
Books by Albert Likhanov
The central problem of Likhanov's books is orphanage children and adoption. Volunteers of our foundation will be very interested in them. Moreover, such complex problems are described in an easy and understandable language of fiction.

"Rasmus the Tramp", A. Lindgren
A book from the author of Carlson about an orphan boy from an orphanage. Wonderfully written and translated. You can read or let children read from 8-9 years old.

"Children of the Underground", V.G. Korolenko
Empathy for children in trouble can be very helpful for orphans. Sometimes it is very important to know that you are not alone in your trouble.

"Path to God"
An extraordinary story about an orphaned boy. The book is quite thin, but very interesting.

"Island in the Sea" Annika Thor
This story is about mutual understanding and coexistence of different, dissimilar people. This is more than the story of a girl from an Austrian Jewish family, who was adopted and saved by a Swedish family, it is a look at a large and at first strange world, where a child torn off from his family and homeland finds himself. Steffi does not understand much about the people around her: they are not dressed like that, they have different food, they pray to a god in whom she does not believe, they are stingy with words and feelings. In the new environment of the girl, there are enough ill-wishers, hunters to offend, humiliate. This story teaches tolerance for someone who is "not like everyone else."

"Little Princess" Frances Burnett
Sara Crewe, a little princess from the city of Bombay, suddenly finds herself in a cold, prim London. The mother dies, and the father, an experienced sailor, brings the girl to the "Exemplary School for Noble Maidens". Together with the terrible news of the death of her father, new misfortunes come to Sarah: poverty, contempt of others, beatings. But the girl courageously and with dignity copes with all adversity and even finds treasures bequeathed to her by her father. The book was made into a wonderful feature film.

"Little Lord Fauntleroy" by Francis Burnett
A charming story about a seven-year-old American boy who suddenly finds out that he is a real lord, and that his rich grandfather, the powerful Earl Dorincourt, a stern and gloomy man, is waiting for him in England. With his kindness and spontaneity, little Cedric managed to melt the icy heart of his grandfather and, in the end, resolve a difficult family drama.

A series of books "Little Women" publishing house "Enos"
The series "Little Women" is addressed to readers of middle school age. It includes the best works of domestic and foreign literature, telling about the difficult time of growing up and the search for happiness, about love and friendship, about unusual girlish destinies. They are addressed primarily to girls who, reading about the life of their peers, will be able to find a lot of interesting and instructive things for themselves. These books have been translated into the languages ​​of many peoples of the world, popular films and television series have been shot on them.

"Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling
The book is about the most famous orphan in the world, on which a whole generation of children has already been brought up.
"Harry Potter" causes conflicting responses, but it is interesting to us primarily because it is the story of an orphan who has to solve his problems completely alone, with virtually no support, and he manages not only to emerge from difficult situations as a winner, but also to remain kind and responsive boy.


"Little Steps", M. Petersi, R. Trilor
This is an early education program for children with developmental difficulties. The program is designed for the smallest - those whose developmental level corresponds to 0-4 years and is addressed primarily to parents, but it can also be useful professional educators, doctors and students.
The program answers the most important question: "How to teach?", resorting to many practical proposals, which are based on years of direct teaching experience, as well as parents' opinions about the effectiveness of certain techniques.
She tells step by step how to develop a child's social skills, skills of gross and fine motor skills, speech perception and self-service.

"Psychology of development", G. Kraig, publishing house "Piter"
American, which means a simple and accessible textbook for parents. Useful for those who want to know what to be prepared for in the future. Therefore, it is not necessary to read it in its entirety; you can use this book as a kind of reference.

"Personal Development", publishing house "Piter"
The textbook known all over the world. Recommended for students studying child psychology. Like all textbooks published by the Piter publishing house, this book can be trusted, it is pleasant and useful to read it for everyone who is interested in child psychology.

"Anthology of personality development", publishing house "Ufactoria"
Fundamental, very detailed book. If you work with a specific age, then you can buy a specific piece: one to three, three to five, five to seven, seven to eleven. It is written heavily, but very conscientiously.

“Communicate with the child. How?”, Yu.B. Gippenreiter
Everyone has probably read this book. This is the American method of Thomas Gordon, adapted for the Russian reader. It will be useful to anyone who communicates with older children. The book tells how to properly communicate with children, how to resolve conflicts, how to talk to a child so that he feels that he is being heard.

“So that the child is not difficult”, T. Shishova
This book deals with standard situations that any parent faces in the process of parenting. Volunteers will benefit from reading it.

