
And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Field star! In moments of upheaval

I remembered how quiet it is behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

She burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

But only here, in the icy haze,

She rises brighter and fuller,

And I'm happy as long as the world is white

Burning, burning star of my fields...

9. In what terms did N.M. Rubtsov speaks directly about his small homeland?

10. Enter a name visual medium, which the poet uses to describe nature:

Touching with your friendly beam

All the cities that have risen in the distance.

11. Indicate the name of the visual means that the poet uses to animate the picture of nature:

The star of the fields in the icy haze,

Stopping, he looks into the hole.

12. What is the symbol for the poet and lyrical hero, repeatedly mentioned in the poem, the “star of the fields”?

13. What feeling does the lyrical hero of this poem convey?


CHAPTER 1. Life and poetic path of N.M. Rubtsova

CHAPTER 2. The main motives and features of creativity

2.1. The origins of the lyrical nature of Rubtsov's poetry

2.2. The world of a peasant house and Russian nature

2.3. Lyrical hero of Rubtsov's poems

2.4. “And the light of majestic chant and prayerful confession lit up”

CHAPTER 3. The theme of the road in Rubtsov's poetry. Poetry analysis

3.1. road theme

3.2. Analysis of poems




The theme of our term paper interesting and broad. It includes not only a study of the image of the road in the poetry of N. Rubtsov, but also an overview of his entire work. Moreover, we were forced to touch on his biography, and also tried to show a connection with

Rubtsov wrote the poem "Star of the Fields" in 1964 and dedicated it to his small Motherland

Rubtsov Star of the Fields

When you get acquainted with this poem by Rubtsov, you understand how much the lyrical hero admires the beauty of the stars, the Star of the Fields is especially attractive to him. It is her hero who begins to remember when it is hard at heart, when problems have crept up and it is difficult to find a solution. She appears when everyone is already asleep, our hero remembers the same star in moments of upheaval. He imagines her, sees how she burns at any time of the year, whether it is autumn with its golden leaves, or winter with its snowy silver.

The star in Rubtsov's poem burns and does not fade away, and all the inhabitants of the Earth can observe it, observe how it touches cities with its light. But in a special way it shines brightly in the small homeland of the hero, not among the city streets and houses that cover the sky, but there, among the fields, the guiding star is brighter and fuller.

By doing, we see that for the author, for the lyrical hero, the star of the fields is a kind of pendulum in life. It illuminates the path of the author, warms the soul. When you read Rubtsov and do an analysis, you understand that for the author this star is like a lifesaver in difficult moments. It is the star that the hero remembers, which he can see, is a reminder of his native village. It gives strength, makes it possible to go further, helps to find solutions. It's like a talisman in the author's life. And not only the author, because this star shines on everyone who turns to higher powers who believe in the power of nature. And she will always come to the aid of a traveler who gets lost on the road.

Star of the fields Rubtsov main characters

In Rubtsov's poem, the main characters are the lyrical hero and his guiding star - the star of the fields, which is the personification of his small homeland.

Listen to Rubtsov's poem

! Historical reference

Nikolai Mikhailovich RUBTSOV (1936-71) -famous Russian poet. His work is a penetrating poetry of nature, rural life (collections "The Soul Keeps", 1969, "Pine Noise", 1970, "Poems. 1953-1971", 1977). One of these was written in 1964 - "The Star of the Fields".

Star of the fields

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

Touching with your friendly beam

All the cities that have risen in the distance.

She rises brighter and fuller,

Do you know how this poem is connected with the biography of the poet?

In mid-1964, the poet was expelled from the Literary Institute. In the autumn of 1964, N.M. Rubtsov returned to Nikolskoye, where he spent his childhood. Here began the flowering of his creativity, he finally decided for himself that his star of poetry burns "for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth", throwing his friendly beam to the cities "rising in the distance". The "Star of the Fields" marked the beginning of the poet's mature work.

& vocabulary work

Guys, what do the following words mean: “icy”, “polynya”, “shock”, “fade away”?

Icy - icy, covered with ice.

polynya - an unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river, lake, sea.

Shock - 1) deep, hard-to-experience excitement; 2) a complete change, a radical breaking of something.

fade away - the same as to go out.

