The development of girls begins at the age of 10-12 years and continues until adulthood. Moms and dads need to be attentive to the behavior of their child in order to provide psychological assistance in time.

Puberty in girls occurs 2 years earlier than in boys. This period is an important stage in the development human body. Parents need to be prepared for the beginning of a difficult period in the life of their daughter.

Signs of puberty in girls

Sexual development of a girl's body can begin at the age of ten and continue until the age of eighteen. In some cases sexual development girls begins at 8-9 years or 11-12. If your daughter is fifteen years old, and signs of puberty are imperceptible, you need to see a doctor. In adolescence, changes occur that will affect not only the appearance, but also the psychological mood of the child. Signs of puberty include:

  • The girl begins to grow rapidly;
  • There are changes in the figure of the child: initially, the length of the body will be disproportionate to the length of the limbs. Over time, the waist will become thinner, the hips will increase;
  • There is an increase in the mammary glands;
  • Hair begins to grow on the pubic and axillary region. The structure of pubic hair will change over time: it will become wavy;
  • The labia begin to increase in size;
  • The first menstruation appears;
  • The hairline on the arms and legs increases, and the hair becomes darker;
  • Acne and pimples appear on the skin of the face and body, the active work of the sebaceous glands begins. Hair and skin become oily;
  • Perhaps a general increase in fatty layers in the abdomen, hips, pelvis, in some cases in the legs and calves.
The appearance of sexual characteristics means that the child from a girl turns into a girl. After some time, the body will be ready to reproduce offspring.

What age do girls grow up to?

Active body growth in girls is noticed at the age of 9-10 years. From now on, your daughter can grow several centimeters in a month. Parents often ask the question "how old do girls grow?". As statistics show, girls stop growing by the age of 18. But it is important to remember that the body of each child is individual. And some girls may stop growing earlier or later than this age.

When do breasts start to grow?

Sexual gland enlargement in girls begins at puberty. When your girl's mammary glands begin to grow, no doctor can give you an exact answer.

Lately it has been noticed that puberty children begins earlier than it was a few years ago.

Now many girls breasts can begin to grow at eight years old. But this is more of an exception than the rule. In most cases, breast enlargement in girls begins at the age of 10-11 years. But it is also possible that this phenomenon will begin later.

The first signs of menstruation

Many mothers are concerned about the question of at what age do girls begin menstruation? Puberty of the female body begins at 10-11 years. The first menstruation, menarche, begins in girls between the ages of 10 and 13. But we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the development of the child. In some cases, this event will occur earlier or late. You can determine the appearance of menstruation in girls by some signs. A few months before menarche, the child may notice vaginal discharge. With normal puberty and the absence of diseases, the discharge will be without a strong odor, transparent in color and not causing itching and burning of the genitals. The closer the first menstruation, the more abundant the discharge will be. Pay attention to your daughter's behavior. If her mood changes dramatically, often there is a feeling of tearfulness, a pulling stomach or a headache, this indicates premenstrual syndrome. Be prepared for the fact that in the near future your girl will turn into a girl.

In the body of every woman at a certain age, a natural and natural process occurs, which is called menopause. Every woman goes through this period. In the female body, the process of aging and the extinction of the reproductive function begins. The period can begin at any age after thirty-five years, so no one can give an exact answer to the question “when menopause begins in women”. There are only approximate designations, because in each organism everything is individual.

The concept of menopause

Menopause in a woman is like a second transitional age (like adolescence), only in the opposite direction, which is accompanied by hormonal changes that are already irreversible. Therefore, it is important to know how to stay young longer, about the periods and signs of menopause, at what age menopause begins in women, special treatment, lifestyle editing. All this will help the lady survive this difficult period, because you can’t run away from nature!

Not so long ago it was embarrassing to talk about such a concept as menopause - menopause. The topic of the onset of menopause in women caused ridicule as a sign of some kind of defect, mental disorder, it was perceived as a disease. Now this is a common and relevant question for many. More and more educated women want to know how and when menopause occurs, how long it lasts, what it is and how to deal with it in order to improve the quality of life. Many ladies are not ready for this period, while others, on the contrary, are waiting for it with interest and apprehension.