“Massage and gymnastics for children from birth to three years old”, I.S. Krasikova, 5th edition, St. Petersburg, Korona print, 2005.
"Massage and gymnastics for children from three to seven years old"
Both books are devoted to massage and gymnastics for both healthy and sick children. For each age, a set of exercises has been developed, based on the developments of leading St. Petersburg pediatricians. In the First Book you can find methods of training with premature babies and with children suffering from the most common diseases at this age.
The Second Book provides exercises for children with certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those with flat feet and posture disorders. It tells in detail about the methods of classical massage, about the basic massage of individual parts of the body, provides complexes of gymnastic exercises that contribute to the normal formation of the organs and systems of the child's body, the education of the correct motor skills necessary in Everyday life development of agility, strength, speed, endurance.

“Games and toys of our children: fun or ruin? : a modern child in the "game civilization", V.V. Abramenkov, Moscow, "Danilovsky Blagovestnik"
The book tells about the historical traditions of Russian toys, discusses modern research on the psychology of the game.

"To live with meaning. How to acquire by helping and receive by giving", Vladimir Sharov, Aziz Niyazi, Konstantin Kuksin, Adin Steinsalts
The book for the first time presents a comprehensive look at the traditions of charity in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam, talks about modern approaches that differ from traditional ideas about charity, introduces readers to its characters. Its authors are extraordinary people. Among them - a scientist, writer, traveler and rabbi.

Autobiographical books:

"Special Childhood" by Iris Johansson
The book exists only in electronic form:
Iris spoke about her childhood experiences with profound communication problems (much later she was diagnosed with early childhood autism) and about her father, who played a defining role in her life. How did she feel and perceive other people? Why could not use speech for communication for a long time? How did you learn to read and write? How did you deal with pain and hunger? The book will be especially useful for those who work with autistic children.



"White Bim black ear”, director: Stanislav Rostotsky (USSR, 1977)
A very kind, touching film, familiar to us from childhood. Probably, every child should watch it in order to learn kindness, to understand what love is, even love between a person and a dog.

"Hachiko" directed by: Lasse Hallström (US-UK, 2009)
This film is based on the true story of a very loyal Japanese dog, Hachiko, who came to the station at the same time every year to meet his deceased owner. piercing, sad story and a movie that makes you want to cry.

"Stone berry. Summertime, director: Dmitry Fedorov (Russia, 2006)
The love story of two teenagers. A very clean, innocent story with a happy ending. We recommend watching it with teenagers.


"Wait", director: Sergey Basenko (Russia, 2004)
Documentary about an eight-year-old girl abandoned by her mother. Recommended by our psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya.


This is a children's encyclopedia in audiobook format, answering all the most important questions from completely different areas of knowledge. For example, about how a person works, how to compose poetry or how to fly into space. It involves some kind of intellectual preparation, but it will be interesting for any child, everyone will find something interesting for themselves.


"Family Grows"(
This information resource was created in 2010 and is dedicated to the psychology of age. The site is under development and is gradually being filled with new interesting information. Here you can find almost all the lectures of the AUTHOR (there is Ekaterina Burmistrova or Lebedeva Alena), in particular, listen to the popular lectures for parents “Tender Age” and “Child with Character” for free
Internet project of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.
Created primarily to help parents deal with the problems of upbringing, development and education of children. Special attention is paid to the prevention of violations of personal development. On the site you can consult with specialists from the university, read articles on difficult children, choose a game for your wards from a large collection of educational games.
The site of the psychological center "Adalin" is dedicated to the development and correction of the behavior of preschool and younger children school age. There is an on-line consultation on issues of child-parent and family relations. You can read articles on diagnosing the development of speech, memory, attention and creativity in a child, study methods for correcting children with hyperactivity, attention deficit, increased aggressiveness, anxiety, sluggishness and autism, find out what to do with children's fears, neuroses and mental retardation.
On this site you can read popular articles by users, as well as visit sections dedicated to children of all ages: from birth to 7 years. Everything is discussed on the site's forum: from preparing for childbirth to teenage problems. A separate topic is requests for medical assistance and assistance to orphanages.
"Family" - a site with a ten-year history. It is about parents and for parents. Here are collected articles of users in which they share their experience, the forum is a lively discussion of pressing problems, in "Publications" collected journal articles on various topics. Volunteers will be interested in the "Adoption" section, where this process is considered from a medical, psychological and legislative point of view.