Answer the questions:

1. When was the poem by N. M. Rubtsov “The Star of the Fields” written? (It was written in 1964).

2. What genre of lyrics does this poem belong to?(Elegy).

3. What is this poem about? (The poem "The Star of the Fields" describes a star shining over the winter expanses of the motherland. The poem "Star of the Fields" is the author's reflection on his attachment to his native land.)

4. What images arise when reading a poem? (When reading a poem, images of a star, homeland, expanse of fields, the eternal beauty of the native land arise.).

5. What does the star symbolize in the given lines?

Stars and fields in the icy haze,

Stopping, he looks into the hole.

It's already twelve o'clock,

And a dream enveloped my homeland ...

The Star of the Fields is a symbol of the Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness and significance for every person.

creative workshop

Analysis of the content of the poem.

  1. When does a star burn?

Pay attention to these lines:

The star of the fields in the icy haze,

Stopping, he looks into the hole.

It's already twelve o'clock,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Field star! In moments of upheaval

I remembered how quiet it is behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

She burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading...

A star always burns: at night, in winter, in autumn ... - forever.

2. Where is the star burning? (Over the fields, over the cities, over the whole planet.)

3. For whom does the “star of the fields” burn?(“For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.”)

4. What do you think, who are the “anxious inhabitants of the earth”?(These are the poet's contemporaries, city life, the bustle does not leave time to admire the star, which is a symbol of light, kindness, peace of mind, and this is all connected with the concept of "Motherland".)

5. Where is the star "rising brighter and fuller"?

But only here, in the icy haze,

She rises brighter and fuller ...

(N. M. Rubtsov means his homeland.)

6. What feelings does the lyrical hero experience? Show this with lines from a poem. (The lyrical hero feels love for his native land, the happiness of being aware of his belonging to it, all-encompassing joy, excitement):

And I'm happy as long as the world is white

Burning, burning star of my fields...

Remember the concepts of rhyme, rhythm, poetic size, because they are of no small importance in the analysis of a lyrical work. Here are the steps you need to follow to determine the poetic size. Restore the sequence of these actions.

a) State the size of the poem.

b) Place the stresses in all the words.

c) Read the poem.

D) Divide words into syllables.

D) Make a diagram of the verse.

E) Mark the foot in the drawn diagram.

(Correct answer: C, B, D, D, E, A.)

Determine the size of the poem by N. M. Rubtsov "The Star of the Fields."

The star of the fields in the icy haze,

Stopping, he looks into the hole.

Unstressed syllable

/ - stressed syllable


__ / __ / __ / __/ __ __

__ / __ __ __ / __ / __ __

Iambic pentameter with perrichia (iambic foot or chorea with missing accent)

The poem combines masculine and feminine rhymes. Cross rhyme: ABAB.

7. What do you think, guys, for what purpose does the author strictly observe the size of the stanza, rhyme? (This helps N. M. Rubtsov convey his thoughts and feelings.)

creative workshop

Analysis of expressive means.

Find in the text of the poem examples of means of language expressiveness that help the author convey his emotions, and fill in the table.

Means of language expressiveness



In the icy darkness, a friendly ray, for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, winter silver, autumn gold.


It burns over autumn gold, it burns over winter silver, sleep has enveloped my homeland.


Star .., stopping, looks into the polynya; touching with its friendly beam.


The warmth of autumn gold, the inextinguishable light of a star, is opposed by an icy haze, a polynya.


She burns over autumn gold, She burns over winter silver...


"Star of the fields" in the poem is repeated 5 times. This image opens the poem and completes it. The verb BURNING is also repeated 5 times, creating the feeling of an eternal source of heat and light.

 Draw a conclusion.

For what purpose does N. M. Rubtsov use various means of artistic expression? (In order to express his feelings, emotions, to convey them to us, readers, N. M. Rubtsov also uses various means of artistic expression.)



I want to tell you about a poem that made the strongest impression on me from anything I have read in Russian poetry. Speaking roughly, but extremely accurately, I drove into it not immediately. The first reading in my distant youth of this widely known work by Nikolai Rubtsov was remembered and, of course, left a deep mark on my Russian soul. But the realization of the poetics of Rubtsov's masterpiece, so to speak, at the intellectual level of perception came only later, when I began to seriously engage in versification. The poem is quite small in volume - only four quatrains:


And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Field star! In moments of upheaval

She burns over the winter silver...

