Each Major Arcana card represents its own dignity: A character of great importance, a mythic component, or an event of decisive importance. Some of the Major Arcana are easily recognizable and their meaning is clear to anyone. Lovers Tarot is one of the main characters of the Arcana, which is a universally recognized symbol of love and trust.

Lovers Tarot general description

In the Journey of the Fool Tarot, each character is set as a landmark along the way. In each encounter, there is no choice but to just go ahead and get to know new characters. The Lovers Tarot card is the first hint of self-realization for the hero. The road forks here, the choice becomes his personal.

Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Astrological sign: Twins
Key date: from May 21 to June 20

In decks it is customary to call: The Lovers, the Oracle of the Almighty Gods, the Twins and the Children of the Voice.

In other languages: L'Amore, The Lovers, L'Amoureux, Die Wahl.

Symbolism of the Arcana

In modern tarot decks, the image of the Lovers card is reminiscent of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Behind the male figure is a flaming tree that represents knowledge, passion and vitality. Behind the female figure, a snake coils around an apple tree, symbolizing knowledge, passion and temptation. Lovers are a union of two seemingly disparate parts: worldly and spiritual, male and female, light and dark. This is a card of love, duality and choice.

The general meaning of the Arcana "Lovers" in the Tarot

The interpretation of the Lovers Tarot card is ambiguous. It can be read both positively and negatively, depending on the cards that are close to the Arcana in the layout. However, the Lovers Tarot is not just a choice, it is a pursuit of the unknown. If this card appears in a reading, it is important to remember that uncertainty is normal. Just follow your heart. Know that the decision made will lead to lasting peace and harmony - as long as the Querent himself wants it.

Varieties in decks

Historically, the Lovers card has often been depicted as a couple struck by Cupid's arrow. Some decks have a minister performing the marriage. Others depict someone choosing between two partners. Therefore, Arcana is always, at all times, regardless of the choice of the Tarot deck, associated with temptation and choice between partners.

Each card has its own number, which has a deep metaphysical meaning. The number of the Major Arcana of the Tarot "Lovers" is (VI), Divinity (3), multiplied by Duality (2). This is the number of harmony and balance. The lovers represent the union between the masculine and the feminine, and also bring the opposing forces into balance.


  • Choice
  • Decision must be made
  • Duality
  • Harmony
  • partnership
  • head or heart
  • Confidence
  • Power of love
  • Healing
  • Sexuality
  • Road
  • Romanticism
  • Trial.

The Lovers card advises you to explore all the options for events and make the wisest choice. Think carefully about your interests. Focus on what could be best for all parties.

Card Caution

Be prepared to make some compromises, stick to the commitments you made. Trust your intuition.

Lovers Tarot card meaning as a person

The Lovers Tarot card denotes someone who makes choices from the heart. This is someone who needs to connect emotionally and intellectually to every aspect of their life. This is someone who makes an effort, he is a very passionate and sensual person. Appearance and the image is important for him no less than the opinion of others.

People corresponding to the 6th Major Arcana make an effort in their relationships, are witty, curious and attractive. They always have partners to feel like a single whole.

Fool-related careers include:

  • Healer.
  • massage therapy.
  • Executor.
  • Dancer.
  • Social worker.
  • Psychologist.
  • Doctor.
  • Sculptor.
  • Photographer.
  • Chemist.
  • Perfumer.
  • Cosmetologist.

How to interpret the Arcana Lovers Tarot in layouts

Lovers Tarot is one of the most powerful cards in the deck. She talks about the human need for love, acceptance and self-realization. These are all human desires that affect our daily lives.

Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Upright

The lasso indicates the tension between the head and the heart, it is time to follow your intuition and choose a path for your own good.

Significance in relationships and love

In relationship readings, the Lovers card represents soul mates and karmic bonds, the element of "attracting opposites". The lasso indicates compatibility on a mental, philosophical and often physical level.

The Lovers card is traditionally associated with marriage and unions.

Career and work

Arcana presents workplace or a career that fully aligns with your values ​​and natural talents. A powerful path has opened up for you, but choices must always be made.

There may be conditions attached to the profession that is ideal for you: perhaps it is lower pay or “prestige”. The dropped Arcana is a sign to correctly understand your goals and values. Find a solution that honors your soul.

In case of conflicts in the workplace, the card suggests building a relationship with another person. Is a good indicator when it comes to partnerships and mergers, make sure values ​​and goals are at the forefront of all negotiations.


Lovers Tarot symbolizes mutual attraction - not only between people, but also between you and money. If you haven't had any money lately, help will be on the way, but only if you ask for help and tell someone else about your problems.

Now is also a good time to take on financial risks, such as starting your own business or taking out a loan.

In health plans

In general, Arkan indicates good health, and if there are any problems, recovery can be quick. Usually one state can follow another, and when one is treated well, the other also disappears.

Sensitivity of the body: lungs, Airways, paired organs, susceptibility to external conditions, whether it is people, environmental pollution. Allergies, internal conflicts, bifurcation, psychological problems, personality problems, bipolar disorder, nervousness.

In the context of the situation

Lovers Tarot can refer to any major choice you face, usually with a number of conflicting possibilities. As long as you are willing to remain level-headed and apply common sense, there is no reason to think that the decision will be made incorrectly.

People and personalities

The faces represented by the Lovers card are open, honest and authentic. They are attentive and insightful listeners. If they point to a person in your life: this is a friend or partner.

If the Arcana represents you, this is a sign that you have come a long way in self-development. You have solved many problems that you previously held back.

The meaning and interpretation of the Arcana Lovers Tarot inverted

The inverted Lovers card symbolizes emotional instability or disharmony in a relationship.