> Volunteering, volunteering and charity in fiction

Fiction is full and varied of works about mercy, help, indifference. She teaches us to be kinder, more patient, not to stay away from other people's troubles. This list contains books about those whose heart cannot but respond to the troubles of others, people who are ready to help, radiate goodness around them and make our world a little better. The heroes of these books are merciful, sincere, immediately respond to someone else's misfortune and are ready to "turn a shoulder" at any moment. After all, a volunteer (or a volunteer) is, first of all, the owner of high moral qualities, which speak of his motivation and lifestyle. The list contains works by domestic authors. These books are in the Intersettlement Library of the Apsheron District

white matter: selected works: Book. 6: Volunteers and partisans. - Moscow: Voice: Flashes, 1996.- 365 p.

The diary of General M.G. Drozdovsky, the notes of General A.G. Shkuro, the memoirs of General B.A. officer cadres of units of the imperial Russian army.

Weller, M. Adventures of Major Zvyagin [Text] / M. Weller. - Moscow: AST, Harvest, AST Moscow, 2006. - 480 p.

“We can't help everyone. That's no reason not to help one." There are many secrets in this book, and all of them are revealed surprisingly simply. First, Zvyagin is not a major. Well, a former major. He is a doctor. And by naturea cross between Robin Hood and an ancient sage: he always knows what to do, and makes others do it - for their own happiness. In each of the chapters, in addition to Zvyagin, there is a main character with some kind of life problem. What does Zvyagin do, and what helps these people in their seemingly hopeless situations.

"The Adventures of Major Zvyagin" is an unusual novel. This is the science of winning in life. Luck textbook. Zvyagin is the hero that everyone dreams of meeting in a difficult hour. He will substitute a reliable shoulder - and resolve any situation, and he will do it completely disinterestedly..

Vetrov, A.A. Volunteers of freedom: memoirs of a participant in the national revolutionary war in Spain / A.A. Vetrov. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1972. - 216 p.

The author of this book is Lieutenant General A.A. Vetrov, participant in the fighting in Spain 1936-1939. Then he, a major in the armored forces of the Red Army, was the deputy commander of the International Tank Regiment of the Republican Army. In his memoirs, he writes about the courage and bravery of fellow soldiers of anti-fascist volunteers from 16 countries of Europe and America, about their fierce battles with the Nazis near Zaragoza, during the assault on the impregnable Teruel citadel and in exhausting battles near the Ebro River.

Gaidar, A.P. Timur and his team / A.P. Gaidar; artistic Z. Yarilina. - Moscow: Omega, 2016. - 128 p.: ill. - (School library).

Timur, a brave and sympathetic pioneer boy, together with his friends, surrounded the families of front-line soldiers with secret care. Timur unites a group of peers around him in a dacha village and unselfishly helps old people, kids - those who, due to their defenselessness, are usually a victim of the mischief of teenagers. First of all, the Timurovites take care of the families of the military, the defenders of the Motherland. The Timurites were able not only to do good, but also to resist evil, to fight it, not to pass by meanness, dishonor, rudeness; learned not only to help the younger, the old, the weak, but also to protect them.

Glinka, E. P. " I am always on the side of the weak”: diaries, conversations / Dr. Liza Glinka; [comp. S. Aleshchenok]; [foreword N. Sokolova; post-last G. Glinka]. - Moscow: AST, 2018. - 319 p.

Elizaveta Glinka (1962–2016), known as Doctor Liza, founded the first hospice in Kyiv, supervised hospice work in the cities of Russia, Serbia and Armenia; created an international public organization"Fair Help"; treated, fed and provided for the homeless; organized the evacuation of sick and wounded children from the Donbass. She tragically died in a plane crash over the Black Sea on December 25, 2016, while accompanying a shipment of medicines and equipment for a hospital in Syria. The book is based on the diaries of Dr. Lisa; the second part consists of conversations with Elizaveta Glinka, in which she talks a lot about Fair Aid, her wards, and - very little - about herself. The book also includes a memoir by Gleb Glinka and a foreword by Ksenia Sokolova.

Granin, D. Mercy / D. Granin. - Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1988. - 144 p. - (Writer and time).