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,
Touching with your friendly beam
All the cities that have risen in the distance.

But only here, in the icy haze,
She rises brighter and fuller,
Burning, burning star of my fields...

The poem is written in iambic pentameter. The traditional most common rhyming of lines is used: ABAB. Yes, the verses are melodious... Yes, the rhymes are not erased, there are also very sophisticated inaccurate rhymes. Yes, the words and expressions are simple and intelligible... But what is the bewitching poetic power of this poem?.. The image created by the poet with relatively simple technical means is exceptionally beautiful, complex and deep. I would even say a sophisticated image in its apparent simplicity! It arose and took shape in its artistic development already in the first edition of the poem:


The star of the fields in the icy haze,
Stopping, he looks into the hole.
It's already twelve o'clock,
And sleep enveloped my homeland.
The star of the fields burns without fading,
Above my lightened roof!
The star of my native land shone on me
Among distant lands and seas!
Through foreign cities and barrows,
And on the waves wandering in the night
And along the sands of the hurricane desert -
Its rays are scattered everywhere!
But only here, above the related limit,
She rises brighter and fuller,
And I'm happy as long as the world is white
The star of my fields still burns!

It is curious that Rubtsov's idea for "The Stars of the Fields" did not arise independently, but under the influence of another poem. famous poet- Vladimir Sokolov:

Vladimir Sokolov

Star of the fields, star of the fields above the stepfather's house
And my mother's sad hand ... "-
A fragment of that song yesterday behind the quiet Don
From alien lips overtook me from afar.

And peace reigned, not subject to oblivion.
And the distance reigned - for the glory of rye and flax ...
We don't need words in a love so clear
What is clear is that we have only one life.

Star of the fields, star! Like a spark in the blue!
She will come! Then come my star.
I need black bread like white snow
I need white bread for your woman.

Girlfriend, mother, earth, you are not subject to decay.
Do not cry that I am silent: I raised it, so I'm sorry.
We don't need words when it's so clear
Everything we need to say to each other.

Rubtsov found in Sokolov the idea of ​​a beautiful image and beautiful name"Star of the Fields", and, apparently, in gratitude for the rare find, he has already dedicated his "Star of the Fields" to Vladimir Sokolov. But then he withdrew the dedication... Somehow, by itself, a simple explanation for this fact took root: two poets quarreled, they say. It seems that this motive was also present. However, there is also the main motive: Sokolov's "star of the fields" is not original! The poet Sokolov did not compose a fragment of the song himself and did not overhear it while collecting folklore. Without much ceremony, he took a fragment of a song about the star of the fields from the text of Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel's Cavalry. True, Babel's song is not Don, like Sokolov's, but Kuban ... I could not find traces of this folk song on the Internet. And the memory left to us by Paustovsky of how he and Babel allegedly sang this folk song only cause a smile. A professional magician of the word - Paustovsky could not remember from the song so beloved by his friends (Babel and Paustovsky) not a single letter more than was printed twice in Babel's short novel:

1) "The star of the fields," he sang, "the star of the fields over his stepfather's house

2) "The star of the fields," he sang, "the star of the fields over his stepfather's house,
and my mother's sad hand..."

Most likely, we have before us a curious literary hoax of Babel, in which Paustovsky willingly joined. Most likely, the talented prose writer Babel composed these two lines on his own, which are fully quoted in Sokolov's poem. In my subjective opinion, there is nothing of value, with the exception of two lines composed, apparently, by Babel, in Vladimir Sokolov's poem. Instead of enduring poetic values, there is a mess of poorly interconnected thoughts and clumsy paths, slightly reminiscent of light delirium. And the line "I need black bread, like white snow in the desert ..." miraculously makes me remember the uselessness of pliers in a women's bath.
However, let's get back to Rubtsov's poetry! Now let's compare the original version of the poem and its canonical text, familiar to all of us. A very serious work on the final cutting has been done!
Rubtsov left the main thing and cut off everything superfluous - the roof flew off! The unimportant details of distant places from where you can see the star have disappeared. (For ourselves, we note that Babel's rather clumsy "sad hand" was already cut off in the first edition of Rubtsov's poem.) The poet concentrated on the main thing - his amazingly artistic discovery: on a bright night star reflected in the icy polynya.
Why a star and not the moon, for example? It's simple. The star is a sign of destiny. The star of the fields ... But even without any fields - just about the star - we have a wonderful old romance, written already in 1846 by the composer Pyotr Bulakhov to the words of Vladimir Chuevsky, a student of the law faculty of Moscow University. I will cite the author's text by Chuevsky, adding to it the subsequent distortions-improvements of anonymous authors:

First couplet:

Burn, burn, my star,
Magically blessed.
You will forever not sunset,
There will never be another.

