Hello dear girls! We all sometimes find ourselves in situations where we have to say “no” to a person. The right words do not always come in time, and most often the refusal looks rude or unreasonable. Of course, it is impossible to prepare for any situation, but today I would like to talk with you about how to refuse a man with dignity. After all, by your refusal, you can not only lower his self-esteem, but also forever discourage the desire to approach girls.

Cause - effect

To begin with, I propose to think about why you refuse. Quite often, I became a witness to situations when a girl says “no” with words, but shows “yes” with her whole appearance. Therefore, you must clearly understand why you want to reject this or that offer of a man, whether it is an invitation for a date or a conversation about intimacy.

I do not recommend you to play "impregnability". Girls think that the more you refuse a man, the more he will strive. If you say no for these reasons, then be extremely careful in your expressions.

First, not all guys take hints. Secondly, you may be considered frivolous or too flighty, because today you are not, but tomorrow you are. Especially do not get carried away with such tactics, being in a long relationship.

One of my acquaintances tried to meet in a proposal, but all the time she was looking for an opportunity to see him and shoot with her eyes. She just wanted to play a game of flirting with him. But the man did not understand why she refused him, and she herself constantly sends non-verbal signals.

If you decide to reject a man’s offer, then do it clearly, distinctly and accessible. Do not hesitate, do not fawn, and do not try to justify your refusal. But how to do it competently and beautifully, so as not to offend a man, we will now find out.

The right tactic

How do girls usually act? They just send them to hell, sometimes even rudely and uncivilized. If you do not want to seem tactless, then your refusal must necessarily contain a compliment to a man, not just his appearance, but masculine qualities.

If you don't know how to compliment guys, it's okay. Read the article "t" and you can always find the right words in any situation.

So, your refusal should consist of a compliment, a short explanation of your negative answer, and a supportive phrase. Let's take a look at an example.

For example, a guy came up to you on the street and offers to meet you.

  1. The first option is to simply ignore him or say “I don’t see the point in communicating, goodbye.”
  2. The second option: “You must be very brave, since you are not afraid to approach girls on the street. Sorry, but I already have a young man, but I am sure that such a brave and self-confident man will definitely succeed in finding a worthy girl.

Agree, the second option looks much more polite, tactful and correct. The guy realized that you were not ready to communicate with him, but he did not have self-doubt, he would not think that something was wrong with him.

So in sex, you also need to be able to refuse correctly so that there are no further problems. If you have a stranger in front of you, then the answer will be approximately the same as above: you are so straightforward and frank, but I only do this with my loved one, I have no doubt that such a confident man will be able to find what he is looking for.

Common Mistakes

Coarseness. This is the most common mistake girls make. It is impossible to be rude, call names or get personal under any circumstances. No matter how hard it is for you to communicate with a person, even if he does not understand your refusals at all and continues to bother with his attention, never allow yourself to switch to insults.

Most likely, this is your first and last meeting, why make a scandal out of it? Try to remain polite and cultured in every situation. Remember that you can always resort to the help of humor. This is especially important when dealing with a loved one.

Blurring of the phrase. Sometimes it is difficult for girls to immediately and directly refuse a handsome guy, for example. Therefore, the girl does not say “no” directly, but beats around the bush. You need to be direct, specific and to the point. What do you want to say to a man: let's stay friends; I need a break now; we need to break up.

Try to speak directly. So, one of my girlfriends could not directly refuse a guy money. She could not say a clear “no”, so she kept coming up with some phrases.

Divergence of behavior and words. I spoke about this above. When a girl says "no", but with all her appearance continues to show interest in a man. Read the article "". Of course, it's more about married women who decided to get distracted on the side, but for sure you will find many useful thoughts for yourself.

What does your rejection phrase usually look like? Have you ever heard a rejection?

I wish you patience and self-control in any situation.
All the best!

...I'm giving you fair warning, - the Queen shouted and stamped her foot.
“Either we lose your company, or you lose your nakedness.
Decide now - no, twice as fast!

Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

The more a man is sick in the head, the more difficult it is for him to refuse or end the novel. Let's talk about failures from scratch. That is, if there was nothing between you yet, and you would not want it to be. It is very difficult not to offend a man. Male psychology, which has developed over the centuries, is the psychology of a conqueror. A woman is an assessment, an indicator of his success, irresistibility, sexual attractiveness and everything else. Refusal is a slap in the face, a blow to male pride. You didn't choose him because he wasn't handsome enough, rich enough, sexy enough, or smart enough. It means that somewhere there is a better male, or the woman is just an idiot, since she did not appreciate such a treasure and is waiting for someone who is not clear. Hence the fights and humiliation of you with various bad words, set-ups at work and spreading rumors, inscriptions in the entrances and threats. A situation may arise in which you will no longer be important, but the very principle of “win and keep at any cost” is what matters most. It starts from childhood. Everyone wants to be friends with the best in the class, to walk with the most beautiful in the yard, but, not getting what they want, they agree to a neighbor in the desk or girlfriend of a beautiful and smart girl. Or they accumulate complexes in themselves, masturbating on magazine beauties.

In order for a man not to be offended by your refusal, you need to deceive him so that he does not feel rejected, or show yourself in such a way that he does not want to make contact. Let's face it, often we ourselves give rise to harassment. We dance provocatively, laugh out loud or make eyes. We go to dinner, thinking that we are fed for talking and the pleasure of looking at us, we put on short skirts and walk around waving our hips. We promise, but do not give, we give a signal: “I am a female, I want!”, And then we build a touchy and play offended innocence. So The best way- do not lead to harassment. And if you did...

An unfamiliar man on the street gives out an original or not very set of words on the topic: “Come on!”. Answer options:

Sorry, I'm in a hurry. But you can call me on this phone (a fake phone is given);

Over there in that car (pointing to the accumulation of vehicles) my husband is sitting and, I think, he will not be delighted with our acquaintance;

Sorry, but I already love one man. And I can't look at anyone else. You are very cute, really, but understand me, please excuse me (make a sad-idiot facial expression).

Young man, you have inflated self-esteem!

I don't want. I just don't want to. Why - I will not say. I just don't want to.

How wonderful! I'm on my way to a meeting of our religious community. Will you join me?

Let's meet! And when? No, I can’t on Tuesday, I’m going to have an abortion, I’ll lie down on Wednesday, let’s go on Friday!

Sorry, but I don't want to meet. If you insist, I will call the police.

I'm sorry, you're so cute, but I only like brunettes (blonds, redheads). No, we will not try, sorry, such a feature. Do you want us to be friends?

Do you have a car? No? And you meet such a girl if you don't have a car? And why are you without flowers? How are you dressed? Do you think that in this form you have a chance?

Sorry, I don't meet men on the street. This rule is.

The main thing is to answer politely, with a smile, but be persistent and consistent. Do not say the name and phone number, or, conversely, give all the coordinates and say that you and your husband will be very happy to see him at a party. And even a girlfriend for him is in mind. Be sure to meet. You must either look like an impregnable fortress or a complete idiot. There are no other options.

If this is an acquaintance, employee, friend of a friend, the tactics should be similar, but more subtle.

Method one: tell me that you are a femme fatale and promised yourself not to make new connections (except for your husband or lover, who already has one). Do you have such bad experience! Suicide attempts and scenes of jealousy, unfortunate men crying on your chest and abandoned wives with numerous children. No, you can't destroy anymore! It's time to make a point. And he won't be another victim. There were enough of them anyway (fictional characters are listed). It will be better for you and for him to see each other less often and not bring up this topic again.

Method two: if you don’t have a man, and the person knows about it, play a depressive melancholy person, cry, take pity on yourself. Say you're not ready for a new relationship because men are such bastards. Tell me some terrible story male betrayal. And ask you to wait. How much - you do not know. But in this state, you can not start a new relationship. Repeat more often: "You understand me." And smile guiltily. Men can't wait.

Method three: talk about what a wonderful man you have next to you. How he takes care of you, protects you, what a wonderful lover, husband, father, breadwinner, how you are afraid of losing him. How can this be changed? And you don't need it. You are so happy. And he will find himself a worthy woman. May I help?
Method four: You are busy. And in love. And they love you. Now let him imagine that someone is seducing his beloved woman. Would he be pleased?

Method five: You have a very angry and jealous lover. Second dan in karate. You are afraid of him. If he finds out, he will kill them both. If not a karateka, then a bandit or a businessman. No one knows about him, because you meet secretly. He is married, but he loves you madly. Have you seen the movie "The Bodyguard"?