The book of the winner of the State Prize of the USSR, the famous writer Daniil Granin is devoted to the problems of the moral revival of man. The book includes essays about D. Likhachev, A. Fadeev, articles in defense of the environment and much more. “The word “mercy” was once extremely common in Russia. There were sisters of mercy who worked in hospitals, that is, those hospital sisters who are now simply called medical sisters used to be called sisters of mercy. There were Relief Societies. I did not know the history of mercy in Russia. I only knew that the word had disappeared from the lexicon. Because the very concept of mercy has disappeared. Why did it disappear? How did it happen? And what appeared instead?.. But how do we live without the concept of mercy?..»

Kirsanov, N.A. At the call of the Motherland: volunteer formations of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War/ ON THE. Kirsanov. - Moscow: Thought, 1974. - 277 p.

Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people have risen to defend their Motherland. One of the highest manifestations of the patriotism of the Soviet people was the mass volunteer movement for the creation of various military formations that were not envisaged by the plans of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR. Thus, volunteer units and formations appeared in the Soviet Armed Forces, whose contribution to winning victory can hardly be overestimated. According to incomplete data, at least 4 million people were in the people's militia and other volunteer formations during the war, of which about 2 million took a direct part in the battles in the summer and autumn of 1941. N. A. Kirsanov reveals the nationwide nature of the Volunteer Movement of the People for the provision of direct assistance active army. The author shows in detail how all nationalities participated in the movement for the provision of nationwide voluntary assistance to the front. Soviet Union how widely the mass sending of gifts and warm clothes to the front-line soldiers, the transfer to the troops of equipment and weapons built at the personal expense of the working people, the patronage of hospitals, the donor movement.

Korolenko, V. G. Children of the Underground / V.G. Korolenko; artistic A. Vlasova. - Moscow, 2017. - 64 p.

“It is better to have a piece of a human heart in your chest instead of a cold stone.” The story of Vladimir Korolenko "Children of the Underground" on the one hand, describes the hard life of the poor, cruelty and injustice towards them. On the other hand, it also shows true friendship, compassion and kindness that people have, regardless of their position. It shows both poor scoundrels, and a boy from a good family and his father, who behave nobly towards people who are exiles everywhere, even for beggars like themselves.

Kumanichkin, A.S. To live ... / A.S. Kumanichkin. Air workers' wars / N. Kuptsov. Volunteers, step forward / M. Nikolaev. - Moscow: Mol. guard, 1987. - 335 p. : ill. - (Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War).

Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation Alexander Sergeevich Kumanichkin is no longer alive: he died in October 1983. During the war years, as a fighter pilot, squadron commander, navigator of the 176th Proskurov Regiment of Free Hunters, A.S. Kumanichkin showed high combat skills in battles with the Nazi invaders, proved to be a talented air fighter. A. S. Kumanichkin ended the war in the skies of Germany, near Berlin. 36 downed enemy aircraft - this is the total combat score of the Soviet ace.

Likhanov, A.A. Good intentions: Tales / A.A. Likhanov. - Moscow: Mol. guard, 1981. - 560 p. - (B-ka youth).

Nadezhda, who has just graduated from a pedagogical institute, by chance takes care of the orphaned first-graders.

Difficulties arise because Nadezhda Pobedonosnaya (as the director of the boarding school calls her) was guided in everything solely by her feelings. Pity for the unfortunate children struck her to the very heart and awakened in her the desire to arrange their destinies. The feeling of guilt in front of the children who suffered because of people who are not able to think about someone other than themselves made her take responsibility for their fate. The girl bravely and resignedly takes on the unbearable burden of someone else's betrayal and serves these destitute children with her whole life.

Likhachev, D. S. Letters about the good and the beautiful / D.S. Likhachev. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Det. lit., 1989. - 238 p. : photoil.

The book of the outstanding scientist of the XX century, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev is addressed to young readers. These are reflections of a kind and wise person, devoid of moralism and pathos, designed in the form of short letters, about the need for self-development, the formation of the correct system of values, getting rid of greed, envy, resentment, hatred and about cultivating love for people, understanding, sympathy, courage and skill. defend your point of view. "Letters ..." by Academician Likhachev will be useful to anyone who wants to learn how to make the right choice in the most difficult situations, get along with people, be in harmony with themselves and the world around them, and enjoy life a lot.

Ostrovsky, N. A. How steel was tempered: [novel] / N.A. Ostrovsky. - Moscow; St. Petersburg: Komsomolskaya Pravda: Amphora, 2011. - 383 p. - (Golden Collection for Youth) (Great Writers).

