value of inventories and other obligations and contracts.

Financial planning in logistics management

Rapidly growing parts of the business require a tight link between financial and logistical management decisions. Short product life cycles and fluctuations in consumer demand practically mean that these companies cannot synchronize supply chain management and financial planning, and as a result, they are more likely to miss their targets.

Consider an example. The manufacturing company recently implemented a solution for integrated sales and operations planning, thus surrounding the supply chain with financial management. Such organizations have centralized management of logistics processes, their logistics management teams are distinguished by their financial literacy, employees participate in constant meetings with the financial director and financial controllers. Members of such teams are ready to make management decisions based on a prospective analysis of supply and demand, correlated with the forecast of the main financial ratios.

Thus, in practice, the team managing the logistics processes, for example, decides to reduce the volume of production at one of the high-performance plants after the pre-New Year deliveries are completed. The system for planning sales and operational processes shows that additional deliveries will lead to overstocking of distributors' and suppliers' warehouses, which in the future may lead to forced price reductions and inventory write-offs. Previously, they could not make such a timely decision because the plant's management has given the order to increase output and use available capacity to maximize the established key performance indicators, and the head of logistics is not inclined to risk lowering the level of deliveries during the New Year's sales peak. Integrated financial and logistical management gave them the opportunity to determine the level of risks and had a positive impact on the final financial result.

Note. Many ICS require financial directors to monitor logistics processes and analyze their effectiveness.

Role of the CFO

Consider how effective logistics management can help the CFO. So, it solves four problems at once.

1. Reduces the circulation cycle of working capital. Based on ideal ordering systems and regular billing of customers, the company can significantly optimize the collection of funds and shorten the cycle of circulation of working capital from receivables. On the other hand, proactive account payable management helps to minimize the growth of the circulation time of working capital. By accepting invoices for payment after confirmation of delivery and making payments to suppliers at the very last possible moment, the CFO can maximize the company's current cash assets in the account.

Note. Efficient management of the logistics service leads to a significant reduction in the amount of required working capital.

2. Reducing the company's business risks. Effective optimization of the total logistics costs incurred, despite some uncertainty in global logistics processes, helps to manage and prevent corporate budget and gross margins from being washed out. Often, when choosing a supplier, companies look only for the lowest price per unit of supplied raw materials, but forget to take into account the risks inherent in the global supply chain system. Several factors affect the final costs incurred, including:

Increased transportation costs arising from the increase in gasoline prices, or the need to attract additional freight forwarders who should reduce delays in deliveries due to the inefficient work of outsourced transport companies;

Increasing lead times that require a higher minimum stock level for raw materials in stock and in transit, resulting in a reduced ability to respond quickly to changes;

Loss of business benefits due to delays in the process of lengthy customs clearance procedures;

An increase in inventory holding costs due to the need to maintain a higher minimum reserve level.

3. Achieve profitable growth. Since the influence of the CFO on the strategic management of the logistics service changes the financial results, he focuses not only on reducing costs, but also on the growth of revenue and market share. Many supply chain organizations can measure and model cost savings, but only a few can determine how a logistics management system affects sales. The CFO is in an excellent position to analyze and measure the necessary financial investments in the logistics management system that are needed to increase sales and market share.

4. Getting the expected income from sales. The company's shareholders expect to receive projected sales on an ongoing basis. Most of the future supply and demand information is needed by the CFO to determine the risks associated with the logistics and supply chain that affect revenue generation. In addition, the ability of the CFO to control the implementation of the financial plan is closely related to the ability of the logistics service management to implement the approved business plan.

An effective logistics management program results in a significant reduction in the amount of working capital required - based on effective inventory management programs by suppliers, multi-tier inventory optimization techniques based on efficiency systems, such as 6-sigma. These programs offer ways to free up cash flows and lower the level of current assets associated with the production process.


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At present, the relevance of logistics is practically no one in doubt. The interests of many researchers and business executives are directed to the problems of logistics. Enterprises spend on logistics from 5 to 35% of sales, depending on the type of business, the geographical scope of activities and other characteristics. Developed countries spend hundreds of billions of dollars on logistics, and over the years the trend of increasing these costs has continued.

In almost all countries, a significant share of logistics costs falls on the transport component. In the British economy, transport costs account for 41% of total logistics costs, in the US economy - 46%, in Poland up to 50%. IN individual countries the transport component accounts for about 60% of these costs. According to a survey conducted in St. Petersburg as part of the international project LogOn Baltic, it was determined that the share of transport costs in the logistics costs of industrial, construction and trade enterprises is 30–34%.