Significance in relationships and love

The card may represent disappointment in a relationship. Perhaps your hopes were not justified, and now you feel insecure. Depending on the situation, there may still be time to change things and meet the needs. Perhaps the meaning of the Sixth Arcana in a relationship is that you have reached the end by trying to make the relationship work.

Be clear about your desires and boundaries. If you've been feeling closed, this is a call to open up. You can't get the love and trust you deserve if you don't let people see you for who you are.

Career and work

The tension between you and your work situation is too great. The chosen profession is not the work of your soul. If so, start planning for a change of activity. Look for ways outside of work to indulge your passions such as volunteering, personal projects, mentoring.

This card can signal conflicts within the company. For example, a manager who lacks self-awareness, sincerity, or connection with his team.


Reversed, the Lovers card means that your finances are out of control. You may be focusing too much on your romantic life and ignoring budgetary constraints. Review your personal finances before it becomes a big problem to overcome.

Lovers in the layout of health

Rest is essential to give your body time to recover. Being kind to yourself and thinking positively will speed up the healing process and make you feel whole again.

In the context of the situation

If you decide to make an important decision, you will regret it - and soon. Weigh every aspect of your situation carefully. Unfortunately, the Arcanum of Lovers can be a warning against procrastination. You must always remain consistent, as inconsistency will be the biggest mistake of all.

People and personalities

Persons represented by the reversed Lover card may lack self-awareness or openness. Sometimes it represents confusion: uncertainty about what you want or who you really are. It could be side effect growing up in a family, long-term abusive relationships, or even ignoring your needs for too long. In these situations, it is common to experience confusion and disconnection from the main essence.

Look for ways to heal to reconnect the parts of yourself that you have disconnected from. This may be in the form of therapy or alternative healers that can assist in the journey back to your true self.

Arcana Lovers Tarot meaning

Arcana 6 Tarot suggests being at a crossroads in your life. Although it symbolizes relationships, love and togetherness, it can also show a positive business partnership or joining forces to move forward. The answer to your question will always be "Yes".

Arcana Lovers Tarot meaning in divination "Card of the day"

The Lovers Tarot card represents an important choice to make. But don't be fooled: this choice isn't always about romantic love. It is about choosing where to direct your energy to create a deeper and more meaningful connection. Learn more

Questions for Arcana

Lovers Tarot says that "Love" in your life is currently happening or will appear in the near future. You may have to make a choice that must come from the heart. Remember that it will influence and change the future.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I ready for a relationship?
  • Am I ready to improve the relationship I'm in?
  • Do I need to make any decisions regarding my relationship?
  • Do I feel my love?
  • Am I ready to give and receive love?
  • Am I ready to make a choice?
  • What do I want now?
  • Am I living a life full of passion and love?

Video on the meaning of the Lovers Tarot card

Lovers Tarot card in combination with other cards

The Lovers card is in all Tarot decks. Arkan, who fell out in the reading of the alignment, has great importance. In life, love is all about relationships, it follows that it is necessary to look at the interpretation of the Arcana and its relationship to other related cards.

Lovers Tarot with Major Arcana

  • The jester is a successful happy union, destined from above.
  • Magician - two lovers and a third person; intervention or assistance in love. Love that makes two people one. This combination suggests intelligence, both analytical and synthetic.
  • High Priestess - love fantasies. Unbelievable love. Love that ignores serious obstacles.
  • Emperor and Empress - financial and practical issues of falling in love. parental pressure.
  • Hierophant - marriage ceremony, sexual intercourse.
  • The Chariot is a test of the boundaries of love or a mystical experience. If all is well, love or experience leads to a better life. If not, it leads to fear and withdrawal from society.
  • Power is a strong relationship or manipulation. People with different talents to help complete the task. Addition to work or relationships.
  • The hermit is a great power in spiritual matters. Magic work. In physical matters, the danger is from the magnitude of the forces used.
  • Wheel of Fortune - the situation is on its own. A blessing in times of need, also a prediction of weakness in a relationship. Need for support through a crisis.
  • Justice - the desire to stay in a relationship, marriage. People want to work to stay together. Injustice and as a consequence of trouble.
  • The Hanged Man is a sacrifice in love, also a martyr complex. The need to "suffer for love."
  • Death is a close relationship between people who seem very different. The choice of some life changes. The physical death of a loved one. Courage to protect a loved one.
  • Moderation is the moment of falling "in" or "out" of love, also making decisions. Exercise, judgment and acceptance of the obvious. Balanced relationship. Relationships that heal.
  • The devil is a conscious crooked path in life. A serious and demanding effort, made with sufficient force to achieve the adrenaline rush or desire.
  • The Tower is physically perfect love. Feelings of pain can be turned into pleasure; in a negative sense - sadistic love relationships. A quick decision.
  • Star - hear voices, bells, ringing. Softness that can be followed by lovemaking.
  • Moon - reception of spiritual teachings, growth in relationships. Negative aspect: gradual loss of purpose.
  • The sun is a long life together, a change with someone. Negatively, one person changes, but his partner does not.
  • Judgment is love after death. Respect for a person or past, a great teacher or example. Keeping the memory of someone.
  • Peace is everything that is connected with peace and love. Social sanctions and refusals. Physical assets and liabilities. Also planning life with another person: insurance, wills, where and how to live.

Lovers Tarot combined with the Minor Arcana

With wands

Cooperation is encouraged, it is necessary. Trust others and use their competencies to achieve your professional goals. New professional collaboration.