Burn, burn, my star,
The star of love (Shine the star) is welcome.
You are my only cherished
There will never be a friend.

Second couplet:

Will the night fall on a clear earth,
There are many bright stars in the clouds.
But you are alone, my beautiful,
You burn in the midnight rays of me.

Will the clear night fall on the Earth,
There are many stars shining in the sky.
But you are alone, my beautiful,
You burn in the rays that please me.

Third couplet:

Star of love, star of magic,
Star of my bygone days.
You will be forever the same
In my awakened soul.

blessed star of hope
Star (of my magic; love of magic; past best; my past) days.
You will be forever (non-sunset; unforgettable),
In my (exhausted; yearning) soul. (in one of the editions of the early 20th century: "In my tormented chest")

Last couplet:

Your rays, obscure Power,
My whole life is illuminated
Will I die, and over the grave,
Shine, shine, my star.

Your rays with heavenly power,
My whole life is illuminated.
Will I die - you are over the grave,
Burn, burn, my star.

I believe that such a number of improvements is due not so much to the imperfection of Chuevsky's original poems, but rather to the surprisingly accurate hit of the amateur poet Chuevsky with the very theme of the romance and the image indicated in it in the very heart of the Russian people. You compare the unpretentious, unsophisticated text of this romance, for example, with the above "fancy" poem by Vladimir Sokolov, and you understand how difficult it is to write something really original and convincing about a star. Rubtsov succeeded over the edge: his poem "STAR OF THE FIELDS" was written with an uncountable amount of different music! I think that the time for the best musical embodiment of these Rubtsov's poems has not yet come.
But let's continue comparing the first edition and the final text of the poem... What kind of star in the sky did Rubtsov write about? Such a question will baffle the most grateful listener of the great romance "Burn, burn, my star." In the final text of the poem "STAR OF THE FIELDS" Rubtsov managed to give an unambiguous answer: Sirius! Why Sirius? After the Sun and Moon, Venus is the brightest celestial object. This star (more precisely, the planet) can only be seen after sunset in the west or before sunrise in the east. In Rubtsov's "STAR OF THE FIELDS" we read:

"Already the clock rang twelve,
And sleep enveloped my homeland ... "

So Venus is gone. It should be noted that Rubtsov still did not offend Venus: he has a poem about her. The brightest star in the night sky is Sirius. Sirius can be observed from November to February. Due to the proximity of the star to the horizon, it is not always easy to observe it ... We read from Rubtsov:

"Star of the fields! In moments of upheaval
I remembered how quiet it is behind the hill
She burns over the autumn gold,
She burns over the winter silver..."

I am sure that Rubtsov, of course, knew well Ivan Alekseevich Bunin's poem "Sirius", written by Bunin at the very beginning of forced emigration under the undoubted influence of the poet Chuevsky:

Where are you, my cherished star,
A crown of heavenly beauty?
Charm unrequited
Snows and lunar heights?

Where are you, midnight wanderings
In plains bright and naked,
Hopes, immaculate thoughts
My distant young years?

Blaze, play with centicolor power,
inextinguishable star,
Above my distant grave,
Forgotten by God forever!

Sirius in Bunin is guessed from the text of the poem. But it was not by chance that Bunin directly pointed to the star in the very title of his poem - for those who doubt. Rubtsov's description of Sirius is much more precise. I note, and more artistic ...