In the price of goods, the transport component has a different share depending on the type of product: 2–3% for electronics, 5–6% for food, 7–12% for machinery and equipment, 40–60% for raw materials, 80–85% for mineral building materials.

About 40% of logistics costs are accounted for by the maintenance of stocks. The reserves themselves are also high in value, but their share in trade and GDP in developed countries tends to decrease. Thus, in the United States from 1959 to 1992, the share of stocks in GDP decreased from 28 to 19%. In the Russian Federation, the same indicator has higher values ​​with the same trend. Thus, from 1990 to 2001, the share of reserves in GDP decreased from 47.4% to 20.9%. Businesses are interested in reducing the cost of holding inventories, as it is found that holding inventories costs companies at least 25% of their book value per year.

The practice of applying logistics proves its effectiveness. A number of papers have published data on the effectiveness of logistics. Yes, in one of themit is indicated that, according to experts (expert assessment), the use of logistics allows: to reduce the level of stocks by 30–50%; reduce product movement time by 25-45%; reduce repeated warehouse shipments by 1.5–2.0 times; reduce road transport costs by 7–20%, and up to 12% for rail transport.

Logistics, developing at enterprises of different sectors of the economy, acquires specific industry features. In construction, it has a number of features. The first feature is a rather low level of logistics in construction as a branch of the national economy of Russia, which is explained by a number of reasons.

First, the overall development of logistics in our country. Russian logistics, despite the large number of successful examples of the implementation of the logistics approach at a number of enterprises, is at a low level. Thus, according to the World Bank, Russia ranks 99th in the development of logistics among 150 countries of the world. The logistics index, on the basis of which the country's rating was determined, takes into account the time it takes to clear customs procedures, the cost of logistics (including tariffs for freight transportation), the degree of development of the logistics infrastructure, logistics competencies, the ability to track deliveries, and a number of other factors.

Bringing the logistics indicators of Russian enterprises to the level of developed countries is difficult for a number of objective reasons, such as: the historical lag in the sphere of circulation of products from the manufacturing sector, the backwardness of transport and storage infrastructure, the high degree of wear and tear of rolling stock and transport infrastructure facilities, the low level of development of warehouse operations and a number of others. In addition, the development of logistics is characterized by regional unevenness. The highest concentration of terminals and warehouse complexes is observed in Moscow and the Moscow region. In second place is St. Petersburg. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, the shortage of high-quality (class A and B) warehouse space is 1.2-3 million square meters. M.

A survey of the logistics environment in St. Petersburg showed the dissatisfaction of enterprises with the logistics infrastructure and the efficiency of logistics as a characteristic of the external environment. Thus, 40% of the surveyed representatives of industrial and construction companies negatively assessed the state of infrastructure and 43% the effectiveness of logistics.

Secondly, in construction, middle and top managers have a low level of knowledge in the field of logistics. Despite the fact that 84% of the industry and construction representatives surveyed consider logistics the main factor influencing the level of customer service, 71% - the main factor influencing profitability and 65% - the key source of competitiveness of the company, while only 35% see logistics as the main priority in the company . This indicates the perception of logistics as a secondary area of ​​management, insufficient knowledge of top and middle management about the concepts of modern logistics. Many believe that logistics is not the top management priority in the enterprise, and more than 4% consider their companies unprepared for external disruptions in logistics, and the degree of external cooperation in logistics operations is much lower than the degree of internal cooperation.

Representatives of construction and industrial companies put the development of personnel competencies in logistics on the fourth place (after quality improvement, development of information systems, selection of suppliers) among the needs important for the successful development of an enterprise. It is indicative that the fourth place of staff competencies in logistics is shared with the need to reduce logistics costs. Trading companies consider the competence of personnel in the field of logistics to be the second most important need, it gives way only to the development of information technology.

Thirdly, the low level of logistics in construction is explained by the fact that the enterprises of the industry have not exhausted the reserves for increasing efficiency in the field of sales and production. The reduction of these reserves, especially in a situation of economic downturn, will make the use of a logistic approach to management more relevant.

The second feature is related to the nature of the construction industry and is reflected in the evolution of logistics in specific companies. Let's compare the stages of implementing a logistics approach in an industrial and construction enterprise.