  • Ace is a confident hobby.
  • 2 - direction selection.
  • 3 - moving forward.
  • 4 - wedding, union.
  • 5 - the need to choose a suitable point of view.
  • 6 - triumph in love, the right choice.
  • 7 - forced choice.
  • 8 - news, the choice was made hastily.
  • 9 - doubts are growing.
  • 10 means high relationship.
  • Page - says that it is necessary to find a solution acceptable to all.
  • The knight is an impulsive choice.
  • Queen - gives optimism.
  • The king is to keep dignity.

With cups

Love is real, happiness is complete. All is well in matters of the heart.

  • Ace - the beginning of new sensations and feelings.
  • 2 - positive aspects and a good omen for marriage, it is possible to create a common union.
  • 3 - compatibility, union, marriage.
  • 4 - the wrong choice, there is a risk of regret.
  • 5 - discord.
  • 6 - the choice was made and a very long time ago.
  • 7 - error in decision making.
  • 8 - be guided by the heart.
  • 9 - good luck in choosing.
  • 10 - happy relationship.
  • Page - a profitable offer, conception.
  • The Knight is a fascinating lover.
  • The queen is a woman in love.
  • King - you can expect marriage.

With Pentacles

At best, we look at unusual spending while enjoying the good life. Don't spend too much, live within your means.

  • Ace - ideal work, material interest.
  • 2 - difficulty.
  • 3 - the choice of a professional.
  • 4 - danger.
  • 5 - a hopeless situation, material interest in a relationship.
  • 6 - the third person wins.
  • 7 is a long term solution.
  • 8 - let the soul choose.
  • 9 - financial well-being on the way.
  • 10 - choice of family; love nest.
  • A page is a man with a vocation.
  • Knight is the best solution.
  • Queen - a choice in favor of a woman who has the tactics of practicality.
  • The king is a wealthy man on a pedestal.

With swords

Rarely positive, this association speaks of difficult choices, possible breakups and heartbreak.

  • Ace - clarity, advice.
  • 2 - indefinite relationship.
  • 3 - rupture of relations; calculation is wrong.
  • 4 - delayed choice.
  • 5 - treason.
  • 6 - romance.
  • 7 - reconciliation, feelings are renewed.
  • 8 - restriction when choosing.
  • 9 - shame, failure, frivolity in choice.
  • 10 - the end of the relationship; divorce; parting.
  • Page - an independent choice, without feelings; cool relationship.
  • Knight - mental compatibility.
  • Queen - divorce, widowhood.
  • The king is distant and cold.

In the Lovers Tarot card, all aspects of love, attraction, desire and sexuality are visible. It makes us think about the people who attract us, about the people who are interested in us. This Major Arcana is the expression of two opposite beings.

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The sixth lasso of the Tarot - Lovers, or Lovers, is quite difficult to interpret. Like all arcana, it has its own history, which combines two storylines at once. Which plot comes to the fore depends on the question or the position of the card in the layout.

In different Tarot decks, you can find different images on the Major Arcana Lovers, the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay also differ slightly:

After studying the image, it becomes clear why the sixth lasso has two meanings. Indeed, in the past, marriage unions were rarely concluded for love, especially among the noble class. Often marriages were arranged, and only a few dared to deviate from this rule, making their own choice. That is why this card warns of a test, of the need to make a choice and make a decision; in the Tarot, the meaning of this lasso expands and acquires another meaning - freedom and responsibility. After all, only a free person is able to make a choice, and having made it, to take responsibility for the consequences of his decision.

General value in layouts

First of all, the sixth lasso predicts an internal conflict, the eternal struggle of the material and spiritual, heart and mind, desire and duty. At the same time, the Lovers card will not tell you what to choose or what decision will be right. He only reminds that a person is at a fork in the road and his future path will depend on this decision.

In the layouts for relationships, the Lovers Tarot card speaks of love in its purest form, which will turn a person’s whole life upside down. The Major Arcana Tarot Lovers is significant in answering questions of a different plan: the need to choose, to make a final decision.

Reversed position:

  • The lasso of the Lovers warns of the need to make a choice. If a person does not make a decision in the near future, the choice will be made for him.
  • to be accepted tough decision because a person is not ready to lose. He wants to have both. Or the wrong choice has already been made, and only disappointment and regret follow.

Does not carry a negative meaning. Even if there is an important decision to be made, there is still enough time for reflection and preparation. For businessmen, this is an equilibrium period when you can not rush anywhere. At work, it can mean a vacation, in rare cases, an affair with a colleague. For the unemployed, it portends the possibility of choosing from several profitable vacancies.

Occupation: services and dating sites, registry office workers. The sixth lasso often falls out to people who are able to turn a hobby into a source of income.

Reversed position: in work or business, an inverted Lovers card speaks of the need to urgently take action, otherwise you can lose everything. Occupation: lawyer, television workers, artists.

Health status

If a person is not worried about anything, the card says that he has nothing to worry about, he has excellent health. In the scenario, for a person who is already sick, Lovers portend a stable state and gradual improvement.

Upside down may indicate the onset of a serious illness that is dangerous to start. For a sick person, it means complications or exacerbation of the disease, which, if not properly treated, can lead to disastrous results.

Love, sincere romantic feelings that spiritualize and inspire a person, this is the meaning of the Lovers Tarot in a relationship. This card does not speak of physical attraction, but does not exclude it either. Just as it does not promise marriage bonds, only the union of souls and hearts can be guessed from it. In rare cases, it can mean doubts and hesitation, a choice between fans or between a wife and a mistress.

Reversed position means a turning point in a relationship, a crisis. Lovers reversed portend a serious conversation that could lead to a life-changing decision for the couple. In some cases, it can talk about jealousy, which corrodes the soul and often pushes to make the wrong decision.

Personality characteristic

Attractive appearance, charm and sex appeal. A person is not only handsome, but also talented or successful in business. Distinctive features: efficiency and sociability.

