Literature lesson in grade 11

The image of the lyrical hero inpoem
V.V. Mayakovsky "Cloud in Pants"

Klishova Olga Gennadievna,
teacher of Russian language and literature
GBOU "Academic Gymnasium No. 56"

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational - develop the skills of a holistic analysis of a work of art.

Educational- develop analytical thinking in the discussion of a work of art.

Educational- develop an aesthetic sense, the ability to understand and appreciate the artistic word.

Lesson objectives:

1. Based on the text of the 1st chapter of the poem, analyze the poetics of early Mayakovsky.

2. Determine the function of figurative and expressive means in creating the image of a lyrical hero.

3. Determine the ideological meaning of the poem, the essence of Mayakovsky's lyrical "I".

4. Develop expressive reading skills.

Method: heuristic.

Receptions: teacher's word, analytical conversation, text analysis, commented reading.

Equipment: text of the poem, projector, presentation.

During the classes

(Slide 1)

Teacher: Your task today is to try to name the lesson, give it a "name".

(Slide 2)

Formulation of the problem.

Teacher: Dedication: the poem was written by V.V. Mayakovsky to Maria Denisova, and is dedicated to Lila Brik ("To You, Lily")

(Slide 3)

Why did he write alone (Slide 3a) and dedicated another? (answer at the end of the lesson)

Introduction to the lesson.

Prologue _______________

1) ??? What images, already familiar from Mayakovsky's poems, do we see in the Prologue? How is the conflict characteristic of Mayakovsky's entire work already declared here?

(- the conflict of the poet and the world; - the figure of the poet - the lyrical "I" of Mayakovsky: the youth of the soul, impudence, the ability to love with all one's being - the lot of the elect; - the desire to transform into a superman, become a giant, etc.)

(Slide 4)

2) ??? It is the Prologue that makes us return to the title - "Cloud in Pants".

(Slide 5)

What is the meaning of this metaphor?

(- duality, ambiguity of the artistic image: a rude Hun, a barbarian, calling for destruction, but at the same time a defenseless, gentle creature.)

3) ??? What is the main technique here (and this is already indicated in the title)?

(- antithesis)

4) ??? Where to find the roots of those contradictions that literally clashed in the poetic space of the poem?

(- early lyrics;

- Manifesto of the futurists "A slap in the face of public taste";

- the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche;

- the conflict of God and man: a man sees the imperfection of the world but does not agree with this state of affairs and wants to take the place of the creator.)

Teacher: Lyrical hero(who is this?) already feels like an adult, but not yet needed. Hence the adolescent resentment against God, against the imperfection of the whole world.

(Slide 5a)

No wonder the original title of the poem is “The Thirteenth Apostle, tetraptych” (tetra - 4)

5) ??? How do you understand the meaning of this name?

(- associations with the Gospel: the personality of the poet enters into a dispute with the divine order, with the universe, proclaiming to the world a new truth;

- the discrepancy between the ordinary life of people - life and their philosophical attitude - being.)

6) ??? Think, what is the best name? What is the name in more reflects Mayakovsky's idea?

(- of course, the final name is better, because "cloud" is a poetic image.)

Teacher: Censorship did not miss the original title, and the offended poet made concessions:

“When I came to censorship with this work, they asked me: “What do you want to go to hard labor?” I said that in no case, that this does not suit me in any way. Then they crossed out six pages to me, including the title. It's a question of where the title came from. I was asked - how can I combine lyrics and a lot of rudeness. Then I said: “Well, I will be, if you want, like a madman, if you want, I will be the most gentle, not a man, but a cloud in my pants.”

It turns out that even after changing the name, Mayakovsky did not abandon his main idea - to portray the hero ...


(- consisting of beautiful opposites,;

- an unprecedentedly powerful figure, capable of not only arguing, but challenging the entire society at the beginning of the poem, and even the entire universe at the end.)

Teacher: The poem was published in its entirety in Moscow in 1915, and the second edition of 1918 was accompanied by a preface by Mayakovsky (“4 screams down”). (Slide 6)

Each part expresses a certain idea. The poem, however, is a holistic passionate lyrical monologue, the experiences of the lyrical hero capture different areas of life ...

(- Love,

- art,

- power,

- religion.)

7) ??? What image unites all parts of the poem?

(- lyrical "I" of the hero and poet.)