It is noteworthy that nature has laid about four hundred thousand eggs in the body, which should be enough for a woman up to thirty-five years old, and by the menopause period there are half as many of them.

When to expect?

When and how, at what age menopause occurs in the fair sex, and what its symptoms will be in this particular woman, no doctor can say with accuracy. The main thing is to make it clear to the woman that with this period life does not end, but only passes to new stage existence. It is safe to say that there are only average age menopause, which is known to many women and doctors.

According to world data and statistics, the age of menopause is approximately forty to fifty-five years. However, menopause begins in women after fifty-five years. You also need to know that this moment can come before the age of forty. Age has a purely individual meaning in this matter. There are many features and factors that determine at what age menopause occurs. It may be genetic, but it has nothing to do with when menstruation first started. As an option, to find out menopause age, you can ask older women in your family line when they started this period and how it went. The likelihood of a predisposition to a similar condition and at the same age is very high. It is safe to say that scientists have not yet come up with any methods and methods to accurately determine or calculate at what age menopause begins, there are only approximate assumptions based on women's experience. Because the beginning of this period is influenced by a lot of factors that we will consider.

At what age menopause begins - many reasons can affect this. It all depends on the woman and her lifestyle, health. There is also an early menopause, beginning between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five. This age of menopause and similar early onset of menopause are undesirable.

There are many factors that affect the earlier onset of menopause. So, early menopause can occur earlier for the following reasons:

  • woman undergoing gynecological surgery various types- removal of the ovaries or uterus can affect the production of all the necessary hormones, due to their lack and an early menopause may begin;
  • the lady suffered some oncological ailments or chemotherapy, radiation therapy. All this is dangerous to health and processes in the production of hormones can be disrupted. Serious illnesses such as oncology destroy tissues and change DNA, affect processes inside cells, so reactions can go wrong;
  • the woman had an autoimmune disease. What is this? These are ailments in which the entire human endocrine system changes, they violate immune system and all the work in the body, then menopause in women begins earlier.
  • As mentioned earlier, genetic conditions are also of great importance for how old menopause begins. They are the cause of diseases and pathologies. Early menopause can be hereditary.
  • Various chromosomal disorders in the body, premature dysfunction of the ovaries, their depletion, gynecological ailments, many abortions, improper and uncontrolled use of contraceptives. Also, women's health is negatively affected by the lack or absence of sexual life, a woman is able to bring about these unfavorable conditions in herself. Stressful situations, smoking and bad habits, the wrong way of life.

All these actions can provoke the body to start the climatic period earlier, menstruation may stop, or bleeding may begin. There is also a mass of negative symptoms characteristic of menopause. In other words, what time menopause occurs in women and how long it lasts, how it proceeds largely depends on it.

Menopause is that period in the female body when menstruation begins to stop and the body is restructured in a different way. Naturally, a woman cannot but feel this restructuring, but it is important to know its signs and be able to deal with these manifestations. That's all, this is the main task, otherwise, the onset of menopause in women is absolutely physiological, that is, a natural process that you should not be afraid of.

Stages of a difficult period

There are several stages of menopause, called premenopause, menopause, postmenopause.

The very first stage begins at about forty or forty-five years and can last from four to ten years. During this period, women begin to take care of their health and understand that changes are taking place in the body. The ovaries at this time are still working and performing some functions, so the lady looks still young. This period is very important, you need to take care of yourself and your health in order not to let the body grow old in advance so that the ovaries work as long as possible. You may need replacement therapy, but only on the advice of a doctor.

The next difficult period, the second, is menopause. It begins later, menopause, her age begins at about fifty to fifty-five years. During this period, the eggs in the body, as a rule, do not remain at all. Also no monthly. The time of menopause has come, it is also called menopause.