There are actually many more ways. You probably have many of them yourself. The main thing is to immediately assess who is pestering you, his weaknesses. It's like a business negotiation in which someone has to give in. In no case do not be rude and do not hold on arrogantly. This is what pisses men off the most. Be polite and joyful. After all, it's really nice when you are chosen from the crowd of girls, colleagues or acquaintances walking towards you. It's flattering, it confirms that you're making progress on a bitchy path. So let's not mock those who remain behind, under our sharp heels. It's a pity for you, of course, unfortunate ones ... But it's impossible to make everyone happy! Even mothers of 3 children.

It is quite difficult to refuse a man without offending or ruining a relationship with him. The guy reacts sensitively to the rejection of the girl, especially if she causes strong feelings. Therefore, it is better to show tact and restraint when refusing a date, especially if the man is the boss at work. Even if he is not married, but the woman does not consider him as a potential partner, it is worth informing him about this delicately.

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Reasons why a girl may not like a guy can be:

  • sloppy appearance;
  • manner of speaking;
  • bad smell;
  • repulsive external features;
  • some habits;
  • different interests;
  • different social status.

Even if he is almost perfect, a girl can still feel that this is not the person with whom she will be happy. We have to refuse him or not give a chance for rapprochement. But his opinion on some issues is important and I don’t want to break off friendship. But after the received refusal, there is a risk that he will be offended and withdraw into himself.

If you can’t hint to a guy that you don’t like him, then you have to talk about it directly, risking psychological trauma that will affect his relationship in the future. Refusal will lower self-esteem and not in the best way affect the opportunity to meet a decent girl.

How to politely refuse a guy

The most important thing is to refuse him in private. Walk and talk. Without witnesses, he will more easily endure the rejection and will not feel humiliated. It is necessary to speak in a quiet but convincing voice, firmly looking into his eyes. It's hard, but right. A man will perceive an uncertain refusal as a doubt and will not stop courting. You should follow the recommendations of psychologists during an important conversation:

  1. 1. Be confident in your words.
  2. 2. Show firmness.
  3. 3. Avoid insults.
  4. 4. Be laconic.
  5. 5. Give a good reason.

In a conversation, it is necessary to avoid hackneyed phrases and not to resort to deception. The words that the girl is not ready for a relationship will greatly offend if he sees her with another. Staying friends is no longer possible.

If you need to leave after a long relationship, you will have to be even more inventive so as not to become enemies, so that he does not spread rumors because of resentment. It is necessary to explain that the reason is not the guy, and it is not his fault that the feelings have passed. You can refer to your stupidity and frivolous attitude to life.

In a conversation with him, you should behave politely and convincingly. A few on-duty phrases can serve as the start of a conversation. It must be said that the girl appreciates him as a friend and a wonderful person and is flattered by his attention, but he will be happier with another girl who will experience sincere feelings for him.

No need to keep the guy "in reserve". He can meet a worthy girl who will reciprocate.

How to turn down a date

You have to refuse a meeting not only to an old acquaintance, but also to a man with whom a woman is barely familiar when invited for a date, a visit or a trip.

Having agreed, at the end of the meeting, the woman realizes that a miracle did not happen on a date, and the guy did not make the proper impression. When parting, you don’t have to make promises, and if you can’t speak directly, then you shouldn’t answer phone calls, and the guy will understand everything himself. When you receive a message from him, you can politely write to email, thereby not offending him and thanking him for a good time. To say that now is not the time to meet young people.

Rejecting a date with strangers on a dating site is usually not difficult. If a meeting is asked politely and beautifully, with good communication, then in the same format it is necessary to refuse. When a stranger is too annoying, talks about sex, you should first refuse the invitation to visit, and then block.

If a young girl is invited to spend time with him by an adult man, she can politely decline the offer to meet, saying that she feels more comfortable with her peers or she likes such and such a young guy. You can apologize to a married boyfriend who is harassing at work for his misbehavior, because of which he decided that he had a chance to get in touch. To say that she respects the institution of the family and the bonds of marriage are sacred to her.