The logistics of an industrial enterprise in its development goes through a number of stages (stages). At the first stage, logistics involves the warehousing and transportation of finished products. At the second stage, logistics includes customer service, order processing, warehousing, stock management of finished products, transportation, that is, all the logistics functions performed during the distribution of finished products are integrated. The main emphasis in logistics management is on reducing logistics costs. At the third stage, to the result achieved at the previous level, the delivery of raw materials, materials to the enterprise, sales forecast, inventory management of materials, work in progress, purchase of raw materials, materials, design of logistics systems are added. The evaluation of the functioning of the logistics of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of comparison with quality standards. At the fourth stage, all functional areas of logistics are integrated, enterprises enter the global level of work, taking into account the laws of different countries. Logistics also covers customs operations, continuous unified documentation is being introduced, the need for a “third party” (in logistics intermediaries) is increasing.

Features of construction production cause the absence of the first two stages. The development of logistics in construction begins with the improvement and reengineering of supply processes, the integration of logistics functions: transportation and storage of materials, inventory management, both at the level of individual facilities and at the level of the organization as a whole, procurement management and supplier relationships. The main decisions in the field of supply of a construction company must be decided on the basis of total costs, taking into account compliance with quality standards.

The second stage in the development of logistics is associated with the use of a logistics approach in the organization of construction production, the logistics integration of supply and production. At this stage, the basic concepts of logistics, such as "just in time", "lean" production and a number of others, are used in the production processes of a construction company. The consequence of this feature of logistics in construction is the orientation of the benchmarking of the logistics of a construction enterprise to industrial enterprises that assemble any objects, for example, car assembly plants.

The third feature of logistics in construction is related to the fact that a construction organization is rarely the "master" of the logistics process. It is considered as a consumer in the logistics systems of manufacturers and suppliers of materials and components. This feature is a consequence of insufficient attention to the opportunities that logistics can provide in the field of cost optimization. With the traditional organization of logistics processes at the "input" of a construction organization, a clear formulation of logistics service standards is required. We are talking about such procedures as: order execution time, level of logistics costs, reliability of supplies, etc. Knowledge of these indicators will allow you to change the logistics processes in the supply, make transparent system controlling the logistics system.

The fourth feature of logistics in construction is the widest opportunities for logistics outsourcing, in particular, in supply. For a construction organization, most of the operations in the performance of the logistics functions of transportation, warehousing, inventory management and procurement are auxiliary processes. In accordance with the concepts of core competencies and reengineering, an enterprise needs to establish the best source of competitive advantage by making key processes as efficient and lean as possible, and outsourcing non-key ones.

The outsourcing of logistics functions in supply requires a revision of the policy towards suppliers in order to gain additional competitive advantage. The concept of M. Porter, improved by his followers who proposed the sixth force, the so-called "additional schemes - the dependence of your business on companies whose products work complementarily with yours, i.e. on the principle of synergy"changed the mindset of managers. As an object of optimization, value chains began to be considered, which gave a greater result compared to an isolated consideration of individual companies participating in this chain. If companies operate independently of suppliers and customers, then “in areas of intersection there is a tendency to increase costs and inefficiencies”. Supply chain management is recognized as a factor of competitive advantage.

The development of outsourcing in the supply of a construction company can be carried out in two ways. The first provides for the performance of part of the logistics functions by the enterprise itself, the second part is outsourced. For example, a construction company independently carries out procurement operations, has its own material warehouse, where it manages stocks, but transfers transportation to a transport company. It is possible to involve a warehouse operator who organizes responsible storage of individual materials. In other words, the first option for outsourcing in construction is the partial involvement of logistics operators to perform individual logistics supply functions.

The second option is to involve a logistics provider that performs complex logistics functions. He purchases materials, interacts with suppliers, stores part of the materials, organizes a multi-product supply of materials to construction sites in accordance with the construction schedule, and manages stocks of materials. This option for organizing logistics processes does not exclude the transit form of delivery of individual materials to facilities. The logistics provider organizes and executes logistics processes in such a way that the total costs in the supply chain are optimal.

Competitive advantages created by logistics become the most tangible thanks to optimization solutions aimed at reducing logistics costs, logistics cycle times, and increasing the reliability of supply chains. Consider the main decisions that can be made in the supply chains of building materials.

Schematically, the supply chain of building materials, including a logistics provider that performs a set of logistics functions, is shown in fig. 1.

To optimize costs in such a supply chain, various decisions are needed, which are taken by both the serviced construction company and the logistics provider. In particular, the construction company is required to formulate requirements for the organization of logistics services, which are determined by the plans and schedules of construction work, the specification determined by the construction technology, as well as the cost, time and quality characteristics of the expected service. The remaining decisions are assigned (see Fig. 1) to the logistics provider.