The novel depicts the events of the era of the Civil War, the years of the restoration of the national economy of young Russia. The youth has not been left behind. A powerful youth movement (Komsomol volunteers) has developed in the country. Young guys helped to restore the country destroyed after the Civil War. In the image of Pavel Korchagin, the author showed the wonderful human qualities of the Soviet youth, brought up in the revolutionary struggle: devotion to the cause of the party, love for the Motherland, courage and moral purity.

Panteleev, L. Republic of SHKID: a story / L. Panteleev. - Moscow: VECHE, 2009. - 270 p. - (Folk novel).

1920s. The streets of Petrograd are flaunted by colorful and miserable homeless children, who from time to time are caught for children's receivers. In one of them, the Dostoevsky School (SHKID), hungry, arrogant and quick-witted ragamuffins gathered. This comedians' haven is run by an honest and intelligent director. His disarming trust taught the guys manhood, helped not to dissolve in the run of troubled times ... Homeless children, juvenile thieves find rigor and justice in school. Some acquire a thirst for knowledge, others - friendly support, but each - a family.

Rasputin, W. French lessons / V. Rasputin. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1982. - 110 p.

"French Lessons" is one of the best stories of the famous Russian writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin, which has become a classic of Russian literature. 1948 Difficult post-war period, devastation, famine. Children had to grow up early, take on adult responsibilities. The hero of the story, an eleven-year-old boy, cut off from home, is faced with a need, he is starving. He alone fights for his existence, not accepting alms and help from others. Thanks to a young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, the boy discovers a new world where people can trust each other, support and help, share sorrow and joy, relieve loneliness. French lessons turn out to be lessons of kindness and charity.

Human hit V hospital/ comp. Ludmila Ulitskaya. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2009. - 254,

Recently, medicine has made a huge breakthrough: they have learned to treat diseases that were previously considered incurable. At the same time, medicine itself is becoming less and less humane. The lack of humanity can and should be covered today by volunteers who come to the sick, who lack participation, communication, sympathy.The book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya "A Man Got to the Hospital" was created for the 20th anniversary of the Mercy Service of the RCCH (Russian Children's Clinical Hospital). The writer considers herself not the author, but only the compiler of this documentary book: it contains the memoirs of volunteers, patients and doctors of the RCCH, fragments of sermons by Fr. Alexandra Men and Fr. Georgy Chistyakov. The book includes autobiographical notes by Fr. George, memories of him, as well as materials of the Russian-French seminar on psychological care for children with serious illnesses, palliative medicine and socio-psychological rehabilitation, which took place over a number of years at the RCCH. The publication completes the list of names of those who participated in the work of the RCCH Mercy Service for 20 years of its existence.

The Year of Civic Engagement and Volunteering, declared by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, calls to help others and change the world for the better. The word "volunteer" in translation means "volunteer". Very soon, it began to designate not those who volunteered for the war, but those who disinterestedly, gratuitously do good deeds, help people or animals, work for free for the benefit of those in need. Let's remember the books and the most famous literary characters who have been noted for their achievements in the field of volunteerism.

The poems of Agnia Barto from the cycle "Vovka - a kind soul" are one of the first works, getting acquainted with which, children will learn why it is necessary to do good deeds and help others. The main character is only five years old, but his responsibility is developed beyond his years. Vovka will help calm down capricious babies, replace her older brother for a little girl, and clear the football field together with the wind. Vovka performs most of the good deeds in relation to friends, relatives, pets, but in the poem "Hot" he arranges a real volunteer action. When the city of Zagorsk is exhausted from the summer heat, “Vovka is a kind soul, and even three kids, and even eight boys” make paper fans and distribute them to citizens exhausted by the heat.

The poems of Agnia Barto not only give a positive example to children, but also remind adults how important it is not to destroy the sprout of goodness. In the final part of the cycle, Vovka becomes older and begins to be embarrassed by his nature: he is embarrassed "to be such a good-natured person at a mature age." The boy is going through a serious personality crisis and is trying to become harsher, only now no one comes to his aid.

Usually books imbued with ideology are doomed to oblivion. The story of Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team" managed to survive the collapse of the socialist system, and the name of its main character became a household name. Modern volunteers are still called "Timurovites" by the older generation. In a dacha village near Moscow, a group of teenagers led by Timur Garaev secretly helps the families of Red Army soldiers: they carry water, stack firewood in a woodpile, and find missing pets. Timurovites mark the houses of their wards with a red star. The activities of the boys are not limited only to peaceful labor. They win a convincing victory over the gang of chieftain Mishka Kvakin - the destroyers of country gardens.