Menopause is the period when the work of the ovaries fades. There is a deficiency and shortage of such important hormones as estrogen and progesterone. The body of a woman, as it were, passes into another existence, a kind of biological restructuring. In other words, this name means the period of menopause.


And the final stage, the period that begins at the age of fifty-five years and later, lasts about five years. This is where old age kicks in. The hair on the pubis thins, he goes down, the genitals become flabby and wrinkled, the labia minora disappear. There is no sexual lubrication in the vagina, which leads to some changes in the microflora. During this period, you need to monitor the genitals, because there is a risk of infection. Also, in addition to changes in the genital area, changes occur in the female body, at the level of appearance - hair loss may begin, vision and hearing deteriorate, a lady may gain weight, wrinkles appear. But, do not despair, because a woman continues to enjoy life, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and makes new achievements.

How to understand that menopause has come? Listen carefully to your body. With menopause, women develop symptoms and signs. Sometimes ladies confuse this with some kind of illness. In addition to changes in the menstrual cycle and the cessation of critical days, there are other symptoms. The most common is hot flashes, sudden sensations of heat, cold, temperature, sweating. Headaches, bad mood, apathy, irritability, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, vaginal dryness and decreased libido. Sudden mood swings, memory impairment.

Problems with bones, teeth, lack of calcium, problems with blood vessels. This is just a small list of "charms" that menopause delivers for as long as it lasts. And all this can last for a year. But, you should not despair, because in our time there are many drugs and medicines that will help get rid of problems associated with hormonal failure, lack of hormones that regulate all processes in a woman's body. The specialist will help you choose your medications. These can be drugs containing the necessary hormones, as well as drugs that affect favorably nervous system- antidepressants and sedatives. It is important during this period to support yourself with physical activity, swimming, running, yoga, aerobics. Acupressure therapy will help medicinal herbs. There are many methods of dealing with this manifestation, you need to find what is right for you.

An interesting fact: doctors have proven that the financial situation of a woman, her status, also affect this process. Great importance also has a woman's mental state. If stress accumulates over the years, it will lead to early aging of the female body and premature menopause may occur. Also, in addition to everything, a bad living environment, an unhealthy diet, bad habits, exhausting work, depression, and workload significantly accelerate these processes.

Self care

During this period, questions are aggravated about how the woman behaved all this time? Did she properly take care of her health, how did she get sick and how was she treated, how did she sleep, how did she eat, did she go in for sports, working conditions, and how did her life go. Alas, not all women can answer these questions positively. After all, few by the period of menopause were able to maintain health and peace of mind, a positive psychological attitude. There is a public opinion that the onset of menopause is already the “end of life” and but modern medicine can show that this is not entirely true, and you can continue to live a full life and improve its quality. It's like a new chance and an opportunity to reconsider the quality, rhythm and lifestyle, attitude towards oneself.

The good news is that the onset of this moment can be delayed, it also depends on how long the difficult period lasts. This phenomenon can be delayed by women who have children - one or three, as well as those who breast-fed them. Symptoms may start a little later:

  • If a woman has not "earned" by the age of forty various diseases described earlier.
  • If a lady has regular sexual relations with one partner.
  • Did not tolerate abortion.
  • Nutrition is important, it must be correct and healthy.
  • Stress is of great importance, they should not be exposed.
  • A woman who does not drink or smoke, plays sports, controls the level of hormones in the blood has a great chance of delaying menopause and prolonging youth.

So go for it, dear women, a lot depends on you!

The growth of a child is a natural process when, with age, his body increases in length and volume, with weight gain. Many parents are interested in how tall their baby will be at a particular age and at what age do boys begin to grow? How can these parameters be calculated and what to do if the child does not grow well? We will talk about all this today on the Popular Health website:

What factors influence growth?

Many factors affect this parameter, both external and internal. Among them:

Heredity. This includes not only the height of the parents, but also whether they were high or low in childhood and adolescence.
- The period of onset of sexual development (Age of puberty).
- Existing chronic diseases, taking medications.
- Lifestyle and physical activity.
- Diet.