Reversed position: strong-willed and determined. A person who always knows what he wants and gets it. He has already made his choice, and which one will be prompted by neighboring cards.

A person should put things in order and bring his inner state to harmony. It is necessary to understand yourself and those issues that oppress. In the layouts for relationships: open up, show love and care, do not let the feeling fade away.

Reversed position: you can’t hesitate, you need to make a decision and give an answer.

The final answer of the arcana

As a result, a person will be able to get out of a difficult situation only after he makes a decision and takes responsibility.

Reversed position: a person will be able to choose the right one from all the options, which will open up prospects for him, which he did not expect.

Card of the day Lovers

If the Lovers lasso fell out as the card of the day, then this day has every chance of becoming fateful:

  • If on this day a person receives a certain business proposal, you should not put off the decision indefinitely, otherwise luck will fly away to another.
  • Today, an unexpected romantic meeting with the prospect of a marriage is possible.
  • On this day, noisy parties and large crowds of people should be avoided so as not to be involved in an ambiguous situation.

Combinations with major arcana:

Minor Arcana Combinations:

  • With 5 of Wands - consult a friend.
  • With 7 of Wands - you should be careful, the ill-wisher wants to influence the decision of a person.
  • With the Ace of Cups - family happiness.
  • With 2 Cups - a new relationship that will lead to marriage.
  • With 5 Cups - disappointment in love, the final break in relations.
  • From 10 Cups - change of residence.
  • With the Page of Cups - promotion or job change.
  • With 9 of Swords - despair.
  • With 10 Swords - portends a difficult period in life.
  • With the Ace of Pentacles - a person is ready to do the impossible to get what he wants.
  • With 7 Pentacles - material well-being.
  • With the King of Pentacles - unrequited love.

In general, the meaning of the Lovers lasso is rather positive than negative. Although it depends on the cards that are nearby.

Attention, only TODAY!

Description of the LOVERS Tarot card

The Lovers Tarot card describes the exciting moment of meeting a soul mate, someone you have been looking for for a long time, maybe all your life. At the same time, you are also responsible for the future of this feeling, because how you can keep the flame of love depends not so much on the circumstances, but on yourself and your partner. The allegory of the sixth Arcana of the Tarot - the union of opposites - is depicted as a man and a woman. It is a symbol of love, friendship or other connection, especially if there is a barrier between people that these two must overcome in order to connect.

The general meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

The Lovers card always means a decision, a choice, even if it is not about love. This choice carries implicitness and irreversibility to the previous option. Appearing in a layout or divination, the card portends you a situation of choice, having made which, you will move to a higher level in spiritual development. In a more ordinary sense, it simply speaks of a predicament in which you have fallen for some reason, and also indicates a possible way out of the problem. IN real life The Lovers tarot card means an emotional heart connection, as well as the appearance in life of someone who will become your complement.

Reversed card position

In this position, Arkan says that a wrong decision has been or will be made. It can mean separation, collapse of plans, conflicts and quarrels. During such a period, there is a lack of stability, separation and divorce are possible. It is possible that the decision made by someone will negatively affect the life of the fortuneteller, who is forced to obey someone else's will. The reversed Lovers card also speaks of missed opportunities to build relationships. Failure to make a choice can lead to failure.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card in divination for work, business and career

Direct card position

Indicates a period when it will be necessary to make very important decisions. It symbolizes an average steady income and stability in business. Sometimes in divination indicates an upcoming vacation.

Reversed card position

In this position, the Lovers card speaks of friction in partnerships, that it is necessary to consult with professionals before making a final decision.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card in health layouts

Direct card position

Good health, stable condition.

Reversed card position

Deterioration of the condition, diseases are possible.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card in divination for love and relationships

Direct card position

The card symbolizes the need for choice, trusting passion and the dictates of the heart. If the situation involves several possibilities or paths, the choice should be made in favor of what the soul lies in, without regard to any conventions or reservations. It can mean a love union, marriage.

Reversed card position

When reversed, the Lovers tarot card indicates that the relationship has probably come to an end. Sometimes the appearance of this card in the layout does not symbolize the final break, but the upcoming important conversation, a showdown.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card in the layouts for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card describes a talented and benevolent person, whose decisions are likely to affect the life of the fortuneteller himself.

Reversed card position

In this case, the sixth Arcana of the Tarot describes a group of people whose interests run counter to the interests of the fortuneteller.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card as a card of the year

The Lovers card portends you a year of turbulent emotions. Maybe they will be associated with a certain person, or it will be a job that you successfully complete, or some other joyful experience. But whatever it is, do not pass them indifferently past you, but accept them with gratitude and joy. You just need to identify your true self. And then, where you previously thought that happiness depends on external circumstances or on other people, you can find the key to this happiness in yourself, in overcoming your internal contradictions. This will help you “cross the threshold” of a new business, cope with difficulties, resolve conflicts and successfully achieve the intended goal.

Work and finance. In this area, the Lovers card predicts a situation of choice. This may be the choice of a new direction in work, and its change, and the transition to new tasks, to some new undertaking. There is also a high probability of making a profit as a result of an alliance with a partner, or financial support for the development of a new project.

Personal relationships. The card indicates both the possibility of a new relationship, and the fact that you can find your happiness in an existing union. The theme of “choice” continues here, which means that the sources of happiness will open to you only when you voluntarily “give up” something and decide that you will continue to be with this particular person.

Health status. The card promises you good health in the coming period and hints that the best medicine for a person is another person.

The main board of the card. The Lovers card strongly recommends that you choose a path, job or relationship for yourself, only following the dictates of your heart and, at the same time, by all means voluntarily.