It should be noted that in the absence of a provider, these decisions are made by the procurement and logistics services of the construction company.

Decisions made by a logistics provider can be conditionally divided into three groups.

The first group - solutions aimed at organizing service (formation and dispatch of single and multi-item batches of deliveries to construction sites, organization of delivery along routes, taking into account the range of materials, their compatibility when transported in one vehicle and the number of serviced objects, stock management in on-site warehouses ).

Discipline: Economy
Kind of work: Diploma
Topic: Application of the principles of logistics in the activities of the construction company CJSC "Voykar"

Application of the principles of logistics in the activities of the construction company CJSC "Voykar"










2.2.1. Analysis of the organization of the process of technological preparation 59

2.2.2. Analysis of the organization of the design process 64

2.2.3. Analysis of the organization of the construction preparation process 67

2.2.4. Quality control analysis 70



2.4.1. Sales analysis of ZAO Voikar 81

2.4.2 CJSC Voikar consumer analysis 84












4.3.1 Basic fire safety measures during construction and installation works 106

4.3.2 Necessary fire safety measures during welding and hot work 108

4.3.3 Study of fire safety measures when working with adhesives, polymeric and other combustible materials 109






Currently, the term logistics has become actively used in economic activity. The term logistics is firmly rooted in economic activity at the micro and macro levels.

Logistics covers the entire scope and spectrum of an enterprise's activities, but at all stages of production development, it seeks to reduce costs and produce products of a given quantity and quality on time and in a specified place with the help of a combination of various activities, methods and means.

Logistics, penetrating into all areas of the enterprise, covers the process of planning, implementation, cost control, movement and storage of materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as related information on the supply of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption.

Many enterprises that switched to the organization of production according to the principles of logistics began to organize the entire production cycle more rationally. Thanks to this concept, it became more rational to use loans for the purchase of material resources, more rationally purchase raw materials and materials, choose suppliers, organize the production process, more rationally began to carry out the process of distribution of finished products, as well as related information processes that accompany all stages of the organization of production.

Thanks to the observance of all these conditions, enterprises that have switched to a system of organizing production according to the principles of logistics consistently ensure the competitiveness of the company. This is a timely conquest of new markets for raw materials, materials and goods.

This is a convenient delivery of products, their packaging, if necessary, instructions for using the products, the provision of a guarantee. Due to the rapid changes in market conditions, enterprises that have switched to a logistics organization have the advantage of adapting the system to environmental conditions. One of the central links of the logistics system can be called production logistics. After all, thanks to the production, the purchase of raw materials and materials is carried out, and subsequently the distribution of finished products.

The purpose of this work is to study the main logistical approaches to the organization of optimal production processes construction company based on a logistics approach.

1. Theoretical foundations of logistics in the activities of a construction company

1.1 Essence and basic principles of logistics

Logistics studies and organizes the processes of effective management of material and information flows in order to satisfy consumers of products and services.

Economic activity is closely related to the movement of material flows: enterprises purchase raw materials, components and semi-finished products, organize their delivery and storage for production needs, serve consumers, delivering finished products in accordance with their orders. Since the coordination of material flows is inextricably linked with decision-making, which involves the collection, processing and transmission of information, it is necessary to organize a logistics information support system. In addition, the movement of material and information flows requires financial support.

The formation of logistics as an independent field of economic science is due to the trends in the development of the economies of the developed countries of the world over the past fifty years. European experts identify three periods of economic development that required a different approach to enterprise management. From 1950 to mid 70s. industrialized countries of the world have been successful in economic development, due to the constant increase in demand for goods and services, which contributed to an increase in labor productivity, an increase in capital, as well as an increase in the level of education of the population. In addition, the availability of a sufficient amount of raw materials, which could be purchased at low prices, played an important role in increasing production volumes. Since the late 1970s, there has been a trend towards sharp decline production growth rates. In addition, enterprises became overly dependent on the supply of raw materials at low prices, while the population, meanwhile, showed an interest in raising the standard of living. In the early 1990s, the crisis in the raw materials market led to an increase in unemployment, an increase in inflation, etc. The protectionist measures of the governments of a number of countries affected the decline in the share of exports and imports in the economy. At the same time, new technologies emerged and began to develop, stimulating the growth of production.

The interest of enterprises in expanding and increasing production volumes, increased competition created conditions for the saturation of traditional markets for products and required an orientation towards marketing and logistics.

Thanks to the transition from the producer market to the consumer market, manufacturing firms are now organizing their activities taking into account the increased requirements of customers for the quality of goods and services.