Analysis of the work.

??? Who is he - a hero, turning himself inside out? What is his word to the world, to all of us? Is it just the bravado of the challenge? Maybe there is something else here? All these questions will need to be answered by referring to the poem. We will analyze the first part together, but here is how the remaining three parts are related to Mayakovsky's main idea - you will have to think at home on your own.

Part 1________________

1) ??? So what is the main theme of the piece? How is the rebellious element of the poem manifested?

(- through the image of the elemental feeling of love)

2) ??? How is love depicted in the poem?

(- with the help of artistic means,

- through the image of the lyrical hero, his state, his experiences.)

3) ??? The hero is waiting for a meeting with his beloved... By what means is the increase in the tension of expectation in which the lyrical hero finds himself conveyed?

(Slide 7)

(- in the waiting scene, the reality of everything that happens is absolutely palpable;

- love both transforms and distorts a lump-man;

- the lyrical "I" of the hero reaches colossal proportions, but still remains a human "I";

- artistic means, with the help of which a picture of a painful evening is depicted, convey a feeling of tension, anxiety;

- the image of the objective, material world as a way of conveying the state of the lyrical hero;

- memories of a beloved give birth in the soul of a lyrical hero both happiness and suffering;

- the throwing of the lyrical hero leads to doubts about the existence and strength of love: the litote "darling";

- the nervous state of the hero is conveyed through numerous metaphors;

- the result of the expectations of the lyrical hero - the image of the executed, etc.)

4) ??? And why all this? Why all these artistic means, all these crazy metaphors, hyperbole and epithets? Does he live like this? Why this cry about yourself?

(- Mayakovsky's time is the time of the Personality, it is the personality that is the center of the universe.)

5) ??? Finally the heroine appears. How is she depicted? What happens to the hero?

(Slide 8)

(- sharp movements (comparison with the poem “Nate”) and at the same time embarrassed (pulling gloves);

- tense because she is embarrassed or suffers too;

- terrible news.

6) ??? How does the hero perceive what his beloved tells him? Why is he upset, shocked?

(- the news of the hero killed: external calm and internal death.)

(Slide 9)

7) ??? Why Mayakovsky in a frenzy shouts "...Down with your love!"?

(- such love, prudent, bourgeois, based on self-interest, love that can be stolen - he does not understand and does not accept, his personality, his nature is looking for another love - “huge-love”.)

8) ??? In the world of the townsfolk, in the world of "fat", the fate of the beloved is the fate of beauty in the bourgeois world, where beauty, art are valued for money - that's why she was stolen. How does the lyrical hero see love?

(- love is a "mass" - a comprehensive, all-consuming feeling;

- true love is difficult, because love is suffering;

- love is an unattainable ideal, to which the soul of a suffering hero aspires - touching and tender, but also hot, rushing about and embittered.)

9) ??? And what is the lyrical hero himself? What is left for him?

(Slide 10)

(- “beautiful disease”, “fire of the heart.”)

10) ??? Why does Mayakovsky describe the “fire of the heart” to convey the state of the lyrical hero? How do you understand the meaning of this metaphor?

(- “fire of the heart” burns the hero from the inside, turns him inside out;

- this is an element beyond the control of man, therefore it is impossible to put out the fire on your own;

- the catastrophe that befell the hero is comparable to world catastrophes and cataclysms.)

eleven) ??? Who is the lyrical hero of the poem? What is the lyrical "I" of Mayakovsky?

(- a suffering rebel, a gentle giant, striving with all his heart for true love.)


And now something has changed in your attitude to what you saw and read? What title of the poem do you prefer? Which name best describes inner world, the state of the hero?

Teacher: Let's go back to the beginning...

(Slide 11)

Why do you think, nevertheless, Mayakovsky first wrote the poem alone, (Slide 11a)

and then dedicated another?

(- the point is not in the addressee, but in the very feeling of love, which Mayakovsky curses and sings: if there were no addressees for the poem, he would certainly have invented them;

- more important is love as such, love that brings suffering, torment, burning in the fire of passion;

- where there is love, there is always suffering: there is no suffering - there is no art.)


So, love, whatever it may be, is a way of mutual understanding, interaction, relationship of a person with the world. Other areas human life, other ways of dealing with the world - art, power and religion (primarily Christian patience) - are depicted in other parts of the poem. How they help to create, complement the image of a lyrical hero - you will have to think about this yourself.