The meaning and interpretation of the LOVERS card as a card of the day

Make a decision today about a particular person, cause, or plan. If you have been procrastinating or having doubts so far, then occupy your mind with plans for the coming weekend and give free rein to your inner voice and heart. Find contradictions or opposites that require reconciliation, fix the broken, restore the destroyed.

Tip card "LOVE" in divination

You have to make a choice, which can be called a test of will. You may be ruled by a feeling that pushes you to make concessions, in other situations unthinkable. Do not forget that indecision can be more detrimental than the wrong choice.

Lovers + Jester (VI + 0)
A non-serious choice.
Failed venture.
Waste of money.
More and more uncertainty.

Lovers + Mage (VI + I)
Give in to the idea.

Lovers + High Priestess (VI + II)
Choice with ulterior motive.

Lovers + Empress (VI + III)
Choice in favor of sensual pleasures.

Lovers + Emperor (VI + IV)
A decision in favor of creating a certain structure, including a family.

Lovers + Hierophant (VI + V)
Choice in favor of marriage.

Lovers + Chariot (VI + VII)
Deep anxiety. What will happen next?
Life goes on and encourages you to move and create.
Choice. With whom to go?
Thinking before the trip.
Honeymoon trip.
Beautiful car.

Lovers + Strength (VI + VIII)
Passion test.
Conflict in relationships.
In the upcoming battle, both opponents are slow.
Throw away anxiety, hesitation and join the fight.

Lovers + Hermit (VI + IX)
Increasing feelings of loneliness.
The decision to be alone.
Your choice will make you think.
Show wisdom.
Lack of sexual relations.
Give up some pleasures.
After a while, your thoughts will come into order, and you will find a way out.
Take care of health.

Lovers + Wheel (VI + X)
Test of change.
Must make a choice.
Well provided for by parents and fortune.
Anxiety and anxiety pass, new horizons open, new forces are found.

Lovers + Justice (VI + XI)
Dangerous indecisiveness.
Issues will be resolved gradually.
There is no way out of the love triangle.
The trip will not take place.
Approach all your current decisions as rigorously as possible.
You need to take a sober look at what is happening and take responsibility for your actions.
Reason prevailed over feelings.
The marriage is registered.

Lovers + Hanged Man (VI + XII)
Change of mind to the opposite.
As a result of love, pregnant or abandoned.
Loss of illusions.
Stress and uncertainty rob you of courage. There is no need to prolong this state. Get out of it as quickly as possible. This is the most important thing now.
You need outside help. Look for it in your immediate environment.
Something must be sacrificed.
Bad for health.

Lovers + Death (VI + XIII)
Life will make its own adjustments, regardless of your choice.
Your worries and doubts have led you to a dead end. To find the right path, you will have to give up many of your old principles.
Difficult change.
There may be quarrels with loved ones.
Love relationship finished with someone. We need to start all over again.
If everything was bad, it will be better.
Health problems.

Lovers + Temperance (VI + XIV)
Successful partnership. Marriage stability. But in the future there may be a break in relations. Not a divorce, but a change in relationship.
In order to fix something, you will have to go back, go through some part of the path again.
You are hindered by nervousness caused by a thirst for change. You need to calm your desires.

Lovers + Devil (VI + XV)
Dangerous choice.
Fatal error.
Love spell.
Physical attraction. Temptation, obsession.
Money through a man.
Love triangle.
Even if you are deeply bogged down, you must learn to free yourself from bad habits.
Work in bad places.
Lost freedom of action.

Lovers + Tower (VI + XVI)
Hit. Quarrel with a loved one.
You are in danger.
Divorce, separation.

Lovers + Star (VI + XVII)
Hope for the future, for a happy union.
Trip abroad.
A person should do what he loves.
Platonic love.

Lovers + Moon (VI + XVIII)
Deceive your choice.
Changing situation.
Bohemian life. Creative ideas.
Alcohol addiction.
Family karma.
It seems to a person that he is drowning in a whirlpool of events, under the yoke of problems that have no end.
You have to make a choice where to go.
Travel decision.
There is some secret.

Lovers + Sun (VI + XIX)
New opportunity.
Lucky Chance.
The right decision.
Mutual love.
You will marry for love.

Lovers + Judgment (VI + XX)
Your choice is determined by fate.
Growing feelings.
Caring for loved ones.

Lovers + World (VI + XXI)
Long expected luck.
Reaching a new level of relationship.
Successful end of the journey.
Family creation.
Maybe moving abroad.
Work in foreign companies.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - succumb to the inner impulse.
With the card "Two of Wands" - choose a route.
With the Three of Wands card - develop a strategy.
With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.
With the Five of Wands card, consider all points of view and choose the right one.
With the card "Six of Wands" - good choice; pass the " copper pipes».
With the "Seven of Wands" card - a forced choice.
With the "Eight of Wands" card - speed up the decision.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - increasing doubts.
With the "Ten of Wands" card - a hopeless decision.
With the Page of Wands card, continue to look for an acceptable solution.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - an impulsive choice.
With the Queen of Wands card - add optimism.
With the "King of Wands" card - maintain dignity.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