When choosing a supplier, along with high quality and affordable prices for products, such factors as minimizing capital investments when acquiring fixed assets and the speed of order fulfillment when purchasing consumer goods usually play a decisive role. Therefore, the level of customer service is determined by the efficiency of logistics. Consumers refer to the main indicators of the effectiveness of logistics: accuracy (obligation) of delivery observance by the supplier of the agreed deadlines (a measure of reliability and trust between the manufacturer and the consumer); term (cycle) of delivery the time interval between the dates of the order and its completion (in a competitive environment, the manufacturer with a shorter delivery cycle wins); readiness for delivery consistency and confirmation of the deadline for the supplier to complete the order in accordance with the wishes of the client; flexibility the willingness of the enterprise to implement changes made by the client to a previously issued order; quality of delivery fulfillment of the conditions (specifications) of the client when picking and ensuring the safety of goods when delivered to their destination; information readiness the readiness of the enterprise to issue information to the buyer regarding the products supplied to him.

As evidenced by a survey conducted by Siemens (Germany) in 1993, in the priority scale for choosing manufacturers of products, consumers place logistics efficiency indicators directly behind assessments of the quality of the product and its price.

The term "logistics" is of Greek origin and is used in all major European languages. In ancient Greece, it meant the art of reasoning and making calculations, and in the Great Roman Empire "rules for the distribution of food." Later, the term is found in military affairs in the meanings of "rear, supply of troops" and "movement of military units." In the mid-60s, the concept of logistics entered American management, and from it into economic literature.

It should be emphasized that despite the differences in the interpretation of the term "logistics", its main features rationality and accurate calculation have remained unchanged for more than two millennia.

Logistics explores the issues of organization and rationalization of commodity flows from the producer to the consumer, including procurement (supply) management, etc. reserves. There are also such areas of this science as the logistics of production, marketing and transportation, personnel management and information logistics. The novelty of the logistics approach to the problem of commodity circulation lies in the organic interconnection of functions that provide a unified management of rational material flows from raw material suppliers through the manufacturer to customers. This approach is dictated by the need to combine cost savings with a flexible response of manufacturing and trading firms to consumer priorities.

The goals of modern logistics are: synchronization of logistics functions with cost reduction, as well as the release of financial resources for new investments; strengthening the position of companies in the market by providing consumers with the right goods of the required quality in a given quantity in a specified place at a specified time in the best possible way.

Despite the relatively recent emergence of logistics as an economic science, it is actively developing, revealing the reserves for the growth of firms' incomes, which is most clearly shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1. 1. The impact of logistics on the choice of decisions when developing a distribution strategy

Since the mid-1960s, experts have noted three phases of this process. Efficiently operating companies build a logistics system based on the principle of comprehensive attention to the interests and needs of customers. This is subject to distribution goals aimed at finding optimal solutions in cooperation with suppliers and consumers of goods and services, the structure of which is shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2. The evolution of logistics

It should be noted that during the formation of the new Russian economy, the logistics approach is important both during the formation of companies and when improving their work. Nowadays, when enterprises are free to choose partners among suppliers of raw materials and components, transport companies and places for storing products, the use of the principles and methods of logistics provides great opportunities for the development of production.

Directions for improving the organization of enterprises are well known, many of them were developed and used in the former USSR, having received recognition. However, today, when organizational principles are violated inside and outside enterprises, it is necessary to combine an active search for promising and reliable partner firms with constant attention to internal production problems of production. Therefore, the organization and optimization of supply, production and distribution will determine the viability of enterprises. This opens up broad prospects for logistics that did not exist in a strictly regulated planned economy.

As noted, the subject of logistics is the study of the conditions for optimal (best under given conditions) satisfaction of consumer orders through effective planning, organization and management of activities for the formation of material flows from the customer of raw materials to the consumption of the goods or services produced.

The main channels of logistics, therefore, are: the supply channel, the production channel and the distribution (sales) channel, which is most clearly shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3. Logistics system

An analysis of the types of logistics activities (logistics functions) in the supply, production and distribution channels, based on Figure 1.4, shows that the main impact on the achievement of logistics goals and the amount of costs has: the level (standard) of customer service,

Figure 1.4. Logistics functions

transportation of raw materials or finished products, maintenance of stocks in the warehouse, order processing. These logistics functions are called the main ones, the relationship of which is shown in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5. The relationship of the main functions of logistics.