(Slide 12)

What "name" would you give today's lesson? Why? Who is he, the hero of the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky?


Independently analyze the rest of the poem "A Cloud in Pants" and answer the question: how do other areas of human life help to complement the image of the lyrical hero of the poem?


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Paths in V. Mayakovsky's poem "A Cloud in Pants"

Slides captions:

State budgetary educational institution additional professional education center for advanced training of specialists of St. Petersburg "Regional center for assessing the quality of education and information technologies» Graduation work on curriculum“Teacher standard: information and communication technologies in professional activities” Electronic methodological materials on the topic: “Trails in the poem by V. Mayakovsky “A cloud in pants”” Completed by: Stepanova Tatyana Nikolaevna group listener: 16.41.22 Teacher of Russian language and literature Teacher Yulia Vasilyeva Alekseevna St. Petersburg 2017

Project Objectives To form students' knowledge of trails as a means of artistic expression. Determine the role of tropes in the poem by V. Mayakovsky.

Personal: to cultivate interest in the word, attentive attitude to one's speech, the ability to appreciate beautiful and correct speech. Meta-subject: to develop intellectual (the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, logically express one's thoughts) and communication skills. Subject: to give students knowledge about the varieties of trails.

Expected results Linguistic analysis of the text and selection of means of artistic expression. Creation by students of a table of trails used in the poem Identification by students various functions tropes in the text.

Collection of information. The highest score is given if the student correctly identified the paths in the text, the project contains a sufficient amount of information, links to various sources. Organization of written work. Adequate ways of presenting the material (diagrams, tables) were used. Analysis of the process and the result. The student consistently and fully analyzes the results of the analysis, draws conclusions about the use of means of artistic expression in the text. Personal involvement. The child showed enthusiasm, discovered his own opinion during the project.

Assignments to students Primary collection of information table Results processing table Example of a diagram Annotated catalog of resources Materials for the project

Stepanova Tatyana Nikolaevna Teacher of Russian language and literature GBOU boarding school №289


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State budgetary educational institution of additional vocational education center for advanced training of specialists of St. Petersburg "Regional center for assessing the quality of education and information technology" Graduation work on the curriculum "Teacher standard: information and communication technologies in professional activities" Electronic teaching materials

The poem "A Cloud in Pants" (1915) is the central work of Mayakovsky's pre-revolutionary work. In it, the poet tried to show the sad fate of a person in a bourgeois society. His lyrical hero does not want to put up with reality, so four protests arise in his mind: “Down with your love!”, “Down with your art!”, “Down with your system!”, “Down with your religion!” These four "Down with!", covering all the foundations of bourgeois society, are the global protest of Mayakovsky's lyrical hero.

The lyrical plot of the poem is the unrequited love of the hero for the girl Mary. This love is the real passion. The hero is "beautifully ill", "he has a fire of the heart." But the girl chooses not him, but a "fat wallet", security, stability. The hero is convinced that his beloved has been bought. Maria sold her love for money, luxury, position in society.

In a conversation with a girl, the lyrical hero is calm, “like the pulse of a dead man,” but his soul has died. She was trampled on by modern love, which is sold for money and relies only on calculation.

From the second part of the poem, we understand that the hero is a poet. The main opposition of this part is the poet and the crowd. The author speaks about the conflict between poetry and the surrounding world. The desire of the creators to sing about a young lady, "both love and a flower under the dew" does not meet the requirements of today. The lyrical hero rejects everything pseudo-romantic and sublime and chooses the fate of becoming the singer of the “convicts of the leprosarium city”, which, in his opinion, is cleaner than “Venetian azure, washed by seas and suns at once!”

It is here, in this vulgar scary world, where the crush "spits out" into the square, and the street shouts: "Let's go eat!", live the true heroes of life.

In the last two parts of the poem, Mayakovsky acts as a rebel, protesting against the entire bourgeois system, its religion, denouncing them as the root cause of all human troubles and misfortunes. So, in religion, the lyrical hero of the poem sees only vulgarity and artificiality. Faith in God in the understanding of Mayakovsky's lyrical hero is something that was invented to make a person not free. In the poem, the hero becomes even higher than God and threatens him:

I thought - you are an almighty god,

And you're a half-educated, tiny god.