in love with upright position with Major Arcana

Mage - Communication with a high-ranking person
Mage (per) - "Failed" focus. Falling from the rope of fate
Priestess - Success in your endeavors. Hitting the top ten
Priestess (per) - Discovery of the Unknown
Empress - Wealth of the field, fertility in the literal and figurative sense
The Empress (trans) - Accepting the Truth
Emperor - Success in political career/ Victory over rivals
Emperor (trans) - Denial of authority
Priest - Marriage of convenience. Marriage with the "new Russian"
Priest (per) - Powerlessness, the impossibility of continuing marital relations (and any other)
Chariot - Triumph. triumphant
The Chariot (lane) - Unsatisfying Victories
Justice - Fair Progress
Justice (trans) - Unwillingness to put up with the actual state of affairs
Hermit - The choice of life. Choice of spiritual development
Hermit (per) - Storm in life
Wheel of Fortune - Complete self-satisfaction.
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Vanity. slander
Strength - Communication with cosmic energy. contactee
Strength (lane) - Supreme Toady
The Hanged Man - Voluntary slavery (including love)
The Hanged Man (trans) - Violence, murders
Death - If a person ever dies, then peacefully, instantly and in a dream
Death (per) - Psychic Lethargy
Moderation - We must forget the past. Oblivion of the past
Temperance (per) - Unwise Actions
Devil - All kinds of "mania", a conscious choice
Devil (per) - Abuses of whims
Tower - Self-destruction, contempt for all norms
Tower (lane) - Destruction of all aspects of being
Star - Hope, unrelenting under any circumstances
Star (lane) - Missed Opportunities
Moon - Tartuffe
Moon (lane) - Inconstancy in affections. Womanizer
Sun - The path through thorns to the stars / Exhausting yourself with sciences
Sun (per) - Crazy infatuation
Judgment - Rebirth from darkness, non-existence, from the darkness of oblivion
Judgment (trans) - Excessive straightforwardness
Peace - Peacefulness, peace-loving character
Peace (per) - Enmity. Not ready for a truce
Fool - prone to madness
Jester (lane) - Pursuit, albeit for unattainable ideals

Lovers in a straight position with Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Unsatisfied desire
2 of Wands (lane) - An unpleasant surprise. Misdiagnosis
2 Cups - Good choice, but not the best
2 Cups (lane) - Envious Foe
2 of Swords - Intimate relationship
2 of Swords (lane) - Deception Exposed
2 of Pentacles - Way to nowhere. Worry, wrong choice
2 of Pentacles (per) - Letter not for its intended purpose

3 of Wands - Evasiveness
3 of Wands (per) - Not the best choice partner
3 of Cups - Eternal sufferer
3 of Cups (per) - Minor Achievement
3 of Swords - Failed bride
3 of Swords (lane) - Three options, the inability to decide
3 of Pentacles - High-ranking lover
3 of Pentacles (per) - Birth of a girl

4 of Wands - Deserved punishment, retribution
4 of Wands (lane) - Does not change meaning when reversed
4 of Cups - Imaginary prosperity
4 of Cups (trans) - Change for the worse
4 of Swords - Abandonment
4 of Swords (lane) - Unexpected luck
4 of Pentacles - Single woman, fatherless daughter
4 of Pentacles (lane) - Resistance is impossible. Subordination

5 of Wands - Careerist
5 of Wands (per) - Unfair treatment
5 of Cups - Wasted charity, money will be stolen or used for the wrong things
5 of Cups (per) - Arrival of an enemy pretending to be a friend
5 of Swords - Inferiority of choice
5 of Swords (lane) - Sorrow, grief, loss of a breadwinner
5 of Pentacles - Love Relationships Wrong
5 of Pentacles (per) - Confusion in love affairs

6 of Wands - Path of dubious success
6 of Wands (lane) - Vain expectations of change for the better. Vanity
6 of Cups - Powerlessness
6 of Cups (lane) - A new fateful meeting
6 of Swords - A task with a specific purpose
6 of Swords (pen) - Revealing a secret entrusted only to you
6 of Pentacles - Right choice of path
6 of Pentacles lane - Envy, malevolence

7 of Wands - Reconciliation with a friend
7 of Wands (trans) - Oscillatory tendencies. Swing
7 of Cups - Dissent
7 of Cups (per) - Iron Will
7 of Swords - The desire to endure is not groundless
7 of Swords (lane) - Ignoring wise advice
7 of Pentacles - Temptation of wealth
7 of Pentacles (per) - The Impatient Admirer

8 of Wands - Justified Haste
8 of Wands (trans) - Motives for disagreeing with life
8 of Cups - Pleasant lover
8 Cups (lane) - Solemn reception. buffet
8 of Swords - Voluntary "surrender". Talks about surrendering some positions
8 of Swords (per) "Rabbit" going into the mouth of a boa constrictor. Hypnosis
8 of Pentacles - Lack of patience, rich lover
8 of Pentacles (per) - Walks under the moon. Insomnia, nervousness

9 of Wands - Going into the shadows
9 of Wands (lane) - Enforced delay at the end of the journey
9 of Cups - A stained celebration. Spots
9 Cups (lane) - Personal insult. Slap in the face
9 of Swords - Desperate Choice
9 of Swords (lane) - Cowardice, lack of will
9 of Pentacles - Escape from temptation. Choice as a move from danger
9 of Pentacles (per) - Deception, non-payment of money

10 of Wands - Way of hypocrisy
10 of Wands (lane) - Impenetrable Height
10 of cups - Choosing a new residence
10 of Cups (lane) - Spiritual violence. Perhaps these are not those feelings and you will have to rape yourself while having this relationship.
10 of Swords - Sufferer by the will of circumstances
10 of Swords (lane) - Successful exit from a crisis situation
10 of Pentacles - Family Choice
10 of Pentacles (per) - Termination of a love affair

Ace of Wands - True First Cause
Ace of Cups - Cowardly Lover Hero
Ace of Cups (lane) - Reluctant poverty
Ace of Swords - Extreme measures
Ace of Swords (lane) - Troubles of a huge scale, death. operating room
Ace of Pentacles - The end justifies the means
Ace of Pentacles (lane) - No further prosperity possible