The level (standard) of customer service, being a characteristic of the efficiency of logistics, affects the volume of sales of the company's products and the choice of components of the logistics system. To avoid unreasonable cost increases, the standard must be carefully justified. To this end, it is necessary, firstly, to determine the needs of consumers and requests for their logistics services; secondly, to check the reaction of customers to the applied forms of service.

Transportation of raw materials or finished products for most firms is the most expensive function of logistics (from 1/3 to 2/3 of logistics costs). However, at the same time, no company can do without the delivery of raw materials or the shipment of finished products by some kind of transport.

Transportation management usually involves the choice of mode of transport, loading method, route, vehicle capacity.

It is usually impossible or irrational to keep production or supply levels to consumers unchanged. To ensure the manufacture of products with the necessary material resources, stocks are needed that act as a buffer between supply and demand, the cost of performing this function can also be from 1/3 to 2/3 of all logistics costs.

If transportation determines the value of place for products, then stocks determine the value of time. At the same time, stocks of goods are always located closer to consumers, and raw materials are always located closer to processing sites.

The high number of stockpiles and the high cost of inventory storage (typically 25-30% of finished production costs) require careful inventory management, which involves creating conditions to maintain a minimum inventory while ensuring required level consumer service.

Order processing costs are not as high compared to the costs of other types of logistics activities. However, the processing of orders is referred to the main functions of logistics, because, on the one hand, it determines the moment of receipt of goods or the provision of services to the client, and on the other hand, it initiates the work of services for the delivery of goods.

Since the main goal of a logistics operation is to provide goods and services to consumers where and when they want it, the listed logistics functions are considered to be the main ones.

The main functions of logistics are accompanied by a number of additional activities, the composition and structure of which is shown in Figure 1.6.

Warehousing is a function of managing the spatial distribution of stocks and provides for the solution of such tasks as choosing the location of a warehouse, determining the volume (area) of storage, planning the placement of stocks, drawing up a scheme for spending and replenishing stocks, designing transportation and loading and unloading zones, choosing a general warehouse layout.

Figure 1.6. Interrelation of the main and additional functions of logistics.

Cargo processing is carried out in parallel with warehousing and also ensures the maintenance of stocks. This function is associated with the movement of products in storage points. For example, the movement of goods from the input receiving area to the location and from it to the output cargo area.

The most serious problems in organizing the organization of cargo handling are: the choice of equipment, the organization of order picking procedures, and the maintenance of a rational cargo turnover.

Next, consider the protective packaging of goods. Within this framework, one of the goals of logistics is the delivery of products to the consumer with minimal losses. To guarantee the high safety of goods during transportation allows good design protective packaging. In addition, well-thought-out shape and dimensions of the packaging make it possible to increase the efficiency of warehousing and cargo handling.

Construction logistics systems should be considered in the context of the general theory of logistics systems. According to the types of flows, logistics systems can be divided into the following: material, financial, information flows and flows of labor resources.

The field of logistics covers almost all areas of production of each enterprise: management of transport, warehousing, stocks, personnel; information support, commercial activities and much more. The task of management is to develop a unified logistics system that will achieve greater efficiency and reduce production costs

Logistics systems of material flows, or, in other words, material logistics flows, mediate all the movements of material resources of construction organizations and enterprises (firms) from their purchases to the sale of finished products (buildings and structures).

1. The logistics system of financial flows (or the financial logistics system) mediates all the movements of financial resources associated with the production and sale of construction products.

2. The logistics system of information flows (information logistics system) mediates the processes of both simple and extended reproduction of a construction company.

3. The logistics system of labor flows (labor logistics system) mediates all the diversity of their migration in a construction company.

In accordance with the differentiation of logistics by stages of the construction production cycle, we can consider such logistics systems as: systems purchasing logistics who organize the origins of the procurement of material and technical resources and the production and technological equipment of construction sites, as well as the accompanying flows of financial, informational and labor resources; systems production logistics , which organize the resource flows of construction enterprises of the construction industry and a construction company in the process of manufacturing building structures, products and other materials, design, construction, installation and commissioning; – systems distribution (sales ) logistics , which organize the flows of finished construction products, works and services provided to consumers, as well as accompanying financial flows , information and human resources; transport and warehouse logistics systems , which organize cargo flows and intra-warehouse flows of a construction company.

The classification of the logistics systems of a construction company can be continued according to other criteria, for example, such as the stages of the investment process, the stages of the life cycle of construction products, etc.

The subject of logistics is the integrated management of all material and non-material flows in systems.

Being one of the largest subjects of final consumption of material resources, the building complex should be most interested in effective forms of their acquisition in rational use.