Thus, we can say that this work completely rejects the established foundations. The lyrical hero of Mayakovsky's poem "A Cloud in Pants" is a rebellious hero. He rebels against the religion, politics, art and love of the bourgeois world. The hero calls for decisive action. With his works, Mayakovsky claims that the role of the poet in the life of society is enormous and that he is able to influence the course of history.

In this poem, the main features of Mayakovsky's poetic style appeared:

1. A combination of verisimilitude and fantasy: "The twelfth hour has fallen, like the head of an executed man from the chopping block."

2. Using the reception of an expanded metaphor. So, the fire of love, the source of which is in the heart, gradually covers the body of the hero, likened to an architectural structure: “Mom! I can't sing. At the church of the heart, the choir is engaged!” The poet's heart is compared to a "church", in which the core - kliros - caught fire.

3. Using the reception of an expanded metaphor. For example, the phraseological unit “nerves diverged” expands with Mayakovsky into a whole picture:

Like a sick person out of bed

The nerve jumped.

Now he and newer two

They rush about in a desperate tap dance ...

4. Widespread use of neologisms: “small, meek darling”, “millions of huge, pure loves”, “December evening”, “languageless street”, “breasts hurried”.

5. In the field of verse - the use of a "ladder", dividing the line into semantic and intonational parts, focusing on certain meanings.

The poem "A Cloud in Pants" occupies a special place in Mayakovsky's work. If you study a brief analysis of "Cloud in Pants" according to the plan, it becomes clear why. This analysis can be used to conduct a literature lesson in grade 11.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work was written in 1914, during this period the poet was in love with Maria Denisova, but his feelings did not receive an answer and were embodied in poetry. It was first published in 1915.

The theme of the poem- the theme of love can be called the central one, but the theme of the poet and the crowd, the new art, the denial of the ruling system and, finally, the denial of God are also added to it.

Composition- the poem is divided into parts, each of which has its own theme, and if in the first part the lyrical hero is waiting for a meeting with his love, and then denies this feeling itself, then in the last he accuses God of not taking care of the person, not giving happy love to him. There are four in total.

Genre- Tetraptich poem.

Poetic size- free verse, in which Mayakovsky's innovation as a poet was manifested.

epithets – “bloodied heart flap“, “fat footman“, “greasy couch“, “softened brain".

Metaphors – “and a cambric living room, a dignified official of the angelic league“.

Hyperbola – “you can’t turn it out so that only solid lips“.

Comparison – “men stale like a hospital“, “women, tattered as the proverb“.

Oxymoron – “dead man's pulse“.

History of creation

Vladimir Mayakovsky conceived his poem even before meeting Maria Denisova, it was originally supposed to be called The Thirteenth Apostle. But in fact, the history of its creation begins during the trip of the futurists to Russia. Acquaintance with the beauty, who refused to enter into a close relationship with him, deeply wounded Mayakovsky and at the same time gave him a great creative impetus: he finished the poem, begun in 1914, in July 1915. In the same year, the work, already titled “A Cloud in Pants”, was published by Osip Brik. The second edition was in 1916, and both were severely curtailed by the censors.


Mayakovsky's poem is also interesting in that, despite the presence of a central theme, it is multi-dark, and the rest can be traced by chapter.

So, in the first chapter, the lyrical hero is waiting for his beloved (Mayakovsky never hid who his work is dedicated to), and this waiting for him is more painful than pleasant. He understands that there is no hope for a reciprocal feeling, but he is still ready to listen to the words of Mary. The theme of the second part is poetry, which, according to Mayakovsky, should be the poetry of struggle - but not all works and creators correspond to this image. The third part is the denial of the entire political system, which is cruel and inhuman. Here appears the image of the thirteenth apostle from the original title of the poem - this is a man who opposes the masters of life.

Finally, in the fourth part, Mayakovsky again returns to the theme of love, which this time is closely connected with the theme of God - the poet not only denies religion, he also mocks the Creator himself, who did not give people the opportunity for happy love. The lyrical hero tries to convey his feelings to his beloved - but remains with a bloody heart.


The work consists of four parts. The four-part composition of the poem allows the poet to consider all the facets of his feelings and express his views on life, which can be expressed with a simple slogan “Down with!” - and love, and modern society and God himself. This is the main meaning and message of the whole work.