Surprisingly, A. Gaidar was almost repressed for the story “Timur and his team”. How is it - the independence of children, not sanctioned by the authorities? But, fortunately, it worked out. The book has become a favorite for many children, and its characters are an example. The writer also could not part with the characters, and two sequels appeared: the screenplays "Commandant of the Snow Fortress" and "Timur's Oath". The story "Timur and his team" was filmed twice - already in 1940, the second film adaptation - in 1976.

The children wanted to imitate the heroes of their favorite book! The first Timur detachment was created in the very city where A. Gaidar wrote his story - Klin, Moscow Region. The first Timurites were 6 students of the local school 2. The Great Patriotic War caused a surge of children's and teenage charitable volunteering. Timur detachments were organized in schools, orphanages, at the Pioneer Houses ... Only in the RSFSR there were more than 2 million Timurites. They patronized hospitals, families of officers and soldiers, orphanages and gardens, helped to harvest, worked for the defense fund. After the war, Timurovites helped veterans of war and labor, the elderly, looked after the graves of fallen soldiers. Timurovites also appeared in the countries of Eastern Europe, and even in Vietnam.

In the post-war life of Russia (USSR) great importance had a search job. That's where the predecessors of today's search engines are! About how the guys study military events, learn about exploits and confirm the words "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" - tell such books as the story from the cycle about Krosh by A. Rybakov - "The Unknown Soldier" and the story by Yuri Yakovlev "Kingfisher" .

Not having entered the institute, Sergey Krasheninnikov (Krosh) comes to his grandfather in a small town and gets a job in a road construction team. During the work, builders discover a soldier's grave. Krosh takes on the identification of the deceased soldier, simultaneously struggling with manifestations of human indifference and callousness. The narrative runs parallel to two plots in the present and during the war.

A little older than Vasil, Zoya and Marat was a small boy (Kingfisher), whistling like an oriole, wearing a jacket fastened with two buttons. It was he who jumped with a parachute behind enemy lines, blew up the bridge ... And then he found out that if he was not found, then the hostages would be shot - almost half of the village. And he himself gave himself into the hands of the Nazis, who shot him ... but maybe he still survived? And, perhaps, this is the children's own teacher - Sergey Ivanovich? The screen version of the story was made in 1972.

But in the late Soviet era, sprouts of formalism appeared in many children's voluntary organizations. The main thing for a false grief - a pathfinder - to become famous, to bring an exhibit to the museum ... but what will happen to those for whom the last letter from a loved one from the front is all that is left, a priceless relic? This is the story of B. Vasiliev "Exhibit ...".

"I Care" is not just a book. Not just exciting stories about contemporaries who, for various reasons, began to help others, written by one of the most famous and original figures in Russian journalism, Svetlana Sorokina.

Any person can be a volunteer, even if they do not belong to any voluntary organization. And he can help those who cannot ask for help at all - unlike people. For example, there are many stories by the already mentioned writer Yuri Yakovlev about children who selflessly help others. But the story "Ledum" stands out among all. Why is Costa the average middle school student high school falling asleep during class?

It turns out that he absolutely disinterestedly walks with dogs - all the time different. With strangers. The owner of the setter walks with a crutch and cannot move much. There is no one to look after the boxer at all - the owners have left, and the dog lives on the balcony, and you also need to feed the poor fellow. The boy - the owner of the dachshund - is sick. And the fourth ward dog of Costa is waiting on the seashore. Waiting for the owner, who died. Here is such a story of a kind boy - a silent man who loves animals and knows nature (for example, when rosemary blooms). And with this story, the writer seems to be telling us that any of us can become a volunteer. This means that the Year of the Volunteer is the most, that neither is, our year. There is always someone nearby who is waiting for our help and needs it.

Sources: / Book review conducted by M. V. Murzenkova

Robin Hood: Take from the rich and give to the poor

Volunteering as a social phenomenon takes shape only in the second half of the 19th century, but people who are ready to selflessly help those in need have always existed. If you try to recall literary characters who can stand up for widows, protect orphans, defend the rights of the disadvantaged, the name of the hero of English folk ballads, the noble robber Robin Hood, will immediately come to mind.

The legendary shooter from Sherwood Forest made money for good deeds in an illegal way - he robbed the rich. However, the harsh Middle Ages stood in the yard, when grant competitions, crowdfunding platforms and social protection did not yet exist. In addition, the gang of Robin Hood did not touch those who lived on honest labor.