Page of Wands - In vain
Page of Wands (transl.) - A True Story
Page of Cups - Profession Choice
Page of Cups (per) - Secret Passion
Page of Swords - Detective Story
Page of Swords (trans) - Good Acting in Life
Page of Pentacles - Merchant
Page of Pentacles (per) - Loss of favor of a lover

Knight of Wands - Emigration
Knight of Wands (per) - Escape, escape from reality
Knight of Cups - Unexpected money
Knight of Cups (per) - Senseless Waste
Knight of Swords - Madcap (stvo)
Knight of Swords (per) - Don Juan
Knight of Pentacles - Adorable adorer with money
Knight of Pentacles (per) - Negligence, indifference

Queen of Wands - Rostock
Queen of Wands (trans) - Weed
Queen of Cups - Blond diva. Hetera. Geisha
Queen of Cups (per) - Insolent mistress, extortionist
Queen of Swords - The path to loneliness, femme fatale
Queen of Swords (per) - Hypnotize
Queen of Pentacles - Enjoying life to the fullest
Queen of Pentacles (per) - Uncertainty about the future

King of Wands - Righteous Path
King of Wands (trans) - Time to "scatter stones"
King of Cups - Philanthropist
King of Cups (trans) - Virtuoso rogue, professional thief
King of Swords - Prosecutor
King of Swords (per) - Treason, aggravation of relations
King of Pentacles - A reliable friend with a cold heart. Kai
King of Pentacles (per) - A Barren Situation

Lovers Reversed with Major Arcana

Magician - Not his place on the Olympus of science
Magician (per) - Conscious failure of affairs, rejection of success
Priestess - Crop failure, drought, flood
Priestess (per) - Refusal scientific achievements for ideological reasons
Empress - False wisdom, false and passionate sage
Empress (per) - Infertility. An attempt at artificial insemination. sperm bank
Emperor - Dethroned (any)
Emperor (per) - Departure from the "lucrative" place
Priest - Marriage of convenience with wrong calculation
Priest (trans) - Failure to fulfill marital obligations (Ostap Bender)
Chariot - Defeated
Chariot (per) - Cleopatra with a basket of wine berries
Justice - Seduced Themis. nonsense
Justice (translation) - Themis without a blindfold and without scales in her hand
Hermit - Departure into fanaticism, faith
Hermit (trans) - Painful mystery, on the verge of disease
Wheel of Fortune - Disbelief in the possibility of happiness
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Resistance to Change
Strength - Diffusion of energy over trifles. Lazy person
Strength (lane) - Doomed to fail the intended action
Hanged Man - Sitting between two chairs, wandering between two fires
The Hanged Man (trans) - Contempt for interests, inappropriate sacrifice
Death - An attempt at martyrdom (Rakhmetov)
Death (trans.) - Apathy, "fooling around on the couch" (Oblomov)
Moderation - Not taking into account the time factor
Moderation (trans) - Religiosity "for show", unreasonable acts
Devil - Unconscious fatal passion
Devil (per) - Debauchery without consequences
Tower - Destruction of the rear. Jail
Tower (lane) - Unforeseen torment
Star - Lighthouse of Alexandria (which is long gone)
Star (trans) - Swagger as one of the seven deadly sins
Moon - Delusion. Mistakes, wrong actions
Moon (lane) - Impermanence, windiness
Sun - Falling from their skies
Sun (lane) - Problems in any union
Judgment - Instant retribution for the wrong done
Judgment (trans) - Instantaneity
World - Violation of contractual obligations (including marriage)
Peace (per) - Disbelief in hope
Jester - Unjustified choice
Jester (lane) - Achieving an insane goal, such as crossing the North Pole without outside support, alone, etc.


Venus/Jupiter as an expression of great love.

Direct position:

LOVERS: the card means the inevitability of a choice that must be made, guided more by intuition than by reason. It may mean that your "half" has appeared in your life. In a strong position means greater emotional freedom, neglect of the consequences of actions dictated by feelings.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: renunciation of one's "half", the impossibility of marriage, the unreality of plans.

6. Lovers (straight position)

General meaning:

The layout of a non-personal plan (work, material issues, deeds) - the card means choice. The layout for personal relationships is love in its purest form (does not say anything about sexual relationships). Strengthens in combination with the Empress, Priest, Strength.

May mean balance.


1. Dating service.

Equilibrium state. May talk about the need to make a decision, but there is still some time to think.

Never means bad.

It can mean vacation (vacation), less often - an office romance.

Possibility of choice when looking for a job.

Stable income reasonable size(neither big nor small)

2. The condition is stable. Nothing worries.

3. Love. Doesn't mean marriage.

He rarely speaks of a person in hesitation: one or the other? Wife or mistress?

4. Very great personal charm, sex appeal. Talent (to art, science, business). Businesslike, sociable organizer.

5. For personal questions: Love, show your attention. Can talk about a situation with a very important choice in perspective.

Advice to put things in order, bring the state to a harmonious one.

6. Basically yes(if the question is asked kindly). Less often, he can talk about a difficult situation that will be resolved if a person makes an independent choice.

6. Lovers (Reversed)

General meaning:

The need for an immediate solution.


1. Time to take immediate action before it's too late. You need to give a clear answer to the proposal.

2. Crisis due to exacerbation of the disease. The beginning of the disease.

3. The decisive moment, an important conversation (it is not known which way it will turn) there is no threat, but there is stress. Jealousy (if it falls out in the “what he thinks” position)

4. Determined, not hesitating, having made a choice (which one - the neighboring cards will tell)

5. Don't hesitate to make a decision. Reply this minute.

6. Most often "yes"(out of many alternatives, this solution is the most correct, do not delay your answer)

General meaning:

This map combines two plots. It promises deep love experiences, but shows that such a step involves a choice: the rejection of the former way of life (parental home, freedom and easy intrigues) and the transition to a new level, the level of consciousness of Love. Only true awareness of it opens a powerful information field, which contains the card of the Lovers. That's why it used to be called "The Choice". It can also mean some other situation of choice, not necessarily related to love. Then it means that one way or another we will have to make a choice, decisively and irrevocably, leaving no loopholes for ourselves. Which of the two plots appears before us in this case depends on the meaning question asked. However, in any case, it is a loud and definite “Yes”.