Why, after all, does Rubtsov have a star of fields, and not just a star, like Bunin's? Or, for example, not the star of the forests? In Russia, there are no less forests than fields ... A field is an image - a reminder of human labors, of the field and destiny of man. For without the labors of human labor, our field rather quickly overgrows with shrubs and forests, or, at best, on the southern outskirts turns into a wild steppe.
So we came to a very Rubtsovian one - to a polynya ... A beautiful picture of two stars: one in the sky, and the other in the form of a reflection on the ground, this poem by Rubtsov brings this poem closer to the philosophical lyrics of his favorite poet - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Rubtsov in this poem has developed, perhaps, the deepest, I would say, the most dialectical image in all Russian poetry. The heavenly loftiness of thoughts about a person's destiny is reflected in the tragedy of his earthly trials... A polynya, or a natural hole in the ice, does not mean anything good in our dream books... To be in a hole in a dream means to experience a rather strong shock. And look: the lyrical hero of Rubtsov's poem is talking about "minutes of upheaval"! Night polynya is a tragic, terrible story in the souls of our people. The polynya itself is exceptionally dangerous. Let us recall, for example, the nightmarish, chilling soul Road of Life in besieged Leningrad. But the polynya at night is also a secret villainy and concealment of the victims of this villainy in icy water. I remember the atrocities of Ivan the Terrible. I recall the tragic and deeply sunk in the memory of the people, the death of the glorious admiral and great patriot of Russia - Kolchak, who, according to legend, was very fond of singing the romance "Burn, burn, my star."
You will say that the image of a star reflected in a polynya could have randomly arisen in a simply capable and observant poet. Rubtsov's genius was expressed with particular force in the artistic embodiment itself, in the creative development of the image. The poem is great! And the ending just blows my mind:

"But only here, in the icy haze,
She rises brighter and fuller..."

In modern times, many of us traveled to Egypt and watched with the naked eye how brightly and high above the sky Sirius rises there - a magical star, by the rise of which the local priests predicted the flood of the breadwinner of the Egyptians - the Nile! But in Rubtsov's rainy Russia, the star Sirius shines brighter, and the color of its glow is more saturated (full) ... Complete absurdity! Yes, with scientific point vision. (Rubtsovskaya Vologda is located at the very 57th degree of northern latitude, above which the constellation Big Dog it is no longer possible to fully observe it, but its main star, Sirius, is still visible in the southern part of the sky right up to the latitudes of Petrozavodsk...) However, from the point of view of great art, here Rubtsov rises to the heights of Gogol's Russian poetry:

"A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper."

Seems like complete nonsense! Anyone who can fly will fly ... Hyperbole ... But what a!!
Nothing is accidental in poetry: Rubtsov knew and loved Gogol. He even has a poem about Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, which is called "Once" ... The inner truth of the artistic image is above all other truths - both common sense and historical truth! So, in Gogol's style, the brilliant lyricist Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov in his poem "STAR OF THE FIELDS" said the great truth: the truth about his boundless love for the Motherland.

The famous, even, perhaps, one of the most famous poems by Nikolai Rubtsov "The Star of the Fields" was written by him in 1964. This year, the poet begins his growing up in literature, after he is expelled from the literary institute.

The poem is written in a literary genre called "Elegy". An elegy is a literary work that conveys sadness. This kind of play can also be considered an elegy. So what is the poem about?

The main role in the poem is occupied by the love of the lyrical hero for his native land, it is interesting that not only the Motherland as a whole, but also the small Motherland is meant. Rubtsov wrote a poem in Nikolskoye, this is the place where he spent his childhood, that is, his small homeland. Even then, Nikolai Rubtsov decided to write for all the people who need it.

The central image of Rubtsov's poem is the star of the fields. How many will understand that the star of the fields symbolizes the native land? However, it is. No wonder the star is a symbol, it means eternity, steadfastness. This star burns both in autumn and winter, endlessly it illuminates with its friendly warm light. It is enough to draw a parallel to realize the connection between the native village of the poet and the star. Of course, the star does not directly mean Nikolskoye, it's just that the star burns brightest there. You can guess that Nikolai Rubtsov always gives warmth to his small homeland, his beloved land.

Really beautiful poem by comparison, deep and simple meaning. It is simultaneously written for all people, the poet's contemporaries, and as a personal appeal of the poet to Nikolsky. A star shines for all the anxious inhabitants, but it seems to the reader to be eternal and especially bright in the native land of Nikolai Rubtsov.

When reading this poem, images always come of a bright, stunning star, as beautiful as the native land. This poem will be an eternal symbol of the beauty of the Motherland.

Analysis of the poem Star of the Fields according to plan

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