Age growth standards

There are average indicators of the physical development of children, which are used by specialists. They will also help you evaluate the growth parameters of your child.

To do this, use a simple formula: the height of a son or daughter (in cm) is 5 X + 75. Where X is the number full years, 5 is the average increase in height per year (in cm), and 75 is the body length of an average baby who has reached the age of 1 year.

However, this formula can only be applied to children under 12 years of age. Then the calculation can no longer give the correct result, since after the age of 12, children begin to grow very actively, adding not 5 cm per year, but, on average, 9-10 cm. But this activity may also differ in children of the same age group .

Therefore, to determine what the height of a child should be after 12 years old, you can use the table, which shows the estimated average for a certain age group:

Age boys height (cm) girls height (cm)
12 years 143-158 146-160
13 years old 149-165 151-163
14 years old 155-170 154-167
15 years old 159-175 156-167
16 years old 168-179 157-167
17 years old 171-183 157-169

From this table, you can see that girls and boys grow unevenly. The active growth of girls falls on 11-12 years. On average, they grow by 9 cm, but they can stretch up to 15 cm. Then this process slows down.

Boys, on the other hand, are just beginning to actively grow at this age - the jump for the majority occurs at 13-14 years. On average, young men grow by 10 cm per year, although some can stretch up to 25 cm.

But, you need to understand that all children are individual and even the same age grow differently. Someone stops growing by the age of 17, while others continue to stretch, up to 20 years. This is determined by hereditary and other factors that are described above.

Therefore, a fifth-grader who is not tall compared to his peers, by the end of school, can catch up with his peers, and sometimes even outgrows many of them.

Shortness is a cause for concern?

There are also parameters of the lower limit of growth, the so-called critical minimum, which can be cause for alarm.

So, the lower limit is as follows: 11 years old - 129 cm; 12-133; 13-138; 14-145; 15-151; 16-157; 17-160.

If the height of a boy of the appropriate age is equal to or less than the above value, take the child to a pediatric endocrinologist.

The doctor will conduct the necessary examination, including assessing the severity, development of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as the maturity of the skeleton and the hormonal balance of the body.

The examination is carried out in order to exclude pathological short stature - pituitary dwarfism (usually caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland that produces growth hormone).

But, even if this violation is diagnosed, modern medicine successfully copes with this problem and the child will gradually gain the centimeters missing to the norm.

You also need to take into account the fact that in most children, short stature is closely related to hereditary factors. Their mothers and fathers at the same age were also very short and grew up more slowly than their peers.

Growth simulators - nutrition, sports and sleep

To help the child actively grow and develop physically, you can use a properly composed diet. So, dairy, fermented milk products containing calcium should be included in the diet of boys and girls. The body of a teenager of this element requires 1500 mg every day.

For example, in daily menu should be (optional): milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, butter. Also rich in calcium: carrots, leaf salad, parsley, spinach, almonds, peanuts, chicken eggs, fish.

In order for calcium to be better absorbed, as well as to improve the condition and growth of the skeletal system, give children vitamin complexes, including phosphorus, iron and vitamin D.

Don't forget about sports. With active muscle work, bone better absorbs calcium and phosphorus, the child grows better, develops physically.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep. For a night's rest, a student needs at least 9 hours.

You need to know that the body produces most of the growth hormone during sleep. No wonder they say that children grow at night. When a child simply does not get enough sleep on a regular basis, the risk of growth retardation is seriously increased.

In conclusion, we note that the development of each child is individual. To the question: at what age do boys begin to grow? You can find the answer in the tables above.

And, if your son is not currently gaining a certain number of centimeters, in a year he may abruptly begin to grow and develop physically, or, conversely, the growth rate will stop. However, if you have cause for concern, take your child to a specialist.

In this article we will tell you when the penis begins to grow. A small penis is not a problem, because today there are many effective means that will help . The norms of sexual development of boys and factors affecting the growth retardation of the genitals.