If the boss is persistent, you should delicately explain the situation and express concern for your place at work. After all, a girl risks losing her job if the connection breaks on her initiative, or she gets bored with a man, and he switches to another. If the manager promises a promotion in exchange for an intimate relationship, the girl should be thanked and told that she is ambitious and wants to achieve everything herself.

Article content:

In the life of most of the fair sex, there are situations when they are forced to refuse young people. An invitation to a date is the most common circumstance in which a woman often wants to say “no”. The refusal occurs due to a number of reasons: the young man does not inspire confidence, he is very persistent, his appearance or financial situation does not meet expectations. In extreme cases, the girl cannot go / go with him, because she has a lot of things to do. In fact, there are many reasons and situations when it may be necessary to refuse a man: an invitation to visit, intimacy, a trip to parents, to a friend's birthday, and so on.

Ways to refuse a man

If you want to refuse a man and still look decent, ask yourself the following questions:

I want to refuse a man for the purpose of:

  • raise your self-esteem and look advantageous against its background
  • show a man that you are different and you are not on your way

After the refusal of how I voice the refusal, I want him to:

  • became even more confident
    • took a hit on self-esteem.

    The first answer to both questions is ethically correct. However, as we all understand, in our life it is possible various situations. And yet, an attempt to dominate at the expense of humiliating the dignity of a man can even be dangerous.

    6 ways to say goodbye to a guy

    • Be as tactful as possible. Delicacy and understanding of the feelings of a man will help you.
    • Be decisive. Stand firm and don't waver.
    • Don't give false hopes. This will only make the situation worse. You can't use phrases like "I need to think" or "I'm confused."
    • You cannot hide the reason for the refusal. The guy has the right to hear an explanation. But in no case should you name the true reason if it can hurt male pride. Here it is important to come up with something, for example, “I already have a boyfriend”.
    • If all of the above techniques did not help, and after you honestly and firmly announced to the man that you did not want to be with him, he continues to pursue you, use the old female technique - ignoring.

    If a woman does not want to do something, go anywhere or meet someone, then she should know how to politely refuse a man. A well-thought-out refusal will not only not hurt the vanity of a male representative, but will also put you in the most favorable light.

    How to gracefully refuse a man?

    First, be persistent. If you decide to really refuse, then you should not hesitate in your decision. Otherwise, your eyes will run around, a smile will illuminate your face, and this is all that a man needs. Not even 5 minutes will pass when he will be able to convince you and achieve his goal.

    Secondly, any refusal must begin with an apology. You must apologize for not being able to go/ride with him. Hearing an apology, a man will be disposed towards you and will perceive the continuation of your information more friendly and understanding.

    How to politely refuse a man?

    We continue to learn about how to adequately refuse a man. After the apology, you must state the reason for your refusal. Why can't you fulfill his wish? The reasons can be very different: from the fact that you have a headache, ending with the fact that you urgently need to go to your mother. Better if the reason is real. But, if you are not going to build a relationship with this representative of the stronger sex, then a fictional story will be the best option.

    How to send a man off correctly?

    The last stage of refusal can be pleasant words addressed to a man. Of course, they will depend on how close this young man is to you, whether you feel sympathy for him or whether you never want to see him again. In the first case, end the refusal with pleasant words. Say that next time you will definitely go / go. In general, do whatever he wants. In the second case, cheer up the man. Say that you are not for him, but he will definitely meet a girl with whom he will live happily ever after. In no case "do not lead by the nose" young man if you don't like it. It is better to tell the whole truth in person here and now than to be afraid to leave the house later.

    How to send a guy politely?

    Now you know how to refuse a man and not hurt his pride. Don't be afraid to express your opinion if you don't want something. In this case, the man will appreciate you more.

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    Orthodox calendar

    Monday, March 30, 2020(March 17 O.S.)
    Week 5 of Great Lent
    Rev. Macarius, abbot of Kalyazinsky, miracle worker (1483)
    Rev. Alexy, man of God (411)
    Saints' Day:
    St. Patricius, enlightener of Ireland (after 460). Mch. Marina (260).
    Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
    Shmch. Alexander Polivanov presbyter (1919); ssmch. Victor Kiranov presbyter (1942).
    Great post.
    Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
    Readings of the day
    Gospel and Apostle:
    For eternity: - Gen.13:13-18; Proverbs 14:27-15:4 At the 6th hour:- Isaiah 37:33-38:6
    Morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133