Of course, the noble robber and his associates from Sherwood Forest can only be called volunteers with a stretch, but libraries stubbornly include collections of ballads about them in the literature lists for the Year of the Volunteer. The share of common sense is present here, because the "nice guy" Robin Hood has become an eternal image that embodied the hopes of the disenfranchised and oppressed.

Vovka is a kind soul: do not destroy the sprout of good

The poems of Agnia Barto from the cycle "Vovka - a kind soul" are one of the first works, getting acquainted with which, children will learn why it is necessary to do good deeds and help others. The main character is only five years old, but his responsibility is developed beyond his years. Vovka will help calm down capricious babies, replace her older brother for a little girl, and clear the football field together with the wind.

Vovka performs most of the good deeds in relation to friends, relatives, pets, but in the poem "Hot" he arranges a real volunteer action. When the city of Zagorsk is exhausted from the summer heat " Vovka is a kind soul, and even three kids, and even eight boys"make paper fans and distribute them to heat-weary citizens.

The poems of Agnia Barto not only give a positive example to children, but also remind adults how important it is not to destroy the sprout of goodness. In the final part of the cycle, Vovka becomes older and begins to be ashamed of his nature: he is embarrassed "in adulthood such to be some good-natured man." The boy is going through a serious personality crisis and is trying to become harsher, only now no one comes to his aid.

Timur Garayev: premonition of the coming war


Usually books imbued with ideology are doomed to oblivion. The story "Timur and his team" by Arkady Gaidar managed to survive the collapse of the socialist system, because the name of its protagonist has become a household name. Modern volunteers of the older generation are still called "Timurovites".

In a dacha village near Moscow, a group of teenagers led by Timur Garaev secretly helps the families of Red Army soldiers: they carry water, stack firewood in a woodpile, and find missing pets. Timurovites mark the houses of their wards with a red star. The activities of the boys are not limited only to peaceful labor. They win a convincing victory over the gang of ataman Mishka Kvakin - the destroyers of country gardens.

The story of Arkady Gaidar not only taught the younger generation good, but also prepared for the coming war - every page is permeated with foreboding. At a young age, the craving for rash acts is especially strong, but Arkady Gaidar's book reminds us that running to the front is not best idea for the boy ( all chiefs and commanders are ordered to drive our brother from there in the neck"), if you can serve the Motherland by selfless work in the rear.

Erast Fandorin: volunteering for selfish reasons


In modern Russian, the word "volunteer" has a purely peaceful meaning and is associated mainly with the social sphere. Initially, this was the name of the volunteer soldiers. One of the most striking examples of military volunteering in domestic literature- this is the hero of Boris Akunin's detective novels Erast Fandorin.

After the tragic events described in the novel "Azazel", the detective experiences a mental breakdown. He, a titular adviser through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, did not face the prospect of becoming a participant in hostilities. Fandorin himself decided to go to the Serbian-Turkish war as a volunteer. He was prompted to a desperate act by "selfish considerations": " the sight of someone else's pain makes it easier to survive your own".

Fandorin ended up at the front two weeks before the defeat of the army of the Serbian commander-in-chief Mikhail Chernyaev, after which he had to wander through the mountains and shoot himself (" Thank God, I don't think I hit anyone."), be captured and make a successful escape, save a lost girl and help the Russian army expose a dangerous spy.

Hermione Granger: learning from mistakes


The main character of the Harry Potter novels, Hermione Granger, is more often perceived as an intellectual, less often as good friend and just beautiful. In between lessons and cramming, the top honors student at Hogwarts found time to social activities. Hermione grew up in a family of ordinary people and, having learned about the mores of the magical world, was outraged by the plight of the house elves, who are enslaved by wizards.

To remedy the situation, the girl created an organization designed to change the status of magical creatures. Only her friends joined the ranks of the movement, and even then with obvious reluctance. Perhaps there would have been more volunteers if it were not for the dubious name of GAVNE - Civil Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence (in the original it sounds SPEW and is translated as "vomit"). The oppressed beings themselves did not object to slavery, and Hermione's attempts to knit clothes for them or demand a salary were perceived as an insult.

Failures did not dampen morale. Hermione learned from her mistakes and continued to fight injustice with other methods. Becoming an employee of the Ministry of Magic, she managed to bring a lot of positive changes in the life of the wizarding world.

MOSCOW, February 13 - RIA Novosti. The famous writer Zakhar Prilepin became the deputy commander of one of the battalions of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. For Prilepin, this is not the first experience in war zones. In the past, he already served as the commander of the OMON department, participated in both Chechen campaigns.