The genre of this work is a poem. Mayakovsky himself said that these are “four screams from four parts”. He considered "A cloud in his pants" a catechism contemporary art– it is truly innovative in its form and rebellious in content.

means of expression

Mayakovsky's poetry from the very beginning was as sharp as possible - he used numerous means of expression in order to most clearly convey his idea to the reader. “A Cloud in Pants”, referring to the pre-revolutionary period of his work, already looks like a manifesto. It uses:

  • epithets- “bloody heart flap”, “fat footman”, “greasy couch”, “softened brain”;
  • metaphors- “and a cambric drawing room, a decorous official of the angelic league”;
  • hyperbole- “you can’t turn it out so that only solid lips”;
  • comparisons- “men, stale, like a hospital”, “women, frayed, like a proverb”;
  • oxymoron- “pulse of the dead”.

The rhythm of the poem is innovative - a modernist approach is used, when the marching rhythm and pulse beat are taken as a guide. All means of expression it is used not for the beauty of the syllable, but in order to more accurately and succinctly convey the thought that the poet put into his lines.

Poem test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 47.

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "A Cloud in Pants"

The original title of the poem - "The Thirteenth Apostle" - was replaced by censorship. Mayakovsky said: “When I came to the censorship with this work, they asked me: “What do you want to go to hard labor?” I said that in no case, that this does not suit me in any way. Then they crossed out six pages to me, including the title. It's a question of where the title comes from. I was asked - how can I combine lyrics and a lot of rudeness. Then I said: "Well, I'll be, if you want, like a madman, if you want, I'll be the most tender, not a man, but a cloud in his pants" 1.

The first edition of the poem (1915) contained a large number of censored notes. In full, without cuts, the poem was published in early 1918 in Moscow with a preface by V. Mayakovsky: ““ A cloud in pants ”... I consider it a catechism of today's art: “Down with your love!”, “Down with your art!”, “Down with your system !”, “Down with your religion” - four cries of four parts.

Each part of the poem expresses a certain idea. But the poem itself cannot be strictly divided into chapters, in which four cries of "Down with!" are consistently expressed. The poem is not at all divided into compartments with its “Down!”, but is a holistic, passionate lyrical monologue, caused by the tragedy of unrequited love. The experiences of the lyrical hero capture different spheres of life, including those where loveless love, false art, criminal power dominate, Christian patience is preached. The movement of the lyrical plot of the poem is due to the hero's confession, which at times reaches high tragedy (the first publications of excerpts from The Cloud had the subtitle "tragedy").

The first part of the poem is about the tragic unrequited love of the poet. It contains an unprecedented strength of jealousy, pain, the hero's nerves rebelled: "like a patient from the bed, a nerve jumped", then the nerves "jump furiously, and already the legs give way under the nerves."

The author of the poem painfully asks: “Will there be love or not? Which one is big or tiny? The whole chapter is not a treatise on love, but the experiences of the poet spilled out. The chapter reflects the emotions of the lyrical hero: “Hello! Who is speaking? Mother? Mother! Your son is very sick! Mother! He has a heart of fire." The love of the lyrical hero of the poem was rejected (It was, it was in Odessa; “I’ll come at four,” said Maria sharp as “here!”, / tormenting the suede gloves, / said: “You know - / I’m getting married”), and this leads him to deny love-sweet-voiced chant, because true love is difficult, it is love-suffering.

His ideas about love are defiantly, polemically frank and shocking: “Maria! The poet sings sonnets to Tiana 3, // and I / am all meat, all man - // I just ask your body, // as Christians ask - // “Our daily bread - / give us today.” For the lyrical hero, love is equivalent to life itself. Lyricism and rudeness outwardly contradict each other here, but from a psychological point of view, the hero's reaction is understandable: his rudeness is a reaction to the rejection of his love, it is a defensive reaction.

V. Kamensky, Mayakovsky's companion on a trip to Odessa, wrote about Maria that she was an absolutely extraordinary girl, she "combined the high qualities of a captivating appearance and an intellectual aspiration for everything new, modern, revolutionary ..." "Excited, swept up by a whirlwind of love experiences, after the first dates with Maria, - says V. Kamensky, - he flew into our hotel with a sort of festive spring sea wind and enthusiastically repeated: “This is a girl, this is a girl!” ... Mayakovsky, who had not yet known love, for the first time I experienced this tremendous feeling, which I could not cope with. Covered by the "fire of love", he did not know at all what to do, what to do, where to go.