This is a question that interests not only young mothers, but also adult men who are not indifferent to their health. The genitals of the child are formed in the womb as early as 16-20 weeks.

As a rule, boys are born with a penis size of about 1.5-2 cm. As the child grows older, his reproductive organ. Starting from the age of 12, annually, the size of the penis becomes larger by 1 cm. The length of the penis of an adult young man can be in the range of 10 cm - 18 cm. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the organism and genetic heredity.

The nuances of the sexual development of boys

A deviation is considered if sexual development began too early (9 years) or too late (14 years). Such features may be associated with an insufficient amount of hormones in the body that stimulate the growth of the penis. Kidney disease or diabetes can also be major causes of rapid development or stunted growth of the genitals.

Deviations in the intimate development of boys can be observed in those whose parents during pregnancy led an unhealthy lifestyle or suffered difficult and dangerous infectious diseases. A high probability of delayed sexual development is observed in premature babies.

It is rather difficult to give an exact answer to the question posed, because everything depends on the physiological characteristics of the male body, as well as heredity. According to medical and statistical data, a table was developed that classifies the male genital organs according to the following criteria:

  • A penis less than 8 cm is called a "micropenis";
  • Size 8 cm - 12 cm belongs to the category of small penises;
  • Length from 12 to 15 cm, diameter from 10 to 12 cm - these parameters are considered the norm;
  • Length in the range of 15 - 19 cm - the size is above average;
  • More than 20 cm - a large penis.

Factors affecting penis size

The diameter and length of the male organ depends on the following criteria:

  • The percentage of the male hormone in the blood (testosterone);
  • Improper functioning of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • Obesity visually reduces the size of the penis;
  • During puberty, it is necessary to ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins;
  • Improper diet and bad habits;
  • genetic predisposition.

At what age do male genitalia stop growing?

Many teenagers are interested in the question of when the penis begins to grow. Here is a clear answer- At the age of 18, penis growth stops. However, there are many ways that promote natural .

If you want your reproductive organ to increase in volume and length, first of all, you should take care of healthy eating and active life. Eat foods in your diet that activate blood circulation in the pelvic area (licorice root, black pepper seeds, etc.). Do not forget about foods and vitamins that help increase testosterone levels.

How to accelerate the growth of the penis?

There are a number of ways using which you can accelerate the natural process of penis growth:

  • An exercise called Jelqing stimulates blood flow in the penis, thereby increasing its volume and length;
  • An extender is a device that helps stretch the tissues and flesh of the penis. Due to the implementation of daily training, you can increase the size of the male genitalia up to 35%;
  • Cosmetics made from natural ingredients. One of the most effective drugs .

Natural penis growth stimulation cream

The advantage of using is its harmless herbal composition. The cream is recommended at any age. With regular use for 4 weeks, the size of the organ will increase from 3 to 6 cm. For maximum results (up to 8 cm), you should apply the product on the surface of the penis for two months.

At what age did you start your period

The onset of menstruation in girls is an important event. And the child must be mentally prepared for it. Modern girls already have a good command of the Internet and probably know what this physiological process is. But this does not mean that mothers should not tell their daughters about what menstruation is and at what age, how it happens and what to be afraid of. Moreover, the child himself is often worried about a similar question: how to tell my mother that I have my period?

When will the first menstruation come?

At what age do periods begin Growing up and growing up, many girls begin to wonder about how old menstruation begins. A few decades ago, menstruation in girls began at the age of 17-18. Today, puberty comes much earlier. The onset of the first critical days at the age of 11-16 is considered normal. And some menstruation begins earlier, while others later. The age at which menstruation begins depends on many factors:

Usually, the first menstruation in girls begins between the ages of 11 and 13. However, both early (from 9 years old) and late menstruation (at 16 years old) are quite common. This cycle largely depends on heredity and can begin in girls at the age of their mother's first menstruation. Such periods are considered quite normal and are accompanied by normal development.

What to do before the first menstruation?