The solution of these problems in relation to different types resources has its own characteristics. For machinery and equipment to be installed, used in the process of construction work, the most effective form of acquisition is leasing. Its development in Russia in the conditions of limited investment resources and the payment crisis is especially important. In addition, for machines and equipment to be installed, this is the organization of deliveries as close as possible to the time the equipment is handed over for installation.

Enterprises in the building materials industry and the construction industry have significant reserves of unused production capacity, and many are ready to cooperate with buyers in order to fully utilize them, based on meeting increased demands from the demand side.

Having a clearly expressed productive heterogeneity during the construction cycle, the composition of materials at each stage of the cycle changes. Therefore, adequate logistics solutions are required for each stage of the construction cycle. Whereas in industry the starting point for a dietary decision is the product, in construction it is the stage of the building cycle.

An important component of the search for effective solutions in the field of logistics is the construction of rational logistics solutions, i.e. determination of the composition and nature of the activities of economic structures involved in the movement of material flow. In conclusion, the following should be noted: the transition to a market economy has fundamentally changed the nature of relationships in the construction industry, including in the field of its material support. In a market-type economy, the main problem for suppliers has become the organization of product sales, and for consumers - minimum costs for its purchase. The building complex is faced with the task of choosing effective forms of their acquisition and rational use. In terms of machinery and equipment, a major role in solving these problems belongs to the development of leasing, in terms of materials and building structures - the effective organization of material flows, which is associated with the use of logistics methods in the practice of material support.

Analyzing the work of a construction company, we can conclude that for the correct calculation of the volume of purchases of raw materials and production, it is necessary to take into account the main material flows of the enterprise's logistics system. The calculation of the need for material resources in the field of procurement logistics revealed the need for planning the optimal volume of production and material resources.

The solution of the listed tasks in relation to different types of resources has its own specifics in the building complex. For machinery and equipment to be installed, used in the process of construction work, the most effective form of acquisition is leasing. Its development in Russia in the conditions of limited investment resources and the payment crisis is especially important. In addition, for machines and equipment to be installed, this is the organization of deliveries as close as possible to the time the equipment is handed over for installation.

For materials, building structures and parts, the rationalization of material flows is of paramount importance in order to minimize the costs associated with them, which predetermines the feasibility and necessity of using logistics as an effective scientific tool for managing the formation and movement of material flows.

In construction, logistics methods are widely used in organizing the movement of material flows due to the following circumstances: the building materials market has the highest level of competition (compared to other markets for means of production); a significant part of the material flow in the investment process is formed within the construction complex and completely depends on the actions of the links and divisions of this complex; their choice rational decisions and their consistent implementation; the material flow in construction as an end-use sector of a part of the social product, starting outside it, ends with the moment of using material resources in the process of creating (renovating, repairing) fixed assets; the material flow in construction during the creation of an object has a clearly expressed productive heterogeneity in the process of the construction cycle. As a rule, the composition of materials at each stage of the cycle changes (during the production of concrete Works, brickwork, finishing work, etc.) and therefore, for each stage of the construction cycle, adequate logistics solutions are needed, which may fundamentally differ from each other;

The building materials market and the capital construction industry are now segments of the economic complex of Russia, in which conditions are sufficient to promote the logistics policy.

Enterprises of the building materials and construction industries have significant reserves of unused production capacities, and many are ready to cooperate with buyers in order to fully utilize them, based on meeting increased demands from the demand side.

Having a clearly expressed productive heterogeneity during the construction cycle, the composition of materials at each stage of the cycle changes. Therefore, adequate logistics solutions are required for each stage of the construction cycle. Whereas in industry the starting point for a dietary decision is the product, in construction it is the stage of the building cycle.

The material flow in construction continuously changes its spatial orientation as the production of work moves from one object to another or branches out in space during the simultaneous construction of several objects. It follows from this that for the same materials, the manufacturer of works must use different logistics solutions, which does not exclude their coincidence in similar conditions.

An important component of the search for effective solutions in logistics is the construction of rational logistics solutions, i.e. determination of the composition and nature of the activities of economic structures involved in the movement of material flow.

In the field of logistics of construction is the construction of rational logistics solutions, i.e. determination of the composition and nature of the activities of economic structures involved in the movement of material flow. Under certain conditions, it is advisable to lengthen the logistics chain, including resellers in it.

The construction industry (the largest subject of the final consumption of material resources) in the most acute form is faced with the task of choosing effective forms of their acquisition and use, in general, the effective organization of the flow of material resources, which is associated with the use of logistics methods in the practice of material support.