Here, too, there is a choice. This card says that the time has come to analyze all the circumstances in order to finally decide on something definite, since our further steps and the whole line of behavior depend on this. This may be the choice of a new direction in work, a change in its place or a transition to a new range of tasks, to some new project, and so on. However, there may not be anything new, and then the card only means that we should get rid of illusions and prejudices and learn to treat our current work in a new way.


"Lovers" shows that we are beginning to realize our possibilities, realizing that truly deep and extremely important knowledge will be revealed to us only if we firmly adhere to the choice once made, consciously abandoning everything else. From this it is clear that the so-called “multiple-choice-society” (a society where everyone is given many chances) in fact provides people only with the possibility of colossal self-deception: they believe that the chance at any moment to “change their mind”, to re-decide everything anew, will allow them to rather to catch the bird of happiness, and they do not know how to be satisfied with what they have achieved, because they always hope to find something better. And the disappointment that can be seen on their faces is not at all due to the fact that they never got their “most important” opportunity. And because all their lives they lacked the courage and will to make a certain choice at least once, and she passed in the useless expectation of this “main thing”, they didn’t want to spend either strength or feelings on anything else. Only by deciding on a conscious, uncompromising choice and then, without deviating from it, do we open the way to genuine, deep happiness.

Personal relationships:

Love that illuminates our whole life and changes it in many ways. It has little to do with falling in love, which, as Erich Fromm aptly remarks, is at best only a measure of our previous loneliness. The card can indicate both the emergence of a new union, and the fact that we can and must find our happiness in the current union, precisely Here and Now. And, since it also contains the important theme of “choice”, this means that the sources of happiness and joy will be revealed to us only when we voluntarily “give up” something and decide from the bottom of our hearts that we will continue to go through life with this very thing. man. It is clear that, having met the "girl of their dreams" or a fairy-tale prince, anyone would be ready to take such a step even now. However, it is time to put an end to this self-deception and understand that no one has stored such ideals for us anywhere, at least in finished form, but it is possible that this ideal is hidden somewhere in the depths of our partner’s soul, hoping and expecting that we will find it and let it materialize. That is why the path that leads one person to another is called "choice."

In love relationships

This card speaks for itself, and mainly indicates the phase when people have chosen each other and are ready to spend the time of their lives on their own chosen one. However, at this stage, lovers are still captured by their love and cannot see the other through it as he is. Also, this card can symbolize the stage of the near-wedding period.

It is not difficult to guess that the archetype of the Arcana Lovers is the essence of this article, and therefore is very favorable in the layouts for love, especially if it falls into the middle of the Gebo layout. Even if the relationship does not end in marriage, the card promises a very exciting and meaningful romance. The situation is worse when the Lovers fall on one side of the Gebo layout, and the Hermit on the other, in which a situation of unrequited love or marriage with a big age difference between spouses can manifest itself. Not the best party will be the confrontation of the Jester, who is prone to infantilism, windiness and life in one day. The adjacent Force and the Devil can indicate the sexual nature of the relationship, while the Devil is often an indicator of deceit and a desire to receive certain benefits through marriage and relationships. In addition, these cards, as well as the Jester, the Emperor, the Devil, the Tower, may indicate the likelihood of betrayal. A star next to the Beloved speaks of good relationship prospects, while the Tower will speak of no prospects. The Empress, Justice, Wheel of Fortune, Strength, Sun, Judgment and Peace cards increase luck in relationships and marriage, while the Jester, Hermit, Hanged Man, Tower and Devil bring difficulties to relationships.

VI. Lovers combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - a frivolous choice.

With the card "Magician" - succumb to the idea.

With the card "High Priestess" - a choice with a secret intent.

With the card "Empress" - a choice in favor of sensual pleasures.

With the "Emperor" card - a decision in favor of creating a certain structure, including a family.

With the Hierophant card - a choice in favor of marriage.

With the card "Chariot" - a honeymoon trip.

With the card "Strength" - a test of passion.

With the card "The Hermit" - the decision to remain alone; celibacy; lack of sexual relations.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - a test of change.

With the card "Justice" - the mind prevailed over the feelings.

With the Hanged Man card - a change of opinion to the opposite.

With the card "Death" - life will make its own adjustments, regardless of your choice.

With the card "Moderation" - a successful partnership.

With the "Devil" card - a dangerous choice; fatal error; temptation, obsession.

With the Tower card - divorce, separation.

With the Star card - hope for a happy union.

With the card "Moon" - to be deceived in the choice.

With the card "Sun" - mutual love.

With the card "Court" - growing feelings.

With the card "World" - the creation of a family; reaching a new level of relationship.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - succumb to the inner impulse.

With the card "Two of Wands" - choose a route.

With the Three of Wands card - develop a strategy.

With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.

With the Five of Wands card, consider all points of view and choose the right one.

With the "Six of Wands" card - a good choice; go through the "copper pipes".

With the "Seven of Wands" card - a forced choice.

With the "Eight of Wands" card - speed up the decision.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - increasing doubts.

With the "Ten of Wands" card - a hopeless decision.

With the Page of Wands card, continue to look for an acceptable solution.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - an impulsive choice.

With the Queen of Wands card - add optimism.