The first menstruation in girls is an important and very significant event. It is difficult to describe the feelings that you will experience at the same time. The first menstruation can pass with a few strange and new sensations for you. At this time, thousands of thoughts may be spinning in your head at the same time, but you have nothing to fear. On the contrary, it would be reasonable to consider: "When I get my period, I will become a really adult girl." You must prepare for the day when you get your first period. Try to relax and unwind. At whatever moment menstruation begins, remember: this is a natural process in the female body, thanks to which a girl can perform a real miracle - give the baby life.

Menstruation is called the part of the egg development cycle, accompanied by rejection of the uterine mucosa, which provokes bleeding. It is from the day the bleeding begins that the countdown of the menstrual cycle itself begins.

Usually, menstruation appears every month and affects not only the sexual, but also the central nervous and endocrine systems.

  • emotional background;
  • health status;
  • physical development;
  • living conditions;
  • the area where the girl lives.

For those girls who are more physically developed, critical days begin earlier than peers.

From birth, the female body is inhabited by 100-150,000 immature eggs in the ovary. The process of egg maturation occurs in the brain in a small gland called the pituitary gland. It is he who sends a hormonal signal to the body that it is time to "run" menstrual cycle.

The signal promotes the maturation of the egg in the ovary and the growth of the follicle (the sac that envelops the egg). About a couple of days after the end of bleeding and until the middle of the cycle, this follicle increases, its wall bursts, and the egg enters the fallopian tube. Through this tube, it gradually moves into the uterus itself along the soft cilia on the walls of the fallopian tubes.

During this journey, a sperm cell may meet on the way of the egg, then fertilization occurs and the egg begins its maturation. If this does not happen, then the mucous membrane is rejected, and the process is again launched into "production".

Menstruation is the part of the menstrual cycle during which the lining of the uterus is shed, causing bleeding.

The duration of menstruation for different girls can be different. Normally, periods can go from 3 to 7 days. If your period is less than 3 days, or more than 7 days, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

How much blood should be released during menstruation?

It may seem to you that during your period you have a lot of blood, but this is not so. Usually, within 3-5 days of menstruation, a girl loses no more than 80 ml of blood (this is about 4 tablespoons).

To get an idea of ​​how much blood you're bleeding, you can watch your pads. Pads vary greatly in the amount of blood they can absorb. On average, a 4-5 drop pad can absorb up to 20-25 ml of blood (while it looks evenly filled with blood). If during one day of menstruation you have to change pads every 2-3 hours, this indicates that you have heavy periods and you should consult a gynecologist.

What are critical days?

What should be monthly? How many allocations can I have? How long are the first periods? Teenagers often have similar questions about their periods, but they do not have a clear answer. The thing is, there is no rule. Both after the onset of menstruation, and in the following months, this happens differently for each girl. It is impossible to say exactly what a girl's menstruation can be: discharge can be both scarce and plentiful. Some women don't even notice they start, while others experience pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the lower back, or feel mood swings every cycle. You can learn what to do when these unpleasant symptoms by following the link.

When will my menstrual cycle start?

prohibitions during menstruation During menstruation, it is also necessary to follow some rules that will help protect the body from unpleasant consequences.

  • Swimming pool and bathroom. Swimming in the pool or taking a warm bath has a very positive effect on the female body during this period. warm water relaxes the muscles and helps to ease the pain in the lower abdomen. Stay in the pool should be reduced to half an hour, while using a tampon.
  • Sport. Sports during menstruation are allowed only if they do not bring additional pain or discomfort. Too vigorous exercise should be avoided.
  • Baths and saunas. During menstruation, visiting saunas and baths is unfavorable. Prolonged stay indoors high temperature air leads to heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Sunbathing and a visit to the solarium. During menstruation, the female body becomes very susceptible, so ultraviolet rays can adversely affect it. Severe headaches, fatigue, dizziness are possible.

How long does it take to visit a gynecologist?

With the advent of the first menstruation in girls, a visit to the gynecologist is completely optional. Only if there are no obvious reasons for this in the form of itching, extraneous or suspicious discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