The transition to a market economy has fundamentally changed the nature of relationships in the construction industry, including in the field of its material support. In a market-type economy, the main problem for suppliers has become the organization of product sales, and for consumers - the minimum cost of purchasing it. The building complex is faced with the task of choosing effective forms of their acquisition and rational use. In terms of machinery and equipment, a major role in solving these problems belongs to the development of leasing, in terms of materials and building structures - the effective organization of material flows, which is associated with the use of logistics methods in the practice of material support.

Logistics is the science of managing and optimizing material flows, service flows and the accompanying information and financial flows of a company in a certain micro- and macroeconomic environment in order to achieve its goals.

Logistics in construction. Integration processes in construction are accompanied by the development logistics, which is considered as a systematic approach to the organization and management in construction. The movement of modern construction production in the direction of logistics, as world experience shows, is irreversible. This requires specialists to have appropriate organizational, technological and economic preparation for work within the framework of logistics systems. Logistics systems are systems for organizing and managing production, which necessitate a combination of a block of self-government and interaction of economic entities with a block of state planning and organizational regulation, that is, a certain synthesis of a plan and a market at different levels of economic management.

Thus, logistics can be considered one of the sections of optimal control in the sphere of production and circulation, that is, it can be represented as a system for solving optimization problems. It is not only a doctrine of the effective organization of the movement of resources at all stages of production, but also combining methods for organizing, planning and managing integrated processes of logistics, production and marketing of goods.

The use of the concept of logistics is one of the main activities of construction organizations to save resources and reduce costs for the construction of buildings and structures.

Logistics activities in construction are of an integrated nature and take place within the framework of the procurement-transport-construction complex (CTSC). The basis of the integrated logistics system is formed by such important business areas as the purchase of raw materials and materials, material flows, transport, information, etc. Success in the construction business depends not only on the performance of an individual construction organization, but also on its supplier partners, freight forwarders, transport workers, etc.

The main reasons for the demand for logistics in construction:

Territorial dispersal of construction sites;

Different volumes of flows of material resources in different periods of construction of buildings and structures;

Changing the nature of the interaction between the processes of delivering materials and products to construction sites with construction processes;

Instability of the range of materials and products used in construction;

The constant need for the rational organization of construction and the improvement of construction technology for the efficient use of resources;

Economic independence of construction participants.

The logistics concept is beginning to be widely applied to the organization and management of material resources in order to integrate construction participants. The main idea of ​​logistics in construction is the organization, within the framework of a single streaming process, of the movement of materials and information between all participants in the CTSC. For the logistics of construction, it is not enough to identify the main economic flows, it is necessary to study them and ensure their rational interaction.

Parameters of material flows can be:

Nomenclature, assortment and quantity of products;

Overall characteristics (volume, area, linear dimensions);

Weight characteristics (total weight, gross weight, net weight);

Physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo;

Characteristics of containers (packaging);

Conditions of contracts of sale (transfer of ownership, supply);

Conditions of transportation and insurance;

Financial (value) characteristics;

Conditions for performing other physical distribution operations related to the movement of products, etc.

Construction, as a branch of material production, is characterized by a significant consumption of a variety of building structures, materials, semi-finished products and products, and, consequently, the movement of a large amount of goods.

By kind of construction cargo there are:

Powdered materials - gypsum, alabaster, cement, fluffy lime, etc.;

Bulk materials - crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay, slag, sand, various types of soil, etc.;

Piece products - brick, facing and Decoration Materials, window and door blocks, reinforced concrete and additional elements, glass, roofing and insulating materials, sanitary equipment, etc.;

Large-sized products - roof trusses, flights of stairs, wall panels of prefabricated housing construction, starting elements of arches or beams of bridge spans, etc.;

Long-length materials and products - piles, pipes, fittings, rolled products, timber, etc.;

Flat elements - floor and roof slabs, partition panels, slabs pavement and etc.;

Thin-walled elements - vaults and shells, reinforced cement slabs, etc.;

Volumetric elements - sanitary cabins, blocks of underground collectors, sections of drains, sewers and manholes, etc.;

Thermal insulation materials - mineral and glass wool, aerated concrete, foam silicate, etc.;

Viscous (movable) materials - concrete mixture, mortar, asphalt concrete mixture, etc.;

Liquid materials- heated bitumen, lime paste, primers, paints, solvents, etc.

Information flowthe flow of messages in speech, documentary (paper and electronic) and other forms, generated by the initial material flow in the considered LAN, between the AP or LAN and external environment, and designed to implement control functions.