In 2016, the writer began work on the book Platoon: Officers and Militias of Russian Literature, dedicated to the military biographies of poets of the Golden Age. According to the author, he wanted to refute the stereotype "about Russian literature as a bunch of humanists." Probably, his great predecessors, Prilepin, also inspired him to travel to the Donbass, that "Russian classics in identical situations behaved exactly like this: they immediately went and took the side of their people, and often with weapons in their hands."

Alexander Pushkin

In 1829, the poet made an offer to Natalia Goncharova, but, having received an evasive answer from the mother of the bride, he left with annoyance for the Caucasus, where at that moment there was another military campaign with Turkey under the leadership of Field Marshal Ivan Paskevich.

Pushkin managed to show off his courage in the battle on the top of Soganlug, but at the insistence of the commander, who did not want to take responsibility for the safety of the famous poet, he soon left the front line and moved to Tiflis.

Vasily Zhukovsky and Pyotr Vyazemsky

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Pushkin's senior comrades took part in the war of 1812. Already being famous poet, the author of the popular among his contemporaries "Lyudmila", Vasily Zhukovsky signed up for the militia. Together with him there was his young follower Peter Vyazemsky. The latter, by the way, received the Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree for military successes.

Both poets left memories of the Battle of Borodino. Zhukovsky wrote a poem "In the Camp of Russian Warriors", which instantly spread in the ranks of the Russian army, and Vyazemsky's stories formed the basis of Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

Lev Tolstoy

Count Lev Nikolayevich himself also sniffed gunpowder - at first, as a cadet in the Caucasus, he participated in skirmishes with the highlanders, and with the beginning Crimean War moved to the Danube army. For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 4th degree, and several medals.

In addition to the reputation of a brave warrior, the count won the love of fellow soldiers with his stories. His "Sevastopol Tales", published in the midst of hostilities, impressed even Emperor Alexander II, who ordered to take care of a talented officer.

Nikolay Gumilyov

One of the most famous front-line writers Silver Age was Nikolai Gumilyov. Despite poor health, the poet dreamed of the exploits of Russian officers who volunteered for Abyssinia. Gumilyov made several expeditions to Africa, visited Turkey and Egypt. At the beginning of World War I, the poet signed up for the front and was enlisted as a volunteer in the Life Guards Ulansky Regiment.

For participation in intelligence operations, Gumilyov was awarded the St. George Cross three times. In 1917, after an exacerbation of his illness, the poet was sent to the Russian expeditionary corps in Paris, served as an adjutant to the commissar of the Provisional Government.

Mikhail Zoshchenko

The famous satirist was a participant in three wars. In World War I, he served as an ensign, received a shrapnel wound in the leg, a heart defect - as a result of poisoning during a gas attack - and five orders for military merit. In 1919, Zoshchenko was released from service for health reasons. However, the writer immediately volunteered for the active ranks of the Red Army.

Zoshchenko passed civil war regimental adjutant of the 1st Exemplary Regiment of the Rural Poor. After a heart attack, he was demobilized, but with the outbreak of World War II, the writer again arrived at the military enlistment office with a request to send him to the front as an experienced soldier. He was refused, deeming him unfit for military service. Nevertheless, Zoshchenko entered the fire defense group, which protected the roofs of houses during the bombing.

Arkady Gaidar

The children's writer and screenwriter Arkady Gaidar made his first attempt to get to the front at the age of ten. He failed to participate in the First World War, but at the age of 14 he was enlisted in the Red Army. Already at the age of 18, Gaidar was appointed commander of a separate regiment to combat banditry. In 1919, he was demobilized with a diagnosis of "traumatic neurosis" caused by a shrapnel wound and a fall from a horse.

Gaidar began World War II as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda, writing military essays. But after the encirclement on the South-Western Front, he ended up in a partisan detachment, where he served as a machine gunner. In October 1941, Gaidar was ambushed by the Germans and died.

Daniil Granin

One of the few living front-line writers, Daniil Granin, went to the front at the age of 22 with a division militia. In the very first year of the Great Patriotic War, he participated in the battles near Pskov and at the Pulkovo Heights, trying to prevent the Germans from breaking through to Leningrad, was wounded twice.

One of Granin's last novels, "My Lieutenant", dedicated to the hardships of the first months of the war, won the " Big Book and caused a great resonance in society.