The unsatisfied, tragic feelings of the hero cannot coexist with cold vanity, with refined, refined literature. To express genuine and strong feelings, the street lacks words: "the street is writhing without a language - it has nothing to shout and talk with." Therefore, the author denies everything that was previously created in the field of art:

I'm over everything that's doneI put "nihil".

Of all the art forms, Mayakovsky turns to poetry: it is too detached from real life and from the real language spoken by the street, the people. The poet exaggerates this gap:

and in the mouthcorpses of dead words decompose.

For Mayakovsky, the soul of the people is important, and not its appearance (“We are from soot in smallpox. I know that the sun would dim when it saw our souls with golden placers”). The third chapter is devoted to the theme of poetry:

And from cigarette smoke / liquor glassthe drunken face of the Severyanin was drawn out.How dare you be called a poetAnd, gray, tweet like a quail.Today / it is necessary / with brass knuckles / to cut the world in the skull.

The lyrical hero declares his break with previous poets, with "pure poetry":

From you, who were soaked in love,From which / a century a tear shed,I will leave, / the sun with a monocleI'll put it in a wide-open eye.

Another “down with” the poem is “down with your system”, your “heroes”: the “iron Bismarck”, the billionaire Rothschild and the idol of many generations - Napoleon. “I’ll lead you on Napoleon’s chain like a pug,” says the author.

The theme of the collapse of the old world runs through the entire third chapter. In revolution, Mayakovsky sees a way to put an end to this hated system and calls for revolution - for this bloody, tragic and festive action, which should burn out the vulgarity and dullness of life:

Go! / Mondays and Tuesdayslet's paint with blood for the holidays!Let the earth under the knives rememberwho wanted to vulgarize!Earth, / fattened like a mistress,who fell in love with Rothschild!So that the flags flutter in the heat of firing,like every decent holiday -lift up, lampposts,bloody carcasses of meadowsweet.

The author of the poem sees the coming future, where there will be no loveless love, refined bourgeois poetry, bourgeois order and the religion of patience. And he himself sees himself as the "thirteenth apostle", "forerunner" and herald of the new world, calling for purification from colorless life:

I, ridiculed by today's tribe,like a long dirty joke,I see time going through the mountains,which no one sees.Where people's eyes break off stubby,head of the hungry hordes,in the crown of thorns revolutionsthe sixteenth year is coming.And I am his forerunner!

The hero seeks to melt away his unsatisfied pain, he seems to rise to a new height in his personal experiences, trying to save the future from the humiliations that have befallen him. And he sees how his grief and the grief of many will end - "the sixteenth year."

The hero goes through a painful path of ups and downs in the poem. This became possible because his heart is full of the deepest personal experiences. In the fourth chapter of the poem, the hopeless longing for the beloved returns. "Maria! Maria! Maria!" - the name sounds hysterically like a refrain, in it - "a born word, equal in majesty to God." Inconsistent and endless prayers, confessions - there is no answer from Mary. And a daring rebellion against the Almighty begins - "half-educated, tiny god." Rebellion against the imperfection of earthly relationships and feelings:

Why didn't you thinkto be pain-freekiss, kiss, kiss?!

The lyrical hero of the poem is "a handsome twenty-two-year-old." With maximalism entering into life young man expressed in the poem is a dream of a time devoid of suffering, of a future existence, where “millions of huge pure loves” will triumph. The theme of personal, unsurmounted shocks develops into a glorification of future happiness.

The author is disappointed in the moral force of religion. The revolution, according to Mayakovsky, should bring not only social liberation, but also moral purification. The anti-religious pathos of the poem was sharply defiant, repelling some and attracting others. For example, M. Gorky "was struck in the poem by the God-fighting stream." “He quoted verses from A Cloud in Pants and said that he had never read such a conversation with God ... and that, by God, Mayakovsky flew in great” 4 .

I thought - you are an almighty god,and you are a half-educated, tiny god.You see, I bend down, / because of the topI take out a shoe knife.Winged scoundrels! / Hug in paradise!Ruffle your feathers in a frightened shake!I will open you, smelling of incensefrom here to Alaska!...Hey you! Sky! / Hats off! I'm coming!Deaf.The universe is sleepingput on pawwith pincer stars huge ear.
